120 F 15 Sylldraft
120 F 15 Sylldraft
120 F 15 Sylldraft
Fall 2015
Table of Contents
Whats this class about?
Grossmont Catalog Description
Course Objectives
Summary Overview of the Semester
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Pages 6, 7 & 8
Pages 9 & 10
Class Activities and Participation: 10% of overall grade. Active and highquality student participation is vital for the success and flow of this class. Come to class
prepared to discuss all reading material in depth and make significant contributions in
class. The first part of this grade will be based on your involvement in a variety of class
activities (listed on the How do I earn the grade I want? sheet). The second part of this
grade is general class time participation which includes involvement, verbal contribution,
a high level of preparedness and consistent attendance. Finally, any electronic device
must be turned OFF during the entire class meeting time. This part of your grade will be
based upon the following criteria:
1. Do you attend regularly, arrive on time and stay to the end of class?
2. Are you prepared for class (read the entire chapter before class discussion;
exhibit familiarity with assigned reading; provide relevant, insightful responses to
discussion questions) and is assigned work completed and turned in on schedule?
3. Do you make attempts to relate and discuss with the class your insights,
experiences, and observations in connection to class concepts and reading
4. Is your behavior helpful to your success and the success of your classmates (keep
your cell phone turned off and stowed away; respond to others statement in an
appropriate manner; move discussions along, not derail them?) during class time?
Engaging in behavior that fulfills these four criteria will result in strong participation.
Please take full responsibility for your learning experience!
Extra Credit Opportunity: There are two extra credit opportunities worth 25
points; you may choose to complete one of them. You must let me know of your interest
and commitment to taking advantage of this opportunity by no later than October 5th
and the assignment must be completed by no later than November 16th.
class, there will be no makeup assignment unless you experience a serious, documented
5. PromptnessBeing on time shows youre interested and engaged in the class, which
is always a good impression to make! If the unexpected occurs and youre late, please
enter quietly and wait until the end of class to change your absence to a tardy.
Please note that no changes will be made to the attendance record after the day on
which you arrived late. If you are late on a presentation day, please wait outside the
door until you hear applause. If you arrive late (even one minute) on your own
presentation date, you will be deducted 15% of the speech grade, no exceptions.
6. Contacting the instructorWhen sending an email, please do the following: in the
subject line, indicate your full name, the subject of the email, and the class number, date
and time. For example: Juan Alvarez, question about first exam, COMM 120 MW 9:30am.
If we continue correspondence on this same thread, be sure to update the subject line.
And, please, always include a message in the body of the email.
grade in the course. The instructor may also summarily suspend the student for the
class meeting in which the infraction occurs, as well as the following class meeting.
For further clarification and information on these issues, please consult with your
instructor or contact the office of the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs.
ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINES: The following simple guidelines ensure that I am able to
grade your assignment accurately and fairly: 1) All papers must be typewritten or I will
not accept them, 2) type in a 12-point font, double-space, AND staple papers or you will
lose points on that assignment, and 3) submit assignments on time. There are computer
labs available, free, here on campus if you wish to work on your assignments on campus.
Late Assignment Policy: Assignments turned in after the due date have a
negative impact on my ability to accurately and fairly assess the quality of your work
and keep me from being able to focus on student work that is submitted in a timely
manner as I get backlogged with old work. If you come to class more than 5 minutes
late on a day an assignment is due, you will receive a 15% penalty. Any written work
that is turned in after the class has ended or fails to meet the preceding requirements
will be considered late, will not be evaluated, and will only be eligible for a maximum of
50% of the assigned points. No work will be accepted after one week of the due date, no
Make-Up Policy: Missed presentations and exams can be made up only at the
discretion of the instructor. The instructors make-up policy is dependent upon (1)
whether the students absence is due to a verifiable emergency or hardship with
documentation; (2) past student attendance behavior; and, (3) in the case of a missed
presentation, whether there is sufficient course time to accommodate a missed
presentation. In-class exercises cannot be made up under any circumstances. You may
be able to arrange to take an exam early if you speak directly with me at least 24-hours
in advance.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Students with disabilities who may need accommodations in this
class are encouraged to notify the instructor and contact Disabled Students Programs
and Services (DSP&S) early in the semester so that reasonable accommodations may
be implemented as soon as possible. Students may contact DSP&S in person in room
110 or by phone at (619) 644-7112 (voice) or (619) 644-7119 (TTY for deaf).
GRADE APPEALS PROCEDURE If you ever have questions or concerns about
anything, please set an appointment to talk with me about them. I will not discuss a
grade with you for any reason until 24 hours have passed since you received the grade
AND you have reviewed the requirements of the assignment. Submit your appeal in
writing (typed) detailing your concerns and reasons for the appeal based on any of the
relevant resources: the syllabus, college catalog, class handouts, text and class
discussion notes. All procedures must be complete within ONE WEEK of receiving the
graded work. You will receive a written response from the instructor within one week
after your submission.
TIPS FOR SUCCESS: Through my years of teaching, some tips I have for your success
1. Read the chapters before we discuss them in class; it really will help you
understand what is going on in class, increase your participation in class, and help
you when it comes time to perform on exams and written assignments.
2. Attend and participate in class regularly. Research on student success shows that
class attendance, participation in discussions, forming relationships with other
students and getting acquainted with instructors support successful completion of
college courses.
3. Plan on spending 5-6 hours a week outside of class on this class; it is very labor
intensive and requires a lot of research and preparation.
4. Start working on assignments once they are officially assigned to allow yourself
time to do your best work. There are few more defeating feelings than handing in
a paper (or getting it back) knowing you could have done better if you had only
had more time.
5. Always talk to me if you need help. I strive to support your success in this class
but I dont always know what you need unless you tell me.
Work Submitted
Assignments (220 total pts
Goal Setting Paper
Homework 1
Homework 2
Homework 3
Homework 4
Self Concept Investigation &
Outline and Oral Presentation
Self-Evaluation Summary
Quizzes (50 total points
Quiz 1
Quiz 2
Quiz 3
Quiz 4
Quiz 5
Exams (185 total points
Exam #1
Exam #2
Exam #3
Class Activities (25 points
Take Away Activity
Emotions Activity
Pillow Method
DESC-Perception Check Role
Nonverbal Activity
Listening Activity
Gibb Activity
Conflict Activity x2
Participation (25 points
Total Points
An important note about grades: I do not GIVE you a grade; you earn your grade, I
just add up the points at the end. Seek to empower yourself by remembering to focus
on what is in your power to change (rather than blame forces out of your control) and
seek to change it. I am here to support your success; if you ever want to talk about your
grade or determine ways to improve it, dont hesitate to ask. I encourage you to do this
early and often; dont wait until the last part of the semester!
Grade Profiles
Below is a list of the behaviors of students who tend to earn various grades. These
explanations are simply guidelines and by no means are a guarantee of the described
grade, but are a good model to follow.
A Students (Superior): Typically attend class and make meaningful contributions to
course content regularly, come to office hours and email me with questions, complete all
assignments properly and on time, use homework to gain personal insights, take on
leadership roles in group activities without dominating others, come to class prepared to
participate, study all relevant reading materials and lecture notes for exams, and submit
work that stands out above the class as a whole, especially in terms of organization and
development of content.
B Students (Above Average): Typically attend class and make meaningful
contributions to course content regularly, come to office hours and email me with
questions, complete all assignments on time, use homework to gain personal insights,
take an active role in group activities without dominating others, study all relevant
reading materials and lecture notes for exams, and submit work that has excellent
organization and content.
C Students (Average): Typically have a few absences, complete most assignments
on time, might email me to explain why an assignment was late, dont come to office
hours, demonstrate an adequate understanding of homework, make some effort to get
involved in group activities, read relevant materials and lecture notes but dont
necessarily study them, and submit work that just meets the minimum requirements for
the assignment.
D Students (Below Average): Typically have frequent absences, dont come to
office hours or communicate with me in any interpersonal manner, are late in getting
their homework ready, demonstrate a weak understanding of concepts through
homework, are disengaged in group activities, skim reading materials, dont take notes,
have irrelevant side conversations in class, and submit work that falls short of meeting
the minimum requirements of the assignment.
F Students (Failing): Typically have frequent absences, are late in getting their
homework ready, demonstrate a weak understanding of concepts through homework,
are disengaged in group activities, skim reading materials, dont take notes, have
irrelevant side conversations in class, submit work that falls short of meeting the
minimum requirements of the assignment, and fail to take advantage of office hours
even after they start to realize theyre in trouble.