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Book Review: The New Great Game and Security Challenges For Pakistan by General Shaukat Iqbal

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Book Review: The New Great

Game and Security challenges for

Pakistan by Major General Shaukat
Submitted to: Sir Manzoor Elahi
Submitted by: Umair Javed
Roll No:


Government College University


Book Review
The New Great Game and Security Challenges For Pakistan by Major
General Shaukat Iqbal

This is high time when world is volatile due its incremental connectivity with
ubiquitous spread of new technological changes, which not only changed the
regional level of geopolitics but also increased prospects of, globalized world.
This created fears and layers, former in hearts of those tend to opt protective
policies to safeguard own demographics, later in wealth of those
cosmopolitan businessmen who nearly established new trends in global
politics. Now, politics of energy and growth are dominated in the world.
Comparatively developed and technologically advanced countries are
pursuing to collaborate in field of exploration and execution of resourcedabundant countries like Middle East and CARs. It is revered that politics of oil
and gas pipelines are emerging and extorting big countries to invest in small
ones in order to achieve connectivity. With incidental emergence of NonState Actor in form of terrorist organizations is crucial factor never-ending
Iqbal quite aptly categorizes variant stakeholders in periphery of Pakistan,
who are contesting to influence Pakistans ability to shape the regional
formations. He brings together conceptual rudiments of geostrategic position
of South Asia and how much is significance of Eurasian Heartland on global
scenario while referring to prominent theories of Mackinder, Mahan and
Spykman. He places Pakistans geographical position on extreme importance
when it comes to weight of regional connectivity. Pakistan provides the
connectivity for not only her neighbouring states but also a door to open
world through its coastland in Arabian Sea. South Asia and Central Asia have
their distinct attributes. Central Asian countries are land-locked countries
with blessing of profuse resources of oil and gas. These countries have
remained in turmoil in recent history due to its close proximity with USSR. On
other side, South Asian countries are fortunate enough to retain accessibility

to warm waters of Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean. These countries hold
prominent sea routes in Indian Ocean. There is also relatively peace in region
due to presence of two nuclear powers. Two great powers, British India, in
19th and 20th centuries were struggling to occupy the central Asian land,
ultimately this led to Afghanistan become the a major war zone between two
mightier powers. In pursuing this policy, czarist Russia actually annexed
northern part of contemporary Tajikistan, hence increasing the fears for
British in India. This undeclared rivalry between two hegemonic powers is
known as Great Game of the time.
Pakistans relations with the contesting powers in competition of New Great
Game have been complex and sensitive relations throughout in history of
Pakistan because of unique geographic position where it offers connectivity
among Central Asia, South Asia and South West Asia. It followed the policy
of need of hour or realistic approach to handle crucial issues. It tilted towards
US soon after Independence when it realized the overwhelming power and
acceptance of US power as legitimate one; however alliance with US was
challenging, often moored to decline but came back to its original position.
No doubt Pakistan has greatly benefited from Foreign Aid provided by US first
decade of its establishment. Despite being the part of CENTO and SEATO, US
hesitated to help Pakistan in war against India; so this provided litmus test to
Pakistan to pursue new alliance which might be permanent and enduring.
China facilitated this gap and new avenue was opened which reified
Pakistans crucial need of survival. Alliance with US outraged the Russia as
she supported India opening by means weaponry support in events of war
and financial support. In similar manner despite ups and downs, Pakistan
became frontline state in halting the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan. Typical
mode of Pak-US switched on and US abandoned its crucial ally and imposed
sanctions and through Pressler amendment all military and economic aid to
Pakistan was banned. From such lowest relations, as situation became
volatile again, US pursued the support of Pakistan and it became non-NATO
On Chinese front, graph is Pak-China relations is stable and normal. Common
thing we share is our same adversary. China attempts to contain the
hegemonic propensities of India in the region and Pakistan countered size
and strength of India through diplomatic support of China, however later
does not support any India-Pakistan War. Chinese has some reservation with
Pakistan as they thought Pakistan is breeding ground for
extremism/Terrorism. Another weakness of relations of both countries is
Uighur Separatist movement. Killing of 20 by Uighur separatists attracted

large amount of criticism around the China. Around 10,000 Chinese workers
are in Pakistan, who are frequently targeted by extremist groups, so Chinese
are little concerned about this matter. Despite these impediments in
relations, Pakistan enjoys huge support in developing infrastructure in
country. Military complexes like Heavy Industry TAxila(HIT), Heavy
Mechanical Complex(HMC), and Aeronautical Complex Karma are symbols of
deep and enduring friendship.
India seems to perennial threat for Pakistan. She is largest democracy which
poses greatest threat to Pakistans security. Archrival of Pakistan is equipped
with nuclear technology and is bidding for membership of SSG. India has
good political and commercial relations with Afghanistan for reason to
encounter and destabilize Pakistan. India has second largest men population
with abundant resources but still needs other countries resources to fulfill its
domestic consumption. TAPI can serve this purpose, but successful
completion and implementation of project could be possible only through
mutual efforts for sake of stability in south Asia. Furthermore, unless there is
bone of contention between India and Pakistan in shape of Kashmir, enduring
and ultimate peace cannot be accomplished. Negotiation seems inevitable if
both sincerely want to resolve the decade-long contentious issue.
At domestic level, Pakistan is facing multitudinous problems ranging from
health care to problems of integration. Almost 70% population resides in
villages and most of them dont have basic necessities of life. Lack of proper
food, clothing and shelter, poor sanitation, unsafe and mostly dirty drinking
water are worse problems. Literary is another hazardous issue which really
needs to be coped. Official literacy rate stands at 56% but actually it seems
that it is not more than 30%. Corruption in government departments is
always incremental and seems to permeate in the entire state of Pakistan.
The book is splashing with infinite ideas about peripheral and extended
peripheral states of Pakistan and their relations with Pakistan. It is highly
recommendable and helping for those who want to grasp idea of what are
possible security challenges for Pakistan and how these challenges can
endanger long-term peace in region. After reading of whole text of book, one
could say it is rather mistitled book, it discusses about regional challenges of
Asia particularly focusing on South Asia.

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