From Common Property To Co-Management: Lessons From Brazil's First Maritime Extractive Reserve

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Marine Policy 28 (2004) 419428

From common property to co-management: lessons from Brazils rst

maritime extractive reserve$
Patricia Pinto da Silva*
NOAA Fisheries, 166 Water Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA
Received 12 September 2003; accepted 22 October 2003

Marine extractive reserves (MER) are being established in coastal areas of Brazil to protect traditional coastal populations and
the marine resources upon which their livelihoods depend. This paper examines the challenges Brazils rst open-water MER is
facing in trying to achieve these goals. Results from a pilot project in Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro suggest that signicant social
barriers to collective action exist and that local resource governing institutions are not robust. Consequently, shers are not
becoming decisive players in the decision-making process. The implications of these conclusions for future maritime conservation
policy in Brazil are explored.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Keywords: Brazil; Extractive reserve; Collaborative management; Marine protected area

1. Introduction
Small-scale shing communities worldwide have long
developed local tenure arrangements that govern coastal
resources based on traditional ecological knowledge
[13]. Such institutional arrangements include limitations on resource access, gear and seasonal restrictions.
It is widely acknowledged that these regimes can provide
locally relevant and environmentally sustainable solutions to resource degradation [4,5]. At the cornerstone
of this model of productive conservation is the longterm participation of resource users [6].
In Brazil, a new marine conservation paradigm is
emerging which goes beyond crude protectionism.
Maritime extractive reserves (MER), a new type of
collaboratively managed marine protected areas, are
being established in order to protect marine resources
while sustaining the livelihoods of traditional resource
user communities. This approach to conservation is
supported by common property theory that questions
This work is based on research carried out for partial fullment of
a doctoral degree at the London School of Economics. This study was
nanced by the Portuguese Ministry of Science and Technology. Full
text is available at the Digital Library of the Commons at: http://
*Tel.: +1-508-495-2370; fax: +1-508-495-2258.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P.P. da Silva).

0308-597X/$ - see front matter Published by Elsevier Ltd.


the inevitable destruction of collectively managed

This article explores the relationship between Brazils
rst open-water MER established in Arraial do Cabo,
Rio de Janeiro, and the traditional beach seining
community it was created to protect. A brief review of
the theoretical underpinnings of common property
management through collaborative management is
presented followed by a summary of the historic
evolution and the creation process of MERs. This paper
then investigates the quality of the institutions which
have traditionally governed the beach seining1 community in Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Finally,
factors that constrain or provide potential for long-term
participatory conservation are presented.

2. Collaborative management
Common to most denitions of collaborative or comanagement is the sharing of power and responsibility
between governments and communities. Co-management is often described as a middle course between pure
State management and pure communal property
Beach seining is a type of shing that involves a large drag net used
in shallow, inshore waters.

P.P. da Silva / Marine Policy 28 (2004) 419428


regimes. Central to this process is the recognition and

legitimization of traditional or informal local-level
management systems. Co-management stresses the
importance of decentralized governance and user
participation in the management of natural resources.
Participatory management, community based management, collaborative management or co-management are
all terms used to describe these arrangements.
Within these arrangements, local resource users play a
pivotal role in decision-making, implementation and
enforcement. Jentoft [7, p. 425] notes that co-management is supported by two main premises. First, the
knowledge accumulated over time by resource users is
often complementary to more formal scientic knowledge producing more enlightened, effective and equitable remedies and solutions to management challenges.
Second, the participation of resource users in the various
management stages legitimizes these arrangements,
thereby contributing to their compliance and resulting
in more effective conservation strategies. Partnerships
with local communities may also reduce enforcement
costs, a factor which makes these regimes particularly
attractive for developing countries.
2.1. Types of co-management
Building on earlier work by McCay and Jentoft [8],
Sen and Neilson [9] argue that a broad spectrum of comanagement arrangements exists, varying signicantly
in terms of the balance between community and
government involvement (see Fig. 1). Where co-management is instructive, the State creates mechanisms for
dialogue with users and informs them of government
management decisions. Where it is informative, user
groups inform government of decisions made at the
local level.
Arguably the truest form of co-management, cooperative co-management is the variation that exemplies best the goals of co-management. Ideally, under
these arrangements, the State and resource users cooperate as equal partners in decision-making. These
categories are clearly a simplication of how comanagement arrangements function in practice where
such regimes are combinations of these ve types and

the balance of power and involvement to change over

The balance of power between the partners should
reect their comparative advantage in offering different
elements essential to any collaborative management
regime. For example, resource users can offer local
ecological knowledge as well as an insider understanding
of the social and cultural context while the State can
play a central role in enforcement efforts and provide a
legal framework that codies and legitimizes local
identity and rights over resources.

3. Conditions for success

The analysis of thriving communally owned resource
regimes and co-management case studies suggests that
these arrangements may only work effectively under a
limited range of conditions. Ostrom [3] identies key
factors for successful decentralized management (see
Table 1).
Less tangible qualities presented by Ostrom include
the existence of social capital and high levels of trust and
shared values as well as a sense of a community or
common future. Communities that have a history of

Table 1
Design principals for robust CPR regimes [3]
Design principle


Clear boundaries

Resource users and resource must be clearly

Rules restricting harvest should be locally
Broad participation in rule modication by
those affected.
Monitors are accountable to the
appropriators or are the appropriators
Sanctions exist and are applied to
appropriators that deviate from the regime.
Low cost conict resolution areas exist to
resolve conicts among appropriators.
Rights to organize and manage resources are
supported by external ofcial agents.

Collective choice

Graduated sanctions
Minimal recognition
of rights to organize


Government based management



Community based management

Fig. 1. Spectrum of co-management arrangements [9 p. 405].

P.P. da Silva / Marine Policy 28 (2004) 419428


collective action seem to be better placed than those that

do not. Economic dependence may also provide strong
motivation to solve common problems to enhance or
protect productivity over time [3].

4. Maritime extractive reserves

Brazilian marine sheries management has largely
mirrored that of North America. Species based management using conventional management tools (quotas,
seasonal and size restrictions) were applied to a radically
different ecological and social context. Large scale
commercial shing beneted from generous nancial
incentives along with tax concessions and subsidized
credit [10]. Recently though, marine and coastal zone
degradation along with social concerns such as employment generation and food security, have led policy
makers to seek alternatives to the status quo.
There is growing ofcial recognition in Brazil of
traditional resource users and their management systems
as a key element in biodiversity and habitat conservation. Central in this trend is the belief that traditional
resource users may be the best stewards of the resources
their livelihoods depend on.
Increased attention to the potential role of resource
users in conservation originated with the struggle the
serengueiros or rubber tappers of Amazonia to resist the
encroachment of their lands by cattle ranchers and
loggers from the wealthier southern states [11]. Led by
Chico Mendes and Wilson Pinheiro, both rural union
leaders who were eventually murdered as a result of
their leadership of the movement, the rubber tappers
collaborated to protect the rainforest. The change to
democratic governance in the late 1980s coupled with
international appeals to protect the rainforest provided
timely support for this group. Support for the rubber
tappers movement also came from interested academics
and international non-governmental organizations who
valued this movement as a critical defender of the
This process culminated in 1989 with the creation of
the Extractive Reserve conservation category.2 Extractive Reserves are a type of collaborative management
regime initiated by local resource users and supported
by the federal government. These conservation and
development initiatives have emerged as the policy
instrument used by the Centre for Traditional Populations (CNPT) within the Brazilian Institute for the
Environment (IBAMA) for decentralizing managerial

Since their creation, a broader reassessment of existing conservation categories has been carried out resulting in the new National
System of Conservation Units [19].

Fig. 2. Present and future extractive reserves [12].

responsibility for natural resources to communities that

have a proven history of sustainable use.3
Since 1990, 16 federal Extractive Reserves have been
created most of which have been land based. However,
there is a signicant trend towards the establishment of
marine based reserves. Of 21 reserves currently in initial
stages of development, 18 focus on aquatic resources,
the majority (13) of which encompass open water
marine environments in coastal areas (Fig. 2). This
policy trend is signicant in that it represents the rst
government-sponsored effort to protect the common
property resources upon which small-scale shers
depend. Table 2 lists some of the characteristics of the
four existing MERs.
4.1. Phases of creation
There are three phases in the establishment of these
conservation and development initiatives. Initially, a
formal request is developed by the extractivists in a
given area that describes the (social, economic, demographic, etc.) setting in which the reserve will function
along with arguments in support of their proposal. If
approved (by IBAMA/CNPT and then signed by the
President), a utilization plan is developed which denes
who, when and how resources can be used, in essence
representing a social contract among appropriators.
This plan must then be approved by IBAMA/CNPT

This effort has also been supported by the G-7 Pilot Program to
Save the Brazilian Rainforests, on e of the largest multilateral
environmental initiatives to date.

P.P. da Silva / Marine Policy 28 (2004) 419428

Table 2
Current MERs [12]



Area (ha)


Pirajuba!e Marine Extractive

Arraial do Cabo Maritime
Extractive Reserve
Baia de Iguape Marine Extractive
Ponta do Corumbau Marine
Extractive Reserve

Arraial do
Cabo, RJ
Cachoeira, BA
Prado, BA

N 53320/05/92



S/N 03/01/97



S/N 14/08/00



S/N 21/09/00



Shellsh, crustaceans, multiple sh
Multiple marine sheries and
Multiple marine sheries
Multiple marine sheries

and published in the federal register in order to codify

the rights and responsibilities of government and
resource appropriators. Finally, the plan is operationalized and strengthened to increase its long-term resilience. This nal phase is clearly the most challenging as
it requires robust locally derived institutions sustained
by long term community participation and government

have governed this group for generations warranted the

creation of the reserve. Data reveal, however, that these
traditional institutions are no longer robust and that
signicant social barriers will need to be overcome to
revitalize these and fully integrate them into the reserve
structure. The following sections review some of the
physical, institutional and social factors that affect the
potential for long term participatory conservation.

5. Methodology

6.1. Physical and technical attributes

A case study approach was used to investigate the

relationship between the newly created reserve and the
traditional beach seining community in Arraial do
Cabo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This approach involves
the empirical investigation of a particular contemporary
phenomenon (MERs) within its real life context using
multiple sources of evidence [13].
Twelve months were spent at the case study site living
and working with local stakeholders during 19992000.
Informal and semi-structured interviews were conducted
with representatives of local, state, and federal shing
organizations. A questionnaire was administered with
over half of the beach seining population (total 150) in
order to obtain standardized information about the
group as a whole. Focus groups were held with shers as
a follow up to the questionnaire to triangulate information as well as to explore certain issues in greater depth.
Participant observation was particularly useful for
gaining an insiders understanding of the case study
site. Qualitative data was analyzed using Atlas Ti
software and quantitative data were analyzed using

Arraial do Cabo, a town of approximately 20,000

residents is located on a cape extending 40 km into the
ocean. As a result of its relative isolation, the creation of
the reserve had minimal negative impacts on small-scale
shers from neighboring areas. Fishers have been drawn
to the cape for centuries because of the rich marine
environment, nourished by the up-welling of deep Arctic
waters. The town is located in a small, compact area
facilitating communications between resource users.
Also, all shers included in this plan sh close to shore
facilitating monitoring.4
Because all local shers employ relatively sustainable
methods, none were excluded by the creation of the
reserve.5 In fact, local shing methods did not have to
change at all. Although small areas were designated as
biological reserves within the MER, shers largely
recognized the need for these areas to recuperate. These
characteristics made garnering support for the reserve
much easier than it would have been in a situation where
there would have been winners and losers.
Attributes of the resource itself, however, complicate
the relationship between seiners from the four different
beaches where seining takes place. Because they are
dependent on a single ow of resources (migratory sh)
that pass each beach (starting with Praia Grande), a
subtractability problem exists (see Fig. 3). Beach seiners
spot incoming shoals visually from the hills adjacent to

6. Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro

In 1997, Brazils rst open water MER was created in
Arraial do Cabo, RJ to protect the resident beach
seining community and the resources their livelihoods
depend on [14]. The sustainable shing methods used
along with the formal and informal institutions that

it will be interesting to see how reserve boundaries, enforcement
and other institutional arrangements are tted for off shore artisanal
shing eets like those of the Northeast of Brazil.
SCUBA shers.

P.P. da Silva / Marine Policy 28 (2004) 419428


Table 3
Fishing days per Beach [16]

No. of days

No. of canoes

Praia Grande
Praia dos Anjos
Praia do Pontal





Table 4
Fishery access sequence on Praia Grande [17]













After day 21 the user access system starts again from day one.

Fig. 3. Resource ow around the cape [16].

shing grounds. When a shoal is spotted, the type,

location and size of the shoal is communicated in silence
using hand signals to the shers waiting below. Given
this method of shing, seiners are aware of the stocks in
the area at any given time. Fish caught by seiners on one
beach will, consequently, not be caught by those from
another. Depleting stocks have heightened sensitivity to
this natural hierarchy.
6.2. Resource governing institutions
Fishers in Arraial do Cabo, as elsewhere in Brazil and
beyond, live on the margins of organizational life.
Although required by law, only 5% of shers are
registered with the coast guard and 18% are registered
with the federal shing agency. Even basic participation
in local formal institutions is extremely limited.
Although free-association has been legal since the
signing of the new constitution in 1988, the State#
sponsored shing guild (Colonia
de Pescadores) still
enjoys the largest membership. Even so, membership
levels are at an all-time low and few shers feel that this
organization adequately represents them. Consequently,
sher participation in this organization is negligible.
Only 4% of shers are members of this organization
which prides itself with the broadest based membership
of all local formal institutions. Fishers complained that
associations created to represent them have often been
taken over by the local elite and membership who have
utilized these organizations for personal benet.

In the absence of government support and regulation,

the beach seining community has been governed by a set
of locally constructed and communally recognized
institutions that regulate access to and use of common
shing grounds. Although originally a set of informal
institutions, these rules were codied in 1921 by the local
shing guild [15].6 Complex norms include restrictions
on the type of gear, vessel and number of crew that can
participate in addition to determining access to local
shing grounds.
Access to the shing areas is dened by a set of rules
called the Direito do Dia or Right of the Day system.
Each beach has its own corrida or user sequence which
determines who has the right of access for each day.
Rules can be changed by agreements made by the
owners from that beach. There is a certain number of
shing days associated with each of the four local
beaches that determine when each owner has the right to
sh. Given the demand on shing days on Praia Grande,
if an owner only owns one day, s/he7 will only be able to
sh once every 21 days (see Table 3).
Given the local understanding of the resource ow,
Praia Grande, the rst beach in the ow, has attracted
many more shers hoping to get a rst chance at
incoming shoals. To maximize efciency, two canoes
sh each day on this beach. While one companha shes
the other sorts their sh and resets their gear. By
customary law, each day must have a corresponding
Rules were codied in the local shing colony handbook. At the
time, this mode of shing was the most prominent and important
source of employment/food in the area.
There are women who own or are part owners of canoes. Often
they are widows of shermen. These canoes have a reputation of being
unkempt and when ones canoe needs work, people might say, it looks
like a widows canoe.


P.P. da Silva / Marine Policy 28 (2004) 419428

Fig. 4. Group size and ethnic divisions among A.C. shers [16].

canoe and full gear kit8 and a work team or companha

comprised of between 9 and 13 men.
In the past, fewer canoes and gear were owned by
multiple owners who were generally seiners themselves.
In recent years too many canoes have entered the user
sequence and owners have declared a moratorium on
new entries. Although owners have enforced this rule
vigorously, they have disregarded others. For example,
there are now only 15 complete gear sets on Praia
Grande when there should be 42. One of the biggest
sources of conict is that owners from Praia Grande
have introduced a type of gill net which seiners complain
is disrupting the ow of sh to other beaches. Table 4
presents the breakdown access to the Praia Grande
6.3. Social groups, hierarchies and divisions
Approximately 1340 shers live in Arraial do Cabo.
Of these, 150 are beach seiners. Immigrants attracted to
this unregulated and low skilled source of labor have
been drawn in numbers to the Cape in the last decade.
Local shers are largely distinguished by the type of gear
they use and how long they have been residents of the
Cape. Recent migrants generally become hook shermen, a type of shing looked down upon locally because
of the belief that it does not require a signicant
understanding of the marine environment. Locals
proudly refer to themselves as Cabistas (from the Cape)
and derogatorily call migrant shers Caringo.9 Beach
seiners are all Cabistas and most have come from a long
Required gear includes a seine with specic dimensions, paddles
and rope.
Caringo is a derogatory name used for recent immigrants to the
cape that largely sh off the rocks or hook and line sh off small boats.
No one seems to know the origin of the name but it is possibly related
to the term gringo.

line of seiners. Fig. 4 depicts the different gear groups

and the social divisions associated with each group.
Although beach seiners are all Cabistas, deep divisions exist within this group. After 500 years,10 racial
differences and divisions between the beaches run deep.
Locals often stated that the different neighborhoods
were like different tribes. Work teams are often made up
of family members and historically, shers lived in the
neighborhood they shed on. Seiners from Praia
Grande, for example, are largely of Portuguese decent,
those of Praia dos Anjos of French or northern
European decent and Prainhas residents are descendants of Africans forced into the transatlantic slave
trade. These communities exist side by side, within a
minutes walk of one another.
In recent years ownership patterns among beach
seiners have changed dramatically. A few individuals
(largely from the same family) from Praia Grande have
amassed ownership of the majority of canoes and nets,
thereby controlling the associated access days to the
shing grounds. Much to the resentment of shers from
other beaches, not only have they accumulated control
over the Praia Grande shery but they are also buying
up the access days on other beaches. These owners are
vertically integrated and own ice houses and shmongers and therefore play an important role in setting
the value of the catch. Ownership patterns on Praia dos
Anjos illustrate this phenomenon (see Table 5).

7. Beach seiners and the reserve

A utilization plan was developed through a series of
meetings with local shers to dene the rules that
Amerigo Vespucci landed in Arraial do Cabo in 1503 and left a
group of 24 men to settle the area.

P.P. da Silva / Marine Policy 28 (2004) 419428
Table 5
Breakdown of gear/access ownership on Praia dos Anjos [16]
Total no. of owners on P. dos Anjos


No. of owners from P. dos Anjos

No. of owners from P. Grande
% of total owned by owners from P. dos Anjos
% of total owned by owners from P. Grande
% of total owned by one family (from P. Grande)


represent the social contract among shers as well as

between shers and government. The seiners traditional
institutions were automatically integrated into the plan.
Article 5.1 of the plan states that beach seining is
permitted according to the norms of the right of way
system that regulates the canoe sequence [18]. The
reserve, therefore, absorbed the existing beach seiners
CPR and expanded it to include all the different gear
groups in the municipality.
The reserve created a new decision-making forum,
whereby non-owners have the same vote as owners and
hook shers have the same say as beach seiners. This
was a new concept for seiners who had grown
accustomed to following decisions made by gear owners.
Beach seine owners felt threatened by this new power
given to their employees. The establishment of the
marine reserve, owners felt, bypassed their legitimacy as
the nal decision-makers in the seiners CPR. As a result
most boycotted the process and encouraged their
employees to do the same.
In practice, their fears may not have been warranted.
Since the establishment of the reserve, few beach seiners
have participated in any signicant way. Only 34% of
beach seiners were aware that members of the reserve
have the right to vote. Of those, only one sher who
participated in the survey voted in any meeting at the
reserve headquarters.
Dependence on the resource could provide an
important incentive to participate in the reserve process.
Most seiners (80%), however, have alternative sources
of income outside of shing. Many are employed by the
local government and many more receive pensions from
previous work with a local industrial plant. Forty-two
percent of active beach seiners are over 49 years old, and
signicantly, 32% are over 60. It is not uncommon to
see seiners in their 80s pulling in nets.
Many older shers expressed fear of participating in
reserve meetings for fear of loosing their positions on
canoes owned by the larger owners. Others stated they
were uncomfortable with the open manner in which
voting is carried out. In order for a vote to count, shers
must raise their hands at meetings and keep them raised
until all votes are counted. Given the tensions between
gear groups and between shers and owners, seiners
stated that they often avoided meetings.


The MER in Arraial do Cabo has introduced a more

democratic decision-making forum for regulating shing
activities and addressing the concerns of this community. However, the system is beyond the reach of many
shers who nd themselves constrained by the middlemen and owners for whom they work. Fishers are afraid
of losing an important part of their livelihood by
sticking their necks out.
The creation of the MER has not yet managed to
replace or strengthen the seiners institutions. In fact,
although the existence of a traditional population
warranted the creation of this conservation and development unit, seiners themselves do not seem to have
been seriously involved in its design. Rather, assumptions were made about the quality of their resource
management institutions.

8. Co-management and the State

Fishers experiences with government have generally
been negative. Fishers feel largely abandoned by
government at all levels. Fishers view the Coast Guard
as a threat to their activities rather than a source of
support. Fishers also hold a negative view of IBAMA,
an organization they feel is riddled with corruption and
inefciency. This view has not improved with the
creation of the reserve since many feel that the reserve
is an added responsibility placed on shers without
sufcient support from the government. Consequently,
trust in government is low.
A crucial weakness of the reserve as it currently
operates rests in its ineffective monitoring system. The
ability of reserve partners (shers and the State) to
monitor the entire reserve rests on (a) support from
IBAMA, (b) availability of resources including monitoring vessels, (c) collaboration of shers and other
community members. At the time research was carried
out, there was only one on site IBAMA representative (a
biologist) and no monitors. Not only is the government
understaffed it is also underfunded. No government
vessel was available to carry out monitoring. One sher
describes how he views the involvement of the State thus
far, Theyve planted a seed and forgotten to water ity
Table 6 lists Ostroms design principals and evaluates
the ability of the local resource management regime to
meet key design principals over time.

9. Potential for successful co-management

Clearly, the beach seining community enjoys a rich
history of formal and informal resource management
institutions. Access rights to the resource are clearly
dened. Resource user numbers are known and controlled. Local identity has developed around these

P.P. da Silva / Marine Policy 28 (2004) 419428


Table 6
Evaluation of institutional strength over time [3,16]
Design principal



Potential for

As part of the MER

1. Clearly dened



2. Congruence
appropriation and
provision rules and
local conditions


No. Excludability
problems existed and drag
net shrimp trawlers
commonly trawled local
No. Fishers do not feel
they earn enough to live on
and ownership has become
concentrated and too many
days have been added to
each beach leading to rent

3. Collective-choice


No. Few owners make

decisions for everyone.
Fishers have little say in
changes to or the
management of the regime.


4. Monitoring



5. Graduated


6. Conict-resolution


Yes. Day to day

monitoring still takes place
but rules are enforced
selectively and rule
breaking, particularly by
larger owners is not
No. Although traditional
rules do include the use of
graduated sanctions, these
rules are no longer applied.
No. In the past, local
organizations would
mediate conict between
seiners. Now, seine owners
take matters into their own

Yes. With the creation of the MER A.C. a three

mile belt was created encompassing all existing
artisanal/traditional shing activities while
making predatory shing activities illegal. Areas
utilized by beach seiners have also been claried.
No. There are a number of indicators that these
rules and conditions are incongruent. Fishers do
not feel that they earn enough to live on. Owners
have sold their shares as too many days were
added on some beaches leading to rent
dissipation. In some cases this situation is getting
even worse because the MER is encouraging and
enabling new canoes to enter on all beaches.
No. Although there is great potential for
collective choice arrangements in the MER,
currently, there is very little participation in the
process. There is also a risk that those gear
groups with the most shers will dominate or for
other powerful stakeholders to hijack the process.
No. Almost no monitoring is taking place within
the reserve. This is due to lack of funds,
infrastructure and personnel as well as lack of
awareness of the rules.

7. Minimal
recognition of rights
to organize


Yes. Local government and

local organizations
recognize the legitimacy of
the seiners CPR.

activities and rules and the daily rituals involved in this

activity constantly reinforce them. Monitoring systems
are embedded in this system of rotating access and use
whereby each days user has the incentive to protect
their access rights. Collective choice arrangements
were secured through ownership rights and responsibilities. In terms of the type of technology used and
certain aspects of local culture, this group is fairly
Research suggests, however, that although resource
governing institutions still exist, they are no longer
robust. On the surface, it appears that they are still
intact since shing continues largely unchanged. A
closer look reveals that institutions have weakened and
have been hijacked by a handful of vertically integrated





No. Although the Utilization Plan does include

the use of graduated sanctions these have not
been applied due to lack of capacity and
Yes. The MER does create an important forum
where different groups within the community can
resolve their issues. However, because owners of
multiple canoes do not recognize the authority of
AREMAC or the decisions made at general
assemblies, they are not a part of this important
Yes. Although the beach seiners CPR was
recognized by the local government and
organizations related to shing, the creation of
the reserve has emphasized these rights.

individuals to serve their own interests. Rules which

continue to be adhered to are those that control access
to the shing grounds along with decision-making
arrangements. Marketing structures have become increasingly consolidated along with decision-making.
Negative social capital is manifested in the hierarchical structures which have come to control this shing
activity, while a historical legacy of deep divisions within
this gear group also complicates and constrains participation. Existing conicts and hierarchies have hindered the ability of the beach seining community to
articulate its needs within the reserve structure. As a
result, the reserve has not signicantly fortied local
management institutions and has overlooked or not
been able to deal with these obstacles to participation

P.P. da Silva / Marine Policy 28 (2004) 419428

and empowerment. Currently, it is not apparent that

beach seiners are decisive players in the decision-making
process. An indication of this lies in the low level of
participation in reserve activities.
At different stages, the MER has demonstrated some
characteristics from the entire spectrum of co-management arrangements. At no stage, however, has the
contribution of either group (shers or State) been ideal.
The federal environmental organization, IBAMA, has
not kept its part of the bargain. With only one
representative on-site and no monitors, this group is
clearly not able to meet its responsibilities. Furthermore,
although shers have participated to some degree, beach
seiners have not played a signicant role in this process.
At the moment, this experience may best be characterized as a form of co-management arrangement in
which both sides lack the capacity (funds, training, and
experience) to support an effective system for collaborative resource governance. Greater sher participation
and more support from the federal government are
necessary in order to achieve a more equitable and
effective management system.
With the creation of the MER, shers in Arraial,
including the beach seiners have been given an
enormous opportunity to control the resources on
which they depend. While on the one hand this has
the potential to empower local shers it has also
overburdened them with the responsibility associated
with creating and managing this reserve.
The establishment of an MER will cause change and
disturb the status quo. Because so little government
support is available, communities have been left more or
less on their own to adapt to this new situation. MERs
in Brazil, by denition, are located in places where
traditional populations exist. Often, these groups have
developed informal institutions to manage their resources. There is no guarantee however, that these
institutions are effective and actualized. Given the fact
that these areas have been affected by external factors
(such as technology change and State sheries policies)
it is likely that many of these institutions have
disintegrated over time. Therefore, although local
collective resource management regimes may have once
offered sustainable, democratic and participatory structures, practitioners must be careful to assume that they
are still robust.

bear in mind the following:


10. Policy implications

MERs are being created in signicant numbers in
coastal areas in Brazil. Phases one and two of their
creation may be relatively easy, however the challenge
lies in sustaining these initiatives over the long-term.
Policy makers and conservation practitioners should


Coastal communities are not organic wholes. Difference and diversity must be taken into account as well
as existing power structures that may distort or
constrain participation. If not, extractive reserves
could potentially reinforce inequitable power structures instead of promoting broad-based participatory
Conservation practitioners cannot assume that traditional resource management systems are just, equitable and up-to-date. An assessment of the existence
and health of these institutions should be undertaken
before creating the utilization plan. Information on
the state of these institutions is essential in order to
design effective regimes to collaboratively manage
natural resources.
Regional universities and non-governmental organizations could play an important role in building the
capacity of shing communities to co-manage reserves. Financial management, participatory research
and management methods are examples of areas
where external agents could play a key role.
Communities may need to go through a process of
social preparedness before reserve creation. In
Arraial do Cabo this process should have involved
bringing shers together from different gear groups
and/or beaches in order discuss and resolve common
problems. This process should also include secondary
stakeholders such as local government and shing
associations and sher families. Participatory research methods could guide this process and help
ensure transparency.
In order for government to build trust with shing
communities, relationships of reciprocity need to be
developed. This relationship will disintegrate quickly if
parties do not hold up their promises. Brazilian smallscale shers have historically lived outside the law.
Negative experiences with the State have left shers
wary and care should be taken to renew relationships
between the State and resource user groups.
Fishing communities are unlikely to be able to take
sole responsibility for these initiatives and will not
succeed in long-term conservation and development
goals without external assistance. With the growing
number of planned reserves, CNPT will need more
funding and staff to carryout the tasks associated
with this network of marine protected areas.
Clear guidelines for voting and nancial management
should be in place to ensure the legitimacy and
transparency of the organization. Pocket chart
voting, for example, could provide the necessary
legitimacy while ensuring voter privacy.

Extractive Maritime Reserves are the most signicant

Federal-level policy initiative to directly address the
needs of small-scale coastal shers in Brazil to date.


P.P. da Silva / Marine Policy 28 (2004) 419428

Extractive reserves in general represent the rst conservation units in which specically involve local
communities in their design and management. These
initiatives have enormous potential for conserving
coastal areas and securing the livelihoods of coastal
populations. This study suggests, however, that in order
for these goals to be realized both parties must be willing
and able to carry out their role in the process.

Many thanks to the pescadores de canoa and other
shers from Arraial do Cabo for the time they spent
painstakingly explaining their shing rituals, culture and
opinions. Special thanks to Dr. Anthony Hall for
providing excellent guidance from the conceptualization
of this study to its nal completion. Finally, I would like
to thank the Portuguese Ministry of Science and
Technology for funding this study and NOAA Fisheries
for giving me the time to write this article.

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