The Le Mic Jupiter Rite

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Thelemic Jupiter Rite

Frater Brihisphati
January 18, 2016

Thelemic Jupiter Rite

This is a Thelemic adaptation of the Jupiter Rite from Rufus Opus Seven Spheres.

Figure 1: The Table of Practice

Figure 2: The Lamen of Tzadkiel

Figure 3: Contemplation Seals of Jupiter

Jupiter Conjuration Preparation

Day of the Rite - Thursday

Attire - The finest suit you own! For the ladies, you will put on your most formal gown and
get yourself dressed up to the level that you would feel comfortable in while dining at a white linen
restaurant. Now, not all of us are at a point in our lives where we have this kind of formal wear. No
worries, just put on the very best clothes you have, the good stuff. Stuff youd wear to an interview
at a prestigious company.
Alcohol of Choice - Your favorite single malt whiskey. Not all of us like whiskey. Substitute
a similar beverage of your choice, but make sure its the very best quality you can afford, or is your
favorite thing to drink. Serve it to yourself in the appropriate glassware. Make it special.
Cigar of Choice - Jupiter cigars are any cigar that is mellow and smooth that leaves you
feeling almost decadent. Not everyone enjoys a fine cigar.
For you poor, poor folks out there who dont appreciate a luxurious smoke, I really dont know
what to tell you. Cigars seem pretty Jovial. In a pinch, cigarettes can be substituted, if theyre the
best ones you have, or cloves if you like those. If you just cant smoke, uhm, I guess you can skip
that part. I like having the tobacco left over for use in Jupiter Talismans later, though.
Planetary Incense - Sweet smelling incenses work, as does the Abra- melin incense formula.
Temple blend are good, and so is basil, mace, and especially lignum aloes. Frankincense will do in
a pinch, but you want something sweet and good.
Mood Music - Pick something that symbolizes Jupiter for you. Some have chosen upbeat jazz,
others Holsts Planets Op. 32 Jupiter, while others listened to NASAs recordings of the sounds of
Jupiter recorded by radio telescopes. I like the Ode to Joy. It goes well.
Lamen of the Archangel - The Lamen is worn around your neck during the conjuration.
You want to draw it out by hand. This makes it more powerful. When you draw out a seal, you
are performing a conjuration. You can thread something through the paper to hang it around your
neck. Blue thread (blue is the color of Jupiter) would be best, but use what you have.
Contemplation Seals - These are symbols of the planet that you can contemplate after youve
said the Orphic Hymn. You can draw them out and gaze upon them with your eyes half-shut while
you bask in the forces youve released into your sphere.
On the altar sits, the table of practice, the scrying stone, a censor of incense, and a white candle.
The celebrant is wearing the lamen of the Archangel. The contemplation seals are within reach.
Also, the drink and smoke are off to the side to be enjoyed during contemplation.

The Rite of Jupiter

To begin, say the following prayer:

Secret and ineffible Lord, source of all Light, who yet sits in absolute and eternal
darkness, you who have expressed through your Word all that is, you who, with the
Loving Spiritus Mundi, have shaped me in your image as divine creator god, I call
upon you now to bless and consecrate these rites.
[Light a white candle.]
Trace out a circle beginning in the East, and say:
I consecrate this ground for our defense, in the name of the Nuit, Hadit, and RaHoor-Khuit.
Face the North.
Say the following Words:
As you speak the words aloud, visualize them written across your forehead, stretching from one
temple to the other.
Let these words crown you, and then say:
Subject to me all daimons, so that every daimon, whether heavenly or aerial or earthly
or subterranean or terrestrial or aquatic, might be obedient to me and every enchantment and scourge which is from CHAOS.
Then say,
Lord most secret, ever present friend and guide, prepare now the way between myself
and the sphere of Jupiter, and its Intelligences. Prepare a feast for those entities we
shall call, and make straight the way between us.
Bless the scrying medium:
Oh inanimate creature of Earth, be sanctified and consecrated, and blessed to this
purpose, that no evil fantasy may appear in you; or, if they do, that they may be constrained to speak intelligibly, and truly, and without the least ambiguity. AUMGN.
Bless the incense:
I conjure thee, oh thou creature of Fire! by We who created all things both in heaven
and earth, and in the sea, and in every other place whatsoever, that you cast away
every phantasm from you, that no hurt whatsoever shall be done in any thing. Bless,
oh Lord, this creature of Fire, and sanctify it that it may be blessed, and that you
may fill me up with the power and virtue of their odors; so neither any enemy, nor

any false imagination may enter into this space; in the name of ON.
Conjure the Archangel of the Sphere:
In the name of our Lord, I conjure you, you strong mighty angel TZADKIEL, that
you take the shape that best reflects your celestial nature, and appear here in this
crystal, to the glory and honor of his divine Majesty, HERU-RA-HA, who lives and
reigns, world without end. AUMGN.
Lord most secret, grant me fullfillment of will and love under will, make pure my
heart within me, and take not your light from me. O Lord, by your name I have called
him, suffer him to minister unto me. And that all things may work together for your
honor and glory, to whom, with you, the Sun and blessed Moon are ascribed all might,
majesty and dominion. AUMGN.
The spirit should be present. Youll know the spirit is there when you feel a change in the
atmosphere, smell something really sweet, or see an image superimposed from your minds eye in
the crystal.
Now you speak with the spirit, making sure it is who it is supposed to be, and thanking it for
coming. Ask that it bless and consecrate this rite, and reveal to you the power of the Sphere of
Jupiter. If you are consecrating a Jupiter talisman now is when that should be done through the
spirit. Otherwise, ask the spirit whatever you will, if you have something specific, and then move
on to he Orphic Hymn.
Recite the following Orphic Hymn to Jupiter:
O Jove much-honoured, Jove supremely great,
To thee our holy rites we consecrate,
Our prayers and expiations, king divine,
For all things round thy head exalted shine.
The earth is thine, and mountains swelling high,
The sea profound, and all within the sky.
Saturnian king, descending from above,
Magnanimous, commanding, sceptred Jove;
All-parent, principle and end of all,
Whose power almighty, shakes this earthly ball;
Even Nature trembles at thy mighty nod,
Loud-sounding, armed with lightning, thundering God.
Source of abundance, purifying king,
O various-formed from whom all natures spring;
Propitious hear my prayer, give blameless health,
With peace divine, and necessary wealth.
At this point you will want to spend some time meditating on the Seal of Jupiter.
If you have sigilized intent that you want Jupiter to manifest for you, you would use that image
instead of the Jupiter Seal, but for the first time you do the rite, it is suggested you use it as
integration time, and simply focus on the Seal of Jupiter.
Sit and contemplate the Seal of Jupiter you have chosen. Close your eyes halfway and look at
it from that point of view. Drink your drink, enjoy your smoke, and listen to the music in the
background. Keep the image of the seal in sight for the duration of this part of the rite.

This portion can last as long or as short as you like, it is entirely up to you.

When youre finished with the contemplation of the Seal of Jupiter, its time to say goodbye to
the Archangel.
You great and mighty spirit, as you came in peace and in the name of HERU-RAHA, you may now depart in this same name, and return when I call you in his name to
whom every knee bows down. Fare well, TZADKIEL; peace be between us, through
our blessed Lord. AUMGN.
The spirit will then leave. Say:
In the name of Nuit, Hadit, and Ra-Hoor-Khuit, be all honor and glory, world
without end. AUMGN.
After youve given the license to depart, take your favorite drink outside, and dig a little hole
in the dirt. Pour out your drink into the Earth while saying,
Jupiter, I dedicate this to you and your spirits in the Elemental World. Empower
them, that they may work on my behalf.
If its alcoholic, ignite it.

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