Assessment of The ISO 14001 Implementation Process in Estonian Certified Construction Companies

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Assessment of the ISO 14001 Implementation

Process in Estonian Certified Construction

Masters Thesis in the International Masters Programme Applied Environmental
Measurement Techniques

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Water Environment Technology
Gteborg, Sweden 2005
Masters thesis 2005:56


Assessment of the ISO 14001 implementation

process in Estonian certified construction


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Water Environment Technology
Gteborg, Sweden 2005

Assessment of the ISO 14001 implementation process in Estonian

certified construction companies.

Masters Thesis 2005:56

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Water Environment Technology
Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412-96 Gteborg
Telephone: + 46 (0) 31-772 1000

Reproservice, Chalmers University of Technology/Department of Civil and

Environmental Engineering
Gteborg, Sweden, 2005

Assessment of the ISO 14001 implementation process

in Estonian certified construction companies
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Water Environmental Technology
Chalmers University of Technology


During recent years a lot of research has been done in order to investigate the purpose of
ISO 14001 (Morrow et al., 2002; Rivera-Camino, 2001; Clark, 1999. etc.) and problems
occurring during its implementation (Hillary, 1999; Stratchan et al., hman, 2004; etc.).
Environmental Management Systems (EMS) like ISO 14001 are often criticised for not being
the drive force of environmental benefits that it was intended to. In Estonia the ISO 14001
EMS is not widely used yet. Moreover, no studies have been made so far to evaluate the use
of ISO 14001 in this country.

In 2004 the author of this thesis was given the opportunity to work with an Estonian
construction company and implement ISO 14001. During this process several problems
occurred which formed the basis for this thesis.

This thesis is an assessment of the

implementation process of ISO 14001 by using questioner. It is based on a four-months

practical experience of implementing ISO 14001.

The results show that the main reasons for implementing ISO 14001 at construction
companies in Estonia are 1) staying in competition 2) to improve company image and 3) to
deal with environmental issues and that lack of finances for implementation is not considered
as a problem.

Furthermore, it is shown that, most companies have problems implementing ISO 14001.
According to this thesis, those problems are mainly related to human resources such as
working habits, employee awareness and attitudes toward environmental issues. Suggestions
are given to prevent these identified problems.

This thesis concludes that the general criticism toward ISO for not being the driving force for
gaining environmental benefits is justified, also in Estonia.

Keywords: Environmental Management System, EMS, ISO 14001, Estonian construction

industry, implementation


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Ms. Christina Lundhn, for
supporting me all the way through this thesis. Her invaluable encouragement interesting
viewpoints and constructive comments on this thesis have been highly appreciated.

Further I am very grateful to Mr. Kaupo Reede from AAA.M.I. who has supported me through
this thesis in Estonia, gave me many good ideas and was my guiding light.

My special acknowledgement goes all to the managers at the construction companies and
especially to Mr. Vahur Hansen from Level Ltd. Thank you for your time and willingness to
share your viewpoints with me!

Finally I would like to thank all my friends, especially Mari-Liis, Tom and Alar as well as my
family for their great support.

Table of Content
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 8
2. Aims and Objectives .............................................................................................................. 9
3. Background.......................................................................................................................... 10
3.1. Environmental management systems........................................................................... 10
3.1.1. ISO 14001:1996 ..................................................................................................... 11
3.1.2. EMAS ..................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.3. Comparison between EMAS and ISO 14001......................................................... 15
3.1.4. ISO 14001 in different parts of the World............................................................... 15
3.1.5. ISO 14001 in Estonia ............................................................................................. 16
3.1.6. Problems that influence ISO 14001 implementation .............................................. 18
3.2. The construction industry in Estonia............................................................................. 20
3.2.1. Environmental problems in the construction industry ............................................ 20
4. Project Procedure ................................................................................................................ 22
4.1. Limitations ..................................................................................................................... 22
5. Practical experience ............................................................................................................ 24
5.1. Implementation of ISO 14001 at Level Ltd. in Estonia ................................................. 24
5.1.1 Purpose, Scope....................................................................................................... 24
5.1.2. Initial Review .......................................................................................................... 25
5.1.3. Environmental Policy.............................................................................................. 26
5.1.4. EMS Planning Process........................................................................................... 26
5.1.5. Environmental Aspects........................................................................................... 27
5.1.6. Legal and Other Requirements .............................................................................. 28
5.1.7. Objectives and Targets .......................................................................................... 28
5.1.8. Environmental Management Program ................................................................... 29
5.1.9. Structure and Responsibilities................................................................................ 29
5.1.10. Training, Awareness and Competence ................................................................ 30
5.1.11. Communication .................................................................................................... 30
5.1.12. Document Control and Operational Control ......................................................... 31
5.1.13. Monitoring and Measurement .............................................................................. 31
5.1.14 Emergency Preparedness and Response ............................................................ 31
5.1.15. Non-conformance, Corrective and Preventive Action .......................................... 31
5.1.16. EMS Audit............................................................................................................. 32
5.2.17 Management Review............................................................................................. 32
5.2 Identified critical issues of ISO 14001 implementation .................................................. 32
5.2.1. The lack of commitment and motivation................................................................. 32
5.2.2. ISO 14001 complexity ............................................................................................ 33
5.2.3. Time consumption and costs.................................................................................. 34
5.3.4. Market demand ...................................................................................................... 34

5.3.5. Communication ...................................................................................................... 34

6. Questionnaire formulation ................................................................................................... 35
6.1. The major forces that motivate companies to adopt ISO 14001 .................................. 35
6.2. Problems regarding Implementation process ............................................................... 36
6.3. ISO 14001 improvement and environmental performance........................................... 37
7. Questionnaire Survey .......................................................................................................... 38
8. Results and Analysis ........................................................................................................... 40
8.1. The major forces that motivate companies to adopt ISO 14001 .................................. 40
8.2. Problems regarding ISO 14001 implementation process ............................................. 42
8.3. Environmental performance.......................................................................................... 46
9. Discussion ........................................................................................................................... 50
10. Recommendations for ISO 14001 implementations.......................................................... 53
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 55
References .............................................................................................................................. 56
Internet references ............................................................................................................... 57
Appendix 1 Table of content of the Management System Manual.......................................... 59
Appendix 2 Questionnaire ....................................................................................................... 62

List of Figures and Tables

Figure 1. Plan, Do, Check, Act model


Figure 2. Top ten countries for ISO 14001 certificates in 2003


Figure 3. Number of ISO 14001 certified organisation 1998-2004 in Estonia


Figure 4. The percentage of ISO 14001 certified companies in Estonia by field of operation 17
Figure 5. Project procedure


Figure 6. System integration


Figure 7. EMS Implementation steps in Level Ltd


Figure 8. Level Ltd. Training registries


Figure 9. Number of employees in participating construction companies


Figure 10. Reasons for implementing EMS


Figure 11. Distribution of answers regarding EMS benefit


Figure 12. Distribution of benefits regarding EMS


Figure 13. Distribution of answers to questions regarding time consuming


Figure 14. Distribution of answers regarding ways of internal communication


Figure 15. Distribution of answers to the questions regarding EMS responsibilities


Figure 16. Distribution of answers regarding training frequency


Figure 17. Distribution of answers to questions regarding environmental objectives and

targets accomplishment


Table 1. Difference between ISO 14001 and EMAS


Table 2. Internal barriers to EMS implementation


Table 3. External barriers to EMS implementation


Table 4. Criteria to determine significance environmental aspects in Level Ltd


Table 5. Section from Level Ltd. Environmental program


Table 6. Barriers to implementing EMS in the Estonian construction companies


Table 7. Distribution of answers regarding environmental objectives


Table 8. Topic which are significant in terms of further EMS improvement


1. Introduction
This thesis begins with an introduction of Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
and ISO 14001 in particular. A review of the construction business and its environmental
problems in the Estonian construction industry is presented. A practical experience, made
by the author is summarized, followed by the identification and analysis of critical issues
related to ISO 14001 implementation. Based on the findings, the relationship between the
internal and external barriers that influence the implementation of ISO 14001 are
discussed and some preliminary conclusions and recommendations will be given.

Environmental issues are one of the most common hot topics in the world todays. For
example, how to decrease the waste of natural resources and pollution of air have been
discussed and investigated for years and as a result many environmental regulations have
been created.

Today, organisations around the world are implementing Environmental Management System
(EMS) and certifying them by international standard. For environmental management, ISO
14001 is becoming the leading environmental standard. It specifies the requirements for an
EMS, which provides a framework for an organisation to control and monitor their
environmental impact of company activities, products and services in order to improve their
environmental performance continually.

There is a lot of criticism towards ISO 14001 for not being the driving force of environmental
benefits, that it is supposed to be, according to the main purpose stated in the ISO 14001
standard. (Summers, 2002; Flyxell et al, 2002; Morrow et al., 2002; Morrison et al., 2000;
Clark 199 etc.). It is clear that the environmental factors are not the main motivation for
companies to implement ISO 1400. Instead, the motivation is based like international trade,
suppliers preferences, public relations pressures, stakeholders interests etc.

It seems that being certified according ISO 14001 does not always lead to the environmental
performance, which was intended to When EMS was developed. When analysing these
problems, the questions that need to be answered are:

What are the main forces that motivate Estonian construction companies to
implement ISO 14001?

What kinds of environmental benefit are really gained?

What are the main problems that occurred during implementation?

How can companies prevent these problems?

2. Aims and Objectives

This thesis aims to investigate the Environmental Management System implementation
process and problems that occur during this process in the Estonian construction industry.

According to literature research, implementation of environmental management systems does

not necessarily lead to the environmental benefits that were intended when EMS was
developed. In Estonia the implementation of ISO14001 is a rather new phenomena and the
number of certified companies are increasing. The construction industry is a growing industry
in Estonia that seems to use EMS mainly for competition advantages.

The overall aim of this thesis is to evaluate the problems of implementation and
environmental benefits of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System in the Estonian
construction companies. This is accomplished by:

Understanding the goals and purpose of ISO 14001;

Mapping the main environmental issues related to the construction industry;

Practical experience in implementing an ISO 14001 environmental management

system at a construction company;

Evaluating the main problems of implementing ISO 14001 by questionnaires to an

extended number of certified construction companies;

Pointing out recommendations to prevent problems in the implementation process.

3. Background
The background of this thesis describes the Environmental Management System (EMS) in
general and ISO 14001 implementation problems; main environmental issues related to
the construction industry; and Estonian construction market.

3.1. Environmental management systems

A large quantity of activities that an organisation does has some environmental impact, not
only the pollution that its activities may cause, but also in the way it uses natural resources,
manages its business and produces waste.

An Environmental Management System (EMS) is one of the tools an organisation can use to
improve environmental performance. It consists of a number of interrelated elements that
function together to help a company manage, measure, and improve the environmental
aspects of its operations (Welford, 1996).

ISO (URL-3) defines an EMS as "the part of the overall management system that includes
organisational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes
and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the
environmental policy."

EMS is a part of an organisations general management and it helps to deal more easily with
environmental questions as stated in environmental policy. EMS should also help an
organisation to increase efficiency of using natural resources and reduce their impact to the
environment. In general, this means voluntary control and preventive action over the
companys products, processes, services, actions etc. that may influence the environment.

The organisation has a number of choices as it approaches the decision: it may choose to
certify its EMS through an independent agent: it may choose to self-declare its adherence to
ISO14001; it may pick or choose only certain elements of an ISO 14001 EMS (Bansal, 2002).
Certificated systems such as EMAS and ISO 14001 are formalized, but for example
systematic waste management orders can be non-formalized and may work as well.

Some organisations operate their own EMS`s. These systems may exist as quality or health
and safety systems and have the environmental issues incorporated into them. The in-house
systems are environmentally non-certified but are often based on certified standards like ISO
14001 (Tinsley, 2002). The establishment of an environmental management system and its
continuous improvements is a process towards a reduction of the companys and the
products environmental impact (Jorgensen, 2000).

Although environmental management systems were developed to meet the needs of large
industrial companies, they can be implemented in all kinds of organisation (Belman et al.,

If every organisation starts to use its own environmental management system to meet its own
particular needs, it can be seen that resulting systems may be very different between
organisations. It makes it difficult to compare their results especially on an international level.
In the past ten years the number of international standards in the field of environmental
management has increased. The first environmental management standard BS 7750 (British
Standard for EMS) was established in 1992 in United Kingdom (Belmane et al., 2002).

The International Organisation prepares most of the standards for Standardization (ISO). It
was founded in 1947 in Switzerland (Welford, 1998).

These standards give a set of elements that all EMS should contain. They are frameworks, for
supporting organisations in establishing structured and effective environmental activities. The
most frequently used guidelines for EMS development and implementation are the
international standard- ISO 14001 and the European regulation - the Eco- Management and
Audit Scheme (EMAS). Standards do not obligate a particular organisations optimum
environmental performance level but describe a system to help an organisation achieve its
own environmental objectives. ISO 14001 requires companies to perform continual
improvement and prevent pollution as part of the normal management cycle.

Market demand is one of the dominant forces driving ISO 14001 registrations in the world. For
the foreseeable future, customer demand and business competition will be the dominant
reason for implementing ISO 14001. Roberts (1998) reports that improved environmental
management could have several benefits: reduce companys cost; procedures are in place to
ensure legislative compliance; improved public image and increased market opportunities.

3.1.1. ISO 14001:1996

In the early 1990s, the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) began to work on
a series of environmental management standards.

The ISO 14001 series environmental management standards were introduced on the coattails
of the success of ISO 9000, which is a series of quality management system standards
(Magali, 2002).


The ISO 14001 is now becoming the dominant international standard for assessing
environmental management processes all over the world.

It was first published in September 1996 (Morrow, 2002) and the latest version of ISO
14001:2004 came out in November 2004 (Sistok, 2005).
The standard allows an organisation to focus on the issues most important to its business.

ISO 14001 requires an organisation to commit to the prevention of pollution and continual
improvement as part of the normal management cycle (Ammenberg, 2003). According to
Hillary (2001) it can be used for all types and sizes of organisations and accommodates
diverse geographical, cultural and social conditions. The Environmental Management System
(EMS) is a continuous cycle that follows the model Plan, Do, Check, Act- the Deming circle
(figure 1):
Policy & planning





Implementation &

Checking & corrective

Figure 1. Plan, Do, Check, Act model.

An organisation that starts to implement ISO 14001 may be a company, corporation, firm or
enterprise. It can be incorporated or not, public or private and has its own function and
According to this model the EMS can be divided into the four stages: plan, do, check and act

Planning includes identifying environmental problems, establishing goals, aims and

environmental policy. An organisation should set aim to move EMS forward. When drafting a
plan, different aspects should be considered:

Technological options;

Financial, operational and business requirements;

Views of interested parties;

Significant environmental aspects, environmental policy.


It starts with a small review about organisation activities to identify their environmental
aspects. An organisation that implements EMS should first point out objectives and targets
with the aim of obtaining environmental performance improvements. Then, environmental
management programmes should be established to support the process described above. In
these programmes responsibilities and time frames will be specified.

The main purpose of an EMS is to steer and control significant environmental aspects, which
should be regarded as cornerstones for a company using an EMS (Edwards, 2004).

An organisation should establish an environmental policy document that gives an overview of

their priorities according to the environment. The policy statement must be defined by top
management, be appropriate for the nature, scale and aspects of the organisation, set a
framework for objectives and targets, be documented and available to the general public
(Strachan, 2003). In the planning process it is required to have procedures that make sure
that applicable legal and other requirements of environmental relevance are identified and

Do refer to implementation and operation. An organisation must establish various elements

necessary for the implementation and operation of the plan. To create effective EMS roles,
responsibilities should be defined; documentation and good communication flows between
employees should be established. In order to get ISO14001 certified, environmental training
should be defined and carried out among all employees that have a significant impact on the
environment in their work. Communication and documentation is a part of implementation and
should be managed as well.

Procedures to identify possible accidents and emergency situations and emergency

preparedness are required (Edwards, 2004).

Checking includes monitoring, measurements, and EMS auditing. This part of the standard
should define how the performance of the EMS is checked and weaknesses strengthened.

Checking has to be carried out on a regular basis and will be needed for periodical evaluation
of completing corrective and preventive action. To ensure that EMS has been successful in
meeting its environmental objectives and targets, it must be audited periodically.
Audits can be divided into the three parts:

Members of the company or environmental consultants carry out first party audits;

Second party audits may be carried out by a closely related company, for example a

Independent auditors make third party audits or external audits.


Act includes management reviews. Top management and appropriate staff must periodically
review the management system once a year based on information from measurements,
monitoring and audits. Where needed, the programme is renewed; new objectives and
aspects are established and policy is changed etc.

These four steps of EMS should be linked together into a process in order to give improved
environmental results. The concept of continual improvement is a key component of the
environmental management system by completing the cycle.

Organisations prefer to implement ISO14001 mainly because ISO standards are well known
and widely accepted.

3.1.2. EMAS

The European Unions Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is a management tool
for companies and other organisations to evaluate report and improve their environmental
performance. The scheme has been available for participation by companies since 1995
(Council Regulation (EEC) No 1836/93 of 29 June 1993) and was originally restricted to
companies in industrial sectors [URL-1].

The EMAS regulation applies to all European Union Member States and the European
Economic Area Member States i.e. Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

The EMAS regulation consists of a set of articles and annexes which cover both requirements
on organisations as well as on European Union member states in terms of establishing
competent bodies and accreditation system for EMAS. The regulation is voluntary, hence
organisations can choose to participate or not.

The registered organisations have the right to use the EMAS logo after the verifier, the
Competent Body, has accredited the environmental statement [URL-1].

Since 2001 EMAS has been open to all economic sectors including public and private
services (Moora, 2005).

At the beginning of 2005, more than 4000 sites in more than 3000 organisations are
registered as EMAS organisations. Most of them are companies from the industrial sector
[URL-1]. At the beginning of 2005, there were no EMAS registered organisations in Estonia
(Moora, 2005).


3.1.3. Comparison between EMAS and ISO 14001

The Eco- Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is similar to ISO 14001 in its requirements
and components. ISO 14001 provides guidelines that can be implemented by almost any type
of organisation all over the world. EMAS is designed to bring some changes in environmental
performance in European Union organisations.

EMAS and ISO 14001 are different in a many ways. These differences are illustrated in table
1 showing in particular where EMAS goes beyond the ISO 14001 requirements.

Table 1. Difference between ISO 14001 and EMAS [URL-1]

External communication
And verification

Verified initial review

ISO 14001
No review

Environmental policy,
environmental management
performance made public

Environmental policy
made public


Frequency and methodology

of audits of the environmental
management system and of
environmental performance
contractors and suppliers

Audits of the environmental

(frequency or methodology not
communicated to contractors
and suppliers
demonstration of continual
improvement of environmental

Contractors and suppliers


Employee involvement,
Continuous improvement of
environmental legislation

3.1.4. ISO 14001 in different parts of the World

There were more than 74,000 organisations in December 2004 using standardized
environmental management systems worldwide [URL-2]. Up to the end of December 2003, at
least 66,070 certificates had been issued in 113 countries and economies.


Figure 2. Top ten countries for ISO 14001 certificates in 2003 [URL-7]

A significant number of companies have adopted ISO 14001 in Western Europe and Asia,
which can be explained, by high population, high market share and number of different
organisations. The top ten countries for ISO 14001 certificates at the end of 2003 were: Japan
(13416), The United Kingdom (5460), China (5064), Spain (4860), Germany (4144), The USA
(3553) Sweden (3404), Italy (3066), France (2344), Korea (1495).

As can be seen in figure 2, the most certified European countries in 2003 were Spain,
Germany, Italy, The UK, France and Sweden.

It can be assumed that the number of companies that will start to adopt EMS will rise
especially in Eastern Europe. One of the reasons for this is an increase in environmental
awareness among these countries. Lack of knowledge has been considered one of the
problems regarding the definition and application of management systems and the regulatory
requirements in relation to these environmental effects (Sheldon, 1997).

3.1.5. ISO 14001 in Estonia

Estonian organisations have a choice to choose between two environmental management

system tools: ISO 14001 international standard or EMAS (Eco Management and Audit
Scheme). In Estonia the implementation of ISO14001 is a rather new phenomenon.

The European standard EN ISO 14001:1996 has been implemented in Estonia, as EVS-EN
ISO 14001:1998 since 1998. So far the implementation of this standard has not
been very successful. At first only large companies and foreign capital based companies
were using standardized environmental management systems. Since 2000 the number of
certified organisations has increased (see figure 3).


During recent years environmental and sustainability questions are becoming more and more
topical. Company managers have started to think more about EMS. After joining the
European Union it may be possible that many organisations start to develop and certify their
EMS. The reasons for that could be market demand, governmental support and information

At the beginning of 2005, 105 organisations in Estonia were already certified, which is 31
companies more then at the same time last year. This shows that the use of ISO 14001
standard is growing rapidly.

Number of companies










Figure 3. Number of ISO 14001 certified organisation 1998-2004 in Estonia

Most of these are companies from the industrial sector (figure 4). As can be seen in figure 4,
the most certified business sector is the construction industry (29%).

Construction industry
Electronics industry
29 %
Waste management

17 %


Chemical industry
Industry of construction

17 %


3 %



Transportation and
storage of oil products
Furniture industry
Textile industry

Figure 4. The percentage of ISO 14001 certified companies in Estonia by field of operation


The reason for this could be a market demand. According to the Estonian Quality Union, most
certified companies have integrated quality and environmental management systems.
3.1.6. Problems that influence ISO 14001 implementation

During recent years, many studies have been carried out in order to investigate the barriers
for implementation. According to evaluation done by Hillary (1999), who has compiled
information on the drivers and barriers from 33 different European studies-the problems that
may occur can be divided into two groups: internal and external. The main internal barriers
are outlined in Table 2 (Hillary, 1999).

The study (Hillary, 1999) indicated that human resources, rather than financial resources, are
the main barriers for implementation and maintenance. Lack of motivation and multifunctional
nature of the staff becomes more and more important during ISO 14001 implementation.
Negative company culture towards the environment does not support the implementation
process. Incongruous executive support is frequent important factor that interrupt the
implementation of an EMS (hman, 2004). According Rivera-Camino (2001) the lack of
capable human resources is one of the main obstacles. Another barrier that is experienced is
an increase in paperwork and bureaucracy attached to the EMS (Stratchan et al., 2002).

Table 2. Internal barriers to EMS implementation (Hillary, 1999)


Understanding and Implementation

Lack of management
Lack of awareness of Implementation is an
and/or staff time for
implementation and Lack of knowledge of
and interruptible
Inadequate technical
Inability to see
knowledge and skills; Perception of
relevance of all
Lack of training;
Multifunctional staff easily Perception of high
Internal auditor
distracted by other
cost for
difficult to achieve
Lack of environmental
in a small firm;
manager and
Doubts about ongoing
professional staff;
effectiveness of
Requirement for capital
EMSs to deliver
Difficulties with envir.
evaluation and the
determination of
Uncertainty about
how to maintain


Attitudes and
company culture
Inconsistent top
management support
for EMS
Management instability;
Low management
status of person
spear heading
EMS implementation;
Resistance to change
Lack of internal
marketing of EMS;
Negative view or
experience with ISO
9000 standards rubs
off on ISO 14001s

According to Jrgenson (2004) the main critical issues for implementation of ISO 14001 in
Estonia are:

Following ISO 14001 procedures;

Understanding legal and other requirements;

Internal and external communication;

Identification of environmental aspects and setting aims and targets;


In practice, no environmental aspects are controlled. Aspects are identified but companies
often do not follow the procedures. Frequently, important aspects are not identified or a list of
significant aspects is uncompleted. Legal and other requirements are not predetermined and
the structure of ISO 14001 is often too complicated. Moreover, no clear connection could be
seen between monitoring and environmental performance. External barriers found by Hillary
(1999) are outlined in Table 3.

Table 3. External barriers to EMS implementation (Hillary, 1999)



High cost of certification/ High cost of certification/ Lack of promotion of
verification which
verification which EMSs
and accessible
penalizes small
Changing economic
financial support;
climate alters the
Lack of clear or strict
Lack of experienced
priority given to an
Duplication of effort
Insufficient drivers and Absence of a central
between verifiers/
source of
certifiers and
Uncertainty about the
information on
internal auditors;
value of an EMS in
Verifiers exceeding their
the market place.
role e.g. influencing
audit cycle length;
Distortion in the verifier

Support and guidance

Inadequate institutional
quality to assist
Inconsistent approach
of consultants to
External assistance, e.g.
consultants needed
to interpret ISO
14001 and required
for environmental
review and EMS
Lack of sector specific
tools, examples;
Lack of explanation of
concepts and more
guidance needed
on environmental
aspects and
Poor quality information
and conflicting
guidance given.

It has been stated that companies need a lot of guidance e.g. from consultants. However, it
has often been reported that good consultants might be hard to find. Another barrier is the
lack of sector specific material adjusted to different types and sizes of firms, especially very
small companies (Hillary, 1999).


According to the study made by Dalhammer (2002) ISO 14001 has been indicated to be too
difficult to understand. It is perceived as bureaucratic and does not fit especially into the more
small companies. The standard of the certifiers/verifiers varies, as well as within the
certification bodies (Hillary, 1999). This factor might also form a barrier to ISO 14001

The implementation and certification are costly both in terms of money and other resources,
especially working hours.

3.2. The construction industry in Estonia

The construction industry in Estonia has successfully grown during the last 10 years. It is an
important branch of the Estonian economy since construction contributes 6.7% to the total
GDP. This ranks construction in the fifth position as an economic activity. Construction works
conducted in Estonia at current prices are amounted to EUR 1.5 billion and construction
activities to foreign countries to EUR 0.58 billion in 2003 [URL-4].

In 2003 the Estonian construction market grew 16%. The turnover of construction companies
was EUR 1.65 billion in 2003, which is 13.6% higher than in 2002 [URL-4].

The construction of residential buildings has showed the fastest growth. Thanks to European
Union support programs the construction of communication lines (electricity, sewerage and
waste treatment plants, roads and streets) has grown.
New residential buildings are mainly built in Tallinn and in its closest neighbourhood but also
in Tartu and Prnu.

The construction industry employs about 42,900 people. Approximately 88% are directly
engaged in construction work. People employed in the building sector comprise 7.3% of the
economically active population. In 2003 average monthly gross wage in construction was
EUR 420, which is slightly lower than the average in Estonia [URL-4].

3.2.1. Environmental problems in the construction industry

Intensive construction activities during recent years has caused extensive soil contamination,
large quantities of abandoned waste and unreasonable use of energy and natural resources,
especially in northern part of Estonia. These can be considered as the main environmental
problems that occur in this industry.


Construction, demolition, refurbishment and material supply processes are responsible for a
significant amount of wastes.

The major components are soils (often mixed with other

materials), concrete, masonry, brickwork, wood, stone, metal, glass, plasterboard, bituminous
materials such as road palings and architectural features.

Among the different regions in Estonia, Tallinn and the surrounding rural municipalities
generate the biggest amount of construction and demolition waste. In 1998, 330 000 tons of
construction waste was generated in the whole country, with 86% or 283 000 tons originating
from Tallinn. According to other data there was more than 600 000 tons of construction waste
generated in Tallinn in 1998. Other evaluations have concluded this last amount to be even
bigger. According to waste statistic, 11.6 million tons of waste was generated in 2000.

9.9 million of these amounts were generated in the oil shale industry. The total amount of
waste contained 5.97 million tons of hazardous waste, of which 99.7% was hazardous waste
from oil shale combustion and pyrolysis [URL-5].

Construction waste may contain hazardous waste, such as asbestos, solvents, impregnated
timber, packaging containing chemicals, etc. Some construction waste is deposited illegally,
dumped in wasteland, forest, or in the nearest place at hand. This is major problem in building

Construction waste can be used primarily as filling material. In landfills it is necessary for the
construction of temporary roads. Part of the waste was delivered for free to other enterprises
(as filling material) and to private persons. Concrete and rock material waste (bricks, panels,
etc.) -is a needed material in landfills for building temporary roads and intermediate layers.
Construction timber waste can be used for similar purposes as waste from timber industry.
Waste generation can be prevented and reduced in construction and demolition works by
reasonable organisational work. It is necessary to increase the use of reusable materials,
reduce wasting of materials (e.g. unnecessary damage) during all stages of work, reduce the
use of dangerous substances, increase the use of recoverable packaging, separate and
collect hazardous waste generated in all stages of the construction work. To ensure separate
handling of hazardous waste it should be delivered to a company licensed to handle these
byproducts (Rootsma, 2005).

Smaller problems that also occur in building industry are dust, smell, cutting trees and noise
that can be reduced using the proper technique and by implementing the right know-how.


4. Project Procedure

This thesis was selected in order to study the implementation of ISO 14001 and problems that
influence this process. It is based on a literature review, practical experience and a
questionnaire survey.

Important information and knowledge for this thesis was gathered from the practical
experience of implementing environmental management system in a construction company
Level Ltd. During this period several internal and external obstacles occurred which formed
the base for this thesis.

Also materials that obtained from ISO 14001 certified construction companies by using
questionnaires (Appendix 2) are going to be presented and discussed.
Literature review

Practical experience

Questionnaire formulation

Questionnaire survey

Results and analysis


Figure 5. Project procedures

4.1. Limitations

The main limitation in this current thesis was the availability of accurate information.
Especially when it came to evaluation of the environmental performance in ISO 14001
certified construction companies. The information posted from the companies was often not
sufficient. 4 companies our of 35 admitted that ISO14001 was developed and implemented
mainly for getting the certificate and no environmental benefits could be seen.

As for the literature data of this thesis, the sources that have been published for some time
were mixed with books and papers that have been issued recently. This approach would be
the optimal one to use, due to respected popular research papers, and would enable us to
build a proper scientific base for this thesis. Further, it has been necessarily combined with


fresh sources of information concerning contemporary issues that need to be updated

relatively often. All this was done to minimise the subjectivity of the obtained thesis results.

Another limitation in the evaluation was the possibility that those answering the
questionnaires might not be always objective. The respondents may be inclined to give a
picture of him or her or of the situation being exceedingly idealistic. By nature, humans are
trying to suppress their failures, mistakes and other negative experiences. Furthermore, a
respondent may forget an important item or alternatively, try to suppress some, negative
experiences. The picture of the situation might therefore not coincide with reality. On the other
hand, all the respondents have shown a genuine interest in being interviewed on the subject
and willingly shared their viewpoints.


5. Practical experience

In Estonia the implementation of ISO14001 is a rather new phenomenon and the number of
certified companies is increasing. The construction industry is a leading industry in Estonia
that implements EMS for competition advantages. The organisation selected for this thesis
was an Estonian construction company called Level Ltd.

Level Ltd. is located in West of Estonia in the island of Saaremaa. It was established in 1997
as an independent company. Today it has 8 years of experience in the construction business,
road construction and manufacturing construction materials. Level Ltd. has developed from a
small enterprise into an important construction company in the West-Estonian market. Net
turnover of the 2003 has constantly been over 30 million EEK. Level Ltd. employs more than
70 people.

5.1. Implementation of ISO 14001 at Level Ltd. in Estonia

5.1.1 Purpose, Scope

In June 2004, Level Ltd. started to implement its Environmental Management System (EMS)
together with Quality Management System (ISO 9001) under the guidance of the consulting
company AAA1.M.I. This project was partly subsidized by Estonian Enterprise.

The responsibility for planning, developing, and implementing the project was assigned to a
core implementation team where the environmental aspect was mainly conducted by the
author of this thesis. General guidance for the EMS was taken from the International
Organisation for Standardization (ISO) 14001:1996 Standard, Environmental Management
SystemsSpecifications with Guidance for Use.

As mentioned above the system that was implemented, was an integration of environmental
and quality management systems. There are several similarities between ISO 9001 and ISO
14001 standards.

All management systems, whether focused on quality, safety, or the environment, have
certain core elements (Randmer, 2001).

In the case of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, there are similar requirements for all of these core
elements. Those are:


Defined organisation and responsibilities;


Defined and documented standard practices;

Control of critical operations;

Document control;


Records system;

Internal audits;

Corrective action system;

Management review for continual improvement.

ISO 9001:2000

ISO 14001:1996
s ys t e m

Level Ltd. integrated

ISO 9001:2000 and
ISO 14001:1996

Figure 6. System integration

In an EMS, the most critical elements are those found in the planning section of ISO
14001:1996. They are environmental aspects, legal and other requirements, objectives and
targets, and the environmental management program. The table of content of the
Management System Manual can be seen in appendix 1

5.1.2. Initial Review

It is important that top management and all personnel are 100 percent involved in the
implementation process.
If the top management levels of an organisation are not committed to environmental
concerns, employees at lower levels are usually powerless to effect changes (Ball, 2002).

At the beginning of this thesis initial review was prepared for assessing the information that is
relevant for an EMS.
Important steps in the initial review analysis were:

Identification of the legislative and regulatory requirements;

Identification of the environmental aspects;

Evaluation performance;

Existing management practice;

Existing environmental protection;


Identification of existing procedures, documents.


Initial review

External audit and


Improvement plan




EMS Audit



Figure 7. EMS implementation steps in Level Ltd

5.1.3. Environmental Policy

The environmental policy of Level Ltd., which sets out the companys environmental targets
and principals, was approved by the Management board-in June 2004.

Environmental policy is a formal and documented set of principals and intentions with respect
to the environment. Essentially, the environmental policy is the guiding document for
corporate environmental improvement and adherence to it is the fundamental integrity and
success of the entire EMS (Roberts, 1998).

The environmental policy is a driving force of Level Ltd. EMS. The policy statement has a
significant impact on the companys image. This policy is available on the Internet

5.1.4. EMS Planning Process

Clause 4.3 of the ISO 14001 standard has four elements that define the planning process for
an EMS (Randmer, 2001).

The process must include each of the following:


The identification of environmental aspects of the organisations activities, products,

and services;

An understanding of legal and other requirements;

Establishment of objectives and targets;

The establishment of one or more environmental programs that meets the goals of
the environmental policy.

5.1.5. Environmental Aspects

The process of identifying and assessing environmental aspects and their impact is an
important cornerstone of an effective EMS. Representatives of a variety of departments and
at diverse levels were included to produce the most accurate description of aspects. This step
allowed Level Ltd. to understand how its activities impact the environment. The aspects are
based on initial review (pre-audit).

The aspects may be direct (use of natural resources, use of electricity etc.) or indirect
(policymaking, suppliers, environmental aspects etc.).
Impacts are the actual or potential changes to the environment resulting from any of the
environmental aspects. It was important to identify impacts on air, water, land, ecological
resources and human resources.

During this thesis a simple set of criteria was developed to walk them through the steps in
identifying their significant environmental aspects. The table below shows one possible set of
criteria and how to rank them:

Commitment to the legislation (A): yes=1; No= 0;

Importance to the interest groups (B): yes=1; No= 0;

Magnitude of the aspect (C): small=0; large= 1;

Duration and frequency of an aspect (D): small 0, large 1;

Significance on an impact (E): minimal=1, small=2, intermediate=3, large=4, very

large =5;

Significance of the impact was calculated: (A+B+C+D)*E

In the table 2, the aspects are ranked based on six criteria that were considered most
important. A quality manager is responsible for recording and upgrading the aspects once a
year. The aspects with total scores of 50 % or greater from the highest score were deemed


The results of the rankings were considered when setting objectives and targets to reduce,
improve, or eliminate the identified impacts. The table 4 below shows one possible set of
criteria and how Level Ltd. ranked them.

Aspects were based on the companys environmental policy and consisted of its business,
financial, and operational policies. In an integrated business system, the environmental
objectives and targets are fitting within the overall business goals. This means that they do
not describe a separate stand-alone system. These significant aspects and impacts are the
focal point of programs and procedures that will enable Level Ltd. to better manage and
reduce its overall environmental impact.


Commitment to the
legislation (A)

External parties (B)

Magnitude of the
aspect (C)

duration and frequency

of an aspect (D)

significance on an
impact (E)










Table 4. Criteria to determine significance environmental aspects in Level Ltd.

5.1.6. Legal and Other Requirements

In this phase an understanding of legal and other requirements was necessary. In the review,
all legislative requirements were identified.

All the requirements are gathered to the Management System Manual and are also available
on the Internet. It was important to identify other self-imposed requirements that Level Ltd
follows. These may include items such as management system performance criteria, clientsupplied requirements, insurance company requirements, lending institution requirements and
other such internal and external requirements not demanded by law. A Quality manager is
responsible for conducting analysis of legal and other environmental requirements applicable
to Level Ltd.
5.1.7. Objectives and Targets

After significant environmental aspects were identified, Level Ltd used them as the basis for
setting its objectives and targets by selecting a manageable number of objectives. Based on
the evaluation of the significant impacts and identification of requirements, Level Ltd. has set





targets. Objectives





environmental policy.
5.1.8. Environmental Management Program

After establishing its environmental objectives and targets, a program for achieving these
objectives and targets was developed. An evaluation and modification of environmental
objectives and targets is carried out annually in an update of the environmental aspects.
In table 5 can be seen one objective of Level Ltd

Table 5. Section from Level Ltd. Environmental program





waste reuse
for 20 %

1) Market
research for

Manager of the
Manager of the
Manager of the
Manager of the



2) Purchase of

3) Installation of
the equipment
4) Testing of the
and training staff
5)monitoring of


Previous action
protocols, etc.)
Evaluation of the
competing offers


4-6,0. milj.

Sales contract

April 2005











Weight notes.

5.1.9. Structure and Responsibilities

Together with ISO 9001 a structures and responsibilities were established (responsibility
matrix was conducted).

All employees of Level Ltd had to understand clearly their

environmental roles and responsibilities, as well as understand the importance of the

environmental targets and objectives. Specific roles and responsibilities for tasks and
functions were presented in the relevant environmental management plans as well as EMS
Procedures. Training was given concerning responsibilities and activities that may affect the


5.1.10. Training, Awareness and Competence

As mentioned above training is a part of the successful EMS implementation. Also

communication and environmental awareness are very important elements in this process.
The goal for Level Ltd is to have all employees trained at a necessary level depending on
their job function.

The Executive manager is the responsible person for training in this company. During the
EMS implementation process, all employees in Level Ltd were explained the importance of
the EMS, their responsibilities for EMS operations, aims and objectives of the company,
environmental policy, emergency preparedness etc. Training registry can be seen in figure 8.





Other information

Figure 8. Level Ltd. Training registries

5.1.11. Communication

EMS includes communication about internal and external environmental information directed
to the management, and the communication from management to others depending on their
intentions regarding environmental impacts.

Communication includes both procedures and responsible staff for internal reporting as well
as external reporting about the environmental activities of the organisation. Level Ltd has a
successful internal communication system that includes new employee orientation, regularly
scheduled department, team and other informational meetings and reviews, such as interdepartmental environmental committee meetings, trainings etc. All internal and external
information will be documented. The implementation team relays EMS related information to
the Management Board. Through suitable communication, many problems can be resolved.
When giving explanations of what employees should do regarding environmental concerns,
reasons of why those activities are important should be included. Communication should be
clear enough to leave no space for misunderstanding.


5.1.12. Document Control and Operational Control

The EMS manual describes what the EMS consists of, where other related documents are
located, and where records of performance can be found.

EMS documentation has the following formal components: environmental regulations,

permits, plans and policy. The EMS Manual includes an overview of the EMS program and
describes how the EMS is being operated. It includes procedures that are applicable across
Level Ltd. business organisations and functions; environmental program-specific EMS
procedures; accounts and measures of environmental performance and environmental
reports, forms, and records.

Documental control includes: documents required by ISO 14001, and by the environmental
management system of Level Ltd. and management system records. All documents that have
been changed should be maintained at least 3 years. The quality manager and executive
board have the right to change EMS documents
5.1.13. Monitoring and Measurement
Level Ltd. established and maintained documented procedures to monitor and measure, on a
regular basis, the key characteristics of its operations and activities that can have a significant
impact on the environment. All monitoring equipment has its calibration procedure and
measured results are recorded as scheduled in the procedures. Measurement and monitoring
is performed to see if targets and objectives have been reached. The metrics are updated and
reviewed monthly and will be held in the same environmental conditions after every
5.1.14 Emergency Preparedness and Response

Level Ltd established and maintained procedures to identify the potential accidents and
emergency situations, and for preventing and minimizing the environmental impact associated
with them. The emergency situations include chemical and waste spills, process equipment
breakdown, fires, mishandling of chemicals, failure of pollution control etc. Level Ltd. prepared
emergency plans for the cases mentioned. In December 2004 fire emergency training was
organized to all employees of Level Ltd.
5.1.15. Non-conformance, Corrective and Preventive Action
Corrective actions may change EMS policy or procedure; preventative actions may include
items such as planning, ongoing monitoring and maintenance, and training. The corrective
and preventive action process is a key ingredient to its continual improvement. It is important
to change Level Ltd. documentation when non-conformities make it necessary.


5.1.16. EMS Audit

Level Ltd. EMS includes a routine systems audit twice a year. This audit determines
compliance with the ISO 14001 EMS.

The internal auditor (Quality Manager or Executive Manager) should include following tasks:

Perform audits to determine EMS conformance;

Determine if appropriate procedures, processes, and plans are in place at Level Ltd.
to meet the established objectives and targets and the overall goals of the EMS;

Interview people performing the tasks covered by each EMS procedure to ensure that
the tasks performed are as described is in the EMS procedures.

Visit facilities and observe work practices;

Report audit findings in a standard format;

Note nonconformities in the audit reports.

5.2.17 Management Review

A management review is a principal element for EMS improvement, along with preventive and
corrective action. The management reviews highlight the possible need for changes to the
policy, objectives, and other elements of the EMS. After Level Ltd. had developed and
implemented an EMS, a quality manager contacted an accredited ISO 14001 registrar in
order to begin the certification process. A Certification Body is an independent, third party
audit organisation accredited or approved to conduct ISO 14001 certification by a national
accreditation body. Firstly, a critical appraisal was made for the Management System Manual
and its supporting records. Secondly, an on-site assessment was conducted to determine
Level Ltds adherence to the procedures their progress in achieving their objectives and the
extent of environmental awareness. In the end of December 2004 Level Ltd. became ISO
14001-1996 certified by BVQI.

5.2 Identified critical issues of ISO 14001 implementation

This chapter describes the main critical issues during ISO 14001- implementation
experience in Level Ltd, which provides a necessary base for fulfilment of the sated aims

5.2.1. The lack of commitment and motivation

As described in chapter 3.1.6 problems might occur inside the company when applying for the
ISO 14001 certification. During this thesis not everyone in Level Ltds top management
supported the EMS implementation (this does not give a good example for employees). If
executives are not conscious about organisations priorities it is not possible to achieve


environmental benefits. The EMS implementation was possible only because the Director and
Quality Manager of Level Ltd. fully supported it.

They wanted to develop companys

environmental policy and implement ISO 14001.

It was complicated to keep up the enthusiasm of the people involved. Some employees did
not have any motivation to be a part of the implementation process by admitting that their part
from the companys policy is minor.

Some Level Ltd. employees had still old working attitudes. For example common belief was
that if one does not save energy no big loss can be seen in the companies economy or if one
does not follow the environmental objectives and targets nothing significant will occur.
Employees did not want to take responsibilities for their action. The staff had little
understanding of the environmental issues, issues of compliance and the role of planning
Another way of thinking that different standards, certificates, systems etc. are mainly
important for the bureaucratic system is also far-spread. Estonia has gone through dramatic
changes since the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The old bureaucratic system had to be
replaced as the country was heading for the western model of market economy but
employees are still settled in old habits.

Employees often mentioned that all these new

processes are important because of certificate.

5.2.2. ISO 14001 complexity

The identification of the environmental impacts, determination of significant aspects and

targets was one of the critical issues. Level Ltd. has several activities and they all may have
some kind of environmental aspect, which makes identification rather complicated. Some
aspects could have not been seen at the beginning and occurred later during the process.
Identification of aspects and setting aims and targets is one of the most important aims of ISO
14001. There was a lack of explanation of concepts and more guidance needed on
environmental aspects and significance evaluation but also in terms of monitoring
environmental performance.

There were a lot of regulations and requirements in ISO 14001 and Level Ltd. had some
difficulties to comply with all of them, for example nonconformities. In level Ltd. there were few
employees who were not able to understand the requirements and necessity of ISO 14001
even after trainings. Because of lack of user-friendliness, employees thought that it was
impossible for them to use the standard before other employees do it.

The language used in ISO 14001 standard was considered to be overly complicated and
hence it made it very difficult for employees to understand what was actually required.


5.2.3. Time consumption and costs

Implementation will cost resources such as time, human resources and money (Bansal,
Using standards like ISO14001 are in many ways something completely new and unfamiliar
it is a new way of doing things and getting used to a new terminology. ISO 14001
implementation in Level Ltd. was rather expensive because of the high cost of consultants
and certification. In the company, it was important to understand that the implementation is
time consuming and both the learning and decision-making processes take time. At the
beginning of this thesis it was explained that ISO 14001 implementation needs commitment
from all employees specially those who were responsible for implementing the processes to
save resources as time and money.
5.3.4. Market demand
Certification seemed to be a sort of award- it was the most important reason why Level Ltd.
aimed to implement ISO 14001. Market pressure, not the environment, was actually the
dominant force driving to ISO 14001 certificates. Many of the ISO 14001 certified companies
and governmental institutions are asking suppliers if they are certified to the standard. A large
number of companies in Estonia require environmental performance of their subcontractors
with the respect to the ISO 14001 in the business. To maintain their customer base and
continue to compete in the market Level Ltd. started to implement ISO 14001.
5.3.5. Communication
In Estonian construction business contractors most commonly do not maintain projects by
themselves and dealing with subcontractors is necessary. Communication problems occurred
in areas that Level Ltd. stands for (environmental policy, significant aspects etc.). Not all
subcontractors have implemented ISO 14001 and their working habits do not support
environmental protection and sustainability. The Estonian construction market is full of small
companies that will not adopt EMS in the immediate future. For contractors it is a serious
problem if subcontractors will not follow the environmental performance criteria.
Also internal communication between different levels in the company was often complex.
Older employees were afraid of fulfilling nonconformities because it seemed to be
complaining for them.

It was complicated to explain to them the importance of their

information for executives. It is essential that all employees be informed about environmental
policy, aims and targets. In Level Ltd. waste shorting (separating paper, plastic, and
hazardous wastes) was well known among employees except cleaners who mixed all the
wastes back together.


6. Questionnaire formulation

In order to evaluate the implementation process of ISO 14001 in Estonia, a questionnaire

survey has been carried out (Appendix 2).

The questions were prepared in a way that they

would cover the most important areas, based on the practical experience..

The questionnaire consisted of 13 different questions (a mixture of open-ended and multiplechoice questions, where all respondents had a possibility to choose more than one answer).
For alternative questions only one answer could be chosen, for open-ended questions further
explanation was recommended.

The questions produced for this thesis can be divided into four major categories:

Background information about the certain company (name of the company, number
of employees, time for implementation etc.);

The major forces that motivate companies to adopt ISO 14001;

Problems regarding Implementation process;

ISO 14001 improvement and environmental performance.

6.1. The major forces that motivate companies to adopt ISO 14001

What are the main reasons that motivate companies to implement Environmental
Management System?

During practical experience the author of this thesis noticed that Level Ltd. was implementing
ISO 14001 mainly because of the market demand. According to the literature review and
other countries experience environment is not the main reason for being ISO 14001 certified.
It was interesting to investigate whether other Estonian ISO 14001 certified construction
companies had the same reasons.

Have you gained anything from implementing EMS? What?

Different consultants, certifiers etc. declare that EMS and ISO 14001 certification provide
different substantial benefits including significant cost reduction, enhanced corporate image,
improved access to permits and authorizations, etc. It was interesting to investigate whether
participants gained any benefits after implementing ISO 14001 or not and to assess what
those benefits were.


6.2. Problems regarding Implementation process

Were there any barriers during ISO 14001 implementation? Which ones?

The author of this thesis faced several critical issues during practical experience. As
described in section 3.1.6, different problems might occur during implementation. Since ISO
14001 implementation seemed to be a complicated process it was important to investigate
whether participants had met barriers and which were the most common. Were these
problems similar to those that other countries experience?

Did the company use any supportive help during implementation of an EMS?

There are several consultancy companies that provide their assistance for ISO 14001
implementation. In Estonia it is also possible to apply for partial (50 %) financial support from
Estonian Enterprise for consultancy or certification. This question helps to evaluate what kind
of supportive help is needed for EMS implementation and do Estonian construction
companies use any external help at all?

Who is responsible for EMS?

According to Hillary (2003) a lack of good specialists and their time contribution for
implementation and maintenance is considered an important barrier during implementation
process. Multifunctional employees might easily be distracted by other responsibilities. That is
why responsibility for EMS should be divided between managers. It is a common occurrence
that companies have hired a quality manager who is responsible for the ISO 14001
implementation process. What about Estonian construction industry?

How does EMS internal communication take place?

According to the literature and practical experience, communication might have a significant
effect on EMS implementation. The current question was examined to evaluate what were the
main types of communication that companies use for EMS.

What types of training have been arranged to improve environmental awareness of

employees and how often?

This question was formulated since training has an important role for successful EMS
implementation. Jrgenson (2004) has reported that training can be considered as one of the


problems during ISO 14001 implementation in Estonia. It has a significant influence to

working habits and towards employees attitude. It was interesting to evaluate how often
companies provide trainings to their employees to improve environmental awareness and do
they have yearly training?

6.3. ISO 14001 improvement and environmental performance

What are the main environmental objectives in companys environmental program?

Waste management is one of the most important environmental questions in Estonian

construction industry. For the author of this thesis it was interesting to investigate which were
the main objectives of environmental programs in ISO 14001 certified construction companies
and did they include waste management as well. Moreover, where those objectives

How does environmental monitoring take place?

According to the literature review companies have problems with environmental monitoring
(Hillary, 1999; Dalhammer 2002). This question was prepared to evaluate how companies
solved this problem and whether they are able to measure environmental benefits.

Have environmental objectives and targets been fulfilled, and if not, what could be the
obstructive factors?

This question builds on the previous in order to investigate whether the environmental
objectives and targets were fulfilled. Non-performance of the objectives and targets refers to
the possible obstacles during implementation process, which were interesting to study.

What kind of guidance is needed for further improvement of EMS?

One aim of this thesis was to point out some recommendations to prevent problems in the
implementation process. To provide beneficial recommendations, companies needs were
important to investigate


7. Questionnaire Survey

The principal criterion chosen for selecting companies for the case study in this thesis was
that the organisation had implemented ISO 14001 and had been certified. They were
identified from the current list of Estonian Quality Union where certified companies have been
gathered (October, 2004). In December 2004, 105 companies were certified total. From this
selection only 35 were related to the construction business [URL-6]. Data collection for this
thesis was carried out during 2004, which means that the results and analyses are based on
the situation in Estonia in this particular year.

Telephone interviews were carried out with quality managers or contact persons from
selected companies for agreement for completing the questionnaires. 35 were related to the
construction business but 4 of them did not agree to fill out the questionnaires from the

In October 2004, 31 questionnaires were distributed to the companies. The primary data used
in this thesis consists of questionnaire responses from quality managers of selected
companies. Finally 63,3 percentage of responses were obtained. There were 4 companies
that were not interested in completing questionnaire because competitiveness was the only
reason they had implemented ISO 14001. One of them (according to their executive
manager) admitted that the company is buying in the EMS as a service.

68 percent of the contacted certified construction companies had integrated ISO 9001 and
ISO 14001. 32 percent of the questionnaire respondents were integrated ISO 9001,







..- 50 employees
<300 employees

Figure 9. Number of employees in participating construction companies



Most of the companies were located in Tallinn and Harju County. 32 percent of these
companies had less than 50 employees, 43 percent had 50-300 employees and 26 percent
had over 300 employees (figure 9).


8. Results and Analysis

In this chapter assessment of the ISO 14001 implementation process in Estonian certified
construction companies from the conducted questionnaires will be presented. In the
following part the stated aims of this thesis will be fulfilled through the analysis of the

8.1. The major forces that motivate companies to adopt ISO 14001

What were the main reasons that motivate companies to implement EMS?

All quality/environmental managers were asked for the main reasons in starting EMS
implementation in their construction company.

Figure 10 shows the distribution of the

answers. All participants could choose more than one provided answers.
Competitiveness 95 %
To promote image 63 %




Include Environ. questions to the

general management 58 %
To solve environmental questions
and problems 42 %
Correspondence to the
environmental law 32 %



21% 32%

Better availability to the export

market 21 %
To minimize environmental costs
To motivate staff 5 %
To achieve better communication
w ith interest groups 5 %

Figure 10. Reasons for implementing EMS

As can be seen from the figure 10 an absolute majority (95 %) of the respondents declared
that the competitiveness is one reason for implementing EMS.

Moreover, one of the

respondents named competitiveness as only reason. This means that market demand is one
of the driving forces for ISO 14001 certification in Estonian construction market. Many
companies implemented ISO 14001 in order to maintain their customers base and continue
to compete in the economy.

Results also indicate that the reasons likely to minimize environmental costs, achieve better
availability to the export market, correspondence to the environmental law do not have that
big importance for implementing EMS. Only 5 percent of participants mentioned


communication with interest groups (consumers, employees, the local population, authorities,
non-governmental organisations etc.) as one of the reasons for implementing ISO 14001.

It is clear that EMS, in general, has improved many important business relations. Being
certified to ISO 14001 helps to build costumer confidence because it symbolises conformity
and consistency. At the same time, it provides more market opportunities.

These kinds of responses were expected during questionnaire formulation, since there is
criticism towards ISO 14001 for not being the driving force of environmental benefit as it
intended to.

Have you gained from implementing EMS?

37 %
63 %

Figure 11. Distribution of answers regarding EMS benefit

Later, the respondents were asked whether the EMS implementation gave any benefits to
their company. All the participating companies could choose between two answers- positive
and negative answer (figure 11).

According to the results only about half participating

companies (63%) had received some benefits.

These respondents, who answered positively (12 companies), were asked to be more detail.

Half of them believe that their ISO 14001 has resulted in positive commercial effects
regarding staying in competition and receiving contracts more easily. Respondents got some
added market value.

Other important benefits during the implementation process were considered to be reducing
the burden on natural resources (22 %) and improving waste management (17 %).

Furthermore, 11 percent described progression in environmental awareness as one of the



staying in
reducing the burden
on natural resources



Improvement of
waste management

Figure 12. Distribution of benefits regarding EMS

Only 4 respondents had improved their waste management, although it is one of the main
problems for construction companies in Estonia. It can be concluded, that EMS did not give
any significant benefits for the environment. It seems that the main benefits from an EMS
were to satisfy existing customers as well as gaining new ones. A marketing advantage
follows mainly by demonstrating ISO 14001 certificates. Moreover, when a company did not
receive any economic gains, the EMS was thought to improve their image.

This question confirms that ISO 14001 has rather little significant impact on environmental

8.2. Problems regarding ISO 14001 implementation process

Did the company use any supportive help during implementation of an Environmental
Management System?

All the questionnaire respondents could choose more than one answer from multiple-choice

The majority of the respondents (79 %) used external consultants. This high percentage
might refer to the fact that companies are not motivated to implement ISO 14001 on their own
and need external knowledge.

Most respondents were large-sized or medium-sized (Majandusministeerium, 2002)

organisations which gives a reason to conclude that small-sized companies need more
financial support. The cost in terms of consulting and certification are high and might appear
as an obstacle for small-sized companies.

A relevant finding is the low number (3) of

companies that used financial support. It can be concluded that medium to large companies
need external consultants to help them implement ISO 14001 more than financial support.


How long did the implementation process last before being certified?

All the participating construction companies could choose one of alternatives from 4 different
answers. The answers of this question are outlined in Figure 13.

..-0,5 year
0,5-1 years
1-2 years

2-... years


Figure 13. Distribution of answers to questions regarding time consuming

42 percent from the respondents declared that their construction company were ISO 14001
certified after half a year. According to the results two companies (employees over 300)
stated 2 years, which is a comparatively long time. Four companies declared 1-2 years and
five companies 0.5-1 years. It is almost certain that the time consumption of 0,5-2 years is
dependent on a company's size.

It seems that the time is not a remarkable barrier for the participating companies as it was
supposed during the questionnaire formulation.

Where there any barriers during ISO 14001 implementation? Which ones?

Later, the respondents were asked whether barriers occur during the EMS implementation.
All the respondents could choose between positive and negative answer. 26 percent of the
managers did not meet any significant barrier so far.

More than half of the certified

construction companies (74%) had met some problems. When asked to be more detailed, the
respondents identified more than one problem. The results are presented in Table 6.

Two participating companies mentioned that they face all the problems that are illustrated in
table 6.

The leading obstacles were internal, mainly related to the human resources and the
companys culture.


Almost every respondent believed that the working attitude was one of the main barriers
during the implementation process. Some companies managers declared that EMS is mainly
adopted for wrong reasons- to be certified. It was surprising was that none of the respondents
considered lack of financial resources as an obstacle during ISO 14001 implementation.

Table 6. Barriers to implementing EMS in Estonian construction companies

Slight participation of the employees
Attitude and companies culture
Lack of knowledge of ISO 14001
Importance of the certificate not environment
Internal and external communication
Paperwork and bureaucracy

Number of responses

The lack of knowledge about ISO 14001 was also mentioned as an obstacle but this is
understandable since ISO 14001 is rather new phenomena in Estonia. However, this problem
is expected to decrease since more literature about ISO 14001 implementation is being
provided in Estonian. An interesting fact is that none of the respondents considered time
consumption as a barrier.

Other problems mentioned were related to waste management and the identification of
significant aspects. One respondent believed that customers are not willing to pay more for
environmental friendly construction.

How does internal EMS communication take place?

One of the most important elements in EMS implementation is internal and external
communication. All the respondents were asked how internal communication concerning ISO
14001 takes place?

The participating companies could choose more than one answer from multiple-choice
question. The results are presented in figure 14.

The results indicate that the majority of construction companies use meetings for internal
communication, but e-mail, phone and intranet are also widely used. When using these
methods paper utilization is decreasing.







Type of communication

Figure 14. Distribution of answers regarding internal communication ways.

Who is responsible for EMS ?












quality/environmental manager, production managers and other mid-level managers. Also the
top management (26%) was pointed out among participating construction companies as
being responsible for EMS in their companies. One respondent stated that only the quality
manager is responsible for EMS and no support from other executives could be seen.
manager with
production managers
and other mid-level
Governing board with
quality manager


Quality manager


Figure 15. Distribution of answers to the questions regarding EMS responsibilities.

Management commitment during ISO 14001 implementation is essential. As can be seen

from figure 15, almost 70 percent of the companies have included mid-level management in
EMS implementation.

This is positive since executives can give a good example for

employees by providing significant information

What types of training have been arranged to improve environmental awareness of

employees and how often?

All participating companies could choose suitable answers from the multiple-choice
questionnaire. The respondents were asked what kind of occasions the companies have

arranged during ISO14001 implementation to improve environmental awareness of the

employees. Training was chosen by 89 percent of the respondents. 11 percent from the
companies used info-meetings and different flyers.

Later on, the respondents were asked how often these occasions were arranged. All the
respondents could choose between 4 different answers (figure 16).

Once in month
Once in quarter

Once in year

Organizing continuously

Figure 16. Distribution of answers regarding training frequency

As mentioned above training is a part of the successful EMS implementation. It was given by
21 percent of the companies at least once a year. Almost half of the respondents declared
that training was organized continuously according to the quality/environment manager. 16
percent of the questionnaire respondents have trainings at least once in a month.

Training plays an important part in employee environmental awareness. However, responding

companies seem to still have problems with environmental performance because of human
resources. It is possible that training sessions are not effective or interesting for employees.
The respondents declared that there were problems in EMS implementation mainly because
of lack of knowledge of ISO 14001 and low participation of the employees in training

8.3. Environmental performance

What are the main environmental objectives in their environmental program?

In an open-ended question, respondents were asked to identify their environmental program


3 participating companies did not answer to this question. The results are

summarized in Table 7.


As can be seen from Table 7, most of the objectives are not measurable.

Raising the

environmental awareness of employees was mentioned six times. Only a few (4) identified an








environmental policy) as an environmental objective.

This indicates that reduced natural resource usage and consuming environmental friendly
materials were declared as the main objective. For the participating companies waste
management and recycling was also important, which was stated by 10 of the participating
companies. As waste management is considered to be one of the main environmental
problems in the construction industry, it is essential to put it as an objective in an
environmental program.

Table 7. Distribution of answers to questions regarding environmental objectives.

Waste management and
Raising environmental
awareness of employees

Reduced natural resource

usage and consuming
environmental friendly materials
Improve work environment
Inform subcontractors about
companies environmental policy
New technology
Avoiding contamination
Observe legislation

Number of responses


Have environmental objectives and targets been fulfilled, and if not, what could be obstructive

Respondents could choose one of 4 different answers:



Success less;

Not as planned.



Not as planned


Figure 17. Distribution of answers to questions regarding environmental objectives and

targets accomplishment

Figure 17 shows the distribution of the answers. As can be seen from the figure, only half of
the respondents declared that their companies fulfilled successfully environmental objectives
and targets and there is a possibility that environmental objectives that were chosen were too
overestimated. 37 percent of the managers claimed that accomplishment of the objectives
and targets were satisfying.

Approximately 5 percent stated that the early stages of EMS implementation have not led to
environmental performance. These respondents were asked to be more detailed and three
main areas as obstructive factors were highlighted:

Old working habits;

Waste of resources;

Low participation of employees.

The results indicate that companies mentioned objectives which performance is difficult to
measure. As can be seen, slight participation of the employees and old working habits were
significant problems. Even for companies that have training and effective internal

How does environmental monitoring take place?

All respondents were asked how their environmental monitoring is carried out. All the
companies could explain in an open-ended answer. More than 75 percent of the participating
construction companies control the performance of the environmental objectives in their
environmental program and top management is responsible for this. Interestingly, only 25 %
of the participating companies explained monitoring a consumption of electricity, amount of
wastes, water, fuel etc as a part of environmental monitoring.

What kind of additional information is needed for further improvement of EMS?


Continual improvement is an important aspect of EMS and respondents were asked about
their need for further information for supporting it. All respondents could choose more than
one answer from the multiple-choice question. The results are presented in Table 8.

Table 8. Topics, which are significant in terms of further EMS improvement

Other companies knowledge in terms of
Environmental planning and results
New trends in EMS implementation
Environmental legislation
Effective trainings
Knowledge about sustainable production practices
Hands on information on how to compose
environmental report
Guidance to on how maintain an EMS after
Knowledge about effective internal and external

Number of responses

According to the results 84 percent of the participating companies considered other

companys knowledge and experience in terms of environmental planning and results

New trends in EMS implementation and better availability of environmental

legislation are topics that could support companies through implementation. As can be seen
from Table 9, there is a need for supportive know-how for implementing ISO14001 standard.
It can be one reason why almost 80 percent of the participating companies used external
consultants for implementing ISO 14001.


9. Discussion

One of the aims of this thesis was to understand the main obstacles that influence the
implementation of ISO 14001 in Estonian construction business.

It was pointed out in section 3.1.6. and according to the results from the case study, several
problems may occur during ISO 14001 implementation. The factors that influence the
implementation of ISO 14001 and the environmental performance of Estonian construction
companies could be divided into two groups: internal and external.

The main internal obstacles were related to human resources, mentality of the organisation
and ISO14001 complexity.

However, none of the respondents considered lack of financial resources as a problem during
ISO 14001 implementation. This is despite the fact that many of them use consultancy as an
external service, which can be expensive. The questioned companies mainly belonged to the
group of large or medium-sized organisations (Majandusministeerium, 2002) and for the small
firms this issue could be more important.

According to Hillary (1999) another important internal limiting factor of ISO 14001 is
implementation time. Interestingly none of the Estonian construction companies that were
questioned declared this factor as a significant barrier. 42 percent required less than six
month before being certified. For two companies with over 300 employees this time period
was more than two years to complete the same procedure. The results from the questionnaire
show that smaller companies use less time than large-sized ones, which is no surprise.

Additional internal influences are the organisational culture and employees attitudes towards
the environmental performance and continual improvement of environmental management.
In the opinion of companies managers, environmental awareness and working habits of
employees are detrimental to the EMS process. Even after training takes place, many
employees do not see the benefits of changing their old work habits. This can be seen as a
lack of proper communication. Every organisation mentioned communication between
different employees as a barrier, although many different forms of communication such as
info meetings, emails etc were used to present EMS.

ISO 14001 implementation often means new procedures and bureaucracy which needs to be
communicated effectively to all parts of the business organisation. According to the results
from the questionnaire, complexity of ISO 14001 could be considered as a barrier. This
complexity is often difficult to convey, resulting in misunderstanding of the procedures. At the

beginning of the implementation, not all EMS responsible persons manage this process

As mentioned before the difficulties that influence ISO 14001 implementation could be divided
into two: and the second part of these difficulties is external.

The main external barriers, which occurred, were lack of sector specific implementation
information and examples, inadequate institutional quality to assist companies and pressure
from external interest groups.

According to the opinions of the various companies managers, it is very important to use
information from other companies experiences in ISO 14001 implementation. Various
governmental agencies and consultants should consider sharing their experiences. Results
show that for 84 percent of the respondents, the experiences of other companies EMS
implementation is useful for their own EMS improvement. Organisations learn from their
colleagues how to effectively implement EMS to minimize environmental effects and
maximize environmental performance. It should be mentioned that very few guidelines can be
found in Estonian language about EMS implementation and ISO 14001(first guideline were
published in 2003), which shows that there is a lack of knowledge in these standards. In
Estonia, a Quality Association has been founded to provide assistance and training for

Another obstacle that influences EMS implementation are external interest groups. The
pressure to comply with theses standards, exerted on suppliers of large businesses, is one of
the reasons companies begin to implement ISO 14001. Three certified Estonian construction
firms declared that without ISO 14001 certification, it would be difficult to acquire public works
and other projects. According to the questionnaire results, almost all respondents claimed
competitiveness and promotion of self image through certification to be an important reason
for implementing EMS, because an ISO 14001 certificate would fulfil more contractors
requirements. However, one respondent declared that not all customers are willing to pay
more for environmentally friendly product. This does not necessarily increase the project
budget, but increases the likelihood of acquiring the project.

A strong customer base is important, but also are reliable subcontractors. In the Estonian
construction industry, contractors usually do not maintain projects without the use of external
sources and dealing with subcontractors becomes necessary. Communicating, effectively
with subcontractors, what a company stands for (environmental policy and significant
environmental aspects) and how they manage important procedures is instrumental to the
completion of the project.


After evaluating both internal and external factors, it can be concluded that internal obstacles
are more significant. Overcoming these problems to become certified does not always lead to
better environmental performance. It is obvious that achieving environmental performance is
not always the leading reason for seeking certification. Different authors (Morrow et al., 2002;
Rivera-Camino, 2001; Clark, 1999. etc) have shown that market demand is one of the main
reasons that compel companies to implement ISO 14001. The main reasons for implementing
ISO 14001 in Estonia are staying in competition, to improve company image and to deal with
environmental issues.

These issues lead to the objectives that companies set in their environmental plan. These
overlapped with the environmental questions that were described in section 3.4. Respondents
named reduced natural resource usage and consumption, consuming environmental friendly
materials, waste management and recycling and raising environmental awareness of
employees and subcontractors etc. as some of these objectives.

Not all companies were able to fulfil aims and targets initially set. Approximately 50 percent of
respondents claimed that their environmental plan has been successfully targeted. Monitoring
consumption of electricity, amounts of waste, water, fuel and production of waste was
mentioned as ways to indicate if established aims were met, although, only 25 percent of
companies tracked this information. This indicates that actual environmental performance
improvement is not the main focus for adopting the ISO 14001.


10. Recommendations for ISO 14001 implementations

There are many factors that may influence the ISO 14001 implementation. Based on the
findings in this questionnaire and practical experience the following recommendations were
composed for companies who are considering the ISO 14001 implementation.

Before starting the implementation process, companies should assess their exact
needs- what are the main reasons for adopting ISO 14001. Wrong reasons might not
lead to environmental performance. It is important to understand whether or not ISO
14001 helps companies to improve environmental performance and save nature.

Companies should evaluate differences between their current EMS and the system
specified by ISO 14001. This kind of audit / general review is useful in planning
process that might be done by independent consultant or company specialists. This
also gives relevant overview from management habits, work procedures etc.

During development stages before deciding whether ISO 14001 adoption is essential,
consulting with personnel is useful. Middle management have good ideas and
involving people who create and apply procedures, supports ISO 14001

Top management should fully support the ISO 14001 implementation. Executives
should be involved in the whole process and give good example for employees.

Through meetings and training, it is necessary to create interest among employees.

Personnel should understand the importance of the EMS to follow exact procedures
and companies environmental policy. It is necessary not to underestimate the
importance of training and internal and external communication. Some employees
should be more educated in terms of environment so they can act as trainers inside
the company for other employees. It maybe clever to encourage employees by giving
bonus salary or give positive verbal feedback etc.

Using existing data and infrastructure is also clever way to save energy during
implementation stages. All organisations have specific procedures and paperwork
that could/should be directly relate to an EMS.

Duplication of management systems must be avoided. ISO 14001 has been drafted
to be compatible with ISO 9001 series. By integrating them, managers can clarify
work methods and avoid confusing employees with conflicting systems (Boiral, 1998).


Listening to relevant stakeholders (suppliers, customers, shareholders, government,

consumers, and society or family members.

etc.) - that might have previous

experience with ISO 14001 implementation or ideas that are directly related to the
company is important and might be very useful. Ability and readiness to listen is of
major importance.

Using an experienced and reliable consultant, who can act as an effective sparring
partner during the entire project.

These recommendations are absolutely not final and during the time these may change and

As all working processes in a company following different rules, laws and

standards, so does the EMS. Maybe some of these recommendations are not following rules
and laws, but these are essential to discuss and pick up the good thoughts.



This thesis investigated the problems that may occur during EMS implementation in the
Estonian construction industry and points out recommendations for EMS implementation.
Also indicated are the main reasons that compel companies to implement ISO 14001.

There have been a lot of speculations on the drivers of companies adopting ISO 14001. The
results show that the main reasons for implementing ISO 14001 at construction companies in
Estonia are staying in competition, to improve company image and to deal with environmental

Furthermore, criticism towards ISO 14001 for not being the driving force for gaining
environmental benefits is justified. Only about 50 percent of the companies fulfilled their
environmental objectives and targets, although all participating firms were certified. The main
benefits, in the view of the respondents, were staying in competition (50 %), reducing the
burden of natural resources (22 %) and improvement of waste management (17 %).

Since half of the companies did not meet their environmental goals, obstacles presented
themselves, which reduced the chances for success. According to the results more than 70
percent of the participants had seen obstacles when implementing ISO 14001. These
consisted of internal and external factors, of which the internal issues were dominant.
Working habits, employee awareness and attitude towards environmental issues are key
examples of these internal problems.

To combat internal obstacles, construction companies appear to need guidance and support.
Support from governmental agencies and consultants to help improve training and overall
knowledge of the ISO 14001 standard can be an effective way of overcoming these issues.
This help can lead to more effective communication between all employees, which can
change their attitudes and awareness.

As pointed out, an ISO 14001 certificate does not guarantee improved environmental
performance in the Estonian construction market. Construction firms use this certificate as a
superficial means of showing the appearance of improved environmental performance to gain
market value.

Simplifying ISO 14001 processes and increasing the knowledge of how

environmental consideration can increase the economic performance of the construction

industry, could persuade companies to be more serious about their environmental impacts.



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Appendix 1 Table of content of the Management System Manual

L 1 Self presentation
L 2 Introduction
L 3 Quality and Environmental management System
L 4 Document control
L 5 Guidance on the maintenance of a records system
L 6 Guidance on the epistolary communication
L 7 Electronic record
L 8 Evidence control
L 9 Responsibilities of the board
L 10 Procurement
L 11 Personnel control and training
L 12 Infrastructure and work environment
L 13 Production
L 14 Process control and service
L 15 Customer Supplied Product
L 16 Monitoring and measurements
L 17 Internal audit/ EMS audit
L 18 Non-conformance control
L 19 EMS Planning
L 20 Corrective action
L 21 Preventive action
L 22 Communication

LEVEL LTD. Management System Manual compatibility with ISO 9001:2000 and ISO
14001:1996 standards


ISO 14001:1996



ISO 9001:2000/ ISO 14001:1996 title


System Manual








1; 2







Normative references



Termins and definitions



Requirements for quality and environmental

management systems




General requirements

9; 19;


Environmantal policy





Environmental aspects

9; 19;


Legal and other requirements

9; 19;


Objectives and targets



EM programme

3; 9;


Implementation and Documentation





3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 9

/Document control



Quality manual

3; 5; 9


Control Of Documents

4; 6; 7; 8; 9


Operational control

19; 9;


Emergency prepardness and response

7; 20; 21; 18


Control of Records



Management Responsibility





6; 7; 9



Customer Focus

6; 7; 13; 10; 14; 9

Quality and environmental policy


Quality planning


Quality objectives


Quality management system

9; 2; 3; 4;



Responsibilities, authority and communication

/ Training


Responsibilities and authority

6; 7; 9; 11; 12


Management Representative

9; 11; 12


Support internal communication

8; 9; 11; 12; 22



Management Review

8; 9; 18; 20; 21;




Review Input

5; 8; 9; 18; 20; 21;



Review output

5; 8; 9; 18; 20;
21; 17


Resource Management


Provision Of Resources


Human Resources



9; 11;

Training, awareness and competence



Quality infrastructure



Work Environment

11; 12;


Product Realization requirements


Planning of product realization


Customer-Related Processes


Determination of requirements related to the



10; 13; 14

13; 14



Review of Product Requirements related to the



Customer Communication

9; 10; 13; 14; 18;

20; 21; 22




Purchasing Control



Purchasing Information

6; 7; 10


Verification of Purchased Products









Operations Control

6; 7; 14


Validation of processes for production and

9; 10; 14; 15

service provision

Identification and traceability

14; 16; 17; 21


Customer Property

15; 22


Preservation of Product


Control of Measuring and Monitoring Devices





Measurement, Analysis and Improvement




Monitoring and measurement


Customer Satisfaction

6; 7; 13; 14; 15

Internal Audit / EMS audit

9; 17




2; 16;

Measurement and Monitoring of Processes

8; 9; 18; 17; 20;




Measurement and Monitoring of Product

8; 14; 16

Control of Nonconformity / Non-conformance

18; 20; 21

and corrective and preventive action



Analysis of Data

8; 9; 13; 14; 17;




Planning for Continual Improvement

2; 18



Corrective Action

18; 20



Preventive Action

18; 21

Appendix 2 Questionnaire for certified EMS (ISO14001) construction


Name of the company:


Field of operation:
Responsible person for EMS:
Number of employee:
Questioning will be filled by:

1. What are the main reasons that motivate companies to implement Environmental
Management System?

Management of distribution chain


Better availability to the export market

To promote image

To minimize environmental costs (fees etc.)

To solve environmental questions and problems

Correspondence to the environmental law

To achieve better communication with interest groups

To motivate staff

Include Environmental questions to the general management

Other reasons:

2. How long took implementation process before being certified?


..-0,5 years

0,5-1 years

1-2 years

2- years

3. Did the company use any supportive help during implementation of an EMS?

Financial support


Something else (please explain):

No, we did not use any help

4. Did You integrate EMS with other management systems?


Yes, QMS and EMS



Only EMS

5. What are the main environmental objectives in companys environmental program?


6. Who is responsible for EMS?


Governing board

Quality manager

Quality/environmental manager with production managers

others (please explain)

7. Have environmental objectives and targets been fulfilled, and if not, what could be the
obstructive factors?

8. How does environmental monitoring take place?

9. Were there any barriers during ISO 14001 implementation process? Which ones??

No disruptions

Disruptions are (please explain):

10. Have you gained from implementing EMS? What?

11. How does internal EMS communication take place?






What types of training have been arranged to improve environmental awareness of

employees and how often?





Once in a month

Once in a quarter

Once in a year

Organizing continuously according quality manager

How often?

13. What kind of guidance is needed for further improvement of EMS?

Environmental legislation

New trends in EMS implementation


Knowledge about sustainable production practices

Other companies knowledge in terms of Environmental planning

and results

Guidance to on how maintain an EMS after certification

Effective trainings

Hands on information on how to compose environmental report

Knowledge about effective internal and external communication

Other (please explain)

Thank You for answering!


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