Ormoc Sugar Company Inc Vs The Treasurer of Ormoc City 1968 GR No L 23794

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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. L-23794

February 17, 1968

ORMOC SUGAR COMPANY, INC., plaintiff-appellant,

HON. ESTEBAN C. CONEJOS as Mayor of Ormoc City and ORMOC
CITY, defendants-appellees.
Ponce Enrile, Siguion Reyna, Montecillo & Belo and Teehankee, Carreon & Taada for
Ramon O. de Veyra for defendants-appellees.
On January 29, 1964, the Municipal Board of Ormoc City passed 1 Ordinance No.
4, Series of 1964, imposing "on any and all productions of centrifugal sugar milled at the
Ormoc Sugar Company, Inc., in Ormoc City a municipal tax equivalent to one per
centum (1%) per export sale to the United States of America and other foreign
countries." 2
Payments for said tax were made, under protest, by Ormoc Sugar Company, Inc.
on March 20, 1964 for P7,087.50 and on April 20, 1964 for P5,000, or a total of
On June 1, 1964, Ormoc Sugar Company, Inc. filed before the Court of First
Instance of Leyte, with service of a copy upon the Solicitor General, a
complaint 3 against the City of Ormoc as well as its Treasurer, Municipal Board and
Mayor, alleging that the afore-stated ordinance is unconstitutional for being violative of
the equal protection clause (Sec. 1[1], Art. III, Constitution) and the rule of uniformity of
taxation (Sec. 22[1]), Art. VI, Constitution), aside from being an export tax forbidden
under Section 2287 of the Revised Administrative Code. It further alleged that the tax is
neither a production nor a license tax which Ormoc City under Section 15-kk of its
charter and under Section 2 of Republic Act 2264, otherwise known as the Local
Autonomy Act, is authorized to impose; and that the tax amounts to a customs duty, fee


or charge in violation of paragraph 1 of Section 2 of Republic Act 2264 because the tax
is on both the sale and export of sugar.
Answering, the defendants asserted that the tax ordinance was within defendant
city's power to enact under the Local Autonomy Act and that the same did not violate the
afore-cited constitutional limitations. After pre-trial and submission of the case on
memoranda, the Court of First Instance, on August 6, 1964, rendered a decision that
upheld the constitutionality of the ordinance and declared the taxing power of defendant
chartered city broadened by the Local Autonomy Act to include all other forms of taxes,
licenses or fees not excluded in its charter.
Appeal therefrom was directly taken to Us by plaintiff Ormoc Sugar Company, Inc.
Appellant alleges the same statutory and constitutional violations in the aforesaid taxing
ordinance mentioned earlier.
Section 1 of the ordinance states: "There shall be paid to the City Treasurer on
any and all productions of centrifugal sugar milled at the Ormoc Sugar Company,
Incorporated, in Ormoc City, a municipal tax equivalent to one per centum (1%) per
export sale to the United States of America and other foreign countries." Though
referred to as a tax on the export of centrifugal sugar produced at Ormoc Sugar
Company, Inc. For production of sugar alone is not taxable; the only time the tax applies
is when the sugar produced is exported.
Appellant questions the authority of the defendant Municipal Board to levy such
an export tax, in view of Section 2287 of the Revised Administrative Code which denies
from municipal councils the power to impose an export tax. Section 2287 in part states:
"It shall not be in the power of the municipal council to impose a tax in any form
whatever, upon goods and merchandise carried into the municipality, or out of the same,
and any attempt to impose an import or export tax upon such goods in the guise of an
unreasonable charge for wharfage use of bridges or otherwise, shall be void."
Subsequently, however, Section 2 of Republic Act 2264 effective June 19, 1959,
gave chartered cities, municipalities and municipal districts authority to levy for public
purposes just and uniform taxes, licenses or fees. Anent the inconsistency between
Section 2287 of the Revised Administrative Code and Section 2 of Republic Act 2264,
this Court, in Nin Bay Mining Co. v. Municipality of Roxas 4 held the former to have been
repealed by the latter. And expressing Our awareness of the transcendental effects that
municipal export or import taxes or licenses will have on the national economy, due to
Section 2 of Republic Act 2264, We stated that there was no other alternative until
Congress acts to provide remedial measures to forestall any unfavorable results.


The point remains to be determined, however, whether constitutional limits on the
power of taxation, specifically the equal protection clause and rule of uniformity of
taxation, were infringed.
The Constitution in the bill of rights provides: ". . . nor shall any person be denied
the equal protection of the laws." (Sec. 1 [1], Art. III) In Felwa vs. Salas, 5 We ruled that
the equal protection clause applies only to persons or things identically situated and
does not bar a reasonable classification of the subject of legislation, and a classification
is reasonable where (1) it is based on substantial distinctions which make real
differences; (2) these are germane to the purpose of the law; (3) the classification
applies not only to present conditions but also to future conditions which are
substantially identical to those of the present; (4) the classification applies only to those
who belong to the same class.
A perusal of the requisites instantly shows that the questioned ordinance does not
meet them, for it taxes only centrifugal sugar produced and exported by the Ormoc
Sugar Company, Inc. and none other. At the time of the taxing ordinance's enactment,
Ormoc Sugar Company, Inc., it is true, was the only sugar central in the city of Ormoc.
Still, the classification, to be reasonable, should be in terms applicable to future
conditions as well. The taxing ordinance should not be singular and exclusive as to
exclude any subsequently established sugar central, of the same class as plaintiff, for
the coverage of the tax. As it is now, even if later a similar company is set up, it cannot
be subject to the tax because the ordinance expressly points only to Ormoc City Sugar
Company, Inc. as the entity to be levied upon.
Appellant, however, is not entitled to interest; on the refund because the taxes
were not arbitrarily collected (Collector of Internal Revenue v. Binalbagan). 6 At the time
of collection, the ordinance provided a sufficient basis to preclude arbitrariness, the
same being then presumed constitutional until declared otherwise.
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is hereby reversed, the challenged
ordinance is declared unconstitutional and the defendants-appellees are hereby ordered
to refund the P12,087.50 plaintiff-appellant paid under protest. No costs. So ordered.
Concepcion, C.J., Reyes, J.B.L., Dizon, Makalintal, Zaldivar, Sanchez, Castro, Angeles
and Fernando, JJ., concur.1wph1.t

Resolution No. 30, Series of 1964.



Section 1, emphasis supplied.

An action for declaratory judgment was also filed on May 23, 1964 (Civil Case
No. 665-0) but this and the present case were tried jointly.

L-20125, July 20, 1965.

L-26511, Oct. 29, 1966.

L-12752, Jan. 30, 1965.

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