Welcome: To Miss Ball's Second Grade Classroom!

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to Miss Balls
Second Grade

Classroom Management Plan

Payton Ball
Curriculum and Pedagogy
Education 122
Dr. Beisser

Table of Contents

Part 1: Organization
A. Physical Classroom Organization... 3-4
B. Operational Classroom Organization..... 5-7
Part 2: Policies
A. Disciplinary Policies.... 8-9
B. Classroom Rules. 10

3: Classroom Routines
Expectations.. 11-13
Classroom Jobs.. 14
Restroom and Drink Policy. 15-16
Field Trips.. 16
Homework/Handing in Papers,. 16
Free Time. 16

Differentiation Policy.. 17-18

Parents 18-19
Professionalism 19

Classroom Organization:

While designing a Second Grade classroom, it was important to
include many different things, like a group time rug, teacher helpers,
etc. that would not be included an older elementary classroom. I really
wanted to focus on group work and playing. I am a big believer that
children learn through playing with, communication to, and
collaborating with peers. Therefore, I decided to have the students
sitting four at each of the five tables. This would make it easy to split
off into groups, while still being able to have them work independently
or as a whole group. Ive placed the marker board in the front of the
classroom because it would be able to be seen by all of the students
at their tables. This classroom would help increase mobility because
there are a variety of ways to learn the content. The students would
have many different centers that could allow them to learn in many
different ways.
When walking in the room, I chose to place the welcome table
to the right because it would be able to be seen by the students and
the parents, so they are able to keep up with what is going on within
the classroom. It is for important information and deciding on what
lunch they want for the day. Ive also decided to enclose a little
student closet. In the student closet, each student would be
designated their own student cubby to store their belongings. Also, Ive
chosen to put the sink near the door so that students will be able to
wash their hands when walking in the room to prevent spreading
outside germs. Ive placed two trashcans in the classroom, on both
sides of the room, so they will be easily
accessible to the students. In the library area,
I have also included comfy chairs to try to
encourage students that reading can be a fun
and relaxing activity. I have decided to have a
group-meeting rug in the corner to try to keep
minimal distractions for the students when
reviewing the calendar, what is on the bulletin
board, and reading stories.
I decided that it was important to try
to keep the quieter centers away from the
noisier centers, so I put the dramatic play and
block area in one corner, while placing the art
and writing center near the library area. I put

the computer area on the left side of the room to allow the students
to be rewarded with educational games or activities, while allowing
them space away from the other students. I believe that sensory is
very important to include in the classroom for all students. This
expands the students understanding about the world around them and
experience different textures and fun activities to learn about
different textures. Also, I have placed storage units around the room
to try to keep them out of the way, so there could be more room for
learning. Ive used multiple shelves to break up the different centers;
so that it would help the students stay focused on what center they
are at. My favorite part of the classroom is the half circle table that
is located in the top left side. This table would be used to pull a few
kids at a time to work with your students in small groups. This would
allow you to build a better understanding of each of your students. All
in all, I have placed everything in this classroom to help the learning of
the students.

In the storage behind the kidney table, I will
collect book words, running records, guided reading,
lessons, and a reading-conferring notebook. Also, it
will have the FAST reading scores for students that
I have to meet with weekly for reading
accommodations and assistance. The students will
also be divided into different small reading groups
based on their individual reading levels. Each group will have a
different tub with lessons and books that we will read and discuss as a
small group.
In the storage behind the teacher desk, I will keep a binder for
each individual student. This will contain their levels for each different
content area. There will also be sample pieces of their work, and any
testing that takes place within the classroom. This is helpful to look at
when talking to parents or others about the goals you are setting for
the students. Also in that storage, there will be a drawer for each
content area, reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and
For record keeping, I will keep a binder that contains the
students attendance, scores of homework, and assessments. Also, any
skills that have been mastered will be included or things that need to
be improved. This helps set goals and to look at the progress that
students are making. These scores will be uploaded online for parents
and students too look at. This will help provide solid evidence and
growth about every student in my classroom. This provides a running
total that allows for access to any student cumulative grade (Wong &
Wong, 2009).
If new students are to start, I think that it is important to
make them feel as comfortable and as welcome as possible. When doing
anything that is a part of the routine, it is essential to go over rules
and have students make him or her feel welcome by explaining what
the students role is. Also, I think it is helpful to have their nametag
and locker assigned previously, and it is good to talk to the students
before the new student starts and explain how to be a good friend or
how the new student might feel. Also, it is very important to have
clear communication with the new students parents and to gather
reading levels, styles of learning, etc. to pick up where the student
previously left off.
Students work will be displayed on the wall in the hallway as
well as the bulletin board. This will match along with the classroom
theme, holidays, or school theme. The students will be in charge of

keeping their cubbies and tables organized as well as the supplies

around the room. If they are able to keep their things clean and
organized then they will be positively rewarded. If the students do not
keep their desks tidy, then they will owe me a dollar. If the classroom
as a whole is disorganized or untidy, the class will not be rewarded
with a point for the day.
First Day of School: On the first day of school, each student is to fill out the
student information sheet. This will be used for me to get to know each
student a little better. Also, each student will be given these cute animal
cracker and bookmark gift. I will introduce myself, so the students are able
to get to know me. Also, the classroom rules and expectations will be
explained and negotiated.
Prior to the school year, I will send out a friendly letter to my new students
and parents to introduce myself. This will help the students and parents get
to know me and understand that they are able to contact me at any time.
The letter will contain ways the parents are able to be involved in the
classroom and when open house will be. Open
house will allow the parents and students time
to check out the
classroom before the school year starts.

Displaying Student Work:

The students work will be displayed all around the classroom. I believe that
this motivates students to work harder because others will be viewing their
work. The students will be notified that the work will be displayed, so there
will not be any surprises. I think displaying class work helps students build
new ideas and discussions. Also, it helps create a comforting community
where students feel comfortable with one another. I want students to be
proud of their work.

Disciplinary Policies
Positive Reinforcement will be used in my classroom for individual
students behavior rewards. I will use a money system. The students will be
given dollar bills when they accomplish their daily jobs or stay on task during
a difficult time. If the students
are off task or do not accomplish
the task they are supposed to be
doing, they owe me a dollar. This
makes the students responsible for
their own behaviors and ensures
that they stay on task. During transition time, I will draw two popsicle sticks
with my students name on them to get the secret students. If the two secret
students that get drawn are on transitioning quietly, they will receive a
dollar each. This helps all the students stay on task because they will not
know who the to secret students are.
Overtime, the students will accumulate money. Then, the students are
able to look at the Reward Chart to see if they have enough money to buy
the different rewards that have been established by the class as a whole.
The students get one free reminder to stay on task or to get back to work.
If the students display any disrespect, have conflicts with other
students, show up late, do not give
efforts in their work, and or cheat,
after the first reminder, the students
involved will owe me a dollar. However if
I feel that their needs to be further
consequences, I will notify the parents
and principal. A discussion will need be
put in place with the student talking
about the inappropriate behaviors. No
bullying will be tolerated in my
classroom. Any reminders after the first
one, the students will have to write
their name in my book, which means
that they will have to stay in for 5
minutes of their recess time to discuss
the issues that occurred. My book will
be used as a tool to remember or recall
the students that need to stay inside
for recess. Also, if the students name
has to written in the book, their daily

color changes. This will be used to communicate with the parents. The
students take home their folders every day with a weekly behavior log to get
their parents initials on it. Each day, the students will color in the daily
square with the color that represents their day (green-no reminders, yellowname got put in the book once, red-name got put in the book more than
once). At the end of the week, I will complete an end of the week report
that the students will have to take home and get signed by their parents.
This will allow me to better communicate with the parents and allow them to
know what is going on in their childs classroom.

As a class, the students will work together to receive tallies. The

students will be able to receive two tallies a day, one right before lunch and
one before the school day is over. The class receives tallies for staying
focused, being respectful, and following the class rules. If the class does not
receive a tally, there is no punishment. The class just does not get a tally.
Once the class receives a certain amount of points, then the class is able to
vote on a class party.
If I feel at anytime that the principal needs to be notified, I will do
so. If the classroom becomes an unsafe place or any physical aggression
occurs, the principal and the parents will be notified. The most important
part of a classroom is that it is a safe place for the students and myself. The
office should be used for backup support (Mackenzie & Stanzione, 2010). It
should be a fun learning environment for everyone.

Classroom Rules:

These classroom rules will be

displayed on the whiteboard, so
they will be easily visible to
each student. There might be a
lot of rules, but it will be easy
to remember because of the
M.O.N.K.E.Y. acronym. I think
that all of these rules will be
helpful when keeping a second
grade classroom under control.
Every morning we will discuss
the classroom rules and why
they are rules. It will help
students remember my
expectations that I have for


Classroom Routines:

At the beginning of the school year, classroom expectations will be

established by talking with the students and gaining their input to
incorporate into our classroom. I found the following expectations that I will
integrate into the classroom because I think that it will allow students to
stay on task and understand their role during the different times of the day.

Before transition into small group activities, these expectations will be given.
I think that these expectations will help keep students on task and actively
communicate with their groups.


While sitting on the group rug, these expectations will be given:

When involved listening is involved in the classroom, these expectations will

be given:


Also, I will use these charts that will be located on the marker board
because it prevents students from asking the same questions repeatedly. One
chart shows what utensils the students may use, where the students can
work, and where does the activity go when completed, and the other chart
shows what the students should do when they are finished. Also, I would use
a voice level chart (noise-o-meter to help keep the students under control.


Zoo Keeper Duties (Classroom Jobs): Everyday each student will be

assigned a different daily job. This will allow the students to have the
opportunity to do every daily job at least once throughout the month. In the
morning the students will have to check the job chart by the door. If the
student does not want to participate in their daily job, it is their
responsibility to contact the substitute zookeeper or the teacher.

Zoo Directors Helper- Teacher assistant

Safari Leader- Line leader

Gate Keeper- Door holder

Caboose- Last in line

Substitute Zoo Keeper- Fills in for anyone

that is absent

Grounds Keeper- Makes sure that the room is

nice and tidy

Nutritionist- Snack helper and lunch bag


Health Inspector- Helps with hand sanitizer

Equipment Manager- Helps carry in

games/balls from recess

Book Keeper- Helps maintain the library

(organizing books)

Zoo Secretary- Helps pass out and filing papers

Research Assistant- Helps with computers

The classroom jobs will be displayed like little pockets on the teacher
helper board. There will be popsicle sticks with student names in each of
the different pockets to assign the daily job.


Restroom and Drink Policy:

The students will learn about the restroom and drink policy on the first day
of school.
To use the restroom, the students must
first ask for permission from the teacher.
Then, the student must take the (boy/girl)
bathroom pass and place in on their desk.
Next, the student goes to the restroom.
Upon return, the students are to wash
their hands again in the classroom sink.
Finally, the student is to take the pass off
of their desk and hang it on the hook by
the door again. This helps having only one
boy and one girl in the bathroom at a time.
The students are allowed to use the
restroom at any time during the day.
While in the restroom, the students must
follow the FLUSH rules. If the student does
not follow these rules, the previous money
discipline policy will be put in place.


To get a drink, the students are free to take a drink out of the classroom
water fountain that is attached to the sink. I think that students should be
allowed access to water all day long because the students need to stay
hydrated in order to effectively learn.
Field Trips: Field trips are great learning experiences for students because
it allows them to get outside of their classroom. When planning a field trip, it
is important to follow school policies and notify the principal beforehand, so a
bus driver and bus can be lined up. Also, I think that it is appropriate to
notify the parents awhile ahead of time, and make the trips optional. A letter
should be sent home to the parents explain the field trip and asking for a
signature to gain permission. Also, the parents have the ability to volunteer
for the field trips. The students will be notified about the field trip, and the
purpose of the field trip will be explained to the principal, the parents, and
the students. The field trip will be used to engage students in meaningful
discussions, lessons, and reflections. The field trip is to enhance the learning
and not to take a break from school.
Homework/ Handing in papers: At the front of the classroom, there will
be a tray for turning in papers and homework assignments. The tray will be
labeled and all the students will know where it is located. The students are
able to turn in their homework/ papers at any part of the day. The papers
just need to be turned in by the end of the day. I think this will help reduce
anxiety and chaos in the classroom. If the student does not complete the
assignment by the end of the day, the students will have to complete it in
the morning during our morning routine. Also, the zoo secretary (classroom
job) will help pass out any papers for the class. The zoo secretary can choose
a friend to help them in order to make things move along quicker.
Free time: During any free time, the students are to look at the Im done.
Now what?! chart located on the marker board. The
chart contains different activities that the students
should do if they finish early. The students may free
read or write if they finish all of the activities that are
located on the chart. Also, the last ten minutes of every
school day will be used as Catch up and pickle time.
This is for students to finish any assignments or work on
anything that needs to be done that was not completed
early. This should help with anxiety because some
students do not have the time to complete homework at


Differentiation Policy:

Gifted Students: Many times gifted or

higher learning students are forgotten in the
classroom. However, I believe that it
essential to have these students challenged
and to push them just like the other
students in the classroom. I plan to meet the
needs of advanced learners by having open
conversations with these students. I think it
is helpful to understand their perspective. I have found that advanced
learners are very aware of their learning and the education they are
being provided with. It is beneficial to talk the students about the
content and lessons they will be learning. Also, I plan to challenge
these students at an appropriate level, differentiate the lessons for
them, and provide a positive classroom climate. To meet these students
needs, it is important to remember that you should not just being
giving them additional assignments at the same level to buy some time.
It is important to make use of every students time. Also, it is
important to remember that it is not their job to tutor or help other
students. Advanced leaners goal at school is to learn just like every
other student. As a strategy, you should meet with these learners
regularly to set goals. It might also be helpful to do a pre-test of the
different subjects to understand who has mastered the content, so you
do not waste the students time. I plan to teach the students that
learning is student centered and should be taken into responsibility by
the students. The students should be driven to learn. Finally, it is
important to be very flexible with this student and to encourage
curiosity. Overall, I believe that it is important to remember that
these students need to be challenged and engaged in the classroom.

Students with special needs: When working with a student that

has special needs, it is important to work with the special education
teacher, their parents, therapists, and other teachers that interact
with these students. The students need to have a consistent routine in
school, and it is helpful to have everyone on the same page. It is
helpful for students will special needs to hear break instructions down
into smaller/easier tasks and to write down the instructions for better
support. As the teacher, I will repeat things often and model the
expectations for these students. Also, it will be beneficial to allow
these students more time to accomplish a task. It is important to
follow the guidelines on IEP (Individualized Education Plan) or the 504


plans. Whether it is a behavioral or academic need, I plan to support

these students to the best of my ability.

ESL students: Some students in the classroom might face some

difficulties because of the lack of understanding the English language.
ESL students have to focus on learning not only the content, but
learning English language too. It is important to remember that these
students need supported in order to become successful. I plan to
research and find out about the different countries and cultures of the
students in my classroom. This will help me get to know the student
more and help me communicate with them better. I will use wait time
to allow these students to think and process what was said, and I plan
to talk at a slower rate to help these students better understand
what I am saying. Also, it is good to remember that you need to really
build background knowledge and to not assume that everyone knows
what things are. Everyone grew up in different places, so what might
be known by one might not be known by another.

Overall, I will provide support to these students in my classroom everyday.

Differentiation should be included in in your everyday routine. Also, many
of these strategies or tips could be beneficial to every student. The most
important thing is that my class is going to work together to learn

Communication should be constant with the parents of my students. The
parents should know and understand what their student is doing in the
classroom. The parents are free to contact me at any times with questions or
concerns. To communicate with them about behavior, I will use the weekly
behavior chart that the students must have signed by their parents. Also, I
will allow parents to sign up for volunteer hours. Before the beginning of
school, I will contact the parents to introduce my self and have them
understand the things that their students will be engaged in throughout the
school year. Parents are free to schedule meeting times with me whenever
works for them. Also, I will use homework folders to help the parents
understand what their child needs to have done for the next day. I believe
that it is important for the parent and teacher to be team members in order
for the student to become successful. I want the parents/guardians of my
students to feel comfortable with me to ask questions or to inform me of


anything. This will help the students in and out of the classroom. The parents
need to be actively involved in their childs classroom.

As a teacher, I will be working with many others. Including specials teachers,
other grade teachers, therapists, principal, guidance counselor, custodian, etc.
Therefore, there is a good chance that I will disagree with some of the views
of these people. However, it is extremely important to be viewed as a
professional because the way I treat others, my attitudes, and actions display
the teacher and person that I am. I want to be someone that my students
look up to; so being professional is a necessity. It is important to remember
that we are at the school for the students and for the students only. I will
steer clear of any gossiping that occurs. It is okay to have friends at work,
but it is essential to remember that the students need stay confidential and
that what happens at school, should stay at school. Overall, I think that
teachers build the climate of the school. The teachers need to stay positive
in order to build a positive environment and community for the students and
the parents. The school should be a safe place that everyone wants to be
involved with. We all need to communicate and collaborate effectively in
order to better the growth and learning of our students. It is our
responsibility to stay professional and positive.


Packet provided by Dr. Beisser in class
Mackenzie, R. J., & Stanzione, L. (2010). Setting Limits in the Classroom: A
complete Guide to Effective Classroom Management with a School-Wide
Discipline Plan. (3rd Ed.) New York: Three Rivers Press.
Wong, H. K., & Wong, R. T. (2009). The First Days of School: How to be an
Effective Teacher. Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc.


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