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Bob Levin [email protected] www.BobLevin.


TM & 2012 Bob Levin, Investigative Journalist

All Rights Reserved.

Friday, June 01, 2012 [Last updated: 06.01.2012, 12:30 PM PST]

Whistleblower Evolutions: Geographically the northwest is comfortable, but I've been
terrorized and tortured for over 12 years as a validated FBI Whistleblower while outed and
threatened many times under the Bush occupation and beyond. An agent directly under the Bush
White House whom I recognize as an active mole, telephonically stated that I have people in very
high places afraid to death that I am going to destroy their black projects and added that if I did
not remain silent, the government would "invent" a criminal charge against me. I've also been
separated from virtually all of the pathways that makes us a person, told at both the state and
federal level I will never find employment in America again. The one position I've held since
leaving the FBI and where I quickly rose in three months to a department supervisor, ended two
weeks after crossing paths with a former clandestine federal agent that I sent to prison for the
theft of government funds. This is the same agent and now a federal felon who assaulted me
while I was near death from chemo and radiation treatments and conducted a Cointelpro
operation against me with the full knowledge of his former federal administrators. So without
access to friendly sovereign foreign nation with actual humanitarian standards, then I'll die here
within a form of internal exile while covertly and overtly subjected to acts of terrorism and torture
and having been sanctioned for assassination by the government having outed me several times.
Becoming a whistleblower began as a slow progression while making discoveries during my career
and before ever really knowing what a whistleblower was. After each whistleblower evolution,
there was some degree of blowback or sanctions that later subsided until reaching the Bush
overthrow with their CIA backed false flag operation on September 11, 2001. Now we've
recognized what was first thought unthinkable that Obama is even worse than George W. Bush.
My first [1st] whistleblower evolution came with the discovery of factories contaminating the
waterways, estuaries, bays, and oceans with kepone chemical contamination that caused a very
popular oyster species to go extinct; I still have a cluster preserved as a paperweight to remind
me. Spending much of my time on or under the water during those early days, no one seemed to
listen until it affected the bottom line of the commercial fishing industry. Money is the too often
illegal narcotic of capitalism and now three years have passed since the economic collapse of the
United States via the crimes of the Bush family and corporatists and not one bankster on Wall
Street has been criminally prosecuted and convicted. All other activities of the U.S. Justice
Department and government are political distractions or chewbaits for the public. Likewise all
legislation passed by Congressional Capos is a perversion of language and misnomer for legalized
My second [2nd] whistleblower evolution resulted in my discovery of a conspiracy and cover-up
by a an elected sheriff with a reported alleged cocaine habit, whose contributory negligence
caused the wrongful deaths of inmates and had for years been accepting pay-offs from drug
kingpins to remain in the local jail to avoid serving their state prison sentences in the penitentiary
system. Another inmate I believe was knowingly transported to another state facility where he
was murdered that same night. In all of these matter the sheriff and those involved lied to federal
investigators with the FBI. The reprisals against me were such that I resigned with a long list of
commendations for public service and activities to protect those most vulnerable. Following that
departure I became a small scale military defense contractor during the end of the cold war and
produced wash-away numbers and other items for the U.S. Navy submarine fleet that were
applied when resetting the electronic signatures of the boats before going to sea and to fool

Russian spy trawlers. As it happened I gifted with used SEAL Team equipment and was trained to
be an open water certified scuba diver by one of the Navy's first saturation divers who helped
develop the decompression dive tables. Later on my 21st birthday, his ship saved my life during a
diving accident when my equipment malfunctioned. Still later I was invited to become a member
of the Fraternal Order of UDT/SEALS. There is more including locating a Nazi SS war criminal in
the United States and being part of the mission to rescue Ethiopian Jews and expediting their safe
return to Israel, which today I'm wishing for myself.
My third [3rd] whistleblower evolution came while working as a technician and hazmat safety
officer in a quasi government laboratory operated by an agency with a director who was what I
consider a religious crazy. That actor took a sizable monetary donation from the organization that
was intended to buy food for starving Ethiopians. My coworkers were ready to become a mob
when it was discovered instead of shipping food or donating that money to the Red Cross, instead
the administrator's solution for feeding starving human beings in Ethiopia was to mail them cases
of Bibles. The thought crossed my mind to make him eat a Bible in front of the laboratory staff.
During that time and having been published nationally since high school, I simultaneously was
working on an investigative journalism project and was already a twice sworn former member of
law enforcement. The research began producing actionable intelligence reaching transnationally
into the illegal narcotics arena, law enforcement, former special forces members, and
international terrorist organizations that before the false flag operation on 911, I merely consider
groups of bad guys or revolutionaries. Ironically the U.S. government has increasing been acting
in a manner that demonstrates it views "We the People" of the 99% majority in much the same
In 1994 while still employed by the quasi government laboratory, I raised safety concerns over
the failure to contain the safety zones around test cornfields to prevent animal and human
consumption directly and indirectly through theft and hunting. Further I objected to the imperfect
treatment of human and industrial waste products that were being developed to be sold
commercially as vegetable plant fertilizers and packaged in pretty bags using green friendly
A few weeks later and one evening while I was riding my Harley-Davidson 45 mph down the coast
road, I was deliberately t-boned at high speed by an unmarked car owned by the Pentagon's U.S.
Naval Department and driven by an electronic warfare systems engineer. It was a Cointelpro
assassination attempt that was pseudo successful, since I died in the hospital with an out-of-body
experience before my recovery. The incident resulted in my permanent disability, 11 hours in
surgery that exhausted two bone doctors and used 9 units of blood. Later I began the process of
relearning how to walk a second time during a 17.5 weeks hospital stay. Still a few years later
and on the morning of 911 while the buildings still dropping into their own footprints, I
experienced another layer of political retribution. Two laughing and taunting SSA/SOD agents
conducted an anti-Semitic telephonic harassed under the four principles of the CIA Torture
Paradigm. These agents were with the Social Security Administration's Sensitive Operations
Division that handles State Department employees working overseas, CIA and covert operatives
of the U.S. government.
Still later the events surrounding my Social Security Disability hearing included warrantless
wiretapping, illegally opening sealed government files to affect my outing through public
examination. The classified files was deliberately unsealed with the PsyOps of doing so on the
month and day of my stepson's birthday. On appeal my classified government files were lost to
truncate the matter and further out my security clearance as a means of creating plausible
deniability to explain my assassination. A known clandestine federal agent admitted on a
recording his commission of several federal felonies after outing my clandestine security clearance
without ever being charged - his former partner is the federal agent I helped investigate and send
to prison for the theft of government funds. Without the knowledge of the court or my attorney,

the SSA/SOD agents purged my clandestine work history from the regular SSA computer system,
which further separated me from the pathways to access my degrees. Nearing the end of the
Bush regime, an assistant U.S. attorney volunteered out of the blue to reseal my classified files
after she and others had electronically monitored communications between my attorney and
myself - this is how we knew the classified file had been illegally unsealed for over four years. In
the end I was awarded Social Security Disability Benefits for four weeks and they were punitively
withdrawn under letters of protest from the government's own judge who stated that I would
never receive a fair hearing. Those SSA benefits were also withdrawn three weeks before I began
cancer treatments.
Following the Pentagon assassination attempt and while ambulated late in 1994, I kept working
my investigative journalism project that produced more and more actionable intelligence and
through an Vietnam era U.S. Army officer/CIA advisor, was introduced to a state agent who
professed Christian beliefs while both he and his wife operated illegally in the background. Both
the CIA actor and the state agent ended up attempting a Cointelpro operation to extort money
from criminal targets involved in narcotics and domestic terrorism and innocent business owners
alike with the intent of having a third party buy out the affected businesses. Within that layer of
my whistleblower evolution, with a bum leg and other injuries, while still out in the field working,
there are components involving state and federal law enforcement corruption, money laundering,
withholding evidence to allow drug shipments into the United States, the DEA ordering illegal
narcotics sold to the public to recoup U.S. dollars. And a U.S. Marine General attached to the DEA
and being pulled apart in a secret courtroom often used for meeting - two tigers should never
hunt the same mountain. There was also a maritime incident involving a state senator and his son
that resulted in a six figure fine for damages and caused a political witch-hunt against the father
and son by a state law enforcement agent. That state law enforcement agents wife was later
federally charged for embezzling that same monetary sum through a Welfare scam; again both
espoused strong Christian values while the husband was on the pad as a meat eater taking payola
from business owners avoiding legal prosecution through paid-off selective enforcement.
With a very heavy one year investment with the DEA, the case became contaminated by the CIA
actor and state law enforcement agent and subsequently was crushed with 125 criminal targets
having been investigated. It was one the greatest frustrations in my life, I said FTW and involved
myself in a fulltime academic curriculum where I was asked to teach within a criminal justice
program - it became the happiest times of my life with only one very sorrowful event that came
later. That event involved a close artist friend who had her demons and was bipolar, but I looked
after her as best I could even when she became venomous and I bit my tongue from calling her a
Nazi. Her father was a real CIA officer living in northern Virginia and a great human being. Over
sushi and beer, when she excused herself from the table, I promised her father that I'd look after
his daughter as a friend. That continued until the FBI actually begged me to come work with the
agency and stand down from my university - today the most regrettable decision I've ever made
for clandestine government service. One should mark this point as the crossover from my fourth
[4th] whistleblower evolution into the beginning of my fifth [5th] whistleblower evolution.
Employed by the FBI as an agent of the federal government is a story in a story in a story for
another time when my eyes aren't giving out and as expanded within the book I'm still writing
that will be converted into a screenplay for a film documentary. However after I went deep
undercover for five years and said goodbye to my artist friend and my preferred lifestyle within
academia, I was devastated when I later discovered she had committed suicide. G-d places
stones and boulders in our path and he/she has placed a dump truck load in mine for the
purposes of the universe that still escape me. For me America is a Gulag of internal exile and a
virtual death camp environment where I am subjected to the tactics, techniques and technologies
employing the four principles of the CIA Torture Paradigm in conjuncture with something cousin
to the evolved practices and blacklisting of McCarthyism. These erosive methods all serve with
the PsyOps of causing systematic systemic genocide and often recognizes what has been coined
no touch indivisible physical torture, which came to light during the Abu Ghraib prison scandal.

While politically sanctioned as a FBI Whistleblower for over twelve years, I recognize the same
covert and overt terrorism and torture sanctioned by the U.S. Government against other
whistleblowers, truth tellers, journalists, writers, activists, and advocates like the hell experienced
by my close person friends and colleagues BJ and Julia Davis. When a human being is tortured
and terrorized, the resulting harm if not death typically recognizes that person either becoming a
torturer themselves or becoming hyper-human while often recognizing person in the world they
might not have previously ever given a second look. We discover ourselves by seeing our
suffering being incurred by others.
It remains commonplace that when I have cause to express these truths to another person who is
unaware of same or who has no knowledge of what a whistleblower is, invariably their reaction
includes the question, Why would a person do these things to another human being?, to which
my answer remains, so you would be caused to ask that very same question in disbelief.
The greatest terrorist threat facing humanity today is the United States government and its
corporatist pimps who are intent on processing the total aggregate of the world into a commodity.
As a U.S. citizen in the nation of my birth, the U.S. government has enslaved me within the
internal exile of a non-person and I am removing the gates on this American death camp and
leaving for a visit to India on my journey to Israel and hopefully a life of sustainable peace and
creativity as a Jewish person.

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