Refuerzo 5º Fichas Ingles

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l-evel Beginner Age; Adoiescenrs

A) Fll in the blanks with the correct personal pronoun.

I- you - he - she - it- we - they

t) Bruno 7) you and Georse

z) John and Paul 8) fvly Wolhev

g) Lions e) lvty uncle

+t A Pencil 1o) Her Srandafhev ...,


s) carol 't 1 our SrahdParents .. r

t 6) you ahd I n)Ther son,. l


B)Complete with the correct form of the
verb TO BE.

My'hvourite sportsman (1) ...

Lionel Messi.
He (2) footba| ptayer. .. a
He (3) .. from Argentina.
He (4). . only twenty-three years old.

He has two brothers and one sister.lheir names (s)

Matas, Rodrigo and Marisol.
Lionel lives in Barcelona, Spain. lt (6)

a beautiful city. He plays for the Barcelona

team, which (7) ... avery
important team in Spain.
I (8) .. .,..his fan. My best
friend also liKes him. We (e) ...
crazy about him.

'are(6ure(8 lsr (lsr (9iare(Slsr (isr (1sr (Zisr (1(8 eq(Zt:i(aq](ttioq(O[ jaq(6 laL]s(8 lnoi((roM(9iaqs(Si]r (tjeq](g1^aq](Z1aq(t(V:(ay
-%a#'- -*-*
&Ee: Adolescenls/Aciulti Lrat".,,


Look at the pictures and complete the dialogues.

What are they saying?

p &

My n. F

Dan Ryan.
d.........., Mr Ryaru f\


lrl.i :.r:r..





fr It!

'sutB ssrw'no,( ]aeu o] a)tN/ille no( ]eeuu o] olrN/'raLl)e] nnau rno'surg sstW alnporlut ar.u
e1 poqrena
'6ulurotu pooD ( lno 1aar.u o] altN/'op no,( op mo1 qO / surllol uqof sr srL.l]'equeW'usra]]ed eql]ehj st strlf ( tno dleLl I uel MoH .st^ec lned sr
slql'sellWsW'ollaH,6uleadssalrlAuesnssr srq_L uoourauepoogollaH1lueg16 'opno,(opMoHiLlO/ueue6sr ar.ueui(46ururor-upooD(t:aX
Reinfrrceffxsnt w#rksheet 3
X Look, read ond match.
1 lt's foggg in Cqpe Town.

2 lt's windg h in Dublin.

3 The sun is shining c in Tokgo.

4 lt's roining d in Sgdneg.

5 lt's cloudg e in Moscow.

6 lt's snowing f in New Orleo.rls.

3 Complete.
It's usuollg uJoJvwv in Ccpe

3 q@ It'susuollg in New Orleons.

It usucrllg in Dublin.

4 It usuollg in Moscow.

[':,] ,io*

s $fi*'$
rhe usuollg in Sgdneg.

6 It's usucrllg in Tokuo.

S Complete. Use the information in activities 1. anrd 2.

1 (Cope Town) Ilc. T*.,.rr*, f


# (New Orleans)

S (Dublin)
4 (Moscow)

$ (SUdneg)

6 (Tokgo)


Extensi*n wclrksheet A

X. Look, reod qnd write.

cloudy foggy raining

shining snowing windy
I It's in Cape Town.
n It's in Dublin.
3 The sun is in New Orleons.
4 It's in Sgdneg.

5 It',s in Tokgo.
6 It's in Moscow.

2 Reqd ond write the ploce.

It's usuallg warm in Februoru.
FebruorU June October
It usuollg roins in Jurle. The
sun usuollg shines in October.
It usuollg snows in Februorg.
The sun usuollg shines in
June. It usuallg roins in
It's usuollg foggu in Februorg.
ffi It usuallg roins in June. The
sun usuallg shines in October.

New Orleans

Cope Town

W tr
3 Write obout the weother in Tokgo. Use the informqon from octivitu 2.

Oxford Rooftops 5 Unit 1 ffi@oxfordUniversityPressExtensionworksheet2

ndnrytdE Reinforcemen
f Lrb rrcod ond motch.
lb 2a 3t 4e Sd 6c
I mrm Z foggU 3 roins 4 snows
5 srm / shines 6 cloudg
r@. rJse re informotion in qctivities
2 lfs usllollg foggu in New orleons, but the sun is
frining todog - --u
3 fr unrollg roins in Dublin, but it,s foggg todog.
th n uo'oltg snows in Moscow,
but it,s ioirrirrg tao1
5 rhc sun usuollg shines in sgdneg, but it,s cloudu*
6 [s usuollg cloudg in Tokuo, but it's snowing todo
Hxtsxts$.qpxa w*rksh*et 1

g Write"
She usueillg works *t night.

tr He w*rks in c kitchell.
S She w*rks in #n *ffi.ce.
4 H* w*rks in ct schelsl.
S Theg g* t* c*llege"
S $he w*rks cutside"
f She uses ft cmputer.

S He w*rks in n Imb"
S He warks in * lih,rfttrU,

3"S Fle tnlks * lct"

R Comrpl*te.

Yesterdclu stcxrt wcrk w*rk f*r finish wsrk *rrive h*me

spm 1 hnurs Sm S.1S srn X ,f

6rm S hcuns ? p'm 3.1.$ prn { {

S crrn S h*urs 5 prn 5.3 pffi { tr

3" Th* I steinted wnrk st tr TheY strted work

six c'clr:ck" He 3 clt eight *'cl*ek in the mrnin$. H* worked
f*r eight h*urs *nd finished w*rk *t for I ctnd
3 s
w*rk *t five *'clsck.
Hca h*me clt qucrrter F{* nrrived h*me ett rs
pnst twn. Th*n he $
Then he 13
but he
TV nnd 6 t* music. 13
tc music.

3 Write obout the securitg guord. Use informotion from octivitg 2.

$xfcrrd lt**ftops 5 Unit4ffiisxfordUrivemiVFresr[.xtgnsi*rrv*rksheet.l.

tl;: .!j.'i '
Hxtexxsmxa w#R-kshewt X

g \'Vrite the $esltenfre$ m tkt p&$t tem$c.

g LucU $**$ t* the beexch"

She run$ in the w*t*r.
$he s*e$ s fish"

& She finds ft s*ndnl"

s Sh* tells h*r mlxlr!.

s She mrrite$ cr pnstc*rd.

i She hcxs #I? ice cr*rrr"

ffi She Ses hme.

g I-eepk sErd Ia$wer"

I""exst Scrtr:rdexg

# j*.
/ \ -. "-1

j*t\ r'\

-_-"""*t*" **"ff

,\*v* ^

g id Thcmffis $s t* th* hemctr?

tr id tr* run in the sncw?

S {}id h* se* n bird?
& l)id h* find cx gl*ve?

S *id hs writ* * rxl#ssnE*?

S *id hc h;v* n ice creetm?

3 Write about Thomas's trip. Use the notes from activitg 2.

T{-,**r-'nr:, u-'#rn f* fu" l-"js {/rr, Lf"e */n*/ts.

#xfrd K**fl*p.r s llnit d ffi $ $xfar! Unlversify llress f;,xt*rsi*n worksheet 3

R*xaff*rctrxvsexet w*nkshc*t tr

\&rri"te *rnd mextc*t.

Fresent s Fr*ve $e writc find tsll

trlxxst *nwt dhc dlt* dufon rstcw


Write the questions in order.-

r ffi iiffi the. 'so i , $i

)rThnW ''"at> -
z fii$ 'h sno* in ? Dd the
sbffi ke ffi,,uffi

4 ?
la .- Did Ei*v* find

S'& ., ffi*#i i
ffi: ,p*stc*s$'

..jtr .: r:rli.,.,!1,



ffi*t' .ft e ?

L** k *nd fislsw*r ths qtxesti*x*s frcm activiru N.


* -.ff*ff*l+L* I ---2.- *
mffx'gg**: {et

R lt*r$#*ddd&,3.n****,** **--,,***,,-*.",, 4
ffr tt




ffienf*rcemexx w*rksheet I
Ke sd $ffid rmstch"

ffi S ffiHe'snscientist.
ffi F{e's * techer.
ill she's sem*t*rg.

4 il Hens librnri#n.
s ffi Theg're students,
s ffi she's *: gnrder:.*r.
ffi She's securltg gunrd,
ffi She's {r c$mputer prosrrnmer.
s ffi He's a t*ur guide.
ill He's G cc*k.

tr H-*cku re*d slnd c#mplete the sentelsces.

Yest*rd*r st*rt*d workcd for finished nrrived w*tchcd TV list*ned tn
w*rk w*rk hame music

8pm 1* h*urs 60m 6"'i* nm f{ f

,tK rf
.! 6nm $ hours ? P''ur 3" 15 pml
.*l ,, t-'r

.#r itr

& enm I hcurs spm 5"3 prn { X

x Ths -,*+,fl-, stmrted w*rk st six o'clock.

tr The wcrk*d f*r ten hsu,rs.
S Th* nrrived h*rne *t hnlf past five.
4 The dieln't listen t* fflnsic.
-$ The finishe$ work nt six *'clsclq.
S The wetch*d TV *nd listensd t* music.

ffi \&$te" {"Jse ixnfclrsffi{ttsffi fx*m acttvits 2.

{cc*k / wcrk f*r}


* {s*curiru gunrd 1 srrive hcrn*)


J} {{**chr I stert w*rk}
{s*curits gucnrd I nct wrtch TV}
{}xf*rrtr R**ft*ps S {.Jnit 4 ffi } fixf*rl Univ*rsify Fress R*ini<rcement *"*rkshe*t I

{Imit 1 H,xtension I" 3 E$rite.

Children's owrl nsvrer e.S. Ifiere lvers mo#nfafns cnd
I" Rs*rd and drtrw thc fim*sr .
fhsre ws c w*ferfclJ. Ilsre ?r#s $ rjver. Ihere Hsre lofs af
L i * sev*n $'clcck A d * qu*rter past $evsn ffeJds. ?-herE ?r#.$rl 't # brudge.
3 i * hnlf pnst s*vsn 4 f * qusrter tc eight
S S**ight*'clock 6 h*fourc'clock
V * hnlf pcst f*ur I c * hnlf pnst flve tlnit 3 txtension ?
S e * qunrter p*st six 1* b * qu*rter tcl eight. l-Laok and nnrite.
l-qrolc nrrd mrrits, 1 N, stre isn't. She's bnred, 3, Ycs, h is"
3 Skre nlwcgs c{tches the bus *n Saturdcgs" 3 Yes, she is. 4 N*, theg *ren't. Theg're excited.
Pr Hc sametimes wcrtches TV *n Saturdngs" S Yes, theg *re. S Nc, he isn't. He's unfriendlg.
3 $he alw*gs brushes her teeth an Snturdcgs" 3 R*od nnd mntch" Writs Sicken$ $r Prcsso.
4 He usu*llg takes the dng fcr c walR cn $cturdngs. 1 c 3 3 f & S t? 6 d HewnsDickerrs.
S Shc nevr uses the intsrnet/cornputer *n S*turd*gs. 3 Write quecti*rn* cnd fin*wsrs erbout ficnsso"
6 He usucllg hcs n shnwer sn Safurdgs" Children's own. onswrsr e.g. W$s Pfcssso n *rffsfl
S !ffrite senten{*$ f,trr g$. trtes, hg w$.s.
Children's srrn nswer$
Unit 4 [xtsmrion I
Umit 1 Ext*nsism 2 I Write.
1 Lock, rend *rnd write. 1 Securitg gucrd 2, Cook 3 $ecretorg 4 Tencher
I windg 3 fcggg 3 shining 4 cl*udg 5 snowing 5 Students & tnrdener 7 Ccmputer prsgrmmer
6 ruining I Scientist P Librarisn 3" Tnur guide
? Rsnd crnd wrfrt* tke plnc*. I Comrlete..
t C*pe Tawn 2 h{cscow 3 New Srletlns 1 cook ?, w*rked 3 two c'clcck/? pm 4 eirrived
5 watched 6 listened 7 teacher I nine hnurs
3 lrsrtte ab*rrt the we*rther tn Ttrkg$. fJse the I finished l"$ half past fivel5.3$ pm
inftrmctinn from *rcttvitg 2. 11 watched TV 13 didn't listen
The $un usuullg shines in Februrg" It usunllg rnins in *
S lriterrbaut the sec$ritg guard"
Juns. trt's *sucllg wsrm in ctober"
Use infarmation from nctivitg I.
The securifs guard stsrted wurk at eight c'clock/8 pm"
Unit 2 Extension 1 She warked for ten hours cnd finished at six
I" L*erk rnnd fiffi$rr. s'clock/6 {rm. She arrived home st ten pnst six/6. tO
1 I{o, it's clefiI?. 3 Yes, it is" 3 No, it's quietlit isu.'t. om. She didn't wntch TV but she listened to mu$ic.
4 Yes, it i.s" 5 Y*s, it is. 6 Ns, it's shorterlit isn't.
* Rsnd" ?llrite True $r fclss, {Init * Ext*nciom 2
1 True 2, Fnlse 3 True 4 Fnlse 5 True 6 True 1 tffrite the rsntercer in the pn$t tentre.
S lrlfrite about S$rnr f*rv*urite tranep$rt. 1 l-ucg went tc the becch. g She r.n in the wter.
Children's swrr *nsfier$ 3 $he $\r c fish. 4 She fnund o ssndnl.
5 She told her munl. S She wrote n pastc$rd"
7 She hnd an ice rrenm. S She went home.
tlnit 3 Exten$i$ri 3
2 Look ond onswer.
" Camptr*te.
1 font X plcnelundergrnund 3 undersroundrprane I il.?: ff ii:',";i*'tr *i lllllTi;oon.
4 cfir 5 tr*in 4 Yes, he did. 5 Yes, he did. 6 No, he didn't.
* Recd cnd ctrlotttr, He had a cake.
Scetext $n wCIrksheet, 3 Write obout Thomo$'s trip. Use the notes
3 Find the tnllest, hortest, oldest ond goungest from acttvttg 2.
people in gour closs. How do theg come to Children's own onswers
Childr*n's *wrr nswsrs Ilnit S Extens$n 1
I Crmplet*.
Unf,t $ Extension 1 I digit*l csrnsr e rnnbile phone 3 vide* cmer
I Lonk, r*nd snd circl*. 4 trapt*p 5 microphone S praiectcr 7 $treen
1 twc bridges X cnstle 3 five 4 rnuntains S spenkers
pnth S Th*rek
,$ sns t tffrite the dags. Mtrtch th* sentencr$,
R*nd and write A or S. Saturdms; 3 Mondng; 2 Thursdng; 4 Tuesdog; 1
1A 28 3S &A SA 6A V B SA

*xford Rcl*ftops "5 S xftrd Univ*rsity Press [,xtension teac]ring netes L29J

Unt S Reinfcrcffffient 2 Unit S R*nfcrcenrrsnt A

L Lo*rk *nd urrite. ' I I-abel"
1 b*red 2 worried 3 friendtg & excit*d t hsnksrchief 2 bow tie 3 suit r* hat
S interested S unfriendlg 5 wsistcoat 6 trcusers
2 Re*rS *nd circle" ? Read. Lnnk *t the picturs in cctivitg I umd
t Wns/wcs 2, \Saslwss 3 \Vss/wasn't wrfte frra cr F*Ise.
& W*re/w*re 5 Wnslwcsn't S \AfsslYes t True Z False 3 True & Fnlse $ Fnlse 6 True
3 ttfrte" 7 Fals* & True
I Nso he wn$n't. F{e was ftn artist" 3 No, he w*sn't. S C*rrect ths ferlse sentents fr*m n*tivits 2,
He w*s Sprnnish. 3 Yes, hc wos" 4 Y*s, theg were. n lrlick dnesn't h*ve ta we$r a ccstume./Nick has to
5 Y*$, it w*s. S Yes, he ws. we$r n suit.
4 Nick doesn't hnve tc wer * wsistcnnt.fChsrlie has
Unit & R*infsrcemsnt I to wear Tristccct.
L Retrd snd met*h.
5 Chnrlie has to wear a hnt.
7 Nick has to have s handkerchief.
1d 2, e 3S & 5b Sh 7 $c $i 1"Sf
4 tllrite sentences with have o or dcn' hcve o.
2 f.tmk, r*rrd nmd c$mplete the sentetlcss.
l" Yru hnve ta wear costume to n fnncg dress pffrtg.
1 caak X s*curitg guard 3 tencher & tescher 3 Y*u dcn't h*ve to wear suit to school.
5 securitg gu*rd S c**k
3 Ynu h*ve to wear o swirnsuit in n swimming pool.
3 Iffrite. tlrc imf*rrrntrtiom from sctivi$ ?. 4 Y*u {dan't} hcve ta wesr shsrts for pE,
t The co*k worked for eight hours. 3 Ttre securitg
gunrd crrived hcme *t 6.1O m I ten pnst six.
3 The tencher started w*rk at S clm / eight *'clcck" tlmit 6 Reinforcernent 1
{* The securitu gurd didn't wfftch T\ I- K.esd nnd mntch.
1d 2,i 3& 49 5e 6b 7 h &i 9c 10f
$mit 4 Heinforc*merrt 2 3 $frite fs gofng o or sn' gtlng fs,
I" Irsrite and mnctch. 1 is gaing t 7, isn't going tc 3 isnnt goin$ to
3. golwent hnvelhad see/saw writelwrnte 4 is going ts 5 is going to 6 isn't going ta
runlrsn find/fcund tell/t*ld 7 is gaing to I is goins ts
2 lffrite ths questitts *n crdr. 3 Write faur sentences about gour rnerrt hslidrtg.
I nid Thsms So to the besch? 3 Did he run in the Children's CIwn gns\'rers
snow? 3 id he see a bird? f* Did he flnd a glave?
S Did he write a postcnrd? S Did he have fi cake? Unit 6 ft.einforcernsnt A
3 L*ok nnd nssrer tke questi$nt fram 1 TYrits* '

activitg 2. 1 buck*t 3 rubber 3 beachbnll r* tent

1 N$, he didn't. X Yes, he did. 3 No, he didn't. S {{rvn 6 spnd*
& Yes, he dld" $ Nc, he didn't. 6 Yes, he did,
lffrite the questions in order"
I" Are theg gcing to go c*rnping? 3 Are theg going
$mit S Reinf,srcmnsnt 1,
to st*g in s corovsn? 3 Is she gaing ta make
I" Rend nrrd nurnb{Br. sandcustles? 4 Are theg gaing to ride bikes?
$4 bZ cS d8 e6 f 1 S7 h3 5 Is he gcing ta gc fishing? 6 Is he going t*
2 Look cxn rarute confd $r cttldn'f. CI

I Cnuld 3 c*rId 3 C*uld 4 csuldn't S C*tld S Loek nnd nruite the finsnrcrs ta the quest$rn$
6 couldn't 7 Cculd S cnuld in cctivitg 2.
3 lffrte rrbrlrnt gours*If,'whcn $$n fiys. 1 Yeso theg re. 2 No, th*g ur*n't. 3 Yes, she is.
"v*r & Yes, theg $re. $ Yes, he is" S No, he isn't.
{,"Is* s*Id trr c$nldn'f"
Childrenk own nswsrs: Wfen f w*s ffveo J r##Id....

Oxfcrd ltcoftaps 5 * Oxf*rd University Fre*s Reinforcernent teaching notes ffi

R*in fq:rce?r*nt q,v*rkrheef 1

I Retrd and numb*r.

3 This [s a proiectsr" 5 This Is s vide* c&rner.

3 This is n mcbile phIle. S These re hendphones.
3 These re spenkers. t This is c screen.
4 This is n digitnl cnrnr{t. S This is n laptop.
Look cnd write rould $r couldn'f"

she pl{rg tennis?

b Yes, she

3 she u$e 0 ccrrnputer?

4 Nn, she
s she plsg the guitnr?

{} N0, she plsg the guitur.

7 she dnnce?

s Yes, she dnnce.

3 Write obout gourself when Uou were five. Use could or cauldn't.
ffi speak tn$liEh ride n bike swim ptny the guitar



Sxfrd Univsreity Press Oxford Rooftops 5
R*inf*rf,f,r,nent wsrkshent 3
I Luhel.

trousers hat suit hgdtnefrigf woistcoot bow tie


2 Reqd. Lok at the pictures in octivitg 1 ond write Inr* or Fslse"

I Chnrlie hss ts wer {r cstume" I tule
tH Nick hns to weflr c$tume.
3 Nick snd Clrnrlie both hqve t ner s ba$r tie.
& Theg bnth hcve ta wer 0 waistcoot.
5 Chnrlie dtresn't hcrve to wer a hct.
6 Nick doesn't hcve to rear c hst"
/ Nick desn't

hnve to have a hsndkerchief.

& Chnrlie h*s to wer ft*user$.

S Correct the fnl*e $entenc* frorn sctivitg 2.

Write $entensss with hsve fo ar don'f h{rve "

1 {casturne tc n fnncg dress partg}

3 {suit to school}
Y*,t, dr"-?l't frfll,g t>
3 {swlmsuit in s swimrning pool}

4 {shorts fcr fH}

c..' Oxford Universtty Press Oxfard Roo$ops 5

s: Hxtensi*n ttr$rkshet I

Last week I used technologg to moke c digitol diarg. I used *g E '

ndffiu 2
to tnke photos. I used
{rm- to mske short films. I Ttrste about thern on mU

snd rcorded sound with n 5

This week
I presented mU dinrg nt schol. I used a u
{[ i qnd
6 '7

A write the dags. Mctch the sentences.

Tuesd0U Thursdng

Fridcg Sahrrdng

I I couldn't eot oll of it. 2 We couldn't plog tennis in the end.

3 I didn't hsve flrU moneg, so I couldn't bug ongthing. 4 Mg sistercouldn't watch the film.

On Sortunlnr I wos ot the shopping centre with mg mum ond dod. ffi
0n I was eit the park with rng friends.
I was at the cinem $rith mU mum nnd sister n
I wcs ut the resturnt with rng rnum cnd dsd. I had n big pizza. t
S Use the n$te$ to write $sntentes in ths pfist.

Sundny * swirnming pool * Luke . f c+* Ar"?,i/rru

I cun swim faster thun hirn!

Wednesday * library * sister

I ccn't stop reding the book,
can't decldg which cske to eatl

: xford Universrty Pregs Oxford Roofiops 5

txtensinn w*rkshest 2

t" Look and write lVick or Chcrlie"

I is wenring {$turne. 5 has gst a handkerchief.

3 is wenrins n suit. 6 is wesring c big bow tie.

3 is wearing a hst. 7 isn't wearing tstume.

* isn't wearing {r w{ristcoat. * hssn't got q handkerchiet

X Read. Complete with the correct form of hav fo.

I'm Nlck Ctork. I'm o rnusirian - I plcy the violin in {rn $rchestrc.
This is o picture of rne In rny conf,rrt cloths. The rnen weor black
suits, white shirts and bluck ar white bow ties. lffe dsn't we{r
wnistcosts, becouse it's hst on stage. The urornen we$r blnck
dresses r trousers. When we pructis, I wear jecns and c T*shirt.

1 The men wegr a bow tie for cncsrt$.

2 Theg wegr o wgistcoct.
3 The w$msn vsgr dresse$.

4 Theg wer blsck"

5 When theg practise, the men wer suits"

Wrlte about whot gou hove to weor for different octivities. Use the ideos in the box
and / or Uour own ideos.

swimming schoot PE lessons o foncy dress pcrty skiing

I l,nt"


c Oxford Unlversrff Prees Oxford Rooftops 5

Hxtensi*n wmrksheet 2
I Lssk tnd rwite JVfrk or finrle,

I is wenring * {sturne. 5 Mc/( , h{rs Sst n h*ndkerchief.

3 t J;'ck is wenring n suit. 6 ,,e h?r{iq.--.** is wesring a big bow tie.

3 Cl"a-(l;e is wenring n hctt. 7 ,,, Mk,L,,,,,.-^, -.-isn't wgaring costuille.

4 hf ;cK isn't w*aring w{ristcont. s Chaffte -hasn't
got s hsndkerchief.

X Head. Cnrplete wlth the correct ftlrnn of hsrt fo.

I'm Nick ttork. I'm rnusician - I play the violin in sn archestr,
This is o picture sf me In rny concert claths. The men wr blnck
suits, whlte shirts and bluck or white borru ties. W don't wer
w*istcosts, beccuse it's hrt on stage. The wornen wer btack
dresses r trousers. When ws pructlss, I wesr jecn$ nd u T*shirt"

1 Tn-e ffilen ho\Je, f- wer s bow tie f*r cncert$.

rhes ,,,r,h,n11.,,,,h&VR -,,frnrer o w$istccct.
3 The wrnsn wer dregse$.

4 Theg

5 When theg proctis, the

^"n Jout* hav< 73 weor suits.

lfrite obout whot gou hove to weor for diffeent octivities. Use the ideos in the box
and / or Uour own ideas,

swimming school PE lessons o foncy dress porty sking


xford Unlversrty Press Oxford Roofiops 5

s R*inf*rcerment w*rkshet 1

I Rend and nrrnb*r"


1 This [s * pr*iect*n S This is s vides cfimer.

2, This is n mnbile phIls. S These re headphones.
3 Thsse re spenkf,rs. P This is a screen,
4 This is u digital carneret" * This i* p laptop.

Lsok nnd write rould $r couldn'f.

stre plcrg tennis?

a Yes, she ..c(} LL,, -..

3 she u$e {omputer?

4 Nn, she cprrUti-t .

s she plag the guitnr?

s N, she plug the uitr.

7 tn.[J she dsnce?

I Yes, she , ,*t dgnce.

3 Write about gourself when gou were five. Use could or couldn't.

ffittr $pek fngtish ride n bike swlm plny the guitnr


t# $xford Univergtty Press Oxford Rooftrps 5


ft*infsrcernent wrkshett Z

I Lsbel.

trousers hot suit hgndkretrigf woistcout bow tie

x brf f )'.'lifl,.-

S *for.)sfrf.S-- -,

2 Reod. Look at the pictures in qctivitg 1 and write Ine or False.

I Chsrlie hs$ t wer {i csstume. J rb{rs

3 Nick h*s ts rryer $ rstule. Felse,
3 Nick and Charlie both hove to weor o bow tie. Tc.-tg
4 Theu both hove to wear o woistcoat. Fa.lse
5 Ch*rlie d*e$n't htrve to wr a hst. f a,lsg
6 Nick doesn't hnve ts wenr c hat. Tcr:e
7 Nick doesn't hove to have o hqndkerchief. False
S Chnrlie hcrs ts wer ff*usgr$, ,,...Tr*g* * , ,

S Correct the fnlse $sntentes from nctivits 3"

m Cl"a(Lb hot /o r..u,tu^( a- lro-f.
Write $entec*s with have fo or don'f ftsve .

1 {co*turne tc n fcncg dress pfrrtg}

{swim$uit in s $wimrning pool}

{shcrts fsr PH}

re: xford Unlverstty Press Oxford Rooftops 5

sl fixtensinn w$rkshef,t 1

I Complete.

Last week I used technologg maf* o digitcrl diarg. I used mg

Sarnra, and mg g ' f""biLg- - - l[, to take photos. I used

t Uideo caff\, to rnqke short films. I wrote qbout them on mg

* to-PloP *t
$ ' ".
and recorded sound with o eThi$ week
& a

I presented mU diory ot school. I used o ,o

t scf:En- -- cnd
O " rn,o{r il
ffi* sf,qaK-qc$

Z lvVrte the dags. hlutch the sentence$.

:!':!Fi1#i':,' ,r :: i

MondU TuesdU Wedne$dU Thursdsg

$turdcg $undnS

1 I couldn't ect o1l of it. 2 We couldn't plag tennis in the end.

3 I didn't hsve onu moneg, so t couldn't bug angthing. 4 Mg sister couldn't wqtch the film.

On Sol,unlnru I wos ot the shopping centre with mg mum ond dod. ffi
On Kondav
I wos ot the park with mg friends. g
I wos qt the cinema with mg rnum ond sisteron . I ht .=do1. u
On lrresJa.q I vas of the restourant with mg mum ond dad. I hod a big pizza. m
S Use the n$tes to write $entences in th* p{$t.

I #fln.$ug\d^qatt I-nugp. ,n L,ft*q p.+*iq"npift3:,F"[ ,?Jhi,t&

Sunduy * swirnming pool * Luke 51ufi/fn"
I cun swim faster thnn him!
Wednesduy * library * sister
I can't stop reuding the bcok.
rl rLtuy * Lurs * il rtl lL)
I can't decide which cke to e$t!
S- T c^ou-LJ,^'t Je,ci* .tnic
#: xford Univer*W Press o
Oxford Rooffops 5

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