Basketball LessonPlans

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Lesson Year: 7 Group: Total No.

: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
1 Lesson: Ball Familiarisation Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
To develop their understanding and knowledge of the basic fundamentals of Basketball.
To understand the rule of traveling in Basketball e.g. That you cannot take two or more steps before releasing the ball for a pass or shot.
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Warm Up Tig game. To understand and know the - The pupils are to run around the grid Q & A on benefits of warming up
benefits of a warm-up prior to avoiding the four pupils
exercise - The pupils perform the same drill
To perform the skills and actions but once they have been captured they
within the warm-up become on the side of the capturer.

Pair Stretching Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of Hold stretches for 7 seconds. Get pupils to show stretches for
Teacher leads through series of stretching at the start of the No bouncing. certain muscles used within
stretches and questions students session. Basketball
as to what muscles we were To know the names of major
stretching. muscles. To carry out in pairs
correct stretching routines safely.
Ball Move ball around body parts To develop their understanding - Keep ball in contact at all time Change direction
Familiarisation ( fig. Of 8, through knees) and knowledge of the basic - Perform correct movements around Use non dominant hands
and movements fundamentals of Basketball. the body Perform from stationary position
in Basketball To understand the rule of Increase pace
Catch the ball, above head, at travelling in Basketball e.g. That - Balanced position Walk & Pass
both sides, along arms and you cannot take two or more - Move quickly underneath the ball Increase the height of the ball
behind back. steps before releasing the ball for keeping head steady being caught
a pass or shot. - Hands are in line with the flight of
To be able to perform and know 2 people passing the ball to either
the ball just above the eye level side of the pupil. Varying feeds.
how to perform under control - Catch the ball at correct level when
- pivots, give occurs
stops ( both jump and 1-2 stops)
Walking and catching, - Land in balanced position add changes of direction to
Pupils move around court and - Keep weight down commands
on different commands perform - Rotate body by pushing foot out,
the pivots and stops spinning on ball of pivot foot
Pupils perform offence and - Move correctly and quickly to Write them on a board which they
defensive movements using commands have to do
correct stances (e.g. on the spot Quicken up commands
/ sidesteps / retreat / attack) Give each action a number so they
have to match a number with an
Games 5. 6 v 6 GAME : End Ball To incorporated all previously - Use any method to advance with ball Every player must touch the ball
learnt skills into small sided - No contact before they can shoot and score
games. - Pass the ball to a person on a line to No dribbling
To understand and know how to score Can only take two steps with ball
perform these skills and the laws Set shot only
and regulations of these in
2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE
Cool Down Walk around every line on the To understand why you Cool - Gentle walking speed. Ask pupils questions why a Cool
Basketball Court Down and do rhythmical - Take in deep breaths down is essential after exercise
movement after exercise - Keep upright
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk,
ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning
Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
Comments / Notes:



Gum-shields can be worn. - Instruct tell pupils that there must be NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching
- Clearly instruct that the pupils must keep their heads up and eyes open at all times. - Space group out when dribbling


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE
Lesson Year: 7 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
2 Lesson: Passing and Receiving Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
To be able to perform the two different passes (chest and bounce).
To clearly understand and know how to perform these passes, why these passes are used, and where they are used in the game of Basketball.
To understand the rule of traveling in Basketball when passing and moving
To be able to perform pivots and stops when passing and receiving
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Passing 1. In pairs 5m apart use To be able to perform the two Chest pass hold ball with fingertips Use weak / non dominant hand
and the different passes. different passes (chest and and thumbs behind ball, wrists cocked to pass.
Receiving 2. In 3s, pass ball along line bounce). slightly. Ball at chest with elbow to 3 man weave
To clearly understand and know sides, flick ball from hands Perform a shot at the basket when
up the court - then Pass &
Follow as the team moves how to perform these passes, why at end
- same as the chest but the ball travels
up court these passes are used, and where down bouncing 1 m in front of partner
3. 5 ATT v 1 DEF in a they are used in the game of Shoulder balls on fingertips with Increase court size
circle Basketball. elbow at right angles to body. The Increase number of defenders
4. 2 v 1 Piggy-in-middle - To understand the rule of hand is behind the ball . 3 v 1 - Using any pass to keep
Using any pass to keep travelling in Basketball when The opposite foot forward with hand possession - no dribbling allowed
possession passing and moving and transfer weight forward
To be able to perform pivots and - Extend arm forward releasing ball
stops when passing and receiving off fingers
Game 5. 6 v 6 GAME : End Ball To incorporated all previously - Use any method to advance with ball Every player must touch the ball
learnt skills into small sided - No contact before they can shoot and score
games. - Pass the ball to a person on a line to No dribbling
To understand and know how to score Can only take two steps with ball
perform these skills and the laws Set shot only
and regulations of these in
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets
ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning
Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Comments / Notes:



Gum-shields can be worn. - Instruct tell pupils that there must be NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching
- Clearly instruct that the pupils must keep their heads up and eyes open at all times. - Space group out when dribbling


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 7 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
3-4 Lesson: Dribbling Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
To be able to perform the controlled dribble in Basketball
To develop pupils understanding and knowledge of where, how and why dribbling is used and performed in Basketball, and the benefits of it e.g. It enables
players to move the ball under close control, and decreases the risk of possession being lost by interception
To demonstrate an understanding of the laws regarding dribbling in Basketball e.g. Double dribble and Traveling
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Dribbling 1. Dribble with ball To be able to perform the controlled - Stance = Well balanced & crouched Listen to partners give
performing Crossovers, on one dribble in Basketball so that you can pass, shoot, dribble, feedback
knee, sat down, and lying. To develop pupils understanding and change direction or stop.
knowledge of where, how and why - Head up & over waist with back
dribbling is used and performed in straight and feet shoulder width apart.
Basketball, and the benefits of it e.g. - Dribble close to body at knee level
It enables players to move the ball which are bent
under close control, and decreases the - Dribble ball with fingers
risk of possession being lost by - Non dribbling hand protects ball
2. Full court Relays using interception - Head up dribbling the ball high up at Dribble through cones
control dribble and actions at To demonstrate an understanding of waist level
each the laws regarding dribbling in - Push the ball out forwards with
3. In groups one person is on Basketball e.g. Double dribble and finger tips for several feet and run Q & A on the principles of
and has to tag their opponents Traveling after it dribbling
whilst dribbling, who are also - Ball leaves hand before the pivoting
dribbling. foot
4. 3 v 1 (passing and dribbling Chest pass hold ball with fingertips make grid bigger
inc.) and thumbs behind ball, wrists cocked 5 ATT v 3 DEF join two groups
- chest and bounce passes only slightly. Ball at chest with elbow to together
sides, flick ball from hands
- same as the chest but the ball travels
down bouncing 1 m in front of partner
5. 3 v 3 GAME - 1 REF To incorporated all previously learnt - The pupils must any method to Every pupil must touch the ball
skills into small sided games. score. before the team scores.
Use non doers to officiate, To understand and know how to - They can use any type of method
score and mark perform these skills and the laws and within the rules to advance. Decrease the size of the court
regulations of these in Basketball. - They cannot go out of court in
contact with the ball.
- No contact allowed

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets
ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning
Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
Comments / Notes:



Gum-shields can be worn. - Instruct tell pupils that there must be NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching
- Clearly instruct that the pupils must keep their heads up and eyes open at all times. - Space group out when dribbling


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 7 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
5 Lesson: Shooting - Set shot Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
To be able to perform the Set shot
To know and understand how to perform the Set Shot
To understand and know where and why the Set shot is performed in the game.
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Shooting 1. On- your-back shooting To be able to perform the Set shot - Shooting hand behind ball, non-hand Ball must come back to partners
- Set shot To know and understand how to at side / underneath. on floor
2. Wall shooting perform the Set Shot - Elbow in with the ball between ear Increase distance with confidence.
3. Pupils line up at key or close To improve knowledge and and shoulder, extending legs and Decrease distances
to the basket and use the Set understanding of the different types of elbow to shoot and the ball should
shot. shooting used in Basketball and how come directly back
4. In pairs A shoots, B to perform them e.g. Set, Jump, Free- - Knees flexed and feet shoulder- B catches ball before it bounces
retrieves. Throw, Hook, Three-point shots. width apart. B can be a stationary defender
5. In pairs - A shoots, B To understand and know where and - Look at target, extend legs, B BECOMES SEMI - ACTIVE
retrieves. B gives feedback why the Set shot is performed in the shoulders and elbow to release the
about the technique game. ball off the index finger
To develop the pupils knowledge of - The arm extends, the hand points
the rules regarding shooting. to target palm down
6. Dribble, stop, then shoot - Head up dribbling the ball high up at Give time limit
waist level Every time you get a basket, you
- Push the ball out forwards with must increase distance
finger tips for several feet and run Use weak / non dominant hand
after it to shoot and dribble.
Games 7. 3 v 3 GAME To incorporated all previously learnt - The pupils must any method to Every pupil must touch the ball
skills into small sided games. score. before the team scores.
Use set shots to score only To understand and know how to - They can use any type of method Every player must touch the ball
perform these skills and the laws and within the rules to advance. before they can shoot and score
regulations of these in Basketball. - They cannot go out of court in No dribbling
contact with the ball. Can only take two steps with ball
- No contact allowed Set shot only
Decrease the size of the court
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning
Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
Comments / Notes:



Gum-shields can be worn. - Instruct tell pupils that there must be NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching
- Clearly instruct that the pupils must keep their heads up and eyes open at all times. - Space group out when dribbling


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 7 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
6 Lesson: Shooting - Set shot Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
Objectives: To improve knowledge and understanding of the different types of shooting used in Basketball and how to perform them e.g. Set, Jump, Free-
Throw, Hook, Three-point shots.To understand and know where and why the Set shot is performed in the game. To develop the pupils knowledge of the rules
regarding shooting.
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Shooting 1. Pupils line up at key or close To be able to perform the Set shot - Shooting hand behind ball, non-hand Increase distance with confidence.
- Set shot to the basket and use the Set To know and understand how to at side / underneath.
shot. perform the Set Shot - Elbow in with the ball between ear
2. In pairs A shoots, B To improve knowledge and and shoulder, extending legs and B catches ball before it bounces
retrieves. understanding of the different types of elbow to shoot and the ball should B can be a stationary defender
shooting used in Basketball and how come directly back B BECOMES SEMI - ACTIVE
3. In pairs - A shoots, B to perform them e.g. Set, Jump, Free- - Knees flexed and feet shoulder- Listen to partners give feedback
retrieves. B gives feedback Throw, Hook, Three-point shots. width apart.
Use weak / non dominant hand
about the technique To understand and know where and - Look at target, extend legs,
to shoot and dribble.
why the Set shot is performed in the shoulders and elbow to release the
4. Dribble, stop, then shoot game. ball off the index finger B BECOMES SEMI ACTIVE
To develop the pupils knowledge of - The arm extends, the hand points Increase distance
the rules regarding shooting. to target palm down Use opposite hand
Competition 5. 1 MINUTE COMPETITION Cannot shoot at same basket after
pupils dribble around courts scoring
shooting at baskets
6. In groups of 6 / 7s to see - Use set shot only Use opposite hand
how many baskets they get in a
Games 7. 3 v 3 GAME - 1 REF To incorporated all previously learnt - The pupils must use either a set shot, Every player must touch the ball
skills into small sided games. jump shot or lay-up to score. before they can shoot and score
Use non doers to officiate, To understand and know how to - They can use any type of method No dribbling
score and mark perform these skills and the laws and within the rules to advance. Can only take two steps with ball
regulations of these in Basketball. - They cannot go out of court in Set shot only
contact with the ball.
- No contact allowed
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets

ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning

Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE
Comments / Notes:



Gum-shields can be worn. - Instruct tell pupils that there must be NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching
- Clearly instruct that the pupils must keep their heads up and eyes open at all times. - Space group out when dribbling


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 7 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
7-8 Lesson: Competition Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
Objectives: To incorporated all previously learnt skills into small sided games.
To understand and know how to perform these skills and the laws and regulations of these in Basketball.
To learn how to play Basketball under a competitive environment
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Competition The pupils perform a 4v4 half To incorporated all previously learnt - They can use any type of method Every player must touch the ball
court game skills into small sided games. within the rules to advance. before they can shoot and score
To understand and know how to - They cannot go out of court in No dribbling
Use non doers to officiate, perform these skills and the laws and contact with the ball. Can only take two steps with ball
score and mark regulations of these in Basketball. - No contact allowed
To learn how to play Basketball under
a competitive environment
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets
ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning
Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
Comments / Notes:


2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE


Gum-shields can be worn. - Instruct tell pupils that there must be NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching
- Clearly instruct that the pupils must keep their heads up and eyes open at all times. - Space group out when dribbling


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 8 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
1 Lesson: Passing and Receiving Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
Objectives: To be able to perform other types of passes (shoulder and overhead). To clearly understand and know how to perform these passes, why these passes
are used, and where they are used in the game of Basketball. To understand the rule of traveling in Basketball e.g. That you cannot take two or more steps
before releasing the ball for a pass or shot
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Warm Up The pupils perform shuttles to To understand and know the benefits - Run hard and efficient Ask students how they could make
the top of the key, half way, and of a warm-up prior to exercise e.g. To - Touch line with hard warm up easy / harder / intense
back-line raise HR. To warm muscles up which
Pair Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to show stretches for
Stretching Teacher leads through series of stretching at the start of the session. No bouncing. certain muscles used within
stretches and questions students To know the names of major muscles. Basketball
as to what muscles we were To carry out in pairs correct stretching
stretching. routines safely.
Passing and 1. Pupils pass the ball against To be able to perform other types of Chest pass hold ball with fingertips Increase accuracy
Receiving the wall passes (shoulder and overhead) and thumbs behind ball, wrists cocked Perform chest bounce and
To clearly understand and know how slightly. Ball at chest with elbow to shoulder pass against wall
2. In pairs 5 10 m apart use to perform these passes, why these sides, flick ball from hands Add defender in to the passes
the different types of long passes are used, and where they are Bounce ONLY ONE BOUNCE Pupils evaluate performances and
passes. used in the game of Basketball. - same as the chest but the ball travels techniques
To understand the rule of travelling in down bouncing 1 m in front of partner
3. In 3s, pass ball along line up No dribbling
Basketball e.g. That you cannot take Shoulder balls on fingertips with
the court using correct Start again if travel with ball
two or more steps before releasing the elbow at right angles to body. The
movement, stopping and
ball for a pass or shot hand is behind the ball .
pivoting techniques.
The opposite foot forward with hand
4. Pass and follow Add defender in to the passes,
and transfer weight forward
- Extend arm forward releasing ball whether they are stationary, active or
off fingers semi active
5. 2 v 1 Piggy-in-middle - Play 2 v 2 possession game
Using any pass to keep
possession - no dribbling

Game 6. 3 v 1 3 v 2 dribbling To incorporated all previously - They can use any type of method Every player must touch the ball
allowed -1 pupil REF learnt skills into small sided within the rules to advance. before they can shoot and score
- Pupils must use space games. - They cannot go out of court in No dribbling
To understand and know how to contact with the ball. Can only take two steps with ball
perform these skills and the laws - No contact allowed
and regulations of these in
To learn how to play Basketball
under a competitive environment

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Cool Down Walk around every line on the To understand why you Cool Down - Gentle walking speed. Ask pupils questions why a Cool
Basketball Court and do rhythmical movement after - Take in deep breaths down is essential after exercise
exercise - Keep upright

ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning

Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
Comments / Notes:



Gum-shields can be worn. - Instruct tell pupils that there must be NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching
- Clearly instruct that the pupils must keep their heads up and eyes open at all times. - Space group out when dribbling


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE
Lesson Year: 8 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
2 Lesson: Dribbling Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
Objectives: To develop their performance of the different types of dribbles used in Basketball e.g, retreat, side-wards and Speed Dribble. To further develop
pupils understanding and knowledge of where to, how to, and why these dribbling techniques are used and performed in Basketball. To demonstrate a further
understanding of the laws regarding dribbling in Basketball.
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Dribbling Full court Relays using To develop their performance of the Controlled: Use weak / non dominant hand
control and speed dribble and different types of dribbles used in - Well balanced & crouched so that to shoot and dribble.
actions at each cone Basketball e.g, retreat, side-wards you can pass, shoot, dribble, change Speed the dribbling up
1. Cross over ball at every and Speed Dribble. direction or stop.
cone. To further develop pupils - Head up & over waist with back
2. Behind back at every cone understanding and knowledge of straight and feet shoulder width apart.
3. Fig. of 8s where to, how to, and why these - Dribble close to body at knee level
2. Pupils perform relays but use dribbling techniques are used and which are bent
the retreat dribble on way back performed in Basketball. - Dribble ball with fingers
then traffic dribbling To demonstrate a further - Non dribbling hand protects ball
3. The pupils dribble to the understanding of the laws regarding
different directions dribbling in Basketball Speed Dribble:
4. In pairs Both Dribble and - Head up dribbling the ball high up at Decrease area of court
try to intercept waist level Play with 4 6 or 8 people in the
opponents ball intercept - Push the ball out forwards with grid
others finger tips for several feet and run
5. In pairs - 1 Dribbles and tries after it Pupils identify the techniques they
to get away from the other - Ball leaves hand before the pivoting used to others use video recorder
Small sided 6. 1 v 1 To know and understand how to shield - No contact allowed Decrease area
games the ball from opponents - Keep head up Semi active defenders
To be able to perform the controlled - Use any method to progress with
and speed dribble in small competitive ball
environments correctly

Games 7. 3 v 3 game To incorporate the skills that the - They can use any type of method Increase size of court
pupils have learnt in this and previous within the rules to advance. Everyone must have touched the
lessons (passing, receiving, dribbling, - They cannot go out of court in ball before every time the team shoots
re-bounding and shooting e.g. Set, contact with the ball.
Jump, and Lay-up) to play a small - No contact allowed
sided game of Basketball.
To learn how to play Basketball under
a competitive environment

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets, TV, Video, Camera
ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning
Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
Comments / Notes:



Gum-shields can be worn. - Instruct tell pupils that there must be NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching
- Clearly instruct that the pupils must keep their heads up and eyes open at all times. - Space group out when dribbling
Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE
Lesson Year: 8 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
3-4 Lesson: Jump shot Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
Objectives: To be able to perform the Jump shot. To understand and know how to perform the Jump Shot. To improve the pupils performance, knowledge and
understanding of the Jump shot
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Jump shot 1. Pupils line up at key and use To be able to perform the Jump shot - Shooting hand behind ball, non-hand add semi active or fully active
Set shot, To understand and know how to at side / underneath. defender
perform the Jump Shot - Elbow in with the ball between ear Use weak / non dominant hand
To improve the pupils performance, and shoulder, extending legs and to shoot and dribble.
knowledge and understanding of the elbow to shoot and the ball should
Jump shot come directly back
To develop their knowledge and - Knees flexed and feet shoulder-
understanding of the rules of scoring width apart.
within the game - The arm extends, the hand points to
target palm down.
2. Pupils then increase the - Same preparation (as above) and keep increasing distances.
distance making them use the execution points but they must JUMP Use weak / non dominant hand
jump shot. then SHOOT. to shoot and dribble.
3. In pairs. A uses Jump shot - Jump, extending legs, shoulders and how many do they score in a
while B is stationary DEF. elbow minute with a working defender
4. B then approaches A when A - Flex wrist and fingers forward Use weak / non dominant hand
is at key adding pressure to releasing the ball off index finger at
to shoot and dribble.
shooter the top of the jump.
- Finish with arm extended and palm
facing down.
5. Dribble to key and perform a - Use any method to advance and B then approaches A when A is at
jump shot with B Defending protect the ball Key adding pressure to shooter
Play point out - Use jump shot only to score
6. Dribble past B and perform a EVALUATE PERFORMANCE
jump shot - Play point out

Game 7. 3 v 3 1 REF To incorporated all previously learnt - The pupils must use either a set shot, Can only score when using weak /
skills into small sided games. jump shot or lay-up to score. non dominant hand
To understand and know how to - They can use any type of method
perform these skills and the laws and within the rules to advance.
regulations of these in Basketball. - They cannot go out of court in
contact with the ball.
- No contact allowed

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets, TV, Video, Camera
ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning
Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
Comments / Notes:



Gum-shields can be worn. - Instruct tell pupils that there must be NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching
- Clearly instruct that the pupils must keep their heads up and eyes open at all times. - Space group out when dribbling


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 8 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
5 Lesson: Re-bounding Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
Objectives: To know and understand where, when and why a re-bound is used within Basketball e.g. It decreases chances of scoring in defence, or increases
chances in offence if offence. To be able to perform, know and understand how to perform a re-bound. To know and understand the rules regarding shooting and
rebounding in Basketball
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Re- 1. Pupils toss the ball up and To be able to perform, know and - Catch ball with two hands above Perform from stationary position
bounding catch the ball turning back in understand how to perform a re- head without ball
flight bound. - Land in controlled position
2. Pupils chest pass ball against To know and understand where, when - Back facing opponent Slow the pace of the ball
backboard or wall catching re- and why a re-bound is used within - Wide base
bound Basketball e.g. It decreases chances - Hands up catching the ball with two
3. A lines up at key and uses of scoring in defence, or increases hands in-front of head Position themselves under the
Set shot or jump shot to shoot chances in offence if offence basket, ready for the re - bound
while B tries to catch re-
4. COMP : Between pairs can - On landing perform a firm and fixed how many rebounds do they
they score or re-bound the ball position achieve in a minute with a working
without bouncing. 2pts = - Hold ball closely with two hands attacker
scores, 2pts = catch rebound. 1 - Assess situation
Game 5. GAME : A & C v B & D. A To be able to incorporate shooting and - The pupils must use either a set shot, Stop ball from bouncing
& D shoot (using set or jump) rebounding in small sided games in jump shot or lay-up to score. Wall rebound in pairs
while C & D re-bound.1 ref small sided games - They can use any type of method From first shot, play point out
Game 6. 3 v 3 Half court games To know and understand the rules within the rules to advance. Pupils evaluate the re bounding
2pts if ATT scores; 2pts if DEF regarding shooting and rebounding in - They cannot go out of court in technique in a team and create
get ball out of half + 1 if either Basketball contact with the ball. formations and tactics
side re-bounds - Must use re bounds when
- No contact allowed
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets,

ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning

Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Comments / Notes:



Gum-shields can be worn. - Instruct tell pupils that there must be NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching
- Clearly instruct that the pupils must keep their heads up and eyes open at all times. - Space group out when dribbling


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 8 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
6 Lesson: Lay up Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
To be able to perform the Lay- up. To develop the pupils knowledge and understanding of the lay-up, and where and why it is performed in Basketball e.g. A
shot used en-route to the basket as the player travels towards the basket.
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Lay up 1. Pupils stand two paces away To be able to perform the Lay- up - Take a short step with opp foot and Decrease distance from Basket
from the basket and perform To develop the pupils knowledge and dip take-off foot which will change
the lay-up without then with understanding of the lay-up, and into f/w momentum.
ball. where and why it is performed in - Lift shooting leg, jump and
Basketball e.g. A shot used en-route to straighten knee & leg up.
2. In pairs A performs lay-up the basket as the player travels - As you jump the shooting hand is Use weak / non dominant hand
from 2 paces, and B rebounds towards the basket. below ball, to shoot and dribble. Improve their
- the arm extends flex wrist and finger technique and ability to drive to the
forward releasing ball basket using both hands and score

Game 3. 3 v 3 Half court games - 1 To incorporated all previously learnt - They can use any type of method Every player must touch the ball
REF skills into small sided games. within the rules to advance. before they can shoot and score
To understand and know how to - They cannot go out of court in Double points for scoring using a
perform these skills and the laws and contact with the ball. lay up
regulations of these in Basketball. - No contact allowed Can only score using a lay
To learn how to play Basketball under
a competitive environment
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets,

ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning

Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
Comments / Notes:


2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE


Gum-shields can be worn. - Instruct tell pupils that there must be NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching
- Clearly instruct that the pupils must keep their heads up and eyes open at all times. - Space group out when dribbling


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 8 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
7- 8 Lesson: Competition Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
To incorporated all previously learnt skills into small sided games.
To understand and know how to perform these skills and the laws and regulations of these in Basketball.
To learn how to play Basketball under a competitive environment
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Competition The pupils perform a 4v4 half To incorporated all previously learnt - They can use any type of method working on man to man defence
court game skills into small sided games. within the rules to advance. half court
To understand and know how to - They cannot go out of court in
Use non doers to officiate, perform these skills and the laws and contact with the ball.
score and mark regulations of these in Basketball. - No contact allowed
To learn how to play Basketball under
FULL COURT GAMES / a competitive environment
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle,
ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning
Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology

Comments / Notes:


2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE


Gum-shields can be worn. - Instruct tell pupils that there must be NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching
- Clearly instruct that the pupils must keep their heads up and eyes open at all times. - Space group out when dribbling


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 9 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
1 Lesson Description: Lay up Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
To further develop the pupils knowledge and understanding of the Lay- up technique used in Basketball
To develop the pupils performance of the lay-up.
To further develop the pupils knowledge and understanding of how to perform the lay-up in Basketball.
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Warm Up The pupils perform shuttles to To understand and know the benefits - Run hard and efficient Use a ball
the top of the key, half way, and of a warm-up prior to exercise - Touch line with hand
back-line To perform the skills and actions
within the warm-up
Pair Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretching Teacher leads through series of stretching at the start of the session. No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches and questions students To know the names of major muscles. Basketball
as to what muscles we were To carry out in pairs correct stretching
stretching. routines safely.
Lay up 1. Pupils stand two paces away To further develop the pupils - Take a short step with opp foot and Use opposite hands
from the basket, dribble once knowledge and understanding of the dip take-off foot which will change
and perform the lay-up with Lay- up technique used in Basketball into f/w momentum. * NON PARTICIPANTS VIDEO
ball. To develop the pupils performance of PERFORMERS. PEER EVALUATE
2. Use opposite hand. the lay-up. - Lift shooting leg, jump and Increase speed
3. A dribbles to key and To further develop the pupils straighten knee & leg up. Add stationary defender, semi
performs lay-up, and B knowledge and understanding of how active or active defender
rebounds to perform the lay-up in Basketball. - As you jump the shooting hand is
4. In pairs A uses different below ball, Use weak / non dominant hand
types of passes to B, B passes to shoot and dribble. Improve their
back to A, who dribbles and - the arm extends flex wrist and finger technique and ability to drive to the
lay-ups forward releasing ball basket using both hands and score
5. B then tries to re-bound ball No competition re - bounds
- Land in a balanced position with
6. A uses a lay up (or set shot) knees flexed Play out points, play 1 v 1 games
to score while B re-bounds the with keys
ball before it bounces.
7. 5 V 5 GAME Half court - To incorporated all previously learnt - The pupils must use either a set shot, Every player must touch the ball
1 REF skills into small sided games. jump shot or lay-up to score. before they can shoot and score
To understand and know how to - They can use any type of method Double points for scoring using a
perform these skills and the laws and within the rules to advance. lay up
regulations of these in Basketball. - They cannot go out of court in Can only score using a lay up
contact with the ball. Q & A within matches
- No contact allowed
Cool Down Walk around every line on the To understand why you Cool Down - Gentle walking speed. Ask pupils questions why a Cool
Basketball Court and do rhythmical movement after - Take in deep breaths down is essential after exercise
exercise - Keep upright
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets, TV, Video, Camera, Digital Camera

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning
Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
Comments / Notes:



Gum-shields can be worn. - Instruct tell pupils that there must be NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching
- Clearly instruct that the pupils must keep their heads up and eyes open at all times. - Space group out when dribbling


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 9 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
2-3 Lesson: Re-bounding Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
To improve the pupils performance, knowledge and understanding of re-bounding within the game
To understand and know why re-bounding the ball is good in both offence and defence
To be able to perform the re-bounding skills correctly and safely
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Re- 1. Pupils move clockwise To improve the pupils performance, - Back facing opponent Use weak / non dominant hand
bounding around hall and perform a shot knowledge and understanding of re- - Wide base to shoot and dribble. Improve their
onto backboard and get bounding within the game - Watch ball as it hits the rim technique and ability to drive to the
rebound at every basket To understand and know why re- - Time jump so that the ball is caught basket using both hands and score
2. In pairs - A lines up around bounding the ball is good in both with two hands in-front of head
the key and uses a Set or jump offence and defence - Land with two feet firmly * NON PARTICIPANTS VIDEO
shot while B retrieves shot. To be able to perform the re-bound - On way down bring ball into chest AND PHOTOGRAPH
individually or in a triangle or keep firm grip of ball PERFORMERS. PUPILS PEER
To be able to perform the re-bounding - Hold ball for second on landing and EVALUATE
3. 2 def vs. 1 att. The attackers skills correctly and safely assess situation Pair and Group re - bounding
are either side of the att who is
in front of basket
4. 3 v 3 triangle re-bounding - Two defenders position either side of No competition re bounds
who use a turn to block out the middle re-bounder
attackers - With backs to opponents
- they then block out those also - Angled to the rim
without the ball - Helps if all 3 players jump for the
5. 3 V 3 IN Ds the def must ball, but as the re-bounder catches the
try to get possession, while the ball there is a wall around the rim,
Att must try to score which should prevent opponents
winning possession of the ball from a
Games 6. 5 V 5 GAME Half court - To incorporated all previously learnt - The pupils must use either a set shot, Every player must touch the ball
1 REF skills into small sided games. jump shot or lay-up to score. before they can shoot and score
To understand and know how to - They can use any type of method One point for using a re - bound
perform these skills and the laws and within the rules to advance. Q & A within matches
regulations of these in Basketball. - They cannot go out of court in
contact with the ball.
- No contact allowed
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets, TV, Video, Camera, Digital Camera
ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning
Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
Comments / Notes:



Gum-shields can be worn. - Instruct tell pupils that there must be NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching
- Clearly instruct that the pupils must keep their heads up and eyes open at all times. - Space group out when dribbling


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 9 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
4 Lesson: Dribbling / Shooting using non-
dominant hands
Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c

To understand the benefits on their performances when using their non-dominant hand. To be able to perform the skills correctly and safely. To further develop
pupils understanding and knowledge of where to, how to, and why these dribbling and shooting techniques are used and performed in Basketball.
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last To be able to lead the group - listen to and follow instructions of those leading Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lesson lead the warm up through heart raising exercises. the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a To understand the importance - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches circle. Students lead of stretching at the start of the - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
through series of stretches session. Basketball
To be able to demonstrate
stretches relevant to Basketball
Dribbling / 1. The pupils dribble To understand the benefits on Controlled: USE NON DOMINANT HAND AT
Shooting stationary and then to the their performances when using - Well balanced & crouched so that you can pass, ALL TIMES
using non- different directions. their non-dominant hand shoot, dribble, change direction or stop.
dominant To be able to perform the skills - Head up & over waist with back straight and Increase distance from shooting
hands 2. The pupils dribble, stop, correctly and safely feet shoulder width apart.
shoot (set shot ) using To further develop pupils - Dribble close to body at knee level which are * NON PARTICIPANTS VIDEO
non-dominant hand understanding and knowledge bent AND PHOTOGRAPH
3. In pairs A passes to B of where to, how to, and why - Dribble ball with fingers PERFORMERS. PEER EVALUATE
who dribbles, stops, and these dribbling and shooting - Non dribbling hand protects ball
uses jump shot to shoot techniques are used and Speed Dribble:
4. . In pairs A passes to B performed in Basketball. - Head up dribbling the ball high up at waist level
dribbles to lay up, B gets - Push the ball out forwards with finger tips for
rebound several feet and run after it
- Ball leaves hand before the pivoting foot
Jump Shot:
- Jump, extending legs, shoulders and elbow
- Flex wrist and fingers forward releasing the ball
off index finger at the top of the jump.
- arm extended and palm facing down.
Games 5 V 5 GAME Half court To incorporated all previously - They cannot go out of court in contact with the Three points for lay ups with
- 1 REF learnt skills into small sided ball. opposite hand
games. - No contact allowed Four points for shots scored with
To understand and know how - Must play within laws non dominant hand
to perform these skills and the - The pupils must use either a set shot, jump shot Full court press
laws and regulations of these in or lay-up to score. Pupils get a point for rebounding
Basketball. - They can use any type of method within the after shots
rules to advance.
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to To understand why you Cool - listen to and follow instructions of those leading Ask pupils questions why a Cool
lead the cool down do so Down and do rhythmical the cool down down is essential after exercise
movement after exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets, TV, Video, Camera, Digital Camera
2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE
ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning
Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
Comments / Notes:



Gum-shields can be worn. - Instruct tell pupils that there must be NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching
- Clearly instruct that the pupils must keep their heads up and eyes open at all times. - Space group out when dribbling


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 9 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
5 Lesson: Fast break Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
To clearly understand and know how defence can start an attack e.g. Through re-bounding and fast breaks
To know how to perform a fast break, and where a fast is used in Basketball
To clearly know and understand the roles and responsibilities of each player

Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation

Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Fast break 1. In 3s, pass ball along line up To clearly understand and know how - Pass ball using chest pass and follow Use a range of passes
the court then pass & follow defence can start an attack e.g. pass Walk through 3 man weave
Through re-bounding and fast breaks - Cannot travel with ball Slow the intensity
To know how to perform a fast break, - Passes are made quickly
2. Pupils perform and where a fast is used in Basketball - Pass and follow Decrease intensity
- fast break weaves at To clearly know and understand the - Move forward when not in control of
walking and full pace roles and responsibilities of each ball VIDEO AND PHOTO
- long pass weaves - at walking player - perform a lay up at basket PERFORMANCES. DISCUSS
and full pace To be able to perform the skills BREAKS WITH EACH GROUP
- both from rebounds involved in performing the fast break
3.Continuous Fast Break in 3s Lay-up Use weak / non dominant hand
to lay ups - Take a short step with shooting foot to shoot and dribble. Improve their
- Alternate roles and dip take-off foot which will technique and ability to drive to the
change into f/w momentum. basket using both hands and score
- Lift shooting leg, (opposite) jump
and straighten knee & leg up.
Games 4. 5 V 5 Full GAME To incorporate fast breaks within - They cannot go out of court in Three points for using a successful
Encourage fast breaks games of Basketball contact with the ball. fast break
To know and understand the ideal - No contact allowed
situation of breaking fast in Basketball - Must play within laws
To be able to perform the fast break - The pupils must use either a set shot,
accurately and correctly jump shot or lay-up to score.
- They can use any type of method
within the rules to advance.
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets, TV, Video, Camera, Digital Camera
ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning
Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE
Comments / Notes:



Gum-shields can be worn. - Instruct tell pupils that there must be NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching
- Clearly instruct that the pupils must keep their heads up and eyes open at all times. - Space group out when dribbling


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 9 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
6 Lesson: Fast break Games Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
To incorporate the fast break in full sided games
To know and understand how to perform the fast break in game situations
To know and understand why and where a fast break is found in Basketball
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Fast break 5 V 5 Full GAME To incorporate the fast break in full - They cannot go out of court in Three points for using a successful
sided games contact with the ball. fast break
Pupils are encouraged to use a To know and understand how to - No contact allowed
fast break and get into 2 v 1 perform the fast break in game - Must play within laws VIDEO AND PHOTO FAST
situations situations - The pupils must use either a set shot, BREAKS WITHIN GAMES AND
To know and understand why and jump shot or lay-up to score. PERFORMANCES. DISCUSS
where a fast break is found in - They can use any type of method BREAKS WITH EACH GROUP
Basketball within the rules to advance. AFTER EACH BREAK
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets, TV, Video, Camera, Digital Camera

ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning

Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
Comments / Notes:



Gum-shields can be worn. - Instruct tell pupils that there must be NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching
- Clearly instruct that the pupils must keep their heads up and eyes open at all times. - Space group out when dribbling


2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE
Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 9 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
7 Lesson: Strategies in the game Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
Objectives: To use creativity and imagination in planning offensive and defensive strategies and tactics
To produce offensive and defensive formations for when in attack and in defence
To incorporate previously learnt skills and tactics into these strategies
To understand and know the rules governing fouls, contact, possession time with ( shot clock ) time allowed in key.
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Strategies in 1. In 5s the pupils work on To use creativity and imagination in - Use creativity The pupils analyse and evaluate
the game their own defensive system planning offensive and defensive - Work as a team whether these strategies work
- Defensive 2. In 5s the pupils work on strategies and tactics - Create defensive or attacking Pupils discuss as a whole group their
- Offence own attacking plays the To produce offensive and defensive formation / tactics tactics and formations. And how they
pupils analyse and evaluate formations for when in attack and in - Incorporate strengths are going to break each type of
whether these strategies work defence - Identify opponents weakness defence down.
- pupils work on running at To incorporate previously learnt skills
angles in attack and in key and tactics into these strategies VIDEO AND PHOTO
- using strengths To understand and know the rules PERFORMANCES/STRATEGIES.
- capitalizing against defenders governing fouls, contact, possession DISCUSS WITH EACH GROUP
weaknesses time with ( shot clock ) time allowed
in key.
Game 3. 5 V 5 Full GAME To incorporated all previously learnt - They cannot go out of court in Every player must touch ball
skills into full sided games. contact with the ball. before shooting
To understand and know how to - No contact allowed No dribbling
perform these skills and the laws and - Must play within laws Play games where only jump
regulations of these in Basketball. - The pupils must use either a set shot, shots and lay ups can only be used to
jump shot or lay-up to score. shoot
- They can use any type of method
within the rules to advance.
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets, TV, Video, Camera, Digital Camera
ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning
Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
Comments / Notes:

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE



Gum-shields can be worn. - Instruct tell pupils that there must be NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching
- Clearly instruct that the pupils must keep their heads up and eyes open at all times. - Space group out when dribbling


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 9 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
8 Lesson: Strategies in the game Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
To use creativity and imagination in planning offensive and defensive strategies and tactics
To produce offensive and defensive formations for when in attack and in defence
To incorporate previously learnt skills and tactics into these strategies
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Strategies in 1. 5 V 5 GAME Full Half To use creativity and imagination in - They cannot go out of court in Use opposite hand to shoot
the game court at one basket - 5 others planning offensive and defensive contact with the ball.
- Defensive are 2 REFs 1 officiates while strategies and tactics - No contact allowed
- Offence the other referees only on To produce offensive and defensive - Must play within laws
timing ( e.g. the 3 second rule formations for when in attack and in - The pupils must use either a set shot,
in key and 28 second ) 1 defence jump shot or lay-up to score.
scorer - 1 timekeeper: rules To incorporate previously learnt skills - They can use any type of method
2pts for scoring, 2pts for and tactics into these strategies within the rules to advance.
defending team gaining To understand and know the rules
possession governing fouls, contact, possession
- They swap over when one has time with ( shot clock ) time allowed
got 7 points in key.
Games 5 V 5 Full GAME
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets, TV, Video, Camera, Digital Camera

ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning

Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
Comments / Notes:


2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE


Gum-shields can be worn. - Instruct tell pupils that there must be NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching
- Clearly instruct that the pupils must keep their heads up and eyes open at all times. - Space group out when dribbling


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 10 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
1 Lesson Description: Hook shot Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
To be able to perform the Hook shot
To develop the pupils knowledge and understanding of the Hook shot, and where and why it is performed in Basketball
To incorporate the hook shot into a small sided game of Basketball
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Warm Up 3 MAN WEAVE To know and understand the Pass and Follow ball Allow dribble
importance of a warm up Do not dribble Catch re - bound
To perform the 3 man weave correctly Use lay up to score
Pair Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretching Teacher leads through series of stretching at the start of the session. No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches and questions students To know the names of major muscles. Basketball
as to what muscles we were To carry out in pairs correct stretching
stretching. routines safely.
Hook shot 1. Shoot from underneath the To be able to perform the Hook shot - Start with back to basket Decrease distance
basket using both hands To develop the pupils knowledge and - Pupil steps so that he has body
understanding of the Hook shot, and between defender and the basket
2. Dribble to basket and where and why it is performed in - looks over shoulder Use weak / non dominant hand
perform hook on opposite time. Basketball - shooter jumps up with two hands to shoot and dribble. Improve their
Partner catches the re-bound To incorporate the hook shot into a - flick of wrist and fingers in direction technique and ability to drive to the
small sided game of Basketball of basket. basket using both hands and score
- Aim for basket
Games 3. 5 V 5 Half Court - They cannot go out of court in 3 pts for hook shots
contact with the ball.
- No contact allowed
- Must play within laws
- The pupils must use either a set shot,
jump shot or lay-up to score.
- They can use any type of method
within the rules to advance.
Cool Down Walk around every line on the To understand why you Cool Down - Gentle walking speed. Ask pupils questions why a Cool
Basketball Court and do rhythmical movement after - Take in deep breaths down is essential after exercise
exercise - Keep upright
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets,

ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning

Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Comments / Notes:



- check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Re-Check that the Baskets are safe to use and pass safety requirements.
- Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching - NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- must keep eyes open and looking up at all times


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 10 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
2-3 Lesson: Basic offensive skills Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
Objectives: To be able to perform the offensive skills used in Basketball. To know and understand how these skills are used and performed in Basketball
To know and understand why and where these skills and techniques are used in Basketball.
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Basic 1.In pairs, A tries to get away To be able to perform the offensive dodging Semi active defender
offensive from B in set time using skills used in Basketball - a simple change of direction.
skills changes of direction, To know and understand how these - use a low stance to transfer body
dummies,dodges, fakes, skills are used and performed in weight
changes of pace, angled Basketball - Transfer quickly from one side to
running, screens etc. To know and understand why and the other and back again.
2. pupils perform own fakes where these skills and techniques are Use weak / non dominant hand
and then shoot used in Basketball. double dodge to shoot and dribble on. Improve
A to B, who fakes, dribbles or repeat the movement their technique and ability to drive to
shoots the basket using both hands and score
3. B now adds pressure after a fakes: perform a shoot execution, but Change directions each go
count of 3 onto A who can do not shoot. Quickly perform a
either shoot or fake, dribble, second shot and release the ball. Land
shoot in a fixed position
4. In 3s Practice stationary - Teammate stands still Increase speed and numbers to
screens - Arms arm crossed / folder upwards perform the screens
- They are standing one foot either
side of an imaginary line that a * VIDEO PERFORMANCES
defender wants to take to get to an
attacker that is dribbling, moving
with the ball or without the ball
- The teammate must remain still and
does not move across the defenders
- The attacker drives to the basket as
the teammate provides a pathway
- The defender cannot get to the
attacker as his teammate is screening
- If defender makes contact - foul
Games 5. 5 V 5 Half Court To incorporated all previously learnt - Use fakes, angled runs, movements Four points for scoring after using
skills into full sided games. - No contact allowed a dummy or fake
Incorporate the screens into the To understand and know how to - Must play within laws Three points awarded if a screen
games perform these skills and the laws and - They can use any type of method is used and a basket is scored from the

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

regulations of these in Basketball. within the rules to advance. screen
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets, TV, Video, Camera, Digital Camera

ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning

Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Re-Check that the Baskets are safe to use and pass safety requirements.
- Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching - NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- must keep eyes open and looking up at all times
Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 10 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
4-5 Lesson: Give and goes Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
To be able to perform both the skills and moves in the give and go
To clearly know and understand how to perform this skill and where it is used in Basketball
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Give and 1. In pairs give and go To be able to perform both the skills - Teammate has back to basket Use weak / non dominant hand
goes and moves in the give and go - Defender looks where ball has gone to shoot and dribble on. Improve
2. In pairs - Dribble, give , go , To clearly know and understand how - Use a pass to a team mate who is their technique and ability to drive to
lay-up or shoot to perform this skill and where it is being marked as well as yourself the basket using both hands and score
- B then gets rebound used in Basketball - Use a dummy, feint, teammate,
3. In 4s Pass and Cut in drill, screen to lose opponent * VIDEO THE GIVE AND GOES
then, give and goes - Accelerate away
4. In 4s 2 Stationary def. ATT - Teammate passes ball to player
Pass and Cut in drill, then, give - Catch ball on run
and goes - Cut to the basket and drive to it
- Perform lay or jump shot it another
opponent is in way
5. 3 V 3 games in Ds with - Use passes only Allow dribbling
passing only no dribbling - Use angled running, dummies and Pupils are only allow one / two
allowed teammates plus other players as steps with the ball
- alternate def & att screens to get rid of defenders Attack / Defend for 5 minutes
Games 6. 5 V 5 Full GAME - but still To incorporate screens within - Teammate stands still Pupils play Half court zone and Man
no dribbling in opponents third competitive game situations - Arms arm crossed / folder upwards to man defences on full court
- Incorporate screens in To know and understand the laws that - They are standing one foot either games
attacking play govern screens in Basketball side of an imaginary line that a
To be able to use the screens within a defender wants to take to get to an
competitive game of Basketball, attacker that is dribbling, moving
correctly and safely with the ball or without the ball
- The teammate must remain still and
does not move across the defenders
- The attacker drives to the basket as
the teammate provides a pathway
- The defender cannot get to the
attacker as his teammate is screening
- If defender makes contact foul

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets, TV, Video, Camera, Digital Camera

ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning

Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
Comments / Notes:



- check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Re-Check that the Baskets are safe to use and pass safety requirements.
- Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching - NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- must keep eyes open and looking up at all times


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE
Lesson Year: 10 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
6 Lesson: Fast break Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
To further develop their performance of a fast break, and their knowledge of where a fast is used in Basketball
To develop their knowledge and understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each player involved in a fast break
To be able to perform the skills involved in performing the fast break
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Fast break 1. From re-bounds the pupils To further develop their performance - Pass ball using chest pass and follow Use weak / non dominant hand
perform continuous Fast Break of a fast break, and their knowledge of pass to shoot and dribble on. Improve
in 3s to lay - ups where a fast is used in Basketball - Cannot travel with ball their technique and ability to drive to
- fast break weave To develop their knowledge and - Passes are made quickly the basket using both hands
- long pass understanding of the roles and - Move forward when not in control of
responsibilities of each player ball * NON PARTICIPANTS VIDEO
involved in a fast break - perform a lay up at basket PERFORMANCES. PEER
To be able to perform the skills EVALUATION OF BREAKS
2. 4 ATT V 1 DEF on Fast involved in performing the fast break - Defenders try and intercept the ball Increase defenders
break Attackers dribble at defender Decrease defenders
- Take defender away and pass to
3. 3 on 2 continuously for 2 team mate in space Decrease court size
minutes - Attackers must use angled running to
get away from defenders and into
- Advance as quickly as possible
Games 5 V 5 GAME Full court - 1 To learn how to play Basketball under - They can use any type of method Double points for scoring using a
REF a competitive environment within the rules to advance. fast break or a weave
Pupils must try to get into To incorporate the tactics used to - They cannot go out of court in
2 v 1, 3 v 1, 4 v 1, 3 v 2, break down defences contact with the ball.
situations To be able to perform and incorporate - No contact allowed
the fast breaks in competitive

Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets, TV, Video, Camera, Digital Camera

ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning

Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Comments / Notes:



- check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Re-Check that the Baskets are safe to use and pass safety requirements.
- Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching - NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- must keep eyes open and looking up at all times


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 10 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
7 Lesson: Fast break Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
To clearly understand and know how defence can start an attack
To use creativity, knowledge and imagination in planning an effective fast break against a defence
To be able to perform these fast breaks and for the students to analyse and evaluate their levels of success and failure
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Fast break 4. In 5 s - Fast Break activity To clearly understand and know how - attacks must use angled runs, feints, Use weak / non dominant hand
vs. 5 defenders who try to think defence can start an attack dummies and quick passing to get into to shoot and dribble. Improve their
of ways of stopping the attack To use creativity, knowledge and space and advance quickly down the technique and ability to drive to the
imagination in planning an effective court basket using both hands
2. 5 V 5 Full GAME under fast break against a defence - Defenders must stay goal side Full court press
timed conditions and special To be able to perform these fast - Reduce space for attackers
situations i.e. From a rebound, breaks and for the students to analyse - Communicate with teammates
Last 30 seconds of a game and and evaluate their levels of success - Fall back and use a half court press
one point in front the and failure or full court press
attacking team needs a quick - Try and stop the advance
passing game to break - Slow it down
opponents down to score and
Game 5 V 5 GAME Full court - 1 To incorporate the skills that the - They can use any type of method Shot clock
REF pupils have learnt in this and previous within the rules to advance. Fouls - 30 seconds out the game
- Team fouls every time a lessons (passing, receiving, dribbling, - They cannot go out of court in after each foul committed so it should
foul is committed a free-throw re-bounding and shooting to play a contact with the ball. work on 5 attackers versus 4
occurs full sided game of Basketball. - No contact allowed Full court press so that more
To learn how to play Basketball under intensity is produced = more fouls
a competitive environment
To incorporate the tactics used to
break down defences
To know and understand the laws
governing team fouls and fouling
within Basketball
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets,

ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning

Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE
Comments / Notes:



- check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Re-Check that the Baskets are safe to use and pass safety requirements.
- Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching - NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- must keep eyes open and looking up at all times


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 10 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
8 Lesson: Game Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
To incorporate the skills that the pupils have learnt in this and previous lessons (passing, receiving, dribbling, re-bounding and shooting to play a full sided game of Basketball.
To learn how to play Basketball under a competitive environment

Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation

Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Games 5 V 5 GAME Full court - 1 To incorporate the skills that the - They can use any type of method Shot clock
REF pupils have learnt in this and previous within the rules to advance. Fouls - 30 seconds out the game
lessons (passing, receiving, dribbling, - They cannot go out of court in after each foul committed so it should
re-bounding and shooting to play a contact with the ball. work on 5 attackers versus 4
full sided game of Basketball. - No contact allowed Full court press so that more
To learn how to play Basketball under intensity is produced = more fouls
a competitive environment
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch,

ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning

Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
Comments / Notes:



- check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use - Re-Check that the Baskets are safe to use and pass safety requirements.
- Stretch muscles thoroughly when stretching - NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- must keep eyes open and looking up at all times

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 11 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
1 Lesson: Lay up, re-bounding, dribbling
NCPE Location:
Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
Attn level:
To further develop the pupils knowledge and understanding of the Lay- up and re-bounding technique used in Basketball
To develop the pupils performance of the lay-up.
To further develop the pupils knowledge and understanding of how to perform the lay-up
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Warm Up The pairs chosen lead the warm To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Pair Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretching Teacher leads through series of stretching at the start of the session. No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches and questions students To know the names of major muscles. Basketball
as to what muscles we were To carry out in pairs correct stretching
stretching. routines safely.
Lay up, 1. A dribbles to key and To further develop the pupils Lay-up Try to catch ball before it bounces
re- performs lay-up, and B knowledge and understanding of the - Take a short step with shooting foot Use weak / non dominant hand
bounding, rebounds Lay- up and re-bounding technique and dip take-off foot which will to shoot and dribble on. Improve
dribbling used in Basketball change into f/w momentum. their technique and ability to drive to
2. In pairs Give and go, To develop the pupils performance of - Lift shooting leg, (opposite) jump the basket using both hands
dribble lay up the lay-up. and straighten knee & leg up.
To further develop the pupils
3. Lay ups around the hall knowledge and understanding of how Re-bounding
to perform the lay-up - Back facing opponent
To develop the students knowledge - Wide base
and understanding of the different - Hands up catching the ball with two
types of defensive strategies used in hands in-front of head
Intense 4. 3 V 3 in Ds To incorporated all previously learnt - The pupils must use either a set shot, Pupils play Man to man defences
games skills into small sided games. jump shot or lay-up to score.
To understand and know how to - They can use any type of method
perform these skills and the laws and within the rules to advance.
regulations of these in Basketball. - They cannot go out of court in
contact with the ball.
- No contact allowed
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - Gentle walking speed. Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after - Take in deep breaths down is essential after exercise
exercise - Keep upright
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets,
ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning
Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Comments / Notes:



- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use
- Re-Check that the Baskets are safe to use and pass safety requirements. - Stretch muscles thoroughly - NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Walk slowly through blocks, minimising contact


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 11 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
2 Lesson: Man to man defence
NCPE Location:
Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
Attn level:
To clearly understand and know the positive and negative points for the man to man defence
To be able to perform the man to man defence within small sided and full sided games
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches
relevant to Basketball
Man to man 5. 5 V 5 GAME Full court - To clearly understand and know the - They can use any type of method working on man to man defence
defence 1 REF working on man to man positive and negative points for the within the rules to advance. full court
defence half court man to man defence - They cannot go out of court in
To be able to perform the man to man contact with the ball. VIDEO PERFORMANCES
defence within small sided and full - No contact allowed
sided games
To incorporate the skills that the
pupils have learnt (passing, receiving,
dribbling, re-bounding and shooting
e.g. Set, Jump, and Lay-up) to play a
small sided game of Basketball.
To learn how to play Basketball under
a competitive environment
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets, TV, Video, Camera, Digital Camera
ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning
Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
Comments / Notes:


2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE


- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use
- Re-Check that the Baskets are safe to use and pass safety requirements. - Stretch muscles thoroughly - NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Walk slowly through blocks, minimising contact


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 11 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
3-4 Lesson: Defensive strategies Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
Objectives: To show knowledge and understanding of the positions in defence, and the roles and responsibilities of each position,
To develop the students knowledge and understanding of the different types of defensive strategies used in Basketball e.g Half court press,
To clearly understand and know the positive and negative points for the half court press defence
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Defensive 1. DEF position (e.g. 2-1-2, 3 To be able to develop the correct - Adopt the correct position * VIDEO PEROFRMANCES
strategies 2, ) + marking stance defensive position, and to understand Stationary formations
2. 3 v 1 DEF has to try to and know this position. - They can use any type of method Decrease size of working area
intercept or gain possession To show knowledge and within the rules to advance and pass Add a target / Basket / Line / area
3. ATT now have 3 seconds on understanding of the positions in the ball. to score
ball defence, and the roles and - They cannot go out of court in
responsibilities of each position, contact with the ball.
4. 4 v 4 on Half court DEF To show control, balance and As above plus Set target number of passes
has to try to intercept or gain concentration in defence. - Man to man marking throughout the Defend and attack for a set amount of
possession of ball and get it to To know where, why and how role time
half way defenders use blocks within
5. In pairs Practice slow Basketball Blocks: Increase pace
motion blocks To develop the students knowledge - Stand with two feet in firm position Increase numbers of people in drill
and understanding of the different - Do not move across line of attacker
types of defensive strategies used in - Get in line as early as possible
Basketball e.g Half court press, - Let contact come to you
6. In 3 / 5s - Groups pressurise To clearly understand and know the Wing denial: Prevent side attacking Increase intensity in defence and
ball carriers, making ball go out positive and negative points for the down one side attack
wide, funnel the dribble, wing half court press defence Funnel: Allow dribbler down an area Decrease court size
denial, make carriers use weak Space: Make teams attack down sides Use weak / non dominant hand
hands / sides of attack and allow them width, do allow time to shoot and dribble on.
and space in middle and especially in
Games 7. 5 V 5 GAME Full court - To develop their knowledge and - They cannot go out of court in Pressurise attackers
1 REF working on half & full understanding of different tactics used contact with the ball.
court press defence in defence on a full court e.g Half - No contact allowed
court zone, Man to man - Must play within laws
To incorporated all previously learnt
skills into small sided games.
To understand and know how to
perform these skills and the laws and
regulations of these in Basketball.

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets, TV, Video, Camera, Digital Camera

ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning

Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
Comments / Notes:



- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use
- Re-Check that the Baskets are safe to use and pass safety requirements. - Stretch muscles thoroughly - NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Walk slowly through blocks, minimising contact
Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 11 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
5-6 Lesson: Strategies Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
To show knowledge and understanding of the positions in offence, and the roles and responsibilities of each position.
To clearly know, understand and demonstrate how the different formations attack
To use imagination to create new type of defence e.g full court zone defence
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series of stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
strategies 1.ATT formations (e.g. 1-2-2, To show knowledge and - Adopt the correct position Stationary formations
2-1-2, 1-3-1), stance + understanding of the positions in - Work on strengths
positions offence, and the roles and - Do not get pulled out of position
responsibilities of each position. - Pressurise attackers in key and D
To incorporate previously learned - Communicate with team mates
skills and strategies into a full size - Decrease space for attackers
2. Pupils perform their own set game of Basketball. - Use creativity Take away ball
pieces to break down the To understand the rules and - Get behind defenders Give them a bigger target to hit
defence regulations regarding scoring, fouls, - Attack the space in key
court markings, dimensions, and - Constantly move in attack
violations. - Use a range of techniques practiced
3. 5 V 5 GAME Full court - To clearly know, understand and - They can use any type of method Pupils evaluate performances in
1 REF working on zone demonstrate how the different within the rules to advance. defence every five minutes
defence formations attack - They cannot go out of court in
4. 5 V 5 GAME Full court - To develop the students knowledge contact with the ball. VIDEO PERFORMANCES
1 REF working on the own and understanding of the different - No contact allowed TEAMS EVALUATE
team defence types of defensive strategies used in - Play fair PERFORMANCES
Full GAME Basketball e.g zone defence 5 MINS ON 5 MINS OFF
5V5 To clearly understand and know the OBSERVING AND EVALUATING
1 ref 2 scorers positive and negative points for the
1 time - keeper half court press defence
5 fouls To use imagination to create new type
of defence e.g full court zone defence
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets, TV, Video, Camera, Digital Camera
ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning
Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Comments / Notes:



- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use
- Re-Check that the Baskets are safe to use and pass safety requirements. - Stretch muscles thoroughly - NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Walk slowly through blocks, minimising contact


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 11 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
7 Lesson: Peer Performance Observation
and Coaching
Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c

To be able to identify faults/weaknesses in own/others technique.
To be able to offer informed feedback regarding a partners play, and suggest possible ways of improving both tactically and technique-wise.
To be able to suggest appropriate drills/practices that could help correct errors/improve performance.
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student Partner led warm up and To be able to lead the group - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up stretching exercises to focus through heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
on To be able to lead a partner
- Fast footwork and movement through a full warm up and cool
around court down.
Student ackwards etc) To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches - Stroke shadowing stretching at the start of the - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
-Upper and lower body session. Basketball
stretches. To be able to demonstrate
stretches relevant to Basketball
Peer Within a Full sided game. In To be able to identify - Use the correct techniques and - Record times, practices and
Performance pairs: Worker plays a favoured faults/weaknesses in own/others coaching points for the skills performances
Observation and position while partner observes. technique. - Keep the group active at all times - Give them a range of students
Coaching Use regular time-outs so as To be able to offer informed - State the dangers and concerns - Identify their own strengths and
weaknesses and strategies can feedback regarding a partners found in this area weaknesses
be discussed. play, and suggest possible ways - Set out your objectives - Observe performances
Partner suggests drills that may of improving both tactically and - Use suitable practices to develop and
improve weak and strengthen technique-wise. enhance performance (Teacher may help by suggesting
strong shots, To be able to suggest appropriate - Use differentiation techniques for drills and commenting on
- The player and coach must drills/practices that could help students performance)
then put what they have correct errors/improve
discussed and practiced back performance.
into the full game and evaluate
the training methods.
Feedback session - give correct and precise feedback, - Listen to groups
- give suggestions on how to correct
their faults
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so Down and do rhythmical those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
movement after exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets, TV, Video, Camera, Digital Camera, any
piece of equipment the pupils the pupils need
ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning
Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Comments / Notes:



- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use
- Re-Check that the Baskets are safe to use and pass safety requirements. - Stretch muscles thoroughly - NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Walk slowly through blocks, minimising contact


Lesson Scheme Development

2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

Lesson Year: 11 Group: Total No.: M: F:
Subject: Basketball
8 - 10 Lesson: Competition Ability: Period:
Duration: w/c
The pupils create, organize, officiate, time keep, and participate in a competition for themselves, other pupils, primary pupils etc to incorporate and identify their
knowledge and understanding of the skills performed through the key stages
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation
Student The pairs chosen last lesson To be able to lead the group through - listen to and follow instructions of Ask students how they could make
Warm Up lead the warm up heart raising exercises. those leading the warm-up warm up easy / harder / intense
Student Students arranged in a circle. To understand the importance of - Hold stretches for 8 seconds. Get pupils to incorporate
Stretches Students lead through series stretching at the start of the session. - No bouncing. stretching with Objects used within
of stretches To be able to demonstrate stretches Basketball
relevant to Basketball
Competition The pupils create, organize, The pupils create, organize, officiate, - Keep the groups active at all times Observe matches and pupils
officiate, time keep, and time keep, and participate in a - Make sure everyone has a involvement within the organization
participate in a competition competition for themselves, other responsibility and knows the job,
for themselves, other pupils, pupils, primary pupils etc to laws, and procedures Pupils perform a range of activities
primary pupils etc to incorporate and identify their - CREATE A FUN ENVIRONMENT
incorporate and identify their knowledge and understanding of the - CREATE A POSITIVE LEARNING
knowledge and skills performed through the key ENVIRONMENT
understanding of the skills stages
performed through the key
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead To understand why you Cool Down - listen to and follow instructions of Ask pupils questions why a Cool
the cool down do so and do rhythmical movement after those leading the cool down down is essential after exercise
exercise - complete exercises and stretches
Equipment Basketballs, Baskets, Cones / Markers, Bibs, Whistle, Stopwatch, Chalk, Peer evaluation Sheets, TV, Video, Camera, Digital Camera, any piece of equipment
the pupils the pupils need

ICT Assessment Citizenship Peer Evaluation Literacy Numeracy Pupil planning

Analysis of perf. Evaluation Feedback Q&A Mathematics Art English Science Technology
Comments / Notes:


2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE


- Always - check the working areas and equipment used with the session is safe to use
- Re-Check that the Baskets are safe to use and pass safety requirements. - Stretch muscles thoroughly - NO CONTACT ALLOWED
- Walk slowly through blocks, minimising contact


Lesson Scheme Development



Please not that the safe working practices stated in these Scheme's of Work are for Guidance purposes only. It is the duty of
the individual using these Scheme's Of Work to complete a separate task specific risk assessment as required by Regulation 3
of The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992


2003-2008, THE PE OFFICE

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