Saints Row - The Third (Saints Row 3) Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables For PC
Saints Row - The Third (Saints Row 3) Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables For PC
Saints Row - The Third (Saints Row 3) Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables For PC
Cheat mode
Use the phone, and select the "Extras" option, then choose the "Cheats" selection. Enter one of the
following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Achievements and auto save
are disabled when cheats are activated. However, you are still allowed to manually save while
cheats are enabled.
Result Code
Player Ability
Money ($100,000) cheese
Weapons letsrock
Golden Gun (one-hit kills) goldengun
Infinite sprint runfast
No vehicle damage vroom
Repair car repaircar
Add respect whatitmeanstome
Add police notoriety pissoffpigs
No police notoriety goodygoody
Add gang notoriety lolz
No gang notoriety oops
Spawn Ambulance giveambulance
Spawn Anchor giveanchor
Spawn Attrazione giveattrazione
Spawn Bootlegger givebootlegger
Spawn Challenger givechallenger
Spawn Commander givecommander
Spawn Condor givecondor
Spawn Eagle giveeagle
Spawn Estrada giveestrada
Spawn F69 Vtol givevtol
Spawn Gatmobile givegatmobile
Spawn Kaneda givekaneda
Spawn Kenshin givekenshin
Spawn Knoxville giveknoxville
Spawn Krukov givekrukov
Spawn Miami givemiami
Spawn Municipal givemunicipal
Spawn Nforcer givenforcer
Spawn Peacemaker givepeacemaker
Spawn Phoenix givephoenix
Spawn Quasar givequasar
Spawn Reaper givereaper
Spawn Sandstorm givesandstorm
Spawn Shark giveshark
Spawn Specter givespecter
Spawn Squasar givesquasar
Spawn Status Quo givestatusquo
Spawn Taxi givetaxi 1/10
10/23/13 Saints Row: The Third (Saints Row 3) Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC
Spawn 45 Sheperd givesheperd
Spawn Apocafists giveapoca
Spawn AR 55 givear55
Spawn AS3 Ultimax giveultimax
Spawn Baseball Bat givebaseball
Spawn Chainsaw givechainsaw
Spawn Cyber Blaster givecybersmg
Spawn Cyber Buster givecyber
Spawn D4TH Blossom giveblossom
Spawn Electric Grenade giveelectric
Spawn Flamethrower giveflamethrower
Spawn Flash Bang giveflashbang
Spawn GL G20 Grenade Launcher givelauncher
Spawn Grave Digger givedigger
Spawn Grenade givegrenade
Spawn K-8 Krukov givekrukov
Spawn KA-1 Kobra givekobra
Spawn McManus 2015 givesniper
Spawn Mini Gun giveminigun
Spawn Molotov givemolotov
Spawn Nocturne givesword
Spawn RC Possesor givercgun
Spawn Reaper Drone givedrone
Spawn Riot Shield giveshield
Spawn RPG Launcher giverpg
Spawn S3X Hammer givehammer
Spawn SA-3 Airstrike giveairstrike
Spawn Satchel Charge givesatchel
Spawn Shock Hammer giverocket
Spawn Sonic Boom givesonic
Spawn Stun Gun givestungun
Spawn TEK Z-10 givetek
Spawn The Penetrator givedildo
Spawn Viper Laser Rifle giveslm8
Sunny weather clearskies
Cloudy weather overcast
Rainy weather lightrain
Very rainy weather heavyrain 2/10
10/23/13 Saints Row: The Third (Saints Row 3) Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC
Bloody Mess (everyone killed explodes into blood) notrated
Heaven Bound (corpses rise into the air) fryhole
Vehicle Smash isquishyou
Drunk (drunk pedestrians) dui
Mascots (mascot pedestrians) mascot
Pimps and Hos (pimps and prostitutes pedestrians) hohoho
Zombies (zombie pedestrians) brains
Enter the "whatitmeanstome" code, and activate it approximately ten to twenty times. This will
result in you reaching Level 50, and gaining about $5 million. Then, enter the character abilities
screen to buy all the fall, fire, bullet, explosion, and vehicle strike damage reduction options until it
reaches "Never take damage". This will basically give you complete invincibility from all
damage.Note: You may still die due to a minor glitch if you are in a normal vehicle and run over by
a tank or if you crash with an aircraft.
Bonus vehicles
Wraith: Successfully complete the hard level of the Trailblazing Activity in Decker's territory.
X2 Phantom motorcycle: Successfully complete Decker's version of the Trailblazing Activity (the other
version that uses an ATV on fire is not required).
Bonus costumes 3/10
10/23/13 Saints Row: The Third (Saints Row 3) Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC
Best Grand Theft Auto Does GTA V Really Condone Sexism? GameStop Customer-
Moments Service Debacle Not
an Isolated Incident
To customize any non-customizable vehicle, take any customizable vehicle into Rim Jobs. Go to
"Garage" in the menu, and highlight a vehicle that is not customizable from your list, but do not
retrieve it. Instead, back out of the menu, and then select "Accept" to confirm the exit. It will now take
you directly to the customizing menu.
Easy money
Go to Angel's Casino, and destroy the slot machines. When the screen cracks and the machine
falls over, a stack of cash will fall out. Collect all of the money in the casino by destroying the rest of
the machines. Then, go to a nearby crib that is not Angel's Casino, and save the game. Load the
saved game file, then go back to the casino to find new machines that can be destroyed to get more
money. If you destroy all of the machines, you will get a couple hundred dollars each time. Repeat
this as many times as desired.
Finding the Eagle (Attack version)
The special Attack version of the Eagle helicopter has dual pilot guided mini-guns and rocket pods. 4/10
10/23/13 Saints Row: The Third (Saints Row 3) Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC
It can only be found on Armory Island at the southeast helipad (not the one on the roof). You must
approach it from on the ground or be on the ground for a minute or two to get it to appear.
Getting cars to move out of the way
Steal a police car, and turn on the sirens (horn in normal cars) to get other cars to move over to the
right side of the road. -From: Kevin Yanko
Easter Bunny
Go to Luchadores' territory, and proceed to the lower left part of the map to find some boats. Get
on the second boat to find a gang operation with a giant bunny caught in fishing nets.
Professor Genki
An NPC wearing a Professor Genki costume will appear at random in Steelport as an enemy on the
radar. If you kill him, you will get approximately $300,000. Note: He has a very large amount of
health and is armed with a stun gun.
Shaundi in magazine
Unlock Burns Hill Reactor as a crib, then go upstairs to the bathroom. Inside is a magazine on the
edge of the Jacuzzi titled "Boy-Toy". The magazine's cover features Shaundi as she appeared in
Playboy magazine's "2008 Virtual Vixens".
Hidden dialogue
During the "Three Way" mission, your character, Pierce, and Oleg will travel to various locations to
kill S.T.A.G. soldiers and Luchadores. When they reach the National Guard armory, Pierce will ask if
anyone wants to say something before they die. Your character will say different dialogue
depending on the voice being used:
The Zombies dialogue about being fluent in six languages is a possible joke about Saints Row
2having three male and three female voices, adding up to six voices, while Saints Row: The
Thirdhas six other voices besides the Zombie's.
Dead Space reference
On the freighter boat in Camano Place, there is a missing ship list pinned to the wall on the top floor
of the cockpit. The "USG Ishimura" is on the list.
The Punisher reference
Once Kinzie Kensington's hideout is unlocked, go upstairs, and enter the room with all the
computers in it. Then, zoom in on the ceiling with a sniper rifle to see a cluster of newspapers. They
are all newspaper clippings from Volition's The Punisher game.
Saints Row references
Go to Kinzie Kensington's crib, then go upstairs. Go to the very back to find a room with newspaper 5/10
10/23/13 Saints Row: The Third (Saints Row 3) Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC
clippings taped all over the wall. Look at the headlines to see references to Saints Row and Saints
Row 2. There is one with a headline about a zombie attack with the map of Stillwater filled with red
dots marking the spread of the outbreak.
Radio stations and tracks
Gen X
"Volcanology" by Brooklyn
"Diamond Eyes" by Deftones
"Clarion Call" by Delphic
"Stupid Grin" by Dragonette
"Renegades" by Feeder
"Sha La La La La" by Heavy Young Heathens
"Too Fake" by Hockey
"Torture" by King Khan and The Shrines
"Lost Desire" by JR
"Animal" by Miike Snow
"Riot Rhythm" by Sleigh Bells
"Next Girl" by The Black Keys
"In Cauda Venemum" by The Dear Hunter
"Queen Dot Kong" by The Do
"El Matador" by The Lines
"Born Free" by The Rassle
"Stop Searching aka Sweatpants" by Valencia
"Paint Yourself" by White Denim
The Blood 7/10
10/23/13 Saints Row: The Third (Saints Row 3) Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC
The Mix
Steam achievements
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your
achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", "My profile", "View all my games", then the
game and view stats.
A Better Person: Buy your first Upgrade from the Upgrade Store.
And Boom Goes the Dynamite: Complete all instances of Heli Assault.
Bo-Duke-En: Hijack 50 vehicles - Dukes style.
Bright Lights, Big City: Complete all City Takeover gameplay in the entire city of Steelport.
Bromance in the Row: Play sr3 co-op for 5 hours.
Cowboy Up: Fully upgrade one Weapon in each slot.
Crew of Two: Complete all instances of Activities in Co-op.
Dead Presidents: Complete 'when good heists...'.
Double Dose of Pimping: Complete all instances of Snatch.
Everything is Permitted: Kill all of the hitman Assassination targets.
Fence Killa 2011: Complete all instances of Mayhem.
Flash the Pan: Destroy all Gang Operations in Steelport.
Gangstas... In Space!: Complete act 3 in another way.
Gellin' Like Magellan: Explore every hood in Steelport.
Gender Equality: Play for at least 2 hours as a male character AND 2 hours as a female character.
Getting the Goods: Find 25% of all Collectibles.
Go Into the Light: Complete all instances of Guardian Angel.
Gotta Break Em In: Complete 'the ho boat'. 8/10
10/23/13 Saints Row: The Third (Saints Row 3) Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC
Hack the Planet: Complete all City Takeover gameplay in the Stanfield district.
Hanging With Mr. Pierce: Complete all City Takeover gameplay in the Downtown district.
Haters Gonna Hate: Kill 1000 gang members.
Have A Reality Climax: Complete all instances of Professor Genki's Super Ethical Reality Climax.
Hi-Jack It: Steal and deliver all Vehicle Theft targets.
I Heart Nyte Blayde: Complete 'stag party'.
Jumped In: Create and share a character online.
kill-deckers.exe: Complete 'http://deckers.die'.
Kuh, Boom.: Complete act 1 in another way.
Life of the Party: Find 100% of all Collectibles.
Mourning Stars: Complete all City Takeover gameplay in the New Colvin district.
Mr. Fury Would Be Proud: Complete act 3 in one way.
Murderbrawl 31: Complete 'murderbrawl xxxi'.
Once Bitten... Braaaaaaains: Complete 'zombie attack'.
Opulence, You Has It: Complete 'party time'.
Ouch.: Complete all instances of Insurance Fraud.
Ow My Balls!: Do your first nutshot AND testicle assault.
Partners in Crime: Beat all Missions in Co-op.
Pimped Out Pad: Upgrade one Stronghold to its full glory.
Porkchop Sandwiches: Complete all instances of Trail Blazing.
Shake and Bake: Complete your first Challenge.
Stay Classy Steelport: Kill 25 Gang Members each with 'the Penetrator' AND the Fart in a Jar.
Tank You Very Much: Complete all instances of Tank Mayhem.
The American Dream: Customize 10 vehicles.
The Welcome Wagon: Complete 'i'm free - free falling'.
Third and 30: Spend over 30 hours in Steelport.
Titanic Effort: Complete act 2.
Tower Defense: Complete act 1 in one way.
Tune In, Drop Off: Complete all instances of Trafficking.
We're Takin' Over: Complete 'we've only just begun'.
Who Loves Ya Baby: Kill 50 brutes.
You're My Hero!: Complete all challenges.
You're the Best...: Complete all City Takeover gameplay in the Carver Island district.
Your Backseat Smells Funny: Complete all instances of Escort.
The following achievements require the "Genkibowl VII" bonus downloadable content:
C-C-C-Combo Breaker: Cause $150,000 worth of damage in a single Sexy Kitten Yarngasm combo.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof: Kill all of the rooftop mascots (in a single instance of Sad Panda Skyblazing).
Cooked To Perfection: Roast 50 peds with the car's flamethrower (in a single instance of Super Ethical
PR Opportunity).
Feeding Time: Throw 5 mascots into the water (in a single instance of Apocalypse Genki).
Flame On: Fly through all of the rings (in a single instance of Sad Panda Skyblazing).
Genki Bowl Champ: Complete all activity instances in Genki Bowl VII.
Get Off My Back: Destroy 5 chase vehicles (in a single instance of Super Ethical PR Opportunity). 9/10
10/23/13 Saints Row: The Third (Saints Row 3) Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC
The following achievements require the "Gangstas In Space" bonus downloadable content:
The following achievements require "The Trouble With Clones..." bonus downloadable content: 10/10