Copa RFP
Copa RFP
Copa RFP
Specification No. 322160
All Proposals and other communications must be addressed and returned to:
Jamie L. Rhee, Chief Procurement Officer
Attention: Rony Mammoo, Senior Procurement Specialist
Telephone: (312) 744-5774
Email: [email protected]
Dear Vendor:
Under the leadership of Mayor Rahm Emanuel, the City continues to identify ways contractors
can be good corporate citizens, enhance the City's business community, and improve small
businesses' chances of being successful City contractors. The City has several bid incentives
and programs designed to benefit local businesses, small businesses and utilization thereof,
and reward corporate responsibility and community awareness, including bid incentives for
apprentice utilization, city-based businesses, city-based manufacturers, project-area
subcontractors, veteran/small business joint ventures, and the use of alternatively powered
vehicles, as well as the diversity credit program. lnformation about all of the City's programs and
incentives can be found at
One program that you may not be aware of is the City's Mentor-Protg Program ("Program").
Under this Program, a prime contractor mentor is eligible to receive an additional 0.333 ercent
participation credit for every one percent of the value of the contract performed by a
subcontractor MBEA/I/BE protg, up to a maximum of five additional percentage points of
utilization credit. The mentor and protg must enter into a formal, written agreement that must
be approved by the Chief Procurement Officer and that describes how the mentor-protg
relationship will develop the capacity of the MBEAffBE protg firm to become self-sutficiet,
competitive, and profitable.
The Mentor-Protg Program thus embodies two of the City's most important goals: fostering
economic development through the growth of small businesses, and connecting our
communities to one another through lasting relationships that may not otherwise have formed.
We encourage you to make connections at pre-bids and other networking events, contact the
assist agenciesl for vendors specializing in the area of work you are lookin-g to subcontract, and
search our MBEAffBE directory online, with the hope that you will take advantage of this
Program. For more information and a sample mentor-protg agreement, see
02914.pdf .
Please also review the following additional reminders about bidding, contracting, and
carefullv. We understand that government solicitations for bids, proposals and qualifications
contain a lot of information and may have mandatory forms to complete. However, errors and
omissions in your bids, proposals and qualifications cost both you and the City time and money,
since non-responsive bids must be rejected. Rejected bids may result in your firm not getting
the contract and increase the cost of work to the City.
lf vou have a question. ask us. The telephone number and e-mail address of the individual from
DPS who is responsible for each solicitation is stated on the cover page of that solicitation. Call
or write us - we are here to assist you. However, please keep in mind that in regards to bid
solicitations, we must communicate answers to anything but the most general questions to all
firms in the vendor pool. This is usually done via an addendum.
disadvantaqed owned businesses. ln each bid solicitation, you receive a list of the City's
registered assist agencies. As you plan for meeting your MBEA/VBE goals, remember to contact
the assist agencies. They have members holding certification in a variety of disciplines. Please
utilize them whenever you have contracting needs. ln fact, contacting these agencies well in
advance of the bid opening dafe is a requirement for demonstrating good faith efforts to obtain
MBEABE participation if you request a reduction or waiver of goals.
that portion of the work from the Citv. Failure to pay your subcontractors within the seven-day
time period may subject you to fines or other penalties.
The City's
Certification and Compliance Management system, C2, allows prime contractors to report
MA/V/DBE utilization quickly and efficiently through a web-based format while simultaneously
allowing subcontractors the ability to confirm payment activity.
EDSs must be kept up to date. Vendors are required to fill out an Economic Disclosure
Statement ("EDS') prior to award of a contract. Until final completion of the project, you must
provide, without need for request by the City, an updated EDS if there is any change in
ownership or change in any other circumstance that would render the EDS then currently on file
inaccurate or obsolete. Failure to provide an updated EDS when required is an event of default.
Persons who lobby City government are required to reqister as a lobbyist with the Board of
Ethics and submit act ivitv reports every quarter. F or more information regarding this
requirement, please contact the City of Chicago Board of Ethics. lnformation about the Board
may be found at www.cityofchicaqo.orq/ethics.
Check the Debarred Vendor List. Prior to submitting a bid, or for existing contracts, a request
for approval of subcontractors, you must check the list of debarred vendors to make sure that
you are not proposing the use of a firm that is ineligible to do business with the City. The list of
vendors ineligible to do business with the City may be found at
/debarred firms list.html.
Complv with prevailinq waqe and minimum waqe requirements. Pursuant to the lllinois
Prevailing Wage Act, (or Davis Bacon Act for federally funded contracts), contractors and
subcontractors must pay laborers, workers and mechanics performing services on public works
projects no less than the current "prevailing rate of wages" (hourly cash wages plus amount for
fringe benefits) in the county where the work is performed and, no later than the tenth day of
each calendar month, file a certified payroll for the immediately preceding month with the public
body in charge of the project. Additionally, pursuant to Mayoral Executive Order 2014-1, the
minimum wage ($13.00/hour as of October 1,2014) must be paid to all employees regularly
performing work on City property or at a City jobsite, and all employees whose regular work
entails performing a service for the City under a City contract. For more information about the
prevailing wage, visit www. lino is. gov/idol/Laws-Rules/CON M E D/Pages/prevai li ng-wage-
rates.aspx. For a copy of Mayoral Executive Order 2014-1 regarding minimum wage, visit
Administration ("OSHA") laws and resulations. Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act,
employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthful workplace. OSHA's mission is to
assure safe and healthful workplaces by setting and enforcing standards, and by providing
training, outreach, education and assistance. Employers must comply with all applicable OSHA
standards. Employers must also comply with the General Duty Clause of the OSH Act, which
requires employers to keep their workplace free of serious recognized hazards. For more
information, visit www. os ha. qov/law-reos. htm l.
Complv with the Multi-Proiect Labor Agreement ("PLA"). The City is a signatory to the PLA,
which applies to all contractors and subcontractors of any tier performing construction work,
including construction, demolition, rehabilitation, maintenance, and/or renovation of real
property located in Chicago. See the relevant sections of the bid specification for more
I also want to remind you that on December 2, 2014, the City Council of the City of Chicago
passed a new chapter of the Municipal Code, 1-24, specifying a minimum wage of $10.00 per
hour to be paid to all workers within the City of Chicago - not just employees of City contractors
- effective July 1 , 2015. For work performed on City contracts, a Contractor must pay the
highest of (1) prevailing wage/Davis-Bacon rate, if applicable; (2) minimum wage specified by
Mayoral Executive Order 2014-1 (currently at $13.00 per hour); (3) "Living Wage" rate specified
by MCC Sect. 2-92-610; (a) Chicago Minimum Wage rate specified by MCC Chapter 1-24, or
(5) the highest applicable State or Federal minimum wage.
Please take a moment to fill out the optional survey that follows this letter to help us gain a
better understanding of your firm. Thank you for your attention to these important matters, and
we look fonruard to partnering with you on future City contracts.
ie L. Rhee
ief Procurement Officer
PLEASE NOTE: Do not return this survey with your bid, as it is optional
and does not affect the evaluation of your bid. lf you choose to complete
the survey, please fax t to 312-744-0010 or email it to
d ps. feed back@citvofch icaqo. orq.
(1) Does Vendor have a formal tracking and reporting system of energy/utility/waste/water
usage to identify trends and unusualfluctuations and usage?
(2) Does Vendor have an awareness program for energy conservation that includes regular
communication to employees about avoiding wasteful practices and encourages turning
off lights and other devices when not in use?
(3) Has a policy or practice been adopted to avoid or prohibit the use of high energy-
consuming outdoor advertising (such as LED billboards)?
(4) Are employees instructed to shut down personal computers at the end of each work
Are computers set to turn off monitor, hard drive, or go on standby after 30 minutes or
less of inactivity, or are network/system controls used to minimize energy use in idle
work stations?
(5) Are supplies and cleaning products chosen based on a goal of minimizing harmful or
hazardous contents?
(6) ls preference given whenever practicable to local suppliers and products produced
locally or regionally?
a. White o/o
c. Hispanic %
d. Asian o/o
e. Other o/o
a. Male To
b. Female o/o
Table of Contents
1. GENERAL INVITATION ............................................................................................................................. 1
2. BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................................................... 2
3. DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................................................. 2
4. SCOPE OF SERVICES .............................................................................................................................. 3
5. GENERAL INFORMATION AND GUIDELINES .......................................................................................... 3
6. PREPARING PROPOSALS: REQUIRED INFORMATION ........................................................................ 5
7. EVALUATING PROPOSALS .................................................................................................................... 12
8. SELECTION PROCESS ........................................................................................................................... 14
9. ADDITIONAL DETAILS OF THE RFP PROCESS .................................................................................... 15
ATTACHMENT 1: COMPANY PROFILE INFORMATION ............................................................................... 18
ATTACHMENT 2: COMPANY REFERENCES/CLIENT PROFILE INFORMATION ......................................... 19
EXHIBIT 1: SCOPE OF SERVICES ................................................................................................................ 20
EXHIBIT 1A: TRAINING TOPICS .................................................................................................................... 26
EXHIBIT 2: COST PROPOSAL ....................................................................................................................... 31
EXHIBIT 3: MBE/WBE SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND SCHEDULES ............................................................... 59
OR STATE FUNDED PROJECTS ONLY...................................................................................... 76
1.1 Purpose of the Request for Proposal
The City of Chicago (City) acting through its Department of Procurement Services and the
Independent Police Review Authority (IPRA) invites the submission of proposals from firms with
expertise and experience providing Training and Onboarding for employees of the newly created
Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA) (the Services). This agency will be established as of
January 1, 2017 and will take over responsibility for certain types of police misconduct investigations no
later than September 30, 2017.
The purpose of this consulting project is to procure outside services, as described herein, for the
Training and Onboarding programs that are expected to commence as early as March, 2017. Attached
as Exhibit 1A is a list of topics to be included in the Training and Onboarding programs, each of which
requires both preparation of content of training materials and the actual training of staff; included on the
Exhibit, next to each topic, is the party who will take primary responsibility for each such function.
Contractors responsibilities with respect to the project will be as follows:
A. As outlined in Exhibit 1A, COPA leaders and representatives from other City Departments will
develop the training content and serve as the training faculty with respect to several topics. For these
portions of the onboarding and training initiative, the Contractor selected under this RFP will be
responsible for only administrative responsibilities (Administrative Services) in preparing such
materials and providing such training, such as identifying locations, scheduling faculty, communicating
with trainees, providing supplies and equipment, and providing all other requisite support necessary for
the successful and timely implementation of the programs, as further described in this RFP.
B. Exhibit 1A, also provides that the selected Contractor will be responsible for training content
development and the provision of faculty for training (these are denoted by the word, Vendor, on the
exhibit) for specified topics. With respect to these topics, the selected Contractor, through its
employees or subcontractors, in addition to providing the Administrative Services for such topics, will be
primarily responsible for developing programming content and providing faculty for the training
sessions. Any and all content and presentations will be subject to pre-review and approval by COPA.
The Contractor awarded a contract pursuant to this RFP shall perform all applicable duties as outlined
in the Scope of Services.
The work contemplated is professional in nature. It is understood that the Contractor acting as an
individual, partnership, corporation or other legal entity, is of professional status, licensed to perform in
the State of Illinois and licensed for all applicable professional discipline(s) requiring licensing and will
be governed by the professional ethics in its relationship to the City. It is also understood that all
reports, information, or data prepared or assembled by the Contractor under a contract awarded
pursuant to this RFP are confidential in nature and will not be made available to any individual or
organization, except the City, without the prior written approval from the City. Any contract resulting
from this document will require the Contractor to execute a statement of confidentiality.
The Contractor shall be financially solvent and each of its members, if a joint venture, its employees,
agents or subcontractors of any tier shall be competent to perform the services required under this RFP
In the event you do not have download capability, all materials may be obtained from the City of
Chicago Department of Procurement Services' Bid & Bond Room, located in Room 103, City Hall, 121
N. LaSalle in Chicago, IL 60602.
After downloading the RFP, the Respondent must contact the Bid & Bond Room by emailing the
Respondents electronic business card or contact information to [email protected],
referencing Specification No. 322160. Submission of electronic contact information will enable
Respondents to receive any future clarifications and/or addenda related to this RFP.
The City accepts no responsibility for the timely delivery of materials or for alerting Respondents on
posting to the DPS website information related to this RFP.
Under no circumstances shall failure to obtain clarifications and/or addenda relieve a Respondent from
being bound by any additional terms and conditions in the clarifications and/or addenda, or from
considering additional information contained therein in preparing a Proposal. Furthermore, failure to
obtain any clarification and/or addendum shall not be valid grounds for a protest against award(s) made
under this RFP.
In April 2016, the Mayor-appointed Police Accountability Task Force recommended that the
Independent Police Review Authority (IPRA) be replaced by a new civilian oversight agency. During
the summer of 2016, the City of Chicago administration and City Council worked to obtain public input
on the nature and scope of the new agency to be created. On October 5, 2016, the City Council
enacted an ordinance creating the new Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA) which agency
will be established as of January 1, 2017 and which will take over responsibility for certain types of
police misconduct investigations no later than September 30, 2017.
Because COPAs mandate is broader than that of IPRA, the new organization will be larger and will
encompass individuals with additional skills and capabilities. Hiring plans are currently being put in
place to populate the new agency with a staff that has the training and experience to conduct quality
and timely misconduct investigations. Based on the current organizational vision and budget for COPA,
the new entity will be comprised of approximately 140 full-time employees. The current IPRA
leadership team will be responsible for overseeing the hiring and onboarding processes for COPA.
Because the IPRA leadership team will also be responsible for overseeing and maintaining ongoing
IPRA operations while the new agency is being staffed and trained, the leadership team will need
external resources to assist in designing and implementing the training and onboarding programs for
The following defined terms have the meanings specified below.
NOTE: If a defined term is used only once, then it may be defined within the context in which it appears
in that paragraph or section.
Chief Procurement Officer or CPO" means the Chief Procurement Officer of the City of Chicago and
any representative duly authorized in writing to act on her behalf.
Chief Administrator (IPRA Chief) means the Chief Administrator or designee.
Contractor means the Respondent awarded a contract pursuant to this RFP process.
COPA means Civilian Office of Police Accountability, a new agency will be established as of January
1, 2017 and take over responsibility for certain types of police misconduct investigations no later than
September 30, 2017.
Department means the City of Chicagos Independent Police Review Authority (IPRA).
EC means the Evaluation Committee appointed to review and assess all Proposals, and make its
recommendations to the Chief Administrator concerning its evaluations.
IPRA means the Independent Police Review Authority.
Proposal is the written content and documents submitted in response to this RFP from a Respondent.
Respondent means the primary entity which submits a Proposal in response to this RFP and may
include subcontractors and other affiliates.
The Services that the City seeks to acquire are described in detail in the Scope of Services, Exhibit 1.
All questions and requests for clarification must be submitted via e-mail. The subject line of the
email must clearly indicate that the contents are Questions and Request for Clarification about the
RFP and are Not a Proposal and must refer to Request for Proposal (RFP) for Training and
Onboarding for the Civilian Office of Police Accountability, Specification No. 322160. No telephone
calls will be accepted unless the questions are general in nature.
B. Pre-Proposal Conference
The City will hold a Pre-Proposal Conference at City Hall, 11th Floor Room 1103, 121 North LaSalle
Street Chicago, Illinois 60602 at 11:00 a.m. Central Time on November 23, 2016. All parties
interested in responding to this RFP are urged to attend in person. The City requests that all parties
planning on attending the Pre-Proposal Conference notify Rony Mammoo prior to the Pre-Proposal
Conference. The e-mail communication shall include the names, titles, e-mail address and phone
number of each attendee and indicate whether the attendee is participating in person.
The City will answer questions and clarify the terms of the RFP at the Pre-Proposal Conference.
The City may respond both to questions posed on the day of the conference and to questions e-
mailed prior to the conference. Anything stated at this Pre-Proposal Conference is not intended to
change the solicitation document. Any changes will be in writing in the form of an addendum issued
by the Department of Procurement Services.
A. To be assured of consideration, Proposals must be received by the City of Chicago in the Citys Bid
& Bond Room (Room 103, City Hall) no later than 4:00 P.M. Central Time on December 12, 2016.
The Bid & Bond Room can be reached at telephone number 312-744-9773.
B. The City may, but is not required to accept Proposals that are not received by December 12, 2016
at 4:00 p.m. Only the Chief Procurement Officer is empowered to determine whether to accept or
return late Proposals.
Failure by a messenger delivery service or printing service to meet the deadline will not excuse the
Respondent from the deadline requirement. Hand-carried Proposals must be placed in the
depository located in the Bid & Bond Room located in Room 103, City Hall. The time of the receipt
of all Proposals to this RFP will be determined solely by the clock located in the Bid & Bond Room
of City Hall. It is Respondent's sole responsibility to ensure that the Proposal is received as
i) The original hardcopy must be clearly marked as ORIGINAL, and must bear the original
signature of an authorized officer on all documents requiring a signature.
ii) Each electronic copy must be an exact duplicate of the original in searchable pdf format on
a separate USB drive or CD-ROM.
iii) One redacted copy of the original proposal in a single .pdf format document per Section 5.5.
iv) Respondent must enclose all documents in sealed envelopes or boxes.
v) The outside of each sealed envelope or box must be labeled as follows:
Proposal Enclosed
Request for Proposal (RFP) for Training and Onboarding for the Civilian Office of Police
Accountability (COPA)
Specification No. 322160
Due: 4:00 p.m. Central Time, December 12, 2016
Submitted by: (Name of Respondent)
Package ____ of ____
E. The Citys opening of Respondents sealed envelope(s) or package(s) containing a Proposal shall
neither be deemed nor constitute acceptance by the City of Respondents Proposal. The City
reserves the right to open and inspect all such sealed envelope(s) or package(s), regardless if the
same were submitted by the due date and time specified herein, for any purpose, including without
limitation, determining the particular RFP to which Respondent has responded, determine if a
Proposal was submitted by the date and time specified herein.
Sections should be separated by labeled tabs and organized in accordance with subject matter
sequence as set forth in Section 6.2. Each page of the Proposal must be numbered in a manner so as
to be uniquely identified.
Electronic versions of the original proposal shall be word-searchable and mirror images of the original
The detailed Proposal evaluated by the City must include a response to all requirements in this RFP.
By submitting a response to this RFP, you are acknowledging that if your Proposal is accepted by the
City, your Proposal and related submittals may become part of the contract.
At a minimum, the Proposal must include the following items:
A. Cover Letter
Respondent must submit a cover letter signed by an authorized representative of the entity
committing Respondent to provide the Services as described in this RFP in accordance with the
terms and conditions of any contract awarded pursuant to the RFP process. The cover letter must:
i) Indicate the number of years the company/organization has been in business, and provide
an overview of the experience and background of the company/organization and its key
personnel committed to this project.
ii) Identify the legal name of the company/organization, its headquarters address, its principal
place of business, its legal form (i.e., corporation, joint venture, limited liability company or
partnership, etc.), and the names of its principals or partners and authority to do business in
Illinois with the most recent documents filed with and obtained from the Secretary of State.
iii) Indicate the name, telephone number(s) and e-mail address of the principal contact for this
proposal, oral presentation or negotiations.
iv) Summarize Respondents commitment to comply with the MBE/WBE requirements as stated
in the Special Conditions Regarding Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Women
Business Enterprise (WBE) Commitment in Exhibit 3 of this RFP.
v) Include statement of any objections or comments, to the City of Chicagos standard contract
terms and conditions as stipulated in the Sample Professional Services Agreement in
Exhibit 7 of this RFP.
vi) Acknowledge receipt of Addendum issued by the City, if any.
B. Executive Summary
Respondent must provide an executive summary which explains its understanding of the Citys
intent and objectives and how their Proposal would achieve those objectives. The summary must
discuss Respondents strategy and methodology for successfully developing curriculums and
providing Onboarding and Training for the Civilian Office of Police Accountability; strategies, tools
and safeguards for ensuring performance of all required Services; satisfying the scope of services
in the RFP and any additional factors for the Citys consideration.
If Respondent proposes that major portions of the work will be performed or provided by different
team members (e.g. joint venture partners, suppliers, subcontractors, etc.), Respondent must
provide the required information as described below for each such team member. For clarification,
the information described below must be provided for employees or subcontractors of Respondent
who are preparing content or serving as faculty for topics as indicated in Exhibit 1A.
Respondent must provide at least three client references for the Services substantially similar to
the Scope of Services in Exhibit 1 of this RFP preferably from municipalities of similar scope
and magnitude as described in this RFP. Respondent may utilize the City of Chicago as one
reference, if applicable. Experience will not be considered unless complete reference data is
provided. At a minimum, the following information must be included for each client reference:
Client name, address, contact person name, telephone and email address.
Description of Services provided similar to the Services outlined in Exhibit 1 of this RFP.
The date when the Service was implemented.
The location of the Services.
Nature and extent of Respondents involvement as the prime Contractor (also indicate
area of secondary responsibility, if applicable) Identify Services, if any, subcontracted,
and to what other company.
Contract term (Start and End date, or indicate if currently providing services)
The total dollar value of the Contract.
All client reference information must be supported and verified. Reference contacts must be
aware that they are being used and agreeable to City interview for follow-up.
The City may solicit from previous clients, including the City of Chicago, or any available
sources, relevant information concerning Respondents record of past performance.
3. Capacity to Perform City Project
Describe how any uncompleted projects and/or contractual commitments to other clients will
affect your ability to deliver services, capacity to perform within Citys timeline and affect
dedicated resources committed to the Citys project. Respondent must provide a summary of
current and future projects and commitments and include projected completion dates. Identify
what percentage of the Services will be performed utilizing your own workforce, equipment and
facilities. Percentage of the work to be subcontracted, if applicable.
4. Business License/Authority to do Business in Illinois
Respondent must provide a summary of individuals who will be dedicated to the Services described
in this RFP. For each key person identified, Respondent must provide the following information:
i) Summary of the key personnel who will be dedicated to the Services as proposed and
consistent with Staffing Plan per Section 6.2.E.4.
ii) Key personnel areas of expertise and areas for prime responsibility for various tasks or
aspects of the Services.
iii) Resumes or corporate personnel profiles with past experience for each of the key
personnel, including a description of their roles and responsibilities on recent projects of
similar type, scope, and magnitude relating to the Scope of Services as described in this
RFP. Respondent must provide the following information:
a) Title and reporting responsibility.
b) Proposed role in this program, including the functions and tasks for which they will
have prime responsibility (also indicate areas of secondary responsibility, if
c) Pertinent areas of expertise and past experience
d) Base location (local facility, as applicable)
e) Resumes or corporate personnel profiles which describe their overall experience and
E. Implementation and Management Plan
Respondent must provide a detailed summary of their plan for implementing and delivering the
products and services requirements as outlined in Exhibit 1, Scope of Services.
Describe your policies and procedures for implementing projects, quality control/checks, project
management, response time, program support & reporting/recommendation services, including
your approach to overcoming obstacles, if any, and troubleshooting to resolve problems.
2. Organization Chart
Submit an organization chart which clearly illustrates the team structure comprising all firms
(joint venture partners, if any, subcontractors); their relationship in terms of proposed Services;
and key personnel involved and the following information:
a) Respondent should provide an organization chart which identifies not only the proposed
organizational structure, but also key personnel by name and title. Staffing levels of each
organizational unit should be estimated. The specific role of each of the firms/organizations
in a team or joint venture for each task/work activity must be described.
b) Respondent must describe the specific role of each of the firms in a team or joint venture for
each task/work activity.
c) Respondent should provide an organization chart identifying and showing the relationships
between the Respondent and subcontractors. The generic titles and responsibilities of key
personnel to be assigned to this project by the Respondent and by any subcontractor must
be identified.
3. Dedicated Resources
Describe software, personnel, applicable technologies and other resources available for
implementing the Services; providing in detail, whether resources are proprietary or outsourced.
Describe personnel, training location/facilities, hours and days of operation and resources
4. Staffing Plan
Provide an assessment of staffing needs for each major activity area by job title and function.
The assessment should include full-time equivalents for professional staff and supervisors
committed to the City of Chicago project including team structure, numbers and team
management plans to achieve requirements for implementation and services.
Submit resumes for key personnel that will be committed to this engagement. Correlate team
members to the tasks they will be performing during implementation/ and on-going operations.
Along with each resume, Respondent should identify each primary team member working on
staff with Respondent, as well as those working in a subcontracting capacity. For each
proposed key personnel, describe previous related experience and provide references
including: name, address, and telephone number of contact person, and brief description of
work history. The City reserves the right to conduct background checks on any personnel within
the scope of this engagement.
F. Cost Proposal (Exhibit 2)
The Respondent is responsible for disclosing any charges or fees not listed on Exhibit 2 that the
City would incur with the Respondent, before, during, and after the implementation as Other Costs.
Proposals that fail to include cost proposal information will be rejected as incomplete and deemed
All costs must, at a minimum, be provided as requested in Exhibit 2. For purposes of comparing
costs between Respondents, Respondents must not deviate from the cost table outlined in Exhibit
2. The City reserves the right to negotiate a final fixed price, terms, and conditions with selected
The City is no way representing that the cost table is all-inclusive. As such, the Respondent is
expected to provide Other Costs, as warranted, and include a comprehensive itemization of all
resources, licenses, fees, etc. that will be required as part of its proposed Services.
If Respondent would like the City to apply, in evaluating Respondent's pricing, the (1) Preference for
Chicago-based businesses, (2) Incentive for Alternatively Fueled Vehicles, or (3) Bid Incentive for
Veteran-Owned Small Local Businesses and Eligible Joint Ventures, Respondent must submit the
applicable affidavit(s) with its proposal. A description of these preferences and affidavits may be
found in Exhibit 6.
Respondent must complete and submit the forms that are attached to this RFP in Exhibit 3 to
evidence Respondents proposed MBE/WBE participation in some aspect of the contract. The
current Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) participation goal is 25%, and the current Women
Business Enterprise (WBE) participation goal is 5% of the total contract value.
Respondent must submit a completed Schedule D-1 and obtain a separate Schedule C-1
completed and signed by each proposed MBE and WBE firm describing the services to be
provided. With each Schedule C-1 form, Respondent should submit a current Letter of Certification
issued by the City of Chicago. The proposed MBE or WBE firm must be certified by the City of
Chicago or Cook County at the time of Proposal submission. The City reserves the right to require
Respondents to replace any proposed MBE/WBE that is not certified with the City of Chicago or
Cook County.
Further, the percentage participation for each MBE or WBE firm on the individual Schedule C-1s
should match the percentages for each MBE or WBE firm listed on the Schedule D-1. All schedules
submitted must be original signature. Failure to submit these documents, or incomplete documents,
may result in Respondent being declared non-responsive.
In order to determine the best way in which to achieve and document MBE/WBE participation,
Respondent must refer to the Special Conditions Regarding Minority Business Enterprise
Commitment and Women Business Enterprise Commitment attached to this RFP as Exhibit 3. To
locate MBE/WBE firms who are currently certified with the City of Chicago in various areas of
specialty, you may search the Citys MBE/WBE Directory Database on the Citys website:
H. Financial Statements
Respondent must provide a copy of its audited financial statements for the last 3 years.
Respondents that are comprised of more than one entity must include financial statements for each
entity. The City will accept a complete set of financial statements on CD-ROM or USB drive instead
of multiple copies, if voluminous for the period requested, but will not accept a web link.
Respondents are required to provide required financial statements in sufficient detail for the City to
assess its financial condition as part of their proposed submission. The City reserves the right to
accept or reject any financial documentation other than the financial statements requested by this
If Respondent is unable to provide audited financial statements, state the reasons in your Proposal
response and provide financial documentation in sufficient detail to enable the City to assess the
financial condition of your company.
I. Economic Disclosure Statement and Affidavit (EDS) and Attachment A: Online EDS
Respondent shall complete an Economic Disclosure Statement and Affidavit and Attachment A:
Online EDS Acknowledgement. See Online City of Chicago EDS Instructions and Attachment A:
Online EDS Acknowledgement, in Exhibit 4. If Respondent is a business entity other than a
corporation, then each member, partner, etc., of Respondent must complete an EDS, as applicable,
per the instructions on the EDS form. In addition, any entity that has an interest in Respondent or in
one or more of its members, partners, etc., and is required pursuant to the Municipal Purchasing
Act for Cities of 500,000 or More Population (65 ILCS 5/8-10-8.5) or Chapter 2-154 of the Municipal
Code of Chicago to provide a disclosure must submit a completed and executed EDS as an entity
holding an interest in an Applicant as described in the EDS. All affidavits must be notarized. Upon
completion of Online EDS, Respondent shall submit a copy of 2 documents with their
Proposal: 1) Certificate of Filing printed from system and 2) hardcopy of the executed
Attachment A, Online EDS Acknowledgement form.
The Respondent submitting as the prime must submit the above referenced EDS documents with
its Proposal. Subcontractors may be asked, at the Citys discretion, to provide an EDS during the
evaluation process.
J. Legal Actions
Respondent must provide a listing and a brief description of all material legal actions, together with
any fines and penalties, for the past 5 years in which (i) Respondent or any division, subsidiary or
parent entity of Respondent, or (ii) any member, partner, etc., of Respondent if Respondent is a
business entity other than a corporation, has been:
i) A debtor in bankruptcy; or
ii) A plaintiff or defendant in a legal action for deficient performance under a contract or
violation of a statute or related to service reliability; or
iii) A respondent in an administrative action for deficient performance on a project or in violation
of a statute or related to service reliability; or
iv) A defendant in any criminal action; or
v) A named insured of an insurance policy for which the insured has paid a claim related to
deficient performance under a contract or in violation of a statute or related to service
reliability; or
vi) A principal of a bond for which a surety has provided contract performance or compensation
to an obligee of the bond due to deficient performance under a contract or in violation if a
statute or related to service reliability; or
vii) A defendant or respondent in a governmental inquiry or action regarding accuracy of
preparation of financial statements or disclosure documents.
The City reserves the right to request similar legal action information from Respondents team
members during the evaluation process.
K. Insurance
Respondent should include a statement that they can comply with the Citys insurance
requirements. Prior to contract award, the selected Respondent will be required to submit evidence
of insurance in the amounts specified in the attached Exhibit 5.
As part of the evaluation process, the EC will review the information required by Section 6.2, for each
Proposal received. The EC may also review other information gained by checking references and by
investigating the Respondents financial condition.
The City reserves the right, after advertisement of the RFP, to refine the Scope of Services, with
appropriate notice. Further, if, upon receipt of Proposals, the City wishes to make refinements to the
Scope of Services, it may, depending upon the circumstances, provide the revision to all Respondents
and invite revised proposals from the Respondents based upon the revised Scope of Services.
The City reserves the right to seek clarification of any information that is submitted by any Respondent
in any portion of its Proposal or to request additional information at any time during the evaluation
process. Any material misrepresentation made by a Respondent may void the Proposal and eliminate
the Respondent from further consideration.
The City reserves the right to enlist independent consulting services to assist with the evaluation of all
or any portion of the Proposal responses as it deems necessary.
i) Ability to provide the Services described in the RFP, including capacity to perform the Scope of
Services described in Exhibit 1 of this RFP.
ii) Professional Qualifications and Specialized Experience of Respondent and its Team
committed to this project.
iii) Experience in providing Services substantially similar on projects of similar scope and
magnitude (e.g., specifically with respect to large organizations, organizations with strong
identities of their own and government agencies).
iv) Professional Qualifications and Specialized Experience of Respondents Key Personnel (and
Team Members) and Local Availability of Key Personnel committed to the City of Chicago.
v) References / Past and Current Performance of the Respondent (and Team members) on other
contracts in terms of quality of services, operating within budget and compliance with
performance schedules. The Committee may solicit from current and/or previous clients
including the City of Chicago, other government agencies, or any available sources, relevant
information concerning the Respondents record of performance.
B. Quality, Comprehensiveness and Adequacy of the proposed Implementation and Management Plan
including the resources available, staffing plan, local availability and commitment of personnel who
will manage and oversee the City of Chicago project.
The Evaluation Committee will review each Proposal for the Respondents understanding of the
objectives of the Services and how these objectives may be best accomplished. Each Respondent
will be evaluated on their overall strategy, methodology and approach to meeting the Citys service
level needs.
C. Cost Proposal
The City will consider completeness and adequacy of cost as per the Cost Proposal, Exhibit 2. In
evaluating the reasonableness of proposed costs, the City may apply: (1) Preference for Chicago-
based businesses, (2) Incentive for Alternatively Fueled Vehicles, (3) Bid Incentive for Veteran-
Owned Small Local Businesses and Eligible Joint Ventures, as applicable.
The level, relevancy and quality of participation by MBE/WBE firms certified by the City of Chicago
and/or Cook County. It should be noted that non-responsiveness to this requirement may be cause
for the prospective Respondent to be disqualified.
E. Legal Actions
The EC will consider any legal actions, if any, against Respondent and any division, subsidiary or
parent company of Respondent, or against any member, partner, etc., of Respondent if Respondent
is a business entity other than a corporation.
F. Financial Stability
The EC will consider the financial condition of Respondent. Respondent must be financially stable
to ensure performance over the duration of the contract.
The EC will consider Respondents compliance with all laws, ordinances, and statutes governing
the contract. See Online City of Chicago EDS Instructions and Attachment A, Online EDS
Acknowledgement form in Exhibit 4.
H. Degree to which the Respondent accepts the Citys Terms and Conditions in the sample
Professional Services Agreement in Exhibit 7 enabling the City to successfully negotiate a contract.
I. Conflict of Interest
The EC will consider any information regarding Respondent, including information contained in
Respondents Proposal, that may indicate any conflicts (or potential conflicts) of interest which
might compromise Respondents ability to satisfactorily perform the proposed Services or
undermine the integrity of the competitive procurement process. If any Respondent has provided
any services for the City in researching, consulting, advising, drafting, or reviewing of this RFP or
any services related to this RFP, such Respondent may be disqualified from further consideration.
After the Evaluation Committee (EC) completes its review of Proposals in Phase II, it may submit to
the IPRA Chief and the Chief Procurement Officer a recommended short list of Respondents (Phase
III), or the EC may forego Phase III and submit a recommendation to select one Respondent or a
recommendation to reject any or all Proposals.
If the EC submits a short list of Respondents for further review, then, in the sole discretion of the IPRA
Chief with concurrence from the Chief Procurement Officer, those short-listed Respondents may be
subject to a site visit and/or invited to appear before the Evaluation Committee for product/system
demonstration and/or oral presentation; to clarify in more detail information what was submitted in
Respondents Proposal; and/or to ask Respondent to respond to additional questions. Afterwards, the
Evaluation Committee will make a final evaluation, including a final ranking of the Respondents, and will
submit a recommendation to select one or more Respondents for concurrent competitive pricing
negotiations to the IPRA Chief.
Upon receipt of the ECs recommendation, the IPRA Chief will submit a decision (concurrence or
rejection of the ECs recommendation) to the Chief Procurement Officer. The Chief Procurement Officer
shall then consider the IPRA Chiefs recommendation and exercise her authority to either notify the
Respondent(s) to enter into contract negotiations or reject the recommendation and offer other
alternate options.
The City will require the selected Respondents to participate in contract negotiations. The City's
requirement that the selected Respondents negotiate is not a commitment by the City to award a
contract. If the City determines that it is unable to reach an acceptable contract with the selected
Respondent, including failure to agree on a fair and reasonable cost proposal for the Services or any
other terms or conditions, the IPRA Chief may ask the Chief Procurement Officer to terminate
negotiations with the selected Respondent, and to negotiate with any of the other qualified
Respondents, until such time as the City has negotiated a contract meeting its needs.
The City reserves the right to terminate this RFP solicitation at any stage if the Chief Procurement
Officer determines this action to be in the City's best interests. The receipt of Proposals or other
documents will in no way obligate the City of Chicago to enter into any contract of any kind with any
9.1 Addenda
If it becomes necessary to revise or expand upon any part of this RFP, an addendum will be sent to all
of the prospective Respondents listed on the Take Out Sheet prior to the Proposal due date.
Prospective Respondents are automatically listed when they sign or leave a business card for a copy of
the RFP package in the Bid & Bond Room. Each addendum is incorporated as part of the RFP
documents, and the prospective Respondent must acknowledge receipt.
Respondents are solely responsible for acquiring the necessary information or materials from the Bid &
Bond Room.
Copies of the take-out list, and any addenda, are available from the Department of Procurement
Services, Bid & Bond Room 103, City Hall, 121 North LaSalle Street, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30
p.m.; 312-744-9773; and via the Internet at the Department of Procurement Services website:
The addendum may include, but will not be limited to, the following:
A. Responses to questions and requests for clarification sent to the Department of Procurement
Services according to the provisions of Section 5.1.A herein; or
B. Responses to questions and requests for clarification raised at the Pre-Proposal Conference or by
the deadline for submission of questions.
Contractor represents and warrants that since the date of public advertisement of the specification,
request for qualifications, request for proposals or request for information (or any combination of those
requests) or, if not competitively procured, from the date the City approached the Contractor or the date
the Contractor approached the City, as applicable, regarding the formulation of this Contract, no
Identified Parties have made a contribution of any amount to the Mayor or to his political fundraising
Contractor shall not: (a) coerce, compel or intimidate its employees to make a contribution of any
amount to the Mayor or to the Mayors political fundraising committee; (b) reimburse its employees for a
contribution of any amount made to the Mayor or to the Mayors political fundraising committee; or (c)
bundle or solicit others to bundle contributions to the Mayor or to his political fundraising committee.
The Identified Parties must not engage in any conduct whatsoever designed to intentionally violate this
provision or Mayoral Executive Order No. 2011-4 or to entice, direct or solicit others to intentionally
violate this provision or Mayoral Executive Order No. 2011-4.
Violation of, non-compliance with, misrepresentation with respect to, or breach of any covenant or
warranty under this provision or violation of Mayoral Executive Order No. 2011-4 constitutes a breach
and default under this Contract, and under any Other Contract for which no opportunity to cure will be
granted. Such breach and default entitles the City to all remedies (including without limitation
termination for default) under this Contract, under Other Contract, at law and in equity. This provision
amends any Other Contract and supersedes any inconsistent provision contained therein.
If Contractor violates this provision or Mayoral Executive Order No. 2011-4 prior to award of the
Contract resulting from this specification, the CPO may reject Contractors Proposal.
For purposes of this provision:
"Other Contract" means any agreement entered into between the Contractor and the City that is (i)
formed under the authority of MCC Ch. 2-92; (ii) for the purchase, sale or lease of real or personal
property; or (iii) for materials, supplies, equipment or services which are approved and/or authorized by
the City Council.
"Contribution" means a "political contribution" as defined in MCC Ch. 2-156, as amended.
"Political fundraising committee" means a "political fundraising committee" as defined in MCC Ch. 2-
156, as amended.
The penalties imposed by this section shall be in addition to any other penalty provided for in the
municipal code. (Added Coun. J. 12-15-04, p. 39915, 1)
C. 1-21-030 Enforcement
In addition to any other means authorized by law, the corporation counsel may enforce this chapter
by instituting an action with the department of administrative hearings. (Added Coun. J. 12-15-04, p.
39915, 1)
Submit a completed company profile information sheet for prime, each joint venture
partner and subcontractor(s), as applicable.
Submit a completed client profile information sheet for each company reference. Provide
a minimum of three (3) references.
(1) Client Name: _____________________________________________________________
(2) Address: ________________________________________________________________
(3) City, State, Zip Code: ______________________________________________________
(4) Project Manager:__________________________________________________________
(5) Telephone Number: _______________________________________________________
(6) E-mail:
(7) Number of Employees in Client Organization: ___________________________________
(8) Project Scope of Services/Goals:
(9) Contract Award Date: _ Cutover Date: _____
(10) Initial Contract Amount: $ _ Final Contract Amount: $ _ _____
(11) Describe how the Training and Onboarding goals were met. What was the outcome of the
project? Attach additional pages, as necessary.
(12) Discuss significant obstacles to implementation and how those obstacles were overcome:
(13) Is the client still utilizing your companys Training and Onboarding services?
(14) What was the cost/financing structure of the contract?
A. Investigations
Because conducting quality and timely investigations of police misconduct is at the core of the new
agencys mission, the majority of COPA staff members will be professionals engaged directly in the
investigative process. Based on the establishing ordinance, the scope of COPAs investigatory
jurisdiction is broader than that of IPRA. As such, the minimum qualifications for COPAs
investigative staff members will be different than those previously in place at IPRA. The
Investigations section of COPA will be led by the First Deputy Chief Investigator and will be
comprised of Deputy Chief Investigators, Supervising Investigators, Major Case Specialists, and
Investigators. In addition, the Investigations Section will include a newly created Investigations
Quality Management function that will support the mission of the Investigations Section and will
include professionals with certain technical skills and expertise.
B. Administrative
The Administration Section will support the agencys mission by providing legal support and
administrative and information technology and data management services. The Legal section will
provide advice and counsel to the investigative staff as well as oversee legal matters in which the
agency is involved. The Administrative section will include critical internal functions such as Human
Resources and Budgeting. The Information Technology section will be responsible for developing
and implementing the agencys newly designed information technology infrastructure, including a
new and independent case management system.
C. Public Affairs
The Public Affairs section will be responsible for the agencys community engagement efforts
including community engagement programming, public communications and the dissemination of
publication of information and materials related to the agencys investigations. The newly
developed Public Affairs section will support the agencys mission to achieve greater transparency
and enhanced support and interaction with community members including complainants.
All employees will participate in a one-week onboarding program while the Investigative and Legal
sections will also be required to participate in an additional 4 to 6 weeks of subject matter training.
A. Onboarding Program
The purpose of the onboarding program is to introduce all staff members to the mission and vision
of the agency and to establish and ground the organizational culture around the four key values. In
addition, the onboarding program will introduce all staff members to:
City of Chicago personnel rules
Structure of City of Chicago (Departments)
City of Chicago employee ethics rules
COPA organizational structure & operations
COPA organization-wide policies and procedures
Introduction to Civilian Oversight
CPD Organizational Structure
B. Training Program for Investigations and Legal Sections
In addition to participating in the Onboarding program, all investigative and legal staff will be
required to participate in a 4 to 6 week training program. The program will be comprised of a
combination of classroom and hands-on training conducted by internal and external partners of the
agency. A preliminary draft of the topics to be included is attached to this overview.
The training program will also include a testing element for the investigative staff. The program will
be designed to include at least one, perhaps additional tests that investigative staff must pass to
retain the position for which they were hired.
The purpose of this consulting project is to procure outside services, as described herein, for the
Training and Onboarding programs that are expected to commence as early as March 2017. In Exhibit
1A is a list of topics to be included in the Training and Onboarding programs, each of which requires
both preparation of content of training materials and the actual training of staff; included on the Exhibit,
next to each topic, is the party who will take primary responsibility for each such function. Contractors
responsibilities with respect to the project will be as follows:
As outlined in Exhibit 1A, COPA leaders and representatives from other City Departments will
develop the training content and serve as the training faculty with respect to several topics. For
these portions of the onboarding and training initiative, the contractor selected under this RFP will
be responsible for only administrative responsibilities (Administrative Services) in preparing such
materials and providing such training, such as identifying locations, scheduling faculty,
communicating with trainees, providing supplies and equipment, and providing all other requisite
support necessary for the successful and timely implementation of the programs, as further
described in this RFP.
Exhibit 1A also provides that the selected contractor will be responsible for training content
development and the provision of faculty for training (these are denoted by the word, Vendor, on
the exhibit) for specified topics. With respect to these topics, the selected respondent, through its
employees or subcontractors, in addition to providing the Administrative Services for such topics,
will be primarily responsible for developing programming content and providing faculty for the
training sessions. Any and all content and presentations will be subject to pre-review and approval
by COPA.
2. Services
The Independent Police Review Authority (IPRA) is preparing to transition responsibility for
conducting certain police misconduct investigations to the Civilian Office of Police Accountability, a
newly created agency that will be established January 1, 2017. The IPRA leadership team will be
responsible for hiring and training all new employees of the new agency prior to the transition date
which must occur sometime after January 1, 2017, but before September 30, 2017. In order to
establish an organizational culture that is committed to excellence and integrity and to ensure that all
employees are well-versed in the vision and mission for the new agency, the IPRA leadership team is
planning to create training and onboarding programs for COPA employees. All COPA employees will
participate in a one-week onboarding program while the Investigative and Legal sections will also be
required to participate in an additional 4 to 6 weeks of subject matter training.
2.1 Purpose
The purpose of this consulting project is to procure outside consulting services to assist the IPRA
leadership team in the development and administration of the Training and Onboarding programs which
are expected to commence as early as March 1, 2017.
C. Locations/Facilities
It is anticipated that IPRA, in coordination with select Respondent, will provide locations for training.
Possible training locations could include, but are not limited to:
IPRA Office, 1615 W. Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
Department of Human Resources, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle, Chicago, Illinois
Other appropriate City of Chicago facilities (e.g. City College locations)
F. Timeline
Within 30 days from the date of contract award, the selected Respondent shall submit a complete
and detailed onboarding plan.
The actual onboarding program will commence within 30 days from the acceptance of the complete
onboarding plan, or at a later date, if mutually agreed upon, in writing, by the selected Respondent
and the Chief Administrator of IPRA or her designee.
C. Locations/Facilities
It is anticipated that IPRA, in coordination with the selected Respondent, will provide locations for
training. Possible training locations could include, but are not limited to:
IPRA Office, 1615 W. Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
Chicago Police Department Academy
Chicago Police Department Headquarters
Department of Human Resources, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle, Chicago, Illinois
Other appropriate City of Chicago facilities (e.g. City College locations)
E. Scheduling
Because the training will occur before the new agency employees take on responsibility for the work
of the agency, this training can be scheduled for Monday through Friday between the hours of 9am
and 4pm. Please include in your proposal a schedule for putting all 103 Investigative staff members
and 19 Legal staff members through this training program between March 1, 2017 and June 30,
F. Recording
Because COPA may hire additional employees after the initial 6 month training and onboarding
period (January through June 2017), it is anticipated that the training program shall be video-
recorded. The Respondent should incorporate the costs for video recording all content of the
training program.
G. Timeline
Within 45 days from the date of contract award, the selected Respondent shall submit a complete
and detailed training plan.
The actual training program will commence within 30 days from the acceptance of the complete
training plan, or at a later date, if mutually agreed upon, in writing, by the selected Respondent and
the and the Chief Administrator of IPRA or her designee.
All Investigative
Employees Staff Legal Staff Estimated Proposed Content
(141) (103) (19) hours Faculty Source
1 City of Chicago Employee Information X X X
- - Personnel Rules 1 COPA COPA
- - Ethics Rules 1 City City
- - Introduction to Hiring Plans 1 City City
- - Overview of City Departments 1 COPA COPA
- - Professionalism and Diversity Training 1 COPA/ City COPA
5 Overview of CPD X X X
- - Organizational Structure & Staffing 2 COPA/City COPA/City
- - CPD Rules & Regulations 2 COPA/City COPA/City
Systems training X X X
- - COPA Computer (Windows Suite) & Smartphone 2 COPA COPA
- - CLEAR or new case management system 4 COPA COPA
All Investigative
Employees Staff Legal Staff Estimated Proposed Content
(141) (103) (19) hours Faculty Source
1 Case File Maintenance (physical and electronic) X X 2 COPA Vendor
All Investigative
Employees Staff Legal Staff Estimated Proposed Content
(141) (103) (19) hours Faculty Source
9 Mock interviews X X 6 Vendor Vendor
- - Police Officer
- - Complainant
- - Witness
10 Report writing X X
- - General Reports 2 COPA Vendor
- - Summary Report 3 COPA COPA
13 Forensic analysis X X
- - Digital evidence 2 COPA COPA
- - Medical reports 1 Vendor Vendor
- - Autopsy reports 1 Vendor Vendor
- - Ballistics reports 1 COPA COPA
- - DNA/Biological Analysis 1 COPA COPA
- - Motor vehicle accident reports 2 City City
- - Statement transcriptions 1 COPA COPA
All Investigative
Employees Staff Legal Staff Estimated Proposed Content
(141) (103) (19) hours Faculty Source
23 Policing Strategies X X
- - Procedural justice 2 COPA Vendor
- - Community policing 2 COPA Vendor
26 Systems training X X
- - COPA Computer (Windows Suite) & Smartphone 2 COPA COPA
- - CLEAR (if still using) or new case management
system 2 COPA COPA
- - OEMC Video/Audio Portal 2 COPA COPA
- - Taser Body-cam Portal 1 City City
- - LexisNexis Accurint (public records searches) 2 COPA COPA
Implementation Costs
Implementation includes the Administrative Services, as described in the RFP, and with respect to those topics for which Vendor is denoted as
the party responsible for provision of faculty, Implementation includes the provision of faculty.
Video Recording of Programs $_____ Per Program $________ Total for 3 programs
Training Facility Rental Cost (at Citys Option) $_________ $_________ Total
Department of Procurement Services
Jamie L. Rhee, Chief Procurement Officer
121 North LaSalle Street, Room 806
Chicago, Illinois 60602-1284
Fax: 312-744-3281
Pursuant to 2-92-535, the prime contractor may apply be awarded an additional 0.333 percent credit, up to a
maximum of a total of 5 percent additional credit, for every 1 percent of the value of a contract self-
performed by MBEs or WBEs, or combination thereof, that have entered into a mentor agreement with the
contractor. This up to 5% may be applied to the Contract Specific Goals, or it may be in addition to the
Contract Specific Goals.
1.2. Definitions
"Area of Specialty" means the description of an MBE or WBE firms business which has been determined by
the Chief Procurement Officer to be most reflective of the MBE or WBE firms claimed specialty or expertise.
Each MBE/WBE letter of certification contains a description of the firms Area of Specialty. This information is
also contained in the Directory (defined below). Credit toward this Contracts MBE and WBE participation
goals shall be limited to the participation of firms performing within their Area of Specialty.
NOTICE: The City of Chicago does not make any representation concerning the ability of any MBE/WBE to
perform work within their Area of Specialty. It is the responsibility of all contractors to determine the
capability and capacity of MBEs/WBEs to satisfactorily perform the work proposed.
"B.E.P.D." means an entity certified as a Business enterprise owned or operated by people with disabilities as
defined in MCC Section 2-92-586.
"Bid" means a bid, proposal, or submittal detailing a description of the services or work to be provided by the
contractor in response to a bid solicitation, request for proposal, request for qualification of task order request
(issued in accordance with the Master Consulting Agreement) that is issued by the City.
"Bidder" means any person or business entity that submits a bid, proposal, qualification or submittal that
seeks to enter into a contract with the City, and includes all partners, affiliates and joint ventures of such
person or entity.
"Broker" means a person or entity that fills orders by purchasing or receiving supplies from a third party
supplier rather than out of its own existing inventory and provides no commercially useful function other than
acting as a conduit between his or her supplier and his or her customer.
"Chief Procurement Officer" or "CPO" means the chief procurement officer of the City of Chicago or his or her
"Commercially Useful Function" means responsibility for the execution of a distinct element of the work of
the contract, which is carried out by actually performing, managing, and supervising the work involved,
evidencing the responsibilities and risks of a business owner such as negotiating the terms of (sub)contracts,
taking on a financial risk commensurate with the contract or its subcontract, responsibility for acquiring the
appropriate lines of credit and/or loans, or fulfilling responsibilities as a joint venture partner as described in
the joint venture agreement.
"Contract Specific Goals" means the subcontracting goals for MBE and WBE participation established for a
particular contract.
"Contractor" means any person or business entity that has entered into a contract with the City as described
herein, and includes all partners, affiliates, and joint ventures of such person or entity.
"Direct Participation" the value of payments made to MBE or WBE firms for work that is performed in their
Area of Specialty directly related to the performance of the subject matter of the Contract will count as Direct
Participation toward the Contract Specific Goals.
M/WBE Special Conditions for Commodities & Services 05.09.2014 34
"Directory" means the Directory of Certified "Minority Business Enterprises" and "Women Business
Enterprises" maintained and published by the City of Chicago. The Directory identifies firms that have been
certified as MBEs and WBEs, and includes both the date of their last certification and the area of specialty in
which they have been certified. Contractors are responsible for verifying the current certification status of all
proposed MBE, and WBE firms.
"Good Faith Efforts" means actions undertaken by a bidder or contractor to achieve a Contract Specific Goal
that the CPO or his or her designee has determined, by their scope, intensity, and appropriateness to the
objective, can reasonably be expected to fulfill the programs requirements.
"Indirect Participation" refers to the value of payments made to MBE or WBE firms for work that is done in
their Area of Specialty related to other aspects of the Contractors business. (Note: no dollar of such indirect
MBE or WBE participation shall be credited more than once against a contractors MBE or WBE commitment
with respect to all government contracts held by that contractor.)
"Joint venture" means an association of a MBE or WBE firm and one or more other firms to carry out a single,
for-profit business enterprise, for which each joint venture partner contributes property, capital, efforts, skills
and knowledge, and in which the MBE or WBE is responsible for a distinct, clearly defined portion of the work
of the contract and whose share in the capital contribution, control, management, risks, and profits of the
joint venture are commensurate with its ownership interest.
"Mentor-Protg Agreement" means an agreement between a prime and MBE or WBE subcontractor
pursuant to MCC 2-92-535, that is approved by the City of Chicago and complies with all requirements of MCC
2-92-535 and any rules and regulations promulgated by the Chief Procurement Officer.
"Minority Owned Business Enterprise" or "MBE" means a firm awarded certification as a minority owned and
controlled business in accordance with City Ordinances and Regulations as well as a firm awarded certification
as a minority owned and controlled business by Cook County, Illinois. However, it does not mean a firm that
has been found ineligible or which has been decertified by the City or Cook County.
"Municipal Code of Chicago" or "MCC" means the Municipal Code of the City of Chicago.
"Supplier" or "Distributor" refers to a company that owns, operates, or maintains a store, warehouse or other
establishment in which materials, supplies, articles or equipment are bought, kept in stock and regularly sold
or leased to the public in the usual course of business. A regular distributor or supplier is a firm that owns,
operates, or maintains a store, warehouse, or other establishment in which the materials or supplies required
for performance of a contract are bought, kept in stock, and regularly sold to the public in the usual course of
business. To be a regular distributor the firm must engage in, as its principal business and in its own name, the
purchase and sale of the products in question. A regular distributor in such bulk items as steel, cement,
gravel, stone, and petroleum products need not keep such products in stock if it owns or operates distribution
"Women Owned Business Enterprise" or "WBE" means a firm awarded certification as a women owned and
controlled business in accordance with City Ordinances and Regulations as well as a firm awarded certification
as a women owned business by Cook County, Illinois. However, it does not mean a firm that has been found
ineligible or which has been decertified by the City or Cook County.
1.3. Joint Ventures
The formation of joint ventures to provide MBEs and WBEs with capacity and experience at the prime
contracting level, and thereby meet Contract Specific Goals (in whole or in part) is encouraged. A joint
venture may consist of any combination of MBEs, WBEs, and non-certified firms as long as one member is an
a. The joint venture may be eligible for credit towards the Contract Specific Goals only if:
i. The MBE or WBE joint venture partners share in the capital contribution, control,
management, risks and profits of the joint venture is equal to its ownership interest;
b. Subcontractor participation will be deemed excessively costly when the MBE/WBE subcontractor
proposal exceeds the average price quoted by more than twenty percent (20%). In order to
establish that a subcontractors quote is excessively costly, the bidder must provide the following
1. A detailed statement of the work identified for MBE/WBE participation for which the
bidder asserts the MBE/WBE quote(s) were excessively costly (in excess of 20% higher).
o A listing of all potential subcontractors contacted for a quotation on that work item;
o Prices quoted for the subcontract in question by all such potential subcontractors
for that work item.
2. Other documentation which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Chief Procurement
Officer that the MBE/WBE proposals are excessively costly, even though not in excess of
20% higher than the average price quoted. This determination will be based on factors
that include, but are not limited to the following:
o The City's estimate for the work under a specific subcontract;
o The bidders own estimate for the work under the subcontract;
o An average of the bona fide prices quoted for the subcontract;
o Demonstrated increase in other contract costs as a result of subcontracting to the
M/WBE or other firm.
1.5.2. Assist Agency Participation in wavier/reduction requests
Every waiver and/or reduction request must include evidence that the bidder has provided timely notice
of the need for subcontractors to an appropriate association/assist agency representative of the
MBE/WBE business community. This notice must be given at least five (5) business days in advance of the
initial bid due date.
The notice requirement of this Section will be satisfied if a bidder contacts at least one of the associations
on Attachment A to these Regulations when the prime contractor seeks a waiver or reduction in the
utilization goals. Attachment B to these Regulations provides the letter format that a prime contractor
may use. Proof of notification prior to bid submittal (e.g. certified mail receipt or facsimile transmittal
receipt) will be required to be submitted with the bid for any bid/proposal to be deemed responsive. If
deemed appropriate, the Contract Compliance Officer may contact the assist agency for verification of
1.5.3. Impracticability
Dear _________________________:
The following areas have been identified for subcontracting opportunities on both a direct and indirect basis:
Our efforts to identify potential subcontractors have not been successful in order to meet the Disadvantaged/
Minority/Women Business Enterprise contract goal. Due to the inability to identify an appropriate DBE/MBE/WBE firm
certified by the City of Chicago to participate as a subcontractor or joint venture partner, a request for the waiver of the
contract goals will be submitted. If you are aware of such a firm, please contact
Under the City of Chicagos MBE/WBE/DBE Ordinance, your agency is entitled to comment upon this waiver request to the
City of Chicago. Written comments may be directed within ten (10) working days of your receipt of this letter to:
If you wish to discuss this matter, please contact the undersigned at ____________________.
The Respondent shall complete an online EDS prior to the response due date. A Respondent who does
not file an electronic EDS prior to the response due date may be found non-responsive and its
response rejected. If you are unable to complete the online EDS and print a Certificate of Filing prior to
the response due date, the City will accept a paper EDS provided written justification is provided
explaining your good faith efforts to complete it before the response due date and the reasons why it
could not be completed.
EDS Number:
1. Invitation number, if you were provided an invitation number.
2. EDS document from previous years, if available.
3. Email address to correspond with the Online EDS system.
4. Company Information:
a. Legal Name
c. City of Chicago Vendor Number, if available.
d. Address and phone number information that you would like to
appear on your EDS documents.
e. EDS Captain. Check for an EDS Captain in your company -
this maybe the person that usually submits EDS for your
company, or the first person that registers for your company.
Items #1 through #7 are needed for both EDS information updates and contract related
EDS documents:
Items #8 and #9 are needed ONLY for contract related EDS documents:
Q: What is an entity or legal entity?
A: Entity or Legal Entity means a legal entity (for example, a corporation, partnership,
joint venture, limited liability company or trust).
Q: I dont have a user ID & password. Can I still submit an Online EDS?
A: No. You must register and create a user ID and password before submitting an
Online EDS.
Q: What information is needed to request a user ID & password for Online EDS?
A: The information contained in the Preparation Checklist for Registration is needed to
request a login for the Online EDS.
Q: I already have a username and password from another City web site (City Web
Portal, Department of Construction and Permits, Department of Consumer
Services, etc.). Can I log-in the Online EDS with that account?
A: Usually not. The Online EDS uses a user ID and password system that is shared by
the Public Vehicle Advertising and Water Payment web sites. You may use a
username and password from those sites by answering Yes to Is this an existing
City of Chicago user ID? when registering. Other usernames and passwords will not
be automatically recognized. However, you may choose to create an identical
username for the Online EDS if it is not already taken.
Q: I am filing electronically. How do I sign my EDS?
A: Once you have completed the EDS, you will be prompted to enter your password
and answer to your secret question. Together, these will serve as your electronic
signature. Although you will also print and physically sign an EDS certification of
filing as a notice that your EDS was filed, your EDS is complete as a legal document
with only the electronic filing.
using the Online EDS Manuals. You may download and install Adobe Flash
Plugin free at htty://get.adobe.comiflashplayer
The Online EDS has been tested on Internet Explorer 6.0 and 7.0 and Firefox 2.0 and
3.0 on Windows XP and Mac OS X. Although it should work on other browsers and
operating systems, the City of Chicago cannot guarantee compatibility.
The undersigned, hereby acknowledges having received Specification No. 322160 containing a
full set of RFP Documents, including, Addenda Numbers (none unless indicated here)
______________________________, and affirms that the Respondent shall be bound by all the
terms and conditions contained in the RFP Documents, regardless of whether a complete set
thereof is attached to this response.
Under penalty of perjury, the undersigned: (1) warrants that he/she was authorized to submit an
EDS on behalf of the Disclosing Party on-line, (2) warrants that all certifications and statements
contained in the EDS are true, accurate and complete as of the date the EDS was submitted on-
line, and (3) further warrants that, as of the date of submission of this response, there have
been no changes in circumstances since the date that the EDS was submitted that would render
any certification in the EDS false, inaccurate or incomplete.
Further, the undersigned being duly sworn deposes and says on oath that no disclosures of
ownership interests have been withheld and the information provided therein to the best of its
knowledge is current and the undersigned has not entered into any agreement with any other
respondent or prospective respondent or with any other person, firm or corporation relating to
the price named in this proposal or any other proposal, nor any agreement or arrangement
under which any act or omission in restraining of free competition among respondents and has
not disclosed to any person, firm or corporation the terms of this proposal or the price named
Onboarding and Training for COPA
Contractor must provide and maintain at Contractor's own expense, during the term of the Agreement and
during the time period following expiration if Contractor is required to return and perform any work,
services, or operations, the insurance coverages and requirements specified below, insuring all work,
services, or operations related to the Agreement.
Contractor may use a combination of primary and excess/umbrella policy/policies to satisfy the
limits of liability required herein. The excess/umbrella policy/policies must provide the same
coverages/follow form as the underlying policy/policies.
The City must be provided additional insured status with respect to liability arising out of
Contractors work, services or operations performed on behalf of the City. The Citys additional
insured status must apply to liability and defense of suits arising out of Contractors acts or
omissions, whether such liability is attributable to the Contractor or to the City on an additional
insured endorsement form acceptable to the City. The full policy limits and scope of protection
also will apply to the City as an additional insured, even if they exceed the Citys minimum limits
required herein. Contractors liability insurance must be primary without right of contribution by
any other insurance or self-insurance maintained by or available to the City.
Contractor may use a combination of primary and excess/umbrella policy/policies to satisfy the
limits of liability required herein. The excess/umbrella policy/policies must provide the same
coverages/follow form as the underlying policy/policies.
Contractor may use a combination of primary and excess/umbrella policy/policies to satisfy the
limits of liability required herein. The excess/umbrella policy/policies must provide the same
coverages/follow form as the underlying policy/policies.
4) Excess/Umbrella
Excess/Umbrella Liability Insurance must be maintained with limits of not less than $5,000.000
per occurrence, or the full per occurrence limits of the policy, whichever is greater. The
policy/policies must provide the same coverages/follow form as the underlying Commercial
General Liability, Automobile Liability, Employers Liability and Completed Operations coverage
required herein and expressly provide that the excess or umbrella policy/policies will drop down
over reduced and/or exhausted aggregate limit, if any, of the underlying insurance. The
Excess/Umbrella policy/policies must be primary without right of contribution by any other
insurance or self-insurance maintained by or available to the City.
Contractor may use a combination of primary and excess/umbrella policies to satisfy the limits of
liability required in sections A.1, A.2, A.3 and A.4 herein.
5) Professional Liability
When any, teaching/training professionals program manager/administrator or any other
professional consultants perform work, services, or operations in connection with this Agreement,
Professional Liability Insurance covering acts, errors, or omissions must be maintained with limits
of not less than $2,000,000. When policies are renewed or replaced, the policy retroactive date
must coincide with, or precede start of work or services on the Agreement. A claims-made policy
which is not renewed or replaced must have an extended reporting period of two (2) years.
6) Valuable Papers
When any media, data, reports, records, and other documents are produced or used under this
Agreement, Valuable Papers Insurance must be maintained in an amount to insure against any
loss whatsoever, and must have limits sufficient to pay for the re-creation and reconstruction of
such records.
Contractor is responsible for all loss or damage to personnel property (including materials,
equipment tools and supplies) owned, rented or used by Contractor for this Agreement.
B. Additional Requirements
Evidence of Insurance. Contractor must furnish the City of Chicago, Department of Procurement
Services, Room 806, 121 North LaSalle State Street, Chicago, IL. 60602, original certificates of insurance
and additional insured endorsement, or other evidence of insurance, to be in force on the date of this
Agreement, and renewal certificates of Insurance and endorsement, or such similar evidence, if the
coverages have an expiration or renewal date occurring during the term of this Agreement. Contractor
must submit evidence of insurance prior to execution of Agreement. The receipt of any certificate does
not constitute agreement by the City that the insurance requirements in the Agreement have been fully
met or that the insurance policies indicated on the certificate are in compliance with all requirements of
Agreement. The failure of the City to obtain, nor the Citys receipt of, or failure to object to a non-
complying insurance certificate, endorsement or other insurance evidence from Contractor, its insurance
broker(s) and/or insurer(s) will not be construed as a waiver by the City of any of the required insurance
provisions. Contractor must advise all insurers of the Agreement provisions regarding insurance. The
City in no way warrants that the insurance required herein is sufficient to protect Contractor for liabilities
which may arise from or relate to the Agreement. The City reserves the right to obtain complete, certified
copies of any required insurance policies at any time.
Failure to Maintain Insurance. Failure of the Contractor to comply with required coverage and terms and
conditions outlined herein will not limit Contractors liability or responsibility nor does it relieve Contractor
of the obligation to provide insurance as specified in this Agreement. Nonfulfillment of the insurance
conditions may constitute a violation of the Agreement, and the City retains the right to suspend this
Agreement until proper evidence of insurance is provided, or the Agreement may be terminated.
Notice of Material Change, Cancellation or Non-Renewal. Contractor must provide for sixty (60) days
prior written notice to be given to the City in the event coverage is substantially changed, canceled or
non-renewed and ten (10) days prior written notice for non-payment of premium.
Waiver of Subrogation. Contractor hereby waives its rights and its insurer(s) rights of and agrees to
require their insurers to waive their rights of subrogation against the City under all required insurance
herein for any loss arising from or relating to this Agreement. Contractor agrees to obtain any
endorsement that may be necessary to affect this waiver of subrogation, but this provision applies
regardless of whether or not the City received a waiver of subrogation endorsement for Contractors
Contractors Insurance Primary. All insurance required of Contractor under this Agreement shall be
endorsed to state that Contractors insurance policy is primary and not contributory with any insurance
carrier by the City.
No Limitation as to Contractors Liabilities. The coverages and limits furnished by Contractor in no way
limit the Contractors liabilities and responsibilities specified within the Agreement or by law.
No Contribution by City. Any insurance or self-insurance programs maintained by the City do not
contribute with insurance provided by Contractor under this Agreement.
Insurance not Limited by Indemnification. The required insurance to be carried is not limited by any
limitations expressed in the indemnification language in this Agreement or any limitation placed on the
indemnity in this Agreement given as a matter of law.
Insurance and Limits Maintained. If Contractor maintains higher limits and/or broader coverage than the
minimums shown herein, the City requires and shall be entitled the higher limits and/or broader coverage
maintained by Contractor. Any available insurance proceeds in excess of the specified minimum limits of
insurance and coverage shall be available to the City.
Joint Venture or Limited Liability Company. If Contractor is a joint venture or limited liability company, the
insurance policies must name the joint venture or limited liability company as a named insured.
Other Insurance obtained by Contractor. If Contractor desires additional coverages, the Contractor will
be responsible for the acquisition and cost.
Insurance required of Subcontractors. Contractor shall name the Subcontractor(s) as a named insured(s)
under Contractors insurance or Contractor will require each Subcontractor(s) to provide and maintain
Commercial General Liability, Commercial Automobile Liability, Workers Compensation and Employers
Liability Insurance and when applicable Excess/Umbrella Liability Insurance with coverage at least as
broad as in outlined in Section A, Insurance Required. The limits of coverage will be determined by
Contractor. Contractor shall determine if Subcontractor(s) must also provide any additional coverage or
other coverage outlined in Section A, Insurance Required. Contractor is responsible for ensuring that
each Subcontractor has named the City as an additional insured where required and name the City as an
additional insured on an endorsement form at least as broad and acceptable to the City. Contractor is
also responsible for ensuring that each Subcontractor has complied with the required coverage and terms
and conditions outlined in this Section B, Additional Requirements. When requested by the City,
Contractor must provide to the City certificates of insurance and additional insured endorsements or other
evidence of insurance. The City reserves the right to obtain complete, certified copies of any required
insurance policies at any time. Failure of the Subcontractor(s) to comply with required coverage and
terms and conditions outlined herein will not limit Contractors liability or responsibility.
Citys Right to Modify. Notwithstanding any provisions in the Agreement to the contrary, the City,
Department of Finance, Risk Management Office maintains the right to modify, delete, alter or change
these requirements.
Named Insured: Specification #: 322160
Address: RFP: _
(Number and Street) Project #: _______
___________________________________________________________________________ Contract #: ____
(Chicago) (State) (ZIP)
Description of Operation/Location
The insurance policies and endorsements indicated below have been issued to the designated named insured with the policy limits as set forth herein
covering the operation described within the contract involving the named insured and the City of Chicago. The Certificate issuer agrees that in the event of
cancellation, non-renewal or material change involving the indicated policies, the issuer will provide at least sixty (60) days prior written notice of such
change to the City of Chicago at the address shown on this Certificate. This certificate is issued to the City of Chicago in consideration of the contract
entered into with the named insured, and it is mutually understood that the City of Chicago relies on this certificate as a basis for continuing such
agreement with the named insured:
Type of Insurance Insurer Name Policy Number Expiration Date Limits of Liability
All Limits in Thousands
Other $ ___________
a) Each Insurance policy required by this agreement, excepting policies for worker=s compensation and professional liability, will read: The City of Chicago is
an additional insured as respects operations and activities of, or on behalf of the named insured, performed under contract with or permit from the City
of Chicago.
b) The General, Automobile and Excess/Umbrella Liability Policies described provide for severability of Interest (cross liability) applicable to the named
insured and the City.
c) Workers Compensation and Property Insurers shall waive all rights of subrogation against the City of Chicago.
d) The receipt of this certificate by the City does not constitute agreement by the City that the insurance requirements in the contract have been fully met, or
that the insurance policies indicated by this certificate are in compliance with all contract requirements.
Name and Address of Certificate Holder and Recipient of Notice
(d) is fueled by traditional petroleum-based gasoline or petroleum-based diesel fuel, but powered by an
engine substantially more efficiently designed than a standard vehicle of the same age, type and size;
provided that the vehicle is rated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency in the top 5% for
fuel efficiency for similar vehicles.
An "alternatively powered vehicle" does not include any vehicle which is: (i) primarily used in a warehouse
or similar type of enclosed structure; (ii) required to use, or given credit for using, alternative fuel by any
federal, state or local law; or (iii) subject to Section 2-92-595 of the Municipal Code of Chicago.
"Biodiesel blend" has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 2-92-595 of the Municipal Code of
"Construction project" has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 2-92-335 of the Municipal Code of
"Contract" means any contract, purchase order, construction project, or other agreement (other than a
delegate agency contract or lease of real property or collective bargaining agreement) awarded by the city
and whose cost is to be paid from funds belonging to or administered by the city.
"Contract cost proposal" means the total dollar amount a Respondent proposes as its cost proposal on an
RFP without factoring any incentive or preference.
"Eligible business" means a business located within the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry or
Will in the State of Illinois (the Six County Region), and as to which: (1) a majority of the business' fleet is
located and used within the Six County Region; and (2) a majority of those vehicles located and used within
the Six County Region are alternatively powered vehicles.
"Fleet" means 10 or more vehicles that are owned, operated, leased or otherwise controlled by a business.
Proposal Incentive means an amount deducted, for proposal evaluation purposes only, from the
Respondent's cost proposal in order to calculate the cost or price to be used to evaluate the proposal.
"Vehicle" means every device powered by a motor or engine and by, upon, or in which any person or
property is or may be transported or drawn upon a street or highway, except a vehicle shall not include
motorized wheelchairs, golf carts, neighborhood electric vehicles, as that term is defined in Section 9-4-010
of the Municipal Code of Chicago, devices moved solely by human power, devices used exclusively upon
stationary rails or tracks, or snowmobiles, as defined in the Snowmobile Registration and Safety Act of
ii. Eligibility for Alternatively Powered Vehicles Proposal Incentive
If these RFP Documents pertain to a Contract having an estimated contract value of $100,000 or more, the
CPO may apply a proposal incentive of 1/2% to the contract cost proposal of a qualified respondent when
the qualified respondent is an eligible business.
The incentive is used only to calculate an amount to be used in evaluating the price, and it will not affect the
price of any contract that may ultimately be awarded.
For purposes of this section the total dollar value of a construction project contract includes both materials
and labor.
(b) As a condition of being awarded a contract after claiming this incentive, the eligible business shall
continue to meet the definition of an eligible business during the term of the contract.
(c) The contractor shall maintain adequate records necessary to monitor compliance with this section and
shall submit such reports as required by the chief procurement officer. Full access to the contractor's and
subcontractors' records shall be granted to the chief procurement officer, the commissioner of the
supervising department, the inspector general, or any duly authorized representative thereof. The
contractor and subcontractors shall maintain all relevant records for a period of no less than seven years
after final acceptance of the work.
(d) A Respondent desiring to receive an incentive pursuant to this section shall include with its bid
submission the Affidavit of Eligible Business for Proposal Incentive for Alternative Powered Vehicles, which
affirms that the Respondent satisfies all pertinent requirements as an eligible business.
(e) Upon completion of the work, any eligible business that receives a preference but that fails to meet the
definition as an eligible business during the term of the contract shall be fined in an amount equal to three
times the amount of the incentive.
(f) This section shall not apply to any contract to the extent that the requirements imposed by this section
are inconsistent with procedures or standards required by any law or regulation of the United States or the
State of Illinois to the extent such inconsistency is not permitted under law or the home rule powers of the
C. Bid Incentives for Veteran-Owned Small Local Businesses and Eligible Joint Ventures
For purposes of this section only, the following definitions shall apply:
"Bid incentive" means an amount deducted, for bid evaluation purposes only, from the contract base bid in
order to calculate the bid price to be used to evaluate the bid on a competitively bid contract.
"Contract base bid" means the total dollar amount a contractor bids on a contract without factoring any bid
incentive or percentage reductions to the bid amount.
"Eligible joint venture" means an association of one or more small business enterprises in combination with one
or more veteran-owned business enterprises, proposing to perform as a single for-profit business enterprise, in
which each joint venture partner contributes property, capital, efforts, skill and knowledge. Joint ventures must
have an agreement in writing specifying the terms and conditions of the relationship between the partners and
their respective roles in the contract.
"Owned" means, as MCC 2-92-670 may be updated from time to time, having all of the customary incidents of
ownership, including the right of disposition, and sharing in all of the risks, responsibilities and profits
commensurate with the degree of ownership.
"Small business enterprise" means, as MCC 2-92-670 may be updated from time to time, a small business as
defined by the U.S. Small Business Administration, pursuant to the business size standards found in 13 C.F.R.
Part 121, relevant to the scope(s) of work the firm seeks to perform on city contracts. A firm is not an eligible
small business enterprise in any city fiscal year in which its gross receipts, averaged over the firm's previous five
fiscal years, exceed the size standards of 13 C.F.R. Part 121.
"Veteran-owned business enterprise" means an enterprise which: (1) is at least 51 percent owned by one or
more veterans, or in the case of a publicly held corporation, at least 51 percent of all classes of the stock of
which is owned by one or more veterans, whose management, policies, major decisions and daily business
operations are independently managed and controlled by one or more veterans; or (2) has been certified by the
State of Illinois as a qualified service-disabled veteran-owned small business or a qualified veteran-owned small
business pursuant to 30 ILCS 500/45-57.
"Veteran-owned small local business" means a business that is both a veteran-owned business enterprise and a
small local business enterprise as defined in Section 2-92-670.
"Veteran" means a person who has served in the United States armed forces and was discharged or separated
under honorable conditions.
Unless otherwise prohibited by any federal, state or local law, the CPO shall allocate a bid incentive of 5% of the
contract base price, in accordance with section 2-92-418 of the MCC, to any qualified bidder that is a veteran-
owned small local business or an eligible joint venture.
Bidders desiring to receive this incentive must submit an affidavit and other supporting documents
demonstrating that the bidder satisfies all pertinent requirements as a veteran-owned small local business or an
eligible joint venture.
As a condition of being awarded the bid incentive, the veteran-owned small local business or eligible joint
venture shall continue to meet the definition of a veteran-owned small local business or an eligible joint
venture. If a contract is awarded to the veteran-owned small local business or eligible joint venture, upon
completion of the work, any veteran-owned small local business or eligible joint venture that receives a bid
preference but fails to meet the definition of a veteran-owned small local business or eligible joint venture
during the term of the contract for which the bid incentive was awarded shall be fined in an amount equal to
three times the amount of the bid incentive awarded.
The contractor shall maintain adequate records necessary to ensure compliance with this section and shall
submit such reports as required by the chief procurement officer. Full access to the contractors and
subcontractors records shall be granted to the chief procurement officer, the commissioner of the supervising
department, the inspector general, or any duly authorized representative thereof. The contractor and
subcontractor shall maintain all relevant records a period that is the longer of seven years or as after final
acceptance of the work in accordance with the Local Records Act.
The City-Based Business preference of 2% is applicable to Contracts funded in whole by City funds. Respondent must complete this
form, and provide a copy of its Chicago business license(s) if applicable, if it desires to be considered for this preference. Respondents
that do not complete this page will not be regarded as City-Based Businesses. If Respondent's operations are at multiple locations in
the City of Chicago, use additional sheets if necessary.
1. Is Respondent a City-Based Business as defined in the "Local and Other Preferences" portion of this solicitation and in MCC
( ) Yes ( ) No
2. Does the Respondent report to the Internal Revenue Service that the place of employment for the majority (more than 50%) of
its regular, full-time workforce is a facility within the City of Chicago?
( ) Yes ( ) No
3. Does the Respondent conduct meaningful day-to-day business operations at a facility within the City of Chicago?
( ) Yes ( ) No
4. Street address of business location within the City of Chicago (P.O. address not accepted):
5. Describe the business activities are carried out at the location listed above:
6. How many full-time regular employees are currently employed at the location listed above?
7. Total number of full-time regular employees employed at all locations worldwide? _
8. List City of Chicago business license(s) held; attach copies. If none are required, indicate "none required":
Respondent understands that it may be required to produce records to the Chief Procurement Officer to verify the information provided.
Under penalty of perjury the person signing below: (1) warrants that he/she is authorized to execute this Affidavit on behalf of
Respondent, and (2) warrants that all certifications and statements contained in this Affidavit are true, accurate, and complete as of the
date of execution.
Name of Respondent:
(Print or Type)
Title of Signatory:
(Print or Type)
State of _________________________
County of ________________________
Signed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me on ____________ (date) by _________________ (name/s of person/s making statement).
(Signature of Notary Public) (Seal)
An Eligible Business incentive for alternatively powered vehicles may be applicable. Respondent must complete this form if it desires to
be considered for this incentive. Respondents who do not complete and submit this form with their proposals will be deemed to be non-
Eligible Businesses.
1. Is Respondent a business located within the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry or Will in the State of Illinois
(the Six County Region)? ( ) Yes ( ) No
2. Street address of principal place of business:
3. How many total vehicles, as defined in the Local and Other Preferences section of this solicitation, "Incentive for Alternatively
Powered Vehicles," are currently owned, operated, leased or otherwise controlled by respondent?
Line 3(a):
4. How many of respondent's vehicles are located and used within the Six County Region?
Line 4(a): number of vehicles
5. How many of respondent's vehicles located and used within the Six County Region are alternatively powered vehicles, as
defined in the Local and Other Preferences section of this solicitation, "Incentive for Alternatively Powered Vehicles?
Line 5(a): number of vehicles
Line 5(b): percentage of Six County fleet (line 5(a) divided by line 4(a)) %
Respondent understands that it may be required to produce records to the chief procurement officer to verify the information provided.
Under penalty of perjury the person signing below: (1) warrants that he/she is authorized to execute this Affidavit on behalf of bidder,
and (2) warrants that all certifications and statements contained in this Affidavit are true, accurate, and complete as of the date of
Name of Respondent:
(Print or Type)
Title of Signatory:
(Print or Type)
State of _________________________
County of ________________________
(Signature of Notary Public)
Bidder must complete this form if it desires to be considered for the bid incentive as described in Section 2-92-418 of the Municipal
Code of Chicago ("MCC") for Veteran-Owned Small Local Businesses and Eligible Joint Ventures. Bidders that do not complete this
page will not be regarded as veteran-owned small local businesses or eligible joint ventures. Please use additional sheets if necessary.
Attach all relevant certifications and/or support documents.
1. Is bidder a veteran-owned small local business as defined in Exhibit 6, Section C of this bid solicitation and in MCC 2-92-
( ) Yes ( ) No If Yes, skip to #5 below.
2. Is bidder an eligible joint venture as defined in Exhibit 6, Section C of this bid solicitation and in MCC 2-92-418?
( ) Yes ( ) No
3. Is at least one member of the eligible joint venture a small business enterprise as defined in MCC 2-92-670?
( ) Yes ( ) No
4. Is at least one member of the eligible joint venture a veteran-owned business enterprise as that term is defined in
MCC 2-92-670?
( ) Yes ( ) No
5. Is the veteran-owned business identified in either #1 or #4 above certified by the State of Illinois as a qualified service-disabled
veteran-owned small business or a qualified veteran-owned small business pursuant to 30 ILCS 500/45-57? If yes, please provide
appropriate documentation.
( ) Yes ( ) No
6. If the answer to # 5 above is no, is the veteran-owned business an enterprise which is at least 51 percent owned by one or more
veterans, or in the case of a publicly held corporation, at least 51 percent of all classes of stock of which are owned by one or more
( ) Yes ( ) No
7. If qualifying as a veteran-owned business under the requirements of #6 above, please list all owners, their percentage of ownership
interest, and provide appropriate documentation demonstrating status as veteran, as that term is defined in MCC 2-92-418.
8. List City of Chicago business license(s) held. If none are required, indicate "none required":
9. Provide address of the veteran-owned business, including the County in which it is located.
_ _
County: __________________________________________
Bidder understands that it may be required to produce records to the chief procurement officer to verify the information provided.
Under penalty of perjury the person signing below: (1) warrants that he/she is authorized to execute this Affidavit on behalf of bidder,
and (2) warrants that all certifications and statements contained in this Affidavit are true, accurate, and complete as of the date of
Bidder must complete the applicable signature line(s) on the following page.
Title of Signatory:
(Print or Type)
Title of Signatory: _
(Print or Type)
State of _________________________
County of ________________________
Specification Number: 322160
Contract (PO) Number: _____
Vendor Number: ___________
Training and Onboarding for the Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA), Independent Police Review Authority (IPRA)
Specification Number 322160
City Funded Professional Services Form Contract 06.27.2016
Table of Contents
Training and Onboarding for the Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA), Independent Police Review Authority (IPRA)
Specification Number 322160
City Funded Professional Services Form Contract 06.27.2016
Training and Onboarding for the Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA), Independent Police Review Authority (IPRA)
Specification Number 322160
City Funded Professional Services Form Contract 06.27.2016
Schedule D-1: Affidavit of Implementation of MBE/WBE Goals and Participation Plan ................................ 70
ARTICLE 7. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................................... 75
ARTICLE 8. SIGNATURE PAGE.......................................................................................................................... 78
EXHIBIT 1: SCOPE OF WORK ............................................................................................................................... 80
EXHIBIT 2: COMPENSATION ............................................................................................................................... 81
EXHIBIT 3: INSURANCE CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE ........................................................................................... 82
EXHIBIT 5: MBE / WBE COMPLIANCE PLAN ........................................................................................................ 84
This Contract is entered into as of the _________ day of ____________, 20___ ("Effective Date") by and between
____________________________, a ______________ corporation ("Contractor"), and the City of Chicago, a
municipal corporation and home rule unit of local government existing under the Constitution of the State of
Illinois, acting through the Independent Police Review Authority ("City"), at Chicago, Illinois.
The City advertised a Request for Proposal (RFP); evaluated proposals received and determined the Contractor to
be qualified to perform the Services.
The Contractor warrants that it is ready, willing and able to perform as of the effective date of this Contract to
the full satisfaction of the City.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City and the Contractor Agree as Follows:
The following attached Exhibits are made a part of this agreement:
Exhibit 1: Scope of Work
Exhibit 2: Schedule of Compensation
Exhibit 3: Insurance Certificate of Coverage
Exhibit 4: Economic Disclosure Statement and Affidavit Certificate of Filing
Exhibit 5: MBE/WBE Compliance Plan
3.1. General Provisions
3.1.1. Definitions
"Addendum" is an official revision of the Bid Documents issued by the Chief Procurement Office prior to
Bid Opening Date.
"Airports" means Chicago OHare International Airport and Chicago Midway International Airport.
"Airside" means, generally, those areas of an Airport which requires a person to pass through a security
checkpoint to access. References to "sterile areas" generally mean Airside areas within terminal
buildings. References to "Airfield", "Aircraft Operations Area", "AOA", or "Secured areas" generally
mean outdoor Airside areas or areas not accessible to passengers.
"Attachments" are all the exhibits and other documents attached to the Bid Documents and/or
incorporated into the Contract by reference.
"Bid" refers to an offer made by a Bidder in response to an invitation for bids which includes a binding
proposal to perform the Contract which the City may rely on and accept, or in the case of an RFP or RFQ,
the submission/proposal in response to that solicitation which may be subject to negotiation.
"Bidder" is a person, firm, or entity submitting a Bid in response to an invitation for bids; for RFPs and
RFQs, references may be made to "Respondents." Once the Contract is awarded the Contractor shall
assume that all references to a Bidder or Respondent and such attendant obligations apply to the
"Bid Opening Date" is the date and time publicly advertised by the Chief Procurement Officer as the
deadline for submission of Bids; this may be referred to as a "Proposal Due Date" for RFP and RFQ
"Bid Documents" means all the documents issued by the Chief Procurement Officer, or referenced by
the Chief Procurement Officer as being available on the City's website and incorporated by such
reference, in connection with an invitation for bids or proposals. Except for such Bid Documents as are
posted on the City's website and incorporated by reference, all Bid Documents must be submitted by a
bidder on the Bid Opening Date.
"Business Day" means business days (Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays, or City shut-
down days) in accordance with the City of Chicago business calendar.
"Calendar Day" means all calendar days in accordance with the world-wide accepted calendar.
"Chief Procurement Officer" abbreviated as "CPO" means the chief executive of the City's Department
of Procurement Services ("DPS"), and any representative duly authorized in writing to act on the Chief
Procurement Officer's behalf.
"City" means the City of Chicago, a municipal corporation and home rule government under Sections 1
and 6(a), Article VII, of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois.
"Commissioner" means the chief executive of any City department that participates in this Contract
(regardless of the actual title of such chief executive), and any representative duly authorized in writing
to act on the Commissioner's behalf with respect to this Contract.
"Contact Person" means the Contractor's management level personnel who will work as liaison
between the City and the Contractor and be available to respond to any problems that may arise in
connection with Contractor's performance under the Contract.
"Contract" means, upon notice of award from the CPO, the contract consisting of all Bid Documents
relating to a specific invitation for bids or proposals, and all amendments, modifications, or revisions
made from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof. All such documents comprising the
Contract are referred to as the "Contract Documents".
Partial or incomplete Deliverables may be accepted for review only when required for a specific and well-
defined purpose for the benefit of the City and when consented to in advance by the City. Such Deliverables
will not be considered as satisfying the requirements of this Contract and the Citys acceptance of partial or
incomplete Deliverables in no way relieves Contractor of its commitments under this Contract.
4.4. Additional Services
Additional Services means those Services which are within the general scope of Services of this Contract, but
beyond the description of services in the Detailed Specifications and all services reasonably necessary to
complete the Additional Services to the standards of performance required by this Contract. Any Additional
Services requested by the Department require the approval by the City through a formal amendment
pursuant to Section of the Standard Terms and Conditions before Contractor is obligated to perform
those Additional Services and before the City becomes obligated to pay for those Additional Services.
4.5. Timeliness of Performance
Contractor must provide the Services and Deliverables within the term and within the time limits required
under this Contract, pursuant to Detailed Specifications or as specified in the applicable Task Order or
Purchase Order. Further, Contractor acknowledges that TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE and that the failure of
Contractor to comply with the time limits may result in economic or other losses to the City.
Neither Contractor nor its agents, employees or Subcontractors are entitled to any damages from the City,
nor is any party entitled to be reimbursed by the City, for damages, charges or other losses or expenses
incurred by Contractor by reason of delays or hindrances in the performance of the Services, whether or not
caused by the City.
4.6. Suspension
The City may at any time request that Contractor suspend its Services, or any part of them, by giving 15 days
prior written notice to Contractor or upon informal oral, or even no notice, in the event of emergency. No
costs incurred after the effective date of such suspension are allowed. Contractor must promptly resume its
performance of the Services under the same terms and conditions as stated in this Contractor upon written
notice by the Chief Procurement Officer and such equitable extension of time as may be mutually agreed
upon by the Chief Procurement Officer and Contractor when necessary for continuation or completion of
Services. Any additional costs or expenses actually incurred by Contractor as a result of recommencing the
Services must be treated in accordance with the compensation provisions of this Contract.
No suspension of this Contract is permitted in the aggregate to exceed a period of 45 days within any one
year of this Contract. If the total number of days of suspension exceeds 45 days, Contract by written notice
to the City may treat the suspension as an early termination of this Agreement under the "Standard Terms
and Conditions."
4.7. Personnel
4.7.1. Adequate Staffing
Contractor must, upon receiving a fully executed copy of this Contract, assign and maintain during the
term of this Contract and any extension of it an adequate staff of competent personnel that is fully
equipped, licensed as appropriate, available as needed, qualified and assigned to perform the Services.
The level of staffing may be revised from time to time by notice in writing from Contractor to the City
with a detailed explanation and/or justification only with prior written consent of the Commissioner,
which consent the Commissioner will not withhold unreasonably. The City may also from time to time
request that the Contractor adjust staffing levels to reflect workload and level of required Services or
Additional Services.
4.7.2. Key Personnel
In selecting the Contractor for this Contract the City relied on the qualifications and experience of those
persons identified by Contractor by name as performing the Services ("Key Personnel"). Contractor
must not reassign or replace Key Personnel without the written consent of the Commissioner, which
consent the Commissioner will not unreasonably withhold. The Commissioner may at any time in
writing notify Contractor that the City will no longer accept performance of Services under this Contract
by one or more Key Personnel. Upon that notice Contractor must immediately suspend the services of
such person(s) and provide a replacement of comparable qualifications and experience who is
acceptable to the Commissioner. Contractor's Key Personnel, if any, are identified in the Scope of
Services / Detailed Specifications portion of this Contract.
4.7.3. Salaries and Wages
Contractor and any subcontractors must pay all salaries and wages due all employees performing
Services under this Contract unconditionally and at least once a month without deduction or rebate on
any account, except only for those payroll deductions that are mandatory by law or are permitted under
applicable law and regulations. If in the performance of this Contract Contractor underpays any such
salaries or wages, the Comptroller for the City may withhold, out of payments due to Contractor, an
amount sufficient to pay to employees underpaid the difference between the salaries or wages required
to be paid under this Agreement and the salaries or wages actually paid these employees for the total
number of hours worked. The amounts withheld may be disbursed by the Comptroller for and on
account of Contractor to the respective employees to whom they are due. The parties acknowledge that
this paragraph is solely for the benefit of the City and that it does not grant any third party beneficiary
4.8. Ownership of Documents
Except as otherwise agreed to in advance by the Commissioner in writing, all Deliverables, data, findings or
information in any form prepared or provided by Contractor or provided by City under this Contract are
property of the City, including all copyrights inherent in them or their preparation. During performance of its
Services, Contractor is responsible for any loss or damage to the Deliverables, data, findings or information
while in Contractor's or any Subcontractor's possession. Any such lost or damaged Deliverables, data,
findings or information must be restored at Contractors expense. If not restorable, Contractor must bear
the cost of replacement and of any loss suffered by the City on account of the destruction. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, Contractor shall retain all rights to its standard details and specifications and proprietary
software, and nothing in this section shall be construed to be a transfer of rights which are not owned by
4.9. Copyright Ownership and other Intellectual Property
Contractor and the City intend that, to the extent permitted by law, the Deliverables to be produced by
Contractor at the City's instance and expense under this Contract are conclusively considered "works made
for hire" within the meaning and purview of Section 101 of the United States Copyright Act, 17 US.C. 101 et
seq., and that the City will be the sole copyright owner of the Deliverables and of aspects, elements and
components of them in which copyright can subsist, and which are owned and transferable by, and of all
rights to apply for copyright registration or prosecute any claim of infringement. To the extent that any
Deliverable does not qualify as a "work made for hire", Contractor hereby irrevocably grants, conveys,
bargains, sells, assigns, transfers and delivers to the City, its successors and assigns, all right, title and interest
in and to the copyright and all U.S. and foreign copyright registrations, copyright applications and copyright
renewals for them, and other intangible, intellectual property embodied in or pertaining to the Deliverables
prepared for the City under this Contract and all goodwill relating to them, free and clear of any liens, claims
or other encumbrances, to the fullest extent permitted by law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Contractor
shall retain all rights to its standard details and specifications and proprietary software, and nothing in this
section shall be construed as a transfer of rights, which are not owned by Contractor. Contractor shall have
no liability or duty whatsoever for any modification or change of the Deliverables or work, without
Contractor's direct involvement and consent.
Contractor will, and will cause all of its Subcontractors, employees, agents and other persons within its
control to, execute all documents and perform all acts that the City may reasonably request in order to assist
the City in perfecting its rights in and to the copyrights relating to the Deliverables, at the sole expense of the
City. Contractor warrants to the City, its successors and assigns, that, on the date of delivery, except as
expressly stated otherwise in writing to the Commissioner or before that date: (a) Contractor will be the
lawful owner of good and marketable title in and to the copyrights for the Deliverables it prepared, (b)
Contractor will have the legal rights to fully assign the copyrights, (c) Contractor will not assign any
copyrights and will not grant any licenses, exclusive or nonexclusive, to any other party (except pursuant to
(3) below), (d) Contractor is not a party to any other agreements or subject to any other restrictions with
respect to the Deliverables, (e) the Deliverables will be complete, entire and comprehensive within the
standard of performance under Section 4.2 of this Contract, and (f) the Deliverables will constitute works of
original authorship.
4.9.1. Patents
If any invention, improvement, or discovery of the Contractor or its Subcontractors is conceived or first
actually reduced to practice during performance of or under this Contract, and that invention,
improvement, or discovery is patentable under the laws of the United States of America or any foreign
country, the Contractor must notify the City immediately and provide the City a detailed report
regarding such invention, improvement, or discovery. If the City determines that patent protection for
such invention, improvement, or discovery should be sought, Contractor agrees to seek patent
protection for such invention, improvement, or discovery and to fully cooperate with the City
throughout the patent process. The Contractor must transfer to the City, at no cost, the patent in any
invention, improvement, or discovery developed under this Contract and any patent rights to which the
Contractor purchases ownership with funds provided to it under this Contract.
4.9.2. Indemnity
Without limiting any of its other obligations under this Contract and in addition to any other obligations
to indemnity under this Contract, Contractor must, upon request by the City, indemnify, save, and hold
harmless the City, and if this Contract is federally funded the Federal Government, and their respective
officers, agents, and employees acting within the scope of their original duties against any liability,
including costs and expenses, resulting from any willful or intentional violation by the Contractor of
proprietary rights, copyrights, or right of privacy, arising out of the publication, translation,
reproduction, delivery, use or disposition of any Deliverables furnished under the Contract. The
Contractor is not required to indemnify the City or Federal Government for any such liability arising out
of the wrongful acts of employees or agents of the City or Federal Government.
4.10. Approvals
Whenever Contractor is required to obtain prior written approval, the effect of any approval that may be
granted pursuant to Contractor's request is prospective only from the later of the date approval was
requested or the date on which the action for which the approval was sought is to begin. In no event is
approval permitted to apply retroactively to a date before the approval was requested.
4.11. Cooperation
Contractor must at all times cooperate fully with the City and act in the City's best interests. If this Contract
is terminated for any reason, or if it is to expire on its own terms, Contractor must make every effort to
assure an orderly transition to another provider of the services, if any, orderly demobilization of its own
operations in connection with the services, uninterrupted provision of services during any transition period
and must otherwise comply with the reasonable requests and requirements of the City in connection with
the termination or expiration.
4.12. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Other Laws Concerning Accessibility
Contractor covenants that all designs, plans and drawings produced or utilized under this Contract will
address and comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations regarding accessibility standards for
persons with disabilities or environmentally limited persons including the following: the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq. and the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility
Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities ("ADAAG"); the Architectural Barriers Act, Pub. L. 90-480 (1968), and
the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards ("UFAS"); and the Illinois Environmental Barriers Act, 410 ILCS
25/1 et seq., and all regulations promulgated thereunder , see Illinois Administrative Code, Title 71, Chapter
1, Section 400.110. If the above standards are inconsistent, Contractor must assure that its designs, plans,
and drawings comply with the standard providing the greatest accessibility. Also, Contractor must, prior to
construction, review the plans and specifications to insure compliance with these standards. If Contractor
fails to comply with the foregoing standards, the City may, without limiting any of its remedies set forth in
this contractor or otherwise available at law, in equity or by statute, require Contractor to perform again, at
no expense, all services required to be re-performed as a direct or indirect result of such failure.
4.13. Reimbursement for Travel
In the event that reimbursable travel is required for this contract and authorized by the City, any travel
expenses will reimbursed only in accordance with the then-current City of Chicago Travel Reimbursement
Guidelines . The Guidelines may be downloaded from the Internet at:
The direct link is:
4.14. Multi Project Labor Agreement (PLA)
The City has entered into the PLA with various trades regarding projects involving construction, demolition,
maintenance, rehabilitation, and/or renovation work, as described in the PLA, a copy of which may be found
on the Citys website at:
To the extent that this Contract involves a project that is subject to the PLA, Contractor acknowledges
familiarity with the requirements of the PLA and its applicability to any Work under this Contract, and shall
comply in all respects with the PLA.
5.1. Scope of Services
This Contract is for Onboarding and Training for Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA).
More specifically, the Services that Contractor must provide are described in Exhibit 1, "Scope of Services
and Time Limits for Performance."
This description of Services is intended to be general in nature and is neither a complete description of
Contractor's Services nor a limitation on the Services that Contractor is to provide under this Contract.
5.2. List of Key Personnel
Key Personnel are listed in Exhibit ___.
5.3. Term of Performance
This Contract takes effect as of the Effective Date and continues for 12 months, unless terminated earlier or
extended pursuant to the terms of this contract.
The City will establish the start and expiration dates at the time of formal award and release of this contract.
5.4. Contract Extension Option
The City has the option to extend the term of this Contract for one additional 12-month term beyond the 12
-month term set forth above, subject to acceptable performance by the Contractor and contingent upon the
appropriation of sufficient funds for the procurement of services provided for in this Contract.
Before expiration of the then current term, the Chief Procurement Officer will give the Contractor notice, in
writing, that the City is exercising its option to renew the Contract for the approaching option period. The
date on which the Chief Procurement Officer gives notice is the date the notice is mailed, if it is mailed, or
the date the notice is delivered, if sent by courier or messenger service.
The 181 day extension for the purposes of providing continuity of service, described in the Standard Terms
and Conditions article of this Contract, may be exercised in lieu of an option period or following the
exhaustion of all option periods and does not require formal amendment of the Contract.
5.5. Payment
5.5.1. Basis of Payment
The City will pay Contractor according to the Schedule of Compensation in the attached Exhibit 2 for the
completion of the Services in accordance with this Agreement, including the standard of performance
found in "Special Conditions for Professional Services Contracts," above.
5.5.2. Method of Payment
Contractor must submit monthly invoices to the City for costs billed, as outlined in the Schedule of
Compensation in Exhibit 2. The invoices must be in such detail as the City requests. The City will process
payment within 60 days after receipt of invoices and all supporting documentation necessary for the City
to verify the Services provided under this Agreement.
5.5.3. Centralized Invoice Processing
Unless stated otherwise in the Detailed Specifications, this Contract is subject to Centralized Invoice
Processing ("CIP"). Invoices must be submitted directly to the Comptroller's office by US Postal Service
mail to the following address as appropriate:
Invoices for any City department other than the Department of Aviation:
City of Chicago, Office of the City Comptroller
121 N. LaSalle St., Room 700, City Hall
Chicago, IL 60602
Contractor must not submit invoices for less than $500 unless a particular invoice is for last payment
related to closeout of services.
The City may change its invoice submission and processing procedure during the term of this Contract.
Should a change occur, the City will notify Contractor of the new procedure which the Contractor will
then be required to follow.
5.5.4. Criteria for Payment
The reasonableness, allocability, and allowability of any costs and expenses charged by Contractor under
this contract will be determined by the Chief Procurement Officer and the Commissioner in their sole
In the event of a dispute between Contractor and the City as to whether any particular charge will be
paid, or as to whether the amount of such charge is reasonable, allocable to the services under the
contract, or allowable, the Contractor must, and the Department may, refer such dispute to the Chief
Procurement Officer for resolution in accordance with the Contract Disputes section of this contract.
The City will not withhold payment for undisputed sums on such invoice while a dispute is being
5.6. Funding
The source of funds for payments under this Contract is Fund number 0100-0562005-0140-220140 and
various. Payments under this Agreement must not exceed $_____________ without a written amendment in
accordance with the Amendments section of the "Standard Terms and Conditions" above. Funding for this
Contract is subject to the availability of funds and their appropriation by the City Council of the City.
Department of Procurement Services
Jamie L. Rhee, Chief Procurement Officer
121 North LaSalle Street, Room 806
Chicago, Illinois 60602-1284
Fax: 312-744-3281
Pursuant to 2-92-535, the prime contractor may apply be awarded an additional 0.333 percent credit, up to a
maximum of a total of 5 percent additional credit, for every 1 percent of the value of a contract self-
performed by MBEs or WBEs, or combination thereof, that have entered into a mentor agreement with the
contractor. This up to 5% may be applied to the Contract Specific Goals, or it may be in addition to the
Contract Specific Goals.
6.2. Definitions
"Area of Specialty" means the description of an MBE or WBE firms business which has been determined by
the Chief Procurement Officer to be most reflective of the MBE or WBE firms claimed specialty or expertise.
Each MBE/WBE letter of certification contains a description of the firms Area of Specialty. This information is
also contained in the Directory (defined below). Credit toward this Contracts MBE and WBE participation
goals shall be limited to the participation of firms performing within their Area of Specialty.
NOTICE: The City of Chicago does not make any representation concerning the ability of any MBE/WBE to
perform work within their Area of Specialty. It is the responsibility of all contractors to determine the
capability and capacity of MBEs/WBEs to satisfactorily perform the work proposed.
"B.E.P.D." means an entity certified as a Business enterprise owned or operated by people with disabilities as
defined in MCC Section 2-92-586.
"Bid" means a bid, proposal, or submittal detailing a description of the services or work to be provided by the
contractor in response to a bid solicitation, request for proposal, request for qualification of task order request
(issued in accordance with the Master Consulting Agreement) that is issued by the City.
"Bidder" means any person or business entity that submits a bid, proposal, qualification or submittal that
seeks to enter into a contract with the City, and includes all partners, affiliates and joint ventures of such
person or entity.
"Broker" means a person or entity that fills orders by purchasing or receiving supplies from a third party
supplier rather than out of its own existing inventory and provides no commercially useful function other than
acting as a conduit between his or her supplier and his or her customer.
"Chief Procurement Officer" or "CPO" means the chief procurement officer of the City of Chicago or his or her
"Commercially Useful Function" means responsibility for the execution of a distinct element of the work of
the contract, which is carried out by actually performing, managing, and supervising the work involved,
evidencing the responsibilities and risks of a business owner such as negotiating the terms of (sub)contracts,
taking on a financial risk commensurate with the contract or its subcontract, responsibility for acquiring the
appropriate lines of credit and/or loans, or fulfilling responsibilities as a joint venture partner as described in
the joint venture agreement.
"Contract Specific Goals" means the subcontracting goals for MBE and WBE participation established for a
particular contract.
"Contractor" means any person or business entity that has entered into a contract with the City as described
herein, and includes all partners, affiliates, and joint ventures of such person or entity.
"Direct Participation" the value of payments made to MBE or WBE firms for work that is performed in their
Area of Specialty directly related to the performance of the subject matter of the Contract will count as Direct
Participation toward the Contract Specific Goals.
b. Subcontractor participation will be deemed excessively costly when the MBE/WBE subcontractor
proposal exceeds the average price quoted by more than twenty percent (20%). In order to
establish that a subcontractors quote is excessively costly, the bidder must provide the following
1. A detailed statement of the work identified for MBE/WBE participation for which the
bidder asserts the MBE/WBE quote(s) were excessively costly (in excess of 20% higher).
o A listing of all potential subcontractors contacted for a quotation on that work item;
o Prices quoted for the subcontract in question by all such potential subcontractors
for that work item.
2. Other documentation which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Chief Procurement
Officer that the MBE/WBE proposals are excessively costly, even though not in excess of
20% higher than the average price quoted. This determination will be based on factors
that include, but are not limited to the following:
o The City's estimate for the work under a specific subcontract;
o The bidders own estimate for the work under the subcontract;
o An average of the bona fide prices quoted for the subcontract;
o Demonstrated increase in other contract costs as a result of subcontracting to the
M/WBE or other firm.
6.5.2. Assist Agency Participation in wavier/reduction requests
Every waiver and/or reduction request must include evidence that the bidder has provided timely notice
of the need for subcontractors to an appropriate association/assist agency representative of the
MBE/WBE business community. This notice must be given at least five (5) business days in advance of the
initial bid due date.
The notice requirement of this Section will be satisfied if a bidder contacts at least one of the associations
on Attachment A to these Regulations when the prime contractor seeks a waiver or reduction in the
utilization goals. Attachment B to these Regulations provides the letter format that a prime contractor
may use. Proof of notification prior to bid submittal (e.g. certified mail receipt or facsimile transmittal
receipt) will be required to be submitted with the bid for any bid/proposal to be deemed responsive. If
deemed appropriate, the Contract Compliance Officer may contact the assist agency for verification of
6.5.3. Impracticability
If the Chief Procurement Officer determines that a lesser MBE and/or WBE percentage standard is
appropriate with respect to a particular contract subject to competitive bidding prior to the bid
solicitations for such contract, bid specifications shall include a statement of such revised standard.
The requirements set forth in these Regulations (this subsection 6.5 "Regulations Governing Reductions
to or Waiver of MBE/WBE Goals") shall not apply where the Chief Procurement Officer determines prior
to the bid solicitations that MBE/WBE subcontractor participation is impracticable.
Dear _________________________:
The following areas have been identified for subcontracting opportunities on both a direct and indirect basis:
Our efforts to identify potential subcontractors have not been successful in order to meet the Disadvantaged/
Minority/Women Business Enterprise contract goal. Due to the inability to identify an appropriate DBE/MBE/WBE firm
certified by the City of Chicago to participate as a subcontractor or joint venture partner, a request for the waiver of the
contract goals will be submitted. If you are aware of such a firm, please contact
Under the City of Chicagos MBE/WBE/DBE Ordinance, your agency is entitled to comment upon this waiver request to the
City of Chicago. Written comments may be directed within ten (10) working days of your receipt of this letter to:
If you wish to discuss this matter, please contact the undersigned at ____________________.
Consultant may use a combination of primary and excess/umbrella policy/policies to satisfy the limits of liability required
herein. The excess/umbrella policy/policies must provide the same coverages/follow form as the underlying policy/policies.
The City must be provided additional insured status with respect to liability arising out of Consultants work, services or
operations performed on behalf of the City. The Citys additional insured status must apply to liability and defense of suits
arising out of Consultants acts or omissions, whether such liability is attributable to the Consultant or to the City on an
additional insured endorsement form acceptable to the City. The full policy limits and scope of protection also will apply to
the City as an additional insured, even if they exceed the Citys minimum limits required herein. Consultants liability
insurance must be primary without right of contribution by any other insurance or self-insurance maintained by or available
to the City.
Consultant may use a combination of primary and excess/umbrella policy/policies to satisfy the limits of liability required
herein. The excess/umbrella policy/policies must provide the same coverages/follow form as the underlying policy/policies.
Consultant may use a combination of primary and excess/umbrella policy/policies to satisfy the limits of liability required
herein. The excess/umbrella policy/policies must provide the same coverages/follow form as the underlying policy/policies.
7.1.4. Excess/Umbrella
Excess/Umbrella Liability Insurance must be maintained with limits of not less than $5,000.000 per occurrence, or the full
per occurrence limits of the policy, whichever is greater. The policy/policies must provide the same coverages/follow form
as the underlying Commercial General Liability, Automobile Liability, Employers Liability and Completed Operations
coverage required herein and expressly provide that the excess or umbrella policy/policies will drop down over reduced
and/or exhausted aggregate limit, if any, of the underlying insurance. The Excess/Umbrella policy/policies must be primary
without right of contribution by any other insurance or self-insurance maintained by or available to the City.
Consultant may use a combination of primary and excess/umbrella policies to satisfy the limits of liability required in
sections 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3 and 7.1.4 herein.
Insurance Requirements 75
7.1.5. Professional Liability
When any, teaching/training professionals program manager/administrator or any other professional consultants perform
work, services, or operations in connection with this Agreement, Professional Liability Insurance covering acts, errors, or
omissions must be maintained with limits of not less than $2,000,000. When policies are renewed or replaced, the policy
retroactive date must coincide with, or precede start of work or services on the Agreement. A claims-made policy which is
not renewed or replaced must have an extended reporting period of two (2) years.
Consultant is responsible for all loss or damage to personnel property (including materials, equipment tools and supplies)
owned, rented or used by Consultant for this Agreement.
Insurance Requirements 77
Contract Number:
Specification Number: 322160
Contractor (Vendor) Name:
Total Amount (Value):
Fund Chargeable: 0100-0562005-0140-220140 and various
______________________ ____
Notary Public Commission Expires
______________________ ____
Comptroller Date
___________________ ____
Chief Procurement Officer Date
Execution Page 78
Exhibits follow this page. Remainder of page intentionally blank.
Description of Operation/Location
The insurance policies and endorsements indicated below have been issued to the designated named insured with the policy limits as set forth herein
covering the operation described within the contract involving the named insured and the City of Chicago. The Certificate issuer agrees that in the event of
cancellation, non-renewal or material change involving the indicated policies, the issuer will provide at least sixty (60) days prior written notice of such
change to the City of Chicago at the address shown on this Certificate. This certificate is issued to the City of Chicago in consideration of the contract
entered into with the named insured, and it is mutually understood that the City of Chicago relies on this certificate as a basis for continuing such
agreement with the named insured:
Type of Insurance Insurer Name Policy Number Expiration Date Limits of Liability
All Limits in Thousands
Other $ ___________
a) Each Insurance policy required by this agreement, excepting policies for worker=s compensation and professional liability, will read: AThe City of Chicago
is an additional insured as respects operations and activities of, or on behalf of the named insured, performed under contract with or permit from the
City of Chicago.@
b) The General, Automobile and Excess/Umbrella Liability Policies described provide for severability of Interest (cross liability) applicable to the named
insured and the City.
c) Workers Compensation and Property Insurers shall waive all rights of subrogation against the City of Chicago.
d) The receipt of this certificate by the City does not constitute agreement by the City that the insurance requirements in the contract have been fully met, or
that the insurance policies indicated by this certificate are in compliance with all contract requirements.
Name and Address of Certificate Holder and Recipient of Notice