Emcee SCRTPT For School Assembly

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Line up
Hands up..Hands down!!
Hands up..Hands down!!
Hands up..Hands down!!
Stand still!! Ready!!
Stand still!! Ready!!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and a very Good Morning (Waited for the

The Respective,
i. Encik Md Saleh bin Ali The Headmaster of SK Telok Pial
ii. Encik Masri bin Mat Som The Administrative Senior Assistant
iii. Encik Mohd Fauzi bin Abdul Hamid The Pupil Affairs Senior
iv. Encik Muhammad Rizal bin Ramli The Co-Curriculum Senior
v. All teachers and fellow students

Praised to Allah as His blessed to us, we could gather here together to

succeed our school assembly. To start this assembly let us sing along our
National Anthem. To all teachers and fellow students, please stand up.
(Waited everybody to stand still)

I hope that everybody could sing these songs aloud and exuberant
# The National Anthem Readymusic starts
# The State Song Readymusic starts
# The School Song Readymusic starts

Thank you

Lets continue with the pledge of Rukun Negara.

Maka kami / Rakyat Malaysia / berikrar / akan menunpukan / sepenuh
tenaga dan usaha kami / untuk mencapai cita-cita tersebut / berdasarkan
prinsip-prinsip yang berikut:

Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan

Kesetiaan Kepada Raja Dan Negara
Keluhuran Dan Perlembagaan
Kedaulatan Undang-Undang
Kesopanan Dan Kesusilaan
The Students Pledge:
# Bahawasanya kami / murid-murid SK Telok Pial / dengan ini berikrar /
akan belajar bersungguh-sungguh / menghormati guru / mejaga disiplin /
dan menjaga nama baik sekolah.

Thank you very much. Teachers may be seated.

Ladies and Gentlemen, as to pray for blessings for this assembly, I would
like to invite the prefect on duty to recite a Doa.
Thank you for the recital of Doa.

To continue our assembly, please welcome the teacher in duty for this
week .....to give his/ her speech.
Thank you . for the speech.

Next, please welcome our Administrative Senior Assistant/ Pupil Affairs

Senior Assistant / Co-Curriculum Senior Assistant
. to give his/ her speech.
Thank you . for the speech.

Next, let us continue with the speech by our headmaster, Encik Md Saleh
bin Ali. Welcome.
Thank you Encik Md Saleh bin Ali for the speech.

Now, let us end this assembly with the Tasbih Kifarah and Surah Al-Asr.

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