Derivative Suit

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The document discusses different types of stockholder suits including derivative suits, individual suits, and class suits. It also discusses the requirements for a suit to be considered a derivative suit filed on behalf of a corporation.

A derivative suit is filed on behalf of a corporation when the corporation's officials refuse to sue or are being sued. An individual suit is filed when the wrong is done to a stockholder personally. A class suit is filed when the wrong is done to a group of stockholders belonging to the same class.

For a suit to be considered derivative, it must be filed on behalf of the corporation as the real party in interest since the cause of action primarily belongs to the corporation. The stockholder filing is merely a nominal party representing the corporation.

Ching vs Subic Bay

In Cua, Jr. v. Tan,22 the Court previously elaborated on the

distinctions among a derivative suit, an individual suit, and a
representative or class suit:

A derivative suit must be differentiated from individual and

representative or class suits, thus:

"Suits by stockholders or members of a corporation based on

wrongful or fraudulent acts of directors or other persons may be
classified into individual suits, class suits, and derivative
suits. Where a stockholder or member is denied the right of
inspection, his suit would be individual because the wrong is
done to him personally and not to the other stockholders or the
corporation. Where the wrong is done to a group of stockholders,
as where preferred stockholders rights are violated, a class or
representative suit will be proper for the protection of all
stockholders belonging to the same group. But where the acts
complained of constitute a wrong to the corporation itself, the
cause of action belongs to the corporation and not to the
individual stockholder or member. Although in most every case of
wrong to the corporation, each stockholder is necessarily
affected because the value of his interest therein would be
impaired, this fact of itself is not sufficient to give him an
individual cause of action since the corporation is a person
distinct and separate from him, and can and should itself sue the
wrongdoer. Otherwise, not only would the theory of separate
entity be violated, but there would be multiplicity of suits as
well as a violation of the priority rights of creditors.
Furthermore, there is the difficulty of determining the amount of
damages that should be paid to each individual stockholder.

However, in cases of mismanagement where the wrongful acts are

committed by the directors or trustees themselves, a stockholder
or member may find that he has no redress because the former are
vested by law with the right to decide whether or not the
corporation should sue, and they will never be willing to sue
themselves. The corporation would thus be helpless to seek
remedy. Because of the frequent occurrence of such a situation,
the common law gradually recognized the right of a stockholder to
sue on behalf of a corporation in what eventually became known as
a "derivative suit." It has been proven to be an effective remedy
of the minority against the abuses of management. Thus, an
individual stockholder is permitted to institute a derivative
suit on behalf of the corporation wherein he holds stock in order
to protect or vindicate corporate rights, whenever officials of
the corporation refuse to sue orare the ones to be sued or hold
the control of the corporation. In such actions, the suing
stockholder is regarded as the nominal party, with the
corporation as the party in interest."

x x x x

Indeed, the Court notes American jurisprudence to the effect that

a derivative suit, on one hand, and individual and class suits,
on the other, are mutually exclusive, viz.:

"As the Supreme Court has explained: "A shareholders derivative

suit seeks to recover for the benefit of the corporation and its
whole body of shareholders when injury is caused to the
corporation that may not otherwise be redressed because of
failure of the corporation to act. Thus, the action is
derivative, i.e., in the corporate right, if the gravamen of the
complaint is injury to the corporation, or to the whole body of
its stock and property without any severance or distribution
among individual holders, or it seeks to recover assets for the
corporation or to prevent the dissipation of its assets. x x x.
In contrast, "a direct action [is one] filed by the shareholder
individually (or on behalf of a class of shareholders to which he
or she belongs) for injury to his or her interest as a
shareholder. x x x. [T]he two actions are mutually exclusive:
i.e., the right of action and recovery belongs to either the
shareholders (direct action) *651 or the corporation(derivative
action)." x x x.

Thus, in Nelson v. Anderson(1999), x x x, the **289 minority

shareholder alleged that the other shareholder of the corporation
negligently managed the business, resulting in its total failure.
x x x. The appellate court concluded that the plaintiff could not
maintain the suit as a direct action: "Because the gravamen of
the complaint is injury to the whole body of its stockholders, it
was for the corporation to institute and maintain a remedial
action. x x x. A derivative action would have been appropriate if
its responsible officials had refused or failed to act." x x x.
The court went on to note that the damages shown at trial were
the loss of corporate profits. x x x. Since "[s]hareholders own
neither the property nor the earnings of the corporation," any
damages that the plaintiff alleged that resulted from such loss
of corporate profits "were incidental to the injury to the
corporation." (Citations omitted.)

The reliefs sought in the Complaint, namely that of enjoining

defendants from acting as officers and Board of Directors of the
corporation, the appointment of a receiver, and the prayer for
damages in the amount of the decrease in the value of the shares
of stock, clearly show that the Complaint was filed to curb the
alleged mismanagement of SBGCCI. The causes of action pleaded by
petitioners do not accrue to a single shareholder or a class of
shareholders but to the corporation itself.

However, as minority stockholders, petitioners do not have any

statutory right to override the business judgments of SBGCCIs
officers and Board of Directors on the ground of the latters
alleged lack of qualification to manage a golf course. Contrary
to the arguments of petitioners, Presidential Decree No. 902-A,
PRESIDENT, does not grant minority stockholders a cause of action
against waste and diversion by the Board of Directors, but merely
identifies the jurisdiction of the SEC over actions already
authorized by law or jurisprudence. It is settled that a
stockholders right to institute a derivative suit is not based
on any express provision of the Corporation Code, or even the
Securities Regulation Code, but is impliedly recognized when the
said laws make corporate directors or officers liable for damages
suffered by the corporation and its stockholders for violation of
their fiduciary duties.23

At this point, we should take note that while there were

allegations in the Complaint of fraud in their subscription
agreements, such as the misrepresentation of the Articles of
Incorporation, petitioners do not pray for the rescission of
their subscription or seek to avail of their appraisal rights.
Instead, they ask that defendants be enjoined from managing the
corporation and to pay damages for their mismanagement.
Petitioners only possible cause of action as minority
stockholders against the actions of the Board of Directors is the
common law right to file a derivative suit. The legal standing of
minority stockholders to bring derivative suits is not a
statutory right, there being no provision in the Corporation Code
or related statutes authorizing the same, but is instead a
product of jurisprudence based on equity. However, a derivative
suit cannot prosper without first complying with the legal
requisites for its institution.24

Section 1, Rule 8 of the Interim Rules of Procedure Governing

IntraCorporate Controversies imposes the following requirements
for derivative suits:

(1) He was a stockholder or member at the time the acts or

transactions subject of the action occurred and at the time
the action was filed;

(2) He exerted all reasonable efforts, and alleges the same

with particularity in the complaint, to exhaust all remedies
available under the articles of incorporation, by-laws, laws
or rules governing the corporation or partnership to obtain
the relief he desires;

(3) No appraisal rights are available for the act or acts

complained of; and

(4) The suit is not a nuisance or harassment suit.

The RTC dismissed the Complaint for failure to comply with the
second and fourth requisites above.

Upon a careful examination of the Complaint, this Court finds

that the same should not have been dismissed on the ground that
it is a nuisance or harassment suit. Although the shareholdings
of petitioners are indeed only two out of the 409 alleged
outstanding shares or 0.24%, the Court has held that it is enough
that a member or a minority of stockholders file a derivative
suit for and in behalf of a corporation.25
With regard, however, to the second requisite, we find that
petitioners failed to state with particularity in the Complaint
that they had exerted all reasonable efforts to exhaust all
remedies available under the articles of incorporation, by-laws,
and laws or rules governing the corporation to obtain the relief
they desire. The Complaint contained no allegation whatsoever of
any effort to avail of intra-corporate remedies. Indeed, even if
petitioners thought it was futile to exhaust intra-corporate
remedies, they should have stated the same in the Complaint and
specified the reasons for such opinion. Failure to do so allows
the RTC to dismiss the Complaint, even motu proprio, in
accordance with the Interim Rules. The requirement of this
allegation in the Complaint is not a useless formality which may
be disregarded at will. We ruled in Yu v. Yukayguan26:

The wordings of Section 1, Rule8 of the Interim Rules of

Procedure Governing Intra-Corporate Controversies are simple and
do not leave room for statutory construction. The second
paragraph thereof requires that the stockholder filing a
derivative suit should have exerted all reasonable efforts to
exhaust all remedies available under the articles of
incorporation, by-laws, laws or rules governing the corporation
or partnership to obtain the relief he desires; and to allege
such fact with particularity in the complaint. The obvious intent
behind the rule is to make the derivative suit the final recourse
of the stockholder, after all other remedies to obtain the relief
sought had failed.
Villamor vs Umale

A derivative suit is an action filed by stockholders to enforce a

corporate action.56 It is an exception to the general rule that
the corporations power to sue57 is exercised only by the board
of directors or trustees.58

Individual stockholders may be allowed to sue on behalf of the

corporation whenever the directors or officers of the corporation
refuse to sue to vindicate the rights of the corporation or are
the ones to be sued and are in control of the corporation. It is
allowed when the "directors [or officers] are guilty of breach of
. . . trust, [and] not of mere error of judgment."

In derivative suits, the real party in interest is the

corporation, and the suing stockholder is a mere nominal party.

Thus, this court noted:

The Court has recognized that a stockholders right to institute

a derivative suit is not based on any express provision of the
Corporation Code, or even the Securities Regulation Code, but is
impliedly recognized when the said laws make corporate directors
or officers liable for damages suffered by the corporation and
its stockholders for violation of their fiduciary duties. In
effect, the suit is an action for specific performance of an
obligation, owed by the corporation to the stockholders, to
assist its rights of action when the corporation has been put in
default by the wrongful refusal of the directors or management to
adopt suitable measures for its protection.62

Rule 8, Section 1 of the Interim Rules of Procedure for Intra

Corporate Controversies (Interim Rules) provides the five (5)
requisites63 for filing derivative suits:

SECTION 1. Derivative action. A stockholder or member may bring

an action in the name of a corporation or association, as the
case may be, provided, that:

(1) He was a stockholder or member at the time the acts or

transactions subject of the action occurred and at the time
the action was filed;

(2) He exerted all reasonable efforts, and alleges the same

with particularity in the complaint, toexhaust all remedies
available under the articles of incorporation, by-laws, laws
or rules governing the corporation or partnership to obtain
the relief he desires;

(3) No appraisal rights are available for the act or acts

complained of; and

(4) The suit is not a nuisance or harassment suit.

In case of nuisance or harassment suit, the court shall forthwith

dismiss the case.

The fifth requisite for filing derivative suits, while not

included in the enumeration, is implied in the first paragraph of
Rule 8, Section 1 of the Interim Rules: The action brought by the
stockholder or member must be "in the name of [the] corporation
or association. . . ." This requirement has already been settled
in jurisprudence.

Thus, in Western Institute of Technology, Inc., et al. v. Salas,

et al.,64 this court said that "[a]mong the basic requirements
for a derivative suit to prosper is that the minority shareholder
who is suing for and on behalf of the corporation must allege in
his complaint before the proper forum that he is suing on a
derivative cause of action on behalf of the corporation and all
other shareholders similarly situated who wish to join
[him]." This principle on derivative suits has been repeated

in, among other cases, Tam Wing Tak v. Hon. Makasiar and De
Guia66 and in Chua v. Court of Appeals, 67 which was cited in Hi-
Yield Realty, Incorporated v. Court of


Moreover, it is important that the corporation be made a party to

the case.69

This court explained in Asset Privatization Trust v. Court of

Appeals70 why it is a condition sine qua non that the corporation
be impleaded as party in derivative suits. Thus:

Not only is the corporation an indispensable party, but it is

also the present rule that it must be served with process. The
reason given Is that the judgment must be made binding upon the
corporation in order that the corporation may get the benefit of
the suit and may not bring a subsequent suit against the same
defendants for the same cause of action. In other words the
corporation must be joined as party because it is its cause of
action that is being litigated and because judgment must be a res
judicata against it.71

In the same case, this court enumerated the reasons for

disallowing a direct individual suit.

The reasons given for not allowing direct individual suit are:

(1) . . . "the universally recognized doctrine that a

stockholder in a corporation has no title legal or equitable
to the corporate property; that both of these are in the
corporation itself for the benefit of the stockholders."
Inother words, to allow shareholders to sue separately would
conflict with the separate corporate entity principle;
(2) . . . that the prior rights of the creditors may be
prejudiced. Thus, our Supreme Court held in the case of
Evangelista v. Santos, that the stockholders may not
directly claim those damages for themselves for that would
result in the appropriation by, and the distribution among
them of part of the corporate assets before the dissolution
of the corporation and the liquidation of its debts and
liabilities, something which cannot be legally donein view
of Section 16 of the Corporation Law. . .";

(3) the filing of such suits would conflict with the duty of
the management to sue for the protection of all concerned;

(4) it would produce wasteful multiplicity of suits; and

(5) it would involve confusion in ascertaining the effect of

partial recovery by an individual on the damages recoverable
by the corporation for the same act.72

While it is true that the basis for allowing stockholders to file

derivative suits on behalf of corporations is based on equity,
the above legal requisites for its filing must necessarily be
complied with for its institution.73

Respondent Balmores action in the trial court failed to satisfy

all the requisites of a derivative suit.

Respondent Balmores failed to exhaust all available remedies to

obtain the reliefs he prayed for. Though he tried to communicate
with PPCs directors about the checks in Villamors possession
before he filed an action with the trial court, respondent
Balmores was not able to show that this comprised all the
remedies available under the articles of incorporation, bylaws,
laws, or rules governing PPC.

An allegation that appraisal rights were not available for the

acts complained of is another requisite for filing derivative
suits under Rule 8, Section 1(3) of the Interim Rules.

Section 81 of the Corporation Code provides the instances of

appraisal right:
SEC. 81. Instances of appraisal right. Any stockholder of a
corporation shall have the right to dissent and demand payment of
the fair value of his shares in the following instances:

1. In case any amendment to the articles of incorporation

has the effect of changing or restricting the rights of any
stockholders or class of shares, or of authorizing
preferences in any respect superior to those of outstanding
shares of any class, or of extending or shortening the term
of corporate existence;

2. In case of sale, lease, exchange, transfer, mortgage,

pledge or other disposition of all or substantially all of
the corporate property and assets as provided in this Code;

3. In case of merger or consolidation.

Section 82 of the Corporation Codeprovides that the stockholder

may exercise the right if he or she voted against the proposed
corporate action and if he made a written demand for payment on
the corporation within thirty (30) days after the date of voting.

Respondent Balmores complained aboutthe alleged inaction of PPCs

directors in his letter informing themthat Villamor should be
made to deliver to PPC and accountfor MC Home Depots checks or
their equivalent value. He alleged that these are devices or
schemes amounting to fraud or misrepresentation detrimental to
the corporations and the stockholders interests. He also
alleged that the directors inaction placed PPCs assets in
imminent and/or actual dissipation, loss, wastage, and

Granting that (a) respondent Balmores attempt to communicate

with the other PPC directors already comprised all the available
remedies that he could have exhausted and (b) the corporation was
under full control of petitioners that exhaustion of remedies
became impossible or futile,74 respondent Balmores failed
toallege that appraisal rights were not available for the acts
complained of here.
Neither did respondent Balmores implead PPC as party in the case
nor did he allege that he was filing on behalf of the

The non-derivative character of respondent Balmores action may

also be gleaned from his allegations in the trial court
complaint. In the complaint, he described the nature ofhis action
as an action under Rule 1, Section 1(a)(1) of the Interim Rules,
and not an action under Rule 1, Section 1(a)(4) of the Interim
Rules, which refers to derivative suits. Thus, respondent
Balmores said:

1.1 This is an action under Section 1 (a) (1), Rule 1 of the

Interim Rules of Procedure for Intra-corporate Controversies,
involving devices or schemes employed by, or acts of, the
defendants as board of directors, business associates and
officers of Pasig Printing Corporation (PPC), amounting to fraud
or misrepresentation, which are detrimental to the interest of
the plaintiff as stockholder of PPC.75 (Emphasis supplied)

Rule 1, Section 1(a)(1) of the Interim Rules refers to acts of

the board, associates, and officers, amounting to fraud or
misrepresentation, which may be detrimental to the interest of
the stockholders. This is different from a derivative suit.

While devices and schemes of the board of directors, business

associates, or officers amounting to fraud under Rule 1, Section
1(a)(1) of the Interim Rules are causes of a derivative suit, it
is not always the case that derivative suits are limited to such
causes or that they are necessarily derivative suits. Hence, they
are separately enumerated in Rule 1, Section 1(a) of the Interim

SECTION 1. (a) Cases covered. These Rules shall govern the

procedure to be observed in civil cases involving the following:

(1) Devices or schemes employed by, or any act of, the board
of directors, business associates, officers or partners,
amounting to fraud or misrepresentation which may be
detrimental to the interest of the public and/or of the
stockholders, partners, or members of any corporation,
partnership, or association;
(2) Controversies arising out of intra-corporate,
partnership, or association relations, between and among
stockholders, members, or associates; and between, any or
all of them and the corporation, partnership, or association
of which they are stockholders, members, or associates,

(3) Controversies in the election orappointment of

directors, trustees, officers, or managers ofcorporations,
partnerships, or associations;

(4) Derivative suits;and

(5) Inspection of corporate books. (Emphasis supplied)

Stockholder/s suits based on fraudulent or wrongful acts of

directors, associates, or officers may also beindividual suits or
class suits.

Individual suits are filed when the cause of action belongs to

the individual stockholder personally, and notto the stockholders
as a group or to the corporation, e.g., denial of right to
inspection and denial of dividends to a stockholder.76 If the
cause of action belongs to a group of stockholders, such as when
the rights violated belong to preferred stockholders, a class or
representative suit may be filed to protect the stockholders in
the group.77

In this case, respondent Balmores filed an individual suit. His

intent was very clear from his manner of describing the nature of
his action:

1.1 This is an action under Section 1 (a) (1), Rule 1 of the

Interim Rules of Procedure for Intra-corporate Controversies,
involving devices or schemes employed by, or acts of, the
defendants as board of directors, business associates and
officers of Pasig Printing Corporation (PPC),amounting to fraud
or misrepresentation, which are detrimental to the interest of
the plaintiff as stockholder of PPC.78

(Emphasis supplied)
His intent was also explicit from his prayer:

WHEREFORE, plaintiff respectfully prays that the Honorable Court

. . . .

2. After notice and due proceedings

Declare that the acts of defendant Directorsin allowing defendant

VILLAMOR to retain custody of the MC Home checks and encash them
upon maturity, as well as their refusal or failure to take any
action against defendant VILLAMOR to make him account and deliver
the MC Home checks and/or their proceeds to Pasig Printing
Corporation are devices, schemes or acts amounting to fraud that
are detrimental to plaintiffs interest as a stockholder of
PPC;79 (Emphasis supplied)

Respondent Balmores did not bring the action for the benefit of
the corporation. Instead, hewas alleging that the acts of PPCs
directors, specifically the waiver of rights in favor of
Villamors law firm and their failure to take back the MC Home
Depot checks from Villamor, were detrimental to his individual
interest as a stockholder. In filing an action, therefore, his
intention was to vindicate his individual interest and not PPCs
or a group of stockholders.

The essence of a derivative suit is thatit must be filed on

behalf of the corporation. This is because the cause of action
belongs, primarily, to the corporation. The stockholder who sues
on behalf of a corporation is merely a nominal party.

Respondent Balmores intent to file an individual suit removes it

from the coverage of derivative suits.

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