EMMU 7244-Machine Tool Vibrations and Cutting Dynamics-Exam July 2016

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DATE: 21/07/2016 TIME: 3 HOURS

You should have the following for this examination.
Answer book-let.
Mathematical tables/calculator.

This paper contains SEVEN questions.

Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions have equal marks
Maximum marks for each part of a question are as indicated.
Q1. (a) (i) Explain three types of machine tool vibrations and their causes. How can vibration be
controlled in a machine tool?
(ii) Describe the adverse effects of vibrations and chatter in machining.
(b) Describe the effects of cutting fluids on chip formation. Explain why and how they influence the
cutting operation. Explain under what conditions you would discourage the use of cutting fluids.
(c) In a dry cutting operation using a 5 0 rake angle, the measured forces were Fc = 1500 N and Ft =
800 N. When a cutting fluid was used, these forces were Fc = 1300 N and Ft = 700 N. What is the
change in the friction angle resulting from the use of a cutting fluid?
(d) A titanium alloy rod measuring 160 mm long and 80 mm diameter is being reduced in diameter to
70 mm by turning on a lathe in one pass. The spindle speed is 400 rpm and the tool travels at an axial
velocity of 4 mm/s. If the unit energy required for the material is taken to be 3.5 W-s/mm3, determine:
i) the cutting speed,
ii) material removal rate,
iii) time of cut,
iv) power required, and
v) the cutting force.
Q2 (a) (i) What is the effect of cutting speed, feed and depth of cut on machine tool life?
(ii) Explain the most desirable properties of machine cutting tool materials?
(iii) What do you understand by machinability of a metal? What factors affect the machinability?
(b) Using an appropriate diagram, derive the following expression connected to machine tool
orthogonal cutting process: cos ( ) ; where r is the cutting ratio, is the shear plane angle,

and is the rake angle. Use this equation to determine the percentage increase in chip thickness when
the coefficient of friction is doubled from 0.2, and the rake angle is 200.
(c) An orthogonal cutting operation is carried out under the following conditions: t o = 0.1 mm, tc = 0.2
mm, width of cut = 6 mm, v = 2 m/s, rake angle = 150 and coefficient of friction is 0.2, Fc = 600 N, and
Ft = 300 N. Calculate the percentage of the total energy that is dissipated in the shear plane.
Q3 (a) What do you understand by transmissibility in relation to vibrations?
(b) Establish an expression for the amplitude of forced damped vibrations, and use the expression to
derive an equation for the transmissibility ratio (TR).
(c) A machine tool of mass 80 kg mounted to ground through an isolation system of total stiffness 40
KN/m, with a measured damping ratio of 0.2. During machining process the machine cutting tool
produces a harmonic force of 350 N at 150 rpm during steady-state operating conditions. Determine
i) amplitude of motion caused by the unbalanced force, and its phase angle with respect to the
exciting force;
ii) transmissibility ratio, and
iii) Magnitude of the force transmitted to ground through the isolator, and its phase angle with
respect to the exciting force, and
iv) Maximum velocity of the machine.
Q4. (a) With the aid of an appropriate diagram state and describe the role of each of the principal forces acting
on the work piece during an orthogonal machining operation. Which of the principal forces can be measured
and how will they be measured? Why is it important to have knowledge of the force components in machining
(b) In a machining operation that approximates orthogonal cutting, the cutting tool has a rake angle =
100. The chip thickness before the cut t o = 0.50 mm and the chip thickness after the cut t c = 1.2 mm.
The measured cutting force and thrust force are: F c = 1600 N and Ft = 1200 N. The width of the
orthogonal cutting operation w = 3.0 mm. For this machining operation if the cutting speed v = 2 m/s,
determine the:
i) shear plane angle,
ii) shear strain,
iii) friction angle,
iv) coefficient of friction,
v) shear strength of the work material,
vi) cutting power, and
vii) Specific energy.
viii) Increase in temperature above ambient temperature of 20 0C if the volumetric specific heat for
the work material = 3.0 x10-3 J/mm3/C, and thermal diffusivity = 50x10-6 m2/s (or 50 mm2/s).
Q5 (a) (i) Explain why the cutting force, Fc, increases with increasing depth of cut and decreasing rake
(ii) What are the effects of performing a cutting operation with a dull tool tip or a very sharp tip?
(b) A number of tool life tests are conducted on two work materials under identical cutting conditions,
varying only speed in the test procedure. The first material, defined as the base material, yields a
Taylor tool life equation VT0.25 = 400, and the other material (test material) yields a Taylor equation
VT0.22 = 500, where speed is in m/min and tool life is in minutes. Determine:
i) The machinability rating of the test material using the cutting speed that provides a 60-min tool
life as the basis of comparison.
ii) The percentage increase in tool life when the cutting speed for the test material is reduced by
(c) The table below gives data obtained from experiments carried out on orthogonal cutting of
aluminum workpiece. The depth of cut (feed) to = 0.15 mm, width of cut w = 3.2 mm, rake angle =
50, and cutting speed v = 2 m/s.
Chip thickness, tc, mm 0.25
Cutting force, Fc, N 450
Thrust force, Ft, N 300
Work piece properties are:
Flow strength Yf , MPa 120
Thermal diffusivity, K, mm /s 95
Volumetric specific heat, c, N/mm2 0C 2.5
Determine the:
i) shear angle ,
ii) friction coefficient ,
iii) shear stress ,
iv) shear strain on the shear plane,
v) chip velocity Vc,;
vi) shear velocity Vs,
vii) Energies uf , us and ut ;
viii) Estimate the temperature rise due to the machining operation.
Q6. (a) Describe the types of chips formed during machining various materials on a lathe?
(b)A turning operation is to be performed with HSS tooling on mild steel, with Taylor tool life
parameters of n = 0.15 and C =80 m/min. If the work piece length =500mm, diameter = 100 mm, feed
= 0.25 mm/rev, handling time per piece = 5.0 min, tool change time = 2.0 min, cost of machine and
operator = KES 3,600/hr and tooling cost = KES 300 per cutting edge, determine the:
i) cutting speed for maximum production rate,
ii) cutting speed for minimum cost, and
iii) Hourly production rate and cost per piece for the computed cutting speed computed in (i)
Q7 (a) What are the causes and effects of vibrations? What do you understand by vibration isolation?
Use a graph to discuss the difficult encountered when using dampers to isolate vibrations.
(b) A uniform shaft 100mm diameter is held in a lathe machine chuck, A, at one end and supported at
the other end but free to rotate. The shaft carries two rotors B and C which are to be machined. The
shaft plus the chuck and the two rotors can be considered as a three-mass torsional system. If I A= IB =
620 Kg-m2 and IC = 300 Kg-m2, sketch the system and then determine:
i) The length BC if AB = 800 mm;
ii) The torsional stiffness of the shaft BC to make the first natural frequency 6 Hz;
iii) The corresponding second natural frequency.
Assume G = 80 GN/m2

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