Main Body Recruitment Process of Human Resource Division in Brac Bank

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Chapter 1:Introduction

BRAC Bank Limited is a full service scheduled commercial bank. This banks has started its
operation on 4th of July 2001 with a vision of being a market leader through providing
all kinds of banking services that are suitable for d yn a m i c d e m a n d s o f b o t h b u s i n e s s
a n d i n d i v i d u a l i n t h e c o m p e t i t i v e market sector. non-government organization, started
as an almost entirely donor funded, small-scale relief and rehabilitation project initiated by Mr.
Fazle Hasan Abed to help the country overcome the devastation and trauma of the Liberation
War. Today, BRAC has emerged as an independent, virtually self-financed paradigm in
sustainable human development. Currently being the largest NGO in the world, it has more than
150,000 employees with 72% women..

For the success of any organization Human Resource plays the key role. But Human can only
become resource when they are skilled trained and developed to contribute in achieving
organizational objective. And to make them skilled and developed, proper staff development
initiatives need to be taken. This initiatives need to be taken mainly by the management as well
as the Human Resource Division. Human resource division's one of the major objective should
be recruit right person for the right place for achieve the organizational goal and objectives.
BRAC is a non-government organization and the Human Resource Division of BRAC is work
for employee satisfaction and provided service very promptly. In this way the idea was generated
to analyze the effectiveness of Human Resource Development initiatives taken by BRAC HRD
and in which way it can improve the process of development.

1.1: Objectives of the study:

Fulfillment of every steps of project program requirements, this objectives are mainly specified-
General Objective:

The broad objective of this report is to analyze the recruitment process and procedure
anddifferent initiatives taken by BRAC-HRD and find out areas for further Improvement. Its
objective is to match my academic knowledge with the real life situation.
Specific Objectives:
To understand the present and future recruitment needs of the organization.
To analyze the performance of recruitment unit of BRAC-HRD.
To identify general practices that BBL uses to recruit and select employees.

To know the functions of HR in BRAC Bank Ltd.

To know about the planning of recruitment system of BBL, i.e. How the bank make
plan for recruiting people.

To draw recommendation for further development of recruitment program of BBL.

To know about the planning of recruitment system of BBL, i.e. How the bank make
plan for recruiting people.
1.2: Scope of the study

There is a lot of scope analysis of Recruitment process of Human Resource Division of

BRAC Bank Ltd. It also focuses on appropriate use & implement process of recruitment.

Instructed by the supervisor has been placed on the theory and how they are practiced has been
observed by investigating the practice of recruitment in BBL. In this regard information has been
collected from the employees working in the bank, as they have experienced the companys
recruitment procedure.

For Example:
The different department of HRD of BBL.
The functional procedure of the recruitment process.
Benefits of BRAC Bank offer to their employees to motivate their work and other activities.

Hence, I think this report will give a clear picture of Human Resources Department of BBL and
their functions. After studying that anyone can learn huge knowledge about recruitment program.

1.3: Methodology
Source of Information:
Both primary and secondary data have been collected for the purpose of the report. The
primary and secondary data sources are as follows:

1. Primary: The primary information collected through face to face interview,

observation, and by participation in the recruitment process.
2. Secondary:
Secondary data have been collected :
Human Resources department of BBL to identify the company practices for
recruitment and selection process.
Some data have been collected from the service book of the employees.
Web site has been searched and related information has been used for this research
Annual report of the bank.
Monthly Report of HR.
Different text books.
Various record of the bank.
Sample frame has been collected from the HRD database.

1.4 Limitations of the study

All the information is classified and need not to be disclosed. I have faced some limitations
which are given below-

Time constraint
Job pressure of the employees
Restrictions to disclose
Lack of practical knowledge

Within all these constraints I have tried to work with the information as efficient as possible and
tried to understand and learn from practical work experiences and make an attractive, well-
informed and an effective report. The data related information was not easily available.HR
employees did not provide easily their information of their bank especially to their HR related
info. Its also difficult to make information based report within in short time. Recruitment
process is very sensitive issue sometimes it may not disclose as a sack of secrecy. The officials
had some times been unable to provide information because of their huge routine work. That is
why we do not gather vast knowledge about the critical issues.

1.5 Significance of the Study

Education will be the most effective when theory and practice blends. The prime reason of this
study is to become familiar with the practical business world and to attain practical knowledge
about the overall Banking and Corporate world, which is so much essential for each and every
student to meet the extreme growing challenges in job market. We all know that there is no
alternative of practical knowledge which is more beneficial than theoretical aspects.
Theoretical knowledge gets its perfection with practical application and the report is designed to
bridge the gap between the theoretical knowledge and real application.

Literature Review
2.1 Literature Review

The literature review is an effective assessment of the applied theoretical evidences and
techniques to carry out the present research in a logical fashion (Kleiman, 2007). The researcher
will try to understand the different conceptual and theoretical framework on the basis of
recruitment procedures. This study will critically discuss all the literature about the topic to have
a clear visibility about the recruitment procedure and is impacting on the organizational
performance. Negative and positive approaches will be declared to make a better understanding.

2.2 Recruitment:

Recruitment methods have changed and opinions have evolved over the course of time. It was
once the policy to fill the position as quickly as possible but as time has progressed organizations
have the recruitment methods they employee can have serious effects on how the organizations
operates, and thus the turnover the organizations makes. Attracting and recruiting the best
employees is critical to success in all sectors and to all types of organizations, regardless of size
(Cullen & Farrelly, 2005, p. 41). Froschheiser (2008) has claimed that putting the wrong person
into the wrong position just to fill it can have awful consequences to your organizations, it may
cause poor employee morale, low productivity and lost opportunities- all of which will have a
negative impact on your organizations bottom line. As a result of this there is increasing pressure
on organizations to ensure that they implement the best recruitment and selection method
applicable to their organizations or industry otherwise they risk becoming uncompetitive. Turner
(2010) backs this up with this when he claims that the success of any organizations depends on
its ability to get the right people, in the right place at the right time. Taylor (2008) and Rees and
French (2010) say that recruitment is the process whereby an organizations collects applications
for a position and generates a pool of potential suitable employees, while selection involves
using techniques or different methods to assess the applicants and decide who is best suited to
the available position, given management goals and legal requirements.

2.3 Job Analysis and Design:

Once the Human Resource manager has identified that the organization needs new staff it is
important for them to conduct a job analysis in order to identify the job design so they can recruit
a person who is suitable for the position. Froschheiser (2008) highlights the fact that following
national survey results it was found that over 30% of CEOs said that up to half of their
employees are a poor fit for their job (2008, p.30). In order to prevent this the HR manager must
know what is entailed to do the job successfully, without knowing exactly what is required the
wrong candidate could easily get the job. Pilbeam & Corbridge (2006, p146) define job analysis
as the systematic process of collecting information about the tasks, responsibilities and contexts
of the job. Many researchers including McMahon & OCarroll (1999) and Pilbeam & Corbridge
(2006) have agreed that there are many functions to a successful job analysis- it can be used not
only in recruitment but also selection, performance appraisal, training and development, job
evaluation and health and safety (McMahon & O'Carroll, 1999, p. 117). When a person actually
carries out a job analysis they are essentially doing a form of research as they must collect many
pieces of data so they can identify exactly what skills, knowledge and capabilities are required to
do the job effectively. The job analysis can be carried out independently or jointly by a HR
manager or a general manager, this will all depend on how complex the job is, and what way the
job analysis is going to be undertaken. No matter who it is carrying out the analysis there are
many different ways a person can collect the information they need- they can speak to and/or
observe the person doing the job, talk to supervisors or managers and also conduct exit
interviews when people leave. The manufacturing company this researcher is working with have
not carried 16 out a job analysis in six years, yet they have continued recruiting and are aware
that the job has changed during this period due to advances in technology. Following the job
analysis, the job description should essentially be a broad statement of the purpose, scope,
duties and responsibilities that are attached to the job and as such is the basis for the contract of
employment (Gunnigle, et al., 2011, p. 106). Through doing a job analysis and creating a job
description it will be clear exactly what the new employee would be needed for- through this the
management can assess whether there is a need for a new employee or whether a current
employee could do this job or if a current employee is supposed to be doing this job.
2.4 Classic Trio:

The classic trio is a term which was first composed by Cook (2004) when he referred
to one of the most favoured forms of recruitment and selection- an application
form/C.V combined with at least one interview and additional references. A CIPD
report in 2003 showed that 80% of organizations used some form of the classic trio.
This is despite the fact that authors such as Jenkins, Smith and Robertson, and Van
Iddekinge believe there are issues with the classic trio and other writers such as
Callinan and Robertson, and Winter believe there are better and more reliable forms
of recruitment and selection (work samples or assessment centres), which can
predict with a lot higher accuracy the suitability of different candidates to different

Application Forms/ C.Vs:

Application forms/ Curriculum Vitae (C.V) is the first part of the classic trio. This recruitment
tool has become so much a part of the recruitment custom that it is wholly expected by
candidates and taken for granted by most recruiters (Roberts, 2005, p. 103). A survey carried
out by the CIPD (2003) discovered that an application form of some sort is used by 80% of
people when applying for jobs. In the public sector especially, application forms appear to be
used for every job excluding senior management positions, while in the private sector the
alternative is to allow people to compose their own curriculum vitae or c.v. Many employers
actually make use of both approaches, accepting c.v's along with application forms (as cited in
Taylor, 2008, p. 258). When an organization opts to use C.Vs they are essentially giving each
candidate the opportunity to sell themselves to the best of their ability as people can design their
C.V whatever way they like (Taylor, 2008). Some recruiters prefer to use this method as it 20
demonstrates the ability of the candidate to martial their thoughts and put together a clear piece
of communication (Roberts, 2005, p. 103). Taylor argues that this is not great practice though as
it gives applicants the opportunity to contaminate their C.V. This can happen when a C.V is
attractively presented or structured, leading unwary selectors, perhaps unconsciously, to favour
applications from otherwise unimpressive candidates over those of their better qualified rivals
(Taylor, 2008, p. 259). Jenkins (1983) says that CVs can be ineffective because they allow
applicants to promote their stronger points and thus hide their weaknesses and things that may
concern the organization (Jenkins, 1983). By doing this a person who has very little to offer the
organization can find ways to hide this and thus get themselves hired for a job they are both, not
suited to, and not able to do. As a C.V can hold a lot of information there is plenty of scope for
people to be untruthful, as it is unlikely that the organization will check all, if any of the
information, as validating all c.vs could take up far too much time. An application form is a
form an organization supplies to each candidate which consists of a number of questions the
organization feel are necessary to be answered so they can make a judgement on your
application. Each question will generally have a maximum word count and thus organizations are
looking for your most concise answer. Numerous authors have ridiculed application forms as a
recruitment and selection tool. One major flaw is that organizations often use the same
application form for many different positions rather than creating an application form which
questions the skills, competencies and knowledge required for the advertised position. Taylor
(2008, p.259) suggests the best solution is to design separate application forms for each vacancy
advertised. Again, these application forms can easily be lied on as organizations dont have the
time or the money to waste on validating all of the claims people make in them.

References :
The second part of the classic trio is references. Stuff (2008) believes employers are unsure when
it comes to references and their effectiveness. As a predictor of job performance the reference
letter has low validity, and has often been found to say more about its author than about its
subject (Taylor, 2008, p. 281). Stuff (2008) agrees with this when she says that employers
believe referencing to be of a low level of validity as former employers will very rarely give
negative feedback and a great deal of the information provided is opinion based and often has
little to do with the candidates actual suitability for the job. Cooper et al (2003) also appear to
agree with this as they suggest that referencing is highly subjective. Their 24 research showed
that employers are inclined to give all former employees good or fair references, regardless of
how they actually performed. Their research also shows that managers put very little thought or
effort into referencing. However, Dunn (1995) disagrees and believes that referencing can be
useful as it gives a good insight into the character of the candidate. Dunn believes that by using
referees an organization should be able to reduce their staff turnover and increase productivity as
you get a clear indication of the person from their previous job.
2.5 Literature Review Conclusion
Recruitment is a very important process which all organizations, in every industry, region and
sector have to engage it. There are many different advantages to having a successful recruitment
and selection process- organizations will always want to keep their labor turnover as low as
possible, as the higher it is the more money which needs to be invested into recruitment and
possibly training and a successful recruitment and selection process could help reduce labor
turnover. It can also give an organization an organization a competitive advantage through
people- through having a fully functioning recruitment and selection process it is possible for an
organization to identify the best candidate, and thus gain an advantage through having the best
staff possible.

The literature review then looked at the different recruitment processes an organization could
use, be it a classic trio, a work sample or an assessment centre and pointed out the pros and cons
of each. As regards the classic trio it looked at how beneficial an application form can be rather
than just taking in c.v.s. It then looked at the advantages a structured interview process can have
over an unstructured one, and how interviewing is a skill people can be taught, and that interview
training is very beneficial. Following this it has looked at both the advantages and disadvantages
of references. It then looks at work samples and assessment centers and looks at the advantages
of actually getting the applicants to perform a task which is re-presentable of what the job will
Chapter 3: About BRAC Bank Ltd

3.1: An Overview of BRAC Bank Limited

BRAC Bank started its journey in 2001 and in just 15 years proved to be country's fastest
growing bank. BRAC Bank Limited, one of the latest generation of commercial banks started its
journey on July 04, 2001. It is an affiliate of BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement
Committee), one of the worlds largest non-governmental development organizations founded by
Fazle Hasan Abed in 1972. It has been the fastest growing Bank in 2004 and 2005. The Bank
operates under a "double bottom line" agenda where profit and social responsibility go hand in
hand as it strives towards a poverty-free, enlightened Bangladesh. BRAC Bank, a fully
operational Commercial Bank, focuses on pursuing un explored market niches in the Small and
Medium Enterprise Business, which hitherto has remained largely untapped within the country.
In the last five years of operation, the Bank has disbursed over BDT 2200 crore in loans to nearly
50,000 small and medium entrepreneurs in 2007. And this year Banks disbursement plan is BDT
4100 crore. Today, the bank has 81 Branches, 22 SME Service Centers, 48 SME/Krishi
Branches, more than 250 ATMs, CDMs 30 and 405 SME Unit offices across the country. It has
disbursed over BDT 14,500 cores of SME loan and has over 1,200,000 individual customers who
access online banking facilities. Its services cuts across all strata of clientele be it corporate,
retail or SME.
3.2: Mission and Vision of BBL:

Corporate Mission

High quality financial services the latest technology. Optimum return on shareholders
equity.Keep our debt charges at 2% to maintain a profitable growth. Corporate Assets to be
funded through self-liability mobilization. Continuous low-cost deposit growth. Manage
various lines of business environment with no compromise on service quality.
Sustained growth in Small & Medium Enterprise sector. Attract quality of human resources.
Corporate Vision
Building profitable and socially responsible financial institution focused on Market and Business with
Growth potential, thereby assisting BRAC and stakeholders to build a just, enlightened, healthy
democratic and poverty free Bangladesh. Their corporate vision is build to profitable and socially
responsible. They will work as a team to serve the customer and create customer loyalty through a value
chain. It also serve customer with respect and work very hard service culture throughout the bank.
Continues problem solving solution and adding value will be very effective words of the
organization.Reduction of poverty level is our vision, which is a prime object as stated in Memorandum
of Association of the bank with the commitment Working Together for a Caring Society.

3.3: Core Values

Our Strength emanates from our owner - BRAC. This means, we will hold the following values
and will be guided by BRAC as they do their work-Our Strength emanates from our owner -
BRAC. This means, we will hold the following values and will be guided by BRAC as we do our
work. Value the fact that one is a member of the BRAC family. Have a strong customer focus.
Strive for profit & sound growth. Work as team to serve the best interest of our owner. Value and
respect people. Base recognition and reward on performance. Responsible, trustworthy and law-
abiding in all that we do.Be a person who can easily move forward to apply conscious choice,
willing power and passion at work. Creating an honest, open and enabling environment
3.4: Special feature of BBL and Strength:

The main feature of this bank are as follows-All activities of the bank are conducted according to
Islamic Shariah where profit is the legal alternative to interest .The bank is committed towards
establishing welfare oriented banking system, economic enlistment of the low income group of
people, create employment opportunities. According to needs and demand of the society and the
country as a whole the bank invest money to different Halal business. The bank participates in
different activities aiming at creating job, implementing development projects taken by the
government and developing infrastructure. The bank is committed to establish an economic
system through social justice and equal distributed of wealth. It is committed to bring about
changes in the underdeveloped rural areas for ensuring balanced socio-economic development of
the country through micro credit program.

3.5 Management Aspects

Like any other business organization, the Top management takes all the major decisionsat BRAC
Bank Limited. Now there are 5 directors in the Top management of the bank. The Board of
directors being at the highest level of organizational structure plays an important role on the
policy creation. Mr. Fazle Hasan Abed is the chairman of the bank. The board of directors holds
meetings on a regular basis. The Board of directors is not directly concerned with the day-to-day
operation of bank. The board meeting takes place every month. The MD & CEO gives a
presentation on banks performance in presence of all the members of the BRAC bank family.
They have delegated their authority management.
3.6 Governance
The governance structure of BRAC promotes transparency and accountability. Our Governing
Body consists of highly distinguished professionals, activists and entrepreneurs who are elected
by the General Body and bring their diverse skills and experience to the governance of BRAC.

Members of the BRAC Governing Body:

Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, Founder and Chairperson, BRAC
Mushtaque Chowdhury, Vice Chairperson, BRAC
Taherunnessa Abdullah, Social scientist and gender specialist.
Martha Alter Chen, Lecturer in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and
International Coordinator of WIEGO
Faruq A. Choudhury, Chairman, Delta-BRAC Housing Finance Corp., Bangladesh
Luva Nahid Choudhury, Director General, Bengal Foundation, Bangladesh
Kazi Aminul Huque, Chartered Accountant
Syed Humayun Kabir, Founder of Sajida Foundation, Bangladesh.
Latifur Rahman, Chairman and CEO of Transcom Group
Rokia A. Rahman, Founder of Women Entrepreneurs Association, Bangladesh, Women in
Small Enterprises.
3.7 The BRAC Family Today
97,000 community health promoters are providing essential healthcare worldwide, with
maternal, neonatal and child health services covering 24.5 million in Bangladesh alone.

1.14 million children are currently enrolled in BRACs 38,000 primary and pre-primary
schools, and 9.51 million have graduated. BRAC's youth empowerment clubs provide life skills
training to more than 260,000 teens from disadvantaged backgrounds.

5.54 million micro-borrowers with a cumulative loan disbursement of USD 9.73 billion.

25 million people have access to clean toilets thanks to BRACs sanitation entrepreneurs.

More than 600,000 rural poor women being organized through 11,234 Polli Shomaj and1,217
Union Shomaj; BRAC's 376 popular theatre teams in Bangladesh only have reached nearly
4.3 million people.

101,222 human rights and legal education graduates and 19,252 local community leaders
workshop participants.

Total regular staff 46,000 and more than 90,000 part time and service staff of Bangladesh.
3.8 BRAC different Programs

BRAC believes that poverty is a system and its underlying causes are manifold and inter linked.
Some of these linkages are obvious, for example, a days wage forgone because of illness or
resources lost to a natural disaster. Others play a more indirect role in perpetuating poverty, such
as lack of awareness about laws and rights can lead not only to outright exploitation, but also
encourage a lack of accountability on the part of the state to cater to its most vulnerable citizens.


programs work with governments to ensure food security. Agricultural programs are currently
operating in Bangladesh, Uganda, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Liberia, South Sudan and Haiti.

We build systems of production distribution and marketing of quality seeds at fair prices conduct
research to develop better varieties and practices for the agricultural sector, offer credit support
to poor farmers, and promote the use of efficient farming techniques and proven technologies.

With education programs in six countries, BRAC has built the largest secular, private education
system in the world, with over 700,000 students worldwide enrolled in BRAC primary schools.
These schools are designed to give a second chance at learning to the disadvantaged students left
behind out from the formal education systems. BRACs education programs open primary
schools in communities unreached by formal education systems, bringing learning to millions of
children, particularly those affected by extreme poverty, violence, displacement or

In our 26 years of history we have provided basic education to around 10 million students in
Bangladesh, with graduates from our non formal primary schools numbering nearly five million.
Till date, BRAC has successfully opened 410 schools in Philippines; of which, 292 are pre-
primary schools and 118 are primary schools.
build and strengthen community institutions, and ensure stronger employment specially women
towards their socio-political environment. This involves building the capacities of poor rural
women to raise their voice and taking collective action, strengthening the local government for
pro-poor governance, creating awareness and access to information, and preventing violence,
particularly violence against women.

4. BRAC HEALTH PROGRAMME:In a collective effort to make public health a frontline

agenda, United Nations (UN) has incorporated multiple health components in its Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs),emphasizing on improving maternal health, reducing neonatal
mortality, and combating HIV and other communicable diseases following the UN Millennium
Summit, 2000. Aligned with this global concern, BRAC has initiated and is implementing
several programs under the umbrella of its health program in different countries, to address
health issues and to achieve the MDGs by 2015.
Human Rights and Legal Aid Services (HRLS) program is dedicated to protecting and promoting
human rights of the poor and marginal through legal empowerment. HRL Soperates 517 Legal
Aid Clinics in 61 of 64 districts across Bangladesh and is the largest NGO led legal aid program
in the world. We are in our 27th year of operations. Our work is premised on a rights based
approach to human development.
Development Program, (IDP) to tackle the various dimensions of poverty (shallow land
depressions in north-eastern Bangladesh subject to yearly flooding) and chars (islands and areas),
which are falling behind on achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). A single
program intervention often falls short of liberating these people are from the vicious cycle of
poverty, malnutrition and diseases.


Innovative, client focused and sustainable, the BRAC microfinance program is a critical
component of our holistic approach to support livelihoods. Over the course of the last four
decades, we have grown to become one of the worlds largest providers of financial services to
the poor, providing tools which millions can use for the betterment of their lives.


The countless tragic deaths of many due to road accidents every year has been more frequent
with increasing fatality. In Bangladesh, the road safety record happens to be highly
unsatisfactory. As an active and immediate measure to tackle the alarming increase of road
fatalities with a long term vision, BRAC introduced its Road Safety Program in March, 2001.The
program mobilize community living along highways, raising awareness regarding road safety
and facilitating them to plan, undertake and sustain their local road safety initiatives.


A relatively new Endeavour, BRACs Disaster, Environment and climate change program is
setting the motion for a new era, where it is working side-by-side with the government,
otherorganizations and the community to tackle, build resilience and mount their own
responsesagainst climate change and the extremities of natural disasters coming in Bangladesh.
The programs
fundamental goals are to enhance BRAC's institutional capacity to respond to natural disasters,
build competence at the community level on disaster preparedness and increase coping ability
during natural disasters by conducting predictive research, information transfer and education in
relation to environment, climate change and natural disaster.


Despite progress in poverty reduction and human development in Bangladesh, there is still an
urgent need for more effective safety nets and programs targeted at the ultra poor, who constitute
the poorest 17.5 percent of the population (Source: Bangladesh Household Income and
Expenditure Survey, 2010, Bureau of Statistics). People in this category suffer from chronic
hunger and malnutrition, have inadequate shelter, are highly prone to many types of diseases,
deprived of education and are particularly vulnerable to recurring natural disasters. Initiated in
2002, BRACs challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction Targeting the Ultra Poor (CFPR-
TUP) program is specifically designed to meet the needs of ultra poor households, who are too
poor to access the benefit from traditional development interventions such as microfinance.


BRACs water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) program is aimed at achieving the seventh
Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of halving the proportion of people without access to
safe drinking water and basic sanitation by 2015. The program provides sustainable and
integrated WASH services in rural and isolated areas, breaking the cycle of contamination caused
by unsanitary latrines, contaminated water and unsafe hygiene practices. It also ensures
sustainability of these interventions by encouraging community ownership, developing linkages
with local governments, and encouraging local entrepreneurs to supply low-cost hardware.


BRAC's advocacy for social change program promotes behavioral change amongst individuals,
communities, organizations, government officials and policymakers regarding policies and
practices to improve the overall human rights scenario in Bangladesh. . Its goal is to increase
access of the poor, marginalized and affected in order to accelerate positive changes in their

BRAC's communications department aims to actively promote, protect and enhance BRAC'
simage through strategic communication. It also fosters innovation and synergy at BRAC by
facilitating an effective exchange of ideas and information, both internally and externally. The
department maintains consistency of all external communications, facilitates knowledge sharing
and employee engagement, and ensures brand consistency within the organization. It is
committed to continuously develop channels and capacity within the organization and innovate
different modes of activities to promote better understanding of BRAC, raise its global profile
and build a common platform where BRAC's mission, vision and values can be shared across


HRD is a strategic partner to BRAC's multifaceted programs that establishes current trends of
HR management and practices adopting a qualitative and strategic approach in managing its
workforce. The driving forces of Human Resource Division are procedural justice, transparency,
equality, respect for diversity, free from discrimination and recognition of potentials are the key
focus-creating a long lasting advantage for the organization. With a purpose to use its skilled and
highly skilled workforce effectively. BRAC foster a culture of organized learning over a given
period of time to provide and maximize the change in performance, on the idea that, Human
Resources thrives well with knowledge, skills, and motivation of people, that grows better with
age and experience-that no other resource can attain.


BRAC International is registered as Stitching BRAC International, a foundation registered under
the laws of The Netherlands, with its seat in The Hague. All of BRAC International development
entities operate under this umbrella. Development programs include health, education,
agriculture and food security, livelihoods, targeting the ultra poor, human rights and legal
services programs. BRAC International microfinance program supporting enterprises, and
finance company are consolidated under this wing. The program supporting enterprises currently
include seed production, feed mill, training centers and tissue culture lab. BRAC International
has introduced programs in Afghanistan, Haiti, Sri Lanka, Pakistan,Uganda, Tanzania, South
Sudan, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Philippines. In each of these countries, BRAC International is
legally registered with the relevant authorities.
BRAC currently has programs in five countries in Asia:




Sri Lanka

BRAC currently has programs in five countries of Africa:
Sierra Leone
South Sudan


BRAC currently has programs in one country in the Caribbean:

3.9 Financial Institutions of BRAC Bank Limited:

BRAC Bank Ltd. which was initiated in 2001, has institutional shareholding by BRAC, the
International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Shore Cap International. As a fully commercial
operation, the bank focuses on small and medium enterprises, which are overlooked by
commercial banks. The average loan size is USD 7,033. BRAC owns 33.51% shareholdings in
BRAC Bank Limited.

Delta-BRAC Housing Finance Corporation Limited:

It was founded in 1997 and is presently the largest specialized housing finance institution in the
country. It is a pioneer in financing low-cost housing and the only financial institution in

Information Technology :
Brac Net, in partnership with Net and Marubeni Corporation of Japan, has its mission to bring
affordable internet and data connectivity to the general population of the country. BRAC
has39.7% shareholdings in brac Net.
Documenta Ltd.
Is a leading software development house in Bangladesh. In addition to supplying the entire
software needs of BRAC, the company provides commercial services in business application
software development, digital archiving, and database driven interactive website development.
BRAC has 80% shareholdings in Documenta Ltd.

3.10 BRAC Policy

BRAC is a well-known NGO. So it has some policies for ensure justice and discipline for
employees and it has monitoring and audit system. Different policies are mentioned below.

1. Human Resource policies and procedure

2. Gender policy
3. Sexual Harassment elimination policy
4. BRAC ICT policy
5. Communication policy
6. Intranet policy and guideline
7. BRAC Procurement guideline
8. Functional Brand guideline
9. Policy, Gender & SHE
10. Standard e-mail signature guideline
11. BRAC Child Protection Policy etc.
4.1 BRAC Human Resource Division: (HRD)

Human Resource Division is a strategic partner of BRAC bank. HRD plays an dominant role in
expansion of BRAC human capital through improvement and growth-of the individual,
organizational, international and national contribution as whole. The derive forces of HRD
respect for diversity, free from discrimination and recognition of potential key focuses on long
lasting advantages of the organization. BRAC is currently operating in 10 countries across the
world. It has also attain well with knowledge, skill, ability, and motivation of the people that can
grows with better age and experience that no other resource can attain. BRAC can considered
employees as asset whose value is developed by individual potential skill. This provide an
opportunity to all the staffs to gain experiences and enhances their careers.

4.2 Background of HRD

Human Resource Division (HRD) has been working to maximizes the goal, job satisfaction,
enhance transparency and ensure justice for all employees. It is committed assignment to the
right people in right place at the right time to provide a safe work environment, where the staff
are nurtured and considered as absolute resources.

As one of the largest Development Organization BRAC has wide variety of development
programs. A large number of qualified, potential and a large number of qualified, potential and
committed staff is required to attain the organizational goal and to operate these programs
effectively. Now total staff of Head office HR personnel is 86 and HR field offices 250 HR

4.3 Goal of HRD

HRD is working to achieve total quality by ensuring a trustworthy, dynamic and esteemed
working environment. BRAC working with equality and facilitate such an organizational
environment, individual potentials & competencies, organizational change as well as quality are
4.4 Objectives of HRD

BRAC culture and values to enable an environment of right-based human organization.

Policy formulation, implementation and monitoring.

Hiring and placing right person in the right place at a right time.
Develop Performance Appraisal system to recognize good work as well as enhance
quality and accountability.

Keep the Management updated by preserving and disseminating updated staff's

Regularize and increase easy access to HR related information and services of all staffs.

4.5 Different units of HRD

1 Recruitment, Development and Appointment

2 Confirmation
3 Transfer Management
4 Compensation and Benefits Management
5 Policy and Capacity Development
6 Performance Management Unit
7 Grievance Management Unit
8 Staff Separation Management
9 HR Enterprise

Recruitment, Development and Appointment:

Recruitment & Selection is one of the most significant units of HRD. Through successful
recruitment, effective, value driven and competent staff who will perform to their best abilities
can be hired. They can work towards the success and sustainability of the organization by means
of adherence and dedication to achieve goal and objective. BRAC recruitment, Development and
Appointment unit do all the recruitment, because it has a skill and well educated and experienced
Major activities of RDA
1. Prepare and publish advertisement.
2. Receive application through several sources.
3. Create plan and database for selection.
4. Sort the CV according to the criteria.
5. Confirm the exam center on the basis of candidates.
6. Prepare the question and answers scripts.
7. Briefing selected candidate for pre- service training.
8. Carry out the pre-service training.

An assessment was compulsory for confirmation. But now it is not required. If it is
decided by the Senior Management that the confirming staff will also be promoted to the
next level, an assessment is to be sent after ten months probation period.

Transfer Management:
Transfer Management Unit receives transfer orders from programs and processes them on
the basis of policy compliance and then updates the database of the staff.

Policy and Capacity Development:

Policy and Capacity Development section is working towards the development of Human
Resources Policies & Procedures (HRPP) and its proper implementation. Staff development,
create awareness about rights, entitlements and responsibilities of staff, publication,
communication and presentation of HRD activities within and outside the organization are also
part of responsibility.

Compensation and Benefits Management:

1. Compensation & Benefit Management Unit is responsible for works related to
Salary, Increment, Adjustment, Leave, Loan, Allowances and Staff Welfare Fund.
There are seven types of loans offered by BRAC for the well being of the staff.
Such as-
Staff loan
Special Loan
Higher Education Loan
Mobile phone Loan
Motor Cycle Loan
Car Loan
Loan from Provident Fund

Performance Management Unit:

Performance management is the systematic process by which an organization involves its

employees, as individuals and members of a group, in improving organizational effectiveness
accomplishing organizational mission and goals. Performance Management Team constantly
works to provide a complete scenario of staff performance to the top management. BRAC
believes that the ability of the staff to perform well depends on qualities, skills and competencies.
Performance Management Team institutes a performance assessment system for staff appraisal,
which motivates the staff and his/ her supervisors for improving their competencies.

Major objectives of Performance Management Unit:

The Performance Management Team ensure continuous improvement of the system, building
capacity of supervisors who appraise performance of staff, revising formats based on practical
requirements of PMS, facilitating assessment processes, implementing decisions regarding
awards, appreciation and giving transparent feedback on performance.

Grievance Management Unit:

Code of Conduct and Sexual Harassment Elimination Policy are the integral parts of BRACs
value and culture. Sexual Harassment Elimination (SHE) and Staff Relations Section of HRD
plays a vital role in the organization. BRAC in these case focuses on sexual harassment related
grievances. This section is continuously working with a view of ensuring friendly working
environment for the female staff especially.

Staff Separation Management:

The separation unit deals with all the papers of the employees who are leaving BRAC. It might
be retirement, termination, dismissal, maternity or paternity leave, release order, resignation etc.
All these goes to the separation unit and they deals with this kind of situations. Staff Separation
Management Unit execute five different types of tasks, which are:

1. Resignation
2. Retirement and Voluntary Retirement
3. Termination
4. Final Payment
5. Redundancy

4.6 Recruitment Budget

Managing Director & CEO will determine and analyze the necessity of manpower based on
recruitment required by the Department. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the management to
examine the work load and carry out the job analysis and as well as looking into the real
requirement of employees under various categories, to see whether an additional hand is really

BRAC Bank must recognize the importance of manpower estimation and accordingly an Organ
gram should be prepared for the Bank and for each Division & Branch. Subject to review from
time to time, the competent authority as per power delegated by the Board will make the

Board of directors holds the authority to finally decide any matter regarding any sort of
recruitment. Besides they are the supreme authority to create any kind of new position.
4.7 Recruitment Policy
Employees will be appointed by the Managing Director. Both (Male and Female) have equal
opportunity to apply any regarding post of the BRAC bank. All HR contract and outsource
contract employees will be appointed by The Head of Human Resource Division. The new
recruited staff will get the probation period of one year. Female are encourage to apply. The
schedule of recruitment has been designed according to the Service Level Agreement. For
internal job posting the employee can only apply for the regular post after servicing more than
one year in BRAC. Up to level fourteen , every candidate have to sit for written test before face
interview board etc. Officer Grade l and Officer ll can appoint directly after the interview. From
Senior Officer and more there will be a second interview with the Managing Director of BRAC
Bank.4.8 Recruitment Method

Outside of the organization:

Advertising (online, Newspaper)

Field recruitment: College Campuses, professional associations

Placement agencies: Placement offices of educational institutions, private agencies

e.g. executive search firms, outplacement firms
Referral programs
Interactive electronic media, on line recruitment

Advertisement process

The process of published advertisement is not so easy because it involve different department.
There are two different way of published advertisement for recruitment. One is online and
second is daily newspaper.
Online Advertisement:
After receive the staff requisition from different programs HR officer collect and put are
acquisition number after proper checking. HR officer of recruitment unit check the requisition
cross check it by the table of authority mentioned in Human resource policy and procedure. Then
contract with procurement department for online advertisement if the programs want. The
process of publishing the advertisement also mentioned in requisition. So, they are approved the
cost by Accounts department. HR officer prepare the advertisement and uploaded into Then procurement department contact with third party(add firm) and take
initiatives to publish the advertisement on and with the help of URL system
candidates can linked with the website.

Advertisement published at newspaper:

After receiving the requisition as per programs requirement and budget approval HR published
Advertisement on newspaper. We choose The Daily Prothom Alo and The DailyStar for
publish advertisement .HR officer sent a Add requisition form to accounts department and
procurement department for space booking for newspaper, then accounts department sent a copy
to the relative program. HR officer prepare the Advertisement and sent the soft copy to
procurement department, they communicate with newspaper by mail and publish the

Intern recruitment:

BRAC Bank offers internship programs to individuals who are about to get graduate. They give
an opportunity to get involved with their corporate environment to learn and experience work
life. Every three months they hire almost 50 interns from different universities. HRD will prepare
the proposal of such engagement with individual(s)/institution(s) and take the consent from the
concerned departmental head and place the internee accordingly.

4.9 Job Advertisement and CV Screening

Different sources of find out the talents:

The talent sources are as follows:

Reference from internal employees

Internal job posting
Newspaper Advertisement
Job Fair
CV Bank

The core recruitment uses the job description to decide whether an employee is actually required
for the concerned department/division. After receiving the approved requisition, Recruitment
Department does the needful for posting an advertisement addressing potential internal/external
resources. The core recruitment team of HR posts are usually done through e-mail to all the
employees of BRAC Bank Limited (BBL. They also included the job description along with the
job circulation. If CVs are not received within the stipulated time internally, the core recruitment
team posts the job circulation in the local dailies of the country and rewrites the job description
in the form of job responsibilities. After receiving posting of a job advertisement, candidates are
usually given seven days time to apply, which can be extended if it is deemed necessary. After
closing of a job advertisement (both internal and external), the concerned Associate Relationship
Manager collect and compiles the CV. The applications/CVs are profiled against the given job
advertisement and sent to the concerned department by the Associate Relationship Manager for
screening and short listing. Short listing criteria include:
Required academic qualification
Skills and qualifications
Number of years and relevance of job experience
Other factors (extra curricular activities)

Once the CVs are evaluated and shortlisted by the concerned Department, those are sent back to
the concerned Associate Relationship Manager who cross-checks the CVs against the criteria set
out above. If it was an internal job circulation, the concerned ARM after cross-checking and
screening the applications of the short listed candidates, makes necessary arrangement for the
interview of the short listed candidates. For external candidates, once the short listed CVs are
cross checked and screened by the concerned ARM after the concerned Department, the ARM
sends those to the core recruitment team of HR. The core recruitment team again cross-checks
the CVs against the criteria set out above and puts an application track number on the CV and
accordingly updates the MIS. The shortlisted applications/CVs are then sent by the core
recruitment team to the concerned ARM who then makes the necessary arrangements for the
interview of the short listed candidates concerned ARM who then makes the necessary
arrangements for The short listed candidates.
Job offer:
If a candidate successfully reaches the final stage, a position offering is made in conjunction with
a competitive reward package, Internal selection is done through competency based recruiting
and selection process.

4.10 Management Followed By BRAC Bank

BRAC Bank has achieved in a short span of time. Thus Management of the Bank
emphatically values to hire, engage and retain talented employees. Human
Resources Strategy of the Bank constantly strives and renews its commitment to
meet the career aspiration and priorities of the employees. Bank views the
employees as most valuable capital of the organization and is endowed with unique
qualities and if thoughtfully and inspiringly led the workforce can bring superior
result with creativity. It employees takes effort to built them.

HR e u c m r u a i n t m e n t , C o m p e n s a t i o n a n d b e n i fi t s
R e s o u r c
D i v i s i o n

L e a r n i n g a n d D e v e l o p m e n t

H R R e l a t i o n s h i p T e a m

H R O p e r a t i o n

The recruitment division is responsible for collection of CVs, Job Applications for vacant posts,
Internship Applications etc. The recruitment officers collect and store these hard copies and also
update, maintains computer databases regularly. The recruitment officers task is to organize
CVs for potential candidates so that in time of recruitment they can be found and short listed
within a reasonable time. The very general idea about the functions of recruitment division is that
after CV short listing, the short listed candidates are contacted (usually by telephone) for
interviews. In case of large number of candidates, letters are mailed to the applicants/candidates
mailing address. These are done according to the interview schedule made before contacting the
candidates. The interview or written test schedule is made prior to contacting with the short listed
candidates by communicating with respective departments who submitted requisition for the
needed workforce. The respective Department Heads accompany the Head of HR in the
interview board and cross Department Heads also join the board. After the interview the
recruitment division acquires the Interview Score Sheet which is printed and handed to Interview
Board before starting the interviews. This is done frequently because most of the time the posts
getting filled up require an initial training or orientation. Before a recruitment process is
completely finished, the recruitment officers must communicate with the Learning &
Organization Development officers so that they can arrange orientation or initial training
sessions for the newly recruited employees on time.

BRAC Bank also provides a large number of internship opportunities for students all over the
country. Communicating with different departments and finding out open internship scopes is
one of the tasks for a recruitment officer. Departments, Branches also communicate with

Compensation Pay & Benefits:

The remuneration policy of the bank will cover all persons engaged in permanent service of the
bank. These are:
Basic salary
House Rent
Medical Allowance
Welfare Fund
Car loan Scheme
Staff Loan

Basic Salary:

Salaries are confidential between the employees concerned and the Management. The salary
ranges for these job grades are reviewed from time to time. HR Temporary & outsource staff do
not have any assigned job grade. The contracts get a consolidated payment per month and there
are no other entitlements applicable except commission based on job criteria. Basic Salary
Ranges (BSRs) is commensurate with the job grades and is determined by the Board on the
recommendation of the Managing Director. The Board reviews the BSR at least once every
two/three years.

House Rent:

House Rent Allowance may be paid to the employees at such rates and on such conditions as
may be prescribed by the Competent Authority from time to time.

Medical Allowance:

Medical Allowances may be paid in accordance with the job grades and on such conditions that
may be prescribed by the Competent Authority from time to time.

Welfare fund:

The motive behind establishing the welfare fund is to be able to provide the regular confirmed employees
from JO to SPO with financial support for incidents or events when the cost may not be affordable for the
employees. These may include the following:

-Accidents on the job

- Extended illness
- Education for children

Car loan Scheme:

The car loan facility is extended to employees these employees can take obviously varies
according to their respective job grades. Principal and Senior Principal Officers can take loan
amounting to Tk.800, 000 AVP, FAVP, SAVP can file for loan amounting to Tk.10, 00, 000 VP
and SVP can file for loan extending up to Tk14, 00,000.

Staff Loan:

Staff loan is granted to regular confirmed employees of the bank. The duration of service of the
employee has to be at least a yearlong. The employee can apply for loan extending up to 5 times
of his/her gross salary at 10 % interest rate.

HR Relationship Team:

The recruitment team of HRD in BBL is very energetic, intelligent, hard The recruitment team of
HRD in BBL is very energetic, intelligent, hard working, and responsible and committed to
every task they are assigned to. Within this HRD, the work pressure and work load of the

24 department is comparatively high, and the way the team handles them is excellent and
appreciable. The whole recruitment team is divided two main segments. They are HR Core

team and HR Relationship team. The core team has four different division who controls
the recruitment process of each segment. The divisions are:|

1. Operations & IT
2. SME Banking
3. Wholesaling
4. Retail Banking

HR Operation:

The HR Operations or administration covers the following tasks:

Leave System

The policies followed for employee leaves management based on the types of leaves and their
criteria are given below:

1. Annual Leave:

All officers will become eligible for annual leave of 24 working days after completion of one-
calendar year. Of these 24 days 15 days must be taken as consecutive leave each year. Any
pending leave may be carried forward to the next year. Annual leave encashment facilities may
be allowed to the person for a maximum of 90 days at the time of Employees leaving the bank.

2. Casual/Sick Leave:

Casual leave up to 14 calendar days can be granted per year to an employee who may be unable
to attend duty due to sudden illness or urgent private affairs. Not more than 2 days casual leave
can be taken at a time in a month. Casual Leave more than 3 days will be considered as sick
leave and has to be supported by medical reports.

3. Maternity Leave:

Female (confirmed) employees will enjoy 4 months maternity leave. One employee 51 will be
entitled to avail this leave for 2 times in her entire service period.
Study Leave: Study leave of maximum 2 years can only be granted to an employee without pay
and allowances provided he/she has put in at least three years of service. This Leave is only
granted to those employees who have achieved a minimum of 3 years of service record with the
bank and also to those who are due to retire within 5 years of the date on which he/she is likely
to return from the study leave. This leave shall, however be allowed in the entire period

4.Leave without Pay:

Leave without pay may be granted to an employee in special circumstances where no other leave
is admissible under these rules. In case of Leave without Pay, the period does not exceed 60

Under HR Operation promotion are also occur and also resignation process. Resignation Process
is as follow:

Resignation submitted to line manager. With the acceptance & recommendation line manager
forwards it to departmental/ divisional Head. Resignation letter forwarded to HR.HR will take
final approval from Managing Director to start the process. After final settlement HR will take
exit interview of the resigned staff.HR will prepare the release letter and a certificate.


Reward and Recognition is a way to express appreciation for another employee's hard work,
dedication and contribution to the Bank. There are many levels of Reward and Recognition, to
ensure both small contributions as well as the larger ones is recognized. There are four levels of
rewards and recognition.

Learning and Development:

1. Maintaining the list of files of different Training Schedule Program.

2. Data entry and maintenance lists of different training requirements.
3. Preprinting training nomination letter
4. Communication with internal and external resource person for conducting training.
5. Preparing training evaluation form and maintaining list of different evaluation program
both participants and resource person.
6. CV screening & checking the references for Internship Program.
7. Making phone calls & Coordinate Interview on due date and time.
8. Making joining package & taking joining.
9. Personal files preparing of employees.
10. Helping out all the employees of L& D when they are overloaded with work.

4.11 Types of Employment

The BRAC Bank Limited has in different employee criteria. There are different
types of employees working in different places inside BRAC Bank. The types of
employees are-

Managem ent
Offi cer


Types of
Employm ent


Em ployees

HR Contractual:

Contractual employees are taken for specific period like six months basis. HR temporary contract
are for those categories whose Job description is such, where he/she needs to be under the direct
supervision of Bank authority, whose performance is monitored by the Bank Management.
They might be specialist, consultant, and specially assigned staff. Staff under HR contract are
those people who directly or indirectly deals with customer, has access to Bank confidential data
& valuable properties (car, etc.),

Regular Employees:
In full time category, employees are joined as probationary for six months or one year depending
on job category. They also have to sign a deed for 5 years a long with depositing taka 200000
refundable. The regular employees are allowed to get the bonus, incentives and other allowances
with their basic salaries. And these types of employees are ready for getting extra facilities the
BRAC Bank limited is providing for their employees.

Outsource Staff:

Other contractual employees are not entitled for any service agreement. They will be recruited
through outsource agencies. The requirement of any support staff through outsource agency must
come through HR signed by the Division Head. HR will send the requirement to provide staff by
the Outsource Agency. Outsource Staff recruitment depends on the budgeted requisition of the
staff from the respective departments. For non-budgeted requisition it will go through after the
approval process of MANCOM. The Outsource Staffs salaries are fixed and they wont get any
allowances with their The Outsource Staffs salaries are fixed and they wont get any allowances
with their salary.

Management Trainee officer:

Management Trainee Officers highly qualified students of BRAC Bank Limited. The MTOs are
regular employee but they have to learn as a student inside BRAC Bank for the period of one
year. After one year if they can complete their learning period successfully they will become a
senior officer directly from the management trainee officer.
4.12Background Check

We check all new staffs background with the help of HR officers of HRD field offices. There are
a committee form by three members. They are responsible HR Officer of staff joining areas,
Accountant and a related program person. They go to candidates village check by the help of
refer provided information. Then we complete entry process in HRMS module. We complete the
whole process within 180 days after staff joining.

4.13 New Initiatives

1. Developing recruitment software

2. Developed prescribed Job Application Form.
3. Head hunting for senior positions.
4. Own job site is launch.
5. Publish one advertisement for different programs and position in newspaper for minimize
6. Training to develop a panel of skilled Interviewers.
7. Implementation of online requisition system.
8. Background checking of all newly recruited staff

4.14 Background Check

We check all new staffs background with the help of HR officers of HRD field offices. There are
a committee form by three members. They are responsible HR Officer of staff joining areas,
Accountant and a related program person. They go to candidates village check by the help of
refer provided information. Then we complete entry process in HRMS module. We complete the
whole process within 180 days after staff joining.

4.15 Recruitment Through Promotion

Promotion can be used as an effective tool for recruitment as it can serve the internal purpose for
recruitment within the organization. As of internal job search the process flow can be the same.
Promotion may also take place if the job size increased and the MD/ Management Committee
decide to the job upon recommendation of the Department Head or Line Manager. The process
of upgrading a job will have to be undertaken through a process of reviewing the Job Content,
Job Responsibilities, Job Dimensions, Changes in the Organization Structure, etc. All promotion
will be recommended by the function heads and shall be approved by the Managing Director.

4.16 Factors Affecting Recruitment process

1. Volume of applications received for some positions.

2. Unavailability of venue for recruitment as well as BRAC Orientation Prior to Joining.
3. Large quantity of emergency requisition by some programs which interrupt and overlap
scheduled recruitment plan.
4. Unavailability of board members with training in Interviewing Skills &Technique.

4.17 Reasons for turnover:

After completing the Pre service BRAC Orientation some candidate do not want to join for
realizing the type of work. Some candidate cant adapt with the field work. Sometimes field
supervisor doesnt warmly receive the potential candidate, though we orient them but they
overlook the norms and values etc.

5.1 SWOT Analysis of BRAC Bank Limited
SWOT analysis is an important tool for evaluating the companys Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threats. It helps the organization to identify how to evaluate its performance
and can scan the macro environment. SWOT analysis is a framework strategic alternatives from
situation analysis. The complete form of SWOT analysis is following-

The bank has well reputation in the market. This bank follows foreign exchange rules very
strictly. BBL not only provides credit to its borrowers but also helps them grow their small
business and helps them learn the basic principles of healthy living and grows along with the
customers. This helps in the creation of loyal customers to the bank.. They have also these types
of strength are as follows-

Well organized team.

HRD has perfect policies to maintain.
Strong communication between the employees.
Training opportunity provided to employees working in every level.
Less dependent on external recruitment agencies.
Well maintained CV database.

Brac bank suffer from various weakness:

There is no complaining desk in the BRAC branches.

Less manpower to control and maintain the HR functions.
Salary structured should not be changed the amount is not equal enough with the
Online recruitment system is not upgraded.
Too much pressure on recruitment team as well as other departments in HRD.
Absence of motivation in employees.


Well organized professional promotional ladder for employees.

An opportunity for contractual employees to get permanent according to job
Career development through proper training and learning.


The turn-over rate is too high in BRAC Bank Limited then it anticipated.
As BRAC Bank Limited is growing immensely it is difficult to maintain and recruit large
number of human resources every day and month.
5.2 Findings of the study
1. The recruitment method which is provides to know overall activities of BRAC bank
2. Recruitment makes employees more productive.
3. The recruitment process of BRAC Bank should be improved.
4. BRAC Bank does not follow fixed schedule for the recruitment program.
5. It is seen that most of the employees were satisfied with the recruitment strategy of
BRAC bank.
6. BRAC bank provides both internal and external recruitment process.
7. The recruitment system which is helps to increase the motivation of the BRAC banks
8. BRAC Bank employees are satisfied with the recruiting content of that organization.

9. Extra benefits should be provided like overtime, performance bonus, increment and
should be rational.

10. Arrange proper training for the employee to increase the efficiency of the potential

11. They should go for the newspaper advertisement whenever they need manpower.

6.1 Recommendation:

For ensure better service from HR officer of Recruitment unit more training need for staff
development to be introduced by management. The staff should get some more opportunities for
higher education. Training and educational activities may continue to reduce the pressure on
employees regarding their skill and other necessary conditions for performing better in the job.
Present performance appraisal system may be reviewed based on the current changes in the work
environment, culture and rules and regulations and it may be made more objective so that
amount of subjective judgment is reduced.

According to revision of the SWOT analysis, I would like to recommend on some of the

1. Make a competitive salary structure.

2. Should take initiatives to reduce the employee turnover rate.
3. Online recruitment system is not upgraded. It should be upgraded. Should be more
conscious about the miscommunication among the employees.
4. Recruit efficient manpower in HRD to reduce the work pressure. More focuses to retain
existing employee than to recruit new staff.
6.2 Conclusion

BRAC is the largest non-government organization in the world. Its activities are spread over 11
country of the world and over 64 districts of Bangladesh covering 100 million poor people
especially the distressed women of the rural areas. It has total 46,182 regular staff and more
than1,00000 part time staffs of different levels and categories. Today its activities have been
expanded across the border like BRAC Afghanistan, BRAC Sri Lanka and Pakistan and in some
countries in Africa especially the distressed women of the rural areas.

To mange so huge number of human resources it gives emphasis to employ the right number of
skilled staffs in the right places at the right times. More over not only placing the staffs the right
position is not enough, they need to be developed, trained and sustained in the organization. So,
Human Resource Division plays an active role to control the whole BRAC staffs motivation and
development. Careful and efficient recruitment system can reduce the turnover rate of the
organization. So recruitment process have to be fair.

Despite all the limitations of HR, it is trying hard to improve the situation through decentralizing
its activities in the field offices. It is also recruiting more HR staffs and making the system
electronically linked with the departments/offices. We agree about the matter that a strong
Human Resource practices will help BRAC pave the way leading to outmost destination.

In conclusion, it can be said that BRAC and BRAC Human Resource Division is recognizing the
need for staff development and taking challenging steps, taking new initiatives regarding
recruitment and selection for the betterment of staff.
3. Different online write-up
5. BRAC HRD documents
6. BRAC Bank HR policy
7. Several Booklets & Newspapers from BRAC Bank Limited.
8. David A. Decenzo & Stephen P. Robbins Human resources management
7th edition, pp 54-55)
10. ttp://,atlassians-social- hiring-spree-pays-off.aspx W:

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