Semester X

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Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Law (Honours) [B.Com.LL.B.(Hons.)]

Semester - X

BCL 506 Professional Ethics etc.

Objective: The objective of this paper is to imbue students with high values of legal profession so
that they can live up to those standards in their professional life.

Unit I: Legal Profession and Its Responsibilities

1. Meaning and necessity of Professional Ethics
2. Standards of Professional Ethics and Etiquette
3. Punishment for Professional and other Misconduct
4. Bar Council of India, State Bar Council

Unit II: Contempt Law and Practice

1. Contempt of Court- Its meaning and Nature
2. Kinds of Contempt
a. Criminal Contempt
b. Civil Contempt
3. Contempt by Lawyers
4. Contempt by Judges, Magistrates or other persons acting judicially
5. Contempt by State, Corporate bodies & other officers

Unit III: Bench-Bar Relations

1. Statues and Virtues of Advocate
2. Art of advocacy
3. Art of Oratory
4. Presenting citation of cases
5. Seven lamps of advocacy
6. Duties towards clients

Unit IV: (I) Selected Major Judgments of the Supreme Court

1. Sardul Singh v. Pritam Singh & others (1999) 3 SCC 52

2. Re Mr Nand Lal Balwani etc.,AIR 1999 SC 1300
3. Prahlad Saran Gupta v. Bar Council of India, (1997) 3 SCC 585
4. Hikmat Ali v. Ishwar Prasad Arya & others, AIR 1997 SC 864
5. P.D. Gupta v. Ram Murti and Another, AIR 1998 SC 283
6. Chandra Shekhar Soni v. Bar Council of Rajasthan & Others, AIR 1983 SC 1012
7. V.C. Rangadurai v. D. Gopalan & Others, AIR 1979 SC 281
8. Harish Chandra Tewari v. Baiju,(2002) 2 SCC 67
9. Re Vinay Chandra Mishra, AIR 1995 SC 2348
10. Dr. D.C. Saxena v. Honble the Chief Justice of India, AIR 1996 SC 2481 (II) 50 selected opinions of the
disciplinary committees of Bar Councils.
Unit V: Professional Accounting System
1. Need for maintenance of accounts- Books of accounts that need to be maintained- Cash
Book, journal and ledger
2. Elementary aspects of bookkeeping: Meaning, object, journal,double entry system, closing
of accounts
3. The cash and bulk transaction- The Cash book- Journal proper especially with reference to
clients accounts- Ledger, Trial balance and final accounts- Commercial mathematics

Suggested Reading:

1. Rai Kailash, Legal Ethics, Central Law Publications.

2. Gupta S.P., Professional Ethics Accountancy for Lawyer and Bench - Bar
Relation,JBA Publishers.
3. K.V. Krishnaswamy Iyer, Professional Conduct and Advocacy
Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Law (Honours) [B.Com.LL.B.(Hons.)]

Semester - X

BCL 507 Moot Court Exercise & Internship

Objective: The objective of this paper is to hone advocacy skills in the students.

MOOT COURT (30 marks)

1. Each student shall participate in at least 3 moot courts.
2. Each Moot court exercise shall carry 10 marks(divided as under):
a. Oral advocacy: 5 marks.
b. Written submission: 5 marks.


1. Each student shall attend trial in two cases one civil and one criminal in the course of last
two or three years.
2. The student shall maintain a record and enter the various steps observed during their
attendance on different days in the court assignment.


Each student shall observe two session of client interviewing at the Lawyers Office/Legal Aid
Office and record the proceedings in a diary, which shall carry 15 marks.
Each student shall further observe the preparation of documents and court papers by the Advocate and
the procedure for the filing of the suit/petition. This shall be recorded in a diary, which shall carry 15

VIVA VOCE (10 Marks)

At the end of the semester, the student shall appear for a viva voce, which shall carry 10 marks.


Agrawal Nomita Moot Court

Gupta Sant Prasad Moot Court

Mishra Omprakash Moot Court

Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Law (Honours) [B.Com.LL.B.(Hons.)]

Semester - X

BCL 508 Gender Justice & Feminist Jurisprudence

Objectives of the Course

The need to study gender justice as a special subject is because the constitutional
guarantees have not achieved the necessary results. The Constitution guarantees equality of status
and opportunity and no discrimination on the ground of sex. These fundamental rights did not
preclude having special provisions for women.

The planners and policy makers treated women as beneficiaries of welfare measures. The
hope was that the benefits of development would percolate below to every disadvantaged member of
the society including women, therefore no exclusive efforts were made.

By the 6th Plan it had been realised that special efforts are required to be made to
integrate women into the development process. The Plan therefore for the first time had a
chapter devoted to Women and Development.

The course will study the legal provisions with specific emphasis on offences
committed against women and on empowerment of women.


1. Crimes against women

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Domestic Violence
1.3 Dowry harassment
1.4 Sexual offences - Rape, Outraging modesty of woman, kidnapping.
1.5 Sexual harassment of women at workplace
1.6 Other offences - Female infanticide and female foeticide, Sati, prostitution,
indecent representation of women, pornography

2. Constitutional Provisions and Policy

2.1 Preamble - Equality of Status and Opportunity
2.2 Fundamental Rights and guarantees Articles 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 24, 39, 39A

3. Empowerment of women
3.1 Concept and Method
3.2 Human Rights - under domestic and international law
3.3 National Commission for Women - formation and functions
3.4 Uniform Civil Code, Gender Justice and Discriminatory provisions in Family
3.5 Reservation for women
3.5.1 In local self government bodies
3.5.2 In legislature - Proposed Amendment and Debates
3.6 Women and Employment
3.6.1 Laws to protect women and her labour
3.6.2 Maternity Benefit Act, Factories Act, Equal Remuneration Act.
3.7 Matrimonial Property
Suggested Readings

- Report of the Committee on the Status of Women, "Towards Equality" 1975

Government of India
- The Law Commission of India Report, 1988
- Anwar Yaquin & Badar Anwal : Protection of Women under the Law
- M.J. Antony : Women's Rights
- Anjani Kant : Women and Law
- Hingorani (ed). : Gandhi on Women
- 6th Plan and 7th Plan,
Chapter on Women and Development
Chapter on Socio-Economic Programmes for women
- Relevant Statutory Provisions of Family Laws, Criminal Laws and Labour Laws
- Relevant Journals of Indian Law Institute and Annual Survey of Indian Law
Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Law (Honours) [B.Com.LL.B.(Hons.)]

Semester - X

BCL 509 Criminal Procedure Code

Objective: The objective of this paper is to familiarize the student with basic principles regarding
criminal cases and their disposal through the machinery of criminal courts.

Unit I: Preliminary Considerations

1. Introduction
2. Definitions
3. Hierarchy of Criminal Courts
4. Public Prosecutor

Unit II: Cognizance of Offence (General Provisions)

1. Cognizance of Cognizable Offence

2. Cognizance of Non-Cognizable Offence
a. Summon
b. Warrant
c. Arrest

Unit III: Cognizance of Offence (Pre-Trial Procedure)

1. Investigation of Cognizable Offence

2. Investigation of Non-Cognizable Offence

Unit IV: Cognizance of Offence (Trial Procedure)

1. Commencement of the Proceedings before the Court

2. Trial
Trial Summon Cases
Trial of Warrant Cases
Summary Trial

Unit V: Important Consuderation

1. Appeal, Reference, Review and Revision
2. Bail, Bond and Securities
3. Maintenance
Leading cases for detailed study

*Baldev Singh Vs State Of Punjab

*Mohd.Ahmad Khanvs Shah Bano Begum

*Zahira Sheikh Vs State Of Gujrat

*D.K.Basu Vs State Of West Bengal

*Hussainara Khatoon Vs State Of Bihar

Suggested Readings:

1. Kelker R.V.,Criminal Procedure Code, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow

2. Chaturvedi M.D., The Code of Criminal Procedure, Allahabad Law Agency
3. Lal Batuk, The Code of Criminal Procedure, Central Law Agency, Allahabad
4. Dhirajlal Ratanlal, The Code of Criminal Procedure, Jain Book Agency, Delhi
Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Law (Honours) [B.Com.LL.B.(Hons.)]

Semester - X

BCL 510 Media & Law

Objectives of the Course: On completion of this course student should be able to:
1. Define freedom of the press as enshrined in article 19(1) (a) of the constitution
2. List the reasonable restrictions for freedom of the press
3. Describe the salient features of the Press Council of India, its powers and functions
4. Identify and apply the necessary provisions of laws and acts applicable to publication and
broadcast of news and programmes of a sensitive nature
5. Cover judicial proceedings, parliament and state legislature without attracting penal

Unit-I [Freedom of the Press and the Law]

1. Laws - Bills and Acts, Ordinance, Regulations, Statute, Code, Norms, Conventions
2. Freedom of the press and the Constitution-need for a free press in a democracy
3. Article 19(1)(a) of the Indian Constitution-Freedom of speech and expression
4. Article 19(1)2 reasonable restrictions to freedom of the press
5. Supreme Court decisions on freedom of the press
6. Press laws before Independence and after
7. First Press Commission after Independence
8. The Press Council Acts, National Emergency
9. Composition, role, powers, guidelines and functions of the Press Council

Unit-II [Media laws pertaining to the State, Citizens, Judiciary,

Legislature and Parliament]
1. The State: Sedition-incitement to violence (section 121 IPC) IPC 121 read with 511
inflammatory writing (IPC 353)
2. Citizens: Defamation (IPC (499) 500) civil and criminal defamation-libel, slander
3. Legislature: Parliamentary privileges / Articles 105 (Parliament) Article 194 (State
4. A day in the Parliament/ State Legislature
5. Judiciary: Contempt of Court, Covering and reporting court proceedings (Article 361A)
6. Common court terminology - Plaintiff, defendent, affidavit, evidence, prosecution,
conviction, accused, acquittal, bail, prima facie, subjudice
7. Media Ethics- Why Media Ethics- truth-accuracy-balance-decency-human rights

Unit-III [Acts and Laws]

(Introduction to various Acts/Laws which a journalist needs to know)
1. Press Registration of Books Act. 1867/1955 role of RNI
2. Role and functions of the Registrar of Newspapers
3. Intellectual Property Rights
4. Copyright Act 1957
5. Official Secrets Act 1923
6. Right to Information Act 2005
7. General Acts: Juvenile Justice Act, Domestic Violence Act, NDPS Act, Working
Journalist Act
Unit-IV [Electronic and New Media Laws]
1. Emergence of electronic and new media law
2. The AIR Code
3. The Commercial Code of AIR & Doordarshan
4. Cable Television Act and Rules
5. Advertising Standards Council
6. Media regulations: self or govt.?

Suggested Readings:

1. Relevant Sections of IPC from Criminal Law Manual, Universal

2. Constitution of India (Article 19 (1) and 19 (2) 105, 194)The Law Dictionary, Universal

3. Vidisha Barua Press & Media Law Manual, Universal Law

Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi

4. P.K. Ravindranath Press Laws and Ethics of Journalism, Author Press,

New Delhi

5. R.K.Ravindrana Press in the Indian Constitution

6. K.S. Venkateshwaran Mass Media Laws and Regulations in India,

Published by Asian Mass Communication Research and
Information Centre, Distributed by N M Tripathi Pvt.
Ltd. Bombay

7. Dr. Ambrish Saxena Freedom of Press and Right to Information in India,

Kanishka Publication, New Delhi

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