A Beginners Guide To Calisthenics 1 PDF

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The key takeaways are that calisthenics training uses bodyweight exercises to build strength and explores physical movement potential. It allows one to achieve feats like handstands, muscle ups and levers through consistent training.

Calisthenics training is a form of exercise that uses one's own bodyweight as resistance. It involves strength training and basic gymnastic movements that can be done anywhere with minimal equipment.

Calisthenics training has benefits like improved mobility, strength, coordination and it represents a return to basic human movement patterns which modern lifestyles are threatening. It also allows one to develop strength for use in everyday life.


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Welcome to the School of Calisthenics, were excited to have you on board.

Calisthenics training is a journey packed with excitement, accomplishment and self-discovery.

Its more than just pounding away at the gym on the treadmill or on the bench press. Its about
exploring the physical movement potential we all have inside and mentally challenging ourselves to
redefine our own impossible.

If you apply what we are going to teach you, train hard with consistency and patience, as your
individual journey progresses you are going to achieve some awesome feats of strength and
control. Movements like the human flags, handstands, muscle ups and levers might seem a million
miles away but that is what the School of Calisthenics was established to teach.

We are confident that we can support anyone to do things they currently believe to be impossible.
But getting started is the hardest bit. Rather than watching videos of people doing amazing things,
this beginners guide is going to give you the knowledge and tools to build the basic movement
patterns and strength, setting the foundations required to redefine your impossible!

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What is Calisthenics?

Calisthenics is a form of physical training based primarily around mastering your own bodyweight,
using minimal equipment. Calisthenics comes from the Greek words kallos and sthenos, which
mean beauty and strength. When the Greeks saw bodyweight training all those years ago, they
named it beautiful strength!

Calisthenics combines strength training and basic gymnastic movements that can be done
anywhere; at home, in the park, at the gym or even in the office. Its the most basic form of physical
training. The human body is designed to move and that very fact has enabled the human race to
successfully survive a multitude of extreme events and challenges throughout our history. But
modern society and lifestyles are threatening the very thing that is at the core of our existence.
Calisthenics represents a de-volution of training, going back to basics and exploring what amazing
things the body is capable of and in the process developing strength we can use in the world, not
just within the confines of a gym.

Getting started in Calisthenics however is not easy. Not because it is complicated but simply
because most people just dont know how to begin. It looks difficult and might even feel physically
impossible. You are going to ask your body to move in ways it may never have done before or at
least not for a long time. With something so new and challenging you are going to need some help
and guidance to navigate the physical complexity. But now youre part of the School of Calisthenics
we are going to help you learn new, seemingly impossible things. However it doesnt end there, well
also help you to improve your physical fitness, conditioning, wellbeing, nutrition and maybe even
change the way you approach the wider challenges you face in life! Calisthenics is not just good for
our body it develops mental strength and fortitude as well.

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The School of Calisthenics

The School of Calisthenics was founded in 2015 but our roots go back much farther than that. Our
tutors have been working in the field of elite sport and athlete training for many years. They have
trained athletes who have won medals at European, Commonwealth, World and Paralympic level.
This experience of coaching combined with relevant academic qualifications is what our school is
based on and we now want to share all that with you.

Teaching students to achieve new, awesome and often seemingly impossible things through
calisthenics is what all our tutors are passionate about. The School of Calisthenics foundations are
built upon the principle that when given the right education, coaching and guidance you can achieve
awesome things. Things that you might previously have assigned to the impossible box in your

Calisthenics is not impossible; even if it feels like that at the start, dont worry. Our extensive
experience in professional sport and elite performance strength and conditioning has enabled us to
develop an approach to teaching, which is progressive and systematic. We understand movement,
physical adaptation and exercise physiology and the school exists to apply that within the realm
of calisthenics. To do that we have created a unique framework which will take you from this
beginners guide all the way to human flags, levers, muscle ups, handstands and beyond. We have
developed specific frameworks and exercises for each of these movements which can be found on
our website schoolofcalisthenics.com

We are passionate about calisthenics and even more so about helping anyone begin their journey
by removing the barriers which often prevent them from even getting started, let alone becoming

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Using the Beginners Guide to Calisthenics

This guide is designed to give you an insight into the phases of the School of Calisthenics
Framework that will help you to build the foundation movements and basic strength needed to
start your Calisthenics journey. Once youre ready you can either sign up to one of the School
of Calisthenics face to face workshops or set yourself a goal of training towards and achieving
awesome things like; human flags, levers, muscle ups and handstand push-ups, with the use of our
downloadable Training Programs.

The School of Calisthenics framework is explained briefly in the following pages but for this guide
we are going to focus on two of the phases; Movement Preparation and Capacity Strength. The
other two components, Movement Patterning and Applied Strength relate to specific Calisthenics
movements and the exercises and progressions necessary to achieve them.

In the Training Programme section of this guide youll find links to exercise videos on our website
showing demonstrations and full coaching instruction from our School of Calisthenics tutors.

The School of Calisthenics Framework

The framework is based on two key physical components: Movement and Strength. Weve included
an overview below to give a brief explanation of how it works and how to use it, however more
details can be found at www.schoolofcalisthenics.com




Figure one: The School of Calisthenics Framework

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Movement is broken down into two sub-categories; Movement Preparation and Movement
Patterning. This is such an important part for all Calisthenics movements as they demand high
levels of joint mobility and co-ordinated muscle activation.

Movement Preparation
Many of the calisthenics movements place a large emphasis on the shoulders. Our modern
day lifestyles involve extended periods of sitting that often results in less than optimal postural
alignment. Shoulders become tight, rounded forwards, the head protrudes and we lose thoracic
spine mobility. This is a long way from what position the body should be in and where it needs to
be for optimal force production needed in Calisthenics. If we ignore postural dysfunctions, we face
an increased injury risk and can expect a limitation on our ability to progress. We must therefore
prepare the body for movement. Its an ongoing process but real changes can be achieved in
minutes within a session. Our aim is simply to remove muscular tension, improve muscle length,
enhance mobility and activate the muscles we intend to use thus preparing us to move. The
ultimate aim is to get back to as close to optimum posture as possible.

Movement Preparation is a key element of this beginners guide as poor postural patterns are an
epidemic and getting this sorted is the first step on everybodys journey.

Movement Patterning
Movement Patterning is about teaching the brain and body new movements patterns. This is
particularly important when working towards a new Calisthenics movement (like a Human Flag
or Reverse Lever for example) as your brain and body have never linked the muscles before into
the correct movement pattern. However this beginners guide focuses on building the foundation
strength to start your Calisthenics journey, rather than developing specific movement patterns,
which will be covered in full detail in each of the specific training programs for the different
Calisthenics movements will be available at www.schoolofcalisthenics.com

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As with Movement, the Strength component of the School of Calisthenics Framework also has two
elements; Applied Strength and Capacity Strength.

Applied Strength
Applied strength is specific to a chosen calisthenics movement. For example, to do a reverse lever
or a human flag for the first time means putting your body in a position it has never been before
and applying high levels of muscle force in that shape. That takes some programming through
the movement patterning but also by using progressive exercises that allow the body to build the
strength required. These exercises are specific to the goal or calisthenics movement and therefore
this phase of the framework will be covered in more detail in future training programs designed for
each specific calisthenics movements published on our website www.schoolofcalisthenics.com

Capacity Strength
For beginners this phase of the School of Calisthenics Framework is where the bulk of your training
will be done. Building a basic level of strength in a number of key areas will set you up perfectly
to chose your first calisthenics movement goal and begin your journey. Its really important that
you remember this key phrase; earn the right to progress. Often we see people jumping to more
advanced movements without mastering the basics or relevant progressions. They want to go
straight to level 5 without really completing levels 2 to 4. Inevitably in all cases the athlete has to
come back to go through the stages properly if they are to achieve longer term success.

The exercises in this phase are less specific, global strength exercises that will help build strength,
however we can also develop neuromuscular control, postural stability, robustness and muscular
co-ordination which are all essential in calisthenics movements. For example you can do push-ups
without thinking about it, or you can do push-ups with some coaching points from our tutors and
get loads more physical adaptation which will transfer into your future training.

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The Training Programme
By now we hope that you are itching to get started so lets introduce the exercises. Following the
next section there is some information about reps, sets, tempo, rest and how to structure sessions
so make sure you read that too as its really important in ensuring you get the physical adaptation
youre after.

The exercises we have included for you as part of this beginners guide are not just for people
getting started, we still do these exercises ourselves. The development and progression of basic
strength is essential and something that always needs developing.

Movement Preparation Exercises:

These selected exercises introduce some simple methods you can use to improve the range of
movement around the shoulder and restore more optimal activation patterns. The shoulder is a
joint on which we inflict a lot of stress in day to day life due to poor postural control and modern
lifestyles. It has a great capacity for movement but at the expense of stability so you need to look
after it.

Self Massage: Lats and posterior shoulder (Watch the video)

A lot of muscular tension accumulates around the muscles acting on the shoulders and to restore
range of motion and movement quality we need to release it. Try this for 1 2 minutes on each arm
at the start of your session.

Mobilisation: Hanging Lat Stretch (Watch the video)

Once some tension has been released you can further enhance the mobility of the shoulder joint
using this simple exercise. Hang out in this position adjusting the shape gently to find the tight
areas for around 1 minute on each arm .

Activation: Floor Y T W (Watch the video)

To get ready for training, muscles need switching on and waking up. Following the self-massage
and mobilization exercises we complete movement preparation by telling the brain to activate
certain muscles, which improves postural control and movement quality. Developing strength and
activation in the mid and lower trapesius is something you will always need to do.

Reps: 10 (a complete sequence of 1 x Y T W equals 1 rep)

Sets: 2
Tempo: Pause for 2 seconds in each position

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Push Exercises

Push-up variations
There is so much more to push ups than the standard variation most people know. Firstly a lot
of people dont do them with correct technique and that is always the priority. Secondly there are
loads of progressions that make this a really challenging movement. We have included a few to get
you started.

Standard Push Up (Watch the video)

Everyone knows how to do a push up right? Wrong. Correct arm positioning and postural control is
essential in maximizing strength gains.

Push Up Plus (Watch the video)

Repetitive strain and injury to the muscular shoulder is common so taking proactive steps to make
it bombproof is an excellent investment of your training time. This is a specific push up variation
that targets the serratus anterior muscle, which plays an important role in controlling shoulder
stability and correct movement of the shoulder blade (scapula).

Planche Push Ups (Watch the video)

A slight change in the hand position will make this much more challenging and help to build the
foundations for hand balancing skills and the bottom hand of the human flag.

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Pike Push Ups (Watch the video)
Elevating the feet and hips changes the angle of the movement and shifts the stress onto the
shoulders and upper portions of the chest. If you want to get from a frog stand to a free standing
handstand you are going to need some of this strength in your locker.

Dips (Watch the video)

A bodyweight classic that builds strength in the chest, shoulders and triceps but also has a few
technique points that people often get wrong. This move is essential in so many movements but
particularly the muscle up.

Frog Stand (Watch the video)

The Frog Stand is your first step on your hand balancing journey and an important part of your
handstand progression. This is also a great exercise to build shoulder stability, which applies to
other calisthenics movements such as muscle ups, flags and levers.

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Pull Exercises

Active Hang (Watch the video)

This exercise doesnt look like much but it is the very foundation on which many calisthenics
movements begin. Proper scapula setting and activation of the active hang provides a strong
position to start any pulling exercise.

Pull Ups (Watch the video)

If youre going to get anywhere with your calisthenics training youre going to need the strength to
perform a decent number of bodyweight pull-ups. Strength in this movement applies directly to the
muscle up but also the top hand pulling action in the human flag.

Skin The Cat (Watch the video)

The first step to performing a reverse lever is to skin the cat. We have no idea why it is called this
unless cats were once skinned by someone suspended in the air and spinning upside down! This
requires a good active hang to get started.

Bodyweight Ring Row (Watch the video)

This exercise looks like it should be easy but performed properly it can be very challenging. Its also
an important player in addressing muscle balance to correct poor shoulder posture. We all need
to do more pulling movements in this position. The bodyweight row will teach you how to control
shoulder position and the pulling action whilst integrating core and glute activation, which transfers
to the strength required for levers and handstands.

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Core Exercises

Calisthenics places a huge demand on the core, and by that we mean all the muscles that attach
to the spine or hips. Core is a lot more than a six pack and something that will require continued
development as your quest for more advanced movements progresses. Whilst there is some
specific transfer to certain movements youre going to use your core in calisthenics movement. It
was always designed to work like that, in complete harmony with human movement, not just to do

Deadbug (Watch the video)

A simple exercise that can be easily progressed to help build the postural control and activation
patterns in the mid section and create the basis for more advanced exercises. Get this right first
and everything will make more sense.

The Plank (Watch the video)

Probably the most poorly coached and performed exercise going. There is a lot more to the plank
than you might be aware. Done properly it develops stability of the mid section by enhancing core
and glute strength and synchronization, which is essential in calisthenics. Performed incorrectly it
develops back pain!

Walkouts / Ring Rollouts (Watch the video)

Crawling movements are not only good for core and glute activation but also the shoulders.
Developing stability in the core and integrating it with the shoulder joint will serve you much better
in calisthenics than any form of crunch exercise. Youll need this strength in handstands, levers and
human flags.

Leg Lowers (Watch the video)

Being able to control your hip and spine position when the demand is being applied by the lower
body is really important to mastering moves such as the dragon flag and front lever. Start with
these ensuring your technique is perfect.

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Planning Your Training
So now you have all the tools required for your first calisthenics session, but which exercises do
you use? How many should you do? How many reps and sets of each exercise should you do?
How much rest should you take? We call these the acute variables and they are an important part
of creating physical adaptation. You need to know however that designing training programmes
is not an exact science, there is a lot of art involved. To get you started we have provided some
suggestions but a big focus of the School of Calisthenics is to provide the education so you can
make informed decisions about exercise selection yourself. Keep your eyes on the website for
more information.

Which and how many exercises in a session

This really depends on what level you are currently at and your training background so we
encourage you to consider this before just trying to do them all. Wed suggest doing Movement
Preparation at the start of every session and then selecting between 3 to 6 other exercises.
Sessions can be specifically working towards pushing, pulling, core or a combination of 2 or all 3
areas so select from the sections accordingly. We have included some example sessions in the
following pages for you.

If you trained just once per week wed recommend that you do a combined session of push, pull
and core. If you can do 2 sessions a week you can separate your push and pull exercises onto
different days but build in some core on both. Similarly if you do 3 sessions per week you could do
the same but add a combined session in as well. Alternatively you could do 3 combined sessions
per week, rotating the actual push, pull or core exercises between sessions.

Reps, Sets & Rest

Capacity strength is all about building up your strength endurance. This means you should be
looking to achieve at least 8 to 12 reps of an exercise. The number one priority however is that you
do as many reps as you can with perfect technique. Performing reps without proper control or form
leads to injury and limits your progress. Quality before quantity!

The volume you can achieve in a session or training week will increase as your training progresses
so building up your reps and sets is part of the journey. It maybe that the first time you try an
exercise you only complete 3 reps, thats fine! Through consistent training you will get stronger and
can build towards increasing that number. Your only competition at this stage is yourself so focus
on what you can do.

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Rest will be dictated by how difficult you find each of the exercises, but when trying to build up
our strength endurance with capacity exercises we should be looking to rest for only 60 seconds
between sets and exercises.

How many times per week?

Rest is an extremely important aspect and it is when you are not training that the actual physical
adaptation within the muscle and connective tissue takes place. If you dont rest between sessions
you will soon see a plateau in your progress. Try to plan and have a rest day in between sessions.
Therefore you could build up to training 3 or 4 times a week, allowing for a days rest between
training days. However depending on your starting point and training background it maybe that you
simply start with 1 session per week and build up towards 2 or 3 sessions eventually.

Calisthenics is demanding on your whole body every session. You are not isolating particular
muscle groups so you cant expect to train your whole body on consecutive days repeatedly, you
just simply wont recover!

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Push session
Warm up using the Movement Preparation Exercises

Choose 3 or 4 Capacity Strength Push exercises

Complete 8 to 12 reps of each exercise in a circuit, with only 60 seconds rest between each
exercise. Complete 2 to 4 laps of the circuit.

Pull session
Warm up using the Movement Preparation Exercises

Choose 3 or 4 Capacity Strength Pull exercises

Complete 8 to 12 reps of each exercise in a circuit, with only 60 seconds rest between each
exercise. Complete 2 to 4 laps of the circuit.
Complete 8 to 12 reps of each exercise in a circuit, with only 60 seconds rest between each
exercise. Complete 2 to 4 laps of the circuit.

Core session
Warm up using the Movement Preparation Exercises

Choose 3 or 4 Capacity Strength Core exercises

Complete 8 to 12 reps of each exercise in a circuit, with only 60 seconds rest between each
exercise. Complete 2 to 4 laps of the circuit.

Warm up using the Movement Preparation Exercises

Choose 1 or 2 Capacity Strength Push exercises

Choose 1 or 2 Capacity Strength Pull exercises
Choose 1 or 2 Capacity Strength Core exercises

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