The Stories Julian Tells CH 1-2

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3rd Grade Scoop Feb.

13 17

Parent Reminders: Spelling Words:

touched finished erased
Please send in field trip money, if happened showed located
you have not already done so.
PleaseB look at DES agenda and
explained exchanged deleted
check notebook daily. decided begged looked
Please study multiplication facts questioned dropped watered
with your child.
Be here every day! Good
attendance is the key to success! Vocabulary Words:
1. raft: a flat structure that is used for
floating or sailing on water
2. guarded: very careful about giving
This Week Were information, showing feelings, etc.
Studying 3. craters: a large round hole in the
ground made by the explosion of a
bomb or by something falling from
Reading: The Stories Julian Tells
the sky
(Chapters 1 2) 4. catalog: a book containing a list of
things that you can buy, use, etc.,
English: Common & Proper Nouns and often pictures
Spelling: Plurals & Possessives 5. specially: for a special purpose

Math: Fractions as Numbers on 6. varieties: a number or collection of

different things or people
the Number Line
7. quiver: shake uncontrollably
Science: Investigating Matter
8. request: ask
Social Studies: Antarctica
9. invisible: impossible to see: not visible

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