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J. Iran. Chem. Soc., Vol. 8, No. 1, March 2011, pp. 287-291.

Chemical Society

A New and Convenient Method for Synthesis of Barbituric Acid Derivatives

A. Habibi* and Z. Tarameshloo

Faculty of Chemistry, Tarbiat Moallem University, No. 49, P. Code 15719-14911, Mofateh Avenue, Tehran, Iran

(Received 26 June 2010, Accepted 14 August 2010)

In continuation of our current studies on the reaction between isocyanides and electron-defficient alkenes, we would like to
report our recent reseaarch on synthesizing novel derivatives of barbituric acid. The reaction of alkylidene-substituted Meldrum's
acid with alkyl isocyanides in the presence of urea led to the production of the corresponding 2-(hexahydro-2,4,6-trioxopyrimidin-
5-yl)-N,2-dimethylpropanamide in good to high yields. The structure of the products was in agreement with their spectroscopic
data .

Keywords: Isocyanide, Multi-component reaction, Barbituric acid, Alkylidene-substituted Meldrums acid


INTRODUCTION the chemical diversity space, multi-component reactions

(MCRs) are noteworthy tools for the quick and efficient
Among heterocyclic compounds, pyrimidines play an synthesis of an extensive variety of organic compounds [8,9].
essential role in chemistry and biological systems. Barbituric For the last two decades multi-component reactions have been
acid (2,4,6-trioxohexahydropyrimidine) is one of the most exploited by combinatorial chemists, as a source of appendage

interesting derivatives of pyrimidines [1-3]. The barbituric diversity. The new possibilities for the development of the
acid moiety is present in various synthetic compounds with MCRs design took place with the introduction of diverse-
pharmaceutical and industrial applications [4-7]. Owing to oriented synthesis (DOS) [10,11]. Ideally, MCRs are suited for
various pharmaceutical activities of 2,4,6-trioxohexahydro- the creation of compounds having structural diversity in a

pyrimidine and its derivatives, they have been used combinatorial manner that ensures their leading position in
extensively in medicine and bioorganic researches. Barbituric DOS. Along with the various approaches to MCRs, isocyanide
acid itself, has been used as a reactant to form a large class of multi-component reactions (IMCRs) are very powerful
barbiturate drugs which are used as hypnotics, sedatives, condensations in DOS [12-14]. The classical representations
anticonvulsants, anesthetics and as central nervous system of this class are Passerini and Ugi reactions [12]. In order to
depressants [2-3]. Due to the applications of barbiturates, expand their utility and gain access to drug-like heterocyclic
exploration of new routes for the synthesis of these compounds, several research groups are currently developing
compounds is axiomatic. modifications of these classical reactions [9,12-15].
Exploration of novel protocols for the synthesis of Meldrum's acid (2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxane-4,6-dione, iso-
desirable organic compounds is a growing trend in organic propylidne malonate) and its derivatives are important
synthesis. Among the new methodologies for a rapid access to molecules that are extensively used as intermediates in organic
synthesis. Meldrum's acid is susceptible to electrophilic attack
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] at C5 and nucleophilic attack at C4 and C6. In addition, its
Habibi & Tarameshloo

unique ring-opening reactions make it a tremendously points were measured on an Electrothermal 9200 apparatus. IR
attractive and useful building block [13,14]. spectra were recorded on a FT-IR 102MB BOMEM apparatus.
Among its derivatives, alkylidene-substituted Meldrum's Mass spectra were recorded on a AGILENT TECHNOLOGY
acid has attractive features. There are a lot of examples (HP)-5973 mass spectrometer operating at an ionization
reported for using them as dienophiles in hetero Diels-Alder potential of 70 eV (EI). 1H and 13C NMR spectra were
reaction, as well as Michael acceptors [15-17]. One of the recorded on a Bruker AVANCE-300 MHz spectrometer
most interesting applications of Meldrum's acid and its employing tetramethylsilane as an internal reference.
derivatives is their application in MCRs especially in
isocyanide-based multi-component reactions (IMCRs) [18- General Procedure for the Preparation of

20]. Compounds 4
As part of our current studies on the reaction between To a stirred solution of alkylidene-substituted Meldrum's
alkylidene-substituted Meldrum's acid and alkyl isocyanides in acid 1 (2 mmol) and urea 3 (2 mmol) in DMSO/CH2Cl2 (10
the presence of RXH as a proton source [18-20], here, we
report a novel and one-pot three-component reaction of
alkylidene-substituted Meldrum's acid 1, alkyl isocyanide 2
and urea 3 that leads to the production of a new derivatative of
ml) was added a solution of alkyl isocyanide 2 (2 mmol) in 5
ml CH2Cl2 in over 10 min. The mixture was then allowed to
stir for 24 h. The dichloromethane was removed under reduced
pressure, and ice water was added to produce white
5-substituted barbituric acid 4 (Scheme 1). precipitate. This crude product was purified by recrystalization
with ethanol or petroleum benzene.
Spectra Data of the Products
Chemicals and Apparatus N-tert-butyl-2-(hexahydro-2,4,6-trioxopyrimidin-5-yl)-

All chemicals and solvents were purchased from Fluka and 2-methylpropanamide (4a). Colorless powder (0.17 g, 68%),
Merck chemical company and used as received. Melting m.p.: 169 C; IR (KBr) (max/cm-1): 1571 (NH bend, 1694 (4


+ + R'N C
O O H 2N NH2 O O
R.T. H

R R R'
1 2 3 4a-h

4 R R'

a Methyl tert- butyl

b tert- butyl

c tert- butyl

d Methyl cyclohexyl

e cyclohexyl
f cyclohexyl

g cyclohexyl

h tert- butyl

Scheme 1. Multi-component reaction al kylidene Meldrum's acid, alkyl isocyanide and urea
A New and Convenient Method for Synthesis of Barbituric Acid Derivatives

C=O), 3139, 3325, 3431 (3 NH). 1H NMR (300.1 MHz, s, CH), 3.97 (1H, tt, J = 12.3, J = 3.75 Hz, CH-NH), 5.68,
CDCl3): = 1.25 (3H, s, Me), 1.43 (3H, s, Me), 1.59 (9H, s, 8.10, 10.27 (3H, s, 3NH). 13C NMR (75.5 MHz, CDCl3): =
CMe3) 3.37 (1H, s, CH), 5.55, 8.09, 10.20 (3H, s, 3NH). 13C 21.05 (2Me), 24.93, 25.41, 25.70, 28.58, 28.74 (5CH2 of
NMR (75.5 MHz, CDCl3): = 21.18, 25.16 (2Me), 28.24 cyclohexyl), 43.63 (CMe2), 52.21 (CH-NH), 57.59 (CH),
(CMe3), 43.68 (CMe2), 57.53 (CMe3), 59.19 (CH), 153.96, 154.26, 167.92, 172.92, 180.92 (4C=O). MS m/z (%) = 295
167.90, 173.95, 181.77 (4 C=O). MS m/z (%): 269 (M+, 20.5), (M+, 4), 214 (100), 171 (40), 154 (60), 128 (70), 83 (85), 61
214 (79.5), 171 (31), 154 (48), 149 (79.5), 83 (100), 61 (91). (90). Anal. Calcd. for C14H21N3O4 (295.15): C, 56.94; H, 7.17;
Anal. Calcd. for C12H19N3O4 (269.14): C, 53.52; H, 7.11; N, N, 14.23%. Found: C, 58.07; H, 7.12; N, 13.53%.
15.60%. Found: C, 53.68; H, 7.02; N, 15.82%. N-cyclohexyl-1-(hexahydro-2,4,6-trioxopyrimidin-5-yl)

N-tert-butyl-1-(hexahydro-2,4,6-trioxopyrimidin-5-yl) cyclohexane carboxamide (4e). Colorless powder (0.14 g,
cyclohexane carboxamide (4b). Colorless powder (0.22 g, 40%): m.p.: 187 C; IR (KBr) (max/cm-1) 1557 (NH bend),
73%): m.p.: 178 C; IR (KBr) (max/cm-1) 1567 (NH bend), 1694, 1713, 1776 (4 C=O), 3145, 3410 (3NH). 1H NMR
1693, 1779 (4 C=O), 3146, 3247, 3418 (3NH). 1H NMR
(300.1 MHz, CDCl3): = 1.17-2.16 (10H, m, 5CH2 of
cyclohexyl), 1.57 (9H, s, CMe3), 3.50 (1H, s, CH), 5.50, 8.16,
10.60 (3H, s, 3NH). 13C NMR (75.5 MHz, CDCl3): = 21.99,
(300.1 MHz, CDCl3): = 1.22- 2.14 (20H, 10CH2 of
2cyclohexyl), 3.51 (1H, s, CH), 3.96 (1H, tt, J = 12.2, J = 3.76
Hz, CH-NH), 5.40, 8.15, 10.45 (3H, s, 3NH).13C NMR (75.5
MHz, CDCl3): = 21.99, 22.09, 24.93, 25.01, 25.73, 25.80,
22.17, 25.04, 27.32, 30.87 (5CH2 of cyclohexyl), 28.19 27.52, 28.44, 28.83, 35.7 (10CH2 of 2cyclohexyl), 48.17 (C of
(CMe3), 35.80 (C of cyclohexyl), 48.2 (CMe3), 58.7 (CH), cyclohexyl), 52.06 (CH-NH), 58.15 (CH), 154.50, 168.91,
154.81, 169.27, 173.46, 182.17 (4C=O). MS m/z (%): 309 172.73, 181.02 (4 C=O). MS m/z (%) = 335 (M+, 16), 254
(M+, 18), 253 (54), 241 (30), 211 (58), 197 (63.5), 184 (44), (79), 211 (27), 194 (86), 84 (100), 61 (72). Anal. Calcd. for
83 (100), 61 (87). Anal. Calcd. for C15H23N3O4 (309.17): C, C17H25N3O4 (335.18): C, 60.88; H, 7.51; N, 12.53%. Found: C,

58.24; H, 7.49; N, 13.58%. Found: C, 57.51; H, 7.82; N, 59.73; H, 8.11; N, 12.14%.

13.05%. N-cyclohexyl-1-(hexahydro-2,4,6-trioxopyrimidin-5-yl)
N-tert-butyl-1-(hexahydro-2,4,6-trioxopyrimidin-5-yl)- cycloheptane carboxamide (4f). Colorless powder (0.14 g,
4-methylcyclohexane carboxamide (4c). Colorless powder 40%): m.p.: 187 C; IR (KBr) (max/cm-1) 1571 (NH bend),

(0.14g, 45%): m.p.: 209 C; IR (KBr) (max/cm-1) 1578 (NH 1696, 1777 (4C=O), 3146, 3329, 3424 (3NH). 1H NMR (300.1
bend), 1689, 1725, 1774 (4C=O), 3162, 3241, 3315, 3428 MHz, CDCl3): = 1.21- 2.12 (22 H, 10CH2 of cyclohexyl and
(3NH). 1H NMR (300.1 MHz, CDCl3): = 0.96 (3H, d, J = cycloheptyl), 3.46 (1H, s, CH), 3.94 (1H, tt, J = 12.4, J = 3.3
6.26 Hz, Me), 1.58 (9H, s, CMe3) 1.45-1.90 (9H, m, 4CH2 and Hz, CH-NH), 5.41, 8.13, 10.20 (3H, s, 3NH). 13C NMR (75.5

CH of cyclohexyl), 3.29 (1H, s, CH), 5.43, 8.12, 10.60 (3H, s, MHz, CDCl3): = 23.40, 23.54, 24.99, 25.76, 28.55, 28.71,
3NH). 13C NMR (75.5 MHz, CDCl3): = 21.32 (Me), 28.27, 29.69, 29.97, 30.30, 31.69, 38.86 (5CH2 of cyclohexyl and
30.11 (4CH2 of cyclohexyl), 29.78 (CMe3), 30.68 (CH of 6CH2 of cycloheptyl), 50.77 (C of cycloheptyl), 52.04 (CH-
cyclohexyl), 34.63 (C of cyclohexyl), 46.41 (CMe3), 58.75 NH), 59.96 (CH), 154.20, 168.56, 172.83, 181.73 (4C=O). MS
(CH), 154.81, 169.27, 173.46, 182.17 (4 C=O). MS m/z (%) = m/z (%) = 349 (M+, 21), 254 (79), 268 (38), 197 (86), 84
323 (M+, 26.5), 306 (17), 263 (41), 207 (90), 165 (33), 137 (100), 61 (52). Anal. Calcd. for C18H27N3O4 (349.2): C, 61.87;
(43.3), 61 (75). Anal. Calcd. for C16H25N3O4 (323.18): C, H, 7.79; N, 12.03%. Found: C, 61.53; H, 7.36; N, 12.04%.
59.42; H, 7.79; N, 12.99%. Found: C, 58.60; H, 7.68; N, N-cyclohexyl-1-(hexahydro-2,4,6-trioxopyrimidin-5-yl)
12.29. cyclopentanecarboxamide (4g). Colorless powder (0.21 g,
N-cyclohexyl-2-(hexahydro-2,4,6-trioxopyrimidin-5-yl)- 67%): m.p.: 178 C; IR (KBr) (max/cm-1) 1575 (NH bend),
2-methyl propanamide (4d). Colorless powder (0.17g, 60%): 1695 (4C=O), 3127, 3332, 3440 (3NH). 1H NMR (300.1 MHz,
m.p.: 167 C, IR (KBr) (max/cm-1) 1585 (NH bend), 1695 CDCl3): = 1.22- 2.14 (18H, 5 CH2 of 2cyclohexyl and 4CH2
(4C=O), 3161, 3430 (3NH). 1H NMR (300.1 MHz, CDCl3): of cyclopentyl), 3.53 (1H, s, CH), 3.97 (1H, tt, J = 12.3, J =
= 1.14- 2.17 (16H, 5CH2 of cyclohexyl and 2Me), 3.45 (1H, 3.7 Hz, CH-NH), 5.48, 8.12, 10.33 (3H, s, 3NH). 13C NMR

Habibi & Tarameshloo

(75.5 MHz, CDCl3): = 24.98, 25.45, 25.75, 28.62, 28.74, CH2Cl2 and at room temperature afforded new derivatives of
32.53, 38.97 (CH2 of cyclohexyl and CH2 of cyclopentyl), barbituric acid 4. The 1H and 13C NMR spectrum of the crude
52.21 (C of cyclopentyl), 53.62 (CH-NH), 58.54 (CH), 154.28, product clearly indicated the formation of 4. No product other
168.68, 172.91, 181.44 (4 C=O). MS m/z (%) = 321 (M+, 5), than 4 could be detected by NMR spectroscopy. The structures
240 (100), 197 (50), 180 (68.5), 152 (41), 109 (55), 61(90). of these products were deduced from their elemental analyses
Anal. Calcd. for C16H23N3O4 (321.17): C, 59.80; H, 7.21; N, and their IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and Mass spectra data.
13.08%. Found: C, 59.87; H, 7.04; N, 13.07%. The IR spectrum of 4a showed three bands at 3431, 3325
N- tert-butyl -1-(hexahydro-2,4,6-tri oxopyrimidin-5-yl) and 3139 cm-1 arising from NH stretching. And also include
cyclopentane carboxamide (4h). Colorless powder (0.23 g, C=O stretching that appeared at 1694 cm-1. 1H NMR spectrum

78%): m.p.: 172 C; IR (KBr) (max/cm-1): 1576 (NH bend), of 4a exhibited four singlet sharp lines readily recognized as
1699 (4C=O), 3155, 3341, 3453 (3NH). 1H NMR (300.1 MHz, arising from two methyl ( = 1.25 and 1.43 ppm), tert-butyl
CDCl3): = 1.58 (9H, s, CMe3), 1.62-2.09 (8H, m, 4CH2 of ( = 1.59 ppm) and methine ( = 3.37 ppm) protons. Also,
cyclopentyl), 3.48 (1H, s, CH), 5.68, 8.13, 10.48 (3H, s, 3NH).
C NMR (75.5 MHz, CDCl3): = 25.33, 25.70, 31.98, 39.14
(4CH2 of cyclopentyl), 28.22 (CMe3), 53.76 (C of
cyclopentyl), 58.93 (CMe3), 59.53 (CH), 154.67, 169.12,
173.60, 182.42 (4 C=O). MS m/z (%) = 295 (M+, 100), 235
three broad singlets ( = 5.55, 8.09 and 10.20 ppm) which
belonged to three NH amide and imide groups.
The 1H decoupled 13C NMR spectrum of 4a showed ten
distinct resonances in agreement with the suggested structure.
The mass spectra of 4a showed molecular ion peaks at
(34), 208 (100), 61 (89). Anal. Calcd. for C14H21N3O4 appropriate m/z values. The 1H and 13C NMR spectra of 4b-i
(295.15): C, 56.94; H, 7.17; N, 14.23%. Found: C, 56.89; H, have similar signals to 4a except for the differences in the
7.35; N, 14.05%. proton or carbon-13 resonances of the substituent.
On the basis of what we know about the chemistry of

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION isocyanide [1-3], and according to our previous reports [18-
20], a plausible mechanism of the three-component reaction
Three-component reaction of alkylidene-substituted between alkylidene-substituted Meldrum's acid 1, isocyanide
Meldrum's acid 1, alkyl isocyanide 2 and urea 3 in DMSO/ 2, and urea 3 is presented in Scheme 2. The first step of the

O O O O O O ..
H 2N NH2

R C N R'
R R R N R'
R' N C
1 5

O O O H2..

+H O N NH2 O +H
R' R R'

6 7 4

Scheme 2. Proposed mechanism for the reaction

A New and Convenient Method for Synthesis of Barbituric Acid Derivatives

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