Reliability Technoology For Submarine Repeaters PDF
Reliability Technoology For Submarine Repeaters PDF
Reliability Technoology For Submarine Repeaters PDF
Fujitsus submarine repeaters have been installed on the seabed worldwide. In 1969
Fujitsu delivered its first submarine coaxial cable system laid along the Uchiura Bay
route off Hokkaido, and now deploys the most advanced optical-amplifying repeat-
ers. Fujitsu has thus far delivered a total of about 2400 submarine coaxial and opti-
cal repeaters in its latest cable systems. Fujitsu repeaters are widely acknowledged
as being the most reliable products in the submarine cable industry and have never
required ship-based repair during commercial use since the inception of this indus-
try. These highly reliable submarine repeaters have been achieved thanks to a con-
sistent concept of developing components, design, development, manufacturing,
and inspection. Fujitsu has also built a mechanism for promoting close communica-
tion among all personnel and organizations concerned to sustain and improve reli-
ability skills. This paper describes the various activities undertaken by Fujitsu with
regard to its highly reliable submarine repeaters.
Figure 1
Fujitsu WDM submarine cable systems deployed in Asia-Pacific region.
Figure 2
Fujitsu total submarine cable network system.
evolving generations, and the submarine repeat- repairs)note 1): 3 or less (in 25 years)
ers delivered by Fujitsu have yet to experience Number of f its note 2) per repeater (f or
failure. 4 systems): 22 fits or less @ 5C CL 95%
This paper describes the reliability technolo- The lifetime required for a submarine trans-
gy developed by Fujitsu to achieve highly reliable mission system is typically 25 years due to its
submarine repeaters ever since its first subma- very high initial investment cost. A system
rine transmission system was delivered. such as the Trans-Pacific Cable requires about
200 repeaters. When 22-fit repeaters are used,
2. Reliability of submarine the repair count in 25 years is estimated to be
repeaters 1 or less.
2.1 Specification requirements
Submarine repeaters to be laid 8000 meters 2.1.3 Environmental conditions1),2)
below the sea surface must be sufficiently Maintaining stable system operation for
resistant to corrosion from seawater under 25 years on the seabed at a depth down to
high-hydraulic pressure. Also, given the prohibi- 8000 meters requires the environmental resis-
tively high cost of salvaging and repair work, the tance characteristics described below. Current
internal circuitry of submarine repeaters also submarine optical repeaters adopt the technolo-
requires both high quality and high reliability. gies used to achieve environmental resistance,
as well as new technologies specific to submarine
2.1.1 Main features of submarine coaxial repeaters.
transmission system 1) Anti-corrosion and anti-hydraulic pressure
The following gives an example of the latest The housing of repeaters is made of
submarine optical transmission system. a beryllium copper alloy that offers excel-
Transmission bit rate: 10.709 Gb/s (trans- lent anti-corrosion resistance and mechanical
mission capacity of 9.95328 Gb/s STM-64: strength in seawater.
S64.2 ITU-T G.691) 2) Airtight structure
Configuration: Optical-amplifying repeater The repeaters feature an airtight struc-
Power feeding current: 1.0 A ture to resist a hydraulic pressure of 800 kgf/cm2
System voltage: 12 kV or less (78.5 MPa) and prevent humidity from rising
Maximum water depth: 8000 m above 20%RH inside the housing for 25 years.
Operating temperature: 0 to 35C This degree of airtightness has been made possi-
Supervisory system: C-OTDR, repeat- ble through the following:
er monitor system (input monitor, output Sealed circumferential welding at both ends
monitor, laser diode [LD] current monitor) of the cylindrical pressure-tight housing.
Collective insertion of optical fibers and
2.1.2 Required reliability power feed cable into the pressure-resistant
The reliability required depends somewhat cabinet while maintaining airtightness.
on the total system length and location where The optical fiber cable features a structure
the system is installed. The specification require- sealed by metal with solder; the power feed
ments of a typical long-distance system are as
note 1) (Total fit rate of submersible plant) 24 (H)
follows: 365 (D) 25 (Y) 109.
System lifetime: 25 years note 2) Abbreviation for failure unit, a unit of
failure rate. 1 fit = 109 count/hour. For
Average repair count (number of ship-based example, 22 fits indicates a Mean Time
Between Failures [MTBF] of 5188 years.
cable has a structure sealed by polyethylene 2.2 Submarine repeater configuration and
molding and a metal cone. measures to ensure high reliability
Air tightness tests for all submarine repeat- To maintain the reliability of submarine
ers using a pressure equal to the operating repeaters, traditional and proven techniques
hydraulic pressure to check airtightness at should be employed in the design as much as
the final stage of manufacturing. possible. New parts and techniques must be
3) Dielectric strength evaluated over a long period to improve reliabil-
A polyethylene cylinder is placed between ity. The test process requires a system for
the internal unit and external housing to achieve detecting failures in parts or at the earliest possi-
a dielectric strength structure of 15 kV or more. ble stage of manufacturing.
4) Evaluation of surge resistance
The submarine repeater is protected against 2.2.1 Redundant configuration
power surges that may result from a sudden The submarine optical repeater has achieved
interruption of the high voltage supplied on the a system of high reliability. For instance, the
cable. The submarine repeater surge protection pump laser diodes and control circuit of the
circuit consists of a gas tube arrester, coils, and optical amplifier have redundant configurations
high-power Zener diodes and resistors. These to improve reliability. Since a system consists
circuit components are used in evaluating electric of four pump laser diodes, any failure that may
current and transient properties at a simulated occur in three of the four pump laser diodes has
surge, and enable surge resistance to be evalu- no impact on the system performance.
ated using a surge test generator under the
following conditions: 2.2.2 Design reliability
15 kV The resistors and Zener diodes are rated,
200 A respectively, at 4 and 10 times their maximum
5) Vibration and impact resistance operating powers.
A vibration and impact test is conduct-
ed to check whether the system can withstand 2.2.3 Manufacturing test methods
vibration and impact during transport and 1) Automatic tests
installation. To conduct different tests in a short time, all
6) Evaluation of individual parts process tests are conducted automatically. In the
Individual parts are checked to see if they adjustment test, adequate adjustment resistance
can withstand the environmental conditions values are automatically calculated based on
when they are integrated into the internal circuit, characteristics obtained by simulating the appli-
during manufacturing, and after installation. cation of electric current from outside instead of
The evaluation items include resistance based on variable resistance.
to radiation, drying, magnetism, hydrogen gas, 2) Building a database
barometric pressure, fiber strength, and internal- Everything from the test data on repeater
ly generated corrosive gas. optical electric parts, data acquired during the
7) Temperature-humidity test manufacture of repeaters, to the final test results
A temperature cycle test is conducted along is stored in a database. Parts are automatically
with a high/low temperature shelf test. combined for each system unit to obtain uniform
characteristics based on the database. The
assembly and manufacturing processes directly
affect these combined parts.
standards have been developed and established. failure. The number of fits per repeater as calcu-
The work specifications define the assembly lated from the cumulative time above is 3.3 or
methods and conditions in each process, work less.
control items, jigs and tools, manufacturing plants, Given these results, Fujitsu submarine
and environmental conditions. Control items repeaters are widely acknowledged as being the
are checked and recorded in each process, and most reliable in the world.
product quality is evaluated and checked accord-
ing to these specification documents. In this way, 6. Conclusion
we have achieved highly reliable repeaters. Highly reliable submarine repeaters can
Typical processes in assembling subma- be achieved thanks to the reliability technol-
rine repeaters include polyethylene molding ogy established based on a consistent concept of
and sealing the repeater housing by welding. developing components, design, manufacturing,
Polyethylene molding assures insulation essen- and other numerous factors.
tial to long-term reliability and repeater housings Fujitsu submarine repeaters have been
sealed by welding require a pressure tightness operating on international lines of communi-
and airtightness lasting at least 25 years at a cation on the seabeds of oceans, seas, and bays
depth of 8000 meters below the sea surface. For around the world. From the first delivery of
these processes, techniques for automating work, Fujitsu submarine coaxial repeaters in 1969 to
facilitating product homogenization, and record- the latest submarine optical-amplifying repeat-
ing the work status in each process have been ers, our repeaters have never experienced
established to improve reliability. ship-based repair over several generations.
Fujitsu is now promoting the adoption
4.4 Establishing inspection and test of reliability technology developed for subma-
process rine repeaters, as well as the development of
Highly reliable submarine repeaters require next-generation technologies. In a growing
assured quality through conclusive inspections global submarine market, Fujitsu will proactively
and tests, as well as carefully managed assembly continue to offer its highly reliable devices and
work as mentioned above. The inspection and systems.
test process has been established for all opera-
tions from the assembly of circuit units to the References
final completion and shipment of repeaters. The 1) M. Motegi et al.: Optical Submarine Transmission
Systems. (in Japanese), FUJITSU, 37, 6,
test specifications that define test items, test p.465-472 (1986).
facility specifications, test methods and proce- 2) K. Shimoyamada et al.: Optical Submarine
Repeaters and Branching Units. (in Japanese),
dures, and test standards have been established FUJITSU, 40, 4, p.188-196 (1989).
for the tests and inspections in each process. 3) H. K ar i be et al.: Integ rated Circ uits f or
Submarine Optical Repeaters. (in Japanese),
FUJITSU, 40, 4, p.213-220 (1989).
5. Delivery results and reliability 4) K. Yakuwa: CS-36 MD-System High-Reliability
Parts. (in Japanese), FUJITSU, 26, 2, p.193-207
To date, Fujitsu has delivered a total of (1975).
about 2400 submarine repeaters since its first 5) T. Ikeda et al.: Reliability Technology for
Submarine Repeaters. (in Japanese), FUJITSU,
delivery in 1969. 29, 6, p.919-931 (1978).
The cumulative operating time of all the
submarine repeaters we have delivered is at
least about 0.3 billion hours. During this time,
no Fujitsu submarine repeaters have experienced
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