Global Warming

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Global warming

Have you ever heard global warming? Have you ever scared by
those predictions made by professional people? Have you ever see any
march about global warming? Nowadays, more and more people start to
focus on global warming and trying to solved it. Moreover, a large number
of researchers and professors give many believable and trustable research
papers about global warming and the problem followed after it. All these
evidence proved that global warming is a true and serious problem. To
realize how serious is this problem, more details will be required.
Global warming is happening every second around the world. The
technical term of Global warming is the increase in Earths average
surface temperature due to rising levels of greenhouse gases1. This can
be proved by a few statistics. The amount of ice loss and increase of sea
level can show the true of global warming. According to statistic from
United Nation2, the Arctic ice extent has shrunk since 1979 with an
average of 1.07km2 ice loss per decade, this lead to global average sea
level increase about 19cm from 1901 to 2010. The increase of sea level
not only caused flooding of islands and sea coast, also the change of tidal
force which lead to increase of gravity and increase of the total area of
ocean, this might lead to a harm result toward the ocean environment.
Besides the ocean and ice, the average global temperature is also a very
reliable statistic to prove global warming is true. Based on the news of
UCAR34, the average global temperature rose by 0.85 degree Celsius from
1880 to 2012, this lead to less snowfall and longer summer, which will due
a harmful damage to global environment, such as famine. Both global
average sea level and temperature prove that global warming is true to
us, the increase of either of this can already cause a damage to our
planet, not to mention the two or even more.
On the other hand, a lot of natural disaster have a tide relationship with
global warming. It is true that global warming will not only bring a long
term effect, it also can affect our day-to-day lives, these effect can go
anywhere from just one more small flood per year in Northeast Thailand to
a deadly snowstorm in Nepal. Many scientists that climate change have
impact on storm. According to Earth observatory of NASA5, the global

1 Conway, Erik M. "What's in a Name? Global Warming vs. Climate Change."

2 "Climate Change - United Nations Sustainable Development." United Nations.

Accessed February 07, 2017.

3 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

4 "How much has the global temperature risen since 1880?" How much has the
global temperature risen since 1880? | UCAR - University Corporation for
Atmospheric Research. Accessed February 07, 2017.

5 "The Impact of Climate Change on Natural Disasters." NASA. Accessed February

08, 2017.
warming will lead to increase global surface temperature, moreover, the
possible outcomes of an increase in global temperatures can be increased
intensity of storms and more intense mid-latitude storms, then, NASA use
4 charts and a large amount of statistics included the increase rate of
storm and increase rate of temperature to prove that number of Storm
have a tide relation with global temperature. Some of the fact and
explanations are higher surface temperature lead to more water vapor
enter the atmosphere, then, when formation of storm start, the
temperature difference between poles and equator will be decrease, this
lead to the increase of intensity of storm. In addition to storm, other
extreme weather events such as heat wave, monsoon, and snowstorm. An
2016 National Geographic article6 showed how global warming affect
extreme weather event; According to their statistics, half of the extreme
weather events have either big or small effect on them, for example,
global warming could not link to the reason of any of the wildfire, but
global warming did make wildfire bigger and more intense far more likely,
this lead to more destructed area and harder to put out the wildfire. Two of
the most recurrent extreme weather events start shows relations to global
warming while it is becoming severity.
As time goes on, global warming start to grow bigger and show public
their harmfulness toward this planet and its ecosystem. Whether or not
someone else question global warming, it already become an obvious fact,
and start to damage human and Earth by natural disaster. I hope that
every reader those read this article can realize the seriousness of global
warming, I hope that whole human can work together on this problem,
stop or even eliminate this problem; But, all the resistances start with
awareness, aware global warming, before it is too late.

6 "Half of Weather Disasters Linked to Climate Change." National Geographic.

Accessed February 09, 2017.

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