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Wildlife Patterns

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World Wildlife

for the
Scroll Sa\V
by Lora S. Irish

Ann Thomsen
Tvrgade 119
8340 Malling

Chapel Publishing
1970 Broad Street East Petersburg, PA 17520
2002 by Fox Chapel Publishing Company, Ine.

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw is a brand new work, first published in 2002 by Fox Chapel Publishing Company,
Ine. The patterns eontained herein are copyrighted by the author. Artists purehasing this bo ok have permission to make
up to 200 eutouts of eaeh individual pattern. Persons or eompanies wishing to make more than 200 eutouts must notify
the author in writing for permission. The patterns themselves, however, are not to be duplieated for resale or distribution
under any eireumstanees.

Publisher Alan Giagnoeavo

Projeet Editor Ayleen Stellhorn
Desktop Specialist Linda L. Eberly, Eberlv Designs Ine.
Cover Design Tim Mize
Cover and Gallery Artwork D. Thomson Penman

ISBN #1-56523-177-5
Library of Congress Control Number: 2001119686

To learn more about the other great books

from Fox Chapel Publishing, or ro find a
retailer near you, call roll-free 1-800-457-9112
or visit us at www.FoxChapelPublishing.com.

Printed in China
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

Beeause serolling wood and other materials inherently includes the risk of injury and damage, this book eannot guaran-
tee that ereating the projects in this book is safe for everyone. For this reason, this book is sold without warranties or
guarantees of any kind, express or implied, and the publisher and au thor disclaim any liability for any injuries, losses or
damages eaused in any way by the eontent of this bo ok or the reader's use of the tools needed to eomplete the projeets
presented here. The publisher and the author urge all serollers to thoroughly review eaeh projeet and to understand the
use of all tools involved before beginning any projeet.
Table ol Contents
About the Author iv

Introduction 1
Jungle Jester (Baboon) 2 Walking Tall (Elk Buck) 16
Peek-A-Boo (Bushbaby) .3 On Full Alert (Thomson Gazelle) 17
Desert Caravan (Camel) ,4 Savannah Spirit (Thomson Gazelle) 18
Brave Spirit (Caracal) 5 Sky High (Giraffe) 19
Predator and Prey (Cheetah) 6 Tree Top Dining (Giraffe) 20
The Fast Track (Cheetah) 7 Gentle Giant (Western Lowland Gorilla) .21
What? (Chimpanzee) 8 Mountain Defender (Silverback Gorilla) .. 22
Gold and Silver (Derby Eland) 9 Water WaHower (Hippopotamus) 23
Splash (Botde Nose Dolphin) 10 Wind Spirit (Mustang Horse) 24
Ivory Giant (African Elephant) 11 Shore-Side Fisherman (Ibis) 25
All Ears (African Elephant) 12 Rainforest Rogue (jaguar) 26
Trunks and Limbs (African Elephant) 13 Baby Stroller (Kangaroo) 27
Ocean Bull (Elephant Seal) 14 Hop, Skip and Jump (Kangaroo) 28
Full Rack (Elk Buck) 15

Gallery 29

Watching for Dinner (Kingfisher) 35 Summer Grazing (Big Horn Sheep) 52

Australian Teddy Bear (Koala) .36 Lichen-Covered Pasture s (Caribou) 53
Plains Ranger (Greater Kudu) 37 White Treasure (Rhinoceros) 54
Silent Hunter (Leopard) 38 Savannah Grazer (Rhinoceros) 55
Kingly Portrait (African Lion) 39 Pure Mischief (Ringtail) 56
Golden Mane (African Lion) ,40 Grounded (Seal Pup) 57
FuH Fury (African Lion) ,41 Light Foot (Springbok Buck) 58
Mountain Path (Llama) ,42 Stripes (Bengal Tiger) 59
No Worries (Meerkats) ,43 Bengal Portrait (Bengal Tiger) 60
Hi and Low of Parenting (Ostrich) ,44 Camouflage (Bengal Tiger) 61
Black-Eyed Baby (Panda) ,45 Rocky Shoreline (Walrus) 62
Jungle Shadow (Black Panther) ,46 Sea Sentry (Walrus) 63
Polly's Favorite Branch (Parret) ,47 Head of the Herd (Water Buffalo) 64
Tail Feathers (Parret) ,48 Deep Water Giant (Gray Whale) 65
Sailor's Friend (Parrot) ,49 Stripes Portrait (Zebra) 66
Fatherhood (Emperor Penguin) 50 Behind Bars (Zebra) 67
Ice King (Polar Bear) 51
About the Author

Lora S. Irish expresses her creativity in a number of mediums, including fabric, paint
and wood. She worked for a number of years as a seminar instructor for an East Coast
crafts distributor and later as a design director for a national needle art company. She has
also published 13 limited edition fine art prints copyrighted through the Library of
Currently Lora is a free-lance artist under her own company name, Art Designs
Studio. She focuses on creating original oil canvases, acrylic paintings and sign crafting.
She and her husband, Mike, established www.carvingpatterns.com, a pattern website for
carvers and other woodworkers, and www.muttart.com, a website featuring Lora's fine
art dog paintings. All of the patterns and artwork featured on these sites are originals
designed by Lora.
Lora has also published several other books for scrollers, including The Great Book of
Dragon Pattems and North American Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw. Her pattern and
how-to books for carvers include Landscapes in Relief, Wildlife Carving in Relief, Classic
Carving Patterns, Chip Carving Classics One and Chip Carving Classics Two.

World Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw

Wildlife has long been a favorite topie for woodworkers. Animals of every sort are
espeeially adaptable to our favorite hobby of scroll sawing. Their fluid and drama tic poses
make for beautiful portraits and seenes. The simple silhouette style is excellent to display
the individual feathers, muscles, or fur lines of eaeh animal. You will soon find yourself
using the wildlife patterns in this book for eorner braekets, wall deeor, and even box lids.
Eaeh area of our world has its own unique set of animals-from the kangaroo of
Australia to the eheetah of the Afriean savannah. Within the pages of this pattern book
you will surelv find your favorite animal, plus have a chance to create in wood some of
the world's most popular birds and sea life. From lions, panda bears and ibis to the pesky
little ringtail, there is something here for every animal lover.
These patterns are ereated so that they ean easily be used individually or added to
eorner braekets, weathervane arrows, and framed edges. Use your imagination as you
browse through the pages for the numerous adaptations that you ean add to make eaeh
work a unique pieee of art. Those animals that are most popular in today's art are repeat-
ed several times throughout the designs to provide you with a wide ehoice of ideas. Most
of all, be sure to have fun as you use these designs.
If you're looking for help with the basics of serolling, I highly reeommend the follow-
ing publieations: Scroll Saw Workshop magazine, published by Fox Chapel Publishing, 800-
457-9112, www.foxchapelpublishing.com or Scroll Saw Workbook by John A. Nelson,
published by Fox Chapel Publishing, 800-457 -9112, www.foxchapelpublishing.com.

-Lora S. Irish

Ann Thomsen
Tvrgade 119
8340 Malling

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

J ungle J ester

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Pe ek ..A ..B 00

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Desert Caravan

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Brave Spirit

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Predator and Prey


World Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw

The Fast Track

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw


World Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw

Gold and Silver
(Derby Eland)

Wor Id Wildlife Pattems

9 for the Scroll Saw
(Bottle Nose Dolphin)

Lora S. lrish

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Ivory Giant
(African Elephant)

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

All Ears
(African Elephant)

Lora S. Irish

World Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw

Trunks and Limbs
(African Elephant)

~ __ x__ -~


World Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw

Ocean BuH
(Elephant Seal)

\ ~


.: ~

~ ~

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Full Rack
(EIk Buck)


World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Walking Tall
(Elk Buck)

Lora S. Irish

World Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw

On Fult Alert
(Thomson Gazelle)

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Savannah Spirit
(Thomson Gazelle)

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Sky High

Lora s. lrish

World ~:............::~o~r
Wildlife Pattems f h Scroll Saw
Tree Top Dining

c Lora s. Irish

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Gentle Giant
(Western Lowland Gorilla)

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Mountain Defender
(Silverback Gorilla)

Lora S. Irish

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Water Wallower

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Wind Spirit
(Mustang Horse)

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Shore-Side Fisherman

Lora s. Irish

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Rainforest Rogue

World Wildlife Patterns f ar the Scroll Saw

Baby Stroller

Lora S. Irish

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Hop, Skip and Jump

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

All Ears (African Elephant), pattern on page 12.

The FastTrack (Cheetah), pattern on page 7.

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Australian Teddy Bear (Koala), pattern on page 36.

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Stripes (Bengal Tiger), pattern an page 59.

Ski High (Giraffe), pattern an page 19.

Black-Eyed Baby (Panda), pattern an page 45.

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Desert Caravan (Camel),
pattern an page 4.

Tai I Feathers (Parret),

pattern an page 48.

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Splash (Bottie Nose Dolphin), pattern on page 10.

Fatherhood (Emperor Penguin), pattern on page 50.

Baby Stroller (Kangaroo) pattern on page 27.

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Stripes Portrait (Zebra), pattern an page 66.

World Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw

Watching for Dinner

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Australian Teddy Bear

World Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw

Plains Ranger
(Greater Kudu)

World Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw

Silent Hunter

----w;::rld 'Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw

Worl 38
Kingly Portrait
(African Lian)

Lora S. Irish

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Golden Mane
(African Lian)

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Full Fury
(African Lian)

Lora S. Irish

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Mountain Path

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

No Worries


ld Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Wor 43
Hi and Low of Parenting


'--------' --'o'"

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Black ..Eyed Baby

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Jungle Shadow
(Black Panther)

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Polly's Favorite Branch

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Tail Feathers

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Sailor' s Friend

World Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw

(Emperor Penguin)

Lora S. Irish

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Ice King
(Polar Bear)

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Summer Grazing
(Big Horn Sheep)

Lora s. Irish

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Lichen ..Covered Pastures

World Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw

White Treasure

World Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw

Savannah Grazer

lora s. Irish

World Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw

Pure Mischief

Lora S. Irish

World Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw

(Seal Fup)

World Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw

Light Foot
(Springbok Buck)

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

(Bengal Tiger)

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Bengal Portrait
(Bengal Tiger)

d Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Worl 60
(Bengal Tiger)

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Rocky Shoreline

World Wildlife Patterns for the Scroll Saw

Sea Sentry

Lora S. Irish

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

_--=H;.;.;e~ad of the Herd
(Water Buffalo)

WorId WildI" P
Deep Water Giant
(G ray Whale)

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Stripes Portrait

x x

Lora S. Irish

World Wildlife Pattems for the Scroll Saw

Behind Bars

l e P 'attems i
WorId WildI'f to: the Scroll S
67 aw
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Whales. Sport Fish for Moose. Bear; Eagles, and Craftspeople
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