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(Title of Unit) : Ispp Summative Assessment Task For

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Student Name:

Statement of Inquiry Concepts

Approaches to Learning Focus









L&L Command Terms

Level Crit A: Analyzing Crit B:Organizing Crit C: Producing Text Crit D: Using Language
7-8 i. provides i. makes sophisticated i. produces texts that i. effectively uses a
perceptive analysis of the use of organizational demonstrate a high degree range of appropriate
content, context, structures that serve the of personal engagement vocabulary, sentence
language, structure, context and intention with the creative process; structures and forms of
technique, style of text(s) effectively demonstrates a high expression
ii. effectively organizes ii. writes and speaks in a
and the relationship degree of insight,
opinions and ideas in a consistently appropriate
among texts imagination or sensitivity
ii. perceptively sustained, coherent and register and style that serve
and perceptive exploration
analyses the effects of the logical manner with ideas the context and intention
of and critical reflection on
iii. uses grammar, syntax
creators choices on an building on each other in a
new perspectives and ideas
and punctuation with a high
audience sophisticated way ii. makes perceptive
iii. gives detailed iii. makes excellent use degree of accuracy; errors are
stylistic choices in terms of
justification of opinions of referencing and formatting minor and communication is
linguistic, literary and visual
and ideas with a range of tools to create an effective effective
devices, demonstrating
iv. spells/writes and
examples, and thorough presentation style.
good awareness of impact
pronounces with a high
explanations; uses
on an audience
degree of accuracy; errors are
accurate terminology iii. selects extensive
iv. perceptively minor and communication is
relevant details and
compares and contrasts effective
examples to develop ideas
v. makes effective use
by making extensive
with precision.
of appropriate non-verbal
connections in features
communication techniques.
across and within genres
and texts.

5-6 i. competently i. makes competent i. produces texts that i. uses a varied range
analyses the content, use of organizational demonstrate considerable of appropriate vocabulary,
context, language, structures that serve the personal engagement with sentence structures and forms
structure, technique, style context and intention the creative process; of expression competently
ii. organizes opinions ii. writes and speaks
of text(s) and the demonstrates
relationship among texts and ideas in a coherent and considerable insight, competently in a register and
ii. competently
logical manner with ideas imagination or sensitivity style that serve the context
analyses the effects of the
building on each other and substantial exploration and intention
creators choices on an iii. makes competent iii. uses grammar, syntax
of and critical reflection on
audience use of referencing and and punctuation with a
new perspectives and ideas
iii. sufficiently
formatting tools to create a ii. makes thoughtful considerable degree of
justifies opinions and ideas
presentation style suitable to stylistic choices in terms of accuracy; errors do not
with examples and
the context and intention. linguistic, literary and visual hinder effective
explanations; uses
devices, demonstrating communication
accurate terminology iv. spells/writes and
good awareness of impact
iv. evaluates
pronounces with a
on an audience
similarities and differences
iii. selects sufficient considerable degree of
by making substantial
relevant details and accuracy; errors do not
connections in features
examples to develop ideas. hinder effective
across and within genres
and texts. v. makes sufficient use
of appropriate non-verbal
communication techniques.

3-4 i. provides i. makes adequate use i. produces texts that i. uses an adequate
adequate analysis of the of organizational structures demonstrate adequate range of appropriate
content, context, that serve the context and personal engagement with vocabulary, sentence
language, structure, intention the creative process; structures and forms of
ii. organizes opinions
technique and style of demonstrates some insight, expression
and ideas with some degree ii. sometimes writes and
text(s) and the relationship imagination or sensitivity
of coherence and logic speaks in a register and style
among texts and some exploration of
iii. makes adequate use
ii. provides that serve the context and
and critical reflection on
of referencing and formatting
adequate analysis of the intention
new perspectives and ideas
tools to create a presentation iii. uses grammar, syntax
effects of the creators ii. makes some
style suitable to the context and punctuation with some
choices on an audience stylistic choices in terms of
iii. justifies opinions and intention. degree of accuracy; errors
linguistic, literary and visual
and ideas with some sometimes hinder
devices, demonstrating
examples and communication
explanations, though this adequate awareness of iv. spells/writes and
may not be consistent; impact on an audience pronounces with some degree
iii. selects some
uses some terminology of accuracy; errors sometimes
iv. evaluates some relevant details and
hinder communication
similarities and differences examples to develop ideas. v. makes some use of
by making adequate appropriate non-verbal
connections in features communication techniques.
across and within genres
and texts.

1-2 i. provides limited i. makes minimal use of i. produces texts that i. uses a limited range
analysis of the content, organizational structures demonstrate limited of appropriate vocabulary and
context, language, though these may not always personal engagement with forms of expression
ii. writes and speaks in
structure, technique and serve the context and intention the creative process;
ii. organizes opinions an inappropriate register and
style of text(s) and the demonstrates a limited
and ideas with a minimal style that do not serve the
relationship among texts degree of insight,
ii. provides limited degree of coherence and context and intention
imagination or sensitivity
iii. uses grammar, syntax
analysis of the effects of logic
and minimal exploration of
iii. makes minimal use of and punctuation with limited
the creators choices on an
and critical reflection on
referencing and formatting accuracy; errors often hinder
new perspectives and ideas
iii. rarely justifies tools to create a presentation communication
ii. makes minimal
iv. spells/writes and
opinions and ideas with style that may not always be
stylistic choices in terms of
pronounces with limited
examples or explanations; suitable to the context and
linguistic, literary and visual
accuracy; errors often hinder
uses little or no intention.
devices, demonstrating
limited awareness of v. makes limited and/or
iv. evaluates few
impact on an audience inappropriate use of non-
similarities and differences
iii. selects few relevant
verbal communication
by making minimal
details and examples to
connections in features
develop ideas.
across and within genres
and texts.

0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors above.

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