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Amendment No. 1

Specification for

Rigging screws and

turnbuckles for general
engineering, lifting
purposes and pipe
hanger applications

UDC 621.889.2
BS 4429:1987

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Mechanical

Handling Standards Committee (MHE/-) to Technical Committee MHE/1,
upon which the following bodies were represented:

Associated Offices Technical Committee

British Chain Manufacturers Association
British Coal
British Forging Industry Association
British Ports Association and the National Association of Ports Employers
British Railways Board
Chain Testers Association of Great Britain
Corporation of Trinity House
Department of Trade and Industry (National Physical Laboratory)
Federation of Manufacturers of Construction Equipment and Cranes
Federation of Wire Rope Manufacturers of Great Britain
Health and Safety Executive
Lloyds Register of Shipping
Ministry of Defence

The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard,
through subcommittees and panels:

Association of Supervisory and Executive Engineers

British Steel Industry
Drop Forging Research Association
Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales
Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Mechanical
Handling Standards
Committee, was published
under the direction of the
Board of BSI and
comes into effect on
30 April 1987

BSI 07-1999 Amendments issued since publication

First published March 1969
First revision April 1987 Amd. No. Date of issue Comments

5875 June 1989 Indicated by a sideline in the margin

The following BSI references
relate to the work on this
Committee reference MHE/1
Draft for comment 85/72302 DC

ISBN 0 580 15356 8

BS 4429:1987


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword iii
Section 1. General requirements
1.1 Scope 1
1.2 Definitions 1
1.3 Lifting applications 1
1.4 Size 1
1.5 Tolerance on dimensions 1
1.6 Heat treatment 1
1.7 Hot dip galvanizing 1
1.8 Screw threads 1
1.9 Freedom from defects 1
1.10 Proof loading 1
1.11 Marking 2
1.12 Test certificate 2
Section 2. Specific requirements for rigging screws
2.1 General 3
2.2 Tubular body 3
2.3 Workmanship 3
2.4 Attachments 3
2.5 Types of rigging screw 4
2.6 Open and closed dimensions 4
2.7 Safe working loads 4
Section 3. Specific requirements for turnbuckles
3.1 General 7
3.2 Designation 7
3.3 Open body 7
3.4 Workmanship 7
3.5 Attachments 7
3.6 Types of turnbuckle 8
3.7 Open and closed dimensions 8
3.8 Safe working loads 8
Section 4. Specific requirements for attachments
4.1 General 11
4.2 Screwed elongated eyes 11
4.3 Screwed forks 12
4.4 Screwed trapezoidal hooks 13
4.5 Lock-nuts 13
Appendix A Information to be supplied by the purchaser with the
enquiry and order 15
Appendix B Notes on design 15
Appendix C Selection, application and use of rigging screws and
turnbuckles for lifting applications 15
Figure 1 Tubular body for rigging screws 3
Figure 2 Types of rigging screw 5
Figure 3 Hexagon-ended open body for turnbuckles 7
Figure 4 Types of turnbuckle 9
Figure 5 Screwed elongated eye 11

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Figure 6 Screwed fork 12
Figure 7 Screwed trapezoidal hook for turnbuckles 14
Table 1 Recommended maximum sizes of marking stamps 2
Table 2 Tubular bodies for rigging screws 4
Table 3 Open and closed dimensions (H) and safe working
loads for rigging screws 6
Table 4 Hexagon-ended open bodies for turnbuckles 8
Table 5 Open and closed dimensions (H) and safe working
loads for turnbuckles 10
Table 6 Screwed elongated eyes 11
Table 7 Screwed forks (supplied complete with bolt and nut) 13
Table 8 Screwed trapezoidal hooks for turnbuckles 14
Table 9 Types of defect found in in-service inspections and
actions to be taken in the event of a defect 16
Publications referred to Inside back cover

ii BSI 07-1999
BS 4429:1987


This revised British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the
Mechanical Handling Standards Committee.
BS 4429 was first issued in 1969 as a revision of BS 716 Rigging screws and
stretching screws for general engineering purposes and BS 4013 Rigging screws
for shipping purposes and for guyed masts. This revision of BS 4429 supersedes
BS 4429:1969 which is withdrawn. It takes account of commercially accepted
items and introduces a new range of hexagon-ended turnbuckles specifically for
general engineering, lifting purposes and for pipe hanger applications. The safe
working load (SWL) ratings for rigging screws and turnbuckles have been
uprated by 25 %. SWL values for pipe hanger turnbuckles take cognizance of
work currently being undertaken in ISO/TC 5/SC 1.
Rigging screws are specified with combinations of screwed elongated eyes and
screwed forks. Turnbuckles are specified with combinations of screwed elongated
eyes, screwed forks or screwed hooks (hitherto the term stretching screw was
used). Reference should be made to BS 3974-1 for fittings for pipe hanger
Rigging screws are normally supplied in the ungalvanized condition
(i.e. self-coloured) but the purchaser has the option of ordering rigging screws in
the hot dip galvanized condition, provided this is stated on his enquiry and order.
The reverse applies to turnbuckles, which are normally supplied in the hot dip
galvanized condition, with the purchaser having the option to order self-coloured
turnbuckles (see Appendix A).
It is sometimes desirable to fit the threaded shanks of rigging screws and
turnbuckles with lock-nuts to prevent possible slacking back, particularly where
vibration occurs. It is pointed out that, if lock-nuts are fitted, dimension H (closed)
will be increased by twice the thickness of one nut.
Details of the information that should be supplied with any enquiry and order are
given in Appendix A.
This standard is based on a design study carried out at the National Physical
Laboratory and funded by the Health and Safety Executive.
Two reports covering this design study are available from the Natural Physical
Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex TW 11 0LW entitled:
NPL Report DMA (A) 108 The technical background to the revision of
BS 4429:1969 Rigging screws and turnbuckles, by T.A.E. Gorley; and
NPL Report DMA (A) 125 The effects of tolerances on the technical
background of rigging screws, turnbuckles and associated components in the
revision of BS 4429:1969, by T.A.E. Gorley.
This design study was supplemented by actual testing of components at the
laboratories of the Health and Safety Executive. A report by the Health and
Safety Executive, reference IR/L/ME/86/23, entitled Tests to failure of rigging
screw and turnbuckle components revision of BS 4429 gives the results of
proving tests carried out on components made to this British Standard.
The Secretary of State for Industry accepts no responsibility for loss or damage
arising from the use of the recommendations made in the report except to the
extent that such loss or damage arises from the negligence of the Secretary or his
servants or agents.
In this standard, attachments having screwed ends are geometrically similar
throughout their respective ranges, taking account of commercial considerations.
The screwed elongated eyes of these rigging screws have been proportioned to
accept higher tensile steel shackles.
The terms British Standard rigging screw or British Standard turnbuckle
should be taken as applying only to those rigging screws, turnbuckles and
attachments which comply with this British Standard.

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BS 4429:1987

A new Appendix B entitled Notes on design has been added giving

recommendations on the geometric formulae to be applied when sizes not covered
by this standard are required.
A new Appendix C has also been added in this revision covering the selection,
application and use of rigging screws and turnbuckles.
Whilst this standard is for general engineering, lifting and pipe hanger purposes
it is recognized that the items covered may also be specified for other uses such
as rigging of masts, etc. Whilst the information given in this standard applies,
particular precautions should be taken in respect of exterior environmental
conditions, oscillation/vibration caused by high winds, etc.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.

Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity

from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv,
pages 1 to 16, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.

iv BSI 07-1999
BS 4429:1987

Section 1. General requirements

1.1 Scope 1.5 Tolerance on dimensions

This British Standard specifies materials, When components are manufactured by the drop
components, dimensions, finishes and tests for forging process, the tolerances on dimensions, etc.
rigging screws and turnbuckles of the following shall be quality F as specified in BS 4114.
types and nominal sizes for both lifting and When hand forged, the variation from any of the
non-lifting applications. dimensions given in the tables of this standard shall
Rigging screws: 8 mm to 100 mm, size of screw not exceed +7.5 % .
thread When swaging is involved in the forming of a rigging
Turnbuckles : 8 mm to 72 mm, size of screw screw body, the dimensions shall comply with 2.3.
thread Tolerances on screw threads are given in 1.8.
series no. 1,
series no. 2 and 1.6 Heat treatment
pipe hanger After completion of all forging operations and before
applications machining, all components shall be hardened and
Lock-nuts are also covered (see section 4). tempered with the exception of screwed elongated
eyes and screwed forks of size M64 and over
Attachments for turnbuckles for use in pipe hanger
(see 4.2.1 and 4.3.1).
applications are excluded from this British
Standard (see BS 3974-1).
1.7 Hot dip galvanizing
NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard
are listed on the inside back cover. 1.7.1 Rigging screws
All components of all rigging screws shall normally
1.2 Definitions be supplied in the self-coloured condition.
For the purposes of this British Standard, the NOTE If rigging screws are required in the hot dip galvanized
following definitions apply. condition, this should be stated on the enquiry and order
(see Appendix A) and should be in accordance with BS 729.
rigging screw 1.7.2 Turnbuckles
a tubular body internally threaded at each end, with All components of all turnbuckles, with the
one right-hand and one left-hand thread, having exception of the screw threads, shall normally be
attachments of required form, i.e. screwed eyes or supplied in the hot dip galvanized condition in
screwed forks accordance with BS 729.
NOTE If turnbuckles are required in the self-coloured condition
1.2.2 this should be stated on the enquiry and order (see Appendix A).
an open body consisting of reins, with bosses at each 1.8 Screw threads
end and internally threaded at each end, with one The screw threads of the bodies of rigging screws
right-hand and one left-hand thread, having and turnbuckles and their attachments shall
attachments of required form, e.g. screwed eyes, comply with BS 3643-2, coarse pitch series,
screwed forks, screwed hooks, or for use, without class 7H/8g (free fit).
attachments, for pipe hanger applications
For sizes M72 and over, a constant pitch series
of 6 mm shall be used.
1.3 Lifting applications
Only rigging screws and turnbuckles that are 1.9 Freedom from defects
marked with the appropriate safe working
Each component of the completed rigging
load (see 1.11) after proof loading (see 1.10) shall be
screw/turnbuckle shall be carefully examined before
used for lifting applications.
assembly and shall be free from any visible flaw or
1.4 Size
The size of the rigging screw or turnbuckle shall be 1.10 Proof loading
the diameter A, in millimetres, of the screwed shank
The testing machine used for proof loading shall
in accordance with Table 2 to Table 8 inclusive.
have been verified in accordance with BS 1610-2
and maintained within grade 2.0 as specified in
BS 1610-1.

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BS 4429:1987

Each complete rigging screw or turnbuckle to be Table 1 Recommended maximum sizes of

used for lifting purposes shall, after manufacture, marking stamps
heat treatment and assembly, be subjected to a Size of screw, A Max. size of
proof load equal to twice the safe working load marking stamp
(see Table 3 and Table 5) which it shall withstand
mm mm
without showing signs of permanent deformation.
Each item to be tested shall be in the fully extended Up to and including 12 3.5
(open) position, in the manner in which the working Over 12, up to and including 24 5.0
load is applied in service. Over 24 6.5
After removal of the proof load, each rigging screw
or turnbuckle shall be dismantled and thoroughly 1.12 Test certificate
examined by a competent person and shall be When proof loading, in accordance with 1.10, has
accepted only if found to be free from visible flaws or been satisfactorily carried out on each rigging screw
defects. and/or turnbuckle the manufacturer shall provide a
NOTE In the cases of rigging screws or turnbuckles that are not test certificate with each consignment giving at
to be used for lifting purposes the proof loading is optional and is least the following information for each:
to be carried out only if specified by the purchaser on his enquiry
and order (see Appendix A). a) the number and date of this British Standard,
i.e. BS 4429:19871);
1.11 Marking b) a distinguishing mark to enable the particular
1.11.1 All rigging screws and turnbuckles shall be rigging screw or turnbuckle to be identified with
marked with such symbols and marks as will permit the test certificate;
identification with the manufacturers test c) the proof load applied (see 1.10);
certificate (see 1.12) in the following locations:
d) the safe working load (SWL);
a) for tubular bodies of rigging screws, in the area
e) the date of test;
indicated in Figure 1;
f) the quantity tested and covered by one
b) for open bodies of turnbuckles, on the centre of
the length of one of the reins.
The test certificate shall state that each rigging
1.11.2 Additionally, after a rigging screw or
screw or turnbuckle was proof loaded in accordance
turnbuckle to be used for lifting purposes has been
with 1.10 and was subsequently examined by a
proof loaded in accordance with 1.10, the relevant
competent person and that it complies with the
area of the body shall be permanently and legibly
requirements of this British Standard.
stamped with the appropriate safe working load,
SWL, as given in Table 3 or Table 5. The test certificate shall state the name and address
of the testing establishment, and the status of the
1.11.3 Care shall be taken that the marking stamps
used have a concave surface, when applicable.
The test certificate may be an appropriate statutory
In all cases marking shall be carried out on the
form, provided the required information is given.
bodies of rigging screws and turnbuckles in the
closed position with the body adequately supported,
so that the resultant identification is neither too
sharp nor excessive in depth.
NOTE The recommended maximum sizes of marking stamps to
be used on the bodies of rigging screws and turnbuckles are
indicated in Table 1.

1) Marking BS 4429:1987 on or in relation to a product is a claim by the manufacturer that the product has been manufactured to
the requirements of the standard. The accuracy of such a claim is therefore solely the manufacturers responsibility.

2 BSI 07-1999
BS 4429:1987

Section 2. Specific requirements for rigging screws

2.1 General A hole of maximum diameter 6 mm shall be drilled

through one side of the unthreaded portion at each
All rigging screws shall comply with the general
end of the body, clear of the swaged portions by at
requirements of section 1 and the specific
least one hole diameter, in order that a probe can be
requirements of this section.
used to check the required thread engagement of the
attachments (see Figure 1).
2.2 Tubular body
2.2.1 Material 2.3 Workmanship
The material and dimensional tolerances for the The tubular body shall be neatly and cleanly made
tubular body shall be welded or seamless steel tube and finished. The ends of the body shall be swaged
in accordance with BS 6323-1 and BS 6323-2 hot, externally, to cylindrical form. Dimension F
(HFW 4) or BS 6323-3 (HFS 4). It shall have a (see Figure 1) shall be maintained after swaging.
minimum yield strength Re of 235 N/mm2,
a minimum tensile strength Rm of 410 N/mm2 and a 2.4 Attachments
minimum elongation of 22 %.
Attachments for use with the tubular body shall be
2.2.2 Form and dimensions in accordance with section 4.
The form and dimensions of the tubular body shall Screwed attachments shall be screwed into the body
be in accordance with Figure 1 and Table 2. of the rigging screw to the full depth of the female
The full length of the thread in the tapped holes at threaded portions.
the ends of the body shall not be less than 1.5 times
the diameter A of the screwed shank. A tommy-bar
hole shall be drilled through both walls of the body
at the centre of its length, central to and at right
angles to the axis.

Figure 1 Tubular body for rigging screws

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Table 2 Tubular bodies for rigging screws

Size of screw Overall length Body o.d. tube Tommy-bar hole Body thickness Threaded end o.d. (min.)

mm mm mm mm mm mm
8 130 17.4 6 2.9 11
10 150 21.4 8 3.25 13
12 230 27 10 3.65 16.5
16 230 27 10 3.65 20
20 230 34.1 10 4.55 25
22 300 42.4 12 5.7 29
27 360 44.5 14 6.3 34.5
30 380 51.0 14 6.3 37
33 380 51.0 16 6.3 42
39 410 60.3 16 7.9 49
42 410 76.1 20 8 52
48 410 76.1 20 9.5 59
56 410 95.0 22 10 72
64 410 100.0 25 12.5 82
72 460 120.6 25 12.5 92
76 460 127.0 30 16 96
85 510 132.0 30 19 110
100 510 152.0 30 19 126

2.5 Types of rigging screw 2.6 Open and closed dimensions

Rigging screws fitted with attachments shall be Open and closed dimensions H for rigging screws
supplied in one of the following forms. shall be in accordance with Table 3.
NOTE 1 It is permissible to have a combination of any two end
attachments specified in this standard, provided that these are 2.7 Safe working loads
called for in the enquiry and order. (See Appendix A.)
Safe working load (SWL) values for rigging screws
a) Eye-to-eye type. The eye-to-eye type shall be
shall be in accordance with Table 3.
made up of a tubular body, as shown in Figure 1,
fitted at each end with a screwed elongated eye,
as shown in Figure 5.
NOTE 2 The resultant rigging screw of this type is shown in
Figure 2(a).
b) Eye-to-fork type. The eye-to-fork type shall be
made up of a tubular body, as shown in Figure 1,
fitted at one end with a screwed elongated eye, as
shown in Figure 5 and at the other end with a
screwed fork, as shown in Figure 6.
NOTE 3 The resultant rigging screw of this type is shown in
Figure 2(b).
c) Fork-to-fork type. The fork-to-fork type shall be
made up of a tubular body, as shown in Figure 1,
fitted at each end with a screwed fork, as shown
in Figure 6.
NOTE 4 The resultant rigging screw of this type is shown in
Figure 2(c).

4 BSI 07-1999
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Figure 2 Types of rigging screw

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Table 3 Open and closed dimensions (H) and safe working loads for rigging screws
Dimension H
Size of Safe
screw Eye-to-eye [see Figure 2 (a)] Eye-to-fork [see Figure 2 (b)] Fork-to-fork [see Figure 2 (c)] working
A load, (SWL)
Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
8 200 304 198 302 196 300 200 kg
10 252 370 241 359 230 348 300 kg
12 334 525 332 523 330 521 500 kg
16 372 550 371 549 370 548 750 kg
20 384 550 382 548 380 546 1.25 t
22 460 689 462 691 464 693 2t
27 534 807 532 806 530 803 3t
30 544 828 562 846 580 864 4t
33 596 870 602 876 608 882 5t
39 630 915 649 934 668 953 6t
42 650 925 680 955 710 985 7.5 t
48 710 966 733 989 756 1 012 10 t
56 800 1 030 790 1 020 780 1 010 15 t
64 806 1 011 798 1 003 790 995 20 t
72 888 1 117 874 1 103 860 1 089 25 t
76 1 094 1 310 1 047 1 263 1 000 1 216 30 t
85 1 210 1 448 1 135 1 373 1 060 1 298 40 t
100 1 280 1 470 1 194 1 384 1 108 1 298 50 t
NOTE For dimensions of attachments, see Table 6 and Table 7.

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Section 3. Specific requirements for turnbuckles

3.1 General 3.3.2 Form and dimensions

All turnbuckles shall comply with the general The form and dimensions of the open body shall be
requirements of section 1 and the specific in accordance with Figure 3 and Table 4 series no. 1
requirements of this section. and no. 2, and pipe hanger applications,
3.2 Designation The cross-sectional dimensions of the hexagonal
Turnbuckles for general lifting purposes are ends of the turnbuckle body shall be in accordance
obtainable in two lengths which shall be designated with BS 3692.
series no. 1 and series no. 2 in accordance with 3.3.2
and Table 4. 3.4 Workmanship
The open body shall be a solid forging without any
3.3 Open body weld, neatly and cleanly made and finished. If
3.3.1 Material lock-nuts are to be provided, the faces of each boss of
the open body shall be machine faced.
The open body shall be made from steel complying
with the requirements of BS 970-1, grade 080A30 in 3.5 Attachments
the hardened and tempered condition.
Attachments for use with the turnbuckle open body
for lifting purposes shall be in accordance with
section 4. Screwed attachments shall be screwed
into the body of the turnbuckle to the full depth of
the female threaded portions.

Figure 3 Hexagon-ended open body for turnbuckles

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Table 4 Hexagon-ended open bodies for turnbuckles

B min. R (see note)
Size of Lifting purposes Pipe C D E Lifting purposes Pipe S
Nut T
screw hangers across hangers
size (min.) (min.) (min.)
A Series Series flats Series Series
no. 1 no. 2 (min.) no. 1 no. 2

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
8 M8 130 180 180 8 7 12.7 100 150 150 15 11
10 M10 150 184 184 10 8 16.7 116 150 150 17 12
12 M12 230 190 190 12 8 18.7 190 150 150 20 15
16 M16 230 202 202 16 11 23.7 178 150 150 26 19
20 M20 230 214 214 20 13 29.7 166 150 150 32 23
22 M22 300 222 22 14 31.6 228 150 36 26
24 M24 228 24 15 35.4 150 39 29
27 M27 360 238 27 15 40.4 276 150 44 29
30 M30 380 256 256 30 16 45.4 274 150 150 53 35
33 M33 380 258 36 18 49.4 274 150 53 42
36 M36 266 36 18 54.3 150 58 42
39 M39 410 276 39 20 59.3 284 150 63 45
42 M42 410 286 286 42 21 64.3 274 150 150 68 50
48 M48 410 310 310 54 28 74.3 250 150 150 80 62
56 M56 410 330 330 67 28 84.1 230 150 150 90 72
64 M64 410 354 354 67 32 94.1 206 150 150 102 72
72 M72 460 382 382 75 34 104.3 228 150 150 116 83
NOTE The design of turnbuckle can incorporate any length of opening provided S, C and D are maintained.

3.6 Types of turnbuckle d) Hook-to-hook type. The hook-to-hook type shall

be made up of an open body as shown in Figure 3
Turnbuckles fitted with attachments shall be fitted at each end with a screwed trapezoidal
supplied in one of the following forms. hook as shown in Figure 7.
NOTE 1 It is permissible to have a combination of any two end
NOTE 5 The resultant turnbuckle of this type is shown in
fittings specified in this standard, provided that these are called
Figure 4(d).
for in the enquiry or order. (See Appendix A.)
a) Eye-to-eye type. The eye-to-eye type shall be e) Pipe hanger type. The pipe hanger type shall be
made up of an open body as shown in Figure 3 made up of an open body as shown in Figure 3
fitted at each end with a screwed elongated eye as fitted at each end with a screwed pipe hanger
shown in Figure 5. sling rod as shown in BS 3974-1.
NOTE 2 The resultant turnbuckle of this type is shown in
Figure 4(a). 3.7 Open and closed dimensions
b) Eye-to-fork type.The eye-to-fork type shall be Open and closed dimensions H for a) eye-to-eye,
made up of an open body as shown in Figure 3 b) eye-to-fork, c) fork-to-fork and d) hook-to-hook
fitted at one end with a screwed elongated eye as turnbuckles shall be in accordance with Table 5.
shown in Figure 5 and at the other end with a
screwed fork as shown in Figure 6. 3.8 Safe working loads
NOTE 3 The resultant turnbuckle of this type is shown in Safe working load (SWL) values for turnbuckles
Figure 4(b).
shall be in accordance with Table 5.
c) Fork-to-fork type. The fork-to-fork type shall be
made up of an open body as shown in Figure 3
fitted at each end with a screwed fork as shown in
Figure 6.
NOTE 4 The resultant turnbuckle of this type is shown in
Figure 4(c).

8 BSI 07-1999
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Figure 4 Types of turnbuckle

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Table 5 Open and closed dimensions (H) and safe working loads for turnbuckles

BS 4429:1987
Dimension H Safe working load
SWL (see note 2)
Size of Eye-to-eye [see Figure 4 (a)] Eye-to-fork [see Figure 4 (b)] Fork-to-fork [see Figure 4 (c)] Hook-to-hook [see Figure 4 (d)]
A Series no. 1 Series no. 2 Series no. 1 Series no. 2 Series no. 1 Series no. 2 Series no. 1 Series no. 2 Lifting Pipe hanger
purposes purposes
Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

8 Not available 240 kg

10 252 370 284 434 241 359 273 423 230 348 262 412 242 358 274 424 300 kg 365 kg
12 334 525 298 448 332 523 296 446 330 521 294 444 330 520 295 445 500 kg 530 kg
16 372 550 342 492 371 549 341 491 370 548 340 490 354 532 336 486 750 kg 1t
20 384 550 366 516 382 548 364 514 380 546 362 512 392 558 366 516 1.25 t 1.56 t
22 460 689 384 534 462 691 386 536 464 693 388 538 500 728 420 570 2t
24 Not available 2.24 t
27 534 807 412 562 532 806 410 560 530 803 408 558 Not available 3t
30 544 828 420 570 562 846 438 588 580 864 456 606 Not available 4t 3.58 t
33 596 870 472 622 602 876 478 628 608 882 484 634 Not available 5t
36 Not available 5.22 t
39 630 915 496 646 649 934 515 665 668 953 534 684 Not available 6t
42 650 925 524 674 680 955 554 704 710 985 584 734 Not available 7.5 t 7.18 t
48 710 966 602 752 733 989 625 775 756 1 012 648 798 Not available 10 t 9.44 t
56 800 1 030 728 878 790 1 020 718 868 780 1 010 708 858 Not available 15 t 13 t
64 806 1 011 734 884 798 1 003 742 892 790 995 748 900 Not available 20 t 17.2 t
72 888 1 117 810 960 874 1 103 824 974 860 1 089 838 988 Not available 22.3 t
NOTE 1 For details of hangers and attachments for pipe hanger applications, refer to BS 3974-1.
NOTE 2 The SWL values for pipe hanger applications relate to their usage in association with pipe hangers in accordance with BS 3974-1.
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BS 4429:1987

Section 4. Specific requirements for attachments

4.1 General 4.2 Screwed elongated eyes

All attachments shall comply with the general 4.2.1 Material and workmanship
requirements of section 1 and the specific Screwed elongated eyes shall not contain any weld
requirements of this section. and shall be made from steel in accordance with the
requirements of BS 970-1, grade 080A30 in the
hardened and tempered condition, up to and
including the M56 size and normalized for the M64
size and above. The eye shall be forged integrally in
one piece and cleanly finished.
4.2.2 Form and dimensions
The form and dimensions of screwed elongated eyes
shall be in accordance with Figure 5 and Table 6.

Figure 5 Screwed elongated eye

Table 6 Screwed elongated eyes

Size of Inside Eye Inside Effective length M Length of screwed N
screw width of thickness length of Rigging Turnbuckle Rigging Turnbuckle
eye eye screw screw
A J K L Series Series Series Series
no. 1 no. 2 no. 1 no. 2
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
8 9 7 20 100 100 126 65 65 90
10 11 8 24 126 126 143 75 75 92
12 14 10 35 167 167 150 115 115 95
16 18 14 40 186 186 172 115 115 101
20 22 16 50 192 192 184 115 115 107
22 22 18 50 230 230 193 150 150 111
27 24 20 52 267 267 204 180 180 113
30 28 22 57 272 272 211 190 190 123
33 34 25 64 298 298 237 190 190 129
39 38 28 75 315 315 249 205 205 138
42 40 30 85 325 325 263 205 205 143
48 44 35 92 355 355 302 205 205 155
56 58 43 115 400 400 365 205 205 165
64 60 53 120 403 403 368 205 205 177
72 75 61 150 444 444 406 230 230 191
76 88 68 195 547 230
85 100 78 240 605 255
100 110 88 250 640 255

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BS 4429:1987

4.3 Screwed forks 4.3.2 Form and dimensions

4.3.1 Material and workmanship The form and dimensions of screwed forks shall be
in accordance with Figure 6 and Table 7. The
Screwed forks shall not contain any weld and shall
screwed fork shall be supplied, complete with bolt
be made from steel in accordance with BS 970-1,
and nut, in accordance with the general
grade 080A30 in the hardened and tempered
requirements of BS 3692
condition, up to and including the M56 size and
(grade 8.8 bolt/grade 8 nut), except that the length
normalized for the M64 size and above. The fork of the plain portion of the bolt shall be such that
shall be forged integrally in one piece and cleanly when the nut is screwed onto the bolt it seats onto
the shoulder and not on the fork body. The nut shall
be a thin type and shall be secured by a split cotter
pin positioned outside the nut.
The hole for the bolt shall be accurately drilled or
bored at right angles to the axis of the screwed

Figure 6 Screwed fork

12 BSI 07-1999
BS 4429:1987

Table 7 Screwed forks (supplied complete with bolt and nut)

Size of Size of Width Fork Length Overall effective length M Length of screwed shank N Fork
screw bolt between thickness of fork width
forks Rigging Turnbuckle Rigging Turnbuckle
screw screw P
Series Series Series Series
no. 1 no. 2 no. 1 no. 2

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
8 M8 10 6 18 98 98 128 65 65 90 15
10 M8 12 6 20 115 115 132 75 75 92 18
12 M10 15 9 34 165 165 148 115 115 95 23
16 M16 22 10 50 185 185 171 115 115 101 32
20 M16 23 12 55 190 190 182 115 115 107 36
22 M20 28 13 60 232 232 195 150 150 111 40
27 M22 30 14 68 267 267 204 180 180 119 50
30 M27 34 17 70 290 290 229 190 190 123 58
33 M30 38 19 75 304 304 243 190 190 129 64
39 M33 50 20 90 334 334 268 205 205 138 68
42 M36 50 23 110 355 355 293 205 205 143 80
48 M42 56 26 130 378 378 325 205 205 155 92
56 M48 67 30 135 390 390 355 205 205 165 108
64 M56 70 32 135 395 395 376 205 205 177 120
72 M64 88 42 150 430 430 420 230 230 191 140
76 M72 110 50 185 500 230 152
85 M80 110 50 185 530 255 170
100 M90 115 58 220 554 255 200

4.4 Screwed trapezoidal hooks 4.5 Lock-nuts

4.4.1 Material If specified on the enquiry and order lock-nuts shall
The material for screwed trapezoidal hooks shall be comply with BS 3692, grade 4, thin series.
in accordance with BS 2903. NOTE Where lock-nuts are fitted, dimension H (closed) will be
increased by twice the thickness of one nut.
4.4.2 Form and dimensions
The form and dimensions of screwed trapezoidal
hooks shall be based on BS 2903 as shown in
Figure 7 and Table 8.

BSI 07-1999 13
BS 4429:1987

Figure 7 Screwed trapezoidal hook for turnbuckles

Table 8 Screwed trapezoidal hooks for turnbuckles
Size P
of Ratio
B C D E F H J K L M N O Series Series R U Z
screw C/H
no. 1 no. 2
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
8 1.28 21 18 23 20 18 14 13 14 10 9 19 8 65 90 7 4 2
10 1.28 27 23 30 26 23 18 17 18 13 12 24 10 75 92 9 6 2
12 1.28 29 25 33 28 25 20 19 20 14 13 26 10 115 95 10 6 3
16 1.28 38 32 41 36 32 25 24 26 19 16 33 13 115 101 12 8 3
20 1.28 47 40 51 45 40 31 30 32 23 21 41 17 115 107 16 10 4
22 1.28 60 51 66 58 51 40 38 41 30 26 53 21 150 111 20 13 4
NOTE Based on Table 2 of BS 2903:1980, except for shank dimensions.

14 BSI 07-1999
BS 4429:1987

Appendix A Information to be b) Hexagon-ended open body for turnbuckles

supplied by the purchaser with the (see Figure 3)
enquiry and order C=A
D = 0.6 A
The enquiry and order should state the following:
E = 1.7 A
a) the number of this British Standard,
S = 1.65 A
i.e. BS 4429;
T = 1.2 A
b) application, i.e.:
Nut diameter = A
lifting purposes
non-lifting purposes SWL = 0.004 A2 tonnes
pipe hanger applications; Internal radius in body = (T A/2)
c) the type of rigging screw (see Figure 2) or c) Screwed elongated eyes (see Figure 5)
turnbuckle (see Figure 4) complete with J=A
attachments. In the case of turnbuckles state K = 0.8 A
whether series no. 1 or series no. 2 or whether for
L = 2.25 A
pipe hanger applications;
d) size of screw diameter A, in millimetres; SWL = 0.004 A2 tonnes
e) in the case of rigging screws or turnbuckles for d) Screwed forks (see Figure 6)
non-lifting applications including pipe hanger J = 1.2 A
applications, whether proof loading is to be K = 0.6 A
carried out (see 1.10);
L = 2.45 A
f) whether rigging screws and attachments are
P = 1.9 A
required in the hot dip galvanized condition
(see 1.7.1); G = 0.9 A
g) whether turnbuckles and attachments are SWL = 0.004 A2 tonnes
required in the self-coloured condition (see 1.7.2); e) Screwed trapezoidal hooks for turnbuckles
h) whether lock-nuts (see 4.5) are required; (see Figure 7). Proportions in accordance with
i) whether inspection is required by an outside Table 2 of BS 2903:1980, except for shank.
Appendix C Selection, application and
Appendix B Notes on design use of rigging screws and turnbuckles
for lifting applications
NOTE This appendix is for information only and does not form
part of this standard.
C.1 Selection
This appendix gives a recommended basis for design
C.1.1 Selection of body
of rigging screws or turnbuckles outside the range
specified in this standard, where A is the diameter The use of a turnbuckle is preferred particularly as
of screw. it is easier to observe that the attachment is screwed
fully into the female thread.
These formulae have been obtained by averaging
the tabulated values, thus in many instances the C.1.2 Selection of attachments
tabulated values vary from those obtained from the The following applications are suitable for the
formulae. The tabulated values account for attachments indicated.
availability of material sections, usage and other a) Screwed elongated eyes: suitable for general
criteria. usage, but designed to be compatible with higher
a) Tubular body for rigging screws (see Figure 1) tensile small dee shackles.
C = 1.7 A b) Screwed forks: suitable for use with a solid
E = 0.23 A thimble eye termination for wire rope.
F = 1.28 A c) Screwed trapezoidal hooks: suitable for
hooking into attachments or anchorages provided
SWL = 0.004 A2 tonnes that they fit freely into the seat of the hook and do
not load the hook on the point or exert any side
thrust upon the hook.

BSI 07-1999 15
BS 4429:1987

C.1.3 Provision of lock-nuts C.4.2 Bending of rigging screws

Where vibration may occur, lock-nuts should be Rigging screws should not be used in slinging
fitted. If lock-nuts are used, the closed dimension operations where they are likely to become bent,
overall will be increased by twice the thickness of e.g. round corners of a load.
one lock-nut and the specified length on the order C.4.3 Examination and in-service inspection
should take account of this fact.
Rigging screws and turnbuckles used for lifting
C.1.4 Galvanizing purposes should be examined by a competent person
Where rigging screws and turnbuckles are to be at intervals not exceeding 6 months and a report of
used in a hostile corrosive environment, the examinations kept on file.
consideration should be given to the addition of a Actions which should be taken in the event of
galvanized coating. defects found during in-service inspection are given
It should be noted that hot dip galvanized threads in Table 9.
wear easily and are unsuitable for parts used for Table 9 Types of defect found in in-service
frequent adjustment. inspections and actions to be taken in the
C.2 Storage and handling event of a defect
C.2.1 Screw threads Defect Action
All screw threads should be lubricated, protected Safe working load
and handled with care. Threads that are marking either missing
self-coloured should be heavily greased and exposed
or unrecognizable.
threads hessian- or canvas-wrapped as a protection Competent person to
against outside elements. check test certificates

C.2.2 Inspection hole on rigging screw and restamp. If not
possible, retest and
The inspection/viewing hole in the rigging screw
body should be kept clear of grease, etc. so that the restamp.
Identification missing
position of the screw on the attachment relative to or unreadable.
the body can be observed.
C.2.3 Body and attachments Damaged screw thread. Competent person to
decide whether to scrap
The body and attachments should be treated as one the component.
complete item and kept together at all times.
C.3 Assembly and adjustment Rusty or tight screw Arrange for necessary
thread. lubrication but if
C.3.1 Adjustment tightness persists, refer
The average or normal torque should be applied via to a competent person.
the tommy-bar and/or spanner when adjusting the
Distorted body or Competent person to
screws. The tommy-bar arm should not be extended, fittings. decide whether to scrap
e.g. with a length of pipe, to increase leverage. or repair.
The adjustment of hexagon-ended turnbuckles
should be achieved by the use of a spanner on the Nicks, gouges, cracks Refer to competent
or corrosion. person.
hexagonal end.
C.3.2 Location of attachments
At least 1.6 A of the length of the thread of the
attachment should be maintained in the body end
(where A is the diameter of thread).
In the case of rigging screws, the probe or inspection
hole should always be obscured by the screwed end
C.4 Application
C.4.1 Prevention of unscrewing
Rigging screws and turnbuckles should not be used
in situations where they are liable to be unscrewed,
e.g. by rotation of a wire rope, load, etc.

16 BSI 07-1999
BS 4429:1987

Publications referred to

BS 729, Hot dip galvanized coatings on iron and steel articles.

BS 970, Specification for wrought steels for mechanical and allied engineering purposes.
BS 970-1, General inspection and testing procedures and specific requirements for carbon, carbon
manganese, alloy and stainless steels.
BS 1610, Materials testing machines and force verification equipment.
BS 1610-1, Specification for the grading of the forces applied by materials testing machines.
BS 1610-2, Specification for the grading of equipment used for the verification of the forces applied by
materials testing machines.
BS 2903, Specification for higher tensile steel hooks for chains, slings, blocks and general engineering
BS 3643, ISO metric screw threads.
BS 3643-2, Specification for selected limits of size.
BS 3692, ISO metric precision hexagon bolts, screws and nuts. Metric units.
BS 3974, Pipe supports.
BS 3974-1, Pipe hangers, slider and roller type supports.
BS 4114, Dimensional and quantity tolerances for steel drop and press forgings and for upset forgings made
on horizontal forging machines.
BS 4186, Specification for clearance holes for metric bolts and screws.
BS 6323, Specification for seamless and welded steel tubes for automobile, mechanical and general
engineering purposes.
BS 6323-1, General requirements.
BS 6323-2, Specific requirements for hot finished welded steel tubes.
BS 6323-3, Specific requirements for hot finished seamless steel tubes.

BSI 07-1999
BS 4429:1987

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