PEEL Your Paragraphs

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L Your Paragraphs

First Additional
argument argument We can First of all,
For example This means removing wild
therefore see animals from their
natural habitats is
This is It can incredibly cruel.
Historians Whilst some It is clear When kept
demonstrate therefore be captive, these
have argued would argue that
d argued that beautiful
that Source X The most creatures become

bored and lonely,
The first In addition shows that This important often leading to a
way that to this suggests factor is condition called
From my that zoochosis.
On the In conclusion Animals suffering
On the one own from zoochosis
other hand This shows
hand knowledge begin performing
that anxious,

Moreover It is essential repetitive acts
This is This leads such as rocking
We can infer that
supported by me to back and forth,
that Furthermore swaying,
believe This is where you
This is where your tie your paragraph
textural reference Here you give more
back to the point
We can also goes. It could be a detail to support excessively and
First of all by explain how it
see that quote from the your topic all relates to your
Conditions such
text, a description sentence. As part topic sentence.
This is where you give your main idea of a visual, a of your explanation as this clearly
Like your point, it
(or topic sentence). It should be no technique used by you need to tell the should be simple
demonstrate that
longer than one sentence which can the composer, or reader what you and easy to wild animals
be easily understood by the reader. both. It must help mean in your topic belong in the
P.E.E.L Your Paragraphs
First Additional
argument argument
We can therefore see
For example This means that

This is demonstrated It can therefore be It is clear that
Historians have Whilst some argued that
Source X shows that The most important
argued that would argue
This suggests that factor is
From my own
The first way that In addition to this In conclusion
This shows that
This is supported by It is essential that
On the one hand On the other hand This leads me to believe

_________________________ _________________________
We can infer that Moreover
_________________________ ___________________________
Furthermore _________________________
_________________________ ___________________________
We can also see _________________________ ___________________________
First of all _________________________ ___________________________
that _________________________
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_________________________ ___________________________
_________________________ ___________________________
__________________________________________ _________________________
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Teaching and Learning Strategies

Differentiation (modification) Students are given 4 sentences and they need to put them in the correct order to make a paragraph
Differentiation (modification) Students are given an opening sentence and they need to complete and evidence, explain and a link

Differentiation (all) Students are given some information in point form and they are to turn it into structured paragraphs
Differentiation (all) Students given a paragraph that lacks information/does not follow the PEEL structure and they are to rewrite it
following the PEEL structure
Differentiation (all) Students brainstorm an idea and using the information they have come up with, create paragraphs around a
given topic/theme

Differentiation (extension) Students include difficult/challenging words into their paragraph

Differentiation (extension) Students are to include specific quotes and information from other sources to support their arguments
Differentiation (extension) Students are to write 2 paragraphs, one that argues for an idea/topic and one that argues against the

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