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The key takeaways are that this document provides guidance on procedures for conducting progressive speed, maneuvering, and endurance sea trials for ships.

The purpose of this document is to assist users in applying IMO maneuvering standards and to allow assessment of a vessel's maneuvering performance relative to statistical data.

This document covers progressive speed trials, maneuvering trials, and endurance sea trials of self-propelled ships powered by hydrocarbon fuels and driven by engines or electric motors.



Guide for Sea Trials

(Progressive Speed, Maneuvering, and Endurance)

Technical and Research Program

The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
99 Canal Center Plaza, Ste 310, Alexandria, VA 22314
SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials




Prepared by

Ship Production and Machinery Committee Working Groups

In conjunction with the


August 2015

Published by
The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
99 Canal Center Plaza, Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Copyright 2015 by the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
with rights reserved.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

This Bulletin was prepared under direction from the Ships Machinery Committee




Prepared by a Working Group of Ship Production and Machinery Committee Working

Groups and Volunteers

Mr. Frederick (Rick) H. Ashcroft, Working Group Chair

Mr. Roderick Barr Mr. Jan Otto de Kat

Mr. Robert Behr Mr. Frans Quadvlieg
Mr. Jeffrey Bohn Mr. J. Ryan Roberts
Mr. Karl Briers Mr. Eugene Van Rynbach
Mr. Christopher Cable Mr. Mark Shanks
Mr. Bruce Cowper Mr. Gene Shuck
Mr. Brice Fuchs Mr. Malcolm Whitford
Mr. Soren Hanson
Dr, Wei-Yuan Hwang
Captain Tom Knierim
Mr. Darrell Milburn

Reviewed and Approved by:


Mr. Richard Delpizzo, Committee Chair

Mr. Robert J. Bazzini Mr. Bahadir Inozu

Mr. Robert S. Behr Mr. Charles A. Narwicz
Mr. John W. Boylston Mr. Mark F. Nittel
Mr. William G. Bullock Mr. Michael G. Parsons
Mr. Hannon Marshal Burford Mr. Kevin Prince
Mr. Allen Chin Mr. Michael J. Roa
Mr. Joseph H. Comer Mr. David R. Rodger
Mr. W. Mark Cummings Mr. Alan L. Rowen
Mr. John J. Dumbleton Mr. Peter George Schaedel
Mr. Jose Femenia Mr. John Thomas Schroppe
Mr. Earl W. Fenstermacher Mr. William J. Sembler
Mr. Robert M. Freeman Mr. Tony Teo
Mr. Joseph D. Hamilton Mr. Richard P. Thorsen
Mr. Richard W. Harkins Mr. Andrew Szypula
Mr. John F. Hennings Mr. Ivan Zgaljic
Mr. Richard D. Hepburn

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


This guide covers progressive speed, maneuvering, and endurance sea trials of self-propelled surface
ships displacing 300 tonnes or more, powered by hydrocarbon fuels such as petroleum, natural gas or
bio fuel, and driven by diesel or Otto cycle engines, gas turbine, or electric motors. References are
made to applicable international standards. This Bulletin does not cover dock trials, tests, or
demonstrations that can be conducted dockside, which are covered in SNAME T&R Bulletin 3-39,
Guide for Shop and Installation Tests.

This Guide is intended to assist users in applying IMO maneuvering standards and to allow the
owner, designer and builder to rate the vessels maneuvering performance relative to statistical data of
vessel maneuvering characteristics. The Guide summarizes the procedures to be used in assessing a
vessels maneuvering performance.

SNAME welcomes comments and suggestions for improvement of this Guide. Comments or
suggestions can be sent electronically to [email protected].
SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


This document evolved from the worldwide use of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine
Engineers' (SNAME) Code for Sea Trials - 1973 (Technical and Research Code C-2) dealing with sea
trials. The Ships' Machinery Committee of the Society's Technical and Research Program assigned
the initial expansion and update of the document to Panel M-19 (Ship Trials) with the assistance of
Panel H-10 (Ship Controllability). At that time the document was altered from being a "code" to
being a "guide". The resulting Guide was published in 1989. Continuing its popularity and
frequency of citation in ship specifications, the National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP)
provided support for the 2015 update of the guide. While the basic guidelines remain solid, updates
were long overdue in recognizing technological advances in sea trial instrumentation, the change
from steam propulsion to diesel and other modern propulsion systems, recognition of other
technological advances and updates of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and other
standards organizations regarding a number of areas including ship maneuverability, instrumentation,
and environmental issues. Representatives from the SNAMEs Ship Production Committee., NSRP,
and volunteers including senior marine engineers and naval architects from all fields of interest
provided comments. The consensus of these efforts were included in the guide as approved and
issued. The final draft was reviewed by the Ships' Machinery Committee with plans to undergo a
periodic updating process that would provide for regular updating and improvements to the guide.

The basic concept followed in this guide is to provide information on a sufficient variety of sea trials
and tests to enable an owner or acceptance authority to choose those suitable for the type of ship and
operation involved. Positive contractual invocation of specific individual trials is recommended
rather than having them invoked as a package without proper consideration. This avoids burdening
the industry with expensive trials not needed by the owner.

The guide provides a list of those trials recommended as necessary to demonstrate that the ship as
built and delivered will perform as specified. Absence of an at-sea test or trial from those
recommended does not imply a negative recommendation by the Society, but merely that the primary
objective of such a test or trial is to provide design data to meet some other important objective, rather
than to prove the ship under trial. Similarly, the omission of requirements is not intended to negate
the value of the efforts which are directed to verifying design standards, scale factors, and margins
rather than the acceptability of the ship. Some examples of omitted requirements are the extensive
processing of trial data and the correcting of trial data to a design baseline when the data obtained
clearly indicate that the ship is satisfactory. Such tests, trials, data processing, and data correcting
should be separately and specifically invoked when desired.

Trial recommendations are based on the assumption that all operability testing and machinery
checkouts have been previously conducted at the dock insofar as conditions at the shipbuilder's plant
permit. Methods of analysis of results from trials are not included herein, in general, but may be
found in the technical literature and in other guides of the Society.

Section 1 of the guide includes general remarks applicable to any sea trial and provides a basic
recommendation for trials to be conducted. Sections 2, 3, and 4 provide instructions for sea tests and
trials. Section 5 provides a brief description of instruments used for trials and a bibliography of
publications which can be consulted for detail. It also includes instructions for instrumentation
peculiar to trials, in particular, torsionmeters. Section 6 establishes a format and provides illustrative
SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

forms for the presentation of sea trial reports. Appendices include definitions of terms peculiar to sea
trials as they are employed in the guide and a procedure for adjusting turning circle test data for drift.


This guide is intended to be advisory only. There is no implication of warranty by SNAME that
successful performance of the recommended trials will ensure that a ship will comply with the
requirements of the contract specifications, regulatory bodies or classification societies, or that it will
perform satisfactorily and safely in service.

The opinions or assertions of the authors are not to be construed as official or reflecting the views of
SNAME or any government agency.

It is understood and agreed that nothing expressed herein is intended or shall be construed to give any
person, firm, or corporation any right, remedy, or claim against SNAME or any of its officers or


The Committee gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the members of the Society, industry,
and government who have been generous in assisting the working group in accomplishing its task.
The National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP) is recognized for providing funding that
allowed for active involvement of shipbuilding professionals and completion of this update in a
timely and meaningful manner. The American Bureau of Shipping is recognized for allowing a
number of figures from their publications available for the update. Student Samantha Adornati from
Stevens Institutes under the direction of Professor Raju Datla is recognized for drafting and/or
revising figures in the guide.

It is understood and agreed that nothing expressed herein is intended or shall be

construed to give any person, firm, or corporation any right, remedy, or claim
against SNAME or any of its officers or members.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials



Abstract ....................................................................................................................................................
Preface ......................................................................................................................................................
Disclaimers .............................................................................................................................................. i
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................. i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................... ix
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................ ix
1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 SUPERSESSION ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 ORIGIN ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 SCOPE.......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.5 TRIAL OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................. 1
1.5.1 Demonstration of Operability ................................................................................................ 1
1.5.2 Demonstration of Performance.............................................................................................. 2
1.5.3 Demonstration of Endurance ................................................................................................. 2
1.5.4 Demonstration of Economy ................................................................................................... 2
1.5.5 Demonstration of Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) .................................................. 2
1.5.6 Demonstration of Controllability........................................................................................... 2
1.5.7 Establishment of Operating Performance Baseline ............................................................... 2
1.5.8 Provision of Forensic Data .................................................................................................... 2
1.5.9 Provision of Design Data....................................................................................................... 2
1.5.10 Classification and Safety Requirements .............................................................................. 3
1.6 SHIP AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ....................................................................... 3
1.6.1 Sea Trial Loading Conditions ................................................................................................ 3
1.6.2 Water Depth........................................................................................................................... 3
1.6.3 Wind, Waves, and Currents ................................................................................................... 4
1.7 LIST OF TRIALS AND SELECTION ........................................................................................ 4
1.8 RECOGNITION OF UNCERTAINTY ....................................................................................... 6
1.9 PLANNING.................................................................................................................................. 6
1.9.1 Design Accommodation ........................................................................................................ 6

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

1.9.2 Pre-Arrangements .................................................................................................................. 7

1.10 PRE-TRIAL CHECK LIST ........................................................................................................ 8
1.11 BUILDERS' TRIALS ................................................................................................................. 8
2.0 PROPULSION PLANT TRIALS..................................................................................................... 9
2.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Scope of This Section ............................................................................................................ 9
2.1.2 Specific Objectives ................................................................................................................ 9
2.1.3 Pre-Trial Agreements ............................................................................................................ 9
2.1.4 Trial Preparations .................................................................................................................. 9
2.1.5 Trial Duration ...................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 PROPULSION PLANT ECONOMY TRIALS ......................................................................... 13
2.2.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 13
2.2.2 Operating Conditions........................................................................................................... 13
2.2.3 Frequency of Observations .................................................................................................. 13
2.2.4 Communication ................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.5 Measurements and Instrumentation ..................................................................................... 13
2.2.6 Fuel Rate Data Required ..................................................................................................... 14
2.2.7 Trial Report ......................................................................................................................... 15
2.3 PROPULSION PLANT AHEAD ENDURANCE TRIALS ...................................................... 15
2.3.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 15
2.3.2 Measurements and Instrumentation ..................................................................................... 15
2.3.3 Trial Report ......................................................................................................................... 16
2.4 PROPULSION PLANT ASTERN TRIAL ................................................................................ 16
2.4.1 Purpose and procedure ........................................................................................................ 16
2.4.2 Measurement and Instrumentation ...................................................................................... 16
2.4.3 Trial Report ......................................................................................................................... 16
PLANT TRIA LS .................................................................................................................... 16
2.5.1 Auxiliary Components......................................................................................................... 16
2.5.2 Revolutions .......................................................................................................................... 17
2.5.3 Fuel Measurements .............................................................................................................. 17
2.5.4 Fuel Rate Data Required ..................................................................................................... 17
2.5.5 Power ................................................................................................................................... 17
2.5.6 Fuel Switching ..................................................................................................................... 18
2.5.7 Daily Fuel Consumption and Ships Overall Fuel Rate ...................................................... 18
2.5.8 Trial Data and Report .......................................................................................................... 18

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

2.6.1 Auxiliary Components......................................................................................................... 18
2.6.2 Fuel Rate Data Required ..................................................................................................... 18
2.6.3 Power ................................................................................................................................... 19
2.6.4 Trial Data and Report .......................................................................................................... 19
2.7.1 Auxiliary Components......................................................................................................... 19
2.7.2 Power ................................................................................................................................... 19
2.7.3 Trial Data and Report .......................................................................................................... 19
2.8 CENTRALIZED PROPULSION CONTROL SYSTEM TEST ................................................ 20
2.8.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 20
2.8.2 Procedure ............................................................................................................................. 20
2.8.3 Trial Report ......................................................................................................................... 20
3.0 MANEUVERING AND SPECIAL TESTS ................................................................................... 23
3.1 SELECTION OF TESTS ........................................................................................................... 23
3.2 PREPARATION ........................................................................................................................ 24
3.3 REPORTS .................................................................................................................................. 24
3.4 AHEAD STEERING .................................................................................................................. 24
3.5 ASTERN STEERING ................................................................................................................ 27
3.6 AUXILIARY MEANS OF STEERING..................................................................................... 27
3.7 TURNING CIRCLES ................................................................................................................. 27
3.8 "Z" MANEUVER*..................................................................................................................... 32
3.9 INITIAL TURNING TESTS ...................................................................................................... 35
3.10 PULLOUT TESTS ................................................................................................................... 37
3.11 THE DIRECT SPIRAL TEST.................................................................................................. 40
3.12 THE REVERSE SPIRAL TEST .............................................................................................. 43
3.13 THRUSTER TESTS................................................................................................................ 46
3.13.1 Bow Thruster Tests............................................................................................................ 46
3.13.2 Other Thrust Devices ......................................................................................................... 48
3.13.3 Special Thruster Tests ....................................................................................................... 48
TESTS) .................................................................................................................................... 48
3.15 QUICK REVERSAL FROM ASTERN TO AHEAD .............................................................. 51
3.16 LOW SPEED CONTROLLABILITY MANEUVERS ............................................................ 51
3.17 SLOW STEAMING ABILITY ................................................................................................ 53
3.18 EMERGENCY PROPULSION SYSTEMS............................................................................. 53

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

3.19 NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................. 53

4.0 STANDARDIZATION TRIALS ................................................................................................... 54
4.1 PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................. 54
4.2 GENERAL PLAN ...................................................................................................................... 54
4.3 TRIAL AREA ............................................................................................................................ 54
4.3.1 GNSS ................................................................................................................................... 54
4.3.2 Depth of Water .................................................................................................................... 54
4.4 WIND AND SEA ....................................................................................................................... 54
4.5 NUMBER OF SPEED POINTS ................................................................................................. 55
4.6 COURSE SELECTION.............................................................................................................. 55
4.6.1 Length of Runs .................................................................................................................... 55
4.6.2 Number of Runs .................................................................................................................. 55
4.7 OPERATION OF THE SHIP ..................................................................................................... 55
4.8 DATA REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 56
STANDARDIZATION RESULTS ................................................................................................................ 57
4.9 ORGANIZATION OF OBSERVERS ....................................................................................... 58
4.10 INSTRUMENTATION FOR STANDARDIZATION DATA ................................................ 58
4.11 COORDINATION PROCEDURE ........................................................................................... 58
4.12 TOLERANCES AND LIMITS ................................................................................................ 58
4.13 DATA REDUCTION ............................................................................................................... 59
4.14 CORRECTIONS ...................................................................................................................... 59
5.0 INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS FOR SHIP'S TRIALS ...................................................... 60
5.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................. 60
5.1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 60
5.2 TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS ..................................................................................... 60
5.2.1 Types of Instruments ........................................................................................................... 60
5.2.2 Thermowells and Temporary Installations .......................................................................... 60
5.2.3 Adapters for Sensing Elements............................................................................................ 61
5.2.4 Instrument compatibility ..................................................................................................... 61
5.2.5 Calibration and Sea Trials ................................................................................................... 61
5.2.6 Special Thermocouples ....................................................................................................... 61
5.3 PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS............................................................................................... 61
5.3.1 Types of Instruments ........................................................................................................... 61
5.3.2 Proper Connections and Protection ..................................................................................... 61
5.3.3 Zero Adjust for Elevation .................................................................................................... 62
5.3.4 Calibration and Sea Trials ................................................................................................... 62

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

5.3.5 Barometers........................................................................................................................... 62
5.3.6 Manometers ......................................................................................................................... 62
5.3.7 Manometers for Flow Measurement.................................................................................... 63
5.3.8 Liquid Columns ................................................................................................................... 63
5.3.9 Zimmerli Gage..................................................................................................................... 63
5.3.10 Absolute Pressure Gages ................................................................................................... 63
5.3.11 Gage Protection from Pressure Pulsation .......................................................................... 63
5.3.12 Further Information ........................................................................................................... 63
5.4 FLOW MEASUREMENTS ....................................................................................................... 63
5.4.1 Types of Instruments ........................................................................................................... 63
5.4.2 Positive Displacement Flow Meters .................................................................................... 63
5.4.3 Meter Installation for Precise Measurements ...................................................................... 64
5.4.4 Orifice Plate, Flow Nozzle, and Venturi Tube .................................................................... 64
5.4.5 Indicating and Recording Mechanism for Orifice Plate, Flow Nozzle, and Venturi Tube . 64
5.5 TORQUE AND POWER MEASUREMENTS.......................................................................... 65
5.5.1 Power Determined Indirectly............................................................................................... 65
5.5.2 Power Determined From Torque Measurements................................................................. 65
5.5.3 Shaft Torsionmeters............................................................................................................. 65
5.6 SHAFT-POWER METERS ....................................................................................................... 66
5.7 SHAFT THRUSTMETERS ....................................................................................................... 66
5.7.1 Purpose of Thrustmeter ....................................................................................................... 66
5.7.2 Useful Installations .............................................................................................................. 66
5.7.3 Types of Instruments ........................................................................................................... 66
5.8 SHAFT SPEED MEASUREMENTS......................................................................................... 66
5.8.1 Propeller Revolution Counters ............................................................................................ 66
5.8.2 Portable Tachometers and Speed Indicators ........................................................................ 67
5.8.3 Additional 'Information ....................................................................................................... 67
5.9 FLUE AND EXHAUST-GAS ANALYSES ............................................................................. 67
5.9.1 Orsat Analyzer ..................................................................................................................... 67
5.9.2 Manual and Automatic Types of Flue Gas Analyzers ......................................................... 69
5.9.3 Additional Information ........................................................................................................ 69
5.10 VISCOSITY MEASUREMENTS............................................................................................ 69
5.11 ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS ........................................................................................ 69
5.11.1 Measuring Devices ............................................................................................................ 69
5.11.2 Calibration ......................................................................................................................... 69
5.11.3 Additional Information ...................................................................................................... 69

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

5.12 WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION MEASUREMENTS ........................................................ 70

5.12.1 Cup Anemometer............................................................................................................... 70
5.12.2 Indicators ........................................................................................................................... 70
5.12.3 Biram Anemometer ........................................................................................................... 70
5.12.4 Direct-Reading Anemometer ............................................................................................. 70
5.12.5 Deflecting-Vane Anemometer ........................................................................................... 70
5.12.6 Wind Direction Indicator ................................................................................................... 70
5.12.7 Combination Indicators ..................................................................................................... 71
5.12.8 Locating Sensors ............................................................................................................... 71
5.12.9 Ultrasonic Wind Sensors ................................................................................................... 71
5.13 TRACKING SYSTEMS .......................................................................................................... 71
5.14 TIME MEASUREMENTS....................................................................................................... 71
5.14.1 Types of Instruments ......................................................................................................... 71
5.14.2 Synchronizing Clocks ........................................................................................................ 71
5.14.3 Stop Watches ..................................................................................................................... 71
5.14.4 Electric Timers and Clocks ............................................................................................... 71
5.14.5 Recorders ........................................................................................................................... 72
6.0 TRIAL DATA AND REPORT ...................................................................................................... 73
6.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................. 73
6.2 DATA PLAN ............................................................................................................................. 73
6.3 DATA CREW TRAINING ........................................................................................................ 73
6.4 MANEUVERING TRIALS AND SPECIAL TESTS ................................................................ 74
6.5 STANDARDIZATION TRIALS ............................................................................................... 74
6.6 FUEL ECONOMY AND ENDURANCE TESTS ..................................................................... 74
6.7 PROPULSION PLANT TRIALS............................................................................................... 77
6.8 TRIAL REPORT ........................................................................................................................ 78
6.8.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 78
6.8.2 Ship's Characteristics .................................................................................................... 78
6.8.3 Trial Data ............................................................................................................................. 79
6.8.4 Other Data ........................................................................................................................... 79
6.8.5 Appendices - As Elected ..................................................................................................... 79
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 87
APPENDIX A DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................. 89
A.1 GENERAL TERMS .................................................................................................................. 89
A.2 PROPULSION PLANT TRIALS .............................................................................................. 90
A.3 MANEUVERING AND SPECIAL TESTS .............................................................................. 91

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

A.4 STANDARDIZATION TRIALS .............................................................................................. 91

A.5 INSTRUMENTATION ............................................................................................................. 92
APPENDIX B CORRECTING TURNING CIRCLE PLOTS FOR DRIFT........................................ 93
B.1 PRINCIPLE ............................................................................................................................... 93
B.2 PLOTTING OVERGROUND TRACK .................................................................................... 93
B.3 DETERMINATION OF DRIFT ................................................................................................ 93
B.4 DETERMINATION OF DRIFT RATE .................................................................................... 94
B.5 PLOTTING THE DRIFT CORRECTED TURNING CIRCLE ................................................ 94
B.6 DETERMINATION OF TURNING CIRCLE DIMENSIONS ................................................ 94
B.7 CALCULATION OF DRIFT RATE IN KNOTS ..................................................................... 94


Figure 1 Turning Circle Definitions (Courtesy of ABS) ...................................................................... 29

Figure 2 Turning Circle Test ............................................................................................................... 30
Figure 3 "Z" Maneuver Test (Courtesy of ABS) .................................................................................. 33
Figure 4 Initial Turning Test, Change of Heading Plot ....................................................................... 36
Figure 5 Initial Turning Test, Plot of Change of Turning Rate ........................................................... 36
Figure 6 Pullout Test (Courtesy of ABS) ............................................................................................ 38
Figure 7 Direct Spiral Test .................................................................................................................. 43
Figure 8 Reverse Spiral Test (Courtesy of ABS) ................................................................................ 44
Figure 9 Crash Stop Test (Courtesy of ABS ....................................................................................... 49
Figure 10 Typical Standardization Course .......................................................................................... 56
Figure 11 Sample Plot Illustrating Correction of Turning Circle for Drift ......................................... 95


Table 1 Recommended Trials ................................................................................................................ 5

Table 2 Recommendations for Internal Combustion Propulsion Plant Trials ...................................... 11
Table 3 Recommendations for Gas Turbine Propulsion Plant Trials .................................................. 12
Table 4 Centralized Control System Tests .......................................................................................... 21
Table 5 Steering Tests ......................................................................................................................... 26
Table 6 Turning Circle Test Data ........................................................................................................ 31
Table 7 "Z" Maneuver Test Data ......................................................................................................... 34
Table 8 Initial Turning Test Data ........................................................................................................ 37
Table 9 Pullout Test Data .................................................................................................................... 39
Table 10 Direct Spiral Test.................................................................................................................. 41
Table 11 Reverse Spiral Test Data ...................................................................................................... 45
Table 12 Thruster Test Data ................................................................................................................ 47
Table 13 Crash Stop Test Data ............................................................................................................ 50

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 14 Low Speed Controllability Maneuvering Test Data ............................................................. 52

Table 15 Slow Steaming Ability ......................................................................................................... 53
Table 16 Standardization Trials Data .................................................................................................. 57
Table 17 Standardization Trial Tolerances and Limits ....................................................................... 58
Table 18 Internal Combustion engine Propulsion Plant Economy Test ............................................... 75
Table 19 Gas Turbine Plant Economy Test Data ................................................................................ 76
Table 20 Propulsion Plant Data (Includes 10 Data Sheets) ................................................................. 80
Table 21 Propulsion Plant Data - Sheet 2 Diesel................................................................................. 81
Table 22 Propulsion Plant Data - Diesel (Cont2) ................................................................................ 83
Table 23 Propulsion Plant Data - Electric Drive ................................................................................. 84
Table 24 Propulsion Plant Data - Gas Turbine .................................................................................... 84
Table 25 Propulsion Plant Data - Gas Turbine (Cont) ........................................................................ 86

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


This Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) T&R Bulletin 3-47(2015) "Guide
for Sea Trials (Progressive Speed, Maneuvering, and Endurance)" supersedes T&R Bulletin 3-47
Guide for Sea Trials 1989.
This Guide was developed by updating the 1989 Guide for Sea Trials-1989 that was produced by
SNAME Panel M-19 (Ship Trials) with assistance from Panel H-10 (Ship Controllability) and
approved by the Ships Machinery Committee of SNAME. This update effort was supported by
funding from the National Shipbuilding Research Program. Those contributing to the update include
a variety of volunteers from organizations including shipbuilders, ship owners, ship designers,
operators, Classification Society, Government organizations and others. Publications of other
SNAME Technical Panels, Classification Societies, and international standards organizations were
consulted to check compatibility and various sources in the technical literature were researched for
advances and current trends. The recommendations include incorporation of ISO 15016.2 Guidelines
for the assessment of speed and power performance by analysis of speed trial data and IMO
Resolution MSC.137 (76), Standards for Ship Maneuverability.
The purpose of the Guide is to provide ship owners, designers, operators, and builders with definitive
information on ship trials to form a basis for contractual agreement.
The Guide covers sea trials of self-propelled surface ships, commercial or naval, displacing 300
tonnes or more, powered by hydrocarbon fuels such as petroleum, natural gas and bio fuels and
driven by diesel or Otto cycle engines, gas turbine, or electric motors. It does not cover dock trials,
tests or demonstrations that can be conducted dockside. For these type of tests refer to SNAME
Technical and Research Bulletin 3-39, Guide for Shop and Installation Tests-1985.
Nothing in this Guide should be construed to delete or modify requirements of specified regulatory
A sea trial may have one or more of the following objectives depending on the position of the ship in
its class, the innovative content of its design, and the needs or desires of its owners.
1.5.1 Demonstration of Operability
The ship propulsion and control systems can be shown to operate in their design modes only at sea,
and the shipbuilder and customer both benefit from a demonstration of proper operation that verifies
the correctness of construction, manufacture, and installation.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

1.5.2 Demonstration of Performance

The attainment of maximum contract levels of power or speed is particularly important for the first
ship of a class to verify the adequacy of the design of the propulsion plant and its supporting
1.5.3 Demonstration of Endurance
Demonstration of ability to maintain maximum power and speed for sufficient time to develop
equilibrium conditions and to operate at those conditions for the prescribed period without failure of
system components is important for every ship. It is assumed that the ability to operate in this manner
indefinitely, or for the design life, will thereby have been demonstrated, since any functional
inadequacies will have been made evident by this and other trial operations.
1.5.4 Demonstration of Economy
Demonstration of the contract specific fuel consumption is mandatory when there is a penalty
involved or when required by the ship's specifications. Attainment of the best possible fuel
consumption is important when there is a bonus involved. When neither are involved it is still
required to determine fuel rate for the first of a class to verify design and for subsequent ships to
verify proper operability of the energy conversion system.
1.5.5 Demonstration of Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI)
Demonstration of the vessel's EEDI characteristics is important to verify its relative rating of energy
efficiency (see ISO 15016.2 for details on EEDI).
1.5.6 Demonstration of Controllability
Demonstration that a vessel has maneuvering qualities permitting course keeping, turning, checking
turns, operating at acceptably slow speeds, and stopping in a satisfactory manner is important for safe
operations of a ship in open and restricted areas.
1.5.7 Establishment of Operating Performance Baseline
It is desirable to establish a performance baseline (in the form of data sets) for a new class of ships
and to a lesser degree for individual ships so that ship operators will have a standard with which to
compare current operating data enabling monitoring of plant performance and operational
capabilities. Performance baseline data is also important for populating onboard performance
monitoring systems used in optimizing vessel operations.
Ship pilots as well as operators also need to know the controllability characteristics of the vessel.
Properly developed ship trial test data reported according to the comprehensive guidelines of IMO
Resolutions A.751 and A.601 (15) (see for instance the ABS Guide for Vessel Maneuverability)
provide such data in a standard format for operator use.
1.5.8 Provision of Forensic Data
It is increasingly important for ship operators to have available certifiable data on the ship's
maneuvering capabilities in the event the ship is involved in legal action for collision damage. Data
from other ship systems may be pertinent to litigation involving habitability, safety or pollution
1.5.9 Provision of Design Data
All trial data augments the bank of design data on which naval architects and marine engineers draw
upon. This allows greater predictability during the design process permitting the required
performance characteristics to be delivered with greater confidence. Special data to verify the success

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

of innovative features or to advance the state of the shipbuilding art may be called for. In such cases
it is important that the design authorities who will use the data specify requirements in detail,
including instrumentation, operating conditions, and procedures. The IMO, for instance, gathers data
on ship maneuverability in its developing and refining of standards and has detailed specific
maneuvers that are included herein.
1.5.10 Classification and Safety Requirements
Classification societies and safety authorities often require demonstration of equipment and systems
which affect safety of the ship, its cargo or its crew.
Proper ship and environmental conditions during trials are often critical for achieving useful results.
1.6.1 Sea Trial Loading Conditions
Where possible, trials will be carried out in the design load draft condition.
However, due to limitations in ballast capacity, Contractor's Sea Trials will frequently be performed
at other drafts. Separate trials in the ballast condition may be required. For uniformity in selecting
ballast drafts for oil tankers, consideration should be given to those specified by IMO 73/78
MARPOL for designed ballast draft capability for tankers.
In all cases, the fore and aft drafts at the time of the trial must be recorded. For ships not provided
with full draft capability via ballasting, trial drafts will not approximate maximum design draft, and
demonstrations of capabilities that are draft dependent, such as ship's speed and maneuverability, are
of limited value. In such cases it is advisable to specify model tests at anticipated trial drafts as well
as maximum design draft, as without such tests, extrapolation of trial results depends on uncertain
estimates. Trials should be conducted at drafts as close as practicable to the model test conditions. In
the absence of model test data as a reference point, standardization results at other than the maximum
design draft is not recommended.
1.6.2 Water Depth
The most demanding operational requirements for many ships are met in shallow water during coastal
and port navigation. Unfortunately, the usual practice is to perform ship trials in deep water for
standardization and comparative purposes. The adequacy of a ship's capabilities in shallow water,
particularly maneuvering characteristics, must usually be inferred or predicted based on its success in
deep water, and from comparison of its deep water characteristics relative to other vessels.
Ships interact with the bottom, with banks, and with other vessels in restricted waters with very
significant effects on ship movement. Trials should therefore always be made in deep unconfined
waters where possible.
To minimize the possibility of such effects on the underway performance trial results of the ship,
water depth, other than for special trials to investigate shallow water capabilities, should always
exceed five times the mean draft of the ship. During speed trials additional depth is needed based on
speed and vessel midship section area:
H > 5.0 (Am)1/2
H > 0.4 V2

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

H = Water Depth (m)

Am = Midship Section Area (m2)
V = ship's Speed (m/sec)

1.6.3 Wind, Waves, and Currents

The uncontrollable environmental conditions of wind, waves, and currents can significantly influence
the results of all underway trials. These effects are also difficult to account for. Trials should thus be
held in the calmest weather conditions available. Wind direction and speed should be noted at the
start of each test, so that the effects can be studied and corrections applied. Currents, wave, and swell
conditions and their change should also be noted.
Sea State 4 with a significant wave height of up to 2.5 m, should be avoided. Sea State 3 with a
significant wave height of up to 1.25 m, should be avoided for ships under 152.4 m (500 feet) in
Wind speeds of more than 10 m/second (19.4 knots or nmi/hr) should be avoided. Maneuvering
spiral tests and slow speed trials are particularly sensitive to wind and currents. Wind speed should
not exceed around 5 m/second (9.7 knots) to assure useful results from such trials.
Blanket invocation of this Guide is not intended. Sufficient trials and tests are included to enable the
user to select a sea trial or test of any degree of complexity desired. Invocation of the total Guide,
however, without regard to the objectives to be served or the utility of data obtained would result in
excessive costs with little value. Users should study the Guide, and then when writing their ships
specification specify by paragraph number in this guide the trials and tests required to meet their
Lists of trials and tests recommended for first-of-a-class and follow-on ships are provided for
convenience. If this Guide is invoked by contract, all of the recommended trials and tests are to be
conducted except for those specifically deleted, and trials or tests marked "If Elected" are to be
conducted only if specifically invoked.
While some tests are required by international regulations or regulatory body requirements and must
be run, other tests in this guide should be run if needed for specific demonstration of capabilities.
Listed below are the names and tests covered in this Guide. The recommendation associated with the
name of each test is provided to assist in developing a trials program. Further guidance on the
purposes of each test and when it may be useful can be found in the column titled Guide Paragraph.
The tests and recommendations are shown on Table 1.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 1 Recommended Trials

Name Recommendation Paragraph
Economy Trials First of a Class only 2.2
Endurance Trials All Ships 2.3
Astern Trial All Ships 2.4
Diesel Propulsion If Elected 2.5
Gas Turbine Propulsion If Elected 2.6
Electric Drive If Elected 2.7
Centralized Propulsion Control System All Ships 2.8
Ahead Steering All Ships 3.4
Astern Steering All Ships 3.5
Auxiliary Means of Steering All Ships 3.6
Turning Circles First of a Class only 3.7
Z Maneuver First of a Class only 3.8
Initial Turning First of a Class only (1) 3.9
Pullout First of a Class only 3.10
Direct Spiral First of a Class only 3.11
Reverse Spiral If Elected (2) 3.12
Thruster First of a Class only 3.13
Quick Reversal from Ahead to Astern All Ships 3.14
Quick Reversal from Astern to Ahead All Ships 3.15
Low Speed Controllability If Elected 3.16
Slow Steaming Ability All Ships 3.17
Emergency Propulsion Systems If Elected 3.18
Navigation Equipment All Ships 3.19
Standardization Trials First of a Class only 1.5, 2, 4
(1) Derived from paragraphs 3.7 and 3.8
(2) Alternative to "Direct Spiral"

It should be noted that some of these tests can be run concurrently.

For twin screw ships, owners may want to consider running tests to examine the conditions of lost
power to one shaft. Tests with one shaft in a locked or trailing mode can be run to examine effects on
speed and maneuverability.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Bulletin 3-47 does not address noise and vibration measurements which are generally not performed
on sea trials. It is recommended that these tests, however, should be coordinated with related aspects
of the sea trials program. Ahead endurance trials offer an opportunity for concurrent measurements
for airborne noise.
Although ship designers, builders, and trial personnel may exercise greatest diligence in pursuing
their art at the most advanced state, there is inherent in the measurement of ship performance an
unavoidable uncertainty. No measurement is perfect and shipboard conditions preclude the use of the
most precise techniques. Since the major ship performance parameters involve measurement of many
fluctuating quantities, each with an element of uncertainty, the cumulative effect might be
considerable. By applying probability techniques to the degree of fluctuation and the inherent
precision of the instruments involved, including their calibration, it is possible to identify the degree
of certainty with which a ship's performance can be determined.
It is important that all parties to a ship construction program recognize the uncertainty of trial results
and take it into consideration when establishing performance target/bonus/penalty levels.
Knowledge of how much the precision of the individual measurements affects the performance
determination and the range of precision available for the instruments involved enables the trial
planner to make an intelligent and economic decision on instrumentation. The reader is referred to
ISO 15016.2 Section 5.1 for a discussion on required accuracy for torque measurements.
From award of a contract until delivery of the official trial report, sea trials require continual
planning. Trial instrumentation requirements should be incorporated in design; prearrangements may
be required for obtaining and calibrating trial instruments; trial readiness checks should be included in
production planning; trial data acquisition, processing, and reporting systems should be developed,
installed, and checked; instructions and procedures should be developed for trial operating and data
crews; and these crews should be trained.
A prerequisite to all planning is a clear understanding as to the tests and trials to be conducted, the
depth of instrumentation and the data to be reported. If this Guide is properly cited in the ship's
specifications, requirements should be clear. If the Guide is not cited or there remains an area of
doubt, the shipbuilder, owner, and regulatory bodies involved, should reach agreement as soon as
possible after the award of a contract, using this Guide as a basis for understanding.
Presuming that agreement has been reached, the actions outlined below can be taken as applicable.
References in this guide are made on occasion to other documents that provide additional useful
1.9.1 Design Accommodation
(a) If a torsionmeter is to be installed, care should be taken in its location on the shafting
with adequate clearance provided (ISO 15016.2 addresses various issues). If required,
special surface finish and dimensional constraints should be imposed. If the shaft is
hollow, the supplier of the rough machined unit should be alerted to provide precise
internal diameter measurements. Mounting of signal transfer equipment or brush rigging
should also be considered (current practice includes the use of wireless links from shaft
mounted strain gages).

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

(b) If special trial fuel meters are to be installed, systems should be designed to
accommodate them.
(c) If special gages, thermometers or orifices are to be installed, sensing points should be
selected and the necessary fittings, wells, or flanges provided.
(d) If fuel samples are to be taken during trials, a sampling connection or method should be
1.9.2 Pre-Arrangements
(a) If the shaft is to be calibrated, the shafting production schedule should be adjusted to
provide for calibration availability; the torsionmeter should be requested if furnished by
the government, or procured or overhauled if furnished by the contractor; the torqueing
gear should be made ready, the calibration accomplished and the instrument factors
established. Unless permanent torque meters are installed, this measurement is done
using strain gages installed just prior to trials and calibrated using shunt resistors.
Material properties of the shaft need to be provided by the manufacturer or assumed
based on ISO 15016.2
(b) Plant operating conditions and modes; ship draft conditions; and shaft power levels
should be established for each trial and the owner's concurrence obtained.
(c) Plant operating and ship's ballasting and de-ballasting instructions should be prepared and
distributed to trial crew supervisors.
(d) Signal system should be designed and installed.
(e) Correction factors should be obtained and the concurrence of owners technical
representatives established.
(f) Data instructions and station bill should be prepared and distributed.
(g) Special trial instruments should be installed and all instruments which will provide trial
data calibrated, red line settings made and water legs measured. Sensor calibration
should include addressing remote or indirect means the sensor relies on for accuracy.
(h) Data forms (paper or digital) should be prepared and the graphical interface checked
against the ship as built, preferably by using them for Dock Trials to allow for proper
data quality assurance.
(i) Trial operating crew and data crew should be trained unless previously trained or
(j) Calculation sheets or a data acquisition system (DAS) and computerized quality analysis
(QA) sheets should be prepared, with dummy calculations and correction tables or plots
(k) GNSS tracking system, if to be aboard, including antenna should be installed and
(l) A sample of the fuel expected to be burned should be sent to a laboratory for gravity and
heat content determination when fuel rates are to be calculated.
(m) Trial agenda, procedures, and schedules should be prepared and furnished to the owners
for comment.
(n) Trial control and the data acquisition system should be planned and facilities installed,
including appropriate communications and reference material.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


So many items are involved in determining readiness for sea trials that it is virtually necessary to use
a check list. Such a list should include all machinery, equipment, and trials to be tested and pretests
or other preparations necessary to perform the tests to assure readiness.
If builders' trials or runs are to be conducted, they should be specified. If data for any portion of the
trial or runs is to be presented for acceptance, the owners, acceptance authorities, and involved
regulatory bodies should be notified in advance. If builders trials are not specified, they are to be at
the discretion of the builder for any purpose, including any of the following:
Checking the operation of the machinery installation and the trial equipment.
Training the operating and trial personnel.
Making adjustments to the propulsion plant to establish proper operation.
Determination of ability to meet performance requirements.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


2.1.1 Scope of This Section
This section contains recommendations for conducting internal combustion engine, gas turbine, and
integrated electric propulsion plant trials with the ship underway under specified conditions. The
propulsion plant is considered to include propulsion plant machinery, all auxiliaries and systems
required for its operation and other such apparatus as are necessary for the operation of the ship under
trial conditions. The instructions herein are intended to cover testing of the propulsion plant as an
integrated system underway and do not cover ship or shop tests of individual equipment items, dock
trials, or dockside tests required by specifications or regulatory bodies, unless prescribed herein as
incidental to the trials.
Specific requirements for these types of propulsion plants can be found beginning with paragraph 2.2.
2.1.2 Specific Objectives
Specific objectives of propulsion plant trials may be one or more of the following:
To demonstrate satisfactory operation of the propulsion plant for a specified period of time at
specified power, usually maximum design power.
To determine the rate of fuel consumption of the plant when operating at specified shaft
power and other specified operating conditions.
To determine performance characteristics of the machinery plant or components thereof, as
To demonstrate satisfactory operation of propulsion plant controls from all stations.
To obtain propulsion plant data for future use in evaluating service performance.
Note that the power level of the propulsion plant may be specified in terms of revolutions per minute
when trial draft or other conditions make full power unattainable within shaft speed limitations.
2.1.3 Pre-Trial Agreements
Prior to the trials, there should be a clear understanding with respect to the following:
The specific objectives of the trials.
The trial agenda and tentative schedule.
Conditions and methods of operation during the trial.
Corrections, if any, to be applied for deviations from specified conditions or specific
Measurement methods, temporary test equipment and instrumentation.
Trial drafts.
Duration of each trial run. Frequency of readings and measurements including digital
sampling rates.
2.1.4 Trial Preparations
Preparation for propulsion plant trials as, defined in this section should include the following:
Calibration of shafting to determine modulus of rigidity, or if the shaft is not to be calibrated,
then an agreement on the modulus to be used.
Installation and calibration of torsionmeter.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Calibration of trial fuel meters. Where ships meters are used as trial or trial back-up
instrumentation, they should also be calibrated.
Calibration of special gages and meters. Records of calibrations should be available prior to
trials and carried onboard during trials.
Installation of trial equipment as required.
Ascertaining that all machinery and equipment is in proper working condition.
Preparation of the trial ballasting plan to provide the prescribed submergence of the propeller.
Control and records of fuel onboard to provide for trials a homogeneous, known, supply.
Analysis of the fuel to be burned including heating value, specific gravity, viscosity
characteristics, and other pertinent properties.
2.1.5 Trial Duration
Duration of each Propulsion Plant Trial should be as set forth in Table 2 and Table 3 unless otherwise
specified or agreed.
Unless otherwise agreed, any run, which has been interrupted by machinery casualties necessitating
slowing down or stopping, should be entirely rerun. If the interruption of a run is due to operating
error or maneuvering from the bridge due to traffic or other safety situations, only the disrupted
portion of the run need be repeated.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 2 Recommendations for Internal Combustion Propulsion Plant Trials

TRIAL Ahead Endurancec Astern Endurance Economy

DURATION a 30 Minutes a
4 hours 4 hours
POWER LEVEL Max Continuous Max Astern Specified
Rating Continuous Rating b Continuous Service
CRITICAL MEASUREMENTS Power Torque/RPM Power Level & Fuel
INTERVAL FOR CRITICAL 15 Minutes 10 Minutes 15 Minutes
SUPPORTING DATA (As Torque Torque Same as Ahead
pertinent) Endurance
RPM RPM Plus: Aux Load
Prop Pitch Prop Pitch Fuel
Rack Position Rack Position
Max Cylinder Firing Fuel sample for
Pressure heating value
Air Intake Temps
PLANT CONTROL Power or RPM Torque RPM Power or RPM
MEANS OF CONTROL Remote Control Remote Control Remote Control
System System System
Endurance and economy Trials may be concurrent if power level is the same. If power levels
differ, the duration of the Economy Trial may be reduced to two hours if it follows the Endurance
Trial immediately (alternatively recommended).
To be in accordance with Classification Society requirements.
Endurance testing using an alternate fuel or secondary propulsion system may be required.
For electric drive ships.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 3 Recommendations for Gas Turbine Propulsion Plant Trials

TRIAL Ahead Endurance Astern Endurance Economy

DURATION 4 hours a 30 Minutes 4 hours a
POWER LEVEL Max Design a Max Continuous b Service a
CRITICAL MEASUREMENTS Power Torque/RPM Power Level & Fuel
INTERVAL FOR CRITICAL 15 Minutes 10 Minutes 15 Minutes
SUPPORTING DATA (As pertinent) Torque Torque Same as Ahead
RPM RPM Plus: Aux Load
Prop Pitch Prop Pitch Fuel
Exhaust Temp Exhaust Press Air Intake Temps
DEVIATION OF CRITICAL Plus Mfg's Lim Plus Mfg's Lim Plus 5%
Minus 2% Minus 10% Minus 5%
FLUCTUATION OF INDIVIDUAL Plus 5% Plus Mfg's Lim Plus 5%
DATA ITEM FROM AVERAGE FOR Minus 5% Minus 20% Minus 5%


MEANS OF CONTROL Remote Control Remote Control Remote Control
System System System
Endurance and economy Trials may be concurrent if power level is the same. If power levels differ,
the duration of the Endurance Trial may be reduced to two hours if it follows the Economy Trial
immediately (alternatively recommended).
To be in accordance with Classification Society requirements.
For electric drive ships.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


2.2.1 Purpose
The primary purpose of Economy Trials is to determine fuel consumption. An ancillary purpose is to
establish an RPM/SHP relationship under trial conditions.
2.2.2 Operating Conditions
Uniform operating conditions should be maintained throughout each trial run. To establish steady
operating conditions for economy measurements, a period of warming up or adjustments should be
allowed prior to trial runs. Steady-state conditions should be proven prior to starting economy trials.
Helm changes should be held to a minimum and course changes should be made with no more than 5
degrees rudder. The test director must be informed when ship navigation necessitates the change in
ships speed or the use of more than 5 degrees rudder. An announcement should be made to suspend
and/or resume affected measurements when under these conditions.
2.2.3 Frequency of Observations
Unless otherwise agreed, observations and instrument readings should be taken at fifteen minute
intervals. Readings of torque or shaft power should be taken as required for producing, as nearly as is
practicable, a continuous record. Digital data acquisition should utilize appropriate data sampling
techniques which will be averaged at 15-minute intervals. See Tables 2 and 3 for reading intervals
for important data.
2.2.4 Communication
Visual and audible signaling should be used onboard to announce and enable accurately marking the
beginning and end of runs and to synchronize data taking. Hand-held radios and ships telephone or
public address systems can be used, but should be controlled from a central station.
2.2.5 Measurements and Instrumentation
(a) General.
Trial observations should include all pertinent time intervals, pressures, temperatures,
flow rates, levels, revolutions, combustion conditions, and other characteristics of
operation, as may be required to satisfy the trial objectives.
For information concerning trial instrumentation, see Section 5.0, Instruments and
Apparatus for Ship's Trials.
For data reporting forms listing recommended trial observations, see Section 6.0, Trial
Data and Report.
(b) Power.
Method of determining shaft power should be as agreed before trials.
Suitable measuring apparatus, methods of measuring, and methods of computing shaft
power are given in Section 5.0, Instrumentation and Apparatus for Ship's Trials, but it is
not intended to limit or restrict the use of the measuring equipment to types described

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Measurements of auxiliary electric power should be made by ships instruments unless

otherwise agreed. For major ampere loads, clamp type ammeters should be utilized to
determine loads where ammeters are not fitted.
For ships on which hotel loads are relatively large, provision for separate measurements
of total auxiliary machinery loads and hotel loads is recommended.
(c) Revolutions.
Accurate and reliable trial shaft counters suitably interfaced with the trial signal system
or data reduction system should be installed and checked out prior to the start of the sea
trials. For details on shaft revolution counters, see Section 5.0, Instruments and
Apparatus for Ships Trials.
(d) Fuel Measurements.
Measurements of fuel quantity should be made by flow rate meters, which should be
calibrated before and after trials and the calibration correction applied to the observed
trial data. For further details on the installation of trial fuel meters, refer to Section 5.0,
Instruments and Apparatus for Ships Trials.
(e) Other Measurements.
Measurements of pressure and temperature which materially affect trial results should be
obtained from calibrated test gages and thermometers installed for the trial. Data from
ship's gages, thermometers and instruments may be used for trial purposes provided these
instruments have been calibrated and set to read correctly in the operating range.
Acceptable instruments for time measurements are described in Section 5.0, Instruments
and Apparatus for Ships Trials.
Measurements of water flow, when required, should be made with calibrated water
meters installed for this purpose. Ship's installed meters may be used if calibrated.
Modern engine electronic control systems are another resource of performance data
onboard. Information from these systems can be useful during trials if high accuracy
under trial conditions is known. Data points from sea trials can be used to verify the
accuracy of these systems to assist the operator in optimizing performance.
2.2.6 Fuel Rate Data Required
The fuel rate for all purposes should be expressed in grams per shaft power per hour or other agreed
standard units for each trial run. See Tables 17 -18 of Section 4 Standardization Trials, for Data
Sheets. The fuel rate should be determined from averages of readings recorded at fifteen (15) minute
intervals and data obtained from other sources as indicated in the following:
a) Fuel meter readings at start and at end of each trial interval.
b) Fuel meter correction from meter calibration curve.
c) Fuel temperature at the meter.
d) Gravity of fuel related to specific gravity of water at 60F. (for liquid fuels)
e) Table or plot of weight/volume for the range of metering temperature expected,
applicable to the gravity of fuel being burned. (for liquid fuels)
f) Higher heating value of fuel from laboratory tests or lower heating value as agreed or
g) Average shaft power (kW) for each trial interval.
h) Fuel chemistry, if specified.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Note: Fuel Properties should be determined by post trial analysis of a thorough mix of fuel samples
taken at a minimum of four equally spaced intervals during the run.
Also note that if Coriolis type meters are used, the fuel consumption rate can be obtained directly as
mass per unit time so that d) and e) above are not required.
2.2.7 Trial Report
See tables in Section 6.0, Trial Data and Report.
2.3.1 Purpose
The primary purpose of Ahead Endurance Trials is to demonstrate satisfactory ahead operation of the
propulsion plant at specified operating conditions as contractually required or agreed. This should
include specific shaft power or revolutions per minute for a prescribed period of time.
Since satisfactory operation and performance of the machinery plant is equally essential for
endurance and economy trials, they may be conducted concurrently when specifications for both are
the same for shaft power, period of run time, and fuel. For Endurance Trials the emphasis is on
attaining and sustaining the required power level. Fuel rate is a secondary interest. For Economy
Trials the fuel and power data are the essentials. Other data including possible auxiliary load levels
are used to explain results to correct for off-standard conditions.
Sometimes Endurance Trials are specified to include a demonstration of satisfactory operation of the
propulsion plant under service conditions during a specified voyage of the ship. Such trials and the
details thereof are subject to agreement between the parties involved and are not covered by this
If the ship is designed to operate on more than one fuel, (HFO and MGO or Natural Gas, for
instance), an endurance run may be required for each type of fuel to demonstrate capabilities and to
demonstrate the ability to switch from one fuel to another.
2.3.2 Measurements and Instrumentation
Economy Trial instrumentation and data systems are generally adequate for Endurance Trials. When
both trials are specified, the requirements and discussions of paragraph 2.2 apply. When only
Endurance Trials are specified, paragraph 2.2 is applicable, except that special fuel meter calibration
may not be required and power level may be determined without use of a torsionmeter as discussed
below. However, it is recommended that a torsionmeter be used for at least the first ship of a class so
that corrections to the alternative methods discussed below can be developed both for future trials and
for use in checking service performance.
When a torsionmeter is fitted, power should be derived from the average torque and RPM for the trial
period as set forth in paragraph 2.2. However, upon agreement or by specification, torsionmeters may
be omitted and power approximated from one or more of the following:
1. Propeller revolutions per minute with model test data.
2. On ships with direct drive, prime mover parameters and conditions, and manufactuer's shop
test or design data.
3. On ships with electric drive, electrical input to the propulsion motor(s) with manufacturer's
data on motor efficiency and power consumption of shaft-driven auxiliaries.
Even when trial power is determined by use of a torsionmeter, a comparison should be made with
power derived from engine data, particularly where a torsionmeter is not to be permanently fitted.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

2.3.3 Trial Report

See tables in Section 6.0, Trial Data and Report.
2.4.1 Purpose and procedure
The primary purpose of the Astern Endurance Trial is to demonstrate satisfactory astern operation of
the propulsion plant at specified operating conditions as contractually required or agreed. This
should include specific shaft power or revolutions per minute for a prescribed period of time. An
ancillary benefit is proving the adequacy of piping supports, and equipment under severe vibratory
Difficulty in obtaining uniform propeller loading because of submergence variations due to ship
pitch, wave impingement or the uncontrollable circular track generally followed when a single-screw
ship is under sternway, often prevents steady propulsion plant operation. It is therefore advisable to
establish limits to astern RPM and prime mover parameters. As a result, the average indicated shaft
power for the astern run may be more or less than the target value.
Some ship specifications will limit sternway to that speed where by maximum rudder movement from
hard over will not result in rudder torque exceeding the maximum specified. In such cases the
maximum astern speed should be established during the astern run by incrementally advancing
propeller speed until steering engine pressures indicate the maximum rudder torque specified.
Except as required for astern steering trials, the rudder should be held amidships during astern trials.
2.4.2 Measurement and Instrumentation
Instrumentation and the data system should be the same as that for Ahead Endurance Trials.
2.4.3 Trial Report
See tables in Section 6.0, Trial Data and Report.
This section addresses sea trial related tests which are peculiar to propulsion plants utilizing diesel
and Otto cycle engines and amplifies some areas which are covered generally in paragraphs 2.2
through 2.4 above. A major purpose of the Economy and Endurance trials is to provide base-line
operating data for the entire plant, and the sea trials should be planned and carried out with this in
mind. Plants designed to operate on more than one fuel should be operated on each of the fuels
during trials to obtain data appropriate for operation on each fuel.

2.5.1 Auxiliary Components

The following are examples of auxiliary components which may be part of a diesel plant:
a. Turbochargers, reciprocating or gear type blowers, or other sources of combustion or
scavenging air pressure.
b. Engine-driven lube oil, fuel or cooling fluid pumps.
c. Independently driven generators, pumps or centrifuges.
d. Power transmission elements including gears, couplings, clutches, etc.
e. Waste heat boilers and/or auxiliary boilers.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Special agreements should be made prior to trials for observing the performance of the auxiliary
components mentioned above.
2.5.2 Revolutions
Same as paragraph 2.2.5(c) except for installations having a reduction gear and/or a slip type coupling
between the engine and the shaft. Then, both engine revolutions and shaft revolutions should be
2.5.3 Fuel Measurements
Same as paragraph 2.2.5(d) except as follows:
a) The fuel consumption of the main and auxiliary engines and any other fuel consuming
equipment in operation should be measured separately.
b) Systems that return fuel to the upstream side of the supply meter should have the return
measured separately.
2.5.4 Fuel Rate Data Required
Same as paragraph 2.2.5(e) except as follows:
Include return fuel oil meter readings with other meter data. In addition, fuel rate corrections for
variations of the following data from design conditions should be provided by the engine
a) Inlet air temperature.
b) Inlet air pressure.
c) Inlet air moisture content.
d) Engine RPM.
e) Exhaust pressure.
f) Fuel oil heating value.
The purpose of these corrections is to properly evaluate diesel engine performance. Suitable test
devices should be provided on trials to accurately measure these variables.
2.5.5 Power
When torsionmeters are not required to be fitted, brake power for diesel engines may be estimated by
the following methods:
a) Rack Position - Brake power may be closely approximated by careful observations of fuel
injection rack positions and comparison of these with data taken during shop tests where
output is measured directly on a water or electric brake or equivalent. For maximum
accuracy it is necessary that shop tests and ship's trials utilized comparable fuel.
b) Slip Coupling - On installations using a slip type coupling, the torque transmitted can be
closely approximated by comparing the engine RPM and shaft RPM with slip data supplied
by the coupling manufacturer.
c) Indicator Cards Indicator cards or equivalent may be taken on each cylinder, and the brake
KW (BKW) may be computed with very good results for low or medium speed units. Engine
efficiency data, other correlating data, or sample correction curves are also needed with the
indicator card data to compute BKW.
Each of the above methods may be used to determine brake power. An agreed allowance for gear or
coupling losses must be applied to obtain shaft power, if these elements are in the power train.
When a torsionmeter is fitted, the correlation between the shaft KW (SKW) determined from the
torsionmeter and the BKW determined from engine data should be established during the trials.
SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

2.5.6 Fuel Switching

When two or more types of fuel are specified for normal operation, such as inside and outside of an
Emission Control Area (ECA), the switching from one fuel type to the other and then back again, are
to be demonstrated at the highest power level possible to demonstrate the limits at which fuel
switching can be carried out.
2.5.7 Daily Fuel Consumption and Ships Overall Fuel Rate
If desired, a daily fuel consumption rate could be provided based on tonnes/day at a specified power,
electrical load, etc.
An overall fuel rate can possibly be developed to have meaning if tied carefully to specified
operational conditions. Fuel consumption of various components such as auxiliary engines or boilers
would need to be considered separately during the trials and then corrected to standard conditions.
Use of different fuels would have to be analyzed and all values adjusted for fuel density and heating
value. An overall ships fuel rate could then be computed by summing the components and dividing
by some base reference number such as the propulsion shaft power.
2.5.8 Trial Data and Report
See tables in Section 6.0, Trial Data and Report.
This section covers sea trial related items which are peculiar to gas turbine propulsion plants. This
guide is written around the basic gas turbine propulsion unit consisting of a gas generating turbo-
compressor and independent free power turbine. It should not preclude trial modifications, however,
which future gas turbine development may dictate.
2.6.1 Auxiliary Components
The following are examples of auxiliary components which may be part of the gas turbine plant:
a) Precoolers, intercoolers, and after coolers.
b) Reheaters, regenerators, and recuperators.
c) Fuel conditioning equipment.
d) Independently powered generators and pumps.
e) Control equipment and safety devices.
f) Power transmission elements including gears, clutch, shaft brake, coupling, controllable pitch
propeller, etc.
g) Waste heat or independently fired boilers.
h) Anti-icing and bleed air systems.
Special agreements should be made prior to sea trials for observing the performance of the auxiliary
components mentioned above.
2.6.2 Fuel Rate Data Required
Fuel rate corrections for variations from design values of the following should be provided by the gas
turbine engine manufacturer:
a) Inlet air temperature.
b) Inlet air moisture content.
c) Power turbine RPM.
d) Inlet air pressure.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

e) Exhaust pressure.
These corrections are required to properly evaluate gas turbine performance. Suitable test devices
should be provided on trials to provide the necessary data. Barometric pressure and relative humidity
of the outside air should be recorded to permit evaluation of air inlet and exhaust duct systems. The
shipbuilder, however, is responsible for designing the air inlet and exhaust systems to meet design
turbine inlet and exhaust conditions, and no correction to the ship's overall fuel rate should be
permitted for excessive pressure loss in these systems.
2.6.3 Power
When torsionmeters are not fitted, brake power for gas turbine engines may be estimated from the
engine RPM, internal gas pressures and temperatures and/or fuel oil flow with sufficient accuracy for
endurance trial purposes. Sample reference curves and correction factors will be very useful to
develop estimates.
When torsionmeters are required to be fitted, a correlation should be established during trials between
the power determined from the torsionmeter and the engine brake power as ascertained by the engine
pressure, RPM, and temperature data.
2.6.4 Trial Data and Report
See tables in Section 6.0, Trial Data and Report.
Electric drive propulsion as covered in this section consists of electrical power generating equipment
and propulsion motor(s). Prime movers associated with the electric propulsion generators such as gas
turbine, and diesel engines are covered in paragraphs above and are not repeated in this section.
2.7.1 Auxiliary Components
The following are examples of auxiliary components which may be part of the electric drive
propulsion plant:
a) Heat exchanger units.
b) Independently powered pumps.
c) Attached pumps.
d) Independently powered fans
e) Control equipment and safety devices.
f) Power transmission elements including gears, clutches, shaft brakes, couplings, controllable
pitch propeller, etc.
Special agreements should be made prior to trials for observing the performance of the auxiliary
components listed above.
2.7.2 Power
Power output from the propulsion motor can be determined from the torsionmeter when installed or
from the instruments if not installed. Agreements should be made prior to trials regarding
instrumentation to be used for power determination during trials.
2.7.3 Trial Data and Report
See tables in Section 6.0, Trial Data and Report.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


2.8.1 Purpose
The purpose of the test is to demonstrate the ability of the system to control the propulsion plant in all
design modes and to demonstrate satisfactory propulsion plant response during transient operation at
specified rates and initial and final conditions.
2.8.2 Procedure
Prior to sea trials the control system and its subsystems, sensing elements, valve and equipment
operators, safety devices, alarms, and indicators should have been tested for proper installation and
operation and should have been adjusted and timed to the values predicted to provide smooth and
correct control of the ship at sea. Crewmen responsible for operations should be fully trained in the
capabilities and operation of the control system prior to sea trials. Satisfactory integrated operation of
the total control system should also have been demonstrated to the extent practicable.
At the beginning of sea trials it is advisable to test the control system at reduced powers and make the
indicated adjustments prior to demonstration of the full requirements. All required operations of the
controls should be demonstrated under free route, maneuvering and emergency conditions in
accordance with the sea trial agenda agreed to in advance.
In addition to proper control in each mode, satisfactory transition between modes of control should be
demonstrated. When the bridge control is demonstrated, there should be no assistance from the
engine room watch. When centralized engine room control is demonstrated there should be no
assistance from local equipment watchstanders unless such manual incorporated in the
Safety features should be demonstrated at sea, if possible, without disrupting the adjustment of the
control system or setting up conditions beyond the operating range of the propulsion system.
2.8.3 Trial Report
See Table 4 for recording data and reporting results.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 4 Centralized Control System Tests

Ship Name Trial Date Start Time

Sea State Ship's Heading Air Temperature oF/oC

Shaft RPM Response

Centralized Control Maneuvers Position Ordered
Time (sec)
Stop to Maximum Ahead (Stopping at each
maneuvering speed position)

Maximum Ahead to Stop (Stopping at each

maneuvering speed position)

Stop to Maximum Astern (Stopping at each

maneuvering speed position)

Maximum Astern to Stop (Stopping at each

maneuvering speed position)

Quick Reversal from Maximum Ahead to

Maximum Astern
Quick Reversal from Maximum Astern to
Maximum Ahead
Maximum Ahead to Stop
Other Maneuvers (as specified)

1. Positions ordered may be in terms of RPM rather than telegraph position.
2. Report any actuation of alarms and safety devices.
3. Report any excursions in plant conditions or controls.
4. The table will have to be adjusted for tests with controllable pitch propellers to include pitch and other
considerations involving rpm.
5. Speeds (maximum, full sea speed, etc.) to be tested need to be defined and agreed upon.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials



This section contains procedures for conducting maneuvering and other special trials and tests. Ship's
specifications should include the owner's selection from the following tests:
Ahead Steering (Section 3.4)
Astern Steering (Section 3.5)
Auxiliary Means of Steering (Section 3.6)
Turning Circles (Section 3.7)
"Z" Maneuver (Section 3.8)
Initial Turning (Section 3.9)
Pullout (Section 3.10)
Direct Spiral (Section 3.11)
Reverse Spiral (Section 3.12)
Thruster (Section 3.13)
Quick Reversal from Ahead to Astern (Section 3.14)
Quick Reversal from Astern to Ahead (Section 3.15)
Low Speed Controllability Maneuvers (Section 3.16)
Slow Steaming Ability (Section 3.17)
Emergency Propulsion Systems (Section 3.18)
Navigation Equipment (Section 3.19)
In selecting tests, consideration should be given to the requirements contained in IMO.137(76)
"Standards for Ship Manoeuvrability" and to the purpose of the test. Some tests are essential to
provide the information necessary to comply with IMO Resolution A601(15) "Provision and Display
of Manoeuvring Information on Board Ships", which lists information to be available on the bridge in
the Pilot Card, Wheelhouse Poster, and Manoeuvring Booklet. It is also essential to verify that the
vessel has satisfactory basic course keeping and turning qualities. The data can also be useful in
future designs.
When possible, tests should be conducted to compare the ship's actual maneuvering performance with
the designer's estimation. Maneuvering trials (covered in paragraphs 3.7 through 3.13) provide data
that is applicable to all ships of a class, unless there has been a change in draft, rudder, or underwater
appendages. In view of the large size of some modern vessels and the consequent greater disparity
between their momentum and the forces available to change it, together with the potential for
catastrophic pollution in the event of collision or grounding, owners should consider specifying
maneuvering tests at other than the speeds and conditions prescribed herein. The objective should be
to explore the maneuvering characteristics of each new class of ship to be able to provide the bridge
with data applicable to all situations liable to be encountered.
The speed for maneuvering tests should comply with the requirements of IMO Resolution
MSC.137(76), for the tests listed in the Resolution. Section 4.2 of the Resolution states the test
speed used in the Standards is the speed of at least 90% of the ships speed corresponding to 85% of
the maximum engine output.
If additional maneuvering tests are desired to demonstrate maneuvering characteristics at other
speeds, additional tests at a different speed can be carried out. A general guideline for the test speed

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

is the speed at which the ship may be expected to navigate in areas where maneuvers are normally
required, and are not restricted by insufficient water depth or channel boundaries.
In the case of slow, full form ships this speed may be close to design sea speed. For fast, fine-form
ships on the other hand, it may be a much lower proportion of design speed. The following formula is
suggested as a guide to selecting test speed:
VT = CB x VD
where: VT = test speed
VD = design speed
CB = block coefficient at the design draught
This formula provides test speed values for bulk carriers and dry cargo/container ship types which are
often used in general practice. Unless otherwise indicated tests should be commenced at the test
Proper preparation is essential to obtain meaningful data and avoid aborting mandatory tests.
Detailed instruction for performing each test, including maneuvering diagrams and data sheets where
pertinent, should be prepared in advance. Test conductors and data takers should be instructed in
their duties, shown their station, checked out on instruments, and have their understanding of the test
Reports should present the data in tabular or diagrammatic format. Sample diagrams and data sheets
are shown in this Section and in Section 6. Reports should include, where pertinent, discussion of the
significance of findings and an explanation of data anomalies. Reported information should be of
sufficient detail to provide the data required to prepare the Pilot Card, Wheelhouse Poster, and
Maneuvering Booklet described in IMO Resolution A.601(15) and the first order steering quality
indices K and T.
With the ship in the trial ballast condition and proceeding ahead at maximum trial shaft RPM, move
the rudder at maximum rate as follows:
1. Midships to Hardover Right - Hold ten seconds.
2. Hardover Right to Hardover Left - Hold ten seconds.
3. Hardover Left to Hardover Right - Hold ten seconds.
4. Hardover Right to Midships - Maneuver complete.
After ship's speed has been restored, use the other steering power unit and repeat the above rudder
movements in opposite sequence. For rudder movement rate, use the average degrees per second for
total time from start to 5 degrees before ordered angle. Throttle setting for single screw ships should
not be changed during the test. For multi-screw ships, the throttle may be adjusted as necessary to
correct unacceptable overspeed or overtorque.
The following data should be recorded on Table 5 during the test:
a) Time of test and base course.
b) Time required for each rudder movement.
c) Maximum rudder angles.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

d) Maximum oil pressure on ram.

e) Servo pressure, replenishing pressure and pump stroke at maximum demand, if available
from ship's instruments and indicators.
f) Power unit in use and idle volts, amps and RPM.
g) Steering gear motor minimum and maximum volts, amperes, and RPM for each rudder
h) Propeller shaft RPM at start and finish of test on each unit.
i) Depth of water, sea condition, and wind direction.
j) Steering station in control
k) Trial drafts, fore and aft.
The above test is appropriate for dual power unit electro-hydraulic systems. If a different system is
installed, suitable adjustments to the requirements should be made. The ahead and astern steering
tests demonstrate steering machinery capability.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 5 Steering Tests

Ship Name Ahead Steering Astern Auxiliary
Steering Steering (If
Unit (P or S) Unit (P or S) Unit (P or S)
Trial Date
Time of Test
Base Course
Depth of Water
Sea Condition
Wind Direction
Wind Velocity
Trial Draft (Fwd)
Trial Draft (Aft)
Propeller RPM (beginning)
Propeller RPM (end)
Steering Station in Control
Rudder Movement Time (Sec.) O-R O-L O-R O-L O-R a
Maximum Rudder Angles O-R O-L O-R O-L O-R a
Max. Steady Motor Amps O-R O-L O-R O-L O-R
Maximum Ram Pressure
Max. Servo Press. (If Available)
Max. Replenishment Press.
(If Available)
Max Pump Stroke (If
Idle Volts
Idle Amps
Idle RPM
Minimum Motor Volts
a. Rudder angles and rudder movement times as demonstrated. Time to secure normal steering
mode and to activate emergency unit also to be recorded.
b. Time from start is 5 degrees before ordered angle.
c. Tables need to be expanded as needed to display data.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


With the ship in the trial ballast condition and moving astern at maximum astern shaft speed, using
either one of the main power units, move the rudder at maximum rate as follows:
1. Midships to Hardover Right - Hold ten seconds.
2. Hardover Right to Hardover Left - Hold ten seconds.
3. Hardover Left to Hardover Right - Hold ten seconds.
4. Hardover Right to Midships - Maneuver complete.
Record data as described in paragraph 3.4 above.
Where auxiliary power steering means is specified to control the rudder at reduced ship's speed, rate,
and range of rudder movement, such operation should be demonstrated at sea. In addition to shaft
RPM and time of rudder movements, the time necessary to secure normal mode and activate the
auxiliary unit should be recorded. When the standby unit of a dual hydraulic steering gear is the
specified auxiliary means of steering, it is tested under paragraph 3.4, and the test need not be
Turning circles should be performed to both right and left with 35 degrees rudder angle or the
maximum design rudder angle permissible at the test speed.
The essential information to be obtained from this maneuver consists of tactical diameter, advance,
and transfer. Also of interest are the final ship speed and yaw rate in the "steady state" of the turning
circle. A turning circle of at least 540 degrees should be completed to determine the main parameters
of the maneuver and allow correction for any drift caused by a steady current or wind. Appendix B
presents an acceptable method for correcting measurements for ship drift during the test.
With the ship in the trial condition and proceeding ahead at the maximum trial shaft RPM, with either
steering power unit, move the rudder at maximum rate and perform the following maneuvers:
1. Move rudder to Hardover Right and hold until ship's heading has changed 540 degrees.
2. Resume a straight course and restore speed.
3. Move Rudder to Hardover Left and hold until ship's heading has changed 540 degrees.
4. Resume a straight course.
The throttle setting for single-screw ships should not be changed during the test. For multi-screw
ships, the throttle may be adjusted as necessary to correct unacceptable overspeed or overtorque. If
throttle adjustment has to be made during the turn, the maneuver should be repeated at a reduced
approach RPM to determine the maximum speed at which a hard turn can be made without throttle
The following data should be recorded or derived and presented as shown in Table 6:
a) Time of test, and base course.
b) Rudder angle.
c) Compass reading to nearest degree every 10 seconds that ship is in the turning maneuver.
d) Time elapsed and advance from start of rudder movement and clearing base course using
GNSS data

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

e) Ship's position at suitable intervals from GNSS equipment. If GNSS equipment is not
installed, ship's track should be obtained by radar, shore station tracking, or visual
observation of the wake. Observation intervals should coincide with heading data intervals.
f) Shaft RPM at beginning and end of each circle.
g) Depth of water and sea condition.
h) Wind direction and velocity.
i) Trial draft fore and aft.
Turning circle tests may be specified at depths, drafts, speeds, and rudder angles other than those
given if ship's maneuvering characteristics require further exploration.
At the completion of each of the turning circle tests a pullout test may be performed to provide
information on the ship's dynamic stability. For further information see paragraph 3.10.
Turning circles should be plotted and tactical dimensions reported as illustrated in Figure 1 and
Figure 2. Figure 1 shows the historic test resulting in measures of advance, transfer, and tactical
diameter. Using todays high precision position tracking systems, maximum ship advance and
transfer measurements are included (see Figure 2). The entire swept path can also be depicted in the

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Figure 1 Turning Circle Definitions (Courtesy of ABS)

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Figure 2 Turning Circle Test

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 6 Turning Circle Test Data

Time (sec) Heading from Base


NOTE: Representation of the ship should be a

line scaled in length, oriented to and located
on the circle such that the stern clearance
track can be determined.
Ship Name
Test Data
Time Test Began
Base Course
Rudder Angle
Shaft RPM
Shaft RPM (End)
Depth of Water
Sea Condition
Wind Velocity
Trial Draft (fwd)
Trial Draft (aft)
Maximum Drift
Distance Direction
Tactical Diameter

Final Diameter
Time to Clear Base
Advance to Clear
Base Course
Maximum Advance
any Part of Ship

Max. Departure from

Base Course

Drift Correction
Direction Rate

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


The "Z" Maneuver is shown in Figure 3 and may be identified as the Zig-Zag Maneuver or the Kempf
With the ship in trial condition and proceeding ahead into the wind at the maximum trial shaft RPM,
with either steering power unit, move the rudder at maximum rate and perform the following
1. Move the rudder from center to 10 degrees right - hold until ship's heading is 10 degrees to
the right of the original course.
2. Move the rudder from 10 degrees right to 10 degrees left hold until ship's heading is 10
degrees to the left of the original course.
3. Move the rudder from 10 degrees left to 10 degrees right hold until the ship's heading is 10
degrees to the right of the original course.
4. Move the rudder from 10 degrees right to center hold until original heading is restored.
Steady on original course.
In some cases it may be desirable to modify the test so as to include a fifth rudder movement in order
to collect additional data for other analysis. A pullout test may also be performed upon completion of
the "Z Maneuver.
The standard type "Z" Maneuvers are the 10/10 (which is a 10 rudder change and a 10 change of
heading at next rudder execute, etc.) and the 20/20 tests. Both the 10-10 and 20-20 maneuvers are
specified in the IMO Standards, the latter primarily because of the large body of trials data available
for this maneuver. The trials data base for evaluating results of the 20-10 maneuver is not large.
Thus conducting this trial maneuver may not be that useful. There is a growing body of data,
however, for 5-5 and 5-1 Z maneuvers because these maneuvers are more quickly accomplished
than 10-10 or 20-20 maneuvers and they can clearly identify unstable ships and potentially eliminate
or reduce the cost of time-consuming spiral maneuvers.
At least one standard type "Z" Maneuver should be performed at the test speed. The 10/10 test is
preferred as it provides better discrimination between ship characteristics. The 20/20 test should
also be included to provide a comparison with data available from earlier tests. The 20/10 tests are
frequently performed in long towing basins, in narrow waters, and for reasons of special analysis.
The essential information to be obtained for the "Z" Maneuver is the initial turning time, time to
second execute, the time to check yaw, the angle of overshoot, and the magnitude of the overshoot.
In addition an analysis of the "Z" Maneuver furnishes values of the steering indices K (gain constant)
and T (time constant) associated with linearized steering theory (See "Analysis of Kempf's Standard
Maneuver and Proposed Steering Quality Indices", First Symposium on Ship Maneuverability, David
Taylor Model Basin Report 146, 1960 by K. Nomoto).
The following data should be recorded or derived:
a) Time of test and base course.
b) Time rudder is held at each position.
c) Shaft RPM at beginning and end of test.
d) Depth of water and sea condition.
Record data as shown on Table 7 and prepare a plot of rudder position and ship's heading changes
during the maneuver. Indicate the tactical dimensional characteristics as illustrated in Figure 3.
Tests may be specified at different ship speeds, depths of water, ballast conditions, and rudder angles
if more data is required.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Figure 3 "Z" Maneuver Test (Courtesy of ABS)

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 7 "Z" Maneuver Test Data

Ship Name
Test Date
Time Test Began
Base Course
Shaft RPM (Beginning)
Shaft RPM (End)
Depth of Water
Sea Condition
Wind Direction
Wind Velocity
Trial Draft (fwd)
Trial Draft (aft)

Elapsed Time (sec) Ship Heading Departure from Course

Rudder Movement Elapsed Time (sec)

1 Start 100 R
Attain 100 R
2 Start 100 R
Attain 100
3 Start 100 L to 100 R
Attain 100 R
4 Start Center
5 Attain original course

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


The initial turning tests provide information on the transient heading condition between steady state
approach and change of heading after application of the rudder as shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5.
These tests should be performed with rudder angles of 10 degrees and 20 degrees. The time history
of heading and yaw rate should be plotted. These tests may be performed in conjunction with turning
circle tests and partially with "Z" Maneuvers, which are described in Sections 3.7 and 3.8,
With the ship in the specified trial conditions and proceeding ahead at the designated speed and on a
steady course, conduct the maneuver as follows for two separate tests, one at a rudder angle of 10
degrees and one at a rudder angle of 20 degrees.
Lay the rudder over to the specified setting and hold until the ship has moved at least 2.5 ship lengths
or until the turning becomes steady. IMO standards require initial turning performance only at 10
degrees rudder angle (10 degree change of heading angle when the ship has moved 2.5 ship lengths).
The following data should be recorded on Table 8:
(a) Before starting the test:
1) Time of test and base course.
2) Ship speed and corresponding RPM.
3) Wind velocity and direction.
4) Depth of water and sea condition.
5) Trial draft.

(b) During the test:

Rudder Angle. Both heading and rate of change of headings should be plotted for each rudder

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Figure 4 Initial Turning Test, Change of Heading Plot

Figure 5 Initial Turning Test, Plot of Change of Turning Rate

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 8 Initial Turning Test Data

Rudder Angle Ship Name

Elapsed Time Heading
(sec) Test Date
Time Test Began
Base Course
Rudder Angle
Shaft RPM (Beginning)
Shaft RPM (End)
Depth of Water
Sea Condition
Wind Direction
Wind Velocity
Trial Draft (fwd)
Trial Draft (aft)


The pullout test gives a simple indication of a ship's dynamic stability on a straight course. The ship
is first made to turn with a certain rate of turn in either direction, upon which the rudder is returned to
amidship. If the ship is stable, then the rate of turn will decay to zero for turns to both left and right.
If the ship is unstable, then the rate of turn will reduce to some residual rate of turn. The pullout tests
must be performed to both left and right to show possible asymmetry.
Normally, pullout tests are performed at the end of the turning circle tests, "Z" Maneuver, and initial
turning tests, but they may be carried out separately.
Each test consists of a left and right run as follows:
1. Attain a steady turning rate with a fixed rudder angle of approximately 15 degrees to
35 degrees. The engine control settings are kept constant.
2. Return rudder to amidships position, and record time.
3. Record heading, ship speed, and propeller RPM at 10 second intervals. These
recordings should be continued for 12 readings, i.e., 120 seconds, past the interval in
which steady state, i.e., a constant rate of turn, is obtained.
4. The resulting data should be captured as shown in Table 9 and then plotted as in
Figure 6.

This test is to be conducted at a fixed rudder angle of approximately 15 to 35 degrees. ISO

specifies a rudder angle of 20 degrees. Running the test at other rudder angles may be useful.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Figure 6 Pullout Test (Courtesy of ABS)

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 9 Pullout Test Data

Time Heading Speed RPM

(sec) from Base (knots)

Ship Name
Test Date
Time Test Began
Base Course
Rudder Angle
Shaft RPM (Beginning)
Shaft RPM (End)
Depth of Water
Sea Condition
Wind Direction
Wind Velocity
Trial Draft (fwd)
Trial Draft (aft)

Condition Initial Final

Stbd Port Stbd Port

Rudder Angle
Rate of Turn (0/sec)
Ship Speed (knots)

Instability in Degrees (Residual Rate

of Change of Heading)

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


The direct spiral test is an orderly sequence of turning tests to obtain a steady turning rate versus
rudder angle relationship.
This test can be a time consuming test to perform, especially for large and slow ships. The test is
very sensitive to weather conditions and a significant amount of time and care is needed for the ship
to obtain a steady rate of change of heading after each rudder angle change.
The IMO requires a determination of the instability loop width for all unstable ships. As spiral tests
are expensive to conduct, these tests probably do not need to be conducted if positive stability is
clearly demonstrated from results of pullout tests or from a 5-5 or 5-1 Z maneuver. Where any
question about stability exists a spiral test will be required.
Ship's speeds most unfavorable to directional stability at trial draft should be estimated and specified
for the test. Since this test may be adversely affected by the elements, it should be conducted only in
relatively calm seas, i.e., sea state 3 or less, and winds of less than 10 knots.
With the ship in the specified trial condition and proceeding ahead at the designated speed and on a
steady course, using either steering power unit, conduct the maneuver as follows:
1. Turn the rudder 20 degrees to right and hold until the turning rate becomes steady.
2. Move the rudder to the following settings and hold at each until the turning rate in
degrees per second becomes steady: 20oR, 15oR, 10oR, 5oR, 3oR, 1oR, 0o, 1oL, 3oL,
5oL, 10oL, 15oL, 20oL, 15oL, 10oL, 5oL, 3oL, 1oL,0o, 1oR, 3oR, 5oR, 10oR, 15oR, 20oR

A steady turning rate is the difference between successive ship headings and should be noted as the
test progresses. When these differences are reasonably constant for at least six consecutive readings,
data is recorded and the rudder is ordered to the next setting.

The following data should be recorded as indicated in Table 10:

(a) Before starting the test:

1) Time of test and base course.
2) Ship speed and corresponding RPM.
3) Wind velocity and direction.
4) Depth of water and sea condition.
5) Trial draft.
(b) During the test:
1) Rudder angle.
2) Gyro compass reading every 10 seconds to the smallest fraction of degree readable.
Rate of change of headings should be plotted for each rudder position. For a stable ship the plot of
turning rate versus rudder angle will appear as shown in Figure 7 (a).
In cases where the ship is dynamically unstable the plot of the turning rate will appear as shown in
Figure 7 (b). As the rudder angle is reduced the ship will continue to appear to be turning steadily in
the original direction even after the rudder is turned to the opposite side. At a certain stage the yaw
direction will abruptly change to the other side and the yaw rate versus rudder angle relation will not
be defined by a single curve. Upon completion of the test the results will display the "hysteresis
loop," as depicted in Figure 7 (b).

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 10 Direct Spiral Test

Ship Name
Test Date
Time Test Began
Base Course
Rudder Angle
Shaft RPM (Beginning)
Shaft RPM (End)
Depth of Water
Sea Condition
Wind Direction
Wind Velocity
Trial Draft (fwd)
Trial Draft (aft)

Data for Step No. Rudder Angle

Time (sec) Ship Heading Change in Ship Heading

(Consistent for 6 consecutive readings)

A total of 6 readings of constant rate of heading change is needed to calculate average
rate in Degrees/Second. This calculation is done for each step.

Step Rudder Constant Rate of

Angle Change in Ship
Heading (Deg/Sec)

1 20 R
2 15 R
3 10 R
4 5R
5 3R
6 1R
7 0
8 1L
9 3L
10 5L
11 10 L

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

12 15 L
13 20 L
14 15 L
15 10 L
16 5L
17 3L
18 1L
19 0
20 1R
21 3R
22 5R
23 10 R
24 15 R
25 20 R

Step Yaw Rate Rudder

(Deg/Sec) Angle

1 1.0 R
2 0.8 R
3 0.6 R
4 0.4 R
5 0.2 R
6 0.1 R
7 0
8 0.1 L
9 0.2 L
10 0.4 L
11 0.6 L
12 0.8 L
13 1.0 L

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Figure 7 Direct Spiral Test


The reverse spiral test may provide a more rapid procedure than the direct spiral test in defining the
instability loop as well as the unstable branch of the yaw rate versus rudder angle relationship.
In the reverse spiral test the ship is steered at a constant rate of turn and the mean rudder angle
required to produce this yaw rate is measured. Data is recorded and reported as shown in Table 11.
Figure 8 shows the plot of the data gathered for an unstable ship.
The necessary equipment is a properly calibrated rate of turn indicator and an accurate rudder angle
indicator. Accuracy can be improved if a continuous recording of the rate of turn and the rudder
angle are available for analysis. In certain cases the test may be performed with the automatic
steering devices available onboard. Prior to the conduct of the test, the rate of turn indicator
calibration may be checked by timing turns using the gyrocompass.
If manual steering is used, the instantaneous rate of turn should be visually displayed to the
helmsman, either on a recorder or on a rate of turn indicator.
Points on the curve of yaw rate versus rudder angle may be recorded in any order using the reverse
spiral test technique.
The procedure for obtaining a point of the curve should be as follows:
The ship is made to approach the desired rate of turn, by applying a moderate rudder angle. As soon
as the desired rate of turn is obtained, the rudder is actuated such as to maintain this rate of turn as
precisely as possible, using progressively decreasing rudder motions until steady values of speed and

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

rate of turn have been obtained. Steady rate of turn should usually be obtained fairly rapidly since
rate-steering is easier to perform than normal compass steering.
The test should be performed at the following steady rates of turn in degrees per second: 1.0R, 0.8R,
0.6R, 0.4R, 0.2R, 0.1R, 0, 0.1L, 0.2L, 0.4L, 0.6L, 0.8L, and 1.0L.
The following data should be recorded:
(a) Before starting the test:
1. Time of test and base course
2. Ship speed and corresponding RPM
3. Wind velocity and direction
4. Depth of water and sea condition
5. Trial drafts
(b) The average rudder angle associated with each associated steady state turn rate measurement
This procedure should be repeated for a range of yaw rates until a complete yaw rate versus rudder
angle relationship is established, e.g., between 20 degrees left to 20 degrees right rudders.
The results of the spiral tests should be presented in accordance with the diagrams provided in Figure
8. The pronounced "S" shape on Figure 8 illustrates a ship with instability, and this instability
provides a hysteresis loop like that illustrated in Figure 7 (b), Unstable Ship, for the rate of change of

Figure 8 Reverse Spiral Test (Courtesy of ABS)

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 11 Reverse Spiral Test Data

Ship Name
Test Date
Time Test Began
Base Course
Rudder Angle
Shaft RPM (Beginning)
Shaft RPM (End)
Depth of Water
Sea Condition
Wind Direction
Wind Velocity
Trial Draft (fwd)
Trial Draft (aft)

Data for Step No. Rudder Angle

Time (sec) Ship Heading Change in Ship Heading

(Consistent for 6 consecutive readings)

A total of 6 readings of constant rate of heading change is needed to calculate average rate in
Degrees/Second. This calculation is done for each step.

Step Yaw Rate Rudder

(Deg/Sec) Angle
1 1.0 R
2 0.8 R
3 0.6 R
4 0.4 R
5 0.2 R
6 0.1 R
7 0
8 0.1 L
9 0.2 L
10 0.4 L
11 0.6 L
12 0.8 L
13 1.0 L

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


3.13.1 Bow Thruster Tests
In addition to the performance test data of flow thrusters obtained during dock trials, tests of bow
thrusters at sea demonstrate thruster effectiveness in turning the ship.
With the ship in trial condition, conduct the maneuvers below. It should be noted that reduced thrust
may result unless submergence of the thruster axis of at least 0.8 times the thruster diameter is
Bow thruster tests for dry cargo ships in the trial ballast condition are severely influenced by sea and
wind and should be conducted only in protected areas or in the open sea when sea conditions are
exceptionally smooth.
With the ship dead-in-water and heading into the wind, operate the bow thruster at full thrust for 10
minutes or the time it takes to change the ship's heading 30 degrees to left of the original heading,
whichever occurs first. Reverse the bow thruster and repeat.
The following data should be recorded on Table 12 during the test:
1) Time of test and base course
2) Compass readings to nearest degree every 10 seconds
3) Depth of water and sea condition
4) Wind speed and direction
5) Trial drafts
ISO prescribes tests to be conducted also at slow ahead and slow astern speeds. As thruster
performance is highly speed dependent, it is recommended that tests be conducted at both zero and
slow ahead (say, 2 to 3 knot) speeds. If slow ahead test results show a significant effect of forward
speed it will be prudent to also conduct tests at a slow astern when it is anticipated that the thrusters
will be used during astern operations.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 12 Thruster Test Data

Ship Name Trial Date

Time of Test Wind Direction
Base Course Wind Velocity
Depth of Water Trial Draft (Fwd)
Sea Condition Trial Draft (Aft)
Thruster Name

Change in Ship Heading

Elapsed 0 Knots 3 Knots 6 Knots
(Min &
Thruster Only Thruster & Full Rudder Only Thruster & Full Rudder Only
Rudder Rudder
Hdg Change Hdg Change Hdg Change Hdg Change in Hdg Change
in Hdg in Hdg in Hdg Hdg in Hdg
0 0o 0o 0o 0 o

30 o Left 30 o Left 30 o Left 30 o Left 30 o Left

0o 0o 0o 0o 0o

NOTES: 1. Ship is to be heading into the wind at the beginning of each test.
2. If elapsed time reaches 10 minutes prior to 30 o change in ship heading,
terminate the test at this point.
3. If Thruster is effective at 6 knots, ship speed is to be increased at 3 knot
intervals until thruster is no longer effective.
a Reverse Thruster and/or Shift Rudder

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

3.13.2 Other Thrust Devices

Other thrust devices such as stern thrusters and active rudders may be tested similarly to the
descriptions in paragraph 3.13.1. The data as indicated in Section 3.13.1 and Table 12 are suitable.
3.13.3 Special Thruster Tests
For tankers or other similarly configured ships where deep trial drafts are possible, additional special
tests may be conducted to better define the effectiveness of thrusters when the ship has forward
The following tests may be conducted and data should be recorded:
(1) Ship moving ahead at shaft RPM corresponding to 3 knots:
a) With the ship moving into the wind, use the thruster and full rudder to change the ship's
heading 30 degrees to the left of the original heading.
b) Use the thruster and full rudder to swing the ship from left 30 degrees to the right of the
original heading.
c) Repeat (1) (a) and (b) above, using full rudder without the thruster.
(2) Ship moving ahead at shaft RPM corresponding to 6 knots:
Repeat maneuvers in (1) (a) through (c) above.
(3) Ship speeds above 6 knots:
Repeat maneuvers (1) (a) through (c) above in increments of 3 knots above 6 knots until the
thruster is no longer effective.
With the ship at trial drafts and proceeding ahead at maximum trial shaft RPM and normal machinery
operating conditions, signal "Full Astern" while maintaining the rudder in the amidships position.
Reverse the throttle at maximum allowable rate or move the automatic control lever in one motion to
the full astern position. See paragraph 2.8 for the centralized control test. When the ship gains
sternway, continue with the scheduled tests.
The following data should be recorded on data sheets like Table 13 during the test:
1) Time of test and base course.
2) Prime mover parameters immediately prior to "Full Astern" signal.
3) RPM, torque, and significant prime mover parameters at frequent intervals during the
4) Time of issuing astern order.
5) Time when propeller stops prior to reversal.
6) Time shaft starts astern or the propeller pitch is positioned for astern way.
7) Time to stop ship "Dead-in-Water".
8) Time to reach required maximum astern shaft RPM.
9) Ship's position at suitable intervals from GNSS equipment, so that a diagram of the reversal
maneuver showing track and heading may be plotted.
10) Depth of water and sea condition.
11) Wind direction and velocity.
12) Ship's drafts.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

For the purpose of obtaining operating data, additional stopping tests may be conducted from other
initial speeds and using other stopping aids such as rudder cycling, as agreed. Figure 9 displays the
plotted trajectory.

Figure 9 Crash Stop Test (Courtesy of ABS

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 13 Crash Stop Test Data

Ahead to Astern
Ship Name Trial Date
Time to Test Time to Start Shaft Astern
Base Course Time to Ordered RPM
Shaft RPM Time to Stop Ship
Depth of Water Ahead Reach
Sea Condition Note: Also to be included are maximum
Wind Direction excursions of RPM, torque, data for
Wind Velocity diesel or gas turbine plants, at frequent
Trial Draft (Fwd) intervals during maneuver.
Trial Draft (Aft)
Final Heading

Elapsed Distance Traveled Cumulative

Time Between Markers (Feet) Distance
(min Traveled
and Sec) (Feet)

1 Substitute plot of ship's track if GNSS equipment is

in use

Astern to Ahead
Time of Test Trial Draft (Fwd)
Base Course Trial Draft (Aft)
Shaft RPM Final Heading
Depth of Water Time to Start Shaft Ahead
Sea Condition Time to Ordered RPM
Wind Direction Time to Stop Ship
Wind Velocity Maximum RPM Ahead
Torque (If Available)

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


With the ship in the trial condition and moving astern at maximum specified RPM, signal "Full
Ahead" while maintaining rudder in the amidships position. Reverse throttle at maximum allowable
rate. When the ship has gained headway, continue with scheduled tests.
The following data should be recorded on data sheets similar to Table 13 during the test:
1) Time of test and base course.
2) Prime mover parameters immediately prior to "Full Astern" signal.
3) RPM, torque, and significant prime mover parameters at frequent intervals during the
4) Time of issuing astern order.
5) Time when propeller stops prior to reversal.
6) Time shaft starts astern or the propeller pitch is positioned for astern way.
7) Time to stop ship "Dead-in-Water".
8) Time to reach required maximum ahead shaft RPM.
9) Ship's position at suitable intervals from GNSS equipment, so that a diagram of the reversal
maneuver showing track and heading may be plotted.
10) Depth of water and sea condition.
11) Wind direction and velocity.
12) Ship's drafts.
For the purpose of obtaining operating data, additional stopping tests may be conducted from other
initial speeds and using other stopping aids such as rudder cycling, as agreed.
NOTE: Attempts to determine stern reach from Dutch Log Data is not advised due to the erratic track
of the ship when going astern and the effects of the propeller wash.
NOTE: When scheduling this maneuver for a steam plant, avoid placing it immediately after the
astern endurance run, to reduce the severity of thermal shock.
With the ship in the trial condition and proceeding into the wind on a steady course at 6 knots ahead,
conduct the following maneuvers:
1. Turn the rudder to 10 degrees Right and hold for 30 seconds.
2. Move the rudder to 10 degrees Left and hold for 30 seconds.
3. Move the rudder to 0 degrees and hold for 30 seconds.
4. Return to the base course and adjust speed to 6 knots with rudder at 0.
5. Turn the rudder to 35 degrees R and hold for 30 seconds.
6. Move the rudder to 35 degrees L and hold for 30 seconds.
7. Move the rudder to 0 degrees and hold for 30 seconds.
8. Return to base course and adjust to next speed.
Repeat the maneuver with speed decreased at 1 knot intervals until the speed at which the ship does
not respond to the helm is determined.
The following data should be recorded on Table 14:
(a) Before starting the test:
1) Time of test and base course.
2) Ship speed and corresponding RPM.
3) Wind velocity and direction.
SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

4) Depth of water and sea condition.

5) Trial draft, fore and aft.

(b) During test:

1) Time to shift rudder, i.e., start and stop of actual rudder motion.
2) Time rudder is held at each position.
3) Maximum heading change from base course.

Table 14 Low Speed Controllability Maneuvering Test Data

Ship Name
Angle Elapsed Time (Sec)
Trial Date 6K 5K 4K 3K
Time of Test Start 10R
Shaft RPM (6k) Attain 10R

(5k) Start 10L

(4K) Attain 10L

(3k) Start 0
Depth of Water Attain 0
Sea Conditions Start 35R
Wind Direction Attain 35R
Wind Velocity Start 35L
Trial Draft (Fwd) Attain 35L
Trial Draft )Aft) Start 0
Attain 0

Max. Departure from Base Course

Rudder Angle 6K 5K 4K 3k

a. Rudder angle is to be held for 30 seconds before starting next rudder movement
b. Ship Speed is to be restored prior to starting the 35 rudder movement
c. Test is to be continued in decreasing 1-knot intervals until the rudder is no longer effective.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


The ability to proceed at steady slow speed can be determined from the ship's speed associated with
the lowest possible engine revolutions per minute in calm weather conditions. This is only intended
to address engine conditions and not steering control. See Table 15 for a data sheet.
Table 15 Slow Steaming Ability

Ship Name Trial Date

Time of Test
Sea Condition
Wind Direction
Trial Draft (FWD)
Trial Draft (AFT)
Minimum Steady Shaft RPM


Demonstration of emergency modes of main plant operation and of separate "take home" propulsion
systems should take place at the dock. Demonstration at sea is not required unless dockside
operation is impossible or it is desired to check speed or maneuverability under emergency


Ship's equipment will normally be required for navigation during sea trials. Operability of this
equipment should be proven dockside prior to departure and any additional calibration or adjustments
necessary, performed during the initial phases of the sea trials. Where calibration or adjustments at
sea are necessary, it is generally advantageous to have the services of the manufacturer's

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


Standardization trials comprise a systematic series of runs over a measured distance to establish the
relationship between speed, shaft power, and shaft RPM of a ship at designated drafts. These
relationships are required for one or more of the following purposes:
a) To fulfill contractual obligations.
b) To obtain performance data to be used in the design of subsequent vessels.
c) To determine the relationship between ship's speed and shaft RPM to be used by the owner as
an aid to navigation after applying the corrections for service conditions.
The general plan for conducting standardization trials provides for several consecutive runs at each
selected speed point alternating in direction over a measured distance at substantially constant shaft
power. The observed speeds, powers, and RPM are averaged for each speed point.
Considerations in selecting the trial area for speed runs are method of distance measurement, depth of
water, and accessibility to builder's shipyard.
4.3.1 GNSS
Deployment of Global Navigation Satellite Systems permits trial area selection solely on the basis of
depth and accessibility.
4.3.2 Depth of Water
The point at which depth of water affects a ship's speed is dependent on its speed, draft, and length.
Minimum recommended depth for standardization runs is given in Section 1.6.2.
The effect of wind on standardization can be very serious and should be considered carefully in
conducting a trial. The effect of wind varies widely with the wind direction and duration, the type of
ship, its speed, and other conditions. It is greatest for comparatively slow vessels having high bulky
superstructures relative to the underwater body. For example, a high-sided, shallow-draft ship will be
more affected by wind than a deeply laden seagoing tanker.
The direction of the wind relative to the course is also an important factor. The hightest resistance
occurs when the relative wind is about 25 degrees off the bow but remains relatively high from 0 to
45 degrees. The wind resistance becomes zero when the relative wind is slightly abaft the beam.
Although the effects of wind described above may be largely eliminated by analysis, the calculation is
only approximate and, therefore, the correction should not be allowed to become too great, if accurate
trial results are required.
Furthermore, many ships require helm to counteract the aerodynamic effect of the wind. This causes
increased drag which cannot be eliminated by any of the customary methods of analysis.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


If complete curves of SKW and RPM versus speed are to be obtained, measurements should be made
at not less than four speeds covering the range from one-half power to maximum power. Below half
power calculated values are sufficiently accurate. If a wide speed range is to be covered, as for high-
speed ships, more than four power setting points should be used. Likewise, if the SKW versus speed
curves may be expected to have definite discontinuities, sufficient additional points should be taken to
develop this region. When the ship is fitted with a controllable pitch propeller, it may be desired to
define the speed/RPM/SKW relationship for more than one pitch. In any case, tie points to be
measured should be stipulated in ship's specifications to permit optimum scheduling.
The course selected should be normal (perpendicular) to any swell to minimize vessel roll motion.
For GNSS ranges, if the first run at a speed point is aborted, another run may be immediately initiated
on the same heading. Alternate runs should be over the same water.
4.6.1 Length of Runs
A length of the run of about one nautical mile after the plant is stabilized at the power is sufficient to
collect good data. Longer runs may be made if safety and environmental conditions permit.
4.6.2 Number of Runs
No less than two consecutive runs in opposite directions should be used to determine a speed point.
Three runs should be conducted when currents are known to be variable or when fixed ranges are
used. If possible, current should be measured.
The operating procedure, both on the bridge and in the engine room, should be directed toward
maintaining essentially constant shaft power while on the measured course. The measured course
must be approached on a straight run having the same heading as the course and should be long
enough to permit accelerating the vessel to the speed corresponding to the shaft power applied, prior
to reaching the measured course. This acceleration is required to regain the speed lost in turning and
to increase the speed between points. The length of the approach run to accomplish this is a function
of the ship's displacement, resistance characteristics, the speed range over which the ship must be
accelerated, and the manner in which the machinery is operated. Three and one-half nautical miles is
a nominal value which will be found acceptable for most ships.
Turns at ends of the runs should be made with not more than 10 degrees rudder, if practicable, to
avoid excessive deceleration.
During the approach run, the ship should be kept on course with minimum rudder to retard the ship as
little as possible. If practicable, the run over the measured course should be made with the rudder
held stationary at the minimum angle necessary to maintain a straight course. Careful steering during
the approach run should make this possible, however the use of an autopilot is recommended. It is
better to allow the ship to swing slightly off the exact compass course rather than to steer constantly.
Figure 10 shows a typical standardization course.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Figure 10 Typical Standardization Course

It is essential that the shaft RPM be steadied prior to entering the measured course. Throttle and
machinery operating conditions should not be adjusted during the run. However, to shorten the
approach run at low speeds it is permissible to increase the power on the turns provided the power is
decreased promptly when the ship has straightened away. When increasing to a higher speed point,
power should be increased when the turn is begun. When reducing to a lower speed point, power
should be held until the turn is complete.
See Table 16 for a Data Sheet for speed and power data recording.
The following data should be recorded during standardization trials:
a) Elapsed time for each run over the measured distance to determine speed and RPM.
b) Total shaft revolutions for each run over the measured distance.
c) Average propeller torque if torsionmeter is installed; if not, see Section 2.5.5 for means for
determining shaft power from internal combustion engines or 2.6.3 for gas turbines.
d) Sufficient data to determine the displacement and trim of the ship.
e) Clock time at start of each run over the measured distance to identify run and for use in the
trial analysis.
f) Ship's heading for each run over the measured distance.
g) A record of any unusually large rudder angles used on the measured distance or on the
straight approach to it.
h) The approximate size and direction of waves on each run.
i) Apparent Wind speed and direction for each run.
j) Current conditions from current tables or from other observations such as buoy
positions, for each run.
k) Depth of water for each run.
l) Temperature and density of water in the Standardization Area.
m) Air temperature

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 16 Standardization Trials Data

Ship Name Displacement

Trial Date Water Temperature
Trial Draft (Fwd) Water Depth
Trial Draft (Aft) Air Temperature

Speed Run Shaft Power Total Distance Elapsed RPM Knots
Point Revolutions Traveled Time
I 1
II 1
IV 1

Speed Time Wind Waves Current
Point Run of Trial Heading (Estimated) (Estimated) (Estimated) Water Depth
Vel. Dir. Height Dir. Vel. Dir.
I 1

II 1


IV 1


1. Record data for additional speed points or additional runs at a given speed point when
NOTES: applicable
2. Speed/Power and Speed/RPM curves should be appended to this
3. Type of range used _____________.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


The organization of the personnel involved in standardization trials should provide for clearly defined
responsibilities with a single person in charge of run selection and acceptance.
The following paragraphs recommend the methods for obtaining the data required in paragraph 4.8.
Details of instrumentation installation, calibration and operation are covered in ISO 15016.2


The following procedures may be used as a guide to give satisfactory coordination of a
standardization run. For this sequence it is assumed that the ship is in the standardization area and on
the approach leg for a standardization run:
a) Check that RPM is correct and propulsion plant is steady.
b) Check that course is correct and area is free of traffic.
c) Check that torque is steady.
d) Check for zero acceleration if GNSS device is being used.
e) Give "standby signals."
f) Give "mark" signal to start the run.
g) Monitor data for evidence of deviation.
h) Give "standby signals."
i) Give "mark" signal to end the run.
j) Evaluate results of the run and announce the next run.
k) Alter heading for leg toward turn.
l) Make turn to reciprocal course.
The acceptable tolerances and limits for standardization trials are provided by Table 17.

Table 17 Standardization Trial Tolerances and Limits

Item Tolerance or Limit

Difference in time by separate timing devices for a run 0.25%

Difference in total revolutions from separate revolution 0.20%

counters for a run
Difference in RPM for each run from mean for each 0.20%
speed point
Difference in RPM of any shaft of a multi-screw ship 0.20%
from the mean for a run provided the rated RPM for all
shafts is the same

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


During the trial, running plots of RPM, SKW, and speed should be made to check the accuracy and
completeness of the data and proper functioning of the instruments. If plots are not smooth, pertinent
logs and records should be examined critically.
Data from separate observations should be plotted separately. If variance exceeds limits prescribed
above, the values which plot smoothly with prediction may be retained and the misfit values
After the trials are completed, the data should be averaged, instrumentation corrections applied, and
the results tabulated and plotted. The RPM, SKW and speed for each speed point should be obtained
by averaging the data from the two runs in opposite directions. If three runs are used, the run in one
direction should be double weighted when averaged with the two runs in the other direction. For
Trial Data and Report, see Section 6.0.
When standardization trial conditions are within the limits recommended in this section, corrections
to trial data using standard correction factors such as for wind, waves and draft can be utilized.
If recommended trial conditions cannot be met due to limited depth of water or wind conditions in the
trial area, then additional corrections should be applied to the trial results and included in the trial
Corrections for water temperature and density are normally of a minor magnitude and normally need
not be included in the trial report.
Corrections are also made if the draft (displacement) varies from the specified trial draft conditions
based on model test data.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


5.1.1 Introduction
The type and condition of the instruments and apparatus which provide data for evaluating the
performance of a ship system are essential in determining instrument acceptability. The instrument
type, precision, and the sea trial instrument plan beyond the ship's instrumentation should be specified
in the contract. Instruments should be selected on the basis of ship system performance requirements
and on the basis of the consequential cost for departures from ship systems target performance. If the
contract and specifications are silent, it is essential that the shipbuilder prepare a suitable sea trial
instrumentation proposal and calibration procedure. It is important to obtain the owner's concurrence
at an early date so that the necessary provisions can be incorporated in the original design and other
long lead time actions can be initiated as required.
This section states the types of instruments available for measurement of each physical quantity
pertinent to ship's machinery and systems. Characteristics of each type of instrument, which affects
its applicability to ship use, is discussed briefly, leaving the general characteristics and installation
methods to be discussed by reference to existing publications. Where such material is not available or
where instruments or techniques are peculiar to sea trials, a more extensive coverage is provided.
5.2.1 Types of Instruments
Five types of instruments are commonly used for temperature measurement. These are:
a) Thermocouples
b) Liquid-in-glass thermometers
c) Distant-reading vapor pressure thermometers
d) Resistance thermometers
e) Bimetallic thermometers
f) Infrared (IR) temperature sensor
All types are readily available from reliable makers. For descriptions, characteristics, and application,
refer to reference (c).
5.2.2 Thermowells and Temporary Installations
Most permanent installations have the temperature measuring devices installed in a thermowell which
is immersed in the fluid whose temperature is to be measured. Due to cost, temporary installations
such as for sea trials, do not always warrant the installation of a temporary thermowell during the
vessel's design stage. Liquid or bimetallic thermometers strapped on, or distant reading the numbers
with sensing elements secured to the surface to be measured have been used with some success when
rapid fluctuations are not involved and precision is not required. Securing the thermocouple shorted
ends to the fluid container at the point to be measured by drilling a shallow small hole in the surface
and peening-in the thermocouple wire has been successful where rapid fluid temperature changes are
not involved. The recommended procedure for the installation of temporary thermocouples or liquid
thermometers is to remove an existing ship's thermometer and insert the sea trial measuring device in
the same thermowell. The thermocouple should be in solid contact with the bottom of the thermowell
and for high temperatures should be packed with a suitable material. A thermocouple installed in this
manner will sense changes in temperature rapidly enough for sea trial requirements. To insure

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

precision of fluid temperature measurement, consideration must be given in locating the sensing
element to sense an average sample of the fluid. Where high pressures are involved, a thermowell is
the safest installation.
5.2.3 Adapters for Sensing Elements
If pressure, velocity, and temperature are moderate, the temperature sensing element of the measuring
device can be introduced through a pressure gage test connection and held in place by an adapter.
The adapter must be designed as a pressure boundary
5.2.4 Instrument compatibility
Temperature measuring instrumentation should be compatible with the fluid, pressure and
temperature in the system in which it is to be used.
5.2.5 Calibration and Sea Trials
It is recommended that the ship's temperature instrumentation intended for use in obtaining sea trial
data and all sea trial temperature instrumentation be calibrated in the shop or on the ship where
practical within a two week period prior to sea trials. It is further recommended that the means for
verifying the accuracy of important thermometers be available during sea trials.
5.2.6 Special Thermocouples
Special thermocouples may be made to suit requirements. Instructions and material for the
fabrication of thermocouples are outlined in the Instruments standards publication referenced in
reference (d). A pressure test of these thermocouples is essential for safety.

5.3.1 Types of Instruments

Pressure measuring instruments generally are constructed to measure the difference between the
ambient atmospheric pressure and the pressure in a pipe or a pressure vessel. Indicating gages for
pressure measurement are visually of the elastic type, i.e., Bourdon tube, bellows or diaphragm. For
these, pressure is transmitted to an elastic member and the resultant motion displayed using a suitable
The following types are readily available from reliable makers:
a) Bourdon type gages The most common pressure measuring devices for vacuum, low,
medium, and high pressure.
b) Transducers - Convert pressure into pneumatic or electrical signals. They are utilized for
remote sensing, particularly on automated ships.
c) Bellows gages - Utilized for measuring low pressure differentials up to 50 PSI.
d) Diaphragm gages Utilized for pressure 0-1 inch HG to 200 PS1G range and are adaptable for
use with corrosive fluids of high temperature and high viscosity.
e) Deadweight gages Installed for trials where great accuracy is required. They can be used only
for systems without major pressure fluctuations.
f) Liquid column gages (Manometers) - Utilize a variety of liquids in various hollow tube
configurations and are used to measure gage, differential, atmospheric, vacuum, or absolute
5.3.2 Proper Connections and Protection
Careful consideration should be given to the location and installation of the gages, pressure sensing
connections to the ship system and pressure gage sensing lines configuration to maintain the gage

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

sensing lines empty or full of liquid. Vacuum lines should be self-draining or be provided with loop
seals to establish a known water leg. Means of venting gage lines should be provided adjacent to the
gage or other suitable place. Gages should be connected to steam lines with a loop seal in the sensing
line near the gage to protect the Bourdon tube from high temperature.
Bourdon type gages should be protected from shock, violent pressure pulsation, and high temperature.
The gage should be located in a zone of normal room temperature, protected from direct radiation and
hot surfaces, and carefully mounted to avoid distortion or warping of the gage case.
5.3.3 Zero Adjust for Elevation
Pressure gages installed in liquid and steam systems for test data should be zero adjusted for
differences in elevation between the gages and their sensing points, where the adjustment exceeds the
precision tolerance specified for the gage. The gage tolerance should not be greater than plus or
minus one smallest scale division of the gage. Liquid gage sensing lines should be vented of gases to
ensure that they are full of liquid. Steam gage sensing lines should be full of water when zeroing the
gages, either from prefilling or from service condensation. Steps should be taken to ensure that
vacuum gage sensing lines are empty. When ship's instrumentation is used for trial purposes, the
correction for elevation differences between the gage and the sensing line connection to the ship
system should be noted on the data sheet. This information should be so noted at the gage also. For
installation and procedural steps to avoid water-leg error see reference (e).
5.3.4 Calibration and Sea Trials
It is recommended that the ship's pressure instrumentation intended for use in obtaining sea trial data
and all sea trial pressure instrumentation be calibrated in place within a two week period prior to sea
trials. It is further recommended that the means for calibration of important gages be available during
sea trials.
5.3.5 Barometers
Barometers measure atmospheric pressure, and this information is required for determining absolute
pressures from readings on Bourdon gages, deadweight gages, and open-end oil, mercury or water
columns. Barometers are of two kinds, aneroid, i.e., bellows type, and mercury column. Either type,
if properly designed, manufactured, and calibrated, and carefully handled, will be satisfactory. The
barometer should be located in the same compartment as the instruments requiring correction to
absolute values. Barometers can be calibrated and certified if necessary. When an absolute pressure
gage is used, no barometer correction is necessary. See paragraph 5.3.9.
5.3.6 Manometers
Manometers, also known as U-tube type gages, are liquid column gages that are widely used for
measuring relatively small differences in gas pressure, viz., differences between a gas pressure and
the atmosphere, or other pressure differential. They have an indication scale stated in inches,
generally, which is attached beside the liquid column.
Columns should be mounted vertically. The use of inclined gages at sea is not advised as they are
affected too much by the motion of the ship.
Mercury filled gages should not be used on systems containing copper or its alloys. If the mercury
escapes into the system, these materials are degraded by amalgamation.
Manometers installed on a high-pressure line should be provided with cutoff valves and a valved
cross-connection to make it possible to avoid blowing out the liquid when putting the gage on the
line. They must be carefully designed and constructed to withstand their rated operating pressures,
which should not be exceeded for safety reasons.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

5.3.7 Manometers for Flow Measurement

Manometers, for measuring differentials across flow nozzles or orifices at high pressure, may be
purchased from makers of such equipment.
5.3.8 Liquid Columns
Liquid columns for use at or near atmospheric pressure are simple to design and install, and the use of
rubber or synthetic hose of a good grade is satisfactory for making connections to ordinary glass or
plastic tubing. Generally, no indicating scale is provided with a liquid column. It is important to
provide enough column height to avoid a blowout of the sensing fluid in either direction or add float
check valves for that purpose.
5.3.9 Zimmerli Gage
The Zimmerli gauge is a dependable manometer which has all the desirable features of a manometer
but none of its disadvantages. It is easily and rapidly filled, and boiling of the mercury to remove air
is totally unnecessary. The Zimmerli gauge is always in working condition, since any air which may
have entered the reference limb can quickly be removed without disconnecting the gage. The glass
will not be broken by a sudden release of the vacuum.
5.3.10 Absolute Pressure Gages
These gages are special mercury columns with one end evacuated and sealed, so that the gage may be
used directly to measure absolute pressure. See reference (f). They are very useful for measuring
condenser pressures and may replace an open-end mercury column and barometer.
5.3.11 Gage Protection from Pressure Pulsation
When measuring a hydraulic system pressure subject to severe pulsation, dampening should be
provided either by installation of snubbers or judicious throttling of the gage cutout valve.
5.3.12 Further Information
Reference (f) provides a complete description of the types of pressure measuring instrumentation, the
installation, and calibration procedures for each.
5.4.1 Types of Instruments
During sea trials, fluid flow needs to be measured. Coriolis type flow meters that calculate mass flow
directly are currently popular. Flow can also be measured by positive displacement meters, turbine
meters, variable area meters, metering flow nozzles, orifices or venturi tubes.
5.4.2 Positive Displacement Flow Meters
A positive displacement flow meter may be of either the nutating disk or piston type. Prior to
installation for sea trials, meters involved in determining propulsion plant performance should be
calibrated over the expected flow range using a fluid at the same viscosity and temperature as
expected to be measured during sea trials. Unless specified, post sea trial calibrations of meters
should not be required if trial results are as predicted. The following instructions should be followed
during the installation and use of positive displacement trial meters:
a) Meters should be mounted in the horizontal position.
b) Dirt or other foreign matter should be kept out of the meter during installation and use. A
strainer installed upstream of a sea trial water meter is desirable.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

c) Meters should be installed and back pressure maintained so that they will be kept filled with
liquid at all times. This is particularly important when measuring hot fluids where pressure
changes close to the meter can cause the fluid to flash into vapor. Air or vapor passing
through a meter will produce an error in the reading and may damage the meter.
d) Meters should be located on the discharge side of the pump and preferably on the inlet side of
heaters. Pressure drop across the meter at maximum expected flow should be determined and
included in the system design.
e) If a control valve is used, it is preferable to locate it on the discharge side of the meter.
f) Meter should be used to measure only the liquids for which it was designed.
g) The meter size should be chosen so that it will operate as near its rated capacity as possible.
When precision is required readings below 10 percent of the rated meter capacity should be
h) Since these meters are essentially volume-flow measurement devices, the density of the fluid
is necessary to determine the mass flow. This requires precise temperature measurement of
the fluid in the line connected to the meter. Upstream fluid temperature is preferred.
i) Meters of this type are usually designed for and made of material having specific temperature
limits, which should not be exceeded. The operating temperature range for any meter will be
provided by the manufacturer.
j) The precision of these meters is degraded by fluid densities errors, wear, corrosion, dirt
deposits, and friction. Care should be exercised to eliminate these causes of errors insofar as
k) Systems should be thoroughly flushed before the installation of meters. Pre-Sea Trial
operation of the system should be performed without meters unless checking meter
operability. This will help prevent meter malfunction during trials due to dirt accumulation.
5.4.3 Meter Installation for Precise Measurements
For precise liquid measurements, e.g., fuel rates for guarantee purposes, two identical positive
displacement flow meters installed in series are recommended to insure no loss of data due to failure
of a meter, and to provide a check measurement. If meter bypasses are installed, each should be fitted
with two block valves and a vent between them so that absolute closure can be verified. A preferred
arrangement is to provide individual bypass lines for each meter with the meter isolating valve and
differential pressure gage connected to the meter inlet and outlet to indicate when the meter is
sticking. A sampling connection should be provided in the active line upstream of the meter.
5.4.4 Orifice Plate, Flow Nozzle, and Venturi Tube
Fluid flow measurement may also be accomplished by differential pressure measurement across an
accurately designed orifice plate, flow nozzle or venturi tube. Reference (g) provides a complete
description of orifice, flow nozzle, and venturi flow measurement design and installation procedures
including differential pressure indication secondary element identification. See the meter
manufacturer's information for specifics about the accuracy and installation requirements.
5.4.5 Indicating and Recording Mechanism for Orifice Plate, Flow Nozzle, and
Venturi Tube
Commercial flow meters of the orifice or nozzle type usually include an indicating and recording
mechanism. The errors in this mechanism, due to friction and paper displacement, may be
determined by connecting a suitable liquid column differential pressure gage in parallel with the
indicator or recorder to obtain a direct reading of the differential. To convert this reading to a mass
flow value, it is necessary to know the absolute pressure upstream of the device, the fluid
temperature, the size and type of orifice or nozzle, the inside diameter of the pipe, and the flow
coefficient of the orifice or nozzle. References (h), (i) and (j) will be helpful for this determination.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


5.5.1 Power Determined Indirectly
Shaft power is the primary performance parameter for ship propulsion plants. Brake power may be
determined by measuring the engine RPM and mean indicated pressure of a piston engine. The
electrical input to a propulsion motor together with the motors efficiency versus power data can be
used for an electric motor. These methods, however lack precision and are dependent on dimensional
and/or efficiency data or estimates furnished by the manufacturer of the machinery being tested.
For methods of determining power which do not involve direct measurement of torque, consult
references (k), (1), (m), (n), (o), and (p).
5.5.2 Power Determined From Torque Measurements
Propulsion power derived from propeller shaft torque and revolutions over a measured time interval is
more exact and provides the desired independence. Some ship installed systems have power
measurement and indicator systems which electronically integrate torque and RPM signals. Such
systems are valuable for trend studies of ship operation but can lack precision, convenient calibration
and zero setting features. However, commercial torsionmeters are available with sufficient precision
and reliability for use during sea trials. The calibration of ship installed systems may need to be
accomplished using a sea trial torsionmeter.
Torsionmeter installation, calibration, and checkout for use on sea trials, should be supervised by
competent personnel, preferably by those who have had actual installation, calibration, and operating
experience with the type of meter selected or have been specially trained for these tasks. Installation,
calibration, and operating instructions are provided by the equipment manufacturer, and they should
be followed explicitly.
5.5.3 Shaft Torsionmeters
A shaft torsionmeter is an instrument for measuring the torsional deflection of a shaft, over a known
portion of its length, while the shaft transmits power from the engine to the propeller. Since torsional
deflection is proportional to the transmitted torque, it can be combined with measured shaft
revolutions per minute and suitable calibration and physical constants to calculate shaft power.
Torsionmeters differ chiefly in the method of gaging torsional deflection. The following types are
Variable mutual-inductance gages
Resistance-wire strain gages
Acoustic-wire strain gages
Phase-shift gages
Technical endorsement of any type or make of torsionmeter is contrary to Society policy; however,
the following guidelines should be observed in making a selection of trial meters to provide data for
demonstration of power or fuel rate contractual requirements:
a) Inherent accuracy should be better than design margins.
b) Zero torque meter readings should be determinable during shaft calibration and at sea.
c) Meter should be suitable for taking shaft calibration readings.
d) All components should be sufficiently rugged and provided with sufficient protection to
operate indefinitely in the adverse environment usual for ship installations.
e) Meter should be capable of operating on the quality of electrical power available on ships.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


The output of torque measuring devices have been integrated with shaft RPM and designed to read
power directly as a permanently installed system on ships. Secondary instrument errors may
contribute to overall inaccuracy of these systems and make their use for sea trials unsuitable except as
a check instrument. There are benefits to having these meters as a backup to the sea trial
torsionmeters. The shipboard meter may be used as the sea trial meter when the owner and contractor
agree during their sea trial planning. See reference (p).
5.7.1 Purpose of Thrustmeter
A thrustmeter is an instrument for accurately measuring the thrust developed by the propeller in the
axial direction of the shafting. By combining the thrust with the measured speed of the ship, the
thrust power can be calculated and compared with model test data.
5.7.2 Useful Installations
Although the thrustmeter is not a required instrument for acceptance trials, it may be desired to install
such an instrument on "first of a class" ships having an innovative propeller design or a stern
configuration where an evaluation of the design propulsion factors is desired. Thrustmeter data in
conjunction with other standardization sea trial data afford the only practicable means of breaking
down the propulsive efficiency into its various components; it is the only means of evaluating the
performance of a full-sized propeller and of determining the resistance of the ship as a check against
model scale factors.
5.7.3 Types of Instruments
All thrust-measuring devices which have been employed in recent years for shipboard testing belong
to one of three general types. They may be described as those in which the thrust is measured by:
a) Deformation of an elastic member.
b) Hydraulic pressure in cells.
c) Strain gage load cells.
Any of these types can be designed to suit the range of thrust expected and the configuration of the
ship's propulsion and provide satisfactory data. If a thrust meter is specified, the type and design
must be established in the early design stages of the power train. Measurement of axial motion of the
shat aft of the thrust bearing using proximity probes can be used to provide measurements of thrust
vibrations. Instrument manufacturers must be consulted at the early design stages regarding
measurements and all details of configuration and operation of instruments obtained from them.
Accordingly, no attempt will be made here to provide such information.
5.8.1 Propeller Revolution Counters
Preferably, propeller shaft speed should be obtained from dual propeller revolution counters which
can be shifted electrically on a signal. Counters may be actuated by electrical impulses initiated by
interrupter slip rings located on the main shaft, or by microswitches, or by selsyn units driven by any
element in the main propulsion train. Care must be taken to have slip rings clean, smooth, and round
to avoid false counts.
Electric counters located in the space aboard the ship that is designated for trials as the computing
room, may be shifted either locally or from range observation station, where the start and end of the

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

run is determined, to obtain total revolutions for a run. When standardizing a ship, an observer at a
range station operates the shift-switch at the beginning and end of a run. The counter in use is read
and reset to zero by the computer room observer before the next run. When not standardizing, the
electric counter may be shifted by the trial signal system. The ship's counter should also be read on
the same interval as the electric counter to obtain accurate backup data.
For trials that do not include standardization or accurate fuel rate and water rate measurement, the
installation of special counters is not essential. Sufficient accuracy is available from the permanently
installed revolution counters read on the same established time interval as the sea trial signal system.
Ship's shaft speed indicators in the engine room and on the bridge should be adjusted for minimum
error over the operating range prior to sea trials. This requires detachment from the sensing point and
driving the transmitter through the operating speed range at known RPM. All receivers which will be
simultaneously operative should be actuated when calibrating.
During sea trials, accuracy of shaft speed indicators should be checked by comparison with counters.
The accuracy of the shaft revolution signal is particularly important when it is used as a control
5.8.2 Portable Tachometers and Speed Indicators
Portable tachometers and speed indicators can be used to obtain rotating speeds of auxiliary
machinery during sea trials and are not subject to the precision and reliability required of propeller
revolution measuring equipment.
When instantaneous speeds are necessary to evaluate transient conditions, speed recorders should be
used. Recorders may be actuated by calibrated tachometer generators or electromagnetic pickups
driven by the unit to be observed. Sometimes the signal for the installed tachometer can be utilized to
drive the recorder.
When totally enclosed machinery is used it may be difficult or sometimes impossible to reach the
shaft with the ordinary type of tachometer, and in such cases the vibrating-reed frequency indicator
may be used. Care must be taken to avoid reading harmonics of the fundamental speed.
The stroboscopic speed-measuring instrument may be useful for measuring frequency of motion of
any moving part which is visible but where a mechanical tachometer is not suitable. These
instruments operate on the principles of interrupting vision at the same frequency as the motion,
whereby the moving part appears to stand still. The instrument has a frequency indicator to determine
the frequency at which motion stops.
Stroboscopes will also stop motion when they are set at any multiple of the speed of the machine.
The operator should preset the stroboscope at the expected fundamental speed to avoid errors.
5.8.3 Additional 'Information
For further details about types of instruments and precautions for their use to measure shaft speed see
reference (q).
5.9.1 Orsat Analyzer
For trial purposes, historically a frequently used instrument for flue-gas analysis is the Orsat.
Basically, all Orsats are identical in principle; that is, they all have a number of pipettes containing
chemical reagents which absorb the respective gas constituent from the sample. The major difference

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

in the various commercially available Orsats is in the design of the pipettes. Some Orsats have the
contact type of pipette while others use the bubbling type of pipette.
A contact type of pipette usually is filled with many small diameter glass tubes, rods, or in some
instances, with a fibrous type of material. The purpose of the tubes, or rods, is to supply a maximum
of exposed surface to which the required chemical reagent can adhere. As the gas sample enters the
top portion of the pipette, the reagent is driven from the pipette into a reservoir. The gas, as it
proceeds to occupy the entire volume of the pipette, passes over the wetted surface provided by the
filler material.
In the bubbling type of pipette, the gas sample enters the bottom of the pipette and the sample bubbles
up through the chemical reagent. Filler material for providing exposed absorption surface is not
required and, consequently, a volume of the reagent equal to the unabsorbed volume of the sample is
displaced by the gas. The displaced reagent flows into a reservoir and remains there until the gas
sample is returned to the collecting burette.
A common type of Orsat is provided with a measuring burette and, usually, three pipettes. These are
interconnected by a capillary manifold and appropriate stopcocks for routing the gas sample through
the apparatus. The pipettes, when filled with the proper chemical reagent, will absorb volumes of
carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (02), and carbon monozide (CO).
The following absorbing reagents are used in the pipettes:
CO2 pipette - Potassium hydroxide solution
O2 pipette - Alkaline solution of pyrogallic acid
CO pipette - Acid solution of Cuprous chloride
The best results are obtained when these solutions are prepared immediately prior to testing. Full
descriptions of the methods for preparing the solutions are stated in reference (ad).
To process a gas sample to obtain an analysis, a known volume of flue gas is drawn into the
graduated burette. In successive operations the gas sample is forced into the CO 2, O2, and CO
absorbing pipettes. Before the sample is allowed to pass from one pipette to the next it is returned to
the graduated burette. The measured difference in volume, after each individual gas has been fully
absorbed, is considered as the amount of that particular gas present in the flue gas.
The difficulty in obtaining a representative sample from a stratified gas stream is the greatest cause of
error in gas analysis. There is no single correct method of sampling which is applicable in all cases.
One method, which results in obtaining an approximately true sample, requires the taking of a number
of simultaneous individual samples at different points in a given plane of a gas cavity or duct.
Where high-temperature gas samples must be taken it is customary to use a water-cooled sampler.
This sampler is generally constructed from materials similar to the ordinary open-end tube, usually of
brass or stainless steel, used for sampling cool gases, but it is fitted with a water-cooled jacket.
Water-cooled sampler tubes are superior to refractory tubes since there is less gas composition change
due to chemical reactions. Further, refractory tubes are often brittle and subject to breakage if
improperly handled. Thus, refractory tubes are usually inferior for service and functional reasons.
A continuous gas sample is most desirable as it eliminates the need for purging the sampling lines of
the residue from a sample taken previously. For this purpose, an air aspirator generally is used. For
sea trials, continuous temporary lines should be run from each uptake through a valved manifold to an
air aspirator powered by the ship's compressed air system. The arrangement of valves should allow a
new sample to be pulled from either uptake to the Orsat equipment for each sample reading. Two
sampling lines are necessary when regenerative type air heaters are installed; one is connected

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

upstream and one downstream of the air heater. Both are needed to determine air leakage across the
air heater. The comparative readings can be used to compute the corrected stack temperature.
Lead, glass, or gum-rubber piping should be used to connect the sampling tube to the gas analyzer.
Copper or brass piping also is satisfactory, but in no case should ferrous materials be used.
5.9.2 Manual and Automatic Types of Flue Gas Analyzers
There are a variety of manual and automatic types of gas analyzers available as portable or ship
installed equipment. These kinds of instrumentation are valuable for determining equipment
performance and the content of exhaust gases which enter the environment. See reference (ac) for
further information about measuring particulate matter in a gas stream.
Some automatic types of gas analyzers will indicate percent oxygen, percent carbon dioxide, net stack
temperature, percent excess air, carbon monoxide concentration, particulate matter in the flue gas, and
the percent combustion efficiency. Instrument manufacturers need to be consulted for details
regarding gas sampling requirements and measurement data available on various instruments for the
specific flue gases exhausting from the ship.
The shipbuilder and owner may agree to use ship installed flue and exhaust gas analyzers to collect
equipment performance data during the conduct of sea trials. The sea trial plan should specify the
analyzers to be used, when they are to be used, and the approved methods for analyzer calibration.
5.9.3 Additional Information
For more information see reference (ad) and contact manufacturers of equipment.
The measurement of viscosity is sometimes required during sea trials. The viscosity of fuels for the
propulsion plant or auxiliaries, or for cargo may be necessary to resolve problems during sea trials.
For measurement information see reference (af).
5.11.1 Measuring Devices
For ships with alternating current, a portable analyzer equipped with an ammeter, voltmeter, power-
factor indicator meter, and kilowatt meter will be useful. Isolated usage of the meters is also possible.
For most A.C. motor installations the input current is sufficiently reliable for indicating the motor
load. A portable tong-type ammeter will be found satisfactory for measuring the motor current.
Since this meter clamps around the cable one phase at a time and does not have to be inserted in the
circuit, it is more convenient to use than the analyzer for this application. A portable poly-phase watt-
meter may be installed to assure accurate measurement of generator loads. Additional electrical
measuring equipment is available for evaluation of diesel electric plants including harmonics, and hot
spots in switchboards, load centers, and power panels.
5.11.2 Calibration
Recently calibrated shipboard electrical instruments should be sufficiently accurate for all uses except
special performance tests. Before sea trials they should be carefully inspected for signs of damage,
and the due dates for the next calibration should be following the completion of sea trials.
5.11.3 Additional Information
Electrical measuring Instruments and testing apparatus are covered in detail by reference (k).

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


Wind speed and direction can be measured by a number of different mechanisms.
5.12.1 Cup Anemometer
Wind speed is often measured by a cup anemometer which gives apparent or relative wind speed.
Apparent wind speed occurs by combining ship's velocity and true wind velocity. Any instrument
which measures wind speed may be used to measure apparent wind speed.
5.12.2 Indicators
One type of indicator flashes a light every time one-sixtieth of a nautical mile of wind passes the
transmitter. The number of flashes per minute is the apparent wind speed in knots. An electric
counter can be connected in the flasher circuit and controlled by an observer on the bridge to state the
distance traveled during standardization runs. The average apparent wind speed is obtained by
dividing the counter reading by the elapsed time across the course. Another type of instrument
indicates apparent wind speed instantaneously and continuously and requires no timing. This type of
indicator is recommended because of the convenience in obtaining readings from it.
5.12.3 Biram Anemometer
The Biram type of anemometer has a register which records linear feet when a gear train is engaged.
The register can be zeroed after reading it. Velocity in feet per minute is obtained by dividing the
register reading by the elapsed time in minutes. Each instrument requires individual calibration. It is
important that the anemometer face squarely into the air stream and that average readings are
obtained. For best results, the diameter of the air stream should be several times the diameter of the
Care should be taken to ensure that the motor bearings are kept clean and free from lint, dirt, or
grease, because a lack of cleanliness will cause friction or drag and seriously affect the accuracy of
the readings.
5.12.4 Direct-Reading Anemometer
The direct-reading anemometer has a vaned rotor and a dial which reads in feet per minute. The same
precautions stated above for the Biram type, apply to the direct-reading anemometer.
5.12.5 Deflecting-Vane Anemometer
The deflecting-vane type of anemometer indicates air velocity directly in feet per minute. This type
of instrument is very useful in studying air currents in staterooms and measuring peak velocities.
Other types of instruments, such as the heated thermocouple, the velometer, and the hot-wire
anemometer may be used where the accuracy of such instruments is sufficient. They require frequent
calibration and are of little use as a wind speed measuring instrument for standardization trials.

5.12.6 Wind Direction Indicator

A wind-direction indicating system, which continuously indicates the apparent wind direction relative
to the ship, is recommended for sea trials. This system will consist of a remote transmitter and an
indicating unit.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

5.12.7 Combination Indicators

Combination wind indicators are available. They combine readings of direction and speed, and they
are more convenient for sea trial purposes than the separate indicators. They utilize a contact type
synchro transmitter to transmit wind speed and direction to a dial readout.
5.12.8 Locating Sensors
The sensors for all wind direction and velocity measuring equipment should be located high enough
above the ship's structure so it will receive an unobstructed wind flow and not be subject to wind
currents and eddies from any nearby object.
5.12.9 Ultrasonic Wind Sensors
The ultrasonic wind sensor is a modern method of accurately measuring both wind speed and
GNSS is the Global Navigation Satellite System. It refers generically to the GPS (United States),
GLONASS (Russia), GALILEO (European Union), and BEIDOU (China) satellite constellations. Of
these the GPS and GLONASS systems are fully operational. The GALILEO and BEIDOU systems
are partially in operation and scheduled for full operation by 2020.

For purposes of sea trials, it is best to use DDGNSS Dual Differential GNSS equipment that can
provide sub-meter position accuracy and heading information.
5.14.1 Types of Instruments
The following types of timing instruments may be used for trial data:
a) Ship's Clocks
b) Stop Watches
c) Electric Timers and Clocks
d) Chronographs
A detailed description of each of the above instruments is stated in reference (ag).
5.14.2 Synchronizing Clocks
Ship's clocks may be used to time events. Prior to departure, the master clock should be set to the
correct time and secondary units synchronized with the master. Time pieces furnished for trials
should be synchronized with the ship's system to avoid disagreement in reporting events.
5.14.3 Stop Watches
Stop watches most suitable for sea trial data are electronic watches and timers. These watches and
timers are battery powered. All stop watches should be checked against a time piece of known
accuracy before the trials begin. The combined stop watch and time piece should be adjusted and
regulated so that it does not gain or lose more than thirty seconds over a twenty-four hours period.
5.14.4 Electric Timers and Clocks
Electric timers may have a synchronous motor drive and depend upon the ship's power frequency for
accuracy. Electric stop clocks with accuracy controlled by quartz crystals are available with dials
readable to one one-hundredth of a second. Special timers may be designed and used where
desirable. They may have a master clock with accuracy controlled by a quartz crystal design. When

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

electric time measuring devices dependent on ships power are used for sea trials, caution should be
exercised to maintain ships generator frequency at 60 cps. Electronic timers may replace electric
times to maintain standard item, if shipboard power frequency is not constant or is uncertain.
5.14.5 Recorders
Recording instruments should be inspected regularly to see that the paper-driving mechanism and
paper marking device operate properly to provide correct time indications.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


A trial report should be prepared by the shipbuilder and delivered to the owner and others as specified
or within sixty days after the completion of trials. The report should present the trial results, relate
them to requirements, and should contain all data and information needed to evaluate the results
This section provides organization and sample formats for identifying the ship and its major
characteristics and reporting data for the tests and trials covered in Sections 2, 3, and 4 where sample
formats are also found for reporting. In some cases the data are reported directly as taken, in others
one or more reductions are required to reach the value to be reported in either tabular or graphic
forms. Copies of raw data sheets, if legible and interpretable, may be used for directly reported data.
Raw data need not be supplied for values reported in reduced form, but supporting data for such
values should be retained and held available for the owners or other acceptance authorities for the life
of the contract.
Data forms are included for all trials and tests for which procedures are provided by the guide
regardless of contract requirement for such a trial or test. Inclusion of the data sheet should not be
construed to require that a test or trial be performed.
Similarly, data sheets list all data pertinent to the test or trial of a typical plant or system or
equipment. A particular ship may not have an instrument or gage to provide a data item, or might not
be designed to include the component or apparatus to which the data pertains. Guide data sheets,
thus, should be taken as a recommendation rather than an absolute requirement, and data not included
on the data sheets but available and pertinent should be included in the report. Also, the presence of a
data item does not constitute a requirement to install special instrumentation to provide it. Such
requirements are imposed by the section of the guide requiring the test or trial.
Critical data as defined by Table 2 and Table 3 should be instrumented to the extent required to
provide confidence in the results.
Since the Guide is for general application it cannot cover with precision the particular contractual or
technical circumstances of a particular ship or class of ship. It is important therefore, as set forth in
Section 1, for the shipbuilder to study the guide, the contract, and the ships specifications, and
prepare a data plan. This plan should include data forms suited to the location and function of the
instruments to be read, a system for transmitting raw performance data to a central computing station
for processing and process for making data available to authorized parties aboard ship. Data forms
should distinguish between data from special sea trial instruments and data from ships instruments.
As Section 1 states in general terms, the data crew should be trained in advance of trials in the use and
location of the instruments to be read, the corrections to be applied, and the calculations to be made.
Training should include familiarization with the data forms so that entries will be made in the correct
column, and the instrumentation for data items which should be read on the mark of the data interval.
The mark is provided by the sea trial signal system.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


The figures and tables in this bulletin have been developed to assist the shipbuilder in preparing data
tabulation sheets and in reporting results pertinent to maneuvering trials and special tests. All of the
data requirements of the various trial events are provided by the tables with the exception of Table 1
through Table 3 which provide guidance. Plots of the data associated with these tables of data should
be provided to indicate smoothness of data.
Results of the "Z" Maneuver and spiral maneuver tests should be plotted. If GNSS equipment is used
during the trials, the resultant plots of the ship's track during turning circle tests and quick engine
reversals should be included in the trial report. Plots of turning circles should be corrected for drift by
the method explained in Appendix A to Chapter 6.0. When precise tracking is not available, plots of
the radar wake return may be made and included in the report. Such plots are indicative rather than
definitive of the ship's turning characteristics and need not be corrected for drift.
16 has been developed to assist the shipbuilder in reporting results pertinent to standardization trials.
All of the data requirements of the trial event are included therein.
Table 18 and Table 19 have been developed to assist the shipbuilder in reporting results pertinent to
main propulsion fuel economy tests. The figures presented are representative of a typical diesel and
gas turbine powered ships. Other types of main propulsion plants and variations of plant equipment
and systems will require appropriate modifications.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 18 Internal Combustion engine Propulsion Plant Economy Test

Ship Name Trial Date

Time of Test Ambient Air Temp.
Duration of Test Relative Humidity

Power (Average Shaft power [SKW])

Fuel Consumption
Measured Flow o
Specific Gravity o 60o F b
Fuel Oil Temperature at Meter
Specific Gravity at Meter
Fuel Oil Density (WT. UNIT/VOL.) at Meter
Fuel Consumption (WT. UNIT/HR.)
Fuel Rate (WT. UNIT/SHP-Hr.)
Fuel Rate Correction for Fuels Used c Test Design Diff. Corr. Factor Correction
Higher or Lower Heating Value HHV b
Correction Factor for Heat Available
Corrected Fuel Rate (WT. UNIT/SKW-Hr.)

Fuel Rate Corrections for

Departures from Design Conditions c
Ambient Air Temperature ( oF/C)
Ambient Air Pressure
Shaft Speed (RPM)
Engine Speed (RPM)
Generator Load (KW)
Distilling Plant Load (GPD)
Ship Service Steam

Total Correction
Corrected Fuel Rate
a. Average Flow of two meters if two are installed. Flows to be corrected from meter
calibration curves.
b. From fuel Analysis report for sample collected during
c. Correction factors as agreed upon prior to test. Note in each case whether correction
is plus or minus.
NOTE: Make separate evaluation sheet for test at each specified

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 19 Gas Turbine Plant Economy Test Data

Ship Name Trial Date

Time of Test Ambient Air Temp.
Duration of Test Relative Humidity

Power (Average Shaft power [SKW)

Fuel Consumption
Measured Flow o.)
Specific Gravity o 60o F b
Fuel Oil Temperature of water
Specific Gravity at Meter
Fuel Oil Density (WT. UNIT/VOL.) of water
Fuel Consumption (WT. UNIT/HR.)
Fuel Rate (WT. UNIT/SKW-Hr.)
Fuel Rate Correction for Fuels Used c Test Design Diff. Corr. Factor Correction
Higher or Lower Heating Value HHV b
Correction Factor for Heat Available
Corrected Fuel Rate (WT. UNIT/SHP-Hr.)

Fuel Rate Corrections for Departures from

Design Conditions c
Ambient Air Temperature ( oF/C)
Ambient Air Pressure
Shaft Speed (RPM)
Turbine (RPM)
Compressor (RPM)
Generator Load (KW)
Distilling Plant Load
Ship Service Steam

Total Correction
Corrected Fuel Rate
a. Average Flow of two meters if two are installed. Flows to be corrected from meter
calibration curves.
b. From fuel Analysis report for sample collected
during trials.
c. Correction factors as agreed upon prior to test. Note in each case whether correction
is plus or minus.
NOTE: Make separate evaluation sheet for test at each
specified power.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


Performance data is reported to support the results of the propulsion plant trials, to assist in
interpreting these results, and to provide baseline reference data for operating personnel once the ship
enters service. If specific data is pertinent but not available, a note to this effect should be included
on the applicable data sheets.
Recorded data for the test runs should be averaged, with obviously erroneous readings rejected. If
recalibration of ship's instrumentation is accomplished prior to ship delivery, note of such
recalibration should be included on the applicable data sheets.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 20 and it data sheets reflects the recommended content for reporting operating data for a typical
ship with main propulsion diesel or gas turbine installation.


The contractor should prepare a trial report with recommended content as follows:
6.8.1 Introduction
The introduction should include the contract number, hull number, owner designation, ship's name,
principal dates, contractual parties, and construction contract references, preceded by a photograph of
the ship or a sister ship underway, if required by the contract.
6.8.2 Ship's Characteristics

a) Type of ship
Example: Single-screw
Low speed diesel driven
Combination bulk and general cargo ship.

(b) Principal Characteristics

(1) Length overall

(2) Length between perpendiculars
(3) Beam, maximum molded
(4) Depth to main deck at side, minimum molded
(5) Draft, full load, molded
(6) Displacement at full load draft
(7) Gross tonnage (approximate)
(8) Net tonnage (approximate)
(9) Draft, maximum ballast provided by ship system
(10) MCR Engine rating
(11) Sustained sea speed at full load draft and registered horsepower
(12) Estimated fuel consumption at sea
(13) Estimated fuel consumption in port
(14) Endurance in nautical miles at sustained sea speed with a record of fuel consumed.

(e) Capacities*

(1) Container (TEU)

(2) Cargo cubic
(3) Refrigerated cargo net cubic
(4) Convertible liquid cargo net cubic
(5) Non-convertible liquid cargo net cubic
(6) Fuel oil
(7) Total deadweight at full load draft

*May require additional breakdown dependent on type of cargo carried.

(f) Hull characteristics

(1) Block coefficient

(2) Midship coefficient
(3) Bulk as percent of underwater profile area at full load draft

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

(4) Type of bow

(5) Type of stern

(g) Rudder characteristics

(6) Number and type

(7) Rudder as percent of underwater lateral profile area at full load draft

(h) Propeller characteristics*

(1) Type including direction of ahead rotation and number of blades

(2) Diameter
(3) Pitch
(4) Expanded area ratio
(5) RPM at full load draft and registered power
(6) Design submergence

* Include data for each propeller

(i) Equipment identification data

(1) Main propulsion machinery

(2) Important auxiliaries
(3) Other equipment as specified. It is recommended that, as a general rule, special
and/or unique equipment be listed with identification data.

6.8.3 Trial Data

Principal personnel present on trials, including representatives of the owner, acceptance authorities,
regulatory bodies, and shipbuilder.

(a) Log of events.

(b) Principal personnel present at trials, including representatives of the owner, acceptance
authorities, regulatory bodies, and shipbuilder.
(c) Trial ballast schedule.
(d) Trial results:
1. Maneuvering trials and special tests. See Figures and Tables in Section 3.
2. Standardization trials. See Tables in Section 4.
3. Fuel economy tests. See Tables 17 and 18.
4. Propulsion plant data. See Table 21 and its data sheets.

6.8.4 Other Data

(a) Number of days between sea trials and most recent drydocking.
(b) Wind direction and velocity.
(c) Sea state.

6.8.5 Appendices - As Elected

(a) Design information and other available information pertinent to the trials.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 20 Propulsion Plant Data Sheet 1


Data which typically pertain to propulsion systems are set forth below. These data should be
recorded as pertinent and available subject to the classification described below for economy trials,
ahead endurance trials, and astern endurance trials, in addition to that called for elsewhere.
Average values for the trial period should be reported. In cases where more than one instrument is
installed to read the same datum, the instrument of greatest inherent precision should be reported. If
precision and quality of calibration are equal, their average should be used.
As noted in 6.1 and 6.2 hereof, the presence of an instrument to read it must be provided. Yet, data
for basic design parameters are necessary to evaluate performance and should be provided in suitable
Precision regardless of presence or quality of ship's instrumentation. To a lesser degree ancillary
parameters which are applied as correction factors to the basic determination should also be provided
commensurate with the effect on the basic performance determination.
It is helpful in providing an appropriate data plan to categorize data items as follows:
Class A: Data items for which a trial instrument is required to provide precision or
redundancy regardless of the presence of a ship's instrument, or its quality.
Class B: Data items for which a ship's instrument of suitable precision can be used if
specifically calibrated. (A trial instrument should be supplied if there is no ship's
Class C: Data items for which ship's instruments with standard calibration can be used. (If
there is no shin's instrument, a trial instrument need not be installed.)
When formulating a data plan, data items should be listed and categorized as illustrated by the listings
below. Data obtained from test instruments should be suitably indicated both in the data plan and the

Ship Name
Trial Date
Trial: Economy, Ahead Endurance, Astern Endurance, Boiler Overload
Shaft Horsepower
Shaft Speed
Time and Duration of Run

Users should develop their own format for reporting the results of this test depending upon the
equipment available. However, the following information should be recorded. Note that the
information is divided into the following categories: Electric Drive, Diesel Propulsion Plant, and Gas
Turbine Plant.
Note: This introductory Table is followed by Tables containing Data Sheets which are provided on
pages 81 through 86 (Table 21 through Table 25).

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 21 Propulsion Plant Data - Diesel

Main Engines
Class B
(As pertinent Barometer
to power Engine Room Temperature
determination Air to Engine Pressure h
Air to Engine Temperature h
Air Pressure at Blower Discharge
Air Temperature Leaving Intercooler (If any)
Air Pressure in Air Box or Manifold
Exhaust Temperature Each Cylinder
Exhaust Temperature Entering Turbocharger
Exhaust Pressure Leaving Turbocharger
Exhaust Temperature Entering Silencer
Exhaust Pressure Leaving Silencer
Exhaust Temperature Leaving Silencer
Exhaust Temperature Entering Waste Heat Boiler
Exhaust Pressure Leaving Waste Heat Boiler
Exhaust Temperature Leaving Waste heat Boiler
Crankcase Pressure

Fuel Oil

Class B Main Engine(s) Fuel Meter Type

Main Engine Fuel Meter Reading
Properties of Fuel Used
Main Engine Rack Position
F. O. Settler Temperature
F. O. Service Tank Temperature
F. O. Booster Pump Discharge Pressure
F. O. Heater In and Out Temperatures
F. O. Heater In and Out Pressures
Other Pertinent Temperatures as Applicable (Purifiers, Filters, etc.)
Other Pertinent Pressures as Applicable (Purifiers, Filters, etc.)

Lube Oil

L. O. Pump Discharge Pressures

Maine Engine (s) L. O. In and Out Temperatures
Main Engine (s) L. O. In and Out Pressures

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


Lube Oil (continued)
Gears and Couplings L. O. IN and Out Temperatures
Gears and Couplings L. O. In and Out Pressures
L. O. Cooler In and Out Temperatures
L. O. Cooler In and Out Pressures
Other Pertinent Temperatures as Applicable (Purifiers, Filters, etc.)
Other Pertinent Pressure as Applicable (Purifiers, Filters, etc.)

Cooling Water
Sea Temperatures
Salt Water Pump Discharge Pressures
C. W. Pump Discharge Pressures
Heat Exchanger In and Out Pressures (Salt Water)
Heat Exchanger In and Out Temperatures (Salt Water)
Heat Exchanger In and Out Pressures (C. W.)
Heat Exchanger In and Out Temperatures (C. W.)
C. W. Temperature to Engine
C. W. Temperature from Engine

Starting Air Pressure
Control Air Pressure

Diesel Auxiliary Electric Plant d

Generator in Operation
Type (AC or DC)
Power Factor
Class B Power Output
Load g

Diesel Engine
F. O. Consumption and Type and Properties of Fuel Used
Other Pertinent Data as Applicable

Boiler Systems
Waste-Heat Boilers
Number in Operation
Feed Pressure

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 22 Propulsion Plant Data - Diesel (Cont2)


Boiler Systems (continued)

Water Based Boilers (continued)

Feed Temperature
Steam Pressure
Steam Temperatures
Feed Flow c

Auxiliary Oil-Fired Boilers

Number in Operation
Uptake Gas Temperature
Feed Pressure
Feed Temperature
Steam Pressure
Steam Temperature
Feed Flow c
Fuel Flow, Type, and Properties

Other Data
The data for the following other systems as mutually agreed upon,
Should be included in the trial report:
Distilling Plant
Auxiliary Steam Systems
Other Salt Water Systems
Other Fresh Water Systems
Other Air Systems
Sewage Systems
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems

Slip Coupling Data

Where geared diesel drive with slip couplings between engines and
gears is installed, additional data should be recorded during the trial
runs as follows:
Engine Speed
Pinion Shaft Speed
Slip Speed
Shaft Speed
Shaft Horsepower
Coupling Excitation Current (Electromagnetic)
Coupling Oil Temperatures In and Out (Hydraulic)

Electric Drive (see sheet 5)

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 23 Propulsion Plant Data - Electric Drive


Where electric main propulsion drive is installed, additional data should

be recorded during the trial runs. The following relates specifically to
alternating-current, synchronous motor installations. Other types of
electric drive will require data adjustments

Prime Mover

B Power Output
Voltgae, Terminal
Voltage, Field Excitatioin
Current Field Excitation
Current Output
Voltage, Filed Excitation
Current, Field Excitation

Table 24 Propulsion Plant Data - Gas Turbine


Main Propulsion (Each Engine)

Main Engines
B Turbine and Compressor Speeds
Instrumented Points of Pressure and Temperature in the
Gas Stream
B Water Temperature, Barometer, and Humidity
B Engine Air Inlet Pressure and Temperature
B Exhaust Flange Gas Pressure and Temperature
Critical Ambient Temperatures Around Mounted Auxiliaries
and Instruments
Lubricating Oil Supply Pressure and Temperature
Lubricating Oil Return Temperature
Vibration Monitor Readings

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Gas Temperature and Pressure In and Out of Intercoolers

and Regenerators

Reduction Gear and Clutch

Clutch Fluid Pressures, Air or Hydraulic
Lubricating Oil Supply Pressure and Temperature
Lubricating Oil Temperatures from Bearings

Controllable Pitch Propellers

Hydraulic Operating Pressures and Temperatures
Blade Position

Fuel Oil
F. O. Consumption
F. O. Pump Discharge Pressure
F. O. Pressure to Engine
F. O. Pressure from Engine
F. O. Temperature at Meter
F. O. Settler Temperature
F. O. Temperature to Engine
F. O. Type and Properties

Lube Oil
L. O. Strainer IN and Out Pressures
L. O. Type and Properties

Cooling Water
Heat Exchanger In and Out Temperatures

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Table 25 Propulsion Plant Data - Gas Turbine (Cont)


Auxiliary Electric Plant d

Generator in Operation
Power Factor
Class B Power Output
Load g
Driver F. O. Consumption and Type of Properties of Fuel Used

Other Data
The data for the following systems, as mutually agreed upon,
should be included in the trial report:
Distilling Plant
Auxiliary Boiler Data (Including F.O. Consumption)
Auxiliary Steam Systems
Engine Starting Systems
Ship's Service Air Systems
Control Air Systems
Salt Water Systems
Fresh Water Systems
Sewage Systems
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems

Electric Drive (See Table 23)

Footnotes for Tables

a. Include remote and thermocouple temperature when applicable.
b. Include reheated data when available. If Gas reheated is installed, so indicate.
c. When available.
d. Include data for each unit or system in operation.
e. When applicable
f. Include data for each extraction.
g. Include auxiliary machinery and hotel loads when separable.
h. To engine Intake, scavenging or supercharging blowers, as applicable.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


The American Society of Mechanical Engineers has published Performance Test Codes (PTC) for
testing of land plants, and has published Supplements on Instruments and Apparatus which describe
each type of instrument and the capabilities and limitations of each. See references (a) and (b) for
additional information. In most publications the inherent precision, calibration procedures, and
installation instructions are included. The Naval Ship Engineering Center has published "Standards"
which provide details on the installation of sensing connections and other information pertinent to
shipboard measurements. These documents are listed below and are referenced in the pertinent
portions of the text.
a. General Instructions, Performance Test Code, The American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, PTC 1 - 2011
b. Definitions and Values Code, Performance Test Code, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
PTC 2 - 2001)
c. Temperature Measurement Performance Test Code, The American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, PTC 19.3 - 1974 (R2004)
d. Lempa, M.S., editor, Instrument Standards, Naval Ship Engineering Center, Philadelphia Division
e. Pressure Measurement Performance Test Code, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
PTC 19.2 2010
f. Application, Part II of Fluid Meters: Interim Supplement on Instrument and Apparatus, Fairfield,
N.J., The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, PTC 19.5 - 1972
g. Bean, Howard S., Fluid Meters - Their Theory and Application, 6th edition, New York, The American
Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1971
h. Miller, R. W., Flow Measurement Engineering Handbook, New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1983
i. Stein, Peter K., Measurement Engineering, Phoenix, AZ, Stein Engineering Service Inc., 1964
j. Electrical Measurements in Power Circuits, Part 6, Performance Test Code, Fairfield, N.J., The
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, PTC 19.6 - 1955
k. Measurement of Indicated Power, Performance Test Code, Fairfield, N.J., The American
Society of Mechanical Engineers, PTC 19.8 - 1970(R1985)
l. Gas Turbine Power Plants, Performance Test Code, The American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, PTC 22 - 12014
m. Steam Turbines, Performance Test Code, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, PTC-6
n. Appendix A to Test Code for Steam Turbines, Performance Test Code, The American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, PTC 6A - 2000
o. Measurement of Shaft Power, Performance Test Code, The American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, PTC 19.7 1980 (R1988)
p. (R1988)Measurement of Rotary Speed, Performance Test Code, The American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, PTC 19.13 - 1951

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

q. Code for Shipboard Vibration Measurements, SNAME, 99 Canal Center Plaza, Alexandria, Virginia
22314, 1975, Book No. C-1
r. Machinery Vibration Measurements, SNAME, 99 Canal Center Plaza, Alexandria, Virginia 22314,
1976, Book No. C-4
s. Acceptable Vibration of Marine Steam and Gas Turbine Main and Auxiliary Machinery Plants,
SNAME, 99 Canal Center Plaza, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, 1976, Book No. C-5
t. Ship Vibration and Noise Guidelines, SNAME, 99 Canal Center Plaza, Alexandria, Virginia
22314, 1980, Book No. 2-25
u. Guidelines for the Use of Vibration Monitoring for Preventive Maintenance, SNAME, 99 Canal Center
Plaza, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, 1987, Book No. 3-42
v. Measurement of Industrial Sound, Performance Test Code, Fairfield, N.J., The American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, PTC 36 - 1998
w. Boilerwater/Feedwater Test and Treatment, Naval Ships Technical Manual S9086-GX-STM-02,
Chapter 220V2, 15 December 1987
x. Design of Dissolved-Oxygen Testing Cabinet, U.S. Naval Engineering Experiment Station, February 29,
1940, Report No. B-1158
y. Density Determination of Solids and Liquids, Performance Test Code, Fairfield, N.J., The
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, PTC 19.16 - 1965
z. Determining the Concentration of Particulate Matter in a Gas Stream, Performance Test Code, Fairfield,
N.J., The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, PTC 38 - 1980 (R1985)
aa. Flue and Exhaust Gas Analysis, Performance Test Code, Fairfield, N.J., The American Society
of Mechanical Engineers, PTC 19.10 1981
bb. Water and Steam in the Power Cycle (Purity and Quality, Leak Detection and Measurement),
Performance Test Code, Fairfield, N.J., The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, PTC 19.11 -
cc. Determination of the Viscosity of Liquids, Performance Test Code, Fairfield, N.J., The American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, PTC 19.17 - 1965
dd. Measurement of Time, Performance Test Code, Fairfield, N.J., The American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, PTC 19.12 - 1958

NOTE: ASME Publications are available from The American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
Marketing Department, at SNAME Publications are available from the Publications
Department, SNAME, 99 Canal Center Plaza, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. Various Naval
publications are available from the Commanding Officer, Naval Publications and Forms Center, Attn:
Code 106, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120-5009. ASTM publications are available from
The American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


The terms defined below were selected to contribute to the clarity of the foregoing sections. No
attempt has been made to cover all the shipbuilding terms which may be of interest and no claim is
made that the definitions provided represent an industry consensus. The definitions do, however, tell
what is meant whenever the term is used in this guide. They are not identical with definitions used in
other SNAME publications, but they do not conflict. Definitions are set forth as they apply to
sections of the guide.
First-of-a-class - the first ship built to a specific design by a particular shipyard.
Forensic Data - data relative to maneuverability and other ship characteristics which might have a
bearing on legal action involving the ship or its owners.
Acceptance Authority - the organizations designated by the owner or contract to rule on the
acceptability of trial performance.
Regulatory Bodies - the organizations designated by the owner or by law to enforce regulations
relative to the safety of the ship, its crew or cargo, for example: U.S. Coast Guard, International
Commission for Safety of Life at Sea, U.S. Public Health Service, Canadian Ministry of Transport.
Classification Society - an organization which publishes standards of construction for various classes
of ships, monitors their observance and maintains a register listing each vessel classified and giving
its class and principal characteristics. For example: American Bureau of Shipping, Lloyds Register of
Shipping, Det Norske Veritas.
"If Elected" - a term used in this guide to designate a trial or test which will be accomplished only if
explicitly required by the contract or specifications.
Uncertainty - the probability that measurement of a ship's performance parameter will not be within a
prescribed range.
Sea Trials - at-sea operation of a ship's propulsion plant and other ships' machinery and systems
which cannot be properly tested at the dock, to determine performance capability or to demonstrate
satisfaction of requirements.
Builder's Sea Trials - preliminary sea trials conducted by the builder to verify readiness for official
sea trials. Upon agreement between the builder and acceptance authority, specific trial events may be
officially conducted during builder's trials.
Official Sea Trials - sea trials conducted to demonstrate acceptability of the ship to the owner or his
designated representative.
Full Load Draft - the maximum draft permitted by the cognizant classification society for the season
and waters in which the trials will be conducted.
Ballast Draft - the maximum drafts obtainable without use of dry cargo spaces, using the ship's ballast
system as installed.
Trial Drafts - the drafts during the trial under consideration. See 4.10(d) for method of determination.
Free Route - operation of the ship on an elected course with minimum use of the helm without
restriction from shallow water effects, channel constraints, or traffic.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


Endurance Trial - a period of operation of the main propulsion plant at maximum design power or a
designated fraction thereof, intended to demonstrate the ability to perform indefinitely at that level.
Economy Trial - a period of operation of the main propulsion plant to demonstrate the ability to meet
a specified rate of fuel consumption at a prescribed power rate under stated conditions.
Prime Mover - the propulsion plant element that converts the thermal energy of the steam or the
chemical energy of fuel into rotary mechanical energy.
Power Train - all elements between the prime mover and the propeller, inclusive.
Shaft Power - the net power supplied by the propelling unit to the propulsion shafting after passing
through all speed reducing and other transmission devices and thrust bearings, and after power for all
attached auxiliaries has been taken off. Losses between the output flange of the prime mover and the
propeller are usually negligible.
Normal Shaft Power - the shaft power used to specify design cruising radius and service life. Recent
practice is to use maximum design shaft power for all design considerations.
Maximum Power - power developed by the ship's propulsion plant expressed in English units is 1
power = 33,000 ft.-lb. per minute, and expressed in metric-units is 1 power = 75 kg-meters per
second. Maritime usage distinguishes between powers depending on the point in the power train at
which the measurement is taken or to which it is referred.
Indicated Power - power derived from the cylinders which is determined by dimensions, pressure, and
reciprocation data before correction for internal losses and power supplied to attached auxiliaries.
Brake-Power - power delivered by the prime mover output flange after supplying engine attached
auxiliaries, but before takeoff of power absorbed
Design Shaft Power the maximum shaft power for which the ship is designed to operate continuously.
Classification Shaft Power the shaft power appearing in the register of the cognizant Classification
Society. In the case of ambiguity in the manufacturers' designation, the classification shaft power
should be considered the maximum design shaft power.
Trial Shaft Powers - these are distinguished by the method by which they are obtained as follows:
Torsionmeter Installed power being transmitted by the shaft at the paint of torque
No Torsionmeter - Power Derived from Comparison with Shop Data - power delivered by
the shaft at the point corresponding to the location of the shop power measuring device, with
adjustments for any power-absorbing equipment not present at the shop test.
No Torsionmeter - Power Derived from Prime Mover Data - net power after subtracting from
the prime mover data estimates of the power absorbed by speed reducing or other
transmission devices, and attached auxiliaries.
Fuel Rate - hourly consumption of fuel by weight at a specified power level with specified systems in
Corrected Fuel Rate - the fuel rate, all purposes, as derived from test data, corrected for deviations
from design conditions. The conditions for which corrections are to be made and the factors to be
applied are as specified or agreed.
Specific Fuel Rate - fuel rate as defined above divided by the shaft power at which said fuel rate is
obtained. Expressed in pounds per shaft power hour.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials


Turning Circle Terms
Base Course - ship heading at the start of a maneuver.
Advance - the distance the ship moves in the direction of the base course.
Advance-to-Clear Base Course - the distance the ship moves in the direction of the base course from
the initiation of the held order to the point at which every part of the ship is clear of the projected base
Advance-to-Change Heading 90 - the distance the ship moves in the direction of the base course
from the initiation of the helm order to the point at which the ship's heading has changed 900.
NOTE: This dimension is understood if "advance" is used alone.
Maximum Advance of Any Part of the Ship - the maximum distance the ship moves in the direction
of the base course after the helm order is given.
Transfer - the perpendicular distance from projected base course to the mid length of the ship when
the ship's heading has changed 90.
Tactical Diameter - the perpendicular distance from the projected base course to the mid length of the
ship when the ship's heading has changed 180.
Maximum Departure from Base Track the maximum perpendicular distance from the projected base
course of any part of the ship during the turning circle.
Final Diameter - the diameter of the track made by the ship after the rate-of-change of heading
becomes constant.
Z-Maneuver Terms
Overshoot - difference in degrees between the departure from base course when the opposite helm
order is given and the maximum departure from base course in a given direction.
React - time from initiation of "Z" maneuver until the ship's heading returns to base course. The "Z"
maneuver is discussed in paragraph 3.8.
Period - time required for ship's heading to change from 10R of base course back to 10R of base
course in response to rudder movements of 10R to 10L to 10R.
Quick Reversals
Dutch Log - method of determining movement of the ship by throwing a buoyant object (log)
overboard from a forward station and throwing succeeding logs on a signal determined from when the
proceeding log passes a ship station at known distance aft. The total movement of the ship is the
product of the number of logs passing the aft station and the distance between stations, plus the
estimated distance between the forward station and the last log when the ship is dead-in-the-water.
Ahead Reach - the distance the ship moves ahead after an astern signal is given, commonly
determined during trials for a full ahead initial condition and a full astern signal.
GNSS Tracking Systems electronic systems by which ship's position is determined from two
carefully surveyed points ashore by the radio signals which indicate the range between the ship and
each surveyed point. The ship's position at a particular time is the intersection of the two ranges thus

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

determined, and a series of such positions traces the ship's track. The ship's position iscalculated using
the two ranges, the distance between the surveyed points, and the position of the surveyed points.
Standardization - operation of the ship over a measured distance on reciprocal courses at specified
draft and propulsion powers to determine the speeds obtainable at such propulsion powers.
Ship's Track - the line describing the positions of a point on the ship from which range measurements
are taken during the period of interest.
Trial Instrument - a calibrated instrument provided by the builder to measure a particular aspect of
ship performance during sea trials. The trial instrument is normally removed by the builder after
Jacking Zero - the no-torque torsionmeter reading determined by rotating the shaft in each direction
with the turning gear and taking the mean of the average readings from both ahead and astern.
Torsionmeter Constant - the constant used in reducing torsionmeter signals to shaft torque. It is
obtained by calculation using the known shaft dimensions, the characteristics of the torsionmeter, and
a standard modulus of rigidity of the shaft material; or by calibration of the torsionmeter while
mounted on the shaft.
Water Leg the correction to pressure gage readings necessary to determine pressure at the sensing
point when it is not at the same elevation as the pressure gage and the sensing line is known to
contain liquid.
Red Hand Setting position of an adjustable fixed marker on an instrument dial face, which
prescribes the high and/or low limits of safe operation.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials



A.1.1 The plot derived from shore based reference station data indicates the ship's overground track,
i.e., over the sea floor. What is wanted is the track through the water, as this is what is
characteristic of the ship, not the track reflecting the particular condition present during the
trial. Comparisons of ship with ship or ship with a standard are valid only if both are drift
corrected. The tracking precision available from modern positioning systems makes drift
correction meaningful. Drift correction is not recommended for imprecise tracking methods.
A.1.2 After the ship's turn reaches equilibrium, and there is no drift, the ship's track will be a perfect
circle, and repeated turns will coincide. If there is drift, tracks will be distorted circles, and no
two will coincide. The degree and location of distortion can be used to measure drift. The
procedure is outlined below. The term "Execute" as used in the procedure means the time at
which the helm order is given.
A.2.I Plot the change of ship's heading versus time (SHVT).
A.2.2 Plot the ship's position versus time (SPVT).
A.2.3 Using the SPVT, determine ship's position at suitable time intervals (say 30 seconds).
A.2.4 Plot ship's position at the selected intervals, on rectangular coordinates, as shown in Figure 11,
using base course for the horizontal axis and orienting the plot to show the ship approaching
from top left for a right turn or bottom left for a left turn. Use a scale sufficient to resolve the
drift distance encountered.
A.2.5 Fair a dashed line through the plotted points. This will represent the overground track of the
ship during the maneuver.
A.3.1 The test procedure stated in paragraph 3.7 calls for holding full rudder until ship's heading has
changed 540 degrees; thus, the second time around will lap the first by 10 degrees, some part of
which will be a factor where the drift displacement of the second circle was maximum, and
there was a steady rate of turn both times around. The point at which a steady rate of turn is
reached can be verified from the SHVT. The point will be where the slope of the change
heading curve is approximately constant.
A.3.2 Determine from SHVT the time for heading changes at 10 degree intervals for the portion of
the lapped sector of the first circle for which turning rate is steady and the displacement of the
second circle is maximum. Similarly determine the time to reach selected heading change
points plus 360 degrees. Determine from the SPVT the ship's position at these times. Plot these
positions as indicated on Figure 11.
A.3.3 Connect the plotted position points at which ship's heading is 360 degrees apart and which fall
within that portion of the lapped sector for which turning rate is steady. If there are insufficient
points to describe the tracks properly, plot more points using the SHVT and SPVT. The mean
length of these connections will be proportional to the distance the ship drifted during a full

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

turn. The proportionality factor will be the scale of the plot. The mean direction of the
connections taken from first toward the second time the same heading is reached will be the
direction of drift relative to base course. Indicate drift direction by an arrow as shown on
Figure 11. Drift direction in compass terms can be obtained by adding or subtracting base
course as appropriate. Report results on Figure 1 or 2.
A.4.1 Determine the time from "execute" for each of the connected points, using the SHVT.
A.4.2 Subtract the time to reach the heading the first round from the time to reach it the second round.
A.4.3 Take the mean of these values as the mean time to turn 360 degrees.
A.4.4 Divide the mean drift distance as plotted by the mean time for a 360 degrees turn to obtain the
mean rate of drift expressed in inches of plot per second from "Execute".
A.5.1 Using the time plots, determine the time to or from "Execute" for each plotted point of the
overground plot.
A.5.2 Multiply the times from "Execute" for each plotted point by the drift rate. This will be the drift
distance in inches of plot.
A.5.3 Taking the "Execute" point as the origin representing zero time and zero drift, lay off a line
extending from each plotted point in a direction opposite the direction of drift after "Execute"
and in direction of the drift before "Execute".
A.5.4 Mark off on these lines a distance representing drift as prepared for paragraph A.5.2. These
points will define the drift corrected track.
A.5.5 Pick up a best-fit center using a compass for the drift corrected points which are in the portion
of the track in which the turning rate is steady.
A.5.6 Draw a best-fit circle around this enter.
A.5.7 Fair a line through the remaining points, including a few prior to "Execute", to redefine the base
A.6.1 Scale off the corrected plot and multiply by the scale factor, the dimensions defined in
paragraph A.3 in Appendix A.
A.6.2 Determine the change of heading for each plot point for corrected circle using the SHVT. When
plotting a circle for paragraph A.6.3, indicate the ship's heading by orientation of a scaled
representation of the ship's outline as shown on Figure 1 or 2.
A.6.3 Replot the corrected circle; appropriately label and indicate the turning dimensions as
illustrated in Figure 1 or 2 and include this in the trial report.
A.7.1 Multiply the drift rate in inches of plot per second from paragraph A.4.4 by the scale factor and
apply a dimensional constant to convert to knots. Report on Figure 1 or 2.

SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-47 (2015)
Guide for Sea Trials

Drift Rate (knots) = Drift rate (inches/sec) x scale factor (feet or yards/inch)
Dimensional constant (feet or yards/nautical mile)(hour/secs)

Figure 11 Sample Plot Illustrating Correction of Turning Circle for Drift


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