304 3R-96

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The document discusses recommended methods and procedures for measuring, mixing, transporting, and placing heavyweight concrete used for radiation shielding.

Cement, heavyweight aggregates, mixing water, and admixtures are discussed as materials for use in heavyweight concrete.

Chapters include general considerations, materials, concrete characteristics, equipment, formwork, placement, quality control, and references.

ACI 304.

Heavyweight Concrete:
Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing
Reported by ACI Committee 304

Robert A. Kelsey, Roger E. Phares James S. Pierce*

Chairman Vice Chairman Subcommittee Chairman

David J. Akers* Thomas A. Johnson Paul E. Reinhart

James E. Bennett, Jr. Samuel A. Kalat* Royce J. Rhoads
Casimir Bognacki John C. King Kenneth L. Saucier
Tianxia Cao* William C. Krell Donald L. Schlegel
James L. Cope Gary R. Mass Paul R. Stodola
Daniel Green Patrick McDowell William X. Sypher
Neil R. Guptil Dipak T. Parekh Robert E. Tobin
Terence C. Holland

*Members of the subcommittee who prepared revisions to the report.

Presents recommended methods and procedures for measuring, mixing, 2.4Admixtures

transporting, and placing heavyweight concretes that are used principally 2.5Proprietary premixed mortar
for radiation shielding in nuclear construction. Also covered are recommen-
dations on cement, heavyweight aggregates, water, and admixtures. Mixture
proportioning of heavyweight concrete is discussed. Recommendations for Chapter 3Concrete characteristics, p. 304.3R-4
preplaced-aggregate heavyweight concrete are also included, together with 3.1Physical properties
suitable grout proportions. Mixing equipment, form construction, placing 3.2Mixture proportioning
procedures, and methods of consolidation are described. Quality control,
inspection, and testing are emphasized, and a list of references is included.
Chapter 4Equipment, p. 304.3R-5
Keywords: admixtures; aggregates; barite; cements; concrete construction;
concretes; consolidation; construction equipment; conveying; density Chapter 5Formwork, p. 304.3R-5
(mass/volume); formwork (construction); grout; heavyweight aggregates; 5.1Conventional method
heavyweight concretes; ilmenite; limonite; magnetite; mass concrete; mate- 5.2Preplaced-aggregate method
rials handling; mix proportioning; mixing; placing; quality control; pre-
placed-aggregate concrete; radiation shielding; segregation.
Chapter 6Placement, p. 304.3R-5
6.1Conventional method
CONTENTS 6.2Preplaced-aggregate method
Chapter 1General considerations, p. 304.3R-2
Chapter 7Quality control, p. 304.3R-6
7.1Samples and tests
Chapter 2Materials, p. 304.3R-2
2.1Cement 7.2Cement
2.2Aggregate 7.3Aggregate
2.3Mixing water 7.4Admixtures
7.5Control tests

Chapter 8References, p. 304.3R-7

ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and Commentaries
are intended for guidance in planning, designing, executing, and inspect- 8.1Specified and/or recommended references
ing construction. This document is intended for the use of individuals 8.2Cited references
who are competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of
its content and recommendations and who will accept responsibility
for the application of the material it contains. The American Concrete
Institute disclaims any and all responsibility for the stated principles. The ACI 304.3R-96 supersedes ACI 304.3R-89 and became effective January 23, 1996.
Institute shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom. Copyright 1997, American Concrete Institute.
Reference to this document shall not be made in contract documents. All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any
If items found in this document are desired by the Architect/Engineer to means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic or
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Table 1 Typical aggregates*

Specific Gravity Percent by weight
Heavy Aggregate Source Composition Coarse pieces Fine sand Iron Fixed water
Ilmenite Que. Fe, Ti, O, etc. 4.50 4.60 40 0
Limonite-goethite UT, MI 2Fe2O3-3H2O 3.45 3.70 55 11
Magnetite NV, WY Fe3O4, etc. 4.50 4.55 60 1
Magnetite MT Hydrous iron 4.30 4.34 60 2-5
Barite TN >92 percent BaSO4 4.20 4.24 1-10 0
Barite NV >90 percent BaSO4 4.28 4.31 <1 0
Ferrophosphorous** Fe3P, Fe2P, FeP 6.30 6.28 70 0
Steel aggregate Punchings, sheared bars 7.78 99 0
Iron shot Cold chilled shot 7.50 99 0
*Source: Reference 4.

Material water-saturated, with its surface dry.

Other sources may be available.

In some instances the composition may be more important than the specific gravity if the aggregates attenuation characteristics are good.
**Ferrophosphorous when used in portland cement concrete will generate flammable and possibly toxic gases that can develop high pressures if confined.

CHAPTER 1GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Storage of cementitious materials should be in accordance

The procedures for measuring, mixing, transporting, and with ACI 304R.
placing heavyweight concrete are similar to those used in con-
ventional concrete construction; however, special expertise 2.2Aggregate
and thorough planning are necessary for the successful com- Thorough examination and evaluation of heavyweight ag-
pletion of this type of concrete work. The use of heavyweight gregate sources are necessary to obtain material suitable for
concrete in construction is a specialized field, and it is advis- the type of shielding required.3 These sources are limited, and
able that the work be undertaken by qualified personnel.1 a material survey should be conducted to determine availabil-
Heavyweight concrete is used in counterweights of bas- ity, chemical and physical qualities, and service records. Sam-
cule and lift bridges, but it is generally used in radiation ples for test should be taken under the supervision of the
shielding structures and differs from normal weight concrete owners representative to meet requirements of ASTM C 637.
The suppliers sources should be inspected to evaluate rock
by having a higher density and special compositions to im-
composition, abrasion resistance, and density since these
prove its attenuation properties. When the heavyweight con-
properties may vary from one location to another within a de-
crete is used to absorb gamma rays, the density and materials
posit. The purchaser must realize that mineral ores are not as
costs are of prime importance.1 When heavyweight shielding
uniform as normal weight concrete aggregates and make ap-
concrete is used to attenuate neutrons, sufficient material of
propriate allowances. Purchase orders should specify strict
light atomic weight, which produces hydrogen, should be in-
limits on allowable deviations for each property and make
cluded in the concrete mixture.2 Some aggregates are used specific provisions for remedial action in the event the toler-
because of their ability to retain water of crystallization at el- ances are not met.
evated temperatures, which ensures a source of hydrogen not Density and compositionAggregate density and compo-
necessarily available in heavyweight aggregates. sition for radiation shielding are described in ASTM C 638
and specified in ASTM C 637. Some typical properties for
CHAPTER 2MATERIALS shielding aggregates are shown in Table 1.
Coarse metallic aggregate for preplaced-aggregate con-
2.1Cement crete should have 100 percent retained on a 9.5-mm (3/8-in)
Cements conforming to ASTM C 150, which would be sieve and be reasonably free of thin, flat, or elongated pieces
suitable for conventional concrete and produce the required of metal. Maximum particle size is usually limited to 11/2-in.
physical properties, are suitable for use in heavyweight con- (37.5-mm).
crete. Low-alkali cement should be used when alkali-reac- Fine metallic aggregate should consist of commercial
tive constituents are present in the aggregates and a moderate chilled-iron or steel shot or ground iron, meeting SAE J
or low-heat cement should be used for massive members in 444a. Metallic aggregates should have a specific gravity of
accordance with Chapter 14, Massive Concrete, of ACI 301. 7.50 or greater and be clean and free from foreign coatings
To avoid high and rapid heat of hydration and resultant of grease, oil, machine shop compounds, zinc chromate,
cracking, it is advisable not to use Type III cement or accel- loose scale, and dirt.
erators unless the concrete temperature is controlled by spe- Shipment and storageAggregate should be shipped,
cially designed refrigeration systems. Blended hydraulic handled, and sorted in a manner that will insure little loss of
cements meeting the requirements of ASTM C 595 also may fines, no contamination by foreign material, and no signifi-
be used in lieu of portland cements. However, blended hy- cant aggregate breakage or segregation.
draulic cements should be used only if their use does not re- Aggregates may be shipped in heavy wooden boxes, wa-
duce the density of the concrete below the specified limit. tertight bags, steel containers, or in bulk by railroad cars or

Table 2 Typical proportions for heavyweight concrete

Conventionally placed concrete
Density Water content*
(unit weight), Compressive Cement, Heavy aggregate, lb/ft3 (kg/m3) Mix water, lb/ft3 (kg/m3)
lb/ft3 age 3 months lb/ft3 lb/ft3
(kg/m3) psi (MPa) (kg/m3) Fine Coarse (kg/m3) Minimum Maximum
300 5000 23.5 Iron shot 195 12.0 3.5 12.0
(4810) (34.5) (376) (3120) (192) (56) (192)
Magnetite 70
300 4870 24.1 Ferrophospho- 92 Ferrophospho- 171 12.7 3.6 12.7
(4810) (33.6) (386) rous (1470) rous (2740) (203) (58) (203)
262 5350 23.7 Ferrophospho- 70 Ferrophospho- 70 12.8 3.6 12.8
(4200) (36.9) (380) rous (1120) rous (1120) (205) (58) (205)
Barite 35 Barite 50
(560) (800)
232 6500 24.3 Magnetite 86 Magnetite 110 11.5 5.7 13.5
(3720) (44.8) (389) (1380) (1760) (184) (91) (216)
222 6000 19.3 Barite 86 Barite 105 11.6 2.9 11.6
(3560) (41.4) (309) (1380) (1680) (186) (46) (186)
219 6500 24.9 Hydrous iron 82 Hydrous iron 100 12.0 9.2 17.5
(3510) (44.8) (399) ore (1310) ore (1600) (192) (147) (280)
190 5750 20.9 Serpentine 50 Magnetite 106 13.0 9.1 19.0
(3040) (39.6) (335) (800) (1700) (208) (146) (304)
Preplaced-aggregate method
346 3000 20.6 Magnetite 44 Punchings 270 11.3 3.5 11.8
(5540) (207) (330) (700) (4330) (181) (56) (189)
300 5000 19.8 Magnetite 42 Magnetite 67 10.9 4.1 12.0
(4810) (34.5) (317) (670) (1070) (175) (66) (192)
Punchings 160
263 6000 22.2 28 60 12.2 13.0 21.9
(4210) (41.4) (356) Limonite (450) Limonite (960) (195) (208) (351)
Punchings 140
262 4800 19.8 Magnetite 42 Magnetite 122 10.9 4.7 12.6
(4200) (33.1) (317) (670) (1950) (175) (75) (202)
Punchings 67
245 19.5 23 48 9.8
(3920) (312) Serpentine (370) Serpentine (769) (157)
244 5000 17.5 37 180 9.7 4.8 11.9
Magnetite Magnetite
(3910) (34.5) (280) (590) (2880) (155) (77) (191)
215 5000 22.7 29 28 12.5 10.9 20.0
(3440) (34.5) (364) Limonite (460) Limonite (450) (200) (175) (320)
*Maximum water content is water weight when concrete is wet. Minimum water content is amount left after drying to constant weight at 185 F (85 C). Differ-
ence between the maximum water content and the amount of mix water added is the water of crystallization held by the aggregate. The difference between
the minimum water content and the water of crystallization is the water retained by the hardened cement paste.

Table 3 Typical grout proportions

Wet weight
Sand-cement ratio by Water-cement ratio by
Grout Sand weight weight lb/ft kg/m3
Magnetite 2.13 0.55 170 2720
Barite 1.49 0.54 155 2480
Limonite 1.28 0.55 146 2336
Conventional 1.00 0.42 129 2064

trucks. Storage should be as near the batch plant as possible, the thickness of the concrete is limited. High compressive
and protected from moisture. The net weight of aggregate in strengths may be required if heavyweight concrete is to be
each container should be plainly marked on the container. subjected to high temperatures and stress levels. This
strength requirement may necessitate the use of a low water-
2.3Mixing water cement ratio, and if placing conditions are difficult, a high
Water and ice to be used in heavyweight concrete should cement content will also be required for workability, or a
conform to the requirements of ACI 301 or ASTM C 94. In Type F or G chemical admixture may be used. Heavyweight
addition, water should be clean and free from injurious concrete with high cement content and low water-cement ra-
amounts of oil, acid, alkali, organic matter, or other deleteri- tio may exhibit increased creep and shrinkage, and in a mas-
ous substances. sive concrete placement could generate high temperatures at
early ages causing undesirable localized cracking from the
2.4Admixtures thermally induced stresses and strains.4 When structural con-
Conventionally placed heavyweight concrete may contain a siderations require this cracking potential to be eliminated, it
chemical admixture meeting ASTM C 494 requirements for will be necessary to use appropriate temperature control
Type A or D. Type F or G may also be used to improve the measures that could include precooling or postcooling the
placeability and reduce the tendency for segregation. When concrete, or both, as described in ACI 207.1R, ACI 207.2R,
Type F or G is used, caution must be used to be sure the mix- and ACI 224R.
ture is not over-vibrated and the heavyweight particles segre-
gated. Air-entraining admixtures are not generally used in 3.2Mixture proportioning
concrete that is not exposed to freezing and thawing because Procedures outlined in ACI 211.1 should be used for mix-
their use would tend to decrease the density of the concrete. ture proportioning. Typical proportions for heavyweight
However, if the concrete mixtures have sufficient density to concrete are shown in Table 2.
allow 4 percent entrained air, there are definite advantages to
Conventionally placed heavyweight concreteThe concrete
be realized: reduced bleeding, greater workability, and a more
mixture should be proportioned to provide the desired compres-
homogeneous concrete. Preplaced-aggregate grout should
sive strength, density, and adequate workability. Also, the
contain a fluidifier conforming to ASTM C 937. Admixtures
chemical constituents and fixed water content of the resulting
should be stored in accordance with requirements of ACI
mixture must provide satisfactory shielding properties.5 (Fixed
water is water necessary to supply hydrogen for shielding.)
Fly ash meeting the requirements of ASTM C 618 may be
Preplaced-aggregate heavyweight concreteCoarse ag-
used to enhance the workability of heavyweight mixtures.
gregate for heavyweight preplaced-aggregate concrete may be
Other mineral admixtures such as natural pozzolans and sil-
a heavyweight mineral aggregate, a blend of mineral aggre-
ica fume also may be used. These admixtures should meet
gates, or a blend of mineral aggregates and steel particles. Be-
the requirements of ASTM C 618 and C 1240, respectively.
cause of high cost, steel particles are rarely used alone as
However, their effect on the concrete density must be evalu-
coarse aggregate. Unpublished laboratory data of contractor-
ated and the admixtures omitted if the resulting concrete
engineers employed by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
density is lower than that specified.
(now the Nuclear Regulatory Commission) at Hanford, WA,
indicate that if steel punchings or smooth cubical pieces of
2.5Proprietary premixed mortar
Iron mortar concretes produced commercially by manu- steel or iron are used alone as coarse aggregate, compressive
facturers for shielding concrete have been tested and found strengths will not exceed 3000 psi (20.7 MPa), regardless of
adequate. However, these materials should be tested prior to the grout mixture or water-cement ratio used. However, when
use for density, compressive strength, and the necessary sheared reinforcing bars are used as aggregate with similar
properties for shielding. grout mixtures, concrete of normal strength will be produced.
The compressive strengths of typical preplaced-aggregate
CHAPTER 3CONCRETE CHARACTERISTICS concrete mixtures are shown in Table 2. Coarse aggregates
should conform with Grading 1 in Table 7.2 of ACI 304R.
3.1Physical properties Form configuration and embedment limitations usually pre-
High modulus of elasticity, low coefficient of thermal ex- clude the use of coarse aggregate larger than 11/2 in. (37.5
pansion, and low elastic and creep deformations are ideal mm). Sand grading should be within the limits but on the finer
properties for both conventional structural concrete and side of the grading shown in Table 7.2 (ACI 304R) since the
heavyweight concrete. Heavyweight concrete is used when smaller particles show less tendency to segregate. Some

heavyweight fine aggregate, e.g., ferrophosphorous, when provided with normal bends or step configuration to reduce
used in grouts causes excessive bleeding and produces grouts the possibility of radiation streaming, or leakage that could
that are extremely difficult to pump. occur with straight-line joints. The basic structure then may
Grout used in heavyweight preplaced-aggregate concrete be completed around the blockouts. After the items to be em-
should contain more cement than that used in normal density bedded are placed, the blockouts are filled with heavyweight
preplaced-aggregate concrete. Preplaced coarse aggregate grout. Precautions should be taken to insure that penetrations
proportions will vary in accordance with requirements for and blockouts are tightly grouted.
strength, density, and fixed water. Typical grout proportions
are shown in Table 3. Guidance on proportioning grout mix- 5.2Preplaced-aggregate method
tures is also available in ASTM C 938. The precautions normally required for formwork for pre-
Fluidifier admixtures as described in ACI 304R must be placed-aggregate concrete of conventional density are applicable.
used in the grout to insure complete filling of the voids among Additionally, particular care must be taken to ensure a grout-tight
coarse aggregate particles, to obtain controlled expansion of seal at those points where penetrations or embedded items pass
the matrix during its plastic stage for optimum coarse aggre- through the form. Concentrations of electrical conduits, in partic-
gate contact, to minimize bleeding, and to obtain satisfactory ular, will present a problem if due care is not exercised.
contact of the concrete with embedded items. In those instances where voids within the preplaced-aggre-
Fly ash, which is frequently used with normal density pre- gate must be measured by flooding with water to determine pre-
placed-aggregate concrete, is used in heavyweight concrete only cise void content, unusual care must be taken not only to make
when its use does not reduce the concrete density below the spec- forms grout-tight but also watertight. It is usually impossible to
ified limit. In addition, the lime-pozzolan hydration reaction is not attempt construction of watertight forms other than by using
as effective as the portland cement hydration action in chemically permanent steel liners as the sheeting material, in which case
fixing the water for neutron attenuation. penetrations will be welded, threaded, or gasketed.
If grout is to be injected through permanent steel sheeting
CHAPTER 4EQUIPMENT by means of horizontal insert piping, insert holes should be
Standard mixing equipment is generally used to mix
drilled, tapped, and provided with a simple compression
heavyweight concrete. Special care should be taken not to
packer to allow gradual withdrawal of the insert pipe during
overload the equipment. In general, the allowable volume of
grout injection without objectionable loss of grout around
heavyweight concrete mixed should be equivalent to the mix
the insert pipe.
weight of normal density concrete rather than the volume ca-
pacity of the mixing equipment. Transporting heavyweight
concrete without agitation tends to cause excessive consoli- CHAPTER 6PLACEMENT
dation or packing.
6.1Conventional method
The use of long, rigid chutes or drop pipes should be Placement of conventionally mixed heavyweight concrete
avoided. Where concrete must be placed in narrow forms or is subject to the same considerations of quality control as
through restricted areas, a short flexible type drop chute that
normal density concrete, except that it is far more susceptible
tends to collapse and restrain the fall of heavyweight con-
to variations in quality due to improper handling. It is partic-
crete should be employed.
ularly subject to segregation during placement. Segregation
of heavyweight concrete results not only in variation of
strength but, far more importantly, in variations in density
that are intolerable for work of this type, since this adversely
5.1Conventional method
Formwork should conform to ACI 347R. The form de- affects shielding properties.
signer should be aware that formwork for conventionally The placement of heavyweight concrete is frequently re-
placed heavyweight concrete must be necessarily stronger quired in areas that are congested with reinforcing steel, pen-
than comparable formwork for ordinary concrete simply by etrations, and instrumentation. Placement conditions dictate
reason of increased concrete density. the strictest observance of good placement practice. Because
Typical structures will be of a complex shape and will con- of the complexity of forms and embedments, it is usually
tain many penetrations through the formwork. The strutting necessary to avoid pump or drop-pipe placement tech-
and bracing system must be carefully designed to avoid un- niques in areas that are inaccessible to direct observation by
intentionally placing a load on penetrating members and to workmen. However, in other accessible areas, if the mixtures
insure precise alignment of external fixtures corresponding are proportioned properly, they are pumpable and will pump
to these penetrations. In a typically complex placement, con- better at a lower slump than normal weight concrete. Ferro-
sideration should be given to the use of permanent steel phosphorous concrete because of its porosity is especially
forms as sheeting. difficult to pump; therefore, pumping is not recommended
Steel penetrations are often precisely machined and fabri- for this concrete. Heavyweight concrete usually will not
cated assemblies that may be subject to delays in delivery. It flow in a form and must be placed in each discrete area and
may be prudent to allow for such delays by providing for compacted in place with a minimum of vibration. Under no
blockouts to receive these penetrations, the blockouts to be circumstances should an attempt be made to move heavy-

weight concrete with vibration equipment. Lifts should be After the blending operation, the coarse aggregates are
limited to a maximum 12-in. (300-mm) thickness. charged into concrete buckets or other means of conveyance,
ConsolidationConsolidation should conform to ACI delivered to the forms, and placed in shallow lifts. Short,
309R, Chapter 14, and should be by internal vibrators to achieve flexible drop pipes are ordinarily used to avoid breakage of
uniform and optimum density. In heavyweight concrete, vibra- the coarse aggregate and damage to embedded items, and to
tors have a smaller effective area, or radius of action; therefore, reduce hand placement of coarse aggregate within the forms.
greater care must be exercised to insure that the concrete is Frequently, hand packing coarse aggregate around embed-
properly consolidated. Vibrators should be inserted at closely ded items and in severely restricted areas may be required.
spaced intervals and only to a depth sufficient to cause complete Coarse aggregate can be tamped lightly after placement, but
intermixing of adjacent lifts. heavy rodding should be avoided to prevent coarse aggregate
CleanupVibration and revibration to remove entrapped breakage or damage to instrumentation. Movement of coarse
air and to establish aggregate-to-aggregate contact cause an aggregate particles into restricted areas may be accom-
excessive amount of grout to collect on the top of lift surfac- plished by use of an air lance, using a short length of 3/8-in.
es.6 This grout matrix (up to 3 in. [75 mm] thick) should be (10-mm) pipe. Placement by this method should be limited
removed from the lift surface at the completion of each insofar as possible to avoid segregation.
placement while the concrete is still in a plastic state. GroutProcedures for mixing and placing heavyweight
grout are the same as those employed with normal density
6.2Preplaced-aggregate method grout. However, because of greater tendency for segregation,
The preplaced-aggregate method is particularly well-suited line blockages are more frequent. Therefore, ample prepara-
for use with concretes containing steel punchings or particles tions should be made for rapid clearing of grout hoses and
as part or all of the coarse aggregate matrix, because the steel pipes, and ample standby equipment should be available.
particles tend to segregate easily when placed by conventional Since some heavyweight grouts are difficult to pump, a trial
methods. Additional guidance on the preplaced-aggregate is recommended prior to actual operation.
method may be found in ACI 304R and ACI 304.1R.
Washing, blending, and handling coarse aggregateFor CHAPTER 7QUALITY CONTROL
heavyweight preplaced-aggregate concrete it is essential that
coarse aggregate particles be thoroughly washed and be free 7.1Samples and tests
of any undersized particles prior to placement in the forms to Heavyweight concrete materials and heavyweight con-
insure unrestricted grout flow through the coarse aggregate crete should be sampled and tested prior to and during con-
matrix. Many of the heavyweight minerals are more suscep- struction to insure conformance with applicable standards
tible to breakage than normal density crushed rock or gravel. and specifications. Guidance presented in these standards as
Washing is normally accomplished in a trommel type or ro- well as previous experience with the same materials will de-
tary wash screen. Frequently it is desirable to blend two termine the required frequency of testing.
types of aggregates by stream blending them into a trommel The complexity of structures in which heavyweight concrete
washer, thus achieving the density, washing, and blending at is placed usually precludes the possibility of taking test cores.
minimum cost. Careful preliminary tests and repeated quali- Furthermore, extraction of test cores from concrete containing
ty control tests during this operation must be conducted to coarse metallic aggregate particles is costly. Unless great care is
make allowances for loss through breakage of each of the exercised, the metallic particles will be torn loose from the ma-
two types of aggregates. trix, destroying both the bit and the core sample. It is, therefore,
A second method of blending can also be accomplished by of the utmost importance that a thorough quality control pro-
washing the two coarse aggregate fractions separately and gram be established prior to the start of construction and main-
subsequently stream blending them onto the conveyor belt tained throughout the duration of construction.
that is transferring them to the conveying mechanism. Al-
though the equipment required in this method is more expen- 7.2Cement
sive, it has the advantage of permitting aggregate to be The cement should comply with the requirements of ASTM
washed and stored in advance of placing requirements. Sat- C 150 or C 595. On projects requiring the submission of mill
isfactory results are obtained with this method if care is ex- tests, comparative tests should also be made on samples taken
ercised in the operation of the blending gates. from the cement received at the batch plant. Optional require-
Another coarse aggregate blending method involves ments such as heat of hydration, alkali content, and false set
washing the various fractions separately, weighing and properties are important design considerations for some types
batching them individually into a blending device such as a of construction.
concrete mixer, mixing them briefly, and then discharging
them through a second washing screen. 7.3Aggregate
Steel punchings as delivered from the mill are usually The quality of the aggregates should comply with the re-
coated with a heavy cutting oil. Degreasing is normally ac- quirements of ASTM C 33 for normal weight aggregates and
complished by tumbling the punchings in perchloroethylene ASTM C 637 for heavyweight aggregates. Other special re-
using a transit mix truck. This is followed by rinsing over a quirements that may be requested by the designer include the
washer. The solvent is saved and recirculated to the truck. fixed water content and limitations on specific chemical con-

stituents. When ferrophosphorous aggregates are used, tests by ASTM C 941, and setting characteristics by ASTM C
should be made to determine if gases (nontoxic) might be re- 953. The compressive strength of preplaced-aggregate con-
leased during construction. Aggregates should be carefully crete should be determined in accordance with ASTM C 943
checked again after delivery to ensure that they conform and C 39.
completely with purchase specifications. The density of all concrete test cylinders should be deter-
Other conditions that are frequently evaluated are the ef- mined. Where exact density is required, 4- x 4- x 10-in. (100-
fects of deleterious substances or aggregate coatings on con- x 100- x 250-mm) prisms should be cut from each test cylin-
crete strength or the promotion of corrosion in metallic der, except when steel shot or punchings are used, and the
aggregates or embedments. density of prism and segments removed should be compared
with that of the complete cylinder for determination of the
7.4Admixtures skin effect on density. This skin effect results from the
Chemical admixtures used in the concrete should meet density difference between the formed surface when a cylinder
ASTM C 494 requirements. Detailed recommendations for specimen is cast and the fresh surface of a sawed specimen.
controlling, storing, and handling of admixtures are given in
ACI 212.3R. As stated previously, pozzolans and silica fume 7.6Inspection
used in heavyweight concrete should meet the requirements The inspection of heavyweight concrete should be in accor-
of ASTM C 618 and C 1240, respectively. Additional guid- dance with applicable ACI standards (ACI 311.1R). Special
ance on the use of fly ash in concrete is given in ACI 226.3R. consideration should be given to the use and operation of
equipment used in the production and handling of heavyweight
7.5Control tests concrete because of its greater density as compared with nor-
Conventional heavyweight concreteThe quality of the mal weight concrete. Reduced mixer loading and longer mix-
concrete produced should be controlled by an established pro- ing time are usually required for satisfactory results.
gram of sampling and testing. This program should conform Other than special modifications required by high density,
to the requirements of national standards such as ACI 318 and those items emphasized as important in ACI 304R are also
to the requirements of the construction specifications. Quality important inspection items for heavyweight concrete.
control tests of freshly mixed concrete should include tests of
density, temperature, slump, and air content made in accor- CHAPTER 8REFERENCES
dance with appropriate ASTM test methods. The limits of re-
jection for heavyweight concrete should be established in the 8.1Specified and/or recommended references
construction specifications to conform to the design parame- The documents of the various standards-producing organi-
ters of the structures involved. These tests and control limits zations referred to in this document are listed below with
are used to avoid incorporating questionable or substandard their serial designation. The documents listed were the latest
concrete in the permanent structure. effort at the time this document was revised. Since some of
Concrete uniformity tests to evaluate the mixing of the these documents are revised frequently, generally in minor
heavyweight concrete should be performed in accordance detail only, the user of this document should check directly
with procedures given in ASTM C 94. with the sponsoring group if reference to the latest revision
Sampling of concrete and tests for compressive strength is desired.
and density of hardened concrete should be made in accor-
dance with accepted standards. American Concrete Institute
Preplaced-aggregate heavyweight concreteHeavy- ACI 207.1R Mass Concrete
weight preplaced-aggregate concrete is adaptable to the use of ACI 207.2R Effect of Restraint, Volume Change, and Re-
sophisticated and exacting quality control tests. For example, inforcement on Cracking of Mass Concrete
density may be controlled to within a fixed range of values, the ACI 211.1 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions
extent of control depending on the complexity and importance for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete
of the project. ACI 212.3R Chemical Admixtures for Concrete
To accomplish this type of control, coarse aggregate should ACI 224R Control of Cracking in Concrete Structures
be weighed, and unit density of coarse aggregate should be de- ACI 226.3R Use of Fly Ash in Concrete
termined at frequent intervals prior to placement of the coarse ACI 301 Specifications for Structural Concrete for Build-
aggregate within the forms. If the density is particularly critical, ings
the coarse aggregate in the forms may be flooded with water ACI 304R Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting,
through a water meter to precisely measure the volume of voids and Placing Concrete
within the coarse aggregate matrix. Records of weight of the ag- ACI 304.1R Guide for the Use of Preplaced Aggregate
gregate placed, together with measurement of form volume and Concrete for Structural and Mass Concrete
void volume, will give a precise measure of the density of the Applications
coarse aggregate placed. ACI 309R Guide for Consolidation of Concrete
The pumpability of grout is determined with a standard ACI 311.1R ACI Manual of Concrete InspectionSP-2
flow cone in accordance with ASTM C 939, expansion and ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural
bleeding characteristics by ASTM C 940, water retentivity Concrete

ACI 347R Guide to Formwork for Concrete C 1240 Specification for Silica Fume for Use in Hy-
draulic-Cement Concrete and Mortar
ASTM Standards
C 33 Specification for Concrete Aggregates Society of Automotive Engineers
C 39 Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cy- SAE J 4 Specification for Cast Shot and Grit for Peening
lindrical Concrete Specimens and Cleaning
C 94 Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete
C 150 Specification for Portland Cement The above publications may be obtained from the follow-
C 494 Specification for Chemical Admixtures for ing organizations:
C 595 Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements American Concrete Institute
C 618 Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or Cal- P.O. Box 9094
cined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Farmington Hills, Mich. 48333-9094
Admixture in Coal Concrete
C 637 Specification for Aggregates for Radiation- ASTM
Shielding Concrete 100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, Pa. 19428-2959
C 638 Descriptive Nomenclature of Constituents of
Aggregates for Radiation-Shielding Concrete Society of Automotive Engineers
C 937 Specification for Grout Fluidifier for Pre- 400 Commonwealth Dr.
placed-Aggregate Concrete Warrendale, Pa. 15096-0001
C 938 Practice for Proportioning Grout Mixtures for
Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete 8.2Cited References
C 939 Test Method for Flow of Grout for Preplaced- 1. Pihlajavaara, S. E., Preliminary Recommendation for Design, Making,
Aggregate Concrete (Flow Cone Method) and Control of Radiation Shielding Structures, Concrete for Nuclear Reac-
tors, SP-34, V. 1, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich.,
C 940 Test Method for Expansion and Bleeding of 1972, pp. 57-67.
Freshly Mixed Grouts for Preplaced-Aggre- 2. Davis, Harold S., Concrete for Radiation ShieldingIn Perspective,
gate Concrete in the Laboratory Concrete for Nuclear Reactors, SP-34, V. 1, American Concrete Institute,
Farmington Hills, Mich., 1972, pp. 3-13.
C 941 Test Method for Water Retentivity of Grout 3. Browne, R. D., and Blundell, R., Relevance of Concrete Property
Mixtures for Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete Research to Pressure Vessel Design, Concrete for Nuclear Reactors, SP-
in the Laboratory 34, V. 1, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich., 1972, pp.
C 943 Practice for Making Test Cylinders and 69-102.
4. Nucleonics, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New York, June 1955, pp.
Prisms for Determining Strength and Density 60-65.
of Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete in the Lab- 5. Davis, H. S., Iron Serpentine Concrete, Concrete for Nuclear Reac-
oratory tors, SP-34, V. 3, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich.,
1972, pp. 1195-1224.
C 953 Test Method for Time of Setting of Grouts for
6. Davis, H. S., N-Reactor Shielding, Concrete for Nuclear Reactors,
Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete in the Labora- SP-34, V. 2, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich., 1972,
tory pp. 1109-1161.

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