Polymeric PEGylated Nanoparticles As Drug Carriers How Preparation and Loadinf Procedures Influence Funtional Properties

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Polymeric PEGylated Nanoparticles as Drug Carriers: How Preparation

and Loading Procedures Influence Functional Properties

Mariacristina Gagliardi
Center for Micro-BioRobotics @SSSA, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Viale Rinaldo Piaggio, 34, 56025 Pontedera, Italy
Correspondence to: M. Gagliardi (E - mail: [email protected])

ABSTRACT: The application of emerging nanotechnologies in medicine showed in the last years a significant potential in the improve-
ment of therapies. In particular, polymeric nanocarriers are currently tested to evaluate their capability to reduce side effects, to
increase the residence time in the body and also to obtain a controlled release over time. In the present work a novel polymeric nano-
carrier was developed and optimized to obtain, with the same chemical formulation, three different typologies of nanocarriers: dense
nanospheres loaded with an active molecule (1) during nanoparticle formation and (2) after the preparation and (3) hollow nanocap-
sules to increase the starting drug payload. Synthetic materials considered were PEGylated acrylic copolymers, folic acid was used as
model of a hydrophobic drug. The main aim is to develop an optimized nanocarrier for the transport and the enhanced release of
poorly water-soluble drugs. V C 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2015, 132, 41310.

KEYWORDS: drug delivery systems; nanoparticles; nanostructured polymers; nanowires and nanocrystals

Received 3 January 2014; accepted 20 July 2014

DOI: 10.1002/app.41310

INTRODUCTION and of the monomers used to synthesize the shell is fundamen-

tal to obtain particles with desired dimensions, geometry and
In recent years, considerable efforts of the research have been
directed to the development of nanocarriers for the systemic
administration of hydrophobic drugs, widely used in specific In the present article a novel nanocarrier with the use of differ-
pathologies such as cancer diseases. Nanoparticles were widely ent techniques was developed. A poly(n-butyl methacrylate-co-
studied to release doxorubicin,13 paclitaxel,46 platinum-based (polyethyleneglycol) monomethyl ether monomethacrylate) was
drugs79 and for gene delivery,1013 also to achieve a targeted obtained in the form of nanosphere and nanocapsule, in order
release of the active principle.1420 In particular, polymeric to evaluate the possibility to improve the efficiency of encapsu-
nanocarriers can be tailored to show some important capabil- lation of a hydrophobic drug. In addition, the comparison
ities, such as stealth21 or Trojan horse22,23 properties, in order between drug delivery profiles by changing the drug loading
to increase the efficacy of the pharmacological treatment. method was considered. Finally, surface properties induced by
the presence of the core during the synthesis of nanocapsules
Polymers are highly versatile materials, easily tunable in terms
were analyzed.
of chemical and physical properties, to obtain the desired prop-
erties, such as water uptake, degradation kinetics, releasing pro-
files, cyto- and hemocompatibility. In addition, polymers can be MATERIALS AND METHODS
processed to obtain specific architectures and final products Materials
with different characteristics. For example, it is possible to Monomers used for the synthesis (Table I) were n-butyl methac-
increase the drug payload by using hollow nanocapsules instead rylate (BMA, Aldrich) and three different (polyethyleneglycol)
of dense nanospheres. Hollow nanocapsules are composed of a monomethyl ether monomethacrylate ((PEG)MEMA, Aldrich,
thin shell that can encapsulate the drug within the hollow PEG chain units were 5, 9, and 20 respectively, corresponding to a
core.2427 A simple and efficient method developed in the pres- final molecular weight of the polymer of 300, 475, and 950 Da,
ent study is to obtain hollow nanocapsules from core/shell respectively); BMA was purified using a packed glass column (23
nanoparticles composed of a sacrificial core and a cross-linked 3 2 cm2) containing beads for removing the hydroquinone inhib-
thin shell. After the preparation of core/shell particles, the core itor (Aldrich), the products was maintained in a sealed glass
can be extracted with a solvent, leaving a free cavity within the ampoule at 220 C and used within 1 month; (PEG)MEMAs
rigid cross-linked shell. The appropriate selection of the core were used as received. Trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate

C 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Table I. Monomers Used for the Synthesis (BMA and (PEG)MEMA), Recipe for core synthesis. MMA (250 mmol), NBS (25 mmol),
Crosslinker (TRIM), and Monomer Used for the Core Synthesis (MMA) APS (25 mmol).
Recipe for core/shell nanoparticles. BMA (112.5 mmol), (PEG)-
Name Structure
MEMA (12.5 mmol), TRIM (25 mmol), NBS (12.5 mmol), APS
n-Butyl methacrylate (BMA) (12.5 mmol), PMMA core (5 g).

Purification of the Products. At the end of the reaction, the

(poly ethyleneglycol) methyl solid products were filtered and exsiccated in a vented oven
ether methacrylate ((PEG)MEMA) (40 C) for 24 h, then washed on a filter with hot water (50 C)
to remove the SDS, the unreacted monomers and the redox ini-
Trimethylolpropane tiators, finally washed with IPA and exsiccated in vented oven
trimethacrylate (TRIM) (40 C) for 24 h. In the case of nanocapsules, the PMMA core
was eliminated by washing nanoparticles with CHL for 30 min
twice, and then nanocapsules were filtered, evaporated under
vented oven for 1 h and finally washed with IPA and exsiccated
in vented oven (40 C) for 24 h.

Methyl methacrylate (MMA) Morphological (SEM) and Dimensional (PCS) Analysis. Mor-
phological analysis was carried out through scanning electron
microscopy (SEM, JEOL JSM 5600) to evaluate the mean
dimension and the distribution. The samples in the form of
powder were dried under high vacuum and coated with 24 K
(TRIM, Aldrich) was used as cross-linker without any purifica- gold. For the photon correlation spectroscopy (PSC, Zetasizer
tion. Methyl methacrylate (MMA, Aldrich) was used to synthesize Nano, Malvern) analysis, nanoparticles (50 lg) were dispersed
the sacrificial core for the nanocapsules preparation, after purifi- in a phosphate buffer (pH 7.4, 1.2 mL) previously filtered on
cations previously described for BMA. Anhydrous sodium meta- 0.4 lm filter and introduced in PS cuvettes (laser wavelength
bisulfite (NBS) and ammonium peroxodisulfate (APS), both 630 nm, scattering angle 90 , T 40 C).
obtained from Sigma Aldrich, were used as redox initiators. Folic HPLC Analysis. High Performance Liquid Chromatography
acid (FA, Aldrich) was used without any purification as model of (HPLC, Shimadzu, Italy) equipped with a PDA detector (Shi-
hydrophobic drugs. MilliQ water (Millipore Purification System) madzu SPD-M20A, Shimadzu, Italy) was used to study the
and ethanol (EtOH, Sigma, Chromasolv purity degree) were used monomer conversion, the drug encapsulation and the release.
as reaction media. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS, Aldrich) was During the reaction, 10 mL of the mass were withdrawn at dif-
used as surfactant. Acetonitrile (ACN, Sigma, Chromasolv purity ferent times to evaluate the instantaneous monomer conversion.
degree) and bidistilled water were used as mobile phase in HPLC Withdrawn were immediately diluted in 10 mL of bidistilled
study of monomer conversion. ACN and a phosphate buffer water and refrigerated in an ice bath to immediately stop the
(pH 5 5) were used as mobile phase in the analysis of FA delivery. reaction, then stored at 220 C. For this analysis, samples
Drug adsorption and delivery tests were carried out in a phos- obtained from three different batch for each reaction were ana-
phate buffer solution (pH 5 7.4) containing SDS (0.05% w/v) as lyzed using a Luna C8 (Phenomenex, 100 A, 150 mm 3 3 mm)
prescribed by FDA in the analysis of poorly water-soluble drugs.28 as column, ACN/water (80/20 v/v) as internal mobile phase
Chloroform (CHL, Sigma, HPLC purity degree) was used for the fluxed at 1 ml/min, injected volume was 5 mL, chromatograms
PMMA core extraction and 2-propanol (IPA, Sigma, Chromasolv collected at the UV wavelength of 210 nm were used for quanti-
purity degree) was used for the final nanoparticle washing. tative analysis. Retention times of monomers and cross-linker
Methods were: 1.80 min 6 0.30 min for BMA, 2.52 min 6 0.20 min for
General Reaction Scheme. In a three-neck round-bottom flask TRIM and 3.65 min 6 0.55 min for (PEG)MEMA, varying on
connected to an Allihn condenser, 200 mL of MilliQ water con- the basis of the length of the PEG chain.
taining SDS (1 g) were heated at 37 C 6 1 C by using a ther-
Drug Encapsulation and Delivery. The FA was encapsulated
mostatic bath and stirred at 800 rpm through a Teflon impeller.
within nanocarriers following two different methods: (i) direct
When the SDS was completely dissolved, 150 mL of EtOH were
loading, during the synthesis (dense nanospheres) and (ii)
added. Monomers were dissolved in 50 mL of water and added
adsorption procedure, after the synthesis (hollow nanocapsules
to the reactor; redox initiators were dissolved in 100 mL of
and dense nanospheres). Samples to evaluate the encapsulation
water at 37 C and then added to the reactor. Reaction was
kinetics through direct loading were withdrawn during the syn-
maintained under stirring at 37 C 6 1 C and continuously
thesis. Nearly 5 mL of reaction medium were withdrawn and
purged with N2 for 3 h.
immediately diluted in 10.0 mL of bidistilled water, then refriger-
Recipe for dense nanospheres synthesis. BMA (112.5 mmol), ated in ice bath and stored at 220 C. Before the HPLC analysis,
(PEG)MEMA (12.5 mmol), BMA/(PEG)MEMA molar ratio was samples were maintained at room temperature for 1 h, then
fixed to 90/10, TRIM (25 mmol, 20% of the overall monomer gently stirred and analyzed. Drug absorption tests were per-
amount), NBS (12.5 mmol), APS (12.5 mmol). formed on dense nanospheres and hollow nanocapsules. About

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Figure 1. (a) Monomer conversion vs. time related to the synthesis of the copolymer obtained using (PEG)MEMA with average Mn 5 300 Da, error bars
(reported but not visible) indicated an interval of confidence < 0.3%; (bd) final monomer conversion evaluated for the synthesis of direct loaded dense
nanospheres, empty dense nanospheres and hollow nanocapsules by varying the length of the PEG chain.

5.00 mg 6 0.13 mg of the polymeric nanocarriers were weighted the internal mobile phase was composed of phosphate buffer
and introduced in glass vials. Polymers were pre-conditioned for (pH 5 5)/ACN (60/40 v/v) fluxed at 1 mL min21, injected vol-
24 h introducing 100 mL of phosphate buffered solution ume was 2 mL, chromatograms considered for quantitative anal-
(pH 5 7.4) then 1 mL of FA solution (0.24 mg mL21) in phos- ysis were collected at the UV wavelength of 280 nm. Retention
phate buffer (pH 5 7.4) was added. Samples were maintained time was 1.90 min 6 0.11 min.
under gentle stirring at 37 C 6 1 C for different times (25, 55,
Chemical (FT-IR) and Thermal (DSC) Characterizations. FT-
85, 115, 145, and 245 min) then centrifuged for 5 min at 8
IR spectra in ATR mode were acquired on each prepared material.
krpm, the FA solution was eliminated and stored at room tem-
Spectra were recorded on an IRAffinity-1S apparatus (Shimadzu,
perature for HPLC analysisTests were carried out in triplicate.
Italy) on dried particles in the form of powder. DSC analysis was
Drug delivery tests were performed onto dense nanospheres loaded performed on 24 mg of sample introduced in Al pans under N2
with FA during the reaction, dense nanospheres and hollow nano- flow (80 mL min21) by using a DSC1 (Mettler Toledo, Italy)
capsules loaded via absorption procedure. 50.00 mg 6 2.00 mg equipment. The temperature range analyzed was between 25 and
were weighted and introduced in glass vials, then immersed in 250 C, the ramp rate was 10 C min21.
2 mL of phosphate buffered solution (pH 5 7.4) containing SDS
Blood-Protein Adsorption Tests. Blood-protein adsorption
(0.05% w/v) and maintained at 37 C 6 1 C in a thermostatic and
tests were performed on dense nanospheres and hollow nano-
stirred bath through the test period. About 500 mL of delivery solu-
capsules for a preliminary evaluation of the hemocompatibility.
tion were withdrawn and replaced with fresh solution at deter-
Adsorption tests were carried out using two different plasma
mined times. The delivery medium was completely withdrawn
proteins, albumin from bovine serum (BSA, Sigma) and fibri-
after established periods and replaced with fresh solution ensuring
nogen from bovine plasma (BPF, Sigma). Proteins were solubi-
the maintenance of the perfect sink conditions on the basis of the
lized in physiological solution (0.9% w/v of NaCl) at 37 C
solubility limit of FA experimentally evaluated.29
both in concentration of 1 mg mL21. Polymeric samples were
For the analysis of FA encapsulation and release, a Luna C8 weighted (7.5 mg 6 1.2 mg) and introduced in glass vials, pre-
(Phenomenex, 100 A, 150 mm 3 3 mm) was used as column, conditioned with 150 mL of PBS for 24 h then immersed in the

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Table II. Theoretical Composition of Synthesized Nanoparticles by Varying the PEG Chain Length

Empty dense nanospheres Loaded dense nanospheres Hollow nanocapsules

300 0.910 0.090 0.899 0.101 0.987 0.013
475 0.900 0.100 0.910 0.090 0.903 0.097
950 0.905 0.095 0.900 0.100 0.906 0.094

adsorption solution (1.5 mL) and maintained in a thermostatic c0 2ct

xt5 (1)
and stirred bath at 37 C. After 15 min adsorption solution was c0
completely withdrawn and replaced with fresh solution. This
where c0 and c(t) are the monomer concentrations (starting at
procedure was carried out four times. Samples were analyzed
after a generic time t respectively) in the reactive mass, showed
in triplicate. Samples were analyzed through UV spectropho-
a fast reaction kinetics, that immediately started after the addi-
tometry (Lambda50, PerkinElmer, Italy) to evaluate adsorption tion of the redox initiators. High monomer conversions were
kinetics and the overall amount of adsorbed proteins.
obtained after 60 min in all cases, for the rest of the reaction
the rate of monomer consumption was slower but tended to a
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION complete conversion. Final conversions of monomers [Figure
Reaction Kinetics and Monomer Conversion 1(bd)] were greater than 96% in all cases. Effects related to the
Monomer conversion during reaction time [Figure 1(a)], reaction kinetics were not detected by changing the length of
evaluated as: the PEG chain in the monomer (PEG)MEMA. These results

Figure 2. Morphological analysis of (a) empty dense nanospheres, (b) loaded dense nanospheres and (c) extracted nanocapsules, (13) by varying the
PEG molecular weight (300950) and 4 without (PEG)MEMA, (d) PMMA sacrificial core and e magnification of extracted nanocapsules showing the
hollow internal cavity.

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Table III. Mean Diameters (nm) Evaluated by SEM and PCS

Empty dense nanoparticles Loaded dense nanoparticles Hollow nanocapsules

PBMA 350 6 30 366 6 12 (0.100) 321 6 54 347 6 10 (0.102) 627 6 82 445 6 21 (0.112)
300 371 6 22 385 6 29 (0.110) 364 6 48 380 6 22 (0.208) 354 6 50 469 6 13 (0.105)
475 230 6 26 254 6 5 (0.109) 381 6 73 299 6 15 (0.151) 830 6 33 754 6 26 (0.120)
950 259 6 20 292 6 12 (0.122) 306 6 12 327 6 14 (0.133) 880 6 36 934 6 11 (0.113)

For SEM analysis 50 values for each image were considered; for PCS analysis three samples for each material were analyzed (polidispersity index in
parentheses); PMMA core showed a mean diameter of 278 6 5 nm at SEM analysis and 282 6 12 nm (0.011) at PCS analysis.

were analyzed through the KelenTudos method to obtain the nanospheres. Results are reported in Table III, together with
theoretical chemical composition. Obtained results, similar to PCS results. As shown, the mean diameter of nanoparticles was
the monomer feed, are summarized in Table II, materials are not affected by the length of the PEG chain but, referring to
following identified as 300, 475, and 950 on the basis of the PBMA-based nanospheres, a decrease in the mean diameter was
molecular weight of PEGylated monomer. obtained by adding the (PEG)MEMA monomer. The evaluation
of the morphology of nanocapsule was carried out after the
Morphological and Dimensional Analysis extraction of the internal core [Figure 2(c)]. In this case, an
Figure 2 summarizes results of morphological analysis. Dense increase of diameter with the increase in the length of the PEG
nanospheres [Figure 2(a,b)] showed a spherical morphology chain was observed, in addition to the increase with the intro-
and a low degree of aggregation. In addition, SEM analysis duction of the (PEG)MEMA monomer in respect to cross-
allowed evaluating the mean diameter in dry state of the linked PBMA nanoparticles. The increase of nanocapsule

Figure 3. FA fraction encapsulated by varying encapsulation process and macromolecular composition of nanocarriers (a) direct loading and (b) absorp-
tion; cumulative absorption kinetics by varying macromolecular composition of nanocarriers and nanostructure in (c) nanospheres and (d)

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Table IV. Absorption Kinetic Constants (min21) encapsulation was comprised between 84.95 and 90.97% with-
out a specific correlation with the macromolecular composition
Material Dense nanospheres Hollow nanocapsules of nanocarriers, reference particles encapsulated 86.22% of the
starting FA loaded in the reactor. With these efficiencies, the
PBMA 10.8 3 1023 (0.974) 18.2 3 1023 (0.945)
amount of FA encapsulated in respect to the polymer mass was
300 8.81 3 1023 (0.990) 31.8 3 1023 (0.991)
found to be 310 6 12 lg mg21, 231 6 8 lg mg21, and 276 6 11
475 4.27 3 10 (0.986) 36.4 3 1023 (0.988) lg mg21, for copolymer containing (PEG)MEMA with
950 4.64 3 10 (0.993) 42.8 3 1023 (0.975) Mn 5 300, 475, and 950 Da, respectively, respect to reference
Correlation factor is reported in parentheses. nanospheres encapsulating 243 6 11 lg mg21. Considering that
high encapsulation efficiencies were detected, it could be symp-
diameter could be correlated to an effect of the PMMA core tomatic of great interactions between FA molecule and mono-
[Figure 2(d)]. PMMA is a hydrophobic material and probably mers, leading to a slow releasing kinetics and small amounts of
hydrophobic interactions between core and monomers prevailed FA released. For this reason, the possibility to encapsulate the
in the first phase of the shell formation, thus PEG chains were drug into nanoparticles after the synthesis was considered.
arranged toward the reaction medium, prevalently composed of
water, and then generating a PEG hydrophilic corona with low With this aim, absorption tests were carried out onto dense
density. Extracted nanocapsules were immersed in liquid N2 nanospheres and hollow nanocapsules. Encapsulation efficien-
and grinded to crush the shell and analyze the structure. SEM cies evaluated at the end of the test are reported in Figure 3(b).
analysis onto nanocapsules obtained using (PEG)MEMA with Concerning the behavior of the dense nanospheres, the amount
Mn 5 300 Da after crushing is reported in Figure 2(e). of FA absorbed was comprised between 5.81 and 11.11% for
copolymers, respect to reference nanospheres encapsulating
Drug Loading 25.70%. These low values could be attributed to the absorption
Direct encapsulation of the drug was obtained by synthesizing mechanism, probably interesting only the surface of nanopar-
nanoparticles in the presence of FA in the reaction mass. The ticles and not the bulk. This hypothesis seems to be reasonable
fraction of FA encapsulated [Figure 3(a)] was evaluated in also considering mean diameters evaluated for nanospheres: a
respect to the starting amount of FA loaded in the reactor. The greater value was found for copolymer obtained using (PEG)-
residual amount of FA at the end of the polymerization was MEMA with Mn 5 300 Da while only small differences in mean
evaluated through HPLC analysis. Obtained data showed that diameter were detected in copolymers with (PEG)MEMA with

Figure 4. FA cumulative released fraction vs. time in (a) dense nanospheres (direct loading), (b) loaded by absorbtion, and (c) hollow nanocapsules.

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Table V. Kinetic Parameters for the FA Released from Analyzed Systems

Directly loaded nanospheres Absorption-loaded nanospheres Absorption-loaded nanocapsules

Material k n R2 k n R2 k n R2
PBMA 0.134 0.54 0.931 0.364 0.49 0.816 0.054 0.54 0.917
300 0.109 0.47 0.921 0.118 0.52 0.833 0.371 0.49 0.803
475 0.085 0.48 0.930 0.128 0.49 0.817 0.584 0.50 0.804
950 0.090 0.53 0.875 0.257 0.52 0.830 0.588 0.54 0.853

The kinetic constant k is reported in (d21).

Mn 5 475 and 950 Da, and then the ratio between surface area 950 Da, respectively, respect to reference nanocapsules contain-
and volume was smaller for the first copolymer in respect to ing 2.15 6 0.27 mg mg21. In addition, a correlation between the
others. Amounts of FA adsorbed at the end of the test in respect absorbed FA and the macromolecular composition was found,
to the polymer mass were 1.00 6 0.02 mg mg21, 0.53 6 0.08 mg increasing with the increase in the PEG chain length. This
mg21, and 0.53 6 0.10 mg mg21, for copolymer containing behavior could be attributed to the enhanced hydrophilicity of
(PEG)MEMA with Mn 5 300, 475, and 950 Da, respectively, materials leading to an enhanced water uptake and then a larger
respect to reference nanospheres encapsulating 1.23 6 0.07 mg swelling ratio. Considering that nanospheres are characterized
mg21. On the contrary, nanocapsules showed a marked tend- by a hollow core, an increased tendency to swell caused an
ency to absorb the active principle: the percentage of FA encap- increase in the internal volume of the reservoir, increasing the
sulated in respect to the starting amount was found comprised capability to encapsulate the drug.
between 77.21 and 96.92% for copolymers, while reference par-
In addition, profiles related to the absorption kinetics for nano-
ticles absorbed the 44.75% of the starting FA loaded. Amounts
spheres [Figure 3(c)] and nanocapsules [Figure 3(d)] by varying
of FA adsorbed in respect to the polymer mass were 3.71 6 0.11
the macromolecular composition are reported. It could be inter-
mg mg21, 4.23 6 0.11 mg mg21, and 4.65 6 0.12 mg mg21, for
esting to highlight that absorption kinetics did not reach a
copolymer containing (PEG)MEMA with Mn 5 300, 475, and
steady state through the test period (120 min) while a linear
trend was found. Considering this aspect, absorption kinetics
was studied by fitting experimental data with a linear correla-
tion, as reported in eq. (2):

Mdrug t
mt5 5ka  t (2)

where Mdrug(t) and Mpolymer are the mass of absorbed drug over
the time and the mass of polymer used for the tests respectively,
ka is the absorption kinetics constant and t is the time. Results
obtained are summarized in Table IV. As expected, results
obtained for nanospheres did not show a specific trend in corre-
lation with the chemical composition of the polymers while
results obtained for nanocapsules can be related to the PEG
chain length. In particular, ka increased with the increase in the
PEG length and it corresponded to a FA absorption kinetics that
became faster with the increase of the hydrophilicity degree of
nanocapsules. This behavior confirmed the previous hypothesis
on the arrangement of PEG chain on nanoparticle surface.

Drug Delivery Test

Figure 4 summarizes results obtained by FA delivery test. Sys-
tems showed a starting fast release in the first part of the test,
and then kinetics tended to a stationary status that was not
reached during the test period. The FA release of directly loaded
Figure 5. Chemical and thermal characterization of produced particles: nanospheres was smaller than the one obtained from the analy-
(a) FT-IR spectra and (b) DSC thermograms (first heating scan); within sis of nanoparticles loaded by absorption; it may probably due
both graphs samples are indicated as: (a) nanospheres and (b) nanocap- to the larger interactions between FA and polymers that are
sules not loaded with FA, (c) nanospheres and (d) nanocapsules loaded generated during nanoparticle formation around the molecules
by absorption, (e) nanospheres loaded during the reaction. of the active principle. Comparing releasing profiles obtained by

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Figure 6. IBlood protein adsorption (a) BSA and (b) BPF, 1 values at the end of the test and instantaneous absorption on 2 dense nanospheres, and 3
hollow nanocapsules. IIBlood protein adsorption (a) BSA and (b) BPF, cumulative adsorption on 4 dense nanospheres and 5 hollow nanocapsules.

using dense or hollow nanoparticles both loaded by absorption, the increase of the PEG chain length for directly loaded dense
it was possible to underline that nanocapsules released greater nanospheres while kinetic constants increased for hollow nano-
amount than nanospheres, confirming the capability to increase particles by increasing the PEG chain length. Comparing the
the drug transport by using hollow structures. For both systems same chemical composition of nanocarriers and the different
there was an increase of the release kinetic by increasing the drug loading method, kinetic constant increased in nanopar-
PEG chain molecular weight and then the hydrophilicity degree ticles loaded by absorption in comparison to directly loaded
of the nanoparticles. nanoparticles; furthermore, hollow nanocapsules showed a
Delivery kinetics was studied by using the following equation: larger kinetic constant in respect to dense nanospheres. Con-
sidering kinetic orders, values were similar for analyzed sys-
5k  t n (3) tems and a specific trend was not highlighted, probably
M0 because this parameter is dependent on the chemical proper-
where Mt/M0 represents the released fraction at the generic ties of the polymer matrix, that are very similar for each sys-
time t, k is the kinetic release constant and n the release order. tem. Values of n were close to 0.5, indicating a Fickian regime
Results (Table V) showed that kinetic constants decreased with of release.

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Table VI. Adsorption Kinetic Constants (mg lm22 min21) for BSA and BPF Adsorption, Evaluated from a Linear Interpolation of Plot Reported in Fig-
ure 5(a,b) (45) on Dense and Hollow Nanoparticles

Material Dense nanospheres Hollow nanocapsules Dense nanospheres Hollow nanocapsules
PBMA 0.419 (0.991) 0.026 (0.997) 0.152 (0.969) 0.023 (0.999)
300 0.011 (0.945) 0.009 (0.992) 0.033 (0.994) 0.022 (0.999)
475 0.033 (0.996) 0.008 (0.995) 0.092 (0.988) 0.008 (0.963)
950 0.057 (0.997) 0.005 (0.994) 0.112 (0.989) 0.002 (0.962)

Correlation is reported in parentheses.

FT-IR and DSC Analysis decreased with the increase in PEG chain length while inversely
Figure 5 summarizes the results obtained through FT-IR and decreased in hollow nanocapsules.
DSC analyses. In the FT-IR spectra, characteristic bands due to
(PEG)MEMA and to BMA were: ACH3 (2960 and 1464 cm21), CONCLUSION
AC@O (1722 cm21), ACOOCH2 (1244, 1147, and 947 cm21), Crosslinked nanoparticles were used to encapsulate a model drug
ACAOAC (1068 cm21); the characteristic band of FA due to (folic acid) to evaluate the possibility to obtain a controlled drug
the ester bonds was detected at 1687 cm21, this signal was pres- delivery system for the release of hydrophobic molecules. Poly-
ent in all the loaded particles at the same wavelength. DSC ther- mers were prepared by using two acrylic monomers, one contain-
mograms showed that significant thermal events due to the ing PEG to modulate the hydrophilicity of the final product. FA
polymeric matrices did not occur. In particular, only one event was encapsulated through two different procedures: direct loading
related to the thermal degradation of the FA was detected, during nanoparticle synthesis and absorption in a drug solution.
occurring in the range of temperature between 183 and 188 C In addition, dense nanospheres were compared to hollow nano-
for loaded nanoparticles. This temperature is compatible with capsules obtained through the template extraction technique.
the pure FA molecule, showing this thermal event at 182 C. Results showed that the amount of FA entrapped into nanocar-
riers loaded during the production was higher than the amount
loaded by absorption but FA released was less; it may be due to
Blood-Protein Adsorption Tests the strength of interactions between drug and polymers that were
The amount of adsorbed blood proteins normalized to the sam- higher in particles obtained by direct loading. The encapsulation
ple weight [Figure 6.I(a1,b1)] were found to be dependent on efficiency in absorption process of nanocapsules was found signif-
the polymer composition. In particular, both BSA and BPF icantly higher than the one obtained for dense nanoparticles, it
adsorption decreased with the increase of the PEG chain length, represents an enhancement in respect to commonly analyzed
for dense and hollow nanoparticles. Protein adsorption was sig- dense nanocarriers, considering that the same amount of drug
nificantly lower in nanocapsules and it could be attributed to could be administered by using a significantly smaller amount of
the effect of the presence of the PMMA core that may induce polymer. Another important advantage of nanocapsules in respect
the formation of a branched shell with the hydrophilic part to nanospheres was the reduced blood protein adsorption. It
arranged out of the structure. Concerning the adsorption could be due to the formation of an external branched corona of
kinetics [Figure 6.I(a23,b23)] for nanospheres and nanocap- PEG in the presence of the internal hydrophobic PMMA core.
sules respectively), the instantaneous amount of protein This observation may lead to hypothesize that a sacrificial core
adsorbed tended to decrease over time in the first part of the can guide nanoparticle surface properties with interesting expect-
test and then reached a plateau while the cumulative amount ations to surface engineerization.
[Figure 6.II(a12,b12) for nanospheres and nanocapsules,
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