MATLAB Commands

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MATLAB Commands

Command Effect
CLC Delete screen
Help Give information about
Plot(x,f(x)) Plot the graph of f(x) versus of x

Bar(x,f(x)) Bar chart of f(x) versus x

Area(x,f(x)) Area chart under the the curve
Hist(x,M) Plot of the histogram into M bins
Title(CHAR) Graph title
xlabel(values of ?) Give the x axis a label
Hold on Adds new plot to existing plots
( in the same plot )
Subplot(m,n,p) Divide the screen to m*n plots and
select p for current plot
Plot3(x,y,z) Three dimensional plot
x=x:y:z Vector that lasts from x to z with y
mean(x) Find the mean of x
Min(x);max(x) Find the minimum and max of x
Clear Clear the memory
U=V.*V Element by element multiplication
disttool Probability distribution function tool
Randtool Random number generation tool
Dfittool Fitting tool

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