Lanuza Vs CA
Lanuza Vs CA
Lanuza Vs CA
FACTS: In 1952, the Philippine Merchant Marine School, Inc. (PMMSI) was incorporated, with seven
hundred (700) founders' shares and seventy-six (76) common shares as its initial capital stock
subscription reflected in the articles of incorporation. However, private respondents and their
predecessors who were in control of PMMSI registered the company's stock and transfer book for the
first time in 1978, recording thirty-three (33) common shares as the only issued and outstanding shares
of PMMSI. Sometime in 1979, a special stockholders' meeting was called and held on the basis of what
was considered as a quorum of twenty-seven (27) common shares, representing more than two-thirds
(2/3) of the common shares issued and outstanding.
In 1982, the heirs of one of the original incorporators, Juan Acayan, filed a petition with the Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the registration of their property rights over one hundred (120)
founders' shares and twelve (12) common shares owned by their father. The SEC hearing officer held
that the heirs of Acayan were entitled to the claimed shares and called for a special stockholders'
meeting to elect a new set of officers. The SEC En Banc affirmed the decision. As a result, the shares of
Acayan were recorded in the stock and transfer book.
On 06 May 1992, a special stockholders' meeting was held to elect a new set of directors. Private
respondents thereafter filed a petition with the SEC questioning the validity of the 06 May 1992
stockholders' meeting, alleging that the quorum for the said meeting should not be based on the 165
issued and outstanding shares as per the stock and transfer book, but on the initial subscribed capital
stock of seven hundred seventy-six (776) shares, as reflected in the 1952 Articles of Incorporation. The
petition was dismissed. Appeal was made to the SEC En Banc, which granted said appeal, holding that
the shares of the deceased incorporators should be duly represented by their respective administrators
or heirs concerned. The SEC directed the parties to call for a stockholders meeting on the basis of the
stockholdings reflected in the articles of incorporation for the purpose of electing a new set of officers
for the corporation.
Petitioners, who are PMMSI stockholders, filed a petition for review with the Court of Appeals. The
Court of Appeals held that for purposes of transacting business, the quorum should be based on the
outstanding capital stock as found in the articles of incorporation. Thus this petition.
ISSUE: Whether it is the company's stock and transfer book, or its 1952 Articles of Incorporation,
which determines stockholders' shareholdings, and provides the basis for computing the quorum.
The articles of incorporation has been described as one that defines the charter of the corporation and
the contractual relationships between the State and the corporation, the stockholders and the State, and
between the corporation and its stockholders.
When PMMSI was incorporated, the prevailing law was Act No. 1459, otherwise known as "The
Corporation Law." Section 6 thereof states:
Sec. 6. Five or more persons, not exceeding fifteen, a majority of whom are residents of the
Philippines, may form a private corporation for any lawful purpose or purposes by filing with the
Securities and Exchange Commission articles of incorporation duly executed and acknowledged before
a notary public, setting forth:
(7) If it be a stock corporation, the amount of its capital stock, in lawful money of the Philippines, and
the number of shares into which it is divided, and if such stock be in whole or in part without par value
then such fact shall be stated; Provided, however, That as to stock without par value the articles of
incorporation need only state the number of shares into which said capital stock is divided.
(8) If it be a stock corporation, the amount of capital stock or number of shares of no-par stock actually
subscribed, the amount or number of shares of no-par stock subscribed by each and the sum paid by
each on his subscription. . .
A review of PMMSI's articles of incorporation shows that the corporation complied with the
requirements laid down by Act No. 1459. There is no gainsaying that the contents of the articles of
incorporation are binding, not only on the corporation, but also on its shareholders. In the instant case,
the articles of incorporation indicate that at the time of incorporation, the incorporators were bona fide
stockholders of seven hundred (700) founders' shares and seventy-six (76) common shares. Hence, at
that time, the corporation had 776 issued and outstanding shares.
On the other hand, a stock and transfer book is the book which records the names and addresses of all
stockholders arranged alphabetically, the installments paid and unpaid on all stock for which
subscription has been made, and the date of payment thereof; a statement of every alienation, sale or
transfer of stock made, the date thereof and by and to whom made; and such other entries as may be
prescribed by law. A stock and transfer book is necessary as a measure of precaution, expediency and
convenience since it provides the only certain and accurate method of establishing the various
corporate acts and transactions and of showing the ownership of stock and like matters. However, a
stock and transfer book, like other corporate books and records, is not in any sense a public record, and
thus is not exclusive evidence of the matters and things which ordinarily are or should be written
In 1980, Batas Pambansa Blg. 68 , otherwise known as "The Corporation Code of the Philippines"
supplanted Act No. 1459. BP Blg. 68 provides:
Sec. 52. Quorum in meetings. Unless otherwise provided for in this Code or in the by-laws, a
quorum shall consist of the stockholders representing a majority of the outstanding capital stock or
majority of the members in the case of nonstock corporation.
Sec. 137. Outstanding capital stock defined . The term "outstanding capital stock" as used in this
code, means the total shares of stock issued to subscribers or stockholders whether or not fully or
partially paid (as long as there is binding subscription agreement) except treasury shares.
Thus, quorum is based on the totality of the shares which have been subscribed and issued, whether it
be founders' shares or common shares.
This case is one instance where resort to documents other than the stock and transfer books is
necessary. The stock and transfer book of PMMSI cannot be used as the sole basis for determining the
quorum as it does not reflect the totality of shares which have been subscribed, more so when the
articles of incorporation show a significantly larger amount of shares issued and outstanding as
compared to that listed in the stock and transfer book.
One who is actually a stockholder cannot be denied his right to vote by the corporation merely because
the corporate officers failed to keep its records accurately. A corporation's records are not the only
evidence of the ownership of stock in a corporation.