PG LRP 2000
PG LRP 2000
PG LRP 2000
Paul F. Worthington
Ganey, Cline & Associates, Bentley Hall, Blacknest, Alton, Hants., GU34 4PU, UK
Cause(s) of
low-resistivity pay Field/reservoir(s) Investigator(s)
Alternative specifications have been formulated in terms of the concepts of low resistivity and low resistivity contrast can be
contrast in resistivity between the hydrocarbon-bearing reser- merged.
voir and congenital shales (Boyd et al. 1995). Low-resistivity
contrast sands have been specifically defined as, for example,
having a resistivity that is less than 1.5 times the resistivity of Contemporary definition
intraformational shales (J. T. Kulha 1998, pers. comm.). This From a global perspective, low-resistivity pay is better taken as
definition allows a range of limiting resistivities that have been a relative term rather than an absolute descriptor. It exists when
higher than 10 m in some areas. there is a lack of useful positive contrast in measured electrical
A more pragmatic basis for low resistivity contrast is the resistivity between zones that contain and produce hydro-
dierence in resistivity between the hydrocarbon-bearing carbons in commercial quantities and zones that contain and
interval and the water zone. This approach, too, is not tied to produce only water, within the same reservoir system. There-
fixed limiting resistivities. However, with this philosophy, the fore, as used here, the term low-resistivity pay also includes
Recognizing low-resistivity pay 79
Trimble Field, Smith County, Missouri, USA 0.4 0.55 Cook et al. (1990)
Upper Cretaceous sands of the Eutaw Formation
Rodessa Limestone Formation, Houston County, Texas 1 23 Kieke & Hartmann (1974)
Attaka Field, East Kalimantan, Indonesia 15 25 Partono (1992)
Layered Miocene sandstones
Tertiary sands play, Malay Basin 68 10 Kuttan et al. (1980)
Lakhmani Field, Upper Assam, India 1525 1030 Jain (1990)
Miocene sands of the Tipam group
low-resistivity-contrast pay zones and it does not distinguish on can be evaluated meaningfully using standard clean- or
the basis of absolute resistivity, in which respect this treatment shaly-sand procedures, regardless of their absolute or relative
diers from certain others (e.g. Boyd et al. 1995). formation resistivities.
The underlying rationale is that an intra-reservoir quantitative
comparison of what constitutes low-resistivity pay is more
meaningful than an inter-reservoir analysis, for it is strictly NATURE OF LOW-RESISTIVITY PAY
within the setting of the former that completion decisions are
made. The philosophy also accommodates those encountered The nature of low-resistivity pay is partly a function of the
situations in which a pay sand within one reservoir system has response characteristics of wireline logging tools. In the context
a significantly lower absolute resistivity than a clearly identi- of tool response, two definitions are important. A layer is
fiable water zone within either the same reservoir system or detected when a wireline log shows a significant deflection in
another. Table 2 lists pertinent examples. response to that layer. A layer is resolved when the deflection
of the log attains the true parametric value for that layer, after
corrections for borehole eects (Fig. 1). Following this, the
spatial resolution of a logging tool can be defined as the
Scope of the problem minimum bed thickness needed for the tool to record the true
parametric value for that bed. Table 3 lists the limits of
Although the concept of low-resistivity pay has evolved with detection or resolution, as appropriate, for a range of wireline
time, the problem itself has not diminished. This point is well logging tools, together with details of the reference sources.
illustrated by the synergetic papers of Duren (1967) and The key is to sharpen the spatial resolution of the deeper
Montgomery et al. (1998), which describe the Glick gas field of sensing logs, especially resistivity logs, relative to the thickness
Kansas, where the main reservoir rock is a highly microporous of the reservoir layers. The objective is to evaluate the porosity
tripoli chert. The low-resistivity pay problem remains centred and deep resistivity of the reservoir layers without the process
on the evaluation of water saturation Sw. More specifically, the being distorted by adjacent non-reservoir beds.
problem arises through the very high values of Sw that can be It is important to distinguish at the outset between the
interpreted from wireline logs over low-resistivity (contrast) manifestation of low-resistivity pay, i.e. how it appears in field
intervals where a reservoir does not conform to the assump- data, and its cause, i.e. the physico-chemical phenomenon that
tions made during the conventional petrophysical evaluation of gives rise to its occurrence. From a petrophysical perspective,
clean or shaly formations.
Although low-resistivity pay is evidently a world-wide prob-
lem, potential solutions reported in the literature are directed at
specific reservoirs or particular depositional environments. To
some extent, the documented approaches are exclusive in that
they may not be directly applicable to other reservoirs where
conditions appear to be similar. Yet, experience also indicates
that the problem of low-resistivity pay is not age-, formation-,
lithology- or location-specific (Table 1). All this points towards
the need to establish a generic approach.
This paper is concerned with setting the low-resistivity pay
problem within a global context with the primary objective of
formulating a generic strategy for addressing it. The approach is
directed principally at extracting greater value from existing
reservoir databases, but it should also provide a foundation for
the evaluation of new wells wherein more advanced logging
tools might be deployed. Therefore, it is especially appropriate
to the re-interpretation of data from older wells in the light of
contemporary understanding.
Two types of reservoir are specifically excluded from the
following discussion; fractured reservoirs, for which focused Fig. 1. Wireline-log response to reservoir layers. Layer is resolved
resistivity logs can read anomalously low, and reservoirs that when it is detected with a correct parametric response.
80 P. F. Worthington
Table 3. Detection (D) or resolution (R) limits of selected wireline logging tools
Sampling Spatial
interval limit Type
Log (cm) (cm) of limit Source
SP self potential; MSFL micro-spherically focused log; SFL spherically focused log.
low-resistivity pay can have one of four manifestations and one within the hydrocarbon leg may or may not be resolvable by
or more of six causes (Table 4). wireline logging tools. In cases where they can be resolved, the
criterion for this manifestation is applied to the individual
reservoir layers.
The third manifestation is encountered where the hydro-
The first manifestation is that of a reservoir rock with a carbon and water legs can be distinguished by wireline logs,
combination of physical properties that collectively result in but the quantitative petrophysical interpretation is grossly
a low measured resistivity that is indicative of water-bearing pessimistic because the physical characteristics of the reservoir
strata. The reservoir layers within the hydrocarbon leg may or rock extend beyond the range of applicability of the avail-
may not be directly resolvable by wireline logging tools. In cases able interpretative models. This outcome may not be a sole
where they cannot be resolved, low-resistivity pay is taken to consequence of the factors causing the low resistivity.
include only those formations that cannot be interpreted The fourth manifestation occurs where a (high) water
meaningfully through conventional laminated-sand procedures. saturation can be evaluated correctly from the (low) formation
Where they can be resolved, low-resistivity pay includes only resistivity, but the interpretation is incompatible with produc-
those formations that cannot be interpreted meaningfully tion characteristics, which show dry hydrocarbons or a low
through conventional clean-sand or (dispersed) shaly-sand pro- water-cut. This outcome is usually the result of high capillarity.
cedures. This is an important point because, in this context,
earlier literature on low-resistivity pay referred to the Archie
equations (Archie 1942), but it did not include the more Causes
recently developed and multifarious shaly-sand algorithms The causes of the four possible manifestations of low-resistivity
(Worthington 1985). pay take the form of coupled elements of a physico-chemical
The second manifestation is that of a reservoir rock that system that encompasses rock type, matrix properties and
cannot be distinguished electrically from water-bearing strata texture, clay-mineral properties and texture, grain size and
within the same reservoir system. The resistivities may not be shape, pore size(s) and pore geometry, and saturating water
low in absolute terms, but the resistivity contrast between the salinity. The causes can therefore be seen as components of
hydrocarbon and water legs is small. Again, the reservoir layers the low-resistivity pay problem. Attempts to understand the
Resistivity of Resolution of reservoir Reason for pessimistic
reservoir layers layers by well logs interpretation of Sw Cause(s)
Rt is very low and/or Rt]Ro No Grossing of reservoir and non-reservoir log signatures Laminated sands and shales
Yes Extreme reservoir components Fresh waters
Electronic conduction
High capillarity Fine grains
Internal microporosity
Superficial microporosity
Recognizing low-resistivity pay 81
Lagunillas Formation, Venezuela 6 Microresistivity imaging tool 0.6 0.50<0.22 Frass et al. (1995)
Bokabil Formation, Assam, India 10 High frequency dielectric 5 0.70<0.35 Chaudhary & Vashist (1992)
Gulf Coast sand, USA 30 Dipmeter 5 0.73<0.43 Ruhovets (1990)
Test well, Travis Co., Texas, USA 60 High-resolution laterolog 5 0.80<0.50 Khokhar & Johnson (1989)
Yegua Formation, Texas, USA 60150 High-resolution induction 60 0.70<0.53 Silva & Spooner (1991)
The key issue is whether or not the available shaly-sand Archie equations and shaly-sand algorithms of the type of
algorithms can function at the prevailing formation-water Waxman & Smits (1968) are likely to be valid. Outside these
salinity within the subject reservoir. If they do, the problem is ranges, the methods might break down. Therefore such a chart
solved, because the interpretation will distinguish between pay oers an overall guide to the recognition of the low-salinity
and non-pay: if they do not, an alternative procedure must be aspect of the low-resistivity pay problem in the total porosity
used. In some freshwater porous media, shaly-sand algorithms system of petrophysical interpretation. An equivalent chart can
do have an application, albeit in modified form (e.g. Guru et al. be constructed for the eective porosity system, for example
1995), but in other reservoirs they can break down even at through the modified Simandoux equation (Bardon & Peid
significantly higher salinities (Diederix 1982). 1969), by using as the shale conductivity term the product of
There are several potentially useful approaches to validating wetted shale volume fraction Vsh and wetted shale conductivity
the performance of an interpretative algorithm for water Csh. Note once again that if standard clean- or shaly-sand
saturation. The first two require core data. If low-invasion methods of interpretation turn out to be valid, fresh waters
coring has been undertaken with the quality assurance of a alone do not cause a low-resistivity (contrast) pay problem.
tracer additive to the drilling mud, a comparison of extracted As an extreme example, Fig. 5 shows wireline logs run
formation waters with log-derived water saturations oers the through the Miocene Tipam Sands of the Lakhmani Field of
soundest approach to validation (Fjerstad et al. 1993). If Upper Assam in northeastern India (Jain 1990). These fluvial
native-state water saturations are not available, another sands contain formation waters of 10002000 ppm equivalent
approach is to benchmark the predictive performance of NaCl, and this salinity corresponds to a water resistivity of
interpretative algorithms at irreducible water saturation, where about 2.55.0 m at 25C. The high water resistivity gives rise
the latter has been obtained independently, e.g. from capillary to ratios of apparent to intrinsic formation factor Fa/F* that
pressure studies (Guru et al. 1995). are generally less than 0.5 and to a shale conductivity term that
If there are no core data and the reservoir contains crude that lies within the range 0.20.4 S m 1. Therefore the reservoir
is immobile to flushing by the mud filtrate, a comparison of characteristics extend beyond the region of application of
shallow-sensed and deep-sensed water saturations can confirm conventional interpretative models for water saturation,
or otherwise the validity of a predictive algorithm in the encroaching into the pseudo-model area of Fig. 4. At these low
undisturbed zone (Wharton & Delano 1981). Finally, and more salinities, where surface conduction can become highly signifi-
generally, a comparison of predictive performance in the cant even in the absence of clay minerals, changes in rock
flushed and undisturbed zones of the water leg constitutes the texture can have a profound influence on the formation
most basic option. If, in the last two cases, the validation is resistivity. Through the surface-conduction eect, fine-grained
approached by applying the same shaly-sand algorithm to both zones that contain hydrocarbons can appear more conductive
the flushed and the undisturbed zones, rather than by applying than coarser-grained zones that are water-bearing. In freshwater
a dierent measurement technique in the flushed zone, a
prerequisite is that the mud filtrate and formation water are
If the above methods confirm that the available predictive
algorithms have broken down, recourse to a pseudo-Archie
approach is the most common. This technique uses the basic
Archie equations for the evaluation of water saturation, but
the exponents that characterize these equations are allowed
to assume very dierent values from the values m=n=2
proposed by Archie (1942). The numerical values of these
exponents are often chosen so that the algorithms lead to a
correct prediction of water saturation either based on core
extraction or at irreducible conditions. The same philosophy
has been applied to shaly-sand equations, but less frequently.
An alternative method that might be attempted where the mud
filtrate is highly saline is to draw upon a broad relationship
between the predicted water saturation in the flushed zone
(where conventional interpretation might work) and that in the
undisturbed zone (where it does not). If successful, this method
by-passes low-salinity eects in the reservoir (Spalding 1984).
Figure 4 indicates broadly the ranges of formation-water Fig. 4. Estimated ranges of applicability of water-saturation
resistivity Rw and shale conductivity term BQv within which the equations (modified from Worthington 1995).
84 P. F. Worthington
Sadlerochit, Alaska, USA Pyrite Correction to Highly variable Highly variable Clavier et al. (1976)
resistivity log response if log response
is uncorrected
Teradomari Formation, N. Japan Complex matrix Matrix CEC m*=2.0 0.75<0.58 Itoh et al. (1982)
Simpson Series, Oklahoma, USA Pyrite, glauconite Variable textural parameter m=n 0.70<0.17 Schulze et al. (1985b)
Trimble Field, Mississippi, USA Glauconite Pseudo-Archie m=1.80 0.70<0.57 Cook et al. (1990)
86 P. F. Worthington
Apparent Estimated
water irreducible water Production Remedial interpretation
Formation saturation saturation characteristics methodology Investigator(s)
Tertiary sands, Malaysia 1.00 0.40 Gas Shaly-sand model with Kuttan et al. (1980)
pseudo-mineral approach
Miocene sands, Gulf of Mexico, USA 1.00 0.80 Dry oil Rxo, Rt, SP movable oil model Heckel (1985)
Pleistocene sands, Louisiana, USA 0.650.70 0.60 Dry oil Sidewall core Pc Vajnar et al. (1977)
Eugene Island, Gulf of Mexico, USA 1.00 0.80 Dry oil Magnetic resonance imaging Austin & Faulkner (1993)
Reynolds Oolite, Arkansas, USA Intra-carbonate voids Variable textural m=n 0.73<0.57 Guillotte et al. (1979)
parameter 1.71cnc1.88
Middle East limestones Intra-carbonate voids Pseudo-Archie m=1.96 0.70<0.61 Dixon & Marek (1990)
Triassic sandstone Chert Shaly sand m*=2.0 0.40<0.30 Swanson (1985)
Permo-Triassic sandstones, Alaska, USA Chert Pseudo-Archie m=1.88 0.36<0.24 Worthington & Pallatt (1992)
water zone is 0.2 m, the low resistivity contrast being apportioning the water into the immobile microporosity and
attributed to the high irreducible water saturation associated the movable macroporosity.
with the high pore surface area. Although a non-Archie approach to the evaluation of water
Table 8 illustrates some case histories of the fine-grained, saturation is not usually applied, the presence of dual porosity
low-resistivity pay sand problem, together with the methods of within the reservoir rock does complicate the application of
solution and the resulting adjustments to the initial estimate of the Archie equations, particularly as regards the saturation
water saturation. Table 8 illustrates that low-resistivity pay can exponent and to a lesser extent the porosity exponent. There
be indicated where irreducible water saturations are very high, are two approaches. The first is directed at establishing separate
e.g. up to 80%, and that even computed water saturations of up constant values of these exponents for the micropores and the
to 100% can be associated with the production of dry hydro- macropores (Petricola & Watfa 1995), a philosophy that can
carbons. Similar observations relate to the other forms of high also accommodate dierences in the salinity of micropore
capillarity that follow. and macropore waters. The second and more pragmatic
approach to the evaluation of water saturation draws
primarily upon the observed variation of saturation exponent
with water saturation and therefore uses a value that is dierent
INTERNAL MICROPOROSITY from the classical Archie value (Dixon & Marek 1990). In
Internal microporosity is within the rock matrix. It is some cases, the saturation exponent measured conventionally at
not associated with clay-derived microporosity, which is high water saturations can be as high as 3.0, whereas the
considered separately as superficial or overgrowth micro- value at reservoir water saturations is close to the classical
porosity because it can be distinguished petrophysically. Archie value of n=2.0 (Swanson 1985). In these cases, the
Various definitions of microporosity have been put forward, saturation exponent is sometimes taken as that which corre-
but here the literal meaning is adopted, i.e. pores with a sponds to saturations close to irreducible. The value of the
diameter less than 1 m. Documented examples of internal porosity exponent is constant for a given sample and is
microporosity are principally concerned with carbonates and generally closer to the Archie value of 2.0. Some investigators
granular chert (Table 9). The microporosity of carbonates and have specified the exponents m and n to be equal and they
chert sandstones can reach 50% of the total interconnected have evaluated them conjunctively at irreducible conditions
porosity (Dixon & Marek 1990; Worthington & Pallatt 1992). (Guillotte et al. 1979).
In many cases, conduction during the course of electrical The second part of the internal microporosity problem, i.e.
measurement has been presumed to be uniformly ionic, establishing the immovable fraction of water, follows the
with no correction being applied for surface conduction corresponding discussion of the previous section.
eects. It is, however, worth noting that excess conductivity has Internal microporosity is best investigated through pore-size-
been recorded in chalks, presumably because of the high distribution studies. A unimodal distribution of macroporosity
specific surface area (Barker 1994), as well as in cherts (modal pore diameter typically within the range 510 m)
(Swanson 1985). implies that there is no problem of abnormally high capillarity.
Once again, the low-resistivity pay problem can be broken A strongly bimodal distribution of micropores and macropores
down into two parts. The first part is concerned with correctly suggests that there is a microporosity problem and it might be
evaluating the water saturation. The second part involves one of internal microporosity. Of course, if a formation is
Recognizing low-resistivity pay 87
Santa Margarita Sand, California, USA Illite/smectite Shaly sand m*=2.0 1.00<0.70 Orlando et al. (1992)
Rwa =Rw/10
Rotliegend Sandstone, Holland Illite, kaolinite Shaly sand m*=2.00 0.59<0.46 Diederix (1982)
(Sw <0.59)
Oncophora Sand, Austria Chlorite Shaly sand m*=2.0 0.50<0.40 Ramburger (1989)
J Field, Tarim Basin, China Chlorite, kaolinite, illite/smectite Pseudo-Archie m=f1(K) 0.51<0.38 Zhang et al. (1994)
Recognizing low-resistivity pay
Fig. 10. Structure for the recognition and petrophysical evaluation of low-resistivity pay.
90 P. F. Worthington
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