ISACA - Use of Risk Assessment in Audit Planning

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(Revision of Previously Issued SISAS 5)


The specialised nature of information
systems (IS) auditing, and the skills The ISACA Standards Board is
The framework for the ISACAs IS
necessary to perform such audits, committed to wide consultation in the
Auditing Standards provides for
require standards that apply preparation of IS Auditing Standards,
multiple levels of standards, as follows:
specifically to IS auditing. One of the Guidelines and Procedures. Prior to

Information Systems Audit and issuing any documents, the Standards
Control Association, Inc.s (ISACAs) 6WDQGDUGV define mandatory
Board issues exposure drafts
goals is therefore to advance globally requirements for IS auditing and internationally for general public
applicable standards to meet this reporting. comment. The Standards Board also
need. The development and  seeks out those with a special
dissemination of IS Auditing *XLGHOLQHV provide guidance in expertise or interest in the topic under
Standards are a cornerstone of the applying IS auditing standards. The consideration for consultation where
ISACAs professional contribution to IS Auditor should consider them in necessary.
the audit community. determining how to achieve
implementation of the standards, The Standards Board has an on-going
2EMHFWLYHV use professional judgment in their development programme, and would
application and be prepared to welcome the input of members of the
The objectives of the ISACAs IS justify any departure. ISACA and holders of the CISA
Auditing Standards are to inform designation to identify emerging
3URFHGXUHV provide examples issues requiring new standards
n IS Auditors of the minimum level of procedures an IS Auditor might products. Any suggestions should be
of acceptable performance follow in an audit engagement. e-mailed ([email protected]),
required to meet the professional The procedure documents provide faxed (+1.847. 253 .1443), or
responsibilities set out in the information on how to meet the mailed (address at the end of
ISACA Code of Professional standards when performing IS Guideline) to ISACAs International
Ethics for IS Auditors auditing work, but do not set Office for the attention of the Director
n Management and other interested requirements. of Research, Standards and
parties of the professions Academic Relations.
expectations concerning the work The ISACA Code of Professional
of practitioners Ethics requires members of the :LWKGUDZDORI3UHYLRXVO\

ISACA and holders of the Certified ,VVXHG'RFXPHQWV

The objective of IS Auditing Information Systems Auditor (CISA)
Guidelines is to provide further designation to comply with IS Auditing This Guideline replaces the previously
information on how to comply with the Standards as adopted by the ISACA. issued Statement on Information
IS Auditing Standards. Failure to comply with these standards Systems Auditing Standard Number 5
may result in an investigation into the on Performance of Work-Use of Risk
member's or CISA holder's conduct by Assessment in Audit Planning.
the ISACA Board or appropriate SISAS 5 will be withdrawn on the date
ISACA committee, and ultimately in on which this Guideline becomes
disciplinary action. effective.

This material was issued on 1 May


Chair, Stephen W. Head, CISA, CPA, CPCU, CMA, CFE, CISSP, CBCP Royal & SunAlliance, USA
Claudio Cilli, CISA, Ph.D Ernst & Young, Italy
Svein Erik Dovran, CISA The Banking Insurance and Securities Commission of Norway
Maria E. Leonard, CISA Fleet Financial Group, USA
Fred Lilly, CISA, CPA Fred L. Lilly, CPA, USA
Andrew J. MacLeod, CISA, FCPA, MACS, PCP Brisbane City Council, Australia
Venkatakrishnan Vatsaraman, CISA, ACA, AICWA Emirates Airlines, United Arab Emirates
Sander S. Wechsler, CISA, CPA BDO Seidman, LLP, USA
 %$&.*5281' achieve implementation of the above Conditions affecting audits may
Standards, use professional judgment change over time. Periodically, the IS
in its application and be prepared to Auditor should re-evaluate the
justify any departure. appropriateness of the chosen risk
 Standard 050.010 (Audit assessment methodologies.
Planning) states The Information
Systems Auditor is to plan the
information systems audit work to
address the audit objectives and to
comply with applicable professional $VVHVVPHQW  The IS Auditor should use
auditing standards. 0HWKRGRORJ\ the selected risk assessment
 Standard 060.020  There are many risk techniques in developing the overall
(Evidence) states During the course audit plan and in planning specific
assessment methodologies,
of the audit, the Information Systems audits. Risk assessment, in
computerised and non-computerised,
Auditor is to obtain sufficient, reliable, combination with other audit
available from which the IS Auditor
relevant and useful evidence to techniques, should be considered in
may choose. These range from
achieve the audit objectives making planning decisions such as:
simple classifications of high, medium
effectively. The audit findings and The nature, extent, and timing of
and low, based on the IS Auditors
conclusions are to be supported by audit procedures
judgment, to complex and apparently
appropriate analysis and interpretation The areas or business functions
scientific calculations to provide a
of this evidence. to be audited
numeric risk rating. The IS Auditor
 Paragraph 2.2.2 of the IS The amount of time and
should consider the level of
resources to be allocated to an
Auditing Guideline on Planning the IS complexity and detail appropriate for
Audit states An assessment of risk the organisation being audited.
should be made to provide reasonable  The IS Auditor should
 All risk assessment
assurance that material items will be consider each of the following types of
methodologies rely on subjective
adequately covered during the audit risk to determine their overall level:
judgments at some point in the
work. This assessment should Inherent risk
process (e.g. for assigning weightings
identify areas with relatively high risk Control risk
to the various parameters). The IS
of existence of material problems. Detection risk
Auditor should identify the subjective
decisions required in order to use a
particular methodology and consider
 The level of audit work whether these judgments can be  Inherent risk is the
required to meet a specific audit made and validated to an appropriate susceptibility of an audit area to error
objective is a subjective decision level of accuracy. which could be material, individually or
made by the IS Auditor. The risk of  In deciding which is the in combination with other errors,
reaching an incorrect conclusion most appropriate risk assessment assuming that there were no related
based on the audit findings (audit risk) methodology, the IS Auditor should internal controls. For example, the
inherent risk associated with operating
is one aspect of this decision. The consider such things as:
other is the risk of errors occurring in The type of information required system security is ordinarily high since
the area being audited (error risk). to be collected (some systems changes to, or even disclosure of,
Recommended practices for risk use financial effect as the only data or programs through operating
assessment in carrying out financial measure - this is not always system security weaknesses could
result in false management
audits are well documented in auditing appropriate for IS audits)
standards for financial auditors, but The cost of software or other information or competitive
guidance is required on how to apply licenses required to use the disadvantage. By contrast, the
inherent risk associated with security
such techniques to IS audits. methodology
 Management also bases The extent to which the for a stand-alone PC, when a proper
information required is already analysis demonstrates it is not used
their decisions on how much control is
for business-critical purposes, is
appropriate upon assessment of the available
The amount of additional ordinarily low.
level of risk exposure which they are
prepared to accept. For example, the information required to be  Inherent risk for most IS
inability to process computer collected before reliable output audit areas is ordinarily high since the
applications for a period of time is an can be obtained, and the cost of potential effect of errors ordinarily
exposure that could result from collecting this information spans several business systems and
unexpected and undesirable events (including the time required to be many users.
(e.g. data centre fire). Exposures can invested in the collection  In assessing the inherent

be reduced by the implementation of exercise) risk, the IS Auditor should consider
appropriately designed controls. The opinions of other users of both pervasive and detailed IS
These controls are ordinarily based the methodology, and their views controls. This does not apply to
upon probabilistic estimation of the of how well it has assisted them circumstances where the IS Auditors
occurrence of adverse events, and are in improving the efficiency and/or assignment is related to pervasive IS

intended to decrease such probability. effectiveness of their audits controls only.
For example, a fire alarm does not The willingness of management  At the pervasive IS control
prevent fires, but is intended to reduce to accept the methodology as the
level, the IS Auditor should consider,
the extent of fire damage. means of determining the type
to the level appropriate for the audit
This Guideline provides and level of audit work carried
 area in question:
guidance in applying IS auditing The integrity of IS management
standards. The IS Auditor should  No single risk assessment and IS management experience
consider it in determining how to methodology can be expected to be and knowledge
appropriate in all situations.

Page 2 of 3 Use of Risk Assessment in Audit Planning Guideline Version I-1.0

Changes in IS management the processes are consistently $33(1',;*/266$5<
Pressures on IS management applied.
which may predispose them to  The IS Auditor should $XGLW5LVN the risk of giving an
conceal or misstate information assess the control risk as high unless incorrect audit opinion.
(e.g. large business-critical
relevant internal controls are: &RPSOLDQFH7HVWLQJ tests of
project over-runs, and hacker
Identified control designed to obtain audit
Evaluated as effective
The nature of the organisations evidence on both the effectiveness of
Tested and proved to be
business and systems (e.g. the the controls and their operation during
operating appropriately the audit period.
plans for electronic commerce,
the complexity of the systems, &RQWURO5LVN the risk that an error
and the lack of integrated which could occur in an audit area,
 Detection risk is the risk that and which could be material,
Factors affecting the the IS Auditors substantive individually or in combination with
organisations industry as a procedures will not detect an error other errors, will not be prevented or
whole (e.g. changes in which could be material, individually or detected and corrected on a timely
technology, and IS staff in combination with other errors. For basis by the internal control system.
example, the detection risk associated
availability) 'HWDLOHG,6&RQWURO controls
The level of third party influence with identifying breaches of security in
over the acquisition, implementation,
on the control of the systems an application system is ordinarily
delivery and support of IS systems
being audited (e.g. because of high because logs for the whole and services.
supply chain integration, period of the audit are not available at
'HWHFWLRQ5LVN the risk that the
outsourced IS processes, joint the time of the audit. The detection
risk associated with identification of IS Auditors substantive procedures
business ventures, and direct will not detect an error which could be
lack of disaster recovery plans is
access by customers) material, individually or in combination
Findings from and date of ordinarily low since existence is easily
verified. with other errors.
previous audits
(UURU5LVN the risk of errors
 At the detailed IS control  In determining the level of
substantive testing required, the IS occurring in the area being audited.
level, the IS Auditor should consider,
([SRVXUH the potential loss to an
to the level appropriate for the audit Auditor should consider both:
area due to the occurrence of an
The assessment of inherent risk
area in question:
The findings from and date of The conclusion reached on adverse event.
control risk following compliance ,QKHUHQW5LVN the susceptibility of

previous audits in this area
The complexity of the systems testing an audit area to error which could be
 The higher the assessment material, individually or in combination
The level of manual intervention of inherent and control risk the more with other errors, assuming that there
audit evidence the IS Auditor should were no related internal controls.
The susceptibility to loss or normally obtain from the performance 3HUYDVLYH,6&RQWURO general
misappropriation of the assets of substantive audit procedures. controls which are designed to
controlled by the system (e.g. manage and monitor the IS

inventory, and payroll)  3(5)250$1&(2) environment and which therefore
The likelihood of activity peaks at $8',7:25. affect all IS-related activities.

certain times in the audit period 5LVN the possibility of an act or
Activities outside the day-to-day event occurring that would have an
routine of IS processing (e.g. the adverse effect on the organisation and
use of operating system utilities  The IS Auditor should
its information systems.
consider documenting the risk
to amend data) 5LVN$VVHVVPHQW a process
The integrity, experience and assessment technique or
methodology used for a specific audit. used to identify and evaluate risks and
skills of the management and
The documentation should ordinarily their potential effect.
staff involved in applying the IS
controls include:
A description of the risk detailed activities and transactions, or
analytical review tests, designed to
assessment methodology used
The identification of significant obtain audit evidence on the
 Control risk is the risk that exposures and the corresponding completeness, accuracy or existence
an error which could occur in an audit of those activities or transactions
area, and which could be material, The risks and exposures the during the audit period.
individually or in combination with
audit is intended to address
other errors, will not be prevented or The audit evidence used to Copyright 2000
detected and corrected on a timely support the IS Auditors Information Systems Audit and Control Association
basis by the internal control system. assessment of risk 3701 Algonquin Road, Suite 1010
For example, the control risk Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 USA
associated with manual reviews of Telephone: +1.847.253.1545
 ())(&7,9('$7( Fax: +1.847.253.1443
computer logs can be high because Email: [email protected]
activities requiring investigation are Web Site:
often easily missed owing to the  This Guideline is effective
volume of logged information. The for all information systems audits
control risk associated with beginning on or after 1 September
computerised data validation 2000.
procedures is ordinarily low because

Use of Risk Assessment in Audit Planning Guideline Version I-1.0 Page 3 of 3

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