Introduction Neocat

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Brief Report on the Activities of Neocatechuments

Way Sibu


1. Establishment of Neocatechumenal Way

The Neocatechumenal Way was established in the Sibu Diocese in 2003,
celebrated at St Marys Parish. It is at the service of the Bishop Rt. Rev.
Bishop Dominic Su, as one of the forums of diocesan implementation of
Christian initiation and of ongoing education of Faith.

As on 27/2/2014 the Neocate was attached to the Sacred heart Parish as

advised and accepted by Rt. Rev. Bishop Joseph Hii. Now we have 51
members, led by Rev. Father Francis-Neocate Priest from Australia and two
families mission from Sabah.

2. Activities of Neocatechumenal Way

The activities of Neocate are based on the Tripod as follows:-

i) Word of God
The community has a weekly celebration of the Word of God, usually
with four readings according to the themes indicated in the Biblical
theme. In the celebration of the word of God before the homily, the
Presbyter invites whoever wishes among those present to express
briefly, how the word which has been proclaimed has spoken to his/her

ii) Liturgy Eucharistic Celebration

The eucharist is essential to the Neocatechumate, since this is a post
Baptismal Catechumate lived in small community. In fact the Eucharist
completes the Christian initiation.

iii) Community
Education in the community is one of the fundemantal tasks of
Christian Initiation. The Neocatechumenate nurtures people in the
community life in a gradual and constant way by inserting them in
small community, open to the life of the parish community and of the
whole church.

3. Convivence

The special moment of this education is the monthly day of Convivence

practiced by the community.
In the convivence, after the celebration of Lauds, members share the
experiences of what Gods grace is accomplished in their lives and any
difficulties which may have occurred are expressed, respecting a persons
4. Initial Catecheses
The Neocatehumenate starts in the Parish the Kerygma catecheses called the
initial catecheses, contained in the orientation for the Team of Catechists.
They are given over the period of two months in fifteen evening talks. They
are concluded with a three days convivence. In order to experience the
Tripod, ie. Word, Liturgy and Community on which the Christian life is based,
the initial catechese are articulated in three parts:-

1st The announcement of the Kerygma which calls for conversion. The Good
news of the death and ressuction of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

2nd The kerygma prepared by God through the history of Salvation

( Abraham, Exodus [Moses]) etc. This initiation into the Scripture is sealed
with the celebration of the Word in which the participants receive the Bible
from the hands of the Bishop/Presbyter. It is a sign that the Mother Church
now on along the way will nourish them weekly at the table , the living source
of Catechesis.

3rd The kerygma in the Sacrament and in koinonia:

The Catecheses culminate in the convivence with the celebration of the
Eucharist. The celebration prepared by appropriate Catechese jelps to
discover the Paschal Splendour and to experience communion among brother
and sister. Indeed it is not possible to form a Christian community unless it
has as its roots and as its hinge the celebration of the most Holy Eucharist.
From this all education to form community spirit must begin. The celebration
of the Eucharist will accompany the community throughout the whole

Other Activities

Holy Week The Sacred Paschal Triduum

1) Holy Thursday
The celebration is done at 9.30pm after the Service of the Main Church.
Member are encouraged to wash each other feet.

2) Good Friday
The celebration starts at 7.30pm after the main celebration of the church at
3.00pm. It is also the celebration of the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ and
Adoration of the Cross.
3) Holy Saturday
a) Easter Vigil begins at 11.00pm till 6.00 am. This includes the blessing of
the fire, followed by the procession to the Hall ( not the Church).
b) Liturgy of the Word followed by nine readings from the Old Testament and
New Testament.
c) At 6.00am the celebration ended with an agape at restaurant arranged
d) We went out two by two to any house chosen at any road (Not Muslim
houses) to bring the Good news that Jesus Christ had risen from death.


The Neocatechumenal Way Community is always led by a priest accompanied

by an itinerant/Seminarian else no Eucharist celebration can be held.

Shalom Alehem!

Prepared by :

Stephen Sekai

Main Responsible

Neocate Sibu

Date : 31st Oct 2014

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