Analysis of Financial Statements: Answers To End-Of-Chapter Questions

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Chapter 10

Analysis of Financial Statements


10-1 a. A liquidity ratio is a ratio that shows the relationship of a firms

cash and other current assets to its current liabilities. The
current ratio is found by dividing current assets by current
liabilities. It indicates the extent to which current liabilities
are covered by those assets expected to be converted to cash in the
near future. The quick, or acid test, ratio is found by taking
current assets less inventories and then dividing by current

b. Asset management ratios are a set of ratios which measure how

effectively a firm is managing its assets. The inventory turnover
ratio is sales divided by inventories. Days sales outstanding is
used to appraise accounts receivable and indicates the length of
time the firm must wait after making a sale before receiving cash.
It is found by dividing receivables by average sales per day. The
fixed assets turnover ratio measures how effectively the firm uses
its plant and equipment. It is the ratio of sales to net fixed
assets. Total assets turnover ratio measures the turnover of all
the firms assets; it is calculated by dividing sales by total

c. Financial leverage ratios measure the use of debt financing. The

debt ratio is the ratio of total debt to total assets, it measures
the percentage of funds provided by creditors. The times-interest-
earned ratio is determined by dividing earnings before interest and
taxes by the interest charges. This ratio measures the extent to
which operating income can decline before the firm is unable to meet
its annual interest costs. The EBITDA coverage ratio is similar to
the times-interest-earned ratio, but it recognizes that many firms
lease assets and also must make sinking fund payments. It is found
by adding EBITDA and lease payments then dividing this total by
interest charges, lease payments, and sinking fund payments over one
minus the tax rate.

d. Profitability ratios are a group of ratios which show the combined

effects of liquidity, asset management, and debt on operations. The
profit margin on sales, calculated by dividing net income by sales,
gives the profit per dollar of sales. Basic earning power is
calculated by dividing EBIT by total assets. This ratio shows the
raw earning power of the firms assets, before the influence of
taxes and leverage. Return on total assets is the ratio of net
income to total assets. Return on common equity is found by
dividing net income into common equity.

Mini Case: 10 - 1
e. Market value ratios relate the firms stock price to its earnings
and book value per share. The price/earnings ratio is calculated by
dividing price per share by earnings per share--this shows how much
investors are willing to pay per dollar of reported profits. The
price/cash flow is calculated by dividing price per share by cash
flow per share. This shows how much investors are willing to pay
per dollar of cash flow. Market-to-book ratio is simply the market
price per share divided by the book value per share. Book value per
share is common equity divided by the number of shares outstanding.

f. Trend analysis is an analysis of a firms financial ratios over

time. It is used to estimate the likelihood of improvement or
deterioration in its financial situation. Comparative ratio
analysis is when a firm compares its ratios to other leading
companies in the same industry. This technique is also known as

g. The Du Pont chart is a chart designed to show the relationships

among return on investment, asset turnover, the profit margin, and
leverage. The Du Pont equation is a formula which shows that the
rate of return on assets can be found as the product of the profit
margin times the total assets turnover.

h. Window dressing is a technique employed by firms to make their

financial statements look better than they really are. Seasonal
factors can distort ratio analysis. At certain times of the year a
firm may have excessive inventories in preparation of a season of
high demand. Therefore an inventory turnover ratio taken at this
time as opposed to after the season will be radically distorted.

10-2 The emphasis of the various types of analysts is by no means uniform

nor should it be. Management is interested in all types of ratios for
two reasons. First, the ratios point out weaknesses that should be
strengthened; second, management recognizes that the other parties are
interested in all the ratios and that financial appearances must be
kept up if the firm is to be regarded highly by creditors and equity
investors. Equity investors are interested primarily in profitability,
but they examine the other ratios to get information on the riskiness
of equity commitments. Long-term creditors are more interested in the
debt ratio, TIE, and fixed-charge coverage ratios, as well as the
profitability ratios. Short-term creditors emphasize liquidity and
look most carefully at the liquidity ratios.

10-3 Given that sales have not changed, a decrease in the total assets
turnover means that the companys assets have increased. Also, the
fact that the fixed assets turnover ratio remained constant implies
that the company increased its current assets. Since the companys
current ratio increased, and yet, its quick ratio is unchanged means
that the company has increased its inventories.

Mini Case: 10 - 2
10-4 Differences in the amounts of assets necessary to generate a dollar of
sales cause asset turnover ratios to vary among industries. For
example, a steel company needs a greater number of dollars in assets to
produce a dollar in sales than does a grocery store chain. Also,
profit margins and turnover ratios may vary due to differences in the
amount of expenses incurred to produce sales. For example, one would
expect a grocery store chain to spend more per dollar of sales than
does a steel company. Often, a large turnover will be associated with
a low profit margin, and vice versa.

10-5 a. Cash, receivables, and inventories, as well as current liabilities,

vary over the year for firms with seasonal sales patterns.
Therefore, those ratios that examine balance sheet figures will vary
unless averages (monthly ones are best) are used.

b. Common equity is determined at a point in time, say December 31,

2002. Profits are earned over time, say during 2002. If a firm is
growing rapidly, year-end equity will be much larger than beginning-
of-year equity, so the calculated rate of return on equity will be
different depending on whether end-of-year, beginning-of-year, or
average common equity is used as the denominator. Average common
equity is conceptually the best figure to use. In public utility
rate cases, people are reported to have deliberately used end-of-
year or beginning-of-year equity to make returns on equity appear
excessive or inadequate. Similar problems can arise when a firm is
being evaluated.

10-6 Firms within the same industry may employ different accounting
techniques which make it difficult to compare financial ratios. More
fundamentally, comparisons may be misleading if firms in the same
industry differ in their other investments. For example, comparing
Pepsico and Coca-Cola may be misleading because apart from their soft
drink business, Pepsi also owns other businesses such as Frito-Lay,
Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, and KFC.

Mini Case: 10 - 3

10-1 CA = $3,000,000; = 1.5; = 1.0;

CL = ?; I = ?

= 1.5
= 1.5
1.5 CL = $3,000,000
CL = $2,000,000.

CA - I
= 1.0
$3,000,000 - I
= 1.0
$3,000,000 - I = $2,000,000
I = $1,000,000.

10-2 DSO = 40 days; ADS = $20,000; AR = ?

40 =
AR = $800,000.

10-3 A/E = 2.4; D/A = ?

D 1
= 1 -

D 1
= 1 -
A 2.4
= 0.5833 = 58.33%.

Mini Case: 10 - 4
10-4 ROA = 10%; PM = 2%; ROE = 15%; S/TA = ?; A/E = ?

10% = 2% S/TA
S/TA = 5.


15% = 2% 5 TA/E
15% = 10% TA/E
TA/E = 1.5.

10-5 We are given ROA = 3% and Sales/Total assets = 1.5.

From Du Pont equation: ROA = Profit margin Total assets turnover

3% = Profit margin (1.5)
Profit margin = 3%/1.5 = 2%.

We can also calculate the companys debt ratio in a similar manner,

given the facts of the problem. We are given ROA(NI/A) and ROE(NI/E);
if we use the reciprocal of ROE we have the following equation:

= _ and = 1- , so
E 1
= 3% _
A 0.05
= 60% .
= 1 - 0.60 = 0.40 = 40% .


5% = 3% EM
EM = 5%/3% = 5/3 = TA/E.

Take reciprocal:

E/TA = 3/5 = 60%;


D/A = 1 - 0.60 = 0.40 = 40%.

Thus, the firms profit margin = 2% and its debt ratio = 40%.

Mini Case: 10 - 5
10-6 Present current ratio = = 2.5.

$1,312,500 + NP
Minimum current ratio = = 2.0.
$525,000 + NP

$1,312,500 + NP = $1,050,000 + 2NP

NP = $262,500.

Short-term debt can increase by a maximum of $262,500 without violating

a 2 to 1 current ratio, assuming that the entire increase in notes
payable is used to increase current assets. Since we assumed that the
additional funds would be used to increase inventory, the inventory
account will increase to $637,500, and current assets will total

Quick ratio = ($1,575,000 - $637,500)/$787,500 = $937,500/$787,500 =


Current assets $810,000

10-7 1. = 3.0 = 3.0
Current liabilities Current liabilities

Current liabilities = $270,000.

Current assets - Inventories $810,000 - Inventories

2. = 1.4 = 1.4
Current liabilities $270,000

Inventories = $432,000.

Current Marketable Accounts

3. assets = Cash + Securities + receivable + Inventories

$810,000 = $120,000 + Accounts receivable + $432,000

Accounts receivable = $258,000.

Sales Sales
4. = 6.0 = 6.0
Inventory $432,000

Sales = $2,592,000.

Accounts receivable $258,000

5. DSO = = = 36.33 days.
Sales/365 $2,592,000/365

Mini Case: 10 - 6
10-8 TIE = EBIT/INT, so find EBIT and INT.
Interest = $500,000 0.1 = $50,000.
Net income = $2,000,000 0.05 = $100,000.
Pre-tax income = $100,000/(1 - T) = $100,000/0.7 = $142,857.

EBIT = $142,857 + $50,000 = $192,857.

TIE = $192,857/$50,000 = 3.86.

10-9 a. (Dollar amounts in thousands.)

Firm Average

Current assets $655,000

= = 1.98 2.0
Current liabilities $330,000

Accounts receivable $336,000

DSO = = = 76 days 35 days
Sales/ 365 $4,404.11

Sales $1,607,500
= = 6.66 6.7
Inventory $241,500

Sales $1,607,500
= = 5.50 12.1
Fixed assets $292,500

Sales $1,607,500
= = 1.70 3.0
Total assets $947,500

Net income $27,300

= = 1.7% 1.2%
Sales $1,607,500

Net income $27,300

= = 2.9% 3.6%
Total assets $947,500

Firm Average

Net income $27,300

= = 7.6% 9.0%
Common equity $361,000

Total debt $586,500

= = 61.9% 60.0%
Total assets $947,500

Mini Case: 10 - 7
b. For the firm,

ROE = PM T.A. turnover EM = 1.7% 1.7 = 7.6%.
For the industry, ROE = 1.2% 3 2.5 = 9%.

Note: To find the industry ratio of assets to common equity,

recognize that 1 - (total debt/total assets) = common equity/total
assets. So, common equity/total assets = 40%, and 1/0.40 = 2.5 =
total assets/common equity.

c. The firms days sales outstanding is more than twice as long as the
industry average, indicating that the firm should tighten credit or
enforce a more stringent collection policy. The total assets
turnover ratio is well below the industry average so sales should be
increased, assets decreased, or both. While the companys profit
margin is higher than the industry average, its other profitability
ratios are low compared to the industry--net income should be higher
given the amount of equity and assets. However, the company seems
to be in an average liquidity position and financial leverage is
similar to others in the industry.

d. If 2002 represents a period of supernormal growth for the firm,

ratios based on this year will be distorted and a comparison between
them and industry averages will have little meaning. Potential
investors who look only at 2002 ratios will be misled, and a return
to normal conditions in 2003 could hurt the firms stock price.

10-10 1. Debt = (0.50)(Total assets) = (0.50)($300,000) = $150,000.

2. Accounts payable = Debt Long-term debt = $150,000 - $60,000

= $90,000

Total liabilities
3. Common stock = and equity - Debt - Retained earnings
= $300,000 - $150,000 - $97,500 = $52,500.

4. Sales = (1.5)(Total assets) = (1.5)($300,000) = $450,000.

5. Inventory = Sales/5 = $450,000/5 = $90,000.

6. Accounts receivable = (Sales/365)(DSO) = ($450,000/365)(36.5)

= $45,000.

7. Cash + Accounts receivable = (0.80)(Accounts payable)

Cash + $45,000 = (0.80)($90,000)
Cash = $72,000 - $45,000 = $27,000.

8. Fixed assets = Total assets - (Cash + Accts rec. + Inventories)

= $300,000 - ($27,000 + $45,000 + $90,000) = $138,000.

9. Cost of goods sold = (Sales)(1 - 0.25) = ($450,000)(0.75)

= $337,500.

Mini Case: 10 - 8
10-11 a. Here are the firms base case ratios and other data as compared to
the industry:

Firm Industry Comment

Quick 0.8 1.0 Weak
Current 2.3 2.7 Weak
Inventory turnover 4.8 7.0 Poor
Days sales outstanding 37 days 32 days Poor
Fixed assets turnover 10.0 13.0 Poor
Total assets turnover 2.3 2.6 Poor
Return on assets 5.9% 9.1% Bad
Return on equity 13.1 18.2 Bad
Debt ratio 54.8 50.0 High
Profit margin on sales 2.5 3.5 Bad
EPS $4.71 n.a. --
Stock Price $23.57 n.a. --
P/E ratio 5.0 6.0 Poor
P/CF ratio 2.0 3.5 Poor
M/B ratio 0.65 n.a. --

The firm appears to be badly managed--all of its ratios are worse

than the industry averages, and the result is low earnings, a low
P/E, P/CF ratio, a low stock price, and a low M/B ratio. The
company needs to do something to improve.

b. A decrease in the inventory level would improve the

inventory turnover, total assets turnover, and ROA, all
of which are too low. It would have some impact on the
current ratio, but it is difficult to say precisely how
that ratio would be affected. If the lower inventory
level allowed the company to reduce its current
liabilities, then the current ratio would improve. The
lower cost of goods sold would improve all of the
profitability ratios and, if dividends were not
increased, would lower the debt ratio through increased
retained earnings. All of this should lead to a higher
market/book ratio and a higher stock price.

Mini Case: 10 - 9

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