Leonard Eugene Boyle. 'Epistulae Venerunt Parum Dulces': The Place of Codicology in The Editing of Medieval Latin Texts
Leonard Eugene Boyle. 'Epistulae Venerunt Parum Dulces': The Place of Codicology in The Editing of Medieval Latin Texts
Leonard Eugene Boyle. 'Epistulae Venerunt Parum Dulces': The Place of Codicology in The Editing of Medieval Latin Texts
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'Epistulae Venerunt Parum Dulces':
The Place of Codicology
III the Editing of Medieval Latin Texts
variation, from a press mark to a doodle, from a garbled word sense that no one has ever been on this road before. The
to a cancelled passage, from a change of ink or a change of problems now are the editor's problems and his alone; and it
hand to word-separation, from glosses to alternative readings. is here that his mettle as editor and critic is tested to the full.
Hence the importance of the "physical setting" which I noted It is of little use at this point to turn to theoretical approaches
when speaking of the first stage. or manuals of criticism. All they will provide are instances of
It is a Recensionist belief that by observing what variations how other editors have proceeded when confronted with their
are common to what codices where the codices differ and own problems. But these were their problems. They are not
what are not, one can trace retrogressively the path of these the problems of this present or of any other editor, though
common variations and arrive at the sourCe or sources of the they may provide some useful parallels. The editor's problems
different sets of common variations. If the Recensionist are his and his alone, just as his text is his and his alone. It
wishes, he may plot or make a diagram of these variations. is no uSe wailing, "What am I to do now?" What to do is up
He may even call it a Stemma codicum, but only if it is based to him and to no one else. Here the editor has to rely on his
on common variations between the codices and not on com- own intelligence, his own imagination, his own wide reading,
mon errors between the text as carried by the codices (in his own scholarship-and the help of his friends (not, of
which case it is not aStemma codicum but aStemma textuum). course, to provide him with an answer, but rather to criticize
From the relationships between the codices which he has or to consolidate his own solutions from their varying areas
detected through the phenomenon of "common variations" , of expertise). Thus a recent edition of a medieval philosophical
the Recensionist is now enabled to See a way through the text of no great significance could have benefitted from some
codices where they are textually at variance with one another. friendly criticism before being exposed in public to gleeful
He can see noW which manuscript or group of manuscripts purveyors of textual inanities. For at one point it proffers two ,:
syllogisms which, as printed, might give medieval scholasti- ,-il,f
is, where they differ, more likely to carry the text as it com-
monly circulated (I do not say the "true" text). And he is cism a bad name: "Omnis canis creditur ; celeste sydus est
noW in a position to establish from the codices as a whole the canis; ergo celeste sydus creditur. Iterum: Quidquid creditur, ,-I~
text that they on-the-whole carry. The text that he establishes habet pedes; celeste sydus, ut dictum est, creditur; ergo habet "I
from the codices is thus the text that is common to all, plus pedes." A friend at least could have suggested without undue ii"
what he decides with the help of common variations to be the strain that there is such a thing as a dog-star, and, since dogs :~
have legs and legs are for running, that "currit" might be more !:i,-
likely vulgar text where the codices disagree.
There remains the third stage, that of textual criticism. logically and palaeographically believable than "creditur. "
The established text is simply the text transmitted by the Helpful friends apart, being on one's own does not mean
codices and reported as faithfully as possible by the editor. that an editor now has a free hand to be creative: to emend,
It is a wholly unedited text, and it may be inconsistent in to conjecture or, indeed, to invent. He must always remember
some spots and delirious in others. What it needs now is an that he is dealing with the results of a tradition of text, and
editorial eye. that, if he must keep within the bounds of reason, he must
Here in the third stage the editor really comes into his also not venture beyond the confines of the codices from
own. He is in fact on his very own; and he is alone in the which he established the text now before him. At any point
of uncertainty all the codices may and should be called upon, text on the basis of common variations and the Stemma. Nor,
even those which the editor knows from common variations indeed, is the common text itself sacrosanct simply because
and the resulting Stemma codium to be direct copies of earlier it is common. It may make no sense at all On occasion. Even
codices. when it does, one has to be on the alert.
Of course, since most Stemmata codicum are really Stem- In a recent edition of the letters of Seneca, for example,
mata textuum, it follows almost inevitably that when it is the editor prints the sentence, "Quae sint quae antiquos mov-
evident from a stemma that one text is a direct copy of another, erint vel quae sint quae anti qui moverint, dicam", noting that
or what is called a "codex descriptus, then that direct copy the phrase "vel quae sint quae antiqui moverint" is found only
is eliminated from textual consideration as a codex descriptus. in a Bamberg MS of the 9th century, the earliest extant, though
But here again, this is to take the text for the codex. For what "quae antiqui moverint" is found as an interlinear gloss in a
is really "descriptus" is the text not the codex. The codex Vatican MS of the mid-12th century. 8
must retain its place in the tradition of the text, and may be The Vatican codex in question, MS Pal. lat. 869, which
called upon when the work of editing begins. A so-called is MS C in Reynolds' edition and in his Medieval Tradition
codex descriptus may well have been in the possession of some of Seneca's Letters (Oxford, 1965), will occupy the remainder
able scholar who had access to manuscripts or testimonia that of this paper. For in fact it proves to be more interesting than
are no longer extant from which he made notes or took variant
readings. On a careful codicological examination they may
one would have guessed from the somewhat bleak description
of it in Reynolds and others. When examined codicologically,
prove to carry discerning conjectures or readings which cannot it shows signs on the one hand of having been copied from ,:"
be overlooked. an Insular model (on occasion the obsolete Insular symbol "i~
No matter how logical or consistent or revealing aStemma for "eius" is reproduced, as though the scribe was not quite
codicum may turn out to be, it is the codices as such that sure how to expand it); on the other hand, the codex clearly
matter in the long run, not the Stemma codicum. For all its was collated, shortly after it was written, with a manuscript
seeming inexorable contours, the Stemma codicum is not a of the Bamberg tradition, possibly by its very first owner.
vice from which there is no escape. At best it is no more than This second conclusion is based on the presence in the
a prop: an instrument that enables one to shore up some of Vatican codex of a series of interlinear notes, most of which
the text temporarily, where the witnesses are at variance with are introduced by the "vel" siglum. Reynolds records a few
one another, and hence have weakened the common bond of of these in his apparatus, but seems to look upon them as
text that holds them all together as the work of one author. simple glosses. This is not at all the case. These "vel" clauses
Where the established text is not common to all the codices, are in fact alternative readings, and their distinction from sim-
an editor is not stuck with it simply because it is dictated by ple glosses is clear from the fact that the "vel" siglum is gen-
common variations and the Stemma codicum. When this estab- erally followed not by a full word but by the part of the word
lished text, made up of common and uncommon texts, is seen underneath for which a variant has been found in another
as a whole in this third stage of editing, one or other of the
alternative readings may well prove on critical examination to 81 L. D. Reynolds. ed. L. Annaei Senecae ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales
be more fitting than that selected ad hoc for the established (Oxford, 1965), n. 473 (letter 113).
manuscript. Thus over the word "obiurgamur" in letter 93 manuscript, especially when one notes that this clause (though
(fol.33') there is a neat interlinear note "vel mus" above "mur", without "vel") occurs interlinearly above the opening clause
meaning that another MS reads "obiurgamus." "Quae sint quae antiquos moverint" in the Vatican manu-
This "vel" phenomenon, indicating an alternative reading, script. Given that the sentence as a whole in the Bamberg MS
seems to have been a common feature of 12th-century schol- is a little odd, though seemingly all editors accept it without
arship, though I have yet to document it fully. It is nicely to question, and given the fact that "vel" clauses often denote
be seen in the earliest MS of the letters of Peter the Venerable, an alternative reading, it is at least arguable that the original
attesting to the existence of a further early manuscript for sentence may have been a simple "Quae sint quae antiquos
which in fact the recent editor of the corpus of Peter's letters moverint, dicam", and that "vel quae sint quae antiqui
made no allowance in his discussion of the early history of moverint" was originally an alternative reading over the initial
these letters. 9 phrase in some manuscript or other from which the Bamberg
In the present case of Seneca's letters, these "vel" clauses scribe, in a fashion not untypical of scribes, copied both the
are as much part of the tradition of the letters in MS Pal. lat. initial phrase and the alternative as one sentence: "Quae sint
869 as the text itself, and they enable us to add a second lost quae antiquos moverint vel quae sint quae antiqui moverint,
codex to the tradition of the letters, to go with the presumed dicam."
Insular model of the Vatican codex. Of course one may dismiss My final example of the place of codicology in the editing
these "vel" clauses as examples of medieval meddling or "con- of medieval texts is that from which the tide of my paper I'
tamination", but they are part of the codicological tradition comes. Again the text is a letter of Seneca, and again the I
of the text of Seneca's letters and, in fact, provide splendid manuscript is Pal. lat. 869. Writing in his usual moralistic way i
examples of what I have termed "codicological variations" to Lucilius, Seneca chides him on feeling miserable and out
between manuscripts. To ignore them, or simply pass them of sorts, saying "Vesicae te dolor inquietavit, epistulae vener-
over as glosses, is to misrepresent the tradition of the letters unt parum dulces, detrimenta continua-propius accedam, de
in this codex and so miss a rich part of the history of the text capite timuisti. ,,10
as transmitted. This is the received text, except that where all MSS read
An awareness of the significance of "vel" clauses of this "epistulae vero erunt parum dulces", most editors read "ven- "~:
kind may even be helpful when editing an established text. It erunt" with vonJan forthe difficult "vera erunt." The meaning ..
could, for example, lead one to question the accepted reading, is something like this: A pain in your bladder bothered you,
quoted above, of "Quae sint quae antiquos moverint vel quae letters came from you that were hardly pleasant, everything ..
sint quae antiqui moverint, dicam", from the Bamberg went wrong-let me put it bluntly, you began to fear for your
life (or, as translated in the Loeb Classics) "It was disease of
the bladder that made you apprehensive; downcast letters came
9/ The Letters of Peter the Venerable, ed. G. Constable, 2 vols.
(Cambridge. Mass., 1967). The presence of the other early manuscript is
acknowledged in Peter the Venerable. Selected Letters, ed. J. Martin and
G. ConStable (Toronto, 1974). 101 Ep. 96, ed. Reynolds (n. 8 above), n, 401.
from you; you were continually getting worse; I will touch If I am correct in taking the text as emended in Pal. lat.
the truth more closely and say that you feared for your life. "" 869 seriously, then what may have happened was that at some
Now in the midst of all these physical ailments, the refer- point or other before the ninth century, when the Bamberg
ence to far-from-sweet letters may seem a little out of place. MS was written, the "epulae" was contracted to "eple", with
But it does not bother modern editors, though one or two a hook through the "I", and because this is very nearly the
cite an alternative to "epistulae" preferred by Erasmus and abbreviation for "epistulae", it would have been quite easy
others after him. 12 Where Erasmus got it I do not know as for the scribe of the Bamberg MS or its exemplar to have
yet, but the reading "epulae" is borne out by an erasure and expanded "eple", meaning "epulae", to the more common
correction in MS Pal. lat. 869, that 12th-century codex which "epistulae. "
was so assiduously collated against another manuscript or It is at least odd that the 12th-century owner of the Vatican
manuscripts by its 12th-century owner, as I presume. In Pal. manuscript should have been moved to change "epistulae" to
lat. 869 (fol 44V) part of "epistulae" has been rubbed out to epulae", if the presence of "epistulae" was as unexceptional
make way for "epulae", and, for good measure, "epulae" is as modern editions suggest it to be. Was "epulae" a conjecture?
written clearly in the margin . Granting, but not at all accept- Hardly, when one remembers that Pal. lat. 869 was so labori-
ing, vonJan's "venerunt" fo r '(vero erunt", the text now reads: ously collated with another or other manuscripts of Seneca's
"Vesicae te dolor inquietavit, epulae venerunt parum dulces, Letters. But even if "epulae" be a conjecture, should it there- ,,.
detrimenta continua-propius accedam, de capite timuisti." fore be denied consideration or excluded from the apparatus?
Seneca, then, according to the corrected text in Pal. lat. If a conjecture or emendation by a modern scholar such as
869, is simply listing the complaints of Lucilius, and, for van Jan is deemed worthy of attention, why should not a
effect, goes from bad to worse in, so to speak, ascending medieval conjecture be granted a hearing? At least it is part ,:
order: "A pain in your bladder bothered you; eating became
less of a pleasure; everying went wrong-to put it bluntly,
of the codicological tradition of the text and as such merits
the attention of any editor worth his salt.
you began to feel that you were going off your head. " These two examples from Seneca's Letters of a very ten- "
Given his ailing bladder, it is hardly unexpected to find tative application of codicology in editing text may not seem "
that Lucilius had gone off his food. This fact alone inclines very momentous. Perhaps I may seem to be making too much
me to "epulae" rather than "epistulae." To insist, with Bam- out of nothing, especially in the eyes of these who see codicol-
berg and other MSS, on "epistulae" is to disrupt what is clearly ogy as simply an examination of the physical make-up of a
one disaster after another. Hence Seneca goes on, "A long codex: size, stitching, gatherings, and the like.
life includes all these troubles. Did you not know, when you But to me codicology in its full colours is an examination
prayed for long life, that this was what you were praying for?" of a codex precisely as it is a carrier of a text. If, as is the
general tendency, one simply extracts a text from a codex,
11 1 Seneca. Ad Lucilium Epistulae morales, ed. R. M. Gummere, III (Cam- then the text is bereft of its setting, and the codex is ignored.
bridge, Mass., 1971 ), 107. If, on the contrary, one concentrates on the physical make-up
121 Cl. Seneque. Lettres a Luciiius, ed . F. Prehac, V (Paris, 1964), 114 of a codex, then the danger is that the codex will be treated
(apparatus). in isolation from the text, as though it were any codex and
not just this specific codex carrying this specific text. Codicol-
ogy, then, must include the text-not of course, the text as
text, but as physically carried by the codex, whether this be History of Editing the
the size of the columns, the spirals of initials, the annotations,
or indeed, the smudges of readers.
Greek New Testament'
So codicology is not at all "ueberlieferungsgeschichte",
which, as everyone knows, Housman characterized as "a Bruce M. M etzger
longer and more noble name than fudge. "IJ In other words,
codicology is a history of the fortunes not of a text as text,
but of a text as it is carried by codices. It is a simple and
necessary recognition of the fact that texts have survived be-
cause of codices, and that each codex in turn carries a text in
its own unique fashion.