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Writing Test Basics
Q. How is the Writing test structured?
A. The Writing test has two tasks called Task 1 and Task 2, as briefly described below:

Writing Task 1 Writing Task 2

Word limit 150 words minimum 250 words minimum
Suggested time limit 20 minutes 40 minutes
Overall score On a band scale from 0-9 with half band On a band scale from 0-9 with half band
scores scores

!!!Note: Task 2 score contributes a little more to the overall score than Task 1.

Q. Where should I write my answers to the Writing tasks?

A. You will be given an Answer booklet in which you should write your Task 1 and Task 2 respnses:
The booklet has about 20 lines per page and 4 pages.
The first page of the Task 1 section has some instructions, leaing only half a ful page for writing on that page,
plus the following page.
The Task 2 section has 2 full pages.
It is clearly indicated where to start your answer to both Task 1 and Task 2.

Remember, too:
You can do the tasks in any order, which means you can decide to do the Task2 first if you prefer, or if you are
worried about how best to use the time
You can ask for additional prefer if you need it.

Q. How is my writing assessed?

A. By a real person!
Each task is marked by a trained IELTS assessor who reads your answer and gives you a score (from
0 to 9) for different aspects of your performance by comparing what you have written with
performance descriptions for different score levels in these four areas:
task fulfilment in Task 1 (Did you do what you were asked to do?) or task response in Task 2 (Did you respond
to all parts of the task and offer a clear viewpoint?)
vocabulary (How varied, appropriate and extensive is your use?)
grammar (How flexibly and accurately are you able to use different sentence types?)
coherence and cohesion (How well is your answer structured in terms of ideas and paragraphing; how well
do sentences link together to build logical movement from one idea to another?)
!!!Note: you may lose marks if you don't write enough words for either answer.
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Q. How can I impress the assessor?
A. Well done! This is the key question in our book.
There are many ways to manage your answers to each task so that you impress your assessor. This
will be discussed and practised extensively later in this section of the book.

Q. How should I begin my preparation?

A. First, have a look at the Task 1 section on page 53 and the Task 2 section on page 84.
While going through our advice for Task 1 and Task 2, you may notice that we give several identical
suggestions for both tasks. This is because there are important principles that apply to both Task 1
and Task 2. It seems a good idea to be reminded of them so you can learn how to apply them while
practising, and , more importantly, in the actual IELTS exam.
First Questions Answered

Q. What kind of task will I be given?

A. For Task 1 you will receive either a chart, a graph, a map, a process diagram or a table.


Q. How do I start organising and planning my answer?

A. You need to read the Task 1 instruction you receive and then give the accompanying visual a quick
overview to identify key features of the data. Practise this quickly now, by overviewing each of these
sample Task 1 visuals:
A map:

Foutain Gate Shopping Centre, 2008

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A process diagram:
Buying a house

What are your

needs/ wants?

Assess borrowing
limit with loan

Research choose
affordable area

View houses for sale

(within budget) Offer rejected

Offer reject
Increase offer
Choose house
make offer

Offer accepted Offer accepted

Deposit (10%)

Loan approval

Lawyer for
legal documents

Final inspection

Balance of money to



A graph:

A table:
Percentage of Australian households with access to computers/internet 1998-2000
Access to computers Access to internet
Household 1998 1999 2000 1998 1999 2000
Below $50,000 per 34 33 37 10 12 21
Above $50,000 per 69 71 77 34 43 57

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A chart: Coffee consumption by age percentage of population

Q. What do I have to do to respond well to the question?

A. Your task is to:
identify an overview of the data (This means a statement identifying the most obvious main trend)
write a well-organised, professional-sounding report in a formal tone, describing and summarising the main
features, trends or stages in terms of the data,
for detailed statistioal information, your task is to select and summarise key trends/stage only by describing
write so that a person who doesn't have the visual information in front of them is able to understand the report
clearly and easily,
avoid copying or repeating too many words from the task.

Q. How long do I have to complete Task 1?

A. You have about 20 minutes for this task and must write at least 150 words, but...
Be careful not to write too much detail of too many words as this may rob you of time for Task 2
Try your best to keep to a maximum of about 170 words and a minimum of 150.

Q. How can I be sure to use the time wisely?

A. Practise before the test and follow a systematic routine, like this one:
What you should do: How? Why?
Stage 1 - understand the By studying the wording and data To guarantee relevance of your
task for one to two minutes plan and clear structure of the
Stage 2- plan your answer By writing a quick outline in To organise your answer
for about two minutes logiacal sections
Stage 3 - write a systematic By following your plan for about To make your answer well
answer neatly and with 15 minutes. structured, clear and easy to
clear paragraphing read
Stage 4- check your work By skim reading; quick word To pick up any obvious mistakes
count by counting number of
words in one line and then

multiply by number of lines

(e.g. 10 word, x 15 lines = 150)

Q. Is 15 minutes enough time to write 150 words?

A. Yes, with practice.
Practise writing answers to Task 1 questions with a 20-rninute limit. Get used to the pattern above.
Gradually you will be able to do it, and will feel a sense of professionalism in the way you are
approaching this task.
Planning time saves writing time by making writing time structured and managed.
Q. What is a 'clock victim' and why should I avoid becoming one?
A. Some candidates spend too much time counting words or watching the clock and lose connection
an focus with the actual task. Practise doing Task 1 questions until you have developed a reliable
routine. Remember, being organised is important because you can then create an organised answer. A
relevant, organised answer impresses the assessor because it seems professional even if it still has
some vocabulary anf grammar weakerness.
What if I...? Some Problem Situations
Q. What if I don't understand the chart?
A. Most candidates understand at least some things. So
a) Look for patterns (trends)
b) Ask yourself questions about the statistical data.
What can I see? What has changed? When did it change? Which group or category changed? What
isbigger? smaller?...more similar?...less similar?...has increased?...decreased?
When did this happen?
Q. What if don't know how to compare and contrast?
A. Do the fitness activities and study the IELTS Writing Doctor in this book (pare 66, 125). These have
useful sections on comparing and contrasting. For example, you need to:
a) Build vocabulary which is used when comparing or contrasting (for example, increased/decreased;
rose/fell; larger/smaller; more significant/less significant).
b) Build awareness sentence markers (for example, X on the other hand....; compared with Y, X was;
similarly, X increased; the pattern was similar for Y , whereas X increased in; Y decreased during
the same period).
Q. What if I'm only half may through and already out of time?
A. This probable means either:
that you havent organised and planned your overall answer enough before writing
or that your language level is low and it takes you a long time either to think of what to write, or to express it

Either way, you have to decide whether to continue on Task 1 or move on to Task 2. Some options:
Option 1 if the Task 2 topic looks easy, you might give yourself another five minutes to complete
Task 1 before changing to Task 2.
Option 2 the Task 2 topic looks tricky and needs full planning time, try to finish the Task 1
paragraph you are writing, then move on to Task 2 and allow yourself five minutes before the end of
the test to return to complete Task 1. Aim to write 250 words approximately for Task 2.
Q. What if writing about all the details adds up to many more than 150 words?

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A. This usually means that you haven't planned your paragraphs well and haven't selected and
grouped the information well enough. Before writing. you need to look more carefully at the data and
overview it so that you ate aware of main trends before writing. Remember there is not time to
mention everything so you have to find the main trends and summarise them.
Q. What if I make a mistake, how do I fix it?
A. If it is a factual mistake with numbers, cross out the mistake neatly and write in the correct number.
If it is a major misuke, such as misunderstanding the material and then realising your mistake after
writing a paragraph or two, cross out the first attempt with a diagonal line, then miss a line and start
again but with a tighter plan, and summarise the material more effectively to avoid too much
detail.Aim to write at least 140 words in the time remaining.

Q. What if I feel so anxious, my mind goes blank?

A. Stay as calm as you can. This is an opportunity to manage your emotions and become stronger.
Follow this 'calming routine': close your eyes and breathe systematically for one minute. To do this:
count 'one and two and three and four in your head when you breathe in,
then hold your breath counting from one to four again,
and then breathe out counting once more from one to four in your head.

After one minute, return to the question, and make every action systematic and structured.
You have to manage panic and not let it control you. This one-minute 'calming routine' is not time
wasted but time managed!
Secrets of How to Impress Your Assessor in Academic Writing
Task 1
Your assessor as busy person with perhaps 20 Writing tests to scores. Perhaps yours is the last one so
the assessor could be a little tired. Within the limitations of your English, you need lo create a positive
relationship with the assessor through the quality of your writing.
GOLD STAR ADVICE No. 2: Your writing is YOU
Everything you write and how you present your writing represents 'YOU' in the mind of the
assessor because you wil not meet that assessor in person.
Q. How can I make a good impression on she IELTS Writing assessor?
A. There are certain way to write a report that always create a good impression.
Follow these detailed suggestions and your work will be appreciated by your assessor:
1. Take care of the accuracy of information
Whatever material and data are presented to you in Task 1, you need to study it carefully and look at
each category or number carefully so that you report on them accurately.
Why is this important?
Accuracy creates a good impression of you as a professional report writer.
2. Write about the important patterns and trends - not everything
The Task 1 question usually asks you to summarise and report main trends. This building all overview
of the data and then selecting the key information
Why is this important?
You don't have time to write about everything; a skilful report writer knows how to identify, organise,
compare, contrast and synthesise the Isev information
3. Avoid 'shopping lists', i.e. listing statistics one after another repetitively.
Some candidates see information on a graph or table and me repeat it without any selection,
comparison or synthesis.


Report 1 Report 2
In Belonia in 2001 unemployment was 20%; Unemployment in Bclonta increased steadily from
in 2002 it was 30%, in 200 it increased to 20 to 40% between 2001 and 2003, at which point it
40%, in 2004 it was steady at 40%. In Celonia remained steady. In Celonia, however, the
in 2001 it was 20%, in 2002 it was 10%, in percentage without work halved each year from
2003 it decreased to 5% and in 2004 it rose 20% in 2001 down to 5% in 2003, then rose again to
to 20%. 20%.

Comment: Report 2 has the better style of reporting as it evaluates the changes, it doesn't
simply list them.
Why is this important?
If you identify trends and patterns in statical data instead of just making mechanical lists, it shows you
can interpret information and can evaluate information in terms of what is more/less important. This
is not strictly a language skill but it is a sign of mature, critical thinking.
4. Don't make personal comments about the statistical material
Some candidates start to give their own explanations for why the data has changed, even though this
is not in the graph and not part of the task
Watthing TV probably increased more for you, people in the period 2005-2010 because parents were
too busy to do other things with their children.
Why is this important?
You have very little time for Task 1 so every word has to count. Bringing in new information that is
not in the diagram or graph is considered irrelevant to the task because your task is reporting data
not speculating about the causes of it
5. Use a systematic layout
Use an Introduction/body paragraphsi/conclusion format, with each body paragraph dealing with a
clear and distinct area of information.
Why is this important?
A well-organised and logically structured report seems more professional and makes the task of
reading your report much easier for the assessor. This has a strong and positive psychological impact
on the assessor.
6.Use a professional writing style and formal tone
A professional writing is formal in tone and economical in style. It maximises clarity of information
and brings together key information effectively by effective use of appropriate formal vocabulary and
sentence links.
Why is this important?
The use of an appropriate tone and style adds to the assessors belief in your professionalism, even if
there are still a few grammatical errors. This builds a positive impression. So compare these

Expression 1 Expression 2

big increase signifcant/substantial increase

went up quickly rose rapidly
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got suddenly biggger increased dramatically
went down a lot decreased dramtically
go a bit higher insrease marginally
stayed the same remained unchanged/stable
quite a lot of students a substantial number of students
pretty much the same broadly similar

Comment: The second expression in each case is more formal and establishes a professional
tone for reporting information. The first expression sounds too 'babyish' in this writing
context; it seems more like spoken English
7. Reduce simple grammar mistakes
Simple grammar mistakes may seem little 'babyish'.
Why is this important?
The assessor may think that you should have learnt basic grammar when you first learnt English. Too
many basic errors reduce the professional 'feel' of your report and leave a negative impression, even if
the assessor can understand what your report says.
Reduce Weaknesses to Maintain a Good Impression
To maintain the good impression you've already created you need to reduce the kinds of weaknesses
illustrated in these examples:
Weakness Type 1 Word Forms (Adjective/Noun Adverb)
In simple terms, errors that relate to basic rules of English grammar leave a more negative
impression than other kinds of mistakes because the assessor that you learnt about these basic
rules when you were younger and have had plenty of time to learn to use them correctly since that
Examples of mistakes that create a had impression
Mistake What's wrong?

There is some doubtful about the data Noun form 'doubt' needed
The accuracy of the figures is doubt Adjective 'doubtful' needed
It is doubtfully that the figures are accuracy Adjectives 'doubtful' and 'accurate needed
The population increased rapid during 2000 Adverb 'rapidly' needed
So, if you still make these basic errors you may give the impression of being like an immature
schoolchild, even if your own native language causes you to make the errors because its verb system
is much simple than the English verb system, or its translated word forms are less varied than those
in English. The assessor forms an impression of you from your writing and isnt influenced by such
complexities as first language interference. The IELTS test, remember, is based ultimately on
comparing performance with a native English speaker equivalent.
Weakness Type 2 Verb Tenses
Accurate use of the verb system shows an awareness of how time is marked in English. This is
important when reporting graphs and tables with information about past or future years.
Mistake What's wrong?
In 2003 there is a maior increase in crime should be 'was a major increase
By 2050 the level of crime has risen should be will rise

Weakness Type 3 - Subject Verb Agreement


It is becoming more common for students to forget that in English grammar the subject of a sentence
often controls the form of the verb. Failure to remember this leads to elementary grammatical errors,
which have a negative effect on the assessors impression of your level.
Mistake What's wrong?

Access to computer are now increasing Access is the subject word so should be is now
Assessment of your borrowing limits need to 'Assessment' is the subpect so should be need to
be carried out be carried out'
Loan approsal have to be obtained Loan approval' is a singular subject so should be
has to be obtained'

Weakness Type 4 - Sentence Boundaries

The end of a sentence is shown by a full stop. Often candidates forget this and confuse the reader by
'running on' to the next setence without using any full stops.
Sentence without boundaries Sentences ended by full stops
A loan is usually arranged with a bank the sum A loan is usually arranged with a bank. The sum
borrowed depends on income often actually borrowed often depends on income. Actualy, the
the bank can refuse a loan application. bank can refuse a loan application.

Weakness Type 5 - Omissions from Sentences

IELTS candidates often leave out important parts of a sentence perhaps because they are feeling the
pressure of time. Again, this confuses the reader.
Sentence with omissions Complete sentence
Proportion people income below $50,000 access The proportion of people with incomes below
to computers 34 percent. $50,000 with access to computer was 34

Weakness Type 6 Not using Paragraphs Effectively

Some candidates forget to use paragraphs to structure their report into clear anf logical sections. This
makes information much harder to read.
Example (refer to bar chart at the beginning of this chapter):
The report below has no paragraphing:

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The bar chart shows percentage coffee consumption during three years for several different age
groups. In 2004, the middle-aged groups drank most coffee at 16%. Younger age groups drank less
than the middle-aged then but almost as much in 2001. The oldest age group (75+) drank he least in
1995, 2001 and 2004. Only 6% of the 55-64 age group were coffee drinkers in 1995 but by 2004 they
were equal top at 16%. Generally speaking more coffee was drunk in 2004 than in 2001 ad in 1995 in
all groups. The oldest group and the 35-44 age group doubled their coffe consumption between 1995
and 2004 but the 55-64 group more than doubled theirs. Younger peoples consumption has not
changed very much between 2001 and 2004. Overall middle-aged people have drunk more coffee
than other groups in all three years.
Compare the above with this better version which has clear paragraphing:
The bar chart shows percentage coffee during three years for different age groups. Generally
speaking more coffee was drunk in 2004 than in 2001 and 1995 in all age groups (Introduction +
In 1995 between 7 and 9 percent of the four, younger age groups (18-54) were driking coffee, with
older age groups drinking noticeably less. (Summary of 1995)
By 2001, the pattern had changed somewhat with the 55-64 age group more than sumption to
become the second highest consumers at around 13 percent. Increases in the younger age groups
were slower. (Summary of 2001)
In 2004 two of the middle-aged groups (45 to 64) were clearly drinking the most coffee at 16 percent
with the younger age groups increasing less rapidly. There were large in the older age 65+ relative to
previous years. (Summary of 2004)
Overall then, middle-aged people's consumption of coffee has risen more that of other age groups but
consumption in all age groups has increased across the three years for which data were prvided

Weakness type 7 - Leaving Out Important Information

Under presure of time, candidates sometimes leave out important information, which makes their
response incomplete
Using the example above (Weakness Type 6), If a candidate failed to discuss one of the years (2001,
say then the answer would be considered incompplete).
Weakness Type 8 - Using Inaccurate Information through Carelessness or Misunder
Again, under presure of time, candidates sometimes write intormation that is not the same as in the
graph or chart or table.

Example 1 - Carelessness (refer to bat chart at the beginning of this chapter):

Inaccurate information Accurate information
In 2001 the 35-44 age group had the highest In 2001 the 45-54 age group had the highest
coffee consumption at 15% with the 45-54 and coffee consumption at 14% with the 35-44 and
55-64 cohorts having the same level at 13 55-64 cohorts having the same level at 13
percent percent.


Example 2 - Misunderstanding of measurement categories

Access to computers Access to internet
Household 1998 1999 2000 1998 1999 2000
Below $50,000 per 34 33 37 10 12 21
Above $50,000 per 69 71 77 34 43 57

Inaccurate information Accurate information

In 1998, among men with $50,00 in income In 1998, 34% of households with an annual salary
34 lived in houses with access to a computer of less than $50,000 had access to a computer, and
and 10 to the internee. 10 percent to the internet.

Weakness Type 9 - Poor Presentation (Layout, Handscriting, Crossing out)

Poor presentation is very common. Candidates sometimes use writing that is not easy to read. or
cross out very frequently, or use a layout that makes their answer look either cramped or
The following are some instances of poor presentation:
no empty line between each paragraph
spacing that is too uneven itoo many empty lines, or empty lines of uneven number - sometimes this a done to
make a short answer look longer)
handwriting may he difficult to read, especially the difference between letters like e and o or i' and u; I
and t; u and w; n and r; m and n
Weakness Type 10 - Misspelling Names of Items
Candidates often spell incorrectly names given in the data. This could be caused by pressure of time or
lack of attention but may create an unpprofessional inpression.
Mistake Whats wrong?
In 1998, 34% of Austrian housholds with a yearly Should be 'Australian', not 'Austrian',
salary of less than $50,000 had acess to a computer, 'households', not houtholds, 'access', not 'acess
and 10 per sent to the internet 'percent', not per sent'

Weakness Type 11 - Repetition

Some IELTS test takers seem unable to avoid repeating the same expression over and over again. This
shows lack of flexibility in use of language.
Repetition Less repetition
In 2001 in the 18-24 age group 12 percent In 2001, 12 percent drank coffee in both the
drank coffee, in the 25-34 age group also 12 18-24 and 25-34 age groups. Among those
percent. In the 35-44 age group 13 percent aged 35-44, 13 percent were coffee drinkers,
drank coffee, and 14% in the 45-54 age group.
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while 14% of 45-54 year olds were coffee
In the 65-74 age group, 8 percent drank coffee In the 65-74 year-old cohort the percentage
and finally only 4 percent of the 75+ group figure was 8. Finally, a mere 4 percent of the
drank coffee. 75+ group counted themselves as drinkers of
Weakness Type 12 - Irrelevant Information
Irrelevance can be created by either:
a) too much detailed information which may leave insufficient time for balanced reporting of major
trends, and important comparisons.
b) personal interpretations which the writer offers but are not included in the data.
Irrelevant Information Relevant information
a) Too much detail b) Adding personal interpreta- Better version of a) and
tions h)
In 2001 in the 18-24 age group 12 In 2001, younger and middle- In 2001, younger and
percent drank coffee, in the 25-34 aged age groups had similar middle-aged age
age also 12 percent. In the 35-44 coffee drinking patterns at 12 groupshad similar coffee
age group 13 percent drank percent (younger) and 13/14 drink-age group 13
coffee, and 14% in the 45-54 age percent (middle-aged) perhaps percent drank coffee,
group. because younger people had (younger) and 13/14
In the 65-74 age group, 8 percent less spend- ing money, while percent (middle-aged)
drank coffee and finally only 4 the two older age the two older while two older age
per-cent of the 75+ group drank age groups drank much less groups drank much less
coffee. coffee as probably to maintain coffee at 4-8%.
their health.

Enhance the Good Impression

There are many other ways to enrich your Task 1 response and thus to give the assessor enough
reason to lift your score. Often you can make your response sound more professinal by good selection
of vocabulary and by varied use of the formal sentence styles which are typical od report writing. You
will find pleny of examples in our IELTS Grammar and IELTS Vocabulary sections on pages 126 and
154. Good hunting!
Before you start
The Fitness activities in this section offer you wuick practice at the different task types you may
encounter in the IELTS Writing test. Its also a chance to use some of the tips from the Writing chapter
earlier in our book.
With the help of these fitness activities you will build awareness of key elements of different Task 1
reports. Work through each section, noting the different aspects of the report being focused on. When
you are practising a Task 1 report under exam, try asking yourself similar questions as part of
managing and improving your written response.



Fountain Gate Shopping Centre, 2008

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Task Question
The maps show changes to the Fountain Gate Shopping Centre between 1980 and 2008
Summarise the information by selecting anf reporting the key features, and make any relevant
Write at least 150 words.

Without looking at the sample answer, write your own report. Spend no more than 20
minutes and write at least 150 words.

Now read this complete sample answer:

The maps indicate changes in the Fountain Gate Centre between 1980 and 2008. Essentially, the Centre
increased its range of shops and improved transport connections.
In 1980 the Centre has one department store and a cinema on the west side, a clothing store situated
centrally, with smaller shops surrounding it, and a restaurant on the east side. There was auto shop on the
northern periphery, and plentiful parking in both levels. Service tunnels provided access. The central
access was from the main East-West Highway on the southern side.
By 2008, numerous developenents had taken place. On the east side of the Centre, a shoe store, pharmacy
aid cosmetic shop had been added, with the restaurant having been replaced by a food court in the central
area. Although the auto shop had disappeared to the north, on the southern periphery, a bank, Italian
restaurant and bicycle shop had appeared. Even more significantly, a metro station had been built south
of the East-West Highway with its own shops and pedestian link to the Centre.
Overall, by 2008, there was more choice at the Centre and better transport options for visitors.

!!!Note: This sample answer is Not a model answer but only one of many possible responses to the
task. It would probably be awarded Band 9.

Youre on the road to IELTS success.


TASK TYPE >> Process Diagram:

Buying a house

What are your

needs/ wants?

Assess borrowing
limit with loan

Research choose
affordable area

View houses for sale

(within budget)
Offer rejected

Offer reject
Choose house Increase offer
make offer
Offer accepted
Offer accepted
accepted Offer
accepted Deposit (10%)
Loan approval

Lawyer for
legal documents

Final inspection

Balance of money to


ng k hc: 0962 60 8801 04 6260 3948
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Task Question
The diagram shows the stages in buying a house.
Summarise the information by selecting and reprting the key features, and make any relevant
Write at least 150 words.

Without looking at the sample answer, write your own report.

Spend no more than 20 minutes and write at least 150 words
Now read the complete sample answer:

The diagram shows the main step in buy a house. It covers financial and legal issue, view and making
The first step involves establishing your housing needs and then calculating a borrowing ceiling with
the help of a loan expert. After that , a prospective purchaser needs to look for affordable areas in their
town or city, and go to look at suitable houses, within budget. Once a house has been chosen, an offer is
made. If the offer is rejected, the buyer can either increase the offer or choose another house and make
a new offer on that one. After that the offer has been accepted, a deposit of 10% needs to be paid to the
vendor. Once the purchaser's loan has been approved by the bank, a lawyer is required to prepare the
legal documents of transfer. Then a final inspection of the house is car-ried out and the balance of the
selling price is paid to the seller. As soon as that money is cleared, the new owner receives the keys.
Summing up, those are the seven principal stages in the purchase of a house.

!!!Note: This sample answer is not a model answer but only one of many possible response to the
task. It would be awarded Band 9.


TASK TYPE >> Graph

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Task Question
The graph shows the perentage occupancy of caravan parks and hotels rooms between June 08 and
September 09.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the key features, and make any relevant

Write at least 150 words

Now, without looking at the sample answer, write your own report.
Spend no more than 20 minutes and write at least 150 words.
Now read this complete sample answer:
The graph indicated levels of occupancy of caravan parks and botch between 2008 and 2009. Overall it
seemed that caravan parks has slightly higher occupancy rates and less fluctuation than hotels.
At the beginning of the period, in June '08, the occupancy rate for caravan parks was around 54%. This
figure had increased marginally by September '08 then fell back a little before peaking at around 57%
in March '09. In June '09 it returned to its original level of 54% before recovering to 56% by September
'09. Generally, then, occupancy rates were quite steady across the 15-month period.
Turning to hotels, a little more variation was evident. 40% was the hotel occupancy rate on June '08, but
then this level increased markedly to around 48% by December of the same year before reaching nearly
50% by March '09. Then the rate dipped significantly to 38% by June 09 before recovering to 45% by
September of the same year.
To summarise, caravan parks had higher occupancy and less seasonal variation across the whole period

!!!Note: This sample answer is not a model answer but only one of many possible responses to the
task. It would probably be awarded Band 9.


TASK TYPE >> Table

Pecentage of Australian households with access to conputers/internet 1998-2000
Access to computers Access to internet
Household 1998 1999 2000 1998 1999 2000
Below $50,000 per 34 33 37 10 12 21
Above $50,000 per 69 71 77 34 43 57

Task Question
The table shows the percentage of Australian households with access to computers or internet 1998-
Summarise the information by selecting and reporeting the key features, and make any relevant

Write at least 150 words

Now, without looking at the sample answer, write your own report.
Spend no more than 20 minutes and write at least 150 words.

Now read this complete sample answer:

The table presented data on access to computers and internet for two income levels in Australia 1998-
2000. Access levels was greater for the higher income group, but increase generally for both groups
across the three year.
The level of access to computers for those on incomes below $50,000 was 34% to 1998, falling
marginally to 33% in 1999 before recovering strongly to 37% in 2000. For the above-550,000 group,
the corresponding percentages across the there years were more than double at 69, 71 and 77%
Internet access rates show a slightly different pattern. Starting a low base of 10% in 1998 for the lower
income group, the figure increased slightly 12'% in 1999, then accelebrated to 21% to 2000. For the
$50,000+ income group, the figures were much higher but the overall increase was less dramatic, from
34% in 1998, to 43% in 1999 and then 57% in 2000.
ng k hc: 0962 60 8801 04 6260 3948
a ch: S 18 Trn i Ngha Q Hai B Trng H ni
To summarise, the upper income group had much higher access to both internet and computers but the
lower income group increased its share of internet access more rapidly.

!!!Note: This sample answer is not a model answer but only one of many possible response to the
task. It would probably be awarded Band 9.
Great work now as a reward, eat something nice!
TASK TYPE >> Chart
Coffee consumption by age and percent of population

The chart shows coffee consumption by age and percentage of population in Australia in three years
1995, 2001 and 2004.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the key features, and make any relevant
Write at least 150 words.

Now, without looking at the sample answer, write your own report. Spend no more than 20
minutes and write at least 150 words.
Now read this complete sample answer:
The chart shows a three-year percentage pattern for coffee consumption among different age gaups in
Australia. In general, coffee consumption increased, especially for those in the order age cohorts.


Taking 1995 first, it is clear that consumption was fairly similar for those between 18 and 54 ranging
from 7% for the 35-44 group to 9% for the 18,24 and 45-54 age ranges. Older age groups drank less with
6% in the 55-64 group and 3% in the 75+ cohort.
By 2001 increases had occurred. The four younger groups had now been jointed by the 55-64 group so
that rates ranged among these five age cohorts from 12% up to 14%. The older groups showed some
increase but at lower rates 8% for the 65.74 and 4% for the 75+ category.
In 2004 further increases took place. The older, middle age ranges predominated, with 16% of both the
45-54 and 55-64 cohorts drinking coffee, followed by 14% of 35-44 year olds and 13% of 18-24 year
olds. The 65-74-year-old group had accelerated to reach 11+ with the 25-34 group steady at 12% and
the over 75s reaching 6%.
To summarise , coffee consumption increased for all age but more rapidly for the middle and older age

!!!Note: This sample answer is not model answer but only one of many responses to the task. It would
probably be awarded Band 9.

ng k hc: 0962 60 8801 04 6260 3948
a ch: S 18 Trn i Ngha Q Hai B Trng H ni

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