Recitation 2: Dfas and Nfas: February 10, 2005

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6.045J/18.400J: Automata, Computability and Complexity Prof.

Nancy Lynch

Recitation 2: DFAs and NFAs

February 10, 2005

Problem 1: Dene the following words, phrases and symbols.

1. Finite state machine, nite automaton
2. Sipser page 49. Determinism vs Nondeterminism
3. Sipser page 54. DFA vs NFA
4. Regular Language
5. Sipser page 53.

7. Epsilon Transition
8. Sipser page 36,40. A machine can accept many strings, but only a single language. To avoid confusion,
we will usually say a machine accepts a string and recognizes a language.

Problem 2: Are the following statements true or false?

1. It is possible for a nite automaton to recognize an innite language.
2. Every deterministic nite automaton is also a nondeterministic nite automaton.
3. For every nondeterministic nite automaton, there is an equivalent nondeterministic nite automaton
that has no epsilon transitions.
4. For every nondeterministic nite automaton, there is an equivalent nondeterministic nite automaton
that has a single accept state.
5. If you swap the accepting states and the non-accepting states on ANY nite automaton, the new ma
chine will recognize the complement of the original language.
6. The class of languages recognized by non-deterministic nite automata is closed under complementa
7. Let  be a language recognized by a deterministic nite automaton. Dene a language

 !"$#&%%%'$ ()$ ()*+-,.+$$#."/%%%0$ (1*2!$ (43576

  is recognized by some deterministic nite automaton.

Problem 3:
1. Create DFAs for each of the following languages over the alphabet 89 6 .
(i) The language of strings that contain both a 0 and a 1.
(ii) The language of strings that contain 0110 and end in 1.
(iii) The language of strings that do not contain an odd number of 1s.

2: DFAs and NFAs-1

(iv) The language of part (iii) star.
(v) ;<,< contains at least two 0s and at most one 1 6 .
2. An NFA with 3 states for the language =><8,.< ends with 9?9@6 .

Problem 4: Let A ( BC,D is a binary number divisible by EF6 . Show that for each E , the language A ( is
regular. (Assume for simplicity that the string represented by  is divisible by E for any E ).

Problem 5: Let  be any language. Prove that HGH if and only if  is in  .
Problem 6: What language  does the following automaton recognize ? Prove that the automaton indeed
recognizes the language you think it recognizes. To do this, we will need to prove that our FA (1) accepts all
strings in  and (2) does not accept any string not in  .

0 0

1 1
a b c

1. Characterize each state.

2. Forward direction (accepts all strings in  ). Proof by Induction?
3. Reverse direction (does not accept any string outside of  ). Proof by Contradiction?

Problem 7: Optional (if we haveJ enough time)

An all-paths-NFA I is a 5-tuple 
that accepts K3 if and only if every possible state that
I could be in after reading  is a state from . Prove that all-NFAs recognize exactly the regular languages.
(Notice the contrast with NFAs)

2: DFAs and NFAs-2

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