Prestress Loss: Input For Comparison of Methods: Project Name: PCI BDM Example 9.4 Beam Materials

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Prestress Loss: Input for Comparison of Methods by M. Tadros, et al.

Project Name: PCI BDM Example 9.4 NCHRP 18-07

Beam Materials rev. S. Hida, CA
12/02, 4/03
A 767.00 in2 H 70 %
I 545894 in4 fci 5.800 ksi
yb 36.6 in f'c 6.500 ksi
h 72 in f'cd 4.00 ksi
V/S 3 in ti (release) 1 days
Aps 7.344 in2 t (deck pour 90 days
fpi 202.5 ksi tf (final) 20000 days
Es 28500 ksi Deck
ypb 6.92 in Width 110.8 in
Midspan Moments Thickness 7.5 in
Girder 17258 kip-in Area 831 in2
Deck, haunch, diaphrag 19915 kip-in Fillet 0 in.2
SI dead ld. 6480 kip-in
HL93 plus impact 25666 kip-in Yellow cells--and only yellow cells are
input data! Other cells contain notation,
components, and results.

Other Parameters
Modulus of Elasticity E=33000*w1.5*K1(f'c)^0.5 Beam initial Eci 4425
in KSI w=0.140+f'c/1000 at deck placement Ec 4718
( Deck Ecd 3607
Shrinkage =0.00048(5/(1+fci))kskhsktd Beam initial to final bif 0.000374
( ks=(1.45-0.13V/S) initial to deck placam. bid 0.000263
khs=2.0-0.0143H deck placem. to final bdf 0.000111
ktd=t/(61-4fci+t) Deck ddf 0.000509
Creep =1.90kskhc(5/(1+fci))ktd*ti-0.118 Beam initial to final bif 1.484
( khc=(1.56-0.008*H) initial to deck placement bid 1.043
ktd =t/(61-4fci+t) Deck placem. to final bdf 0.872
Deck Deck placem. to final ddf 2.401
Steel modular ratio ni=Es/Eci 6.4414 Transfromed section factors, K Kid 0.77670
" (at deck placement) n=Es/Ec 6.0411 K=1/(1+ni*net*Aps/Anet*(1+0.7*bif)) Kdf 0.78438
" (deck) nd=Ed/Ec 0.7645 (,
Section Properties Precast Beam Decktrf Composite Bm, Deck
Gross Net (-APS) Tr.-release Transformed-final (alone) Gross Net
A (in.2) 767.00 759.66 806.96 804.02 635.27 1402.27 1394.93
yb (in.) 36.6 36.89 35.13 35.23 75.75 54.34 54.59
I (in.4) 545894 539362 579353 577005 2978 1081455 1064857
ep (in.) 29.68 29.97 28.21 28.31 47.42 47.67
ed (in.) -21.41 -21.16
=1+(A*ep2)/I 2.2377 2.2648 2.1085 2.1170 3.9153 3.9763
b=1+(A*ep*yb)/I 2.5263 2.5569 2.3804 2.3901 1.0000 4.3407 4.4084
t=1+(A*ep*(yb-h))/I -0.4762 -0.4820 -0.4487 -0.4506 1.0000 -0.0860 -0.0874
by M. Tadros, et al.
NCHRP 18-07
rev. S. Hida, CA
12/02, 4/03

Composite Bm, Deck


Prestress Loss Using Proposed Detailed Method by M. Tadros et al. NCHRP 18-07
Project Name: PCI BDM Example 9.4 rev. S. Hida, CA; 12/02, 2/03, 4/03
Prestress Loss (ksi)
Loading Loss Components fcgs fps Sub-
Combinations Total
Change Net Change Net Loss
1 e 2trrel
f pi A ps [ + ] f ps = ni f cg
(1) Elastic shortening due to Pi =fpiAps A gdrtrrel I gdrtrrel 3.886 25.0 177.5
M gdr e trrel
(2) Elastic shortening due to self weight -0.840 -5.4 182.9
Prestress transfer, fcgp and fpES I gdrtrrel 3.045 19.6
(3) Shrinkage between release and deck place (Eqn fpSR bid*Ep*Kid 5.8 177.1

(4) Creep between release and deck place (Eqn fpCR=ni*fcgp* bid*Kid 15.9 161.2

(5) Relaxation between release and deck place (assumption) fpR2 1.2 160.0
Total long-term (initial to deck placemnt)id -0.502 22.9
(6) Elastic due to deck weight Mdecketr-fin/Ibm-tr-fin*n -0.977 -5.9 165.9

(7) Elastic due to superimposed DL (on composite section) MADLecomp-fin/Icomp-fin*n -0.257 -1.6 167.4
Deck + SIDL: fcd and fpED -1.737 -7.5
(8) Shrinkage of beam bet.deck place and final (Eqn fpSD bdf*Ep*Kdf 2.5 164.9

(9) Creep of beam bet.deck place and final, initial loads (Eqn. fpCD1=fcgp*( bif- bid)*Kdf*ni 6.8 158.2

(10) Creep of beam due to deck and SIDL (Eqn. fpCD2 fcd* bdf*Kdf*n -7.2 165.3

(11) Relaxation between deck place and final (assumption) fpR3 1.2 164.1
E A E 1 e pc e d
(12) Shrinkage of deck (Eqn.,6)
f pSS = p ddf d cd
E c ( 1+0 . 7 df ) A c
Ic (
K df ( 1+ 0 .7 bdf )
) -1.0 165.1
Total long-term (deck placemnt to final)df 2.3
Total Prestress Loss prior to LL 37.4
(13) Elastic due to LL n*MLLecomp-net/Icomp-net -6.161
Total loss including gain due to LL 31.2
See comments on
Accurate-Transformed/Net Section allowables, below, if
BOTTOM Fiber Stress TOP Fiber Stress Final Final Final value in this cell
turns red!
Initial Final Initial w/o LL w/LL 0.5(DL)+LL
Pi (transf. section, release) 4.387 4.387 Pi (transf. section, release) -0.827 -0.827 -0.827 -0.413
No bonded
Mg (transf., release) -1.046 -1.046 Mg (transf., release) 1.098 1.098 1.098 0.549 reinforcement
Loss (net section, precast) -0.567 Loss (net section, precast) 0.107 0.107 0.053 required if stress is
less than
deck weight (transf., service) -1.216 deck weight (transf., service) 1.269 1.269 0.634 0.0948(f'c)^0.5 as
SIDL (transf. composite) -0.296 SIDL (transf. composite) 0.105 0.105 0.053 shown here.
Loss (net, composite) -0.053 Loss (net, composite) 0.001 0.001 0.001 Tensile stress may
LL (transf., composite) -1.173 LL (transf., composite) 0.417 0.417 exceed
Total 3.340 0.036 Total 0.271 1.753 2.170 1.294 0.0948(f'c)^0.5,
Allowable 3.48 -0.48 Allowable -0.23 2.925 3.9 2.6 but in no case
0.24(f'c)^0.5 as
shown here.
Tensile stress may
but in no case
-0.58 0.24(f'c)^0.5 as
shown here.
Prestress Loss Using Proposed Approximate Method, Transformed Section Properties
Project Name: PCI BDM Example 9.4 by M. Tadros et al.
NCHRP 18-07
rev. S. Hida, 12/02, 5/03
Prestress Loss (ksi)
LoadingLoss Components fcgs fps Sub-
Combinations Total
Change Net Change Net Loss
e trrel 202.5
(1) Elastic shortening due to Pi f pi A ps [
+ ] f ps =ni f cg
A gdrtrrel I gdrtrrel 3.886 25.0 177.5
(2) Elastic shortening due to self weight M gdr e 2trrel -0.840 -5.4 182.9
Prestress transfer, fpES I gdrtrrel 3.045 19.6
(3) Shrinkage (,3) 12(1.7-0.01H)(5/(1+f'ci) 8.8 174.1
(4) Creep 10(fpiAps/Ag)(1.7-0.01H)(5/(1+f'ci)) 14.3 159.8
(5) Relaxation, fpR may be taken as 2.5 2.5 157.3
Total long-term, fpLT ( 25.6
(6) Elastic due to deck weight Mdecketr-fin/Ibm-tr-fin *n -0.977 -5.9 163.2
(7) Elastic due to superimposed DL (on composite section) MADLecomp-tr/Icomp-tr *n -0.257 -1.6 164.8
Deck + SIDL -7.5
Total Prestress Loss prior to LL, fpT 37.7
(8) Elastic due to LL MLLecomp-net/Icomp-net *n -6.941
Total loss including gain due to LL 30.8

Bottom Fiber (ksi) Final DL w/LL0.6fc C 0.5DL+1.0LL Top Fiber (ksi) Final DL w/LL0.6f c
C 0.5DL+1.0LL
allowed: Initial: 0.6fci 0T to 0.45fc' C to 0.19(f'c) T
0.40fc' C Initial: -0.0948(fci') .5 0T to 0.45fc' Cto 0.19(f'c) T
0.40fc' C
Pi*btrsfmd/A_trsfmd 4.39 4.39 4.39 2.19 -0.83 -0.83 -0.83 -0.42
Mg*yb_trsfmd/I_trsfmd -1.05 -1.05 -1.05 -0.52 1.10 1.10 1.10 0.55
deck weight -1.22 -1.22 -0.61 1.27 1.27 0.63
SIDL*yb_comp trsfmd/Icomp_tr -0.30 -0.30 -0.15 0.11 0.11 0.05
Losses *Aps*_ybnet/Anet -0.63 -0.63 -0.32 0.12 0.12 0.06
LL*y_comp_trsfmd/Icomp_tr -1.17 -1.17 0.42 0.42
if T: 1.0(DL+ADL+PS)+0.8LL (not in T) (not in T) (not in T) (not in T)(not in T)
if C: 1.0(DL+ADL+PS)+1.0LL 3.34 1.20 0.02 0.27 1.76 2.18
0.5(DL+ADL+PS)+1.0LL -0.57 1.30
Prestress Loss Using Current LRFD Refined Method by M. Tadros et al.
Project Name: PCI BDM Example 9.4 NCHRP 18-07
rev. S. Hida, CA
Prestress Loss (ksi)
Loading Loss Components Concrete Stress at cg Steel Stress Sub-
Combinations Total
Change Net Change Net Loss
(1) Elastic shortening due to Pi 3.905 25.2 177.3

(2) Elastic shortening due to self weight -0.938 -6.0 183.4

Prestress transfer 2.967 19.1
Concrete stress due to deck weight -1.083
Concrete stress due to superimposed DL (on composite sec -0.284

(3) Shrinkage fpSR=17-0.15H 6.5 176.9

(4) Creep fpCR=12fcgp-7fcdp 26.0 150.9

(5) Relaxation fpR2=6-0.12fpES-0.06(fpSR+fpCR) 1.8 149.1

Total long-term 34.3
Total Prestress Loss 53.4

Bottom Fiber Stress (ksi)

Gross Section

Initial Final
P(precast) 4.436 3.607
Mg (precast) -1.157 -1.157

deck weight (precast) -1.335

SIDL+LL (composite) -1.615
Net 3.279 -0.501
Prestress Loss Using Current LRFD Lump Sum Method by M. Tadros et. al
Project Name: PCI BDM Example 9.4 NCHRP 18-07
rev. S. Hida, CA
Prestress Loss (ksi)
Loading Loss Components Concrete Stress at Steel Stress Sub-
Combinations Total
Change Net Change Net Loss
(1) Elastic shortening due to Pi 3.905 25.2 177.3

(2) Elastic shortening due to self weight -0.938 -6.0 183.4

Prestress transfer 2.967 19.1
Total long-term 33(1-0.15(f'c-6)/6)+6*PPR-6, where PPR=1.0 32.6
Total Prestress Loss 51.7

Bottom Fiber Stress (ksi)

Gross Section

Initial Final
P(precast) 4.436 3.648
Mg (precast) -1.157 -1.157

deck weight (precast) -1.335

SIDL+LL (composite) -1.615

Net 3.279 -0.460

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