Lid /penutup Crucible Magnesium Ribbon

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7 (a) What is meant by empirical formula?

Apakah yang dimaksudkandengan formula empirik?
[2 marks]
(b Table 7.1 shows molecular formula for three compounds.
) Jadual 7.1 menunjukkan formula molekulbagitigasebatian.

Compounds Molecular formula

Sebatian Formula molekul
Ethanoic acid
Ethyl ethanoate
Table 7.1 / Jadual 7.1

Based on the table 7.1, write the empirical formula for butane, ethanoic acid and
ethyl ethanoate.
Berdasarkanjadual 7.1, tulis formula empirikbagibutana, asidetanoikdanetiletanoat.
[3 marks]
Diagram 7.1 shows the set up apparatus for an experiment to determine the empirical
formula of magnesium oxide.
Rajah 7.1 menunjukkanradasuntuksuatueksperimenbagimenentukan formula empirik
magnesium oksida
Lid /penutup
Magnesium ribbon Mangkukpijar
Pita magnesium

Diagram 7.1
Rajah 7.1

Mass / Jisim ( g )
Crucible + lid
= 18.30
Mangkukpijar + penutup
Crucible + lid + magnesium ribbon
= 19.20
Mangkukpijar + penutup + pita magnesium
Crucible + lid + magnesium oxide
= 19.80
Mangkukpijar + penutup + magnesium oxide
Table 7.2 / Jadual 7.2
(c) Based on the diagram 7.1 and result in table 7,
Berdasarkankepadagambarajah 7.1 dankeputusandalamjadual 7
(i) determine the empirical formula of magnesium oxide
tentukan formula empirik magnesium oksida
[ Relative atomic mass / Jisim Atom relatif : Mg = 24, O = 16 ]
(ii) write the balance chemical equation.
(iii) State two safety precaution step that should be taken during the experiment.
Nyatakandualangkahberjaga jaga yang
(iv) Suggest one metal can replaced magnesium in this experiment.
Cadangkansatulogam yang bolehmenggantikan magnesium
[10 marks]
(d) Figure 7.2 shows cations and anions
Rajah 7.2 menunjukkankationdan anion

Na+ Mg2+ Al3+ CO32- NO3-

Figure 7.2 / Rajah 7.2

Based on figure 7.2, write the chemical formula for :

Berdasarkan rajah 7.2, tulis formula kimiabagi :
(i) Sodium carbonate
(ii) Magnesium nitrate
Magnesium nitrat
(iii) Aluminium carbonate
[3 marks]
When zinc powder was added into dilute hydrochloric acids, colourless
solution, zinc chloride is formed and colourless gas is produced.
larutantakberwarna, zinkkloridaterbentukdan gas yang

Based on the statement above, write the balance chemical equation.

Berdasarkanpenyataan di atas, tulispersamaankimiaseimbang.
[2 marks]

8 Figure 8 shows changes a series of reactions of reaction changes carbon compound

involving propanol
Rajah 8 menunjukkanbeberapasiripenukaransebatiankarbonmelibatkan propanol.

Alumina dichromate(VI)
Alkene Y Propanol Propanoic acid
Alkena Y Heat Propanol Kaliumdikroma AsidPropanoik
Panaskan t(VI) berasid

Figure 8 / Rajah 8
(a) What is meant by isomer?
Apakah yang dimaksudkandengan isomer?
[1 mark]
(b) Draw the structural formula of two propanol isomers.
Name both isomers.
Lukiskan formulastrukturbagidua isomer propanol.
Namakankedua dua isomer itu.
[4 marks]
(c) The information below is regarding alkane Y :
Berikutialahmaklumattentangalkena Y:

Carbon / Karbon 85.7 %

Hydrogen / Hidrogen 14.3 %
Relative molecular mass / Jisimmolekul relative = 42
Relative atomic mass / Jisim atom relatif : H = 1, C = 12

Based on the information of the alkene Y

Berdasarkanmaklumattentangalkena Y
(i) Determine the empirical formula and molecular formula
Tentukan formula empirikdan formula molekul
(ii) Draw the structural formula
Lukis formula struktur
(iii) Name the alkene
[6 marks]
(d) Alkenes, alcohol and carboxylic acids are three different homologous series.
Construct a table to show the general formula, the functional group and the name of
a member in each of the siries.
Alkena, alkoholdanasidkarboksilikadalahtigasiri homolog yang berbeza.
Binasatujadualuntukmenunjukkan formula am,
kumpulanfungsidannamabagisatuahlidalamsetiapsiri homolog itu.
[9 marks]


9 Figure 9 shows the electron arrangement for atoms P, Q and R.

Rajah 9 menunjukkan susunan elektron bagi atom-atom P, Q dan R.

Atom P Atom Q Atom R


Figure 9 / Rajah 9
Based on figure 9, answer the following questions:
Berdasarkan rajah 9, jawab soalan-soalan berikut:
(a) (i) State the location of atom R in the Periodic Table of Elements.
Nyatakan kedudukan atom R dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur.

(ii) Explain how you determine the group and the period of atom R.
Terangkan bagaimana anda menentukan kumpulan dan kala bagi atom
[5 marks]

(b Atoms P and Q can form chemical bonds with atom R.

) Atom P dan Q boleh membentuk ikatan kimia dengan atom R.

State the type of chemical bond and draw the diagram how the bond is formed
Nyatakan jenis ikatan kimia dan lukiskan gambar rajah bagaimana ikatan
terbentuk antara:
(i) Atoms P and R
(ii) Atoms Q and R
(c) Compare physical properties of the compound formed in (b) (i) and the
compound formed in (b) (ii). Your explaination including similarities and
differences for physical properties of both compounds.
Bandingkan sifat- sifat fizik bagi sebatian yang terbentuk di (b)(i) dan bagi
sebatian yang terbentuk di (b)(ii). Penerangan anda merangkumi
persamaandan perbezaan bagi sifatfizik bagi kedua dua sebatian.
1 (a (i) Diagram 10.1 shows structure A and B that represent molecules of two common
0 ) cleaning agents, soap and detergent.
Rajah 10.1 menunjukkanStruktur A dan B yang
mewakilimolekulbagiduabahanpencuci, sabundandetergen.

Structure A / Struktur A

Structure B / Struktur B

Diagram 10.1 / Rajah 10.1

Name the cleaning agent for structures of A and B

Namakanbahanpencucibagistruktur A dan B

[2 marks]

(ii Describe an experiment on how to prepare a sample of soap in the laboratory.

) Huraikansatueksperimenbagaimanaandadapatmenyediakansatusampelsabundal
[8 marks]

(b Diagram 10.2 shows the informationwritten on the back of a pie cake pack.
) Rajah 10.2menunjukkanmaklumat yang ditulis di belakangsebuahkotakkek pie.


Water, aspartame, citric acid,

octylbutanoate and tartazine

Air, aspartame, asidsitrik,


Diagram 10.1 / Rajah 10.1

Based on the ingredients used, classify the types of food additives used in pie cake.
Berdasarkanramuan yang digunakan, kelaskanjenisbahantambah yang
terkandungdalamkek pie tersebut.
[4 marks]

(ii) Modern medicine can classify to three types. State all three types of modern
medicine. Give one example for each medicine.
Ubatmodenbolehdikelaskankepadatigajenis. Nyatakanketiga
tigajenisubatmoden. Berikansatucontohbagisetiapubat.
[6 marks]

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