Brac Chicken Case

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Teaching Case on



Prepared for
Mr. Sheikh Morshed Jahan
Associate Professor
Business Strategy (W501)

Prepared By
Tasmeem Farizma Mihika (RH 33)
Section A, BBA 21st Batch

Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka

29 November 2016
BRAC Chicken: Branding its way out towards sustainability

BRAC Chicken: Branding its Way Out Towards Sustainability

The Black Sunday model involved women in a chain of
It was 11:00 am in the morning of late 2012 activities as vaccinators, hatchery
when Ms. Sumaiya Tanjim, Head of Sales, BRAC operators, chicken rearers, feed sellers,
Chicken, was sitting in her quiet office looking producers of hatching eggs and as
tensed with a storm going on inside her. The producers of eggs for the market. Credit as
recent outrage in social media and the well as marketing was integrated into the
blogosphere about their Ad campaign We love model. Over time, BRAC social enterprises
were set up to facilitate each of these
BRAC Chicken had created a devastating impact
on the brand itself. Slowing down of sales is
probably the least that could have happened.
The advertisement in billboards in the city and in BRAC Chicken, established in 2004, was the
newspaper front pages had children stating with final link within this chain. The enterprise
sour faces that they hated khichuri, tehari, was established with a mission of meeting
semai (our own cuisine) and other children with the growing demands for dressed chicken in
smiles saying they loved BRAC chicken. The large metropolitan areas, by purchasing
media went mad. And when they started chickens from BRACs poultry rearing farms,
withdrawing the ad, an online newspaper took a other commercial farms, and rural farmers.
potshot at them by calling up nutritionists who It started out as a broiler processing
said, Frozen chicken was absolute rubbish. enterprise with the capacity to process
Something had to be done as soon as possible to approximately 10,000 chickens per day and
save the brand from the accusations when fierce was the only automated plant of its kind in
competition is in the market. The next 2 hours in Bangladesh. It had the vision of becoming a
the meeting would decide the existence and driving force in the poultry sector growth in
sustainability of the brand which had started as Bangladesh. Since then the company had
a grassroots experiment in the 1970s to create never had to look back. With its strong
income generating opportunities for the poor backward linkage and strong integration
and improve the poultry sector in Bangladesh with the farmers, the enterprise processed
and had then become one of the major players approximately 10,000 birds per day at that
in the processed food market of Bangladesh. The time, which were sourced from a large
clocks tick was pumping up her heartbeat up a number of independent rural farmers. The
notch. Will she be able to plan out the way to plant purchased chickens from BRACs
saving the Brand from this violence on its way to commercial broiler farms and independent
moving upwards? farmers, and sold the dressed meat to a
variety of customers including large
A Driving force in the Poultry Industry restaurants, hotels, supermarkets and even
of Bangladesh individual households.

In the late 1970s, BRAC identified poultry

rearing as a source of income for the Given that the demand for poultry meat and
landless, particularly the destitute women. eggs in Bangladesh still exceeded the
The meat and egg yields were poor in supply, BRAC Chickens poultry operations
villages. In the early 1980s BRAC partnered remained an important source of support for
in a participatory action research program rural farmers while driving growth in the
aimed at increasing the productivity of small sector and increasing the supply of high-
flocks of hens in village conditions and to yield variety chicks and processed broiler
develop a replicable smallholder model, the meat.
success of which led to the development of
the national broiler chicken industry. The
BRAC Chicken: Branding its way out towards sustainability

The BRAC Model advent of nuclear families (with working

parents), the demand for ready to cook
The BRAC Chicken Value network was convenience food had been rising. The city
strongly interconnected with its backward dwellers and households were progressively
links in multiple steps. The process started adapting to frozen foods which included
with collecting Day old chicks (DOCs) from meat, fish, dairy, and very recently
the BRAC Poultry farm. BRAC Chicken vegetables.
acquired 30-40 percent of its supply from
BRAC's commercial broiler farms while the
The huge potential in this emerging market
remaining supply came from other was identified well ahead by the companies
independent farms, both rural and like Rich and Golden Harvest, who were the
commercial. Then those were nurtured for
pioneers in the industry. BRAC chicken
30- 35 days in the BRAC Poultry Farms and launched their halal frozen food range on the
in rural hatcheries owned privately by
26th of April, 2012 across the country. Their
farmers. The feed was procured from their
primary focus was on the high quality of the
own BRAC Feed Mills. These chicken were products by maintaining international
then purchased by BRAC Chicken for
standards and hygienic processes of
processing. They were processed by production.
dressing to be sold as raw chicken as well
as ready to eat frozen products to a variety
of customers including large restaurants, "The customers deserve high quality,
hotels, supermarkets and even individual delicious and healthy food. We believe in
households. Some of its major customers serving the right thing at BRAC. So we are
included KFC, Westin Hotels, Radisson bringing international standard halal and
Hotels, Best Fried Chicken, and BBQ hygienic processed foods across the
Bangladesh. nation."

BRAC Chicken managed the quality of its The products included masala nuggets,
chicken along each step of the supply chain. kid's nuggets, regular nuggets, drumsticks,
The poultry was under regular supervision of wings, burger patties, sausage, kebab, cutlet
the vets, particularly during the use of and chicken tandoori. These were packaged
vaccines, medicine, antibiotics, etc. At the in 250- 300 gm packets and distributed
end of the processing chain, BRAC Chicken initially to the retail supermarkets and
sold high quality chicken, achieving HACCP general stores in the urban areas. The
('Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point'; products were priced higher compared to
a systematic approach to ensuring food those of Rich and Golden Harvest. The
safety) certification. In the process, BRAC affluent middle class and upper class moms
Chicken also tried to minimize any mostly bought such products to be used as
production activities that may harm the alternatives for snack or tiffin. The sole
environment. focus on processed chicken had been
proven to be a boon and a curse for the
enterprise at the same time. Though
Debut of the frozen foods line specialization and scaling had been in focus
for the company, there were sufficient
With population increasing at a rapid pace in absence of a backup plan when it comes to
cities of Bangladesh especially the capital, external disasters like the avian influenza or
the citizens becoming increasingly busy bird flu.
with young adults, couples and with the
BRAC Chicken: Branding its way out towards sustainability

The Mega Launch mall in Dhaka which was the flagship

restaurant of BRAC Chicken that solely
The company unveiled its product through a served BRAC Chicken processed food in
major PR event which was covered by all the order for customers to experience the
major national dailies, satellite TV channels products before making a purchase. The
as well as the digital media and the students of different Universities in the
numerous news portals around the surrounding were the main customers of the
blogosphere. There were billboard outlet. However, the business did not
illustrations in major locations and a TVC sustain due to much negative feedback
was launched. The brand, initially, was able regarding poor service from the customers.
to create a huge buzz all around the country,
mainly, due to the popularity and highly
positive brand image of BRAC itself. Frozen Food on the Rise
The frozen foods market had been emerging
Branding BRAC Chicken since the early 2000s. With increasing
numbers of nuclear families and more and
All the frozen food items were initially more women entering the workplace, the
packaged in transparent packaging and the demand for processed, ready- to- eat food
tertiary package was a cardboard carton had been increasing. The fast paced lifestyle
similar to all the other brands in the market. of the city dwellers especially encouraged
The illustrations of the prepare food itself, them to opt for such easier options for the
required nutrition information etc. were day to day chores like cooking. This
present on the package along with the logo progressive adaption had been mostly
of the Red BRAC Chicken on top. The observed in the frozen protein sector,
tagline was, Healthy Choice. These especially chicken and beef. Additionally,
products were available in the chain the marketing campaigns of the frozen food
superstores like Agora, MeenaBazaar, companies in Bangladesh had spurred an
Shwapno, PQS, Nandan, CSD etc. They were increase in demand.
also found in the general stores in the higher
end residential vicinities in the metropolitan
cities of Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Rajshahi, The frozen foods domestic market in
Barisal and Khulna. There were point- of- Bangladesh could be broadly divided into
purchase advertisements in the shops to four broad segments-
attract customers along with repeated
telecast of the TVC and the giant billboards Frozen Ready to Cook Snacks
present around the city. The social media Frozen Ready to Cook Meat
presence was not much noticed except for a Frozen Ready to Cook Vegetables
product page in Facebook with a mere Frozen Ready to Cook Fishes
number of followers. This seemed no
different from the social media presence of
the others brands competing in the market. The global frozen food industry recorded
The advertisements and TVCs were targeted close to 4% growth in 2010 exceeding $192
towards the children who Loved BRAC billion. The market was expected to see 19%
Chicken and considered it to be the best expansion over next five years exceeding
form of snacks. $228 billion by end of 2015. In terms of
volume the market was expected to exceed
14% growth in the same period to reach
Later in 2013, BRAC eat@ was launched at almost 43.5 billion kilograms. Frozen meat
Jamuna Future Park, the largest shopping
BRAC Chicken: Branding its way out towards sustainability

represented the leading segment, In the value chain for frozen chicken market,
accounting for more than 41% of the overall products were directly transferred from
market in terms of value. Europe accounted poultry firms to dressing facility for further
for 37.6% of the global frozen food market processing. Once processed, the dressed
value. For Bangladesh plausible lucrative chickens were packaged and stored in
export destinations were USA, Canada, chilled warehouse; subsequently moving to
Australia, Middle-East and Europe. (See end point for sales. (See Exhibit 2)
Exhibit 1)

The Competitive Landscape

Demand for poultry demand had increased
over the years with rising per capita income. During the advent of the frozen food
According to latest BBS statistics as of industry in Bangladesh, the only players of
2010-11, Bangladesh produced the market were the few imported brands
approximately 2 million metric tons of meat, like McCain, Lamb Weston, Doux and range
including poultry and livestock. Meat of imported frozen goods from Al Kabeer
processing in industrial plants was a very Group. But the scenario has been reversed
recent addition to the food processing now. The local brands had penetrated the
industry in Bangladesh. Only one modern market in a large scale and taken over the
beef processing facility and ten poultry market shares of these foreign players.
processing facilities were currently in However, a few international players like
operation. Overall processed, meat Eurasia Foods ltd and CP were still shining
constitute approximately less than one bright in the battle of the market share of the
percent of total meat production. Frozen frozen food.
food sector showed promise considering
steadily increasing per capita income,
changing family structure (nuclear) and Golden harvest, Rich, Eurasia and Aftab were
change in taste and fashion. Although in neck to neck competition fighting with
several large players had successfully similar market share with the same
penetrated the market, opportunities lie in categories of product offerings including
outside Dhaka and Chittagong where the frozen snacks, ready-to-eat and ready-to-
frozen chain was improving. cook protein. (See Exhibit 3). BRAC and CP
were big players in the processed chicken
market. Kazi had recently forayed into the
Among the four categories, the Frozen market and time was going to tell whether
Ready to Cook Meat included frosted whole they could successfully grab market share.
chickens, lambs, mutton and beef. These
value added products were for the busy
moms, the bachelor who lived alone, and the Golden harvest
conscious fathers who chose homemade
food for their children instead of eating out. Golden Harvest was one of the pioneers in
These were currently available at super frozen food industry in Bangladesh, with a
markets and order based by institutional mission to ensuring mouthwatering
buyers like restaurants and fast food shops. healthy foods for the consumers. The
Frozen chickens are mostly available product basket comprised of a variety of
through high end super stores charging frozen snacks including parathas, frozen
premium pricing. Another market was the fries, samosa, spring rolls, sausages,
major fast food chains, restaurants, catering salamis etc. the pricing was highly
services who purchased quality processed competitive compared to other high end
chicken for further value addition. brands in the market. The brand had been
BRAC Chicken: Branding its way out towards sustainability

focusing on intensive marketing and The core message of the brand was
branding in tradition as well as digital communicated through each and every
media. Different school campaigns, TVCs, marketing campaign it launched. The CSR
interactive social media page had enabled activities of RICH like the road safety
the brand to acquire the maximum presence campaigns or their sponsorships in sports
and market share. The efficiency in the were what set them apart in the traditional
distribution network had made the brand and digital media.
available in the superstore shelf. Being the
first of the bunch had given this brand
enough time to capture a huge portion of the Aftab Frozen Foods
customers with their high quality, yet value
Aftab Bahumukhi Farms Ltd. launched its
for money product range.
own brand of processed and further
processed products under the brand name
RICH of Aftab. ABFL had more than 22(Twenty
two) different processed products. These
A leading food brand in Bangladesh, RICH products were sold in two different
promised the finest Halal food that there is categories. There were general category for
since 2007. all consumers and customized category. At
that time the customized products were
sold only to KFC. Aftabs products were
Whichever time of the day, be it breakfast,
priced to capture the higher income
lunch or an evening snacks, RICHs wide
customers. Though the company was
range of delicious halal foods will surely get
looking forward to cover all income levels,
you happy and satisfied every time.
quality maintenance was the main objective
of this company. Aftab enjoyed almost 25%
With the mission to be the market leader market share. For a substantial period of
through nationwide with sound network and around 6(six) years it had been extending its
innovative product portfolio and product lines in the market but enough
continuously improving quality of products penetration level had not yet been achieved.
and life style and prime focus on Halal food, Mainly due to lack of branding and overall
Rich offered a basket of 200 varieties of marketing efforts. Though Aftabs products
products for its customers. There were were considered high quality and the
breakfast options like RICH meatballs and company had modern procedures and
Roti Parathas or the freshly made RICH machineries, there was no well-planned
sausage sandwich, or the evening delicacies marketing and promotional efforts.
like RICH nuggets, cheesy sausages or
Kievs. There were the traditional options as
well like those of RICH Samosa, Cheese n Kazi Farms Kitchen
Potato or Fish Fingers.
Kazi Food Industries Ltd. brought out Kazi
Farms Kitchen branded frozen food (ready
Whatever your mood, we have the right food to cook) and ready to eat products that were
for you! Unannounced guests? Simply heat palatable and delicious in 1996. Their over
up some of RICHs frozen food and within 100 products were priced very affordably to
less than a minute you have yummy, target a wider market as they went for price
scrumptious snacks. You can even take a competition.
packed meal of RICH foods along with you
for the long drives.
BRAC Chicken: Branding its way out towards sustainability

Kazi Farms Kitchen offers you a set of four welcomed by the community. The media
brand promises for the purpose of keeping was full of praise about the virtues of frozen
you and your family safe and healthy as well, processed chicken.
such as: No Preservatives, No Tasting Salt,
No Antibiotic Residue and Vegetable Fed
Then came their advertisement. Suddenly
across billboards in the city and in
newspaper front pages there were children
The products were made available in all the stating with sour faces that they hated
supermarkets as well their own franchise khichuri, tehari, semai (our own cuisine) and
stores all around Bangladesh. They had a other children with smiles saying they loved
similar approach to marketing as that of the BRAC chicken There was a corresponding
market leader Golden Harvest. TVC with it communicating the same
message in AV. (See Exhibit 4)
The idea behind the campaign was targeting
Other major player is the multinational food the consumers by influencing their
processing giant, CP, short for Charoen preferences. As the child usually runs
Pokphand Foods. The company is Thailand through the supermarket aisles to pick these
based and rules roost in Pacific Rims things from the shelfs, BRAC Chicken
poultry industry. By the policy CP believed through it would be a brilliant idea to focus
less in advertisement. They have very on them. The brand wanted to provide their
recently completed the first phase of their customers with scrumptious meal
test marketing in the major cities of alternatives to the same old traditional ones
Bangladesh. Test marketing was done by which were faster and easier to eat.
partnering with existing restaurants with
two or three products mainly chicken balls,
This particular ad however, was an outrage
chicken sticks / fingers, chicken
by its own virtue.
sheekkabab. These products were aimed
towards the younger generation who were
willing to pay premium price for good taste What do you mean children hate khichuri?
and high quality. They used an exclusively Its one of the things we Bangalees
branded kiosk inside the restaurants having associate ourselves with
frying facility in front of the customers. The
franchise shops were the key marketing
The blogosphere went mad. And when BRAC
efforts which are spread throughout the
started withdrawing the ad and replaced
metropolitan making them available at the
them with only the latter part, it did not stop.
doorsteps of the consumers.
An online newspaper took a potshot at them
and called up nutritionists who said frozen
Did Everyone Love BRAC Chicken? chicken was absolute rubbish. In blogs,
angry reactions to the ad mostly ended up in
After the launch of BRAC Chicken, the brand heated discussions about how NGOs and
was much appreciated by the consumer civil society folk are making money selling
market due to the high esteem of BRAC poverty,
social enterprises and their success in
reducing poverty through their projects. The
This fiasco was the outcome of one the
media was abuzz with it. Their objective to
most occurring lost in translation
provide high quality nutritious food was
BRAC Chicken: Branding its way out towards sustainability

A news reporter described the situation as, this industry which is directly associated
Look at it this way. Lets pick the most with food and health of the consumers, a
common soap commercial. Im absolutely negative brand image can pull the brand
certain the big Bollywood star with glowing further downwards in terms of market share
skin does not use the 30-taka soap I buy as well as brand equity.
every month. But shes nice to look at, and
not challenging established social notions.
The market was becoming more and more
competitive. The players had their branding
Child experts and nutritionists condemned game strong and with such similar product
the campaign slogan on the billboards ranges and pricing strategies, that was what
across Dhaka and in the advertisements in impacted the sales the most. The brand was
several leading newspapers as it despised a recent entrance in the market and had
the very food 'Khichuri' recommended to much scope of expansion. The initial
prevent malnutrition in Bangladesh. penetration was satisfactory with steady
growth. All of that would mean nothing if the
brand could not come through the darkness
"The campaign is a threat to local food,"
that was lurking on top of it. It was high time
president of Bangladesh Pediatric
that the management came up with
something to recover and move BRAC
Chicken further towards achieving the goals
Their argument was that 'Khichuri' was a of becoming a driving force in the poultry
balanced food. Chicken fry was not that industry growth if Bangladesh.
balanced and was very much linked to
obesity," referring to the advertisement,
showing happy children biting into a chicken The Question Mark
drumstick. A massive group of the socialists
even suggested that this was an effect of Marketing has always been a subtle art, and
it is an art that businessmen carry off well.
westernization, or the conscious effort to
westernize the society. BRAC chicken was moving on in the right
track before the smallest of error is now
questioning the acceptance of the brand in
The After Math peoples minds. As time is passing by,
Sumaiya makes up her mind. She is now
"As soon as we realized that the message filled with strong belief and confidence.
was being misinterpreted, we decided to pull They have been serving the people for a long
down the billboards time now. A small mishap may damage the
image, but it is not unrecoverable. Will BRAC
chicken be able to pave its way back into the
The brand was in deep waters. On one side,
market c? Even if it does, how is it going to
the massive outbreak by the people and
compete with the market giants and
constant hatred towards the brand was too
upcoming players in the market? The
intense to handle. Even after the initial
question remains as she gets up and starts
impact would wear off, this would have a
walking towards the conference room.
long term impact on the brand image. And in
BRAC Chicken: Branding its way out towards sustainability


Exhibit 1 Growth of Frozen Food Market

Exhibit 2 Frozen Food Value Chain

Exhibit 3 Market Share in Frozen Food Market

BRAC Chicken: Branding its way out towards sustainability

Exhibit 4 BRAC Chicken Billboards

BRAC Chicken: Branding its way out towards sustainability

Teaching Notes
Learning objectives of the case:

The case has been prepared to be used as a teaching case for students learning business and
marketing. There is ample scope for the use of the theories and numerous frameworks that have
been taught as a part of the course to be applied practically by the students.

Potential Audience

The potential audience for the case are the students learning business with focus in marketing.
It is mainly aimed towards undergraduate and graduate level students in order to enable them
to make practical application of their theoretical knowledge in a real life scenario.

Teaching Strategies

The case allows the reader to take upon the role of a senior brand manager and strategize the
brands marketing to recover the damage and come up with a plan to make it sustainable. The
case analysis should contain the market analysis, SWOT analysis of the brand as well as
discussing the surface problems and the core issue. The solution should be of 2 parts: The
immediate plan of action and the long term plan for the brand to be viable.


Interview of Mr. Naveed Akbar, Head of BRAC Enterprises, on 13.11.2016

Market Insight: Bangladesh Frozen Food Sector, Light Castle Analytical Wing, (July 14, 2015),

Processed chicken market to heat up, Sohel Parvez, The Daily Star, (March 16, 2015), <>

Social Business- The BRAC Chicken Issue, Shegufta Hasnine, e-bangladesh,com, (September
25, 2012),

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