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Is 5561 1970

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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
The Right to Information, The Right to Live Step Out From the Old to the New

IS 5561 (1970): Electric Power Connectors [ETD 8: High

Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear]

! $ ' +-
Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
Invent a New India Using Knowledge

! > 0 B

Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen

( Reaffirmed 2002 )
Indian Standard

( Fifth Reprint APRIL 1996 )

UDC 621.316.541



Gr3 Aagtut 1970

IS : 5561- 1970


Rcse;lrch & Devcloprnent OIganizatiorI for l<lrctrica!

Industry, Btlol;II
Siemens India Ltd, Botnbay

The Calcutta Electric Supply Corpomtion Ltd,

SHRI I;. 11. Da.9 Gum4 ( Alfcrnafc )
Sr~nr R. N. <:\NuIfI lhr Ahmedabad Millowners AssocIatior?, AlImedal~:Id
SIIRI D. u. Il.wTIK7JI)UII lhe Associatet! Cement Companies Ltd, Ilcmh:ry
Sun1 A. V. I\fANOHAlt RAO ( &let-nalr )
SRRI H. W. IIORT~N Associated Electrical Industries ( India ) Pvt Ltd,
SIIRI A. R. JAOANNATHAN The Tata Hydro-Electric Power Supply Co Ltd,
SI~RI D. B. MEIITA ( Aircmnf~)
DARDS ( ELECTRIC&L)-II ( Altctntlfc )
SABI M A. JOSKI Lndirtn Electrical Manufacturers Association, Calcutta
Saw P. H. KARNIK Crompton Greaves Ltd, Bombay
SIIRJ J. P. PATEL ( A&n& )
SRRI KIRPAL SINQH Punjab State Electricity Board, Patiala
SHRI A. K. CHOPRA ( Altrmatc)
,$$xr N. KOTI~ANDAPANI Tamil Nadu State Electricity Board, Madras
( Conlinucdon page 2 )


NEW DELHI 110002
IS: 5561- 1970

( Continued from pagr 1 )

Members Rt-prw-nlin,q
Snrtr VE_UPHAKASH M~HENDRU Northern India Switchgear Manufacturers Assoc
tion, Jullundur -
SHRI K. K. BHAGAT ( Alfcrnate)
SHRI R.C. MOHANTV Heavy Electricals ( India ) Ltd, Bhopal
SHHI B. K. MUKHERJIXE National Test House, Calcutta
SHRI S. G. FARANQE Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals
SHRI G. R. BHATIA ( Alternate)
Sa~r K. G. PARIKH The Millowners Association, Bombay
SHI~I Tno~as PIIILIP Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Hyderabad
Snnr B. N. BISWAS ( ~~tcrrtafe)
SHRI M. S. RAJACOPALAN The English Electric Co of India Ltd, Calctttta
Strtt~ C. R. BALASUBRAMANIAN ( Alternate)
SHRI J. D. RAY JyotiLtd, Baroda
SHRI B. N. DAVE I Al&n& 1
SWR;kbTH ' ' Delhi Electric Supply Undertaking, Delhi
SHKI S. K. BASU ( Altcrnafe)
SHRI V. B. SHAH The Ahmedabad Electricity Co Ltd, Ahmedabad
Snm A. P. SHENOY Bombay Electric Supply and Transport Undertakir
SARI K. L. SUQNYANA Mysare State Electricity Board, Bangalore
SHRI M. F. WAQFI Larsen & Toubro Ltd, Bombay
SHRI I. C. JOS~H ( Alternafc)
SHRI Y. S. VENKATESWARAN. Director General, ISI (. Ex-officio
- Member 1
Director ( Elec tech ) ( Secretary )


Indian Standard

0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution
on 20 March 1970, after the draft finalized by the Switchgear and Control-
gear Sectional Committee. had been approved by the Electrotechnical
Division Council.

0.2 In the formulation of this standard, assistance has been derived from
the following publications:
B.S. 159: 1957 Busbar and busbar connections. British Standards
B.S. 3288 (Part I) : 1960 Insulator and conductor fittings for overhead
pov:er lines (performance and general requirements). Fritish
Standards Institution.
0.3 The connectors covered by this standard. are primarily irntcnded to
establish electrical connection between conductors, between equipment
and conductors, etc, in places like substations and generating stations.
This standard does not cover fittings for insulators.
0.4 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of
this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated,
expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance
with IS: 2-1960*. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this

f.1This standard covers power connectors having current rating of 200
amperes and above, which are components of high tension and extra high
tension ac power systems and which are composed of such metals as
aluminium and bronze.~

*Rules for rounding off numerical valurs ( wised ).

IS : 5561- 1970

1.1.1 This statidard is mainly intendrd for power conn&tors used in

substations and generating stations.

1.2 In addition to plugs and sockets which do not come under the scope
of this standard, the following types of connectors are also not covered:
a) Connectors for use in equipment for telecommunications and in
electronic devices employing similar techniques.
b) Connectors for use in ftequencies other than the power freqency
of50 Hz.
c) Connectors for use in transmission lines such as midspan compres-
sion .joints.

2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following detinicions shall apply.

2.1 Bimetallic Connector -A connector designed for the purpose of

connecting together two or more conductors of different materials
(normally copper and ahrminium conductors) for preventing electrolytic

2.2 Conductor - 4 piece of material of any shape, rigid or flexible, meant

kr the purpose of carrying current.

2.3 Connector-A component for the purpose of providing connection(s)

through a suitable mating part between.

2.4 Equipment Connector-A connectox designed for the purpose of

connecting the terminal of the equipment to the conductor(s).

2;5 Expansion Corrector - A connector designed for the purpose of con-

necting together two or more conductors and incorporating means to allow
for any relative movement with ample allowance for the relative movement
between the condllctors.

2.6 Junction Conrector - A connector designed fcr the purpose of

connecting together two or more conductors whose axes are either in line
with or at an angle to each other.

2.7 Parallel Groove Connector -A connector designed for the purpose

of connecting two or more conductors whose ases are parallel to each

2.8 Rigid Connector - A connector designed for the purpose of connect-

ing together two or more conductors with no allowance for the relative
movement between conduc:ars.

IS: 5561-1970

2.9 Support Connector- A connector designed for the purpose of

connecting the conductor(sj to the support insulator.
2.10 Tee Connector -A connector designed for the purpose of connecting
two conductors whose axes are perpendicular to each other.

2.11 Type Tests-Tests carried out to prove conformity with the

requirc~merrls of this specification. These are intended to prove the general
quality and design of a givt,n type of colmector.

2.12 Routine Tests-Tests carried out on rach connector to check

requirements likely to vary during production.

2.13 Acceptance Tests-Tests carried out on samples sclectcd l:nm a

lot for the purpose of var ifyillg the acceptability of I he lot.

2.13.-l Lot-All connectors of the same type, category and rating,

manufactured by thy same factory dul ing the same pvriocl, losing tile same
process and materials.

3.1 Rated Current-lhe rated current of power ronueCtors shall be
selected from one of the following values:
200, 400, 630, 800, 1 250, 1600, 2 000,250O and 3 000 ampcrcs.
3.2 The rated frequency of the power connector shall he 50 Hz.

3.3 Rated Short-Time Current -The_rated short-time currt:ilt shall bc

one of the standard values laid down in Indian Standards for the
associated circuit-breakers, switches, etc.
?;OTI~ - When power connectors are directly associated wirh a circuit-l,. . akcr or n
switch, the rated short-time current of the power connvxors shall 1)~ nor Icsq tl~~n the
corresponding rating for chr circuit-breaker or switch.

4.1 All matarials used shall conform to the relevant Indial Standards.
4.2 All aluminium and aluminium alloys used in the manufacture of the
conductor shall conform to designation A6 of IS:61 7-1959*.
4.3 Steel bolts and nuts shall conform to IS : 1363-1967 -1 and
IS: 1367-1961:. Non-ferrous alloy bolts and nuts shatl conrorm to the
relevant Indian Standards.

*Specification for alum&urn and aluminium alloy ingots and castings for general
engineering purposes (icvired ).
tSpecitication for black hexagon bolts, nuts and lock nuts (diameter 6 to 39 rum*)
and black hexagon screws ( diameter 6 to24 mm ) ( jirsf revision ).
fTechnical supply conditions for threaded fasteners. (since revised).


5.1 Freedom from Defects -The power connectors shall he smooth

and free from cavities, blow-holes and such other defects which would be
likely to cause them to be unsatisfactory in service.

5.2 Power connectors shall be so designed and proportioned that they are
capable of safely withstanding stresses to which they may be subjected
(including those due to short-circuit and climatic conditions) and that the
effects of vibration both on the conductor and the connector itself are
minimized. They shall be designed, manufactured and finished so as to
avoid sharp radii of curvature, ridges and excrescences which might lead
to localised pressure on or damage to the conductor in service.

5.3 Bimetallic connectors shall be used to connect conductors of two

dissimilar metals.

Sufficient contact pressure should he maintained at the-j&u by the

provision of the required number of bolts or other fixing arrangements.
But the contact pressure should not be so great as to cause relaxation of the
joint by cold flow. The joint should be such that the pressure is maintained
within this range under all conditions of service. To avoid excessive local
pressure, the contact pressure should be evenly distributed by the use of
pressure plates, washers or suitable saddles of adequate area and thickness.


6.1 The limits of temperature-rise specified are based on the following

reference ambient temperatures:
a) Maximum ambient air temperature 45C
bJ Maximum daily average ambient temperature 35%
c) &ximum yearly average ambient temperature 30C
6.2 The temperature-rise of power connectors above a reference ambient
temperature of 40C when carrying rated current shall not exceed 45C.

6.3 If the ambient temperature exceeds that specified in 6.2, the per-
missible temperature-rise shall be reduced by an amount equal to the
excess ambient temperature.


7.1 All parts of power connectors shall either be inherently resistant to

atmospheric corrosion or be suitably protected against corrosion, both
&ring aorage and m service.

IS : 5561- 1970

7.2 All~fcrrous metal parts intended for outdoor use, except those made of
stainless steel, shall be protected by hot-dip galvanizing in accordanc~e
with IS : 2633-1964*.

7.3 The threads of nuts and tapped holes shall be cut after galvanizing
and shall be well oiled or gt,enscd. All other threads shall lx rut before


8.1 The connectors shall be indcblibly marked with rated rurrent or an!
identifying mark td enable full particulars of the connector to be obtainctl.

8.1.1 The electric power connector may also be marked with the IS1
Certification Mark.
NOTE- The use of the IS1 Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of the
Indian Standards Institution ( Certification Marks ) Act and the Rules and Regulations
made thereunder. lhe IS1 Mark on products covered by an Indian Standard
conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements
of that standard under a well-defined system of~inspection, testing and quality control
which is devised and supervised by IS1 and operated by the producer. IS1 marked
products are also continuously checked by IS1 for conformity to that standard as a
further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use of the IS1
Certification Mark may be granted to manufacturers or processors, may be obtained
from the Indian Standards Institution.

9.1 Following shall be the tests to be carried out on the connect01
9.1.1 7j$e fists -The following type tests shall be carried out on three
samples. The purchaser shall accept certified copies of type tests as
evidence of compliance of connectors witlt the requirements of the relevant
clauses of this specification, and the manufacturer shall hold available
originals of such certificates, detailed drawings of the connectors and record
of any alteration that may have been made in the connectors subsequent
to type tests. The manufacturer shall, if required by the purchaser,
certify that the connectors are identical in material and performance with
those covered by a Fertificate of stated dater
a) Tensile tests (see lo),
IJ) Resistance test (.ree 11 ),
c) Temperature-rise test ( SPP12 ),
d) Short time current test (SW 13),

*Methods of testing weight, thickness and uniformity of coating on hot dipped

galvanized articles {Since revised ).

IS : 5561- 1970

e) Dimensional check (see 14) and

f) Galvanizing test, where applicable ( SCE15).

9.1.2 Acceptance Tests

4 Tensile test (see lo),

h) Resistance test (see 11 ),
c) Dimensional check (see 14), and
4 Galvanizing test: where applicable ( see 15).

9.1.3 Routine Tests

a) Visual inspection, and

b) Dimensiona. check (we 14).

9.2 For acceptance tests the number of samples to be tcste&:shall be the

nearest whole number to 0.5 percent of the batch offered for acceptance.
If these samples meet the test requirements, the batch is deemed to comply
with the standard. In the event of the sample not meeting the require-
ments, twice the original number of new samples shall be tested. If all
these new samples meet the test requirements, the batch is deemed to
comply with the standard, but if any fails to do so, the batch is deemed
not to comply with the standard.


10.1 The joint shall be assembled using the connector under test in
accordance with the manufacturers recommendations, on conductors of
the sizes and types with which it is to be used.

10.2 The assembly shall he mounted in a tensile testing machine and

anchord in such a way that the test ioad is applied in the direction of the

10.3 If the nominal breaking load of the conductor is less than 1 100 kg,
a tensile load of about 5 percent of the breaking load of the conductor
shall be applied and -the conductor shall be marked in such a way that
movement relative to the conductor can easily l.& detected. \\!ithout any
subsequent adjusrment of the connector, the load shall be steadily increased
to 10 percent of the breaking load. Thiq load shall bc maintained fol
1 minute. There shall be no movement of the condurtor relative to the
connector due to slip during this 1 minute period and no failure of the

10.4 If the nominal breaking load of the conductor is 1 100 kg or morn.

a tensile load of 55 kg shall hr applied :tncl the conductor shall IW marked
IS : 5561- 1970

in such a way that movement relative to the connector can easily he

detected. Without any sut)sequent adjustment on the connector, the load
shall be steadily increased to 110 kg. This load shall be maintained for
1 minute. There shall bc no movement of the conductor relative to t.he
connector clue to slip during this 1 minute period and no failure of-the
11.1 The largest conductor which the electric powor connector wiil
accommodate shall be used during the resistance test. *
11.2 The resistance measurements shall be made by millivolt drnp with
the help of an accuratr resistance bridge or other suitable means.
11.3 The resistance of 1.25 m of a conductor, including one connect{):-,
such as splices or elbows, shall not exceed the resistance of I.25 m of tnr
identical conductor without connectors, by more than 10 percent. Fp1
terminal connectors, the resistance measured shall be the sum of the
resistance measurements taken from A to B and C to D as shown in Fig. I.
In cases where the conductor is a stranded cable, the strands shall be
suitably bonded at the point of measurement.

1.25 m -.- -._- -- __


l--52.5 cm./ 62.5 cm---_I



IS : 5561-1970


12.1 The vaiues of the currents to be used in making temperature-rise
tests for the various general types of connectors shall be determined in
accordance with the following:
a) Equipment Conneciors - The values of current shall be selected on
the basis of the ,ratlhg of the equipment to which the connector is
connected or on the basis of the rating of the conductor for which
the opening is designed, whichever is smaller.
h) Junction Connectors-The values of current shall .be selected on
the basis of the conductor which has the lower current carrying
value where the openings are of two sizes and on the basis of the
conductor which is common to both openings where the openings
ai.: of the same size.
c) T Connectors- The values of current shall be selected on the basis
of the full rated current in the tap conductor only.

12.2 The test of temperature-rise for power connectors shall be made with
alternating current at an average frequency not below 95 percent of the
rated frequency.

12.3 The connector shall be assembled indoors in accordance with the

manufacturers recommendations on conductors of size and type with which
it is to ,be used. Air shall be freely circulated -around the assembly. No
draughts shall be allowed.

12.4 .Each test shall be made over a period of time sufficient for the
temperature to reach a constant value (for practical purposes, this con-
dition is attained when the variation does not exceed 1C per hour).
Temperature measurements shall be made using either thermometer or


13.1 The test shall be arranged, as far as practicable, to produce conditions
equivalent to those which would obtain in service when the connector
under test carries fault current. The test may be made at any suitable
voltage, and with the connector at any convenient temperature. The
short-time current shall be applied for the specified time, and its rms value
shall be determined from the oscillogram as indicated in Appendix A.

13.2 The rms value of the short-time current shall be not less than the
rated short-time current, and the highest peak value of the major current
loop during the first cycle of the test Shall be not less than the rated making
capacity of any directly associated circuit-breaker or switch.

IS : 5561- 1970

13.3 Where, however, the characteristics of the test plant are suck that
the above requirements cannot be met, the following deviations are
permitted provided that in (a) and (b) below the product of the square of
the short-time current and the duration is not less than the product of the
square of the rated short-time current and the rated time.

the decrement associated
c .crent, measured
with the test is such that the rated
in accordance with Appendix A,
cannot be obtained for the rated short-time duration without
applving initially an excessively high current, the current may be
permitted to fall during the test below the specified value and the
duration of the test increased appropriately, provided that the
initial value of both peak and rms current are not less than those
set out above.
b) If in order to obtain the required initial peak value, the rms value
of the short-time current is increased above the value of the rated
short-time current, the duration of the test may be reduced below
the rated short-time duration.
13.4 The short-time current shall not produce any mechanical damage,
such as permanent distortion or burning of parts, and shall not cause a
temperature-rise that, added to the maximum temperature attained at
rated current, would damage the current-carrying parts.
14.1 The dimensions of the ~connectors shall be checked against drawings
and gadges.
15.1 The quality of hot-dip galvanized ferrous components shall be
determined by the tests given in IS:2633-1964* and shall satisfy the
requirements of that standard.

[Clauses 13.1 nnd 13.3(a)]

A-l. The method illustrated in Fig. 2 should be used to determine the

short-time current.

*Methods of testing weight thickness and uniformity of coating and hot dipped
galvanized articles. ( Since revised ).

IS : 5561- 1970

A-2. The total time BT of the te;t is divided nto ten equal parts by
verticals 0 to 10 and the rms value of the ac component of the current is
measured at these verticals.

These values are designated Z,, Zl...... . . . . . . . . . Zr,.


ZM,, being the peak value of ac component of current.

A-3. For the purpose of this standard the dc component of current

represented by CC is neglected since in practice its inclusion in the
determination is of negligible effect.

A-4. The equivalent rms current during the time 81 is given by:


1 i 3 i 5 6 8 9 IO

Envelope of current wave.

Displacement of current wave zero lirle from normal zero line at any
R.M.S. value of ac componert of current at any .instant measured from
normal zero. DC component is neglected.

Peak value of ac component of current at instant of initiating short-circuit.

Peak value of ac component of current at time division I.

Duration of short-circuit.


Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002
Telephones:331 01 31, ~331 13 75 Telegrdms: Manaksansth:
( Common to all Offices:
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Maniktola, CALCUTTA 700054
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BOMBAY 400093
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