Roject Ackground Roject DEA Cope of Ork For Refeasibility Tudy Pproach and Ethodology

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INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................
.......................................... 1
BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................
1.1 ................... 1
IDEA .........................................................................................................................
1.2 ................... 2
1.3 STUDY ................................................................................................... 2
METHODOLOGY ...........................................................................................................
1.4 ........ 3

2 PROFILE ....................................................................................................
. .................................. 6
OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................
2.1 .................... 6
PROFILE ....................................................................................................................
2.2 ................. 8
ISSUES .....................................................................................................................
2.3 ........................... 8
3 BRIEF.........................................................................................................
. ................................ 9
OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................................
3.1 ........ 9
3.2 SITE ............................................................................................................................ 9
3.3 PROJECT .................................................................................................................... 11
3.3. Situation ....................................................................................................................... 1
1 ..... 1
3.3.2 Suggested Framework: Components of the 1
Project ........................................................................ 2
3.4 STUDIES .............................................................................................................. 13
3.4.1 Need for energy efficiency in municipal 1
infrastructure ................................................................... 3
3.4. studies .......................................................................................................................... 1
2 .......... 3
3.4. Critical Success 1
3 Factors ................................................................................................................... 7
4 FRAMEWORK ............................................................................................ 1
. ......................... 8
ASSESSMENT ......................................................................................................................

Page | 1
4.1.1 Selection of option for the 2
study ..................................................................................................... 0
MODEL ..................................................................................................................
4.2 .................. 20
4.2.1 Benefits of the proposed project structure 2
..................................................................................... 2


5 FINANCIALS ............................................................................................. 2
. ................................ 5
METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................
5.1 . 25
5.2 ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................... 25
5.2. Construction 2
1 Period ......................................................................................................................... 5
5.2. Cost Assumptions 2
2 ............................................................................................................................ 5
ESTIMATION ........................................................................................................................
5.3 ............ 25
STREAM ..............................................................................................................................
5.4 ...... 26
ASSESSMENT ......................................................................................................................
5.5 ........ 26
ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................
5.6 ..... 26
CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................................
5.7 ..................... 26
FRAMEWORK ............................................................................................... 2
........ 7
LAWS ................................................................................................................................
6.1 .... 27
6.2 FRAMEWORK ............................................................................................................ 27


. IMPACTS ................................................................................ 30
IMPACTS ..................................................................................................................
7.1 ...... 30
IMPACTS ..................................................................................................................
7.2 .................... 30
MEASURES ..............................................................................................................
7.3 .............. 30

Page | 2
8 AHEAD .....................................................................................................
. ..................................... 32
8.1 FRAMEWORK ......................................................................................................... 32
8.2 DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................ 32
FINDINGS ................................................................................................................
8.3 ............ 32
PROJECTIONS ............................................................................. 33


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Exhibit 2-1 Lamp Technologies.............................................................................................................. 7

Exhibit 2-2 Cost Information Various EE Street Lighting Technologies................................................7

Exhibit 3-1: Location map of Hubli-Dharwad City................................................................................ 10

Exhibit 3-2: Population Growth of Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation............................................ 10

Exhibit 3-3 Composition of Street Lighting Fixture in Hubli-Dharwad.................................................. 11

Exhibit 3-4: Electricity Consumption and Connected load in the city................................................... 11

Exhibit 3-5: Expenses on Street Lighting in last three years................................................................ 12

Exhibit 3-6: Projects carried by AEL on EE for street Lighting............................................................. 16

Exhibit 4-1: Various Options for Energy Efficiency in Street Lighting in Hubli-Dharwad......................18

Exhibit 4-2: Energy and cost savings as per Option 1......................................................................... 19

Exhibit 4-3: Energy and cost savings as per Option 2......................................................................... 20

Exhibit 5-4: Business Model for ESCO................................................................................................ 21

Exhibit 6-1 Cost Estimations................................................................................................................ 25

Exhibit 6-2: Key Financial Indicator..................................................................................................... 26

Exhibit 6-3: Scenario Analysis............................................................................................................. 26

Exhibit 9-1: Project Development Framework..................................................................................... 32

Abbreviations and Acronyms

AEL Asian Electronic Limited

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BEE Bureau of Energy Efficiency
BIS Bureau of Indian Standards
CDM Clean Development Mechanism
CER Certified Emission Reductions
DMA Directorate of Municipal Administration
DPR Detailed Project Report
ECA Energy Conservation Act
EE Energy Efficiency
EESL Energy Efficiency Services Limited
ESCO Energy Service Company
ESPC Energy Saving Performance Contract
GHG Green House Gases
Gok Govt. of Karnataka
HESCOM Hubli-Dharwad Electricity Supply Company Limited
HDMC Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation
IDD Infrastructure Development Department
IGEA Internal Grade Energy Audit
IMaCS ICRA Management Consulting Services Limited
IRR Internal Rate of Return
MHL Mercury Halide Lamp
MIS Management Information System
MUDSM Municipal Demand Sid Management Programme
NMEEE National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency
NPV Net Present Value
O&M Operation and Maintenance
PPP Public Private Partnership
SDA State Designated Agencies
SEB State Electricity Board
SVL Sodium Vapour Lamp
TERI The Environmental Research Institute
TOR Terms of Reference
ULB Urban Local Body

1. Introduction
1.1 Project Background

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The Government of Karnataka has identified Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) as one of the key
elements of its infrastructure development strategy. To build capacity across various departments for
conceptualizing, developing and implementing PPP projects, GoK, through its Infrastructure
Development Department (IDD) has initiated an exercise for Institutional strengthening and
developing sector level inventory for mainstreaming PPPs across a number of departments and

Under this initiative, the Department of Municipal Administration (DMA) has been identified as a nodal
agency for urban infrastructure projects in Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) other than Bangalore
Metropolitan Area. The exercise envisages creation of sector level inventory of PPP projects, conduct
pre-feasibility studies for 5 projects (with potential for replication in rest of the state), maintenance of
an MIS on PPP projects in the sector.

In view of the above, GoK has appointed Ms. ICRA Management Consulting Services Limited
(IMaCS) as transaction advisors for Directorate of Municipal Administration. The objective of the
assistance is to develop five types of projects in the urban sector.

The primary objective of this assignment is to prepare a Prefeasibility study report for Energy
Efficiency in street lighting through ESCOs on Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis, which would
include assessment of, prima facie, feasibility for development of such Project on PPP basis,
recommendations, conditionalities & enablers for development of the Project on PPP basis,
preliminary assessment of the project financials, cash flow and viability issues, exploring options of
packaging with other allied commercial components to make the project viable for a PPP mode,
identifying criteria for measuring and monitoring service quality to be provided by developers/
operators to be selected for the Project, recognition of infrastructure, financing & other requirements
for establishing the Project and Plan of Action for initiating next steps of project development and bid
process management of the Project.

Provision of street lighting for public safety is an important responsibility and function of ULBs in India.
The Bureau of Energy Efficiency, based on Central Electricity Authority statistics, has estimated gross
energy consumption for public lighting to be 6,131 million kWh in India for the year 2007-2008. Quite
often, street lighting is poorly designed and inadequately maintained by ULBs, and uses obsolete
lighting technology. This causes a great loss of energy and increased costs to ULBs. Lighting can
account for 10-38% of the total energy bill in typical cities worldwide (NYCGP 2009). Financial
resources of ULBs in India are limited. Therefore, there is a need for energy efficient technologies in
this sector.

Energy efficient technologies and design can cut street lighting costs dramatically (often by 25-60%).
These savings can eliminate or reduce the need for new generating plants and provide the capital for
alternative energy solutions for populations in remote areas. These cost savings can also enable
municipalities to expand street lighting to additional areas, increasing access to lighting in low-income
and other underserved areas. A well-designed, energy-efficient street lighting system should permit
users to travel at night with good visibility, in safety and comfort, while reducing energy use and costs
and enhancing the appearance of the neighbourhood and city as a whole.

1.2 Project Idea

The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) was set up under the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 to
promote energy efficiency. The various mandatory and voluntary provisions of the Act that have to be

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performed by BEE include measures to create awareness and disseminate information for efficient
use of energy and its conservation, organize training of personnel and specialists, promote and
facilitate implementation of pilot project and demonstration projects and use of energy efficient
processes, equipments, devices and systems etc.

The increasing energy costs at municipal levels have created big concerns for urban local bodies and
population residing in the cities. With increasing urban population, energy consumption and electricity
tariff increase the concern is getting highlighted at individual levels. In this regard, meetings and
discussions with Infrastructure development Department, Karnataka (IDD), Directorate of Municipal
Administration, Karnataka (DMA) and Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation in February and March
2012, the following PPP project was identified for further scrutiny and development as part of this
initiative in Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation. The project is:

Energy Efficiency in Street Lighting through ESCOs This project would involve the scope for
saving energy costs in street lighting in Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation through ESCO s by use
of energy efficient equipments.

In twin cities of Hubli-Dharwad, whose present combined population is 9.4 lakhs, Municipal
Corporation has been providing street lighting services through HESCOM, which is a Government of
Karnataka undertaking and is responsible for power distribution in Dharwad, Gadag, Bijapur,
Bagalkot, Uttara Kannada, Haveri and Belgaum districts of Karnataka. In 2010-11, Hubli-Dharwad
Municipal Corporation had spent Rs. 10.32 crore (accounting for 9% of the total revenue payments)
towards street lighting from revenue account. Electricity expenditure towards street lighting alone
accounted for Rs. 8.28 crore out of Rs. 10.32 crore in that year. Even 30% reduction in electricity
expenditure could have saved around Rs. 2.5 crore for corporation. Should the energy efficiency
project realised, this amount will have a great contribution towards scarce financial resources of the
corporation. Moreover, corporation can earn some carbon credits through Clean Development

1.3 Scope of Work for Prefeasibility Study

The objective of the engagement for IMaCS is to support Directorate of Municipal Administration in
developing the project listed above in Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation. The scope of work for
the study shall be to:

Prepare Pre-Feasibility Report for the project identified which includes:

a) Sector Profiling and identifying needs and goals - Identifying the need for energy
efficiency in street lighting and its importance in developing countries. Also, understanding
the effects and benefits of energy efficiency in street lighting and its success key factors
through case studies. The goals that the corporation would achieve by undertaking such
project have been identified. The goals could include energy bill reduction by optimizing
energy use, improving delivery of services, reducing GHG emissions according to Energy
Conservation Act 2001, undertaking rehabilitation of existing systems and so on. For
example, the cost savings positively contributes to municipal finances, and installation of
new energy efficient equipment improves delivery of services.

b) Overview and profiling of Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation - Detailed profiling of

HDMC and its infrastructure with respect to street lighting system, to understand the
supply side for the project

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c) Technical analysis: In the technical analysis, the technical assessment of the current
situation and a proposal for changes has been incorporated. An evaluation of the
accessibility to technology and its suitability for the identified problems has been made.

d) Market assessment and economic analysis: Market assessment has been done to
evaluate the demand in order to estimate the project size and the capacity needed. In
economic analysis, cost effectiveness of the project has been expressed and it includes
all revenue and costs for the lifetime of the project, and accounts for time value of money.

e) Financial analysis: Preparation of preliminary financial model to explore the viability of

the project on PPP mode in a sustainable manner has been done.

f) Risk assessment: Risk is a part of every project; therefore risk analysis helps in
identifying the potential problems and estimates expenses to minimize the risks. There
are some risks that can significantly affect the economic results of a project and these
have been considered. Market fluctuations, such as demand or energy prices, dispersion
of the economic assumptions initially made, technical problems and legislative changes
are issues that can occur and thus have been addressed.

g) Statutory and Legal Framework: Understanding the statutory and legal framework
which prevails in this project and identifying the policy issues which may slow down the
process of implementation of the project on PPP mode has been covered in the study.

h) Project Structuring: Preliminary recommendations of possible Project Structure &

Project Development Framework; which includes, structure of PPP, identification of
components for PPP, Benefits, risks and mitigation etc.)

i) Way forward

Prepare Procurement Plan for Selection of Transaction Advisors/ Technical Consultant for the

a) Development of TOR for Transaction Advisor/ Technical Consultant

1.4 Approach and Methodology

The approach and methodology adopted in assessing the feasibility of the energy efficiency (EE)
project in street lighting of Hubli-Dharwad Corporation is given below:

Situation Analysis and Review

a) City Profiling: Understanding & Analysis of demographics, density distribution and overview of
existing infrastructure and future growth pattern.

b) Existing Situation: Study of existing street lighting system, coverage areas, institutional
arrangements, financial aspects, and review of ongoing management plans within Hubli-
Dharwad Municipal Corporation. Technical aspect would include analysis of lux level, loading
pattern, energy savings by adopting different efficiency measures, etc.

Identification of Critical Issues

a) Critical issues would be identified as a part of the project prefeasibility which would be
required to be addressed by the stakeholders prior to commencement of Project
Development. Some of the critical factors are::

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o Audit & Inventory of existing street lighting infrastructure

o Existing billing system, tariff in place, O&M cost

o Possibilities & limitation on Private sector participation in O&M

Preliminary Financial Viability Assessment

As per the study requirements, IMaCS has carried out a Preliminary Financial Viability
Assessment for the Project based on ballpark estimation of Capital costs, O&M costs, revenues
and other key performance parameters. For this market data relating to cost of new fixtures, new
technology, etc. has been considered based on secondary research. Financial data related to
budget sheets has been collected from the Municipal Corporation to understand its financial
health and its current expenses on street lighting system. Cost analysis has been performed for
different options. After choosing the best option, financial analysis and project structuring has
been finalized.

Project Implementation Structure

An appropriate project implementation structure have been recommended for implementation of

the project through ESCOs on the basis of the Preliminary Financial Viability Assessment,
market and economic assessment, existing regulatory framework and risk assessment.

Project Development Framework & Way Forward

The Prefeasibility study report of the Project has included the suggested Project Development
Framework and Way Forward for development of the Project.

Executive Summary
The Government of Karnataka has identified Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) as one of the key
elements of its infrastructure development strategy. GoK, through its Infrastructure Development

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Department (IDD) has initiated an exercise for Institutional strengthening and developing Institutional
Strengthening & Sector Specific Inventory for PPP Mainstreaming across a number of departments
and sectors. Under this initiative, the Department of Municipal Administration (DMA) has been
identified as a nodal agency for urban infrastructure projects in Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) other than
Bangalore Metropolitan Area.

In view of the above, GoK has appointed M/s ICRA Management Consulting Services Limited
(IMaCS) as transaction advisors for Directorate of Municipal Administration. The objective of this
report is to provide the assistance to develop pre-feasibility study.

Provision of street lighting for public safety is an important responsibility and function of ULBs in India.
The Bureau of Energy Efficiency, based on Central Electricity Authority statistics, has estimated gross
energy consumption for public lighting to be 6,131 million kWh in India for the year 2007-2008. Quite
often, street lighting is poorly designed and inadequately maintained by ULBs, and uses obsolete
lighting technology. Lighting can account for 10-38% of the total energy bill in typical cities worldwide
(NYCGP 2009). Financial resources of ULBs in India are limited. Therefore, there is a need for energy
efficient technologies in this sector. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) was set up under the
Energy Conservation Act, 2001 to promote energy efficiency. The various mandatory and voluntary
provisions of the Act that have to be performed by BEE include measures to create awareness and
disseminate information for efficient use of energy and its conservation, organize training of personnel
and specialists, promote and facilitate implementation of pilot project and demonstration projects and
use of energy efficient processes, equipments, devices and systems etc.

The increasing energy costs at municipal levels have created big concerns for urban local bodies and
population residing in the cities. With increasing urban population, energy consumption and electricity
tariff increase the concern is getting highlighted at individual levels. In twin cities of Hubli-Dharwad,
whose present combined population is 9.4 Lakhs, Municipal Corporation has been providing street
lighting services through HESCOM. In 2010-11, Electricity expenditure towards street lighting
accounted for Rs. 828 Lakh out of Rs. 1032 Lakh (total expenditure under street lighting). Thus,

Energy Efficiency in Street Lighting through ESCOs has been identified to save energy, costs and
reduce carbon emissions in the atmosphere. This project would involve the scope for saving energy
costs in street lighting in Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation through ESCO s by use of energy
efficient equipments.

The Present deliverable has been prepared as a Preliminary Feasibility Study with an objective to
provide an insight of financial viability of the envisaged project Energy Efficiency in Street Lighting
through ESCOs. The report also presents various project structuring options, applicable laws & acts
with legal and regulatory framework which shall be considered while implementing the project through
ESCO Mode. The report concludes with recommendations on the project structure and concession
period considering the financial viability and nature of the project.

Technically, two options have been considered for developing project.

Option 1 Option 2

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Technical equipment Replacement ofconventional Replacement of conventional lamps
lamps with energy efficient lamps with energy efficient lamps and
installation of automatic timers

Energy Saved 10190191 KWh 11841582 KWh

Energy Cost Saved Rs. 427.99 Lakh Rs. 497.34 Lakh

Reduction in CO2 12979.1 MT 15082. MT

Option 2 has been considered and taken up as it shows more savings, which is environmentally
and financially sound. Results of financial analysis show that Post Tax IRR of the project is coming
out to be 19.54 %.

The way ahead for the project has been analyzed and it is recommended that the key task for the
HDMC is to select Transaction Advisor, which would develop Internal Grade Energy Audit Report
(DPR) for the project which would allow development of realistic cost estimates. After this
transaction advisor will facilitate selection of the ESCO.

2. Sector profile
2.1 Sector overview
Public street lighting represents a significant load for India. It is the responsibility of the municipal
Corporations and the state electricity boards (SEBs) to provide this service to the country. In several

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ULBs, the electricity required for this service is not metered, providing little incentive for system
improvement. Lighting can account for 1038% of the total energy bill in typical cities worldwide
(NYCGP 2009). The Bureau of Energy Efficiency, based on Central Electricity Authority statistics, has
estimated gross energy consumption for public lighting to be 6,131 million kWh in India for the years
2007-2008. With a demand of more than 1000 MW, public lighting represents approximately 1% of the
total electricity consumed in India. Even if this represents a small percentage of the total consumption,
it is an interesting segment due to its high potential for energy savings (average of 33% of the

Guidance for lighting of public streets, roads, and highways is provided in the Bureau Indian Standard
(BIS, 1981). Since these guidelines are not enforced by any regulatory authority, it is common for
municipalities to be unaware of the standards, and many fail to comply.

The most common reasons for inefficient street lighting systems in municipalities are:

Selection of inefficient luminaires

Poor design and installation

Poor power quality

Poor operation and maintenance practices

There is tremendous potential to improve lighting quality while reducing energy use, costs, and
greenhouse gas emissions through energy-efficient retrofits for street lighting and improved
operation and maintenance (O&M) practices.

In the last few years, technological advancements in lighting have led to the development of energy-
efficient lighting systems that consist of one or more components listed below:

Low Cost Ballasts

Constant wattage high intensity electronic ballasts

Energy-efficient luminaires

Better monitoring and control mechanisms

According to an NYSERDA (2002) report, effective energy-efficient street lighting design integrates
efficient lamp technologies, optimum pole height and placement, efficient light distribution, and
aesthetics while using the least energy and meeting requirements for visibility and appropriate light

Street lighting components can be grouped based on their functions. They are generally described as
the structural systems, electrical systems, and optical systems. Structural system includes poles and
poles foundation. Electrical & optical system include fixtures such as luminaires, lamps, ballasts,
meters, fuses, etc. All systems should be designed to minimize life-cycle cost, while meeting lighting

The most important element of the illumination system is the light source. It is the principal
determinant of the visual quality, cost, and energy efficiency aspects of the illumination system.

The types of lamps commonly used for street lighting are listed below:
Exhibit 2-1 Lamp Technologies
Luminous Color Lamp life in

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Type of Lamp Efficacy Rendering
(lm/W) Properties
High Pressure 35-65 lm/W Fair 10,000- High energy use, poor lamp life
Mercury Vapor 15,000
Metal Halide (MH) 70-130 lm/W Excellent 8,000-12,000 High luminous efficacy, poor
lamp life
High Pressure 50-150 lm/W Fair 15,000- Energy-efficient, poor color
Sodium Vapor 24,000 rendering
Low Pressure 100-190 Very Poor 18,000- Energy-efficient, very poor color
Sodium Vapor lm/W 24,000 rendering
Low Pressure 30-90 lm/W Good 5,000-10,000 Poor lamp life, medium energy
Mercury use, only available in low
Fluorescent Tubular wattages
Lamp (T12 &T8)
Energy-efficient 100-120 Very Good 15,000- Energy-efficient, long lamp life,
Fluorescent Tubular lm/W 20,000 only available in low wattages
Lamp (T5)
Light Emitting 70-160 lm/W Good 40,000- High energy savings, low
Diode (LED) 90,000 maintenance, long life, no
mercury. High investment cost,
nascent technology
Induction Lamps 85 to 150 Good 60,000 High energy savings, low
lm/W 1,00,000 maintenance, long life, no
mercury. Available in varied
Exhibit 2-2 Cost Information Various EE Street Lighting Technologies
Installed Cost Annual Annual
Type of Lamp Remarks [Only Lamp + Energy Operating
Cost [Energy
Luminaire] Cost Cost + Operating]
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
High Pressure High energy use, poor 465,800 805,920 43,625 849,545
Mercury Vapor lamp life
Metal Halide High luminous efficacy, 2,449,615 464,954 77,703 542,657
(MH) poor lamp life
High Pressure Energy-efficient, poor 1,750,286 345,394 10,512 355,906
Sodium Vapor color rendering
Low Pressure Energy-efficient, very 1,370,400 394,200 119,837 514,037
Sodium Vapor poor color rendering
Low Pressure Poor lamp life, medium 390,857 550,629 36,041 586,670
Mercury energy use, only
Fluorescent available in low
Tubular Lamp wattages
(T12 &T8)
Energy-efficient High luminous efficacy, 510,000 474,500 105,120 579,620
Fluorescent only available in low

Installed Cost Annual Annual
Type of Lamp Remarks [Only Lamp + Energy Operating
Cost [Energy
Luminaire] Cost Cost
+ Operating]
Tubular Lamp wattages

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Light Emitting High energy savings, 6,000,000 372,300 0 [incon- 372,300
Diode (LED) low maintenance, long sequential
life, no mercury. High ]
investment cost,
nascent technology
Source: Industry data provided by Electric Lamp and Component Manufacturers Association (ELCOMA) of
Assuming 7.5 m. wide, dual carriageway type, 1 km long road.

Estimation of Energy Savings from EE Projects

In order to estimate the energy savings achieved by an EE project, electricity consumption pre and
post project needs to be find out. Savings in energy would be calculated using following formula.

Electricity Saving = (Pre-implementation electricity use) (Post-implementation electricity use)


2.2 Regional profile

Main sources of energy in Karnataka state for electricity production include Coal 35%, Gas 2%,
Diesel 3%, Large Hydro 38%, Renewable Energy Sources 20% and Nuclear 2% with total
installed capacity of 9346 MW (March 2009). The electricity generation in the state had come down
and the dependence on other states for meeting electricity requirements had increased from 2001-
02. The Load Generation Balance Report (LGBR) prepared by CEA during June 2008, indicates
that the actual requirement for 2008 was 40,320 MU, indicating an energy shortage of 2.7%. The
peak requirement was 6,583 MW and the actual peak met was 5,567 MW, indicating peak shortage
of 15.4%. It was also estimated that the deficits would increase in 2009.

2.3 Key Issues

The key issues which have been observed during the visits and consultations with the stakeholders

The energy usage through street lights is very high due to lack of automatic timers, automation
web system etc. Lack of such infrastructural components in the street lighting has led to
wastage of energy.

Excess use of energy is done to illuminate Hubli-Dharwad city in the night and cost is incurred
by Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation. Municipal Corporation had spent Rs. 10.32 crore
(accounting for 9% of the total revenue payments) towards street lighting from revenue
account. Electricity expenditure towards street lighting alone accounted for Rs. 8.28 crore out
of Rs. 10.32 crore in that year.

The SFC grants provided by the government are against the bills generated by HESCOM for
the consumption of the electricity. After, the implementation of the project the cost incurred in
energy consumption would reduce as the consumption would be less. During consultations it
was found that the grants amount would also reduce accordingly and it will match with the new

3. Project Brief
3.1 Project Objective
It is not surprising that electricity consumption in municipal sector is increasing steadily over the last
few years. There is need to address the issues of high electricity consumption on priority through

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integrated and Comprehensive approach and by adopting latest techniques and technologies with
active participation of all stakeholders.

Municipal bodies often lack sufficient institutional capacity to develop practical approach for
maximizing efficiency, even after recognizing the potential benefits. Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) have
to develop proper approach & proper model to identify energy efficiency projects & implementation
strategy for the efficient energy management.

The basic objective of the project is to improve the energy efficiency of Hubli-Dharwad Municipal
Corporation which could lead to substantial savings in the electricity consumption, thereby resulting in
cost reduction/savings for the ULB. The major energy loads in a municipality are typically the water
pumping systems, street lighting, sewage treatment and handling, and electricity distribution.
Municipal buildings such as offices, hospitals, schools also contribute to the high municipal energy

The objective is to reduce the electricity consumption in street lighting through demand side
management measures which may include development and promotion of energy efficient
technologies in lighting system, web-based monitoring system, peak-hour demand monitoring etc. In
order to take this concept forward and to measure the actual savings in power consumption, it is
necessary to first establish a base line of energy consumption, which would act as a reference point
and then suggest solutions for reduction in energy consumption. This will lead to improvement in
service delivery and reduction in green house gas emissions.

3.2 Description of the Site

Hubli-Dharwad is the second-largest conurbation in Karnataka after the State capital - Bangalore.
Dharwad is a quiet, pleasant, and fast growing city in the northern part of Karnataka, which together
with Hubli, 22 kilometres apart, forms a twin city, about 400 km from Bangalore.

While Dharwad is the administrative headquarters of Dharwad District and an important education
centre, Hubli is primarily a commercial and industrial centre. It is believed that owing to this diversity
and geographical proximity, the State government amalgamated the two cities. The Hubli Municipal
Corporation (HDMC) was constituted in the year 1962 by combining the two cities. The twin cities
have a population of nearly 9.4 Lakh (Census 2011) and it covers an area of 202.28 sq kms, with
development concentrated in 72.78 sq kms including 45 revenue villages and large number of
extensions spread in all the directions. The State Government promotes the industrialisation of the
region leveraging its strategic location, good connectivity with metropolitan centres (like Mumbai,
Pune and Bangalore), availability of water and forest resources, and labour.

Located at about 480 km north of Bangalore and separated by a distance of 20 km, both the cities are
connected to Pune and Bangalore by rail network; other rail links connect the city with Hotgi, holapur,
Marmagoa and Bellary. The twin cities are also connected to Mumbai and Bangalore by Air.

Exhibit 3-1: Location map of Hubli-Dharwad City

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The provisional reports of Census 2011 depicts that the total population of the City is 943857 of which
male and female are 475,980 and 467,877 respectively. Population has increased from 2 lakhs to 9.4
lakhs in six decades.
The population growth in the post
independence scenario is
attributed to the importance given
to these areas by Karnataka after
the reorganization of states in
1956. A number of regional offices
of the State Government for North

Karnataka were located in Exhibit 3-2: Population Growth of Hubli-Dharwad

Dharwad district. The population
growth rates have been decreased
over the decades due to lack of new
economic activities and development
as compared to other cities in
The population density has shown consistent growth during the past three decades in Hubli-Dharwad.
The density has increased from 1837 persons/sq. km in 1971 to 3886 persons/sq. km in 2001 and
then to 4666 persons/ sq. Km in 2011. While the citys overall density is quite low, the core inner
areas and some older areas of the city are more densely populated than the fringe areas of the city.

3.3 Description of the Project

3.3.1 Existing Situation
Hubli-Dharwad has large 67 wards which have been divided for street lighting system into 12 zones
by Municipal Corporation and into 6 zones by HESCOM (provider for electricity to Municipal
Corporation). The town has total of 40278 street light fixtures and 1389 numbers of switching

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points, one at each metering point for the street lights which are handled manually. The street
Lighting Fixtures comprises of 40W TLF, 250 W MHL/SVL, 400 W (MHL/ SVL) out of 79 high mast
lamps and 1x28 W t-5 Fitting and 4x24 W T-5 Fittings as shown in Exhibit 3-3. Hubli-Dharwad has
shown awareness in energy efficiency by putting energy efficient street lights at new areas which
are equivalent to 5835 numbers. Effectively, at present Hubli-Dharwad have 34443 old conventional
lamps on street light fixtures which consume high energy.
Exhibit 3-3 Composition of Street Lighting Fixture in Hubli-Dharwad Type of Street Light/ Fixtures Numbers Percentage
1 40 W TLF 22755 57%
2 250 W MHL/ SVL 10218 25%
3 400 W (MHL/ SVL) out of 79 High Masts 1470 4%
4 1 x 28 W T-5 Fittings 2470 6%
5 4 x 24 W T-5 Fittings 3365 8%
Total 40278 100%
Source: Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation

The total road length in the city is 1266 kms thus showing average distance of 31.5 meters
between two street lights. This is very near to the UDPFI guidelines, but at some locations such as
national highways, state highways, arterial and sub-arterial roads the two light fixtures are on one
pole which could not be taken under the calculations. The average operating hrs is 10, 12 & 11 hrs
per day for summer, winter & monsoon respectively based on discussion with technical personnel
at Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation. But in reality, the timing of running hrs of street lighting
goes above than the prescribed timing. The electrical consumption in street lighting in the city was
16633572 KWH (16633 MWH) in 2011-12. On an average it comes out be 45571 KWH (45MWH)
per day. The consumption of electricity has been shown HESCOM zone-wise in Exhibit 3-4. The
connected load is equivalent to 5088 KW in Hubli-Dharwad.
Exhibit 3-4: Electricity Consumption and Connected load in the city
Zone Consumption (KWH in 2011-12)
CSD-I 5325608
CSD-II 3687594
CSD-III 2441017
Total 11454219
CSD-I 2887652
CSD-II 2272463
RSD 19238
Total 5179353
Grand Total 16633572
Source: Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation

In Existing Street Lighting system revenue income is through electricity grants from government
and expenses include various heads. The cost is incurred in electricity bill, establishment cost,
operation and maintenance and other office expenses. Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation buys
electricity from HESCOM.

Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation handles the street lighting and pays for electricity bill to
HESCOM, it works for asset management but it has outsourced the operation and maintenance of

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street lighting to private contractors. An agreement has been made on the quoted rates for annual
maintenance of the type of street lights.

Exhibit 3-5 represents the share of expenses on street lighting and electricity bills being paid by
Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation with respect to total expenses. It has been observed that
electricity bill shares a large proportion of 5 to 7% in the total expenses incurred by the corporation
and it shares 60 to 80% of the payments done in street lighting.
Exhibit 3-5: Expenses on Street Lighting in last three years

Budget Heads Actual Actual Revised

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Total Revenue Receipts 11923.81 13418.52 15412.39
Total Revenue Payments 9355.14 11716.29 12606.77
Revenue Receipts - Street Lighting 1559.59 2570.26 2258
Revenue Payments - Street Lighting 718.73 1032.37 1220.1
Electrical Department Salary Expenses 49.61 44.68 90.67
Outsourced Street Light Expense 148.6 121.97 180.91
Energy Power Bill Expenses 494.31 827.93 760.36
Repairs and maintenance - Infrastructure Assets 20.61 25.71 30
Repairs and maintenance - Other Fixed Assets 2.42 1.31 3.95
Other Expenses 3.18 10.77 154.21
Payment Share
Street Lighting Revenue Payment - % share wrt total 7.7 8.8 9.7
Electricity Bill of Street Lighting - % share wrt total 5.3 7.1 6.0
Electricity Bill of Street Lighting -% share wrt Revenue
68.8 80.2 62.3
payment of street lighting
Source: Budget Documents, 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13; HDMC

Municipal Corporation does not get any capital receipts for asset investment but it does capital
payment for investing into erection of new poles and fixtures based on the requirements.

3.3.2 Suggested Framework: Components of the Project

The Energy Efficiency in Street Lighting Project through ESCOs in Hubli-Dharwad looks into the
reduction of energy consumption at city-level which in due course will reduce the power cost. Few
components of the project are:

Investment in development of energy efficient fixtures to reduce the power consumption

and reduce the municipal cost

Installation of Automatic timers at switching points which will develop the efficient usage of
electricity and makes ULB more sustainable

3.4 Best practices and case studies

3.4.1 Need for energy efficiency in municipal infrastructure
Indias urban system is the second largest in the World with an urban population surging to 31.16%
(Census of India, 2001) of the total population. According to the Report on Seventh Electric Power
Survey, Public Water Works in India consumes more than 12000 MUs and Public Lighting consumes

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5000 MUs of electricity. Energy audits in India have determined that water supply and street lighting
system takes away 50% to 60% of the operating expense in the budget, due to negligible awareness
in the cities. By becoming energy efficient, each Urban Local Body (ULB) can reap energy savings of
25% to 40% at a minimum. This translates to at least 4000 MUs of energy savings that can avoid the
need for an additional capacity of 600 MW. ULBs in India can realize tremendous benefits by adopting
and executing Municipal Energy Efficiency Programs.

The overall objective of energy efficiency street lighting is GHG reduction with savings in municipal
budget. The reasons for energy wastage and high GHG emissions is lack of design based approach
in street lighting, use of lighting components from secondary market, inadequate metering and
monitoring facilities, not aware of the guidelines on lamp/fitting selection and absence of control

Street Lighting has a huge potential to save energy which can be done by various parameters such
as; use of energy efficient lighting, design based approach, regulating power parameters to suit the
actual requirements, providing guidelines on usage of quality material and controlling the burning
hours of the lamps.

TERI (The Environmental Research Institute) conducted a study in 21 municipalities and found
massive saving potentials. The municipalities encompassed states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,
Maharashtra and Delhi. The total population of these ULBs were 55.14 lakh and their energy cost was
Rs. 5000 lakh (1400 lakh kWh). It was found that energy saving potential varies between 15 to 40%,
thus saving total cost of Rs. 1050 lakh (220 lakh kWh), which saved Rs. 19/ person per annum. It has
a potential to save GHG at 50,000MT per annum. Overall, this will be a big contribution towards
sustainable development with improved quality of service and customer satisfaction, reduced impact
on grid and reduced GHG emissions.

3.4.2 Case studies

1. Performance Contracting for Street Lighting Energy Efficiency Akola, Maharashtra

Project Description and Design

In 2006, AMC called for competitive bids from eligible firms (Energy Service Companies or ESCOs) to
implement a street lighting retrofit project within their service territory. Evaluation of bids resulted in
the selection of Asia Electronics Limited (AEL), an ESCO that has been implementing a number of
energy efficient street lighting projects in India. The arrangements included:

AEL invested its own funds to replace the entire set of 11,518 street-lighting fittings (high-pressure
sodium vapour lamps, mercury vapour lamps, and standard fluorescent tube lights) with energy-
efficient, T5 fluorescent tube lamps. The retrofit began in April 2007 and was completed within
three months.

AEL and AMC staff monitored savings based on the metering of a 10% sample of lamps and used
the data to estimate savings from all new lamps throughout the city.

The M&V process is conducted each year in the first month of the financial year. As Per the
contract between AEL and AMC, AMC shares 95% of savings with AEL and retains 5% in
electricity bills. In addition to shared savings payments, AEL also receives a share in maintenance

The ESPCs duration is 6 years. Under the ESPC, AEL must replace any failed lamps and
maintain a minimum lux level.

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Costs and Benefits

Capital and Operations & Management (O&M) Costs: AMC incurred no capital investment outlays
during implementation, maintaining a positive cash flow. AEL arranged for all investment needed to
replace the street lights, which were estimated at about Rs. 57 lakh. AMC pays AEL a share of the
energy savings seen from the new lamps, and also a share of savings realized from the maintenance
program, amounting to Rs. 8.25 per lighting fixture per year. Annual O&M expenditures, which were
paid to AEL by AMC separately, are Rs. 11 lakh.

Cost effectiveness: A project financial analysis shows a positive net present value (NPV) of Rs. 194
lakh, considering an initial investment of Rs. 500 per fitting and a discount rate of 10% applied to 6
years savings. The internal rate of return (IRR) for the project is 99%. Since AEL received 95% of the
savings, its NPV (Rs.180 Lakh) and IRR (94%) are also attractive.

Meeting project objectives: The project achieved the intended objectives of improving street lighting
services while lowering energy costs. Prior to the ESPC, all existing light fittings were not functioning.
With the retrofit project, the service level of street lighting was improved with fully functional lamps in
place along city streets. In addition, AEL continues to ensure the installed T5 lamps are in use and is
responsible for replacing failed lamps. Most importantly, AMC was able to reduce its electricity bills
and improve service with no upfront investment or budgetary outlay.

Energy reduction benefits: It resulted in an annual savings of 21.3 Lakh kWh, representing a 55.7%
savings compared to pre-project annual consumption of 38.2 Lakh kWh. The annual electricity bill
savings were Rs. 64 Lakh/ year.

GHG emission reductions: Reductions of 1,830 MT of CO2 emissions per year, or a total of 10,980
MT of CO2 emissions over the 6 year contract period.

Lessons Learned

Leadership shown by AMC officials taking the initiative to implement the ESPC approach was an
important factor in the projects success. City officials developed the project concept, prepared and
issued the bidding documents, and selected AEL as the highest ranked firm.

The availability of locally manufactured energy efficient T5 fluorescent tube lamps and existence of
local ESCOs were also factors in the projects success. AEL is a major manufacturer of T5 lamps and
showed its capacity and interest in taking on projects on a performance contracting basis. Further,
AELs ability to serve as an ESCO that is, mobilize financing, provide turn-key services, and
guarantee project performance also made the project succeed for all parties involved.

2. Municipal Energy Efficiency Projects in Gujarat

Project Description and Design

Gujarat Urban Development Company Ltd. (GUDC) on behalf of Govt. of Gujarat and IL&FS
Ecosmart Ltd. has jointly taken initiative to improve the energy efficiency of 159 Urban Local Bodies

(ULBs) and 7 Municipal Corporations (MCs) in the State of Gujarat. The Street Lighting and Water &
Sewage Pumping stations of the ULBs & MCs consume nearly 90% of their annual electricity bill.

In street lighting system, the suggested energy efficiency measures include replacement of old
lights/lamps with energy efficient lamps; retrofitting such as installation of voltage controller,
replacement of conventional choke to electronic chokes, alternate lamp lighting and angle of tilt and
mounting height as per IS 1944. The project has faced few challenges which involved unavailability of

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historical data, Lack of metering/ sub metering and theft of energy during festive season or such kind
of occasions which are hard to account and record.

The contract period is for 7 years with substantial completion period of EE measures is 6 months with
the minimum saving of 30% for street lighting. It has been decided that ULBs will receive 25% sharing
on guaranteed saving potential. The additional savings shall be shared at 50%-50%, if ESCO
achieves savings more that that has been stated in performance contract after IGA. Performance
security fee has been kept at 5% of guaranteed savings and for this an ESCROW account has been
suggested to setup. Monitoring and Verification would be done by third party who would verify the
saving potential guarantee by the ESCO. Frequency of M&V is 3 months for the first year and half-
yearly thereafter. In the project, ESCO has been given the responsibility of maintaining the energy
efficiency devices installed by them during the contract period and it has also got the responsibility to
train the ULB personnel for operation and maintenance of the EE devices installed by them.

Potential Savings

Based on the baseline data of 2009 for 7 Municipal Corporation s and 159 ULBs, the energy bill for a
year is Rs 285 crore and it has been estimated that the potential saving is equivalent to Rs. 85 crores
which is 20-30% for the energy bill. It has a saving potential of 234 GWh through energy saving and it
avoids 38 MW generation capacity in the state. The project has a CDM potential and it has been
estimated that it will reduce 119 thousand tonnes of CO2 in the state and thus CDM Project is being
implemented with assistance from BEE and Ernst & Young have been appointed as a CDM

3. Energy-efficient street lighting in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh

The municipal corporation of Guntur was spending Rs1,072,074 (US$26,360.31) (based on the
monthly average for electricity bills in 2002) for street lighting alone. A pilot demonstration project the
Energy Efficient Street Lighting System was initiated in March 2003. This involved using power
saving instruments in four strategic locations, each device calibrated for that location s unique lighting
load. The Servo Max Power (produced by Servomax India Limited) saver devices, installed at switch
points, guarantees a 25% to 30% reduction in energy consumption. The devices in the four
demonstration areas regulate voltage after peak hours and automatically reduce voltage during low
traffic flow. The pilot project was supported by ICLEI under an agreement with Guntur Municipal
Corporation (GMC), which agreed that once the results of the pilot project were substantiated GMC
would implement its recommendations across the entire city in a phased approach through an Energy
Services Company (ESCO). These devices resulted in an overall energy saving of 35%, saving
22,900 kWhs of electricity and reducing CO2 by 23 tonnes per year.

4. Retrofitting streetlights for energy efficiency Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh

ICLEI along with the Municipal Corporation of Jabalpur (MCJ) proposed an energy efficient street
lighting pilot project to reduce the expenditure and improve the energy-efficiency in the existing
system on finding that 20% of the energy bill is through street lights. The Retrofit Street Lighting Pilot
Project was launched in 2002. The project was located at two important locations in Jabalpur,
Nehru Garden, MCJ and Janki Nagar Residential Area, where 51 energy-saving retrofit tube lights
were installed. The cost of the project was Rs.50,000 (US$1,208.75) 70% of which was shared by
ICLEI, with the remaining 30% contributed by the project consultant, Asian Electronics Ltd.

The basic concept for the project is a retrofit of the conventional streetlight system with an energy-
efficient tube light system. Jabalpur streets, walkways and parks are commonly lit with 40-W
fluorescent tube lights with ballasts that consume an additional 10-13 W. To reduce energy

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consumption, 28-W retrofit tube lights have been introduced on the pilot project sites. The data
gathered after six months of monitoring and observations suggests that the savings associated with
the retrofit is Rs35/month/tube (US$0.85) according to 10-hour illumination/day and including
maintenance and labour charges. This will also lead to an annual reduction of 7 tonnes of GHG

5. Summary of Energy Saving Streetlight Projects executed by AEL

Asian Electronics Ltd. is a company engaged in manufacturing of Energy Saving Products / system
and implementation of Energy saving projects. AEL has formed a separate ESCO division to
undertake energy saving project for buildings & street lighting.
Exhibit 3-6: Projects carried by AEL on EE for street Lighting
Energy Energy %
Energy saving systems
Project Status saving saving (Rs. Saving
kwh/year in lakh /year) achieved

1. Indore Completed 8099813 247 36 New T8 based retrofit system

Municipal & Energy Saver LMS panel

2. Ujjain Completed 2828096 86 38 New T8 based retrofit system

Municipal & Energy Saver LMS panel

3. Akola Completed 1955330 59 58 New T-5 FTL Based Street

Municipal light Fixtures as an
Corporation alternative to HPSV / MV

4. Latur Completed 3376847 101 61 New T-5 FTL Based Street

Municipal light Fixtures as an
Corporation alternative to HPSV / MV

5. Pune Under 9160000 275 55 New T-5 FTL Based Street

Municipal implementation light Fixtures as an
Corporation alternative to HPSV / MV

6. Amritsar Completed 4880000 207 60 New T-5 FTL Based Street

Municipal light Fixtures as an
Corporation alternative to HPSV / MV
PH. I fixtures

7. Moga Under 1604902 68 - New T-5 FTL Based Street

Municipal implementation light Fixtures as an
Corporation alternative to HPSV / MV

Energy Energy %
Energy saving systems
Project Status saving saving (Rs. Saving
kwh/year in lakh /year) achieved

8. Ajmer Under 4707985 181 - New T5 FTL Based Street

Municipal implementation light Fixtures as an

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Corporation & alternative to HPSV fixtures
UIT Ajmer and GSM panels at switching

3.4.3 Critical Success Factors

Leadership shown by various urban local bodies officials taking the initiative to implement
energy efficiency approach was an important factor in the project s success. City officials
participated in developing the project concept and selected the appropriate ESCO through
proper bid process to make this initiative possible.

The availability of locally manufactured energy efficient T5 fluorescent tube lamps and
existence of local ESCOs were also factors in the project s success in few of the places.

Few ESCOs are manufacturer of T5 lamps and showed there capacity and interest in taking
on projects on a performance contracting basis. Further, their ability to serve as an ESCO that
is, mobilize financing, provide turn-key services, and guarantee project performance also made
the projects succeed for all parties involved.

Achievement of potential savings in initial energy efficiency projects has put forward spill-over
effect and thus helped in developing many projects across India.

4. Operating framework
4.1 Technical Assessment
The Energy Efficiency in Street Lighting can encompass various components to save energy and
money of the urban local body. The report shows few technological options available for energy
efficiency in street lighting and its benefits and finalizes one option based on cost-benefit analysis

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and advantages and disadvantages. The options consist of replacement of conventional lamps with
energy efficient lamps or adding automatic timers at switching points with replacements of
conventional lamps. Few more options such as dimming of lights at non-peak hours in the night and
switching off of alternate lights have not been considered at this stage as these technologies
require very detailed study and require very good supply side of electricity. The two options have
been shown in Exhibit 4-1.
Exhibit 4-1: Various Options for Energy Efficiency in Street Lighting in Hubli-Dharwad
Option 1 Option 2

Replacement of conventional Lamps with Energy Replacement of Conventional Lamps with energy
Efficient Lamps Efficient Lamps and Automatic Timers at
Switching Points

Option 1: Replacement of conventional lamps with energy efficient lamps

Existing Scenario

At present, the street lighting system in Hubli-Dharwad contains these fixtures:

22755 (40 W TLF)

10218 (250 W MHL/SVL)

1470 (400W MHL/SVL lamps)

Proposed Scenario

Based on secondary studies, it has been suggested to replace conventional lamps with energy
efficient lamps:

40 W TLF with 28 W T-5 energy efficient Lamps

250 W MHL/SVL with 100 W Induction Lamps

400 W MHL/SVL with 150 W Induction Lamps


On replacing all the conventional lamps with energy efficient lamps Hubli Dharwad Municipal
Corporation saves 10190191 KWh of energy per year (10190 MWh/year). The cost saved by this
process is equal to Rs. 427.99 Lakh/ annum at revised tariff which is equivalent to 56% of the total
cost incurred by HDMC. This shows a very high saving in respect to both energy as well as cost.
Through this, there is a reduction of 12979.1 of MT CO2 emissions. The detailed consumption and
savings has been shown in Exhibit 4-2.

Exhibit 4-2: Energy and cost savings as per Option 1

Conventional Lamps Replacements Savings
Energy Energy Energy Energy cost
Type Consumed Consumed Type Consumed Consumed saved
(KWh/day) (KWh/year) (KWh/day) (KWh/year) (Rs lakh/

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40 W
12015 4385344 28 W T-5 7509 2740840 1644504 69.07
100 W
250 W
30347 11076823 Induction 11802 4307653 6769170 284.31
150 W
400 W
7406 2703139 Induction 2539 926622 1776517 74.61
Total 49768 18165306 21850 7975115 10190191 427.99
Note: Energy Cost has been calculated on the basis of new tariffs; Rs. 4/ unit (HESCOM)

Advantages and Disadvantages

The advantages of 28 W T-5 tube lights is that it have normal 3 to 4 time higher life span (~5000
operating Hours) as compared to 40 W TLF. Much higher output in lumens value (104 lumens/
watt) against the conventional tube light. It can be replaced directly in existing fittings without any
change in wiring or fittings. It has flicker free ignition and start, no humming noise and operating
voltage range of 130V to 290V due to electronics ballast instead of electromagnetic ballast.
MHL/SVL has been replaced by Induction Lamps as it has higher luminous efficacy as compared to
conventional lamps. It has longer life (60000 to 100000 operating hours), fast warm-up/Re-strike,
superior cold starting, improved colour uniformity.

Option 2: Replacement of Conventional Lamps with energy Efficient Lamps and

Automatic Timers at Switching Points
Existing Scenario

At present, the street lighting system in Hubli-Dharwad contains:

22755 (40 W TLF), 10218 (250 W MHL/SVL) and 1470 (400W MHL/SVL lamps)

1389 switching points (manually operated)

Proposed Scenario

Based on secondary studies, it has been suggested to replace conventional lamps with energy
efficient lamps as discussed in option 1 and to install automatic timers at switching points.


On replacing all the conventional lamps with energy efficient lamps and installing automatic timers
at switching points Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation saves 11841582 KWh of energy per year
(11841 MWh/year). The cost saved by this process is equal to Rs. 497.34 Lakh/ annum at revised
tariff which is equivalent to 65% of the total cost incurred by HDMC. This shows a very high saving
in respect to both energy as well as cost. Through this, there is a reduction of 15082 of MT CO2
emissions. The detailed consumption and savings has been shown in Exhibit 4-3.

Exhibit 4-3: Energy and cost savings as per Option 2

Type Savings
Energy Saved by Replacement of Conventional Lamps with Energy Efficient
Lights (KWh/ year)
Expected hours saved by automatic timers at switching points/ day 1
Expected hours saved by automatic timers at switching points/ year 365

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Energy Saving through automatic timers (KWh/ year) 6323724
Total Energy Savings through option 2 (KWh/ year) 11841582
Total Energy Cost Savings (Rs. Lakh/ year) 497.34
Note: Energy Cost has been calculated on the basis of new tariffs; Rs. 4/ unit (HESCOM)

Advantages and Disadvantages

The advantages of replacement of various conventional lamps with energy efficient lamps have
been discussed in earlier option. The benefit of automatic timer is that it reduces the energy
consumption by not allowing lamp to remain lighted up even after natural light is there, which is
generally observed in cities during early morning. There is a need to maintain timers regularly and
also it needs to be checked for timings as per seasonal variation, so that it does not end up in
wasting more energy.

Other Options

Although the use of dimming systems yields considerable energy savings and represents a
financially justified investment, it should be used with caution. The use of dimming systems for
street lighting is recommended when the supply voltage exceeds 220 V. This system is beneficial
between late night and early morning hours when traffic density is significantly reduced. The use of
dimming systems can result in issues such as color shift and poor lamp performance and if the
supply voltage is less than 220 V after 10 pm then dimming method may not be suitable for energy
efficiency in street lighting as it reduces lights life span, thus adding more cost for repairs.

The alternate lighting requires a detailed project report which identifies the actual distance between
street light poles. Otherwise, if the distances are higher than prescribed norms for distance
between street lights this system will lead to dark patches and insecure and unsafe environment.

4.1.1 Selection of option for the study

The most feasible option as per the advantages and disadvantages of various option and costs and
benefits; Option 2 has been finalized which includes replacement of conventional lamps with
energy efficient lamps and automatic timers at switching points.

CDM process can also become its part by floating CERs or carbon credits against carbon emission
reduction in the atmosphere through energy efficiency technology after detailed study.

4.2 Business Model

ULB, ESCO and FI are stakeholders of the project. With the above-noted background in mind and
after taken in to account the possible financing options, ESCO Mode business model have been

Performance contract for ESCO has been considered for this project. ESCO with Third Party
Financing at certain debt-equity ratio has been suggested. In this, the ESCO designs and
the project but does not finance it completely, although it arranges for or facilitate financing. The
ESCO guarantees that the energy savings will be sufficient to cover debt service payments. It verifies
energy savings and shares an agreed percentage of the actual energy savings over a fixed period
with an ULB.
Exhibit 4-4: Business Model for ESCO

Financial Institutions

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Provides financial support to ESCO for
the Project

Loan - 70:30 ESCROW

(Debt: Equity) Account
Share of
Holding fund on behalf of
ESCO the ULB Pay Loan
Planning, procurement, installation and repayment to FI Payment
commissioning, repair, replacement and of shared savings as per
maintenance, measurements and contract to ULB and ESCO

Investment Saving in
ULB : Hubli-Dharwad
Providing necessary support to ESCO
for Implementation and payment to
ESCROW account on energy cost Share of
savings Savings

The specific terms and conditions of the proposed Project structure are detailed below:

1. Performance Contract between Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation and ESCO would be

for 10 years. It will include Design, Implementation, Finance, Operation, Maintenance and M
& V. During this period, HDMC will allow an ESCO to use, replace, install, operate and
maintain the existing street lighting system of HDMC.

2. Implementation period for replacement of fixtures and installation of automatic timers at

switching points is 1 year for the project.

3. Financing of the project would be done at 70:30 debt-equity ratio. ESCO will arrange for
finance by taking loan from a financial institution and put its equity at 30% of the project cost.
The debt repayment with an interest would be paid back to financial institution within 5 years
after implementation. The responsibility would be with an ESCO.

4. An ESCROW account would be developed to take account of all the savings and payments to
ESCO and ULB and repayment on debt with interest to FI. It would be handled by the ULB.

5. The savings would be shared between ULB and ESCO where ULB would get 10% and
ESCO would get 90% of the total saving. The repayment of debt and interest on debt would
be paid fo FI from the share of an ESCO.

6. Measurements and Verification would be done either by the selected ESCO or by the third
party as per the contract finalized between ESCO and HDMC.

7. The project can be taken under CDM mechanism also by generating CERs. This can be
CDM project cycle. It can be finalized after detailed study and discussions between ESCO and

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4.2.1 Benefits of the proposed project structure
The proposed structure could potentially enable HDMC realise the following benefits:
1. HDMC would get an energy efficient street lighting system without any investments of its own.

2. HDMC will save 118.41 Lakh KWh energy per year through this project.

3. Energy cost savings of the project is Rs. 497.35 lakh in the first year with Rs. 49.73 Lakh
revenue (saving) for HDMC. This saving increases over the year with escalations in the tariff

4. The project results into the reduction of CO2 emission. Through this project would reduce
15082.5 MT of CO2 at production grid.

5. Citizens of Hubli-Dharwad will get improved service levels.

4.3 Risks & Mitigation

To develop an effective business model, it is necessary to identify the clear roles and
responsibilities and the risks associated with the project development.

Project risks can be categorized as project development risks, project competition risks,
equipment / system operations and performance risks, financial, contractual, and political /
regulatory risks.

Risks Description Mitigation Measures


Interest Rates Both ESCO and ULB do not have ESCO, ULB and FI can agree for a
significant control over prevailing interest range of variation, Cost and saving
rates. During all phases of the project, calculation to be done with considering
interest rates will change with market this risk factor.
conditions. Higher interest rates will
increase project cost, financing / project
term or both.

Energy None of the stakeholders (ESCO / ULB / Due to shortage of power there is a
Prices FI) has significant control over actual potential of increasing the energy prize.
energy prices. The tariff has been revised this year in
Karnataka. Energy cost has increased
from Rs. 3.8. unit to Rs. 4/unit.

M & V Costs The ULB / FI assume the financial ESCO will demonstrate the minimum
responsibility for M & V costs directly or saving level periodically during the
through the ESCO. If the ULB wishes to course of contract period. Savings to be
reduce M & V cost, it may do so by monitored based on the actual
accepting less rigorous M & V activities consumption by installing calibrated

with more uncertainty in the savings energy meters at appropriate locations.


Payment Untimely payments to ESCO Payment mechanism and deliverables to

Risks be well defined.

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Delays Both the ESCO and HDMC can cause To mitigate delays there is a need for
delays. Failure to implement a viable regular monitoring over the
project in a timely manner costs the implementation of the project
HDMC and ESCO in the form of lost
savings, and can add cost to the project.

Weather A number of energy efficiency measures Savings are calculated on annual basis
are affected by weather. None or the so the annual variation in weather
stakeholders have control over the conditions is already taken into
weather. consideration. Baseline period need to
be well defined.


Risks ESCO has control over the selection of Minimum efficiency of new equipments
associated equipment and is responsible for its will be included in the contract. ESCO
with proper installation, commissioning, and will have to demonstrate the minimum
Equipment performance. efficiency level based on the accepted
Performance testing protocols. Penalty clause will be
included in case efficiency levels are
below the minimum ones

Operations Responsibility for operations may rest Clarify responsibility for operations, the
with the ESCO for the entire implications of equipment control, how
performance contract period. Operations changes in operating procedures will be
can impact performance. handled, and how proper operations will
be assured.

Equipment Responsibility for repair and replacement Minimum equipment life to be given by
Repair and of ESCO-installed equipment is ESCO specifying warranties for all
Replacement negotiable; however it is often tied to installed equipments. Potential impact
project performance. on performance to be well addressed in
case of equipment failure mentioning
replacement responsibility

Theft It can increase the cost of the project HDMC will not get free repair and
Replacement and ESCO will have to suffer the loss if it maintenance service by ESCO for the
of Energy becomes its responsibility. remaining period

Political Change in law, expropriation, civil These can be mitigated by effective

Risks disturbance, non-default termination of legal documentation and insurance.

5. Project Financials
5.1 Concept and Methodology
A preliminary financial model has been prepared to assess the Estimated Project Cost, Estimated
Revenues and the Project Returns. The Cost and Revenue assumptions were taken based on the
estimates only to assess the feasibility of the project. However, it is recommended that the Project

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Financials may be firmed up only after preparation of the Internal Grade Audit Report for the
project. The salient features of the preliminary financial model are highlighted in this section of the

The purpose of the Financial Analysis is to determine the financial viability of the investment in the
project considering the cost of developing the project and the expected revenue stream through
savings over a period of time. It also includes study of different scenarios from the ESCO s

5.2 Assumptions for Financial Analysis

5.2.1 Construction Period
It is assumed that replacement of conventional lamp with energy efficient lamps and installation of
timers of the project will take 1 year.

5.2.2 Cost Assumptions

While calculating the project cost, the assumptions have been based on market feedback, other
similar projects as well as IMaCS own experience of advisory and project management

Other assumptions which include Escalations in energy prices and other costs have been annexed
in the report.

5.3 Cost Estimation

The estimated cost of the Project is Rs. 491.4 Lakh. The details of the Project Cost estimation are
set out in Exhibit 5-1.
Exhibit 5-1 Cost Estimations
Cost Heads Cost Estimates (Rs in Lakh)

Capital Cost of Replacements (Energy Efficient 308.4

Capital Cost of Automatic timers 158.3
Instalment cost incurred during replacement 24.6
Total Investment 491.4

Repair and Maintenance Cost 57.1 (will increase with escalation at 8% annually)
Measurement and Verification Cost 40.3 (will increase with escalation at 5% annually)
Man Power Expenses 43.9 (will increase with escalation at 1% annually)

5.4 Revenue Stream

The revenue to ESCO is dependent on the savings done by saving energy cost paid by HDMC
every year. In the first year the total saving is equivalent to Rs. 497.3 Lakh. After sharing saving
with HDMC and repayment of debt with its interest and other corporate taxes, the revenue of the
ESCO after first year is Rs. 170.9 Lakh. The detailed financial model has been annexed.

5.5 Viability Assessment

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The key financial indicators for the project are is shown in Exhibit 5-2 below.
Exhibit 5-2: Key Financial Indicator
Indicator Value

Project IRR (Pre Tax) 35.59 %

Project IRR (After Tax) 19.54 %

From the above it can be seen that the Project IRR is greater than the common benchmark of 15%,
where investors will most likely seek for such an investment. Thus the Project is viable on a
standalone basis and any financial assistance would not be required towards the Project by Govt.
to the ESCO. Also, the revenue through CERs has been not accounted which further increase the
revenue stream and can increase the IRR for the project. This adds to the feasibility of the project.

5.6 Scenario Analysis

The following section presents the Scenario Analysis which provides the variation in the Project
IRR in accordance with the variation in cost of the project as well as revenue from the project. The
details of the same are as shown below in Exhibit 5-3.
Exhibit 5-3: Scenario Analysis

Variation in Project Revenue Variation

-20% -10% 0% 10% 20%

-20% 25.75% 27.82% 29.94% 32.12% 34.37%

-10% 20.61% 22.48% 24.40% 26.36% 28.37%

0% 16.05% 17.78% 19.54% 21.33% 23.16%
10% 11.94% 13.55% 15.19% 16.85% 18.54%

20% 8.15% 9.68% 11.23% 12.79% 14.38%

5.7 Conclusion
With the proposed structure, the project seems to be sustainable on a standalone basis without any
financial support from Government.

6. Statutory & Legal Framework

Internationally, the emphasis on environmental problems such as biodiversity loss, land degradation
and particularly the climate change have led to the emergence of important drivers of support for
energy efficiency policies and programs.

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In order to integrate energy efficiency in the development agenda, the Govt. of India has put in place
an overarching legal, regulatory and policy framework to promote market based energy efficiency in
the Indian economy.

6.1 Applicable laws

The Energy Conservation (EC) Act, 2001 came into force with effect from 1st March 2002. The Act
empowers the Central Government and in some instances the State Government to take the following
regulatory steps in various sectors to facilitate and enforce efficient use of energy and its

The Energy Conservation Act, 2001 (ECA) forms the core of the legal framework put in place by India
to promote energy efficiency and conservation. Some important sections of ECA relevant to energy
efficiency are:

Section 3 Bureau of Energy Efficiency-creation, administration

Section 12 Transfer of Assets and Liabilities of Energy Management Centre to BEE

Section 13 Powers and functions of the BEE

Section 14 Power of Central Government to Facilitate and Enforce Efficient use of Energy and
its Conservation

Section 15 -Power of State Government to Facilitate and Enforce Efficient use of Energy and its

6.2 Legal & Regulatory framework

Institutional arrangements have been created to implement the Act at central and state level. The
Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is the nodal agency at the Central level and the State Designated
Agencies (SDAs) work at the state level. These institutions are empowered with regulatory,
promotional and enforcement roles under the Act.

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)

The mission of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is to develop policy and strategies with a thrust on
self-regulation and market principles, within the overall framework of the Energy Conservation Act
(EC Act), 2001 with the primary objective of reducing energy intensity of the Indian economy. This will
be achieved with active participation of all stakeholders, resulting in accelerated and sustained
adoption of energy efficiency in all sectors. The setting up of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)
provides a legal framework for energy efficiency initiatives in the country. The Act empowers the
Central Government and in some instances the State Governments to:

Notify energy intensive industries, other establishments, and commercial buildings as designated

Establish and prescribe energy consumption norms and standards for designated consumers.

Direct designated consumers to designate or appoint certified energy manager in charge of

activities for efficient use of energy and its conservation.

Get an energy audit conducted by an accredited energy auditor in the specified manner and
intervals of time.

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Furnish information with regard to energy consumed and action taken on the recommendation of
the accredited energy auditor to the designated agency.

Comply with energy consumption norms and standards, and if not so, to prepare and implement
schemes for efficient use of energy and its conservation.

Prescribe energy conservation building codes for efficient use of energy and its conservation in
commercial buildings State Governments to amend the energy conservation building codes to
suit regional and local climatic conditions.

Direct owners or occupiers of commercial buildings to comply with the provisions of energy
conservation building codes.

Direct mandatory display of label on notified equipment and appliances and specify energy
consumption standards for notified equipment and appliance.

Prohibit manufacture, sale, purchase and import of notified equipment and appliances not
conforming to standards.

7. Indicative environmental & social impacts

Energy Efficiency through street lighting is an initiative with certain objectives such as; reduction in
electricity wastage, reduction in carbon dioxide emissions and reduction of expenses of urban local

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bodies on electricity bills. With all initiatives certain impacts are observed. The chapter detail outs the
long-term and short-term environmental and social impacts with its mitigation measures.

7.1 Environmental Impacts

Energy Efficiency through street lighting is a step to make environment more clean and green and
reduce the ill-effects of climate change. It has both positive and negative impacts on the environment
which are:

Reduction in Green House Gases As the project reduces the consumption of energy for street
lighting, the electricity required for municipal infrastructure reduces and thus the green house gas
emission at generation point reduces.

Handling / Storing used/damaged light bulbs (replaced or installed under the project as well as
rejects) put out of use If Environmentally deleterious materials generated by the replacement
are not disposed off as per the guidelines then this effect the environment.

Particulates in Air This is possible if the fixtures and bulbs are broken on site such as breakage
of lead or mercury lamps during replacement.

Noise - Site work activities such as replacement of energy efficient lamps with old lamps create
noises in the area and this can be disturbing for local residents.

Vegetation ad Habitat Loss During Installation, the existing plantation and landscaping can get

7.2 Social Impacts

The Social Impacts due to energy efficiency in street lighting are:

Efficient use of Electricity The energy saved through street lighting can be supplied to un-
electrified villages and other areas which lack electricity.

Safety of Workers Provision of personal protective equipment, traffic arrangements during

installation of equipment, and emergency procedures in case of shocks, falls or other accidents.

7.3 Mitigation Measures

To mitigate the environmental and social impacts few steps become essential, so that the project
does not face any problem during its implementation and it gets successful.

Handling / Storing of used / damaged light bulbs - During installation of new energy saving
streetlights, old streetlights are needed to be removed and stored in the corrugated box along
with the lamps fitted into the old fittings in case of sodium vapour lamps. In case of replacement
of old fluorescent tube light fittings, the lamps are required to be carefully removed first followed
by the fitting. The lamps are needed to be kept in a separate box. A record sheet needs to be
maintained while removing the old fittings mentioning the number of lamps removed. These old
removed fittings & lamps would have to be transported daily to the place of storage (store
depots / ward office stores) given by the Council. The old fittings would then be kept in a proper
store room under lock & key. The units are not allowed to be used for re- installation. Any lamps

during the removal, transportation or storage of the old fittings need to be carefully collected and
kept in a separate corrugated box for further disposal. The box is kept properly in the stores.

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Safety of Workers - The installation of the new fittings has to be done by workers as per the safety
guidelines given in BEE. As per the guidelines, the installation needs to be done during the day-
time with the entire power supply to the fittings shut OFF and by removing the fuse from the
feeder points. Before the start of installation the concerned Council officials need to be informed
about the exact location of the work, in order to avoid any accidental switching ON of the power
by another maintenance team. While installation the workers have to be provided with helmet,
rubber gloves, rubber shoes, insulated tools and safety belts. The workers have to be provided
with proper extension type ladders for installation of streetlights above 7 meters. The ladders are
provided with safety platforms covered from all sides for safety of the worker. At lower heights
wooden ladder is used for removing the fittings for repairs. Proper medical kit is carried containing
bandages & medicines. All the workers are covered under state insurance scheme. This gives
them free medical treatment in case of any accident or illness in their dedicated hospitals. In case
of any accident the workers should be given first aid at the nearest medical centre / hospital.
Proper care is taken to divert the traffic while carrying on the installation. Sign boards indicating
Work in progress are put on the road where necessary.

Noise To reduce noise effect site work activities are restricted to daytime operations. Attempts
are also be made to limit unnecessary noises during the day so as to limit impact to the adjoining
buildings containing offices, classroom, and residences. This is a short-term impact that will
cease when the installation gets completed.

Particulates in Air - Particulate emissions will be controlled by the off-site disposal of installation
and removal debris. Burning of such materials will not be allowed on the site. Any lead, mercury
and plastic containing materials will be removed by licensed abatement contractors using
appropriate means to limit particulate emissions.

Generated Wastes - Environmentally deleterious materials generated by the replacement

activities, such as old or broken lamps will be stored separately & disposed in an appropriate,
legal, and safe manner. In the event that hazardous wastes are generated during elimination, the
contractor will properly dispose of them off site in accordance with appropriate disposal

Vegetation and Habitat Loss: Careful coordination will occur so as not to disturb any existing

8. Way Ahead

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8.1 Project Development Framework
Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation needs to conduct detailed technical investigation and
Investment Grade Energy Audit to determine the technical requirements and feasibility of the
project in the form of Detailed Project Report (DPR). Upon preparation of the DPR, Hubli-Dharwad
Municipal Corporation may then appoint a transaction advisor to carry out feasibility studies as well
as to undertake bid process management.
Exhibit 8-1: Project Development Framework

Engaging a Investment
Take necesaary Project
Transaction Grade Energy
policy sanctions Structuring
Advisor Audit

Selection of an
Signing of Preparation of
ESCO and Bid Process
Contract Bid Document
issuing of LoI

8.2 Procurement Plan for further development

The first and foremost task for HDMC will be to appoint a transaction advisor which will be
responsible for developing the project in the given time for its implementation.

Task for the Transaction advisor is to carry out Internal Grade Energy Audit on its own or through
external sources. It needs to define structure of the project and finalize bid documents in discussion
with HDMC. After that bidding process, selection of an ESCO and signing of contract will be
completed within a month.

Activity/ Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Appointment of Transaction Advisors (by HDMC)
Preparation of IGEA (DPR)
Project Structuring and Bid Documents preparation
Bidding Process
Selection of ESCO
Signing of Contract

8.3 Summary of Findings

The preliminary feasibility suggests that the project is achievable from a Technical, Strategic and
Viability View Point, for a 10 year concession. However there are few issues on which the Detailed
Feasibility Study shall focus on:

1. Exact estimation of Baseline consumption of energy

2. The accurate costs for fixtures and other equipments

3. Terms of Project Expansion with expansion of the town and requirement of new street lights
at newly developed area.
Annexure 1: Assumptions & Financial Projections

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Assumptions taken for Financial Projects
Assumptions Unit Value
Tariff Cost
Tariff Rs/kWh 4
Tariff Escalation Rate Rs/kWh 0.2

Tax on Electricity Bill - % % 5%
Manpower Cost Escalation % 5%
Repair and Maintenance Cost
% 8%
Escalation in M&V Cost % 1%
Contingency % 5%

Investment made by ULB % 0%
Investment made by ESCO % 30%
Savings Shared by ESCO % 90%

Interest on Debt
Interest Rate % 12%
Repayment Period 5
Moratorium Years 1

Other Taxes
Service tax on Invoice % 10.3%
Factor for calculating service tax 1.103
Depreciation Rate % 15%
Corporate Tax % 34%

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Cash Flow Projections
Technological Option Followed: Replacement of Fixtures and Installation of Automatic Timers
Total Investment 491.38
Debt 70% 343.97
Equity 30% 147.41

Cash Flow Projections (Figures in Rs. Lakh)

Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Expenses/ Investment
Capital Costs 466.74 - - - - - - - - -
Installation Costs 24.65 - - - - - - - - -
R & M Costs - 57.07 61.63 66.56 71.89 77.64 83.85 90.56 97.80 105.63
M & V Costs 40.30 40.71 41.11 41.52 41.94 42.36 42.78 43.21 43.64 44.08
Man Power Costs - 43.95 46.14 48.45 50.87 53.42 56.09 58.89 61.84 64.93
Contingency 24.57 - - - - - - - - -
Total Expenditure 556.26 141.72 148.89 156.54 164.70 173.42 182.72 192.66 203.28 214.64

Tariff (Rs/ unit) 4.00 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.60
Energy Saved (Lakhs KWH) 118.42 118.42 118.42 118.42 118.42 118.42 118.42 118.42 118.42
Electrical Cost Savings 497.35 522.21 547.08 571.95 596.82 621.68 646.55 671.42 696.29
Revenue through Savings 497.35 522.21 547.08 571.95 596.82 621.68 646.55 671.42 696.29
Total Revenue shared by ESCO 447.61 469.99 492.37 514.75 537.13 559.51 581.90 604.28 626.66
Revenue shared by ULB 49.73 52.22 54.71 57.19 59.68 62.17 64.66 67.14 69.63

Interest on Debt 41.28 41.28 34.78 27.50 19.35 10.22 - - - -

Service Tax @ 10.3% of ESCO's invoice 41.80 43.89 45.98 48.07 50.16 52.25 54.34 56.43 58.52

Earnings Before Tax 222.82 242.43 262.35 282.63 303.34 324.54 334.89 344.56 353.50
Cash Flow Projections (Figures in Rs. Lakh)

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Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Depreciation Cost 70.01 59.51 50.58 43.00 36.55 31.06 26.40 22.44 19.08
Book Value of Assets 466.74 396.73 337.22 286.64 243.64 207.09 176.03 149.63 127.18 108.10
Taxable Earnings 152.81 182.93 211.77 239.64 266.79 293.48 308.49 322.12 334.42

Tax 51.95 62.19 72.00 81.48 90.71 99.78 104.89 109.52 113.70
Net Cash Flow (Surplus/ Deficit) (597.53) 222.82 242.43 262.35 282.63 303.34 324.54 334.89 344.56 353.50
Cumulative Cash Flow (597.53) (374.72) (132.28) 130.07 412.70 716.04 1,040.58 1,375.48 1,720.04 2,073.54
After Tax

Net Cash Flow (Surplus/ Deficit) (597.53) 170.86 180.24 190.35 201.15 212.63 224.76 230.01 235.04 239.80
Cumulative Cash Flow (597.53) (426.67) (246.43) (56.08) 145.08 357.70 582.46 812.47 1,047.52 1,287.31

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