IntroductionStudyDinosaurs PDF
IntroductionStudyDinosaurs PDF
IntroductionStudyDinosaurs PDF
Anthony J. Martin
Department of Environmental Sciences
Emory University
Atlanta, Georgia
2006 Anthony J. Martin
2001 by Blackwell Science, Inc.
350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148-5020, USA
9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK
550 Swanston Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053, Australia
The right of Anthony J. Martin to be identified as the Author of this Work has been
asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988.
1 2006
Martin, Anthony J.
Introduction to the study of dinosaurs / Anthony J. Martin. 2nd ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4051-3413-2 (pbk. : acid-free paper)
ISBN-10: 1-4051-3413-5 (pbk. : acid-free paper) 1. Dinosaurs. I. Title.
QE861.4.M37 2006
A catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.
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sustainable forestry policy, and which has been manufactured from pulp processed
using acid-free and elementary chlorine-free practices. Furthermore, the publisher
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environmental accreditation standards.
Preface viii
Timeline xiv
Abbreviations xvi
Glossary 514
Index 531
While this is indeed another dinosaur book, it is also a book about basic science
that just happens to be about dinosaurs. In other words, the primary goal of this
book is to teach basic scientific methods through the theme of dinosaur paleonto-
logy. My expectation in this respect is that dinosaurs provide a tempting hook for
undergraduate non-science majors, who may already be enthused about dinosaurs
but perhaps need some encouragement to learn basic science.
Learning about science has two approaches, both of which are followed throughout
the book: (i) science literacy, which is fundamental knowledge about facts in sci-
ence; and (ii) scientific literacy, which is the ability to apply scientific methods in
everyday life. The study of dinosaurs requires both types of literacy, as well as the
use of geology, biology, ecology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics. Accordingly,
facets of these fields of study are woven throughout this book. The process of sci-
ence is thus united by a journey into the geologic past with dinosaurs, which hope-
fully will inspire many exciting learning opportunities and lead to reevaluations of
the assumption that science is just a dull recitation of facts. Realistically, very few
of the undergraduate students taking a dinosaur course for non-science majors will
become professional scientists (let alone professional paleontologists), but all of them
will have opportunities to appreciate science in their lives long after college.
The first edition of this book certainly aspired to these lofty goals and sentiments.
Nevertheless, in the spirit of how science progresses because of peer review (Chap-
ter 2), it has been revised in ways both great and small on the basis of valuable
feedback while retaining its original theme. Helpful advice came from instructors
who used the first edition in their classes, independent reviewers, paleontologists,
and others who had useful insights.
The book as a whole is broadly divisible into two parts composed of an equal num-
ber of chapters. Chapters 18 introduce the major concepts associated with the study
of dinosaurs, and provide an understanding of factual information in the basic sci-
ences surrounding dinosaur studies (science literacy), as well as scientific methods
used to investigate dinosaurs (scientific literacy). By the time a student finishes these
chapters, he or she should be able to speak the language of science by asking the
right questions. A student will also be familiar with the terminology used in
dinosaur paleontology.
Chapters 913 delve into the major clades of dinosaurs, while also expanding on
additional important topics associated with dinosaurs. Each of the clade chapters
then uses the same template of subheadings:
This parallel structure should make learning about each clade routine for students,
while retaining interest through the comparisons and contrasts it creates. The remain-
der of the book elaborates on the ichnology of dinosaurs (Chapter 14), the evolu-
tionary history of birds and their role as modern dinosaurs (Chapter 15), and
hypotheses for dinosaur extinctions (Chapter 16). Trace fossil evidence continues
to be threaded throughout nearly every chapter as a normal form of paleontolo-
gical data parallel to or exceeding body fossil evidence. The topic of extinctions in
general closes the book, with some thought-provoking questions regarding mod-
ern extinctions and associated environmental issues. I anticipate that this material
will impart lessons about how the lives and deaths of dinosaurs relate to our world
today and to the future.
Special Features
To provoke inquiry about the main topics, each chapter begins with an imagined
situation in which some facet of dinosaurs is placed in the context of an everyday
experience for the student. From this premise, questions are formulated, such as
What was or was not a dinosaur? (Chapter 1), Who made some of the original
discoveries of dinosaurs? (Chapter 3), How do people know the ages of rocks?
(Chapter 4), What did different dinosaurs eat? (Chapters 913), and How could
crocodiles, birds, and dinosaurs be related to one another? (Chapters 6, 9, 15). To
answer the questions, the student then must read and study the chapter that fol-
lows. The answers are not given in an answer key, although the Summary state-
ment at the end of each chapter may provide some clues.
In another attempt to prompt inquiry-based learning, major concepts of the chap-
ters are then explored further through Discussion Questions at the end of each chap-
ter. The title is self-explanatory in that instructors can use them for either written
assignments or in-class discussions. Students may find that some of these questions
remain unanswered; indeed, the lack of an answer key again may lead to their ask-
ing more questions. In this respect, they learn a realistic aspect of science: it does
not always provide answers. Nevertheless, the process of science always involves
asking questions and operates on the principle that answers can be found to ques-
tions if we ask the right questions.
The special features include:
n Chapter-Opening Scenarios;
n Website icons within text indicate relevant material on website;
n Chapter Summaries;
n Discussion Questions;
n Accompanying website with sample syllabi, instructor notes, interactive
cladograms, and links to additional resources at;
n All art from the book available in JPEG format on the website and on CD-
ROM for use by instructors.
Rainforth provided many insights on Triassic and Jurassic dinosaur track ichno-
taxonomy and preservation that assisted with testing hypotheses I had assumed
about these important fossils. Jorge Genise (Museo Paleontolgica Egidio Feruglio,
Trelew, Argentina) was a source of important information about the Mesozoic envir-
onments and faunas (especially insects) of South America: gracias mucho por ayu-
darme, Jorge! Christine Bean and Nancy Huebner (Fernbank Museum of Natural
History, Atlanta, Georgia), who both teach K-12 students and deal with the every-
day public thirsting for more knowledge about dinosaurs, were extremely helpful
in providing hints about what interested people about dinosaurs.
Three dinosaur paleontologists are to be thanked for not only being world-class
scientists but also for taking time out to teach students in a dinosaur field course
co-taught by Stephen Henderson and me. These paleontologists are James Kirkland
(Utah Geological Survey), Martin Lockley (University of Colorado, Denver,
Colorado), and Don Burge (College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum, Price, Utah).
The students were thrilled to interact with them and we were very happy to have
our students gain personal perspectives on paleontology from them that they might
not have gained from, say, only reading a textbook.
Additionally, I must thank Michael Parrish (Northern Illinois University, DeKalb,
Illinois), who provided a foundation for the foundation of this book through his
teaching a National Science Foundation-sponsored Chautauqua course for college
teachers on the paleobiology of dinosaurs in 1996. Soon after I took this course, I
composed a website about dinosaur trace fossils that was my first attempt at pub-
lic outreach in scientific literacy through the subject of dinosaurs. Thanks to him
and everyone else for their encouragement, and I look forward to our continued
learning about science and dinosaurs.
Last but not least, my heartfelt appreciation goes to my wife, Ruth Schowalter,
for her quiet encouragement, as well as her patient endurance of the many hours
and considerable work required for this second edition. May you be proud when
you finally hold this book in your hands and say, I helped to make this happen.
Ma Era
5.3 Quate Epoch
23.8 CENOZ
33.7 OIC
544 Vendian
Age 65
Late 85.8
Late 151
Middle 169
Early 190
atm atmosphere
AV Avogadro
CGI computer-generated image
CT computer tomography
DISH diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
d/p daughter to parent
EPA European Protection Agency
EQ encephalization quotient
GIS Geological Imaging System
GPS global positioning system
ICZN International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
IQ intelligence quotient
J joule
kcal kilocalorie
kJ kilojoule
LAG lines of arrested growth
Ma million years (Latin mega annus)
N newton
PDA personal digital assistant
ppb parts per billion
USGS United States Geological Survey
Your nine-year-old nephew draws a picture of a plesiosaur, which is a large, extinct
marine reptile, some of which had long necks and well-developed fins. This ple-
siosaur is accurately depicted as swimming in an ocean, and in the sky above
are a few pterosaurs, which were flying reptiles. One of the pterosaurs, however,
is carrying a cow in its claws. Your nephew patiently explains to you that the
dinosaur in the water is like the Loch Ness monster, and the dinosaurs fly-
ing overhead saw some cows in a field. One of them was hungry and wanted
to feed its babies, so it captured the cow and was carrying it off to its nest.
How do you explain to him, without crushing his imagination or ego, some
of the scientific inaccuracies of what he has illustrated and told you?
Defining Dinosaurs
Classification of Dinosaurs
Societal Importance of Dinosaurs
Popular Culture and Science
Discussion Questions
Definition of Dinosaur
Because this book is about dino-
saurs, probably the most appropri-
ate way to start is by defining them.
This is not an easy task, even for
dinosaur experts, so here is a preliminary attempt:
A dinosaur was a reptile- or bird-like animal with an upright posture that spent most
(perhaps all) of its life on land.
The term reptile-like is applied because dinosaurs evolved from reptilian ances-
tors, yet they were clearly different from present-day reptiles such as crocodiles,
alligators, and lizards. Hence these modern animals are not living dinosaurs, nor
were their ancient counterparts. Therefore, anatomical distinctions and differing
lineages separate modern reptiles and dinosaurs, even though both groups had com-
mon ancestors. However, dinosaurs had many features similar to those of modern
reptiles, which warranted their original classification as such (Chapters 3 and 5).
Yet some dinosaurs also had anatomical and attributed behavioral characteristics
similar to modern birds (Chapter 15). So dinosaurs would appear as a diverse group
of organisms that were transitional between certain ancestral reptiles and modern
birds, although these relations will be expanded upon, clarified, and corrected later.
Upright posture, also known as an erect posture, is important when defining
dinosaurs. Upright means that an animal stands and walks with its legs directly
underneath its torso. This posture is distinguished from sprawling or semi-erect
postures, where the legs project outside the plane of the torso. Sprawling postures
are seen in most modern amphibians and reptiles (Fig. 1.1). With only a few excep-
tions, dinosaurs were among the first animals to be bipedal, or habitually walk on
two legs. This is indicated by both the anatomy and tracks of early dinosaurs or
dinosaur-like animals (Chapter 6). A bipedal stance that is not upright does not
result in effective movement. Four-legged (quadrupedal) dinosaurs also had an
upright posture, as can be seen from their anatomy and tracks (Chapters 5 and 14).
In the nineteenth century, dinosaurs were interpreted as large lizards, so older illus-
trations depict sprawling, reptile-like stances (Chapter 3). Nowadays, modern
museum mounts of dinosaurs and better-informed illustrators reconstruct nearly
all dinosaurs with their legs underneath their torsos. Why dinosaurs developed an
upright posture is not yet fully understood, but current evidence points toward the
evolution of more efficient movement on land (Chapter 6).
The land-dwelling habit of dinosaurs is also important in their definition. Based
on all information to date, dinosaurs that preceded the evolution of birds did
not fly as part of their normal lifestyle, although some may have been gliders
(Chapters 9 and 15). Likewise, no conclusive evidence indicates that dinosaurs swam,
although a few of their tracks suggest swimming abilities (Chapter 14). Their
remains in deposits from ancient aquatic environments suggest that they sometimes
FIGURE 1.2 Geologic time scale used as a standard by geologists and paleontologists
worldwide. Largest units of geologic time are eons, followed (in order of most inclusive
to least inclusive) by subdivisions eras, periods, and epochs. Figure is not scaled
according to amounts of time.
drowned while attempting to swim across lakes or streams (Chapter 7). However,
dinosaurs did have some reptilian contemporaries, pterosaurs and plesiosaurs, which
flew and swam, respectively (Chapter 6). These were not dinosaurs, although all
three groups had common ancestors. Furthermore, no convincing evidence has
revealed that dinosaurs lived underground because no dinosaur has ever been found
in a burrow, nor have any burrows been attributed to them. Some anatomical evid-
ence indicates that a few small dinosaurs were capable of climbing trees (Chapter 9),
but no skeletal remains have been found in direct association with a fossil tree.
Dinosaurs appear to have been well adapted to living in the many environments
associated with land surfaces, which obviously worked very well for them during
their 165-million-year existence.
Dinosaurs are well known for the enormous size of some individual species, in
comparison to modern land-dwelling animals. Indeed, some dinosaurs were the largest
land animals that ever left footprints on the face of the Earth (Chapter 10).
Classification of Dinosaurs
The method by which organisms or traces of their activities are named, which
provides a framework for communicating through a classification system, is tax-
onomy. Thus, a name given to a group of organisms in a classification system is
called a taxon (plural taxa). Dinosaurs can be classified in two ways. The more up-
to-date of those two methods, cladistics (explained below), is the preferred one
used worldwide by paleontologists (people who study the fossil record). The older,
traditional method is the Linnaean classification, named after the Swedish
botanist, Carl von Linn (170778), better known by his pen name Carolus
Linnaeus. In his botanical studies, Linn realized that a standard method was needed
to name organisms, which he presented in 1758. The Linnaean method is based
on hierarchical grades of classification, meaning that organisms are fitted into increas-
ingly more exclusive categories, based on a standard set of anatomical attributes of
members in that category. The higher grades become more stringent about which
organisms belong to them on the basis of an arbitrary number of characteristics
that an organism might have or not have. Such a classification system is typically
stratified, starting with groups that contain many members, then progressing to
groups with fewer members, such as, in order of largest to smallest group, kingdom,
phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. In botany, the equivalent grade
to a phylum is a division, otherwise the categories are the same. Under this
classification scheme, dinosaurs are categorized as below, with the more exclusive
grades descending to the right:
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata
Class Reptilia
Subclass Diapsida
Infraclass Archosauria
Superorder Dinosauria
Order Saurischia
Order Ornithischia
For humans, the categories would be: Phylum Chordata, Subphylum Vertebrata,
Class Mammalia, Order Primates, Family Hominidae, Genus Homo, and with Homo
sapiens as the species.
The modern and more commonly used classification method applied to
dinosaurs, began in 1984, is the phylogenetic classification. This classification
is also known as cladistics because it is based on placing organisms into units
called clades, which are supposed to represent their evolutionary history, or phylo-
geny. Thus, clades are groups of organisms composed of an
ancestor and all of its descendants. They are defined on the
Cladistics produces basis of synapomorphies, which are shared, evolutionarily
a bush with many derived anatomical characteristics, also known as characters.
branches, rather For example, all mammals have synapomorphies of hair and
than a ladder with mammary glands, which they share with ancestral mam-
many rungs. mals. Cladistic classifications are basically explanations of
evolutionary relationships between organisms and are
best summarized in a diagram called a cladogram (Fig. 1.3).
A cladistic classification for dinosaurs based on characters, where one clade
branches to another to show descent to the lower right, is:
1 it does not include the many branches that emanate from each clade; and
2 it does not show the timing for the evolution of a new clade (Chapters 5
and 6).
In other words, a clade did not have to become extinct in order for the next clade
to evolve. Because verbal descriptions of phylogenetically-based classifications can
become confusing, cladograms are more commonly used to explain them instead.
Sauropoda Avialae
Ceratosauria (chapter 15)
Pachycephalosauria Ceratopsia
(chapter 9) Ornithopoda
(chapter 11)
FIGURE 1.3 Cladogram of the major dinosaur clades covered in this text, using
Saurischia and Ornithischia hip structures as a basis for dinosaur classification.
This principle is similar to that used by some Asian societies, who place the
family name first and the surname second. For example, in Korea, the names
Moon Jai-Woon and Moon Hyun-Soo both have the Moon family name (a general
category) followed by their surnames, which identify specific individuals when
used in combination. Species and other categories in the Linnaean classification
originated with Latin and Greek roots for the sake of universal standards, which
prompted such well-known dinosaur genus names such as Stegosaurus, Triceratops,
Allosaurus, and Tyrannosaurus. Since Linns time, many languages have contrib-
uted roots for taxonomic categories, a practice that is especially evident in species
names seen throughout this book. For example, French, Spanish, German, Swahili,
Mandarin Chinese, and Japanese, among others, have contributed to dinosaur species
Using cladistics as a framework, the names of major dinosaur groups, such as
ceratopsians (Chapter 13), ceratosaurs (Chapter 9), hadrosaurs (Chapter 11), and
prosauropods (Chapter 10), will be repeated throughout this book. Likewise, asso-
ciation of these groups with certain well-studied or otherwise famous dinosaur gen-
era or species will provide an outline of general anatomical characteristics shared
within such groups (Table 1.1), which will suffice for discussion of what informa-
tion can be discerned from dinosaurs. Information about synapomorphies that define
each clade will be given in greater detail in later chapters (Chapters 9 to 13).
scientific methods since at least the early part of the nineteenth century (Chapter 3),
many examples are given of how these methods increased knowledge of dinosaurs.
Furthermore, subjects in the various chapters are covered to provide a sense of the
historical continuity of the science. Science, by design, is always changing and updat-
ing itself, and the nearly unprecedented new discoveries and subsequent insights
about dinosaurs, in just the past 30 years, have provided an exhilarating example
of this dynamism. In fact, research on dinosaurs published in only the four years
since the first edition of this book necessitated some major revisions for this sec-
ond edition (e.g., Chapters 8, 9, and 15).
Although the study of dinosaurs is interesting and fun, it is not easy. Those
who think that reading this book and maybe a few other references will be
adequate preparation for going on a dig and discovering new dinosaur species are
probably being overly romantic and nave. For example, people who are interested
in serious study of dinosaurs may need to, at various times, apply geology, bio-
logy, chemistry, physics, math, or computer science. All of these fields (and more)
are not only used but are necessary in order to make any meaningful sense out of
the fossil record. An integrative use of these sciences can help in gaining an appre-
ciation for application through a common theme of dinosaurs, as well as reaching
a better understanding of the eclectic and integrative nature of science in general.
The best-known sciences connected to dinosaur studies are geology and biology,
which are sometimes united through paleontology, the study of ancient life. In
fact, many paleontologists who study dinosaurs also call themselves geologists,
whereas others were trained as biologists. As a result, distinctions between these
two seemingly separate fields are sometimes blurred. Paleontology is studied
mostly through the examination of fossils, any evidence of ancient life, which can
consist of body fossils or trace fossils. A body fossil is any evidence of ancient life
as represented by preserved body parts, such as shells, bones, eggs, or skin impres-
sions. In contrast, a trace fossil is any evidence of ancient life other than body parts
that reflects behavior by the animal while it was still alive, such as tracks, nests,
or toothmarks. How fossils are preserved in the geologic record is the science of
taphonomy, important when appraising any dinosaur body fossil or trace fossil
(Chapter 7).
Many paleontologists have considerable knowledge of biological principles or
perform experiments and field study of modern organisms to gain better insights
into their long-dead subjects. Paleontologists tend to study a specific group of
organisms and some of the most common subdivisions are:
With these categories in mind, dinosaur paleontologists will often call themselves
vertebrate paleontologists. Nevertheless, not all vertebrate paleontologists are dino-
saur specialists some study fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals.
For a paleontologist, a more complete understanding of organisms, fossil or living,
can be gained by studying them in the context of their environments, which includes
all biological, chemical, and physical factors, such as other organisms, nutrients, and
sunlight. The study of organisms and their interactions with environments is ecology.
Ecologists specifically examine a group of organisms as an ecological community
that interacts with a habitat, called an ecosystem. The equivalent practiced by
FIGURE 1.4 Triassic and Jurassic formations of Canyonlands National Park, eastern Utah,
an area well known for both dinosaur body fossils and trace fossils. Notice the lack of
convenience stores and coffee shops in the field area.
much field, museum, and laboratory experience that they can also relate through
excellent communication skills, such as artwork, photography, computer applications,
and public speaking. In short, paleontologists should be good teachers in order to
be effective.
To these intellectual requirements of dinosaur studies, add the physical
demands. Such studies often require fieldwork in remote areas that do not have
running water and room service (Fig. 1.4). Similarly, dinosaur studies might
involve rummaging through museum drawers for years, with little or no pay.
Fieldwork also may require securing funds and logistical planning through hostile
(or worse, bureaucratic) institutions, long days filled with physical exertion in the
aforementioned remote areas, and saintly patience. Fulfilment of all these may or
may not result in any significant dinosaur discoveries. The risk of disappointment
caused by looking for something that apparently is not there can be personally dis-
couraging. However, a love for the work and the joys of discoveries, or just the
promise of discoveries, are often enough reward for people who study dinosaurs.
FIGURE 1.5 Photograph from the film The Valley of the Gwangi (1969), set in the early
twentieth century western USA, with cowboys attempting to capture a large theropod.
From Horner and Lessem (1993), The Complete T. Rex, Simon & Schuster, NY, p. 87.
(Dave Allen/PhotoFest).
1 Did the film use scientific information that was known at the time; or
2 Was the scientific information known, but ignored for the sheer entertain-
ment value of seeing live dinosaurs on the screen?
of dinosaur fossils. Artistic renditions of dinosaur appearances and behavior are note-
worthy because, like films and television, they reflect basic popular conceptions
of dinosaurs. These views of how ancient life and environments have changed
through time often accord with scientific progress. Depictions of dinosaurs have
been affected by two broad, but often overlapping, influences:
FIGURE 1.7 A classic painting by Charles R. Knight of the Late Jurassic sauropod
Apatosaurus (more popularly known as Brontosaurus) in an aquatic habitat. First
published in The Century Magazine (1904) in the article Fossil Wonders of the
West: The Dinosaurs of the Bone-Cabin Quarry, Being the First Description of
the Greatest Find of Extinct Animals Ever Made, written by Henry Fairfield
Osborn. Transparency No. 2417(5), courtesy of the Library, American Museum
of Natural History.
principles of physics, a little bit of math in the form of biometry, and some help
from the dinosaur models.
Dinosaur models, usually encountered in toy stores or gift shops of natural his-
tory museums, are a form of mass-produced artwork for which the artists are
usually not credited. Nonetheless, many of the models are based on at least some
scientifically-derived estimates for dinosaur morphology. Moreover, they are some-
times scaled to a standard size in relation to a full-sized species of dinosaur. Armed
with these models, a vessel containing water, some measuring tools, and a little bit
of knowledge, the approximate weight of a dinosaur can be calculated.
Weight is a measurement of the amount of force exerted by gravity, which is
caused by the attraction of the matter for matter. In the case of the Earth, the force
of gravity is expressed by the following equation:
F = Gm1m2/d 2 (1.1)
Dipping someone into a bathtub and measuring the volume of water displaced
could measure the volume. For example, once immersed, the person might displace
72.0 liters of water, which converts to 72,000 cm3 (because 1.0 ml = 1.0 cm3 = 1.0 g,
with pure water as a standard). Because the human body is mostly composed of
water, its density is also close to that of water, about 0.9 g/cm3. To find out the
weight, simply multiply mass by volume, where W is weight, d is density, and v
is volume:
W = dv (1.2)
The present mass of the Earth is assumed to be identical to that in the Mesozoic
Era. A model of a tyrannosaur, scaled at 0.033 (3.3%) of the original size of the
dinosaur, would displace 235 ml (235 cm3) of water, if fully immersed. However,
the assumed density for the tyrannosaur is 0.8 g/cc, which is less dense than a
person because of the degree of hollowness in some dinosaur bones (Chapter 8).
Is 0.8 g/cm3 then multiplied by 235 cm3? No, because the tyrannosaur must be made
larger by scaling it to life-size. This means recognizing that 3.3% is about equal
to 1/30 and that it had three dimensions (length, width, height), which corresponds
approximately to its original volume. Thus, scaling involves making the tyrannosaur
30 times longer, wider, and higher than the model, which results in the following
volume change, where V is volume, l is length, w is width, and h is height:
V = lwh (1.3)
Using this volume increase and multiplying it by the density and the measured
volume yields the following results for the tyrannosaur:
W = dv1v2 (1.4)
Alexander, R. M. 1989. Dynamics of Dinosaurs and Other Extinct Giants. New York: Columbia
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Bakker, R. T. 1986. The Dinosaur Heresies. New York: Kensington Publishing.
Crichton, M. 1990. Jurassic Park. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
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Gould, S. J. 1991. The dinosaur rip-off. In Gould, S. J., Bully for Brontosaurus: New
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Haste, H. 1993. Dinosaur as metaphor. Modern Geology 18: 349370.
Henderson, D. 1997. Restoring dinosaurs as living animals. In Farlow, J. O. and
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University Press. pp. 165172.
Jones, S. 1993. The Illustrated Dinosaur Movie Guide. London: Titan Books.
Lockley, M. G. and Wright, J. L. 2000. Reading about dinosaurs an annotated biblio-
graphy of books. Journal of Geoscience Education 48: 167178.
Norell, M. A., Gaffney, E. S. and Dingus, L. 1995. Discovering Dinosaurs in the American
Museum of Natural History. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Norman, D. B. 1985. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs. London: Salamander Books,
Psihoyos, L. and Knoebber, J. 1994. Hunting Dinosaurs. New York: Random House.
Rossbach, T. J. 1996. Fantasia and our changing views of dinosaurs. Journal of Geoscience
Education 44: 1317.
Torrens, H. S. 1993. The dinosaurs and dinomania over 150 years. Modern Geology 18:
Weishampel, D. B., Dodson, P. and Osmlska, H. (Eds). 2004. The Dinosauria (2nd Edition).
Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
While you are on a plane, the man in the seat next to you notices that you are
reading this book and starts a conversation with you about dinosaurs. Soon he
begins to tell you that he heard a theory that dinosaurs and people actually
lived at the same time, and that the proof is represented by some tracks in
east Texas that show that dinosaurs and people were walking in the same area
at the same time. When you ask where he heard this, he replies that he read it
on the Internet, but he knows lots of other people who also believe it. When
you express your skepticism about his claim, he says, Well, thats what I believe.
Besides, you dont have any proof that dinosaurs and people didnt live at the
same time. Thats just your opinion.
In what ways can you use scientific methods to comment on your traveling
companions methodology?
Overview of
Scientific Methods
Importance of Scientific
1 some very large dinosaurs lived most of their lives immersed in water (e.g.,
Fig. 1.7; Chapter 10);
2 bipedal dinosaurs stood upright and walked with their tails dragging on the
ground (Chapters 9, 11, and 14); and
3 dinosaurs were large reptiles and behaved like modern reptiles (Chapter 8).
sense that they have been actively applying scientific methods in some facet of their
lives. If they look closely enough, they will find sufficient evidence to disprove their 2
initial perception that they are non-scientific.
What Is a Fact?
A fact is a phenomenon that has an actual, objective existence. For humans to under-
stand facts, observations must be made of them. Contrary to the old adage see-
ing is believing, these observations are not necessarily visual, but might be gathered
through other senses. Observations regarding everyday facts could include seeing
a sunset, smelling a flower, or hearing thunder. However, what is considered as a
fact can change in terms of how it is interpreted. For example, the sun can be observed
to move through the sky, which was at one time interpreted as evidence that the
sun moves around the Earth. Of course, we now know that the Earth revolves around
the sun, and it is the Earth that is moving. The Earths rotation and its revolution
around the sun, however, did not suddenly become real as soon as humans real-
ized that these were the actual processes. So, to qualify as facts, actual and objec-
tive phenomena should exist independent of human perceptions.
Observations do not have to be direct to provide facts. After all, no one has actu-
ally seen an atom or a bacterium without the aid of instruments, yet no rational
person doubts their factual existence. Phenomena detected by animals (see box)
have no less existence just because humans cannot perceive
them. Those that lie beyond the unaided sensory realm of
Unlike humans,
humans can be detected through tools that amplify their
canines can hear in
effects. Examples of these are mass spectrometers that count
frequencies beyond
atoms (Chapter 4) and microscopes that provide magnified
normal human images of bacteria. Direct observations that deal with
hearing, and some dinosaurs might include seeing a footprint made by one or
birds can see in the feeling a dinosaur skeleton, but indirect observations might
ultraviolet part of include detecting what chemicals compose their eggs or
the electromagnetic looking at dinosaur bone structures through a microscope.
spectrum. Regardless of whether these observations are direct or indir-
ect, they qualify as facts because they are based on objects
that actually exist. Facts are ideally undeniable, although some observations can
lead to different interpretations. Consequently, explanations for those facts are sub-
ject to debate and are malleable, but facts constitute evidence, which is the foun-
dation of scientific methods.
Interestingly, different forms of evidence in paleontology are treated as being less
or more direct evidence of ancient life. Body fossils, such as shells, bones, eggs,
feathers, and skin impressions, are often considered as more directly relating to ancient
life than trace fossils, such as burrows, tracks, trails, nests, toothmarks, and feces
(Chapter 14). An analysis of which type of fossil evidence is held in the higher
regard by paleontologists can be conducted by simply examining cover photo-
graphs or illustrations of science journals. The clear and overwhelming favorite
is body fossils, and the majority of these are dinosaurs or fossil humans. An inde-
pendent test of this favoritism can then be applied to the articles in the journals.
Again, those that deal with body fossils are much more common than those about
trace fossils, despite the fact that trace fossils made by these same organisms may
be much more common in the geologic record. Nevertheless, trace fossils are now
more highly regarded than in the past because paleontologists who study them are
promoting their intrinsic value in interpreting, for example, ancient behavior
(Chapter 14). In paleoanthropology, controversy raged for a long time over
whether ancient hominids from 3.5 million years ago walked upright or not, and
the conflicts were all based on interpretations of a few fragmentary skeletal
remains. But the controversy was mostly put to rest when paleoanthropologists found
footprints attributed to these same hominids in a 3.5 million-year-old deposit. The
tracks not only showed upright walking, but an ease with it, as one individual had
purposefully stepped in the tracks of a preceding one (Fig. 2.1). Moreover, a nearby
smaller individual, possibly a juvenile, also showed the same evidence of bipedal-
ism, meaning that three individuals were all walking in the same way. In this case,
and in many others, body fossils and trace fossils certainly constitute different forms
of fossil evidence, with one not being necessarily better than the other. The sci-
entific significance of the evidence depends on the factually-based quality of the
fossils themselves and how carefully the associated observations are recorded and
Facts are described through collecting data (data being the plural form of
datum), which comprise the recording of observations. Not all data are created 2
equally, however, and the quality of the descriptive methods and the classification
of data are important for distinguishing what is useful for science and what is not.
For example, a dinosaur bone might be seen protruding from the ground by two
different observers, who respectively record their data as follows:
OBSERVER A: There was this big dinosaur bone, but not too big, which looked
gray, like my grandmothers hair, and it was sticking out of the dirt.
OBSERVER B: The object had a linear trend and was 12.5 cm wide with an exposed
length of 24.7 cm. It also had millimeter-wide parallel striations
running the length of it, a light to medium gray overall color, and
a noticeable but slight widening to its distal, rounded end. The host
sediment was fine-grained sand mixed with hematitic clay, and the
object was protruding at about a 20-degree angle with respect to
the horizontal plane of the ground surface.
Observer A showed some promise and laudable enthusiasm, but did a poor job
overall of collecting any meaningful data that could be classified or communicated
readily to others who did not observe the bone. Observer B used a combination of
verbal description and numbers in the data collection, and used a minimum of
interpretation (the object was not even identified as a dinosaur bone or any other
type of bone). Note that the fact of the dinosaur bones existence does not change
with either description. As the preceding example shows, however, the way the bone
is described can differ considerably, and if done inadequately can inspire doubt in
other potential observers about the factual existence of the bone.
The example also shows some methods of data collection and how data are
classified. Data can be collected through either qualitative or quantitative methods.
Qualitative methods typically include using oral or written descriptions of the
observed phenomena, as well as illustrations. The latter can be diagrams, sketches,
or photographs, which are particularly useful for summarizing a large amount of
information without added verbosity. Quantitative methods involve the use of meas-
urements and the recording of the numbers associated with them; such measure-
ments may be then described further through statistics and equations. Qualitative
and quantitative methods can reinforce one another, such as when a diagram depicts
visually what otherwise may be complex mathematical relationships (Fig. 2.2). A
cladogram (see Fig. 1.3) is an example of a diagram that combines the results of
qualitative and quantitative methods. It is based on observations of anatomical traits,
then statistical analyses of the data are used to hypothesize which organisms are
the most closely related to one another (Chapter 5).
Once qualitative and quantitative data are carefully collected and communicated
to other people, facts become clearer to observers. For example, people have
repeatedly observed falling objects and have collected data from these observations,
leading them to conclude that gravity is a fact. People have observed repeatedly
nuclear reactions and collected data on them, thus they now realize that the effects
of nuclear physics are factual. People have observed repeatedly the effects of the
development of new species over time and have collected data on these effects,
eventually resulting in the knowledge that biological evolution is a fact. Because
people have observed repeatedly many bodily remains or traces of dinosaurs and
collected much data on them, they also know that the former existence of
dinosaurs is a fact. Because the explanations for these observations are equivocal,
however, science does not stop with just the gathering of facts. In science, facts
and how they occur as real phenomena require interpretations, not just acceptance
of their existence.
1 testable;
2 falsifiable;
3 based on independently verifiable and observable factual information; and
4 used to make predictions.
Some dinosaurs were invisible, weightless, and left no bodily remains or other traces
of their existence.
The third of these outcomes is the most common; scientists rarely come to agree-
ment on all details of a hypothesis! Nevertheless, if the main points of a hypothesis
are supported after further testing and not disproved, then it is conditionally accepted
but with the acknowledgment that it might later be proved wrong. A researcher
also may have multiple hypotheses proposed as alternative explanations for the
observations, but each of these must be tested for their veracity through the same
methodology. The researcher also must be open to any new evidence that supports
one of the originally rejected hypotheses, which would prompt a reinvestigation
of their explanations.
The original investigators of some observed phenomena, who summarize the results
of their testing and conclusions in a presentable form, typically test a hypothesis
first. Then the results and conclusions are given to reviewers, who critically exam-
ine the evidence and explanations of the observations. Experts on the subject may
attempt to repeat the methods and results described by the investigators, so they
can compare the proposed results to their own experiences. This procedure is called
peer review, a form of independent confirmation that is an essential part of the
formal scientific process. In dinosaur studies, any potentially new discovery of
dinosaur body or trace fossils is followed typically by a process where the investig-
ators analyze their find, test results from the analyses, summarize and illustrate
their find in a report, and submit that report to recognized dinosaur experts for
peer review.
If a scientific report, with its hypotheses, is accepted for publication, then it is
shared in topic-specific journals or at professional meetings with scientists who have
similar interests. In the latter situation, papers are given as formal presentations in
front of peers, either as a talk or a poster. These papers then undergo more peer
review from those who view these presentations. This process means that just because
a paper is accepted for publication or presentation does not mean that it is cor-
rect. It may still be disproved or modified by further critical analysis from the sci-
entific community, sometimes many years after it was conditionally accepted.
The original manuscripts of some science books also undergo peer review.
Because of this variability in procedure in comparison to most journals, the mater-
ial presented in books should be examined for evidence of peer review before accept-
ing that any hypotheses within it are scientifically based. In fact, this book
underwent peer review and was considerably improved in its scientific accuracy
through that method, although it still may contain some factual errors and dis-
proved hypotheses. Fortunately for the students using this book now, it is a sec-
ond edition. This means that many, although probably not all, of the mistakes from
the first edition (written in 2000) were corrected and new evidence and hypothe-
ses were added. It is also largely a secondary source, which means that little of
the information presented here represents original dinosaur research done by the
author. Likewise, many books that are considered as reliable sources of informa-
tion, such as encyclopedias or textbooks, are actually at least one step removed from
their original sources of information. Thus, these are more liable to error because,
for example, the authors could have misinterpreted the works of others. An ana-
logy to this situation can be illustrated by photocopying a document, then photo-
copying each successive photocopy; after about 20 reiterations, the words from
the document may be unreadable.
Internal documents written in private corporations or in some government agen-
cies, even if done by scientists who use scientific methods, are also not considered
as peer reviewed because they are rarely shared with the rest of the scientific com-
munity for evaluation. Reports that are issued from such entities must be exam-
ined very critically. This is especially the case if they have conclusions that
positively affirm the mission statement of the corporation or government agency
with no additional self-critique (hence indicating a possible bias). Such distortions
are a result of a priori reasoning, where conclusions are first accepted as correct,
then facts are selected afterwards on the basis of how well they conform to the
conclusions. Recent examples of such misuse of internal reports were those written
Comparison between
Archaeopteryx, a Late
Jurassic bird, and
Compsognathus, a Late
Jurassic theropod, as
an approximate
example of a transition
between fossil forms as
predicted by Darwins
hypothesis of natural
selection. Reprinted by
permission. From Paul
(1988), The Predatory
Dinosaurs of the World,
Simon & Schuster, NY,
p. 115.
composed of rocks pasted together that contained two different animals, a fossil non-
avian theropod and a fossil bird. Ironically, both of the fossils were new to science
at the time too, which initially gave it added credibility! Unfortunately, such mis-
takes can damage the credibility of a genuine find. Because of this potential pitfall,
scientists are often quite reticent about reporting their preliminary findings when
interviewed by mainstream journalists. Also, some journals will reject a paper if
the results were previously published in a mainstream source, especially if the authors
of the paper actively sought the publicity before they submitted it to the journal.
The ability to predict future observations on the basis of a hypothesis is one of
the most effective and powerful ways to test its relative strength, and is central to
scientific methods. An example of this predictability in paleontology was Charles
Darwins book On the Origin of Species, published in 1859, in which he predicted
that transitional forms between major groups of organisms would be found in the
fossil record. This prediction was followed two years later by the discovery of
Archaeopteryx, a Late Jurassic fossil that shows numerous shared characteristics of
dinosaurs and modern birds (Fig. 2.4). Hypotheses that do not predict observations
in such a manner are incomplete (although not necessarily wrong), and consequently
may not be built on a firm scientific foundation.
Two sequential steps can summarize the essence of hypothesis building: descrip-
tion and interpretation. The description phase involves the gathering of data (obser-
vations), which should be as meticulous and detailed as is humanly practical. For
example, an analysis of hundreds of dinosaur bones might involve measuring and
describing every feature of each individual bone, then performing statistical ana-
lyses of the quantitative data and verbal summaries of the qualitative data.
Another description might require measuring and describing a dinosaur trackway
that extends for 50 meters. Yet another description might be preceded by crawling
on hands and knees in the hot summer sun to count the number of dinosaur eggshell
fragments in a meter square. Descriptions, however, should be done with some objec-
tive in mind, such as testing hypotheses. The descriptive step requires extraordin-
ary patience and trust in a process that has no guarantee of success.
Nearly all researchers consider the interpretation phase to be the most exciting part
of the scientific process. In this phase, imagination is encouraged but, of course,
only within the confines of what is described by the data. This is when scientists
say that the spike on an iguanodontian hand was used for defense against pred- 2
ators (Chapter 11). This is when they explain that the missing tracks in a dinosaur
trackway represents the dinosaur hopping on one foot (Chapter 14). This is when
they say that the eggshell fragments in a dinosaur nest were broken originally by
an egg-stealing dinosaur (Chapter 9). But this is also the phase when they might
endure the critical scorn and derision of the rest of the scientific community, espe-
cially if they made major mistakes during their first step, the description. Good
interpretations are nearly always preceded by good descriptions, although good
descriptions are not guarantees of good interpretations.
If the first step is done well, then the second step may eventually result in an
explanation that will satisfy most scientists. This is the case whether that expla-
nation is based on original descriptions or a reinterpretation of the descriptions of
others, maybe long after those original researchers have died. A hypothesis should
not be made with the expectation that it will please all scientists. Although the
complete dismissal of egos is unrealistic, scientists should also expect to develop a
skin as thick as an ankylosaur (Chapter 12) and separate themselves personally from
their work. As a scientist or thinking human being, getting used to constructive
criticism and learning from it each time should result in improvement with each
new attempt to answer the questions: What is this? or How did this happen?
What is a Theory?
A theory is a hypothesis, or set of related hypotheses, that withstands repeated
testing to the point of widespread acceptance by the scientific community.
Moreover, theories interrelate and overlap with one another; they do not stand alone
in isolation from one another. Because they are also typically based on interrelated
hypotheses, theories are still subject to further testing and are potentially
falsifiable, but the likelihood of their being proved absolutely wrong is unlikely. At
worst, theories are refined and better understood with time. Among the best-known
theories are:
Of these theories, plate tectonics is the youngest but, as will be explained later
(Chapter 4), sufficient evidence has accumulated during the past 35 years for it to
be accepted by the vast majority of geologists worldwide, and will very likely serve
as a working model of global processes for the future.
Hypotheses that have not yet withstood peer review and ideas that have no sup-
porting factual evidence are often mistakenly called theories. For example, some
paleontologists might say that they have a theory about what types of nests were
left by pachycephalosaurs (Chapter 13). Other paleontologists, however, might exam-
ine this statement and find that no pachycephalosaur eggs, nests, or even embry-
onic skeletons of these dinosaurs have ever been interpreted from the geologic record.
Therefore, such a theory is actually a weakly supported hypothesis, having been
based entirely on the factual existence of pachycephalosaurs and the probability
that they laid eggs.
1 the global climate-change models being criticized are based on a huge body
of independent observations made by scientists worldwide that neverthe-
less show remarkable consistency; and
2 the non-scientists are also appealing to a concept of equal time, in that
their unscientific opinions should be weighed as equally valid (or superior)
to hypotheses of the mainstream scientific community.
What Is an Opinion?
An opinion is an idea that is based more on how a person feels, and it may or
may not be based on factual information. For example, someone might say, I really
dislike Compsognathus (Fig. 2.4). When asked why, the person might say, Because
someone told me that it was a scavenger and I dont like scavengers. In this instance,
what this person has expressed is an opinion. A listener has few ways of knowing
what evidence or rationale supports that feeling, as well as the subsequent state-
ment. Opinions are not necessarily incorrect and may actually coincide with fac-
tual information, but they are not derived scientifically. Thus, a flippant rejection
of an evidence-based hypothesis or theory as just an opinion is fundamentally
incorrect. The dismissal itself is an opinion because it has no expressed factual infor-
mation supporting it and was not formed through evidence-based reasoning.
John Bell Hatcher, a dinosaur paleontologist (Chapter 3), expressed a similar per-
ception about the relative value of opinions in a 1907 publication, where he wrote
about the errors made by two other paleontologists regarding the identification of
some ceratopsian dinosaur remains (Chapter 13):
They [the errors] are, moreover, striking examples of that axiom so often disregarded
in vertebrate paleontology, namely, that one observed fact is worth any amount of
expert opinion.
Hatchers thought also relates well to the use of single or personal observations
and their value in science. Anecdotes, which are personal-experience stories com- 2
municated by one person to another, are not considered scientific, especially if they
are related as second-hand information. The use of anecdotes to support a hypo-
thesis risks the possibility of an individual fallacy, which means that a single obser-
vation by one person is applied universally in a potentially incorrect way. For example,
someone might say, I have a friend who discovered a new species of dinosaur,
therefore anyone can discover one. Because not all people have the right geographic
location, training, skills, funding, or luck to find a dinosaur within their lifetimes,
let alone a new species, such an assertion can be easily disproved. Just because a
circumstance is possible does not mean it is probable, nor does it mean that it actu-
ally happened or will happen.
Argument by authority is another method that uses the views of an expert
associated with a scientific discipline to support what may turn out to be mere opin-
ion. In this case, an authority, such as someone who may have numerous degrees
from well-known universities, might be quoted in a way that shows that persons
support for a particular idea. For example:
Notice that no documentation was provided showing that Martin (no relation
to the author of this book) actually made this statement. Even if Martin did make
the statement, its entire context must be examined to see if it was preceded by a
clarifying sentence, such as early in his career, A. J. Martin ingested large amounts
of hallucinogens. Also notice that even if Martin did make this statement, it pre-
sents no supporting evidence. Finally, if evidence is associated with the statement,
further investigation would determine whether the statement underwent any sort
of peer review by experts in paleontology or if it was simply published in the
popular press, mentioned in an e-mail message, or garnered through hearsay. As a
result, Martins status as a famous paleontologist who works at a prestigious uni-
versity, or is otherwise an authority in his field, is irrelevant to the strength of his
argument. The evidence and how it is presented are what really matter in science.
To illustrate the last point, someone could point to the earlier quotation from
Hatcher as an argument from authority and speculate that it is taken out of con-
text. A responsible researcher would address such a criticism by providing the full
bibliographic reference from the peer-reviewed, scientific literature:
Hatcher, J. B. 1907. In Hatcher, J. B., Marsh, O. C., and Lull, R. S. The Ceratopsia.
United States Geological Survey Monograph 49. Washington, D.C.: US Government
Printing Office, 1907, 300 p.
The researcher is thus providing the original source of the information for the perusal
of anyone who would like to check on the quotation and its context. This places
the burden of disproof upon the critic, while simultaneously showing that the
researcher has nothing to hide.
A wonderful aspect of science is that it is not an autocracy, nor is it a demo-
cracy. What a single authority states should be irrelevant unless that person has
documented repeatable and testable evidence supporting that statement, regardless
of how qualified that person is in a scientific field or whether that person had pre-
viously made some notable scientific discoveries. Likewise, if a popular opinion
poll was taken tomorrow and it revealed that 51% of the people polled believed
that humans and dinosaurs co-existed, the paleontological community would not
change all of its voluminous findings that clearly contradict this view so that they
conform to public opinion. For this reason alone, scientists normally would make
extremely poor politicians and, not coincidentally, the vast majority of elected officials
are non-scientists.
Unfortunately, an actual public opinion poll in 1998 quizzed US adult parti-
cipants on their scientific knowledge and did show this same percentage (51%)
of people believing in the co-existence of dinosaurs and people, despite the well-
established, factually-based 65-million-year gap between them. However, a testing
of the validity of the original polling methods might also falsify or otherwise
modify the hypothesis presented by the pollsters. Ways to test it include asking:
sometimes years after they were convicted, has the potential to show with 99%
probability that another person committed the crime. Thus, the new results exon- 2
erate (falsify) the jury verdict, and the prosecuting attorneys proof is rendered invalid.
So a challenge to all readers of this book, in their applications of scientific
methods, is to ask:
A suggested procedure for this line of inquiry is to ask the following questions:
observer should associate distinctive and memorable characteristics with each fos-
sil. Actual specimens are preferable because the observer can see the color and feel
the texture and density of the fossil, or otherwise manipulate the fossils in three
dimensions; some computer-generated illustrations or animations of digital photo-
graphs can also imitate the latter action.
An observer can also draw a specimen, which is strongly recommended for learn-
ing more about a fossil. Drawing encourages careful consideration and deliberation
on the defining features of a fossil. Whether the artist is a beginner or an expert,
pencils are the best tools for drawing fossils. In the process of erasing and redraw-
ing, the observer can gain new insights on the subject and correct parts of the pre-
vious sketch in the light of newly-discovered features. Adding a scale to the sketch,
such as showing the length of 1.0 cm in comparison to your fossil, is very import-
ant for communicating its size to other people. The observer can also read a descrip-
tion of the fossil either before or after sketching it. Descriptions are important because
their vocabulary will be learned in conjunction with a specific fossils image. This
visual and verbal record, which involves evidence gathering and testing of the evid-
ence, can prepare an observer before going into a field situation. Some people,
however, are entirely trained in these methods in the field.
untrained people often label large oval objects as dinosaur eggs. In such cases, both
novice and expert alike should remember that clouds sometimes resemble horses
or dragons. Field partners can provide instant reality checks that prevent imagina-
tions from running wild.
Paleontologists discover quickly and early in their careers that fossils are rarely
preserved as complete specimens and more likely to occur as mere fragments
(Fig. 2.5). With enough correcting of observations and accounting for variations
in fossil preservation (Chapter 7), however, identifications become easier. A search
pattern is a mental image used by geologists, wildlife biologists, and ecologists, in
which they scan an area with certain shapes or colors in mind, based on previous
experiences, looking for matching objects. In some cases, these items correspond
to what the observer is looking for. In all cases, scientific methods can be applied
instantly to the observation in the form of the simple but very appropriate ques-
tion What is this? (Fig. 2.6).
When an object is found that is identified tentatively as a fossil, a paleontologist
will normally observe everything about it that comes to mind. This is the description
phase, which has worked well for previous generations of scientists. The paleontolo-
gists will gather both qualitative and quantitative data by drawing, photographing,
measuring dimensions, describing shapes, and noting any resemblance of a
possible fossil to known objects. If the object was not lying on the ground surface,
they also will especially document how it was found in the context of its host rock.
All these observations will connect in some way with a hypothesis; this is the inter-
pretation phase, an attempt to explain the data that may or may not reconcile with
a hypothesis held by the observer before going into the field. If possible, this hypo-
thesis can be tested initially in the field while the source of data is still in front of
the observer. As mentioned earlier, a skeptical field partner is a big help to pale-
ontologists in this respect. In the case of the solitary professional paleontologist or
amateur collector, thorough descriptions become even more essential for commun-
icating results to other paleontologists for evaluation. In this case, measurements
(quantitative data) are among the most important descriptors for absolute comparisons
and testing of a hypothesis. They can also be used later for calculating ratios, areas,
volumes, or statistical tests, which can all be used in hypothesis testing.
When making these types of comparisons, the larger a sample set of measure-
ments, the more meaningful the description. For example, if some paleontologists
have multiple measurements for what they hypothesize is the same type of fossil,
such as dinosaur tracks, an average value is useful. They can also report a range
of values, which is the maximum number coupled with the minimum number, to
give an approximation of the variability of the data. An average, also called the
mean, is calculated through the following formula:
X= (2.1)
where x is the sum of all values measured and n is the number of values. An
example of how average and range can be demonstrated is by using seven measured
dinosaur tracks with the following lengths: 80, 64, 78, 72, 82, 75, and 69 cm.
(80 + 64 + 78 + 72 + 82 + 75 + 69) cm
520 cm
Step 1. =
Step 2. = 74.3 cm
Based on the given data set, the range of sizes is 6482 cm.
Dinosaur tracks have a mean length that fits other known
dinosaur tracks, and the smallest and largest lengths also
Of course, calculating
conform to previously interpreted tracks, but the variation
an average and
of the data is otherwise not well defined. A well-known and
range is not the end
useful measurement for variation is standard deviation,
of describing a set of which describes the spread of data around a mean. Standard
measurements. deviation is the positive square root of another statistical
measurement called variance. Standard deviation, which is
easily calculated by popular spreadsheet programs, can be applied to a normally
distributed sample, which is described by a bell-shaped curve. One standard devi-
ation represents 68% of all measurements on both sides of the mean; two standard
deviations represent 95% and three standard deviations represent 99% (Fig. 2.7).
Many sets of data from the natural world are not normally distributed, which means
that the median (middle value of the data set) will not be in the exact peak of the
distribution, making it a skewed distribution. Likewise, many measurements
of dinosaurs, such as femur lengths and widths, track lengths, or egg volumes,
have skewed distributions, which may reflect the original life distribution or may
be artifacts of the sampling and fossil preservation (Chapter 7). With our given
Digit III
Digit II
18 cm
Digit IV
dinosaur track from the Middle Jurassic
Sundance Formation of Wyoming, with
measurements included and indicators of
definition of width and length of a track
that would be difficult to determine through
only a verbal description, whereas the sketch
shows clearly what was measured. 23 cm
data set for the dinosaur tracks, the standard deviation would be 6.3 cm, so the
sample then can be described as having a mean and standard deviation of 74.3
and 6.3 cm, respectively.
Good scientists also report units of measurement after the numbers. Otherwise,
someone examining the data has no idea what parameter was measured (meters,
liters, or rutabagas). In the example provided, the average length may be import-
ant because not all dinosaur tracks are as large or small as the average. Sketches
of measured specimens, showing exactly what was measured, are also extremely
helpful for follow-up research (Fig. 2.8). A detailed description, preferably with illus-
trations and careful measurements, will communicate results better and encourage
further study of a paleontological find.
Most professional paleontologists have had experience with amateur paleontolo-
gists who have incredible skills at discerning fossils in places where many experts
have looked before but have never found any. One way to explain the skills of these
people is that they have developed a very efficient search pattern, which helps them
sift through all the extraneous or otherwise distracting stimuli and instantly focus
on their objective. Paleontologists who have not developed a similarly efficient search
pattern and do not understand the combination of experience and talent behind it
might simply refer to that person as lucky. Although some people may have an obvi-
ous knack for finding fossils, training to look for them is continually self-correcting
and incorporates education about gathering both qualitative and quantitative data.
This training is probably the best way to ensure the development of improved
fossil-finding abilities, whether in looking for dinosaur fossils or other fossils.
Two paleontologists, who began as friends, soon became bitter enemies after they
started to compete for the same fossils in the same field area. This incident was
exacerbated when one of the paleontologists publicly exposed a major scientific
mistake made by the other. The paleontologist in error was so deeply embarrassed
that he attempted to buy, with his own personal funds, all of the journals that
contained his mistake. The two rivals soon began employing spies to report on the
dinosaur localities and finds made by the others field crews. Some of their employ-
ees even destroyed dinosaur bones in the field to prevent them from being found
or used by the others employees. Each of the paleontologists took out ads in major
newspapers defaming the other, compounding their enmity for one another. And,
because both were such famous paleontologists, many people were eager to join
their quests for dinosaur discoveries and were willing to work for small wages under
difficult field conditions for years at a time. One of the paleontologists barely acknow-
ledged the discoveries of his workers; he rarely visited them in the field, and he
openly stole their results for his publications to further his fame.
Is this a recent expos by an intrepid news crew for a tabloid television special
about two famous paleontologists at renowned US universities who are exploiting
their graduate students? No, it actually happened between two American dinosaur
paleontologists, Otheniel Charles Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope, in the late nine-
teenth century (Chapter 3). Their tale of greed and considerable egos, fueled by
dinosaur discoveries, is one of the most unsavory yet fascinating stories in the his-
tory of paleontology, and it provides an excellent example of how ethical prob-
lems in science are not limited to todays media. However, it also serves as a starting
point for discussing the importance of ethics to science in general, and dinosaur
studies in particular. Ethics in dinosaur studies are often directly related to the money
that can be made from dinosaurs, an issue that is well publicized in the stories of
the popular press today.
Ethics comprises a set of principles of conduct or behavior in human society and
how that behavior affects peoples relationships with one another. The principles
in ethics, of what is acceptable or unacceptable, are variable, depending on the
norms and needs of a given society. (Think of norm and variation in principles as
analogous to mean and standard deviation, respectively.) Standards are agreed upon
sufficiently by a majority of people (as consensus) that certain behaviors are either
considered wrong or right within a given society, and those standards may change
throughout time. For example, many world societies normally consider killing other
people as wrong, but the same societies allow for the variance that killing under
the conditions of war or self-defense is right. In terms of how standards change
with time, many cultures considered slavery to be acceptable during much of the
nineteenth century, but it is illegal in most countries today.
Ethics is a necessary subject for dinosaur studies, if for no other reason than because
the interest in dinosaur fossils has led to the attachment of monetary value to them,
which makes them economic commodities to be exchanged or sold. History has
shown that economic interests can lead to ethically problematic decisions. In fact,
the sale of fossils began nearly as soon as they were first scientifically described.
For example, early nineteenth-century English paleontologist Mary Anning sold
her fossil finds that came from Jurassic seacliffs near Lyme Regis, England.
Interestingly, the tongue-twister she sells seashells by the seashore was written
about the commercial practices of Anning.
Even though the economic value placed on dinosaur fossils has been at the
center of ethical dilemmas for paleontologists and fossil collectors since the late 2
nineteenth century, ethics also enters into decisions that are often unique to pale-
ontology in comparison to most other sciences, as illustrated by the following hypo-
thetical examples:
n Does the amateur fossil collector who originally found a fossil get co-
authorship on a scientific report of the fossil? Does the professional pale-
ontologist acknowledge the collector or does the paleontologist deserve sole
authorship because of his or her advanced educational background?
n What if a fossil is found on private land? Should a paleontologist be expected
to pay the landowner the market value for that fossil before it can be studied?
n What recourse do graduate students have if their advisors publish their
field discoveries without their consent and the advisor is listed as the first
(or sometimes only) author in the resulting publication? Do the graduate
students report this transgression or do they accept that the use of their works
by an advisor goes with the territory of being a graduate student?
n What happens when one paleontologist performs research on certain fossils
knowing full well that another researcher is already studying them? What
if the first paleontologist scoops the second by submitting the results to a
journal first, leading to the second researchers work being rejected? Is this
just an example of how science, like other aspects of a capitalistic and goal-
oriented society, is a competitive venture?
But these are merely possible situations. As scientists, we need real, factually-based
examples of ethical dilemmas. Thus, here are some actual documented instances
from recent years of the ethical conflicts caused by the popularity and economic
aspects of dinosaurs:
n Private fossil collectors in South Dakota uncovered a nearly complete Tyran-
nosaurus rex skeleton, only to have it seized by FBI agents acting on behalf
of US government claims of ownership. The specimen, nicknamed Sue for
its discoverer, languished in federal storage for several years until it was finally
placed on the auction block at Sothebys and sold for $8.36 million. The
purchaser, the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, was backed by
corporate sponsors Disney and McDonalds. The grand unveiling of the
mounted skeleton in the Field Museum in May 2000 coincided with the open-
ing of the Disney movie Dinosaur (Chapter 1), and it was broadcast live on
ABC, a TV network owned by Disney. McDonalds also had a promotional
tie-in of their products with the movie.
n Academic paleontologists working in western Australia in cooperation with
indigenous tribes found probable stegosaur footprints. These prints are rarely
reported from the geologic record (Chapter 12) and were the only ones of
their kind found in Australia. Very soon after they were discovered, thieves
came into the area and cut the footprints from the rock, using power tools.
Because the site is considered sacred ground by the tribes, tribal spirituality
was permanently damaged by this act; furthermore, the desecration and
mistrust caused by the theft meant that paleontologists might not be given
permission to work in the region again. The stolen footprints were never
recovered and are presumably in a private collection, so they are still
unknown to science.
n A large theropod was discovered on federal land in Montana and was being
excavated by an academic paleontologist and his research team. While he
and colleagues were temporarily away from the site, a nearby rancher and
his family tried to excavate the fossil for themselves by using a backhoe.
When the federal government intervened, the rancher claimed that the
government had unjustifiably taken the land from him. A family member
reportedly said that selling the fossil would help to feed their family.
n Officials of a natural history museum in Japan were proud to have gained
from China a rare, Early Cretaceous bird fossil, Confuciusornis sanctus, only
to be embarrassed later when they discovered that the fossil was probably
smuggled illegally out of its country. Chinas 1989 law, prohibiting the un-
authorized export and sale abroad of Chinese fossils, was also prompted in
part by the widespread smuggling during the late 1980s of other fossils, includ-
ing hundreds of Late Cretaceous dinosaur eggs (Chapter 8).
In these circumstances, the desire for economic gain and the quest for scientific
knowledge became antagonistic. Private collectors and corporations competed for
prize fossils while paleontologists associated either with museums or universities
attempted to fulfill the ideals of scholarly study. However, as reprehensible as the
theft or sale of fossils may seem to some people, in reality too few trained academic
paleontologists are available to study all of the discovered fossils and find all of the
undiscovered ones. This problem will not be solved soon because employment oppor-
tunities for academic paleontologists have decreased with diminished financial
support for paleontology and geology. Consequently, despite the high public inter-
est in paleontology, little economic incentive exists for people to pursue academic
careers in paleontology, which results in a logical market response fewer profes-
sional paleontologists.
Private collectors also make the point that, because there are not enough pale-
ontologists, many fossils would weather and disappear long before they could ever
be studied. In the eyes of many collectors, they are performing an important ser-
vice by preserving fossils, whether they view them as natural art or as scientific
curios. Most assuredly, some collectors, working as amateurs or for commercial gain,
are careful to gather scientifically important information associated with legally found
fossils and allow scientists to examine their specimens. One example of such coop-
eration took place in Alabama from 2000 to 2004, when amateur collectors worked
together with professional paleontologists to collect, catalogue, and preserve 310-
million-year-old fossil amphibian tracks from a site near Birmingham, Alabama.
Furthermore, despite publicity given to illegal transactions, not all private collec-
tors are vandals or thieves, with disreputable collectors very much in the minor-
ity. As dinosaur fossils have increased in market value, other players have been
attracted to acquire them. Corporations have entered into the bidding for fossils
so they can better their advertising, such as the aforementioned Sue. Interestingly,
this specimen has been the source of several previously unknown and important
insights on T. rex anatomy and behavior (Chapter 9). In these cases, the line between
commercialism and science is obscured and people become understandably con-
fused by the purposes and aims of paleontology.
To solve some of the problems associated with the collection of fossils, professional
paleontologists, who must share some responsibility for public ignorance of fossils,
could initiate more public outreach, perhaps through local schools, fossil-collecting
clubs, or the Web. They could discuss proper collection procedures (especially what
is legal or illegal) and openly discuss what is considered in their profession as right
or wrong behavior. Sharp-eyed amateur collectors with well-honed search patterns
have historically found some of the most important fossils (Chapter 3), at least partly
because amateurs and paleontologists have cooperated with one another for a long
time. In fact, paleontology and astronomy are the only two sciences in which ama-
teurs make regular contributions with scientific importance. Paleontologists can help
to continue this tradition by showing amateurs how to develop search patterns as
they scan the Earth for vestiges of past life, how to record information about their
finds, and how to prevent damaging fossils by the use of proper collecting methods.
One of the outstanding fringe benefits of such apprenticeships is that todays ama- 2
teur is potentially tomorrows professional, as evidenced by some now-famous pale-
ontologists who, long before they had degrees attached to their names, began their
careers by wandering through fossil-laden areas (Chapter 3).
Most importantly, whether people are novices or experts at observing and iden-
tifying fossils, they can still go to rock exposures, look for fossils, and experience
the joy of discovering evidence of ancient life being seen by human eyes for the
first time in the history of the Earth. These private moments of enlightenment and
feelings of connection with the ancient past can be more valuable than auctioned
fossils, even if they do not always feed a family or help to promote a movie.
Bibliography 2
Cvancara, A. M. 1990. Sleuthing Fossils: The Art of Investigating Past Life. New York: John
Wiley and Sons.
Dobzhansky, T. 1973. Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.
American Biology Teacher 35: 125129.
Emiliani, C. 1992. Planet Earth: Cosmology, Geology, and the Evolution of Life and
Environment. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Fiffer, S. 2000. Tyrannosaurus Sue: The Extraordinary Saga of the Largest, Most Fought over
T-Rex Ever Found. New York: W. H. Freeman & Co.
Frodeman, R. L. 1996. Envisioning the outcrop. Journal of Geological Education 44: 417427.
Gibson, M. A. 1994. Teaching scientific integrity to geology majors. Journal of Geological
Education 42: 345350.
Handford, M. 1997. Wheres Waldo?: The Wonder Book. Cambridge, Massachusetts:
Candlewick Press.
Hatcher, J. B., Marsh, O. C. and Lull, R. S. 1907. The Ceratopsia: United States
Geological Survey Monograph 49.
Horner, J. R. 1997. Afterword: Whats a dinosaur worth? In Horner, J. R. and Dobb,
Edwin, Dinosaur Lives. San Diego, California: Harcourt Brace and Company. pp 233
Kitcher, P. 1982. Abusing Science: The Case Against Creationism. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: MIT Press.
Padian, K. 1988. New discoveries about dinosaurs: separating facts from the news. Journal
of Geological Education 36: 215220.
Sagan, C. 1996. The Demon-Haunted World. New York: Random House.
Samuels, L. S. 1996. Antidotes for science phobia. The American Biology Teacher 58:
Schotchmoor, J. G., Springer, D. A., Breithaupt, B. H. and Fiorillo, A. R. 2002.
Dinosaurs: The Science Behind the Stories. Alexandria, Virginia: American Geological
Shermer, M. 1997. Why People Believe in Weird Things. New York: W. H. Freeman.
Stone, M. and Couzin, J. 1998. Smuggled Chinese fossils on exhibit. Science 281:
Vermeij, G. J. 1987. Evolution and Escalation; An Ecological History of Life. Princeton, New
Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Woodward, J. and Goodstein, D. 1996. Conduct, misconduct, and the structure of sci-
ence. American Scientist 84: 479490.
You have been hearing about dinosaurs ever since you were a child, but because
so many new dinosaur books have been published in the past few years you assume
that most dinosaur discoveries have been made in the last few decades. So when
you glance through one of the latest dinosaur books, you are surprised to find
that some famous dinosaurs, such as Stegosaurus and Triceratops, were dis-
covered and named in the nineteenth century. This makes you curious about other
well-known dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor.
Considering that the popularity of dinosaurs seems so recent, what kind of peo-
ple found and described dinosaur fossils, especially in the nineteenth century?
When were the most famous dinosaurs discovered, and by whom? What about
dinosaur tracks when were they found and who first decided that they
belonged to dinosaurs? Who found the first recognized dinosaur egg?
History of 3
Dinosaur Studies
The Importance of
Knowing the History of
Dinosaur Studies
Within a human lifetime, several
years may seem like an eternity,
especially during our youth, and
revived customs within society can take on a completely new appearance when
people are experiencing them for the first time. Thus, what seems the latest fash-
ion today actually may be a recycled trend of yesteryear. Such is the case with
dinosaurs, which were a hot topic in scientific and public circles in the nineteenth
and early twentieth centuries. Although there was sporadic interest in dinosaurs
throughout the middle of the twentieth century, the Dinosaur Renaissance did
not begin until during the past 35 years. This cyclicity can be attributed mostly to
the people who studied dinosaurs, but it is also dependent on larger societal fac-
tors, such as relative public support of science or world wars. In eighteenth and
nineteenth century Europe, North America, and South America, people used the
beginnings of formalized scientific methods as they made new observations about
dinosaur fossils and documented their finds. Some of these people dared to pro-
pose new hypotheses about such fossils, some of which, in the face of subsequent
research, we ridicule today. However, some hypotheses first proposed during those
times have undergone peer review by many generations of scientists and have stood
the test of time with little or no modification.
In reading about the people who studied dinosaurs, we can:
of the most influential books in the field; he also invented the term palaeonto-
logy (using the British spelling). As many of the geologic principles advocated by
Lyell are still in use today (Chapter 4), Bucklands influence had considerable impact
on modern geology.
On a more personal note, Buckland was a strange man who reveled in his odd-
ness (which supports the idea that paleontologists really have not changed very
much in the past two centuries). To say that he was eccentric is akin to saying that
Seismosaurus (Chapter 10) was large. He apparently delighted in proving people wrong;
for example, he gained some fame when he correctly identified the purported remains
of Saint Rosalia at a religious shrine in Palermo, Italy, as goat bones. He kept a
menagerie in his home that included jackals, which were known to eat his free-
roaming guinea pigs, and a bear named Tiglath Pileser (named after an Assyrian
king, 745727 bce). The bear was Bucklands frequent companion at academic func-
tions and was normally clothed in a cap and gown. Bucklands interest in animals
extended to consuming them, so through much experimentation he attempted to
develop a system of classifying them on the basis of taste alone. Regardless of these
quirks, all who knew him regarded him as brilliant and he certainly contributed
much to the scientific study of dinosaurs.
many people regarded him as the authority on the subject, so his word was often
unquestioned (except by Mantell), regardless of the validity of his interpretations.
He is best known for his invention of the term Dinosauria (whose members were
called dinosaurs), which he first used in 1842 in reference to the large, extinct, reptile-
like animals described by Buckland and Mantell. Dinosauria is based on the Greek
roots deinos (terrible) and sauros (reptile or lizard); in Victorian England, the
common usage of the word terrible connoted the awesome nature of these animals,
rather than their fearsomeness, poor hygiene, or other negative attributes. As an
example of how authorities are not necessarily always correct in science (Chapter 2),
Owen did not include three dinosaurs known at the time in his group, Dinosauria:
Cetiosaurus, a sauropod, Poekilopleuron, a theropod, and Thecodontosaurus, a
prosauropod. Instead, he classified them as unrelated reptiles.
To his credit, Owen recognized several features that are still key to the classifica-
tion of dinosaurs today (Chapter 5). Also, he was a consultant to artist Benjamin
Waterhouse Hawkins (180789), who produced the first examples of dinosaur art-
work (sculptures and drawings). Unfortunately, the scarcity of dinosaur material and
scientific hypotheses at the time resulted in Hawkins artistic reconstructions of
dinosaurs as ponderous and heavy-set quadrupeds, thus encouraging a popular mis-
conception that would influence future investigators until the end of the century.
In 1854, Owen was the first person to describe and name a dinosaur from South
Africa, the Late Triassic prosauropod Massospondylus (Chapter 10).
France and Germany were also sites of dinosaur fossil discoveries during the nine-
teenth century. A Frenchman, A. de Caumont, discovered bones of Megalosaurus
in Normandy in 1828, and in 1838, Jacques-Amand Eudes-Deslonchamps
(17941867) was the first person to name a dinosaur from France, the previously-
mentioned Poekilopleuron bucklandi (named in honor of Buckland). French pale-
ontologists were also the first to record dinosaur eggshell fragments from the
fossil record (Chapter 7). Jean-Jacques Pouech (181492), a Catholic priest, gave
an excellent description of eggshells that, from their size and geologic occurrence
(Late Cretaceous), could only have been from dinosaur eggs. In 1869, Phillipe
Matheron (180799), who had followed Pouechs work, hypothesized a connec-
tion between Pouechs eggshell fragments and the Late Cretaceous skeletal mater-
ial of dinosaurs found in Provence. Paul Gervais (181679), also of France, was
the first scientist to conduct detailed analyses of dinosaur eggshell fragments, the
results of which he published throughout the 1870s. In Germany, one of the
1868 for a different dinosaur species found in the USA, discussed below. Dollo, in
1887 alone, published 94 peer-reviewed papers.
Europeans worked very little on African dinosaurs during the nineteenth cen-
tury, although in 1896 Frenchman Charles Depret (18541929) described bones
of a previously undiscovered species of sauropod, Titanosaurus (Chapter 10), and a
theropod, Majungasaurus (Chapter 9), from Madagascar. These discoveries fore- 3
shadowed the potential for later major discoveries in Madagascar nearly a century
later. Another French paleontologist reported dinosaur tracks from Algeria in 1880,
but little other information is available about this find. Similarly, no definite
reports of dinosaur fossils came out of Australia in the nineteenth century, and it
was not until 1903 that William Hamilton Ferguson (18611957) found a thero-
pod toe bone, nicknamed the Paterson claw, in Cretaceous rocks of Cape
Paterson, Victoria.
ichnology for the science of traces and trace fossils (Chapters 2 and 14). This
classic work is still cited, not only for its extensive illustrations and descriptions of
dinosaur tracks, but because it contains some of the few recorded instances of dinosaur
sitting traces and tail-drag marks.
Another paleontological enthusiast in Massachusetts at the same time was John
Collins Warren (17781856). Warren was a Harvard physician who also dabbled 3
in fossils while maintaining his primary interest in anatomy; his first exposure to
anatomical studies began with his father, who was the founder of Harvard Medical
School. The younger Warren studied anatomy with Cuvier in Paris and later per-
formed the first surgery with anesthesia in 1846. In 1854, Warren had the distinc-
tion of publishing not only the first photographic illustration of a dinosaur track,
but also the first photograph shown in an American scientific publication. Scien-
tific illustration, particularly for such photogenic subjects as dinosaurs, was forever
changed, although photography was a new and difficult-to-use medium that would
not see extensive use in dinosaur studies until later in the nineteenth century.
Despite all of this good science, no one had yet identified a dinosaur fossil
from North America until the works of Joseph Leidy (182391), who initiated
Americans recurring fascination with dinosaurs. Leidy, a physician and anatomist
from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, became bored with medicine and soon turned
to paleontology and other aspects of natural history. In 1856 he published a study
of the dinosaur teeth found the previous year by Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden
in Upper Cretaceous strata of what is now Montana. Leidy named one of the
dinosaurs, Troodon, on only the basis of these teeth (a risky scientific endeavor),
which later studies revealed as one of the most interesting theropods ever found
in North America (Chapter 9). It was another dinosaur, however, that would make
Leidy a celebrity in the USA. William Parker Foulke found a Late Cretaceous
dinosaur, the ornithopod (and hadrosaurid) Hadrosaurus foulkii, in nearby New Jersey;
the dinosaur was graciously named after its discoverer. Foulke had been steered to
the site by the landowner and previous discoverer of probable dinosaur bones, John
E. Hopkins. This dinosaur was similar to and probably related to Iguanodon, but
Leidy provided an incisive interpretation of it; on the basis of the relatively com-
plete skeleton, he argued convincingly for the inherent bipedalism of a dinosaur.
Moreover, he pointed out that, judging from its limbs, Hadrosaurus was likely a fac-
ultative quadruped, meaning that it could have walked on all fours if necessary.
This hypothesis was later supported by the find of probable ornithopod tracks that
reflect such behavior (Chapters 11 and 14). Furthermore, Leidy proposed a preburial
history of the specimen that was probably correct. He thought that this dinosaur
originally dwelled on land and its body was washed out to sea, as its remains were
found in a marine deposit (Chapter 7).
In 1868, the artist Waterhouse Hawkins, who was living in the USA at the time,
attempted to use the same Hadrosaurus specimen as a model for artistic reconstruction.
Sadly, political problems and vandalism of his works-in-progress led to him being
denied an exhibit of the reconstruction, which was to have been displayed in New
York Citys then newly-established Central Park. Con-
sequently, the best that Hawkins could do was to make
Edward Drinker Cope a cast of the Hadrosaurus skeleton, which remained on
(18401897) and Othniel public display at the Academy of Sciences of Philadel-
Charles (O.C.) Marsh phia for many years.
(183199) (Fig. 3.6) The melodramatic interactions between Cope and
(Chapter 2) produced Marsh throughout their careers have inspired bibliogra-
simultaneously some of phers and paleontologists alike to invoke clichs such as
the most significant finds bitter rivals and sworn mortal enemies. These two
of dinosaurs in the world. paleontologists publicly aired hatred for one another
could be the subject of an extensive psychological study
Cope and Marshs lasting influence is seen through their naming of so many now
well-known dinosaurs, such as the thyreophoran Stegosaurus (Chapter 12), the
sauropods Diplodocus and Apatosaurus (the latter then named Brontosaurus: Chap-
ter 10), the theropods Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus (Chapter 9), the ceratopsian
Triceratops (Chapter 13), and the ornithopod Camptosaurus (Chapter 11). They also
attempted classification schemes, after Huxley but before Seeley, as a synthesis of 3
the dinosaur discoveries made by them and others. Most importantly, they pointed
future investigators to the areas of North America with extensive Mesozoic
deposits, clearly demonstrating the potential for more dinosaur discoveries.
Marsh was apparently averse to doing most of his own fieldwork, although report-
edly during one field excursion he and some assistants met with leaders of the Sioux
tribe, Red Cloud (18221909), Crazy Horse (184277), and Sitting Bull (183190),
to gain permission for dinosaur prospecting in their territories. Marsh kept his promise
to the Sioux that he would search only for dinosaur remains rather than gold, and
Sioux scouts were reportedly gratified to find only bones in the possession of Marshs
party when they left. Marshs assistants were probably also gratified to leave with
their lives intact. Cope also went infrequently into the field in the western states,
but more often than Marsh and always made significant finds when he did so. During
one of Copes trips, he met with Charles H. Sternberg (18501943), and they
prospected Cretaceous deposits in Montana in 1876. Sternberg later told the now-
famous stories of how the two men would typically hunt for dinosaur bones by
day, eat an awful late-evening meal, and go to bed. According to Sternberg, Cope
would then toss and turn in the throes of nightmares that brought his Mesozoic
beasts back to life, wherein they pummeled him. During this same trip, Sternberg
and Cope invented a method for protecting fossil specimens for their transport back
east, by boiling rice into a paste and mixing it with cloth strips that were draped
around the fossils to harden. Several of Marshs associates modified Sternberg and
Copes technique the next year by using plaster of Paris and burlap, a technique
that was used to make casts for broken human bones and is still used by many
dinosaur paleontologists today (Chapter 4). Sternberg undoubtedly learned much
about dinosaurs during his brief apprenticeship in the field with his nocturnally-
tormented mentor. His sons George, Levi, and Charles M. Sternberg (18851981)
later found more dinosaur bones in Canada than any other family since.
Before the end of the century, several new workers in North America entered the
fray between Cope and Marsh and made remarkable contributions to dinosaur stud-
ies. These people were Henry Fairfield Osborn (18571935), William Berryman
Scott, Barnum Brown (18731963), Walter Granger (18721941), and John Bell
Hatcher (18611904). Osborn and Scott were good friends while undergraduates
at Princeton University and decided, after being inspired in class one day by their
geology professor, Arnold Guyot (after whom seafloor volcanoes, guyots, were
named), to do the 1877 equivalent of a road trip. They hopped on a train and
went to Wyoming to find fossils. During their travels by train, horse, and wagon,
and in between meeting Native Americans and mountain men, they learned much
about fossils in a field context. Both became friends with Cope and went to Europe
to study with Huxley for a while before they became faculty at Princeton. Osborn
left Princeton in 1891 to become a staff member of the now-famous American
Museum of Natural History, where he founded the Department of Vertebrate
Paleontology and later became president.
In 1897, Osborn sent an expedition to look at the Morrison Formation in Como
Bluff, Wyoming, the site of much dinosaur work done by Marshs minions (Fig.
3.7). The group included Brown and Granger, both of whom were novices at field-
work but would become two of the most important dinosaur paleontologists of the
early twentieth century. This initial foray proved, after much searching, that Como
Bluff did not have the dinosaurs it used to have. They moved farther to the north
FIGURE 3.7 Barnum Brown (left) and Henry Fairfield Osborn (right) in the field at Como
Bluff, Wyoming, in 1897, with a sauropod (Diplodocus) limb bone in the foreground
and Late Jurassic Morrison Formation cropping out nearly everywhere else. Negative
No. 17808, Photo. Menke. Courtesy Dept. of Library Services, American Museum of
Natural History.
the next year and discovered an area where dinosaur bones littered the ground in
such abundance that a local shepherd had built a cabin out of them. The site, appro-
priately named Bone Cabin Quarry, provided about 30 tons of dinosaur bones of
141 individual skeletons during that year. Seven more annual expeditions by the
American Museum followed. The number of individual dinosaurs and tonnage were
recorded for six seasons and these records show how such sites can become quickly
depleted of dinosaur bones with continued mining (Fig. 3.8).
John Bell Hatcher, during his short life of 42 years, collected 50 ceratopsian skele-
tons (many with skulls) from Upper Cretaceous deposits in Wyoming, while
employed by Marsh from 1889 to 1892. This feat was single-handedly the most
quantitatively important contribution to the study of these wonderfully diverse
dinosaurs (Chapter 13). Hatcher became so disgruntled with Marsh that he even-
tually left and was hired by Scott at Princeton, for whom he did more work in
Colorado through the turn of the century. In his publications, Hatcher expressed
some of his disgust for Cope and Marshs occasional scientific errors. Sadly, Hatcher
died of typhus while writing his classic work, The Ceratopsia. But fortunately for
science, Richard Swan Lull (18671957), a paleontologist of some note himself
(discussed below), posthumously published the manuscript in 1907.
Elsewhere in North America, George Mercer Dawson (18491901), who was
the son of the important nineteenth-century geologist, Sir William Dawson
(182099), discovered dinosaur bones in Saskatchewan, Canada in 1874. Like
Osborn and Scott, George Dawson had studied with Huxley. Further discoveries were
made in 1884 by Joseph Burr Tyrrell (18591957) in the Red Deer River valley,
near Drumheller, Alberta, which was followed by other finds by one of his associ-
ates, Lawrence M. Lambe (18631919). As a member of the Canadian Geological
Survey, Lambe took a boat down the Red Deer River in 1897 to document more
dinosaur-bearing zones. Through the efforts of the Sternbergs, Brown, and other
paleontologists, the Red Deer River area of Canada was revealed as one of the rich-
est deposits of Late Cretaceous dinosaur bones in the world. Dawson, Tyrrell, and
Lambe are also fine examples of the benefits of fieldwork for ones health. Dawson
was very short and a hunchback, yet he energetically explored the wilderness areas
of Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia for fossils throughout his career.
Likewise, Tyrrell and Lambe began fieldwork in the late nineteenth century for health
improvement; Lambe continued doing fieldwork until his death in 1919 and
Tyrrell lived to the age of 98. In fact, Tyrrell exemplifies the longevity that is char-
acteristic of many well-known, field-oriented paleontologists and geologists from
the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, who had average life spans well above
typical life expectancies for their times (Table 3.1).
Only a few discoveries of dinosaurs from South America were documented as
dinosaurs during the nineteenth century, although some regions later became
history-making spots in dinosaur studies. The first discovery of dinosaur tracks in
Columbia, South America, was by Carl Degenhardt in 1839, although he, like
Hitchcock, thought they were bird tracks. The first discovery of dinosaur bones in
the Cretaceous rocks of Patagonia, Argentina, was in 1882 by a military officer known
only in historical records as Commandante Buratovich. Buratovich sent his finds
to the renowned Argentine paleontologist Florentino Ameghino (18541911), who
confirmed for the first time that Argentina had dinosaurs. Ameghinos brother, Carlos
Ameghino (18651936), often assisted him by doing most of their fieldwork.
Francisco P. Moreno (18521919) also found dinosaur bones in Argentina in 1891,
reconfirming their presence for future workers. Another Argentine, Santiago Roth,
began his paleontological career in the same area of Argentina soon after the
Cretaceous dinosaur remains were found. In the early part of the twentieth
century, Roth contributed to the dinosaur collection of the Museo de La Plata in
Argentina, of which Moreno was the first director. These dinosaur finds were early
indicators of later significant discoveries of skeletal material, eggs, nests, and tracks
in Upper TriassicUpper Cretaceous deposits of Argentina into the twenty-first cen-
tury. These include some of the largest theropods and sauropods known (Chap-
ters 9 and 11).
but also the destruction of dinosaur skeletons. Some skeletons were sunk during
submarine attacks of World War I while being transported across the Atlantic, and
other skeletons in German museums were destroyed in bombing raids by Allied
forces in World War II.
Of all Europeans who worked on dinosaurs in the early part of the twentieth
century, Franz (Ferenc) Baron von Fels-Szilvs Nopcsa (18771933) was the most
likely contender for William Bucklands position as the most unusual dinosaur pale-
ontologist (Fig. 3.9). The Transylvanian nobleman became a paleontologist by acci-
dent after his sister found some bones on her estate. He brought the bones to a
university professor to identify, and the professor told him, Study them yourself,
which he did. Although Nopcsa had no prior training in paleontology, he sub-
sequently published a description of the Cretaceous hadrosaur Telmatosaurus trans-
sylvanicus in 1900. He then conducted more research on the dinosaurs of his home
country, as well as those in England and France. Nopsca soon broadened his scope
to include large-scale concepts such as classification schemes, evolutionary rela-
tionships of dinosaurs, and integration of the (then) new idea of continental drift
with dinosaur distributions (Chapters 4 and 6). Although he was not always cor-
rect, Nopcsas thinking was original, and he may have been the first dinosaur pale-
ontologist to look intensively for sex differences in dinosaur species, a field of study
that generated much interest later (Chapters 5 and 8).
In addition to his paleontological ambitions, Nopcsa decided, after traveling through
Albania and studying its cultures and dialects, that he was the most qualified per-
son to rule it as king. He planned to accomplish this goal through various ima-
ginative machinations, which he shared with officials of the Austria-Hungarian
government. These plans included military strategies for invading Albania and
generating revenue for the new nation-state through marriage with a not-then-
identified daughter of an also-not-then-identified American millionaire. He figured
that it would be no problem to find one after he was crowned as a king. The gov-
ernment declined his offer, and he never did find his hypothetical rich wife. Instead,
his life took even stranger turns:
On a more mundane note, the finds of western North America continued with
the prodigious output of Barnum Brown in the early 1900s. In 1902, Brown dis-
covered one of the largest (and certainly the most famous) of land carnivores,
Tyrannosaurus rex, in the Late Cretaceous Hell Creek Formation of eastern
Montana. Brown then followed Lambe by taking a barge down the Red Deer
River in 1910, to explore Upper Cretaceous deposits there. For the next six years,
Brown and his associates, working through the American Museum, directed by Osborn
(who in 1905 named another tyrannosaurid, Albertosaurus, from this region:
Chapter 9), collected dinosaur bones from two different geologic levels. These
vertically-separated levels indicated different times in geologic history (Chapter 4),
so Browns collections contributed greatly to understanding the evolutionary
sequences of dinosaurs during the Late Cretaceous. Besides tyrannosaurids, other
dinosaurs documented from this area include the hadrosaur Corythosaurus (Chap-
ter 11), some ceratopsians, such as Monoclonius, Anchiceratops, and Leptoceratops
(Chapter 13), the large theropod Centrosaurus, and the ostrich-like theropod
Struthiomimus (Chapter 9). In 1907, Brown was the first paleontologist to write about
dinosaur gastroliths (stomach stones) that dinosaurs probably used for grinding
food in their digestive systems (Chapter 14). In his report, Brown noted that he
found gravel associated with the skeleton of the hadrosaur Claosaurus, which he
interpreted as gastroliths, but such hypotheses remain controversial and require much
careful documentation before conditional acceptance.
The Sternbergs (Charles M. and his brothers) followed Browns efforts. Prior to
their work in Alberta, the Sternbergs made one of the most unusual and scientifically-
valuable dinosaur finds of the time, when they discovered a hadrosaur in
Wyoming in 1908 with skin impressions associated with the skeleton (Chapters 6).
To confirm that their find was not a fluke, they later found another example nearby,
which indicated similar conditions of preservation. The brothers were then
employed by the Canadian Geological Survey, which was becoming tired of seeing
Americans get all of the credit for dinosaurs found in Canada and then taking the
Canadian dinosaurs out of the country to New York City. The Sternbergs started
their work in the same Red Deer River area in 1911, using not only a barge for
travel but also motorboats for occasional prospecting trips to shore. Among the
Sternbergs discoveries were specimens of the hadrosaur Prosaurolophus (Chapter
11), ankylosaurs (Chapter 12), the ceratopsians Chasmosaurus and Styracosaurus
(Chapter 13), and a large theropod, Gorgosaurus, which is often viewed as synony-
mous with Albertosaurus (Chapter 9). The area prospected by Browns group and
the Sternbergs (constituting an example of the aforementioned friendly competi-
tion) is now known as Dinosaur Provincial Park. Within this area is Drumheller,
Alberta, home of Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, which contains some
of Canadas finest dinosaur skeletons.
Far to the south of Alberta is another famous museum, one that is built around
dinosaurs still in their entombing Upper Jurassic rock. Dinosaur National
FIGURE 3.10 Outcrop of Morrison Formation (Late Jurassic) with extremely abundant
dinosaur bones, discovered by Earl Douglass in 1909, Dinosaur National Monument, near
Jensen, Utah.
Monument, near Jensen, Utah, contains about 1500 in situ dinosaur bones, which
are available for public viewing today (Fig. 3.10). This happy circumstance was
prompted largely by the efforts of Earl Douglass (18621931). In 1909, when Douglass
discovered this site (probably the most important Late Jurassic dinosaur deposit in
the world), he found what turned out to be a nearly complete specimen of Apato-
saurus (Chapter 10). Subsequent quarrying from 1909 to 1922, sponsored by indus-
trialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie (18351919) for his Carnegie Museum
(now the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), yielded
numerous skeletal remains of Allosaurus, Apatosaurus, Diplodocus, Dryptosaurus, and
Stegosaurus. One of the more significant specimens was a juvenile Camarasaurus that
was nearly complete and articulated, a very unusual find (Chapters 7 and 10). Workers
at this site may have been the first to use explosives, such as dynamite (invented
by Alfred Bernhard Nobel, 183397, of Nobel Prize fame), for extracting dinosaur
skeletons from their rocky matrix, a practice that has mercifully lessened since then.
Two interesting side notes are that the trivial name in Apatosaurus louisae was named
after Carnegies wife, Louise, and Diplodocus was the subject of the first (but cer-
tainly not last) dinosaur-themed pub song.
Similar dinosaur quarries in the western United States, which were found and mined
during the first half of the twentieth century, were the Howe and Cleveland-Lloyd
Quarries. The Howe Quarry was named after rancher Barker Howe, who discov-
ered dinosaur bones on his property in northwestern Wyoming and called in Barnum
Brown to investigate in 1934. Brown and his assistants then uncovered a dense
accumulation of Late Jurassic bones. The extreme density is confirmed by actual
data. Brown mapped meticulously in approximately 1 m2 intervals. The assemblage
includes mostly sauropods, such as Apatosaurus, Barosaurus, Camarasaurus, and
Diplodocus (Chapter 10). Their maps show the distribution of the bones (Fig. 3.11).
Bone abundance can be calculated using the following information:
A = lw (3.1)
where A is area, l is length, and w is width. The area of the Howe Quarry was
14 20 m, hence its total area was
A = 14 20 m = 280 m2 (3.2)
FIGURE 3.11 Map of Howe Quarry, showing horizontal distribution and concentration of
dinosaur bones in the quarry area. Squares represent approximately meter squares. Neg.
No. 314524. Courtesy Department of Library Services, American Museum of Natural History.
Bone abundance can be calculated by dividing the number of bones by the area:
Ba = N/At (3.3)
where Ba is bone density in bones per square meter, N is total number of bones, and
At is total area. Knowing that at least 4000 bones were recovered from this area,
Keep in mind that this number is equivalent to the mean number of bones per
square meter, which does not take into account that some meter squares may not
have had bones, or other squares had considerably more than 14. Additionally, look-
ing at a bone map clearly shows how some bones transect the meter-square bound-
aries, leading to some restrictions about how to count bones within an area.
Nevertheless, such calculations provide a measure of the relative abundance of skele-
tal components at a given site. Bone mapping, done at the Howe site by Browns
assistant Roland T. Bird (18991978), was the first attempt to record such infor-
mation in this amount of detail. This method is now a standard procedure at any
dinosaur bone deposit because it provides much evidence for hypotheses about
the post-death history of a dinosaur assemblage. For example, an abundance of
dinosaur bones probably indicates rapid burial of a number of dinosaurs together,
through some unusual event such as a river flood or ash deposit (Chapter 7). The
Howe Quarry also yielded dinosaur skin impressions, as well as a few dinosaur trace
fossils, such as gastroliths and tracks. 3
The Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry, which was first uncovered near the small, eastern
Utah town of Cleveland in 1937, also had a high bone density of Late Jurassic
dinosaurs in a relatively small area. With the guidance of William Lee Stokes
(191595) of Princeton University from 1937 to 1941, more than 12,000 dinosaur
bones were recovered from the site, of which 60% to 70% are from Allosaurus and
the rest from such dinosaurs as Camarasaurus, Stegosaurus, and the ornithopod
Camptosaurus. The assemblage is unusual in its concentration of allosaur skeletons,
leading to hypotheses that explain why so many meat-eaters would be in such a
small area (Chapters 7 and 9). Stokes later adopted Utah as his home and spent
much of his career at the University of Utah.
Roland Bird, who mapped the Howe Quarry, became more famous for his work
with dinosaur tracks, particularly in eastern Texas, but also in Arizona, Colorado,
and Utah. Like many early dinosaur-fossil discoverers, Bird had little formal aca-
demic training but had developed a successful search pattern for dinosaur fos-
sils through extensive experience (Chapter 2). After finding several tracksites in
Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks of some western states, he decided that these sites
were too inaccessible. Subsequently, he followed up a tip and in 1939 went to Glen
Rose, Texas, where he found dinosaur tracks exposed in Lower Cretaceous rocks of
the Paluxy River. These tracks were made by a variety of theropods, but most import-
antly included undoubted sauropod tracks (some more than a meter wide), the first
reported scientifically from the geologic record. One excellent paleontological
point of discussion provoked by the sauropod tracks was whether they indicated
that sauropods had aqueous habits (which was presumed at the time) or whether
they walked on dry land (Chapters 10 and 14).
In 1909, another prolific Late Jurassic dinosaur site was investigated in an area
far removed from Utah Tendaguru, in present-day Tanzania. The region was a
German colony at the time (German Protectorate East Africa) and in 1907 Bernhard
Sattler, an engineer with a German mining company, discovered some large bones
there. Eberhard Fraas (18621915), of the Royal Naturaliensammlung (Staatliches
Museum fr Naturkunde) in Stuttgart, Germany then examined these bones later
that year. Fraas caught amoebic dysentery while doing fieldwork before visiting
Tendaguru, but he managed to make the four- to five-day hike to the field site to
confirm that the large bones were indeed from dinosaurs. While he was there, he
even directed some excavation and recovery efforts. Werner Janensch (1878
1969) conducted later expeditions from 1909 to 1913 and was ably assisted by Boheti
bin Amrani, a native of the region (Fig. 3.12). After World War I, the area came
under British control and expeditions from 1924 to 1931 were arranged through
the British Museum, again using the expert guidance of Amrani. The logistics for
these forays were daunting because, unlike the American West, no railroads went
into the area. There were also few automobiles and no roads, so local workers were
employed to carry the dinosaur bones away on foot. Through this labor-intensive
method, the local people in the employ of earlier German expeditions carried out
about 225 tons of bones, the hike from the site taking four to five days.
Collectively, all work done in Tendaguru resulted in the uncovering of a new species
of stegosaur, Kentrosaurus (Chapter 12), the theropod Elaphrosaurus (Chapter 9),
and the ornithopod Dryosaurus (Chapter 11), but the deposit is best known for its
diverse sauropod assemblage, consisting of Barosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Dicraeosaurus,
Janenschia, and Tornieria (Chapter 10).
In South Africa, Richard Broom (18661951), originally from Scotland and yet
another physician who was much more enthused about long-dead subjects than
his living patients, published papers in 1904 and 1911 on a few dinosaur finds in
the Karoo basin, an area well known for its vertebrate fossils. These papers were
significant because no dinosaurs had been described from South Africa since the
times of Owen and Huxley, so future workers were encouraged to explore more in
this area. Sure enough, Sydney Haughton of England and E. C. N. van Hoepen
of South Africa soon followed Brooms works in 1915 to 1924 and expanded upon
the knowledge of Late Triassic dinosaurs (such as the prosauropod Melanorosaurus;
Chapter 10) in that region.
Also working on Late Triassic dinosaurs, especially those of southern Germany,
was Friedrich von Huene (18751969). Von Huene greatly expanded the studies
of the abundantly represented Late Triassic prosauropod Plateosaurus. Early in his
long career, he reviewed critically all of the previous classifications of dinosaurs and
re-affirmed in 1914, on the basis of much evidence, the dual classification system
of Saurischia and Ornithischia for the dinosaurs (Chapter 5). He also described, for
the first time, dinosaurs from the Upper Triassic of Brazil and did fieldwork wher-
ever he could find Triassic rocks, which included the five continents of Europe, North
America, South America, Africa, and Asia. Because of his breadth of experience with
these earliest of dinosaurs, he provided much knowledge toward their evolution-
ary history (Chapter 6), and in 1932 published a comprehensive evaluation of the
Saurischia. He also was well known for his hiking ability, and while in his 80s decided
to attend a scientific meeting by walking 150 km for three days across southern
Like von Huene, Richard Lull (mentioned earlier) was an important synthesizer
of knowledge about Late Triassic dinosaurs, especially those of the Connecticut Valley.
Much of his work was done at the same time as his German counterpart. Lull, a
former student of Osborn, was the first person to begin the arduous task of re-
conciling and correlating Hitchcocks dinosaur tracks with potential tracemakers,
which he did by examining new discoveries of body fossil of dinosaurs in the same
area. This integration of body and trace fossil evidence of dinosaurs had been
attempted in other areas before, but never to the extent that Lull pursued it. His
efforts resulted in a much better model of how a comprehensive approach to dinosaur 3
fossils could enhance the quality of hypotheses about them. In 1915, Lull also
reviewed all known fossil evidence (plants, insects, fish, reptiles, and dinosaurs) asso-
ciated with Upper Triassic rocks of the Connecticut Valley, in an attempt to recon-
struct the dinosaurs paleoenvironments, one of the first serious studies of the
paleoecology of a terrestrial ecosystem.
No history of dinosaur studies is complete without mentioning the Mongolian
expeditions, first mounted by the American Museum and represented by the semi-
legendary character of Roy Chapman Andrews (18841960). Chapman humbly
began his career with the museum by performing janitorial duties, and eventually
worked his way into the technical staff. Ironically, in light of his contributions to
later discoveries, he was not primarily a dinosaur paleontologist and was mostly
interested in studying mammals. Osborn, who became president of the museum
in 1908, shared Andrews interest in mammals, and Andrews persuaded him to mount
a paleontological expedition to central Asia to search for the fossil ancestral
remains of the most important mammals of all (to them), humans. Osborn agreed
and the first Central Asiatic expedition, led by Andrews and accompanied by experi-
enced paleontologist Walter Granger, went into the Gobi Desert of Mongolia in
1922. The trip failed in its goal to find fossils of humans, but did find the first
confirmed dinosaur nests with eggs, although the identities of the egg layers were
mistaken for the next 70 years (Chapter 9). French paleontologists had documented
dinosaur eggs without nests in the nineteenth century. Skeletal material derived
from this and successive expeditions from 1922 to 1930 included abundant speci-
mens of the marginocephalians Protoceratops and Psittacosaurus (Chapters 7 and 13),
the inappropriately-named theropod Oviraptor (Chapter 9), and the evil-looking
Velociraptor and Saurornithoides (Chapter 9), all found in Cretaceous rocks.
Chapman has often been cited as the possible inspiration for the character Indiana
Jones, a fictional archaeologist (someone who studies human artifacts, which is
very different from a paleontologist: see Chapter 1). The producers of the Indiana
Jones films have never admitted that Chapman was their source. Regardless,
Chapmans expeditions and his exploits were certainly extraordinary for their
time. He took advantage of his knowledge of Asian languages to work with his Chinese
hosts and established his headquarters in Beijing; he navigated field crews in auto-
mobiles; and he arranged for the rendezvous of camel herds that carried gasoline
and other supplies across the desolate terrain. Chapman was also an excellent marks-
man and was rarely photographed in the field without some type of firearm within
his reach (Fig. 3.13). Bandits were bothersome in the region, and he reportedly shot
some of them. Fortunately, most fieldwork in Mongolia and other areas of the world
today is threatened more by bad weather or diminishing coffee supplies than hos-
tile raiders.
In the late 1940s, Russian expeditions to Mongolia followed the American efforts
through the auspices of the Russian Paleontological Institute, led by paleontologist
(and famed Russian science-fiction writer) Ivan A. Efremov (190772) and her-
petologist Anatole K. Rozhdestvensky. In these excursions they found more
examples of the previously discovered Cretaceous dinosaurs of that region, as well
as some important new finds, such as the ankylosaur Pinacosaurus (Chapter 12),
hadrosaur Saurolophus (Chapter 11), and the large theropod Tarbosaurus, which is
so similar to Tyrannosaurus that it is now considered an Asian variant of the species
(Chapter 9). The continued success of the Russian expeditions ensured that more
FIGURE 3.13 Roy Chapman Andrews (right), in the Bain-Dzak area, Mongolia, with Late
Cretaceous dinosaur eggs in front of him and his bandit-prevention device behind him.
Negative No. 410760, Photo. Shackelford. Courtesy Department of Library Services,
American Museum of Natural History.
gastroliths early in that century, von Huene in 1932 reported other gastroliths in asso-
ciation with bones of the Late Triassic prosauropod Sellosaurus (Chapter 10). In 1942,
Stokes described a similar occurrence of stones found with Late Jurassic sauropod
remains. W. D. Matthew first interpreted dinosaur toothmarks, which are often pre-
served in dinosaur bones, in association with a potential tracemaker in 1908. In
this study, he noted that the tooth spacing of the Late Jurassic theropod Allosaurus 3
matched the toothmarks on bones of Apatosaurus, a sauropod that lived at the same
time. This approach provided an intuitive method for better determination of feed-
ing relationships among dinosaurs (Chapters 8 and 9). Although they were always
a part of dinosaur studies, dinosaur trace fossils began to gain more attention from
dinosaur paleontologists in the latter half of the twentieth century, as trace fossils
supplemented or, in some cases, surpassed the information derived from dinosaur
body fossils.
The preceding history Observant readers may have noticed that one continent,
Australia, has barely been mentioned, and Antarctica com-
arbitrarily cuts off at
pletely neglected. This lack of information is because Australia
about 1950 and is
has become a discovery site for abundant dinosaur fossils (espe-
thus incomplete, but
cially tracks) only in the past 35 years, and the first discov-
it provides a ery of an Antarctic dinosaur was not until 1986. However, both
summary of dinosaur of these continents will undoubtedly see expanded research
studies up to that as these finds inspire increased exploration.
point. Discussion of the people in dinosaur studies during the lat-
ter half of the twentieth century must be limited for several
reasons. One reason is that the author of this book does not feel qualified to judge
which of these people (many of whom are still active in the discipline, and per-
haps reading this) deserve mention as important contributors to the long-term his-
tory of dinosaur studies. Such a pronouncement will be much easier to make in
another 50 years or so, when the enduring contributions made by these investig-
ators will be more evident. Of course, some genuinely notable discoveries already
happened in the latter half of the twentieth century and beginning of the twenty-
first, and those discoveries and the people associated with them will be mentioned
where appropriate. Time will tell whether these contributions will make paleonto-
logical history. With that said, three paleontologists in the latter half of the twen-
tieth century, Edwin H. Colbert, John Ostrom, and Jos F. Bonaparte, stand out
for providing the most long-lasting scientific contributions from which all modern
investigators in dinosaur studies will benefit.
Edwin H. Colbert (19052001) is best known in dinosaur paleontology for his
discovery, in 1947, of a site that contained hundreds of the Late Triassic theropod
Coelophysis bauri (Chapter 11). The site, in the Chinle Formation at Ghost Ranch,
New Mexico, was located near the summer home of famed painter Georgia OKeeffe
(18871986), who occasionally stopped by the excavation to talk with Colbert. Late
Triassic dinosaurs have always held a special interest to paleontologists, because they
represent the earliest dinosaurs (Chapter 6). Thus for Colbert to document such a
rich find was a major contribution to our understanding of the origin of dinosaurs
and a source of detailed paleontological information about them. For example, because
of their abundance, growth series and population structures for this theropod could
be proposed. This is an unusual situation for any dinosaur species because of the
rarity of multiple specimens of the same species. Additionally, cannibalism was first
interpreted for this species based on the specimens from Ghost Ranch, where juve-
nile bones were thought to be inside the body cavities of an adult. This has been
re-interpreted, however, because the bones of one were actually just on top of another,
rather than inside of it (Chapter 9). Furthermore, the unusual occurrence of so many
individuals of a single species of carnivorous dinosaur, similar to the findings in
the Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry, led to some debated hypotheses regarding the pre-burial
history of the assemblage, as well as implied social behavior (Chapter 6). Colbert
was also well known for his excellent textbooks on vertebrate paleontology and
popular books on dinosaurs, which have helped to educate aspiring vertebrate pale-
ontologists worldwide. His fascinating works on the history of dinosaur studies also
gave science enthusiasts a sense of the uniqueness of using fieldwork to search for
the remains of long-dead animals. Colberts historical works were a major source
of information for this chapter, and they certainly set the standard for all future
bibliographers of dinosaur paleontologists.
John Ostrom (19282005) is credited with sparking the Dinosaur Renaissance of
the past 30 years by his detailed examination and consequent hypotheses of the
Early Cretaceous theropod Deinonychus (Chapter 9), which he first reported in 1969.
Ostrom, through convincing use of his data on Deinonychus, revived the idea (first
proposed by Huxley and unintentionally augmented by the work of Hitchcock in
the nineteenth century) that some dinosaurs were more active and bird-like in their
behavior, rather than reptilian. Ostroms interpretation was based on functional
morphology, the study of how the form of an animal relates to its functions, an
approach that had been used before in dinosaur studies but rarely so effectively.
New interest thus began in studying the extent of this bird-like behavior in some
dinosaurs, namely whether it was reflected by physiological indicators of endo-
thermy (Chapter 8) or was related to evolutionary links between dinosaurs and
modern birds (Chapter 15). Ostrom also made a very important discovery while
examining a skeleton in a small Dutch museum. Ostrom recognized the skeleton,
identified initially as a pterosaur (flying reptile), as a previously unknown speci-
men of Archaeopteryx, one of only seven ever described.
Dinosaurs from Europe and North America were studied the most during the
nineteenth century and interest expanded to Africa and Asia in the first half of
the twentieth century. But research in South America in the latter half of the
twentieth century was prompted largely by the efforts of Jos F. Bonaparte. Of all
living paleontologists, Bonaparte has named or co-named the largest number
of dinosaur genera (10 as of the writing of this book), including Argentinosaurus
(a huge sauropod; Chapter 10), Carnotaurus (a large, horned theropod; Chapter 9),
and Abelisaurus, the latter a representative of a group of Cretaceous theropods
unique to South America. His discoveries, primarily in his native Argentina, have
shown important evolutionary relationships between dinosaurs of separate continents,
especially the southern continents of South America, Africa, India, Australia, and
Antarctica, which formed one landmass in southern latitudes, called Gondwana,
during much of the Jurassic (Chapters 4 and 6). Bonaparte is the former student
of influential American vertebrate paleontologist Alfred Sherwood Romer
(18941973), and is continuing his tradition of excellence.
Other notable dinosaur paleontologists, who have already encouraged much inter-
est in dinosaurs in the USA and abroad, include Americans Robert T. Bakker, John
(Jack) R. Horner, and Paul C. Sereno, as well as Martin G. Lockley, originally
from Wales but now based in the USA. Bakker, a former student of Ostrom, is best
known for his role as a publicly visible cheerleader for alternative views of
dinosaurs as active animals more akin to birds and mammals, as opposed to their
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Sandstone of Tilgate Forest, in Sussex. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of
London 115: 179186.
Matheron, P. 1869. Notice sur les reptiles fossiles des dpots fluvio-lacustres crtacs du
basin lignite de Fuveau. Mmoires de lAcadmie des Sciences (belles-) Lettres et (Beaux-)
Arts de Marseille 186869: 345379.
Mayor, A. 2000. The First Fossil Hunters. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
Nopcsa, F. von. 1900. Dinosaurierrete aus Siebenbrgen. Schdel von Limnosaurus
transsylvanicus nov. gen. et spec. Denksdchriften der kaiserlichen Akademie der
Wissenschaften Wien, mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe 68: 555591.
Ostrom, J. H. 1969. Osteology of Deinonychus antirrhopus, an unusual theropod from
the Lower Cretaceous of Montana. Peabody Museum of Natural History Bulletin 30: 1165.
Owen, R. 1842. Report on British fossil reptiles. Report of the British Association for the
Advancement of Science 11: 60204.
Sarjeant, W. A. S. 1997. The earliest discoveries. In Farlow James O. and Brett-Surman
M. K. (Eds), The Complete Dinosaur. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
pp. 311.
Seeley, H. G. 1887. On the classification of the fossil animals commonly named
Dinosauria. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 43: 165171.
Shor, E. N. 1974. The Fossil Feud between E. D. Cope and O. C. Marsh. Hicksville, New
York: Exposition Press.
Spalding, D. A. E. 1993. Dinosaur Hunters: 150 Years of Extraordinary Discoveries.
Toronto, Canada: Key Porter Books.
Steinbock, R. T. 1989. Ichnology of the Connecticut Valley: A vignette of American
science in the early nineteenth century. In Gillette D. D. and Lockley M. G. (Eds),
Dinosaur Tracks and Traces. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. pp. 2732.
Sternberg, C. H. 1909. The Life of a Fossil Hunter. New York: Henry Holt and Co. [Reprint
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M. K. (Eds), The Complete Dinosaur. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
pp. 1223.
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Warren, J. C. 1854. Remarks on Some Fossil Impressions in the Sandstone Rocks of
Connecticut River. Ticknor and Fields, Boston: Massachusetts.
You are out with friends and, because you have just attended a geology class, you
notice (maybe for the first time) the rocks exposed in numerous road cuts. Your
instructor has already taken you on a few field trips where you learned through
hands-on experience how to identify rock types and to interpret the history they
represented. Consequently, you point to the different rock layers and tell your friends
the order in which they were formed, what you know about their origin, which
geologists had studied them, and what was happening in the world at the time
these sediments were being deposited. Your friends are initially impressed, but
they soon begin to doubt you and want to know how you know that certain
layers were formed before other layers, how you know the approximate age of
the rocks, and especially how you know that the continents were in different places
to where they are today.
How did you come to your conclusions? What evidence can you cite to sup-
port your claims?
Paleontology and
Geology as Sciences 4
and decreasing equipment costs, these methods will no doubt be used even more
in the future. Nor is the equipment used in paleontological research limited to field-
work tools, because the study of fossils is sometimes best done by examination of
specimens in museum or university collections. Likewise, a laboratory setting, pos-
sibly using the latest technological wonders accessible to a paleontologists budget,
can be used to study the specimens gathered through present-day fieldwork or uncov-
ered in the inner bowels of a museum.
Nevertheless, fieldwork is still where many paleontologists start their investiga-
tions. It is also a less expensive method of original research for paleontologists who
are not associated with institutions that have a support staff, numerous catalogued
specimens in storage, and expensive equipment. The potential for making discov-
eries with only a minimal investment in equipment is a very distinctive feature of
paleontology relative to the other sciences (Chapters 2 and 3). With this perspec-
tive, the most basic items that a geologist, paleontologist, or other interested nat-
uralist should always take into the field are a notebook and pencils or pens to record
their observations. Personal digital assistants (PDAs) are now being used more for
recording data, but currently have the distinct disadvantage of limited battery life;
notebooks only run out of useable pages. Secondary items for geologic investiga-
tions include a hand lens, a measuring device, a compass, maps, a camera, and a
rock hammer. Optional items are sample bags with labels for recording informa-
tion about collected specimens, and a small bottle of dilute acid for testing the pres-
ence of calcite or aragonite (CaCO3) in a rock. A first-aid kit, water bottles and
broad-brimmed hats are also recommended to treat minor injuries, prevent dehy-
dration, and sunburn, respectively. Many areas containing well-exposed, fossil-
bearing rocks are in deserts (see Fig. 1.4).
Maps are important for documenting the exact locations of
Among the most fossils, besides being used for navigating in a fossil-bearing
important items that area and understanding the geologic context of fossils.
an informed fossil Topographic and geologic maps are the two types most com-
prospector should monly used for these purposes. Topographic maps show the
take into the field differences in elevation in a specific area as well as the areas
are maps. surface features, such as forested areas, roads, and cities.
Differences in elevation are represented by contour lines, lines
of equal elevation that follow the contours of the land surface. The spacing of con-
tour lines gives a good indication of the relative steepness of the terrain in the field
area, knowledge that is useful for traversing a hilly area or avoiding steep cliffs. A
wilderness excursion should never be attempted without first investigating the avail-
ability of topographic maps for the intended region.
Geologic maps typically have contour lines too, but their main value lies in how
they show the outcrop patterns of rock units on the land surface. Contour lines in
combination with the geology help to illustrate how the topography of an area
may relate to weathering patterns of the rocks (Fig. 4.1). Perhaps most importantly,
FIGURE 4.1 Section of a geologic map, which also has contour lines of a topographic
map. The contour lines show elevation changes in a landscape, and closely spaced lines
indicate relatively steeper elevation changes than widely spaced lines. Rock formations
are mapped on the basis of their outcrop patterns, and letter symbols on the map
correspond to the age and name of the formation (i.e., Jm is the Morrison Formation,
which is Jurassic). US Geological Survey Map GQ 57, 1955.
All maps, no matter how simple or complex, should have several important
Magnetic north differs from geographic north because the Earth spins on an axis 4
deviated slightly from where its magnetic field emanates. Consequently, a map should
also show the amount of difference between the two norths (declination) in the
area being explored. For example, a difference of 10 degrees from a compass bear-
ing (which generally points to magnetic north) of geographic north can become a
large difference over the course of a several kilometer hike to a dinosaur site.
Although this equipment list may sound old-fash-
ioned, it is still recommended because these tools and
A global positioning
their usefulness have been repeatedly tested by genera-
system (GPS) device
tions of geologists and paleontologists. Of course, the
receives signals from
equipment list must be modified to meet personal pref-
satellites to calculate a erences and needs, and should keep up with the devel-
position on the Earths opment of new technology that makes fieldwork easier.
surface with regard to A GPS (see box) can cross-check information on maps
latitude, longitude, and for the accuracy of either tool. Many GPS units are also
elevation. capable of downloading geographical locality informa-
tion into computers; the latter can then construct digi-
tal maps that can be compared to any previously printed maps. Digital maps can
have layers of information stored in GIS (Geographic Information System) programs,
such as the distribution of rock types, fossils found, and vegetation patterns. For
this and other reasons, laptop computers are now part of the standard list of field
equipment, and most are easily portable. Nevertheless, like personal digital assis-
tants (PDAs), battery life is still a limiting factor in their extended use in the field.
Some geologists circumvent this problem by using either solar panels or chargers
connected to a field vehicle.
However inspiring the finding of a dinosaur fossil might be, the person who dis-
covers it should first know more basic principles of geology. This can make the find
more meaningful, especially in how it relates to the small picture of its local paleo-
environment and the larger picture of the ancient global system. Attempting to
collect a dinosaur fossil without further knowledge of its setting is risking the loss
of valuable scientific information. Making a detailed description of the geologic set-
ting of a dinosaur fossil in the field should precede preparing it for transportation.
The basic principles of geology, which were formed through many repeated obser-
vations made by field geologists through the early nineteenth century (Chapter 3),
are still used by geologists and paleontologists today and are responsible for what
is seen in a geologic map. These principles are original horizontality, superposi-
tion, lateral continuity, inclusions, cross-cutting relationships, and biologic suc-
cession (Fig. 4.2). They comprise the techniques for relative age dating of rocks,
that is, determining the relative order in which geologic phenomena occurred, with-
out necessarily knowing the exact ages of the phenomena.
Original horizontality is the concept that sediment, unconsolidated material occur-
ring at the Earths surface, when originally deposited, settled under the influence
of gravity into more or less horizontally-oriented layers. Once such layers become
FIGURE 4.2 Idealized diagram of basic field relations of rocks that can be used to
determine relative ages, using original horizontality, superposition, lateral continuity,
inclusions, cross-cutting relationships, and biologic succession. Phenomena are labeled
from oldest (1) to youngest (19).
happened after deposition of all of the sediments and their formation into sedi-
mentary rock.
Superposition is the concept that each layer of sediment deposited on top of an
underlying layer is relatively younger than the latter, assuming the strata have not
been tilted far beyond their original horizontality. Superposition, along with ori-
ginal horizontality, may seem too inherently obvious, but Nicolaus Steno (Niels
Stensen) of Denmark, in the seventeenth century, was the first person to actually
articulate it (Chapter 3). To visualize this principle, think of the sediments at the
bottom of the sequence as being deposited first, and the sediments at the top being
deposited most recently. If the rate of layering was known, the total age of the strata
could be calculated. However, this is not straightforward as, in reality, there is the
possibility that the rate of deposition varied through time, that the strata was over-
turned, or that some layers were removed throughout the history of deposition,
usually by erosion.
Related to the concept of superposition is lateral continuity, which describes how
sedimentary layers will continue in lateral directions until they encounter some
barrier that prevents their further spread, or they otherwise run out of sediment.
If a laterally continuous layer is found in widely separated places, it may represent
approximately the same time of deposition, which is an example of correlation.
Laterally adjacent layers also can succeed one another vertically, which represents
how changes in environments through time can cause one environment to over-
lap the other.
Cross-cutting relationships and inclusions have opposite significance in relative
age dating. With cross-cutting relationships, a geologic feature cutting across
another feature is the younger of the two, such as a fracture that cuts through all
strata in a particular geologic section (Fig. 4.3). In contrast, inclusions, which are
particles of a preexisting rock incorporated into sediment, must be older than the
rock including them. British geologist Charles Lyell expressed these latter two prin-
ciples in the early nineteenth century (Chapter 3).
All of these principles can determine relative-age dates of rocks without the
use of fossils, but the combination of these principles with rocks containing
identifiable guide fossils adds a powerful dimension to interpreting the geologic
history of an area. Guide fossils are typically body fossils (but in some cases trace
fossils) that are:
1 abundant;
2 easily identifiable;
3 geographically widespread;
4 vertically restricted in their range; and
5 likely to be deposited with sediment independently of the environment in
which they lived.
based on the vertical zonation of these and other fossils. Occasionally these zona-
tions are refined when geologists or paleontologists find fossils slightly below
(older) or above (younger) the previously known ranges, which is part of the test-
ing and subsequent improvement of the fossil record that occurs every day.
Guide fossils were applied to mapping the distribution of sedimentary rocks in
parts of Europe in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, well before
Charles Darwin published any of his research on biological evolution. Since then,
evolution and extinction are now recognized as primary factors that controlled the
vertical distribution of fossils in the geologic record (Chapter 6 and 16). Bio-
stratigraphy, the use of guide fossils in mapping rocks and interpreting their ages,
was largely responsible for the establishment of a worldwide, standard geologic time
scale (see Fig. 1.2), with its relative time divisions, such as eons, periods, and epochs,
each represented by distinctive fossil assemblages. The time divisions are called
time units, whereas the rocks that represent those times are chronostratigraphic
units: for example, the Triassic Period is a time unit and the Triassic System is a
chronostratigraphic unit. The rocks from the early part of the Triassic are called Lower
Triassic, whereas their age is Early Triassic (which is older than both Middle and
Late Triassic). Likewise, the Jurassic is divided into Early, Middle, and Late, but the
Cretaceous is divided into Early and Late. Upper and lower also refer to all rock
units, not just chronostratigraphic units. Earth-resource companies use the geologic
time scale and such divisions in their exploration for fossil fuels (oil, gas, and coal)
and minerals, and they have been well tested since the beginning of the Industrial
The description of strata that contain distinctive sediments and fossils, which can
lead to the recognition of mappable units that a geologist can readily identify in
the field, are called formations. Formations are given formal names by geologists
on the basis of the locality of a stratigraphic section that ideally is representative
of the rock types found in the formation, called the type section. A formation name
can be the place name for the type section followed by a generic formation desig-
nation, such as the aforementioned Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation, which is
named after Morrison, Colorado (Chapter 3). These names can also reflect the main
rock type in the formation, such as the Upper Devonian Chattanooga Shale, which
is named after the location in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and the rock type.
Formations can be subdivided into members or grouped together into groups. Guide
fossils can help with identifying a formation, but the easy visual identification of
a formation by its lithology is more important for geologists who want to describe
its distribution on a geologic map.
As stated above, strata do not always equate with time units because the same
type of sediment could have been deposited at different times when an environ-
ment left sediments as it migrated laterally. For example, think of how a lateral
change in the position of the shoreline to landward environments (called a trans-
gression) causes the sea to cover formerly dry land and progressively deposit
marine sediments farther inland through time. This type of change, perhaps
caused by a rise in sea level, makes the marine sediments time transgressive. Likewise,
a lateral change in the position of the shoreline in the direction of seaward envir-
onments (regression), maybe through a drop in sea level, would cause continen-
tal sediments to overlap the formerly marine sediments. However, the continental
sediments are still time transgressive because they were gradually deposited
through time. Geologists keep this in mind, so if different species of dinosaurs (or
any other fossils) are found in the same formation in widely separated places, the
organisms they represent are not always assumed to have lived at the same time.
Application of scientific methods to the basic geologic principles of relative age
dating involves testing each criterion for consistency, instead of accepting that any
one of them fulfills the possible geologic interpretation. For example, if inclusions
that definitely come from one bed are found in the bed directly underlying it, we
can conclude that the sequence is overturned (upside-down), and hence a hypo-
thesis about age relations of the strata based simply on superposition could be
wrong. Similarly, a fossil that seems far too young for the previously known world-
wide geologic range of the strata in which it was found may have been reworked,
that is, exhumed from its older layer and reburied, only to re-emerge in this younger
strata. As a result, the hypothesis that the fossil is an inclusion and is an indica-
tor of some sort of previous erosion (transport of sediment) from its original entomb-
ing bed must be tested. The hypothesis that some dinosaurs lived in the Cenozoic
Era, which was based on the occurrence of dinosaur bones in the oldest Cenozoic
strata, has been falsified by evidence indicating that these fossils were reworked
from underlying Mesozoic strata (Chapters 7 and 16).
Surfaces of non-deposition or erosion, called unconformities, are very import-
ant to recognize because they signify a gap in the time record; that is, time is not
represented by rocks in the area of an unconformity. In some cases, the missing
geologic record consists of millions of years (Fig. 4.4). Consequently, geologists
and paleontologists are often depressed by unconformities and lament the many
fossils lost to the cruel processes of erosion. These surfaces can be identified with
the use of the principles of relative age dating and a few other criteria.
N = N0 et (4.1)
where N is the number of atoms present now, N0 is the original number of atoms
from the radioactive element, e is a constant (about 2.718), is the decay constant,
and t is time. With some algebraic re-arranging, the formula is changed to solve
for t, which gives the age of the rock.
Age dates derived from such methods are also cross-checked against the many facts
provided by relative age dating (Fig. 4.5). The checking and rechecking of radiometric
age dates through independently verifiable and repeatable tests, as well as the com-
mon applications of quantum physics, makes radiometric age dating scientific-
ally certain. Likewise, decay constants of radioactive elements provide us with
extremely accurate means of measuring the ages of phenomena that occurred long
before human history, such as dinosaurs and their associated rocks. Rates of decay
have never been observed to change in any significant way under a wide variety
of laboratory conditions; hence these rates are as factually-based as the effects of
gravity. For an analogy, speculating that a radioactive element may have had a ran-
dom or otherwise variable decay rate is akin to saying that apples may have fallen
up rather than down from trees at random times in the past.
First, some backtracking to define a few basic terms is necessary. An element is
a substance composed of atoms that contain the same number of protons; this num-
ber of protons defines the atomic number of an element. Protons are positively-
charged particles with a standard atomic mass of 1.0, the same mass for neutrally
charged neutrons. Both protons and neutrons are in the nucleus, the center of the
atom. Negatively charged electrons, with masses about 1/1800 of protons and neu-
trons, orbit the nucleus. Atomic mass is calculated simply by adding the number
of protons and neutrons in an atom, ignoring the negligible mass provided by elec-
trons. For example, some atoms of carbon have 6 protons and 6 neutrons, thus it
has an atomic number of 6 and an atomic mass of 12 (written also as 12C). Atoms
with the same atomic number are all the same element; 12C, 13C, and 14C have dif-
ferent masses as they have more or less neutrons because they have the same atomic
number, and they are isotopes of an element. Remember that the number of pro-
tons stays the same, otherwise it becomes a different element.
A radioactive element that is actively emitting energy may be transmitting
it through moving particles. Particles that are commonly emitted by radioactive
elements are alpha particles, which are two protons and two neutrons (equival-
ent to the nucleus of a helium atom, which has an atomic mass of 4), and beta
particles, which are high-speed electrons. Appropriately enough, radiation that
consists of alpha particles is called alpha radiation, and radiation that consists
of beta particles is beta radiation. These types of radiation result from decay of a
radioactive element because when atoms lose particles they change into different
elements. For example, here is part of the decay sequence for uranium-238 (238U),
which has an atomic number of 92 (hence having 146 neutrons):
238 234Th
230 226
Ra Rn
222 218
The alpha decays that occurred between 238U and successive elements are easy
to pick out: they are the ones where an atomic mass of 4 was subtracted. The
beta decays are also easy to find and are where one element changed to another
with no apparent loss of mass (because electrons have comparatively little mass).
The change of the element happens because a positively-charged proton plus a 4
negatively-charged electron is equal to a neutral neutron. Thus, the loss of an
electron from the nucleus causes a new proton, which changes the atomic number
of the element. The complete decay series for 238U results in a final, stable daugh-
ter element of 206Pb.
To calculate the age of a rock, a geologist has to solve for time. What are known
before solving for time are the decay rate (amount of loss from the parent isotope
over time) and the result of the decay (amount of daughter isotope and parent iso-
tope). Other variables that have to be considered first are summarized by:
where t is age (time), is the decay constant, ln is the natural logarithm (which
of a given number is the exponent that must be assigned to e (about 2.71) to derive
that same number), d is amount of the daughter element (which is how much is
measurable now), and p is the parent element (also how much is measurable now).
The application of a logarithmic function is necessary because radioactive decay is
exponential, which means that a radioactive element decays at a gradually more
rapid rate with time, which contrasts it with an arithmetic rate, which is simply
subtraction or addition with time. This mathematical distinction is important in
the understanding of radiometric age dating. Because time is needed for a parent
element to decay to a daughter element, a high ratio of daughter to parent (d/p)
indicates a greater amount of time than a comparatively low ratio, thus the rate
of increase for a daughter element is directly proportional to the rate of decrease
for a parent element.
Decay constants are calculated by using a lot of math, beginning with the fol-
lowing equation:
= 0.693/t1/2 (4.3)
where is the decay constant and t1/2 is the half-life of the element. Half-life is
the amount of time needed for half of the parent element to have decayed. Half-
life can also be expressed by knowing that it represents half of the original radioac-
tive element:
N = (1/2)N0 (4.4)
For a specific radioactive element that underwent decay, the decay constant repre-
sents the measured number of atoms that decay per second, compared to the num-
ber of atoms that are still in the rock sample:
= (dN/dt)/N (4.5)
measurement of the number of alpha particles emitted by an atom per second will
give an indication of the first value through a standard number of atoms, such as
in one Avogadro (Av) of a sample, 6.02 1023 atoms. For example, using 1.0 Av
of 238U, which has a measured alpha particle emission rate of 2.96 106 particles
per second, the decay constant is calculated as:
The half-life can be solved for our example of 238U, because the decay constant is
The number of seconds in a year is about 31,557,000 (give or take a thousand sec-
onds), thus to convert the calculated number of seconds to years:
Therefore, the half-life for 238U is nearly 4.5 billion years, which means in that
time about one-half of the original amount of 238U in a rock will have been lost
through decay, then in another 4.5 billion years, only half of that half (25%) is
left, and so on (Fig. 4.6). Once the approximate number of atoms for each ele-
ment (parent and daughter) is counted from a rock sample, the ratio of one to the
other is calculated, which is an indicator of the number of half-lives that have
passed and then can be used to calculate the age of a rock. A device called a mass
FIGURE 4.6 Exponential loss of a parent element (238U) through time, showing changes
in ratio with relation to the daughter element (206Pb) with each half-life. Note that the
plot follows a curved line, not a straight line.
when they were deposited. The derived age of a sedimentary particle thus is older
than the bed that encloses it (meaning that the principle of inclusions can apply
equally well to individual sand grains!). The radiometric clock starts with the cooling
and subsequent crystallization of a mineral from a major heating event, which fixes
the radioactive elements into a small enough place (i.e., mineral grains) where geo-
scientists can sample them. For this reason, only rocks formed in high temperatures
(greater than 250C) at the time of their formation can yield accurate radiometric
age dates. These rocks include igneous rocks, formed from originally molten rock,
called magma, at temperatures of 701200C; and metamorphic rocks, formed
through pressure and heat of about 250700C.
Igneous rocks are preferable for age dating, especially volcanic ash beds, because
their sediments represent the original time of formation, not the reheating times
that are typical of metamorphic rocks or the ages of reworked sediments. Ash beds
are geologically valued because they were formed by airborne ash spewed from a
volcano. The ash was originally deposited in widespread, horizontal layers in a short
time, which lends well to cross-checking any derived absolute ages with under-
lying and overlying strata. Fortunately for dinosaur studies, some dinosaur popu-
lations were proximal to volcanic areas that produced voluminous amounts of ash;
these layers in combination with relative age-dating techniques have provided a
good general framework for defining and understanding the timing for evolution
and extinction of certain dinosaur species and groups (see Table 4.5). Igneous rocks
that cross-cut Mesozoic sedimentary rocks containing dinosaur fossils, as shown in
Fig. 4.5, can also be used to calculate ages, although in some instances the igneous
rocks are too young for purposes of comparison to other Mesozoic dinosaur-bearing
The most important The Big Picture: Plate Tectonics and How it
conceptual Rules the Earth
framework for Plate tectonic theory states that the Earth is differentiated into
understanding how layers with their own distinctive chemical and physical
the Earth works is properties and that the outermost layer, the lithosphere,
the unifying theory moves and interacts with an underlying layer, the astheno-
of geology, plate sphere. The lithosphere, the 5120 km thick, outermost,
tectonics. rigid layer, is composed of the Earths crust and the upper part
of its mantle. Directly underneath it is the asthenosphere, the
200250 km thick, relatively hotter, more plastically flowing part of the upper
mantle. The lithosphere is presently broken into 13 major segments (plates) that
entirely cover the asthenosphere (Fig. 4.7).
Physiographic features, such as oceanic ridges and some large mountain ranges,
as well as the occurrence of most earthquakes and volcanism, delineate plate bound-
aries; these are the areas where separate plates interact. Notice that plates and
continents do not coincide. Continental crust is incorporated into each plate and
so moves along with the plate. Large amounts of evidence support that plates in
some form, similar to what we see today, have moved over the asthenosphere ever
since they formed about 4.0 billion years ago, which is about the same age as the
oldest known evidence of life on Earth.
Evidence for this movement of plates is multifold, some of it originating in a
hypothesis called continental drift that was first proposed by Alfred Wegener
(18801930) in 1915 and republished in 1929. In his hypothesis, the movement
of the continents during the geologic past was given as an explanation for the:
For example, one of his proposals for the movement of the continents was that
they plowed along underlying solid rock, which led to another question that Wegener
could not answer: What was the driving force for such considerable movement
of continents? Moving a continent takes a considerable amount of energy and
Wegener had no coherent explanation for how this happened. His observations were
correct, but his explanation was wrong. Wegener died well before his hypothesis
was accepted in its greatly modified form in combination with other hypotheses
that stemmed from new data derived mostly in the 1960s.
The modern evidence for plate tectonics consists partially of the following:
n Submarine ridges with active volcanism and earthquakes in linear zones are
coincident with the ridges, as found in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
n Rocks on the ocean floor with older radiometric age dates are located
sequentially farther from the linear zones.
n Thicker sedimentary layers on the ocean floor are further away from these
same zones.
n Older and identical ages are indicated by fossils in these same layers for the
lower parts of thick sedimentary layers on either side of the zones.
n Recorded reversals in the Earths magnetic field in igneous rocks on the ocean
floor show symmetrical patterns (mirror images) on either side of the
linear zones where volcanism is occurring.
n The oldest rocks on the ocean floor are only about 200 Ma (Early Jurassic),
whereas those on the continents are as much as 3.9 billion years old.
n Mountain ranges on the continents are folded and faulted into defined
linear zones.
n When compared to rocks on the stable interior of continents, mountain ranges
with younger (more recent) radiometric ages than their igneous and meta-
morphic rocks have been found, which are also locations of major earth-
quakes and active volcanoes.
n Linear zones with no volcanism and major fault lines on the continents have
violent earthquakes associated with them.
n Island chains, such as the Hawaiian Islands, that have young radiometric
age dates for igneous rocks are located close to active volcanism; rocks have
gradually older age dates correspondingly farther from the active volcanism.
When the evidence noted by Wegener was added to these data, the theory of
plate tectonics emerged from the repeated testing of hypotheses proposed to
explain all of these phenomena that originally were seen as unrelated. The most
important of these hypotheses, proposed to explain the data shown in points 1 to
5 above, was seafloor spreading, which held that new seafloor formed at the vol-
canically active linear zones because of the spreading of lithospheric plates away
from those zones, which allowed magma from the asthenosphere to erupt on the
ocean floor. New seafloor has younger radiometric age dates (because of its close
association with volcanically active zones), less oceanic sediment on it, younger
fossils, and rocks that reflect the magnetic field of that time, whereas older seafloor
would show opposite trends. Zones where plates move away from one another are
called plate-divergent boundaries or spreading centers, which causes a tensional
stress that is translated through earthquake activity. The rocks on either side of a
spreading center, such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, can be used to calculate an aver-
age spreading rate on the basis of radiometric age dates of rocks in combination
with their distance from the spreading center:
R = d/t (4.6)
from 40K/40Ar yield an age of 154.5 0.2 Ma. With these data, the average spread-
ing rate (in cm/year) is calculated as:
Realize also that during 155 million years the average rate might have had a range,
such as 0.7 to 3.1 cm/year, but these values also can be calculated as long as radio-
metric age dates and distances from the spreading center are known. Using this
method, spreading rates (rates of plate movement) for plates have been calculated
as ranging from less than 1.0 to as much as 11 cm/year.
The fact that the oldest seafloor dates from the Jurassic Period indicates that the
ocean floor has been destroyed and recycled since at least the time that Apatosaurus
and Allosaurus were on the continents. This brings up another integral hypothesis
in plate tectonic theory, subduction, which is supported by points 6 through to
8. Subduction is a proposed process where, as plates move away from divergent
boundaries and collide with one another at plate-convergent boundaries, one plate
can go underneath the other. The subducted plate undergoes partial melting as it
slides further into the hotter asthenosphere, which in turn forms magma for
igneous rocks. The force of the collision is sufficient to generate pressures that can
bend (fold) rocks at depth, and can also break (fault) rock at shallower depths.
This process explains the folding of originally horizontal strata as is seen in the
field, as well as fractures that cut across the strata. Stress (also known as pressure),
the force applied to a unit area, has these associated formulas,
F = ma (4.8)
= F/A (4.9)
Hea tin
ndre ea
Pre t a
volcanic rock
Heat and Weathering
Pressure He e
at a
n d Pres sur
We a t h e r i n g Ocean
Weathering crust
Transport of
FIGURE 4.8 The rock cycle as explained through plate tectonics, showing relationship of lithosphere
and asthenosphere, as well as convergent, divergent, and transform-fault boundaries.
interpreted as a result of plates moving laterally against one another without any
accompanying volcanism. Evidence for this movement consists of the aforemen-
tioned stress eventually resulting in earthquakes; measurable movement along the
fault plane can be defined through offset features in the landscape. Hot spots are
interpreted as plumes of magma that pierce the lithosphere and rise up consistently
in the same place for millions of years. Evidence for hot spots is best exemplified
by strings of islands, such as the Hawaiian chain, which have active volcanism on
a single island. However, other islands and undersea volcanoes (guyots) in the chain
have volcanic rocks that show increasingly older radiometric ages farther away from
the island with active volcanism. Plate tectonic theory has an elegant solution for
this pattern: the hot spot stays in the same place while the plate moves over it.
This rudimentary knowledge of plate tectonic theory facilitates a better under-
standing of the rock cycle (Fig. 4.8). The way of the Earth is constant change and
all rocks are in a state of transition, although they appear static to us during our
short lifetimes. In one simplistic and linear example, elements composing sedimentary
rocks become incorporated into igneous rocks through subduction and melting
of the sedimentary rocks; igneous rocks become heated enough to change into
metamorphic rocks; then metamorphic rocks, uplifted by plate convergence, are
exposed at the surface and weathered so that their broken-down elements are
cemented together into sedimentary rocks. Plate tectonics results in the following:
It is, therefore, the source of the Earths constant recycling that makes the planet
a dynamic place for life. In fact, the Earth seems to be the only body in the solar
system that shows such comprehensive evidence for plate tectonics.
Preview of the Importance of Plate Tectonics to Dinosaur Studies
Why do we need to know about plate tectonics when studying dinosaurs? Because
everything on the surface of the Earth is affected by plate tectonics. It determines
the location of the continents, mountain ranges, volcanoes, and earthquakes, as
well as the configuration of the worlds oceans. The location of the continents and
their inherent geographic features affect the distribution of all land plants and ani-
mals. The entire global environment (especially climate) is influenced by the place-
ment of the oceans relative to the continents because patterns of oceanic and
atmospheric circulation are controlled by whether a continent is in an equatorial
or polar position (Chapter 6). Local climates are changed by the presence of moun-
tains, which are formed by plate tectonics. The amount of volcanism on the seafloor
causes the sea level to either rise or fall, and rising sea level can cause landward
environments to become more crowded for terrestrial organisms, with associated
ecological stresses. Conversely, uplift of a mountain range caused by plate con-
vergence causes land that formerly was shoreline to be more emergent, which
expands continental areas for animals and plants. Volcanism caused by plate con-
vergence places ash in the atmosphere, blocking solar radiation and cooling the
Earth, which can negatively affect plant communities that animal communities
depend on to live (Chapter 16). Earthquakes alter the course of rivers, change the
landscape, or generate tsunamis (seismic sea waves) that drown many people and
other living things in coastal communities. For the purposes of exploration for
dinosaur fossils, some dinosaur-bearing strata were uplifted by continental colli-
sions, and their present surface distribution in folded and faulted rocks is directly
attributable to plate tectonics.
Basically, many (if not most) humans are affected by plate tectonics every day
in the form of earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, mountains, climates, and shore-
lines. All evidence from Mesozoic rocks indicates that plate tectonics was just as
active a global process then. Thus, the dinosaurs lived and eventually died at the
consent of plate tectonics as well, although as a group they were permitted to thrive
for about 165 million years.
(B) (C)
for excavating and transporting the fossil from the field site are involved and expen-
sive. Large excavations can potentially take an entire field season (usually summer)
and require the services of heavy equipment for extraction and transport of the
specimen. Furthermore, after transport and deposition of the fossil to a preparator,
the preparation time for extracting a dinosaur skeleton may take more than a year.
Dinosaur trace fossils, especially tracks (Chapter 7), typically do not require recov-
ery, but some are taken from the field site for further study or display; entire beds
containing the tracks may have to be moved thousands of kilometers.
To describe a typical recovery procedure, assume a dinosaur fossil consists of skeletal
material. Upon identification of partially exposed and recovery-worthy skeletal 4
remains, the area immediately surrounding the fossil is carefully cleaned. This action
is followed by a full assessment of the horizontal and vertical extent of the skeleton,
which normally involves mapping the distribution of the bones on a grid (Chap-
ter 3). The orientation of any bones at the surface is noted; most may be flat-lying
(parallel to bedding) and predictable in their extent, but others might project
outside the exposed area below the surface. Erring on the side of caution is always
good, even if it means carrying out too much rock for a small amount of fossil
material. Of course, the person doing the recovery uses a scientific methodology:
a prediction and its accompanying evidence determine the probable extent of the
skeletal material. Then that person consults with any colleagues at the site to learn
their estimations to seek consensus.
Any glues needed to keep bone fragments together are then applied. But choos-
ing which glues are used should be left to a professional, as not just any glue should
be applied to a 65+ Ma fossil! Excavation then begins on the area around the fos-
sil. In some instances, the skeletal material (especially teeth or small vertebrae) may
already be loose on the ground. Such material is placed into labeled sample bags
after its distribution has been noted. Whether excavation is easy or difficult
depends on the surrounding rock (Fig. 4.9). If the bones are in well-cemented sand-
stones, jackhammers or backhoes are not unreasonable tools for breaking up the
rock. Some rocks, such as a mudstone or poorly-cemented sandstone (Chapter 7),
can be picked away with rock hammers, trowels, shovels, or other hand tools. The
excavation should then proceed around the prescribed area and to the perceived
maximum depth for the fossil (maybe a little more, to be safe). Once this depth is
reached, the excavation starts to cut underneath the fossil, although not far
enough so that it collapses. This procedure causes it and the surrounding rock
to form a pedestal. Water-soaked paper towels or toilet paper are then placed on
the pedestal to form a barrier between the fossil and the final surrounding layer.
At this stage dry plaster of Paris is mixed with water for dipping strips of burlap,
which are placed around the towel-enveloped pedestal as a jacket. New materials
that are less dense and more cost-effective than plaster of Paris, yet not sacrificing
strength, have been proposed in recent years, but many dinosaur workers still
FIGURE 4.9 (opposite) Steps in excavation of a vertebrate fossil, in this case a partially
exposed skull and other bones of a metoposaur, a large amphibian that lived at the
same time (and in this case, the same region) as early dinosaurs, Chinle Formation
(Late Triassic), Arizona. (A) After cleaning the area, workers estimated the extent of the
fossil and dug around the defined area. (B) Digging of the rock underneath the fossil
established a pedestal. (C) One worker placed wet paper towels on the top to cushion
and separate the fossil from the plaster. (D) Another worker placed the plaster-soaked
burlap strips for the jacket all around the pedestal. The workers then waited until the
next day for the plaster to have hardened before breaking the pedestal, turning over the
rock, and jacketing the underside.
FIGURE 4.10 Pelvis of Apatosaurus from the Morrison Formation (Late Jurassic), western
Colorado, still partially encased in its protective jacket and in a preparatory lab associated
with the former Museum of Western Colorado, Grand Junction, Colorado. Notice the
plastic model sauropod in the background, ready to help with estimating the weight of
the original animal (Chapter 1).
prefer the plaster of Paris method, which has been in use for more than 100 years
(Chapter 3).
The specimen is left while the plaster hardens completely. Only then is the sup-
port under the pedestal broken so that the fossil can be turned over carefully to
apply the remainder of the jacket. For later cataloguing, important information about
the fossil, such as the date collected, preliminary identification, specimen number,
orientation (indicated by a north arrow), and location, are written on the jacket.
This also keeps the fossil from being mixed up with other, similar-looking, jacketed
specimens. The snug and safe fossil is now ready for transport out of the field area,
carried by people on foot (if the specimen is small enough), in land-based vehicles,
or in extreme cases by helicopter.
In a preparatory laboratory, a jacketed specimen is cut open and the excava-
tion begins anew, with the goal of liberating the fossil from its surrounding rock
(Fig. 4.10). A preparator will use human energy and a variety of tools to separate
the fossil from its entombing sediments. Just as in the field, the amount of time
taken to extract bones from rock depends on the cementation of the rock and fragility
of the fossil. Skeletal material is also commonly fragmented, requiring the prepara-
tor to handle each small piece with care so that paleontologists can re-assemble
the pieces accurately later. Preparators are among the most patient and skilled
people in paleontology, some operating with the precision of surgeons.
Once the dinosaur bones are prepared, they can be placed in dynamic public dis-
plays, baring their teeth or bearing their young. However, most skeletal remains of
dinosaurs return to dark quarters, tucked away in storage drawers or shelves for
future research. Because of its great weight, real bone is rarely mounted in a museum;
supporting these hard-earned but heavy specimens and keeping them from being
damaged or vandalized is an expensive technical problem. Instead, casts are made
from the original bones using artificial materials, such as fiberglass. These strong,
Lucas, S. G. 2002. It takes time: dinosaurs and the geologic time scale. In
Schotchmoor, J. G., Springer, D. A., Breithaupt, B. H. and Fiorillo, A. R. (Eds),
Dinosaurs: The Science Behind the Stories. Alexandria, Virginia: American Geological
Institute. pp 3944.
Moores, E. (Ed.) 1990. Plate Tectonics: Readings from Scientific American. New York:
W. H. Freeman.
Renne, P. R., Fulford, M. M. and Busby-Spera, C. 1991. High resolution SUP 40 Ar/
SUP 39 Ar chronostratigraphy of the Late Cretaceous El Gallo Formation, Baja
California Del Norte, Mexico. Geophysical Research Letters 18: 459462.
Robertson, H. 1998. How to design a lightweight jacket for a dinosaur: theoretical evalu- 4
ations of selected fillers mixed with plaster of Paris. Palaios 13: 301304.
Rogers, R. R., Swisher III, C. C. and Horner, J. R. 1993. SUP 40 Ar/SUP 39 Ar age
and correlation of the nonmarine Two Medicine Formation (Upper Cretaceous), north-
western Montana, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 30: 10661075.
Rogers, R. R., Swisher III, C. C., Sereno, P. C., Monetta, A. M., Forster, C. A. and Martinez,
R. N. 1993. The Ischigualasto tetrapod assemblage (Late Triassic, Argentina) and SUP
40 Ar/SUP 39 Ar dating of dinosaur origins. Science 260: 794797.
Sander, P. M. and Gee, C. T. 1992. A volunteer-powered dinosaur excavation in the
Upper Triassic of Switzerland. Journal of Geological Education 40: 194203.
Spencer, E. W. 1993. Geologic Maps: A Practical Guide to the Interpretation and Preparation
of Geologic Maps. New York: Macmillan.
Thomas, R. G., Eberth, D. A., Deino, A. L. and Robinson, D. 1990. Composition, radio-
isotopic ages, and potential significance of an altered volcanic ash (bentonite) from
the Upper Cretaceous Judith River formation, Dinosaur Provincial Park, southern Alberta,
Canada. Cretaceous Research 11: 125162.
Vine, F. J. 1966. Spreading of the ocean floor: New evidence. Science 154: 14051415.
Wegener, A. 1929. Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane (The Evolution of the
Continents and Oceans). Germany: Braunschweig.
Wilson, J. T. (Ed.) 1970. Continents Adrift: Readings from Scientific American. San
Francisco: W. H. Freeman Company.
You are watching a documentary on television about dinosaurs and you get
hungry about halfway through, so you go to your refrigerator to look for some
leftover chicken wings. Because you are standing there with the refrigerator door
open, marveling at the antiquity of some items in front of you, you only hear
the last part of a statement made by a paleontologist in the documentary.
In response to a question about how birds and dinosaurs are related, she says,
Birds are dinosaurs. As a result, you look at your chicken wings with newfound
What did she mean by this statement? How would you explain it to a doubt-
ing person who did not see the program or had never heard this statement?
Dinosaur Anatomy
and Classification
Refined Definition of
Chapter 1 gave a preliminary
definition of a dinosaur as a reptile-
or bird-like animal with an upright
posture that spent most of its life on land. In this chapter we can now expand this
definition. A fossil must have the following characters before it can be called a
This chapter dealing with dinosaur anatomy should provide a better understanding
of how the following can be done:
Such a picture is still being sketched to connect dinosaurs to their ancestors and
living descendants.
Skeletons are what primarily define dinosaurs, rather than the soft parts of their
anatomy or trace fossils. The classification of different dinosaurs into groups based
on their anatomical traits depends on correct assessment of their body plans as
revealed by their bones, necessitating a thorough knowledge of skeletal anatomy.
Such methods are practical because of the geological circumstances that favor preser-
vation of skeletal material. In contrast, dinosaur integuments, that is, derivatives
of their skin, including feathers, are rarely found in the fossil record (Chapter 7).
Notable exceptions to this generalization are foot impressions preserved as tracks
(Chapter 14) and now-less-rare finds of feathered theropods from a Lower
Cretaceous deposit in China (Chapters 9 and 15). These infrequently preserved parts
are also anatomical characters of dinosaurs and provide useful supplementary
information for independent cross-checks of the interpretations of evolutionary lin-
eages based on skeletal data (Chapter 6). Dinosaur body plans also indicate inferred
behavior of dinosaurs based on functional morphology. These then can be com-
pared to behavior indicated by dinosaur trace fossils (Chapter 14) or to the beha-
vior of extant animals that serve as analogues of dinosaurs.
Dorsal Ventral
Ventral Distal
FIGURE 5.1 Orientation terminology as applied to anatomical features in vertebrates, using the
skeletons of the Early Cretaceous theropod Deinonychus antirrhopus (left) and a modern human
Homo sapiens (right).
Femur 5
in the early twentieth century by Friedrich von Huene (Chapter 3). The differen-
tiation lies essentially in the arrangement of the hip bones (ischium, ilium, and
pubis) in a dinosaur pelvis (Fig. 5.2). In both clades, the ilium extends laterally to
both sides from the axis of the body and dorsal to the ischium and pubis. The pubis
in saurischians points anteriorly (cranially), whereas in ornithischians it points pos-
teriorly (caudally) and joins with the ischium so that it is ventral to the ischium.
The ischium in both saurischians and ornithischians is posteroventral, in that it
points toward the rear of the animal and is closer to its belly than its back.
In dinosaur anatomy, the distinction between saurischian and ornithischian
hips is critical, because these hip structures are related to other aspects of dinosaur
Hip bones are found not only in land-dwelling vertebrate animals of the geo-
logic past, but also in those existing today. As a result, they represent a recurrent
structure as an adaptation to supporting movement in terrestrial environments
(Chapter 10). The hip bones join laterally to form an open hole on each side called
the acetabulum, which is articulated with the anterior end of the femur (Fig. 5.2).
The fact that the medial wall of a dinosaur acetabulum is open enough that a rope
can be threaded through it is one of the characters of dinosaurs that differentiate
them from their ancestors. The articulation of the head of the femur with the acetab-
ulum also contributes to another dinosaurian trait, a shelf built into the inner wall
of the ilium that accommodates the ball-like projection of the femur. This adap-
tation is one of the main indicators that dinosaurs walked upright with their legs
directly underneath their bodies, instead of crawling with their limbs sprawled out
to the sides like large lizards (Chapters 1 and 14).
Vertebrae are repeated and interconnected bones that form the main axial ele-
ments in the dorsal part of a dinosaur skeleton. Vertebrae can be classified as
cervical, dorsal, sacral, and caudal, in order cranially to caudally. The cervical ver-
tebrae are associated with the neck region and the skull, the dorsal vertebrae with
the back, and the sacral with the hips. The caudal vertebrae form the tail; some
dinosaur tails, particularly those of sauropods, were long because of a large num-
ber of vertebrae (Chapter 10). Three or more sacral vertebrae, in association with
the hips of a dinosaur, comprise another defining characteristic (Fig. 5.3).
Each vertebra has a central part (appropriately named a centrum), an arch dor-
sal to the centrum (the neural arch), and a hollow area between the centrum and
neural arch (the nerve or spinal canal) where a dinosaurs nerve cord was located.
Vertebrae also have different knobs emanating from them called processes that articu-
lated with one another or with ribs (also known as costae); the latter places of
articulation are called transverse processes. Ventral and medial to the paired ribs
of some dinosaurs are smaller ribs called gastralia that evidently lent support to
dinosaur bellies. Caudal vertebrae were reinforced by tendons in some dinosaurs,
such as hadrosaurs (Chapter 11) and a few theropods (Chapter 9). Some long-tailed
dinosaurs, such as sauropods (Chapter 10), also had bones ventral to the vertebrae
called chevrons. Chevrons probably protected blood vessels on the ventral part of
the tail.
The Cranium
One of the easiest ways to attract the attention of dinosaur paleontologists is to
announce that you have found a cranium, especially one of a sauropod (Chapter
10). Most dinosaur paleontologists want to find a dinosaur skeleton that is at least
90% complete, but skulls are relatively rare prizes that can be extremely meaning-
ful for classification and interpretations of behavior. Because of the large number
of bones in the cranium, which was attached to the anterior part of the axial skele-
ton through the articulation of the occipital condyle with the first cervical verte-
bra, it is one of the most complicated structures of a dinosaur.
Adjectives applied to common bones in a dinosaur skull are (in alphabetical order)
the angular, basioccipital, basisphenoid, dentary, frontal, jugal, lachrymal,
maxilla, nasal, parietal, palatine, premaxilla, postorbital, prefrontal, ptery-
goid, quadrate, quadratojugal, surangular, squamosal, and vomer (Fig. 5.4). Keep
in mind that many of these bones are paired, which nearly doubles the number of
bones from this list. Openings in the skull are foramens, fenestrae (plural of fen-
estra), and orbits. Foramens and fenestrae are named after their proximity to the
bones surrounding them (that is, the antorbital fenestra and surangular foramen),
whereas orbits refer to the former positions of a dinosaurs eyes. The size of a dinosaurs
orbit gives an approximation of the original size of its eyes, which, of course, is
connected to hypotheses on dinosaur vision (Chapters 9 to 13). Most of the skull
Dentary Surangular
FIGURE 5.4 Cranial bones in Allosaurus fragilis: compare with Figure 1.6.
bones are sutured tightly to one another and have no evidence of former move-
ment. Others, such as the bones associated with the jaws, were capable of some
rather complex movements (Chapters 9 to 13). Missing from this list of cranial bones
is the postfrontal, which was present in ancestors of dinosaurs; its absence assists
in their definition.
To invoke lukewarm responses from dinosaur paleontologists, tell them that you
have found only teeth. Although teeth were part of the skull, in some areas they
are commonly the only body fossils that remain of some dinosaur species, so their
discovery seldom adds much to a paleontological survey. However, some teeth are
distinctive enough to identify the presence of species that were previously unde-
scribed. They also are extremely important for interpreting dinosaur paleobiology
as they can be a guide to dinosaur dietary preferences, especially if the teeth can
be matched to toothmarks (Chapter 14).
Teeth are preferentially preserved more often than other ossified tissues because
they are typically composed of dense, compact bone (Chapter 8). Additionally,
dinosaur teeth were in sockets (instead of being fused to the jaws, as in lizards),
which caused them to pop out occasionally. These lost teeth were then continu-
ally replaced with new ones, which tended to bias the fossil record further. A prob-
lem with this abundance of dinosaur teeth in the fossil record is that teeth, because
they are relatively smaller than many dinosaur bones and are composed of more
durable material, have been more subject to reworking or transportation. So their
occurrence in strata may not be in the same place or originated at the same time
as the original dinosaur, making them suspect as guide fossils (Chapters 4 and 7).
particular is valuable for correlating with footprint data, leading to more refined
attributions of tracks to their tracemakers (Chapter 14). The bipedal posture of some
dinosaurs also means that their hands were freed for other tasks, such as grasping
food or potential mates. Specialized functional adaptations suggested by dinosaur
limbs have also been the subject of lively discussion, such as why supposed active
hunters like Tyrannosaurus or Albertosaurus had such tiny forelimbs with only
two fingers in proportion to their large bodies (Chapter 9), the possible function
of a thumb spike in Iguanodon (Chapter 11), and whether ceratopsians had semi-
sprawling versus erect forelimbs (Chapter 13).
Forelimbs (arms) in dinosaurs were attached proximally to the main torso
through the pectoral girdle. The pectoral girdle had as its main bones the scapula
(shoulder blade) and coracoid, which interacted directly with the clavicle (Fig. 5.5);
the latter is present in some dinosaurs such as saurischians (Chapters 9 and 10)
and a few ornithischians (Chapter 13). The pectoral girdle interacted with the ribs
of the chest region (thoracic ribs) and sternum, with the clavicle (if present) as
an intermediary bone. Sterna (plural of sternum) have been reported from some
theropods, sauropodomorphs, ornithopods, thyreophorans, ceratopsians, and
birds, but they are not always present in the geologic record because some may
have been cartilaginous (composed mostly of collagen: Chapter 8) and thus were
not preserved. The clavicles fused in some post-Triassic theropods to form a fur-
cula, equivalent to a wishbone. The place on the scapula where it articulated with
the humerus is the glenoid, which pointed caudally and is yet another trait of
dinosaurs (Fig. 5.6). The humerus rotated in whatever range of motion was defined
by the glenoid. More importantly, in combination with the length of its forelimbs,
it determined whether the dinosaur could have brought food to its mouth with
these forelimbs (Chapter 9).
Another characteristic of dinosaurs is a long deltopectoral crest on the
humerus. The way to remember this unwieldy term is to use a human body as a
guide. The main shoulder and chest muscles are called a deltoid and pectoral, respec-
tively, so any body part related to both of these would have the combined name
of deltopectoral. Now think of a raised portion (crest) on the humerus that related
to both the deltoid and pectoral muscles of a dinosaur and this image should illus-
trate the approximate position and purpose of this name for this anatomical land-
mark. The humerus, just as in humans, formed an elbow joint with the radius and
ulna. To work out which one is which, turn your hand so that you are looking at
your palm, and then turn it so that you are looking at the back of your hand. The
forearm bone that moved to the medial part of your body was the radius, which
Ulna 5
I Metacarpals
Phalanges V
I Metacarpal
Trapezium Pisiform
Trapezoid Triquetrum
Scaphoid Capitate Lunate
is just below (posterior to) your thumb. Distal to the radius and ulna were, in order,
the carpals (wrist bones), metacarpals, phalanges (plural of phalanx), and
unguals (claws or hooves); the latter two compose the digits (or fingers). The pha-
langes are divided from the metacarpals in a human by the location of the knuckle
joints and the same is true of dinosaus.
The main difference between a dinosaur manus and a human hand is seen in
the asymmetry of the dinosaur manus, which can be discerned through a phalangeal
formula (Fig. 5.7). To demonstrate this formula, turn your hand so that you are
looking at the back (dorsal surface) of it. Label your fingers from the thumb (clos-
est to the midline of your body) to the smallest finger from I to V, then count the
number of separate bones (each phalanx) in each of these labeled fingers. Test the
results by comparing them with the following data:
I. 2
II. 3
III. 3
IV. 3
V. 3
The data should confirm the observation of this phalangeal formula in humans:
2-3-3-3-3. Dinosaurs have, as another trait distinguishing them from their ances-
tors, a manus that has such asymmetry with less than or equal to three phalanges
on digit IV and less than or equal to two phalanges on digit V. In some dinosaurs,
digits IV and V became modified or reduced enough in their manus that they even-
tually became vestigial or disappeared, which gave some dinosaurs (particularly
theropods) three-fingered hands. A few theropods, such as Tyrannosaurus, even evolved
two-fingered hands (Chapter 9). A similar circumstance happened with digits I and
V in the pes of some dinosaurs, which resulted in such dinosaurs leaving four- and
three-toed tracks (Chapter 7). However, other dinosaurs retained all five digits on
either their manus or pes (Chapters 10 and 12), indicated in some dinosaurs tracks
as well as their skeletons (Chapter 14).
In the posterior portion of a dinosaur, hind limbs were associated with the sacral
vertebrae (collectively called the sacrum) by the pelvic girdle. As mentioned ear-
lier, the sacrum was connected with the hips (dorsal and medial to the ilium), and
the ball-like, proximal end of the femur fitted into the acetabulum (Fig. 5.8A). Distal
to the femur were the tibia and fibula, where the tibia, more medial than the fibula,
formed the knee joint with the femur. The tibia is key to two dinosaurian traits: it
has a cnemial crest and its distal, anterior surface fits with the ascending process
Ischium crest
Tibia Fibula
Pubis foramen
(A) (B) Astragalus Calcaneum
FIGURE 5.8 Characters for dinosaurs involving the appendicular skeleton. (A) Sacrum, proximal
end of the femur, and the fit of the latter into the acetabulum. (B) Tibia, showing two traits of
dinosaurs: cnemial crest and astragalus.
of an anklebone called the astragalus (Fig. 5.8B). The astragalus and another ankle-
bone, the calcaneum, collectively formed a dinosaurs tarsals. These terms relate
directly to the evolution of dinosaurs from reptilian ancestors with different
arrangements of their tarsals (Chapter 6).
Distal from the tarsals and relating to a dinosaurs feet were the metatarsals,
phalanges, and unguals. Although humans normally walk with their metatarsals
in contact with the ground, in most cases, dinosaurs had metatarsals above the
ground (Chapter 7). Such a condition, called digitigrade, is also observable in dogs,
which have a posteriorly pointing joint between the metatarsals and ankle bones
(Fig. 5.9A). A digitigrade stance can be approached in humans by standing on the
balls of the feet or wearing high-heeled shoes (Fig. 5.9B) but strictly speaking is
achieved only by on-point ballet dancers who stand on the tips of their toes. This
stance contrasts with relaxing and standing with most of the body weight on the
metatarsals (heels), which is plantigrade. By far, most dinosaurs were digitigrade, 5
placing their weight on their phalanges (Fig. 5.9C), although some dinosaurs
walked plantigrade under some conditions (Chapter 14).
(A) (B)
FIGURE 5.10 Hadrosaur skin impression, Late Cretaceous of North America. Mesa State
Community College Museum, Tucumcari, New Mexico.
anatomy and brain endocasts, nevertheless may provide indirect information sug-
gesting that some dinosaurs were brightly colored, possibly for species identifica-
tion and attracting mates (Chapter 8). Some researchers also propose that some
dinosaurs were brightly colored because this trait is exhibited by some of their mod-
ern relatives (some reptiles and birds). On the other hand, dull colorations is just
as likely for herbivores, allowing them to blend more easily into Mesozoic land-
scapes and avoid the attention of hungry predators. This could also have been the
case for predators, with a dull coloration camouflaging them from their prey.
As mentioned previously, muscle attachment sites on bones are another way to
tell where some soft tissues were located, but any remnants of the muscle tissue
itself are yet to be discovered in association with dinosaur bones. Pseudomorphs
(false forms) of dinosaur muscles for the theropod Pelecanimimus polyodon, how-
ever, were found in Lower Cretaceous rocks of Spain. In this instance, a special,
rapid postburial mineralization process (Chapter 7) mimicked the three-dimensional
structure of the musculature. Musculature and other soft tissues also can be
inferred for dinosaur digits through toe-pad impressions in some dinosaur tracks,
giving a sense of the actual size of a dinosaur foot with all of its original skin and
muscles (Chapter 14). Toe-pad impressions help to identify phalangeal formulas of
dinosaur feet, which can help to narrow down the potential tracemakers of some
dinosaur footprints.
Other soft parts of dinosaurs include their internal organs, of which we have much
better information based on actual evidence, rather than the speculation of only
about 15 years ago. For example, one of the most spectacular discoveries of pre-
served dinosaur soft parts was that of a small Early Cretaceous theropod found in
Italy, Scipionyx samniticus. The specimen has a clear outline of its intestine, some
muscles, and possibly a trachea (windpipe) and liver. Besides this direct evidence,
gastroliths in a small, localized area within the rib-cage region of a dinosaur con-
stitute indirect evidence of a former crop and gizzard, which are muscular diges-
tive organs located anterior and posterior to the stomach, respectively, in modern
birds. Gastroliths were most likely an aid to grinding up difficult-to-digest plant
material in some herbivorous dinosaurs, such as sauropods (Chapters 10 and 14).
At least one Early Cretaceous theropod (Caudipteryx zoui), presumably a meat eater,
also had a concentration of small gastroliths in its abdominal region (Chapter 9).
Remains of small animals within the body cavity of a dinosaur also can point toward
(A) (B)
FIGURE 5.11 Restoration of skin and musculature for: (A) Late Triassic theropod Coelophysis
bauri of North America: Denver Museum of Science and Nature; (B) Late Jurassic sauropod
Apatosaurus louisae of North America: Dinosaur National Monument, Utah.
the former location of either its stomach or intestine (Chapter 9). For evidence of
reproductive organs, one feathered theropod from China contains two egg-like struc-
tures within the posterior part of its abdominal region, which is evidence for an
oviduct (birth canal).
Well-preserved skulls can provide three-dimensional approximations of dinosaur
brain exteriors. This helps in determining whether room existed in parts of the skull
for other tissues, such as in the nasal region, related to physiological functions
(Chapter 8). Brain endocasts, which are casts of the braincase in a skull, reveal
a minimum value of brain volume, which is measured in cubic centimeters.
Endocasts also indicate the relative sizes of the different parts of the brain used for
sensory perception, such as the olfactory bulb (related to smell), and they show
the locations of nerves and blood vessels that related to a dinosaurs physiology
(Chapter 8). When a skull has been crushed from compaction or damaged by fur-
ther preparation, computed tomography (CT) scans render digital images that rep- 5
resent accurately the skull interiors that also can be rotated in three dimensions
for easier study (Chapters 9 and 15).
Although still relatively sparse in comparison to skeletal anatomy, the fossil record
of dinosaur soft-part anatomy is actually better than the popular perception that
only bones tell the story of dinosaur bodies. The preceding examples also provide
important supplemental information to help dinosaur paleontologists better flesh
out these animals, rendering their restorations more accurate than if they only
used skeletal material. Thus, using all of the information available from dinosaur
fossils and comparative anatomy with extant vertebrates, restorations of dinosaur
musculature result in what are probably better estimates of the overall forms of
dinosaurs. Dramatic models derived from this information can show us what some
dinosaur limbs and bodies may have looked like if we had the opportunity to dis-
sect a recently dead specimen (Fig. 5.11).
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata
Class Reptilia
Subclass Diapsida
Infraclass Archosauria
Superorder Dinosauria
Order Saurischia
Order Ornithischia
Class Aves
evolutionary theory has been an essential part of biology and paleontology since
the late nineteenth century, cladistics was not proposed in the scientific literature
until 1950, and even then it did not become well known in mainstream scientific
circles until 1966. This change was prompted by publication of a book in English
that outlined its original concepts, which were first published in German by the
entomologist Willi Hennig. Most dinosaur paleontologists did not begin to adopt
cladistics until around 1984, although some discussion of the monophyletic ver-
sus polyphyletic nature of dinosaurs was a recurring point of debate in the 1970s
and early 1980s. Since then, cladistics has become the standard classification sys-
tem for dinosaur paleontologists, which probably would not have occurred so rapidly
if not for the development of computer technology that analyzed quickly large data
sets of anatomical characters in dinosaurs.
Cladistics is based on examination of anatomical features that can be broadly
categorized as: 5
1 primitive (plesiomorphies);
2 shared and derived (synapomorphies);
3 new (novelties); and
4 convergent.
Of these, synapomorphies, which are characters shared between two or more groups
of organisms and derived from earlier features, are the most important for defining
clades (Chapter 1). In biological evolution, a character must be genetically inherit-
able and not acquired during the lifetime of an animal. Characters thus relate to
an organisms genotype, or how its genes were expressed (Chapter 6). In contrast,
a population of mice that originally had sight but lost it, then had their tails cut
off, do not constitute a clade because their blindness and tail losses are acquired
traits that are not inheritable. The outward physical expression of an organism, caused
by a combination of environmentally caused traits and the genotype, is called its
phenotype, which can vary considerably from the potential of the genotype
(Chapter 6). In other words, these mice becoming tailless and blind were traits that
were acquired, not inherited.
If a group of blind mice from a population of ancestral mice evolved a geneti-
cally inheritable lack of tails, sight, or both, then these novel traits would show
up in subsequent generations (descendants). The group without tails or the blind
group therefore comprise a new clade, as will any successive group that shows these
synapomorphies, indicating relatedness (Fig. 5.12). Consequently, cladistics is a
method used to hypothesize the phylogeny (evolutionary history) of a group of
organisms, which is why it is also called a phylogenetic classification (Chap-
ter 1). Plesiomorphies (primitive features) can also help with discerning ancestry,
in that descendants may have retained a trait from far back in their evolutionary
lineage: examples include the formation of teeth in embryonic chickens and pha-
ryngeal gill slits in human embryos. A clade, because it shows the evolutionary
origin for all descendants from a common ancestor, is thus monophyletic. In con-
trast, taxonomic groups that have multiple evolutionary origins, such as more than
one clade, are polyphyletic (Chapter 3).
The result of such analyses and the consensus reached by most dinosaur pale-
ontologists is summarized by the following clades, introduced in Chapter 1:
However, the mere listing of clades, even with progressive indentations given to
the list, does not explain adequately the relations between them. Their interrela-
tionships are best illustrated through a cladogram, which shows how clades branch
from one another at points called nodes, where a common ancestor of all sub-
sequent clades first developed a new synapomorphy. The influence of the Linnaean
classification is retained through some taxa (i.e., Diapsida, Archosauria) that were
originally based on some shared characters recognized long before the invention
of cladistics. Yet another aspect of Linnaean classification that still remains is the
binomial nomenclature of fossil species. As a result, the embrace of cladistics by
biologists and vertebrate paleontologists has not erased colorful species names such
as Triceratops horridus (Chapter 13).
Vertebrate paleontologists, who employ cladistics, attempt to be scientifically rig-
orous in their approach by examining evidence for the inheritability of any char-
acter observed in fossil specimens. Each cladogram is essentially a hypothesis for
a phylogeny that is tested through peer review. Typically, the least complicated
hypothesis (the one requiring the fewest steps for establishing the relatedness) is
regarded as the most likely, and such less complicated cladograms are said to have
parsimony. New evidence, such as a fossil find from the field or a museum with
previously undescribed or unrecognized characters, requires re-examination of pre-
vious hypotheses about the evolutionary relationships of certain clades. Hence, use
of this methodology can falsify the justification for a new clade, or argue more firmly
for a previously-defined clade (Chapter 15). This situation means that cladistics, in
its earliest stages, can be quite volatile as new information is added, which results
in hindered communication.
of vertebrates since their formation resulted in new clades through geologic time,
which paleontologists try to define on the basis of character data. For example,
Chordata eventually gave rise to the character of four limbs, which partially
defines Tetrapoda. Tetrapoda had a clade develop, Amniota, with the evolution of
egg-laying ability (Chapters 6 and 8), which then had other reptile-like clades form
that eventually had clades develop from each of them. All of this diversification of
amniote clades resulted ultimately in the origin of Dinosauria as a clade, most likely
by the Middle Triassic or earliest part of the Late Triassic (Chapter 6). Mammalia
also originated as a clade from a common amniote ancestor shared by dinosaurs
and mammals.
As is typical in scientific endeavors, total agreement is still lacking about exactly
what traits define Dinosauria as a clade. The consensus reached thus far is that
Dinosauria is defined primarily on the basis of synapomorphies related to locomotion,
such as these previously mentioned anatomical traits: 5
Saurischians apparently are the earliest known clade of dinosaurs, and they are cer-
tainly the most abundant dinosaurs in both the body and trace fossil record of the
Late Triassic (Chapter 6). The first ornithischians occur in slightly younger strata
than the first saurischians, although both groups were derived from a still-
unknown archosaurian ancestor that was the node from which they diverged. These
two clades had other monophyletic groups branch from them that form the
presently understood ancestordescendant relationships of dinosaurs (Fig. 5.13).
Familiarization with representative species from each clade (Tables 1.1 and 5.1) will
help with visualizing some of the dinosaurs associated with these clades. More detailed
knowledge of anatomical differences, covered in remaining chapters, is necessary
to understand the scientific basis for paleontologists showing where these clades
branch into more derived clades.
Of course, human factors complicate even the most scientific of classification
schemes. In some cases, the best-defined clades are biased, favoring the views of
the particular dinosaur paleontologists who are most active in researching them,
as well as the relative abundance of skeletal material available (or not available) for
character analysis in certain clades. For example, theropods are described cladisti-
cally in more detail than any other dinosaur group (Chapter 9). This circumstance
is at least partially attributable to the recurring fascination most dinosaur paleon-
tologists have with theropods, but it is also related to the abundance of theropod
material for study in nations where scientific methods have a long tradition
(Chapter 3). Furthermore, the logistical problems associated with unrecoverable
dinosaur remains add to the bias of their cladistic classification. For example,
sauropods, most of which were disproportionately larger than the other dinosaurs,
may not be defined as well in a clade because recovery of their extremely large
body parts from remote field areas is difficult. The extended amount of time, money,
and labor required for preparing those parts in a laboratory prevent proper study
of their characters (Chapters 3 and 10). Yet another human factor to consider is
experience. Because cladistics has been applied to dinosaurs for only about 20 years,
not all dinosaur paleontologists have gained the expertise necessary for identify-
ing all of the characters.
Ornithopoda Sauropodomorpha
Thyreophora Theropoda
Lepidosauria Euryapsida Pterosauria DINOSAURIA
Therapsida Anapsida
Synapsida Diapsida
Amphibia (Eu)reptilia
FIGURE 5.13 Currently accepted cladogram for dinosaurs, beginning with Chordata and
ending with the Saurischia and Ornithischia and main monophyletic groups within these
Ceratosauria Abelisaurus, Carnotaurus, Ceratosaurus, Coelophysis,
Dilophosaurus, Elaphrosaurus, Majungasaurus, Podokesaurus
Tetanurae Allosaurus, Bambiraptor, Baryonyx, Beipiaosaurus,
Compsognathus, Deinocheirus, Deinonychus, Megalosaurus,
Microraptor, Oviraptor, Pelecanimimus, Poekilopleuron,
Protarchaeopteryx, Saurornithoides, Scipionyx,
Sinornithosaurus, Sinosauropteryx, Spinosaurus, Struthiomimus,
Suchomimus, Troodon, Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor
Prosauropoda Coloradisaurus, Euskelosaurus, Lufengosaurus, Massospondylus,
Melanosaurus, Plateosaurus, Riojasaurus, Sellosaurus,
Sauropoda Apatosaurus, Argentinosaurus, Barosaurus, Brachiosaurus,
Camarasaurus, Cetiosaurus, Dicraeosaurus, Diplodocus,
Dystrophaeus, Euhelopus, Janenschia, Omeisaurus, Paralititan,
Pelorosaurus, Seismosaurus, Titanosaurus, Tornieria
Hadrosauridae Claosaurus, Corythosaurus, Edmontosaurus, Hadrosaurus,
Prosaurolophus, Saurolophus, Telmatosaurus
Heterodontosauridae Abrictosaurus, Heterodontosaurus, Lycorhinus
Iguanodontia Camptosaurus, Dryosaurus, Iguanodon, Ouranosaurus
Ankylosauria Ankylosaurus, Hylaeosaurus, Nodosaurus, Pinacosaurus
Stegosauria Huayangosaurus, Kentrosaurus, Stegosaurus, Tuojiangosaurus
Ceratopsia Anchiceratops, Centrosaurus, Chasmosaurus, Leptoceratops,
Monoclonius, Protoceratops, Psittacosaurus, Styracosaurus,
Torosaurus, Triceratops
Pachycephalosauria Homocephale, Pachycephalosaurus, Prenocephale, Stegoceras
n Assigning a different species name to a dinosaur that has already been given
another name (called a synonymy).
n Assigning a species name to a dinosaur that is already being used for
another organism, which may not even be a dinosaur (called a homonym).
n Naming a dinosaur on the basis of little material, such as one tooth, so that
the definition of its characters is too vague for other workers to find it again.
determined from fossils. Consequently, they gave different species names to very
similar (but distinctively different) dinosaurs that occurred in strata from the same
place and time. Franz Nopcsa (Chapter 3) was one of the first dinosaur paleonto-
logists to attempt a separation of then-established dinosaur species into different
sexes, but he had inadequate evidence and applied it poorly to support his hypoth-
esis. Some paleontologists have inferred plausible sex differences for the same species
from dinosaur skeletons, thus justifying a reduction in the number of species names.
However, more convincing fossil evidence supporting these inferences (such as male
and female skeletons of the same species together in flagrante delicto) is, unfortu-
nately, still lacking. Another problem is presented by ontogenetic variations,
which are changes caused as dinosaurs grew from juveniles to adulthood. The recog-
nition of juvenile specimens of some dinosaur species has resulted in a reduction
of species names, as smaller versions of some dinosaurs are no longer assumed as
species separate from their similar but larger counterparts.
With these potential pitfalls in mind, someone who names a new dinosaur species
would need to pay attention to strict rules of biological nomenclature. This code
has to be followed by all zoologists and paleontologists wishing to name new spe-
cies of recent or fossil animals, and is summarized in a document called The
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). A similar document is used for
the naming of living and fossil plants among botanists and paleobotanists. As men-
tioned in Chapter 1, a species name should be Latinized but does not always have
to contain roots from classical languages, and so can be formed from any language
or acronym. Despite this latitude given in naming, names that are the most
encouraged are those that are relatively easy to remember and pronounce. With
dinosaurs in particular, the suffix saurus is used so often in genus names that
any prefix used in association with it is normally the most difficult part of a dinosaurs
name to remember and pronounce. Additionally, names that provide appropriate
literal translations of key descriptive criteria are helpful, such as Triceratops (three-
horned face).
Once a species name is chosen, then a detailed description must be written of
the material on which this new species is based. The material should be well illus-
trated through photographs, drawings, and digital images (such as the aforemen-
tioned CT scans), and the results must be submitted to a scientific journal for peer
review (Chapter 2). The peer review may result in scientific acceptance of the pro-
posed new species. It may not be accepted if the material is too fragmentary or
poorly-defined, or if it closely resembles a variation of an already named species,
to warrant a new name.
If the name is accepted, then the material used to describe it constitutes the
type specimen or holotype of the species. The type specimen should include, as
a minimum:
1 a catalogue number;
2 the name of the formation in which it was found;
3 the exact locality (geographically and stratigraphically) where it was found;
4 the names of the people who described it.
than in any other fossil group, but naming may not be warranted. Another poten-
tial problem of the past, but not as prevalent now, was the publication effect:
competitive paleontologists attempted to name as many new species as possible
through excessive publishing (see Cope and Marsh, discussed in Chapters 2 and
3), a circumstance that artificially inflated dinosaur diversity. This problem was clarified
when the co-editors of a major volume on dinosaur systematics, The Dinosauria,
required contributing authors to meticulously review which names were valid or
not, resulting in a considerable reduction of species names created before the books
publication in 1990. A subsequent edition of the book in 2004 documented how
the number of species has slightly increased since then, but not at the rates seen
before the more careful assessments of species names.
Paleontologists who advocate the reduction of synonymies are colloquially
called lumpers, whereas those who justify more species names are called split-
ters. These attitudes represent two extremes of the spectrum, and are categoriza- 5
tions that can be applied to any paleontologist at different times in his or her career.
If the given evidence justifies a species name, then examination of that evidence
and peer review will hopefully affirm that fact. If the species name is later found
as unnecessary, peer review hopefully is behind this change, too.
SUMMARY Continued
4. Draw a manus (either left or right, labeling which it is) that corres-
ponds to each of the following phalangeal formulas for these dino-
saurs. Also, what feature revealed by the phalangeal formulas indicates
that these are all dinosaurs?
a. Allosaurus fragilis: 2-3-4-0-0
b. Apatosaurus louisae: 2-1-1-1-1
c. Iguanodon bernissartensis: 2-3-3-2-4
d. Triceratops horridus: 2-3-4-3-1
e. Stegosaurus stenops: 2-2-2-2-1
f. Pinacosaurus grangeri: 2-3-3-3-2
5. What bones in a dinosaur skull seem to have been involved in move-
ment of the jaw? Develop a hypothesis on how the number of teeth
in the skull might have had an effect on jaw movement, which cor-
responds to adaptations of bones associated with this movement. How
would you test this hypothesis?
6. Get together with some study partners, purchase a whole cooked
chicken, and attempt to look at muscle attachments to the bones as
you dissect it. Try to see how many of the bones in the skeleton are
the same or comparable to those mentioned in this chapter. With
this knowledge in mind, look at a live chicken or a picture of one
and try to identify which areas of the chicken should contain certain
bones. How did the dissection aid in your recognition of bones beneath
the flesh and feathers?
7. Is a chicken a dinosaur? With your instructor, try to find as many of the
characters on the chicken used for Question 6 that define Dinosauria
as a clade. How do you account for any that might be missing?
8. Humans are classified under the Linnaean system as follows: Phylum
Chordata, Subphylum Vertebrata, Class Mammalia, Order Primates,
Family Hominidae, Genus Homo, species Homo sapiens. What in-
formation would you need to convert this classification to a phylo-
genetic one?
9. Mammals have seven cervical vertebrae as a character of the clade
Mammalia, regardless of their body size or neck length. Thus, mice
have the same number as giraffes. Explain how all dinosaurs are placed
in the same clade, despite the extreme variation in the number of
cervical vertebrae for different dinosaur species (that is, they range
from 5 in some theropods to 19 in some sauropods).
10. Take an existing species of dinosaur, such as Coelophysis bauri,
Apatosaurus louisae, Hadrosaurus foulki, Stegosaurus stenops, or
Triceratops horridus, and predict what its immediate descendant
would look like, justifying the naming of a new species. What char-
acters would you expect to have changed in accordance with dif-
ferent environmental or biological factors, such as global warming
or mate selection?
Bakker, R. T. and Galton, P. M. 1974. Dinosaur monophyly and a new class of verte-
brates. Nature 248: 168172.
Czerkas, S. A. 1997. Skin. In Currie, P. J. and Padian, K. (Eds), Encyclopedia of
Dinosaurs. San Diego, California: Academic Press. pp. 669675.
Dal Sasso, C. and Signore, M. 1998. Exceptional soft-tissue preservation in a theropod
dinosaur from Italy. Nature 392: 383387.
De Queiroz, K. and Gauthier, J. 1990. Phylogeny as a central principle in taxonomy:
Phylogenetic definition of taxon names. Systematic Zoology 39: 307322.
Dodson, P. 1976. Quantitative aspects of relative growth and sexual dimorphism in
Protoceratops. Journal of Paleontology 50: 929940.
Dodson, P. 1990. Counting dinosaurs: how many different kinds were there?
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 87: 76087612.
Fastovsky, D. E. and Weishampel, D. B. 2003. The Evolution and Extinction of the
Dinosaurs (Second Edition). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Gaffney, G., Dingus, L. and Smith, M. 1995. Why cladistics? Natural History 104(6):
Hennig, W. 1950. Grundzge einer Theorie der phylogenetischen Systematik. Berlin,
Germany: Deutscher Zentraverlag.
Hennig, W. 1966. Phylogenetic systematics. Urbana-Champaign, Illinois: University of Illinois
Holtz, T. R., Jr. 2002. Chasing Tyrannosaurus and Deinonychus around the tree of life:
classifying dinosaurs. In Schotchmoor, J. G., Springer, D. A., Breithaupt B. H. and
Fiorillo, A. R. (Eds), Dinosaurs: The Science Behind the Stories. Alexandria, Virginia:
American Geological Institute. pp. 3138.
Holtz, T. R., Jr. and Brett-Surman, M. K. 1997. The taxonomy and systematics of the
dinosaurs. In Farlow, J. O. and Brett-Surman, M. K. (Eds), The Complete Dinosaur.
Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. pp. 92106.
Linn, C. 1758. Systema Natura per Regina Tria Naturae, Secundum Classes, Ordines,
Genera, Species cum Characterisbus, Differentiis, Synonymis, Locis, Editio decima, reformata,
Tomus I: Regnum Animalia. Laurentii Salvii, Holmiae.
McGowan, C. 1998. T. Rex to Go: Build Your Own from Chicken Bones. New York: Harper
Padian, K. 1997. Phylogenetic system. In Currie, P. J. and Padian, K. (Eds),
Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs. San Diego, California: Academic Press. pp. 543545.
Sereno, P. C. 1991. Clades and grades in dinosaur systematics. In Carpenter, K. and
Currie, P. (Eds), Dinosaur Systematics: Approaches and Perspectives. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge University Press. pp. 920.
Wu, X.-C. and Russell, A. P. 1997. Systematics. In Currie, P. J. and Padian, K. (Eds),
Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs. San Diego, California: Academic Press. pp. 704712.
While reading a book on dinosaurs, you notice that they existed in a time span
of about 230 to 65 million years ago in the Mesozoic Era, and you wonder what
the first dinosaurs looked like. When you find an artists rendering of these crea-
tures, you notice that they look similar to modern monitor lizards (such as Komodo
dragons), crocodiles, or alligators. Moreover, you are surprised to find out that
flying reptiles, marine reptiles, and many other dinosaur contemporaries were
not actually dinosaurs. As you read about dinosaurs toward the end of the Mesozoic
Era, you also see the phrase birds are dinosaurs.
Are dinosaurs, monitor lizards, crocodiles, and alligators related to one
another? If so, what common ancestors did they have? What is the basis of the
phrase birds are dinosaurs? If this premise is acceptable to you, then how are
birds related to monitor lizards and crocodiles?
Introduction to
Dinosaur Evolution
FIGURE 6.1 Main originators of the hypothesis of natural selection, Charles Darwin (left)
and Alfred Russel Wallace (right). From Ridley (1996), Evolution, 2e, Blackwell Science,
Inc., Malden, MA, pp. 9 and 10.
n Those individuals with variations favorable for survival from this struggle
(the more adaptable ones) will live to produce offspring that also have these
variations, thus changing the population over time with each successive inher-
ited variation and eventually resulting in species different from the ances-
tral species.
an organism, because one-half of its genes came from its mother and one-half from
its father. This is related to the haploid nature of male and female gametes, formed
by meiosis, which combine to form a diploid zygote. Dinosaurs are also presumed,
with a high degree of certainty, to have reproduced sexually through malefemale
pairs and not through parthenogenesis (Chapter 8). This hypothesis is supported
by the numerous dinosaur eggs (a few containing embryos) and nests, the sexual
dimorphism interpreted from some dinosaur skeletons of the same species, and the
sexual reproductive life cycles in their closest living relatives, crocodilians and birds
(Chapter 8). Dinosaurs thus had a constant source of genetic variation, as with other
sexually reproducing organisms.
Another discovery by Mendel was that one of a pair of genes tends to overshadow
the other gene in its physical expression, which affects the phenotype of the organ-
ism, so that the dominant gene is expressed over the recessive gene. An individual
with two dominant or two recessive genes at a locus has a homozygous condition,
in contrast to one with dominant and recessive genes, which is heterozygous. A
heterozygous condition is defined by alleles, because a pair of genes at the same
locus represents variations, or alternatives, of one another. Interestingly, propor-
tions of these dominant and recessive traits can be predicted in offspring from
parents with homozygous or heterozygous conditions through probabilities. For
example, the gene for brown eyes in humans is dominant over that for blue eyes,
but both parents can have brown eyes and a recessive gene for blue eyes, so they
will both have a heterozygous condition. The gene frequency, which is the fre-
quency of each gene in relation to another gene at its locus, is 0.5 for each allele
in a heterozygous condition, which corresponds to a 50% probability for each (other-
wise known popularly as 50 : 50). In contrast, a homozygous condition would
have a gene frequency of 1.0 for the single gene, whether it is for a homozygous
dominant or homozygous recessive.
Armed with probabilities, geneticists can make predictions about the genotypes
and phenotypes of pairings. In the example of eye color, the probability for any
one of their offspring to have blues eyes is 25%. Probability is calculated through
assigning letters to both the dominant allele (B) and recessive allele (b) in the homozy-
gous pairs and crossing them in a diagram used by geneticists, called a Punnet square:
B b
b Bb bb
has three possible genotypes: BB, Bb, and bb. The following binomial equation
describes the frequency of each genotype:
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 (6.1)
where p is the gene frequency of the dominant allele and q is the gene frequency
of the recessive allele. Thus, p2 is a result of multiplying the probability of allele B
by itself (BB), q2 is the result of multiplying allele b by itself (bb), and 2pq is the
multiplication of both probabilities (Bb), which is also multiplied by two. Because
the total probability for the three genotypes is 100%, then all of the genotype fre-
quencies must have a sum of 1.0. The Hardy-Weinberg ratio is considered as the
starting point for discussion of population genetics, the study of factors that affect
gene frequencies.
Using our example, where each heterozygous parent contributed a gene frequency
of 0.5 for each allele, the Hardy-Weinberg formula predicts the genotype frequen-
cies for the first generation of the pairing as:
which corresponds to 0.25 for BB, 0.5 for Bb, and 0.25 for bb in Step 2. Using the
formula is a good way to double-check the frequencies derived from crossing them
in a Punnet square. Calculated either way, the expected gene frequencies for each
generation of offspring can be predicted for all possible pairings by parents with
known gene frequencies (Table 6.1). The ultimate result is that observers will
expect a 75% probability of the brown-eyed phenotype and a 25% probability of
the blue-eyed phenotype in a large population.
However, one of the truisms of statistics is that probabilities do not always trans-
late into certainties. One of the most important facets of evolutionary theory is
that expected genotype frequencies can differ considerably from observed genotype
frequencies, as represented by the anomaly of more frequent appearances of phe-
notypes that were not predicted from the original pairings. The primary agent respons-
ible for changing the frequencies is natural selection, which demonstrates the
intimate interaction between Mendelian genetics and environmental factors.
How does all of this genetic theory apply to dinosaurs? Using a dinosaurian exam-
ple, let us say that a male Centrosaurus apertus (a Late Cretaceous neoceratopsian:
Chapter 13) with a homozygous dominant gene for a small nasal horn (HH) mated
with a female C. apertus that had a homozygous recessive gene for an enlarged nasal
horn (hh). The expected genotype frequency would have been 1.0 for a heterozy-
gous condition (Hh) in all offspring of the first generation, based on the following
Punnet square:
h Hh Hh
h Hh Hh
This means that there was a 100% probability of offspring from this pairing hav-
ing a phenotype of reduced nasal horns, based on the dominance of the smaller-
horn allele. The second generation should have then produced the following
genotype frequencies:
H h
h Hh hh
As a result, HH = 0.25, Hh = 0.5, and hh = 0.25, meaning that the offspring have
a 75% chance of having smaller nasal horns (Fig. 6.2). This represents a reduction
of 25% from the previous generation; but if it is representative of the population
as a whole, smaller-horned Centrosaurus individuals will still be more abundant than
the larger-horned individuals, as predicted by the Hardy-Weinberg ratio.
Natural selection then could have gone to work, such as through the following
potential scenarios:
n Most other females in the breeding population refused to mate with the
smaller-horned male offspring because larger horns in the males serve as
better advertisements of their gender and species (a form of sexual selec-
tion: Chapter 8).
n Avians that detached parasites from the horns saw the larger horns more
often because of their visual prominence, which resulted in more parasitic-
borne diseases in the smaller-horned individuals and an increased mortal-
ity rate in their juveniles before they reached reproductive age.
n The smaller horn was not as effective in intraspecific (within species) com-
petition as the larger-horned condition when males jousted with one
another for the attentions of a potential mate. Consequently, the smaller-
horned males were out-competed and did not have the opportunity to mate
as often as the larger-horned ones.
n The smaller horn was a poor attribute for defense against theropod preda-
tors, which caused a higher mortality rate before the smaller-horned indi-
viduals reached reproductive age.
n All or any combination of the preceding scenarios could have occurred.
Over enough generations, the end result would have been a reduced frequency
of the genotype that caused the phenotype of the smaller-horned condition in
C. apertus. This circumstance would have happened despite the initial 100% prob-
ability from the mated homozygous individuals and the second-generation 75%
probability of retaining the phenotypes from the homozygous dominant and hetero-
zygous individuals. Assuming random mating with no natural selection, a popula-
tion of 1000 Centrosaurus individuals should have had about 750 representatives
of the smaller-horn phenotype. However, natural selection, through the offered
scenarios, would have caused the reduction to a number much less than 750, pos-
sibly to zero after enough generations. The reduction of the genotype frequen-
cies for Hh and HH, as well as a decrease in the gene frequency for gene H, was
thus facilitated through natural selection that favored adaptations offered by the
homozygous recessive (hh, or larger-horned) condition. Part of the natural selec-
tion also involved non-random mating, which counters random mating as an assump-
tion of expected frequencies calculated through the Hardy-Weinberg ratio. The
example also illustrates an observation in genetics that a dominant gene does not
necessarily connote superiority. The word dominant unfortunately conveys a sort
of hierarchy in genes, which is certainly not the case when a recessive gene is selected
over generations.
The change of gene frequencies, added to other inheritable differences, could
have caused reproductive isolation and a species different from C. apertus if given
enough time. Such a small-scale change in gene frequencies in a population is
often termed microevolution; the larger-scale transitions, such as the evolution
of amphibians to amniotes or dinosaurs to birds (Chapter 16), are examples of
macroevolution. Macroevolution is simply the cumulative effect of microevolu-
tion. The Centrosaurus example also illustrates directional selection, which is a con-
sistent change in a population through time in a particular direction. Directional
selections that have been hypothesized for dinosaurs include increased body size in
some sauropodomorph lineages (Chapter 10) or reduction of the number of digits
in the manus of some theropod lineages (Chapter 9). This type of selection was
proposed by Edward Drinker Cope (Chapter 3) in the late nineteenth century through
a hypothesis that became known as Copes Rule, which stated that organisms showed
a directional trend toward larger body size in their lineages through geologic time.
Numerous exceptions have been demonstrated since Copes time that have
restricted it to a general trend observed for only some organisms; in other words,
Cope based his rule on preliminary data from the fossil record, which has
considerably improved since his time. For example, George Gaylord Simpson
(190284), a paleontologist hired originally at the American Museum of Natural
History by Henry Fairfield Osborn (Chapter 3), documented the numerous separ-
ate species that resulted from the ancestors of horses, a view of evolution that directly
contradicted the linear progression for fossil horses proposed by O. C. Marsh (Chap-
ter 3). Simpsons concept has since been applied to other vertebrate lineages,
including dinosaurs.
Additionally, directional selection should not be allied with a concept of evolu-
tion as a linear trend. Rather, one ancestral population can have many subsequent
combined directions that resulted in evolution, making a many-branched tree or
bush (i.e., cladograms: Chapters 1 and 5) rather than a ladder. Darwin illus-
trated this concept in a notebook from 1837, where he showed species branching
outward from common ancestors in many directions (not just upward) in a tree
of life. His diagram seems amazingly prescient when compared to modern clado-
grams, but later scientists using cladistics were merely reinforcing Darwins concept
of descent with modification from common ancestors.
Natural selection and Mendelian genetics are currently regarded as the main con-
tributors to changes in the gene frequencies of populations, but other sources of
variation can occur through recombination or mutation. Recombination some-
times happens during meiosis through the exchange of genes between a pair of
chromosomes, meaning new allele pairs that previously were unlinked can be
formed in one organisms gametes before the contribution of a mates gamete.
Recombination is the basis for applications of recombinant-DNA research, also known
as bioengineering, which has, for example, resulted in human-manufactured
microbes that consume oil spills or produce insulin. Bioengineering has also cre-
ated genetically altered fruits and vegetables through manipulation of genes in lab-
oratories, and successful cloning, which is the production of a genetically identical
organism by placing its genetic material from a diploid somatic cell into a gamete
(egg). British scientists first achieved cloning of mammals in 1997 when they pro-
duced the sheep Dolly (19972003). Recombinant-DNA research is causing
changes in gene frequencies much more rapidly than could be produced through
either selective breeding programs or natural selection. The long-term repercussions
of this work and of cloning are currently unknown and are a cause of concern among
many people, including some scientists. Of course, cloning of dinosaurs has not
occurred nor has its possibility been advanced anywhere except in science fiction.
Mutations constitute another source of genetic variation but differ from recom-
bination in how they form. When a cell divides during meiosis or mitosis, its DNA
is copied, but like in a photocopier or a computer printer, small errors can happen
during the copying that cause the copy to be an imperfect duplicate of the origi-
nal DNA. In this case, the slightly altered DNA codes different proteins. Mutations
are typically caused by environmental factors, such as intense (short-wavelength)
electromagnetic radiation or chemicals (often present as pollutants) called muta-
gens. Mutations have their greatest effect when expressed in gametes and many
are harmful to an organism, conferring faulty information that will result in selec-
tion against the mutated trait. However, some may confer a trait that is advantage-
ous for natural selection in the light of certain environmental factors.
Both recombination and mutation rates are measurable and can be rapid under
certain conditions. Whether recombination and mutations occurred in dinosaurs
is unknown, but they must be considered as likely because both are common pro-
cesses in modern vertebrates. No genetic material, which would provide evidence
of recombination and mutation, has been recovered yet from a dinosaur, despite
some well-supported evidence of proteins (the by-products of DNA coding; Chap-
ter 5) in a few specimens and amino acids in eggshell material (Chapter 8). Some
claims of dinosaur DNA were published in peer-reviewed literature, but subsequent
review has resulted in a consensus that modern DNA contaminated the analyzed
samples. The reality is that dinosaur remains, with a minimum age of 65 million
years, have been considerably altered from their original state (Chapter 7). This means
that the direct use of dinosaur DNA for interpreting the population genetics of
dinosaurs (let alone for their cloning) is very unlikely. Nevertheless, phenotypes
(represented by body fossils), behaviors, paleobiogeography, and paleoenviron-
mental settings for dinosaurs are well documented, which provide a good frame-
work for understanding the origin and evolution of dinosaurs.
However, all organisms are in transition between generations, meaning that all
fossils represent transitional forms or, more properly, have transitional features.
Whenever a paleontologist is asked to provide an example of a transitional fossil,
they can name any fossil of the millions that have been identified and would still
be correct. Thus, the term transitional fossil (rarely used by evolutionary scien-
tists) is often applied erroneously only to those organisms that, through their adap-
tations, seem to bridge a gap between habitats, such as water to land, land to water,
and land to air. Such a designation consequently confuses descriptions (forms) with
interpretations (functions). Using this reasoning, modern animals that could qual-
ify as transitional fossils in the future, assuming favorable circumstances for their
preservation, might include the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus), flying
lemurs (such as Cyanocephalus volans), and emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri),
which are adapted to multiple habitats but show adaptations that favor one
habitat over another.
Evolution over spans of geologic time is categorized as having occurred in two
modes, phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibrium. These modes are not
diametrically opposed views, but both have natural selection and Mendelian gen-
etics at their cores. Their difference is in the scale of evolution in its most basic sense,
which is change over time. Phyletic gradualism is a hypothesis supported by evid-
ence for small-scale, incremental changes in fossil species over long time periods,
where lineages are reconstructed on the basis of morphological changes in similar
fossils in a stratigraphic sequence. Darwin promoted this mode of evolution based
on his knowledge of the fossil record in the mid-nineteenth century. Fossil evidence
discovered since then has not yet falsified this hypothesis for some lineages. In
contrast, punctuated equilibrium is characterized by long periods of no morpho-
logical changes in a fossil species, followed by rapid change. Evidence from the ver-
tebrate fossil record that supports this hypothesis was noted by George Gaylord
Simpson in the 1940s, but then paleontologists Stephen Jay Gould (19412002)
and Niles Eldredge named and proposed it as a unified hypothesis in the early
1970s, based on fossil lineages of gastropods and trilobites, respectively. Gould, more
than any other scientist of the latter half of the twentieth century, wrote exten-
sively on punctuated equilibrium and all other aspects of evolutionary theory.
So which hypothesis does the fossil record support? The answer is both, in that
some fossil lineages show slow, gradual changes and others show periods of stasis
followed by rapid change. Hence, lineages should be examined on a case-by-case
basis with regard to whether they are interpreted as belonging to either model or
as part of a continuum in between them. Controversy exists over whether one hypo-
thesis is more the norm for speciation, and active debate centers on the evidence
supporting each. For instance, one criticism of punctuated equilibrium is that it
uses its lack of evidence as actual evidence in some cases of the fossil record.
Punctuated equilibrium predicts that intermediate fossil forms may not be repre-
sented in short, continuous stratigraphic intervals (corresponding to a short time
span) between two distinctive fossil species. In such a case, advocates of punctu-
ated equilibrium might propose that speciation was so rapid that most intermedi-
ate forms did not become fossilized, which is possible given that conditions must
be just right to preserve some fossils (Chapter 7). Gradualists could counter that
intermediate forms might still be found in other areas containing the same strati-
graphic interval with more favorable conditions for preservation. The incomplete-
ness of the fossil record, as a record of life on Earth during the past 3.8 billion
years, may be an issue in this respect, but it is a record that improves every day
with each fossil discovery. For example, dinosaur species have been described in
ever-increasing numbers over the past few decades, filling previously perceived gaps
in their lineages, especially with regard to theropodbird connections (Chapters 9
and 15).
Regardless of the rates of change in the genotype frequencies of populations over
time, the main non-genetic mechanisms that influence natural selection are envir-
onmental factors, particularly those related to biogeography. For example, mem-
bers of a population can be separated geographically through a physical barrier,
such as a rise in sea level that isolates an island from a mainland, a river that changes
its course after a major flood, or a forest fire that divides a habitat. Separation also can
be a result of migration. Members of a population may migrate thousands of kilo-
meters away from their ancestral population, thus no longer mixing their genes
with their original population. If separated populations are kept apart long enough
for natural selection to cause significant changes in the genomes of each, the repro-
ductive isolation may result in speciation. Such a hypothesis for the origin of species
is called allopatric speciation; this type of speciation happens when the gene flow
(the spread of genes through a population by interbreeding) is interrupted.
One version of allopatric speciation is used in the punctuated equilibrium
model. When a small subpopulation at the periphery of a species geographic
range is isolated enough, it cannot reproduce with the main population. This
FIGURE 6.3 Continental landmasses during the Mesozoic showing how dinosaur
populations became increasingly isolated through time. (A) Late Jurassic (about
140 Ma). (B) Late Cretaceous (about 80 Ma). From Cowen (1995), History of Life, 2e,
Blackwell Science, Inc., Malden, MA, p. 82, figs. 5.13 and 5.14.
during the Late Triassic Period, when evidence for the first dinosaurs is recorded.
Dinosaurs became widespread soon afterward, inhabiting every continent, except
Antarctica, by the Early Jurassic (which also reflects their rapid migration rates) before
significant splitting up of Pangea. However, as the continents split farther apart by
seafloor spreading during the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods, increased diversi-
fication of dinosaurs took place. Some similarities endured within species on still-
connected continents, but noticeable differences appeared in those on separate
continents. Thus, the most prominent barriers to gene flow and subsequent causes
of reproductive isolation and allopatric speciation over time were the oceanic expanses.
For terrestrially-bound dinosaurs, this circumstance meant that any of them in-
habiting landmasses that later separated from Pangea then formed populations
that became distinct from their ancestral populations through time. Additionally,
linear mountain systems and inland seas (caused by global sea-level highs) also
resulted in geographic barriers that could have been a mechanism for dinosaur spe-
ciation (Chapter 13).
However, allopatric speciation through geographic isolation is not the only
hypothesis proposed for how species originated in the fossil record. Indeed,
reproductively-isolated species with recent common ancestors can have overlapping
geographic ranges. Those closely-related species that occur in the same region have
sympatry, and the origin of new species from populations within these regions is
possibly through sympatric speciation. Sympatric speciation is regarded as the result
of intraspecific factors, rather than environmental factors such as climate changes
or predation by other species. Sexual selection (through competition for mates) is
an example of an intraspecific factor that could cause natural selection and sub-
sequent changes in genotype frequencies in a population. This was illustrated through
the hypothetical example of the less-endowed Centrosaurus earlier. As these
differences within a species occur in the same geographic area through time, the
increased genetic distance between their inheritable traits is termed character dis-
placement. The role of character displacement in dinosaur evolution is poorly under-
stood, but is hypothesized through synapomorphies (connected by cladograms) and
speculations about character traits that would relate to this proposed mechanism
for speciation. Examples of such characters include horns, head frills, and feathers,
which might have served as sexual displays in dinosaurs or were otherwise used
for intraspecific competition (Chapters 9, 11, and 13).
Natural selection and the subsequent co-evolution of two or more species that
occurs as a result of their interactions are summarized by the Red Queen hypoth- 6
esis. The Red Queen is a character in Through the Looking Glass, by writer and math-
ematician Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (183298; more popularly known by his
pseudonym of Lewis Carroll). In the book, Alice meets the Red Queen chess piece,
who appears to run across the chess board at high speed, yet never leaves her square:
Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place.
This serves a metaphor for a co-evolutionary process in which two species of organ-
isms continuously match one anothers defenses only to maintain the status quo.
For example, plants may evolve chemical defenses against insect herbivores, which
in turn evolve resistance to the plants chemicals, and so on. This type of equilib-
rium state should cause regular extinctions through time of species with two or
more lineages, so the Red Queen hypothesis is scientifically testable. This hypo-
thesis has been proposed to explain some changes in character traits of dinosaurs
through time, such as in Copes Rule, whereby prey and predatory dinosaurs be-
came progressively larger as a result of their arms race interactions (Chapters 9
and 10). Additionally, increased amounts of dermal armor in ankylosaurs and appar-
ent defensive weaponry in stegosaurs comprise other presumed evolutionary
responses to pressures from theropod predation (Chapter 12). Although the preced-
ing is a simplistic analogy with regard to modern predators and prey, this hypothesis
has also been applied to changes in herbivorous dinosaur dentition and digestive
systems in response to changes in vegetation types throughout the Mesozoic Era.
Finally, an important point to keep in mind with natural selection is that some
species may have inheritable variations that are pre-adapted for a change in either
the magnitude or rate of an environmental factor unprecedented in the history of
a species. For instance, a large-scale volcanic eruption that deposits ash in only a
few weeks over a large area of a forest may favor the reproductive survival of taller
adult plants of a species, as the taller plants can still disperse their seeds above the
ash layer. The shorter adult plants of the same species, completely covered by the
ash, may not survive to reproduce. This chance possession of inheritable traits, favor-
ably adapted for a selective pressure before it happened, is called exaptation.
Exaptations also are hypothesized as features that had a neutral (non-harmful and
non-beneficial) effect on an organisms adaptation that in later generations become
advantageous for survival. This hypothesis for natural selection is especially appli-
cable to explaining the survival of certain lineages of organisms after mass extinc-
tions recorded by the geologic record. The lack of some currently undefined
exaptations in dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous may have resulted in their
demise in the face of a global catastrophe (Chapter 16).
of all living amniotes and their close resemblance to fossil eggs argue that this trait
is a synapomorphy of amniotes, and it is currently inferred to have evolved just
before the skeletal record for amniotes begins.
Despite this lack of evidence, three early species of amniotes in the fossil record
are recognized from the Carboniferous Period: Westlothiana, Hylonomus, and
Paleothyris. The interpretation of these three small vertebrates as amniotes is based
on some anatomical traits distinctive from their amphibian ancestors:
n Dermal bones on the ventral surface of the skull (such as parietals, frontals,
and nasals) overlying a bony braincase.
n Reduced head size relative to the overall body size and lightening of the
n Highly modified pelvis consisting of a reinforced pubis and ischium.
n Astragalus and calcaneum in the ankle.
Shared features between than those listed previously and they summarily reflect
amphibian ancestors, such adaptations to a terrestrial lifestyle that was increasingly
as Acanthostega, and independent of nearby water bodies. As long as aquatic
environments were abundant and widespread, amphi-
amniote descendants
bians probably did not undergo natural selection that
are so close in some
would have favored inheritance of genotypes for sturdier
fossil examples from the
skeletal parts adapted for moving long distances on
Carboniferous that a land away from water.
detailed analysis by an So as long as aquatic environments were abundant, the
expert anatomist is buoyancy of water, which helps to relieve gravitational
required before such fossils stresses in a vertebrate skeleton, would have negated selec-
can be reliably placed in tion for a heavier skeleton reinforced for extended periods
either category. of locomotion out of water. But with changes in envir-
onmental conditions to drier climates or the creation of
niches apart from water (such as forests), exaptations or other evolutionary factors
favored adaptations of pre-amniotic ancestors toward amniotes. The ability of these
non-amniotic ancestors to move about freely on dry land required modifications
to their skeletons that supported their weight (that is, a lighter skull, stronger hips,
flexible ankles), thus natural selection may have already resulted in amphibians that
were divorcing themselves from their dependency on aquatic environments.
The development of an enclosed egg among the descendants of pre-amniotic
ancestors was probably the result of natural selection, as only a few eggs (from ori-
ginally large numbers) had rudimentary membranes enclosing aqueous solutions
and prototypes of a yolk sac and allantois (respiratory organ for the embryo). Only
then would the embryos have survived. Another major evolutionary requirement
for the development of amniotic eggs would have been internal fertilization, so sex
had to have become more up-close and personal than was previously experi-
enced by amphibians. A few examples of modern amphibians show such a repro-
ductive mode, which means that the same inheritable behavior and anatomical
attributes could have been selected in favor of increasing the chances of fertiliza-
tion. Also, embryos would have been retained within the reproductive tract of the
female until a sufficiently protective membrane had developed around them.
The next step in amniotic egg evolution would have been an embryo that under-
went growth within the protective membrane to form a miniature version of the
adult animal, in contrast to the incompletely developed and intermediate larval
(tadpole) stage seen in most amphibians. Although fossil evidence for a sequence
Anapsida Diapsida
FIGURE 6.5 Three
skull types, with
Fenestra Eye socket
positions of temporal
fenestra outlined,
characterizing the
Anapsida, Synapsida,
and Diapsida in
the context of a
cladogram, showing Synapsida Eureptilia
their hypothesized
relationships. Amniota
Dimetrodon, a
Permian synapsid and
pelycosaur that was
carnivorous, but
definitely was not a
dinosaur. Denver
Museum of Science
and Nature, Denver,
ancestor of anapsids during the latter part of the Carboniferous, but anapsids and
diapsids have been placed in a single clade (Eureptilia) separate from synapsids. Some
lineages of synapsids during the Permian included large herbivorous and carnivor-
ous reptiles called pelycosaurs. Pelycosaurs had elongated, dorsal vertebral spines
that formed sail-like structures, which along with their body size (as long as 3 meters)
gave them a formidable appearance that understandably resulted in their popular-
ized but mistaken grouping with dinosaurs (Fig. 6.6). However, synapsids also included
lineages that later evolved into therapsids, which had some mammal-like charac-
ters, and eventually mammals. This means that pelycosaurs are actually more closely
related to humans and other mammals than they are to dinosaurs. Mammals are
appropriately placed in Mammalia and first show up in the fossil record, at about
the same time as the first known dinosaurs, during the Late Triassic.
Diapsida is the clade most pertinent to the discussion of dinosaurs. Diapsids
split into two clades, the Lepidosauria and Archosauria, a divergence of lineages
that probably happened during the Permian Period. Lepidosaurs are modern lizards,
which includes skinks, geckoes, iguanas, Komodo dragons, and their ancestors.
A common misconception about large reptiles, such as alligators and crocodiles,
is that they are closely related to lizards such as Komodo dragons, but they are
only interactions between these reptilian groups occurred when dinosaur carcasses
floated out to sea and were scavenged by euryapsids (Chapter 7).
FIGURE 6.9 Cast of Postosuchus, a large rauisuchian from the Late Triassic of the
southwestern USA: Mesalands Dinosaur Museum, Tucumcari, New Mexico. Despite its
very fierce appearance, Postosuchus was not a dinosaur.
1 trace fossils could have been made by tracemakers that had a similar
morphology to the first dinosaurs but may have been distantly-related
2 the criteria for what constitutes a dinosaur in the fossil record is currently
based on anatomical criteria; and
3 most dinosaur paleontologists have limited their studies to bones and have
not looked for trace fossil evidence.
FIGURE 6.11 Cast of the small dinosauromorph Marasuchus from the Late Triassic of
Argentina: Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, Norman, Oklahoma.
Marasuchus is not a dinosaur, but is very, very close to being one. Length about
40 cm.
As a result, the body fossil record for dinosaur ancestors is currently considered to
be the primary basis for phylogenetic reconstructions of dinosaur lineages.
Based on known lineages of archosaurs before the oldest known dinosaurs found
in the geologic record and their anatomical traits, a prediction of the ancestral
archosaur, the mother of all dinosaurs, can be made. This hypothetical ancestor
would have had, at a minimum, the following traits distinctive from other diapsids:
Of fossil finds so far, those closest to this ancestor are Marasuchus (Fig. 6.11), syn-
onymous with Lagosuchus in some studies, and Lagerpeton, which are small but long-
limbed reptiles occurring in the Middle Triassic strata of Argentina. Marasuchus and
Lagerpeton were among the first ornithodirans, and their successors could have
diverged into either pterosaur or dinosaur lineages. Additionally, small three-toed
footprints documented from Early and Middle Triassic strata may be associated with
ornithodiran tracemakers that preceded or were contemporaneous with the afore-
mentioned species represented by body fossils.
These possible ancestral forms are succeeded in the geologic record by what are
considered by many paleontologists as the earliest known dinosaurs: Eoraptor
lunensis and Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis from the Ischigualasto Formation of
Argentina, as well as Staurikosaurus pricei from the Santa Maria Formation of Brazil
(Fig. 6.12). All three of these specimens are from the earliest part of the Late Triassic
(Carnian Age, which was about 221 to 228 Ma); radiometric age dates of 40Ar/39Ar
(B) Herrerasaurus
(C) Staurikosaurus
0 1m 2m 3m
from mineral grains gave a minimum age of 227.8 0.3 Ma for the Ischigualasto
Formation, which contains the first two species. Of the three species, Eoraptor seems
to have the most primitive traits, which has led to controversy over whether it actu-
ally is a dinosaur. Like many dinosaur species, it is only known from a single speci-
men. It also was small (about 1 meter long) in comparison to its immediate successors,
as well as members of the entire clade of Dinosauria. The other two species, which
collectively are represented by more than a dozen specimens, are placed within the
clade Herrerasauridae, which is also occupied by the geologically slightly younger
Chindesaurus bryansmalli of North America. All of these so-called basal dinosaurs
are regarded as saurischians, and most paleontologists think that they are closely
allied with theropods. Interestingly, the lack of agreement on their exact classifica-
tion probably reflects their basal status.
The only definite ornithischian dinosaur discovered from strata of an age near
the apparent birth of the dinosaurs is Pisanosaurus mertii, which is also from the
Ischigualasto Formation of Argentina. Nearly contemporary with the herrerasaurs
and Pisanosaurus in the Late Triassic was one other saurischian, the prosauropod
Azendohsaurus from Morocco, and the ornithischian Technosaurus from the west-
ern USA. Only partial and fragmentary specimens represent both species; in fact,
Azendohsaurus is only interpreted as a prosauropod on the basis of a single tooth.
Hence, these dinosaurs have little to tell us about non-theropod and ornithischian
evolution during the Late Triassic. The monophyletic grouping of dinosaurs, which
was challenged by Harry Govier Seeley (Chapter 3) through his division of
dinosaurs into the Saurischia and Ornithischia, is upheld by synapomorphies of
both clades, but an immediate common ancestor for both has yet to be found. For
ornithischians in particular, paleontologists have so far only found abundant and
well-preserved representatives of this clade beginning in Early Jurassic strata,
meaning that:
character traits that define dinosaurs (Chapters 1 and 5) provide a framework for
how the traits reflect adaptations, which will be revisited later:
Eight of these ten traits are related to modification of the appendicular skeleton
that shows adaptations to bipedalism, a mode of life well-suited to nearly all sub-
sequent theropods (Chapter 9). Discussion of the early evolution of dinosaurs should 6
therefore focus on these adaptations, which occurred through an interaction of genetic
and environmental factors.
Probably the most difficult task in figuring out dinosaur origins is evaluating the
genetic factors that contributed to evolution of the characteristic traits. Nearly as
difficult is discerning the environmental factors that affected a selection of these
same traits. Geneticists and ecologists have problems in defining the interactions
of modern populations, their genetics, and ecosystems, so why should understanding
the Mesozoic be any easier? Fortunately, the skeletal record for dinosaurs and their
ancestors, along with their associated geologic information, provide enough clues
that a general hypothesis for the origin of dinosaurs has been proposed, tested, and
refined with new information and insights.
Through cladistic analyses of Early, Middle, and Late Triassic archosaurs, the prob-
able genetic relationships between different fossils have been well established,
although cladograms are often modified with the discovery of each new fossil
species or re-interpretations of previously described species. Genetic relationships
between Triassic archosaurs are based on phenotypes as reflected by skeletal features
interpreted as synapomorphies (Chapter 5). However, some paleontologists will
acknowledge that a single specimen of a fossil species may be unrepresentative of
most phenotypes in its species at that particular slice in time. Uncertainty is
inevitable because some features in a body fossil may be acquired characteristics,
and thus not representative of an organisms genome.
Nonetheless, the regularity and predictable occurrence of most features in a body
fossil, testable through discovery of multiple specimens of a presumed species, pro-
vides a valid reason for assuming that these features are indeed reflecting inherit-
able traits. Such traits can be as simple as, for example, four limbs. We can safely
assume that a fossil tetrapod showing four limbs does not represent a mutation
inherited from an ancestor that normally had three limbs. A close examination of
changes in details of the anatomy reveals what changes occurred in lineages
through time, such as synapomorphies documented for typical Triassic archosaur
traits hind limbs lengthening more than fore limbs, reduction of digits IV and
V, elongation of metatarsals and phalanges on the pes, etc.
Because synapomorphies are assumed in the majority of cases as representative
of an archosaurs genome, morphological variations within an archosaur lineage
also can be interpreted on the basis of how these features may be similar or dif-
ferent in time-equivalent strata. For archosaurs, this interpretation obviously
depends on the sample number of specimens and the completeness of the indi-
vidual specimens; hence taphonomy (Chapter 7) sets conditions on interpretations
once again. Excellent examples of dinosaur species, which were abundantly pre-
served so that genetic variation in a population can be estimated, are provided by
two Late Triassic dinosaurs, the theropod Coelophysis (Chapter 9) and prosauropod
Plateosaurus (Chapter 10). In these two species, many individuals can reflect a popu-
lation structure, especially if found in the same locality and deposit. Indeed, for
Coelophysis, a proposed population structure includes juveniles to adults, although
in this case too much data can mean more complications, because some of the adult
variations may actually be attributable to sexual dimorphism (Chapters 8 and 9).
Nonetheless, statistical descriptions of the population provide a sample of at least
a few parameters of the original gene pools for Coelophysis and Plateosaurus.
As mentioned earlier, biogeography is a key facet of evolutionary theory because
a close proximity of similar species is additional evidence suggesting their related-
ness. The same applies to dinosaurs because of the abundance of Late Triassic
dinosaurs and their immediate ancestors in South America, the origin of dinosaurs
is currently attributed to that continent, which was part of Gondwana during the
Late Triassic (Chapter 4). Assuming that this was the general location for the birth
of dinosaurs, the split between saurischians and ornithischians also may have hap-
pened in this area, probably about 230 Ma or slightly earlier.
Why this divergence occurred and why it was so rapid, geologically speaking, are
both good questions. Because so little evidence exists for fossils showing inter-
mediate features between dinosaur ancestors and basal dinosaurs, paleontologists
hesitate to state whether this apparently rapid evolution was a result of:
One form of natural selection invoked for dinosaur evolution, as a type of Red Queen
hypothesis, is that early dinosaurs successfully competed with other archosaurs for
habitats and resources throughout the Triassic, which eventually resulted in cruro-
tarsans becoming extinct and ornithodirans (including dinosaurs) thriving by the
end of the Triassic. However, some paleontologists doubt this hypothesis because
re-examination of the archosaur fossil record does not show gradual inverse trends
between dinosaur abundance and demises of other archosaurs. As mentioned pre-
viously, Late Triassic extinctions of archosaurs, other than dinosaurs, began before
the end of the period, meaning that they may have encountered many different
and changing environmental factors that selected against their survival.
Some evidence of environmental change and its effects on biota during the Late
Triassic is indicated by extinctions of marine invertebrate organisms about 220 Ma,
which coincided with the beginning of the breakup of Pangea (Chapter 4).
Divergence of the continental masses from this supercontinent would have caused
gradual changes in oceanic and atmospheric circulation patterns, which not only
would have affected marine habitats but overall global climate. Climate is often
synonomized with weather, but they differ considerably in their time frames. Climate
is persistent long-term trends and patterns of weather, whereas weather is daily,
short-term changes in atmospheric conditions. For example, if most of the years
in a million-year period had low amounts of rainfall in an area, these data would
allow for defining an arid climate for that area.
At any rate, climate affects evolutionary processes, in particular natural selection,
and climate did indeed change during the Late Triassic. These changes are indi-
cated by Late Triassic evaporite deposits, which are thick accumulations of min-
erals such as halite (NaCl) and gypsum (CaSO4 2H2O) that form in sedimentary
basins over long periods of time under predominantly arid conditions. A hypo-
thesized effect of arid climates is that terrestrial plant communities, through nat-
ural selection, would have adapted so that drought-resistant species should have
become more common. A change in plant communities meant that herbivores would
have had to adapt to new food sources, and those species that could not adapt
would become extinct. Likewise, carnivorous species that preyed upon the maladapted
herbivores then also would have gone extinct, in the sense of an ecological
domino effect (discussed in Chapter 16). Sure enough, this change in plant com-
munities in accordance with the onset of arid climates has been observed with fos-
sil plants from the Late Triassic, which in turn corresponds with faunal changes,
justifying a cause-and-effect hypothesis.
Other than changes in climate, another possible consequence of Pangea break-
ing up in the Late Triassic was habitat fragmentation, which would have caused
geographic isolation of dinosaur and other archosaur faunas, translating into con-
ditions favorable for allopatric speciation and adaptive radiation that was perhaps
facilitated through genetic drift. As mentioned earlier, diversification of fossil
faunas seems to correspond with times of continental breakup throughout the
Phanerozoic Eon, a correlation that is attributed to the formation of new habitats. 6
Consequently, new niches also should have opened up for species that had the genetic
capability to adapt. Dinosaurs certainly represented novel adaptations in archosaur
lineages during the Late Triassic, which is perhaps related to their fitting into new
niches caused by continental rifting and the emptying of those niches by extinct
archosaurs. So rather than dinosaurs out-competing other archosaurs, they may
have simply replaced them.
The worldwide dispersal of dinosaur faunas by the end of the Triassic, within
25 million years of their origin, is remarkable in itself, but other aspects of dino-
saurs in the latter part of the Late Triassic argue for how they had already made
their mark on the world. Three trends in particular are notable:
for causes of this mass extinction (one of six indicated by the geologic record)
1 interspecific competition;
2 changing climates;
3 habitat fragmentation from the continued breakup of Pangea; and
4 a meteorite impact.
All of these factors are similar to those implicated in the downfall of dinosaurs at
the end of the Cretaceous Period (Chapter 16).
The survival of dinosaurs through what must have been a significant change in
global ecosystems in the Late Triassic indicates that dinosaurs may have had exap-
tations that gave them evolutionary advantages, despite whatever factors (genetic
or environmental) might have eliminated other species. A similar probability of exap-
tations in bird lineages, which most likely evolved out of theropods during the Jurassic
Period (Chapters 9 and 15), must have allowed some of them to survive the extinc-
tion at the end of the Cretaceous.
The reason for dinosaur survival through a major extinction and their subse-
quent worldwide dominance of terrestrial faunas is that they had the right genetic
makeup for adaptations to new niches and consequent diversification in environ-
ments of the forthcoming Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods. The 140-million-year span
of the Jurassic and Cretaceous, often hailed as the reign of the dinosaurs, thus fol-
lowed the foundation of an already diverse and successful Late Triassic dinosaurian
fauna. Dinosaurs were, and still are, by-products of an evolutionary process that
continues today.
SUMMARY Continued
a. How much variation would your friend have in his or her living
b. Out of those observed variations, what inheritable features do you
think would be evident in the fossil record that might define them
as typical of your species?
c. What acquired features do you think would be unrepresentative
of their genome and thus would be a source of confusion for pale-
ontologists of the future (whatever their species might be)? For
example, do they have dyed hair, tattoos, piercings, or other
5. Explain how the evolutionary development of a cledioic egg for
amniotes could have occurred through the following models:
a. Allopatric speciation
b. Sympatric speciation 6
c. Phyletic gradualism
d. Punctuated equilibrium
e. Character displacement
f. Red Queen
6. Based on the information presented in the chapter, make your own
cladogram showing the ancestry of the following modern reptile
groups: turtles, snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and alligators. Which pair
among these five groups seems to be the most related and which
pair seems the least related?
7. The overall average height of humans has increased in the past 1000
years, based on measurements of skeletons from that time span as
well as data taken from living people. Is this increase in height an
example of directional selection (Copes Rule)? Why or why not?
8. Given the primitive dinosaur traits of bipedalism, think about the
a. How could natural selection have caused some descendants of the
first dinosaurs, such as prosauropods, to go to quadrupedalism
as a mode of locomotion?
b. What are some environmental factors that might have favored
quadrupedal postures? What evidence in the geologic record
would be needed to corroborate your hypotheses?
c. What are some possible intraspecific factors that might have
caused sympatric speciation in such a direction? What evidence
in the geologic record would be needed to corroborate your
9. Of the amniotes mentioned in the chapter, which ones did you mis-
takenly think were dinosaurs before reading this book? How would
you go about convincing someone else that these animals were not
10. How could a meteorite impact have caused problems for ecosystems
during the Late Triassic? List some of the effects of an impact that
are unlike the more gradual changes that might have been caused
by continental rifting.
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Olsen, P. E., Shubin, N. H. and Anders, M. H. 1987. New Early Jurassic tetrapod assem-
blages constrain Triassic-Jurassic tetrapod extinction event. Science 237: 10251029.
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Parrish, J. M. 1997. Evolution of the archosauria. In Farlow, J. O. and Brett-Surman,
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Pollard, D. and Schulz, M. 1994. A model for the potential locations of Triassic evap-
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Ridley, M. 2003. Evolution (3rd Edition). Boston, Massachusetts: Blackwell Science.
Roush, R. T. and Tabashnik, B. E. (Eds). 1990. Pesticide Resistance in Arthropods. New
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Sereno, P. 1999. The evolution of dinosaurs. Science 284: 21372147.
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Sereno, P. C. and Arucci, A. B. 1993. Dinosaur precursors from the Middle Triassic of
Argentina: Lagerpeton chanarensis. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 13: 385399.
Sereno, P. C., Forster, C. A., Rogers, R. R. and Monetta, A. M. 1993. Primitive dinosaur
skeleton from Argentina and the early evolution of Dinosauria. Nature 361: 6466.
Simms, M. J. and Ruffell, A. H. 1990. Climatic and biotic change in the Late Triassic.
Journal of Geological Society of London 147: 321327.
Valentine, J. W. and Moores, E. M. 1972. Global tectonics and the fossil record. Journal
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Ziegler, A. M., et al. 1993. Early Mesozoic phytogeography and climate. Philosophical
Transactions Royal Society of London B 341: 297305.
While visiting Dinosaur National Monument in northeastern Utah, you are
amazed by the numerous dinosaur bones exposed in the wall there. Among the
hundreds of jumbled bones are some parts of dinosaur skeletons that are still
articulated, such as the cervical vertebrae, parts of the appendicular skeleton,
and skulls of sauropods. You are surprised by this display because you have heard
about the rarity of dinosaur fossils, the incompleteness of the fossil record and
how it casts doubt on evolutionary theory, and about how fossils are always pre-
served as scattered bits and pieces, rather than complete skeletons
How did such a concentration of bones end up in one place? How did parts
of some animals stay articulated, and why are other parts scattered? Is the envir-
onment where the bones accumulated the same place as where the dinosaurs
Because all non-avian dinosaurs have been extinct for the past 65 million years,
taphonomy is an important science for understanding how their fossils remained
preserved during that amount of time. It also indicates how representative our admit-
tedly biased sample might be of the original dinosaur population at any given time
during the Mesozoic. Paleontologists acknowledge that the fossil record is an
incomplete history of all species that lived and evolved on the Earth. Body fossils
of terrestrial vertebrate animals in particular are quite rare, especially in compar-
ison to marine invertebrates or trace fossils of terrestrial invertebrates.
Dinosaurs provide a good example of such rarity. Despite their fame and 165-
million-year existence, approximately 80% of all described dinosaur species are only
known from less than five specimens for each species; about 50% are known from
only one specimen. The only major group of dinosaurs that is well represented in
terms of diversity and number of individuals representing each species are the cer-
atopsians (Chapter 13). Knowledge that modern vertebrate animals, in particular,
show an abundance of herbivores relative to carnivores also raises questions about
the circumstances that might have preserved hundreds of carnivorous dinosaurs in
one deposit with no herbivores whatsoever (Chapter 9). Similarly, we might ask
why other deposits contain an estimated population of thousands of herbivorous
dinosaurs, apparently of the same species, whereas the only other body fossils rep-
resenting another dinosaur species are errant theropod teeth (Chapter 11).
Within this type of study are the added benefits of:
Or expiring from old age? Once the mind is opened to the realm of possibilities
for death, and these are compared to recorded information on actual modes of death
for vertebrates, the most likely causes rarely match preconceived notions.
Application of scientific methods can soon show that a hypothesis for a proposed
cause of death can be tested, at least partially, for its probability through observa-
tions made in modern, natural settings. For example, predation, the hunting of a
live animal (prey) by another (predator) for the purposes of killing and eating that
animal, has been overstated in its importance in the deaths of terrestrial vertebrates.
A study of modern hyena predation in Africa reported that only 1% to 2% of all
animals in a prey population actually died as a result of hyenas hunting them. The
same application of actual data to causes of human deaths can also yield surpris-
ing results. Despite the fear many people have of dying from bites by poisonous
snakes, factual information shows that many more people die each year from aller-
gic reactions to bee-stings (hence the previous allusion to dinosaurs dying in the
same manner). Similarly, despite much fear in the USA of terrorist attacks, the actual
risks of injury or death from this possible source of harm are still far lower than
the odds of dying from accidental electric shock, drowning in a swimming pool,
or being maimed or killed in a car accident, especially for people living outside of
major cities.
For individual dinosaurs, here are some possible causes of death and the evidence
supporting these causes:
Another item to add to this list that has yet to be proposed for dinosaurs through
demonstrable evidence is parasitism, a form of symbiosis (different species living
together) where one species of organism lives at the expense of a host organism.
Parasites can be either endoparasites (living inside a host) or ectoparasites (on the
outside of the host). Modern endoparasites are extremely varied, although com-
monly known examples include one-celled organisms such as amoebas. For ex-
ample, one species of amoeba probably caused the dysentery suffered by Eberhard
Fraas in 1907 on his way to examine dinosaurs in Tendaguru, as mentioned in Chap-
ter 3. Multicellular animals that commonly live an endoparasitic lifestyle include
some nematodes (roundworms) and tapeworms. Ectoparasites include certain
arthropods, such as lice and ticks, and annelid worms such as leeches. Although
parasites have a vested interest in not causing the immediate death of their host,
they can cause weakened conditions that easily hasten the demise of a normally
strong, adult animal. Known forms of endoparasitism only affect soft tissue and
the parasites themselves are composed of soft tissues, thus evidence of them and
their effects on ancient organisms probably had low preservation potential.
Indeed, no evidence of endoparasites in non-avian dinosaurs is known, although
one example of a Mesozoic (Early Cretaceous) ectoparasite was reported in associ-
ation with a fossilized bird feather.
The preceding listing of dinosaur maladies and mishaps does not include pos-
sible causes for mass extinctions. Mass extinctions, which involve the near-
simultaneous extinctions of many different species, require either a combination
of numerous factors that result in those species dying out or an overwhelming
catastrophe that favors the survival of only the few species that could successfully
reproduce after such an event. Taphonomy is also important in interpretation of
mass extinctions, a subject that is covered in more detail in Chapter 16.
Fluvial Glacial
(nests, bones, coprolites, Paludal
gastroliths, tracks)
FIGURE 7.2 Common sedimentary environments, showing which ones had relatively low
to high preservation potential for dinosaur body and trace fossils. Environments include
glacial, alluvial, lacustrine, fluvial, paludal, estuarine, deltaic, coastal, tidal, and shallow
of dinosaur body and trace fossils occur in rocks composed of sediments deposited
in areas around and in lakes, rivers, deltas, estuaries (coastal embayments where
fresh and salt water mix), and marine shorelines (Fig. 7.2). Another prerequisite for
preservation of dinosaur fossils is that the sedimentary environments had to have
existed during the Mesozoic Era, specifically from the Late Triassic through to the
Cretaceous Periods.
The proper interpretation of sedimentary environments that preserved dinosaur
fossils from the Mesozoic depends on a thorough description of their facies, which
is all the characteristics imparted by an environment to its sediment at approximately
the same time. Facies can be analyzed on the basis of lithologic characteristics (litho-
facies), body fossils (biofacies), and trace fossils (ichnofacies). This type of descrip-
tion and the subsequent interpretation of a sedimentary environment comprise facies
analysis, which is similar to paleoenvironmental analysis (Chapter 1). Geologists
will refer to some rocks as fluvial facies, deltaic facies, or shallow-marine facies, based
on a holistic and thorough examination of the many environmental parameters
that left their clues in the sediment (Table 7.2). This eclectic approach hints at the
breadth of geologic training that is required of a dinosaur paleontologist (Chapter
4); overlooking a single environmental parameter can considerably change the inter-
pretation of the original environment that entombed the dinosaur fossils.
For example, parts of the Late Triassic Chinle Formation in the western USA
contain abundant remains of fossil forests (as found in Petrified Forest National
Park of Arizona), body fossils of numerous reptiles, a few small theropods, large
amphibians, fish, and a few mollusks. All of these fossils are preserved in various
muddy and sandy sediments, but no body fossils of insects or most other arthro-
pods were reported. Previous workers did not look for, or otherwise recognize, many
of the trace fossils made by invertebrates in the same sediments that contained the
body fossils. Consequently, reconstructions of Chinle environments rarely included
any invertebrates, showing a bias in interpretations on the basis of lithofacies and
biofacies. Beginning in the 1990s, finds of numerous trace fossils attributed to insects
(termites, ants, bees), crayfish, horseshoe crabs, and mollusks (clams, snails), as well
as vertebrate tracks and nests (some made by phytosaurs: Chapter 6), have added
an ichnofacies component. As a result, the previously incomplete picture of paleo- 7
environments in the Chinle has been expanded to include fluvial and lacustrine
environments in association with forest ecosystems. The ichnofacies thus helped
to enrich our understanding of the life history of the theropods and other verte-
brates that lived in those same environments.
Dinosaurs used to traverse sedimentary environments, leaving tracks, making nests,
dropping feces, and munching on foliage (or each other). In situ evidence for all
of these various life activities is restricted to a narrow range of facies, which are
fluvial, deltaic, or close to a marine shoreline, such as estuaries, tidal flats, or beaches.
After the dinosaurs died, their bodies often remained in the same places as where
they had lived or they were buried very close to where they died. Alternatively,
entire bodies and the sum of their parts were carried away from their life and death
sites before being buried for the first time. Evidence indicates that some dinosaur
bones were buried, exhumed, transported, and buried again. Here is where the two
major challenges of dinosaur taphonomy are encountered:
1 how far away is a dinosaur body fossil with respect to its original life site
(which may not coincide with its death site, let alone its final resting spot)?
2 how separated in time is a dinosaur body fossil from the strata that repres-
ent the time it was alive, as opposed to the strata that contain it?
Definition of Biostratinomy
After a dinosaur died, its body may have undergone a complicated series of post-
death (also known as postmortem) processes that involved both biological and phys-
ical factors, perhaps well before any part of it became buried. Biostratinomy is the
study of what happens to an organism between its death and its final burial. In
most cases, dinosaurs would have died before their remains became buried,
although a hypothesis was proposed for live burial of some dinosaurs in Late
where glucose (a sugar) was a simple biomolecule broken down by the bacteria.
Thus, CO2 was the main gas produced, although methane (CH4) is another poten-
tial by-product of some anaerobic bacteria.
The first effluvia of these gases attracted the attention of scavenging animals, which
regarded the body as a potential food source. Insects were probably the first to arrive:
flies laid eggs, which soon hatched into feeding larvae, and carrion beetles began
stripping away some of the outer flesh. The flies normally laid their eggs in open
parts of the body, such as the nostrils, eyes, anus, or any obvious wounds. Maggots
may also have already been present in any open wounds on the dinosaurs body
before its death. The carrion beetles were numerous and relentless; they worked on
the corpse for weeks and eventually left their distinctive, pitted gnawing marks in
any exposed bone. Ants were also industrious, outnumbering the beetles as they
carried away millions of pieces of the body to their nests on a nearby, vegetated
The emission of greater volumes of the fetid gases from the corpse also alerted
vertebrate scavengers to a potential meal, such as theropods, pterosaurs, small mam-
mals, and, if this was during the Late Jurassic or Cretaceous, birds. The river flooded
just enough to cover part of this area while the body was still on the floodplain,
so crayfish brought in by the floodwaters joined in the feast. If the conditions
were relatively hot and humid on the floodplain, then the metabolic activity of
the bacteria accelerated and the corpses bloating was more rapid than normal. This
continued for nearly a week before the body exploded (aided by the numerous punc-
tures left by scavengers) and then deflated. The result was a flattened profile to what
had originally been a voluminous piece of putrid flesh.
Within six to eight weeks, all soft parts were stripped from the bones, and the
bones themselves were attacked by yet more beetles and any other animals that
were interested in obtaining some calcium and phosphorus in their diets (Chap-
ter 8). More delicate parts of bones, such as the epiphyses (wide ends) of femurs
and other limb bones, were especially susceptible to being broken by animals with
strong jaws; some cranial bones might have been wholly consumed. The bones, once
they were exposed to sunlight, also had their organic content depleted more rapidly
than before, bleaching them white and making them more brittle. Other dinosaurs
strolling through the area stepped on the now-weakened bones, pulverizing or
otherwise fracturing them. This increased their surface area and made them more
susceptible to dissolution by natural acids and further bacterial or fungal decay.
All of the preceding processes depended on temperature and humidity; for exam-
ple, faster rates of decay and insect scavenging are associated with increased tem-
perature. Assuming summertime conditions and high amounts of rainfall, within
eight to ten weeks there might have been little trace of the several-ton animal, except
for maybe a little more vegetation growing in its resting spot as a result of the nat-
ural fertilizer provided by its body. Unless the corpse, in whatever state, was buried
by the sediments of a river flood during the preceding time frame, or parts of it
were carried away by floodwaters or scavengers and subsequently buried, this
ornithopod would not have made it into the fossil record in any shape or form.
Evidence supporting the preceding scenario is based on the following data:
could have been used to detect a decaying carcass over long distances, and
is seen in modern vultures with their scavenging lifestyle (Chapter 9).
Currently, no definitive evidence supports fly, ant, crayfish, mammal, or bird
scavenging of dinosaur corpses as in the above scenario, but these animals were
contemporaneous with dinosaurs and some of their species are observed scav-
enging today. Although this is a weakly supported hypothesis, such evidence may
be found if paleontologists look for traces of such activity, either in bones or sedi-
ment associated with bones. Similarly, no evidence supports the scavenging behavior
of pterosaurs on dinosaurs, although some pterosaurs are interpreted as carrion feeders
on the basis of functional morphology. In contrast, a documented example of a
dinosaur feeding on a pterosaur has been interpreted on the basis of matching teeth
with distinctive toothmarks found on pterosaur bones (Chapters 8 and 9).
Modifications to the outlined scenario can be made easily by placing the
dinosaur body in different environments and times and varying the behaviors of
the scavengers. For example, if the body had been washed into a river channel instead
of lying on a floodplain, crocodiles and fresh-water fish might have fed on it. If it
had fallen near a marine shoreline, crabs, which are common coastal scavengers
today, would have been more likely consumers of the corpse instead of crayfish,
which live exclusively in fresh-water fluvial and lacustrine environments.
If waves at a shoreline washed up enough to pull a dinosaur body out to sea,
its gas-filled corpse would have rafted on the open sea. Likewise, dinosaurs that
dwelled in lowland environments, such as coastal swamps, deltas, or estuarine marshes
(a life habit shown by numerous dinosaur tracks in such environments: Chap-
ter 14), could have had their bodies washed into nearby channels that emptied
into a seaway. Once at sea, a dinosaur corpse would have provided a rich food
source for sharks, smaller fish, and marine reptiles, which would have nibbled on
its appendages hanging down into the water. This hypothesis, often termed the
bloat-and-float hypothesis by vertebrate taphonomists, provides an explanation
for the rare occurrences of certain dinosaur bones in shallow marine deposits. Joseph
Leidy first proposed it in 1858 to explain Hadrosaurus remains in a Cretaceous marine
deposit (Chapter 3). Later analyses of dinosaur bones in Middle Jurassic marine
deposits of England indicated that they were displaced a minimum of 80 km
from the nearest continental environment, which meant that there was plenty
of time for marine scavengers to enjoy some dinosaurian snacks. In the cases of
marine-deposited dinosaur remains, mainly the distal parts of the animals are pre-
served (those parts that would have been dangling in the water) and some of these
bones exhibit the distinctive toothmarks (or teeth) of their shark or marine
crocodile contemporaries.
Whether scavenging happened on the land or at sea, it may mean that body parts
of a dinosaur could have been carried far away from the original site of death.
Cut bank
Point bar
Q = AV (7.2)
In our example, the water (which has mass) was moving, which means that it had
momentum, expressed by this formula:
M = mV (7.3)
where M is momentum and m is mass. This means that our same example, with 7
its 71 m3 of water converted to kilograms (remember that 1 cm3 of water = 1 g, hence
1000 cm3 = 1000 g; see Table 1.2) and an assumed velocity of 1.0 m/s, had a momen-
tum of
These calculations pertain to how dinosaurs or parts of them were moved, because
such movement would have taken momentum. For example, a dinosaur such as
our unfortunate example in the previous section, which weighed about 3000 kg
and died on an emergent floodplain, would have required a flow with a momen-
tum greater than 3000 kg m/s to move it 1.0 meter in 1.0 second. Even higher
momentums would have been needed to move the same mass any appreciable dis-
tance from the death site of the dinosaur within a given time.
What evidence can we use as the basis for calculations of how fast a stream was
flowing during the Jurassic, and how can we work out its cross-sectional area?
Although exact values cannot be calculated, as with modern streams, the approx-
imate speed and cross-sectional area of a Mesozoic stream can be calculated from
indirect evidence preserved in the lithofacies. For calculating speed, numerous experi-
ments conducted with modern sediments of different sizes and known densities
have shown that certain velocities are needed to lift and otherwise transport sedi-
ments with these parameters. This information can then be applied to dinosaur
parts. Additionally, distinctive bedforms are made in water by flows of a certain
velocity as applied to sediments of certain grain sizes. Bedforms, such as ripple marks
or dunes, are sediment bodies with a definable geometry. If distinctive bedforms
are associated with dinosaur bones, they give paleontologists an estimate of what
flow existed when the dinosaur parts were buried. This information may not tell
us exactly how fast the water was flowing immediately before the parts were buried.
However, in conjunction with the sizes and shapes of the dinosaur bones, bedforms
can at least provide some limits for working out the competence of the flow, and
FIGURE 7.6 Sandstone bed formed from filling of a river channel and containing
dinosaur bones near Morrison, Colorado.
thus the discharge and momentum. A bedform also can be a filled fluvial channel,
which can give an approximation of the cross-sectional area of a stream (Fig. 7.6).
Dinosaur-dependent factors that affected movement of its body or body parts
include the shapes and sizes of the parts being moved, as well as whether the dinosaur
was recently dead (pre-putrefaction), dead for several weeks (during putrefaction),
or mostly or entirely stripped of flesh (post-putrefaction), all of which affected its
density. Density, in turn, is related to the buoyancy of a dinosaurs body or body
parts once it was in a water body. Buoyancy, which is the lift force generated by a
fluid (whether it is moving or not), is caused by pressure exerted by a liquid on all
sides of an immersed object. This pressure makes an object weigh less while main-
taining the same mass that it has in air. This principle, first articulated by Greek
scientist Archimedes (of Eureka! fame, c. 287212 bce), states that a floating
or immersed body in a fluid will experience a lift force equal to the weight of the
displaced fluid. For example, the immersion experiment conducted on dinosaur
models in Chapter 1 showed a displacement of volumes for each model; these
models had lift forces exerted on them equivalent to the weight of whatever water
volume was displaced. Using a human body that weighs 64.8 kg as an example
(see Eqn 1.2, Chapter 1), if it displaces 72,000 cm3 of water, the weight in water is
where Wi is immersed weight. A negative number in the final value means that
a person should float when immersed in water, because they weigh less than the
mass of the water displaced. This is why objects less dense than water float: in the
preceding example, the density is 0.9 g/cm3 (64,800 g/72,000 cm3), whereas fresh
water has a standard density of 1.0 g/cm3. Conversely, an object with a density greater
than 1.0 g/cm3 will sink, unless the water is made denser, which changes the buoy-
ant force. For example, ocean water, which is saline (containing a relatively high
concentration of dissolved elements) in comparison to fresh water, has more buoy-
ant properties than fresh water because it is denser. The Great Salt Lake in Utah or
the Dead Sea in Israel are more saline than ocean water, so these are accordingly
more buoyant than ocean water. Buoyancy allows steel ships weighing thousands
of tons to float. When those ships strike icebergs, the rapid influx of water subse-
quently increases their density, causing them to sink. Likewise, buoyancy is what
caused some multi-metric-ton dinosaur carcasses to float, depending on the respec-
tive densities of the dinosaurs (or their parts) and the bodies of water carrying them.
The density of a typical vertebrate land animal may vary from about 0.7 to
1.1 g/cm3, meaning that some recently dead animals can float. However, their flota-
tion might be similar to icebergs in that most of their bodies will be below the sur-
face of the water. The implication here is that a recently dead dinosaur body would
have dragged along the bottom of a river that was shallower than half of the dinosaurs
body width (limbs included) because of its limited ability to float. Therefore, the
dinosaur body would have behaved much like a sedimentary particle undergoing
traction or saltation. In contrast, a bloated (post-putrefaction) carcass that retained
large volumes of internal gases may have been much less than 1.0 g/cm3 (Fig. 7.5).
As a result, more of the animal would have been above a stream surface in sus-
pension, which would have provided the potential for it to move greater distances
from its original site of death. This possibility allows for largely complete dinosaur
bodies to have moved considerable distances but later accumulated in stagnant areas.
For example, carcass flotation has been invoked as the cause of monospecific beds
of remains for the theropod Coelophysis (Chapter 9) in Late Triassic fluvial deposits
of New Mexico.
Yet another factor in dinosaur buoyancy is whether the dinosaur had feathers or
not (Chapters 5, 9, and 15). Modern birds are relatively more buoyant than other
animals because of air trapped between their feathers, as well as their less dense
skeletal structures. Consequently, some birds can float for long distances in a water
body until their feathers become waterlogged, which can finally cause sinking. Similar
scenarios have been proposed for fossil birds, beginning in the Late Jurassic
(Chapter 15). The occurrence of relatively small, feathered theropods in Cretaceous
lake deposits is also suggestive of such floating and sinking to lake bottoms
(Chapter 9).
Once they were floating, numerous dinosaur bodies in a stream also may have
created dinosaur jams, similar to log jams where felled trees clog a stream. Such
jams may have contributed to massive deposits of nearly entire dinosaur skeletons,
providing an explanation for the numerous, well-preserved sauropods (Chapter 10)
and theropods (Chapter 9) seen in the Late Jurassic Morrison Formation at
Dinosaur National Monument in Utah, as well as mixed assemblages of dinosaur
remains in the Late Cretaceous Judith River Formation of Montana.
Figuring out the preceding scenarios for whole dinosaur bodies is relatively easy
in comparison to another possibility, the movement of detached body parts with
flesh or bone material. Just to simplify these possibilities, bone (without flesh) can
be used as an example. Dinosaur bone was composed originally and primarily of
the mineral dahllite (Chapters 5 and 8), which has a density of 3.153.2 g/cm3. This
guarantees that this mineral by itself, even in ocean water, would have sunk. How-
ever, skeletal material is not composed entirely of solid mineral material: average
densities for teeth, compact bone, and cancellous (porous) bone (Chapter 8) in
modern vertebrates average about 2.0, 1.7, and 1.1 g/cm3, respectively. Consequently,
movement of teeth and compact bone would have been more likely as bedload;
such dragging would have caused visible pits and fractures in most exposed bone.
Such telltale marks from the physical transport of dinosaur bones have indeed been
interpreted among the bones in high-energy facies. This information provides evid-
ence for whether dinosaur remains were reworked into deposits much younger than
the time when a dinosaur was alive. However, if the bones had any flesh re-
maining, these parts might have been cushioned from the abrasive effects of
stream transport, thus the absence of fractures is not necessarily diagnostic of an
autochthonous fossil.
Most modern examples of bone are cancellous, which with included organic mat-
ter are less dense than solid dahllite; loss of the organic material results in more
open spaces and correspondingly less density. Dinosaur bones were similar in this
respect and some, such as those of theropods, were lightly built and noticeably less
dense than those of other dinosaurs (Chapters 8 and 9). Different hard parts on
the same individual could also have had different densities, such as the bone com-
posing the parietals of pachycephalosaurs (Chapter 13), or the teeth of any toothed
dinosaur versus their limb bones.
Size and shape of a body or bone are also important factors in transport. Well-
rounded tarsals of dinosaurs, for example, were more likely to roll along a stream
bottom than their femurs or tibias. Of course, smaller bones were more suscept-
ible to transport, with all other factors in the bones and stream being equal.
Nevertheless, shape is probably more important to consider than size, because equal
density of a large or small body translates into equal buoyancy regardless of size.
Shape can be measured by looking at the ratio of an objects surface area to its vol-
ume, which is expressed through the simple relation of
S = A/V (7.5)
where S is shape, A is surface area, and V is volume. Using the example of a sphere,
surface area is calculated by the following equation:
A = 4r 2 (7.6)
V = 4/3r 3 (7.7)
Step 1. A= 4 (3.1416)(5)2
Step 2. = 314.2 cm2
Step 3. V= 4/3 (3.1416)(5)3
Step 4. = 523.6 cm3
Step 5. S = 314.2 cm2/523.6 cm3
Step 6. = 6.0 cm1
This ratio is actually the smallest that can be derived for any sedimentary particle;
any particle shape deviating from a perfect sphere will result in a larger number.
Hopefully, the most important point gained from the preceding section is that
when a nearly complete dinosaur skeleton is found, a paleontologist should never
assume that this skeletal integrity represents an autochthonous specimen. In some
cases this might be a reasonably accurate assessment, but in others the dinosaur
might be kilometers away from where it met its demise.
Rapid burial of dinosaur remains has been mostly attributed to deposition by river
floods, but sandstorms have also been proposed as a mechanism. The unusually
well-preserved Late Cretaceous ceratopsians, ankylosaurs, and theropods of the Gobi
region in Mongolia are often cited as examples of such rapid burial (Chapters 9,
12, and 13).
With reference to the Gobi, the most famous example of individual dinosaurs
that were likely interacting with one another when they were buried comes from
the Late Cretaceous. In this instance, the complete skeletons of the theropod
Velociraptor and ceratopsian Protoceratops were found with the Velociraptor lying on
its right lateral surface with a fore limb in the mouth region and a hind limb in
the abdominal region of the Protoceratops. The latter dinosaur is oriented with its
dorsal side up (in normal life position). This extraordinary co-occurrence, found
by one of the Polish expeditions (Chapter 3), has been nicknamed The Fighting
Dinosaurs and indeed such an interpretation is quite reasonable in the light of
the evidence (Fig. 7.9). Another dinosaur that seemed to have been stuck in time,
frozen in a life position from the Late Cretaceous, is a specimen of Oviraptor that
shows a body posture consistent with that of a brooding female over a nest of eggs.
Preservation of this posture implies that the dinosaur was likely buried while
protecting its nest. Just to show that this find, as startling as it might seem, is prob-
ably not unusual in terms of the behavior it implies, a similar specimen of
Oviraptor situated above a nest of eggs was also found in strata of the same age in
Mongolia. Moreover, most of the skeleton of a small theropod from the Late
Cretaceous of Montana, Troodon, was found on a clutch of eggs that contained embry-
onic remains of the same species (Chapter 9).
The taphonomic problem with such apparent snapshots from the Mesozoic is
that they show little to no signs of struggle from whatever burial process preserved
the dinosaurs. In other words, if the dinosaurs in life position were buried alive,
then the burial was so rapid that they died before they could react to being buried
or they were unable to move once buried. The fighting dinosaurs, the brooding
Oviraptor, and other numerous, beautifully preserved Late Cretaceous dinosaurs of
the Gobi all show that burial was instantaneous and death must have been imme-
diately before or simultaneous with burial. The traditional explanation for the extra-
ordinary preservation of the Gobi dinosaurs is that they were buried rapidly by
fierce sandstorms, which still regularly pound the Gobi Desert today. Perhaps these
modern dramatic changes in weather influenced such interpretations. Beginning
with paleontologists of the American Museum expeditions of the 1920s, they would
have found such storms a useful (and harrowing) modern analogue (Chapter 3).
However, these interpretations incorporated little detailed sedimentological evidence
that convincingly demonstrated sandstorms during the Late Cretaceous caused rapid
burial of dinosaurs.
A recently proposed alternative hypothesis invokes the sudden deposition of wet
sand (associated with rain storms) onto the hapless animals within alluvial fans.
An equivalent volume of wet sand is much heavier than dry sand, which would
have limited the movement of any animal trapped in it and allowed for a min-
imum of struggling before they succumbed to suffocation. Other evidence argu-
ing against sandstorm burial is the lack of physical structures and sediments that
typify wind-blown (eolian) deposits in the thick deposits containing some of the
best dinosaur remains. Furthermore, many of the dinosaur tracks and invertebrate
trace fossils that have been found in what are interpreted as eolian deposits indi-
cate some breaks in sedimentation. These facies also lack abundant dinosaur body
fossils. Consequently, the new hypothesis is that stable dunes existed first, where
dinosaurs lived in fruitful abundance during times of moist climate, and these ani-
mals were buried later by alluvial fans caused by rainstorms. Although other facies
in Late Cretaceous deposits of Mongolia clearly reflect wind deposition, probably
from sandstorms, the rocks of undisputed eolian origin do not contain abundant
skeletal remains, let alone the complete skeletons found in other facies.
Another way for individual dinosaurs to have accumulated and been preserved
temporarily before burial would have been through deposition at the bottom of
a lake, swamp, lagoon, or marsh. In this scenario, burial could have been slow in
comparison to burial rates in other environments. Modern examples of these
aquatic environments have more oxygenated water toward the airwater interface
but less oxygenated (anaerobic) water toward the sedimentwater interface. The
stagnant nature of these environments allows little circulation of oxygenated water
toward their bottoms. The anaerobic conditions prevent many animals from
living at the bottom, preventing scavenging and aerobic bacterial decay. Accord-
ingly, this results in a high degree of fossil articulation and, in some cases, soft-
tissue preservation. For example, the small, well-preserved Lower Cretaceous
theropods of China and Italy (Chapters 5 and 9) come from lacustrine and marsh
deposits, respectively.
Even if dinosaur bodies or body parts were rapidly buried or buried slowly under
anaerobic conditions, they had to be buried deeply enough that scavengers could
not dig them up or they were not susceptible to being uncovered by rapidly mov-
ing water or wind. No doubt many dinosaurs died in the many catastrophic ways
described previously in this chapter, but they did not ultimately make it into muse-
ums unless they reached the next taphonomic step, diagenesis.
FIGURE 7.10 How an external mold and cast could have been made of a dinosaur body,
preserving skin impressions (such as seen in Fig. 5.10).
mold remained, and sediment later filled the cavity left by the body and solidified,
then the resulting fossil is a cast, which is preservationally analogous to a cranial
endocast (Chapter 5). Skin impressions are currently known for ornithopods,
sauropods, ceratopsians, ankylosaurs, and theropods. More will surely be found as
researchers become more vigilant for their possible presence in association with
dinosaur bones.
As mentioned before, anaerobic conditions are also conducive to preservation of
soft parts, and recent finds of theropods with feather impressions and internal organs
are evidence of a low rate of organic degradation that enabled sufficient preserva-
tion of at least the outlines of these anatomical features. Carbonization is the preser-
vation of soft parts by a loss of volatiles, which are elements such as hydrogen,
oxygen, and nitrogen that are normally gaseous at near-surface temperatures, their
loss resulting in a carbon film being left behind. This mode of preservation has
helped paleontologists discern at least outlines for soft tissues in fossil plants, inver-
tebrates, and vertebrates alike. If diagenesis happened rapidly enough, so that phos-
phatic minerals replaced the original organic material, a pseudomorph of soft tissues
(such as muscles) can be preserved (Chapter 5). This type of preservation gives more
of a three-dimensional character to the parts than mere carbonization.
Finally, recognition of biomolecules and flexible soft tissue in dinosaur bones
(Chapter 8) is an example of how dinosaur paleontologists should still look for rem-
nants of organic remains in dinosaurs. Assuming preservation in anaerobic condi-
tions and sealing of biomolecules from the ravages of diagenetic processes,
dinosaurs may yet yield more amino acids, proteins, and possibly nucleic acids that
provide further information related to their evolutionary relationships (Chapter 6).
Most recently, flexible soft tissues recovered from the center of a Tyrannosaurus femur
show cell nuclei and other remarkable cellular features, suggesting that such
preservation may be more common than previously thought.
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You have two pets, a large snake (a python) and a cat. Although both are car-
nivores, you notice a large difference in their feeding habits. You feed the snake
a live mouse once every two weeks, which it swallows whole; this morsel satisfies
it completely until the next time (two weeks later) you drop another mouse into
its terrarium. In contrast, the cat eats dry food at least three times a day, and
demands (rather insistently) to have wet food in both the morning and early
evening. Much to your horror, he also tries to kill small birds that alight in your
backyard to eat seed from a bird feeder. Compounding this problem, other birds
are constantly on the bird feeder, knocking loose seeds that attract the ground-
grazing birds. Squirrels also constitute a nuisance with their once-daily raiding
of the bird feeder; their ingenuity in circumventing your barriers to the feeder is
both admirable and frustrating, and provokes wonder about how much energy
they spend on working out ways to get the food.
Why are there such differences in feeding habits in these animals? Why does
the python, the largest of the animals, require so little food to sustain itself? How
is it that the birds, which are the smallest, are feeding over the course of an entire
day? What prompts the squirrels to come by only once (sometimes twice) a day,
investing so much effort in working out how to get the food? Why does your cat
require so much protein every day?
n How did dinosaurs reproduce, and how do their eggs provide information
about the physiology of both mothers and offspring?
n How did dinosaurs form bones and teeth, the most likely parts of a
dinosaur to be preserved in the fossil record?
n How quickly did dinosaurs grow, after they hatched from eggs?
n How did dinosaur bones record clues about their metabolism, such as
whether they generated their own body heat or depended on the outside
environment for warmth?
n How do other data besides bones and eggs, such as paleoenvironmental set-
ting and trace fossils, provide insights into dinosaur physiology?
All of these pertinent questions, asked about dinosaur physiology for more than
150 years, have still not all been satisfactorily answered.
Dinosaur Sex
A necessary antecedent of dinosaur eggs was dinosaur sexual activity. The certainty
of dinosaur sex as a prelude to their laying eggs is supported by the numerous
observations of how mating in all egg-laying vertebrates is a necessary precursor
to egg development. Fertilization of an egg without the help of a male, known as
parthenogenesis, is common in nearly every major invertebrate clade but is
known in only a few vertebrates (some amphibians and lizards). As a result, this
process probably does not apply to dinosaurs.
Dinosaur sexuality has been the subject of much debate on the basis of little sci-
entific evidence. In fact, paleontologists are still uncertain about which dinosaurs
in the fossil record represent male and female specimens (Chapters 5 and 6). A few
researchers have recently promoted the case for sexual dimorphism in what are
anatomically very similar dinosaur species from the same stratigraphic intervals.
For example, some paleontologists have proposed that more robust forms of some
dinosaurs (such as Tyrannosaurus) are females, based on a similar disparity of size
seen in the sexes of modern large reptiles. Larger size of female reptiles, which is
the opposite expectation for sexual dimorphism in most mammals, corresponds to
a capacity to hold many eggs in reptilian body cavities.
Before mating occurs in modern vertebrates, males and females both use methods
of sexual attraction in which they undergo sexual selection, or the choosing of
their mates on the basis of preferred traits. When done by enough individuals within
a population, this process ultimately affects the evolutionary history of a species
by causing genetic change of that population over time (Chapter 6). Some birds
that have colorful or prominent plumage in one gender, such as peacocks, provide
examples of sexual selection, in which they cause a visual stimulus for a poten-
tial mate. In this respect, the elaborate and prominent head shields and horns of
ceratopsians (Chapter 13) and skull crests of hadrosaurs (Chapter 11) have been
proposed as possible display structures. In modern animals, displays are sometimes
accompanied by other sensory signals, such as mating calls. Male crocodilians, for
example, will bellow for attention and are sometimes answered by vocalizations
from a nearby female. In at least some hadrosaurs, vocalization structures, also asso-
ciated with cranial crests, have been postulated (Chapter 11).
In some instances visual and auditory stimuli are not the only cues to mating.
For example, some animals use pheromones, which are complex biomolecules emit-
ted by an organism into a water body or air for the purpose of causing a response
in another individual of the same species. Pheromones can elicit numerous
responses in organisms, such as triggering silent alarms, providing a trail for others
to follow (seen readily in ants), or signaling aggregation, but they are often recog-
nized for their sexually attractive qualities. Whether dinosaurs used pheromones
or not is unknown. Many modern reptiles use olfactory sensations for mate attrac-
tion, but pheromones have not yet been detected in birds. Consequently, paleon-
tologists have little basis for inferring this physiological function in dinosaurs through
their hypothesized closest living relatives.
In many cases, once a female vertebrate shows receptivity to a male, mating
will occur quickly relative to time spent in attraction and courtship. In fish and
amphibians, the males sperm is simply deposited in the water near a female rather
than through more proximal association. Amniotes presumably developed sex
organs that worked more effectively for getting gametes together through direct
bodily contact. After all, internal fertilization was necessary before an egg could be
developed internally. In some reptiles (crocodilians and turtles) the delivery of sperm
into a females oviduct, which also functions as the birth canal for egg laying, is
sometimes facilitated by the insertion into the oviduct of a males penis. Snakes
and lizards have similar but smaller structures called hemipenes. Most modern bird
species lack a penis, although some flightless birds and ducks, geese, and swans do
possess such organs. Birds without penises mate through close contact of their cloa-
cae, which are openings that double in function as outlets for gametes (sex cells,
such as sperm and eggs) and excretion of bodily wastes in males and females, as
well as egg-laying in females.
Because the preservation potential for non-mineralized dinosaur tissues is so
low (Chapter 7), no direct evidence of dinosaur reproductive organs is known.
Nevertheless, the arrangement of bones in the pelvic region of some dinosaurs may
relate to muscles associated with penile organs in males. Furthermore, at least one
example of a theropod was found with probable eggs in its body cavity (Chap-
ter 9). This helped to corroborate the presence of an oviduct and (of course) its
gender. Moreover, the statistically-defined pairing of eggs in the nest of another
theropod strongly suggests that it laid the eggs through paired oviducts (Chapter 9),
a trait seen in some modern crocodilians.
Dinosaur mating was probably achieved through the male approaching the
females caudal region and positioning its posteroventral anatomy in close associ-
ation with the females posterior. Such positioning was relatively straightforward
for bipedal dinosaurs, but probably necessitated a temporarily bipedal posture for
quadrupedal dinosaurs. A similar posture is demonstrated by modern elephants, which
are the heaviest land animals available for such a comparison (Fig. 8.1). The rather
lengthy tails of some dinosaurs, such as sauropods, seemingly would have been im-
pediments to mating. Unfortunately, no trackways or other trace fossils have yet
provided evidence of dinosaur mating habits. Likewise, no dinosaur skeletons of
the same species have been found in what might be construed as a compromising
position, even after applying much imagination to them. Documentation of trace
fossils indicating dinosaur mating in particular is an area yearning for further,
in-depth research, considering the amount of sedimentary disturbance that must
have been caused by the mating of some of these animals, which together com-
prised tens of metric tons.
Fertilization in modern vertebrates is the result of the uniting of gametes from
a male and a female. The gamete from each parent contains half the number (hap-
loid) of chromosomes (genetic material) of a typical body (somatic) cell from each
parent, thus both parents together create a diploid cell. The formation of gametes
by each parent is accomplished through a splitting of a diploid cell into haploid
cells, a process called meiosis. The division of body cells into more body cells (diploid
to diploid) is mitosis. A fertilized egg (zygote) subsequently results in mitotic divi-
sion of cells through cleavage. 8
Dinosaur Eggs
An egg serves as a form of protection for an embryo that
For reptiles and most of also keeps its nutrients in a restricted space while allow-
their descendants, which ing the inflow of oxygen and exit of waste products (such
includes dinosaurs and as carbon dioxide) from the egg environment through
birds, an egg is an its pores.
enclosed yet porous Dinosaur eggs and all other fossil eggs are body fos-
mineralized or organic sils. Although some paleontologists used to classify
structure that contained them as trace fossils, their explicit physiological function
or contains an amnion makes eggs distinctive from dinosaur trace fossils such
as tracks, nests, toothmarks, coprolites, or gastroliths
(a fluid-filled sac)
(Chapter 14). An eggshell secreted by a mother dinosaur
surrounding a developing
was an integral, connected part of a developing embryo.
embryo (Fig. 6.4).
This makes it an extra body part, analogous to the
exoskeleton of an invertebrate, that was essential for sur-
vival of that embryo. The occasional inclusion of embryonic dinosaur remains within
an egg provides a complete picture of an egg as a body fossil (Chapters 9 to 11).
In a modern reptilian or avian egg, the amnion forms around the embryo soon
after cleavage. The enclosed fluid of the amnion suspends and thus protects the
embryo from concussions or desiccation. The mother then secretes eggshell around
the amnion, further protecting the embryo, and a second sac (allantois) develops
between the eggshell and amnion. The allantois serves as a respiratory organ for
the embryo, bringing in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide. This type of egg is
a cleidoic egg, which means that it provides a food supply (through the yolk sac)
and a membrane for respiration, temperature maintenance, and waste disposal.
In oviparous animals, the egg is retained in the mothers body until a sufficiently
protective layer for the developing embryo is secreted, which normally involves
FIGURE 8.2 Shapes, sizes, and dimensions of dinosaur eggs. From left to right, sphere,
prolate spheroid, oblate spheroid, semiconical; axes and measurements associated with
prolate spheroid.
V = 4/3(a2c) (8.1)
where the a and b axes are equal and c is the long axis. Some dinosaur eggs were
prolate spheroids, but others were oblate spheroids, which are spheres shortened
(squashed) in the c axis in relation to the a and b axes. The volume is still cal-
culated with the same formula in Eqn 8.1, assuming that axis a = b.
For example, a dinosaur egg that is 13 cm long and 10 cm wide in its other two
dimensions (hence it is a prolate spheroid) has a volume of
For perspective, this volume is more than ten times that of a chicken egg (also a
prolate spheroid), which is typically 6 cm long and 4.5 cm wide:
This calculated difference means that one dinosaur egg could have been substituted 8
for more than half a dozen chicken eggs in an omelet.
One of the qualitative characteristics described in dinosaur eggs is surface
texture, which is evident in some eggs as a slight bumpiness or microrelief. The
regularity of the texture is better defined with higher magnifications, revealing
the distinctive shell microstructures. These microstructures relate to the functional
morphology of an egg as determined through biomineralization, which began as
either aragonite or calcite crystals that grew outward and perpendicular to a shell
membrane surface (Fig. 8.3). The inner shell membrane, which is organic, is also
called the eisospherite layer, whereas the crystalline exterior is the exospherite layer.
In modern eggs, crystals are intimately interlocked with organic material through-
out growth to form a lightweight but strong and flexible structure. Eggshells are
also porous, with pores developing perpendicular to the shell membrane and more
or less parallel to the crystals. These pores allow gas exchange, facilitated by the
allantois, between the developing embryo and its outside environment.
Calcite was first recognized as a constituent in dinosaur eggs in 1923, and in these
and other fossils it is normally re-crystallized. Original, non-recrystallized calcite is
diagnosed by preservation of fine-scale structures in the eggshell and open pores.
The opposite characteristics indicate at least one episode of recrystallization. A pale-
ontologist or geochemist considering an elemental analysis of dinosaur eggs always
tries to determine the degree of recrystallization first, because a recrystallized egg-
shell may contain chemicals that were more recently acquired.
Stable isotopes differ from radioactive isotopes (Chapter 4)
Once a dinosaur as they do not undergo radioactive decay. Oxygen isotopes, 16O
and 18O, are the most commonly used stable isotopes. Their
eggshell is
ubiquitous presence in eggshell material as a component of
determined as
CaCO3 makes them a natural choice for study. The principle
relatively unaltered, a
behind using them is that changes in the ratio of 18O to 16O 8
geochemical analysis can be a direct consequence of temperature changes in waters
may begin with of ancient environments. Because 18O is a heavier isotope than
calculations of stable 16
O, it tends to remain in water undergoing evaporation. Hence,
isotope ratios. higher temperatures cause higher rates of evaporation. This
results in a depletion of 18O in the evaporated water and an
18 16
O/ O ratio lower than that in the original water source. Conversely, glaciation
of an area would cause an enrichment of 16O in the ice. This condition causes a
higher ratio than in tropical water. The fractional change in the amount of stable
isotopes, where one becomes depleted while the other is enriched, is called frac-
tionation. The value derived from the ratio of 18O to 16O is called the 18O value.
Organisms use water to make shells or bones. Consequently, the 18O value of
an organisms unaltered bones or eggshell should reflect the temperature of the water
used in the precipitation of the calcite or dahllite. This method has been used, with
calcite from fossil unicellular organisms and some mollusks, to successfully inter-
pret paleotemperatures. Unfortunately, its use with dinosaur eggshells is still
controversial because of the high likelihood that most eggshells have been recrys-
tallized. These eggs would have 18O values that represent the temperature of the
water used in the recrystallization process during diagenesis, rather than the tem-
peratures of water used by a dinosaurian mother. However, once more unaltered
dinosaur eggshells are discovered, the method will have important paleoecological
applications. Oxygen isotopes have also been used to interpret body-temperature
regulation in dinosaurs, as discussed later. Nevertheless, this is not without dispute,
again because of the same effects of diagenesis.
Oxygen isotopes provide information about paleotemperatures, but carbon iso-
topes are instructive about what dinosaurs ate or drank. With carbon isotopes, 12C
is enriched relative to 13C through photosynthesis. As a result, plants have lower
13C values than dahllite in its mineral form. Modern herbivores can affect the car-
bon isotope ratio by eating plant material, which is enriched in 12C; this manifests
as a low 13C value in the herbivores bones. The same principle has been extended
to the hypothesis that dinosaur eggshells, which contain carbon (again through
CaCO3), should indicate whether a mother dinosaur ate plants. The ratios that
have been calculated from plants from different environments can even indicate
whether the plants came from coastal marine swamps or river floodplains. Yet again,
the reality of diagenesis is invoked in skeptical peer reviews of carbon isotope data
derived from dinosaur eggs. Nevertheless, such data may eventually provide mean-
ingful clues to dinosaur consumption habits in the absence of other body or trace
fossil evidence.
Trace elements, elements that occur in organisms in minute quantities (unlike
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus), have been consis-
tently detected in dinosaur eggshells. This adds another geochemical parameter whose
significance is not yet understood by paleontologists. Excess or deficient amounts
of trace elements are linked with pathological conditions in many organisms. For
example, in humans a lack of iron causes anemia or an excess of lead causes
neurological damage. Anomalous trace elements in dinosaur eggshell material,
particularly in those approaching the CretaceousTertiary boundary, are cited as
evidence for environmental problems that caused dinosaurs to lay unhealthy eggs
(Chapter 16). For example, large amounts of trace elements are linked with prob-
lems in the formation of shell proteins. Some Late Cretaceous dinosaur eggshells
contain relatively high concentrations of lead, vanadium, and zinc, among other
elements. This led some paleontologists to link these concentrations with paleo-
pathological conditions. Again, the effects of diagenesis constitute a potential falsifier
of this hypothesis; the large concentrations of trace elements introduced during
diagenesis in some dinosaur bones (Chapter 7) support the alternative.
Amino acids and proteins were first discovered in dinosaur eggshells in 1968, much
to the surprise of paleontologists who did not expect their preservation. More sur-
prising is that the quantity and quality of the amino acids closely resemble types
and proportions in eggshells of some modern amniotes. In all, 17 different amino
acids have been detected in dinosaur eggs and their relative percentages track very
closely with chicken eggs and the average protein. Paleontologists are still uncer-
tain which proteins were in dinosaur eggs because the amino acids, which are more
long-lived in the geologic record than proteins, only provide an approximation of
their protein parents. However, modern avian eggs contain the proteins carbonic
anhydrase, chonchiolin, and collagen, the latter also found in bone material, as
discussed in the next section. Thus far, the only negative factor to consider is poten-
tial contamination from bacteria, fungi, insects, or other organisms from either the
original egg environment or modern sources. Nevertheless, such research is
promising for future revelations about dinosaur biochemistry, which, of course, relates
to their physiology.
Dahllite is the specific mineral that composes hard parts in chordates (Chapter
5). Although not all chordates have hard parts, those that do are classified as ver-
tebrates. According to presently-known fossil evidence, dahllite has contributed to
the hard parts of vertebrates since the Cambrian Period, thus it is a probable prim-
itive trait. Dahllite has the chemical formula (a slight variation from the formula
for the mineral apatite) of Ca10(PO4)6(OH, CO3, F)2. This formula shows why adver-
tisements urging the consumption of milk claim that they cause healthy bones, as
dairy products are calcium-enriched relative to most other foods consumed by
humans. Likewise, fluorine is added to drinking water and toothpaste because of
its essential role in the proper bonding of dahllite in teeth. Because of this min-
eral composition, teeth are relatively harder (less prone to wear) than hard parts
formed by comparable minerals in other organisms, such as calcite or aragonite.
The exact composition of dahllite or apatite depends on substitution of other ele-
ments in the crystalline framework of the mineral, represented in the last part of
the formula by the elements in parentheses. For example, in fluorapatite, F sub-
stitutes for OH; in other forms of apatite, PO4 can be substituted with CO3. In
some instances Ca2+ can be replaced by trace elements such as Sr2+, U4+, and Th4+.
In essence, apatite is a garbage mineral that unselectively accepts an admixture
of the preceding elements (or others) into its structure.
Because these minerals allow for much substitution of elements, the original min-
eral composition of vertebrate hard parts may not have altered through time, espe-
cially considering that fluorapatite is more stable than dahllite. Consequently, most
dinosaur bones are chemically different from their original state. This is not sur-
prising, considering that the youngest of them are 65 million years old. What is
surprising is that the changes may be minor some mineral material in bone may 8
be nearly the same as when the dinosaur originally died. Compaction by over-
lying sediments and other events that happen after burial, such as filling of voids,
also may change dinosaur bones from their original form (Chapter 7). However,
enough bone retains its original shape (or can be reliably reconstructed) so that
dinosaur paleontologists can still describe detailed aspects of a dinosaurs anatomy.
Biomineralization is not limited to vertebrates, as many invertebrate animals and
some one-celled organisms secrete their own shells or skeletons. Unlike vertebrates,
which have their skeletons on the inside of their bodies, most invertebrates wear
their skeletons on the outside of their bodies (exoskeletons), although a few have
endoskeletons. The origin and evolution of biomineralization in the geologic past
was a happy event for future paleontologists, and many of them would be unem-
ployed (or at least gelatinous) if it had not happened. The vast majority of body
fossils that are found, described, and interpreted by paleontologists have biomin-
eralized hard parts, a circumstance for these fossils that increased their likelihood
of preservation (Chapter 7).
But before biomineralization can occur, certain elements must be fixed through
the interactions of biomolecules. Among these biomolecules are nucleic acids, such
as deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA, and ribonucleic acid, RNA; lipids, which are fatty
molecules; carbohydrates, also known as sugars; and proteins. No undisputed evid-
ence of preserved nucleic acids, lipids, or carbohydrates of dinosaurs has been
documented. Indeed the conventional wisdom has been that very few or none
of the original biomolecules of dinosaur bones have been preserved. Many
biomolecules degrade quickly, even on a human time scale. This is why any report
of their discovery in dinosaur bones is greeted with skepticism. However, recently
reported results of detailed analyses, carried out on dinosaur bones during the past
20 years, have provided some evidence for the presence of proteins and other soft
tissues. Because these contributed to the development of bones, connective tissues,
and muscles in dinosaurs, the processes that developed these body parts should
directly reflect dinosaur physiology.
Proteins are composed of amino acids and are organic compounds that form the
basis for much of the soft tissue in animals and help to facilitate biochemical reac-
tions. Very simply, organisms cannot live without amino acids. They can produce
some amino acids, but others are acquired through food. Amino acids must have
a carboxyl group (COOH) and amino group (NH2), in which the carboxyl performs
as an acid, which is a substance enriched in hydrogen ions. On the other hand,
the amino acid acts as a base, enriched in hydroxyl anions. The general structural
formula for an amino acid is:
where R could be any chains of organic compounds that attach to amino acids,
giving them distinctive formulas and names. Only 20 different amino acids, but
in a myriad combinations, compose the millions of different proteins in any given
animal body.
Because unaltered dinosaur soft tissues are typically not preserved, paleontolo-
gists must look to bones or eggshells for evidence of the dinosaurs original amino
acids and proteins. The proteins specifically involved in bone production are
albumin, collagen, hemoglobin, and osteocalcin. Albumin and hemoglobin are
proteins associated with blood circulating through a bone and help with facilitat-
ing biochemical reactions in an organism. Collagen and osteocalcin are structural
proteins, meaning that they lend physical support to an organisms body and are
typically fibrous.
Bone formation in modern vertebrates begins through structural proteins with
the laying down of collagen fibers in a parallel, linear arrangement. This forms part
of a flexible, non-ossified connective tissue called cartilage, which grows through
cells called chondrocytes. The formation of cartilage is followed by biomineral-
ization of dahllite in spaces between the collagen fibers. This process is performed
by osteoblasts, which are bone cells partly composed of osteocalcin that later become
osteocytes. Osteocytes ensure that the bone continues to function as living tissue.
Crystallization takes place in both the center and the outer, middle part of the
cartilaginous structure and replaces the cartilage with mineralized tissue. It also
eventually opens spaces for marrow canals, which carry blood to the bones. The
further development of mineralized tissue extends to either end of the originally
cartilaginous structure and results in outward bone growth, from the development
of an embryo through to adulthood.
Growth of bone eventually results in two types of bone, cancellous and com-
pact. Cancellous bone has a spongy (porous) texture, where the pores (lacunae)
are occupied by osteocytes during the life of the animal. Tiny canals called can-
naliculi interconnect these lacunae. Cancellous bones have a density based on only
10% to 30% of the original biomineralized matter, which made for light yet strong
bones in dinosaurs and other vertebrates. In contrast, compact bone was origin-
ally about 95% biomineralized matter and accordingly is more durable. In some
cases, this type of bone is preferentially preserved among the body parts that were
physically reworked after death of a dinosaur (Chapter 7). Within a single bone,
the amount of cancellous versus compact bone can vary. For example, a limb bone
has mostly compact bone on the diaphyses (shafts) whereas the epiphyses (wider
ends) have more cancellous bone. A thin outer layer of compact bone protects this
cancellous bone (Fig. 8.4).
FIGURE 8.4 Differences in proportions of cancellous and compact bone in the diaphyses
and epiphyses (respectively) of a limb bone.
Bone growth generally stops with adulthood of endotherms, which are animals
that produce and maintain their own internal body heat as a consequence of their
metabolism. Modern mammals and birds are endotherms that show cessation of
bone growth with adulthood. However, bone growth continues throughout the entire
life of ectotherms, animals that rely mostly on the temperature of their surrounding
environment to provide heat for metabolism. For example, modern reptiles are
ectotherms that can become continually larger with increased age. In other words,
the largest crocodiles are usually the oldest crocodiles. All of the evidence gained
from dinosaur bones indicates a process of initial (embryonic) formation for the
bones similar to the general model outlined here for vertebrates, which means
that this is the currently accepted hypothesis for dinosaur bone growth. However,
the interpretation of endothermy versus ectothermy in dinosaurs, as indicated
by their bones, is still controversial and has provoked much contentious debate.
Nonetheless, this subject, discussed in detail later in this chapter, is better under-
stood than only 20 years ago.
Some dinosaur bones show the presence of collagen and osteocalcin, as well as
indirect indications of amino acids that composed hemoglobin in the red blood
cells of dinosaurs. However, collagen could be present as a contaminant in
dinosaur bones because some invertebrates also produce it. In other words, its detec-
tion could give a false indication of its previous presence in a dinosaur. Collagen
could have been introduced into dinosaur bones through scavenging insects
soon after the dinosaur died (Chapter 7) or by any modern insects that were
incorporated inadvertently into an analyzed bone sample. On the other hand, osteo-
calcin is only produced in vertebrates. Hence its presence in dinosaur bones is nearly
indisputable for representing the original protein of a dinosaur. Additionally, the
former presence of collagen is indirectly indicated by the parallel arrangement of
fluorapatite crystals observed in most dinosaur bones. This texture is visible as a
grain (like wood) that typically is parallel to the length of some dinosaur bones
(Fig. 8.4).
Skeletal Allometry
Allometry (defined in Chapter 1) is the most appropriate approach to studying dif-
ferent sizes of the same bones from the same species of dinosaurs. Differently sized
bones from the same species should reflect stages of growth during the lifetime of
an individual, also known as its ontogeny. Accordingly, such bones ideally show
a growth series, which is a sequence of sizes that reflect increased growth of an
animal with time. As mentioned in previous chapters, a few dinosaur species are so
well represented in the geologic record that their bones show a growth series from
juvenile to adult. Dinosaur species that show such a continuum include the Late
Triassic theropod Coelophysis bauri, the Late Jurassic theropod Allosaurus fragilis, and
the Late Cretaceous ornithopod Hypacrosaurus stebingeri (Chapters 9 and 11), among
others. Growth series are most visually compelling when made by simply placing
the same bone from a species in order of size, from smallest to largest. However,
few paleontologists have enough bones of one species in the same place to put
them all together in order. As a result, they are often content to deal with careful
measurements, which can then combine data from bones at widely-separated insti-
tutions. Limb bones are the most commonly measured for such studies, although
skulls can be used if abundant and well preserved enough (e.g., Coelophysis: see
Fig. 2.1), and length is a typical, simple parameter. However, this approach was
replaced by measuring multiple parameters of bones and then computing ratios
(e.g., length:width) or using multivariate analysis, a statistical method that tests
for whether certain parameters correlate or not. One of the parameters used more
frequently with the advent of computer-based image analysis is the picking of
anatomical landmarks for measurement. Some of these features are the same points
on a skull with relation to an orbit, nares, or other well-defined features.
The one major scientific shortcoming of assembling growth series from dinosaur
bones is that these series rarely tell paleontologists anything about the rates of growth
that contributed to the series. Consequently, paleontologists have to cut cross-
sections of the bones to look at certain features associated with the original
biomineralization processes used by dinosaurs, and how tissue functions con-
tributed to these features. Do dinosaur bones show evidence of endothermy,
ectothermy, both, or neither? The answer, confusingly, is yes.
with a lack of growth each year. As a result, a minimum age can be estimated in
any given individual dinosaur that has observable growth lines in its bones. 8
LAGs recorded in dinosaur bones represent periods of interrupted growth, which
can be attributed to yearly cycles in growth that suggest ectothermy. However, LAGs
also are present in some mammal bones. Subsequent research shows that a num-
ber of environmental factors, such as prolonged droughts or cold winters, can cause
these features. Additionally, some dinosaurs have LAGs but others lack them,
which means that they cannot be used as a universal indicator of thermoregula-
tion. For those dinosaurs that have LAGs, and using the assumption that they rep-
resent annual growth lines, growth rates have been calculated for some dinosaur
genera (Chapter 11). High growth rates should reflect endothermy, whereas slow
growth rates are characteristic of ectothermy. The growth rates calculated for some
dinosaurs are faster than those known for crocodiles, but slower than those of birds.
Another interesting feature common to compact bone in dinosaurs is that it does
seem highly vascularized. This feature is common in endotherms, but also has been
seen in the bones of some endotherms.
Dinosaur Feeding
1 types of teeth;
2 toothmarks inflicted by those teeth;
3 stomach contents;
4 gastroliths; and
5 coprolites.
Other forms of evidence can supplement these, such as overall functionally mor-
phology, tracks, or body fossils of potential food items in the same-age strata.
Nonetheless, the preceding forms of evidence are what will be covered here,
although toothmarks, gastroliths, and coprolites will be discussed in more detail as
trace fossils in Chapter 14.
in a dinosaurs jaws, as is seen in the Eoraptor from the Late Triassic of Argentina
(Chapter 6). This dentition is also a namesake feature of one clade of ornithopods,
the Heterodontosauridae (Chapter 11). Another variation of teeth in some
ornithopods and ceratopsians were dental batteries, in which the teeth in the cheek
region were fused together to form compound teeth. The most complex dental bat-
teries known are those of hadrosaurs, which had more than a hundred teeth in
each battery (Chapter 11). Some ceratopsians (Chapter 13) had less numerous teeth
but similar batteries. One analogy that may help with visualizing how the arrange-
ment of teeth in a dental battery worked is to think of them as bricks in a wall. 8
Individually they would have had little supportive strength for grinding food, but
when cemented together they composed a formidable tool for increasing the sur-
face area to grind tough plants. Dental batteries apparently developed just prior to
the middle of the Cretaceous Period. Thus, they may indicate some evolutionary
response to changing vegetation patterns during the Mesozoic Era.
A secondary characteristic that dinosaur teeth acquired during life were signs of
wear. In most instances these wear marks were inflicted by a dinosaurs own teeth
with normal occlusion during biting or chewing. These wear patterns provide valu-
able evidence of jaw mechanics for dinosaurs, indicating how certain dinosaur species
chewed. In other cases, the teeth may have been damaged after encountering resist-
ance from whatever object a dinosaur was biting. Worn and damaged teeth, as
documented from the geologic record, bear testimony of dinosaur food preferences.
For example, some paleontologists have proposed that a few carnivorous dinosaur
species must have been scavengers because their teeth show little evidence of wear,
suggesting that they may have fed only on soft, rotting flesh. In contrast, high inci-
dences of worn and broken teeth may represent attempts at biting live, struggling
prey or fracturing primarily compact (versus cancellous) bones. Although tooth hard-
ness with respect to the bitten object is a factor, the role of jaw strength in tooth
wear cannot be underestimated. For perspective, the biting force measured from
some humans indicates that they could bite through a steel bar if their teeth were
composed of diamond instead of dahllite. Indeed, some dinosaur toothmarks
provide indirect evidence of their bite strength, clarifying why dinosaurs show
numerous replacement teeth in their jaws. They should have lost their teeth on a
frequent basis in correspondence with food choices and bite forces.
Herbivorous dinosaurs had teeth that were functional for grasping, tearing,
shearing, and grinding plant material. The wide variation of tooth shapes in dif-
ferent herbivorous dinosaurs is an indirect indicator of the plant diversity consumed
by these dinosaurs. In modern herbivorous reptiles, a model for comparison to pre-
sumed herbivorous dinosaurs, teeth are:
1 comparably sized;
2 teardrop-shaped;
3 closely associated, and
4 possess coarse serrations.
Although the fossil record for herbivorous dinosaurs stomach remains is poorly
documented, a review of digestion in herbivores is warranted. Because plant mater-
ial in many cases has low nutritional yield for large volumes, much plant material
will reside in an alimentary canal for a relatively long time. However, a long resi-
dence does not necessarily mean that digestion is inefficient; on the contrary, diges-
tive efficiency has evolved to a high degree in modern herbivores. But considering
that herbivorous dinosaurs were the largest land animals that ever lived, they should
have evolved comparable or superior digestive efficiency.
Decomposition of plant material with the assistance of
Digestion in anaerobic bacteria in the alimentary canals of terrestrial ani-
mals probably developed early among plant-eating reptiles.
dinosaurs was most
Modern herbivores that exemplify this process include rumi-
likely facilitated by
nants, mammals that have large, multi-chambered stomachs
a series of organs
(rumens) that physically mash plant material into a compacted
specialized for the mass called a bolus (sometimes called a cud). The bolus is
task, along with a then regurgitated into the mouth for more chewing, then swal-
little help from lowed again. Bacteria within the digestive tracts of herbivores
anaerobic bacteria. also chemically break down some of the organic compounds
in plants that otherwise cannot be digested. For example, the
decomposition of cellulose, a common organic compound in plants, first produces
sugars through fermentation (Chapter 7), then the formation of acetic, propionic,
butyric, and formic acids, followed by amino acids, vitamins, CO2, and CH4. In the
last stage of decomposition, bacteria reduce CO2 to form CH4. After fermentation,
partially digested material is mixed with microbial cells from the bacteria, where
it passes into the rest of the gastrointestinal tract. This constitutes the main source 8
of protein and vitamins for a ruminant.
A ruminant would quickly die from malnutrition if it did not have a symbiotic
relationship with its gut bacteria. Modern carnivorous animals have similar
requirements for digestion. As a result, paleontologists assume that decomposition
aided by anaerobic bacteria was also the case for carnivorous dinosaurs. Modern
carnivorous analogues to theropod digestion, such as crocodilians and birds, have
a stomach divided into a proventriculus, which produces enzymes for chemical
breakdown and precedes a muscular gizzard that further aids digestion.
Modern methanogenic bacteria, such as Methanobacterium thermautotrophicum, have
a cumulative effect of producing methane on a globally measurable scale, if pre-
sent in enough herbivores that digest large amounts of plant material. Of the
current global methane budget, about 80% is related to methane produced by
bacteria, of which many are hosted by the guts of domesticated cattle. Termites
also are significant contributors to the global methane budget (in fact, more so than
cattle) and they also host bacterial colonies that assist their digestion of wood. During
the Mesozoic, large herbivorous dinosaurs, along with termites and other wood-
digesting organisms, were probably the purveyors of voluminous gaseous emissions
that would have saturated the atmosphere of that time.
The rarity of plant material as stomach contents may actually be an artifact of
preparation methods. The matrix entombing an herbivorous dinosaur may have
contained disseminated plant fragments that were formerly in the gut of the ani-
mal. Thus far, only one specimen of an herbivorous dinosaur (Edmontosaurus) was
reported with stomach remains consisting of plant material. Described in 1922, this
specimens abdominal area contained seeds, twigs, and needles from a species of
conifer. Unfortunately, the plant material was taken out of the specimen during its
preparation, and a thorough investigation of its taphonomy was not undertaken.
As a result, an alternative hypothesis is that this plant material may not represent
actual stomach remains, but rather fragmented debris washed into an open cavity
of the hadrosaurs dead body.
Among the meat eaters, four theropods provide specific examples of interspecific
predatorprey relations in dinosaurs. In the first, a Compsognathus specimen from
the Late Jurassic Solnhofen Limestone of Germany contained a complete specimen
of Bavarisaurus, a type of lizard. In this case, the lizard remains are enclosed by the
costae of the Compsognathus specimen. This circumstance supports the notion that
the lizard was consumed and was not merely separate remains deposited in the
same location. The second example is a specimen of Sinosauropteryx, a feathered
theropod from the Early Cretaceous of China, which also contains its last meal, an
unidentified small mammal that is only present as a single dentary. This find con-
stitutes the only evidence of any dinosaur eating a mammal, despite fiction depict-
ing numerous such scenarios (Chapter 1). The third case is of the Early Cretaceous
spinosaurid Baryonyx, which contained acid-etched scales from the fish Lepidotes
and pieces of Iguanodon. Interestingly, the functional morphology of Baryonyx was
originally interpreted as that of a possible fish eater, so the later discovery of fish
remains in its skeleton was an excellent example of a predictive hypothesis. A sim-
ilar case for stomach contents was proposed for a tyrannosaurid, Daspletosaurus,
from the Late Cretaceous Two Medicine Formation of Montana. In this example,
an acid-etched vertebra from a juvenile hadrosaur was found in association with
the partial remains of a Daspletosaurus specimen. The acid etching was hypothe-
sized as having resulted from partial digestion of a hadrosaur (or at least part of
one) in the gut of the Daspletosaurus.
Former stomach remains, where a dinosaur regurgitated its meal, are also a possib-
ility in the geologic record, although their preservation potential was probably very
low. Regurgitation is a common reaction of an animal to ingested toxic substances
or overeating. For example, most alkaloids, compounds commonly found in plants,
induce vomiting in humans and many other mammals if ingested in small quantities.
In fact, these become fatal poisons in larger amounts. Secondary causes of regurgita-
tion are disease, dehydration, or other bodily ailments. However, not all regurgita-
tion indicates poor health. Some predatory birds, such as owls and eagles, will ingest
whole rodents, then regurgitate a pellet composed of their bones and hair after they
have digested the preys muscle tissue. Although these pellets are often confused
with feces, they exit from the mouth instead of the other end. Criteria for inter-
preting fossil regurgitants, or the products of regurgitation, would include poorly-
sorted masses of broken plant or animal material restricted to small areas with
no evidence of sedimentary sorting. Only one possible
Gastroliths (from the dinosaur regurgitant, found in Early Cretaceous deposits
Greek gastro, stomach of Mongolia and composed of turtle and dinosaur bone
fragments, has been interpreted through such criteria.
and lithos, stone), first
mentioned in Chapter 3,
Gastroliths: Mostly for Herbivores
are stones used primarily
Some modern birds will swallow mineral grains several
to help in the mechanical millimeters in diameter, which then reside in their giz-
breakdown of food within zards and aid in the digestion of food by helping to grind
a digestive tract. A tough material. Because birds do not have teeth, they need
colloquial term for this mechanism to break down their food. The muscu-
gastroliths is gizzard lar action of the gizzard and the grinding caused by the
stones. mineral material helps to increase the surface area of the
food for easier digestibility.
Gastroliths were first described and interpreted from a Late Cretaceous hadrosaur
(Claosaurus), by Barnum Brown early in the twentieth century. Friedrich von
Huene later found them in association with bones of the Late Triassic prosauropod
Sellosaurus, and William Lee Stokes described some in association with Late Jurassic
sauropod remains. Surprisingly, they have been studied very little since then, per-
haps because of the level of skepticism they have received from many paleontologists.
Evidence for gastroliths in dinosaurs consists of the numerous polished stones asso-
ciated with dinosaur body fossils. The most oft-cited examples are found within the
thoracic cavity region, ventral to the cervical and dorsal vertebrae and anterior to
the sacral vertebrae.
Dinosaurs with well-supported evidence for gastroliths include some sauropodo-
morphs (both prosauropods and sauropods: Chapter 10), a nodosaurid (Chapter 12),
psittacosaurids (Chapter 13), and a few theropods (Chapter 9). Browns hadrosaur
example of gastroliths has since been regarded as unconvincing, which means that
gastroliths are undocumented for ornithopods. Because gastroliths are normally asso-
ciated with herbivores and the theropod specimens are seemingly carnivores, the
presence of gastroliths in their gut regions is a subject of controversy (Chapter 9).
Gastroliths in psittacosaurids are also enigmatic because these dinosaurs had well-
developed dental batteries that should have easily ground up their roughage, seem-
ingly negating the need for gastroliths.
However, because occlusal surfaces were so narrow for tyrannosaurids and most other
theropods, chewing would not have been very efficient. Hence an alternative
hypothesis is that the bone fragments represent nipping of the bone material by
the anterior teeth as it pulled meat off the juvenile hadrosaurid. Another large (64-
cm long) coprolite, also discovered in the Late Cretaceous strata of Alberta, con-
tained three-dimensional impressions of muscle tissue and finely-ground bone. Also
attributed to a tyrannosaurid, this coprolite indicates a brief digestive period for
the tracemaker, rapid phosphatization, and burial of the fecal mass. Otherwise, the
muscle tissue would not have been preserved. These coprolites and their implica-
tions with regard to tyrannosaurid behavior are further discussed in Chapter 9.
and quality of what they ate. Consequently, this section will examine how physi-
ology is interrelated with diet.
A common misconception about ectothermy is that it is somehow inferior to
endothermy. Ectothermy and endothermy are simply different ways for animals to
make a living. For example, an ectotherms dependency on its surrounding envir-
onment for maintaining its body temperature means that it is less dependent on
seeking food than an endotherm. An endotherm is largely independent of its out-
side environment for thermoregulation (except in cases of hypothermia or hyper-
thermia: Chapter 6). The trade-off is that an endotherm must eat relatively more
food to maintain its internal body temperature. This means that a crocodile can go
much longer between meals in comparison to a lion of the same mass in the same
environment. Maintenance of a constant body temperature qualifies an animal as
a homeotherm, no matter whether it accomplishes this feat through ectothermy
or endothermy. In contrast, a poikilotherm is an animal whose temperature either
stays constant or varies in direct accordance with the temperature of its environ-
ment. This term was used as a synonym for ectotherm, and indeed there is much
overlap between animals that are ectothermic and poikilothermic, but enough excep-
tions have caused physiologists to make a distinction between the two.
Food has energy content, resulting in kilocalories, the heat energy that is used
for bodily functions such as aerobic metabolism. A kilocalorie (abbreviated as kcal)
is the amount of energy needed to heat 1.0 kg of H2O 1C (from 15.5 to 16.5C
as a standard). Kilocalories are still used as units in studies of diet, but the inter-
nationally accepted standard unit for the study of energy flow is the kilojoule (kJ).
A joule ( J) is a measure of energy equivalent to 1 newton (N) of force applied over
1 meter distance, or
J=Nm (8.4)
n Wood = 17 kJ/g
n Shoots and leaves = 2123 kJ/g
n Vegetation (average) = 21 kJ/g
n Muscle = 2125 kJ/g
n Fat = 38 kJ/g
These estimations of food-energy values may not have changed appreciably through-
out geologic time and can be safely assumed as similar during the Mesozoic. Take,
for example, an ornithopod (Chapter 11) that ate woody tissue. To maintain its energy
levels, it would have needed to eat a greater amount of food than an equivalent-
sized stegosaur (Chapter 12) that ate shoots and leaves. Likewise, a large theropod
that ate lean meat, such as other dinosaurs, would have needed more food than
an equivalent-sized theropod that ate fatty fish.
However, these relationships based on the different energy contents of food also
assume that the animals being compared have the same modes of thermoregula-
tion. Endothermic animals simply require more kilojoules than ectotherms. A
delightful illustration of this difference in caloric needs was provided recently by
two paleontologists who calculated how many 68-kg lawyers (where 1.0 lawyer =
4.3 108 kJ) a 4.5-metric ton Tyrannosaurus rex (Chapter 9) would have needed
to eat in a year, depending on whether it was ectothermic or endothermic.
Their calculations revealed that an endothermic Tyrannosaurus of this size would
have required 292 lawyers/year, whereas an ectothermic one would have only
needed 73 lawyers/year. In other words, an endothermic Tyrannosaurus would
have been four times more effective at stemming frivolous litigation than an
ectothermic one.
On a broader scale, energy flow in an ecosystem, as well as the thermoregula-
tion of the animals inhabiting the ecosystem, can affect the proportion of carni-
vores versus herbivores. This means that an ecosystem tells much about the
physiology of its animals. If all of the predators are endothermic in a particu-
lar ecosystem, their caloric needs could decimate a prey population quickly unless
the latter had large numbers. Preliminary studies of modern ecosystems with
predatorprey relationships of endotherms, specifically, mammals, show that pre-
dators compose a much smaller proportion (less than 1%) of the total predatorprey
biomass than in ecosystems dominated by ectotherms (about 25%). This informa-
tion can be applied as a predictive model to dinosaur populations, where the
ratio of theropods to all other dinosaurs in a contemporaneous deposit is calcu-
lated. The few studies that employed this approach in a comprehensive manner,
using a census of dinosaurs identified as predator and prey, found small pro-
portions of theropods versus other dinosaurs (about 1 to 30, or 3% to 5% theropods),
thus more closely resembling the endothermic model.
However, the predatorprey model has some of the following problems:
n The model is based on one group of endotherms (mammals) and not birds,
which are also endotherms. Considering that most paleontologists consider
birds as dinosaurs, an examination of the latter might be more instructive
for comparison. 8
n Not all food is alike. The model assumes that the predators may have been
equal-opportunity hunters instead of selective.
n The interpretation of an endothermic physiology can only be made about
the theropods, not the herbivorous dinosaurs.
n Taphonomic bias rears its ugly but reality-inducing head once again
(Chapter 7). Not all of the predator and prey animals are preserved in the
assemblage, especially if the animals were small.
The last of these caveats can be tested independently through a track census, which
looks at the proportion of tracks attributable to theropods versus all other
dinosaurs, then normalizes the data for biomass. Footprint length gives an estimate
of the size of the track-making dinosaur (Chapter 14), which is used to calculate a
biomass for each track-making dinosaur. These biomasses are then totaled for
theropods and other dinosaurs, represented on a track horizon to derive a preda-
tor/prey ratio. Using such methods, dinosaur ichnologists calculated predator/prey
ratios from a Late Jurassic tracksite of North America of about 1 : 7 (about 15%
theropods). Interestingly, this ratio is intermediate compared to those calculated
for predator/prey ratios in endothermic and ectothermic populations (Fig. 8.7). The
advantage of this independent measure is that, in most instances, tracks from a
given horizon are more likely to be contemporaneous samples of dinosaur popu-
lations than a bone bed. The disadvantages are that this analysis gives more of an
assessment of the physiology of the predators, not the prey, and that tracks hold
their own distinctive biases (Chapter 14).
A similar method that would compare the ratio of herbivorous dinosaur biomass
to plant biomass has yet to be carried out. This approach operates on the similar
assumption that endothermic herbivores would have had much greater food needs
than ectothermic herbivores in a given terrestrial ecosystem. As a result, the
biomass of large herbivorous dinosaurs should have been limited by the biomass
and caloric quality of the available plants. Some paleontologists have surmised on
such ecological reasoning that very large, 20+ metric-ton herbivores, represented
by some sauropods, such as Late Jurassic diplodocids and Cretaceous titanosaurids
(Chapter 10), must have ingested large amounts of low-quality (woody) plants. This
would have happened regardless of whether they were endothermic or ectother-
mic. In short, difficult-to-find food of high quality (those with high kJ/g) was sacrificed
for the sake of immediately accessible quantity. Accordingly, low-quality plant foods
would have needed extensive residence time in the gastrointestinal tract for fer-
mentation by symbiotic anaerobic bacteria. Thus, digestion required a longer and
larger gut, which in turn necessitated a larger animal. Gastroliths presumably aided
in this digestion, whether they were present in a muscular crop, gizzard, or both
(Chapters 5 and 14). Unfortunately, these pieces of evidence, along with the small
amount of coprolite data linked to herbivorous dinosaurs dietary choices (Chapter
14), do not provide adequate answers to questions about their thermoregulation.
Consequently, other sources of information from a wide range of choices must be
When EQs are plotted for dinosaurs against a 1.0 standard for modern crocodiles,
the values range from extremely low (0.2) to substantially higher (6.5). The less 8
brainy dinosaurs include sauropods, thyreophorans, and ceratopsians, which all
rank below 1.0. Ornithopods and theropods show higher values, the highest being
from coelurosaurs (especially troodontids), a clade that presumably includes the
ancestors of birds. In fact, the EQs at the higher end of the scale for non-avian
theropods overlap with some modern flightless birds (Chapter 15). The reasoning
behind using EQs as a measure of thermoregulation is that modern endothermic
organisms have high EQs. However, this does not necessarily mean that a cause-
and-effect relationship can be inferred between EQ and endothermy. Also, less than
5% of dinosaur genera have had their EQs calculated, so the data set should be
regarded as preliminary. Independent neurophysiological evidence related to EQ,
such as brain complexity, also reveals that dinosaur brains are rather simple, com-
parable in morphology to those of modern reptiles. Nevertheless, a few (such as
Tyrannosaurus) show enlarged olfactory bulbs, which suggests a superior sense of
smell but denotes nothing about thermoregulation.
1 homeothermy implies higher metabolic rates than ectothermy, but still does
not indicate endothermy on the level of birds or mammals; and
2 the ratios may be nowhere near the original ratios formed when the ani-
mal was alive, and may be a function of water chemistry from post-burial
processes (Chapter 6).
This method of analysis is still relatively new and being tested, but holds some promise
for future studies.
Social Behavior
Some of the social interactions interpreted for dinosaurs are also common beha-
viors in modern birds and mammals. These behaviors include:
In contrast, these behaviors are rare to absent in most modern terrestrial ectother-
mic vertebrates. Of course, present behaviors that are correlated with thermoregu-
lation may not necessarily apply to Mesozoic animals, and past behaviors are based
on inferences. The majority of this evidence, however, is persuasive of behavioral
qualities that may have depended on endothermy. A brooding Oviraptor on its nest
is particularly striking: why would a dinosaur sit on a nest unless it was keep-
ing its eggs at the same temperature as the parent? Along those same lines, the
outstretching of arms around a nest implies protection, which would have been
provided by arms that had a greater surface area caused by feathers, another
endothermic trait.
any evidence for turbinates. Thus, this constitutes evidence favoring ectothermy
in those dinosaurs examined (Ornithomimus, Tyrannosaurus, and Hypacrosaurus).
One of the objections to this hypothesis is that turbinates may have evolved later
as a more derived trait associated with endothermy, but was still preceded by the
evolution of endothermy in general. In this sense, the absence of a single trait does
not necessarily negate all other evidence that is in agreement. Another criticism is
that turbinate-like structures may have been present in dinosaurs but they were
composed entirely of soft tissue and not preserved, or otherwise are not yet re-
cognizable. Furthermore, similar to the situation posed by EQs of dinosaurs, only
a small number of dinosaur genera have been examined for the absence or pres-
ence of cranial space for respiratory turbinates. As a result, any emphatic state-
ment that all dinosaurs lacked these structures is premature. Lastly, endothermic
dinosaurs lacking such structures could have compensated behaviorally, such as
Using this criterion, ceratopsians could have been either ectothermic, if upright
posture is a 100% sure indicator of endothermy, or endothermic, if upright pos-
ture is a fallible indicator of endothermy. Perhaps the answer lies somewhere in
Paleobiogeographic Distribution
Dinosaur body and trace fossils have been recovered from both Arctic and
Antarctic latitudes, and all latitudes between. Although dinosaurs are often
depicted as living in tropical or low-latitude desert environments, a significant num-
ber of them lived in temperate or even polar environments. In fact, any dinosaur
fossils from Alaska, northern Canada, Sweden, Siberia (of Russia), Australia, New
Zealand, Antarctica, or the southern part of South America are designated as evid-
ence of so-called polar dinosaurs. Modern ectotherms are much narrower in their
biogeographic ranges, clustering in both numbers and diversity in low latitudes and
the equator. Even when taking into account the plate tectonic movements that have
moved some areas to polar localities of today (Chapter 4), an appreciable number
of dinosaurs still lived in 60 degrees or higher latitudes, or within 30 degrees of
either the geographic North or South Poles.
Such a paleobiogeographic range suggests endothermy, especially if any dinosaurs
stayed in these regions during the six months of darkness associated with winters
in these regions. However, considering that warm global temperatures were typical
of much of the Mesozoic, especially the Cretaceous Period, even the biogeographic
ranges of ectotherms should have been wider than today. Nevertheless, some paleonto-
logists have argued that these dinosaurs still exceeded expected ranges for Mesozoic
ectotherms. Other evidence relates to the possibility that dinosaurs migrated with
the seasons, a behavioral trait seen in modern endotherms such as birds, many of
whom breed in the northern hemisphere during the summer and then fly south
for the winter (Chapter 15). Whether polar dinosaurs were year-round residents or
snowbirds is still not known, but anatomical evidence that supplements the year-
round hypothesis comes from the large orbits (eye sockets) of a few species. These
traits certainly correspond to large eyes, which may represent adaptations to seeing
better under low-light conditions.
the surface of the egg and count the number of pores within that
square centimeter. Repeat the experiment for two other eggs and
compare the results for all three samples. How similar are they?
c. Using the appropriate formula, calculate the volume for a single
egg, then calculate individual volumes for the next 11 eggs. What
statistical measurements can you use to describe the typical egg
volume and its variations?
d. What is the cumulative (total) volume of all one dozen eggs?
e. How does this cumulative volume compare to a Late Cretaceous
sauropod egg from Argentina with axis diameters of a = 13 cm,
b = 13 cm, and c = 15 cm?
f. Test the chemical composition of an egg by immersing it in vine-
gar. What elements are being released from the egg by dissolv-
ing the eggshell material? Would this affect its biogeochemistry
in comparison to an egg that did not have its eggshell dissolved?
3. What is an explanation for site fidelity of dinosaur nests, when
dinosaurs were clearly capable of moving to a variety of environments
for their egglaying?
4. How would the evolution of teeth and bones composed of calcite
or aragonite, instead of dahllite, have changed the lifestyles of some
vertebrates? Give some specific examples using either fossil or
present-day animals.
5. Why is relatively more cancellous bone located in the epiphyses of
limb bones, instead of the greater amount of compact bone found
in the diaphyses? What would be the functional advantage of this
unequal distribution?
6. What evidence would help to better support the hypothesis that some
theropods preferentially consumed sauropod skulls? If such behavior
was reasonably supported, then offer an explanation why this body
part was preferred as a result of some physiological need. What nutri-
tion would brains provide versus other organs?
7. Iguanodontians lacked teeth on their premaxillaries, yet the rest of
their teeth are clearly adapted for tearing and chewing plant mater-
ial. Assuming an iguanodontian pulled plant material into its mouth
using teeth from the dentary but none on the premaxillary, what might
their toothmarks on the plants have looked like, especially in com-
parison to herbivores that have incisors for shearing on both upper
and lower jawbones? What modern animals have a similar adapta-
tion to feeding and what do their toothmarks on plants look like?
8. Give a taphonomically based alternative hypothesis for how a sup-
posed prey animal could have been placed in the thoracic region of
a dinosaur without it having been actually consumed or constituting
an offspring.
9. If someone asked you what is meant by hot-blooded and cold-
blooded, how would you explain this, using real, modern exam-
ples? How would you then apply this explanation to dinosaurs that
have been extinct for more than 65 million years?
10. What is an alternative explanation for polar dinosaurs other than
endothermy? Provide evidence that would support your hypothesis,
whether it would come from body fossils, trace fossils, or analogues
with modern animals.
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dinosaur eggshells: paleoenvironmental implications. Geology 19: 10681071.
Of the dinosaurs depicted in fiction, the ones you most often encounter are
theropods. Theropods are inevitably portrayed as active, voracious, and vicious
predators that ruthlessly pursued and killed their prey. Many movies show
theropods running in packs, which suggests that they had greater activity levels
and energy requirements than normal modern reptiles and behaved more like
mammals or birds.
What fossil evidence supports that any, let alone most, theropods were pred-
ators? In contrast, which of the theropods could have been scavengers? Were some
possibly omnivores or even herbivores? Finally, what fossil evidence answers ques-
tions about their activity levels and social behavior, and how do these compare
to modern mammals or birds?
Thin, low-density (mostly cancellous) limb bones and vertebrae are also a
common characteristic associated with theropods. This trait probably reflects an
Allosauridae Troodontidae
Neoceratosauria Coelurosauria
III Process
Lachrymal Orbit
IV Cervical Vertebra
Premaxilla Maxilla
Sacral Vertebrae
Ilium V
Manus Caudal Vertebra
(Right) Pes
FIGURE 9.2 Important characters for Clade Theropoda: lachrymal bone, five sacral vertebrae, manus
with unguals and reduction or loss of digits IV and V, curved and long femur, long and bilaterally
symmetrical pes with digits II to IV and digit I separate from pes, and cervical and caudal vertebrae 9
reported so far in bones of other dinosaurs and Mesozoic vertebrates are correlated
with theropod tracemakers (Chapter 14). This evidence at least supports the asser-
tion that, if any given dinosaur was carnivorous, it was a theropod. As consumers
in most terrestrial environments from the Late Triassic through to the Late
Cretaceous, many of them fulfilled important ecological roles near the top of their
food chains.
In the abbreviated list of characters that distinguish theropods from other
dinosaurs, most items relate to their development and refinement of bipedalism.
As mentioned previously, bipedalism is probably a plesiomorphic trait in
theropods, and only a few theropod species show evidence of having been
quadrupedal. This obligate bipedal posture for the vast majority of theropods is inter-
preted on the basis of skeletal features, such as leg lengths considerably exceeding
arm lengths. Theropod bipedalism is also verified by trackway evidence, which shows
diagonal walking patterns that involved only two alternating pes impressions
(Chapter 14). Moreover, the narrow straddle of interpreted theropod trackways cor-
relates with anatomical characteristics that indicate theropod legs were positioned
proximal to the midline of their bodies, an adaptation that aided in their efficient
two-legged movement. Finally, manus imprints attributed to theropods are exceed-
ingly rare, suggesting that they spent most of their time in an upright position,
supported by their hind limbs. However, exceptions are shown by so-called sit-
ting traces, where theropods sat back on their haunches (metatarsals and ischiadic
region) and left visible impressions of their hands, too. In Alberta, Canada, one
trackway of a large theropod also shows probable manus impressions where the
theropod scraped the ground in front of it as it moved. This evidence also
indicates a low, horizontal posture for that theropod, a condition also inferred for
other theropods.
A bipedal habit means that hands were free to grasp, and a typical theropod
manus with digits I through to III indeed exhibits such a capability (Fig. 9.3). For
example, grasping in a human hand can still be accomplished using only digits
I through to III because the first phalanx, carpal, and metacarpal of the thumb are
positioned posterior to the other two digits. This arrangement allows the thumb
to meet with the ventral surfaces of the other digits, and theropods were appar-
ently capable of the same motion. Their grasping ability was more than sufficient
for holding on to food items or mates. However, digit III of some large theropods
of the Cretaceous, such as abelisaurids and tyrannosaurids, was so reduced that
they only had a two-fingered manus. This circumstance corresponded with a rela-
tively small humerus, radius, and ulna in each arm. Such seemingly odd traits
provoke speculation about the functionality of such minimal appendages in these
large theropods. Were they vestigial organs or did they serve some other, as yet,
unknown purpose?
Theropods maintained their bipedalism with the aid of caudal vertebrae that were
stiffened distally by long processes. These structures probably acted as a counter-
balance to large skulls and consequently caused a more or less horizontal align-
ment of the vertebral column. Recognition of this alignment, in conjunction with
other skeletal features, resulted in revisions of how theropods were depicted in both
museums and textbooks. At the beginning of the twentieth century, mounts of thero-
pod skeletons and artists restorations put theropods in near-vertical, kangaroo-like
poses. On the basis of the large amount of scientific data gained since then, from
both skeletal and track data, museums now show them closer to and parallel to
the ground. Of course, such a posture relates to predation, an important life habit
for most theropods. A horizontally-aligned theropod conveyed greater ease of
movement, and placed their arms and often large and sharp teeth at the same level
as their potential prey animals.
Another unique characteristic of theropods versus other dinosaurs was the tend-
ency of some of their members toward increased braininess, as measured roughly
by the brain-mass/body-mass ratio, and more precisely by the encephalization quo-
tient (EQ), first discussed in Chapter 8. EQ is the cerebral-cortexmass/total-brainmass
ratio, but the more easily calculated measurement is the brain-mass/body-mass ratio.
This can be approximated for any given fossil vertebrate by measuring the volume
of the braincase versus the volume of the entire body:
Br = Ve/Vb (9.1)
Bp = Me/Mb (9.2)
Through this comparison, a typical human has 14 times the brain mass in pro-
portion to its body size when matched against an elephant.
For a dinosaur example, recall that the volume of the Tyrannosaurus model
measured in Chapter 1 (Eqns 1.3 and 1.4) was 235 cm3, but was a scale model at
1 : 30. This means that its life-size volume was 235 cm3 30 30 30 = 6.35
106 cm3. Using an estimated endocranial volume for Tyrannosaurus of 500 cm3, the
brain/body ratio would have been about
which means that a typical adult Tyrannosaurus still had twice the brain size rela-
tive to its body size in comparison to Triceratops. Thus, the rhetorical question of
How large did theropod brains need to be? is apparently answered by Larger
than those of their intended meals. Along those lines, other researchers have noticed
an increase in brain/body ratios for carnivorous mammals with respect to their prob-
able prey animals throughout the Cenozoic Era. This is a possible example of a co-
evolutionary process in action (Chapter 6).
The EQs for many modern species of vertebrates have been calculated, and a plot
called an allometric line can be drawn to best describe the average EQ of closely-
related or otherwise similar modern groups. This graph can then be used to com-
pare EQs of modern and extinct animals. For example, the average EQ of modern
crocodilians can be used as a standard of 1.0 for a line to compare to dinosaur EQs.
If the plot for the EQ of a particular dinosaur falls below the line, that dinosaur
had a smaller brain than should be expected for an animal of similar size, and vice
versa for any dinosaurs with EQs that plot above the line. When compared to the
EQs of crocodilians, theropods plot above the line. Some small Late Cretaceous
theropods, such as Troodon, even fall in the same range as modern ostriches. However,
less than 5% of all dinosaur species have had their EQs calculated. This means that
considerable data are needed to test the currently accepted generalization that
theropods, gram for gram, had the largest brains of dinosaurs relative to their bod-
ies. Of course, EQ also holds implications for IQ (intelligence quotient), a subject
of considerable debate among not just paleontologists but also psychologists and
Finally, theropods were different from other dinosaurs as they are the only ones
known so far whose skeletal remains have shown definite evidence of feathers sim-
ilar to those seen in modern birds. Long conjectured by some paleontologists and
artists, the concept of feathered dinosaurs was, until recently, a poorly supported
hypothesis that had little to no body fossil evidence. Discoveries of the 1990s and
first decade of the twenty-first century have changed all that. As of the writing of
this book, feathers have been confirmed from at least nine species of theropods
(Fig. 9.4). In traditional zoology, feathers constituted one of the unique distinguish-
ing features of birds, but now at least a few non-avian theropods have joined this
formerly exclusive club. The addition of feathers to other characteristics uniting
probable theropod ancestors with avian descendants also further strengthens
hypotheses of their evolutionary relationships (Chapter 15). However, the functions
of the feathers in theropods are still a source of dispute in dinosaur research, espe-
cially in how they relate to dinosaur physiology (Chapter 8).
Overall, theropods were different from other dinosaurs in many ways, whether
through their light bones, speedy movement on two legs, carnivory, larger brains,
or feathers. Such special characteristics supply reasons why theropods remain endur-
ing symbols of dinosaurs in the public eye, but they also provide incentives for
further scientific study. Such research is especially focused on how theropods evolved,
where they lived (and when), and how they behaved in their everyday lives.
Herrerasauridae (literally Herreras lizard) is named after Victorino Herrera,
who in 1958 discovered its eponymous genus, Herrerasaurus, in the Late Triassic
Ischigualasto Formation of Argentina (Chapter 6). Like many dinosaur clades, it is
a provisional classification subject to revision with new evidence. For example, it
was considered as a clade under Theropoda, but now some paleontologists place
it outside of that clade. In fact, it is a sometimes-controversial assignment within
Dinosauria. Paleontologists who consider it as a dinosaur clade regard it as a basal
one for Saurischia and possibly Theropoda because of:
n Long pubis with relation to its femur, associated with three sacral vertebrae.
n Semiperforate to open acetabulum, with a well-developed medial wall.
n Femur length nearly twice that of the humerus.
n Elongate skull, nearly equal in length to its femur.
n Serrated and recurved conical teeth.
n Long and equally-sized metatarsals I and V on the pes.
n Manus with five digits but digits IV and V reduced and without unguals.
A comparison of this list with that given earlier for the synapomorphies of
Theropoda reveals differences in:
However, it also has an intramandibular joint, serrated teeth, and long digits in
the manus associated with theropods. This mixture of features is muddied further
by the herrerasaurid Staurikosaurus, which is sometimes considered as more prim-
itive than Herrerasaurus and most other dinosaurs because it only has two sacral
vertebrae. However, its preponderance of other characters shared with dinosaurs
does not yet necessarily exclude it on the basis of a few disparate traits.
Herrerasaurids ranged from 2 to 4.5 meters long and thus represented some of
the largest predators of Late Triassic terrestrial environments. Their carnivorous habit
is interpreted primarily on the basis of functional morphology. For example, they
Many ceratosaurs are also well known for the development of prominent head-
gear in some species, evident as large bony horns or crests on the dorsal surfaces
of their skulls. In particular, Dilophosaurus of the Early Jurassic had a pair of pro-
nounced crests that stuck out of each side of its skull. Another example was
Carnotaurus of the Early Cretaceous, a ceratosaur that displayed orbital horns
(Fig. 9.5). One proposed purpose for these seemingly non-functional features is that
they were used for sexual display, but whether they are indicative of males or females
is unknown.
Other than skeletal evidence, soft-tissue impressions have been found for one
ceratosaur, the aforementioned Early Cretaceous abelisaurid Carnotaurus. These
impressions display rows of low-profile conical scales interpreted as external molds
of the actual skin. Feathers are currently unknown from ceratosaur remains.
Nevertheless, some artists have depicted such frills on Coelophysis in reconstruc-
tions, despite the current lack of scientific evidence for them. One example of an 9
Early Jurassic sitting theropod trace fossil, attributed to a ceratosaur, purportedly
had feather impressions. Nevertheless, more detailed scrutiny revealed that the feath-
ers were wrinkle marks in the sediment caused by the animals movement.
Aside from skeletal evidence, ceratosaurs are not well understood. Theropod tracks
of the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic have been tentatively linked to ceratosaur
tracemakers on the basis of correlation with known body fossils of the same age.
Even so, no one has yet identified tracks made by specific genera, such as
Coelophysis or Dilophosaurus. No toothmarks or coprolites of ceratosaurs have been
interpreted, thus little is known about whether any of them were primarily preda-
tors or scavengers. One specimen of Coelophysis, which had bones of another, smaller
Coelophysis in its rib cage, was regarded for decades as evidence of cannibalism in
this species. However, a more careful examination of the specimen later revealed
that the bones were underneath and not inside the rib cage, meaning that (as far
as we know) Coelophysis did not eat its own species, let alone its young. Similar to
herrerasaurids, no eggs, embryos, or nests of ceratosaurs have been identified, despite
the numerous body fossils found of some adult ceratosaurs (that is, Coelophysis and
Syntarsus). However, this circumstance may be partially a result of the preservation
bias against dinosaur eggs in general, which are not abundantly represented in the
geologic record until the Early Cretaceous (Chapter 8). Abundant juvenile remains
of Coelophysis afford a rare view of the growth and development of one species of
ceratosaur, but embryos are unknown, even for this well-studied dinosaur.
Despite Coelophysis being the most abundant dinosaur represented by skeletal
remains and the common preservation of Syntarsus, which is represented by more
than 30 specimens, ceratosaurs are not as well-studied as tetanurans. About 25 species
have been placed in Ceratosauria (Table 9.1), but some of these species are named
on the basis of only one or two specimens. Additionally, some of these specimens
are incomplete or otherwise have scrappy remains. For example, Dilophosaurus is
the most famous of ceratosaurs because of its starring role in the 1993 film Jurassic
Park. Unlike most other dinosaurs in this movie, it also actually lived during the
Jurassic Period. Nevertheless, Dilophosaurus is only known on the basis of seven speci-
mens, all from Arizona.
Part of this neglect for all things ceratosaurian may be related to the prepon-
derance of dinosaur paleontologists who have chosen to work exclusively on
tetanurans. However, it also may be a factor of geology and geography. Most
specimens of ceratosaurs are in Triassic and Jurassic strata, meaning that taphonomic
processes had more time to erase their remains than later theropod lineages
(Chapter 7). In terms of possible geographic bias, only a few ceratosaur species have
been found so far in the USA and Europe, whereas most occur in former areas of
Gondwana and in Cretaceous strata. Geologic uncertainty of preservation combined
with geographic distance can create discouraging conditions for paleontologists inter-
ested in studying ceratosaurs. Regardless of the reasons for their relative neglect,
more work is needed in studying ceratosaurs, especially in terms of determining
their relationships to basal theropods and Tetanurae.
Of all dinosaur
groups, none have Tetanurae: Avetheropoda and Its
been studied and Numerous Clades
debated as Tetanurae contains the theropods best known, such as
vociferously as Allosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Deinonychus, and
Tetanurae (= stiff Utahraptor. It also includes lesser-known genera, such as
tail). Oviraptor, Troodon, and Struthiomimus. The immediate ances-
tors of birds and their descendants are also placed within this
clade, which has led most dinosaur paleontologists to state that birds are thero-
pods (Chapter 15).
The overlapping of theropod traits with those of birds is the main reason why
Tetanurae and its members are still the focus of much research and subject to revi-
sion with new scientific discoveries. As a result, their cladogram (see Fig. 9.1) has
been revised since the first edition of this book and is only a consensus view as of
this writing. It will likely displease some dinosaur paleontologists because it omits
details of their phylogenetic classification or alternative cladograms. Moreover, it
may be out of date by this books publication. Indeed, the volatility of what pale-
ontologists define as a clade for these theropods is emblematic of how dinosaur
paleontology is a science that is constantly subjected to testing and modification
(Chapter 2).
Some of the synapomorphies of tetanurans that unite them as a clade are:
(A) (B)
FIGURE 9.6 Tetanurans as represented by allosaurids. (A) Giganotosaurus, a carcharodontosaurine of the Early
Cretaceous of Argentina. (B) Yangchuanosaurus, a sinraptorid of the Late Jurassic of China. The former is on
permanent display at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History, Atlanta, Georgia; the latter is currently on
display in the atrium of Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, Atlanta.
Cretaceous. These theropods may have weighed as much as 8 metric tons, which
probably exceeded the mass of the most famous large theropod, Tyrannosaurus.
One of the mixed blessings of intensive scientific study of tetanurans is that what
used to be simple becomes more complex. With dinosaurs, no group is more com-
plicated in its classification than Tetanurae, and accordingly it has the highest num-
ber of taxa assigned to any clade within the Dinosauria (compare Table 9.2 with
Table 9.1). Tetanurae in its simplest form is defined as all birds and theropods more
evolutionarily related to birds than ceratosaurs, which makes it a stem-based clade.
The most basal tetanuran known is Torvosaurus of the Late Jurassic, followed by
the few members of the Megalosauridae, which includes the Middle Jurassic
Megalosaurus, originally described by William Buckland in 1824 (Chapter 3).
Megalosauridae is defined as an outgroup, in that it is outside of the other groups
under study within Tetanurae, such as all those under the node-based clade,
Avetheropoda. As mentioned in Chapter 5, node-based clades are those that have
all of the descendants of the most recent common ancestor for two groups, where
the common ancestor forms the node. Megalosauridae is also the most tenuous
assignment for any clade within Tetanurae, because of its small number of mem-
bers and their fragmentary fossil record.
The vast majority of tetanurans are avetheropods, and are classified on the basis
of some of the following synapomorphies:
FIGURE 9.8 Troodon, a relatively small tetanuran with a relatively large brain for a
dinosaur. Temporary display on loan from the Museum of the Rockies, at the Fernbank
Museum of Natural History, Atlanta, Georgia.
FIGURE 9.9 Deinonychus, a Late Cretaceous dromaeosaur of the western USA. (A) Skeletal
reconstruction of Deinonychus. (B) Close-up view of the upraised digit I of left pes. North
Carolina Museum of Natural History.
an ever-increasing database of trace fossil evidence. In some cases, these trace fos-
sils can be directly linked to tracemakers within a specific clade or species within
Tetanurae. For example, large theropod tracks in the Lower Cretaceous of east Texas,
discovered by Roland Bird in the 1940s (Chapters 3 and 14), have been tentatively
correlated with the similarly-sized and shaped feet of Acrocanthosaurus, an allo-
saurid within same-age strata of the same region (Fig. 9.10). Thin-toed footprints
found in Lower Cretaceous strata of Colorado, which are the right size and shape
for these ostrich-like dinosaurs, represent probable ornithomimid tracks. Perhaps
the best fit between a track and a tetanuran tracemaker of the same age is a little-
doubted tyrannosaurid track from the Late Cretaceous of New Mexico. This track
is so large (85 cm long) that it could be assigned only to Tyrannosaurus (Fig. 9.11).
Besides tracks, other tetanuran trace fossils include the following:
(A) (B)
A wealth of other theropod trace fossils from the Jurassic and Cretaceous ensure
that more links between tetanurans and the artifacts of their behavior will be made
in the future.
As discussed in Chapter 10, theropods were among the first dinosaurs and their
appearance as body fossils slightly preceded, or was contemporaneous with, the
evolution of primitive ornithischians during the earliest part of the Late Triassic,
slightly less than 230 million years ago. Tracks attributed to theropods, with some
dispute over the actual identity of their tracemakers, are in Middle Triassic strata.
Undoubted theropod tracks are relatively abundant in Upper Triassic rocks, where
in some places they co-occur with skeletal material. Throughout the remainder of
the Mesozoic, theropods subsequently diversified into a myriad of sizes and forms.
These range from the crow-sized Microraptor to the multi-ton Giganotosaurus, both
of the Early Cretaceous, to the bizarrely headed, toothless Oviraptor of the Late
The small (1 meter long) possible theropod Eoraptor, of the earliest part of the
Late Triassic, has been proposed as approximating the characteristics of a theropod
ancestor because it shares some traits with theropods but also lacks others that define
this clade. As mentioned earlier, herrerasaurids may also approximate the earliest
theropods. These are in Upper Triassic strata of both North and South America,
although the South American examples are geologically older. Small theropod-like
tracks, showing a three-toed and almost bilaterally symmetrical compression shape
associated with most theropod feet throughout the Mesozoic Era, are also recorded
from Middle Triassic strata. Interestingly, these tracks precede the body fossil
record for theropods. However, many paleontologists do not accept such tracks as
necessarily belonging to theropods, although some acknowledge that theropods may
have originated in the latest part of the Middle Triassic. The overlapping use of
skeletal and track data is certainly helpful for narrowing down when theropods first
evolved during the Triassic, and such resolution should improve considerably with
more discoveries of both forms of evidence.
Theropod track horizons are documented from Alaska, the
Theropod body fossils mid-continental USA, Canada, and Mexico in North America;
are in Upper Triassic Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru in South America; Eng-
land, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland,
to Upper Cretaceous
in Europe; India, China, Mongolia, Japan, and Korea in Asia;
deposits on all seven
northern Africa, such as Morocco; and Australia, where
continents, and so
theropod tracks are much more common than their skeletal
far their trace fossils remains. Both body and trace fossils of theropods are in
are only missing facies representing a wide variety of environments: deserts,
from Antarctica. swamps, river floodplains, upper delta plains, lake shorelines,
and seashores. Of course, tracks are the only reliable in-situ
records of which environments were actually frequented by theropods, but some
other trace fossils (nests and coprolites) and body fossils (eggs, and complete, appar-
ently unmoved skeletons) certainly point paleontologists in the right direction as 9
well (Chapters 7 and 14). The totality of evidence for theropods from such a diver-
sity of terrestrial environments and broad latitudinal range, spanning the entire
geologic range of dinosaurs, indicates their biological diversity and adaptations to
numerous niches through time. Based on current scientific evidence, theropods rep-
resent evolutionary diversification more so than any other major dinosaur clade.
Theropod skeletal remains are uncommon, normally comprising 1520% of all
dinosaur remains in any Upper TriassicUpper Cretaceous rocks formed in terres-
trial environments. Furthermore, they are even more rare (although a few are known)
in shallow marine deposits (Chapter 7). A study conducted in 1976 on 171 valid
theropod species found that 85% of them were named on the basis of five or fewer
specimens, and a single specimen represented about 40% of these species. These
percentages have changed little since then, and the recent spate of new theropod
species discovered and described during the 1990s and early part of the twenty-
first century are primarily based on one or two specimens. The relative scarcity of
theropod remains means that numerous ghost lineages (Chapter 6) have been
proposed for species that have few known close relatives, which constitutes a chal-
lenge for phylogenetic classification schemes applied to theropods. Fortunately, a
combination of taphonomic factors and perhaps social behavior resulted in some
monospecific theropod bone beds, such as those of the Late Triassic Coelophysis,
Late Jurassic Allosaurus, and more recently Late Cretaceous tyrannosaurids. With
regard to the latter, Tyrannosaurus was originally considered a rare dinosaur, but
now its remains are among the most commonly encountered in strata from some
areas of the western USA.
As mentioned earlier, theropod species found so far support the hypothesis that
they comprised the most diverse of all dinosaur clades. This diversity may reflect
more rapid evolutionary changes in theropods than their other dinosaurian con-
temporaries. Furthermore, this rapidity may have been coupled with:
Some theropods are sufficiently represented by skeletal material that sexual dimor-
phism is hypothesized on the basis of slight but detectable size differences and a
few other criteria. For example, consistent size variations in Coelophysis and Syntarsus
are proposed as a result of malefemale differences; the same situation has been
postulated for Tyrannosaurus. Interestingly, the larger individuals of Syntarsus and
Tyrannosaurus may be representative of females, partially because some modern female
reptiles are larger than their mates as a requirement for egg-laying capacity (Chap-
ter 8). However, currently no definitive evidence can assist in distinguishing a male
or female dinosaur, other than the presence of eggs in its internal body cavity, which
so far has been documented in only one theropod. Even the discovery of adult theropod
Crylophosaurus ellioti,
an Early Jurassic
carnosaur from
Antarctica. Auckland
Museum, Auckland,
New Zealand.
remains on egg clutches (e.g., Oviraptor and Troodon) does not necessarily mean that
these dinosaurs were female. Although the majority of birds that exhibit brooding 9
behavior are female, it has also been documented in some male birds. For example,
male emus (Dromaius novaehollandiaea), a large flightless bird native to Australia,
sit continuously on egg clutches for about 55 days and thus serve as the main provider
of warmth and protection. Interestingly, climatic conditions also should be taken
into account when assessing the thermoregulatory significance of dinosaurs sitting
on egg clutches. For example, tropical seabirds must sit on egg clutches to prevent
them from overheating in the hot daytime sun. This means that their endothermy
is actually helping to keep the eggs at lower temperatures.
The prominent cranial and vertebral processes in theropods, as well as feathers,
were potential sexual displays or species identifiers. Among ceratosaurs, the Early
Jurassic Dilophosaurus has twinned parietal blades, the Early Jurassic Ceratosaurus
has a single nasal horn, and the Early Cretaceous Carnotaurus has horns dorsal to
the orbits. Tetanurans with head ornamentation include the Early Jurassic Crylopho-
saurus of Antarctica and the Late Jurassic Allosaurus (Fig. 9.12). Crylophosaurus had
a pompadour-like projection of bone, which resulted in some paleontologists
informally dubbing it Elvisaurus. Similarly, Allosaurus possessed prominent lachry-
mals. Spinosaurs, such as Spinosaurus, Baryonyx, and Suchomimus, developed long,
vertically-oriented processes that emanated from their dorsal vertebrae and formed
sail-like features on their backs, probably to attract potential for mates. Alternatively,
these sails are also interpreted as thermoregulatory structures that absorbed sun-
light, vented heat, or both. Finally, Cretaceous theropods with feathery integuments
also argue for a display function, which is likely because most of these accouter-
ments were not used for flight. One tetanuran in particular, Caudipteryx, had a cau-
dal feather fan with differently colored, alternating bands, a common feature in
modern birds who use it to attract potential mates of the same species. Another
Early Cretaceous theropod, Microraptor, has feathers on all four limbs, which may
have aided in gliding, but also would have added a considerable profile to an other-
wise very small dinosaur.
Eggs, embryos, and nests for a few species of theropods are documented from
Late Cretaceous strata. Otherwise, little is known about the reproduction of most
theropods other than speculation derived from the reproductive behavior of
modern crocodilians and birds. Some dinosaur eggs have long been allied with
theropods without any other corroborating evidence other than their co-occurrence
in same-age strata as theropod skeletal remains. In other cases, some eggs were mis-
takenly assigned to non-theropod dinosaurs when actually they were of theropod
origin. More theropod eggs will almost certainly be identified in the future, and
they can only be reliably attributed to theropods on the basis of:
laid in the nest structure (see Fig. 14.11). Some paleontologists have also suggested
that these nests originally were covered with vegetation to aid incubation of the
eggs (similar to modern crocodilian nests). However, no direct evidence of this asso-
ciation, such as fossil plant material, has been described so far.
The statistically significant close proximity of paired eggs within the Troodon clutch
is strong evidence that favors dual oviducts in this theropod, which would have
enabled laying the eggs two at a time. This is an excellent example of how indir-
ect, non-skeletal evidence can be interrelated with theropod soft-part anatomy.
Likewise, Oviraptor clutches also seem to show egg pairing, although statistical ana-
lyses on these clutches are lacking. Furthermore, the two eggs found in the pelvic
region of a specimen of Sinosauropteryx also suggest the former presence of two
oviducts. Consequently, dinosaur paleontologists are now considering the possibility
of dual oviducts in at least some theropods.
Other than Oviraptor, Troodon, and Sinosauropteryx, no other information about
egg laying or brooding behavior is currently available for theropods. Of particular
interest to some paleontologists are the reproductive habits of the larger cerato-
saurs and tetanurans. Questions that remain to be answered are:
Hopefully, future investigations and discoveries will lend further insight into these
questions and others about theropod reproduction.
Growth 9
Many suppositions about theropod locomotion were
Theropods collectively originally inferred on the basis of leg lengths and other
represent the fastest of all adaptations evident in their appendicular skeletons.
dinosaurs, a concept allied Additionally, a vast amount of evidence for theropod
with hypotheses of their movement comes from their most abundant fossil
mostly predatory habits record tracks. Indeed, applications of formulas used for
and reflecting their calculating theropod speeds, based on footprint length,
evolutionary heritage from stride length, and some predetermined parameters
(Eqns 14.3 to 14.7), support the hypothesis that they were
fleet-footed bipedal
the swiftest of dinosaurs. In a few cases, they apparently
archosaurian ancestors
approached velocities of 40 km/hour. Of course, running
(Chapter 6).
trackways are rare because, like most animals both
ancient and modern, theropods probably conserved
energy and spent much of their active time simply walking.
How fast could large theropods move? This was the subject of a study that
examined possible consequences of their clumsiness during high speeds. Two
researchers, one a paleontologist and the other a physicist, asked the simple ques-
tion, What would have happened to a Tyrannosaurus if it had been running, then
tripped and fell? Part of the answer to that question can be demonstrated through
use of the equations for either momentum or force (Eqns 4.8 and 7.4). Calculations
resulting from these equations show that the resulting impact of a falling tyran-
nosaurid would have varied in relation to its velocity or acceleration. For example,
if it had been moving at 40 km/hour and weighed 6 tonnes, then its forward momen-
tum would have been:
The injuries typically sustained by humans running this fast who then trip, as is
common in races involving hurdles, are directly related to the speed and mass of
the runner. Our hypothetical tyrannosaurid, because of its greater mass, had about
two orders of magnitude more momentum and, hence, a much larger risk of injury
from any sort of fall. As a result, one conclusion that can be reached is that
Tyrannosaurus was not adapted to running fast, and that the dire consequences of
missteps prevented a cursorial mode of hunting. Similarly, the authors of another 9
study calculated the leg-muscle mass needed for a fast-running Tyrannosaurus, and
they found that its legs would have comprised an absurdly high percentage (86%)
of the total body mass. Consequently, these multiple lines of evidence favor the
hypothesis that some large theropods, such as Tyrannosaurus, were better adapted
for walking, although this likelihood does not completely preclude their having
been active hunters.
So far, only one trackway of a large theropod, which probably weighed 12 met-
ric tons, shows a relatively fast speed of about 30 km/hour, using speed estimations
calculated via Equations 14.3 to 14.7. Another example of large theropod locomo-
tion is taken from a lone probable Tyrannosaurus track (see Fig. 9.7) in which the
bedding plane did not show any other track in a 5-meter distance. This indicates
that the stride length was a minimum of 10 meters, which yields a calculated min-
imum speed of about 12 km/hour. If such large theropods ever ran at high speeds,
the evidence was either not recorded or has not yet been found. So, in the mean-
time, paleontologists must be content with the numerous beautiful trackways that
show large theropods walking (Fig. 9.13).
Other noteworthy examples of theropod locomotion, recorded by their trackways,
give more detailed insights on theropods and the variability of their behavior:
Probably the single most important insight gained from theropod trackway
information is that theropods were apparently the most active of all dinosaurs. Despite
their relative scarcity as body fossils in comparison to other dinosaurs, theropod
tracks are the most abundant of all dinosaur tracks. In most places where dinosaur
tracks are found, they outnumber the tracks of all other dinosaur clades combined.
For example, Middle Jurassic shoreline deposits in northwestern Wyoming show
thousands of theropod tracks, but not one track attributable to an ornithopod, sauro-
pod or thyreophoran. The high activity level and mobility indicated by this wealth
of data, along with their paleobiogeographic distribution, has been used to infer
that theropods were physiologically different enough from other dinosaurs in that
they were endothermic (Chapter 8). This is a requirement in modern terrestrial ani-
mals that stay active for long periods of time. In contrast, few modern ectother-
mic terrestrial animals are active on a regular basis and must spend large amounts
of time soaking up sunlight. The physiological considerations of theropods, includ-
ing whether they were endothermic, ectothermic, or perhaps a combination of the
two in various stages of their lives, is also a subject pertinent to theropodbird inter-
connections (Chapter 15). 9
Interestingly, recent discoveries of small, feathered theropods from the Early
Cretaceous of China suggest that not all theropod locomotion was on the ground.
At least two species show adaptations for tree climbing and two others were cap-
able of either gliding or powered flight. Epidendrosaurus ninchengensis and Scanso-
riopteryx heilmanni are actually similar enough that they may represent one species,
and both show the following features indicative of an arboreal lifestyle:
These features are interpreted as adaptations for climbing and living in trees, an
old idea for theropods that is now gaining credence in the light of this evidence.
Microraptor gui and Cryptovolans pauli are interpreted as dromaeosaurids capable of
either gliding or flight on the basis of:
1 feather impressions associated with their limbs; and in Microraptor these are
on all four limbs (the only vertebrate known to have this trait);
2 long fore limbs; and
3 a well-developed keel (sternum) in Cryptovolans, which would have supported
flight muscles.
However, the latter is missing in Microraptor, which means that it is currently inter-
preted as a tree-climber and glider, rather than an active flyer. On the other hand,
Cryptovolans may have been better adapted than Archaeopteryx for active flight, an
interesting twist of previous assumptions about the lifestyles of non-avian and avian
theropods (Chapter 15).
Theropod trackways not only contribute to hypotheses about their locomotion,
but also directly relate to interpretations of their feeding behavior. As mentioned
in the previous section, stalking, pack hunting, and smaller theropods running
away from a larger carnivore have all been suggested by their tracks. Nevertheless,
the starting point of discussion of theropod feeding behavior typically involves
describing their teeth.
Most often, theropod teeth are categorized as ziphodont, a plesiomorphic trait
in which they curved posteriorly, are serrated, conical (pointed), and have carinae,
which were well adapted for slicing through soft animal tissue. Thicker and more
robust examples, such as the teeth of tyrannosaurids, such as Albertosaurus, were
also capable of punching through bone (Fig. 9.14). The meat-eating interpretation
of theropod teeth is also well supported by numerous examples of toothmarked
bones where the marks match known theropod teeth (Chapter 14). In addition,
skeletal remains in the body cavities of a few theropods may well represent con-
sumed animals. Probable theropod coprolites containing bone fragments, and in
one case fossilized muscle tissue, were documented. These numerous lines of evid-
ence thus corroborate hypotheses, derived originally from just teeth, that most
theropods were undoubtedly carnivores. Interestingly, few theropods, such as some
ornithomimids (Ornithomimus and Struthiomimus) and oviraptorids (Oviraptor and
Ingenia), had no teeth or any sign of tooth sockets. Consequently, they must have
lost them as an inheritable trait in their preceding evolutionary history. Although
Ornithomimosauria is typically thought of as a group of toothless dinosaurs, one
ornithomimid species (Pelecanimimus) had about 200 teeth, the most of any thero-
pod. As a result, exceptions arise for each generalization about theropods.
One such exception is the hypothesis that some theropods may not have been
carnivores. For example, therizinosaurs, such as the Early Cretaceous Alxasaurus in
China and Therizinosaurus, Segnosaurus, and Erlikosaurus of the Late Cretaceous in
Mongolia, represent mysteries in how they fed and what they ate. An inventory of
their meal-gathering tools shows some strange traits for theropods. For example:
A light skull lacking teeth argues for adaptations to foodstuff that was either not
fighting back or was softer than most prey animals. Although modern predatory
birds do not need teeth to kill or tear into their prey animals, they also have strong
skulls, high speeds aided by powered flight that can cause killing impacts, and sharp
talons. Ornithomimosaurs had none of these compensating traits for effective pre-
dation. Relative abundance can also be a clue to their supposed herbivory as eco-
logical communities tend to have many more herbivores than carnivores. Finally,
the documentation of gastroliths in Sinornithomimus and Shenzhousaurus lends
more credence to their having been herbivorous, because gastroliths are present
largely in other undoubted herbivorous dinosaurs, presumably as an aid to grind-
ing plant material (Chapters 10 and 11).
As far as most flesh-eating theropods were concerned, anatomical data provide
clues about their sensory abilities used for discerning and acquiring either prey or
corpses. Many theropod lineages, such as allosaurids, troodontids, and tyran-
nosaurids, have orbits positioned toward the front of the skull rather than later-
ally. This suggests that they had developed stereoscopic vision, also known as
binocular vision. Prey also could have been detected through sound, and Troodon
shows sufficient cavities in its skull for organs that would have allowed for sound
location. Olfactory sensations were yet another way for theropods, which could have
used a sense of smell to find food, particularly already-dead animals. Recall that
putrefaction of a body occurs within a few hours to days after death (Chapter 7).
Soon afterwards, a scavengers sensitive nose, under the right wind conditions, can
detect a decaying body over great distances, often more effectively than through
listening for sounds of other scavengers or attempting to spot the body. Brain endo-
casts and CT scans of Tyrannosaurus support this type of adaptation in the form of
an enlarged olfactory bulb in the anterior portion of its brain. This and other evid-
ence has led some paleontologists to suggest that this supposedly fierce predator
may have been more like a six-tonne vulture. Other aspects of theropod senses used
in predation can be speculated on the basis of modern predatory animals. For ex-
ample, they may have been able to detect vibrations from the ground caused by
herd movement. This presumably would have been easy with large herds of
sauropods, ceratopsians, or hadrosaurs. They also could have tasted the air with
their tongues, which is actually a form of smell used by some snakes and lizards.
However, without any other corroborating evidence, both of these ideas remain specu-
lation for now.
If a given theropod identified its potential prey, then a number of methods could
have been used to kill it. The most often depicted way was the use of teeth and
jaws to inflict fatal wounds, but in modern terrestrial carnivores this method is rarely
used by itself. Modern land predators, such as large cats and bears, use fore limbs
that are typically armed with sharp claws, which are combined with throwing their
body weights against a prey animal while running at high speed. These techniques
stop the prey long enough to deliver killing actions. Additionally, large cats will
not necessarily slash with teeth or claws to kill an animal but will clamp their jaws
around its neck to suffocate it. In fact, induced drowning is even possible. For ex-
ample, a pair of cheetahs were once observed chasing an antelope into a water
body and holding its head under water until it drowned. In this case and others,
pack hunting is a very effective strategy, whereby multiple predators wear down
their prey until it is too exhausted to offer any resistance to fatal wounding.
Some theropods certainly had teeth, jaws, and claws as available weapons. Unfortu-
nately, the low preservation potential for soft-tissue wounds prevents independent
confirmation of most hypotheses on theropod predation, but several features of a
few theropods invoke only visions of death-dealing implements. Large, serrated teeth
are one persuasive attribute, but huge, powerful arms that end in sharp unguals
are another persuasive attribute of hunting. An intriguing find in the Upper
Cretaceous of Mongolia was of 2.4-meter long forelimbs that ended in recurved
unguals and phalanges. The rest of the body was never found, but the unusual arms
were assigned to a new species, Deinochirus mirificus, which is currently interpreted
as an ornithomimid. Like those of therizinosaurs, these arms with their prominent
claws have been interpreted as possible tools for demolishing termite mounds, but
they also would have served well for larger game.
Ambiguous as some skeletal evidence may be, little doubt is expressed about the
most well-known feature of some dromaeosaurids, including the Late Cretaceous
Velociraptor and Early Cretaceous Deinonychus and Utahraptor: a sharp, retracted ungual
on digit II of the foot (Figs 9.9 and 9.15). This claw remained permanently above the
ground surface with its point forward, strongly suggesting that it had an offensive
purpose, such as disemboweling prey animals. Once again, because the preserva-
tion potential for soft-tissue damage is so low, independent verification of this claw
as a killing feature is virtually absent. Nevertheless, one of the few examples in the
geologic record of two dinosaur species directly interacting with one another as
they died and, consequently, one of the most remarkable dinosaur discoveries ever
found is a Velociraptor conjoined with its apparent intended prey, a Protoceratops
(see Fig. 7.9). In this case, the digit II unguals of Velociraptor are clearly within the
ventral (abdominal and throat) region of Protoceratops. The protoceratopsian also
had the right forearm of the Velociraptor caught in its jaws, showing that it was
FIGURE 9.15 The formidable Utahraptor and its raptorial digit II ungual, skeletal mount
with claw raised on left pes. Note its similarity to Deinonychus in both form and inferred
function. College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum, Price, Utah.
Of these lines of evidence, teeth and toothmarks are the most common, whereas
gut contents are the most rare. Nevertheless, combined use of these data creates
a remarkably complex picture of tyrannosaurid feeding preferences and their
relationships to other dinosaurs. For example, Tyrannosaurus teeth were found in
the fibula of Hypacrosaurus and a rib of Edmontosaurus, both ornithopods (Chap-
ter 11). Probable tyrannosaurid toothmarks are also documented in bones of a
theropod, the dromaeosaurid Saurornitholestes, as well as in bones of the ceratop-
sian Triceratops (Chapter 13) and Edmontosaurus (Chapter 11). The toothmarks in
Triceratops are on its ilium, so they were most likely not death-dealing marks but
rather signs of feeding after the animal was already dead. Furthermore, the tooth-
marks show both puncturing and scraping of the bone. This suggests that the tyran-
nosaurid bit deeply into the hip region of the ceratopsian, with a calculated bite
force of 13,400 N, the greatest known for any animal. The tyrannosaur then pulled
meat from the bone, once again indicating a dead and non-struggling food item.
However, tyrannosaurid toothmarks on the caudal vertebrae of a specimen of
Edmontosaurus show signs of healing after they were inflicted, indicating that a tyran-
nosaurid attempted to munch on a live prey. Other specimens of Edmontosaurus
have toothmarks attributed to both Tyrannosaurus and Albertosaurus, showing that
this herbivore was on the menu for more than one species of tyrannosaurid.
Toothmarks from the dromaeosauridid Saurornitholestes also occur in Edmonto-
saurus bones. This combination of body and trace fossil evidence permits the begin-
ning sketch of a Late Cretaceous food chain: Edmontosaurus ate land plants, and
was in turn eaten by both Saurornitholestes and Tyrannosaurus, but Tyrannosaurus
also ate Saurornitholestes. Consequently, Tyrannosaurus was at the top of this food
Coprolites and probable stomach contents augment tooth and toothmark data
by showing what entered and exited at least a few of their gastrointestinal tracts.
Two probable tyrannosaurid coprolites are interpreted on the basis of:
The 44-cm long specimen contains bone from a probable juvenile hadrosaur, and
the larger specimen contains bone from an unidentified juvenile dinosaur. Finely-
ground bone in a coprolite could be interpreted as the result of thorough chew-
ing, but tyrannosaurid jaws were not amenable to their teeth repeatedly coming
together in this way. An alternative hypothesis is that the bone consists of frag-
ments accidentally scraped off with the flesh as the tyrannosaurid pulled with its
anterior teeth. Indeed, the contents of the larger coprolite support gorging beha-
vior rather than chewing, because it includes three-dimensional preservation of
muscle tissue. Such preservation indicates a brief time for this food in the gut.
Probable former abdominal contents in another tyrannosaurid species,
Daspletosaurus, provide even more information to augment the intriguing impli-
cations of the coprolite data. The skeletal specimen of Daspletosaurus, in the Upper
Cretaceous Two Medicine Formation of Montana, had the vertebrae and a dentary
from a juvenile hadrosaur in what was probably its gut. These hadrosaur bones show
Social Life
Although theropods were normally depicted in older illustrations and fictional sto-
ries as lone hunters that avoided other individuals of their same species except for
occasional mating, scientific evidence has started to partially refute this stereotype.
For example, the close proximity of multiple individuals of the same species of thero-
pod is now considered as evidence of their being together at the time of death and
burial, rather than a taphonomic coincidence. The earliest examples of this were
represented in a spectacular way by remains of the Late Triassic ceratosaur
Coelophysis at the Ghost Ranch Quarry in New Mexico, where more than 100 indi-
viduals were recovered. Another ceratosaur, the Early Jurassic Dilophosaurus, is rare
in its worldwide distribution, but three specimens were found in the same deposit
from a small area in Arizona. In comparison to other dinosaur species, the Late
Jurassic tetanuran Allosaurus occurs in disproportionately large numbers at the
Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry, suggesting that they were proximal to one another at the
time of death. More recently, numerous tyrannosaurids, Albertosaurus, were found
in an Upper Cretaceous deposit of Alberta, Canada, in what was probably a con-
temporaneous assemblage. Paleontologists studying the assemblage even proposed
that it might represent a family structure.
As mentioned earlier, some trackways show closely spaced groups of theropods,
some of them large, moving together in a similar direction. Similarly, one Middle
Jurassic tracksite in northwestern Wyoming contains thousands of theropod tracks
in a relatively small area, suggesting gregarious behavior. Of course, one of the poten-
tial pitfalls of track evidence is that the tracks on any given bedding plane may
have been formed by repeated visits of the same animals, or at vastly different times
(Chapter 14). Fortunately, a close examination of the qualitative characteristics of
tracks can reveal whether they were made contemporaneously. Once these features
are taken into account, a better answer as to whether some theropods moved in
groups, and perhaps as family units, may emerge. Such trackways and skeletal evid-
ence should shed more light on social dynamics of theropods.
A great deal of evidence indicates that most theropods did have active lifestyles
that included hunting, seeking mates, or moving together as family units. As a result,
one could expect that they encountered more problems than dinosaurs whose food
and mates did not move so fast. Theropods show the most evidence of health-related
problems of all major dinosaur clades, although most were healthy animals.
Apparently, the most common were limb injuries. For example, several theropod
trackways show evidence of leg injuries in the trackmakers, where limping caused
one pace length to be considerably longer than the other. An injury to the shoul-
der girdle, perhaps a tendon or muscle pull, is evident in one specimen of
Allosaurus, where an overgrowth of bone on its left scapula marks the injury site.
Similarly, a humerus of a Tyrannosaurus has a concavity symptomatic of a ten-
don tear. Other documented injuries among theropods include bone fractures
that later healed, such as in Albertosaurus, Allosaurus, Deinonychus, Syntarsus, and
Tyrannosaurus, and broken teeth, a common dental difficulty for many theropods.
In terms of diseases, bone infections were interpreted for one specimen each of
Allosaurus, Dilophosaurus, and Troodon, as well as metastatic cancer for one specimen
of Allosaurus and gout for one specimen of Tyrannosaurus (Chapter 6). Although
healed bite marks from other theropods have been suggested to explain some bone
abnormalities, no definitive examples are currently documented in the peer-
reviewed literature. This is especially the case for bites inflicted by compatriots of
the same species. Such an interpretation was applied to odd holes in the mandible
of one specimen of Tyrannosaurus (Sue: Chapter 2), but a more careful examination
revealed that these were more likely from a fungal infection. Evidence of bite
marks from the same species would of course verify intraspecific competition, which
accordingly has important implications about theropod social interactions.
SUMMARY Continued
While browsing through dinosaur books in a local used-book store, you notice a
recurring theme in many illustrations from older books. The largest dinosaurs
are shown submerged in water, with only their long necks and perhaps shoul-
ders above the water surface. You recall reading in more recent books that these
same dinosaurs were land dwellers. You also remember that their long necks were
supposedly more adapted for eating leaves from the tops of tall trees, than as
periscopes for an aquatic lifestyle. You look through more books and see illus-
trations of these same dinosaurs sitting back on their hind legs, reaching for the
higher parts of trees.
What evidence supports land being the habitat for these dinosaurs? And why
were their necks so long in comparison to other dinosaurs? What evidence sup-
ports that their neck length was related to tree heights? Does any evidence sup-
port that they ate vegetation from the tops of trees or that they sat on their hind
legs to reach it?
Why Study
In 1883, O. C. Marsh provided the
first, classic appraisal of Apatosaurus,
which at that time was known
more widely as Brontosaurus:
A careful estimate of the size of Brontosaurus . . . shows that when living the ani-
mals must have weighed more than twenty tons. The very small head and brain,
and slender neural cord, indicate a stupid, slow-moving reptile. The beast was wholly
without offensive or defensive weapons, or dermal armature. In habits, Brontosaurus
was more or less amphibious, and its food was probably aquatic plants or other suc-
culent vegetation.
Beginning with this description, the perceptual legacy for sauropods was of large,
stupid, slow, defenseless animals that frequented water bodies and ate soft foods.
However, knowledge gained since 1883 about sauropods and their sauropodo-
morph relatives, the prosauropods, has resulted in radical revisions to most of the
concepts in Marshs original assessment of Brontosaurus. Nonetheless, sauropodo-
morphs are still not regarded as the most intelligent of vertebrates, especially when
their brain size is compared to their overall body size. Regardless, they were cer-
tainly intelligent enough for evolutionary success in their respective environments
for about 140 million years.
Marsh is still correct as far as size is concerned: some sauropodomorphs evolved
into the largest animals that ever dwelled on land, and some may have weighed
more than 50 tonnes. Because all sauropodomorphs seemingly were vegetarians,
they would have included the largest terrestrial herbivores that ever lived. Their
unparalleled gigantism presents an interesting puzzle for evolutionary scientists. What
sorts of genetic and environmental factors caused selection for this body size in
some lineages, beginning in the Late Triassic and continuing through the Late
Cretaceous? Additionally, the impact of these huge herbivores on Mesozoic plants
and their ecosystems must have been considerable. What types of plants could they
have eaten that would have grown back quickly enough to sustain subsequent gen-
erations? Lastly, their mere movement over the land would have caused noticeable
changes to the habitat. The closest modern model to the ecological and physical
impact of sauropods is a herd of elephants, but this analogy seems to pale in com-
parison to the vision of herds of 50-tonne herbivores walking together across a
Mesozoic landscape and dining on its flora.
Movement is another revised and refined concept in the study of sauropodo-
morphs. This applies not just to locomotion but also to other aspects of their anatomy,
specifically the neck and tail. The relatively tiny heads of some large sauropods make
complete sense as adaptations to their extremely long necks (one species had
19 cervical vertebrae!), but why their necks were so long is a valid evolutionary
mystery to ponder. Likewise, the tails of some were as long as their necks, which
collectively made some of them the lengthiest animals. So why did they also have
such an extreme number of caudal vertebrae? Recent and not-so-recent research on
sauropodomorph necks and tails resulted in some hypotheses that partially answer
these questions. These hypotheses then encourage continuing debate on the role
sauropodomorphs played in Mesozoic ecosystems and how they interacted with
plants, their predators, and one another.
Sauropodomorphs thus represent evolutionary experiments on a grand scale
through both time and space, because of their unparalleled sizes coupled with the
longevity of their lineages. Adaptations in their skeletal architecture were aston-
ishing, resulting in a balance of lightening and strengthening of a support system
for massive muscles and organs. The fact that they not only moved easily with these
adaptive features but also mated, made nests, laid eggs, browsed for food, and pos-
sibly migrated long distances is borne out of their widespread record of both bones
and trace fossils. Paleontologists today examine these fossils to better understand
their subsequent, lasting effect on the Earth.
n Large nares.
n Distal part of the tibia covered by an ascending process of the astragalus.
n Short hind limbs in comparison to the torso length.
n Three or more sacral vertebrae.
Diplodocidae Brachiosauridae
Torso Length
FIGURE 10.2 Important characters for Clade Sauropodomorpha: distal part of the tibia
covered by an ascending process of the astralagus, short hind limbs in comparison to the
torso length, spatula-like teeth with bladed and serrated crowns, 10 elongated cervical
vertebrae along with 15 dorsal vertebrae (25 presacrals), large digit I on manus.
n Thin and flat (spatula-like) teeth with bladed and serrated crowns.
n Minimum of 10 cervical vertebrae that are typically elongated and 25 pre-
sacral vertebrae.
n Large digit I on the manus.
The relatively puny teeth and jaws of sauropodomorphs were definitely not adapted
for much grinding or other oral processing of plant material. The small skulls, with
their lack of evidence for attachments of large masticatory musculature, corrobor-
ate their inability to chew much food. Instead, the teeth and jaws seemed more
suited for raking and shearing foodstuff before sending it down often-long necks
to the rest of the alimentary canal. The long torso of most sauropodomorphs rel-
ative to their hind-limb lengths also provided more room for a gut that digested
large amounts of plant material. This adaptation was reflected by prodigious body
sizes beginning in the Middle Jurassic and lasting until the end of the Cretaceous.
Because sauropodomorph skulls were disproportionately the smallest in comparison
to body size among all dinosaurs, the observation that they had the lowest EQs
should also come as no surprise. Sauropodomorphs also had an anatomical pre-
disposition to a taphonomic bias. Because their skulls were only held in place by
a small cervical vertebra, the atlas, they were prone to detaching and becoming
separated from the rest of their voluminous bodies. This resulted in numerous head-
less sauropodomorph skeletons. One hypothesis proposed previously for the rarity
of sauropodomorph skulls was that predators preferentially ate them for their brain
matter. However, this assertion is belied by the extremely small amount of brain
matter that would have been gained from such discriminatory eating. A more likely
explanation is that both physical and biological processes disaggregated the small,
relatively delicate bones of a typical sauropodomorph skull once it was separated
from the rest of the body. This left sturdy vertebrae and limb bones as the most
likely candidates for burial, permineralization, and subsequent preservation
(Chapter 7). Indeed, skull parts are represented in only 24 of the more than 100
genera of sauropods.
Pleurocoels were lateral spaces on the vertebrae that les-
Another common sened the density of these already weighty bones, thus light-
ening their skeletal structure. These served a function simi-
characteristic of
lar to pneumatization in theropods (Chapter 9) and they sim-
ilarly may have been filled with air sacs. Regardless, these struc-
was the variety of
tures aided in decreasing the mass per unit volume of the
innovative vertebrae. Transverse processes, neural spines, and chevrons,
adaptations reflected which were elongate processes on the ventral surfaces of the 10
by their vertebrae, caudal vertebrae, added to the ornate appearance of many
including pleurocoels. sauropodomorph vertebrae. These features provided attach-
ment sites for musculature but in the case of chevrons also
prevented damage to veins and arteries in the tail. With such complex and vari-
able forms, sauropodomorph vertebrae are useful for identifying species, especially
with regard to their centra. For example, a sauropodomorph vertebra that has
the positive (ball) part of the centrum anterior and the negative (socket) part
posterior is termed opisthocoelus. The opposite situation is called procoelous. If
both parts are sockets, then it is called amphicoelous. Simple identification of such
conditions in vertebrae, with no other body parts present, can immediately help
paleontologists narrow down the possible choices of sauropodomorphs to which
the bones belong.
An interesting logistical problem associated with the study of sauropodomorphs
is related to how they are normally the largest of dinosaurs, either as solitary skele-
tons or in an assemblage. Consequently, they are the least likely dinosaurs to be
recovered from their discovery site and studied later in more detail. When given a
choice between transporting a 1-meter long theropod skeleton and a 20-meter long
sauropod from a remote field area, a paleontological crew will have no difficulty
coming to their decision. So, although sauropod bones are relatively common in
a few areas of the world, sauropodomorphs have not received as much detailed
The oldest sauropodomorph found so far in the geologic record is the prosauropod
Saturnalia tupiniquim, which was recovered from Upper Triassic rocks in Brazil.
Prosauropoda includes some of the first dinosaurs ever named: Thecodontosaurus in
1836 and Plateosaurus in 1837 (Chapter 3), both of which were also from the Late
Triassic. Some prosauropod bones were discovered as early as 1818 in Connecticut,
but they were initially misidentified as human bones. A later diagnosis showed them
as rightfully belonging to Anchisaurus of the Early Jurassic. Regardless of any such
missteps, paleontologists immediately recognized the kinship of prosauropods and 10
sauropods. Because the former preceded sauropods in the geologic record, they were
considered as ancestral to sauropods. For this reason, they were given the name
Prosauropoda, first dubbed in 1920 by Friedrich von Huene (Chapter 3).
Although current evidence indicates that prosauropods were not ancestors of
sauropods, like many other mislabeled dinosaur taxa the name has stuck and
will likely continue to be used indefinitely. Compared to other major clades of
dinosaurs, prosauropods were not only early on the scene but relatively short-lived;
their range was from the Late Triassic through to the Early Jurassic. Different prosauro-
pod species went extinct by the end of the Triassic or the end of the Early Jurassic,
but the clade as a whole was relatively diverse throughout its 50-million-year-old
history (Table 10.1).
Plateosaurus is perhaps the archetypical prosauropod because it is both the most
abundant in the fossil record and best studied, thanks to its numerous remains in
Late Triassic rocks of Europe. Its skull and postcranial elements also have some impor-
tant distinguishing features (Fig. 10.3A), which include:
(A) (B)
FIGURE 10.3 (A) Skull of Late Triassic prosauropod Plateosaurus of Germany. Anatomical features
of the skull. (B) Complete specimen; Naturhistoriches Museum Basel, Basel, Switzerland. See
Figure 5.3 for overall anatomy.
n Long neck in comparison to most theropods, yet shorter than those of most
sauropods, with an atlas and a total of 10 cervical vertebrae.
n 15 dorsal, 3 sacral (attached to the pelvic bones), and nearly 50 caudal
n Weight seemingly associated more with its posterior.
n Phalangeal formula on pes of 2-3-4-5-1, with small unguals, and phalanx
on digit V seemingly vestigial.
n Phalangeal formula on manus of 2-3-4-3-2, with unguals present on digits
I through to III.
n Enlarged ungual on digit I that is deviated from the rest of the manus (dis-
cussed later).
Using functional morphology as a guide for examining both the skull and
postcranial skeleton, the anatomical data suggest the following interpretations:
The long neck also apparently aided in this high-browsing mode of life, as it could
have reached vegetation out of the reach of other large herbivorous contemporaries
in the Late Triassic. In this sense, during the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic,
Plateosaurus and most other prosauropods might have been the ecological equi-
valent of modern giraffes.
In most respects, other prosauropods only varied slightly from this basic model,
and the few important differences probably reflect adaptations to different envir-
onmental conditions and niches. For example, the Late Triassic Riojasaurus of
Argentina was considerably larger (11-m long) than Plateosaurus (8-m long). This
size difference suggests that Riojasaurus adapted to different plant foods or other-
wise gained an advantage from being larger, perhaps as a defensive measure against
increasingly larger ceratosaurian predators. The Early Jurassic Yunnanosaurus of China
had pencil-like teeth more adapted for raking vegetation, which differed from the
probable shearing function of the serrated teeth in Plateosaurus. Anchisaurus,
Sellosaurus, and Thecodontosaurus had relatively larger orbits and smaller nares
than Plateosaurus. Perhaps most importantly, they were smaller than most other
prosauropods and accordingly could probably move faster. This interpretation
is augmented by the ratio of metatarsal III (the middle one) to the tibia of each
prosauropod species, where higher ratios should reflect abilities for faster movement.
For example, Riojasaurus (= slower) has a ratio of about 0.4, whereas Anchisaurus is
close to 0.7 (= faster).
Prosauropods as a clade represent a good start for the sauropodomorph lineage
and their longevity in the geologic record was certainly an indicator of their
success, even though sauropods surpassed them by the end of the Early Jurassic.
Whether the Early Jurassic arrival of other large herbivores, such as sauropods
and thyreophorans (Chapter 12), was part of an ecological displacement of
prosauropods is unknown. Nevertheless, their extinction was the first one for any
major dinosaur clade. This circumstance provoked comparisons to the paleoenvir-
onmental conditions associated with later dinosaur extinctions and aided in work-
ing out any similarities in patterns or trends.
A gradual change in the cranial anatomy of sauropods that became more apparent
through their evolutionary history was a migration of their nares from the ante-
rior part of the skull to farther away from the mouth. This placed the nostrils of
some sauropods on top of their heads (Fig. 10.4). This feature was once interpreted
as an adaptation to an aquatic lifestyle, whereby nostrils on the highest point of
the head aided in breathing while the majority of the body was submerged.
FIGURE 10.4 Skulls of the Late Jurassic diplodocids Apatosaurus (left) and Diplodocus
(right) showing dorso-ventral positioning of nares in relation to the anterior portion of
their skulls. Dinosaur National Monument, Vernal, Utah. Contrast with skull of
Plateosaurus in Figure 10.3.
Independent evidence has since refuted this hypothesis (as discussed later), but
the nares and their association with possible soft-tissue structures is still an area of
speculation and controversy in sauropod research.
The cranial capacity of sauropods was rather limited: make a fist and it will approx-
imate the size of the largest sauropod brain, no matter what its tonnage may have
been. In fact, the cranial anatomy seemingly was a continuation of the evolution-
ary theme explored by prosauropods, in that it was simply a conduit for passing
food to the gut and air to and from the lungs. Overall profiles of sauropod skulls
can be broadly divided into:
FIGURE 10.5 Diplodocus, the Late Jurassic sauropod that inspired a pub song.
(A) Skeletal reconstruction; Denver Museum of Science and Nature. (B) Left pes and ankle
of Diplodocus, showing the large ungual on digit I.
FIGURE 10.6 Amargosaurus, an Early Cretaceous sauropod from Argentina with unusually
long vertebral processes. Trelew Museo de Paleontolgica, Trelew, Argentina.
1 relatively more cervical and caudal vertebrae than other sauropods, adding
up to some considerable body lengths;
2 teeth restricted to the anterior portion of the skull; and
3 nares dorsal to the orbits.
The caudal vertebrae were so numerous (7080) and small distally that the tails
tapered into a whip-like structure. The proximal caudal vertebrae had prominent,
horizontally-oriented chevrons developed on the ventral parts of the vertebrae, pre-
sumably for added support and protection of blood vessels. With their cervical, dor-
sal, and caudal vertebrae added together and projected into a possible total length
for each genus, Seismosaurus and Supersaurus may have been the longest dinosaurs.
By some conservative estimates, these sauropods were about 27 meters long, but
lengths of more than 30 meters have been also hypothesized.
Because other sauropods had similarly long necks and tails, such as the Middle
Jurassic Omeisaurus and Late Jurassic Mamenchisaurus of China, they were originally
interpreted as sharing ancestry with diplodocids. Omeisaurus and Mamenchisaurus
had 17 and 19 cervical vertebrae, respectively, making them animals with necks
that were about half of their total body lengths. However, cladistic analyses show
that Omeisaurus and Mamenchisaurus are in clades outside of Neosauropoda,
although they are in Eusauropoda.
Of the clade Camarasauromorpha, probably the most common sauropod species,
and accordingly one of the best studied, is the Late Jurassic Camarasaurus of the
western USA. Camarasaurus (= chambered lizard), so named because of its relatively
spacious skull, is known from numerous well-preserved and articulated specimens,
FIGURE 10.7 Cast of nearly complete juvenile Camarasaurus from the Late Jurassic of
Utah, USA. Dinosaur Adventure Museum, Fruita, Colorado.
from juveniles to adults. These were all discovered in the Morrison Formation of
Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming (Fig. 10.7). Camarasaurus has a more rounded skull
than diplodocids and most other sauropods, as well as spoon-like teeth. The cer-
vical, dorsal, and caudal vertebrae were also more conservative in number, resulting
in body proportions somewhat in between the extremes presented by diplodocids
in length and brachiosaurids in height. Two sauropod genera that were once con- 10
sidered as close relatives of Camarasaurus were Euhelopus from the Late Jurassic of
China and Opisthocoelicaudia from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia. However,
Euhelopus is now considered too primitive and Opisthocoelicaudia too derived; the
former is outside of Neosauropoda, and the latter is in Saltasauridae. Regardless,
Camarasauromorpha has a geologic range from the Late Jurassic through to the
Late Cretaceous on the basis of Camarasaurus and Opisthocoelicaudia, among others.
Titanosauriformes includes another well-known sauropod genus, Brachiosaurus,
the representative genus of brachiosaurids. Brachiosaurus (= arm lizard), named
with respect to its long forelimbs, occurs in Upper Jurassic strata of the western
USA and Tanzania. Cedarsaurus and Sauroposeidon are also brachiosaurids, both com-
ing from the Lower Cretaceous of the western USA. Like Camarasaurus, brachiosaurids
had more rounded skulls than diplodocids and their nares were positioned more
anteriorly and below the orbits. Brachiosaurid necks also had long cervical and
dorsal vertebrae with well-developed pleurocoels (Fig. 10.7). Furthermore, they had
a reduced digit I in the manus, which may have been an adaptation to more weight
bearing on the fore limbs. Brachiosaurus was perhaps the most massive and tallest
of all dinosaurs, weighing as much as 50 tonnes. Less conservative estimates have
placed it at 80 metric tons, a difference of nearly 60%. It also had a neck that,
when extended fully vertical, was close to 13 meters high. In part, the height of
Brachiosaurus was related to its lengthened fore limbs, where its humerus exceeded
the femur length. A sort of trade-off between height and length in diplodocids and
FIGURE 10.8 Cast and reconstruction of the Late Cretaceous titanosaurid Argentinosaurus, which
may have been the largest dinosaur (but it had a lot of competition). Fernbank Museum of Natural
History, Atlanta, Georgia.
FIGURE 10.9 The Middle Jurassic cetiosaurid Bellusaurus, a smaller sauropod than most.
Temporary display at Fernbank Museum of Natural History, Atlanta, Georgia.
ancestral, this vestigial digit made a heroic comeback and became large again. The
more likely explanation is that the common ancestor to both prosauropods and
sauropods had this large digit V as a plesiomorphic trait. It then became reduced
in the prosauropod lineage after it diverged from the sauropod lineage, which retained
the digit during its different evolutionary journey.
The main problem with resolving evolutionary relationships between prosauropods
and sauropods was the previous lack of sauropod fossils from the Late Triassic. The
gap between the appearance of the first prosauropod (229 Ma) and the first sauro-
pod (208 Ma) was a significant one, and meant that sauropods would have had a
ghost lineage of nearly 20 million years. However, the identification of Blikano-
saurus, Antetonitrus, and some remains of Euskelosaurusas Late Triassic sauropods
and sauropod tracks, recently identified in Upper Triassic rocks from New Mexico,
has helped to close this gap.
Predatorprey interactions probably contributed to the coincidence of the largest
land herbivores overlapping in time with the largest land carnivores that ever lived
(Chapter 9). In modern terrestrial animals today, large size and herding behavior
are still deterrents to predation. Trends toward gigantism that ecologically separated
the sauropods from other potential large herbivore competitors, such as ornithopods
(Chapter 11), stegosaurs and ankylosaurs (Chapter 12), and ceratopsians (Chapter
13), also cannot be discounted. Interestingly, prosauropods had almost no overlap
with these latter herbivorous clades of dinosaurs, which along with sauropods also
may have filled the various former niches of prosauropods. Only a few sauropods
were relatively small compared to other herbivorous dinosaurs (Fig. 10.9).
Another hypothesis for sauropod gigantism is that sauropods became large so
that their bodies could accommodate an alimentary canal long enough to digest
massive amounts of food with low nutritional quality. Moreover, their increased
dimensions, as a result of this adaptation, could have made more food sources
easily accessible. Longer necks meant more reach, for example, whether in a hor-
izontal or vertical plane. Yet another hypothesis is that the extremely long necks,
tails, and legs of some sauropods served as heat vents, meaning that these body
parts conveyed the excess body heat generated by movement and digestion away
from the torso. This is a controversial interpretation of sauropod physiology dis-
cussed earlier (Chapter 8). Of course, a synthesis viewpoint is that an interaction
of numerous factors, such as changing climates, habitat alterations, and biological
factors, would have provided for confluent situations that favored the selection of
larger, longer, and heavier sauropods. Clearly this extreme sort of selection has not
happened to terrestrial vertebrates since the Mesozoic, thus paleontologists can
confidently say that the circumstances leading to this type of evolution must have
been unique.
The logistics of sauropodomorph mating is difficult to imagine but obviously it did
happen many times. The traces of this activity in itself are either undiscovered or
perhaps cover such a large scale that paleontologists do not recognize them.
However, the results of successful mating and conception, eggs and nests, provide
evidence that sauropodomorphs were oviparous animals, despite some conjecture
(with no accompanying data) that they gave birth to live young. In fact, the two
oldest reported dinosaur nests are interpreted as belonging to prosauropods in Late
Triassic rocks, which indicates that oviparity was a primitive trait in sauropo-
domorphs. One nest, attributed to Massospondylus because of juvenile bones and
nearby remains of the adult species, contains a clutch of six eggs that were 5.5 cm
wide and 6.5 cm long. The second nest contained eggshell fragments and five hatch-
lings of Mussasaurus, although no adult remains were associated with the eggs. No
trace fossil evidence of the nest structure was described in either case. Con-
sequently, whether prosauropods buried their clutches, laid eggs in open nests and
brooded them, or otherwise showed any parental care is still unknown. A possible
candidate for a parent prosauropod for Mussasaurus was Coloradisaurus, which occurs
in strata of the same age and region, but the certainty of this parentage is less than
that for the nest associated with Massospondylus.
Apparent sauropodomorph eggs are rare in any rocks older than the Cretaceous
Period, and Cretaceous clutches are presumed to have belonged to sauropodomorph
nest sites on the basis of the sheer size of the eggs. Sauropod eggs were tentatively
identified on the basis of co-association of large and abundant dinosaur eggs
with the remains of the titanosaurid Hypselosaurus in nineteenth-century France
(Chapter 3). Taking this assumption further, some paleontologists proposed that 10
dinosaur eggs with certain shell structures, when associated with large size (more
than 5000 cm3 volume) and spherical or subspherical overall shape, are attributable
to sauropods (Chapter 8). These egg types occur in Argentina, France, India, and
Spain, which indicates a similarity across a broad paleogeographic range. The problem
with the assumption that these eggs are from sauropods is that the hypothesis was
originally based on no associated embryos or hatchlings. Such suppositions have
been repeatedly falsified with other dinosaur eggs and their presumed mothers
(Chapters 9 and 11).
Assuming that some eggs are from sauropods, a few clutches show interesting
patterns that were initially attributed to egg laying and nest building, but are more
likely the result of taphonomic factors. The typical clutch size for these large eggs
is 3 to 12, and clutches are apparently randomly distributed within conical struc-
tures. These structures were originally interpreted as possible excavations made by
the dinosaur prior to laying the eggs. Another pattern from the Lower Cretaceous
of France apparently indicated the pathways of five or six mother dinosaurs. In
this interpretation, the dinosaurs walked along, squatted, and laid eggs in semi-
circles with 1.3- to 1.7-meter radii. The length, width, and radii of the egg assem-
blages suggest sauropod tracemakers, as does the size of eggs, although the apparent
clutch size of 15 to 20 (assumed because they described each arc) differs from
those described for other suspected sauropod nests. However, these detailed inter-
pretations are probably wrong. The latest examination of the original site showed
FIGURE 10.10 Egg clutch of titanosaurids from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia,
Argentina. Temporary display at Fernbank Museum of Natural History, Atlanta, Georgia.
that the eggs actually were in the bottoms of ancient channel depressions. This
means that the eggs were likely transported from their original nests and might
also have more than one species of dinosaur represented. Whether their original
makers were sauropods or other dinosaurs is still unknown.
The nests recently discovered in Patagonia, some of
No sauropodomorph which are definable as mound structures with upraised
embryos were known from rims, are in multiple horizons of the same relatively small
the geologic record until area (about 2.5 km2), indicating site fidelity. Site
fidelity means that the sauropods, represented by an
the recent find of
unidentified species of titanosaur, came back to nest
extraordinary sauropod
in the same place over multiple breeding seasons. The
nesting horizons in Late
eggs in these horizons number in the thousands. The
Cretaceous rocks of embryos are exquisitely preserved and some show skin
Patagonia, Argentina, a impressions, the only ones known for any dinosaur
discovery that has embryos. Not only do these eggs provide a rare glimpse
provided a rare look into into the life history of a titanosaurid, but they are the
the individual and social same size and morphology as some of the previously
behaviors of sauropod unidentified Cretaceous dinosaur eggs found in such
reproduction. widely separated places as China, India, Europe, and
Africa. (Fig. 10.10). This similarity may serve as a model
for comparison and thus aid in the identification of other sauropod nests and embryos
in the future. Furthermore, the nest structures, which were probably constructed
by the sauropods, can aid in identifying other sauropod nests in the absence of
eggs or embryos. This same search image serves as a tool for identifying some thero-
pod nests as well (Chapter 9).
Only a few species of sauropodomorphs have juvenile specimens represented in
the fossil record, with the exception of the aforementioned Mussasaurus hatchling
and titanosaur embryos. Some smaller sauropods do show juvenile affinities, but
some paleontologists have noted that the bias of the geologic record favors adult
sauropodomorph body fossils. One explanation for this discrepancy is that juve-
niles were subject to worse preservation conditions; greater predation and scavenging
may have destroyed their smaller bodies. A few researchers have also examined tracks
for evidence of growth series among sauropodomorphs. Tracks are a promising source
of future data regarding sauropod juveniles, as more juvenile sauropodomorph tracks
are being recognized on the basis of their much smaller sizes. Although they can
only provide relative age series, rather than absolute ages, tracks are nevertheless
a start toward interpreting life histories.
Some growth series have been outlined for prosauropods based on body fossils
from monospecific bone beds of Plateosaurus. For sauropods, a specimen of the Late
Jurassic Camarasaurus, discovered by Earl Douglass in the Morrison Formation early
in the twentieth century (Chapter 3), turned out to be one of the first undoubted,
as well as exquisitely preserved, juvenile skeletons of a sauropod ever found (see
Fig. 10.5). Its completeness indicates that it must have been immediately buried
before its corpse was scavenged; only a few caudal vertebrae are missing from the
specimen. A growth series has been approximated for Camarasaurus on the basis
of some juvenile remains in comparison to the more abundant adults, but this series
has nowhere near the completeness of those for some theropods (Chapter 9). The
Late Jurassic diplodocoid Apatosaurus likewise has a poorly-defined growth series,
so little is known about the life history of this sauropod, too.
Some bone histology work on sauropodomorphs suggests that rapid growth
occurred early in life and possibly slowed once they reached adulthood. Fast ini-
tial growth was a probable mode because otherwise long ages would have been
required for sauropods, such as Brachiosaurus and Seismosaurus, to reach their
weights of 50 tonnes and lengths of 30 meters. If sauropods had slow growth through-
out their entire lives, some would have had to live more than 100 years. Such long
lifespans seem unlikely, considering the rarity of modern animals with a similar
longevity, and indeed these estimates are based on reptilian growth rates. The most
recent data on sauropod bones indicate that they grew rapidly, and thus many of
the largest specimens were much less than 100 years old. Offspring must live long
enough to reach sexual maturity in order to reproduce, so the longer this takes,
the more likely the offspring will die before reproducing. Hence natural selection
would have favored sauropods that reached sexual maturity earlier rather than later.
This again implies that sauropod adulthood was probably reached in considerably
less than 100 years. Indeed, recent research on Apatosaurus suggests that they achieved 10
about 90% of their adult size after only 10 years.
Growth rates have implications for sauropodomorph physiology, which could
have been endothermic, ectothermic, or homeothermic (Chapter 8). Supporters of
the homeothermic hypothesis propose that the larger sauropods were inertial
homeotherms. In other words, once they were heated by either their external envir-
onment or by internal, fermenting bacteria in their huge guts (Chapter 8), they
maintained this temperature for a long time because of their very low (compared
to other dinosaurs) surface area/volume ratio. As mentioned earlier, heat venting
might have been needed to prevent overheating, and some paleontologists have
suggested that the long necks, tails, and legs served as conduits for expelling excess
heat. Regardless of the mechanism, sauropods would have required large amounts
of energy to grow quickly during their younger years. Heat generation, as a by-
product of such growth, is a reasonable hypothesis.
Sauropodomorph ancestors were bipedal saurischians, and the earliest-known
prosauropods may have been at least facultatively bipedal. Limb lengths indirectly
indicate bipedalism in fossil vertebrates, in that the fore limbs are considerably shorter
than the hind limbs. However, when the limbs are equally long, the animal could
still have been bipedal, so another clue lies in the manus anatomy. When the manus
is composed of lighter and more delicate bones, it is not likely to have been used
for load bearing. A third anatomical clue is indicated by the insertion point for
muscles at an attachment site called the fourth trochanter, which is on the femur.
Bipedal vertebrates have the insertion point on the proximal half of the femur, which
is the case for nearly every theropod (Chapter 9). In contrast, a prosauropod such
as Plateosaurus has the point on the middle to distal part of the femur, suggest-
ing that this prosauropod was in between the end members of bipedal and
quadrupedal. Sauropods have the insertion point even lower than that of
Plateosaurus, so this feature along with other anatomical evidence indicates that
sauropods were obligate quadrupeds.
Probable prosauropod tracks are interpreted on the basis of their close anatom-
ical similarity to the skeletal structure of a typical prosauropod manus and pes. Tracks
identified as having been made by prosauropods are:
p = hD (10.1)
where p is pressure, h is the height of the fluid above the pressed-upon surface, and
D is the density of the fluid. For example, if the atmosphere averages a density of
1.25 g/L and is in a column of air measuring about 7.8 km above an animals skin,
the air pressure would be:
which is close to the measured value of 1034 g/cm2 for 1.0 atm.
In contrast, if an organism is immersed in water, the considerably greater mass
of water with respect to air (Chapter 7) means that pressure will increase in a much
shorter distance of overlying water in comparison to air. Fresh water is about 800
times denser than air at 1.0 g/cm3, so the height of the fluid needed to achieve the
same 1.0 atm would be:
Step 1. h = p/D
Step 2. = 1.034 103 g/cm2/1.0 g/cm3
Step 3. = 1034 cm
(Converting to meters)
Step 4. = 10.34 m
This value implies that at a depth of only 10.3 meters in fresh water pressure will
double to 2.0 atm (remember that the pressure effect of the overlying air is added
to that of the water), and triple to 3.0 atm at about 20.6 meters. Marine salinity
causes seawater to be slightly denser than fresh water, at 1.02 g/cm3, which causes
greater pressure with less depth.
Brachiosaurus can be used as an example of how an aquatic lifestyle would have
affected sauropods. This animal was about 13 meters tall with its neck fully
extended vertically. Full immersion of its torso, so that only its head was above the
water, would have caused it to experience an additional 1.0 to 1.5 atm of pressure.
This situation would have made movement of its lungs for breathing extremely
difficult or even caused their collapse. Consequently, the physics of breathing is
reason enough to reject the notion that sauropods were habitually aquatic animals
that used their necks as snorkels. This is the case even if other data did not sup-
port the likelihood of sauropods having had terrestrial lifestyles.
Indeed, as more sauropod trackways were found, they also showed little or no
evidence of having been formed in submerged environments. Nevertheless, the 10
aquatic sauropod model was kept alive even after the first sauropod trackways
were discovered in the 1930s by Roland Bird (Chapter 3). For example, sauropod
trackways that had manus impressions but lacked pes impressions were regarded
as evidence that the sauropod tracemakers were swimming, because their hind limbs
would have been suspended in the water while their fore limbs occasionally
touched the bottom. Later descriptions and interpretations of these trackways
revealed that pes impressions were present but were only preserved as undertracks,
tracks preserved below the surface the dinosaur walked on. This realization negated
the need to use flotation to explain the absence of tracks (Chapter 14).
Trackway evidence also can tell a great deal about the movement of individuals
and groups of sauropodomorphs. The sheer size of their tracks can make the track-
ways of sauropods rather easy to distinguish from those of other dinosaurs. For exam-
ple, some sauropod pes impressions from Western Australia, discovered in 2001,
are as wide as 2 meters. The smaller impressions may be comparable in size to the
tracks of thyreophorans (Chapter 12) or ceratopsians (Chapter 13), but typical sauro-
pod tracks have distinctive compression shapes. The manus impression is crescen-
tic, and the pes impression is oblong and commonly shows the claw impression
from digit I. Like prosauropods and all other known dinosaurs, sauropods were diag-
onal walkers (Chapter 14). Yet their trackway straddle can be wider than that of
any other dinosaur and have a lower pace angulation than the near-180 ones
expressed by theropods. Dinosaur ichnologists often call such trackways wide gauge,
in an allusion to railroad tracks, but other sauropod trackways are narrower and
appropriately are called narrow gauge. Whether wide or narrow, all sauropod track-
ways show that they moved with their limbs under their bodies, and did not have
the sprawling, lizard-like gait hypothesized for them by scholars earlier in the twen-
tieth century.
Sauropod trackways definitely constitute the most impressive of all dinosaur trace
fossils, and where numerous individuals walked over the same area they caused
mixing of the sediments on the scale of heavy machinery. Sauropod trackways are
also among the longest preserved for dinosaurs, such as two in the Middle Jurassic
of Portugal that are nearly 150 meters long. Most such trackways show linear move-
ment, but at least one in North America (Utah) shows that a Late Jurassic sauro-
pod took an abrupt right turn for unknown reasons (Chapter 14).
According to all known evidence, sauropodomorphs were obligate herbivores.
Some paleontologists have proposed that the serrated teeth of prosauropods, such
as Plateosaurus, reflect carnivorous behavior, and others have noticed some
anatomical similarities between prosauropods and therizinosaurs (Chapter 9).
Prosauropod teeth that are serrated and leaf-like show little sign of wear. Because
grinding would involve direct contact between tooth rows with occlusion, shear-
ing is instead favored as the probable expressed jaw function. As mentioned before,
the pencil-like teeth of most sauropods were not adapted for chewing, so they prob-
ably served for shearing and, even more likely, for raking vegetation.
Scratch marks on sauropodomorph teeth constitute evidence of abrasion by grit,
composed of silicate-mineral silt and sand, which was on plants consumed by these
animals. Detailed examination of these marks could provide clues about which
sauropodomorphs may have grazed on low-lying plants, as plants closer to the ground
would have contained more grit. Conversely, teeth with fewer scratches might indi-
cate high-level browsing. Relatively little work has been done on this avenue of
research, so strict interpretations of diet preference cannot be formed based on den-
tal condition alone. Sauropodomorphs also may have been accidental insectivores,
because the large amount of plants that they ingested probably contained many
insects. Of course, insects may have also chosen habitats on plants that were not
frequently consumed by sauropods, but this speculation lacks evidence.
The development of extremely long sauropodomorph necks, of which Mamen-
chisaurus had the longest at 14 meters, is often cited as an example of directional
evolution related to feeding specialization. The evolutionary mechanism behind such
lengthening, which was the greatest of any known vertebrate animals, has been
compared to the evolution of the giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) of equatorial and
southern Africa. Giraffes comprise the only modern terrestrial animal that also has
a long neck in comparison to its closest relatives. Interestingly, giraffes only have
seven cervical vertebrae, but like sauropods these are elongated. Because modern
giraffes are well known as high-level browsers of treetops and are connected to fossil
ancestors with shorter necks, development of the same adaptation was postulated
for sauropodomorphs. In this hypothesis, originally short-necked prosauropods
evolved into long-necked lineages of sauropods, epitomized by some diplodocoids,
which used their long necks for gaining access to increasingly taller treetops of
One of the problems with this hypothesis has already been mentioned:
prosauropods and sauropods had separate lineages. Consequently, short-necked
prosauropods did not evolve into long-necked sauropods. However, considering that
the saurischian ancestor to all sauropods probably had a shorter neck than the ear-
liest known sauropod, then the elongation of sauropod necks did indeed happen
Evidence from the axial skeletons of numerous sauropod species indicates that all
three processes could have happened, depending on the lineage.
In a continuation of this paradigm, long necks were seemingly not enough and
no leafy branch was too high. Sauropods began to be depicted in the 1980s and
1990s as rearing on to their hind legs so that they could nearly double their brows-
ing height. The evolution of longer necks was thought to have co-evolved with
increased heights of the canopy in Mesozoic forests. This would be an example of
a Red Queen process (Chapter 6) happening between conifers and sauropods.
Several criticisms of this seemingly reasonable hypothesis are now evident,
which has led to some doubt to its universal applicability to the development of
long-necked sauropods:
n Although conifers were the most common trees available for high-level brows-
ing during the Late Triassic through to the Late Jurassic, they had (and still
have) low nutritional yield. Large amounts of material would have been con-
sumed to provide any significant food value. Most conifers also have low
recovery rates to such massive damage, so sauropods would have quickly
overgrazed their food supply and eventually starved, unless they were con-
stantly migrating to plunder and denude new forests.
n Anatomical reconstructions and biomechanical considerations of large
sauropods suggest that some could have reared up on their hind legs.
Nonetheless, no trackways or any other aspect of the fossil record has been
found to indicate that they actually did. Today, elephants in circuses often
rear up on their hind legs, or can be trained to stand on one leg, but these
behaviors are not commonly observed in the wild. In other words, just because 10
an animal can move in a certain way does not mean that it did.
n Blood pressures needed to pump blood from the heart of a sauropod to the
height gained by the head would have been more than twice that measured
in modern giraffes and five to six times that of humans. Some unusual adap-
tations would have been needed for such an extreme function. Some adher-
ents to the vertical sauropod hypothesis have even advocated extra
hearts, additional organs along the pathway of the neck to pump blood.
n Computer modeling of sauropod necks reveals their ranges of motion on
the basis of articulations of the cervical vertebrae. Interestingly, the ranges
show a limited vertical mobility of only 10 to 20 above a horizontal plane,
but a much wider arc of about 90 for turns in a horizontal plane. In other
words, these sauropods could move their heads back and forth more easily
than they could move them up and down.
Social Life
The view that sauropodomorphs were gregarious animals, and that they moved about
together in at least family units, if not herds, has gained popularity recently, exem-
plified by artistic depictions of great migrating herds of sauropods. In this case,
a popular idea about dinosaurs also may be correct. Most of the data supporting
the idea of herding behavior in these animals, which as individuals could have
Taphonomy also gives an insight into sauropod sociality through the examination
of monospecific bone beds. Just as in some theropod species, such as Coelophysis
baurii (Chapter 9), a monospecific assemblage of sauropods provokes the question,
How did only bones from many individuals of the same species end up in the
same place at the same time? For example, a bone deposit of the Middle Jurassic
cetiosaurid Patagosaurus fariasi of Argentina is composed of bones representing five
individuals, including both juveniles and adults. The current answer to this ques-
tion is that the assemblage may represent a family that died and was buried together
during a sudden event such as a river flood. Although adherence to only one hypo-
thesis is risky, all other answers would be far more complicated than this scenario.
As a result, it is the one that has been conditionally accepted for the cetiosaurid 10
deposit and similar monospecific dinosaur bone beds. Two adult Camarasaurus skeletons
associated with a juvenile of the same species, in the Upper Jurassic of Wyoming,
provide another case of a possible family structure, and assemblages composed of
only Alamosaurus bones from the Upper Cretaceous are also cited as evidence of
gregariousness in sauropods.
Of course, the large number of sauropodomorph trackways documented world-
wide constitutes excellent additional evidence for their social behavior. Multiple
trackways on the same horizon are good clues as to how some species of sauropods
traveled together or otherwise had preferred directions of travel. For example, one
trackway horizon in Upper Jurassic rocks of southeastern Colorado shows five equally-
spaced and parallel sauropod trackways, which is strong evidence supporting the
hypothesis that they were traveling together as a herd (Fig. 10.11). This hypo-
thesis is held up by the coincident direction of the trackways, which varied in
harmony with one another, and the regular spacing between the trackways.
Placing a minimum distance between one another when traveling in groups is a
behavior observed in large modern animals, such as elephants. The preservational
condition of the tracks also is similar, indicating that they were all formed within
a short span of time before the character of the substrate changed. Another track-
way from the Lower Cretaceous of Texas, discovered by Roland Bird (Chapter 3),
shows that as many as 30 sauropods, seemingly of the same type (species), were
moving in the same direction over a relatively narrow area. Some overlap of the
FIGURE 10.11
Sauropod trackways
in the Late Jurassic
Morrison Formation
near La Junta, Colorado,
showing parallelism and
indicating probable
herding behavior.
tracks indicated that later individuals stepped on some of the immediately preceding
Other sauropod trackways from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal show that a group
of seven juveniles (based on the small sizes of their footprints) were accompanied
by three larger sauropods, strongly suggesting a family structure. Moreover, the sim-
ilar track sizes of the seven smaller individuals advocate that they represented the
same age range and may have been hatched and raised from the same clutch. Such
information helps with estimations of juvenile mortality by comparing the num-
ber of eggs within sauropod clutches to trackways of probable juveniles. A presumed
monospecific track assemblage could also give an independent measure of popu-
lation structure. However, such interpretations have at least one caveat: the adult
tracks preserved on the same horizon may represent stratigraphically younger
tracks that penetrated down to the same, older layer as the juvenile tracks (see
Fig. 14.8). Nevertheless, trackways left by juvenile sauropods are becoming more
recognized in the geologic record, which then help in better definition of sauro-
pod populations. Some of the best examples of juvenile sauropod tracks are in
Cretaceous rocks of South Korea, where more than 100 such trackways have been
Of course, just because animals are moving in the same direction does not
necessarily qualify as evidence of herding. For example, a linear geographic barrier,
such as a shoreline or a cliff, could have restricted the animals lateral movement
over a long period of time. An argument against this critique is that the variation
in footprint sizes suggests that the population was composed of both younger
and older individuals of the same species. If a geographic barrier equally affected
the movement of all animals through an area, tracks of other species might be
expected as a source of track variation. Other sauropod trackways that were appar-
ently made by the same type of sauropod at approximately the same time should
provide for more testing of herding hypotheses.
Consequently, bone-bed data, nesting grounds, and trackway evidence provide a
compelling argument in favor of sauropodomorph sociality, although varying
degrees of sociality for each species were likely. Sociality certainly conferred a major
advantage in the form of added protection against large, theropod predators,
despite already-massive sizes for some individual sauropodomorphs. It also allowed
groups to explore for and exploit food resources together. These animals most likely
aided each others survival, thus ensuring reproductive success and thereby pass-
ing on their traits to the next generation of sauropodomorphs.
Sauropodomorphs were apparently healthy animals and the vast majority of speci-
mens show little or no evidence of paleopathological conditions. One reported pos-
sible ailment found in specimens of Diplodocus, Apatosaurus, and Camarasaurus is
diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (better known by its medical acronym,
DISH), a condition where ligaments running laterally alongside the vertebrae
become ossified. This condition gives the vertebrae a fused appearance, although
the vertebrae themselves are not actually fused. In those sauropods so affected, some
of the caudal vertebrae were bonded together by this ossification, which made them
stiffer structures. Hence, one explanation for the frequency of this condition is that
it represents an adaptation more than a malady. Sauropod trackways show no clear
evidence of tail dragging, for example, and a stiffened tail would have prevented
the formation of such a trace fossil. Interestingly, despite their often-huge sizes, no
sauropods studied so far have shown any unequivocal signs of stress fractures or
osteoarthritis. 10
Sauropodomorphs were subject to consumption by carnivores, specifically by their
theropod contemporaries. Evidence for their role in Mesozoic food chains is largely
expressed through toothmarks on sauropod bones, such as the documented
numerous toothmarks on Apatosaurus bones that were probably inflicted by its Late
Jurassic contemporary, Allosaurus (Chapter 14). One assumption is that such tooth-
marked sauropods were the spoils of predation, but no definitive evidence supports
that sauropods were the victims of predation more or less often than their corpses
were scavenged. Indeed, the sheer size of some sauropod species, as well as track-
way evidence showing that sauropods moved together in herds, have been proposed
as protective measures that discouraged predation. In similar modern terrestrial pre-
datorprey relationships between large herds of herbivores and pack-hunting
animals, lions have been known to isolate and kill very young or weak members
of an elephant herd. However, the mere presence of the herd structure, compounded
with the sizes of adult elephants and their fierce protectiveness, is normally
sufficient deterrent to predation. This means that a successful hunt on an elephant
is rare. With this simile in mind and the little evidence that is known, sauro-
podomorphs probably were not subject to any more predation than other herbivorous
dinosaurs. In effect, they may have been even more resistant to death through
such means, despite the enormous amount of potential protein that some sauro-
podomorph species could have provided for predators.
Wilson, J. A. and Carrano, M. T. 1999. Titanosaurs and the origin of wide-gauge track-
ways: A biomechanical and systematic perspective on sauropod locomotion. Paleobio-
logy 25: 252267.
Yates, A. M. and Kitching, J. W. 2003. The earliest known sauropod dinosaur and the
first steps towards sauropod locomotion. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London:
Biological Sciences 270: 17531758.
While listening to the radio, you hear a science report that discusses efforts to
protect the nests of sea turtles on the barrier islands of the eastern USA, some
of which are endangered species in parts of the world. As you listen to the story,
you learn that sea turtle mothers will crawl on to a sandy beach, dig a hole, lay
their eggs, bury them, and then return to the sea. This means that the mothers
will never see their offspring, having left them to fend for themselves. Moreover,
the offspring may never hatch at all because raccoons and feral hogs prey on
turtle eggs.
Did dinosaur mothers act like sea turtles, or did they care for their young, not
only watching them hatch but staying with them while they grew in their nests?
What evidence would be needed to prove dinosaurs took care of their offspring?
Their trace fossil record is also rich, consisting of numerous trackways, nests, and
coprolites. They became so widespread throughout the Mesozoic that they left their
bodily remains or traces of their behavior on every continent by the end of the
Cretaceous. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this wide geographic range was
that some of their skeletal material has been found in both Arctic and Antarctic re-
gions. Such a latitudinal distribution has been part of the basis for hypothesizing
ornithopod migrations, conjuring once odd but now-familiar recreations of great herds
of these dinosaurs moving with the seasons, as with modern mammalian herbivores.
Perhaps the best reason to study ornithopods is because their fossil record pro-
vides the most complete and compelling evidence available about the social lives
of dinosaurs, which is only rivaled by sauropods. Preliminary data indicate that at
least one species of ornithopod lived in large communal nesting grounds, where
the juveniles were restricted to their nests for their formative years while the par-
ents took care of them. Other ornithopods show elaborate head structures that prob-
ably served as resonating chambers for calling to one another, but also may have
been prominent cues for gender identification. Some ornithopods had easily visible
tusks, and others had large spiked thumbs and hands that could grasp, all giving
rise to hypotheses about the functions of such features.
Ornithopods certainly comprised one of the most interesting of dinosaur clades
and have been the source of some revolutionary hypotheses about dinosaurs in gen-
eral. Their study has been at the center of the significant changes in perceptions
about intraspecific behavior of dinosaurs that have taken place in only the past
25 years.
n Offset tooth row, where the maxillary teeth are higher (more dorsal) than
those in the premaxillary, although teeth in the latter might be missing
n Occlusal surface is higher (more dorsal) than the jaw joint.
n Crescent-shaped paraoccipital process is located in the posterior of the skull.
n Premaxilla has an elongate process that touches either (or both) the pre-
frontal or lachrymal.
Elongate Process
Occlusal surface
Jaw joint
Tooth Row
(Premaxilla) (Lateral View)
FIGURE 11.1 Important characters for Clade Ornithopoda: offset tooth row; occlusal
surface higher than jaw joint; crescent-shaped paraoccipital process; premaxilla with an
elongate process.
Hadrosaurinae Lambeosaurinae
ORNITHOPODA Cerapoda + Ornithopoda = stem-based
Marginocephalia = node-based
Heterodontosaurids (= different toothed lizard), which lived only during the Early
Jurassic and mostly in southern Africa, derive their name from their differentiated
teeth, an unusual condition for any dinosaurian clade. In fact, some of their teeth
are morphologically distinctive enough that they are known only in heterodonto-
saurids. These teeth, occurring in the areas of the former cheeks, have been described
as chisel-like because they come to an edge at their crowns, which are also adorned
with denticles. Other teeth that are radically different from the cheek teeth are canine-
like tusks on the predentary and dentary (Fig. 11.3). Although these teeth might
look menacing, and were probably visible externally when the mouth was closed,
they were not used for predation. A more likely explanation is that they served for
display within their species. A few paleontologists have suggested that they may
even be indicators of sexual dimorphism and present in only one gender.
Heterodontosaurid males are assumed to have been the possessors of these
attributes, although this assignment is arbitrary.
Parts of the appendicular skeleton of heterodontosaurids indicate that they had
well-developed arms and hands, which are interpreted as adaptations to feeding,
such as pulling or holding on to plants, or even for digging. No other evidence,
such as trace fossils or former gut contents, has verified these interpretations, but
they are reasonably inferred on the basis of other adaptations that clearly favor
an herbivorous habit. The best-known heterodontosaurid species, the eponymous
Heterodontosaurus, had a large number of caudal vertebrae, which resulted in a tail
that made up more than half the total length of the body. It also has hind limbs
with fused distal elements, specifically in the tibia, fibula, and tarsals. These traits
are interpreted as aids to fast movement. Such an adaptation certainly would have
been advantageous for a small herbivore in an Early Jurassic world already inhab-
ited by large ceratosaurs (Chapter 9).
Heterodontosaurids also included Abrictosaurus, Lycorhinus, and Echinodon, although
the latter two are only identified from sparse skeletal material. This scarcity is prob-
ably related to their apparent biogeographic restriction, relatively short geologic range,
and taphonomic factors in their preferred environments. However, heterodontosaurid
remains have been found in arid-climate facies, which normally are conducive to
preserving skeletal remains in the event of quick burial (Chapter 7). Faced with
such a disappointingly small number of bones, paleontologists could then turn to
trace fossils. Although ornithopod tracks from the Early Jurassic are common in
some places, none have been attributed specifically to heterodontosaurids. Likewise,
no other trace fossils of heterodontosaurids, such as nests, tooth marks, gastroliths,
or coprolites, have been recognized. Embryonic remains of heterodontosaurids are 11
also unknown. Thus, paleontologists who study heterodontosaurids do not have
much material for interpreting the lifestyles of these seminal ornithopods.
Because current cladistic analyses now suggest that Hypsilophodontidae is a para-
phyletic grouping of basal ornithopods, the use of hypsilophodontid is used here
to describe all euornithopods outside of the clade Iguanodontia and is not meant
to connote a clade.
In contrast to heterodontosaurids, hypsilophodontids are better known through
complete or otherwise well-preserved skeletons of one species (Hypsilophodon) and
fragments of about 10 other species. Hypsilophodontids occur in strata formed
during the Middle Jurassic through to the Late Cretaceous, representing a wider
geologic range than heterodontosaurids. Fossil specimens are found in regions
as widespread as North America, South America, Europe, China, and Australia.
Morphologically, hypsilophodontids were larger than their heterodontosaurid pre-
decessors (about 1.5 to 4 meters long) and their robust hind limbs were slightly
The latter served as an extension to the anterior part of the face and was used to
crop vegetation. Overall, hypsilophodontid skulls point toward advanced adapta-
tions to feeding that exemplified later modifications to herbivore behavior in other
Besides Hypsilophodon, an important hypsilophodontid is Thescelosaurus of the Late
Cretaceous in North America, which retains some primitive characteristics of basal
ornithopods (Fig. 11.4). This retention shows that it was a conservative form
because it lived toward the end of the geologic range for basal euornithopods. In
2000, Thescelosaurus became famous from one well-preserved specimen that had a
mineralized mass in the probable site of its heart. This concretion led to the hypo-
thesis that it represented a four-chambered heart with a single aorta, which sub-
sequently encouraged some critical scientific debate (Chapter 8).
Jurassic hypsilophodontids include the Middle Jurassic Agilisaurus and
Yandusaurus, which come from the same formation in China. The similar and small
(less than 1 meter long) Drinker and Othniela from the Late Jurassic Morrison Forma-
tion are representative hypsilophodontids from the western USA (Fig. 11.5). Ironic-
ally, these dinosaurs were named after rival paleontologists: Drinker was named in
honor of Edward Drinker Cope, whereas Othniela was named after Othniel Charles
Marsh (Chapter 3). Early Cretaceous genera from Australia are Atlascopcosaurus,
Leaellynasaura, and Qantassaurus, but each genus is known from only a few frag-
ments. Although the Early Cretaceous Hypsilophodon considerably predates Parko-
saurus from the latest part of the Cretaceous, the two species closely resemble
one another, indicating probable relatedness. Another Late Cretaceous species,
Its namesake, Iguanodon, was one of the first dinosaurs to be named from the
geologic record in England. Later in the mid-nineteenth century, tracks were also
flourished during the Late Cretaceous, whereas more primitive iguanodontians showed
a decline in both numbers and species.
Because of this abundance and diversity, the classification of hadrosaurids is nearly
as complicated, detailed, and contentious as that devised for theropods (Chapter
9). To make sense of the large amount of fossil data for hadrosaurids, they will be
discussed through their two most well-represented clades, Hadrosaurinae and
Hadrosaurines are nicknamed the flat-headed hadrosaurids because they have
skulls that are wider than tall. Representative species include the Late Cretaceous
Anatotitan, Brachylophosaurus, Edmontosaurus (Fig. 11.7A), Gryposaurus, Maiasaura,
Prosaurolophus, Saurolophus, Shantungosaurus, and of course Hadrosaurus. In contrast,
lambeosaurines are called the hollow-crested hadrosaurids owing to their
enlarged and separated nasal chambers enclosed by bones that formed dorsal crests
on their skulls. Lambeosaurines, which were also common in the Late Cretaceous,
include Parasaurolophus, Corythosaurus, Hypacrosaurus, and Lambeosaurus of North
America, as well as Tsintaosaurus of China (Fig. 11.7B). Interestingly, these two group-
ings of hadrosaurids were recognized long before the advent of cladistics, thus
indicating how previous generations of paleontologists correctly interpreted their
common ancestry despite the differences of a few anatomical features.
All of these traits indicate bipedalism and the ability to perform rapid cursorial move-
ments. These are evolutionary adaptations that were also echoed by heterodon-
tosaurids and hypsilophodontids before iguanodontians evolved toward greater
sizes. As a result, it is understandable that paleontologists saw these dinosaurs as
evolutionary precursors to later clades of ornithopods. Interestingly, one of these
former fabrosaurids, Agilisaurus louderbacki from the Middle Jurassic of China, did
turn out to be the most ancestral euornithopod known, so it was recognized as a
key species for understanding ornithopod evolution.
Primitive ornithischians described from the Late
The paleobiogeography of Triassic are from North America, South America
ornithopods, as noted (Argentina), and South Africa. This distribution suggests
earlier, was apparently that land connections between these three continents,
represented by the southern continent of Gondwana
limited to southern Africa 11
(Chapters 4 and 6), permitted the dispersal of these
during the Early Jurassic.
dinosaurs prior to ornithopods proper showing up in
However, adaptive
the Early Jurassic. The heterodontosaurids, the earliest
radiation and dispersal of known undoubted ornithopods, also occur in the Early
ornithopod lineages had Jurassic of South Africa, which geographically and tem-
taken place by the Middle porally links them to possible ornithischian relatives. The
Jurassic, and by the end later ornithopod clades then spread throughout all
of the Cretaceous they other continents after the Middle Jurassic, particularly
occupied every continent. with the ascension of euornithopods from the Late
Jurassic through to the Late Cretaceous.
Ornithopods occupied various habitats, their body and trace fossils indicating a
former presence in fluvial, lacustrine, swamp, deltaic, and coastal marine (tidal flat
and shoreline) environments. Late Cretaceous strata, associated with coal beds
of western North America in particular, show abundant hadrosaurid footprints
associated with many plant fossils. Some of these tracks are preserved in coal beds
and are still frequently encountered by miners. This evidence indicates that at least
some hadrosaurid species lived in forested areas adjacent to coal-forming swamps
(Fig. 11.8).
1 their specialized adaptations to feeding, evident through their teeth and jaws;
2 their increased size, which also may have been partially an adaptation to
Sauropods (Chapter 10) were also occupying some of the same environments as
their ornithopod contemporaries. Nevertheless, the great differences in their sizes,
readily apparent by the end of the Jurassic, suggest that they were not competing
for the same foodstuffs.
At the same time when sauropods declined in species and numbers, iguano-
dontians in particular seemed to increase in both respects. By the end of the
Cretaceous, hadrosaurids had replaced sauropods as the largest terrestrial herbivores
in many areas of the world, although ceratopsians were new potential competitors
(Chapter 13). The relationships between ornithopods, other dinosaurs, vegetation,
and their coevolution in continental ecosystems of the Mesozoic will be further
explored later.
The reproductive and brooding behaviors of some species of ornithopods are prob-
ably the best documented for all dinosaurs. Consequently, their intriguing family
lives warrant extended coverage here. Their stories begin with sexual attraction and
end with the nurturing of juveniles, with the cycle beginning anew with each suc-
cessive ornithopod generation that reached reproductive age. As products of such
cycles, a few species of ornithopods left numerous clues about their reproductive
lives that overturned many preconceptions about dinosaurian reproduction.
Traditionally held views of dinosaurs, based not so much on actual fossil evidence
but on speculation and modern analogues, portrayed them as brutish, cold-blooded
reptiles, in both the physiological and archetypical senses. Most modern reptiles,
to which dinosaurs were consistently compared, lay their eggs and then leave the
young to fend for themselves (Chapter 8). Sea turtles, for example, lay their eggs
on land and promptly go back to sea, never seeing their potential offspring again.
Unguarded nests contain potential protein for egg predators, so embryo mortality
in such instances can be very high. Crocodilians show slightly more concern for
the welfare of their young: mothers will stay near a nest after laying eggs and in
some cases will dig out newly hatched juveniles buried in hole nests. However,
crocodilians still do not take an active role in brooding and parenting, that is, they
do not sit on their nests or bring food to the hatched young.
Fossil data gathered in only the past 20 years or so have changed the prior concep-
tion of little to no ornithopod parental care. Now they are considered attractive to
one another, and caring animals, whose reproductive behavior was more akin to
some modern birds than reptiles. However, equating ornithopods with modern birds
may be an exaggeration, as ornithopods lack anatomical evidence for feathers
or any feather-like structures. In fact, skin impressions from desiccated remains of
hadrosaurids show variably sized knobs and scaly skin, which is associated with
reptiles (see Fig. 5.8). The body and trace fossils of the theropods Oviraptor and Troodon
provide far better examples of brooding behaviors in dinosaurs that resemble birds.
Furthermore, these theropods are more closely related to birds than ornithopods
(Chapter 9). Nevertheless, nurturing behavior was first interpreted in ornithopods,
not theropods, so ornithopods have provided the historical model for comparison
with all other data dealing with similar reproductive behavior in dinosaurs.
Attracting Mates
The onset of the reproductive cycle, of course, begins with attracting potential
mates. Ornithopods are perhaps only surpassed by ceratopsians (Chapter 13) for
dinosaurian flamboyance in their sexual advertising. The Mesozoic saw extensive
and elaborate head ornamentation in some species, such as the Late Cretaceous
lambeosaurines Parasaurolophus or Tsintaosaurus. For skulls of the same species, some
paleontologists have even speculated that gender might be assignable on the
basis of males potentially having larger headgear, which is seen in modern large
mammals, such as deer. Dewlaps, large pieces of skin hanging from the ventral 11
surface of the lower jaw (possessed by turkeys, for example), may have supplemented
or replaced headgear for attractiveness in some ornithopods. At least one specimen
of the Late Cretaceous hadrosaurid, Maiasaura, has a preserved skin impression of
a structure consistent with a dewlap.
The tusks seen in Early Jurassic heterodontosaurids have lead to speculation that
these accouterments could also have been useful in intraspecific combat and
territorial disputes. Unfortunately, no actual fossil evidence of toothmarks has been
reported that might record such encounters between heterodontosaurids. In terms
of visual obviousness, the Early Cretaceous iguanodontian Ouranosaurus of Niger,
with its dorsally extended processes on its vertebrae, would have been easily
observed from a lateral view. Such an adaptation may have supported a sailback
similar to spinosaurs (Chapter 9) or the pre-dinosaurian pelycosaurs (Chapter 6).
However, an alternative hypothesis is that Ouranosaurus had a broad hump, like
modern bison or camels, rather than a thin sail. Regardless of whether it had a sail
or a hump, Ouranosaurus must have been easy to spot by others of its species.
Although ornithopod communication between the sexes may have been wholly
conducted through visual cues, like many other animals, they also probably relied
on other sensory stimuli. For example, the internal configuration of nasal cavities
within the dorsally located cranial crests in some hadrosaurids may also indicate
whether they were used for crooning, an auditory means of wooing. Hadrosauridine
cranial crests can be categorized as solid or hollow, based on the presence or absence
of bone in the crest. Solid-crested forms, such as Saurolophus, have large nasal cham-
bers under the solid bone; non-crested hadrosaurids (such as Edmontosaurus and
Kritosaurus) have a similar anatomical situation. In contrast, the hollow-crested forms,
represented by the lambeosaurines, have tube-like structures that emanate from the
nasal cavities and extend dorsally and posteriorly.
Initial analyses of these structures resulted in hypotheses that fit the former view
of ornithopods and most large dinosaurs, such as sauropods (Chapter 10), as
aquatic animals. In these hypotheses, the tubes were thought to be snorkels. How-
ever, more complete lambeosaurine skulls, such as those of the Late Cretaceous
Parasaurolophus and Tsintaosaurus, show the tubes to be U-shaped, having no dis-
cernible openings at the top. This configuration meant that the structures did not
aid in breathing underwater, effectively falsifying the snorkel explanation. Thus far,
the simplest hypothesis devised on the basis of the evidence is that these tubes,
which connected with the nasal cavities, were resonating
An understanding of chambers used for changing the sounds produced, by mov-
ing air through the lambeosaurine skull.
how resonating
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it,
chambers worked in
does it make a sound? The answer is no, because the tree does
these skulls requires
not make a sound, as sound is a mental translation made from
a discussion of the perception of a compressional wave that traveled to the ani-
fundamental physics mal. Sound not only depends on a host that can perceive it
of sound. but, because of its wave properties is also affected by:
For example, a compressional wave will travel faster through a denser medium:
at 20C, sound waves in water move at about 1470 m/s, but in air they move at
343 m/s. In gases, with higher temperatures, the speed of sound increases notice-
ably, at about 30 cm/s for each 1C. So during times of higher global temperatures,
which were common during much of the Cretaceous Period, sound traveled
slightly faster. For example, on a typical equatorial day in the lowland tropics of
the Mesozoic the temperature may have been 40C, which would have caused the
speed of sound to have been:
V = (343 m/s) + (0.3 m/s 20) = 343 m/s + 6.0 m/s = 349 m/s (11.1)
1 obstacles that reflect the sound, exemplified by echoes off canyon walls;
2 refraction of the sound as it passes from local air masses of different tem-
peratures; and
3 wind direction and velocity.
With regard to the latter, animals downwind of sounds will hear them more
easily than animals upwind or standing in still air. This is because the sounds have
been carried to the downwind animals as compressional waves in the air moving
toward them. Sound also will travel farther if it has a low frequency, with frequency
defined as:
n = V/ (11.2)
(For 60 cm)
Step 1. n = 343 m/s/0.6 m
Step 2. n = 572 vibrations per second (Hertz)
(For 90 cm)
Step 1. n = 343 m/s/0.9 m
Step 2. n = 381 vibrations per second
The longer wavelength for the second sound also results in a lower frequency. Using
the human voice as an example, a baritone will sing using lower frequency sounds
(longer wavelengths) than will a tenor, and a soprano will have a higher frequency
sound (shorter wavelengths) than a tenor. Modern wind instruments also illustrate
these principles: a bass tuba emits lower frequencies than a flute.
In the case of Parasaurolophus and its unusual U-shaped cranial tube, sound would
have been caused by air moving through the tube as it was inhaled and exhaled
through the nares. Sound would have been compressed in the tube and thus
the length would have controlled the wavelength and the frequency of any sound
emitted. In other words, the longer the tube, the longer the frequency. This regu-
lation of frequency to change the quality of a sound is resonance. Parasaurolophus
had a long tube (about 2 meters) bent around like a trombone, which apparently
served as a resonance chamber. Models of the tubes scaled to the same size make
low-frequency sounds of about 85 vibrations per second when air is blown through 11
them. Slightly different lengths of tubes, which might have been inherent with sex-
ually dimorphic Parasaurolophus (although this dimorphism is not firmly established),
correspondingly would have produced slightly different sounds. These differences
could have been important from a mating perspective because they would have
helped the animals to distinguish genders of the same species from a distance with-
out requiring any visual contact. Furthermore, juvenile Parasaurolophus had shorter
tubes, so their sounds would have had a higher pitch (frequency) that would have
been distinct from the adult sounds, which certainly would have aided active
parenting. Other hadrosaurids, whether they were non-crested, solid-crested, or hollow-
crested, may have supplemented their enlarged nasal cavities with soft tissues that
also would have affected the resonance of any sounds that they made.
FIGURE 11.9 The hadrosaurid Maiasaura with its nest and juveniles, based on associated
body and trace fossil material from the Late Cretaceous Two Medicine Formation of
Montana. Fernbank Museum of Natural History, Atlanta, Georgia; restoration on loan
from the Museum of the Rockies, Bozeman, Montana.
to 4000 cm3. In the absence of in-situ embryos, connecting egglayers with dinosaur
eggs is always fraught with risk, but a few ornithopod examples provide well-
supported identifications. The most complete information regarding eggs, embryos,
nest structures, and associated juveniles for an ornithopod species is represented
by the Late Cretaceous hadrosaurine Maiasaura pebblesorum of western North
America (Fig. 11.9).
Clutch sizes for Maiasaura consisted of a minimum of 11 eggs. However, the
arrangement of the clutch and whether the eggs in a nest structure actually repres-
ent a single egg-laying episode are still uncertain. These trace fossils were sedimentary
structures distinct from the surrounding sediment, so they were probably mound
nests. Fossil evidence for vegetation in the nests, such as carbonized plant mater-
ial or leaf impressions, is currently lacking. Some pale-
Nest structures associated ontologists, however, have inferred that vegetation
must have been present for protection and keeping eggs
with Maiasaura eggs
at near-constant incubation temperatures. No informa-
and juvenile remains are
tion has conclusively shown that Maiasaura, or any
circular bowl-shaped
other ornithopods, actively brooded their clutches by sit-
depressions about 2 ting on their nests, as proposed for smaller theropods such
meters wide, and 0.8 as Oviraptor and Troodon. Maiasaura must have done nest
meters deep, with slopes building through digging, piling, and compacting sedi-
of nearly 30 in places. ment into the described structures, presumably using their
limbs but they may also have put their shovel-shaped
snouts to good use.
Nest structures occur at the same horizons in some locations, suggesting that at
least some of them were contemporaneous. This coincidence implies communal nest-
ing grounds for this species. Interestingly, no root structures or other evidence of
in-situ vegetation is noticeable between nest structures, which probably means that
the mounds were made in open areas without substantial tree cover. The nest struc-
tures are about seven meters apart from one another, which is the length of an adult
Maiasaura. This distance may point toward a respect for living space by different
Maiasaura parents. For example, body-length spacing (at a minimum) would have
helped to prevent adults from stumbling over or into nests belonging to other adults.
The recurrence of nesting horizons on different stratigraphic levels but in the same
area argues persuasively for site fidelity, where the maiasaurs returned to the same
area year after year for nesting and brooding. Such site fidelity for dinosaur nest-
ing is also interpreted for Late Cretaceous titanosaurids in Argentina (Chapter 10).
The most startling hypothesis that emerged from detailed examination of these
nesting grounds is that the adults took care of their young for extended periods
of time after they hatched. Data supporting this hypothesis were based on the
following observations and inferences:
positively correlated with body size in modern crocodilians and the same condi-
tion is reasonably assumed for dinosaurs.
Other ornithopod embryos have been reported for the Late Jurassic iguanodon-
tians Dryosaurus and Camptosaurus of North America, although nest structures and
associated egg material for these species are still unknown. The disappointing lack
of definite attribution of eggs, embryos, and nest structures for heterodontosaurids
and other non-iguantonian ornithopods means that hypotheses concerning the evo-
lution of nurturing behavior in these ornithopods are still untested. For example,
the small ornithopod Orodromeus was originally considered the nestmaker and egglayer
responsible for dinosaur egg assemblages in Late Cretaceous strata of Montana.
This conclusion was made on the basis of the closely associated remains of near-
embryonic juveniles. However, this hypothesis was falsified when the interior of
one of the eggs revealed an embryonic Troodon, a small theropod (Chapter 9). The
presumed parenthood of Orodromeus was dropped as a result of this information
and a lesson was learned about avoiding guilt by association that is, assuming
that certain eggs and nests belong to dinosaurs whose remains happen to be nearby.
The actual nests and eggs of Orodromeus are still unknown, despite the better-
than-average establishment of the reproductive habits of its contemporaneous
iguanodontian relatives.
Our knowledge of parental care among ornithopods specifically, and dinosaurs
in general, is mostly limited as a hypothesis to iguanodontian fossil data from the
Late Cretaceous of North America. Nevertheless, these fossils and their interpreta-
tions will give future researchers a better idea of what search patterns to assume
when looking for similar fossil evidence from other ornithopods.
Growth series calculated for some ornithopod species, based on bone proportions,
are partially to almost complete. Moreover, these data are supplemented by bone
histology relating to growth lines and LAGs (Chapter 8). The Late Cretaceous
hadrosaurid Maiasaura of North America is again well represented in this respect,
with specimens ranging from possible newborns to full-sized adults. Partial growth
series also are available for the Late Jurassic Dryosaurus and Late Cretaceous
Hypacrosaurus of North America. For example, Dryosaurus skulls show that a typi-
cal juvenile trait is small skulls correlated with large orbits. The latter trait meant
that the eyes were large relative to the rest of the face. With increased growth of
the skull, the orbits became proportionally smaller. Similar ontogenetic trends are
also observed for Hypacrosaurus, where both the orbits and frontals shrunk in pro-
portion to the rest of the skull and the face became longer. Size-frequency analyses
of bones in general also can be used to estimate growth rates. For example, an ana-
lysis of Maiasaura juveniles indicates that they may have achieved 3-m lengths within
one year. This evidence implies that these ornithopods had high metabolic rates
in the early stages of life, similar to some theropods (Chapter 9).
Of course, longer limb bones are assumed to belong to older individuals of any
given species, which then are used as a relative scalar for other measurements, such
as LAGs and amounts of fibrolamellar bone between LAGs. LAGs are possibly a result
of annual periods of slow (arrested) growth, and if this is assumed they can be used
to estimate how old a given dinosaur was when it died. However, environmental
factors independent of seasonal changes can also cause LAGs, so they are not
absolutely reliable for calculating ages. Regardless, LAGs in the Late Cretaceous
hypsilophodontid Orodromeus suggest that this dinosaur had intermediate growth
rates. Furthermore, thick deposits of fibrolamellar bone in between LAGs comprise
a characteristic of fast growth, which has been recorded for Maiasaura juveniles.
FIGURE 11.10 Morphologically similar but differently sized Late Cretaceous hadrosaur
tracks, interpreted as representative of growth stages. Casts of original tracks put together
for comparison, Dinosaur Track Display, University of Colorado, Denver.
1 they may have been made by more than one species of ornithopod in the
same area with similarly shaped and sized feet; and 11
2 they may not have been contemporaneous, and the undertracks of adults
possibly could have been transmitted to underlying (older) layers contain-
ing juvenile tracks; and
3 foot growth rates may have been different from growth rates for other body
Nonetheless, if these problems are resolvable, then the sheer abundance of tracks
in some instances provide censuses that typically far exceed any given ornithopod
bone bed. Indeed, one study of iguanodontian tracks from a single bedding plane
in an Early Cretaceous stratum of Colorado yielded hundreds of measurements
showing a variety of sizes (2048 cm long) for otherwise morphologically identical
tracks. Localities with Early and Late Cretaceous strata that contain abundant orni-
thopod footprints, such as those in western Canada, South Korea, and other areas
of the world, are also amenable to such an analysis. These data can thus provide
insights into population structures of ornithopods that can supplement measure-
ments of bones.
n The ossified tendons that reinforced the tails kept them stiff, not flexible.
In contrast, modern aquatic species of large reptiles, such as crocodilians,
are very dependent on their flexible tails for propulsion.
n The manus and pes of a typical iguanodontian are much too small in pro-
portion to the rest of the body to have overcome the resistance of the water
that would have dragged on their considerable bulks. This situation is
regardless of whether they had webbed feet or not.
n The hind limbs show little evidence that they were better adapted for
swimming than those of similarly sized theropods. This is not to say that
iguanodontians could not swim. After all, similarly bulky elephants can swim
long distances. But if a primary mode of defense was to swim away from
predators, they should show adaptations that are clearly superior to those
of their supposed theropod harassers.
As mentioned earlier, the hollow cranial crests of lambeosaurines also were con-
sidered to be snorkel-like aquatic adaptations, but the discovery that the snorkel
did a U-turn (and thus would have quickly caused drowning) nullified that
hypothesis. Finally, the duckbill of hadrosaurids, with its lack of anterior teeth
and its distinctive shape, so characteristic of these ornithopods, was also cited as
evidence for a semi-aquatic habit. Also, soft plants typical of coastal areas and lakes
were thought to be the food most suitable for these ornithopods. Such a scenario
ignored these dinosaurs impressive dental batteries, which are now recognized as
among the best adaptations to feeding on tough, fibrous foods ever devised in the
history of terrestrial herbivores.
However, some iguanodontian remains are found in nearshore marine or other
lowland facies, which means that a few were at least proximal to water bodies.
Consequently, the aquatic-ornithopod hypothesis is not completely falsified, but it
is poorly supported, which means that paleontologists will conditionally accept that
most ornithopods, like most dinosaurs, were terrestrial animals.
All ornithopods were obligate herbivores and unlike some other herbivorous
dinosaurs, such as sauropodomorphs (Chapter 10), their teeth and jaw structures
show that they were efficient chewers of plant material. In fact, features in the
skull reflecting adaptations for processing large amounts of vegetation are diagnostic
of Ornithopoda. For example, a few primitive ornithschians are discounted as
ornithopods by paleontologists partially on the basis of their lack of inset teeth.
This characteristic also implies that these ornithischians did not have cheeks for
temporarily storing food. More advanced adaptations to cutting and grinding veg-
etation first show up in the Early Jurassic heterodontosaurids, which had their cheek
teeth proximal enough to form rudimentary dental batteries.
Other more derived non-iguanodontians show a progression toward more grind-
ing ability, evidenced by:
processing plant fibers. Indeed, this amount of periodic wear would have caused
exceedingly sophisticated adaptations for consuming plants that contained much
incorporated silica or external grit.
Possible former gut contents were reported from one specimen of the Late
Cretaceous hadrosaurid Edmontosaurus, which consisted of needles, seeds, and
twigs from conifers. A few large (about 30-cm diameter) irregularly shaped copro-
lites, attributed to hadrosaurids (Maiasaura, specifically) interpreted from the Late
Cretaceous of Montana, also contain ground-up conifer wood tissue (Fig. 14.14).
This coprolite evidence, in combination with the aforementioned gut contents from
a similar species, corroborates a dietary choice of difficult-to-chew foodstuff, which
certainly could have been handled by the dental batteries of both animals.
However, two qualifications should be kept in mind before making any grand gen-
eralizations about ornithopod feeding preferences:
One of the more interesting paleoecological side notes gained from analysis of
the possible Maiasaura coprolites is that these products of ornithopod digestion also
provided food for other animals in the Cretaceous ecosystem, namely dung beetles.
The coprolites contain distinctive burrows, comparable to those made in modern
fecal material by dung-eating beetles. This insight gained from dinosaur coprolites
helps to better understand the flow of energy and matter between conifers, beetles,
and dinosaurs during a thin slice of time from the Late Cretaceous.
Gastroliths are apparently either absent from or rarely associated with ornithopod
remains. However, when Barnum Brown first discussed these dinosaur trace fossils
in the early part of the twentieth century, he used polished stones found with a
skeleton of the Late Cretaceous hadrosaurid Claosaurus as an example (Chapter 3).
This proposed association was later rejected as too unconvincing. Indeed, no
definitive examples of gastroliths are documented for ornithopods, despite their rich
body fossil record with numerous near-complete skeletons. Either this lack is gen-
uine and ornithopods did not have gastroliths, or they were present but overlooked
in excavations of their remains. If the former were correct, then an absence of gas- 11
troliths in ornithopods could be explained by compensating adaptations of the teeth
and jaws to grind plants in the mouth rather than in the gut. Additionally, hetero-
dontosaurids and other non-iguanodontians might be expected to have gastroliths
because their dentition was not as advanced as that of iguanodontians. Interest-
ingly, this generalization does not hold up well for at least one species of ceratop-
sian that has both well-developed dental batteries and gastroliths (Chapter 13).
Consequently, any future discoveries of ornithopods that contain stones consistent
with gastroliths might provide more questions than answers.
Social Life
As mentioned earlier in various contexts, a few species of ornithopods, particularly
some from the Late Cretaceous, exemplify the best-known social lives of all
dinosaurs. Indeed, acquisition and dissemination of this knowledge contributed in
a major way to changes in both scientific and public perceptions of dinosaurs in
general. The aforementioned nesting grounds of the iguanodontians Maiasaura and
Hypacrosaurus in the Late Cretaceous of Montana comprise the most persuasive
Ornithopods, like most dinosaurs, were mostly healthy animals, but a few speci-
mens have evidence of paleopathological conditions. For example, one specimen
of Camptosaurus shows fractures in the caudal vertebrae and ilium. Fractured cau-
dal vertebrae also have been reported in hadrosaurids. Some paleontologists have
speculated that these fractures are related to mating, caused by stress placed on the
caudal region of a receptive (or not so receptive) female by an enthusiastic and vig-
orous male weighing several tonnes. Unfortunately, independent data to test this
somewhat ribald speculation have yet to be found. Another example of a bone frac-
ture in ornithopods is in a specimen of Iguanodon, which had an injured ischium.
Two other specimens of Iguanodon show evidence of osteoarthritis in bone over-
growths called osteophytes, which are visible in the anklebones of these
dinosaurs. Nonetheless, osteoarthritis is actually rare in dinosaurs, despite this reported
occurrence in two individuals of the same ornithopod species.
Some ornithopods do show evidence of having been prey for theropods and were
at least scavenged by crocodiles, as indicated by both toothmarks and coprolites.
Late Cretaceous hadrosaurids in particular seem to have been on the menu for
theropods both large and small. As far as predation is concerned, the famous speci-
men of Edmontosaurus (Fig. 11.7A), nicknamed The One That Got Away, shows
a large-diameter but healed bite mark in its caudal vertebrae. This, and another
Edmontosaurus with a tyrannosaurid tooth embedded in a healed rib, comprise
undoubted indicators of at least two tyrannosaurids that preyed on live
hadrosaurids. A convincing but still equivocal example of a predatorprey relationship
between a theropod and ornithopod is a find of several of the Early Cretaceous
dromaeosaur Deinonychus surrounding a single iguanodontian Tenontosaurus, as
described in detail earlier (Chapters 7 and 9).
c. How much faster did the sound of the breaking twig travel to the
iguanodontian than if the temperature had been 25C?
d. Assuming that the iguanodontian farthest away from the one at
the back of the herd is 150 meters distant, how much time would
have elapsed between the breaking of the twig and this iguano-
dontian receiving the warning sound?
6. The chapter provides the values of 0.085 m3 and 85.5 liters for a lam-
beosaurine egg clutch. How would you arrive at these figures? What
are some of the assumptions made in the calculations and what are
possible sources of error in the extrapolation?
7. List the anatomical traits that characterize Heterodontosauridae and
Iguanodontia, as well as any other distinguishing information known
for them. What general evolutionary trends can you pick out that
occurred for ornithopods from the Early Jurassic through to the Late
Cretaceous? What could have caused those trends?
8. What evidence would you find the most convincing that some
hadrosaurids did not take care of their young? List all of the pos-
sible forms of evidence and rank them in order from most reliable
to least reliable, while explaining why you ranked them this way.
9. Current hypotheses about ornithopods do not support the previously
held ones about some species living semi-aquatic lifestyles. What new
evidence would better support the notion that at least some species
were semi-aquatic on a regular basis?
10. A dinosaur paleontologist finds a healed bite mark from a large thero-
pod in an adult specimen of Edmontosaurus. How could that paleonto-
logist figure out when the ornithopod was bitten? In other words,
how could the paleontologist answer the question as to whether it
was attacked as a young juvenile rather than a full-grown adult?
You visit the gift shop of your local natural history museum and, as you reach
into a bin of plastic models of dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and mammoths, your hand
encounters an upraised ridge on one model. You see that it is Stegosaurus and
the ridge is actually a row of plates on its dorsal surface. While you are wait-
ing at the checkout counter, you notice a poster that depicts a stegosaur in life,
with its plates overlapping and arranged in two rows. You look at the model in
your hand and see that it only has a single row of plates that do not overlap.
Which restoration is most likely, based on the available evidence? What was
the function of the plates? How could the arrangement of the plates have an
impact on interpretations about their function?
Ankylosauridae Nodosauridae
Emausaurus Ankylosauria
Although the most recognizable trait of a thyreophoran is its dermal armor, this
feature is not diagnostic by itself. In fact, an assumption that dermal armor was a
foolproof identifier of a former thyreophoran presence led to an interpretation that
they lived in South America because isolated osteoderms had been found in some
Cretaceous deposits there. Much later, these structures were instead found in asso-
ciation with titanosaurids (Chapter 10). As a result, thyreophoran identifications
are now applied more cautiously, and they are still poorly known in South
America. Another qualifier is that not all thyreophorans were equally armored.
Ankylosaurs had hundreds of scutes over a majority of the surface areas of their
bodies, whereas stegosaurs only had localized patches and plates. Thus, an initial
hypothesis that dinosaur remains are thyreophoran can be made when scutes or
any other osteoderms are found in continental Jurassic or Cretaceous deposits, but
must be followed by more stringent identifications and analyses.
Another general distinguishing characteristic of thyreophorans is a squat stature
caused by short legs in relation to the rest of the body. These legs also have fore
limbs about half the length of the hind limbs (a ratio of about 35 : 65). Nearly all
thyreophorans were obligate quadrupeds because of these proportions. One basal
thyreophoran, Scutellosaurus from the Early Jurassic of the southwestern USA, was
possibly bipedal because of its relatively shorter fore limbs. However, other features,
such as its large number of osteoderms, a long torso and fore limbs, and big manus,
argue more for quadrupedalism. This mixture of features may mean that it was
descended from bipedal ancestors and represents a transition between the two types
of locomotion (Chapter 6). Secondary quadrupedalism is typical for quadrupedal
dinosaurs in general, but was certainly a necessary adaptation for ankylosaurs in
particular, once they developed more extensive body armor.
Thyreophorans were ornithischians but their deeply inset cheek teeth also help
to unite them with Genasauria. Thyreophoran teeth represented variations on a
main theme: they began as laterally compressed teeth crowned by apical denticles,
which was also typical of basal ornithischians (Chapter 11). They then became less
developed in later thyreophorans. Ankylosaurs and stegosaurs both had cheek teeth
but they were more medial (inward). The result was broad shelves on their den-
taries and maxillas, which gave them space for large cheeks.
Ankylosaurs and stegosaurs also had beaks in the anterior portions of their skulls
with a horny covering called a rhampotheca. In all but one genera of stegosaur,
the Middle Jurassic Huayangosaurus of China, the premaxillary teeth are missing.
Likewise, ankylosaurids and all but the most primitive nodosaurids, such as the Early
Cretaceous Silvisaurus of Kansas, have no premaxillary teeth. This implies that their
beaks were the main tools used for cropping plants. Cheek teeth in stegosaurs had
triangular profiles and broad crowns but long roots. The crowns were broadest at
their bases, forming a cignulum (small shelf), and were distinguished by numerous
vertically oriented ridges. Ankylosaur cheek teeth had a comparable morphology
but were more poorly-developed versions of stegosaur teeth. Overall, thyreophoran
teeth reflect their common ancestry, although some changes through time are evid-
ent in their lineages. These differences are attributable to evolutionary trends in
response to available foodstuff in Mesozoic terrestrial ecosystems.
n A broad, laterally compressed skull with armor covering the cranial sutures
and the supratemporal fenestra.
n Deeply inset cheek teeth, with cingulum on dentary and maxillary teeth.
Armored skull
Horizontal Ilium
(right lateral view)
Deeply inset teeth (ventral view)
Body armor
FIGURE 12.2 Defining character traits of Clade Ankylosauria: broad, armored skull with
deeply inset cheek teeth; synsacrum; horizontal ilium; closed acetabulum; and body
n Fusion of the precaudal third and fourth dorsal vertebrae with the sacrum
into a structure called a synsacrum.
n A horizontally oriented ilium (evident from a lateral view) and a reduced
n Separation of the pubis from the acetabulum, with a closing of the acetabulum
so that it is more like a cup for fitting the femur, rather than an open hole.
n Abundant body armor (Fig. 12.3).
Most of these features reflect adaptations that provided for protection but also
allowed an ankylosaurs body to move about freely, even though armored. For ex-
ample, the synsacrum provided support in the axial skeleton for body armor that
covered the dorsal surface. This trait appeared in combination with a secondarily
closed acetabulum. The latter is a unique feature in dinosaurs, which are partially
defined by having an open acetabulum as a primitive trait (Chapters 1 and 5). The
horizontally-oriented ilium also provided attachments for the muscles needed to
accommodate a body laden with osteoderms. Furthermore, ankylosaur limb bones
are thicker in proportion to limb lengths than most dinosaur limb bones. This means
that their limbs were adapted for upright and compact ankylosaur bodies, which
had great weights relative to volume. Ankylosaur fore limbs and hind limbs ended
in a broad manus and pes, each with stout toes terminated by unguals (hooves).
Unlike some other major dinosaur clades, digit counts for each foot differed for
some ankylosaurs. For example, a five-toed manus is known
for the Early Cretaceous Shamosaurus and Sauropelta, as well
Ankylosauridae and as the Late Cretaceous Talarurus and Pinacosaurus, but this same
Nodosauridae, the number has not been documented conclusively in other
two clades ankylosaurs. Numbers of digits in the pes of ankylosaurs
comprising range from five (Sauropelta) to four (Nodosaurus, Talarurus) to
Ankylosauria, are three (Euoplocephalus). Consequently, ankylosaur tracks are
difficult to distinguish difficult to distinguish from similarly-sized stegosaur or cer-
from one another. atopsian tracks on the basis of manuspes digit numbers
alone (Chapter 14).
FIGURE 12.3 Closely spaced osteoderms of a typical Late Jurassic ankylosaur, which likely
provided some excellent protection against predators from the same time. College of
Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum, Price, Utah.
Ankylosaurs can be classified into two clades by looking at either end of one. For
example, most skulls of ankylosaurids have:
Skull interiors were also markedly different. Ankylosaurid nares led into compli-
cated and sinuous nasal chambers, whereas nodosaurids only had a single tube asso-
ciated with each naris that connected with the throat.
At the other end of these dinosaurs, the tails were also different in the two clades.
Ankylosaurids had long processes of the distal caudal vertebrae that reinforced
the tail. This provided a handle for a bony club, composed of two pairs of large
and small osteoderms (Fig. 12.5). Nodosaurids lacked such modifications to their
FIGURE 12.4 Late nodosaurid skull, showing typical traits for a skull of its clade: laterally
placed nares, hornless, and a rounded shape. Compare with skull of Gargoyleosaurus in
Figure 12.6. College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum, Pice, Utah.
FIGURE 12.5 Tail club of the Late Cretaceous ankylosaurid Ankylosaurus, composed of
paired osteoderms. Denver Museum Science and Nature, Denver, Colorado.
caudal vertebrae and as a result lacked clubs. Some nodosaurids did carry a large
spike that projected horizontally from their sides, which would have deterred
most predators from random biting. An interesting observation made about some
of these spikes is that they show muscle-attachment sites at their bases and could
articulate with one another. These features support the hypothesis that the spikes
could have been moved in a scissor-like motion. Such a function would have had
a deleterious effect on any living flesh caught between them, such as phalanges on
a theropod manus.
Ankylosaurs made their earliest known appearance in the fossil record in the Middle
Jurassic, represented by the basal ankylosaur Sarcolestes of England, which was
succeeded by the Late Jurassic Dracopelta of Portugal and Mymoorapelta and
Gargoyleosaurus of western North America (Fig. 12.6). The earliest known and most
basal nodosaurid is the Early Cretaceous Cedarpelta of Utah; no Jurassic 12
nodosaurids are so far known. Cedarpelta differs from all other nodosaurids because
of its general paucity of cranial osteoderms, meaning that later members of its
lineage were more adorned. The large number of Early Cretaceous ankylosaurs
bespeaks of their later diversification: Hylaeosaurus and Polacanthus of western
Europe; Gastonia, Pawpawsaurus, Sauropelta, and Silvisaurus of western North
America; and Shamosaurus of Mongolia. The Early Cretaceous Minmi of Australia
was once considered a transitional form between ankylosaurids and nodosaurids,
but is now classified as a primitive ankylosaurid. This confusion is understandable
in the light of how this genus is known only from two partial skeletons, of which
only one has a skull. Indeed, the fragmentary nature of the single specimens that
define many ankylosaur species means that their designations as ankylosaurid or
nodosaurid have been subject to revisions with each new find and more detailed
cladistic analyses.
FIGURE 12.7 Ankylosaur track (probably the pes) in the Lower Cretaceous preserved
as natural cast on bottom of a stratum and cross-cut by a theropod track; Caon City,
Clade Stegosauria
Clade Stegosauria is named on the basis of the shingle-like appearance of the der-
mal plates on its back (stegos = roofed and sauros = lizard). Two overt charac-
teristics help to distinguish them from other thyreophorans:
Spikes also normally occur toward the posterior of stegosaurs and are often seen as
additions to the caudal vertebrae. In contrast, the plates are typical of the anterior
portion of the body but are still postcranial.
Perhaps the simplest Stegosaurs are also identifiable by their small skulls
relative to their body sizes, similar to sauropods (Chap-
way to be introduced to
ter 10). In these small skulls were correspondingly
stegosaurs as a group
diminutive brains, constituting some of the smallest
is to look at their star
EQs known for dinosaurs. Despite this shortcoming,
member, the Late Jurassic stegosaurs as a clade lived minimally from the Middle
Stegosaurus stenops Jurassic through to the Early Cretaceous, a span of
(Fig. 12.8A). about 70 million years.
Stegosaurus, by far the most popularly known and
best-studied thyreophoran and stegosaur, was first discovered near Morrison,
Colorado, and soon afterward in 1877 was given its name by O. C. Marsh.
Stegosaurus was about 9 meters long and probably weighed 1.5 to 2.5 tonnes, so it
was a relatively large thyreophoran. It is most easily recognized by:
The Stegosaurus tail spikes and back plates were previously interpreted with differ-
ent positions and have undergone many permutations in artistic re-creations and
museum reconstructions. In older illustrations, the tail spikes are commonly
shown as upright, and they may vary considerably in number, from four to eight
the correct number is four. The dorsal plates have also been reconstructed as a
single row of non-overlapping plates, as a single row of offset and overlapping plates,
or as two rows of opposing plates on either side of the spine. Analysis of several
specimens uncovered recently, and of previous material, has revealed that the over-
lapping and offset arrangement is most likely the correct anatomical position for
these plates. Stegosaurus also possessed numerous scutes that covered its throat, a
form of additional protection to a potentially vulnerable area.
The much-ridiculed brain of Stegosaurus was indeed small; analyses of braincase
endocasts reveal that it possessed a volume of about 60 cm3. However, its olfactory
bulbs were large compared to the rest of the brain, suggesting that Stegosaurus may
have had an acute sense of smell. An oft-told fact about Stegosaurus is that its
small brain was aided by a second brain, located in the hip region, which helped
control the motor functions of the tail and legs. This story began in the late nine-
teenth century with O. C. Marshs observation of a large space in the sacral verte-
brae. Later speculation led to the hypothesis that this space held a nerve bundle
that operated the posterior half of the animal, which was communicated as a sec-
ond brain in the sacrum. Unfortunately, this popularized label was repeated for
decades in both serious and trivial publications that mentioned Stegosaurus. Later,
a more thorough analysis revealed that the sacral spaces had more than enough
volume to allow the passage of neural canals. This meant that the remaining space
could have been filled with some other tissue. One proposed explanation is that it
was a glycogen body used for storing carbohydrates; such an organ might have been
used to supplement energy to the nervous system. Of course, this hypothesis also
may be wrong, but it is certainly closer to being correct than the second brain idea.
The majority of known stegosaur genera are from China, consisting of the
Middle Jurassic Huayangosaurus and Chialingosaurus, Late Jurassic Chunkingosaurus
and Tuojiangosaurus (Fig. 12.9), and the Early Cretaceous Wuerhosaurus and
Monkonosaurus. Dacentrurus and Lexovisaurus are two European stegosaurs from the
Late Jurassic. Africa and Asia are represented by the Late Jurassic Kentrosaurus of
Tanzania and stegosaur material from Thailand, respectively. Early Cretaceous
stegosaurs outside of China include Regnosaurus, first described by Mantell in 1841
(Chapter 3), and Craterosaurus of the UK, as well as a few fragments from Lower
Cretaceous strata of Argentina, Australia, and South Africa. Dravidosaurus of India
is the only Late Cretaceous stegosaur positively identified so far, but even this was
once re-interpreted as a plesiosaur (marine reptile: Chapter 6).
Stegosaur trace fossils, like ankylosaur trace fossils, were once considered rare but
are now more commonly recognized. For example, tracks tentatively linked to early
stegosaurs have been reported from the Early Jurassic of Australia, France, and
Morocco. In addition, a few isolated Late Jurassic stegosaur tracks were also
described from Utah, and Late Jurassic tracks located in Australia were also pre-
liminarily identified as stegosaurian. Sadly, the latter tracks were never studied because
FIGURE 12.9 Tuojiangosaurus, a Late Jurassic stegosaur from China. Temporary display at
Fernbank Museum of Natural History, Atlanta, Georgia.
thieves stole them before paleontologists could properly describe them (Chapter 2).
In general, stegosaur tracks should be easier to tell apart from most other
quadrupedal dinosaur tracks because of their unusual digit combinations the manus
has five toes and the pes has only three toes. However, this digital arrangement
may have been the same in a few ankylosaurs, thus warranting some caution when
attempting to identify the trackmakers. No gastroliths have been reported yet in
association with a stegosaur skeleton, so how stegosaurs processed their food effi-
ciently with such poorly-developed teeth remains a mystery. What they ate is also
unknown, as no stegosaur coprolite or former gut contents have been interpreted
from the geologic record. Like ankylosaurs, stegosaurs will be better understood when
more of their trace fossils are recognized in tandem with their body fossils.
cannot be cross-checked in most instances. Like all dinosaurs, ankylosaurs were diag-
onal walkers, although their stout and relatively inflexible bodies caused straddles
that were wide relative to their stride lengths.
Similar to the hypotheses that have been made about sauropods, stegosaurs are
thought to have had the capability of raising their front legs and sitting back on
their rear legs and tails. This supposition is based on their calculated center of grav-
ity, where the majority of their weight was in the hip region. Such an arrangement
thus led to their graviportal state. With this weight distribution, a simple lifting of
the front legs should have brought the rear down. In stegosaurs, the tail then would
have acted as a prop for a tripodal stance. Although this scenario seems reasonable
in terms of Newtonian physics and observations in modern graviportal animals (such
as elephants), it was unlikely in stegosaurs. One major limiting factor is that stegosaur
tails were held straight behind them through an interlocking of dorsal plates with
the caudal vertebrae. This meant that the tail was less likely to have been used as
part of a tripod stance, so stegosaurs were more likely adapted for staying close to
the ground.
Almost no direct information is available for determining what thyreophorans ate.
Nevertheless, their teeth and jaws clearly show adaptations to herbivory. Because
of their low height with relation to their sauropod (Chapter 10) and ornithopod
(Chapter 11) companions during much of the Mesozoic, thyreophorans were most
likely low-level browsers. An ability of stegosaurs to raise up on their hind legs to
increase their browsing height was proposed as a possible adaptation to high-level
browsing, but this scenario is unlikely. Similarly, there is little doubt that ankylosaurs
were anything but low-level browsers, and even the most imaginative paleontolo-
gists refrain from depicting ankylosaurs as sitting up or otherwise behaving in a
sprightly manner.
The advent of flowering plants by the Early Cretaceous was no doubt a factor in
thyreophoran food choices throughout the Cretaceous, but Jurassic ankylosaurs and
stegosaurs must have eaten ferns and other low-lying undergrowths in forest and
shrubland ecosystems. The anatomical arrangement of the teeth and portions of
thyreophoran skulls supports this supposition. For example, ankylosaur teeth are
small, but their beaks were well developed for cropping plants. Some possible dif-
ferences in dietary preferences between ankylosaurids and nodosaurids have been
suggested on the basis of their beak shapes. Nodosaurids had narrow beaks, which
would have nipped at plant stems and leaves more precisely. In contrast, ankylosaurids
had wider beaks that would have grabbed swaths of vegetation. Ankylosaurs also
had larger than normal hyoids, which were bones in the throat that would have
supported a tongue. This tongue would have moved chewed food to the cheeks for 12
temporary storage, followed by movement from the cheeks back into the mouth.
Ankylosaurs were therefore capable of much chewing, although an examination of
only their teeth would surely lead to a different conclusion.
No toothmarks or coprolites attributable to thyreophorans have been reported
from the geologic record. Likewise, gastroliths have been correlated only with remains
of the nodosaurid Panoplosaurus. Using sauropods as a model for comparison, most
thyreophorans should have had gastroliths to aid their digestion of plant material
because their teeth and jaws were poorly-adapted for grinding or otherwise pro-
cessing their food. Future excavations of thyreophoran skeletal remains should test
this hypothesis. However, if such investigations prove fruitless, then paleontolo-
gists will have to provide alternative explanations for why gastroliths were not
One hypothesis proposed for how ankylosaurs digested food is that their con-
siderable hindquarters provided space for massive amounts of fermentation in the
hindgut. This hypothesis is supported by the wide space allowed by the costae (ribs)
toward the posterior of most ankylosaurs. This space gave sufficient room for a gas-
trointestinal tract holding symbiotic anaerobic bacteria that would have aided in
the breakdown of cellulose in plants. One of the metabolic by-products of such
breakdown is methane. So if ankylosaurs and other herbivorous dinosaurs
employed such digestive systems, the Mesozoic atmosphere likely would have had
a noticeably different scent to that of today.
Social Life
Again, very little is known about thyreophoran sociality, other than reasonable
hypotheses based on functional morphology and proximity of skeletal remains. Few
thyreophoran skeletons are found adjacent to one another; most are found as
isolated individuals. This recurring circumstance, in stark contrast to the mono-
specific accumulations of theropod, sauropod, ornithopod, and ceratopsian remains,
seems to be evidence that most thyreophorans roamed either as individuals or in
small groups. This hypothesis is supported so far by the lack of many thyreo-
phoran trackways presumed to have been made by the individuals of the same species
traveling together at the same time.
As a result, numerous, closely-associated juvenile specimens of Pinacosaurus, in
the same Upper Cretaceous deposit of Mongolia, constitute an unusual find.
Monospecific assemblages that are also sorted by age (interpreted on the basis of
their similarly small sizes) are evidence of possible age-related herding behavior for
this ankylosaurid. Interestingly, no adults have been reported near these juvenile
assemblages. These data encourage future investigations of and speculations about
other monospecific thyreophoran assemblages, such as the ones that have come
out of Tanzania, composed of fragments of the Late Jurassic stegosaur Kentrosaurus.
Thyreophorans, like most dinosaurs, were apparently healthy animals. Thyreophoran
remains have yet to show many traces of predation or scavenging by theropods or
other large Mesozoic carnivores. One exception to this is the reported association
of theropod teeth around the remains of the aforementioned juvenile Pinacosaurus,
although this occurrence is interpreted as the result of scavenging. The paucity of
evidence for predation or scavenging means that live and dead thyreophorans were
rarely subjected to consumption, which would correlate with the heavy protection
wielded by some species. One example of an apparently uneaten thyreophoran
is Stegosaurus. Contrary to common depictions of the Late Jurassic Stegosaurus in
mortal combat with the tetanuran Allosaurus, no toothmarks by Allosaurus have
been found in Stegosaurus bones. Likewise, Stegosaurus is frequently shown defend-
ing itself by swinging the caudal spikes, but no dinosaur remains, of a predator or
a Stegosaurus, show any signs of being attacked with such a weapon. A similar defense
against theropods has been proposed for ankylosaurids, but again hypotheses
about such behaviors await more evidence.
The fusion of osteoderms to the distal caudal vertebrae in ankylosaurids resulted
in tail clubs, but this fusion is considered as a normal, inheritable adaptation rather
than an acquired paleopathologic condition. Because nodosaurs lacked tail clubs,
caudal maladies should be more obvious. Nonetheless, a fusion of some caudal
vertebrae in a specimen of the nodosaurid Edmontia, interpreted as the result of
an injury, is the only one reported thus far. Multiple specimens of the Early
Cretaceous ankylosaurid Gastonia show depressions in their osteoderms that were
probably caused by disease, although there is no evidence that these caused the
animals any major problems. This paucity of evidence for ill health may be an
artifact of small sample sets, but it also could be a sign that most thyreophorans
avoided such trouble.
1 small heads;
2 parascapular spikes;
3 armor just adjacent to their spines; and
4 posterior tail spikes.
1 armor all over their dorsal (and in some cases, ventral) surfaces;
2 skull sutures covered by dermal plates;
3 a synsacrum; and
4 numerous other features.
SUMMARY Continued
Triceratops was a large and formidable animal, with its long horns (like a
rhinoceros) and stout body. But according to all of the books you read, it was
a peaceful plant eater. Only one thing you learned about Triceratops bothered
you, and that was the pictures of it fighting Tyrannosaurus. In these pictures,
this peaceful vegetarian was usually shown using its postorbital horns to gore
the soft, ventral surface of its carnivorous adversary.
What evidence has been found in the fossil record to indicate that Triceratops,
or any other ceratopsian, actually used its horns against predators? If they did
not use them for defense, what was their function? What interactions (if any)
did Triceratops have with Tyrannosaurus? Did Tyrannosaurus actually hunt or
eat Triceratops?
Why Study
Clade Marginocephalia, consisting
of the relatively rare pachycephalo-
saurs but also the very common
ceratopsians, includes one of the
most famous dinosaurs known, the Late Cretaceous Triceratops of North America.
However, perhaps less known is that Marginocephalia is a group of dinosaurs that
rivals Theropoda (Chapter 9) and Ornithopoda (Chapter 11) in its diversity. Largely
because of the ceratopsians, Marginocephalia is also among the best-represented of
Late Cretaceous dinosaurs through their skeletal remains, first discovered in the late
nineteenth century and still regularly uncovered today. Ceratopsians are exceed-
ingly common in museums as a result of their abundance and completeness. Three
marginocephalian genera (Protoceratops, Psittacosaurus, and Triceratops) rank in the
top ten of all dinosaurs owned by museums. Unlike most dinosaur clades, many
of its members were described on the basis of plentiful fossil material. More than
50% of ceratopsian genera and species are named from nearly complete or com-
plete skeletons.
Marginocephalians were among the most endemic of all dinosaur clades in that
their body and trace fossils have only been found in North America, Asia, and Europe.
They also are the most limited in geologic time, nearly all comprised of Cretaceous
examples, meaning that they were relative latecomers in Mesozoic ecosystems. This
circumstance of limited biogeography and time was probably linked, thus affect-
ing their evolutionary history until their extinction at the end of the Mesozoic.
Of all dinosaurs, marginocephalians are best known for their heads, which went
to extremes in the development of thick or broad skulls. Indeed, a few ceratopsian
species have the largest heads of any known land-dwelling animal. On these thick
or otherwise enormous heads were some of the most elaborate and gaudy acces-
sories seen in any dinosaur, such as numerous horns and spikes with various shapes,
bosses, and broad frills. In terms of marginocephalian locomotion, rare ceratopsian
tracks, recognized recently, fill a supposed gap in their paleontological record but
contribute to ensuing controversies about their locomotion based on skeletal ana-
lyses. Pachycephalosaur tracks are so far either undiscovered or unrecognized, but
at least their robust skull parts were taphonomically predisposed toward being
Some of these ornate animals may have traveled in herds, as suggested by mono-
specific bonebeds and paleobiogeography. Such gregariousness would have created
stunning vistas on Late Cretaceous landscapes, but also would have had a consid-
erable impact on plant life. On a more individual basis, intraspecific competition
in dinosaurs is perhaps most vividly conjured by the image of thick-skulled pachy-
cephalosaurs running into one another at high speeds. Added to this scenario are
similar ones of jousting ceratopsians, deterring either predation or rivals by simply
turning their heads for full visual effect. Thus, the heads of marginocephalians are
Chasmosaurinae Centrosaurinae
Psittacosauridae Ceratopsidae
Pachycephalosauridae Neoceratopsia
what define them and also determined how they conducted their business during
the Cretaceous.
so far are from the Cretaceous, the Late Jurassic ceratopsian Chaoyangsaurus of
China being the only exception. This time constraint distinguishes this import-
ant clade from theropods, sauropodomorphs, ornithopods, and thyreophorans
(Chapters 912).
Members of Clade Marginocephalia are defined by several important character
traits (Fig. 13.2).
n A narrow shelf of bone on the parietal and posterior part of the squamosal,
which projects from the skull posterior.
n An abbreviated posterior portion of the premaxillary as it adds to the
n A shortened pubis accompanied by widely-spaced hip sockets.
Of these synapomorphies, the most important is the shelf of bone associated with
the parietal and squamosal, an easily recognizable feature. Based on this trait and
others, Marginocephalia unites the superficially disparate clades of Pachyceph-
alosauria and Ceratopsia. Pachycephalosaurs are only represented by about 14
genera, thus their proposed cladistic classification consist of only a few options.
In contrast, Ceratopsia is composed of a daunting number of genera and species
within genera, and some genera closely resemble one another. Consequently, their
cladistics present a major challenge for the few dinosaur paleontologists who work
with ceraptosians.
Pubis shortened
Widely spaced
hip sockets
(Dorsal view)
FIGURE 13.2 Character traits of Marginocephalia: narrow shelf of bone on the parietal
and posterior part of the squamosal; abbreviated posterior portion of premaxillary; and
shortened pubis accompanied by widely spaced hip sockets.
1 A very good body fossil record for ceratopsians, including numerous com-
plete specimens for some species; and
2 overzealous naming of ceratopsian species in the past 100+ years, which
resulted in many synonymies.
To illustrate how both facets have interacted, consider the following example. As
many as 16 species names have been applied to the abundant remains of the genus
Triceratops, despite a geologic range for the genus of less than 3 million years. Two
explanations for this abundance of species are possible:
Of these, the latter factor is the most likely, and recognition in more recent years
of this human-induced diversity has decreased the number of ceratopsian taxa. Thus,
among taxonomists the lumpers triumphed in part over the splitters (Chapter
5). This is not to say that Triceratops did not undergo speciation over 3 million years
(A) (B)
FIGURE 13.3 Typical ceratopsian lower jaws. (A) Dentary and predentary of Protoceratops,
Late Cretaceous of Mongolia; Dinosaur Adventure Museum, Fruita, Colorado.
(B) Unidentified ceratopsian dentary and predentary, Late Cretaceous, western North
America; College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum, Price, Utah.
The most easily recognizable and well-known trait of pachycephalosaurs is an
extremely thick, flat or domed bony skull ( pachy = thick and cephalia = skull).
For example, Pachycephalosaurus had a skull that was about 22 cm thick. This remark-
able feature was formed by fusion of the frontals and parietals and the addition of
(A) (B)
thick deposits of bone to this unit. Despite the impressively large and convex heads
this fusion caused in some pachycephalosaurs, they did not have a corresponding
increase in cranial capacity. In fact, their EQs are only slightly higher than not-so-
brainy dinosaurs such as thyreophorans.
In the early twentieth century, Lawrence Lambe (Chapter 3) was the first to
examine pachycephalosaur material, and he named Stegoceras (Fig. 13.5A).
Pachycephalosaurus (Fig. 13.5B), the inspiration for the naming of the clades
Pachycephalosauria and Pachycephalosauridae, was not discovered until about 40
years later. Soon after, recognition of some already discovered but mislabeled
pachycephalosaur remains helped to relate them. Later discoveries of new species
of pachycephalosaurs led to the insight that they belonged to two different groups.
So far, all but two species have been found in Late Cretaceous strata of North America
and Asia; the exceptions are Stenopelix and Yaverlandia, which are both from the
Lower Cretaceous of Germany and the UK (Table 13.1).
Homocephaloids (see box) are only defined by two
Pachycephalosauria can genera, Homocephale and Ornathotholus. They are distin-
be divided into two guished by flat ventral surfaces on their pitted skulls and
supratemporal fenestrae, whereas pachycephalosaurids
clades, Homocephaloidea
have smooth (non-pitted), dome-shaped skulls and lack
(nicknamed the flat-
these fenestrae. Some paleontologists hypothesize that
headed dinosaurs) and
the homocephaloids represent a more primitive status,
Pachycephalosauridae with traits that evolved into those seen in pachy-
(dome-headed cephalosaurids. However, the small amount of fossil
dinosaurs), with a few material and closeness in geologic ages for the various
outgroups represented by pachycephalosaurs make resolution of such relation-
Wannosaurus and ships difficult. The largely complete skulls for some
Goyocephale. species show some basic characteristics of their group,
as well as accouterments such as osteoderms that
formed bosses (see Pachycephalosaurus; Fig. 13.5B) or small horns (Stygimoloch) that
fringed the skull in various places.
The oldest known pachycephalosaur, and probably the most basal, is Stenopelix
valdensis, followed by Yaverlandia bitholus, both from the Early Cretaceous. Despite
stiffened that half of the tail. This adaptation was probably related to locomotion
and helped to keep the distal part of the tail pointing away from the body as a
counterbalance, similar to that of some theropods (Chapter 9). Stegoceras is the most
commonly encountered pachycephalosaur genus in the geologic record, although
the majority of its material comes from pieces of its skull. Nevertheless, enough of
these exist that a few paleontologists have been able to hypothesis sexual dimor-
phism in one species, Stegoceras validum, discussed in more detail later. The largest
pachycephalosaur known is Pachycephalosaurus, which would have been about 8
meters long, including its tail. Some other species, such as the aptly named
Micropachycephalosaurus, were less than a meter long.
The prominent horns of Triceratops were what first caught the attention of O. C.
Marsh when he saw its skull in 1887, leading him to first identify it as a fossil bison.
Later, more cautious examination revealed that the horned skull belonged to a
dinosaur, and it was promptly renamed in 1889 to Triceratops horridus (= horrid
three-horned face). Marsh is credited with naming this famous dinosaur and the
Family Ceratopsidae (using the Linnaean system), but the first ceratopsian named
from the geologic record was Monoclonius, described by his rival Edward Cope in
1876. Despite the presence of these heavyweights of dinosaur paleontology at the
forefront of describing ceratopsians new to science, by far the most important
single contributor to the study of ceratopsians was John Bell Hatcher (Chapter 3).
Although he only lived for 42 years, Hatcher discovered 50 ceratopsian skeletons.
He also wrote the majority of The Ceratopsia, the classic treatise on these dinosaurs,
which was published in 1907, three years after he died. The study of these horned
dinosaurs would not be nearly as advanced as it is today without Hatchers semi-
nal contributions, and his legacy is apparent whenever people see these dinosaurs
depicted in fact and fiction.
A dinosaur belonging to Ceratopsia has several important characters:
n A rostral bone anterior to the maxilla that paired with a predentary to form
a sharp beak.
n A frill formed by the parietals that hung past the rest of the skull.
n Cheeks that extend laterally and posteriorly, giving the skull a triangular
shape when viewed from above its dorsal surface.
n A palate positioned high in the skull.
Notice that all of these features deal with novelties in the skull, which re-
emphasizes the importance of how marginocephalians in general, and ceratopsians
in particular, are largely identified by their cranial anatomy. In other words, a head-
less ceratopsian skeleton found in the field would present a greater challenge to
classify than a disembodied head.
Ceratopsia is split into two sister clades, Psittacosauridae, based only on the genus
Psittacosaurus, and Neoceratopsia, which includes all other ceratopsian genera. The
oldest known ceratopsian is Chaoyangsaurus from the MiddleUpper Jurassic of China,
but the most primitive ceratopsian is Psittacosaurus, a small (less than 2 meters long)
ceratopsian that occurs abundantly as near-complete or complete specimens in Lower
Cretaceous rocks of Asia. Ten species of Psittacosaurus have been identified so far,
which either means that it diversified during the Early Cretaceous, or (more likely)
was the victim of much taxonomic splitting. The latter might be attributable to
the large amount of skeletal material available for study, which lends itself well to
identifying small anatomical differences. Regardless, Psittacosaurus can be distinguished
from other ceratopsians through:
Psittacosaurids are thought to have retained more primitive features than the neo-
ceratopsians. They certainly had simpler-looking skulls, consisting of a barely
detectable parietal shelf overhanging the occipital and a lack of horns. Its proposed
membership in Ceratopsia was doubted until specimens were found with rostrals
which, along with its triangular skull and toothless beak, confirmed its common
ancestry with neoceratopsians. It is also one of the few ceratopsians interpreted as
a facultative biped, and it currently is the only ceratopsian found with undoubted
gastroliths. The unique aspects of psittacosaurids are interpreted as being a
reflection of their more primitive ornithischian ancestry.
Neoceratopsians are the geologically youngest of the major groups of dinosaurs,
with their geologic range restricted mostly to the Late
Cretaceous. Although they only occur in North America and
Neoceratopsians Asia, they are well represented by numerous body fossils of
are some of the high variety and completeness. Their young geologic age and
most variable the excessively bony skulls of some species favored their
dinosaurs known. preservation over older dinosaurs with less bone (Chapter 7).
For some species that occur in Upper Cretaceous strata of
Mongolia, the exceptional preservation provided by these
deposits also contributed much of what is known about neoceratopsians today.
Neoceratopsians are best distinguished from the psittacosaurids by the consider-
able size increase in their skulls in proportion to their postcranial skeletons. This
tendency resulted in a few species competing for the largest skull ever owned by a
land-dwelling animal. Some frills reached lengths of 1.5 meters and total skull lengths
approached 3 meters! One adaptation for supporting such huge heads was a fusion
of the anterior cervical vertebrae, and another was the development of stout fore
limbs. By default, most neoceratopsians must have been obligate quadrupeds with
only a few smaller forms having a possibility of facultative bipedalism. 13
The cladistic classification of neoceratopsians has been a point of contention
in recent years, mostly as a result of a large amount of character data that con-
flict with traditional classification schemes. For example, a venerable gradistic
name was applied to a grouping of some of the smaller (13 meters long) and
more basal neoceratopsians, Family Protoceratopsidae, with its star member
Protoceratops (Fig. 13.7B). This was then used to fit its members into a clade by the
same name, but subsequent cladistic analyses have failed to support its mono-
phyletic grouping. Consequently, numerous basal neoceratopsians precede the
other major clade within Neoceratopsia, Ceratopsidae, which also is based on a
former family name.
The many varied members of this group can be further categorized on the basis
of squamosal lengths into the clades Chasmosaurinae (= long squamosals) and
Centrosaurinae (= short squamosals). Chasmosaurines include Anchiceratops,
Arrhinosaurus, Pentaceratops, the previously mentioned Triceratops, Torosaurus
(Fig. 13.8), and Chasmosaurus (Fig. 13.9). Two primitive genera of the chas-
mosaurines are Pentaceratops and Chasmosaurus. Among the traits that distin-
guished them from more advanced genera in their clade are very large fenestrae
in their parietals. Avaceratops, Brachyceratops, Centrosaurus, Monoclonius, Pachy-
rhinosaurus, and Styracosaurus are all centrosaurines, the most basal of which are
Avaceratops and Brachyceratops. These two are not crowned by the horns on the
frills seen in more advanced forms such as Styracosaurus (Fig. 13.10). All genera of
chasmosaurines and centrosaurines found so far occur only in Upper Cretaceous
strata of western North America; the centrosaurines have an even narrower
geologic range and geographic distribution. As discussed later, centrosaurines are
(A) (B)
FIGURE 13.9 Chasmosaurus, a Late Cretaceous neoceratopsian and ceratopsid of North America.
(A) Frontal view, showing legs positioned underneath the plane of the body (erect posture). Cast of
skeleton, College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum, Price, Utah. (B) Lateral view.
1 their abundance;
2 the taphonomic biases that favor preservation of their skulls; and
3 the detailed morphological variations on these skulls, which may reflect geno-
typic change (Chapter 6).
Consequently, the fact that the people working on this sequence concentrated their
efforts on ceratopsid remains is not surprising.
Paleontologists and geologists have documented how the rise or fall of sea level,
for the seaway that covered the mid-continent region of North America during the
Cretaceous, affected ceratopsian habitats. With the seaway to the east and the ances-
tral Rocky Mountains newly uplifted to the west by plate convergence during the
Late Cretaceous (Chapter 4), dinosaurs inhabited a narrow area of North America
that contained lowland terrestrial habitats. Whenever sea level rose, the habitats
became more restricted, which should have caused local environmental pressures
on dinosaur populations. In contrast, when sea level dropped, lowland terrestrial
habitats were expanded and could more easily accommodate migrating populations
of dinosaurs. Therefore, with repeated cycles of the sea level rising and falling, dinosaur
faunas should have undergone speciation through the course of geologic time in
this region. The timing of the sea-level fluctuations in the formations was inde-
pendently determined through a combination of relative age-dating techniques, such
as superposition, lateral continuity, and biologic succession, as well as radiometric
age dates derived from volcanic ash deposits (Chapter 4). Thus the paleontologists
were able to place the changes they observed in ceratopsid species and some
ornithopods within the context of geologic time, which in this case was over the
course of about 12 million years (8472 Ma). 13
The ceratopsids that figured in the proposed evolutionary sequence were
centrosaurines, which showed a stratigraphically defined sequence of (oldest to
youngest) Styracosaurus albertensis Styracosaurus (an unnamed species slightly
different) Einosaurus procurvicornis Achelousaurus horneri Pachyrhinosaurus
canadensis. This sequence is within deposits representing a small portion of the
12-million-year framework noted previously, with each species separated from the
other by time periods of less than 500,000 years. If the identified fossil species are
indeed representative of biological species, then evolution of these dinosaurs must
have been relatively rapid.
1 thick skulls;
2 robust occipital condyles at the back of the skull, thus cushioning the skull
in its articulation with the first cervical vertebra; and
3 tightly interlocking dorsal vertebrae.
The impact of two objects of the same mass and at the same acceleration causes
additive force, which would have generated 75,000 N of force in this example. Using
the formula for stress ( = F/A: see Eqn 4.9 in Chapter 4) and assuming that the
skulls impacted on a point-to-point contact in a small area, such as 100 cm2 (10
10 cm), the total stress generated would have been
Ke = 0.5(m)(v)2 (13.2)
where Ke is kinetic energy, m is mass, and v is velocity in meters per second. For
one of the pachycephalosaurids in our example, the kinetic energy would have been:
For one pachycephalosaurid to completely stop the other, the force must be
absorbed over a given distance that varies with the material doing the absorbing.
This relation is expressed by the formula:
Ae = Fd (13.3)
where Ae is the energy absorbed and d is deceleration distance. To bring the pachy-
cephalosaurid to a screeching halt, the calculated force needed is expressed by:
Fa = m(v)2/2d (13.4)
where Fa is the absorbed force. The safety airbag in an automobile can illustrate
this principle: it absorbs a driver or passenger, which results in the person travel-
ing a greater distance into the airbag than if he or she hit the steering wheel or
windshield. This means that less force is transmitted to the person by impacting
the airbag.
In our pachycephalosaurid example, assuming deceleration distances of 0.0015
meter (15 mm) for bone (after all, bone does not compress very easily) and 0.1 meter
(10 cm) for flesh (think about the skull sinking into the side of the rival pachy-
cephalosaurid instead of contacting the other skull), the absorbed forces would be:
Example 1 (bone)
Step 1. Fa = (1500 kg)(5 m/s)2/2(0.0015 m)
Step 2. = 7500/0.003
Step 3. = 1.25 107 N
Example 2 (flesh)
Step 1. Fa = (1500 kg)(5 m/s)2/2(0.1 m)
Step 2. = 37,500/0.2
Step 3. = 1.87 105 N
Consequently, an impact into flesh would have generated two orders of magnitude
less force than a head-to-head collision. In other words, a head-to-flesh collision
would have survival advantages for both animals, not just the one doing the
ramming, and especially if ramming was a frequently expressed behavior. Of
course, the deceleration distance would not have been only for the head but would
have been passed down the entire length of the body, increasing the distance and
correspondingly decreasing the force.
The point being made here is that when two massive animals run toward one
another and their body parts directly impact, they could have less easily absorbed
the force on bone than flesh. This sort of force applied to bone should have left
marks, no matter how thick or spongy the bone. It also quite likely would have
exceeded the structural limits of the dinosaurs spinal columns for absorbing the
impact behind the skull. Based on the realities represented by these calculations
and the previously mentioned information, the likelihood that pachycephalosaurs
actually rammed into one another head-to-head is doubtful. Furthermore, the selec-
tion pressures caused by simultaneously inflicted paralysis or death surely would
have caused this behavior to quickly disappear. After all, dead or paralyzed animals
cannot pass their genes on to a successive generation. Thus, rather than stating
that pachycephalosaurs did not use their heads for defensive or pre-mating pur-
poses at all, a good compromise hypothesis is that if any ramming happened it
was directed to softer areas.
Similarly intriguing features in ceratopsid skulls are apparent healed wounds which
offer evidence for intraspecific competition in ceratopsians. These wounds are vis-
ible as scars or defects that seem to have been applied to the skull while the animal
was alive. One example in a Triceratops skull is a hole that passes through the jugal
and has a diameter similar to that for the distal end of a Triceratops horn. Other
ceratopsid genera reported with similar skull defects are Diceratops, Pentaceratops,
and Torosaurus. The coincidence of such scars found in the skulls of ceratopsids
that have substantial horns is currently considered as a reasonable basis for a cause-
and-effect hypothesis. One statement that can be made about these possible trace
fossils is that they are related to intraspecies combat, although what may have
prompted the fighting in individual cases is still uncertain. In extant species, fight-
ing may be triggered by competition for mates, establishing territory, asserting
dominance, or illnesses, such as rabies, that cause paranoia or other aggressive
behavior. The styles of intraspecific combat behavior also would have varied with
the skull morphology of the ceratopsids. For example, large-frilled chasmosaurines,
such as Chasmosaurus, may have only had to turn their heads, giving a rival a
full frontal view for intimidation (see Fig. 13.9A). In contrast, the short-frilled
centrosaurines, such as Centrosaurus or Styracosaurus, did not have such obvious tools
of intimidation, so they may well have locked horns more often than their large-
frilled relatives. Regardless, actual evidence supporting these generalized behaviors
is still scanty and subject to further critical review.
As far as actual reproductive behavior is concerned, little is known about
marginocephalians. Presumed ceratopsian eggs and nests, attributed to Proto-
ceratops, were discovered in Late Cretaceous rocks of Mongolia in the 1920s by the
American Museum of Natural History expeditions to that region (Chapter 4).
However, later analyses revealed that at least some of the eggs belonged to the
theropod Oviraptor (Chapter 9), thus rendering all other similarly identified pro-
toceratopsian eggs and nests as suspect. Since these corrections were made, no
undoubted ceratopsian nest or embryonic remains within an egg have been
identified. However, 15 hatchlings of Protoceratops, found together in a deposit in
Mongolia, is persuasive evidence favoring the proximity of a nest. Still, no ceratopsian
eggs have been definitely linked with hatchlings. No eggs, embryos, or hatchlings
of pachycephalosaurs have been recognized, although a few skulls of juvenile Stegoceras
have been described. These limited data mean that the reproductive habits of
marginocephalians as a clade are poorly understood.
Nevertheless, embryonic and other juvenile remains have been identified for Bagace-
ratops, Breviceratops, Psittacosaurus, and Protoceratops, all coming from Cretaceous strata
in Mongolia and China. Furthermore, a recent and spectacular find of one adult
and 34 juvenile Psittacosaurus, in Lower Cretaceous rocks of China, provides the
most convincing evidence of parental care in ceratopsians. The 35 dinosaur skele-
tons were all complete and concentrated in a bowl-shaped depression with an area
of 0.25 m2. The juveniles were fairly grown (21 cm long) and the same size,
strongly suggesting that they were from the same generation. This situation argues
for a parent Psittacosaurus in close association with a large brood of its young at
the time of their burial, the latter of which must have been nearly instantaneous
to preserve them so well (Chapter 7).
Growth series have been described for a few ceratopsians, most notably
Psittacosaurus and Protoceratops. Many specimens represent these Cretaceous cer-
atopsians from Mongolia and China (more than 100 just for Psittacosaurus) and most
of the specimens are complete. As a result of this teeming abundance, growth series
have been interpreted on size analyses of these ceratopsians, which reflect changes
in ontogeny. Psittacosaurus was rather small as far as dinosaurs are concerned, reach-
ing about 2 meters long as an adult; Protoceratops was not much larger, with some
individuals reaching 2.5 meters long. Measured skull lengths of Protoceratops have
a range of 5 to 50 cm, reflecting a minimal tenfold increase from juvenile to
adult. In this growth series, the smaller forms tend to look alike, but a two-part
split into large-frilled and small-frilled forms is apparent in skulls longer than about
25 cm. This divergence in forms within the growth series for this species is con-
sidered to be among the best-documented evidence for sexual dimorphism in
dinosaurs. Presently, the large-frilled adult specimens are designated as males and
the small-frilled ones as females. Of course, the opposite may be true in these
sex determinations, but more compelling evidence from the fossil record, such as 13
a mother Protoceratops brooding its egg clutch, is still forthcoming. Sexual dimor-
phism has also been proposed for a few ceratopsids (Centrosaurus, Chasmosaurus,
and Triceratops). The data sets for these genera are good, but are not as robust as
for Protoceratops.
Marginocephalian locomotion is still a contentious issue in some respects, partially
because of lack of evidence or too much contradictory evidence. For example, at
the time of writing, no distal parts of the hind limbs from pachycephalosaurs had
been recovered from the geologic record. Consequently, dinosaur paleontologists
know little about pachycephalosaur locomotion. Because of the relatively short arms
recovered from a few specimens, they probably were obligate bipeds but may also
have been facultative quadrupeds. There are two major problems with a lack of
metatarsals, tarsals, and pes phalanges, or unguals in association with the rest of a
pachycephalosaur skeleton:
All marginocephalians were probably herbivores, ascertained from their teeth,
jaws, and other skeletal adaptations. For example, because they had deeply inset
cheek teeth, they could have had cheeks used for temporarily storing masticated
plants while chewing. Pachycephalosaurs had heterodont dentition comparable to
that of other dinosaurs interpreted as herbivorous. However, this dentition was weakly
developed in comparison to the dental batteries seen in some other ornithischi-
ans, such as hadrosaurids (Chapter 11). Ceratopsians represent a departure from
pachycephalosaurs in that their rostral and predentary formed beaks ideal for slic-
ing through vegetation. Their cheek teeth also developed into dental batteries but
ones more inclined toward vertically oriented shearing, rather than horizontal (back
and forth) grinding. This movement must have caused much wear and so required
the development of batteries that continually replaced worn-out teeth. Indeed, tooth-
replacement rates estimated for Triceratops were 50 to 100 days, with as many as
six teeth in line to replace any one already in the jaw. The prodigious head shields
of some ceratopsids were originally interpreted as having evolved for the support
of massive jaw musculature, which was most likely present for such active chew-
ing. Nevertheless, muscle attachments to frills may also have been a secondary con-
sequence of sexual selection in favor of large frills, rather than an adaptation primarily
for chewing (Chapter 6).
The food eaten by ceratopsians is suggested to have been palms and cycads, which
were non-flowering plants, and small shrubs or trees of angiosperms. However, pale-
obotanists have pointed out that fossils of these plants are not abundant in areas
where ceratopsid bones are most commonly found. Instead, they suggest that low-
level flowering plants were the preferred food for these dinosaurs. To add fuel to
the controversy, ceratopsid tracks in Upper Cretaceous sandstones of Colorado (men-
tioned earlier) co-occur with impressions of palm and angiosperm leaves (Fig. 13.11).
FIGURE 13.11 Impression of palm frond in Upper Cretaceous Laramie Formation, which
co-occurs with ceratopsian tracks in the same part of the formation and thus indicates a
co-occurrence with a potential ceratopsian food source; Golden, Colorado.
Social Life
Because so little material has been recovered of pachycephalosaurs (and those
recovered are all individual finds) and there is a lack of trace fossils, virtually noth-
ing is known about their sociality. The thick skulls discussed earlier as functional
battering rams imply that other pachycephalosaurs were the targets of such
ramming, which required occasional proximity. However, with no further evidence,
any other conclusions reached about the social lives of pachycephalosaurs would
be speculative.
On the other hand, ceratopsians show plenty of body fossil evidence for having
been social creatures and were quite likely gregarious. Monospecific bone beds
of neoceratopsid remains include those of the Late Cretaceous centrosaurines
Achelousaurus, Centrosaurus, Einosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus, and Styracosaurus of North
America, as well as the chasmosaurines Anchiceratops and Chasmosaurus. In the case
of a bone bed of Centrosaurus in Alberta, Canada, an estimated 300 individuals occur
in what seems to be a contemporaneous deposit. This extraordinary find implies
that a Centrosaurus herd died in a sudden catastrophe, such as a river flood.
Abundant skeletons of Psittacosaurus and Protoceratops from the Late Cretaceous of
Mongolia and China are also suggestive of thriving populations closely associated
with one another. The aforementioned wounds in various ceratopsids, which were
possibly caused by individuals of the same species, are also indicative of social inter-
action, albeit of a violent type. Lastly, trackways reported for ceratopsids show
that several individuals were walking through the same areas through time,
although trackways of multiple individuals are not nearly as well documented as
for theropods (Chapter 9), sauropods (Chapter 10), and iguanodontians (Chapter
11). Nevertheless, the combination of all known fossil evidence for ceratopsians is
sufficient to conclude that many species were group-oriented animals, rather than
lone individuals fending for themselves against voracious theropods.
Like most dinosaurs, marginocephalians led fairly healthy lives, with some excep-
tions, indicated through paleopathological evidence in a few ceratopsians. As men-
tioned earlier, Triceratops and other ceratopsids may have inflicted wounds on one
another through intraspecific competition. There were other problems, possibly related
to accidents associated with everyday life in the Mesozoic:
All of these conditions provide good evidence that ceratopsids had active lives that
occasionally placed stresses on their bodies. Probably the most interesting of these
conditions are the rib fractures, which are possible trace fossils that provide sup-
plemental data to other information and hypotheses related to the social inter-
actions of ceratopsids (Chapter 14).
Although predators of marginocephalians are mostly inferred on the basis of
their contemporaneous associations with theropods or other large carnivores, a
few Late Cretaceous examples stand out, providing clear evidence of how some
marginocephalians provided food for theropods. The most famous example of a
ceratopsian that was on the menu of a specific theropod was a Protoceratops that
was apparently embroiled in conflict with a Velociraptor when they were both buried
(see Fig. 7.9 and Chapters 7 and 9). Moreover, several instances are known of
Triceratops eaten by tyrannosaurids, most likely Tyrannosaurus rex (Chapter 9).
In one well-defined specimen, the toothmarks are in bones from the hip region of
the Triceratops, which in life would have been covered by thick layers of skin and
muscle. Consequently, these toothmarks could have been inflicted after the animal
was already dead. This in turn does not disprove an alternative hypothesis of tyran-
nosaurid scavenging, rather than supporting a strict interpretation of predation.
Despite the dinerdinner relationship established between Tyrannosaurus and
Triceratops, no data support the hypothesis that these two animals directly fought
one another in mortal combat. Numerous popular treatments showing these two
behemoths spilling one anothers blood, with the tyrannosaurids near-useless arms
doing it no good against its horned rival, are actually based on no more evidence
than the following: 13
1 they lived during the same time;
2 they dwelled in the same habitats; and
3 a few tyrannosaurids ate what might have been already-dead ceratopsians.
Nevertheless, the admittedly small data set showing such consumption will at least
serve as a predictor for future studies of toothmarks on ceratopsid bones, which
will help to establish either predatorprey or scavengercarrion relationships in Late
Cretaceous ecosystems.
Brinkman, D. B., Ryan, M. J. and Eberth, D. A. 1998. The paleogeographic and strati-
graphic distribution of ceratopsids (Ornithischia) in the upper Judith River Group of
Western Canada. Palaios 13: 160169.
Dodson, P. 1991. Morphological and ecological trends in the evolution of ceratopsian
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California: University of California Press. pp. 494513.
Farlow, J. O. and Dodson, P. 1975. The behavioral significance of frill and horn mor-
phology in ceratopsian dinosaurs. Evolution 29: 353361.
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Giffin, E. B. 1989. Notes on pachycephalosaurs (Ornithischia). Journal of Paleontology
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Goodwin, M. B. and Horner, J. R. 2004. Cranial histology of pachycephalosaurs
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butting behavior. Paleobiology 30: 253267.
Goodwin, M. B. and Johnson, R. E. 1995. A new skull of the pachycephalosaur
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Hailu, Y. and Dodson, P. 2004. Basal Ceratopsia. In Weishampel, D. B., Dodson, P.,
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University of California Press. pp. 478493.
Lockley, M. G. and Hunt, A. P. 1998. Ceratopsid tracks and associated ichnofauna from
the Laramie Formation (Upper Cretaceous, Maastrichtian) of Colorado. Journal of
Vertebrate Paleontology 15: 592614.
Lull, R. S. 1908. The cranial musculature and the origin of the frill in the ceratopsian
dinosaurs. American Journal of Science 25: 387399.
Maryanska, T. and Osmlska, H. 1974. Pachycephalosauria, a new suborder of ornithis-
chian dinosaurs. Palaeontologica Polonica 30: 45102.
Maryanska, T., Chapman, R. E. and Weishampel, D. B. 2004. Pachycephalosauria. In
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Berkeley, California: University of California Press. pp. 464477.
Paul, G. S. and Christiansen, P. 2000. Forelimb posture in neoceratopsian dinosaurs;
implications for gait and locomotion. Paleobiology 26: 450465.
Sues, H.-D. 1997. Pachycephalosauria. In Currie, P. Jand Padian, K. (Eds.) Encyclopedia
of Dinosaurs. New York: Academic Press. pp. 511513.
Sullivan, R. M. 2003. Revision of the dinosaur Stegoceras lambe (Ornithischia,
Pachycephalosauridae). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 23: 181207.
Xing, X., Makovicky, P. J., Wang Xiaolin, W., Norell, M. A, and Hailu, Y. 2002. A cer-
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While you are watching an old movie about dinosaurs, you notice that they all
drag their tails and their legs are sprawled out to the sides of their bodies. Moreover,
the carnivorous dinosaurs swallow their prey whole. You turn to a friend and
say, See how those dinosaurs are behaving? Thats all wrong. Your friend is
skeptical, because, he says, movie directors and scriptwriters probably did a lot
of research into how dinosaurs behaved.
What evidence do you have to support your statement without using any infor-
mation from dinosaur skeletons?
Dinosaur Ichnology
Dinosaur Tracks
Paleoecological Information Gained from Dinosaur Tracks
Dinosaur Nests
Dinosaur Toothmarks
Dinosaur Gastroliths
Dinosaur Coprolites
Miscellaneous Dinosaur Trace Fossils
Discussion Questions
Dinosaur Ichnology:
The Real Fossil Record
for Dinosaurs?
Welcome to the other fossil
record of dinosaurs, trace fossils.
Dinosaur ichnology, which is the
study of their trace fossils, particularly tracks, provides an enormous amount of infor-
mation that, until about 30 years ago, was viewed as more of a curiosity than an
integral part of dinosaur studies. Many dinosaur books, especially those written prior
to the 1990s, only treated dinosaur trace fossils as a sideline to skeletal data. In
contrast, today, several dinosaur books and hundreds of research articles focus solely
on dinosaur tracks. Likewise, nests, coprolites, toothmarks, and gastroliths have also
received more attention for their worth in interpreting dinosaur anatomy, beha-
vior, and paleoecology. Nonetheless, considering that they were initially identified
in the early nineteenth century (Chapter 4) and are acknowledged sources of sci-
entific information, dinosaur tracks and other trace fossils still do not receive the
coverage they deserve. As a result, they will be covered in detail here, so that their
value might be better appreciated.
So do dinosaur trace fossils constitute the real fossil record for dinosaurs, not
only outnumbering but also exceeding the scientific value of skeletal material? Such
a provocative question would have been answered no without hesitation only
30 years ago, but now warrants a maybe that may eventually evolve to a yes.
Dinosaur Tracks
1 they are potentially more abundant than other dinosaur body fossils;
2 they may be preserved in rocks that do not normally preserve dinosaur body
fossils; and
3 they directly reflect dinosaur behavior where it happened.
The aspects of dinosaur behavior that can be interpreted from tracks include, but
are not limited to:
A few parameters of dinosaur environments that can be elucidated from their tracks
include the relative moistness of the sediment they were traversing, whether the
original formation of the tracks affected any other organisms, and how sediments,
or even bones of other animals (including dinosaurs), were affected by dinosaur
In the absence of body fossils, whose distribution and preservation were depend-
ent on different taphonomic factors (Chapter 7), dinosaur tracks in Mesozoic
strata also could be used in biostratigraphy as indicators of a former dinosaurian
presence. Such information is especially important for determining whether the
ancestors of dinosaurs had evolved by the Middle Triassic (Chapter 6) or whether
any dinosaurs lived past the end of the Cretaceous Period (Chapter 16). Dinosaur
paleobiogeography is also better defined by adding dinosaur track data to the
skeletal record. So far, dinosaur tracks have been found on six continents, only exclud-
ing Antarctica (Chapters 9 to 13). Finally, well-defined footprints reveal dinosaur
soft-part anatomy that is not normally preserved in their body fossils. Thus, tracks
help flesh out dinosaur limbs more than is possible by just looking at their limb
bones (Chapter 5).
Dinosaur tracks, more often than any other dinosaur fossils, tell us what a dinosaur
was doing on a given day in the Mesozoic, and in most cases also tell us exactly
where they did it.
For dinosaurs, the number of digits that could have touched the ground while they
walked varied from two, in some dromaeosaurs such as Deinonychus (Chapter 9),
to five, present in some sauropodomorphs, stegosaurs, and ceratopsians (Chapters
10, 12 and 13). But the numbers also varied for the manus and pes tracks from
(direction of travel)
Claw depth
Track length
Digit length
Track width
FIGURE 14.1 Measurable parameters that can be derived from a well-preserved dinosaur
track and trackway, assuming bipedalism. Note diagonal pattern to the trackway, which
is typical for those made by dinosaurs.
(A) (B)
The San (bushmen), who comprise the modern indigenous peoples of the Kalahari
region of southern Africa, still use tracking for their hunting. Their methods are
thoroughly scientific, as tracks are observed and questions are asked immediately
about them:
Hypotheses are then formed to explain the data. For example, the tracks may indi-
cate that six animals, two adult females, one adult male, and three juveniles, moved
slowly while grazing on some vegetation just a few hours ago, then they simul-
taneously turned to look at the source of a sound, were frightened by a predator,
and ran for cover in the nearest grove of trees. The hypotheses are then tested for
their veracity and possibly falsified, but if they are continually falsified, the hunters
and their families starve. San hunters thus have good incentive to make careful
observations and modify their hypotheses in the light of new data, and their metho-
dology has more immediacy for these hunters than it would for, say, a tenured
scientist at a university. Native American tribes, such as the Apache, and the afore-
mentioned native Australians are among the indigenous peoples who have been
also renowned historically for their tracking skills.
The old Chinese saying, The longest journey begins with a single step, attri-
buted to Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu (about 600 bce), also can be applied to the
description and interpretation of a trackway. Any single track can be examined in
detail and is a potential storehouse of information about the animal that made it.
This is not just for identifying the trackmaker and associated measurements, but
also for interpreting the behavioral dynamics of the animal. For example, the micro-
topographic changes imparted to a substrate by an animals foot are among the
qualitative data from a single track that can be used to infer detailed interpreta-
tions of behavior. Because changes in foot movement involve applying pressure
against the substrate around, inside, and underneath a track, as well as releasing
that pressure, the resultant deformations can be called pressure-release structures.
By describing such features, a track can reveal the general direction of the animals
movement and indicate whether that animal stopped and looked in a certain direc-
tion, made an abrupt change in direction, moved backward, or was carrying some-
thing in front of it or on its back (Fig. 14.3). These same criteria, related to such
variations in behavior, can then be applied as models for dinosaur tracks (Figs. 9.13B
and 14.4).
One of the most important principles for understanding the morphology of a
single track is pressure, or stress. The force applied per unit area associated with a
track depends on the mass of an animal in combination with gravitational force
(at 9.8 m/s2: Chapter 1), and the area of the foot making contact with the substrate.
For one example, take a standing, vertically oriented bipedal animal, such as a human, 14
with equal distribution of its weight on each foot. This human causes stress on the
substrate below each foot almost equal to half of their weight divided by the area
of the foot. Let us assume a rectangular shape for a mans foot (28 cm long, 9 cm
wide, in typical running shoes) and a current weight of 66 kg. The stress applied
per foot as a bipedal animal (sf, herein called foot stress) is
(A) (B)
(A) (B)
FIGURE 14.4 Different pressure-release features caused by displacement of sediment from movement of a
dinosaur. (A) Large theropod track in sandstone, Late Jurassic, Utah. (B) Sauropod track in sandstone, Late
Jurassic, Utah. Theropod was moving straight forward, whereas sauropod had began to make an abrupt
right turn.
sf = (F/2)/A (14.1)
This number may seem high, but realize that it is the amount of stress the man
would cause if his weight were distributed equally over a square meter. Perhaps a
more meaningful measurement is stress as applied to a square centimeter. Using
1 m2 = 1.0 104 cm2 makes the foot-stress about 1.3 N/cm2. Because the area of
the shoe imprint is actually more oval than rectangular, this represents less area.
As a result, a correction can be accomplished by multiplying the value by 0.8, which
is an approximate conversion factor for an inscribed oval within a rectangle; this
changes the value to 1.6 N/cm2. This corrected value increases even more once shoes
are removed. This is because the surface area of the foot in contact with the sub-
strate decreases but the weight does not (other than subtracting the weight of the
shoes, of course).
Also, this value represents a mean for the given surface area. Consider that
the weight of a standing person is not distributed evenly over the entire area of
the foot but is mostly on the heel (metatarsal), which is directly underneath the
main part of the body weight. Because most dinosaurs had their metatarsals ele-
vated above the ground during life, the stress imparted by their feet was mainly
on the phalanges. A few dinosaur tracks show metatarsal or heel impressions,
but these are uncommon. The weight of a bipedal dinosaur was distributed over
two feet, whereas a quadrupedal dinosaur had it divided by four feet that were prob-
ably unequally sized. These variations require estimation of the areas for the
manus and pes. The areas for all four feet then should be added to calculate a modified
general formula for cumulative stress (sc) caused by an animal on an underlying
substrate, which is identical to Equation 3.8 (Chapter 3):
sc = F/A (14.2)
For dinosaurs, a value for this stress is calculated by measuring the area of a dinosaurs
tracks. These data are then used in combination with a weight estimate for the prob-
able tracemaker. However, this will be only a rough estimate of the foot stress
and probably represents a maximum value. After all, the weight distribution of any
given dinosaur was also over more of a horizontal plane than a human. Humans
and penguins are the only bipedal animals known to have their head, spine, and
metatarsals aligned in a more-or-less vertical plane, perpendicular to the ground
Any movement of an animal also causes stress, especially where it typically pushes
off the substrate, thus generating force applied to an area of that substrate. This
happens whether the animal was moving forward, backward, laterally, or jumping
upward. Evidence for this stress can be shown by visible zones of deformation
in the substrate, which in the right substrate, such as a firm mud or sand, will
preserve the effects of the movement as pressure-release structures. Normally the
movement of an animal is straight forward but this cannot be assumed. Walking 14
backwards, backing up, or moving laterally can happen for various reasons.
An individual track and all of its information can lead to a hypothesis about the
track itself. Of course, the best way to test this hypothesis is to study successive
tracks (if preserved) and look for corroborating or contradicting evidence. If the
next track provides different information, then new questions can emerge about
why the two tracks differ:
n Did the animal change its behavior from one track to the next?
n Did the behavior stay the same but the substrate change, so that a succes-
sive track was preserved differently from the preceding one?
n Did the animal distort or otherwise damage its own track as it pulled its
foot out of the substrate?
n Did an animal of the same species follow another, causing overlapping tracks?
n Were the tracks modified by physical processes (weathering), which
obscured their original forms?
All of these questions, and the hypotheses attached to them, begin with observa-
tions made on a single track. Looking for such signs is an excellent exercise in obser-
vation that can carry over into everyday life (Chapter 2), prompted by the seeking
of subtle clues about what may have happened in the recent or not-so-recent past.
Finally, a single well-preserved track with skin or toe-pad impressions can pro-
vide details about the soft-part anatomy of an appendage. A dinosaur track that
shows skin impressions is still a trace fossil, although it does directly reflect a body
part. A detailed body impression made by a tracemaker in association with a trace
fossil is a bioglyph. Skin impressions not associated with tracks or those made by
an already-dead dinosaur have occasionally been called trace fossils. Nevertheless,
only in cases where the dinosaur was still alive and indicating behavior can this
designation be made. In addition to skin impressions, toe-pad impressions are also
commonly preserved in dinosaur footprints, which help to determine (along with
skeletal data) what dinosaur feet looked like (Chapter 5). The toe pads often
correspond with phalanges, so footprints with well-preserved toe pads can be com-
pared to known phalangeal formulas of dinosaur groups, which helps in identify-
ing which dinosaurs made which tracks.
What about not-so-well-preserved dinosaur tracks, ones that do not show indi-
vidual toes, let alone skin impressions? In fact, vague depressions in Mesozoic rocks
can often provoke arguments about whether they represent tracks. Even so, meas-
urements still can be taken of a possible tracks dimensions and its overall size and
shape compared to known dinosaur tracks. A geometric outline of a possible track
can be categorized through a compression shape and is a useful guide for trackers
who do not have perfect substrates for preserving detail, such as firm mud or
sand. For example, with modern animals, felines leave round compression shapes,
whereas canines leave oval compression shapes, all within well-documented size
ranges. In dinosaurs, the compression shapes varied considerably, especially as the
Mesozoic progressed, but those for major groups of dinosaurs are distinguishable
from one another through length-to-width ratios and overall outlines. Through using
such methods, several examples of formerly disregarded potholes or bulges in
strata turned out to be dinosaur tracks.
Track Taphonomy
1 the amount of water in the sediment, which affects its relative firmness;
2 grain size; and
3 cohesiveness.
The latter factor typically depends on the amount of clay minerals in the sediment,
which can help sand grains to stick together. In general, fine-grained sediments,
such as clay and silt, with only enough water between grains to make the sedi-
ments cohesive, are the best for preserving detailed tracks.
Coarse-grained sediments preserve little more than the compression shape of the
track. Sediments with high or low amounts of water either preserve no impressions
or leave impressions that tend to collapse inward. Local variations in substrate con-
ditions, where one patch of sediment is more moist and loose than an adjacent
patch, will cause different impressions by the same animal, literally from one step
to the next. Similarly, a trackway where an animal walked over a substrate that was
either well packed or cemented might leave no visible impression at all, which results
in missing tracks if these areas bracket softer substrates (Fig. 14.5). Missing tracks
in dinosaur trackways have been interpreted incorrectly, such as some being used
as evidence for swimming dinosaurs, incredible stride lengths, or amazing leaps.
The vast majority of dinosaur tracks probably formed through a wide variety of
behaviors that imparted different stresses to the sediment, which were then pre-
served as undertracks in a variety of sediments with different grain sizes and ini-
tial water contents. The tracks therefore did not preserve many of the numerous
details revealed by fresh surface tracks made by modern animals, such as all of the
pressure-release structures. In some cases, the changes in movement by a trackmaker
were transmitted through the layers underneath the track surface and were
recorded by pressure-release structures (see Fig. 9.13B). Nonetheless, such features
should not always be expected in fossil tracks.
The track preservation discussed so far only has concerned molds (negative
images) of dinosaur feet, but many dinosaur tracks are also preserved as natural
casts (positive images). For casts, the original footprints were filled with sediment
that differed in grain size from the original substrate, such as a sand cast of a foot-
print made in an underlying muddy surface. Three scenarios have been proposed
for how casts of dinosaur tracks were formed:
1 tracks on a muddy surface were filled with sand that later lithified;
2 tracks were impressed first as undertracks on a muddy surface, which were
later exhumed and filled with sand that lithified; and
3 the casts may be undertracks, where the pressure of a dinosaur foot caused
sand to squeeze into an underlying muddy layer.
In the last case, the sand formed an outline of the dinosaur foot that later lithified.
Experimental evidence for the taphonomy of tracks, including how tracks are pre-
served in modern environments, is currently minimal. Nevertheless, track preser-
vation is a worthy field for further study, considering that understanding it helps
to evaluate whether:
With those caveats in mind, several of the criteria applied to tracks can be used
for successful correlation of dinosaurian tracemakers with fossil tracks. Criteria for
individual tracks are number of toes, track size (including width-to-length ratios),
and presence or absence of claws. Study of trackways will require the preceding
information plus the number of feet used in locomotion. Using these character-
istics as a guide, dinosaur tracks and trackways can be broadly allied to theropods,
prosauropods, sauropods, ornithopods, ankylosaurs, stegosaurs, and ceratopsians
(Fig. 14.6). Without careful descriptions of the tracks, they are too easily attributed
to the wrong dinosaur tracemakers. For example, both theropod and ornithopod
tracks have a tridactyl (three-toed) pattern, and they overlap in their size ranges.
However, examination of width-to-length ratios and other specific descriptive cri-
teria can help prevent such mistakes.
Some track types are more common than others. Theropod tracks are exceedingly
common in some strata throughout the entire geologic range of dinosaurs, but
ankylosaur and stegosaur tracks (Chapter 14) are rarely reported from any strata.
A hypothesis for the disparity in track abundance between theropods and most other
dinosaurs is that theropods, as active predators or scavengers, moved about a great
deal more in their ecosystems in search of food than herbivorous dinosaurs
(Chapter 9). However, occasional discoveries of horizons trampled by numerous her- 14
bivorous dinosaurs, such as sauropods and ornithopods, provide notable exceptions
to such generalities (Chapters 10 and 11).
Paleontologists face a minor dilemma with dinosaur tracks compared to skeletal
remains. This is because, in the vast majority of cases, trace fossils cannot be given
names according to the exact species of animals that made them. This is especially
true for instances where the tracemaker is otherwise unknown. One of the main
of the exciting facets of dinosaur track discoveries is that they may represent
tracks from previously unknown dinosaurs. Such discoveries can cause much
spirited discussion and debate among dinosaur paleontologists, as they attempt to
resolve the apparent discrepancy between the body and trace fossil records of
n Stopped to rest.
n Had trouble walking through a difficult-to-traverse substrate.
n Abruptly changed its direction of movement.
n Had a noticeable limp, probably related to an injury.
n Was following another dinosaur, perhaps as a predator.
n Was avoiding another dinosaur, perhaps as prey.
All of the preceding examples have been hypothesized for dinosaurs on the basis
of trackway data.
Quantitative methods applied to dinosaur footprint data have illuminated the
behaviors of individual dinosaurs. Probably the best-known application is with regard
to calculating how quickly dinosaurs moved. The speeds of individual dinosaurs
have been a point of curiosity for paleontologists almost for as long as dinosaurs
have been studied, but a technique for estimating speed, based on a combination
of skeletal and footprint data, was only developed a little over 25 years ago. Based
on empirical data from living animals, this mathematical application uses stride
length and footprint size in dinosaur trackways, together with the leg length (hip
height) measured from dinosaur skeletons.
An easily made observation is that, compared to a slow walk, peoples feet
become spaced farther apart when they walk quickly or run. Also, when a shorter
person runs alongside a taller person, the shorter one must take more steps in the
same distance despite their equal speed. The discrepancy in the mean leg lengths 14
of adult men versus adult women also translates to differences in mean stride length;
calculations from representative samples of men and women show mean values of
1.46 m and 1.28 m, respectively.
These observations of stride lengths in association with leg lengths can be
expressed for the land-dwelling animals walking on the Earths surface, through a
general relation called relative stride length (sr):
sr = sl/ll (14.3)
where sl is stride length and ll is leg length. Relative stride length is a dimension-
less number, as the units cancel out (because length is in both the numerator and
denominator). Thus, it has no units of measurement associated with it.
Stride length is measured directly through a trackway, such as the one illustrated
in Fig. 14.1. However, measuring leg length is a potential problem because the size
of the dinosaur that made the trackway cannot be directly observed. Nevertheless,
the leg length for a dinosaur can be estimated by using another dimensionless
number, 5.0, as a constant in the following equation:
ll = fl (5.0) (14.4)
where fl is footprint length. Paleontologists have calculated ratios of leg height ver-
sus foot length for dinosaurs by measuring the leg length from the ground surface
to the acetabulum in dinosaur skeletons, as well as the total skeletal foot length.
The ratio is derived simply as
Some paleontologists have calculated ratios close to 4.0, but others use 4.5 to 5.5.
These variations depend on the dinosaur groups used or their sizes (e.g., small
theropods = 4.5, large theropods = 5.5). Consequently, a compromise figure of 5.0
is used here for the sake of illustration.
For example, given a Jurassic theropod track 45 cm in length, the leg length could
have been:
ll = 45 cm 5.0 = 225 cm
Using different constants of 4.0 and 5.5 would have derived leg lengths with a range
of 180 to 248 cm, respectively. Either way, this theropod probably had a leg length
that was taller than some professional basketball players, and most people prob-
ably could have walked between its legs without stooping. Consequently, foot-
print length can be used as a quick method for visualizing the size of a dinosaurian
If the same theropod had a stride length of 307 cm, then its relative stride length
If the theropod was moving faster, then the value would have correspondingly
increased to greater than 1.4 as a function of stride length. So this is a relative method
of working out that one theropod was moving faster than another theropod of the
same size.
Although relative stride length is a good way to equalize dinosaur trackway
data, it is only as valuable as, say, relative age dating, as compared with absolute
age dating (Chapter 3). What paleontologists would definitely like to know is how
fast a dinosaur was moving in some absolute measurement, such as meters per sec-
ond, which can be translated to kilometers per hour. Scientists who have studied
the movements of tetrapods on land have noted that increased body size results
in larger animals moving faster than smaller animals, even if their relative stride
lengths are identical. This means that a small theropod with a relative stride length
FIGURE 14.7 Plot of relative stride length versus dimensionless speed for different
animals based on data derived from living cursorial vertebrates in terrestrial environments.
(After Alexander, 1976, 1989.)
of 1.4 would have moved slower than our exemplified large theropod. This is re-
lated to gravitational force (Eqn 1.1, Chapter 1) providing a boost for momentum
(Eqn 6.4, Chapter 6) because of the greater mass of a larger animal. As a result, a
formula that takes into account the acceleration placed on to a body by gravity
helps to equalize the speed of small and large animals alike through yet another
dimensionless quantity, imaginatively called dimensionless speed:
vd = (14.6)
(l1 )(9.8 m/s)
Step 1. = 0.45
Step 2. = 0.45 (4.7 m/s)
Step 3. = 2.1 m/s
To put this speed in perspective, the Olympic record for the mens 20-km race-walk
(as of the writing of this book) is a mean speed of 15.5 km/h, which is more than
twice as fast as our theropod and was sustained over a 20-km distance. This ex-
ample demonstrates a slowly-moving theropod. Indeed, most measurements of
dinosaur trackways reflect that they behaved just like most animals during the major-
ity of their lifetimes: they walked, but not briskly. If we treat these calculated speeds
as hypotheses, they can be cross-checked with the qualitative data mentioned before,
such as pressure-release structures and other evidence of considerable stresses to a
substrate that might have been imparted by a running versus a walking animal.
Running animals also tend to become more digitigrade. This means that only the
distal ends of the phalanges make impressions in the sediment, although such prints
also could be undertracks.
The fastest known speeds indicated by dinosaur trackways, using the preceding
methodology, were about 40 km/h. This speed seemingly was restricted to small-
and medium-sized theropods (Chapter 9). However, this situation may be a result
of biased sampling, because large theropod trackways are relatively rare. So far,
the trackways made by quadrupedal dinosaurs, such as sauropods (Chapter 10),
ornithopods (Chapter 11), and ceratopsians (Chapter 13), with the exception of one
ankylosaur trackway mentioned earlier (Chapter 12), only show relatively slow walk-
ing speeds. If these animals were capable of running at speeds approaching those
of some theropods, trackway evidence has not yet revealed such abilities.
examined critically for the possibility that a geographic or ecological barrier, such
as a cliff or water body, could have caused a preferred path for these dinosaurs. The
latter interpretation is supported by parallel trackways that show 180 orientations
to one another with regard to direction of movement.
Quantitative methods help to determine whether unidirectional trackways rep-
resent group behavior by:
1 calculating their speeds, keeping in mind that animals moving together will
typically do so at the same speed; and
2 measuring the spacing between each trackway and their degree of parallelism.
Modern animals of the same species moving together will space themselves at
nearly equal intervals to avoid invading each others space, and accordingly will
move in formation. Indeed, a bedding plane exposure of the Late Jurassic Morrison
Formation in southern Colorado shows five sauropod trackways that are parallel and
equally spaced, all apparently moving at the same speed and even turning in harmony
with one another (Chapter 10). Similarly, multiple parallel theropod trackways in
a Cretaceous stratum in Mongolia argue for a group movement of these animals.
One of the most interesting interpretations of group behavior in dinosaurs of
different species is a stampede recorded in an Early Cretaceous bedding plane
in Queensland, Australia. At this site, a large number of small theropod and
ornithopod trackways show unidirectional movement away from the trackway of
a single large theropod. Some of the speeds, calculated from footprint and stride
lengths, indicate that most of the smaller dinosaurs were running in the opposite
direction to the large theropod. The interpretation is that a group of small
theropods, perhaps of the same species (based on similarities of footprint size and
morphology), was startled by the approach of a large theropod and ran away from
it in a panic. Nevertheless, the exact timing of the larger dinosaur arriving on the
scene relative to all of the smaller ones is uncertain; some of the smaller theropod
tracks register within the larger ones tracks and thus post-date the latter.
Such examples may seem exciting and dynamic, but scientists have to critically
examine the track evidence for what is actually preserved, rather than what is pre-
sumably preserved. This caution is especially warranted with reference to more dra-
matic interpretations of group behavior. Knowing that tracksites may represent the
cumulative actions of animals traversing an area over the course of a few days or
months diminishes the probability that any given set of tracks actually relates to
one another through cause and effect. Yet another reality check is that the preser-
vation requirements of dinosaur tracks allow for the probability of undertracks. This
means that a bedding plane containing dinosaur tracks may have specimens
impressed into it by animals that lived much later (perhaps by years) than the other
animals that made tracks on the same surface (Fig. 14.8).
However, once these possibilities are accounted for, the usefulness of dinosaur
tracks far outweighs their problems. Understanding the fundamental concepts of
tracking and how they relate to dinosaur tracks provides a better basis for critically
examining the case examples covered in other chapters. In many of these cases,
dinosaur tracks have supplemented other dinosaur fossil data or have been the sole
piece of evidence for dinosaurs, data that relate directly to the evolution, paleo-
biogeography, and paleobiology of major groups of dinosaurs (Chapters 10 to 15). 14
Fern Hopping mammal
tracks Crayfish
Beetle burrow
Dung tracks
coprolite) New track
Worm burrows
FIGURE 14.8 How varying depths of tracks and preservational modes can result in a
track assemblage on a bedding plane where the tracks are not contemporaneous.
preserved. Bird proposed that the rear feet were involved with swimming above a
seafloor and only the front feet touched down. However, re-examination of this
trackway showed that the pattern was attributable to partial preservation (under-
tracks), and that the pes impressions did not sufficiently impart enough stress to
be preserved equally with the manus impressions. Other sauropod tracks, as well
as those of every other dinosaur, do not show conclusive evidence of swim-
ming or an otherwise aquatic habit. This is not to say that all dinosaurs did not
occasionally venture into water bodies or that they did not swim. In fact, more
swimming theropod trackways have been interpreted in recent years with more
convincing evidence of such behavior for those dinosaurs. Nevertheless, the
paucity of trackway evidence for swimming in most dinosaurs encourages healthy
skepticism of such interpretations.
the final tracks of the theropod that were formed as it leaped. The sauropod also
should have shown a change in its weight distribution or another dramatic change
in its behavior. After all, if it had a hungry carnivore hanging on to its flank, the
sauropod should have responded to such a stimulus. Consequently, its tracks
potentially should reflect such responses, but they do not.
For example, a single juvenile hadrosaurid that stayed in its nest for the first three
years of its life, followed by burial of the nest site by a river flood, had minimal
time and opportunity to significantly impact sediments. In contrast, a herd of mostly
adult sauropods following a frequently used route that was exposed for a long time,
such as along the shoreline of a lake, could have caused sediment impacts unri-
valed by any other known land animals in the history of the Earth. Indeed, some
horizons in strata from the Late Triassic to the Late Cretaceous provide evidence
of how dinosaurs affected significant areas of sedimentary surfaces. The advent
of large body size and probable group behavior in certain dinosaurs, such as
sauropods and ornithopods, also was a factor in the increased effect of dinosaur
locomotion on sediments by the end of the Jurassic through the Cretaceous.
Some dinosaur paleontologists use the term dinoturbation to describe the pro-
cess of sedimentary disruption by dinosaurs. As is evident from its etymology (from
the Greek, deinos = terrible and turbos = mix), the term is actually misapplied.
Most dinosaurs were not the size of large sauropods; a few, such as Microraptor, were
crow-sized (Chapter 9). As a result, terrible mixing is a misnomer, even in
Richard Owens original application of the prefix dino (Chapter 4). If dinotur-
bation was applied only to repeated deformation of sediment caused by large ani-
mals, such as modern elephant herds, then it would be appropriate. Unfortunately,
the originators of this term were specifically applying it to sedimentary disturbance
by dinosaurs only, restricting it to disturbances of Mesozoic sediment. In other words,
dinosaurs, just like earthworms, simply bioturbated.
In some instance, however, dinosaur bioturbation was indeed awe-inspiring. The
effect of the repeated passage of large animals on a substrate is often called tram-
pling. Trampling by large dinosaurs not only changed the character of the host
sediment, but also had a short-term ill effect on the plants growing underfoot. It
had a permanent, potentially fatal effect on any living animals that suffered the
stress imparted by such a heavy animal. For example, crushed marine clams and
snails have been found within some sauropod tracks (Fig. 14.9). Similarly, some
dinosaur bones also show fractures that are likely related to trampling by their con-
temporaries. The mollusks probably lived on a shallow sea bottom and thus died
in place when the unknowing dinosaur stepped on them. The crushed dinosaur
bones most likely belonged to already dead individuals that were either on or near
the surface traversed by the stomping dinosaurs.
Considering the effect of modern elephant herds on ecosystems and landscapes,
dinosaur trampling probably resulted in similar changes in some areas. One of the
most likely changes would have been the response of land plants. For example,
fast-growing or otherwise flexible species of plants would have been favored in their
reproduction versus those that recovered slowly, or not at all, from trampling. Tracks 14
thus provide a perspective on how a journey of a thousand steps (or more) by a
dinosaur could have been partially responsible for changing the dinosaurs world
in the short-term. These short-term changes in turn contributed to the develop-
ment of plant communities of the Mesozoic that continued into the Cenozoic, mean-
ing that the steps of dinosaurs left a more subtle but broader footprint on modern
FIGURE 14.9 Sauropod track on top of a gastropod (snail) shell, preserved in shallow-
marine limestone from the Late Jurassic of Switzerland. View is from underneath, which
means that the gastropod was stepped on by the sauropod.
Dinosaur Nests
Nest Definitions
Dinosaur nests are extremely important trace fossils for understanding dinosaur repro-
duction, brooding, and sociality. A nest is a biogenic structure that may or may
not contain a clutch of eggs, but it is best represented by an arrangement of eggs
or eggshells in definite patterns. A nest can also be any semicircular depression with
a raised rim that was originally used to hold eggs or young. Dinosaur nests are trace
fossils in that they can be defined exclusive of body parts, including eggs or juve-
nile remains. In contrast, eggshells are body fossils because they were originally
part of the developing embryo (Chapter 8). Dinosaur nests sometimes contain hatch-
lings or other remains of juveniles, which assists in the identification of the
parental species, such as some theropods, sauropods, and ornithopods (Chapters 9
to 11). All dinosaur nests described so far were made on a ground surface. This type
of construction is similar to those of some modern reptiles and a few flightless birds
and shorebirds, rather than the arboreal nests of many modern birds (Chapter 15).
Only a few small non-avian theropods may have been arboreal (Chapter 9), but
whether they built nests in trees is unknown.
FIGURE 14.10 Nest types associated with modern reptiles, shown in cross-sectional view.
(A) Mound nest. (B) Hole nest.
Once nests are found in the field, a thorough investigation requires, at a mini-
mum, description and interpretation of the following parameters:
FIGURE 14.11 Dinosaur egg clutch of the Late Cretaceous theropod Troodon associated
with a nest structure (not shown). Orientation implies that eggs were moved by the
mother after egg-laying. Cast of original clutch from Museum of the Rockies, Bozeman,
Montana; the clutch is upside-down for display purposes.
how such precise positions could have been achieved by the use of snouts or other
anatomical parts.
As viewed from above a nest site, dinosaur egg clutches typically assume four
main patterns:
1 concentric circles;
2 spirals;
3 parallel rows that were doubled in some cases; and
4 poorly defined clusters.
Circular patterns are probably the result of post-laying movement, whereas the
linear arrangements may have been from a mother dinosaur periodically laying
eggs as it moved forward. Clusters represent less organization and probably are
attributable to clutches laid in one depression without appreciable movement by
the mother. The latter mode is observed in crocodilian and turtle egg-laying, where
masses of eggs are in close but chaotic association with one another.
Nest Taphonomy
Common environments for ground nests can be nearly anywhere on land for rep-
tiles and birds, but for the nests to be preserved in the geologic record they must
be close to where sediments can bury them. Although this typically happens near
water bodies, eolian deposition has been invoked for the burial of some dinosaur
nests, such as those in Cretaceous strata of Mongolia (Chapter 7). Indeed, the major-
ity of dinosaur nests are associated with fluvial, lacustrine, or marine shoreline facies,
which indicates that at least a few species of dinosaurs nested in these areas. How-
ever, they also may have nested in upland regions that had lower preservation
potential. Floodplains of rivers were probably the best environments during the
Mesozoic for dinosaur nest preservation.
predators, although these have not yet been reported in association with dino-
saur nests.
In many cases, the mere concentration of dinosaur eggs or eggshell fragments
is sufficient for interpreting the former presence of a dinosaur nest. Experimental
evidence from modern bird nests shows that eggshell fragments normally remain
in the general locality of the nest. Similar results have been yielded by tests of
this taphonomic model on places where dinosaur eggshell fragments are abundant.
Other experiments have been done on avian eggs. When they are placed in aquatic
environments (continental or marine), eggs in close proximity to their original nest
site have shown preservation that depends on the closely-associated depositional
environment. Further testing of these models should show whether post-laying trans-
port of eggs or eggshell fragments is a major problem for the interpretation of
former nest sites. Nonetheless, current evidence points toward the presence of con-
centrated egg remains as a reliable indicator of nearby dinosaur nests.
Dinosaur Toothmarks
Toothmark Definitions
A toothmark is an impression left by the bite of an animal with teeth, regard-
less of what was being bitten (Chapter 8). Toothmarks are trace fossils, whereas
the medium they bit into are typically body fossils. Dinosaur toothmarks, first
described and interpreted in 1908 (Chapter 3), have been so far only reported from
bones; no dinosaur toothmarks in fossil plant material are currently known. For
those dinosaurs that fed on other animals, some left distinctive toothmarks on their
bones. Whether these pieces of evidence are representative of feeding preferences
for some dinosaurs is inconclusive. A firmer understanding of feeding preferences,
especially for different species of dinosaurs, is contingent on the discovery of more
toothmarks or supplementary clues from stomach contents or coprolites.
Toothmarks are described by their:
FIGURE 14.12 Four sets of toothmark rows on left ilium of a Late Jurassic sauropod,
Apatosaurus. Toothmark spacing corresponds with tooth row of Allosaurus, a large
theropod found in same-age strata of Apatosaurus. All sets begin at distal part of bone as
scrape marks that trend caudally; feeding was performed through pulling of muscles from
insertion point on ilium on a carcass lying on its right side. The allosaur was taller than
the width of the recumbent apatosaur so that it could move its head horizontally for this
nipping motion. Rightward trend of scrape marks suggests that allosaur was on the
dorsal side of the apatosaur. Specimen in the Dinosaur Adventure Museum of Fruita,
may have been already dead from other means when they were munched. In
contrast, toothmarks from theropods that show post-wound healing have been
reported for at least two specimens of the possibly oft-victimized Edmontosaurus
(Chapter 13). These indicate successful escapes for a preyed-upon dinosaur, or a
failed hunt for the predator, depending on ones perspective. Additionally, healed
toothmarks in theropod bones that match those of the same species may point
toward intraspecific competition. This was proposed for tyrannosaurids at one time,
but this hypothesis was later falsified (Chapter 9).
One of the more important pieces of information derived from toothmarks is an
estimate of minimum biting force of a carnivorous dinosaur. The stress applied by
a tooth is a result of force generated by the biting animal to the surface area in
contact with the tooth. Penetration depth and the competence of the penetrated
substrate can be a general indicator of such stress, for example. Experiments with
modern bone material can be used as a model for biting force, which was done
with Tyrannosaurus in mind. In these experiments, bovine bones were placed in
a vise that measured stress. Stresses were then applied to duplicate the depth of
penetration mirrored by Tyrannosaurus toothmarks in fossil bones. The calculated
force was 13,400 N, which is greater than that for any known animal, living or
dead. Such jaw strength in Tyrannosaurus rex provides good reason why it still deserves
its original title of King of the Tyrant Lizards, regardless of whether it was pri-
marily a predator or scavenger (Chapter 9).
Toothmark Taphonomy
The preservation of toothmarks may be analogous to the same principles of under-
track preservation: the deeper the toothmark, the more likely it was preserved. Bites
that only superficially penetrated flesh have a lower preservation potential than
deeper bites that penetrated bone, because there is a general lack of soft-tissue preser-
vation. Consequently, wounds that could have easily killed a prey species, such as
disembowelments, severed arteries, or other soft-tissue traumas, have extremely low
preservation potential in the fossil record. Indeed, all reported dinosaur toothmarks
are in bones and some clearly show that the chewed animal was consumed after
it was already dead. Rare instances of herbivorous mammal toothmarks in fossil
vegetative material from the Cenozoic Period have been documented, but no sim-
ilar traces left by herbivorous dinosaurs are known. Such fossils probably would
have to be deep bites or gnawings within woody tissue that were buried rapidly to
facilitate preservation. Additionally, the toothmarks of larger prey animals and
dinosaurs with longer teeth and greater biting force were probably preferentially
preserved. In other words, toothmarks from Allosaurus in bones of sauropod bones
should be more commonly represented than those from Microraptor in small mam-
mal bones. Among feeding traces, the least likely for preservation are those left by
toothless dinosaurs such as Oviraptor or Ornithomimus. However, modern toothless
predatory birds can leave distinctive marks on bones of their prey, so toothless
dinosaurs may have left similar marks.
Despite the large number of theropods, most interpreted as carnivores, their tooth-
marks are rarely reported in comparison to toothmarks caused by modern carniv-
orous mammals. Several hypotheses are proposed to explain this discrepancy:
1 most theropods may have fed differently from modern mammals by swallow-
ing their prey whole or in large chunks, which would have resulted in no
preserved toothmark;
2 they could have thoroughly chewed their food, which would have left no
single, identifiable toothmarks;
3 bones broken by theropods, even if left unconsumed, had more exposed sur-
face areas that weathered more quickly than unbroken ones; as a result, their
preservation potential was lower; and
4 numerous theropod toothmarks are present but under-reported.
With regard to the latter, dinosaur researchers may have focused their attentions
on describing the anatomical information from dinosaur bones. Meanwhile, they
either overlooked or decided not to describe toothmark evidence. These same re-
searchers also may have only recovered museum quality skeletal material from the
field, rather than broken pieces of bone that could contain abundant toothmarks.
Evidence indicating that dinosaur toothmarks may be more common than pre-
viously supposed comes from the Late Cretaceous Dinosaur Park Formation of Alberta,
Canada. One study of more than 1000 dinosaur bones revealed that as much as
14% of all hadrosaurid bones contained toothmarks. Such results are encouraging
for future research on dinosaur toothmarks. Toothmarks, which in combination with
identifiable dinosaur teeth from same-age strata and associated trace fossils, such
as gastroliths and coprolites, can thus contribute to a better understanding of dinosaur
Dinosaur Gastroliths
FIGURE 14.13 Typical gastroliths with rounded and polished appearance, from the Lower
Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation of Utah. Denver Museum of Science and Nature,
Denver, Colorado.
n Rounding in a stream.
n Consumption by sauropod.
n Rounding and polishing in the gizzard.
n Loss during life, through regurgitation or defecation.
n Loss after death.
n Accidental consumption by a theropod eating a sauropod.
n Burial near the place where it was lost by the sauropod.
n Transport away from place of loss, by either running water or the theropod
carrying the gastrolith in its gut.
n Reconsumption by another sauropod.
n Exposure and reworking of gastrolith, followed by reburial.
Evidence for gastroliths in dinosaurs consists of the numerous polished stones asso-
ciated with dinosaur body fossils, the most oft-cited examples being found within
the thoracic cavity region, ventral to the cervical and dorsal vertebrae and anterior
to the sacral vertebrae. These stones are typically smooth, polished, rounded, and
flat to semispherical (Fig. 14.13). The sizes of the stones can vary in proportion to
the size of the host animal. Gastroliths in smaller dinosaurs may be less than 1 cm
in diameter, but some found in sauropod skeletons may be as large as 10 cm in
their longest dimension.
Gastroliths are typically silica rich, such as those composed of chert (SiO2)
or quartzite, a durable metamorphic equivalent of sandstone composed of quartz
(also SiO2). Limestone and other calcareous rocks, such as dolomite, are unlikely
candidates for gastroliths. Stomach acids have low pH values and easily dissolve
such rocks, effectively defeating the purpose of swallowing them in the first place.
Additionally, chert, quartzite, and other silica-rich rocks are typically harder than
calcareous rocks. Consequently, they would be more likely to survive extended
periods of grinding in a digestive tract.
Gastroliths also should be concentrated in relatively small areas within the con-
fines of the dinosaur skeleton. Paleontologists who encounter gastroliths should
carefully map their distributions and orientations in relation to the skeleton,
which can aid in telling the former position of either the crop or gizzard of the
dinosaur. Unfortunately, most excavators of dinosaur skeletons have not recorded
such information.
The current hypothesis explaining the association of polished stones with
dinosaur remains is that dinosaurs swallowed stones for the same reason as mod-
ern birds, to help with digestion. Because no dinosaur species has been convin-
cingly demonstrated as habitually aquatic, the digestion hypothesis is favored over
the stones use as ballast, as in crocodiles. The rounding, smoothness, and high
degree of polish of gastroliths are all attributed to their repeated grinding within
the gizzard, as well as the possible effects of gastric acids as a chemical weathering
agent. A commonly invoked alternative hypothesis for the juxtaposition of gastroliths
and dinosaur skeletons is that these polished stones were placed in the skeleton
through physical processes after death. In this hypothesis, the body cavity of a dead
dinosaur was opened sufficiently for sediment to accumulate in it. This sediment
may have included rounded, polished stones from a stream bed near the body. This
hypothesis must be seriously considered and requires much evidence to falsify because
of the very common association of dinosaur skeletal remains with fluvial deposits,
which typically contain such rounded stones.
Fortunately, at least one method has been used to distinguish these different types
of stones: laser light-scattering, which measures the amount of light coming from
a laser and scattered by a polished surface on each stone. Probable gastroliths, which
were taken from the thoracic cavity of a dinosaur, and rocks initially identified as
gastroliths on the basis of their physical resemblance to the former show a high
degree of scattering. Stones from fluvial environments show less scatter, whereas
those from rocky shorelines have a scatter nearly intermediate to that of actual gas-
troliths and fluvial stones. Of course, the possibility that gastroliths were already
rounded and polished by a stream bed when a passing dinosaur swallowed them
cannot be ignored. Another check for gastrolith authentication is to examine the
sediment that composes the rock surrounding a dinosaur skeleton. If the host rock
does not contain larger, rounded, polished stones, but the interior of the dinosaur
skeleton does, then gastroliths cannot be eliminated as a possibility.
Dinosaurs with well-supported evidence for gastroliths include some sauropodo-
morphs, both prosauropods and sauropods (Chapter 10); a nodosaurid (Chapter 12);
psittacosaurids (Chapter 13); a few theropods (Chapter 9); and possibly a few orni-
thopods (Chapter 11). Because gastroliths are normally associated with herbivores
and the theropod specimens are seemingly carnivores, the presence of gastroliths
in their gut regions is somewhat of a mystery (Chapter 9). Gastroliths in psitta-
cosaurids are also slightly odd because these dinosaurs had well-developed dental
batteries that should have easily ground up their roughage. Thus, gastroliths pro-
vide additional data that can question certain assumptions about the lifestyles of
dinosaurs that ordinarily might be made on the basis of body fossil evidence alone.
In that same vein, gastroliths are an important consideration when exploring for
dinosaurs in areas that normally have not yielded dinosaur fossils. In the absence
of other evidence for dinosaurs in continental Late Triassic, Jurassic, or Cretaceous
facies, possible gastroliths, concentrated deposits of well-polished, rounded stones
in otherwise fine-grained (muddy or sandy) deposits, can be the first clue to a
former dinosaurian presence. Bones may not be preserved and tracks may not
have been impressed deeply enough to avoid erosion, but chert cobbles are durable 14
enough to have withstood repeated travel before burial. This is regardless of
whether they traveled on the bottom of a stream or passed through the gut of a
dinosaur. After burial, silica-rich gastroliths also have an advantage in preservation
because they are not as susceptible as bones to dissolution by acidic groundwater
(Chapter 7).
Dinosaur Coprolites
Coprolite Definitions
Coprolites comprise some of the most important evidence related to the feeding
habits of extinct organisms. Coprolites (from the Greek copros = feces and lithos
= stone) are fossilized remains of the solid or semi-solid fecal material produced
by an animal. Coprolites are trace fossils because they are not composed of body
parts from the tracemaker and they reflect the tracemakers behavior. Coprolites,
like gastroliths, provide information about ancient diets, habitats, and the presence
of dinosaurs in areas otherwise lacking dinosaur body fossils or more common trace
fossils such as tracks.
Coprolites have a long history of study. In 1823, William Buckland (Chapter 3)
identified probable vertebrate coprolites from marine Cretaceous deposits of
England, and in one 1835 publication he coined the name still used for fossil feces.
In 1844, Edward Hitchcock also reported coprolites from Late Triassic and Early Jurassic
rocks that contained other trace fossil evidence of dinosaurs. However, he still thought
at the time that he was studying the trace fossils of ancient birds and did not make
the connection between these coprolites and dinosaurs. C. E. Bertrand of Belgium
first interpreted a dinosaur coprolite in 1903. This coprolite was from Cretaceous
rocks that contained numerous iguanodontian skeletons and some theropod
remains. However, later workers suggested that these coprolites also could have been
made by Cretaceous crocodilians. Bertrands study and the detractors of his work
illustrate the difficulty of linking a coprolite with its tracemaker. Nevertheless, he
demonstrated the potential for associated coprolites with known occurrences of
dinosaur body fossils and other trace fossils in the same strata.
A coprolite may contain body fossils, such as bacteria, plant fragments, or bones,
or in very rare cases may preserve soft tissues. These body fossils included in copro-
lites make them extremely valuable for the interpretation of feeding behavior. Another
fringe benefit of coprolites is that they may also contain other trace fossils.
Burrows formed during secondary feeding on the digested material occur in some
coprolites. Modern examples of these burrows are readily observable when insects,
such as flies and dung beetles, have done their work on
fresh feces. This coprophagy (see box), regardless of how un-
Coprophagy literally
appetizing it might seem, is a necessary part of life on Earth,
means, eating
because it is responsible for much nutrient cycling in both
feces (from the
terrestrial and marine environments. Traces of coprophagous
Greek, phagos = behavior with regard to dinosaur coprolites can give valu-
eat). able insights about nutrient cycling in Mesozoic ecosystems.
This bestows an added importance to coprolites as sources
of paleoecological information. For example, Late Cretaceous coprolites that were
probably made by hadrosaurids have been interpreted to also contain dung-beetle
traces (Fig. 14.14).
Coprolites are recognized largely through their morphological resemblance to
modern feces. However, pseudocoprolites, inorganically formed deposits that
superficially resemble coprolites, also have been interpreted from the geologic
record. Accordingly, a careful description of a suspected coprolite must be made
before interpreting it as one. Coprolites are described through a near-standard ter-
minology that recognizes their shape, size, surface features, and content. Shapes
can generally be divided into two categories, pelletal and cylindrical, with pelletal
shapes approaching flattened spheroids and cylindrical shapes being more elongate.
Relative flattening of a coprolite can indicate:
Fecal firmness is influenced by composition. For instance, fecal material with low
water contents will tend toward greater firmness, which can also indirectly indi-
cate dehydration in the animal or drought conditions. The height of the animal
above a surface was certainly a factor in determining the shape of fecal material
for some dinosaurs. Some sauropods may have been as much as 10 meters above
the ground when they defecated. Fecal flattening may also occur among animals
that follow one another in a herd and step on the deposits of their predecessors.
Post-depositional compaction by sediments overlying a coprolite is also a possibil-
ity if the coprolites were still soft when they were buried.
Size is an important consideration for dinosaur coprolites. One simple assump-
tion for animal feces is: the larger the pile, the larger the animal. A large-diameter
cylindrical coprolite certainly implies a correspondingly large tracemaker. Never-
theless, caution should be applied to individual, small coprolites, for these do not
necessarily correlate with a smaller tracemaker. One consideration is that a copro-
lite may only represent one piece detached from a formerly larger and integrated
fecal mass. Individual but entire dinosaur coprolites also can be quite small (<10 cm
length) compared to the body size of their purported tracemakers. An example of
this seemingly anomalous correlation between animal size and fecal size can be
observed in modern mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and elk (Cervus canadensis) of
North America. These are animals that can weigh nearly 100 kg but their individ-
ual pellets are often less than 1 cm in diameter. Masses of small, individual pellets
can be merged into large deposits by compaction, through an initially high water
content that enables them to ooze together, or by both processes. So a large mass
of small pellets could be used as an indicator of a large tracemaker. Indeed, some
masses of fossil vegetative material have been interpreted as dinosaur coprolites that
formed from the collection of many originally small-diameter pellets. Coprolites
can thus be used reliably to indicate a minimum size of the tracemaker, whereas
interpretations of maximum size should be treated with more skepticism.
Surface features of coprolites can potentially indicate soft-part anatomy and func-
tions associated with the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract that otherwise would
not be preserved in most body fossils. For example, longitudinal striations on a 14
coprolite indicate the minute folding on the intestinal wall of the tracemaker, and
distinctive pinched ends of coprolites are signs of a healthy anal sphincter. For copro-
lites that can be correlated with dinosaurian tracemakers, such data can help to
better define the form and function of a dinosaurs posterior internal organs.
The contents of a coprolite are the final piece of evidence that paleontologists
need to assure themselves that they are studying a formerly digested meal and not
a mass of rock that simply looks like feces. Both fossil plants, such as conifers, and
bones have been discovered as ground-up material in localized masses recovered
from the geologic record. When such material is correspondingly contained within
masses that morphologically match those of known coprolites, their identification
as a coprolite is reasonable. Conversely, a coprolite-like body that lacks plant or bone
material should not be assumed to be a coprolite. Likewise, a mass of finely frag-
mented plant or bone material, without the requisite size and shape associated with
a coprolite, also should not be identified as a coprolite. A dinosaur coprolite must
have both the form and composition of feces, not one or the other. Moreover, it
should occur in strata of the proper ages and environments for dinosaurs.
As an example of detailed interpretations that can be made for dinosaurian
diets from coprolites, evidence for consumption of a juvenile hadrosaurid by a
tyrannosaurid was interpreted from a large (44-cm long) cylindrical Late Cretaceous
coprolite from Alberta, Canada. The coprolite is inferred as originating from a
tyrannosaurid tracemaker because of:
Another large (64-cm long) coprolite, also discovered in an Upper Cretaceous stra-
tum of Alberta, contained three-dimensional impressions of muscle tissue and finely-
ground bone. Also attributed to a tyrannosaurid, this coprolite indicates a brief
digestive period for the tracemaker, rapid diagenesis, and burial of the fecal mass.
Otherwise, the muscle tissue would not have been preserved.
Coprolite Taphonomy
Coprolites are trace fossils with potentially complex histories. Like gastroliths, they
are susceptible to secondary reworking, so where a coprolite is found may not neces-
sarily represent where it was deposited by the original tracemaker. Preservation
of coprolites depends on their original composition, water content, the location
where they were deposited, and the method of burial. For example, coprolites made
by carnivorous dinosaurs (most theropods) were more likely to be preserved than
those made by herbivores (some theropod and all non-theropod dinosaurs). This
is because the bone material of the consumed prey animals gave them a high min-
eral content, dahllite (Chapters 5 and 8). The dahllite of the consumed animal served
as a nucleation site for phosphatization, which can be a relatively rapid diagenetic
process. Phosphatization is also aided by some bacteria, which were already pre-
sent in large amounts in the gut and feces of the animal. After defecation, a good
preservation environment for coprolites then would have been a floodplain asso-
ciated with a river, where feces deposited on a dry part of the floodplain dehydrated
slightly before being rapidly buried by a river flood. Other environments where copro-
lites were likely to have been preserved include watering holes (ponds), swamps,
streams, and muddy areas associated with estuaries or lakes.
One scenario, proposed as ideal for coprolite preservation, is explained as follows:
Any indirect evidence left by a dinosaur in the geologic record, exclusive of body
parts, is a trace fossil, so the potential for discovering and describing more than 14
tracks, nests, toothmarks, gastroliths, and coprolites is likely. A few other types that
have been reported, but not yet discussed further, include:
SUMMARY Continued
would not have preserved deep bites? Conversely, what parts of prey
animals would have had the thinnest amount of flesh covering their
bones and would more likely preserve toothmarks?
9. How would you explain why a suspected dinosaur coprolite does not
show any coprophagy traces? Develop at least two hypotheses. What
subsequent data could disprove each one?
During your study of dinosaurs you have frequently encountered the phrase birds
are dinosaurs. You may start to think of possible lines of evidence to disprove
this statement, including body fossils, trace fossils, paleobiogeography, modern
genetics, and behavioral ecology.
What information would convincingly falsify the currently reigning hypothesis
about bird origins, which suggests that dinosaurs are still here today?
Conversely, what types and amounts of evidence would convince you to condi-
tionally accept the hypothesis? How do modern birds provide clues regarding their
possible dinosaurian ancestry, and what behaviors do they show that are
unknown in dinosaurs?
Birds as Modern
An animal that is a member of the group descended from the most recent common
ancestor of Triceratops and birds.
The reason why Triceratops, a ceratopsian (Chapter 13), is singled out in this
definition is because it represents the most advanced ornithischian, and birds rep-
resent the most advanced saurischians. Saurischians and ornithischians are dif-
ferent clades of dinosaurs, but they diverged from a common ancestor. Hence,
whenever their most recent common ancestor lived (probably in the Middle to Late
Triassic) is also when dinosaurs as a clade began. This application of phylogenetic
methods results in a geologic range of dinosaurs from Late Triassic to the present,
not from the Late Triassic to the end of the Cretaceous. Consequently, dinosaurs
did not become extinct they are still here today as birds.
The purpose of this chapter is to show that dinosaurs and birds are now inter-
twined topics that can provide perspectives on the past, present, and future of
dinosaur studies. The long history of dinosaurs is intrinsically connected to
modern birds because birds are dinosaurs just as much as humans are mammals.
Moreover, observations of modern birds lend insights on how their extinct non-
avian cousins may have lived and especially how they behaved. Yet another con-
sideration is how the 145-million-year evolutionary history of birds is related to
subjects other than dinosaurs, such as environmental changes during the latter
part of the Mesozoic Era and mass extinctions at the end of the Cretaceous (Chap-
ter 16). Consequently, birds comprise a crucial topic within dinosaur studies, one
that helps to complete a picture of the evolutionary history of dinosaurs.
(Modern birds)
Archaeopteryx Hesperornis
Dromaeosauridae Mononykus
Deinonychosauridae Avialae
Arctometatarsalia Eumaniraptora
Carnosauria Maniraptiformes
FIGURE 15.1 Cladogram showing the lineage within Theropoda leading to Aves (birds)
and subsequent clades nested within Aves.
FIGURE 15.2 A few characters defining Aves (birds): (A) reduction of caudal vertebrae
into a pygostyle; (B) forearm more than 90% of the length of the humerus and forelimb
considerably longer (more than 120%) than the hindlimb; (C) anisodactyl foot, with a
reversed hallux adapted for perching. Notice also the keeled (carinate) sternum and
elongated coracoids.
Keep in mind that these characters are added to the previously mentioned
characters of the theropod ancestors of birds, which means that this condensed list
does not come close to describing what is defined as a bird. For example, the pos-
session of feathers used to be a primary criterion for identification of an animal as
a bird, especially under the Linnaean classification scheme, but numerous discov-
eries of non-avian feathered theropods have revoked this single-character iden-
tifier. Instead, feathers can be viewed as a possible plesiomorphy in birds and the
few theropods that shared a common coelurosaurian ancestry. Feathered non-avian
theropods (Chapter 9) include Beipiaosaurus, Caudipteryx, Microraptor, Protarchaeopteryx,
Sinornithosaurus, Sinosauropteryx, and others, all from the Early Cretaceous of China.
A more inclusive trait is the possession of low-density pneumatic bones, evident
in both theropods and birds (Chapter 9). Modern birds also have a number of air
sacs throughout their bodies that help to lower their density and thus aid in flight.
As far as Archaeopteryx is concerned, it was small by dinosaurian standards, espe-
cially in the Late Jurassic when it shared the landscape with massive sauropods
(Chapter 10). It is about 45 cm long, probably weighed less than half of a kilogram,
and is comparable to the size of a large crow (Fig. 15.3). Archaeopteryx shows a mix
of features normally associated with non-avian theropods and birds exclusively:
Archaeopteryx also recently had its head examined and was found to be, for all
practical purposes, bird-brained. This investigation used CT scans (Chapter 4) to
develop a finely resolved three-dimensional picture of the braincase for one speci-
men of Archaeopteryx, and the results showed that its brain was much more akin
to that of a modern bird than a reptile.
Archaeopteryx was found in a fine-grained limestone, the Solnhofen Limestone
of Bavaria, Germany. This deposit probably formed in a lagoon and dates to
about 152 Ma in the Late Jurassic. Seven specimens and one feather represent
Archaeopteryx; the feather, which was found in 1860, is presumed to be from this
specimen because no other feather-bearing fossils have been found in the
Solnhofen. The first complete skeleton with feather impressions was found in 1861,
and its discovery contributed to then-raging debates about evolutionary theory
prompted by Darwins publication of On the Origin of Species in 1859 (Chapter 3).
The other specimens were found at various times from 1877 to 1992. Interestingly,
one of the specimens had been mislabeled in a museum collection as a pterosaur;
John Ostrom realized its actual identity when he first saw it in 1970 (Chapter 3). 15
In a similar manner, yet another specimen was discovered three years later when
Shaft (Rachis)
Quill (Calamus)
(A) (B)
FIGURE 15.5 Confuciusornis sanctus, an Early Cretaceous bird from China. (A) Fossil specimen, with carbonized
margin indicating presence of feathers. (B) Reconstruction of living animal. Note the prominent digits on the
wings, indicating a primitive condition. Naturhistoriches Museum Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
within 10 million years of Archaeopteryx. A few presumed dinosaur eggs and nests
have also been suspected of actually belonging to avians; some Late Cretaceous
eggshells closely match those known from birds. The oldest embryonic avian
remains, found in Mongolia, are also Late Cretaceous and probably belong to the
bird Gobipteryx minuta. Overall, the fossil record for birds improves dramatically
in Cretaceous deposits, in comparison to their extreme rarity in Jurassic strata.
Additionally, discoveries of the last 25 years in particular have added exponenti-
ally to unraveling the evolution of Cretaceous birds. At this writing, more than
50 genera of birds had been identified from Cretaceous strata, hailing from every
continent, except Antarctica, and contributing to the ever more complicated clado-
grams which change with each new discovery (Table 15.1).
FIGURE 15.6 Skeleton of Hesperornis regalis, a Late Cretaceous diving bird recovered
from marine deposits in Kansas, and artistic reconstruction behind it. Note the vestigial 15
wings, indicating secondary flightlessness in a Cretaceous bird. Sam Noble Oklahoma
Museum of Natural History, Norman, Oklahoma.
to figure out when declines occurred in bird populations. Nevertheless, all lineages
with the exception of the neornithines, known generally as modern birds, went
extinct either before or at the end of the Cretaceous Period. Why only these birds
and no others made it into the Tertiary is unknown. One commonality of Late
Cretaceous neornithines is that most were apparently shorebirds. This habitat prefer-
ence may have had a survival advantage for whatever events happened toward
the end of the Cretaceous and beginning of the Tertiary Periods (Chapter 16).
Alternatively, the presence of these species in the fossil record may be a result of
a preservation bias in the form of the more frequent burial of nearshore species.
Taphonomy is the filter through which all interpretations of the fossil record neces-
sarily must be made (Chapter 7), and birds in particular are difficult to preserve as
body fossils because of their often small, hollow bones. As a result, the fossil record
for birds is not expected to be very rich, making the discoveries of recent years
from the Late Cretaceous all the more remarkable.
n No teeth.
n Forearms where the carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges fuse into a carpo-
metatarsus (the distal end of a chicken wing shows this structure quite
n A synsacrum, where the pelvic bones fuse with the sacral vertebrae.
n A pygostyle (although a few non-avian maniraptorans also have this feature).
n Fusion of the metatarsals (anklebones) into a tarsometatarsus.
Obviously, Archaeopteryx is not just an ordinary bird. Its teeth, unfused bones in
the forearm, manus with phalanges and claws, unfused sacrum, long tail, and unfused
bones in the ankle, along with many other traits, all point to its classification as a
theropod. Yet it is also a bird because of modifications to this theropod body plan
that represent novel traits.
On the basis of the previously mentioned traits for Archaeopteryx, Aves and Deino-
nychosauria are hypothesized as having a common ancestor from the node-based
clade Coelurosauria. Depending on how a cladogram for birds and their theropod
relatives is arranged, some predatory theropods, such as the Early Cretaceous
Deinonychus, Dromaeosaurus, Utahraptor, and Late Cretaceous Velociraptor, are prob-
ably part of a sister clade to birds. A possible point of confusion is that, because of
this common ancestry, both deinonychosaurs and primitive birds may have been
feathered. This hypothesis is supported by the discovery of one feathered deinony-
chosaur, the Early Cretaceous Sinornithosaurus of China. This circumstance does not
mean that birds were the ancestors of deinonochysaurs, but rather that they
descended from the same ancestor and later became contemporaries. The largest
problems with the theropodbird hypothesis do not lie in working out whether
birds evolved from theropods; a detailed comparative analysis reveals that more
than 100 characters are shared by coelurosaurian dinosaurs and avians. The questions
that are still unanswered are when and how birds evolved from theropod ancestors.
The when part of the theropodbird question is probably easier to answer in
a preliminary way. The stratigraphic position of Archaeopteryx indicates a minimum
age of Late Jurassic for the evolution of birds. This suggests that the most imme-
diate ancestors of birds may have originated during the Middle Jurassic or the
earliest part of the Late Jurassic, with divergence from a hypothetical coelurosaur
(probably maniraptoran) ancestor. A few fragmentary maniraptoran remains have
been found in Late Jurassic deposits of North America, indicating a maniraptoran
presence on two continents at that time. However, the lack of more complete,
identifiable maniraptoran specimens is particularly vexing in this respect, because
a gap results in the fossil lineage of coelurosaurs to avians. Nevertheless, the
characters of Archaeopteryx with relation to other theropods and its stratigraphic
position serve as a predictor not only for where in geologic time these avian
ancestors lie, but also for what they should look like.
The question of how flighted birds evolved from flightless theropods is a rather
contentious debate that may not be resolved in the near future. This pessimistic
assessment acknowledges that the majority of data supporting the competing
hypotheses are based on inferences gained from functional morphology and
biomechanical analyses. Because the morphological features that define birds are
intrinsically linked to adaptations for flight, the causes for the evolution of flight
in certain theropods must be considered. As a result, two main hypotheses have
been proposed for the origin of bird flight:
for flight, but later helped with flying. After all, although feathers are useful for
flighted birds today, they are not a prerequisite for flying ability in animals. For
example, among tetrapods, pterosaurs and bats both independently developed full
flying capabilities without the benefit of feathers. Consequently, theropods could
have had feathers well before natural selection was applied in either an arboreal or
cursorial scenario, and the feathers could have served an entirely different function.
Of these two hypotheses, the cursorial hypothesis was more popular with pale-
ontologists until recently. It may have been more acceptable simply because it was
less weak than the arboreal hypothesis. A turning point in this debate came about
as a result of the recent discovery of three Early Cretaceous non-avian theropods
that were apparently adapted for arboreal lifestyles. Two species, Epidendrosaurus
ninchengensis and Scansoriopteryx heilmanni, are relatively small. They have an
unusually long digit III on their hands, and long forearms, collectively. These traits
would have served well for climbing trees. Another species, Microraptor gui, is also
small (smaller than Archaeopteryx, in fact) and has feathers on all four limbs, which
suggests that it was a glider. Adaptations for gliding are useless if the same animal
also could not climb trees or similarly high objects, thus Microraptor is also
assumed to have been a tree climber.
As just demonstrated, the debate over trees-down or ground-up origins for bird
flight centers on functional morphology, and from such studies other apparent con-
tradictions become apparent. For example, Archaeopteryx has claws on its manus
that could have been used for climbing and feet that were seemingly adapted for
perching. Nonetheless, its hallux is slightly too short for good perching, and it also
has legs that were adapted for bipedal running. Likewise, its flight feathers are well
developed, yet the bony sternum is poorly developed (in fact, only one specimen
has a sternum preserved). Despite seven skeletons, some of them exquisitely pre-
served, and an inordinate amount of study by many careful and brilliant paleon-
tologists over the course of 145 years, the exact details about how Archaeopteryx
lived or got to where it was in its evolutionary history are still being debated.
Another problem with relying on functional morphology for either hypothesis
is that few actual experiments or observations of modern analogues are included
to test the assumptions. For example, no modern birds swat at insects or any other
prey with their feathered arms for food gathering while they run, which disfavors
the cursorial hypothesis. Similarly, the only modern analogue that favors the arbo-
real hypothesis is represented by one species of bird that has claws on its wings
adapted for climbing trees, the hoatzin of South America (Opisthocomus hoazin). The
hoatzin only has this ability in its juvenile state, as the adults have fused digits in
their manus, just like any other bird.
Other independent data, such as trace fossils or facies associations, have not been
integrated to any great extent into arguments for either hypothesis. For example,
if theropod ancestors of birds were indeed cursorial before short flights, then pre-
served trackways of such behavior would help to confirm that this happened.
Unfortunately, arboreal theropods would have left far fewer tracks, and scratch marks
left on trees would have had low preservation potential. Another problem would
be distinguishing non-avian theropod tracks from bird tracks in Jurassic rocks. So
far no Jurassic bird tracks have been recognized, although the aforementioned avian-
like tracks from the Late Triassic of Argentina are intriguing clues to animals that
had feet similar to those of modern birds. With regard to Archaeopteryx, if it was at
least partially ground dwelling, its short hallux means that it probably would not
have left an impression of this digit. As a result, only a typical tridactyl and pre-
sumably non-avian theropod footprint would be evident.
One other piece of evidence relating to the trees-down or ground-up hypotheses
is the paleoenvironmental context for Archaeopteryx. Its exclusive occurrence in
lagoonal deposits of the Solnhofen Limestone means that it may have been flying
far away from any forested areas, which would favor the cursorial hypothesis.
Alternatively, all of the specimens in the Solnhofen also could have floated into
the lagoon from forested areas (the bloat-and-float hypothesis explained in
Chapter 7), which would not have negated the arboreal hypothesis. Other evidence
supporting the latter scenario is the occurrence of the probable arboreal non-avian
theropods, Epidendrosaurus, Scansoriopteryx, and Microraptor, in lake deposits, which
means that they may have floated out into a water body before sinking to the
bottom and becoming part of the fossil record.
The preceding discussion was presented in the context of an either-or argu-
ment, but in science alternative hypotheses do not have to be limited to just two.
A third hypothesis, which is actually a variation of the cursorial one, is that ground
running was helped along by vigorous flapping that increased theropod running
speeds. Such an adaptation certainly would have aided in predator avoidance, which
would have been particularly important for small theropods in the Late Jurassic.
Under this hypothesis, natural selection of these flapping pre-avian theropods
would have progressively led to full, self-powered flight. The contrast between this
model and the previous cursorial model is that one would have been used for pre-
dation, whereas the other would have been used for avoiding it.
Yet another modification of the cursorial hypothesis is actually a neat synthesis
of it with the arboreal hypothesis, which calls for the evolutionary development
of wing-assisted incline running. This hypothesis differs from the others in that
it has incorporated much experimental data from modern birds (partridges), rather
than theorizing based on functional morphology. These experiments showed that
juvenile partridges were capable of running up steep inclines, including vertical tree
trunks, journeys that were made easier by an energetic flapping of their wings. This
method also would have been an excellent method for predator avoidance, par-
ticularly if the predators were non-avian theropods with relatively short arms. The
researcher who documented this behavior also tested the effects of feather area on
incline running by trimming the feathers to half their length or cutting them off
completely. Birds without feathers could not run up slopes greater than 60, and
the half-feathered individuals also were 1020 behind the fully-feathered in
climbing ability. This study thus helps to explain how a half-wing in a theropod
would still have an evolutionary advantage over no wing. The results also
changed the perspectives of paleontologists who had not been studying extant avian
dinosaurs for clues of their evolutionary history.
Although birds are theropods, the exact mechanisms responsible for the evolu-
tion of flightless theropod lineages into flighted birds are still poorly understood,
although they are becoming clearer with each fossil discovery. Indeed, anatomical
data derived from non-avian maniraptorans, Archaeopteryx, and other primitive
birds have clearly demonstrated the clear progression of the fore limbs, chest, and
shoulder girdles, adaptations favoring self-powered flight. For example, ratios of
armspans to body lengths of the feathered non-avian theropods Sinosauropteryx,
Protarchaeopteryx, and Sinornithosaurus show a potential progression from leapers
to gliders (where wider armspans correlate with wingspans). Furthermore,
Archaeopteryx may have been either a glider or used self-powered flight, but it may
have been surpassed in the latter respect by the non-avian theropod Cryptovolans,
which had a better developed keel (Chapter 9). Doubtless the steps of this evolu-
tionary process and its contributing factors will gain even more clarity with
further study and new fossil discoveries.
However, cladistic analyses of Archaeopteryx and other avians indicate that these
are more derived forms than the flightless theropods conjectured as their descend-
ants, therefore casting doubt on such an ancestordescendant relationship. Regard-
less, the affirmation of this hypothesis would only modify the currently supported
scenario for avian descent from non-avian theropods.
Nonetheless, a word of caution is warranted for any paleontologists who too quickly
embrace a hypothesis as completely confirmed. Human prejudice can influence
how evidence is viewed, fitting it to the hypothesis rather than cultivating aware-
ness of how it may not fit. In other words, people see what they want to see.
For example, a few years ago paleontologists named Archaeoraptor, a new Early
Cretaceous genus of dinosaur from China, on the basis of a single specimen that
had a blend of half-deinonychosaur and half-avian features. This specimen was hailed
as further confirming dinosaurbird links and was given much publicity in the
popular press before undergoing peer review. However, a more careful examination
later revealed that it was a chimera: the posterior half of a dromaeosaur, later identified
as Microraptor, had been pasted to the anterior half of a fossil bird, Yanornis
martini (Chapter 9). This two-for-one specimen was not a hoax perpetrated by the
paleontologists who described it, but nevertheless it was embarrassing to them and
the magazine that first announced it. The lesson from this mistake is that the eupho-
ria surrounding a potentially important fossil find is understandable, but healthy
skepticism helps to prevent hasty interpretations that just happen to reaffirm a
currently reigning hypothesis.
ability recurred like so: flightless non-avian theropod flighted bird flightless
bird. Modern birds can be broadly divided into carinates (flighted birds) and ratites
(flightless birds), although exceptions to this dualistic classification are posed by a
few species of flightless carinates. Among these birds are penguins, which prob-
ably evolved from flighted diving birds and now essentially fly through a liquid
medium (using the same flapping motion) instead of the air.
Ratites, which include ostriches, emus, rheas, kiwis, and cassowaries, are of the
most interest to dinosaur paleontologists because they are biomechanical and pos-
sible behavioral analogues to some flightless theropods of the Mesozoic. In fact,
numerous studies of rhea and emu tracks have been used as modern analogues to
Mesozoic theropod tracks (Fig. 15.7). A Tertiary ratite that might have been as ter-
rifying as some Cretaceous dromaeosaurs to the mammals of its time was Diatryma,
described by Edward Cope in 1876 (Fig. 15.8). Diatryma was a 2-meter tall bird that
towered over most mammals about 50 million years ago. It probably weighed more
than 150 kg and had a large head and beak adapted for meat eating. However,
Diatryma was surpassed in mass by a bird that only recently went extinct, the her-
bivorous elephantbird (Aepyornis maximus). At nearly 3-meters tall and weighing
400 kg, the elephantbird was larger than any deinonychosaur, with the exception
of Utahraptor (Chapter 9). It died out only about 1000 years ago, and its decline
coincided with the arrival of humans in its habitats on Madagascar about 2000 years
ago. Other ratites that went extinct within recent memory were the moas (e.g.,
Dinornis) of New Zealand (Fig. 15.9). Dinornis maximus was the tallest bird known
(one specimen was 3.7 meters tall), and weighed more than 200 kg. However, other
species of moas varied in size and most were considerably smaller. These ratites were
probable victims of overhunting and habitat alteration by humans, and the last
possible moa sighting was in 1947. Other modern ratites and many carinates sim-
ilarly have been decreasing at rapid rates as a result of overhunting and human
alterations of habitats, signaling the beginnings of a possible mass extinction for
birds well into the Cenozoic (Chapter 16).
Carinates are by far the more diverse of the two groups and include the afore-
mentioned passerines, but also (in general, and not cladistic categories):
The preceding list is not meant to be memorized, but to impress that the variabil-
ity of birds is almost taken for granted unless one starts to name all of them. This
modern assortment put together with the Cenozoic fossil record of birds collec-
tively point toward a post-Cretaceous success of birds that calls into question the 15
popular appellation of the Cenozoic as the Age of Mammals. In terms of shear
numbers of species and individuals, it more arguably is the Age of Birds.
(A) (B)
FIGURE 15.9 Dinornis, a recently extinct genus of moas, which were a group of ratites native to
New Zealand. (A) Skeleton of adult Diornis maximus; bust of Sir Richard Owen (Chapter 3) for scale.
(B) Egg of D. giganteus, with a calculated volume of about four liters (!). Auckland Museum, Auckland,
New Zealand.
Avian growth rates are often rapid, which is consistent with their endothermic
physiology (Chapter 8). However, different groups of birds differ considerably
in whether their young are born atricial or precocial, a consideration discussed for
juvenile dinosaurs (Chapters 9 and 10). Most passerines, raptors, and herons have
altricial juveniles, which means that they require much parental maintenance,
including brooding that conserves body heat. In some instances, juveniles may stay
in close proximity to their nests, even as they approach adult size (Fig. 15.11). On
the other hand, most shorebirds and game birds (turkeys, grouse, quail) have pre-
cocial young that are active and somewhat self-sufficient soon after hatching. The
latter situation enables parents to divide duties in raising the young, whereas
the former almost necessitates that both parents are constantly around while their
young develop.
Regardless of whether a species of bird is altricial or precocial in its juvenile stage,
they all reach breeding age within a relatively short period of time compared to
average lifespan, some as early as one year after hatching. Again, this is indicative
of rapid growth rates relative to many mammals, and similar growth rates have
been calculated for what are presumed as precocial juvenile theropods (Chapters 8
and 9). After they reach breeding age, most birds cease or otherwise slow their growth.
The majority of bird species live less than 30 years (and some considerably less than
that), but a few species of parrots can live more than 50 years in captivity.
The various ways that birds move are incredibly varied, going far beyond descriptions
of merely flying. Although most species of modern birds are indeed capable of
FIGURE 15.10 Variety of nests constructed and used by modern birds. (A) Ground
scrape with a clutch of eggs on a sandy beach made by American oystercatcher
(Haematopus palliatus), Georgia, USA. (B) Large and elaborate stick nest of osprey
(Pandion haliaetus), Florida, USA. (C) Hole nest (burrow) in semi-consolidated sand
with vegetation stuffed inside, made by kotare (kingfisher: Halcyon santus), North
Island, New Zealand. (D) Nesting colony of takapu (Australasian gannet: Morus
serrator) showing regularly spaced nest mounds formed by guano, North Island,
New Zealand.
extended self-powered flight, they range from completely flightless (cursorial) to the
fastest animals on Earth, once airborne (e.g., peregrine falcons, Falco peregrinus).
As mentioned earlier, most flightless birds fit into a category of ratites, although a
few flightless passerines evolved via the geographic isolation of New Zealand and
other remote islands. Moreover, a few flighted birds also are maneuverable on the
ground and can easily outrun their prey or predators. Other non-cursorial or non-
aerial variations on locomotion include:
Because of this range of movements, birds can soar high above the Earths surface
(as much as 6000 m), dive as deep as 500 m, or live in nearly every other terres-
trial and aquatic environment. This diversity of lifestyles far exceeds those known
for non-avian dinosaurs, although avians had the advantage of more time to
evolve them.
Perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of avian locomotion is how it is used for
migrations, and in this respect birds are the most impressive of all tetrapods.
A migration is the movement of birds between where they spend their winters
and where they breed, hence these movements are seasonal and annual. Because
reproduction often requires much caloric energy for mating, the development of
eggs, and raising of young, birds will migrate away from their winter habitat to a
place that has more calories and other nutrients available (Chapter 8), as well as
adequate nesting habitats. Some of these migrations cover tens of thousands of
kilometers, and even flightless birds, such as penguins, are known to migrate (via
swimming, not waddling) hundreds of kilometers. Similar seasonal and annual migra-
tions have been postulated for some dinosaurs that show large latitudinal vari-
ations, such as some hadrosaurids (Chapter 11), and some dinosaurs were clearly
adapted for high-latitude (polar) environments as well (Chapter 8).
Birds show a wide range of feeding strategies, from herbivorous (seeds, leaves, or
fruits) to insectivorous to carnivorous, the latter manifested as either predation or
scavenging. Darwins original observations of finches in the Galapagos Islands noted
(A) (B)
FIGURE 15.12 Wood-boring activities of birds related to nesting and feeding. (A) Hole nest in tree trunk made
by pileated woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus); Idaho, USA. (B) Oak acorns (Quercus sp.) wedged in holes made
by acorn woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus) in trunk of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa); California, USA.
how beak shapes for otherwise very similar species varied considerably in accord-
ance with adaptations for food acquisition, for example, seed-crushing versus fruit
eating versus insect nabbing. Not all birds are restricted to just one source of food,
and some species switch from herbivory to insectivory to carnivory according to
their needs. Even hummingbirds, which were always thought of as nectar eaters,
prey upon and eat insects to supplement their diets. Other insectivorous birds, such
as woodpeckers, have special adaptations to their bills and skulls for rapid ham-
mering into wood in search of wood-boring insects, but they also can construct
hole nests in tree trunks (Fig. 15.12A). A few shorebirds have long bills (partially
to compensate for proportionally long legs) that are well suited for probing deeply
into beach sands for crustaceans and molluscans. Of course, sharp beaks and talons
associated with strong, grasping feet and rapid or near-silent flight, present in rap-
tors and owls, are easily associated with predatory behaviors. However, one of the 15
fiercest of predatory birds is the flightless cassowary (Casuarius casuarius) of north-
ern Australia, which has been known to kill people with its vicious kicks. A similar
kicking behavior has been conjectured for a few deinonychosaurs, which had large,
sickle-like claws on digit II (Chapter 9).
Besides such obvious morphological adaptations, a few birds are the only
tetrapods other than primates known to use tools for feeding. For example, some
species of herons will hold feathers or similar lures in their beaks above a water
surface to attract fish; nuthatches will use pieces of bark to force open bark on a
tree trunk to acquire insects; and crows probe for insects using sticks or leaves. Some
species of birds also show a feeding behavior markedly different from the vast major-
ity of reptiles: caching, which is the storing of food for later consumption. One of
the best examples of this type of behavior is in the acorn woodpecker (Melanerpes
formicivorus), which drills holes into bark of trees and then tightly wedges acorns
into these holes. Entire trees then become grocery stores for woodpeckers to
visit later (Fig. 15.12B). Both tool use and caching are unknown in Mesozoic dinosaurs,
and the evidence for such behavior is expected to be scanty, based on current
A noteworthy aspect of the interrelationships of bird feeding and flowering
plants is their well-documented interdependence. Numerous flowering plants are
dependent on birds for cross-pollination and seed dispersal, and likewise many
birds are dependent on flowering plants for food and nesting materials. Indeed,
some paleontologists have hypothesized that the near coincidence of the oldest
flowering plants (Early Cretaceous) and oldest birds (Late Jurassic) in the geologic
record possibly indicates a cause-and-effect relationship. Whether birds or pollinating
insects played a role in the development of flowering plants is unknown, but the
clear interconnections between birds, flowers, and fruits today argue for similar rela-
tionships in the geologic past.
Social Life
Modern birds are represented by nearly 10,000 species, hence their social lives are
difficult to classify. The broadest categories that can be made for them are:
Some malefemale pairs rarely gather with others of their species; such spatial sep-
aration is probably related to male territoriality, food resource allocations, or other
habitat requirements. Of course, any given flock of birds may be composed of a
large number of malefemale pairs, which increases the likelihood of gene mixing
between pairs. The advantages of large flocks are numerous:
example, blue jays will make sharp, loud calls that increase in number and tempo
when a predator is in the vicinity of a nest. Geese will honk while in flight so that
they can maintain their group formations. Crows will call to one another as a sort
of linked chain as a flock moves over its territory. On the other hand, songs, which
are normally learned, are often very complicated and can consist of numerous vari-
ations on a main theme. Songs are used for wooing or territorialism, and some birds
even accomplish both tasks with the same song. The distinctiveness of most bird
songs, particularly for passerines, enables carefully listening humans to distinguish
species on the basis of sound alone. However, a few species of birds have song
catalogues of thousands (e.g., brown thrashers), and others are excellent mimics of
a large number of songs of other species (e.g., mockingbirds), which indicate a greater
functionality to songs than mere flirting or fighting.
Malefemale pairs are postulated for non-avian dinosaurs in some instances
and are especially appealing hypotheses in cases where slightly different-sized and
dual, parallel trackways might occur (Chapter 14). Flocking behavior, or at least
the formation of large socially interacting groups of non-avian dinosaurs, is sug-
gested by some ornithopod and sauropod nesting grounds, as well as mono-
specific bone beds of theropods, ornithopods, and ceratopsians (Chapters 9, 11,
and 13). Vocalizations were likely in at least a few species of ornithopods, espe-
cially hadrosaurids with elaborate sinuses capable of directing air to make sounds
(Chapter 11). Whether Mesozoic landscapes and seascapes were filled with the inter-
mingled calls and songs of non-avian and avian dinosaurs is unknown.
Although most bird species are very healthy, a few individuals suffer from ectopar-
asites and diseases (Chapter 7). Diseases in particular, whether fungal, bacterial, or
viral, can spread quickly in some bird species because of close proximities of large
numbers of individuals in flocks, exacerbated by the rapid movement of flighted
birds. Avian diseases are receiving more attention in recent years because a few birds
are recognized carriers of some diseases that also affect humans, such as salmonella
and West Nile virus. Salmonella is contracted by contact or consumption of
uncooked chicken eggs or chicken flesh. West Nile virus is transmitted through both
mosquitoes and birds, causing a multiplicative effect that creates higher risk than
if only one of these animals carried it.
Although most birds that reach adulthood seem outwardly healthy, injuries are
common in those birds that spend a great deal of time on land or in the water.
Cursorial birds might develop noticeable limps from skeletal or muscular maladies,
which could have been caused by overuse or any number of other stresses. Missing
feet or legs are a problem for waterbirds that rest on ocean surfaces, where their
dangling feet tempt sharks and other predators (Fig. 15.13).
Injuries and deaths of birds from predation in terrestrial environments, although
commonplace, are increased dramatically by habitat alterations that take away nor-
mal roosting spots or vegetative cover needed by birds to avoid detection. Such
problems are compounded by the introduction of non-native predators that break
the rules of the Red Queen (Chapter 6). In other words, these predators are from
an evolutionary track in which their prey animals did not develop defenses against
them. House cats in urbanized areas exemplify how habitat fragmentation and non-
native predators combine to decimate songbird populations in North America; cats
in the USA are estimated to kill hundreds of millions of birds each year. Migratory
birds in particular are vulnerable to such risks, especially for ground-nesting species
that subsequently experience increased juvenile mortality. Non-native organisms 15
introduced to an environment, which have a disproportionately deleterious impact
on native organisms, are termed invasive species. Invasive species, when co-occurring
with habitat alterations, have resulted in some species of birds becoming endangered
or extinct.
The paleopathology of non-avian dinosaurs, covered previously (Chapter 7),
indicates these animals certainly had some health problems, suffered injuries, or
were subjected to predation. However, no evidence has been presented to suggest
that habitat alterations combined with the introduction of invasive species accel-
erated dinosaur extinctions at any time. The latter factor is largely the product of
human activities, although birds themselves are capable of transporting organisms
long distances in short periods of time. Nevertheless, a large amount of informa-
tion, multi-faceted and integrated, now adds up to a powerful argument that the
end-Cretaceous extinction of non-avian dinosaurs was related to a sudden, catas-
trophic change in habitats. This mass extinction ensured the proliferation of birds
in the Cenozoic, but it still inspires much curiosity: why did some dinosaurs make
it past the Cretaceous, but others (including some avians), did not? This point of
inquiry is the subject of the next and last chapter (Chapter 16).
Chatterjee, S. 1997. The Rise of Birds: 225 Million Years of Evolution. Baltimore,
Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Chiappe, L. M. 1997. Aves. In Currie, P. J. and Padian, K. (Eds), The Encyclopedia of
Dinosaurs, San Diego, California: Academic Press. pp. 3238.
Chiappe, L. M. and Witmer, L. M. (Eds). 2002. Mesozoic Birds: Above the Heads of Dinosaurs.
Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
Chiappe, L. M. and Dyke, G. J. 2002. The Mesozoic radiation of birds. Annual Review
of Ecology and Systematics 33: 91124.
Currie, P. J., Koppelhus, E. B., Shugar, M. A. and Wright, J. L. 2004. Feathered Dragons:
Studies on the Transition from Dinosaurs to Birds. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana
University Press.
de Ricqles, A. J., Padian, K., Horner, J. R., Lamm, E. M. and Myhrvold. N. 2003.
Osteohistology of Confuciusornis sanctus (Theropoda, Aves). Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology 23: 373386.
Dial, K. D. 2003. Wing-assisted incline running and the evolution of flight. Science 299:
Dingus, L. and Rowe, T. 1997. The Mistaken Extinction: Dinosaur Evolution and the Origin
of Birds. New York: W. H. Freeman.
Elbroch, M. and Marks, E. 2001. Bird Tracks and Sign: A Guide to North American Species.
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania: Stackpole Books.
Elphick, C., Dunning, J. B., Jr. and Sibley, D. A. 2001. The Sibley Guide to Bird Life and
Behavior New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Erickson, G. M., Rogers, K. C. and Yerby, S. A. 2001. Dinosaurian growth patterns and
rapid avian growth rates. Nature 412: 429432.
Feduccia, A. 1999. The Origin and Evolution of Birds (2nd Edition). New Haven,
Connecticut: Yale University Press.
Feduccia, A. 2002. Birds are dinosaurs: Simple answer to a complex problem. Auk 119(4):
Gatesy, S. M. and Middleton, K. M. 1997. Bipedalism, flight, and the evolution of thero-
pod locomotor diversity. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 17: 308329.
Melchor, R. N., de Valais, S. and Genise, J. F. 2002. Bird-like fossil footprints from the
late Triassic. Nature 417: 936938.
Novas, F. E. and Puerta, P. F. 1997. New evidence concerning avian origins from the
Late Cretaceous of Patagonia. Nature 387: 390392.
Padian, K. 2004. Basal Aviale. In Weishampel, D. B., Dodson, P. and Osmlska, H.
(Eds), The Dinosauria (2nd Edition). Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
Padian, K., de Ricqles, A. J. and Horner, J. R. 2001. Dinosaurian growth rates and bird
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Paul, G. S. 1988. Predatory Dinosaurs of the World. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Paul, G. S. 2002. Dinosaurs of the Air: The Evolution Loss of Flight in Dinosaurs. Baltimore,
Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Shipman, P. 1998. Taking Wing: Archaeopteryx and the Evolution of Bird Flight. New York:
Simon & Schuster.
Your nephew is having a problem accepting that dinosaurs are extinct, and your
reassurances that they are still present today as birds does not satisfy him. Why
did they go extinct? is a more difficult question to answer than How did they
go extinct?, so you decide to focus on the latter. You have a problem, partially
because paleontologists seem to disagree on the causes of dinosaur extinctions,
but mostly because their extinction is often compared to recent and probable
near-future extinctions.
What are the postulated causes of dinosaur extinctions, and which seem most
plausible in light of current geological and paleontological evidence? What are
some of the factors associated with modern extinctions? What, if anything,
do these modern extinctions share with extinctions interpreted from the fossil record?
Do extinctions of the geologic past, including those of dinosaurs, provide any
lessons applicable to a better understanding of modern extinctions?
One of these mass extinctions is probably happening now, which is almost entirely
linked to human causes, as explained later.
Many clades composed of many species that lived in a number of environments
during the Mesozoic were extinct by the end of the Cretaceous. Moreover, signi-
ficant losses were incurred in other groups that did persist into the Tertiary Period.
Among the casualties were:
In other words, the world was a very different place at the end of the Cretaceous;
nearly 50% of all taxa had disappeared over a few million years.
One argument posits that the KT mass extinction opened to birds and mam-
mals the many ecological niches that had been occupied by pterosaurs and
dinosaurs. In this sense, extinctions are contributors to evolution, and ecosystems
are changed when their biotic components change, so new opportunities are cre-
ated for species to interact with their environments and one another (Chapter 6).
Indeed, modern (avian) dinosaurs illustrate this generalization well. Birds consti-
tute the most diverse group of terrestrial chordates, with about 10,000 species
identified so far, and they live in virtually every near-surface ecosystem and lati-
tude (Chapter 15). Because of their anatomical similarity to some theropods and
their temporal overlap with non-avian dinosaurs, they represent a link to the Mesozoic
that was largely severed by the mass extinction at the end of the Late Cretaceous.
Because the termination of this mass extinction was only 65 million years ago (a
mere 1.4% of geologic time; Fig. 1.2), paleontologists are also interested in finding
out what factors caused it, whether these factors could arise again, and why some
organisms that were alive during the last of the Mesozoic, such as birds, survived.
It is with some irony to note that the currently interpreted mass extinction is
especially evident among birds. Judging by estimates of naturalists who have tab-
ulated known bird extinctions since 1600, more than 100 species of previously well-
known birds have become extinct as a result of human influences. Examples of these
birds include the dodo, passenger pigeon, Carolina parakeet, and the moas of New
Zealand (Chapter 15). (A notable exception was the re-discovery in early 2005 of
the ivory-billed woodpecker in Arkansas of the USA, a bird that was thought extinct
for more than 50 years.) This situation may mean that humans, despite their seem-
ing never-ending fascination with dinosaurs, are causing a second extinction of them.
Because birds have both aesthetic and utilitarian value to humans, their increas-
ing losses are currently of some concern, but how their disappearances might affect
human populations is uncertain. As a result, the lessons of extinctions of the past
and the present may intersect through birds and other organisms that share a her-
itage with what happened at the end of the Mesozoic Era.
491 16
FIGURE 16.1 The coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae, regarded as a living fossil because of
how its lineage survived from the Cretaceous Period to now.
provided by the fossil record shows that the average fossil species lasted about
1 to 2 million years (with a large standard deviation).
How small errors may enter the databases of extinctions is exemplified by the
occasional discovery of a so-called living fossil, an extant organism that represents
an ancient lineage originally thought to have died out. In these cases, a supposed
extinction of a species, which is based on a gap in the geologic record between its
last known occurrence and the present, may not have actually happened. One ex-
ample is represented by coelacanths, lobe-finned fish of the clade Actinistia, which
shared time with the dinosaurs. Coelacanths were thought to have become extinct
during the Cretaceous, well before the end of the period (about 75 Ma), but in 1938
some specimens were discovered living off the coast of Madagascar as an extant
species, Latimeria chalumnae (Fig. 16.1). This species was also found recently thou-
sands of kilometers to the east in the Pacific Ocean, indicating that it is geographically
widespread. The explanation for a nearly 75-million-year gap in the geologic
record for members of this clade is that coelacanths, which were shallow-marine
species, had adapted to deep-oceanic environments by the end of the Cretaceous.
Most geologists and paleontologists, in contrast, concentrate their efforts on
shallow-marine or continental deposits. As a result, no fossil coelacanths were
found in deposits less than 75 million years old, and researchers accordingly, but
mistakenly, interpreted their extinction in the Cretaceous.
Coelacanths also illustrate how a local extinction can become regarded as a global
extinction in the geologic record. Similarly, some species may disappear from the
geologic record in a stratigraphic interval, only to be found later by geologists in
overlying, younger deposits, and such fossils have been nicknamed Lazarus
species. Lazarus species are explainable by ecological principles, such as the
temporary displacement of a species from an ecosystem by some changes in that
ecosystem (e.g., temperature, nutrient availability, habitats). Although such taxa appeal
to the imagination and give hope of lost worlds where supposedly extinct organ-
isms dwell out of the sight of humans, they actually are rare. Thorough checking
Terminal Paleozoic
mass extinction
60 Terminal Mesozoic
mass extinction
% extinction
Cambrian Ordovician Silurian Devonian Carboniferous Permian Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous Cenozoic
FIGURE 16.2 Mass extinctions of marine genera during the Phanerozoic Eon, plotted as
percentage of genus extinctions versus geologic time. Adapted from data by Sepkoski
These bolides certainly could have caused local extinctions through a direct hit.
Moreover, they may have contributed to global extinctions through ejected debris
blocking sunlight, which would have disrupted photosynthesis in plants and thus
deprived animals of food.
493 16
Paleo-Tethys Ocean
Panthalassic O
North China
America CI
Turkey MM
Africa Tethys Ocean
FIGURE 16.3 Pangea, the supercontinent caused by the uniting of Laurasia and
Gondwana at the end of the Permian Period, which was a time of the greatest of
all mass extinctions. Reprinted by permission from Scotese, C. R., 2001. Atlas of Earth
History, Volume 1, Paleogeography, PALEOMAP Project, Arlington, Texas, 52 pp.
With these possibilities in mind, a look at the end of the Permian Period (about
245 Ma) is warranted because it is considered the worst-case scenario among all of
the known mass extinctions. A review of this mass extinction should make the later
discussion of the more famous KT mass extinction easier to understand. Based on
present geological and paleontological information derived worldwide from above
and below the PermianTriassic boundary, the Earth had a set of conditions that
adversely affected biodiversity over the course of a few million years. Several fac-
tors have been proposed as related to the end-Permian extinction:
n The continents were all massed together into one supercontinent called
Pangea at that time. Large continents typically have challenging environ-
mental conditions develop in their interiors, such as the Gobi Desert of Asia
and the tundra of Siberia, which have lower biodiversity than other terres-
trial ecosystems (Fig. 16.3).
n Shallow marine environments became limited as sea level dropped, which
reduced the available habitats for marine organisms that breed and other-
wise dwell in such environments.
n Both the north and south ends of Pangea were situated in polar regions,
which restricted terrestrial organisms to its center, which had tundras,
deserts, mountains, and other inhospitable habitats that typically have low
n Pangea blocked oceanic circulation patterns, particularly around the
equator, so marine organisms were hindered in migrating or dispersing their
larvae to alternative habitats.
n Extensive periods of volcanism happened in present-day Siberia, causing
the release of expansive and thick deposits of basalt and so altering vast
stretches of habitats. This volcanism also may have contributed a great deal
of CO2 to the atmosphere. Because CO2 is a greenhouse gas, it consequently
may have triggered global warming.
Non-Avian Theropods
Non-avian theropods first show up in the geologic record in the Late Triassic,
represented by both skeletal material and tracks. They then seem to have been affected
by the end-Triassic extinction, exemplified by the disappearance of herrerasaurids
and most ceratosaurs. Species that were common during the Late Triassic (e.g.
Coelophysis bauri) apparently died out, and theropod tracks in Lower Jurassic strata
change dramatically in both types and sizes. Larger ceratosaurs subsequently
replaced relatively smaller ones in the Early Jurassic (e.g., Dilophosaurus and
Syntarsus), and tetanurans made their first appearance by the Middle Jurassic. How-
ever, ceratosaurs declined considerably throughout the rest of the Jurassic, with a
495 16
Prosauropods were among the first dinosaurs in the Late Triassic, but they died
out by the end of the Early Jurassic. This extinction happened either despite their
dominance as the largest terrestrial herbivores of their time or because of it. One
hypothesis for extinctions is that a lack of resources will favor smaller individuals
with lower nutritional needs, as explained later. Sauropods, in contrast to pro-
sauropods, lasted from the Early Jurassic until the Late Cretaceous. Sauropods, how-
ever, seemed to have undergone local extinctions by the Early Cretaceous. This
circumstance highlights one of the most intriguing problems in the study of
sauropods: the timing of their distribution in the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous
transition. For example, the large, abundant, and successful sauropods in western
North America, such as Apatosaurus, Barosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Camarasaurus, and
Diplodocus, were extinct by the end of the Jurassic. Only a few sauropod species
with rare occurrences (such as Pleurocoelus) occur in any Early Cretaceous rocks of
that same region, but large sauropods then show up again near the end of the
South America and a few other places in the world were playing host to large
titanosaurids such as Argentinosaurus, Saltasaurus, and Titanosaurus during the Late
Cretaceous. Titanosaurids were in fact the most common sauropods throughout the
Cretaceous. Interestingly, titanosaurids were nearly unknown in North America until
the end of the Late Cretaceous. One hypothesis to explain this gap in sauropod
fossils in North America during much of the Cretaceous is that a local extinction
of sauropods occurred on that continent. Titanosaurids then later migrated north
from South America into niches devoid of sauropods by the Late Cretaceous. Maps
of the global distribution of sauropods, on the basis of both body and trace fossils
in Cretaceous rocks, show that they were still apparently thriving in some envir-
onments, however patchy their distribution, in South America, Africa, and Asia,
until the end of the Mesozoic.
Ornithopods, which originated from ornithischian ancestors in the Early Jurassic,
comprised a successful clade up until the end of the Cretaceous. A few clades within
Ornithopoda nevertheless underwent their own respective extinctions before the
end of the Cretaceous. Perhaps the most striking extinction was of the hetero-
dontosaurids, which only lived during the Early Jurassic and then only in south-
ern Africa. Other non-iguanodontians, such as hypsilophodontids, were more
successful, and some species, such as Thescelosaurus, retained primitive features of
their clade well into the Late Cretaceous.
It was iguanodontians, however, that included some of the most diverse and
abundant assemblages of all dinosaurs. Iguanodontia as a clade was long-lived
and apparently thrived throughout the entirety of the Cretaceous. Hadrosaurids,
in particular, proliferated during the Late Cretaceous and are regarded as iconic
images of herbivorous dinosaur success. Edmontosaurus, Hadrosaurus, Maiasaura,
Parasaurolophus, and many others are examples of Cretaceous hadrosaurids, which
are well represented in the fossil record. For such profusion to end at the termi-
nation of the Cretaceous is all the more striking and provokes more questions than
answers. This apparently rapid decline in numbers and diversity of ornithopods,
and other herbivorous dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous, suggests that their
extinctions were a result of some abrupt changes in their ecosystems that affected
their food supply: terrestrial plants.
Stegosaurs comprise the first major clade of thyreophorans to become extinct. They
were at their most prolific in the Jurassic, particularly the Late Jurassic, exemplified
by Stegosaurus of North America and Kentrosaurus of Tanzania, as well as some
stegosaur genera in China. Nevertheless, they were substantially reduced by the end
of the Early Cretaceous and effectively disappeared long before the end of the Late
Cretaceous. This puzzling and seemingly premature extinction of what was a
successful group has led to a hypothesis that these large herbivores were displaced
from their niches by other herbivores that diversified considerably by the Early
Cretaceous, such as ornithopods (Chapter 11) and ceratopsians (Chapter 13).
Furthermore, the demise of stegosaurs coincided with the well-documented pro-
pagation of flowering plants through the Early Cretaceous, which irrevocably
changed floral patterns in terrestrial ecosystems. The difference no doubt had a
ripple effect on biota throughout the Cretaceous; stegosaurs may not have been
able to adapt to the new foodstuffs or habitats caused by the radical shift from
spore-bearing plants and conifers to those that bore fruit.
On the other hand, ankylosaurs, represented by both ankylosaurids and nodo-
saurids, flourished during the same time interval and were relatively common well
into the Late Cretaceous in North America and Asia. Their herbivorous habits were
apparently not adversely affected by the advent of angiosperms; indeed, their suc-
cess suggests that they may have been caused by it. In the end, however, their highly
developed armor and other defenses did not aid their survival, and like all other
non-avian dinosaurs they were extinct by the end of the Cretaceous.
497 16
Late Cretaceous
FIGURE 16.4 Age subdivisions of the Late Cretaceous, terminated by the Maastrichtian
Marginocephalians were relative latecomers on the Mesozoic scene in comparison
to other dinosaur clades, with primitive forms evident in Lower Cretaceous strata
but none known from the Jurassic. Consequently, extinctions that occurred in prim-
itive (basal) lineages of marginocephalians are poorly-defined, although a few con-
servative forms in both pachycephalosaur and ceratopsian lineages persisted until
the Maastrichtian Age, the latest part of the Late Cretaceous (Fig. 16.4). The
Maastrichtian is dated as having lasted about 6 million years (7165 Ma). Strata
representing this time interval are among the most thoroughly scrutinized in the
geologic record for dinosaur body fossils. As a result, if marginocephalians are pre-
sent in these rocks, persistent paleontologists should have found them by now.
Based on analyses of strata formed during the Maastrichtian, some of the
advanced marginocephalians, and ceratopsids in particular, were among the last
dinosaurs to walk the Earth. This conclusion is based on the excellent fossil record
for ceratopsids, which show a considerable decline in species closer to the KT bound-
ary. In contrast, the extinction of pachycephalosaur lineages is poorly understood.
Some genera, such as Pachycephalosaurus, Stegoceras, and Stygimoloch, occur in strata
constituting the very last of the Cretaceous, but their remains are relatively rare in
all strata, therefore little is known as to whether their numbers declined toward
the KT boundary. Nevertheless, they did not make it into the Tertiary Period. Likewise,
no ceratopsians made it past the KT boundary, although bones of Triceratops are
common in strata just below it; less common are those of other ceratopsids
Leptoceratops and Torosaurus. Analyses of dinosaur faunas in the latest part of the
Cretaceous indicate that chasmosaurines, a formerly successful clade, were already
extinct before the end of the Cretaceous, accompanied by hadrosaurids and
nodosaurids (Chapters 11 and 12).
What happened to marginocephalians, as well as all of the other dinosaurs? The
currently accepted answer is that the last marginocephalians died out from causes
common to all dinosaurs toward the end of the Maastrichtian, with the exception
of a few avian theropods. The last part of this chapter deals with how those avian
theropods made it past one of the largest extinctions witnessed in Earth history,
as well as what made all other dinosaurs become part of the fossil record.
Unfortunately for the process of science, scientists nowadays have greater access
to the modern mass media and can announce paradigm shifts to a large number
of people before their hypotheses have gone through initial peer review. In these
instances, any scientific discovery that seems to disagree with an already established
hypothesis or theory can be proclaimed as a paradigm shift. Not coincidentally,
such announcements garner much publicity in the popular press while the many
rebuttals and clarifications proceed among scientists. The mainstream media, of course,
depends upon such excitement and discord for increased circulation and revenues.
Nonetheless, the use of mass media for promoting scientific ideas and egos is not
unique to modern tabloid newspapers, television, and Web sites. Indeed, in the late
nineteenth century, Cope and Marsh publicly sniped at one another via news-
paper editorials, and telegrams telling of dinosaur discoveries provided instant
gratification and glory to these and other paleontologists more than 100 years before
e-mail (Chapter 3).
If one paleontology paradigm shift could be said to have occurred in the latter
half of the twentieth century, it was the realization that catastrophes happen. This
specific shift in scientific thinking demonstrates that what goes around, comes
around, that is, science does not necessarily travel in a straight line of progress
but rather will revisit old ideas in new ways. Catastrophism, a belief system that
the Earth underwent cataclysmic events or upheavals in the past, that wiped out
most or all of life, has undergone a revival of sorts. However, the current flavor of
catastrophism, informally termed neo-catastrophism, is not tied in with religious
beliefs, as was the case with the various cultures that have flood myths or other
stories of past global woe. In paleontology it is based on extensive data sets and
hypotheses that have been rigorously examined, and in some cases falsified, by the
worldwide scientific community (Chapter 2).
In this instance, neo-catastrophism is only about 25 years old. In 1980, four
researchers, Luis Alvarez (191188), a former Nobel Prize winner in physics; his
son Walter Alvarez, a geologist; and Frank Asaro and Helen Michel, both chemists,
published what turned out to be a seminal paper in the peer-reviewed journal
Science. In this paper, they proposed that the Earth was hit by a 10-km-wide bolide
65 million years ago, and that the dire consequences of this impact were directly
499 16
FIGURE 16.5 Iridium-bearing clay layer and its geochemical signature from the KT
boundary at Gubbio, Italy. Iridium concentration in parts per billion (ppb) throughout
the clay layer. After Cowen (2000), History of Life, 3e, Blackwell Science, Inc., Malden,
MA, p. 284, fig. 18.1.
responsible for the mass extinction evident in the geologic record at that time. This
hypothesis generated a huge amount of debate and publicity. The resultant fanfare
was at least in part because this extinction event coincided with the last known
stratigraphic occurrence of non-avian dinosaurs.
Evidence supporting their hypothesis was based primarily on a geochemical
anomaly, an unusually high concentration of iridium (192Ir) in a 2.5-cm-thick clay
layer in Gubbio, Italy. This clay layer separates underlying Cretaceous strata from
overlying Tertiary Period strata in that area (the KT boundary) and was interpreted
as a depositional record of the very end of the Cretaceous Period. Iridium, a rare
element in the Earths crust that is chemically similar to platinum (195Pt), is nor-
mally present in an abundance of less than 1 part per billion (ppb), about 0.3 ppb.
In some meteorites, however, it has been measured at close to 3000 ppb, which is
10,000 times greater than background levels. In the KT boundary clay at Gubbio,
the iridium concentration was recorded as 9 ppb, which is about 30 times higher
than background levels (Fig. 16.5). Later investigations by the research team
revealed that other localities in the world, with a preserved KT boundary, also had
unusually high amounts of iridium.
After eliminating other potential sources of iridium, such as from volcanism, the
researchers concluded that only a bolide impact could have been the source of such
a large amount of iridium and distributed it worldwide within the short period of
geologic time represented by the thin clay layer. Using an iridium concentration
typical for a meteorite, they projected the mass of the meteorite needed for dis-
persal of the iridium found at the KT boundary in different places in the world.
These calculations yielded a hypothetical meteorite that was 10 km in diameter
with a mass of about 5.0 1012 metric tons. Once caught by the Earths gravity, the
meteorite would have been moving at about 20 to 25 km/s, at a trajectory angle
n The living and non-living matter in the direct impact area would have vapor-
ized, instantly causing a local extinction of all organisms.
n The ground displacement in a radius of several hundred kilometers around
the impact site would have been severe, causing major earthquakes.
n High-amplitude and fast-moving sea waves, tsunamis, would have engulfed
nearby coastal areas if the meteorite hit the ocean, and earthquakes also caused
by the impact would have caused their own tsunamis. For example, an earth-
quake off the west coast of Indonesia generated a devastating tsunami that
killed more than 100,000 people on December 26, 2004.
n The heat wave associated with the release of energy would have ignited vast
forest fires in any nearby forested ecosystems; the air displacement would
have knocked down trees hundreds to thousands of kilometers away from
the impact site.
n Any carbonate or sulfur-rich rocks (such as limestone or gypsum, respectively)
near such a meteor strike would have combusted. In combination with water,
the resulting chemicals would have produced long periods of acid rain, which
in turn would have acidified soils for years afterwards.
n Dust ejected into the atmosphere, plus soot from forest fires, would have
darkened the sky and blocked out sunlight for more than a year, hamper-
ing photosynthesis and sending global ecosystems into chaos because of the
lack of food for animals. This proposed situation is nicknamed nuclear win-
ter, because a similar effect has been projected for a nuclear war.
The bolide impact hypothesis has been tested rigorously since it was proposed
in 1980 and so far has been strengthened and refined by additional data.
Moreover, alternative hypotheses, what few there were, now look weaker in the
face of more data. For example, since the early 1980s, additional testing has
revealed more than 100 sites in the world where the KT boundary shows a higher-
than-background concentration of iridium (Fig. 16.6). The relatively higher con-
centrations of iridium were proximal to North America, implying that the impact
site was close to these sites of highest concentrations.
Other pieces of evidence for an impact have come from the presence at the KT
boundary of microtektites, which are tiny glass spheres caused by high tempera-
tures associated with meteorite impacts. Moreover, an actual meteorite fragment
was found at the KT boundary on the seafloor of the Atlantic Ocean. Shocked
quartz, which is a form of quartz created by extreme high-pressure conditions, is
also abundant at the KT boundary in some sites in North America. Tsunamites,
which are sedimentary deposits formed by tsunamis, have been interpreted from
both the seafloor and land deposits associated with the KT boundary rimming the
Caribbean. These independently derived forms of evidence therefore collectively
argue in favor of the impact hypothesis.
The so-called smoking gun was announced in 1990 researchers believed they
might have located the impact structure, in its predicted location and fitting its
predicted size. The Chicxulub crater (named after a Mexican town near the site)
is about 170 km wide and located on the seafloor northeast of the Yucatan
Peninsula of Mexico (Fig. 16.7). Radiometric dates taken from rocks at the bottom
of the impact structure derived an age of 65.07 0.1 Ma by the use of 40Ar/39Ar
501 16
FIGURE 16.6 KT boundary in Recife, Brazil, one of more than 100 such boundaries in
the world that show elevated amounts of iridium, yet far removed from Gubbio, Italy.
ratios (Chapter 3). A comparison of this age to the dates that have been calculated
for the KT boundary for North America is favorable: for example, two KT bound-
ary dates are 65.0 0.04 Ma and 65.4 0.1 Ma. Although the resolution of radio-
metric age dates should never be expected to yield a perfect fit, the calculated age
range for the crater and the KT boundary, when combined with all of the other
evidence, constitutes a very persuasive hypothesis that the Earth was hit by a large
bolide at the end of the Cretaceous Period.
Nevertheless, the second part of the hypothesis, that the impact caused the mass
extinction of the end-Cretaceous, is still under debate. This uncertainty is because
the exact effects of the impact on global biota are still not well defined and its
effects cannot be separated easily from whatever extinctions may have been
happening already before the impact. In terms of previously existing adaptations,
certainly very few could have prepared a species for surviving the abnormal envir-
onmental stresses that would have been imposed by a 10-km-wide meteorite
impact. Nevertheless, extinctions have many causes and it is the coincident tim-
ing of many of them that defines a mass extinction, not the causes themselves.
Thus, causes of the extinctions that happened near and at the end of the
Cretaceous have been the subject of intensive study, mainly focused on the North
American KT boundary. In this case, experts have been working on the same
stratigraphic sections of the Upper Cretaceous Hell Creek Formation in Montana
and the Dakotas. Continuing a long tradition in scientific research, different
research groups working on the same problem disagree with one another about what
FIGURE 16.7 Map, based on a gravity field, of probable impact structure associated with
the end of the Cretaceous Period, Chicxulub, Mexico. Reprinted courtesy of Virgil L.
Sharpton, University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
the rocks tell them. In this instance, they disagree about whether the terminal
Cretaceous extinction of dinosaurs was gradual or sudden.
Various sources of fossil and geological information indicate that some gradual
changes in global systems, which included the biosphere, were already occurring
before the end of the Cretaceous. Climate is largely driven by oceanic changes, and
sea level was becoming lower during the last few million years of the Cretaceous.
This lowering would have decreased the available habitats for marine life but also
affected oceanic productivity. If organic materials from the deep ocean were not
circulated sufficiently to the ocean surface (a process called upwelling), much plank-
tonic algae would have died. This circumstance would have caused a deleterious
ripple effect in oceanic ecosystems that depended on the algae for food. The oceanic
record of the Late Cretaceous indeed shows that planktonic organisms in general,
such as algae and the one-celled, shelled amoebae called foraminifera, decreased
in numbers just below the KT boundary. Some species vanish at the boundary and
new species are found above the boundary. Geochemical evidence from Late
Cretaceous marine rocks also suggests slower oceanic circulation and lower pro-
ductivity before the KT boundary. Additionally, the continents were in new posi-
tions relative to earlier in the Cretaceous, which also would have affected oceanic
currents (Fig. 16.8). The exact effects of these positions on those circulation pat-
terns, however, are uncertain.
503 16
94 million
A ask years ago
N h
A c
Tethys Ocean
On land, extensive volcanism began in India about a million years before the
KT boundary, forming a widespread (500,000 km2) and as much as 2-km-thick deposit
of basalts called the Deccan Traps. This volcanism was proposed as an alternative
villain to a meteorite for the observed effects of a global catastrophe, including the
iridium anomaly. Volcanic rocks are the only other potential sources of iridium,
although in quantities much less than found in meteorites. For this and other
reasons, the volcanic eruption as a single cause for the end-Cretaceous extinction
has since been abandoned as a hypothesis. Nevertheless, the volcanism was mas-
sive enough to have had some effect on climate. Two possible effects are actually
opposite in their results:
Whether one, the other, or both process happened as a result of the Deccan basalts
is still debated.
Also in terrestrial environments, angiosperms showed some gradual declines
during the Maastrichtian in some locations, though in other places they were not
affected. Their pollen record underwent a sharp decrease at the KT boundary,
corresponding with an increased abundance of fern spores just above the bound-
ary. Independent studies of fossil plant remains also show a dramatic extinction of
flowering plants at the boundary. Interestingly, angiosperms bounced back rapidly
after the KT boundary, and their pollen became proportionally more abundant
in comparison to fern spores in the earliest Tertiary deposits. Ferns typically are
pioneer species in terrestrial ecosystems following a natural disaster, so their abund-
ance following a global catastrophe, followed by a gradual return of flowering plants,
is expected. This pattern is consistent with the impact hypothesis, but of course
may be related to another, unknown cause.
The marine and terrestrial vertebrate groups that died out by the end of the
Cretaceous were varied. Among the marine reptiles, ichthyosaurs actually became
extinct millions of years before the KT boundary, followed by plesiosaurs and
mosasaurs (Chapter 6). Pterosaurs, which showed up at about the same time as
dinosaurs in the Late Triassic, had also been declining in both number and diver-
sity before the end of the Cretaceous. Among terrestrial groups of vertebrates,
the greatest losses in species were in birds and marsupials. Fish, amphibians,
crocodiles, snakes, lizards, turtles, and mammals other than marsupials incurred
casualties, but their species losses were no more than 40% by some estimates.
Interestingly, the extinctions did not seem to discriminate against vertebrates based
on thermoregulation (Chapter 8). Some sea-dwelling vertebrates that were presumably
ectotherms, such as mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, and ichthyosaurs, became extinct, but
sea turtles did not. On land, endotherms such as pterosaurs, birds, and marsupials
were badly affected, but others were not. Ectotherms, such as fish, amphibians, and
so-called modern reptiles, made it into the Tertiary. One of the few patterns notice-
able in vertebrate extinctions is that the larger animals became extinct, whereas
the smaller ones survived. Why this happened is unknown, but it may have been
related to food availability (and organic productivity in general) after the
Cretaceous, a time when ecosystems may not have been able to sustain large ani-
mals. Another ecological trait shared by terrestrial vertebrates that survived the KT
boundary is their living in freshwater habitats; in one study, vertebrate clades inter-
preted to have lived in such ecosystems had a nearly 90% survival rate.
Most importantly, from the perspective of dinosaur studies, all non-avian dino-
saurs died at the end of the Cretaceous. Maastrichtian dinosaurs are represented
by some familiar forms: ankylosaurids, nodosaurids, hypsilophodontids, hadro-
saurids, pachycephalosaurids, ceratopsians, titanosaurids, dromaeosaurids, orni-
thomimids, and tyrannosaurids (Fig. 16.9). This long list partially illustrates how
their erasure by the end of that 6-million-year timespan was significant. In accord-
ance with the concept of a global extinction, non-avian dinosaurs also vanished
everywhere, leaving no traces. No in-situ dinosaur bones, tracks, eggs, or nests are
found above the KT boundary. With regard to the latter, dinosaur eggs are very
abundant as whole specimens and eggshell fragments in Upper Cretaceous strata
of southeastern China, but they are completely absent from overlying Tertiary strata.
The totality and finality of dinosaur extinction, when these animals had enjoyed
a 165-million-year history, is the main evidence for the KT extinction.
As mentioned earlier, two hypotheses have been proposed for the timing of dinosaur
extinctions toward the end of the Cretaceous: gradual and sudden extinction. Both
proponents of the gradual and sudden extinction hypotheses sampled the last
10 million years of the Cretaceous, as represented in the Hell Creek Formation. Sup-
porters of the gradual-extinction hypothesis presented data showing that dinosaur
505 16
FIGURE 16.9 Maastrichtian dinosaurs that lived during that age, all of which became
extinct by its end.
genera gradually diminished in diversity over the last 8 million years of the Cretaceous,
from 28 genera (at about 74 Ma) to none by the end of the Cretaceous. The same
studies showed that mammal diversity, based on the number of fossil mammal
genera, increased dramatically in the same area after the end of the Cretaceous. In
contrast, more recent studies in the same area but by different researchers concluded
that dinosaur fauna were abundant until the KT boundary, then suddenly absent
from the geologic record after that boundary. According to these studies, some of
the dinosaur bones are as abundant in the last 3-meter interval of Hell Creek as
they are lower in the section, thus favoring a sudden extinction.
Without denigrating the data or the tremendous effort behind its collection, prob-
lems with accepting either hypothesis on the basis of work done so far should be
noted. The majority of information for these hypotheses was derived from rela-
tively few skeletal remains deposited in terrestrial environments. These remains are
fragmentary in some cases, consisting of only one specimen per species, or they
could have been reworked from underlying deposits. This situation complicates strict
age assignments given to the geologic ranges of dinosaur genera found at specific
horizons. Also, how the data are plotted or what statistical techniques are used to
show either gradual or sudden extinction can create much dissension. For example,
in some studies the data were plotted as percentage extinctions of families, using
the Linnaean classification system, which may not be as instructive as genera or
species lists. In at least two instances, only a single specimen of a single species,
representing a Linnaean family of dinosaurs, is recorded as having gone extinct.
Taxonomic hindrances to extinction analyses have been alleviated somewhat by
applying cladistics in recent years, but the small number of dinosaur specimens
renders Linnaean versus cladistic arguments moot.
Researchers freely acknowledge the problems involved with their data. The pale-
ontologists and their volunteers working on the Hell Creek Formation have been
incredibly thorough in their searches for fossil remains. Thus, the current disagreement
between them is certainly not over the fieldwork or data collected, but rather on
the interpretation of such data, a common source of contention in paleontology
(Chapter 2). Statistical analyses of the relatively meager data gained so far suggest
that as much as 40% of the dinosaur faunas in the studied Hell Creek interval could
have become extinct before the paleontologists would actually see any broad-scale
change. As a result, only further work and agreement on the emergence of com-
mon patterns of dinosaur extinctions will help to resolve whether dinosaurs died
out gradually or suddenly.
As discussed previously, bones have their advantages and disadvantages as
sources of paleontological data. For example, the occurrence of dinosaur bones in
Tertiary deposits is attributed by most paleontologists to reworking of the bones
from older Cretaceous deposits. In other words, bones do not tell us when the
last dinosaur walked on the Earth. This question can be answered by dinosaur
tracks, which are invariably in-situ records of when dinosaurs were alive. So far, the
youngest dinosaur track found, made by an adult hadrosaurid, occurs only 37 cm
below the KT boundary in southern Colorado. Older tracks of ceratopsians
(Chapter 13), and a probable Tyrannosaurus track (Chapter 9), occur only a few meters
below the boundary. Although depositional rates vary, a reasonable estimate is that
the 37-cm interval only represents a few thousand years, meaning that at least one
dinosaur was alive soon, geologically speaking, before the end of the Cretaceous.
Modern Extinctions
In a literal interpretation of phylogenetic relationships, dinosaurs did not go
extinct because they are still around today as birds and are possibly more diverse
now than they ever were during the Mesozoic. However, because some modern bird
species have become so reduced in numbers that they are less likely to breed and
produce viable offspring, they are also undergoing a possible mass extinction. What
this extinction means in terms of how much ecosystems will change is unknown,
but the world would certainly be a very different one without them (Chapter 15).
The bulk of recent scientific evidence has led to the hypothesis that humans are
currently observing a sixth mass extinction in the Phanerozoic Eon. Moreover, this
mass extinction has been correlated with human alteration of habitats through:
1 introduced species;
2 resource acquisition;
3 pollution; and
4 global climate change.
507 16
Even in cases when humans were not the species that caused the ecological dis-
turbance that resulted in local extinctions, humans were still ultimately respons-
ible for those extinctions. Humanly introduced species are called exotic, meaning
that humans purposefully or accidentally brought them to a new ecosystem. Exotic
species can then qualify as invasive species if they displace other native species in
an ecosystem or otherwise prompt major imbalances. Examples of invasive species
that proliferated in their new terrestrial ecosystems and encouraged adverse inter-
specific competition include:
Local extinctions, which may then have later translated into global extinctions,
are not a recent phenomenon. Many local extinctions are correlated with the arrival
of human populations. Notable historical examples of local extinctions include the
large marsupials and birds in Australia about 40,000 years ago, the large placental
mammals in North America and Europe about 10,000 years ago, the fauna on
Madagascar about 2000 years ago, and the moas of New Zealand starting about only
800 years ago. The last two of these local extinctions resulted in the loss of the ele-
phantbird, the largest avian theropod, and a species of moa that was the tallest
avian theropod, respectively (Chapter 15).
509 16
511 16
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Acetabulum Opening (hole) on each side of a pelvis that allows for the insertion
of a ball-like proximal end of each femur. A distinguishing character of a dinosaur.
Adaptation Physical attribute of an organism that can help it to survive at least
long enough to successfully reproduce.
Aerodynamics Physics of air flow. Important for interpreting sedimentary environ-
ments and taphonomy.
Allantois Sac that develops between the eggshell and amnion for respiration of
the embryo in a cleidoic egg.
Allochthonous In taphonomy, refers to a body that has been moved (perhaps very
far) from where it originally died.
Allometry Study of size and how it changes with growth of an organism in various
Allosauridae Clade of saurischian dinosaurs, placed with clades Theropoda,
Tetanurae, Avetheropoda, and Carnosauria.
Altricial Behavioral reference to state of juveniles not capable of moving and fend-
ing for themselves soon after birth, requiring much parental care. (Contrast with
Amino acid Organic compound that forms the basis for much soft tissue in an
animal and helps to facilitate biochemical reactions. Must have a carboxyl group
(COOH) and amino group (NH2), in which the carboxyl performs as an acid and
the amino as a base.
Amnion Fluid-filled sac surrounding a developing embryo, characteristic of
Amniota Clade of tetrapods that reproduce through by enclosed eggs with an
amnion. Members are amniotes.
Amphibia Paraphyletic group of chordates and tetrapods (formerly Class
Amphibia under gradistic classification) that normally are dependent on water bod-
ies for reproduction. Contrast with amniotes.
Anachronism Juxtaposition of items or situations that belong to different and sep-
arate time periods, such as Stegosaurus (of the Jurassic Period) with Tyrannosaurus
(of the Cretaceous Period).
Ankylosauria Clade of ornithischian dinosaurs, placed with clade Thyreophora,
that includes clades Ankylosauridae and Nodosauridae.
Ankylosauridae Clade of ornithischian dinosaurs, placed with the clades
Thyreophora and Ankylosauria, that shares common ancestor with clade
Anterior Reference to the front part of an animal or front surface of a part.
Appendicular Anatomical reference to the appendages (limbs) of an animal.
Arboreal hypothesis Explanation of origin of flight in theropods from tree-
dwelling species. Also known as the trees down hypothesis.
Binomial Nomenclature In Linnaean classification, method that names a species
through combined use of a genus and trivial name, e.g., Stegosaurus stenops.
Biocoenosis Assemblage of organisms in the fossil record that is autochthonous
and thus represents the living community.
Biogeochemistry Study of chemical processes caused by organisms in geologic media
and how elements are cycled.
Biologic Succession, (Principle of ) Observation that fossil assemblages may
change in a vertical sequence of rocks (succeed one another). Explained through
extinctions and evolution that happened through over time.
Biological Evolution, (Theory of ) Generally accepted explanation for observa-
tions of organisms that are (or were) modified through descent.
Biomechanics Study of how living systems, such as animal bodies, perform work.
Biometry Study of life through measurements and statistical methods.
Biomineralization Process for formation of hard parts (shells, bones, teeth) in
Biomolecule Combinations of elements that only could have been formed only
by organisms. Examples include nucleic acids, lipids (fatty molecules), carbohydrates
(also known as sugars), and proteins.
Biostratinomy Processes that affect an organism between its death and final burial;
an important part of taphonomy.
Bioturbation Process in which an organism causes mixing of a sediment. Product
of bioturbation is a bioturbate texture.
Bipedal Using of two legs for locomotion.
Bird General term applied to members of clade Aves, which includes Archaeopteryx
and all of its descendants.
Body Fossil Any direct evidence of ancient life as represented by bodily remains.
Includes actual or altered body parts (such as bone), impressions of any body part
(skin, muscles, feathers), and eggs (which are body parts of embryos).
Bone Biomineralized skeletal tissue in vertebrates composed of dahllite but often
in combination with softer organic tissue in varying proportions. Can be either can-
cellous (spongy or low-density) or compact (high-density).
Brachiosauridae Clade of saurischian dinosaurs, placed with clades Sauro-
podomorpha and Sauropoda, which had more rounded skulls more rounded than
diplodocids and nares were positioned more anteriorly (and below) the orbitals.
Brooding Behavior where eggs or juveniles are provided with care by the parents,
such as through protection or insulation.
Camarasauridae Clade of saurischian dinosaurs, placed with clades Sauro-
podomorpha and Sauropoda. They have more rounded skulls than diplodocids, spoon-
like teeth, and smaller numbers of their cervical, dorsal, and caudal vertebrae.
Carbonization Fossilization process where volatile elements, such as carbon,
nitrogen, and oxygen, depart from an organisms body and leave a carbon impres-
sion. Common mode of preservation for soft tissues in both plants and animals.
Carina, (of Tooth) Narrow, blade-like or ridge-like part of a tooth that may have
serrations or other denticles.
Carina, (of Sternum) Bladed middle part of the sternum to which large flight
muscles are attached in avians. Also known as the keel.
Carnivory; (Carnivorous) Meat eating, but more generally the eating of any
animal, whether through predation or scavenging.
Carnosauria Clade of saurischian dinosaurs, placed with clades Theropoda,
Tetanuare, and Avetheropoda. Previously was a general category for all large meat-
eating dinosaurs.
Cartilage Mass of protein collagen arranged as parallel, linear fibers, forming a
part of a flexible, non-ossified connective tissue in a chordate.
Cast Positive (convex) feature made from what was originally a negative (concave)
feature, such as for preservation of dinosaur skin and tracks.
Caudal Anatomical position referring to the tail of an animal, such as caudal
Centrosaurine Clade of ornithischian dinosaurs, placed with clades Margin-
ocephalia, Ceratopsia, and Neoceratopsia, characterized by short squamosals.
Cerapoda Node-based clade of ornithischian dinosaurs. Includes sister clades of
Marginocephalia and Ornithopoda.
Ceratopsia Clade of ornithischian dinosaurs, placed with clade Marginoce-
phalia, characterized by a minimum of the following traits: rostral bone anterior
to the maxilla that paired with a predentary to form a sharp beak, frill formed by
the parietals that hung past the rest of the skull, cheeks that extend laterally and
posteriorly, and a palate positioned high in the skull. Includes sister clades of
Psittacosauridae and Neoceratopsia.
Ceratopsidae Clade of ornithischian dinosaurs, placed with clades Margin-
ocephalia, Ceratopsia, and Neoceratopsia.
Ceratosauria Clade of saurischian dinosaurs, placed with clade Theropoda, char-
acterized by a minimum of the following traits: fusion of bones in ankle and feet,
sacrum fused to ilium and ribs, two fenestrae on the pubis, four digits, but with
digit IV reduced so that digits I through III were the most functional, and two pairs
of cavities (pleurocoels) in the cervical vertebrae.
Cervical Any body part with reference to the neck, such as cervical vertebrae.
Character Trait or characteristic of an organisms anatomy distinctive enough to
use for classification, such as in cladistics.
Chasmosaurine Clade of ornithischian dinosaurs, placed with clades Margin-
ocephalia, Ceratopsia, and Neoceratopsia, characterized by long squamosals.
Chordate Clade of animal distinguished by a notochord, dorsal nerve cord, and
pharyngeal gill slits. Placed with this clade is the clade Vertebrata.
Chromosome Packet of genetic material in a cell, contains DNA.
Clade Group of organisms defined on the basis of common ancestry as indicated
by shared, derived characters (synapomorphies).
Cladistics Classification system that places organisms into clades based on shared
derived traits (synapomorphies). (See also phylogenetic classification.)
Cladogram Diagram showing relatedness of clades to one another; serves as a visual
display of a hypothesis on evolutionary relationships between clades.
Cleidoic Egg Enclosed structure in combination with an embryo that provides a
food supply (through a yolk sac) and a membrane for respiration, temperature main-
tenance, and waste disposal.
Cloaca Organ in some birds that serves a dual purpose as the end orifice for the
alimentary canal and oviduct.
Clutch One or more eggs laid in a single egg-laying episode by a mother.
Coelophysoidea Clade of saurischian dinosaurs, dinosaurs placed with clades
Theropoda and Ceratosauria. One of the first theropod clades in the Late Triassic.
Coelurosauria Clade of saurischian dinosaurs, placed with clades Theropoda,
Tetanurae, and Avetheropoda. Includes other clades far too numerous to mention
here, but with all of its members are united by possession of a semilunate carpal.
Cold-blooded Popularized description of ectothermy.
Compression Shape Overall geometric outline of a track. Useful for identifying
a track made in substrates other than sand or mud, and a common mode of preser-
vation for undertracks.
Continental Drift, (Hypothesis of ) First substantial hypothesis, stated originally
by Alfred Wegener, explaining the geographic distribution of similar fossils, rocks,
and rock structures in widely separated continents that also have closely fitting coast-
lines. Seminal hypothesis for later development of the theory of plate tectonics.
Coprolite Trace fossil representing the end product of digestion by an animal.
Fossilized equivalent of feces.
Cranial Anatomical position referring to the head of an animal, such as cranial bones.
Cretaceous Period Time interval in the geologic time scale spanning from about
140 to 65 million years ago. Last period of the Mesozoic Era.
Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) Boundary Division between Cretaceous and Tertiary
Periods (from about 65 million years ago) marking a mass extinction that resulted
in the end of the non-avian dinosaurs and many of their contemporary species.
Crop Muscular organ anterior to the stomach and gizzard in the alimentary canal
of some certain herbivorous animals, such as some birds, and presumed to have
existed in some herbivorous dinosaurs.
Crust Solid and less-dense upper part of the lithosphere.
Cursorial Hypothesis Explanation of the origin of flight in theropods from
ground-dwelling species. Also known as the ground up hypothesis.
Dahllite Mineral composed primarily of calcium phosphate and described by approx-
imately the same formula as the mineral apatite, Ca10(PO4)6(OH, CO3, F)2. Forms
the main framework of hard parts (bones and teeth) in chordates.
Darwinism Term used to describe older version of hypothesis of natural selec-
tion, as co-authored by Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace.
Diapsida Clade of amniotes with paired temporal fenestrae on each side of the
skull. Part of lineage for dinosaurs.
Deinonychosauria Clade of saurischian dinosaurs, placed with clades Theropoda,
Tetanurae, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, Maniraptiformes, and Maniraptora.
Dental Battery Assemblage of interlocking teeth that form broad grinding or shear-
ing surfaces for chewing of plant material. Typical in hadrosaurids and ceratopsians.
Dentition Sum of an animals teeth in its jawbones.
Diagenesis Biological, chemical, and physical processes in a sediment or sedimentary
rock that occur after those sediments have been deposited. Important factor in
Digitigrade Locomotion that involves contact only through the digits. (Contrast
with plantigrade.)
Dinosaur (1) A reptile- or bird-like animal with an upright posture that spent most
(perhaps all) of its life on land and lived only during the Mesozoic Period. (2) An
animal that had a minimum of the following synapomorphies: three or more sacral
vertebrae, shoulder girdle with backward-facing (caudally pointing) glenoid, asym-
metrical manus with less than or equal to three phalanges on digit IV, acetabulum
with open medial wall, tibia with cnemial crest, astragalus with a long ascending
process that fits into the anterior part of the tibia, sigmoidally shaped third
metatarsal, postfrontal absent, humerus with long deltopectoral crest, and femur
with ball-like head on proximal end. (3) The closest common ancestor to
Triceratops and modern birds.
Dinosauria Clade of archosaurs characterized by certain synapomorphies. (See
dinosaur.) Term originally coined by Sir Richard Owen.
Diplodocidae Clade of saurischian dinosaurs, placed with clades Sauropodo-
morpha and Sauropoda, distinguished by more cervical and caudal vertebrae than
other sauropods, teeth restricted to the anterior portion of the skull, and nares
dorsal to the orbitals.
Diploid Number of chromosomes that results from the uniting of two haploid
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid.
Dorsal Reference referring to the top surface of a horizontally oriented animal.
Dromaeosauridae Clade of saurischian dinosaurs, placed with clades Theropoda,
Tetanurae, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, Maniraptoriformes, Maniraptora, and
Ecological Community Collective group of organisms in an ecosystem.
Ecology Study of interrelationships between organisms and their environments.
Ecosystem Environment where organisms are interacting with both one another
and abiotic (non-biological) factors.
Ectotherm Animal that is dependent on the ambient temperature outside of its
body for maintaining internal body temperature. (Contrast with endotherm.)
Fabrosaurids Paraphyletic group of primitive ornithiscian dinosaurs, most closely
aligned with clade Ornithopoda.
Facies All of the characteristics imparted by an environment to its sediment
at approximately the same time; can be represented by biofacies (organismal
remains), ichnofacies (traces left by organismal behavior), and lithofacies (com-
position and proportions of sediments).
Fact Phenomenon that has an actual, objective existence, regardless of whether
it was observed or not.
Feather Integument associated with avian and known in a few non-avian
theropods, which can function as flight or downy feathers but also is used for dis-
play and insulation. Consists of central shaft with barbs emanating from it, form-
ing a vane in flight feathers.
Formation Mappable unit of rock, given a formal name that typically refers to a
place with a type section of the formation.
Fractionation Fractional change in the amount of stable isotopes, where one
becomes depleted while the other is enriched.
Gamete Sex cell (egg or sperm) containing a haploid complement of chromosomes,
that for better or worse will combine with another (complementary) gamete to form
a zygote.
Gastrolith Literally stomach stones, refers to stones ingested by a vertebrate to
use for either digestion or ballast. The fossil equivalent of this is a trace fossil.
Genasauria Node-based clade that includes clades Thyreophora and
Gene Nucleotide sequence in a DNA molecule that provides a code for a protein
or part of a protein. Can be either dominant or recessive.
Genome Sum total of genes, conveyed in a DNA molecule and encompassing
coding for all of an organisms proteins. Represents the genetic potential of an
Genotype Genetic expression of an organism. A pair of genes at a locus on a chro-
mosome. Contrast with phenotype.
Genus Name applied as first part of binomial nomenclature used in species name.
Can be used by itself but also represents a broader category that may include sev-
eral species.
Geochemistry Study of chemistry in regarding how it pertains to earth processes
and geologic media.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Computer programs, facilitated through
computer hardware, that integrate spatial data with other forms of information.
Geography Study of the earths surface, typically facilitated through the use of
Geologic Map Graphical, two-dimensional representation of the outcrop patterns
of rock units (formations) on the land surface. Typically has topographic informa-
tion, (such as elevation changes) superimposed on it.
Geologic Time Scale Standard description of time intervals in the history of the
earth, based on a combination of relative dating and absolute dating criteria.
Geophysics Study of how basic physical principles are used to better understand
the earth, particularly its interior.
Gizzard Muscular organ anterior of the stomach in the alimentary canal. In her-
bivorous dinosaurs, former presence is indicated by gastroliths.
Grades Levels applied to classifying organisms, which are, (in order of most to
least inclusive,) kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. In
botany, the equivalent grade to a phylum is a division.
Gradistics Classification system that places organisms into grades (levels) that
become more inclusive based on anatomical similarity.
Gravitation, (Theory of) Generally accepted explanation for observations of the
attraction of matter for matter.
Hadrosauridae Clade of ornithischian dinosaurs, placed with clades Ornithopoda,
Euornithopoda, and Iguanodontia, characterized by a minimum of the following
traits: long and wide anterior portion of skull (duckbill), well-developed dental
batteries, loss of antorbital and surangular fenestrae, increase of vertebrae to at least
8 sacral and 12 cervical vertebrae, loss of digit I on the manus, development of
prominent unguals on the pes, and long forelimbs relative to hindlimbs.
Haploid Half of the normal complement of chromosomes in a somatic (body)
cell. Characteristic of a gamete.
Ichnofabric Resultant patterns or texture imparted to a substrate (either uncon-
solidated or solid) as a result of organismal behavior, such as trampling of sedi-
ment by dinosaurs.
Ichnology Study of traces left by organisms as a result of their behavior.
Ichnotaxon Name given to a trace fossil on the basis of its form (not its trace-
maker). A type of parataxonomy, where binomial nomenclature is used for both
ichnogenera and ichnospecies.
Igneous Rock Rock formed from originally molten material (magma), can be either
plutonic (cooling far below the earths surface) or volcanic (cooling on or near the
earths surface). Minerals from these rocks often are used for calculating radio-
metric ages.
Iguanodontia Clade of ornithischian dinosaurs, placed with clades Ornitho-
poda and Euornithopoda. Includes Hadrosauridae.
Ilium One of the hip bones, paired and lateral to the sacral vertebrae of the axial
Inclusions, (Principle of ) Basic geologic principle used in determining relative
ages of rocks; particles of a pre-existing rocks incorporated into a sediment must
be older than the rock including them.
Jurassic Period Time interval in the geologic time scale spanning about 206 to
140 million years ago. Middle period of the Mesozoic Era.
Lateral Anatomical reference to the side of an organism, or of any body part, far-
ther away from a midline.
Lineage Line of descent, defined by populations that went through generations,
from ancestors leading to descendants.
Lines of Arrested Growth (LAGs) Lines recorded in dinosaur bones that repre-
sent periods of interrupted growth, which can be attributed to yearly cycles in growth
and thus suggestive of ectothermy.
Linnaean Classification Hierarchical classification system of organisms based on
grades (levels), also known as gradistics. Defined by Carl von Linnz, (also known
as Carolus Linneaus).
Lithosphere Cool, rigid exterior of the earth that incorporates the crust and upper
part of the mantle. Composes plates (which can have continents) that interact with
one another as a result of processes emanating from the asthenosphere.
Mammalia Clade of amniotes characterized by hair and mammary glands,
among other traits. Descended from synapsid ancestors during the Late Triassic.
Maniraptoriformes Clade of saurischian dinosaurs, placed with clades
Theropoda, Tetanuare, Avetheropoda, and Coelurosauria.
Mantle Relatively more dense and thickest layer of the earth, immediately below the
crust, and forming the lower part of the lithosphere and all of the asthenosphere.
Manus Hand, associated with the forelimbs. Contrast with pes.
Marginocephalia Clade of ornithischian dinosaurs, considered a sister clade to
Ornithopoda. Characterized by an abbreviated posterior portion of the premaxil-
lary as it contributes to the palate and a shortened pubis accompanied by widely
spaced hip sockets. Includes clades Pachycephalosauria and Ceratopsia.
Medial Middle part of an organism, especially definable in those organisms with
bilateral symmetry, but also can refer to the middle portion of a body part.
Meiosis Splitting of diploid cells into haploid cells, which produces gametes.
Megalosauridae Clade of saurischian dinosaurs, placed with clades Theropoda and
Tetanurae. Considered as an outgroup of the latter.
Mesozoic Era Division of geologic time scale that is defined as lasting from about
245 to 65 million years ago, consisting of the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous Periods.
Metamorphic Rock Rock formed from heat and pressure that changes the ori-
ginal minerals or texture of a previous rock, such as another metamorphic rock,
igneous rock, or sedimentary rock.
Mineral Solid, naturally occurring, inorganic substance with a definite chemical
composition and an ordered internal arrangement of atoms expressed as a crystal
Mitosis Splitting of diploid cells to form more diploid cells.
Mold Impression made as a result of a body or body part contacting with a sub-
strate. Can be either external or internal. Contrast with cast.
Monophyletic Group of organisms with a common ancestor.
Morphology Study of form in an organism, but also refers to the overall shapes
of an organism and products of its behavior, i.e., track morphology and egg
Morrison Formation Well-known Upper Jurassic rock unit made famous for its
abundant dinosaur body fossils and some trace fossils. Named after its type area in
Morrison, Colorado.
Mummification Mode of preservation that involves desiccation (dehydration) of
a body.
Mutualism Form of commensalism, where two of or more species benefit from
associating with one another.
Natural Selection Hypothesis that is part of the theory of biological evolution.
States that species have genetic variation within their populations. These variations
may constitute adaptations with relation to intraspecific competition or environ-
mental factors, and those better adapted individuals survive long enough to repro-
duce, thus selectively passing on their inheritable traits. Older version called
Darwinism, new version called Neo-Darwinism.
Necrolysis Decomposition of a body after it dies. Important process in taphonomy.
Neoceratopsia Clade of ornithischian dinosaurs, placed with clades Margin-
ocephalia and Ceratopsia.
Neo-Darwinism Term used to describe newer version of Darwinism, which
includes concepts of modern genetics.
Neornithines Clade of avians represented by modern birds, originated in the
Cretaceous Period. Can be divided into carinates (flighted birds) and ratites (flight-
less birds).
Nest Biogenic structure that typically (but not always) contains a clutch. Best rep-
resented by an arrangement of eggs or eggshells in definite patterns, but can also
be denoted as a semicircular depression with a raised rim that was originally used
to hold eggs or young (mound nest), or a hollow, subsurface chamber for holding
eggs (hole nest).
Node-based Clade Clade that has all of the descendants of the most recent com-
mon ancestor for two groups, where the common ancestor forms the node.
Nodosauridae Clade of ornithischian dinosaurs, placed with clades Thyreophora
and Ankylosauria. Had laterally placed nares, and lacked horns and tail club.
Nucleic Acids Biomolecules such as RNA and DNA that are chains of nucleotides.
Occlusion Closing of an animals mouth so that the teeth from the upper and
lower jaws come together on a surface (occlusal surface).
Pace Angulation In a trackway, angle described by the pace of one side in com-
parison to the overall stride.
Pace Length In a trackway, the distance between two successive tracks made by
appendages from opposite sides, such as right-left or left-right.
Pachycephalosauria Clade of ornithischian dinosaurs, placed with clade
Marginocephalia. Characterized by fusing together the frontals and parietals into
a thick deposit of bone, thus the popular nickname of bonehead dinosaurs.
Pachycephalosauridae Clade of ornithischian dinosaurs, placed with clades
Marginocephalia and Pachycephalosauria. Also known as the dome-headed
Paleobiogeography Study of how maps can be used to describe the geographic
distribution of organisms during the geologic past.
Paleoecology Study of interrelationships between ancient organisms and their ori-
ginal environments.
Paleontology Study of ancient life. Can include invertebrate paleontology
(animals without backbones), vertebrate paleontology (animals with backbones),
micropaleontology (one-celled organisms), and paleobotany (plants).
Paleopathology Study of sickness, injuries, and other abnormalities in the health
of ancient organisms.
Paraphyletic A group of related organisms but excluding some of their descen-
dants that might be much different. (See monophyletic.)
Parasitism Form of symbiosis where one organism is living at the expense of another
host organism. Parasitic organisms can be either endoparasites (within the host) or
ectoparasites (outside the host).
Parataxonomy Naming of either trace fossils or some body fossils, (such as eggs,)
similar to that for biological species, using binomial nomenclature to identify a specific
Permineralization Filling of pores in a fossil by minerals precipitated from solu-
tion. Common mode of preservation for petrified wood and bones.
Pes Foot, associated with the hindlimbs. Contrast with manus.
pH Negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration in a solution, measured
on a scale from 1 (most acidic) to 14 (most basic).
Phalangeal Formula Count of phalanges associated with each digit in a manus
or pes.
Phalanges (plural of phalanx) Distal bones associated with the digits of either
a manus or pes.
Phylogenetic Classification System used for classifying organisms on the basis
of their inferred phylogeny. Also known as cladistics.
Phylogeny Evolutionary history of an organism.
Piscivory; (Piscivorous) Fish-eating habit. Proposed as a hypothetical feeding strat-
egy for some theropods, such as spinosaurs.
Plantigrade Locomotion that involves contact of the digits and more proximal
bones of the limb, such as tarsals and metatarsals. Also known as flat-footed.
(Contrast with digitigrade.)
Plate Tectonics, (Theory of ) Generally accepted explanation for observed earth-
quakes, volcanoes, and some other geologic phenomena that occur in definite places
on the earth.
Plesiomorphy Character in an ancestor that is also observable in a descendant.
Considered as a primitive trait, such as ziphodont teeth.
Pleurocoels Cavities within vertebrae of some dinosaurs, such as ceratosaurs.
Pneumatic (Bones) Air-filled or otherwise less dense bones. Typical trait of both
avian and non-avian theropods.
Polyphyletic Group of organisms that had separate ancestors.
Population Group of organisms interbreeding with one another, presumably rep-
resenting a species.
Posterior Anatomical reference to the rear of an animal or any part.
Precocial Behavioral reference to juveniles capable of moving and fending for them-
selves soon after birth, with little or no parental care.
Pressure-release Structure Deformity associated with a track caused by the appli-
cation or release of pressure by a foot.
Prosauropoda Clade of saurischian dinosaurs, placed with clade Sauropo-
domorpha, characterized by a minimum of the following traits: atlas and a total
of 10 cervical vertebrae, 15 dorsal, three sacral (attached to the pelvic bones), and
nearly 50 caudal vertebrae, phalangeal formula on pes of 2-3-4-5-1, with small unguals,
and phalanx on digit V seemingly vestigial, phalangeal formula on manus of 2-3-
4-3-2, with unguals present on digits I through III, enlarged ungual on digit I, which
is deviated from the rest of the manus.
Protein Combination of any 20 amino acids into a compound that facilitates bio-
chemical reactions or provides structural support for an organism. Examples are
albumin, collagen, hemoglobin, and osteocalcin.
Quadrupedal Using four legs for locomotion.
Quantum Mechanics, (Theory of) Generally accepted explanation for observed
behavior of atomic and subatomic particles.
Replacement Process where a body part of an organism is replaced by a material
with a different composition from the original material.
Reproductive Isolation Separateness of a species from another, represented by an
inability to reproduce with one another to produce viable offspring.
Reptilia; (Reptiles) General term for a polyphyletic group of amniotes that
includes modern snakes, lizards, crocodillans, and turtles. Sometimes synonym-
ized with clade Eureptilia, but the latter excludes clade Anapsida, which includes
Resonating Chambers Tube-like structures that connected with nasal cavities in
some hadrosaurids. Hypothetically used for changing sounds produced by moving
air through the skull.
Respiratory Turbinates Spaces within nasal cavities that accommodate folded bony
or cartilaginous structures, often lined with mucous membranes. Considered as an
indicator of endothermy.
RNA Ribonucleic acid.
Ruminant Herbivore that uses a multi-chambered stomach for the digestion
of its food, which is physically mashed into a compacted mass called a bolus,
(or cud).
Sacral Body parts referring to the hip region, such as sacral vertebrae.
Saurischia Clade placed with the clade Dinosauria that is one of the two defin-
ing all dinosaurs. Characterized by a hip arrangement that has the pubis pointing
anterior and separate from the ischium.
Sauropoda Clade of saurischian dinosaurs, placed with clade Sauropodo-
morpha, characterized by a minimum of the following traits: 12 or more cervical
vertebrae, neural arches and other processes smaller but forming better support for
musculature as struts, sacrum with four or more vertebrae, large and separate pelvic
bones, including an ilium with an expanded anterior end, minimum of 45 to more
than 80 caudal vertebrae.
Sauropodomorpha Clade of saurischian dinosaurs, characterized by a minimum
of the following traits: distal part of the tibia covered by an ascending process of
the astralagus, short hindlimbs in comparison to the torso length, thin and flat
(spatula-like) teeth with bladed and serrated crowns, minimum of 10 cervical ver-
tebrae that are typically elongated and a total of 25 presacral vertebrae, and large
digit I on the manus, pes with five digits and unguals on digits IIII, manus with
five digits with smaller phalanges on digits IIV, ungual on digit I of manus. Includes
clades Prosauropoda and Sauropoda.
Sediment Unconsolidated material, typically formed as a result of weathering from
a previously existing rock.
Sedimentary Environment Place where sediments are deposited.
Sedimentary Rock Rock formed through consolidation of sediment, forming
either chemical or clastic sedimentary rocks.
Sedimentology Study of sediments, specifically how they are formed, trans-
ported, buried, and altered with burial.
Semi-erect Posture Body alignment used by an animal that is in between and an
upright and sprawling posture, with its legs directly underneath its torso.
Serrations Square-, triangular-, oval-, or rectangular-shaped denticles on carinae
separated by narrow indentations (cellae) along a tooth surface.
Sexual Selection Choosing of mates on the basis of attractive traits possessed by
that mate. An important part of natural selection.
Sister Group Taxon that had the same parent, or ancestral group, as another
taxon and split from that ancestral group, e.g., Sauropodomorpha is a sister group
to Theropoda because they both have a saurischian ancestor.
Site Fidelity Habitual (annual) visitation and inhabitation of an area by a species
of animal, typically for breeding and brooding purposes.
Speciation Evolution of one species into another species. Has been observed in
some organisms, thus is part of factual basis of the theory of biological evolution.
Species (Biological Concept) Population of organisms that can interbreed and
produce offspring that can also reproduce with one another. A closed gene pool.
Species (Name) Taxon for biological species based on binomial nomenclature, itali-
cized and using genus and trivial name; e.g., Triceratops horridus, Tyrannosaurus rex.
Sperm Male gamete containing a haploid complement of chromosomes.
Although outnumbered by millions of its compatriots, one will combine with female
gamete (egg) to form a zygote. (Everyone should know this, but if not, this text-
book was worth writing in order to pass on that knowledge alone.)
Sprawling Posture Body alignment used by an animal that has its legs lateral to
(outside of ) the plane of its torso.
Stable Isotope Variation of an element based on differing numbers of neutrons,
which affect its mass (isotope) that does not undergo radioactive decay. Ratios of
stable isotopes are used for interpreting temperatures in ancient ecosystems.
Stegosauria Clade of ornithischian dinosaurs, placed with the clade Thyreo-
phora, characterized by osteoderms evident as spikes on the shoulder regions
(parascapular spines) and dermal armor restricted to two rows of vertically oriented
plates, parallel to but also lateral to the axial skeleton (parasagittal plates) or spikes.
Stem-based Clade Clade that has a shared common ancestor more recent than
that of another group.
Straddle Width of a trackway, measured across the diameter of the trackway.
Stratigraphy Study of rock layers, (particularly sedimentary rocks:), how they were
formed, and mapping of their geometry (areal distribution and thickness).
Stride Length In a trackway, the distance between two successive steps made by
the same foot.
Taphonomy Study of all processes that affect an organism after it dies, (such as
scavenging, tissue degradation, transport of a body, and burial) and its fossilization
potential. Also can be applied to the preservation of trace fossils.
Taxonomy Classification system in which names are applied to organisms or groups
of organisms with regard to defining features; name given is a taxon. System applied
to naming traces of behavior by organisms or their eggs is parataxonomy.
Tetanurae Clade of saurischian dinosaurs, placed with clade Theropoda, charac-
terized by a minimum of the following traits: dentition in the maxilla only anterior
to the orbital, antorbital and maxillary fenestrae, accompanied by increased pneu-
maticity of the skull, manus with digits I through III but digit III is absent in
some cases, tibia that overlapped a reduced fibula, development of a large notch
on the ischium, well-developed stiffening of the caudal vertebrae by processes
(zygopophyses) that extended anterior and posterior from the neural arches.
Theory Hypothesis, or set of related hypotheses, that withstood repeated testing
to the point of widespread acceptance by the scientific community.
Thanatocoenosis Assemblage of organisms in the fossil record that may be
composed of only allochthonous species or a mixture of allochthonous and
autochthonous species. Also known as a death assemblage.
Therizinosauridae Clade of saurischian dinosaurs, placed with clades Theropoda,
Tetanurae, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, and Maniraptiformes. Considered as the
most unusual of theropods, especially in their dentition. They possibly were insec-
tivorous, omnivorous, or herbivorous.
Thermodynamics Study of heat and its relationship to work.
Theropoda Clade of saurischian dinosaurs, has minimum of following traits: lachry-
mal bone prominently exposed on dorsal surface of skull, minimum of five sacral
vertebrae, manus with claws (unguals) and reduction or loss of digits IV and V, slightly
curved femur, which is also more than twice as long as the humerus, pes with
digits II through IV, digit I separate from pes, pes length greater than width, bilat-
erally symmetrical from digit III, and a well-defined processes on cervical and
caudal vertebrae. Generally known as carnivorous dinosaurs but probably with
some exceptions.
Thoracic Any body part referring to the thorax (torso), such as thoracic
Thyreophora Clade of ornithischian dinosaurs, characterized by dermal armor,
typically present as osteoderms in rows parallel to the midline of the body and a
Undertrack Track preserved below the actual surface on which an animal walked
as a result of compression of underlying layers.
Ungual Nail or hoof, located at the distal ends of phalanges.
Upright posture Body alignment used by an animal that stands and walks with
its legs directly underneath its torso.
Ventral Bottom side of a horizontally oriented organism or a body part; contrast
with dorsal.
Warm-blooded Popularized description of endothermy.
Yolk Sac Food supply in a cleidoic egg.
Ziphodont Curved and serrated teeth; considered as a plesiomorphic trait in
dinosaurs and present in most theropods.
Zygopophyses Processes emanating from the caudal vertebrae that, when well-
developed, helped to stiffen the tail.
Zygote Female gamete (egg) that has combined its haploid complement of chro-
mosomes with that of a male gamete (sperm); a fertilized egg.
costae, 124 cross-cutting relationships, 94, 95, daughter elements, 99, 101
see also ribs 97 Dawson, George Mercer
cranial, 122 concept of, 96 (18491901), 69
cranial anatomy, and respiration, crowns Dawson, Sir William (182099), 69
2446 apical, 232 Dead Sea (Israel), 199
cranial bones, nomenclature, dinosaur teeth, 232 death
1245 crows, 483 catastrophic, 187
cranial crests, 220, 265, 346, 354 Crurotarsi (crurotarsans), 167 causes of, 1858
cranium, 1245 classification, 472 fictional, 185
Craterosaurus spp. (thyreophorans), Crylophosaurus spp. (theropods), decay, and dinosaur taphonomy,
374 head ornamentation, 277 1926
Crazy Horse (184277), 67 Crylophosaurus ellioti (theropod), decay constants, 99
Cretaceous Period, 7, 417 277 determination, 1012
birds, 460, 465, 466, 467, 468 Cryptovolans pauli (theropod), 471 decay sequences, 99
ceratosaurs, 266 feathers, 129 Deccan Traps (India), 5045
coprolites, 78, 448 locomotion, 2834 declination, 93
dental batteries, 233 cuckoos, 224 decomposition rates, 193
dinosaur bones, 67, 69, 77 Cuculus canorus (cuckoo), 224 deer, 449
dinosaur nests, 449 cud, 237 Degenhardt, Carl (fl. 1839), 69
dinosaur tracks, 75, 324, 433 Currie, Phillip J., 81 dehydration, as cause of death, 187
feathered theropods, 257 cursorial hypothesis, 46971 Deinochirus mirificus (theropod),
gastroliths, 447 Cuvier, Georges (17691832), 58, limbs, 286
hadrosaurids, 71, 195, 497 65, 122 Deinonychosauria
iguanodon tracks, 60 Cyanocephalus volans (flying lemur), (deinonychosaurs), 473, 474,
mass extinctions, 177, 460, 473, 157 482
484, 490507 classification, 272
neoceratosaurs, 264 Dacentrurus spp. (thyreophorans), evolution, 469
ornithopods, 63, 332, 335, 497 374 kicking, 482
sauropodomorphs, 313, 315, 316 classification, 366 see also Dromaeosauridae
sauropods, 312 growth, 377 Deinonychus spp. (theropods), 266
seafloor spreading, 160 dahllite, 225, 226, 233 classification, 272, 460, 469
subdivisions, 978 biomineralization, 228 claws, 286
theropods, 63, 80 composition, 227 digits, 417
see also Early Cretaceous; Late decomposition, 208 early studies, 80
Cretaceous; Lower Cretaceous; density, 199, 200 injuries, 290
Upper Cretaceous occurrence, 227, 232 predatorprey relationships, 205,
CretaceousTertiary (K-T) boundary, precipitation, 225 287, 356
226, 490, 491, 496, 498 replacement, 209 reconstruction, 272
and dinosaur fossils, 499507 and taphonomy, 450 Deinonychus antirrhopus (theropod),
iridium concentrations, 5001, uranium bonding, 209 skeleton, 121
503 Dakota Formation (USA), 353 Deinosuchus spp. (crocodiles), 353
crevasse splays, 203 Darwin, Charles Robert (180982), deltaic environments, 189
Crichton, Michael (1942 ) 97 deltoid muscles, 126
Jurassic Park (1990), 17 cladograms, 156 deltopectoral crest, 126
The Lost World (1995), 17 evolutionary theories, 62, 149 Denmark, 57, 96
crocodiles, 353 finch studies, 4801 density, 22
ancestry, 248 natural selection hypothesis, and buoyancy, 198
ballast stones, 445, 447 1501 dental batteries, 150, 233, 332, 354,
classification, 1656, 167 On the Origin of Species by Means of 392, 407
hearts, 247 Natural Selection (1859), 38, adaptation, 234
predation, 186 463, 499 dentary, 124
scavenging, 356 phyletic gradualism, 158 denticles, 232
size vs. age, 229 Darwinism, 151 dentine, 232
toothmarks, 187 see also natural selection dentition, 232
crocodilians Daspletosaurus spp. (theropods) heterodont, 2323
coprolites, 448 predatorprey relationships, 238 see also teeth
eggs, 345, 440 stomach contents, 2889 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) see
encephalization quotients, 261 data, 33 DNA
mating calls, 220 data collection Depret, Charles (18541929), 63
nests, 279, 345, 439, 441 qualitative methods, 33 dermal armor, 129
phylogenetic proximity to quantitative methods, 33 thyreophorans, 365, 3667, 373,
dinosaurs, 248 dating 378
sexual reproduction, 152 dinosaur fossils, 1034 see also body armor; osteoderms
Crocodylus acutus (American rocks, 1014 Devonian Period
crocodile), 5 see also absolute age dating; amphibians, 157
crooning, 346 radiometric age dating; mass extinctions, 493
crop, 132 relative age dating dewlaps, 345
diagenesis, 207 early studies, 57, 63, 67, 69 of major clades, 4958
and dinosaur taphonomy, 2089 field occurrence, 45 marginocephalians, 498
diaphyses, 228 geochemistry, 2434 non-avian, 5056
Diapsida (diapsids), classification, growth, 2289 theropods, 4956
1646 histology, 2301 ornithopods, 497
Diatryma spp. (birds) lines of arrested growth, 2301, prosauropods, 305
characteristics, 474 350 sauropods, 4967
skeletons, 475 movement susceptibility, 202 thyreophorans, 497
Diceratops spp. (marginocephalians), and paleontological data, 507 see also mass extinctions
injuries, 404 permineralization, 209 dinosaur fossils
Dickens, Charles (181270), Bleak pneumatic, 258 and CretaceousTertiary
House (1853), 16 preparation, 112 boundary, 499507
Dicraeosaurus spp. (sauropods), preservation, diagenetic processes, dating, 1034
discovery, 75 2089 defining characteristics, 120
Didelphis marsupialis (opossum), 194 proteins in, 2278 early recognition, 567
diet scavenging marks, 195 and geological setting, 93
birds, 4802 as sedimentary particles, 196204 influences, 57
and coprolites, 239, 284, 288 transport mechanisms, 2004 preparation, 10913
and dinosaur physiology, 23942 dinosaur coloration, 12931 recovery, 10913
ornithopods, 3545 interpretations, 21 dinosaur genera, 176
preferences, 219, 2319 dinosaur eggs, 152, 172, 2214, 245, dinosaur groups, cladistics, 1368
sauropodomorphs, 298, 313, 43842 dinosaur ichnology, 41457
3202 biochemistry, 2256 field of study, 416
stomach contents, 2368, 2889, biomineralization, 2212 see also trace fossils
355 as body fossils, 221 dinosaur illustrations, 1821
thyreophorans, 37980 burial, 439 anachronisms, 21
and toothmarks, 236 clutch size, 2789, 348, 34950 dinosaur models, 213
see also feeding clutches, 224, 438, 43940 Dinosaur National Monument
diffuse idiopathic skeletal co-occurrence, 2067 (Utah, USA), 723, 132, 199,
hyperostosis (DISH), 325 discovery, 77, 78 2045
digestion, dinosaurs, 237, 322, 380 and embryonic death, 187 dinosaur nests, 152, 172, 186, 274,
digital maps, 93 leathery, 222 43842
digitigrade, 129, 130 marginocephalians, 393, 398, 405 definitions, 43840
digits, in contact with ground, ornithopods, 34750 discovery, 77, 81
41718 and oxygen isotopes, 2256 hole, 439
Dilophosaurus spp. (theropods), 264, physiology, 2256 interpretation, 43940
266 placement, 224 marginocephalians, 393, 405
bone diseases, 290 preservation bias against, 265 mound, 439, 441
classification, 267 recovery techniques, 113 ornithopods, 34750, 3556
cranial crests, 265 sauropodomorphs, 31516 parameters, 439
evolution, 276 shapes, 2223 recovery techniques, 113
extinctions, 495 sites, 218 sauropodomorphs, 31516
parietal blades, 277 sizes, 2223 taphonomy, 4402
social life, 290 smuggling trade, 50 theropods, 2789
dimensionless speed, 431 theropods, 2789 Dinosaur Park Formation (Canada),
Dimetrodon (synapsid), 165 volume, 2223 288, 445
Dinornis spp. (moas), 4745 see also brooding dinosaur physiology, 21653
skeletons, 476 dinosaur eggshells, 442, 496 and diet, 23942
Dinornis maximus (moa), 474 abnormalities, 222 field of study, 218
eggs, 476 composition, 222, 2256 dinosaur populations, predictive
skeletons, 476 early studies, 61, 441 models, 241
Dinosaur (2000) (film), 17, 49 functional morphology, 224 dinosaur preservation see
dinosaur anatomy, 11844 microstructure, 2234 preservation
and classification, 13341 as ornaments, 57 Dinosaur Provincial Park (Canada),
dinosaur behaviors, 4336 recovery techniques, 113 72
and dinosaur tracks, 41617, dinosaur evolution, 14681, 235 Dinosaur Renaissance, 56, 80
42932 hypotheses, 148 dinosaur reproduction, 152, 21826
groups, 4323 marginocephalians, 4002 dinosaur skeletons
see also locomotion ornithopods, 3424 anatomical nomenclature, 1212
dinosaur bones, 58 sauropodomorphs, 31315 cetiosaurids, 314
annuli, 230 theropods, 177, 2746 ethical issues, 49, 50
biochemistry, 22630 thyreophorans, 3757 marginocephalians, 395, 399
biogeochemistry, 2301 dinosaur extinctions, 488513 orientation terminology, 121, 122
biomineralization, 22630 archosaurs, 174, 276 ornithopods, 339, 341, 342
casts, 11213 field of study, 4901 prosauropods, 124
crushed, 194 hypotheses, 5057 sauropods, 311, 323
destruction, 701 issues, 490, 50910 subdivisions, 122
Diplodocus spp. (sauropods) (contd) Dromaius novaehollandiaea (emu), sauropods, 307, 496
diffuse idiopathic skeletal 277 tetanurans, 277
hyperostosis, 325 drowning, as cause of death, 186 theropods, 265, 283
discovery, 73 Drumheller (Alberta, Canada), 69, thyreophorans, 367, 374, 375, 376
early studies, 67, 68 72 use of term, 98
extinctions, 496 Dryocopus pileatus (pileated Early Triassic
neck length, 3212 woodpecker), 481 reptiles, 167
skeleton, 309 Dryosaurus spp. (ornithopods) use of term, 978
skulls, 308 characteristics, 340 Earth
diploid cells, 221 discovery, 75 age of, 99
direct register, 420 eggs, 350 gravitational forces, 22
directional selection, 155 growth, 350 layers, 1045
discharge, 1967 nests, 350 recycling, 1089
diseases Dryptosaurus spp. (theropods) trace elements in crust, 209
birds, 483 classification, 270 see also plate tectonics
as cause of death, 186 discovery, 73 earthquakes, 108, 501
viral, 192 effects, 109
see also bone diseases eagles, 508 Echinodon spp. (ornithopods),
DISH (diffuse idiopathic skeletal Early Cretaceous classification, 337
hyperostosis), 325 bird fossils, 50 ecological community, 12
displacement, and volume, 1989 birds, 465, 467, 473 ecology, 12
distal, 122 carnivores, 276 see also paleoecology
diversification ceratosaurs, 265, 496 ecosystems, 12
Archosauria, 1678 dinosaur eggs, 265 pollution, 507
pre-dinosaur, 1627 dinosaur tracks, 281, 283, 433 and predatorprey relationships,
division, 8 dromaeosaurids, 2867 241
DNA, 149 ectoparasites, 188 ectoparasites, 188, 482
dinosaur, 1567, 227 feathered theropods, 283 ectotherms, 229, 505
recombinant-DNA research, 156 fish, 209 food requirements, 2401
see also amino acids flowering plants, 482 phylogenetic proximity, 248
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge (Lewis gastroliths, 274 ranges, 248
Carroll) (183298), Through lizards, 166 ectothermy, 230, 231, 2423
the Looking Glass (1871), 161 marginocephalians, 38990, evidence for, 245
dodos, 491 3945, 396, 397, 408 theropods, 283
dogs neoceratosaurs, 264 Edmontia spp. (thyreophorans)
digitigrade, 129, 130 ornithopods, 336, 3389, 340, body size, 372
tracks, 419 344, 352, 356 caudal vertebrae, 380
Dollo, Louis Antoine Marie Joseph growth, 351 Edmontosaurus spp. (ornithopods),
(18571931), 623, 78, 205, mating, 345 342, 497
339, 340, 341, 472 skeletons, 341 characteristics, 335
Dolly (sheep) (19972003), 156 predatorprey relationships, 205, diet, 355
dolomites, 189 238 nasal chambers, 346
dominant genes, 152 pterosaurs, 169 pectoral girdle, 126
dorsal, 122 sauropods, 308, 310, 312 predation, 186
dorsal nerve cord, 122 tetanurans, 268 skeletons, 342
dorsal vertebrae, 1234 therizinosaurs, 2845 skin impressions, 209
Douglass, Earl (18621931), 73, theropods, 80, 129, 132, 274, 462, stomach remains, 237
317 469, 470 toothmarks, 236, 288, 356, 443,
downy feathers, 129, 247, 464, 480 digitigrade, 130 444
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan skeletons, 121 Edmontosaurus annectus
(18591930), 18 studies, 2567 (ornithopod), 5
The Lost World (1912), 1617 thyreophorans, 367, 368, 371, Edward Scissorhands (1990) (film),
Dracopelta spp. (thyreophorans), 371 373, 374, 379, 3801 285
dragons, 57 extinctions, 497 Efremov, Ivan A. (190772), 77, 184
Dravidosaurus spp. (thyreophorans), titanosaurs, 247 egg predation, as cause of death,
374 use of term, 98 188
Drinker spp. (ornithopods), Early Jurassic eggs (dinosaurs) see dinosaur eggs
characteristics, 338 carnosaurs, 277 eggshells (dinosaur) see dinosaur
Dromaeosauridae (dromaeosaurids), ceratosaurs, 276, 277, 495 eggshells
467, 473, 474, 496 coprolites, 448 Egypt, sauropodomorphs, 302
classification, 272, 460 dinosaur tracks, 635 Einosaurus spp. (marginocephalians),
digits, 417 ornithopods, 332, 3423, 344, monospecific bone beds, 408
killing techniques, 2867 352, 354, 497 Einosaurus procurvicornis
locomotion, 283 mating, 345 (marginocephalian),
toothmarks, 288 teeth, 3367 evolution, 401
Dromaeosaurus spp. (theropods), prosauropods, 303, 318, 496 Einstein, Albert (18791955), 499
classification, 469 sauropodomorphs, 313 eisospherite layer, 223
Georgia (USA), 45, 194, 478, 484 Les Grande Tetons (Wyoming, USA), reproduction, 345
German Protectorate East Africa, 75 58 skeletons, 355
Germany Granger, Walter (18721941), 67, 77 skin impressions, 131, 209
birds, 463 grasses, availability, 234 social behavior, 244
expeditions, 75, 76 graviportal, 3789 species diversity, 342
marginocephalians, 389, 394, 400 gravitation theory, 39 toothmarks, 236, 356, 445
paleontologists, 612, 75, 76 gravitational constant (G), 22 tracks, 336, 344, 436, 507
prosauropods, 124, 205, 304 gravity, and weight, 22 vocalization structures, 220
theropods, 238 graywackes, 189 see also Hadrosaurinae;
thyreophorans, 376 Great Dinosaur Rush, 66, 352 Lambeosaurinae
Gervais, Paul (181679), 61 Great Salt Lake (Utah, USA), 199 Hadrosaurinae (hadrosaurines)
ghost lineages, 1689, 275 Greenland, 103 characteristics, 342
Ghost Ranch (New Mexico, USA), Gresham College (London, UK), 58 eggs, 348
7980, 290 griffins, 57 nests, 348
Giganotosaurus spp. (theropods), 256, groundwater, 208 Hadrosaurus spp. (ornithopods), 342,
268, 274, 312, 496 group behaviors, and dinosaur 497
classification, 270 tracks, 4323 Hadrosaurus foulkii (ornithopod),
digitigrade, 130 groups, 98 discovery, 65, 341
size, 2678, 276 growth, 22631 Haematopus palliatus (American
gigantism birds, 477 oystercatcher), nests, 478
and natural selection, 2678 marginocephalians, 4025 Halcyon santus (kotare), 4789
sauropods, 31415 ornithopods, 3501 half-lives, 1013
Gilmore, Charles Whitney sauropodomorphs, 31617 halite, 189
(18741945), 441 theropods, 27980 hands, 1268
Giraffa camelopardalis (giraffe), 305, thyreophorans, 3778 haploid, 221
320, 321, 322 see also lines of arrested growth hard parts, biomineralization,
GIS (geographic information (LAGs) 22630
systems), 15, 93 growth series, 230 Hardy, Godfrey Harold (18771947),
gizzards, 132, 238, 289, 322, 445, Gryposaurus spp. (ornithopods), 1523
446, 447 342 HardyWeinberg ratio, 1523, 154,
Glen Rose (Texas, USA), 75 Gubbio (Italy), 500 155, 159
glenoid, 126, 127 guide fossils hares, 508
gliders, 471 characteristics, 96 Harvard Medical School (USA), 65
gliding, 283 and formations, 98 Hatcher, John Bell (18611904), 67,
global climate change and geologic range, 967 689, 396
and mass extinctions, 493, 495 gulls, 484 The Ceratopsia (1907), 69, 396
models, criticisms, 40 Guyot, Arnold (180784), 67 on opinions, 401
global extinctions, 492, 505, 509 guyots, 67, 108 Haughton, Sydney Henry
causes, 493 gypsum, 189 (18881982), 76
definition, 491 Hawaiian Islands, volcanism, 106,
see also mass extinctions habitats, 159 108
global positioning system (GPS), fragmentation, 175 Hawkins, Benjamin Waterhouse
in fieldwork, 93 Hadrosauridae (hadrosaurids) (180789), 61, 65
global warming, 37 autochthonous assemblages, 205 Hayden, Ferdinand Vandiveer
models, 40 caudal vertebrae, 124 (182987), 65
glues, 111 characteristics, 3401 head ornamentation, 277, 345
Gobi Desert (Mongolia), 57, 77, classification, 335, 342 marginocephalians, 402
2067, 398, 494 coprolites, 239, 449 health
Gobipteryx minuta (bird), 466 cranial crests, 346 birds, 4834
Godzilla films, 17 crocodile toothmarks, 187 illness, 1858
Golden, (Colorado, USA), 344 dental batteries, 150, 233 marginocephalians, 409
Gondwana, 80, 174, 494 dewlaps, 345 ornithopods, 356
ceratosaurs, 264, 266 diet, 355 sauropodomorphs, 325
ornithopods, 343 early studies, 65, 71, 72, 77 theropods, 2901
sauropodomorphs, 312 eggs, 3478 thyreophorans, 3801
sauropods, 312 extinctions, 497 see also diseases
Gorgosaurus (theropod), 72 gastroliths, 445 hearts, 247
Gould, Stephen Jay (19412002), growth, 350 heat dissipation, 246
158 injuries, 356 Heilmann, Gerhard (18591946),
Goyocephale spp. locomotion, 336, 353 472
(marginocephalians), 394 in marine deposits, 195 Heliaeetus leucocephalus (bald eagle),
classification, 395 migrations, 480 508
GPS (global positioning system), mummified, 353 heliocentric model, 499
93 nests, 441 Hell Creek Formation (USA), 63, 72,
gradual extinction hypothesis, pectoral girdle, 126 399, 5023
5057 predatorprey relationships, 238 extinction studies, 5057
Grallator isp. (trace fossils), 428 as prey, 2889 hematite, 189
La Junta (Colorado, USA), 324 skeletons, 339 prosauropods, 62, 79, 174, 205,
labial side, 232 skulls, 346 305, 318, 496
laboratory equipment, 8990 tracks, 336, 351 discovery, 3023
lachrymals, 124, 259, 277 predatorprey relationships, 238 rauisuchians, 168
lacunae, 228 pterosaurs, 168 saurischians, 1712
lacustrine environments, 189 sauropods, 307, 308, 311, 312, sauropodomorphs, 313, 314
Laetoli (Tanzania), 32 316, 496 sauropods, 3057, 321
Lagerpeton (dinosauromorph), 170, sedimentary rocks, 100 theropods, 79, 967, 132, 174,
172 subdivisions, 498 199, 230, 275
lagomorphs, as invasive species, 508 therizinosaurs, 284 extinctions, 495
Lagosuchus, 170 theropods, 2612, 270 thyreophorans, 376
Lagosuchus see Marasuchus thyreophorans, 368, 374, 376, use of term, 98
(dinosauromorph) 377, 378 lateral, 122
LAGs see lines of arrested growth distribution, 375 lateral continuity, 94, 95
(LAGs) evolution, 372 concept of, 96
Lakes, Arthur (18441917), 66 extinctions, 497 Latimeria chalumnae (coelacanth),
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste (17441829), osteoderms, 370 492
150 titanosaurids, 497 Laurasia, 494
Lambe, Lawrence M. (18631919), tyrannosaurids, 275 lava flows, dinosaur tracks, 189
69, 72, 394 use of term, 98 lawyers, food-energy values, 2401
Lambeosaurinae (lambeosaurines) Late Jurassic Lazarus species, 4923
characteristics, 342 birds, 38, 464, 466, 469, 470, 482 Leaellynasaura spp. (ornithopods),
eggs, 34950 characteristics, 463, 468 338
head ornamentation, 345, 354 classification, 4601 leeches, 188
resonating chambers, 346 transitional, 157 legends, maps, 93
Lambeosaurus spp. (ornithopods), ceratosaurs, 276 legs, 1259
342 dinosaur bones, 45, 735, 209 Leidy, Joseph (182391), 65, 66,
Lao Tzu (c. 600 BCE), 421 dinosaur toothmarks, 443 195, 341
Laramie Formation (Colorado, USA), dinosaur tracks, 324, 422, 433, Lepidosauria (lepidosaurs), 1656,
344, 393, 407 438 343
Larus altricilla (laughing gull), 484 gastroliths, 445 Lepidotes spp. (fish), predatorprey
Late Cretaceous marginocephalians, 390, 395 relationships, 238
autochthonous assemblages, 205 ornithopods, 338, 339, 341, 343, Leptoceratops spp.
birds, 466, 467, 468, 469, 473 350 (marginocephalians), 72
carnivores, 276 sauropodomorphs, 317, 325 extinctions, 498
coprolites, 239, 274, 448, 450 sauropods, 97, 199, 308, 309, Lesothosaurus spp. (ornithopods),
dinosaur burials, 191 31011, 320, 321 376
dinosaur eggs, 50, 78, 224, 2789, termites, 285 Lesothosaurus diagnosticus
440 tetanurans, 268, 277, 279, 290 (ornithopod), 343
dinosaur eggshells, 61, 226, 441 theropods, 79, 967, 274, 275, Lexovisaurus spp. (thyreophorans),
dinosaur fossils, 57, 69, 72 276, 471 374
dinosaur nests, 274, 2789 bone beds, 199, 205 classification, 366
dinosaur remains, 199 growth, 230 growth, 377
dinosaur toothmarks, 236, 443, manus, 260 lice, 188
445 predatorprey relationships, 238 limestone, 189
dinosaur tracks, 420, 436, 437 skeletons, 132 limping, 283, 290
dromaeosaurids, 272, 2867 thyreophorans, 371, 373, 3745, lineages, 149
fossils, 62 376, 377, 380, 497 lines of arrested growth (LAGs)
gastroliths, 445 osteoderms, 369 dinosaur bones, 2301, 350
hadrosaurids, 131, 187, 209, use of term, 98 occurrence, 231
2389 Late Triassic, 137, 460 lingual side, 232
hypsilophodontids, 497 archosaurs, 1701, 174, 233 Linnaean classification, 78, 462,
marginocephalians, 388, 395, 397, birds, 461, 470, 472 472, 506
398, 4001, 405, 406 ceratosaurs, 290 advantages, 428
discovery, 394 coprolites, 448 in cladistics, 136
extinctions, 498 dinosaur evolution, 160 and cladistics compared, 910
skeletons, 399 trends, 175 historical context, 134
trace fossils, 4089 dinosaur fossils, 767 limitations, 1334
tracks, 3923 dinosaur genera, 176 Linn, Carl von (Carolus Linnaeus)
mass assemblages, 2067 dinosaur tracks, 635, 427 (170778), 7
mass extinctions, 495, 499507 evaporite deposits, 1745 lipids, 227
neoceratosaurs, 264 fossil forests, 1901 lithification, 189
ornithopods, 65, 81, 230, 3378, gastroliths, 2389, 445, 447 lithofacies, 190
3402, 3556 herresaurids, 263, 276 lithology, 95
abundance, 3434 mass extinctions, 495 lithosphere, 1045, 106
mating, 345 metoposaurs, 11011 movement, 1078
nests, 348, 34950 ornithischians, 1712, 274 Lithostrotia, classification, 308
liver, 132 Lyell, Sir Charles (17971875), 62 Mantell, Mary Ann (17951869), 60
living fossils, 492 geologic principles, 96 manus, 125, 1278, 259, 260, 356
lizards Principles of Geology (1830), 589 five-toed, 368
classification, 1656 Lyme Regis (Dorset, UK), 48 tracks, 41718
hemipenes, 220 map-reading skills, 15
local extinctions, 492 Ma (mega annus), 99 maps, 903
causes, 493 Maastrichtian Age, extinctions, 498, digital, 93
definition, 491 505, 506 legends, 93
human-induced, 508, 509 macaroni (art form), 420 scales, 93
sauropods, 4967, 501 McDonalds, 49 see also geologic maps;
Lockley, Martin G., 80, 81 macroevolution, 155 topographic maps; track
locomotion, 46, 246 mechanisms, 15762 maps
behaviors, 4345 Madagascar, 63 Marasuchus (dinosauromorph), 170,
birds, 47780 birds, 465, 474 172
galloping, 436 coelacanths, 492 Marginocephalia
hopping, 436 local extinctions, 509 (marginocephalians), 77,
marginocephalians, 4056 marginocephalians, 400 368413
ornithopods, 336, 3524 magma, 104 bipedalism, 392, 397
sauropodomorphs, 2989, formation, 107 body size, 396, 405
31720 magnetic north, 93 characteristics, 38993
and surface disturbances, 437 Maiasaura spp. (ornithopods), 342, clades, 393400
theropods, 2804 497 cladograms, 389
thyreophorans, 367, 3789 brooding, 224 classification, 333, 393400
walking backward, 436 characteristics, 335 coprolites, 393, 408
see also bipedalism; coprolites, 239, 355, 449 definition, 38993
quadrupedalism; swimming; dewlaps, 345 dental batteries, 392, 407
tracks diet, 355 distribution, 400
locus, 149 eggs, 3489 eggs, 393, 398, 405
London (UK), 58 growth, 350 encephalization quotients, 394
Longisquama insignis (archosaur), mass burials, 356 evolution, 4002
472 nests, 81, 3489, 441, 477 extinctions, 498
Lost World, The (1912) (book), social life, 3556 feeding, 4068
1617 Maiasaura pebblesorum (ornithopod) field of study, 3889
Lost World, The (1995) (book), 17 clutch size, 348 gastroliths, 3923, 397, 408
Lost World, The (19992002) (TV eggs, 3489 growth, 4025
series), 18 nests, 3489 head ornamentation, 402
Lost World, The: Jurassic Park (1997) Majungasaurus spp. (theropods) health, 409
(film), 17 classification, 264 herding, 388
Lower Cretaceous, 37 early studies, 63 injuries, 4024, 409
birds, 465 Majungatholus spp. (theropods), intraspecific competition, 4025
coelurosaurs, 267 classification, 400 as living animals, 4029
dinosaur tracks, 75, 273, 3234, Makela, Bob, 81 locomotion, 4056
353, 419, 435 Malawisaurus spp. (sauropods), 312 mating, 402
feathered theropods, 1201 malefemale pairs, 482, 483 nests, 393, 405
gastroliths, 446 Maleevus spp. (thyreophorans), body origin of term, 389
marginocephalians, 394, 396, 405, size, 372 paleobiogeography, 4002
498 Mamenchisaurus spp. (sauropods) predatorprey relationships, 409
sauropodomorphs, 315 classification, 310 quadrupedalism, 392
sauropods, 311 neck length, 320, 322 reproduction, 4025
theropods, 131, 287 Mammalia, 137, 165 skeletons, 395, 399
thyreophorans, 372, 374 mammals, 77 skulls, 391, 3934, 397, 399, 405
Lower Jurassic classification, 165 social life, 4089
sauropods, 308 cloning, 156 species, 393400
thyreophorans, 376 decomposition rates, 193 species diversity, 388
Lower Triassic, use of term, 978 extinctions, 509 teeth, 392, 394, 4067
Loxodonta spp. (elephants), heat predatorprey relationships, 238 toothmarks, 409
dissipation, 246 social behavior, 244 tracks, 388, 3923, 406, 407,
Loxodonta africanus (African survival, 151 4089
elephant) viviparous, 219 see also Ceratopsia;
encephalization quotient, 261 Maniraptora (maniraptorans) Pachycephalosauria
mating, 221 classification, 272 marine sediments, 98
weight, 23 see also Aviale; Deinonychosauria hadrosaur remains, 195
Lucas, Oramel W., 66 Maniraptoriformes, 267 marrow canals, 228
Lull, Richard Swan (18671957), 69, classification, 2702 Marsh, Othniel Charles (183199),
767 see also Maniraptora 68, 156
Lycorhinus spp. (ornithopods), Mantell, Gideon Algernon and Cope, 48, 657, 499
classification, 337 (17901852), 60, 61, 366 death, 70
mass extinction studies, 503 neck length, sauropodomorphs, caudal vertebrae, 380
theropods, 4950, 65 2989, 3045, 310, 311, 314, characteristics, 36971
tyrannosaurids, 238, 2889 319, 3202 classification, 366, 36772
Montanoceratops spp. necrolysis, 192 extinctions, 497
(marginocephalians), oxygen nematodes, 188 gastroliths, 239
isotope ratios, 244 Nemegtosaurus spp. (sauropods), genera, 364
Moody, Pliny (fl. 1802), 63 classification, 308 skulls, 370
Moreno, Francisco P. (18521919), neo-catastrophism, 499500 Nodosaurus spp. (thyreophorans)
69 Neoceratopsia (neoceratopsians), 154 body size, 372
Morocco, 81 classification, 396, 3978 pes, 368
prosauropods, 171, 313 dental batteries, 234 Nopcsa, Franz (Ferenc) Baron von
sauropods, 308 evolution, 4001 Fels-Szilvs (18771933),
theropods, 256 locomotion, 406 712, 140
Morrison (Colorado, USA), 66, 98, skeletons, 399 normal distribution, 46, 47
99, 198, 199 skulls, 397, 399 Normandy (France), 61
dinosaur tracks, 3523 social life, 408 north
thyreophorans, 3734 suffocation, 186 geographic, 93
Morrison Formation (USA), 19, 45, toothmarks, 236, 443 magnetic, 93
66, 678 see also Protoceratopsidae North America
dinosaur bones, 73, 209, 27980 Neoceratosauria (neoceratosaurs) ankylosaurs, 497
dinosaur tracks, 282, 324, 419, characteristics, 2646 birds, 469, 475, 483, 508
433 classification, 264 and bolide impacts, 5013
ornithopods, 338 Neo-Darwinism, 151 coprolites, 448
sauropods, 311, 317 Neolithic, 57 dinosaur eggs, 349
thyreophorans, 371 Neornithes (neornithines), 468, 473 dinosaur eggshells, 441
Morus serrator (Australasian gannet), Neosauropoda dinosaur tracks, 436
nests, 4789 classification, 308, 310, 311 early dinosaur studies, 639, 725
mosasaurs see also Diplodocidae hadrosaurids, 131
classification, 1667 nerve cord, 124 hypsilophodontids, 337, 338
extinctions, 505 nests local extinctions, 494, 509
mosquitoes, 483 birds, 477, 4789 marginocephalians, 388, 394, 395,
mound nests, 439, 441 hole, 439 397, 398, 408
mountain lions, 356 mound, 439, 441 evolution, 4001
mudstones, 189 structure, 438 skeletons, 399
mules, 149 see also dinosaur nests teeth, 392
multiple hypotheses, 36 Netherlands, The, 80 ornithopods, 339, 340, 341, 342,
multivariate analysis, in skeletal Neuquensaurus spp. (sauropods), 312 343, 350
allometry studies, 230 neural arch, 124 paleontologists, 801
mummification, 209 neurophysiology, dinosaurs, 243 sauropods, 308, 312, 320, 4967
muscles, 126, 131 neutrons, 100 sloths, 285
musculature, restoration, 132 New Jersey (USA), 63, 65, 341 theropods, 132, 275
Museo de La Plata (Argentina), 69 New Mexico (USA), 66, 7980, 199 thyreophorans, 371, 372, 375,
Mussasaurus spp. (prosauropods), ceratosaurs, 290 376, 497
nests, 315 dinosaur tracks, 273, 274 see also Canada; United States of
mutagens, 156 sauropods, 314 America
mutation, 156 new species, naming, 13841 North Dakota (USA), 503
Muttaburrasaurus spp. (ornithopods), New York City (USA), 72 Novas, Fernando, 81
340 Central Park, 65 novelties, 135
Mymoorapelta spp. (thyreophorans), see also American Museum of nuclear winters, use of term, 501
371 Natural History nucleic acids, 227
New Zealand nucleus, 100
N (newtons), 22 moas, 474, 476, 491, 509 Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell,
nasal, 124 nests, 4789 A (1991) (film), 1718
nasal chambers, 346 passerines, 479
nasal horns, 1545 newtons (N), 22 18O values, 225
National Academy of Science (USA), niches, 159 oblate spheroids, 223, 222
66 Niger, 81 observational methods, 437
National Museum (Smithsonian) ornithopods, 345 observations
(Washington, DC, USA), sauropods, 308 approaches, 434
dinosaur tracks, 113 Nigersaurus spp. (sauropods), direct, 31
Native Americans, 67 classification, 308 field, 447
and dinosaur tracks, 57 Noahs raven, 63, 64 indirect, 31
tracking skills, 421 Nobel, Alfred Bernhard (183397), obturator notches, 267
natural selection, 14957 73 occipital condyle, 124
Darwinism, 151 nodes, 136 occlusal surfaces, 232
and gigantism, 2678 Nodosauridae (nodosaurids) Odocoileus hemionus (mule deer),
nature vs. nurture, 150 beaks, 379 449
plaster of Paris and burlap dinosaur, 241 processes (vertebrae), 124, 277, 369
technique, 67, 110, 11112 geographic distribution, 15960 iguanodontians, 345
plate boundaries, 105 Portugal, 81 procoelous, 301
plate tectonics, 93 sauropods, 320, 324 prolate spheroids, 223, 222
and dinosaur studies, 109 thyreophorans, 371 proofs, concept of, 423
effects, 109 post-, use of prefix, 122 proprietary information, 37
evidence for, 106 postcranial, 122 Prosaurolophus spp. (ornithopods),
mechanisms, 108 posterior, 122 342
outcomes, 1089 postfrontal, 125 early studies, 72
and population distribution, postmortem, use of term, 191 Prosauropoda (prosauropods), 171,
15960 postmortem processes 31720
theory of, 39, 1049, 499 accumulation, 2047 anatomy, 3035
see also continental drift; burial, 2047 autochthonous remains, 205
Gondwana; Pangea post-burial, 2089 bipedalism, 317
plate-convergent boundaries, 107 pre-burial, 191204 body size, 305
plate-divergent boundaries see postorbital, 124 classification, 299, 3025
spreading centers postorbital fenestra, 122 diet, 313, 3202
Plateosaurus spp. (prosauropods), 62, Postosuchus spp. (rauisuchians), 168 early studies, 61, 62, 63, 76, 79,
313 postures, 246 298
autochthonous remains, 205 humans, 423 eggs, 172, 31516
browsing, 305 semi-erect, 4, 5 evolution, 31314
characteristics, 3035 sprawling, 4, 5, 418 extinctions, 305, 496
classification, 302 upright, 4, 246, 418 feeding, 3202
early studies, 76 Pouech, Jean-Jacques (181492), 61 gastroliths, 2389, 322
feeding, 320 pre-, use of prefix, 122 genera, 303
genetic variation, 174 Precambrian, metamorphic rocks, 99 genetic variation, 174
growth, 317 precocial, 280 growth, 317
locomotion, 318 predation, as cause of death, 186 herding, 3225
size, 175 predatorprey relationships, 435 nests, 172
skeleton, 124 carnivores vs. herbivores, 314 origin of term, 303
skulls, 304 and ecosystems, 241 size, 175
teeth, 305, 320 marginocephalians, 409 skeletons, 124
platinum, 500 models, 241 skulls, 304
plesiomorphies, 1356, 164, 2345 ornithopods, 205, 356 speed, 305
plesiosaurs, 6 sauropodomorphs, 325 teeth, 305
classification, 1667 theropods, 205, 238, 2867, 325, teeth shapes, 234
extinctions, 505 356 tracks, 318, 319
plethodontids, 164 predators, 186 morphologies, 427
pleurocoels, 265, 301 co-occurrence with prey, 205 Protarchaeopteryx spp. (theropods),
Pleurocoelus spp. (sauropods), 496 scavenging, 289 267, 462
pleurokinesis, 338 predentary, 122 evolution, 471
Plot, Robert (164096), 57, 58 predictability, in hypotheses, 38 proteins
pneumatic bones, 258 prefrontal, 124 in bone growth, 2278
Podokesaurus (theropod), type premaxilla, 124 in dinosaur bones, 2278
specimen lost, 140 premaxillary, 122 in dinosaur eggshells, 225, 226
Poekilopleuron spp. (theropods), early Prenocephale spp. structural, 228
studies, 61 (marginocephalians), 395 Protoceratops spp.
Poekilopleuron bucklandi (theropod), preparators, 112 (marginocephalians), 57, 388,
61 preservation 400
poikilotherms, 240 diagenetic processes, 2089 abundance, 398
Polacanthus spp. (thyreophorans), dinosaur teeth, 125 co-occurrence, 206
371 dinosaur tracks, 120 discovery, 77
classification, 366 and sedimentary environments, eggs, 278, 393, 398, 405
Poland, paleontologists, 78 18891 embryonic remains, 405
polar dinosaurs skin impressions, 20910 growth, 405
paleobiogeographic range, 2478 soft-part anatomy, 20910 jaws, 392
use of term, 247 studies, 184 nests, 405
polls, methodological issues, 42 pressure see stress predatorprey relationships, 409
pollution, and extinctions, 507 pressure-release structures, 423, 426, as prey, 2867, 289
polyphyletic, use of term, 62 432, 4356 sexual dimorphism, 398
popular culture definition, 421 skulls, 397
dinosaurs in, 1618 theropods, 260, 422 suffocation, 186
death scenarios, 185 prey, 186 Protoceratops andrewsi
and science, 213 co-occurrence with predators, (marginocephalian), body
population genetics, 153 205 size, 398
populations Princeton University (USA), 67, 68, Protoceratopsidae
definition, 149 75 (protoceratopsians), 405
dinosaur bones as, 196204 Sichuan Province (China), 57 Solnhofen Limestone (Germany),
lift, 201 siltstones, 189 238, 463, 4701
sedimentary rocks, 956, 100 Silvisaurus spp. (thyreophorans), 371 somatic cells, 221
chemical, 189 Simpson, George Gaylord (190284), songbirds, 473, 508
classification, 189 156, 158 songs, 4823
clastic, 189 Sinornis spp. (birds), flight, 467 Sothebys, 49
composition, 189 Sinornithomimus spp. (theropods), sound, physics of, 3467
facies analysis, 191 gastroliths, 285 South Africa, 61, 62, 76
texture, 189 Sinornithosaurus spp. (theropods), ornithopods, 343
sedimentology, 93 462, 469 paleontologists, 81
sediments, 945 classification, 267 prosauropods, 313
facies analysis, 191 Sinosauropteryx spp. (theropods), reptiles, 167
lithification, 189 267, 462 sauropods, 305
movement, 196204 eggs, 278, 279 thyreophorans, 374, 376
surface disturbances, 437 evolution, 471 South America
time transgressive, 98 feathers, 247, 464 birds, 470
see also marine sediments predatorprey relationships, 238 dinosaurs, abundance, 174
Seeley, Harry Govier (18391909), Sinraptor spp. (theropods), early dinosaur studies, 69
62, 67, 1223, 171 classification, 270 hypsilophodontids, 337
Segnosaurus spp. (theropods) sinraptorids, classification, 267, 270 marginocephalians, 400
classification, 270 Sioux, 57, 67 ornithopods, 343
feeding, 284 site fidelity, 316, 349, 441 paleontologists, 80
Seismosaurus spp. (sauropods), 59 Sitting Bull (183190), 67 sauropods, 312, 366, 496, 497
classification, 307, 308 skeletal allometry, 230 theropods, 264, 275
gastroliths, 322 skeletons thyreophorans, 3667, 375
growth, 317 appendicular, 1259 South Dakota (USA), 49, 399, 503
length, 310 orientation terminology, 121, 122 South Hadley (Massachusetts, USA),
Sellosaurus spp. (prosauropods) see also dinosaur skeletons 63
early studies, 79 skewed distributions, 46, 47 South Korea, dinosaur tracks, 324,
gastroliths, 2389, 322, 445 skin, 12932 351
teeth, 305 patterns, 129 Spain, 81
semi-erect posture, 4, 5 restoration, 132 bird-like tracks, 4656
semilunate carpals, 270 skin impressions, 129, 131, 424 birds, 467
senses, 15 embryos, 316 ornithopods, 352
auditory, 285 preservation, 20910, 353 prosauropods, 315
olfactory, 2856, 346 skull bones, nomenclature, 1245 theropods, 131
vision, 285 skulls speciation, 149
septic cultures, 235 amniotes, 164 allopatric, 1589
Sereno, Paul C. (1957 ), 80, 81 brain endocasts, 133 peripheral-isolate, 159
serrations cranium, 1245 sympatric, 161
dinosaur teeth, 232, 2345 marginocephalians, 391, 3934, species, 7
swords, 232 397, 399, 405 nomenclature, 910, 13841
sex differences ornithopods, 333, 338 speed
body size, 219, 276 sauropodomorphs, 301, 304, 308 dimensionless, 431
determination, 13940 theropods, 19, 34 humans, 432
theropods, 2767 thyreophorans, 368, 370, 373 see also dinosaur speed
sex organs, 220 sloths, 285 Sphaerotholus spp.
sexual activity, dinosaurs, 21921 Smith, Nathan (fl. 1820), 63 (marginocephalians), 395
sexual dimorphism, 139, 152, 396, snakebites, 186 spinal canal, 124
398, 405 snakes, 166 spinosaurids, predatorprey
sexual displays, 277 hemipenes, 220 relationships, 238
sexual reproduction see reproduction snorkels, 346, 354 spinosaurs
sexual selection, 21920 social behavior, dinosaurs, 244 feeding, 289
shafts (feathers), 464 social life processes, 277, 345
shales, 189 birds, 4823 Spinosaurus spp. (theropods)
Shamosaurus spp. (thyreophorans), marginocephalians, 4089 processes, 277
371 ornithopods, 3556 type specimen lost, 140
manus, 368 sauropodomorphs, 3225 sprawling posture, 4, 5
Shantungosaurus spp. (ornithopods), theropods, 290 spreading centers, 106
342 thyreophorans, 380 distances from, 1067
characteristics, 340 social monogamy, birds, 477 spreading rates, determination,
Shanxi Province (China), 78 soft-part anatomy, 120, 12932, 247 1067
Shenzhousaurus spp. (theropods), and dinosaur tracks, 424 squamosal, 124
gastroliths, 285 and gastroliths, 4457 squirrels, 508
shocked quartz, 501 impressions, 265 stable isotope ratios, 225
Siberia (Russia), 494 preservation, 20910 stable isotopes, 2256
volcanism, 495 solar system, models, 499 stampedes, 281, 352, 433
standard deviation, 467 Stokes, William Lee (191595), 75, sympatry, 161
starvation, as cause of death, 188 79, 238, 445 synapomorphies, 8, 135, 161, 163
Staurikosaurus pricei (theropod), stomach, 132 archosaurs, 1734
1701 stomach acids, pH, 446 ceratosaurs, 2645
characteristics, 264 stomach contents, and diet, 2368, sauropodomorphs, 299300
classification, 263 2889, 355 tetanurans, 267, 268
Stegoceras spp. (marginocephalians), stomachs, 2368 Synapsida, 1645
395 storms, deposits, 201 synapsids, 1645
extinctions, 498 straddle, 418 synonymies, 139, 1401
skulls, 394, 396, 405 strain, 107 lumpers vs. splitters, 141
Stegoceras validum strata, 95 synsacrum, 264, 368, 468
(marginocephalian), sexual dating, 968 Syntarsus spp. (theropods), 264, 265,
dimorphism, 396 stratigraphic sequences, 956 290
Stegosauria (stegosaurs) overturned, 98 evolution, 276
beaks, 367 stratigraphy, 93 extinctions, 495
characteristics, 3734 stress, 107 growth, 279, 280
classification, 334, 364, 366, and tracks, 4214 sex differences, 276
3735 stress fractures, 409
digits, 418 stride lengths, 418 T. Rex: Back to the Cretaceous (2002)
distribution, 375 and dinosaur speed, 42932 (IMAX film), 17
early studies, 75 large, 436 Tagart, Edward (180458), 60
encephalization quotients, 373 relative, 42930 tail, 1224
evolution, 376 structural proteins, 228 tail dragging, habitual, 434
extinctions, 497 Struthiomimus spp. (theropods), 266 takapus, 4789
footprints, 49 early studies, 72 Talarurus spp. (thyreophorans)
genera, 365 toothless, 258, 284 body size, 372
heat dissipation, 246 Stuttgart (Germany), 75 manus, 368
origin of term, 373 Stygimoloch spp. pes, 368
osteoderms, 129 (marginocephalians), 394, 395 Tanzania, 32, 75, 76
skeletons, 373, 375 extinctions, 498 sauropodomorphs, 302
skulls, 373 Styracosaurus spp. sauropods, 311
teeth, 367 (marginocephalians), 398 thyreophorans, 374, 377, 378, 497
tracks, morphologies, 427 autochthonous assemblages, 205 tapeworms, 188
Stegosaurus spp. (thyreophorans), early studies, 72 taphonomy, 12, 174
380 evolution, 401 coprolites, 4501
abundance, 175 horns, 399 dinosaur nests, 4402
body armor, 377 injuries, 409 dinosaur toothmarks, 4445
body size, 374 intraspecific competition, 4045 dinosaur tracks, 4246
brains, 374 monospecific bone beds, 408 gastroliths, 4457
characteristics, 374 Styracosaurus albertensis sauropods, 323
classification, 366 (marginocephalian), see also dinosaur taphonomy
discovery, 73, 75, 3734 evolution, 401 Tarbosaurus (theropod), discovery,
early studies, 67 subduction, 107 77
extinctions, 497 Suchomimus spp. (theropods) Tarchia spp. (thyreophorans), body
in fiction, 17 feeding, 289 size, 372
growth, 377 processes, 277 tarsals, 122, 129
illustrations, anachronisms, 21 sudden extinction hypothesis, 5057 tarsometatarsus, 468
osteoderms, 378 Sue (T. rex), 49, 50 taxa, definition, 7
Stegosaurus stenops (thyreophoran), suffocation, as cause of death, 186 taxonomy, definition, 7
skeleton, 373 sugars, 227 Technosaurus spp. (ornithischians),
Stenopelix spp. (marginocephalians), Sundance Formation (USA), 47 171
classification, 389, 394 superposition, 94, 95 tectonics see plate tectonics
Stenopelix valdensis concept of, 96 teeth
(marginocephalian), Supersaurus spp. (sauropods) densities, 200
classification, 3945 classification, 307, 308 sauropodomorphs, 301
Stensen, Niels (Steno) (163887), 57 length, 310 shapes, 2345
superposition concept, 96 surangular, 124 see also dental batteries; dentition;
stereoscopic vision, 285 surangular foramen, 124 dinosaur teeth
sterna, 126 survival of the fittest, 151 television programs, dinosaurs in,
Sternberg, Charles H. (18501943), suspended load, 196 18
67 suspension, 196 Telmatosaurus spp. (ornithopods),
Sternberg, Charles M. (18851981), swimming, 4345 characteristics, 3401
67, 72 ability, 46 Telmatosaurus transylvanicus
Sternberg, George F. (18831969), Switzerland, 62, 438 (ornithopod), 71
67 swords, serrations, 232 tempestites, 201
Sternberg, Levi (18941976), 67 symbiosis, 188 Tendaguru (Tanzania), 75, 76, 188
Sternberg family, 69, 72, 209 sympatric speciation, 161 Tennessee (USA), 98
Tenontosaurus spp. (ornithopods) carcass flotation, 199 toothmarks, 2589, 443, 4445
characteristics, 340 caudal vertebrae, 124 trace fossils, 256
predatorprey relationships, 205, characteristics, 25763, 468 tracks, 37, 150, 246, 251, 264, 273
287, 356 clades, 26374 abundance, 427
termites, 285 cladistics, 270 distribution, 275
Tertiary Period cladograms, 258, 267, 461 early studies, 256
field observations, 45 classification, 134, 257, 26374 and locomotion, 2813
mass extinction survivors, 4901 definition, 257 misinterpretation, 4356
Tetanurae (tetanurans), 495, 496 digestion, 237 morphologies, 427
characteristics, 26674 digitigrade, 130 pressure-release structures, 260,
classification, 257, 26672 discovery, 77, 7980 422
coprolites, 274 early studies, 61, 67, 69, 72, 75 stampedes, 433
evolution, 276 ectothermy vs. endothermy, 283 ziphodont teeth, 2345
fossil record, 2723 eggs, 2789, 440 see also Aves; Ceratosauria;
genera, 26970 eggshells, 496 feathered theropods;
growth, 27980 encephalization quotients, Herrerasauridae; Tetanurae
head ornamentation, 277 2602 Thescelosaurus spp. (ornithopods),
social life, 290 evolution, 177, 2746 497
synapomorphies, 267, 268 extinctions, 4956 characteristics, 338
toothmarks, 274 rates, 276, 509 hearts, 247
trace fossils, 2734 feathered, 1201 skeletons, 339
tracks, 273 feeding, 2849 thoracic ribs, 126
see also Avetheropoda field of study, 2567 Thulborn, Tony, 81
Tetrapoda, 137 fossils, ethical issues, 4950 Thyreophora (thyreophorans), 305,
Texas (USA), 35, 97, 100 gastroliths, 239, 258, 274, 285 36285
dinosaur tracks, 75, 113, 273, 281, genetic variation, 174 bipedalism, 367
3234 gigantism, 2678 body armor, 336, 365
hadrosaurids, 187 gliders, 471 body size, 372
pterosaurs, 168 growth, 27980 characteristics, 3647
Thailand hands, 128 clades, 36775
marginocephalians, 400 health, 2901 cladograms, 366
sauropods, 305, 312 herding, 244 classification, 333, 3656, 36775
Thalassomedon spp. (plesiosaur), 166 injuries, 1878, 283, 290 defenses, 365
thanatocoenoses, 205 insectivorous diet, 235 definition, 3657
thecodont hypothesis, 4713 intraspecific competition, 244 diet, 37980
Thecodontosaurus spp. (prosauropods) killing techniques, 2867, 289 distribution, 3756
classification, 302 as living animals, 27691 early studies, 67
early studies, 61 locomotion, 2804 encephalization quotients, 373
teeth, 305 multiple parallel, 433 evolution, 3757
thecodonts, 167, 4712 nests, 2789, 441, 477 extinctions, 497
theories, concepts of, 3940 organs, 1323 feeding, 37980
therapsids, 165 origin of term, 257 field of study, 3645
therizinosaurs, 278, 320, 496 overbite, 232 gastroliths, 372
characteristics, 285 oxygen isotope ratios, 2434 growth, 3778
classification, 270 pack hunting, 283, 286, 287 health, 3801
as herbivores, 235, 2845 paleobiogeography, 2745 intraspecific competition, 244
Therizinosaurus spp. (theropods) predatorprey relationships, 205, as living animals, 37781
classification, 270 238, 2867, 325, 356, 469 locomotion, 367, 3789
feeding, 2845 preservation, 199 origin of term, 364
thermodynamics, 15 relative age dating, 967 paleobiogeography, 3757
thermoregulation reproduction, 2769 quadrupedalism, 367, 375
dinosaurs, 22631, 2428 sex differences, 2767 reproduction, 3778
feathered theropods, 257 skeletal allometry, 230 scavenging, 380
sails, 277 skeletons, 121, 275 skeletons, 371, 373, 375
vertebrates, 2423 skulls, 19, 34 skulls, 368, 370, 373
see also ectothermy; endothermy social life, 290 social life, 380
theropod hypothesis, and avian species diversity, 270, 274, 2756, species, 36775
flight, 46871 388 sterna, 126
Theropoda (theropods), 25495 speed, 2801, 430, 4312 teeth, 367, 368, 379, 380
anatomy, 2579 stampedes, 433 tracks, 365, 368, 372, 3745, 376,
autochthonous remains, 205 sterna, 126 3789, 380
beaked, 235 studies, 2567 vocalization structures, 3778
bipedalism, 173, 256, 25960 suffocation, 186 see also Ankylosauria; Stegosauria
birds as, 2667 tail dragging, 434 tibia, 122, 128
bone diseases, 290 teeth, 185, 258, 2845, 496 ticks, 188
brooding, 224, 244, 245, 2767, sizes, 235 Tiglath Pileser III (745727 BCE), 59
2789, 345, 348 toothless species, 258 tilting, 956