Writing A Report

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You have taken a job at a planetarium in your town where

Reports are pieces of writing we write for a visitor numbers have been dropping. The planetarium's
person in authority (a teacher o business manager has asked you to write a report suggesting ways the
manager etc). They normally contain a planetarium might start to attract more visitors. Think about:
description of something (how well q business advertising, special offers, exhibits (1 20-180 words).
is pefforming) and often include our
suggestions or recommendations for future
action (suggestions on how soles could be
The information in a report is presented The purpose of this report is to suggest how the Royal
in separate sections under appropriate Planetarium might increase its visitor numbers.
headings. Advertising
The first paragraph usually states the To begin with, the Planetarium must change its current
purpose of the report and what it contains.
advertising strategy to encompass social networking sites. I
It is entitled Purpose or lntroduction.
suggest the planetarium sets up a main website, Facebook
The main body is divided into sections, each
Page and blog, as well as get a Twitter presence. Doing this
with its own heading. Each main body
paragraph should present a separate idea.
would mean the Planetarium would start getting 'word of
mouth' advertising via the internet.
We should use appropriate linking words/
phrases to join these ideas and make the Special Offers
information as clear as possible for the Secondly, I am convinced the planetarium would benefit from
reader. weekly/monthly specials. For example, free star maps of the
The last paragraph usually summarises the night sky could be given away to visitors one month, and 3-for-
points in the main body, makes a
the-price-of-2 deals could be offered another month. Doing
recommendation and/or offers a personal this would make the Planetarium a more enticing destination.
opinion. lt is often entitled Conclusion.
We normally use a formal style and present Exhibits
tenses when writing reports. HoweveL Lastly, the planetarium needs more interesting exhibits. For
past tenses can be used for reports related instance, it would be a good idea to offer a virtual reality trip
to past events (a report assessing an event through space. ln this way, more children would want to come
that has alreody been held). to the planetarium.
. .:1.. !-:: & To conclude, by advertising, offering specials and introducing ,

different exhibits, visitor numbers to the Planetarium could

To introduce:
. The purpose/aim of this report is to ... increase dramatically. :

I . As requested, this is my report on ...

To list points:
. Firstly . ln the first place
. To begin with / . Secondly o 4156
. Furthermore / . Finally . Lastly etc
@ilil Read the model. Which paragraph(s) contain(s) ...
To express opinion: I a summary of suggestions?
. I feel ... . I believe ...
. lam convinced ... . lam confident... etc
2 the reason why the report is written?
3 suggestions and expected results?
To make suggestions/recommendations:
. | (would) (strongly) suggesUrecommend ...
. One/Another suggestion would be to ... Replace the linking words in bold in the report with
. lt would be a good idea to ... other appropriate ones from the Useful Language Box.
To express cause/effectl
. By (dong this), we could/would ... What phrases does the writer use to introduce each
. Doing this would (solve the problem, etc) ... suggestion?
. ln this way ... . We could ... . As a result ...
. lf we (did this/were to do this) ... etc
rinU examples of formal style.
Rewrite the conclusion in your own words.

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