South Canara 1

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THE greater part of this volume was written in 1884-87,

but fot: want of books of reference in South Canara, 1 was
unable to take up the llistory chapter until I went m:i. fur-
lough to England in 1889-90. After my return to India, I
found no time, amidst the pressure of othe~ duties, tp com-
: pile the statistical chapters, .which had necessarily been left
to phe last, and in 1892 .it was de_cided that Volume II, which
is to be devoted to. statistics, should be undertaken in con-
nection with the revision of the other District Manuals, which
is now in progress.
In the compilation of this portion of the Manual, I have
had the advantage of the use of ii.ote. books left "by the late
Messrs. Hebbert and Spe~cer of t~e Madras Civil Service~
who had successively been entrusted with the work, bu~
neither. of. whom had been ablt~ to carry it through, and I take
this opportunity of thanking the. :rp.any officials and residents
. of South Canara who so willingly gave me any information
I asked'"' for, :q"otably in connection with the chapter on The
People.. My special acknowledgments are due. to M~. J. C.
. FernandeZ) Jl,A;, !r.L., ~ow District Munsiff of Shiyali, who
. afforded me much assistance .in the conipilatio!l and arrange-
ment of materials for chapters l, .IV and V. I have !J Ir
freely ayailed myself of extracts from an article on Can(
contributed to F1wier's Magazine by Mr. M. J. Walhl
who was for many years District and Sessiops JJ./ .
. . 0

Mangalore. Th11 information in the chapter on J"

has been largely added to. by ~r. ~- A. Stuart/
'taken for the Census of 1891. .,

Surgeon-Major W . .A. Lee was kind enough to write for

.~ a Medico-topographical and Statistical chapter, but
under the ~cheme for the revised edition of the District .
Manllals this subject is to be dealt with in the second or
statistical volume. I have consequently been unable: to.
secure its appearance in this volume.
J. s.

Situ&tion-Bounde.ries-Area.-La.titude and longitude-Name of the district-
Subdivisions-Coast survey-General appeo.ra.nce-Mountains-Rivers-
Roads-Forests-Flora-Filioes-FO.una.-Wild. anima.ia
-Reptiles-llllleots-Birds-Fishes-Geology and mineralogy I-53
Introductory-Early allusions-Brahmin chronicles and local traditions-K~
da.mbo. Varma and his Brahmin allies-Humcha. chiefs-z.
Rashtrakutaa and CMlUkyas--Hoysal Boll&ls---Bairasu ;wodears, Bhutal
Pandiyo.-Harihara R&ya of Vijayanagar-Ibn Botot&-Abd-er-Razzak-
Portu~ese aettlements-Ikkeri. or Bednora dynasty-Della Valle-Petty
Jain ohfefs-Hegadea and Ba.ll8.1s-Fryer's travels-Arab and Port'uguese
oonilicts-:-English at Mangalore, 1737-Ryder Ali-Capture of Bednore-
Siege of Mangalore-Deportation of Christians-Annexation "of Canara
by the British, 1799-Buchana.n's journeys-Intrigues of Native officials- .'
Ooorg stones-Stone temples-Bettps, colossa.7''
statu~s- Bastis-Stambhas-Forts ... ..
Early history-Vija.yanagar assessment-Bednore additions-Mysor~/
ments-Sir ' Munro's assessment-Tha!'&o assessment-Mr.;
report-<JBharti and.kambharti-Mr. Blane's report-Summary of
history-Warg tenure-Mtili warge-Sirk&r-gjlni warga~ Hos""'
Kudutaledars-Dhnrmati ood sarlisarl. ohittaa-As
KUma.ti-Nela.-terige and gbar-terige-Hakkal-V'
right to waste la.nd-Easements Ctver waste land
Bub.tenures-Mulg6ni-CMlgjini- Vaide-g6ni-1

Introductory-Languages- Religions- Demonol~
~mma-Serpent worship-Oustom&-Cast,
[Paroa, 2 "'PJ'
Brahmina-K6teshvar BrahJY'
-Sakl&puri Brah...-",
- ....,hmlns-oY


D6vadigao-'Moy1Uo-Sappoligs-Tradoro- Raj8;.urio- VAoio-Huoband-
-Hoggadoo- Knrnmbuo- Artioana- Aklmodle- Bonh- Chept~gdra
Cb6.r6di-Gndipra-Konohugiu"a-Wcavero-D6vAngaa and JAdao-SA!eo
-Potv6pro-Bilimoggaa-GAnigaa- KnmbArao - Fishc,rmen- Khirvis-'-
Mof'l'I-Mukknvano-Wnshermen-Aguooa-Modivalao-Kelaais or Kshan-
rakoo-HojAmo- Billovo8- Holepaiko- Tiyyano- Holeyao - BAkndaa -
Samaghao- MoloKndiya8- Korogas- Kndnbio -Nalkeo- Pombadvs-
PAn&na- Para vas- Bel1eraa- Miscellaneous olasses-MBppillaa- Other
Mnhammadons-Chrlstiouo-Romon Cotholioo~Pro~stants-Joins .. 134-191

OliA.PTER v. ' I


Agrionltnral olassoo-Ciaosifioation of lnnd-Price <f lond-Mortgogeo-Land-
lorda and tonanta-Renta-Stook-Agrionltni'8J. implementa-Mo.nure-
Irrigation-Farm Jo.botll'ers-Produota-Rioe-c~..coo.nnts-A"Toca.nnt or
Botol-nut-Botol-loaf- Sogor-oone- Knmari- Hakkal- Wageo- Weigbto
n.nd moasurca~Land menaurca-bi~ions of iime-Trade-IndustrieS ... 192-222


... 227-282

( 2~7 ) .


A. Ball~Iraya Drug, 11, 62.

Ball81s, Brahmin, 65, 62, 73.
Abd~er-Razza.'k,an a.ooount of the district, 68, 61, 62, 66.
. by, 67. -. - - Bau.., 1ao, 223.
Accounts, ancient mode of preserving, 94; Banghar, chiefo of, 66, 66, 71, 72, 73, 79,
thei..x'.in&OOIU'8.Cy, 109, 111. 86., different kinds of, 131 ; definition Banjar, 2~3.
of,228._ Bant., caste, 166, .192; their Iovo of cOok-
Adheka., an extra. month added to, every fighting, 44.
third year, 216. Ba.ntva.l, 78, 801 88.
Adil Bha.h, 70. Barace, 56. _
.!d6ni, capture of, 69. Barbosa, Duarte, R7
Aduvu, (..e Adavu). Barcelore (6ee Ba.rsalore).
Aga.ea., caste, 170. . Barcore or Hangarkatta (6el BarkUr).
AgriOultural, classes, 192; la.bourers, 198; Barking deer, 42.
. wages, 210; income Of la.bourers, ~12; Barknr, 6, 62, 63, 65, 76, 93 i a otronghold .
implements, 195. of Jainism, 92.
Agumbe, pass, 14. Barn Hill, 6.
AbikoMtm, 2, 67, 69, 145. Baraalor&, point, 4 ; peak, 4 ; port, 68.
Ahmeduogar, 69. Wodear, 67.
Ajalar, 73, 86. Basel Mission factories, 2l9, 2~3.
AkkasaJ.e, caste, 165. Basr6r, 6,, 67, 71, H.
An Raja, 16. Bastia, Jain, 87. law, origin of, 66, 63, 135, Baowappa Naik, !112.
140. - Bear, black, 48.
Aman M&gan6, origin of the name, '13;: Bednore, mountains, 4,; dynast;f, 'TO
resumption by Hyder Ali, 76, 79 117, Portuguese treaty with the RaJa 72 :
126. . J
capture of, 76; Government of, 117. '
Amindivi islands, 1. Bees, 46. .
Ammadikkal, hill, 12. Beidoor Head, 3, 4. -
. Auadi Banjar, 223. B~kal, !o~t, 8, 73, 93; M'ganl!', 209
l.ugirase., 117 ; chitta, 223. Bele-kamke, 204.
Angria, Mahratta. pirates of, 76. Bellnri Ml>gan~, 76, 79, 83.
Ant-eater, scaly, 43. Bellera., caste, 179.
Are, caste, 163. Beriz, 223.
Are~-nut, cultivation of, 206, 207, 220. Betel-leaf, mode of cultivating, 206.
Artisano, 165. - Batt, 12~, 194, 201, 223.
Arvar, 223 (ee Mortgage). Bettuo, 86.
Assessment, the first raising of 76. early Bhadrappa N aik, 72.
history' of, 94; rice, 96 ; Harihar Ray&'a Bhagavata Sampradayam, 1'7
or VIJayanaga.r, 96; Bednore additions Bharti, 107, 116, 228.
to, 96; ~ysora, 97; Sir Thomas Mun Bhatoal, 67.
ro's, 99; Tha.r&o, 102. Bhattacharya, GO, 146.
AlB's, 6, 11. Bh6gyada Adavu, 228.
BMW P&ndiya, introduction of Alir..n
B ~y, 62, 63; his oonneotion with
the Paudiyao, ~3 f.o.; hostility to tho
llackwatel!l, 12. Br8.hmins, 64; hie B.SI:Wasment 64 1(0
Bidami, 68. 141, U~f.n., 143/.n. ' ' '
B4gayat, 122, 19~, 223. Bh6.taraya Pandiya, 66.
Bahubalin, 66, 87. Bh6.tao, worship of, 631 73 137 1 namos of
188. . J I
Bail, 122, 193, 200, 223. Bljap6.r, 69.
Bailongadi, 80.
Baindnr, 67. . B~j~ri, aocount, 110, ~23.
Bilunagga., caste, 167.
B~ D~vi, 69 ; her, 70, 92. Billava, caste, 171.
Bauasu Wodears, 65, 61, 62 86 90. Birds, 46.
"R&.kuda, caste, 174. . ' '
Hisli, ghaut, 11,
Bali, a sept, 143 ; of Banta, 160 f.n. B~son, 42,
Board-sipharas, 107, 116, 223. Dev&nga, caste, 166.
Bombay, transfer of N. Ca.nar& to, 84. .D6va Raya, his making over of the Bark~
Br&hmms, their influence iu .Tuluva, 66, kingdom, 64, 65.
60; legends regarding, 67, 92; Bucha .. Devilda.ncing, 138, 140.
Dan's account regarding introduction, ceremony, 148.
69 ; appointment as Governors, -60 ; Dha.rma.puram, 71.
struggle with local chiefs and Banta, 63; Dha.rmastala, Hegade of, 80.
hostility to BhUtal Pandiya, 64; account Dhurmati Ohitta, 121, 223.
of caste,.l44. Digambara, a division of Jains, 190.
Buchanan, his journey in South Can!l.1'81 Doddo Virappa, 73.
82. . Dog, wild, 43 ; domestic, 44.
Dondia, 79.
Duok, 46.
... c Dnndubhi (m Dhurmati) .
Dv&rasamud.ra, 62.
Campbell, Colonel, 77; hie death, 78.
Oana.ra., derivation of name, 2; British
, annexation of, 79. E
Cardamoms, 199 1 206, 219.
Carn6.d 1 68. . Egypt, trade with, 217.
Cashew-nut, 200. Elephants, 43.
Castes, 144. Estates, Mr. Viveash's division of, 107,
Cata, 44. 116.
Oattle, 44. . Export, articles of, 218.
Cattle fair, Subra.manya, 44.
Caup Rocks, 6.
Oh.akranadi, river, 13.
Ohalg<lni, 131; ch&lg<loid&r, 194, 223.
Oh8lukyas, 64, 69, 61, 62; religion of, )i'anna, 42.
188. . Ferns, 4:1.
Cbandragiri river, boundary of Tuluva., 2; Firewood, 18, 20.
description of, 13, 68, 73, 93. Fish; varieties of, 46; netting of, at Coon..
Cho.ndra.m&.na year, 200. da.poor, 47.
Chandra, 69, 146. Flora, 21, 41.
Chflrmadi or Kodekal pass, 14. Flying fox, 43.
Ch&r6dis, caste, 166. Foresta, 16, 20.
Chaeta, 43. Formosa, Mount, i.
Cheal, attack on, 69. Franciscan friars, 68.
Ohepteg&ra, caste, 166. Fryer's travels, 73.
OM raman Perumal, 180. Funk hill, 11.
OMra or Kerala, H.
Obibbidri ridge, 11."
Ohirakkal Raja, 73. G
Ohitp6.di Ball&ls, 73.
Chitp&van Brahmans, 163, 192. Gairsappa., queen of, 69.
Choutar, 73, 85. Gangoli or Gnrgot river, 18.
Ohrietiaoity, early history of, 181. Ganiga, oaate, 167.
Chucker, a tax, 97 f.n. Gouda Brahmins, 163.
Coast line, description of, 3. Ga.uda, ca.ste, 162.
Cock-fighting, 44. Geni-warg, 224.
Cocoanuts, planting of, 83, 204, 205. Geology, 48.
Coffee, 206. Ghar-terige, 124, 224.
Ooir yarn, 219 ; rope, 222. G6davori, Brahmins from, 69.
Ooomta, 64. G6karnam, 60.
Ooorg, war with, 83 J depredation of; 78. Gold, 63.
Ootton, 199. . Grama-paditti, a Brahmili chronicle, 67,
Crocodiles, 46. 61.
OllBtoms, 140, 144. . Gudigara, casts, 166.
Gu!v6.di, 71.
Gnmt& Raya, atatue of, 66, 86.
D Gurget, river, 13.
GurpUr, river, 13.
Daknis, caste, 181. Gur11vayankere, 90, 91.
Da~khists, preferential olaims to 123.
Della Valle, his tra~els in Canan: 71 :a:
Demon-worship, 137. '
Deria Bahaudur Ghur, 41 6. H6.di Point, 3.
Deshast Br&hmins, 163. Haiga, etymology of, 2.
J)evadiga, oaste, 156, Haj&m, oaste, 111.

liakk&l, 126,.200, 224; method ol, culti- X

va.tion, 210. ., desolate condition o~, 81.
Haladi, river, 13. Kadambas, tra.ditionalaborigm of, 68, 86;
Haleangadi, 91. tbeir rule as underlords of Ra.htrs.ldi.tas,
Halepaik, caste, 173. and W. CMiukyas, 61; religion of, 188.
Halko!, 71.
Hariha~ RD.ya, 64 ; revision of land reye... Kaddatams, 96, 116.
nne by, 66, 93. Kadim, 118, 224.
Harris, Collector, 102. Kaiam Kammi, 120.
Hart, Colonel, 80. KIUacMri, 62.
Havig Brahmins, 60, 152, 192. Kalasa., 63, 86.
Hegade or BallB.Is, 60, 66, 73. Kal&vant, caste, 17~.
Ht~ggade, caste, 164. . Kalianpur, 63 ; factory at, 78; church. at,
Hobli, 224. - 184.
Boleya, ca.ate, 173, 198, 210. Kalliana, 66.
Honalli, 69. K&ma.deva, a Kadamba king, 61 ;' his con
Honey, 46. quest of Tnluva, 62. .
, Honore, 66. Knmbharti, 107, 116, 224.
Horse trade, 218. Kambla-k6nagalu, a fine breed of buffaloe~,
Hosagame, 118, 120, 224. 196.
Hosdrug, 73, 93. Kanchugtl.ra, caste, 1_66.
Hossangadi pass, 76. Kand&vara Br&hmins, 162.
Hoysal Ball~!, 62. Kanisan, caste, 180.
. Hubaehika, a chief, 134, 146. Karadi -Brilhmins,.l63.
Hughes, Sir Edward, 76. Karakal, 61, 63, 69, 76, 84, 86, 86, 89, 18~.
Humoha, .Jain Kadamba chiefs of, 69, 61, Kate Gudda, 11.
86. Kattutar, 197.
Husban~en, 166. Kelasi, caste, 171.
Hutwali, 126 j.n., 224. . K6ra.1a, separation of Tulu from, 64, 68.
Hyder Ali, 76, 77, 79, 80, 83, 97, 98, 100, Kh&rvis, caste, 168.
101 i Fatty, a pretender, 80. Kistna. Naik, 80.
Hyderghur fort, 77. Kodsshadri, peak, 11.
Kolake-gadde, 198.
Kollatiri family, 78, 74, 76, 1.88.
I KollUr, Goodda., 4; river, 13; pass, 14-;
ghaut, 71; temple, 76.
Ibn Batuta, 66., dialect, 136; caste, 163; BrlLh-
Ikkeri or Bednore dynasty, 66, 70. mins, 221.
Dadarvar, 224. , Koraga., dialect, 136; caste, 1'16.
Implements, agricultural; 196. K6ta Br&hmans, 162.
Import, articles of, 219. K6t8ris, caste, 180.
,InAm, two classes of, 132. Krishna Raya, his relation with Portu-
lndra, a division of Jains, 190. guese, 68.
.Industries, 222. Kshauraka, caste, 171.
Insects, 46. Kudre Mukh or Mount Hyder, 6, 11, 61,
Irrigation, souroes~of, 197. 79.
1swara Mangala, 88. Kuciubi, caste, 178.
Itchappa Wodear, 10. Kudtttale, 224.
Kudutaled&r, 121, 224.
Kuik8na.m, 181.
J Kumaki, 16, 129, 196, 224., river~ 12. .
Jackson, Colonel,. 83. Kumari, 17, 123, 226; an account of, ou1..
Jida or J~dra, caste, 166. tivation, 200, 208, 209.
J agga Devi, 63. Kumb&ra, caste, 168.
Jain, architecture, 89; law of inheritance, Kumbla, 68, 69; Raja of, 18, 78, 79, 8!,
63; petty chiefs, 7~; Bark6r, a strong.. 117.
hold of, 92; -extirpation of, 92; history Kurumbas, caste, 164-.
of Jains, 187; temple at Klirakal, 86, at RUts, meaning of, 83, 104:; Mr. Stokes' re~
'!d~dbidri, 87, at Guruvaya.nkere, 90. port on, 106.
J'8J.Dl8ID., 64, 67; traces of, 84-, 86; its rela
tion, to Bri.hminism., 189.
Jam&labiLd, rock, 12; position of, 78, '19,
J Onaditta, 81. ~d, classification of, 122, "192; disposi ..
Jews, grants to, 64, 68, ttt~n of waste, 123, 126; extent of ryot's
Jin6shwaTa, 190. right to waste, 126, 128 ; prices of, 193.
J6gi, casts, 179. proprietary right to, 128; revenue, 110.'
Jungle fowl, 46; sheep, 42. Landlord and tenant, 194.
~30 urn:i!x.
Land measures, 216. M61&-wirgd~r,_225. .
Land revenue, causes for tho stationary ~f6ll!'~ni, 130; m6lgerudar, 195, 226.
Bmount of, 110; revision by Harih&ra M6h:-warg, 118, 226.
Raya, 66. . Mulpattao, 16, 226.
Languages,\136. Munro, Sir Thomas, first Collector, 79 ;
Laterite. 48-62, pa..1im, used for building, settlement of land revenutl, 81.
62, 63. Munt-jack, 42.
Lemur, 43. . Mfiras, 203.
Leopard, 43. Mutton, 44.
Lignite bode, 62. Muziris,'66.
Liogayats, 189.
L6kadity&, son of Mayli!"a Varma., 69, 146,
. 146,181. . . . .. .
Lynch, Mr., his treaty with the Governor
of l\Iangalore, 74. Ndigo, 131.
Nalke, caste, 139, 178.
Nand&, a Holeya chief, 69, 146.
M Narasinga R6.ya, 67 ; son of Vishnuvar-
dhana.!.. 62. .
Mace, Wild, 20; 200. Native un.ristians, Tippu's deportation of,
Madd6r, 83. . . . 78; intri~es owing to, 83, 106, 181.
Madbavacbliry~, 61, 147, 148; hlS teaobings, Native offimals, intrigue of, 83.
. 63. ' Nvayat, 181 .
Madivala, caete; 170. Nela-terige, 124, 225.
Madura; kingdom of, 93. N elkond&, 56., 2, 225. Netra.vati, ri"rer, 12, 16.
. M&jal,122, 193, 199, 200, 226. Nettikatt, 16, 129, 226. .;
~:l:m, 226. _ Nil6shwar, R~ja of, 73, 74, 78, 81, 117.
. vM, caste, 162: NonambavAd.i, 63.f.n.
Male-Kudiya, caste, 175. North Canara, separation of,_ 3., caste-, 179. .
Malik K&fur, tbo subjugation of the B&l
llLla and YB.da.vas by, 62, 64 0
.Manel, queen of; 72.
Mn.ugalore, arc of lutitutle, 1 ; burning of, Ormuz, 67.
74, 84; English at, 74_; establishment of Oysters, 47.
a Portuguese factory at, 73; Hyder's
taking of, 76; .Portuguese capture of,
68 ; position. of, 6 f siege of, 77, 93. p
J'l.fa.ngoea, 200,
Manj6ohwm, 68; plunder of the temple PO.dias, oaste, 163.
at, 76, 80; Konkauis of, 82. P&!l"di 97 j.n.
l!a.nufactures, 223. P&Iswani, river; 12.
Manure, 196. Pal!&vao, 54, 68.
Mappillas, 180, 222. P&nlin, caste, 179.
Marli.thi, caste, 163. Panja M~gane, 76, 79.
M6.ri-aiDma, goddess, 140. Paril.sara, 96. _
Masca.ti; rice, .203. Parasu RAm.a, tradition conc_erning his
Mathews, General, his capture of Bednorc, creation of Canara, 9, 67.
76. Parava, caste, 179.
.May6r& Varma, date of; 67; introduction Pariya.t&, caste, 170.
of Br&hm.ins by, 66, 67, 58, 60, 146, Pariy~yo, festival, 148, 216.
appointment of Br&hmin. governors. by, Partridges, 46.
60, 66. Patla, 226. '
!lfoLeod, Colonel, 76. P~trame!&, caste, 179.
M6mono 1 181. Patti, 97 f.n.
Midge Point, 11. P&tvegara, caste, 167,
Mogoru, 226. Pe&-fowl, 45.
Mogr, caste, 168. Pepper, 21, 68, 82, 199, 206, 219.
Monkeys, 43.
- Persia, Portuguese wor with, 71 ; trado
Moolkj or Primoira Rocks, 6. with, 218.
Mortgages, 131. Perumbala, river, 68.
Mountains, 11. Phamician trade, 218 .
.Mouse deer, 42. Pig, wild, 43.
Mouza, 226. Pigeons, 46.
Moyili, caste, 155. Pine-apples, 200,
Mudbidri, 76,'83, 87, 189. .. Plover, 46. .
Mukkuvans, caste, 169, 170. Polyandry, its prevalence among the Dra:
MG!&r, 73, 85. vidiana, 66.
IN DElL 231

Pombada, caste, 13~, 179. Shi.r6r, situation of, 3.

Porcupines, 43. Shist (aee Rekba).
Porta, 220 ; levy of tributea by Portuguese Sirk'r g6niwargs, 119.
from, 68. Sisala. ghaut, 11, 61, 81-.
Portuguese first settlement, 67 ; capture Sisalkal peak, ll.
of Mang'a.Iora, 68 ; establishment of a Sitanadi, river, 14, 160.
factory at Mangalore, 73. SiW.ji, raid on Basrtir, 7 2.
Pole!, 191, 226. Sivappa Naik, 70, 72, 7~.
Potla or PotJa.gadde, 194, 208. Smasbana, 226.
Poultvy, 44. Snakes, Hindu veneration for, 45.
Products, 198. Snake stones, 84.
Proteatant Christians, 187. Snipe, 46. , -
Puttor, 84, 103. 86masekhara Naik, 73, 74.
Son{Lr, caste, 166. .
Soonda, settlement on, 99.
Soortaoull, point, 7. .
Souramfma year, 200.
R6.jApuri, caste, 166. Spotted deer, ~2. -
B8.m&nuj6.ch6.rya, 62. Spur fowl, 45. B&ja., treaty with the Portuguese by, Squirrel, 43.
69. Sr8vana Belg6la, 86.
RB.mnagar, 69. Sringeri Math, assistance to the Vijayana-
R6shtrek6tss, 61. gsr dynasty by, 64, 66. .
R6yapaditti, 63. Stambhas, 91.
Read, Collector, 101. Stll.niklL, caste, 154.
Rekba or Shist, 97, 102, 108, 109, 226. St. Mary Isles, position of, 5 : g60logica.l
Religion, )36. . constitution of, 63 ; origin of the IlKme
Rents, rate of, 194. 67.
Report, Mr. Blane~s, 109-114 ; Mr. Stokes, Stock, agricultural, 194.
106-107. Stone temples, 85.
Reptiles; 46. Subba Rao, 80.
Rice, 67, 68, 74, 188, 218; cultivation of, Sub-divisions of the district, 2.
200-204 ; -ordinary outturn of, 203 f.n. Subramanya, peak, 11 ; pass, 76 cattle
principal 'VS~ieties of, 20~. mart, 194, 220.
Rivaz Butwah (Bee Hutwali). Suga.rcnne, four .kinds of, 207; when and
Rivers, 12. . . . how-cultivated, 207, 208,
Roads, 14. . Sullia M6.gan8, 73 ; resumptiOn by Hyder,
Romah Catholics, Buchanan's account of, 76, 79, 117, 126.
182; !86. Survey, 111, 114. ~
Suvarnana.di, riVer, 14.
SadAsivagar, 65.
Sad6siva R6ya, 09, 70. 'l'a.le-Kaveri, 73.
SakU.puri Br6.hminll, !62. Taniki, 107, 116, 226.
Sftle, caste, 167. Tarf, 226.
B6les, easte, 179. Taukuf, 120.
B6mag6ra, caste, 176. Teal, 46.
136mbar, 42. Tellioherry, factory at, 74.
Sampaji pass, '14. Tenore, various kinds of, 130, 131.
Sampayo, Lopes Vas De, 68, 182. or Sarisari, assessment, 102, 109,
Sandalwood, 219. ~ 114, 1161 226 ; Mr. Harris's report on,
Baudy Point, 4. . 104.
Sankar6ch~a, 63, 146. Tiger, 43.
Sankara Na>k, the last Y~dava Iring of 'ime, division of, 216.
D6vagiri, 64. Tippu, 76; deportation of Native Christians
Sappalif:' caste, 1_55. by, 78 ; persecution of Christians by,
Sari.san, 226 ;_ oh1tta,~122, 226. 183.
S6raswat Brllhmin, 154. !I'irthankaras or Jain saints, 190.
SarMrigadde, 226. Tiyyans, caste, 178.
Savanta of Mulki,"189. Tobaoco, 199, 219.
Serpent;..worship, 84, 140. Totemism, among Shivalli Brlt.hmins, 160.
86rv~g6ra, caste, 163. Trado, 217~22 ;articles of, 218 l early his-
Shamai!, 97,99, 102,226. tory of, 217; with foreign conntriea,
Shamanism, 86. 218, 219,; facilities for internal, 221.
Shanabh6ga, 226. Traders, 165.
Sheep, 44. Treaty, Rama RlLja's, '69; Portuguese,
Bhige-kai, 20, 200, with Bednore, 72, 78, 74.
232' "IND:BX.

Trees, foreot, 18-20. Vlra Bukka; 64.

Tribute, levy of, by Portuguese, 68. Vfra P~diya, 63, 66, 87, 140 .f.H.
Tulu, Jangnage, 136. Vishnuva.rdhana, 61, 63, 188 ; his conver-
Tulubhan PerwnA.I, 68. sion by IIAmAnujO.cMrya, 62, 86.
Tuluva, derivation of, 2; formed part of Vitta! Hegede, 73, 78, 80 ; hia disturbance,
KOmia, 64 ; separation from K6re!a, 64, 80; hiadefeat,Sl, 117.
58. ', Collector,;107.
u w
umni,226. . Wages, 210-213 ; for irrigating, 2!8.
Uflal, queen of, 69, 71, 72. Wala-warg, 226.
Utchila goodda, 6. Warg, 116, U 7 ; meaning of, 118, 226 ; in
.Uttara, 226. the 14th century, 118 ; assessment of,122. _
Warranga!, 64.
v Waste Ianda, 125-128; proprietary right to,
Vaide, 107, 116, 226. Weaving, 222.
Vaideg6ni, 131 ; Vaideg6nidAr, 194, 226. Weights and measures, 214, 215.
Vakkalige, caste, 164. Whale,48.
Valabhi, destruction by Arabs, 60:
Valabhip6r, 60. X
Vall6rpatn~, river, 74.
Vania, caste, 166.
Varma, title of Kadamba, Pallava &ndMala Xeher, 67.
yAlam kings, 68.,226.
VMApi or BO.dluni, 68.
Venkatappa Naik, extirpation ofthe Jains Yidavas, 62.
by, 70, 71, 75. Yeljita Goodda, 4.
Vijayanagara, 64: ; assessment, 65 ; ita con- YCn6.r, 86.
nection with Canara, 69 ; destruction of,
66, 69 ; rains of, 64.
Vijaya P~diya, 63. z
Vikram!.ditya VI, 63.
Vinay~tys, 62. . Zamorin ofCaJiout, 69.

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