Written Report Bmbe
Written Report Bmbe
Written Report Bmbe
1) Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the
2) Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE
3) 2employees will still receive the same social security and health care
benefits as other employees); Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the
financing requirements of BMBEs; and
4) Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance
programs for BMBE beneficiaries. The LGUs are also encouraged to either reduce the amount
of local taxes, fees, and charges imposed or exempt the BMBEs from local taxes, fees, and
Basic requirements for new applicants and for BMBEs applying for renewal of
b, Duly filled out application form (BMBE Form 01) in triplicate, signed
by the owner or manager of the entity applying for registration;and,
c. Three passport size ID pictures.
b. For those with assets worth more than three hundred thousand pesos (P300, 000) up to three
million pesos (P3, 000,000.00)
1. Documents previously listed in item 7.2a for new applicants with assets worth three
hundred thousand pesos and less
2. Annual Information Return (for the year immediately preceding the renewal of
registration) duly filed with the BIR, together with its attachments.
b. For those with assets worth more than three hundred thousand pesos (P300,000) up
to three million pesos (P3,000,000.00)
2. Annual Information Return (for the year immediately preceding the renewal of
registration) duly filed with the BIR, together with its attachments.
a. Accomplish BMBE Form 01 in triplicate and submit to the Office of the Municipal or
City Treasurer.
b. The Municipal or City Treasurer evaluates the application. The application shall be
processed within 15 working days upon submission; otherwise, the BMBE shall be
deemed registered wehh. A registered BMBE shall be issued a Certificate of
Authority as proof of registration, effective for a period of two years. The application
is renewable every two years.
How can a BMBE avail of the exemption from the coverage of the minimum wage law?
Once a BMBE is registered and issued with a Certificate of Authority by the Municipal or City
Treasurer, it is automatically exempted from the minimum wage law.
Is the exemption from the coverage of the minimum wage law prospective in nature?
Yes. The rule is that laws shall have prospective application only. Thus, an enterprises
exemption from the coverage of the minimum wage law can only be applied to employees hired
after its registration as a BMBE.
The Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Boards shall issue a Wage Advisory for
BMBEs. The range of wage levels proposed by the RTWPBs shall be advisory in nature,
and may be used by BMBE workers and employees in setting acceptable wage levels in
their enterprises. The wage rates to be proposed in the Wage Advisories shall be
advisory and not mandatory in nature. They are intended to exert a persuasive effect on
BMBE owners and provide a benchmark for workers.
c. Credit delivery
They shall set up a special credit window that will service the financing needs of BMBEs
registered under the Act consistent with the BSP policies, rules and regulations:
Note: All interests, commissions and discounts derived from the loans by the financing
institutions above granted under this Act shall be exempt from gross receipts tax (GRT).
All loans from whatever sources granted to BMBEs under the Act shall be considered as part of
alternative compliance to Presidential Decree No. 717, otherwise known as the Agri-Agra Law,
or to Republic Act No. 6977, otherwise known as the Magna Carta for Small and Medium
Enterprises, as amended. For purposes of compliance with Presidential Decree No. 717 and
Republic Act No. 6977, as amended, loans granted to BMBEs under the Act shall be computed
at twice the amount of the face value of the loans.
All banking institutions, whether government or private, shall set aside at least twenty-five
percent (25%) of their total loanable funds for agriculture and fisheries credit in general, of which
at least ten percent (10%) of the loanable funds shall be made available for agrarian reform
Magna Carta for Small and Medium Enterprises (Republic Act No. 6977)
Allocate at least eight percent (8%) for micro and small enterprises (MSEs) and at least two
percent (2%) for medium enterprises (MEs) of their total loan portfolio based on their Balance
Sheet as of the end of previous quarter, and make it available for MSME credit.
Note: Provided, that the loans used as alternative compliance with PD 717 which were
computed at twice their outstanding balance shall no longer be eligible as compliance with R.A.
6977 during the same period and vice versa.
The following government agencies may avail of the BMBE Development Funds so as to
execute projects related to technology transfer, production and management training, and
marketing assistance to BMBEs:
Qualified Projects
1. Entrepreneurship Development
2. Skills Training
4. Technology Intervention
5. Technology Incubation/Commercialization
7. Database Development
What document should be filed with BIR by an income tax exempt BMBE?
In lieu of an income tax return, an income tax exempt BMBE is required to submit an Annual
Information Return. This is filed on or before the 15th day of the 4th month after the close of the
taxable year with an Account Information Form, which contains data from its financial statement
and Sworn Statement of Assets Owned and/or Used.
A duly registered BMBE shall be exempt from income tax on income arising purely from its
operations. However, this income tax exemption shall not apply to the
a. Interest, including those from any currency bank deposit and yield or any other monetary
benefit from deposit substitutes and from trust funds and similar
b. Royalties
c. Prizes and other winnings:
d. Cash and/or property dividends;
e. Capital gains from the sale of shares of stock not traded through the stock
f. Capital gains from the sale or other disposition of real property;
g. The share of an individual in the net income after tax of an association, a joint
account, or a joint venture or consortium;
h. The share of an individual in the distributable net income after tax of a taxable
partnership of which he is a partner;
i. Income from the practice of profession received directly from the clients or from
the professional partnership of which the individual is a partner;
j. Compensation; and
k. All other forms of passive income and income from revenues not effectively connected
with or arising from operations of the BMBEs as such.
Determination of the Value of Assets of the BMBE for Income Tax Exemption Purposes
not exceed P 3,000,000
Include all kinds of properties, both real and personal (except the land where the business
entitys office and PPE is located)
are owned and used/to be used, or even if not owned but used/to be used by the BMBE and/or
its affiliates