Merritt Morning Market 2972 - February 22

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Vitamin D, 1000iu

Custom mugs
Your photos or art on a mug great gifts! merritt morning
Please recycle
$ 99 4 260s

Office Supplies (250)378-6882

Printing & Engraving (250)378-6808
Blacks Pharmacy
1951 Garcia St. Merritt, Bc 2037 Quilchena Ave., Merritt BC (250) 378-2155

midweek edition february 22, 2017 #2972

News, opinion, community events & classifieds since 1996! Box 2199 Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Working Hard for
T (250)378-5717 F (250)378-2025 [email protected]
Rural Communities
Ty Pozzobon Foundation Heritage Week at the =

zobon have announced the Ty Pozzobon Museum & archives

Family and friends close to Ty Poz-
Your In-Town Full ServIce BuTcher Shop Jackie Tegart
Top Quality product at competitive prices Foundation (TPF). The mission statement The annual open house in celebration
MLA Fraser-Nicola
Friendly Knowledgeable Staff is: To protect and support the health and of Heritage Week will be held tomorrow, 2 2152 Quilchena Avenue
well-being of rodeo competitors inside Thursday, Feb. 23 starting 6pm, at the NV Merritt, BC
Special orders welcome!
and outside the arena. Museum & Archives. Enjoy a tour of the 250 378-8831
museum, appies, beverages & network- [email protected]
To donate to the Ty Pozzobon Foun-
dation and FMI, visit ing. FMI

its income tax time community

or 378-4145.

Volunteers will be at Crossroads Com-

wh er e fr iend s mee t to e at munity Church every Tuesday in March baillie House aGM Looking for Work?
and April (March 7th April 27th) from The Baillie House 2017 AGM will be Merritt Employment Services can help.
Join us for Prime Rib 9am-12noon, to assist seniors, students this evening, Wed., Feb. 22 at 5 pm. We offer free services for job-seekers.
Dinner and those with low incomes with their Everyone is welcome. Job search resources Self-employment
March with baked potato, veggies, Yorkshire pudding, income tax returns. FMI phone 378-6283. TMX public info session Resume assistance Wage subsidies
bc Music Fund
and chocolate cake Education & skills training for employers
Kinder Morgan is hosting a drop-in
on St. Patricks Day info session to share updates about the
Reservations recommended Regional info session - Merritt Trans Mountain Expansion Project. Wed.,
210 1 q uilc hen a ave . (2 50) 37 8 -0 331 In early February, the Province an- Feb. 22, at the Civic Ctre, Rms 2&3, 6-
Find us on facebook nounced the creation of the BC Music 8pm. A brief presentation will take place
Fund, a $15-million investment to sup- at 6:30pm. They will answer questions
!"#$%&'(()*+&& port the growth of BCs music industry. and seek input about completing con-
The fund will be administered struction safely and efficiently while
!"#"$%!&'()"%*+,%('-."(% through Creative BC over the next 2 minimizing disruption to our neighbours
years to stimulate direct investment, and protecting the environment.
/0%123%4567&8%98&&":;%& job creation, music tourism, increased re- biosolids forum Merritt Real Estate Services
,)*(-.$/+& gional activity and the export of BC Today & tomorrow, the Chiefs of the
music. Creative BC is launching pro- Nicola Valley will host a scientific review
Where was grams to support the careers of BC
artists, live music performances, the de-
forum on biosolids, in the Irving K Bar- FOR RENT
ber Center at TRU, 8:30am-4:30pm. Reg- Bachelor suite apartment .......$600 plus hydro
Jackie? velopment of music companies, training
& export initiatives, research, innovation
ister, no charge, in advance (250)
378-0808, or [email protected]
3 Bdrm apartment......$825 plus hydro (X3)
2 Bdrm ..................bsmt suite. $800 plus utilities
0/(1*%+&& and the growth of the BC music industry. More info about the forum & registra- 2 Bdrm Sandpiper Unit ...............$800 plus hydro
They have been traveling to commu-
NOT on your nities across the province to announce
tion details can be found at: www.face-
2 Bdrm suite in 6plex in Lower Nicola.
.....................................................$600 inc utilities
the launch of new funding opportunities, call for art: community art show
Side! discuss upcoming deadlines, and build
relationships with music industry part-
Still a last chance to drop off your sub-
2 Bdrm house ...........................$900 plus utilities
3 Bdrm townhouse .................$1000 plus utilities
mission(s) for the 11th Annual Commu- 4 Bdrm house in Sunshine Valley
!"#$"%&#'(")*+",("-*"./0./(/$-"1*$(-,-2/$-(",$"3,1-*.,45"" ners across the province. nity Art Show, on Feb. 23, 12noon-2pm. .................................................$1500 plus utilities
47<"3,1-*.,4",$"-6/"7*$(-,-2/$189" These info sessions are intended for First entry fee is $5, max. 3, which will rustic caBin in Sunshine Valley
!":6/"0/*0;/"*<"=.4(/.>?,1*;4"$//@"4$"%&#"*2=%>+?3,&& BC artists and industry professionals, help support the prizes: Viewers Choice, .....................................................$650 inc utilities
4+*2-"8*2"4$@%5!%74%:7'$%!5(";!& not-for-profit organizations, music com- Best of Show, and Youth under 16. (250) 378-1996 direct line to the
@A%:3+?,%=B%C6%&/D3?+E,%/,%"47')F;% panies, BC-based festivals, venues, event
Rotary indoor golf fun
producers and presenters. property management department
There are still spots for more teams,
51G,%</H3%B=?%+%62+0I3;% BC Music Funds Regional Info Ses-
sion in Merritt probably due to the fact
the event takes place this Saturday, Feb Call for all your residential or
that we are the Country Music Capital of
25 at the Civic Centre. Tickets available commercial property management needs!
2$./&)(&3&4"55&6"5-*%&789:;<=>;?@@<A&&&& &&&&
at City Furniture. 1988 Quilchena Avenue, Merritt BC
.+/J%B=?%DK%123%L?+,3?M4/>=E+%4(.%6=0,1/1N30>K%8,,=>/+1/=0% Canada will be held Tueday, March 7
@ 7pm, location TBA. There have been charity Hockey challenge
sessions in Victoria Nanaimo, Kelowna, This years Law Enforcement Charity
Hockey Challenge will take place Feb 24-
Prince George, Smithers, and Nelson.
26, with Ashcroft, Merritt, Kamloops,
Prince George, Conservation & the Re-
Quick facts:
placements. Theis is their 4th annual
BC has the third-largest concentra-
event, a benefit for BC Childrens Hospi-
tion of independent labels, sound record- tal foundation. Last year they raised
ing studios and other music businesses in $18,500 in donations. FMI Vida 378-8685.
Canada. BCs music industry includes
over 80 independent record labels, 123 at the legion
Frosty Friday & burgers, Legion open
sound recording studios and hundreds of
2 pm to 9 pm, burgers after 5 pm, beef or
music publishers, managers, talent agen-
chicken with all the trimmings $6. Come
cies, marketing and other businesses that
and enjoy a beer with your burger, social-
support the development and delivery of
ize, listen to music or play shuffleboard.
music. There are more than 6400 artists
in BC, including 600 conductors, com- shrove Tuesday pancake supper
posers or arrangers & 5825 musicians or This annual event will take place on
singers. BCs music industry con- Tuesday, Feb 28, 5-7pm at Trinity United
Church Hall. Adults $6, children under 9
tributed over $400 million in revenue to
years of age $4.
the provincial economy.
The industry generates revenue from Merritt Pickleball club
multiple streams that include record Interested in playing Pickleball, or to try
label production and sound recording it out? Come to the old CMS School, 2975
($52.7 million) live music performances Clapperton, Mon, Wed & Fri 9-11am; or
($87.8 million), music publishing ($13.7 Mon & Wed 6:30-8:30pm. Demo paddles
are available. Easy to play, great fun & ex-
TickeTs sTill availab
million) and artist income ($255 million).
ercise. FMI Brian 378-7452; Gary 280-0105.
Friendship Friday Everyone is welcome to St. Michaels Friendship Friday, 1-5pm.
There will be coffee, tea, no questions asked, just plenty of hospitality. It is a time for
socializing, games, social events, sitting with a magazine or book, or just resting. St.
space for your ad Michaels Community Ctre, downtown, 1990 Chapman St.
Friday country jam at the Hall of Fame Dont miss the music jam at the Canadian
Tel 378-5717 fax 378-4700 Country Music Hall of Fame, 3-7pm each week. Guitarist Roberts Bertrand has com-
[email protected] mitted to playing & everyone welcome, just bring your instrument! Donations wel-
come, FMI Dan 315-5508. Merritts Auto Glass 2001
Nicola valley Farmers' Market aGM Tuesday, March 21st at 6pm at the Civic Center, INC.
Room 2. The meeting will run for about an hour. FMI 378-2124.
ICBC Claims
i just spent a whole hour writing with a broken pencil...before i realized that it was pointless Commercial Residential
What did the grass say to the bee when the bee asked where he could get some Automotive Industrial
We now
have our Follow us online! pollen? "I don't know. Cauliflower."
ma in name! So the bartender says "I'm sorry, but we don't serve time travelers here"
2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire)
own do
A time traveler walks into a bar. 378-4531
merritt morning market
wednesday edition february 22, 2017 #2972
Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Tel: (250)378-5717 Fax (250)378-2025 Email [email protected]
05 silverado 3/4-tn h.d 6l, rear brake medical hospital bed, single size,
space for your ad
disc/pads, pd $350, sell $200 315-4781 mattress included, electric controls, good
mistake made in eldorado 96 suzuki JX 4-dr, 4-cyl 5-spd 4x4, condition, $100. Ron 378-4512 Tel 378-5717 fax 378-4700
park, a gate was taken that wasnt
meant to be given, pls return 378-4588
nw parts $3000 250-458-2513, cell/text
sofa & loveseat, exc cond 378-5806 [email protected]
wd & glass corner china cab 6tall,
someone Broke into my 85 ford F250, 6.9 diesel 4x4 Super cab bevelled gas dr & on sides, mirrors all the
Bsmt ste & stole my 361 power long box, good tires and decent paint. way down both sides, 4 adjust. hvy duty
saw & laptop, in early Feb. I would really $2500obo 378-4195 glass shelves w/ grooves for dishes, 3-
OfficE SuPPliES (250)378-6882 1951 Garcia St. like my stuff back. Im a single mother, way touch light $285 aft 4pm 378-9847
00 chrysler Neon. Suzanne, Darrel
PrintinG & cOPyinG (250)378-6808 MErritt, Bc I work hard, the chainsaw was my bread 434-2615 computer /office dsk w/ top cupbrd
& butter. Im very concerned, it really oak finish. $100 exc cond 378-4717
hurts & makes things very hard for me. 02 intrepid, pwr wind.locks, great
Pls return or contact MMM 378-5717 shape inside and out but needs timing Bedroom suite 525-0240
chain. Ran excellent otherwise. First moving: round glass coffee table $75,
need a trustworthy and reliable house $500 firm, tows it away. 378-4934
cleaner? Call Elaine Davidson 604-308- round glass kitchen table & metal chairs
6226 or [email protected] 98 chev 3/4 ton 4x4 for parts $500 $50, single solid wood captains bed mat-
378-5766 tress and dresser$300, matching coffee
looking for someone to do
sewing/mending 378-4007 2 mazda B/2200 pick up truck, both xtra and sofa table $50 315-3049
cabs/stndrd, mech spec. $500ea 378-8156 corner TV stand 38w X 26h X
dog walking, house-sitting, snow shov-
98 chev Blazer 4x4 for parts, gd 23d $50. 378-6158 have our Follow us online!
elling 378-4530
We now
thank you: to the lady who found
shape/just not roadworthy 280-1251 twin mattress & bx spring, pillow top,
d oma in name!
my bag, lost Dec 2. many thanks, belated new 07 Dodge Caravan trlr hitch $150 nr nw, exc cond. $90obo 250-612-2081 own
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year installed 378-5165 sofa, match. arm chair and another

nicola valley
378-2098 Rose 2 tires 205/70-15, 3 all-seas tires chair $100 315-4765
piano lessons available for all ages 205/70-15, all gd shape. One 16 snow free: very clean black speckled
$20 per 1/2 hour, inq/call aft 5pm Jackie tire on Ford rim $30. 15 rims & 14 loveseat 378-6310
community theatre
315-7314 Mercedes rims $10ea. 315-0202
11 camaro, only 11,000 kms, lk nw, for sale - electronics/software
angies tea leaf reading.
blk, 6-cylinder, 312 hp, $25,000 Dave
Come in for our Friday buffet, 4:30-7:30pm Anytime, gift certificates avail., will do
group tea leaf reading. Future, money, 315-3049
2 car stereos/cd plyrs $20 text 280-
6916, call aft 7pm
love. 378-8326 06 pt cruiser, exc cond $3500 315-7611 tv, as new 42 Samsung $200 378-5165
Tel (250)378-8283 1953 Nicola Ave. housesitting & ranch-sitting, $8000. 09 Pontiac Torrent suv, fully x-Box 1 w/ games & blue-ray movies
avail., RCMP-approvd, bonded, short or loaded, v-6 auto cruise/air/pw/pl/sunroof, $250. Wideview 5 dig. video baby
long term, exc refs. 378-7435 nw all-seas. tires/brakes/battery, just lk monitor $150. Atom miniature aerial
nw/no acc. 1 owner 378-5004 vehicle indr open space $40. 42 Sam-
employment opportunity fiBreglass canopy, 5 ft x 6.5 ft, slid- sung tv $300 378-8383
we are hiring at DQ, f-t & p-t. ing windows. Frank 378-4493 toshiBa satellite laptop, 15" screen,
Drop off resume in person or email to trailer hitch receiver, class 3. $50 $120 378-2410
[email protected] 378-9694 Box kings Android tv, unlimted
experienced. sheet metal installer 00 chev lumina gd cond, gd on gas tv/movies/sports/music, kodi/HBO/you
Merritts Auto Glass 2001 for new const., gd wage & benefits at 378-4392 tube/facebook $160, no monthly fee, auto
INC. Copper Valley Mechanical 378-5104 97 chev astro van, rns/drvs grt, tires gd update, Terry 778-471-0916, boxk-
Specialists [email protected]
looking for part time certd care
cond, crack in wndshld doesnt obstruct
view, set up for camping, tow pckg, 3
[email protected]
rca 55 projection tv w/ remote
ICBC Claims
aid, mornings 378-0842
company located in Quesnel looking
power sockets $1400obo 280-1452
tire chains 66long $50, cheaper
$75obo 280-0543
20 tv w/ remote $30 Toshiba 378-7791
Become a member,
for Long Log (5 trucks) & Short Log (3 than snow tires incl. carry case 315-1447
Commercial Residential trucks) Trucks needed in Bear Lk area. cummins engine $800 93 Dodge 5.9 for sale - recreational help make this
Automotive Industrial Highway haul. Email your info to diesel eng. only, had blown head gasket 97 roadsport wooden flt dck snow
[email protected] Or fax to (250)
992-6717. Contact Jim Dunkley (250)
was redone at Magnum in Kamloops, en-
gine apart but mostly all there, gd turbo &
mobile trl, gd cond. lights work $950. 95 project happen!
2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire) 983-3443, (403) 799-4747 injection pump, exc. for parts, on roll-
polaris Indy XCT 600 cc eng., gd
cond. $1500. 315-9262
378-4531 class 3 driver w/ air, must have clean around engine stand 378-4195 ice auger $40 378-0405
abstract, willing to work flex. hours. Call reBuilt Ford pck-up differential, fits ice auger $20 378-1336
Jason 378-7122 49-56 incl drums, vry gd shape $500 Joe
378-2676 moto 2 snowbike kit for a 4 stroke,
skilled labourers needed. 378-7122 like new. $1000. [email protected]
or email resume [email protected]
97 ford 1/2 ton, Alberta-registd, not
insurable $300 as parts trck 378-2370
4 15 rims for 00 Jeep Cherokee $150
set mens golf clubs 13-pc w/ bag
$100. 378-9169 space for your ad
378-3496 savage 3-06 winchester bolt-action
golfing equipt: new clubs, repairs,
re-gripping, etc. 378-9169 4 17 michelin hub caps $50obo
synth stck, Buschnel scope 3x9, nw in Tel 378-5717 fax 378-4700
box $600 378-8104
drywall, textured ceiling, painting. 378-4619. 315-9131
chair-gym, brand nw $100 378-4773 [email protected]
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066 91 ford Taurus Wagon, red, 4-dr, fully
loaded w/ a/c, p/w, p/l, no dents, no motorino elect. moped, rns grt $450
all trades, best rates in town, can Marty 280-0649
fix or build anything you want, 27 yrs rips/tears on upholstery, been stored in
exper., Randy 525-0144 htd gar. 234k, eligible for collectors free for picking up: custom- 4g flip phone 378-1336
made 6.5 truck box, fitted for for rent
suBlime cleaning. Detailed clean plates w/ ICBC. $1500obo 315-1300 wd chest of drawers, or sml wood
00 chev Malibu, rns good $600obo fishing/sleeping. Ron 378-4773 1-Bdrm ste, util incl., furnd 378-6899
up for new builds. Residential cleaning dresser, 36w max 778-389-9365
weekly/bi weekly. Painting. Clean up 378-6420 skis, 160 & 200cm $20ea. 378-1336 half duplex small 1 bedroom Col-
sofa or loveseat & chair, high back
after trades. Garbage removal. Grt refer- Bicycle carrier rack, fits car/pick-up w/ arms, firm, recliner-style 378-8326 lettville area $550 u pay util.,
ences. Now at $20/hr 250-539-8119 livestock/pets & access. $100 Joe 378-2676 immed./March 1st. Don 315-5742
wtd, free: Pony Beads, mini or reg.
drywall repair &/or painting, taking 2 free roosters, 6 mos. old, very hand- 50 amp, 30, hvy duty copper RV elec- sz. "Bernat" cotton remnants 378-6289 room for rent $400 incl every-
all small jobs, flat rates or best hourly some 378-4476 tric cable. $190 378-9009 thing, incl bed text 280-6916, or call
earthworms 378-2778
rates in Merr. Johnny Cash 250-280-9987 small dog carrier $10 378-5546 ladies figure skates, size 9, brand aft 7pm weekdays
new, never worn $20 378-6840 insulated 8 stove pipe Al 378-8156
local small renovation company. 4 dog crates: 21x17x15 high $15. lower nicola upstairsste in
Bathrooms, flooring, painting, plumbing 97 gsxr 750 Suzuki, 50km on full re- pre-1960 BC, Yukon, NWT license 4-plxfor snglwrkng person, 1 bdrm
26x18x16h $20. Two 27x20wx19 plates 378-6421
& other projects. Insured & registered. h $20ea Clayton 378-5297 build, nw tires/pnt, mint cond. 16k orig. + den, f/s/no laundry, n/s, n/p,
Free estimates & guaranteed work. Ref- km, hate to sell/life changes, many af- hunting knives, records & sports n/drugs, n/parties, util. not incl. Mar
male white cocktail & fem. grey cock- cards. Tom, Joanne 778-288-4095
erences & proven results. Please call atiel $100, cage not incl., txt/call 778- termrkt prts, fast/loud, winter price 1, $700 + $350 sec. dep. 378-3748
Jason 280-0810 for estimate. 207-0334 $2800, spring price $3500 Mess. or call fair-size fridge, gd cond. 378-8326 2-Bdrm legal bsmt set DV area,
tutortechs PC REPAIRS. Call free kittens to good homes 378-5529 aft 6pm 280-1452 dodge Dakota 4x4 pck-up, 87-96 $750 for mature people 280-5020
Rob 250-936-8243 or go to elan PSX Reactor 188 Parabolic Alpine 378-6421 2-Bdrm bsmt n/s, n/p Mar 1 378-
small dog grooming Peggy 315-9858
We Also Buy/Sell/Trade PCs and Parts skis w/Tyrolia bindings $50 378-4853 2 tires: 205R15 winters, gd shape 6038, 778-639-0244
small dog carrier, lk nw $50. Small 280-0543
granny's House Quilting & Retreat has cat carrier, brand new, never used $30 19ft Prowler trlr, great shape/hardly 1-Bdrm legal ste, nr dwntwn, n/p,
fabric and sewing notions. All fabric from 378-6840 used $3300 280-0875 4 gd used tires, sz 245-75R16 378-6217 n/s, immed 378-2701
Katja's Quilt Shoppe is 50% off till Dec 10 outBack 260FL $22,000obo 1/2 new/used cln 2x4 & 2x6, sheet- 1-Bdrm bsmnt, furnd, $675, $300
31st. 378-3734 wanted: small dog. Laurie 315-2436
ton towable, 32' Trvl Trlr w/ 4 season ing to build garden shed Al 378-8156 dam. dep., util./cbl/internet & lndry
30x14x15 inches 5 goldfish + filter $40 pkg, lrge 'Mster' bdrm w/ qu walk around
childcare 315-2326 gm 350 motor, prefer running. Al. incl. shared bthrm. 778-869-3141
bd, clst/drssrs. Stor., 2 pass-through com- 378-8156 $1000 + 60% util., 3-bdrm hse, main
occasional babysitting in my for sale - miscellaneous partments, glass crnr shwr, gas/elect. hot canopy for Ford trck 6x7 378-6206 level flr only, no basement suite, many
home, grandmother w/ ECE training & wtr tnk, forced air furn. w/ flr ducts & 6 or 8 oars for rowboat 378-9229 updates: bathroom, lam. floors. lrge yrd
extensive exper. as a DayCare Supervisor candles & wax for make candle- A/C w/ clng vnts, outside bbq w/ snk,
making 378-8326 camper van 280-1452 (maintenance must be done regularly),
& Pre-School Teacher. Stories, music, elect. awning, lrg cap. 6v batt. & dual 1 bthrm, lvngrm, ktchn & prkng, n/s in
outdoor play in fncd yrd, art activities, pegasus Invacare scooter, like nw/ 30lb prop. tnks. 2 slides. 315-8799 Bachelor looking for
hrdly used, pd $4500, sell $3000obo room/ste to rent, read. price, n/s, house, no laundry/pets, for quiet wrkng
snacks provd. $12/hr wendy.boraas@ commercial grade meat grinder, & reliable longterm tenants who treat 280-7779 exc shape $400 378-2483 n/parties, n/drugs, prefer w/ 2
antique treadle Singer sewing ma- safe/secure prkng spots 280-1452 other tenant w/ respect, n/partiers,
in-home child care avail. in cln, fun, hot tuB Arctic Spa 4 man (fox) n/drugs, ref reqd, dam. dep., selective
n/shome. Cloth diaper friendly. I have 2 chine $125 525-0033 Bought Nov. 10 from Arctic Spa in Kam- single burner older style electri-
german crystal glasses, nw 6/box, or- cal hot plate, must work. 378-4853 process. Txt/call 936-8612
small children sofor 1-2 children only, loops, evrythng wrks, c/w 30 elect. cbl,
Mon-Fri, part-time or full-time hours, am nate, 1/5 of reg. price $25/box 315-5473 lrg 3-bdrm ste, util incl. 378-6788
hot tub breaker for fuse box, cedar siding, for sale house/property
[email protected] free: 48 bathrm vanity w/ sink & well insuld, top cond., still up & running, Bach. suite apt $600 + hydro, 3
licensed childcare Family taps, u pick up 378-1843 aft 5pm incl. cvr. 378-2540, [email protected] selling for 2017 appraisal bdrm apt $825 + hydro, 2 bdrm
Place for children 0 12 years. We will dolomite jazz walker, folding, for $259,700 lrg 3-bdrm 2-bth detached dplx $800 + hydro, 3 bdrm upper
shorter person 51-52 $200 378-7356 cane fly rod $350, w/ 2 reels made in suite $1000 + hydro, 2 bdrm suite in
help complete subsidy paperwork. Open England 378-8140 gar., 7300 sq ft fully fenced yard w/
Mon-Sat-. Drop ins welcome. Hours are BarBie dolls 2 bags $30/all incl rear lane access, carport, water soft- 6-plex in Lower Nicola $600 incl.
space for your ad 6:00 9:00pm. Located at Railyard Mall.
2172 Coutlee Ave. FMI 378-4878
clothes. Porcelain dolls $7ea. 378-8326
crayon Maker with instr. book $15.,
12 Boat on 14 trailer. 378-6585
renovation sale: 6ft Hydrolux
Whirlpool jet tub; cream sink, toilet,
ening system & purified drinking
water, jet tub, open concept, renod
util., 2 bdrm house $900 + util., 3
bdrm townhouse $1000 + util., 4
Box of 143 megabloks w/ whls & char- kitchen, entrance & both bthrms, bdrm house in Sunshine Valley
Tel 378-5717 fax 378-4700 for sale - appliances acters $15. High black leather boots fiberglass tub, all in good shape, open to
offrs 378-7048
front & rear patio, grdn, fruit trees. Nr $1500 + util. Rustic cabin in Sun-
shine Valley $650 incl util. 378-
cappuccino machine $30 w/instruc- sz.10B $25. 2 end tables + coffee table Coldwater River, schls, park & bus
[email protected] tions 525-0033 in black laquer, inlaid top. like new, for sale - tools/equipment stop, all appl. & wndw cvrngs, ser. 1996 Royal LePage Prop. Mgt Dept
$200. 315-8158 enq. only plse. Peggy 250-319-8718 2-Bdrm 2-bth & dn dbl wide MH
fridge $75 378-4586 apple limbs for smoker, fish, etc. 250- woodstove, glass window & for semi-retd or retd cpl w/ sml
4.5 cu ft brand new bar fridge w/ property: priv. 3-bdrm R2 home,
458-2314 chrome trim, exc. cond. $500 315-7314 huge shop/yard, much more, will caretaking duties for reduced rnt oac
hockey emblems $250obo 280-1413 wd frame mirr 2x2-10 $40. Wndws 3000i king generator/inverter, remote 1-800-361-8111, 315-1000
30 frigidaire flat top elect range, trade for country property 378-8326
2-1.5x2-7 & 1-10.25x2-10.25 start/2hr run/56dba, new oct/16 have re- 1-Bdrm bsmt, furnished, $675,
wht, gd cold $100 378-9169 ceipt,$1300obo 378-6696 rnt to own: w/ dwnpamnt, oac,
$100ea. Gar. dr opener, nvr used $275. own your own manufd home, 3- $300 dam. dep., util./cbl/intrnt /lndry
front load w/d Kenmore HE Elite Craig VHS recordr w/ 200+ movies elect. tools: drill, sander $10ea text incl., shared bth. 778-869-3141
will all the bells/whistles $500obo 378- bdrm 1-bth on lrg lots in mbl home
$150. 2 blk/wht bistro chairs $40/both. 280-6916, call aft 7pm prk, fully set up, for quld family 1-Bdrm for 1 n/s adult, ht & full cbl
9102, 315-5193 Dbl bd w/ wht wckr hdbrd & frame $250. 2 wood-burning heaters, one vintage incl., n/s, n/p. $570 Refs reqd. 378-2954
315-1000, 1-800-361-8111
fridge, 30" top freezer, clean working Ottoman on whls, rose $30. Outdr lamp one modern. both in exc shape. 378-6787 3-Bdrm house, upper floor, nr
cond. $25, was used as gar. beer fridge post w/ extens. $60. Ant. wd-brning ovn 2 antique cross-cut saws 4 feet & 5
$200 378-8383 extensively renod, 2730 sf, 5 CMS, immed. 3-bdrm bsmt ste, nr
315- 5742 feet $150. Taig micro lathe for wood and bottle depot, immed. 2-bdrm bsmt
dog santa suit w/beard, hat, coat, size metal turning $400. 4 axis CNC for wood bdrm + den, 2.5 bth family home.
fridge, dishwshr, exc cond 936-9303 Desired location w/ AMAZING nr A&W 525-0240, 315-2345
maytag washer pump, new, single md, $16 378-2410 or soft metals $4500. Bill 315-0267
papasan chair $50obo. 378-9614 VIEW! Lrg, bright rms, nw wndws, 1-Bdrm bsmt ste in quiet home, $650
belt model, cost $100, sell $50 378-1337 snwmBl shop dolley $75 378-4853 pnt, drs, trim, flooring. Lrg fenced
free: wd pallets, take 1 or all, behind wd-Burning heater for shop/cabin, incl. optik TV/intrnt, ht/hydro, W/D in
microwave, dishwasher, fridge & lot. Attd garage. IMMED. POSSES- ste., Suit. for sngl prsn or senior, n/p,
stove, washer & dryer, 525-0240 NAPA Auto Parts. Pls take away! lk nw $200 378-2429 SION. $339,000 Penny 378-7913
7 artificial Christmas tree 378- n/s, n/parties, n/drugs 315-8253
18 cf fridge w/ freezer $200, 38 range yardworks grdn shreddr, nr nw
2434, 378-8847 $125 250-870-1244 prop. R2 zoned w/ lrg shp, 3-bdrm furnished room for rent, shared
$100, or both for $170, both gd cond oldr hse w/ 2nd shp. will trade for kitchen & bath $240 378-2257

378-9169 full toilet seat w/ tank $30 378-2464 4 fluor. light assembly w/ nw bulbs
fir firewood cut & delivered $150 hse out-of-twn. 378-8326, 280-0124 1-Bdrm bsmt ste in quiet home , Nov
shark upright vac $90. Shark $40 Joe 378-2676
236-777-6656 1+Bdrm hse, dwntwn location, fncd 15 $650 incl. optik tv/intrnt/ ht/hydro,
rechargeable sweeper $20. Electric Brnd nw Lincoln electric Mig Pak 140 yrd,wd stove, wrkshp, grdns. Ideal
artif. Xmas tree, heritage tree w/ real welder, c/w brnd nw full tank of 50/50 w/d in ste, suit. for sngl prsn or senior,
heaters $30ea., 378-4773 rntl/investment $160,000 315-8517 n/p, n/s, n/parties, n/drgs 315-8253
pine cones, 10-yr warr., w/ mtl stnd, 8+ gas, nw in bx/nvr used, nw price at KMS
for sale - automotive high. Alberta blue spruce xmas tree w/ tools $1430, sell $800 378-0107 dBl Bldng lot, cul-de-sac, lrg room w/ private bath in huge

Baillie House
mtl stand, 7 high, pd $89.97, sell $25. sml util trlr 4x6, flat dck, nw tires/pnt, beautiful grasslnds setting in devel- furnished apartment right down-
2 alum. wheels 265/70R16 for Nissan 250-870-1244 oping Collettville area 280-1017 town. Kitchen has everything, all
Frontier, 6-hole $50ea 378-7789 can be towed w/ sml car $250, all lts
5 unopened box sets of Charlie Chan working, 280-1452 house for sale, property excellent utilities and wifi included. No pets.
92 4wd diesel truck, 7.3 eng. 5-spd DVDs, volumes 1-5. $10 ea. 378-2410 deal 378-8326 No smoking. $500/mo 936-9702
manual, 141k orig. Km, built-in stock pfaff Expressions 4 sewing machine , wanted/wanted to buy
rck, 1 ownr, maintenance records avail. worth $1395, sell $650 378-2009
$6000 315-9262 10x10 gazebo frame 378-6965

6 g124 Good Year truck tires, 13/32
tread remaining, load range g. 245/70R
unpasteurized raw honey: $40 for
8 cups, $20 for 4 cups, $10 for 2 cups, $5
for 1 cup. Locally grown organic garlic,
cutting mat 12x18 or smaller,
suitable for crafts, cheap 378-6289
car or truck hoods, motorcycle fndrs
see more pictures online
10am-4pm, Tuesday - Saturday 19.5. m&s. $600. 378-7105 $10/lb. 378-4947
78 ford F250 3/4-ton single cab 351 granny's House Quilting & Retreat has & gas tanks, scrap metal, gd cond. Jessie
auto, gd cold $1800 Al 378-8156 fabric and sewing notions. All fabric from 280-6001
CornerofVoght&Mammette 85 pick up, 305 auto, new tires/wnd- Katja's Quilt Shoppe is 50% off till Dec small type paint sprayer, gd working
(250) shield, runs well $1000 280-4775 31st. 378-3734 order 378-2778
01 chev Malibu gd cond, fully loaded, any canvases, stretched or not,
for sale - furniture painted or not, free/cheap 280-1017
gd tires 936-8297
04 f350 Diesel & 30 ft. pull trailer Ultra hide-a-Bed, nr nw $50, can deliver futon or pull-out couch, not leather
Lite, will sell together or sepa- 315-5093 315-5182
rately. $13,500 ea or $26,000 for both 2 lrg 9-drwr dressers, 1 solid oak old shed, needing repairs ok &
280-7833 $50ea. text 280-6916, call aft 7pm chicken wire fencing 378-8326
Send us yours if youd like
Send u s your classified s... Voicemail (250)378-5717, Email [email protected] us to consider posting them!
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