CS704 Finalterm QA Past Papers

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The key takeaways are that I/O interconnects can be classified based on communication distance, bandwidth, latency and reliability into backplanes, channels and networks. Backplanes have very high reliability, low latency and highest bandwidth while networks have low reliability, highest latency and lower bandwidth.

Adding a second level cache that has a lower miss rate than main memory improves performance by reducing the average memory stall cycles per instruction from 6 to 3.5, providing a speedup of 1.7x.

The average miss penalty for critical word first access is 14 clock cycles compared to 18 clock cycles for block load access without critical word first, providing an improvement of 4 clock cycles.

1 CS704 Final Term 2015

Describe in detail the classification of I/O interconnects based on the communication distance,
bandwidth latency and reliability.


The I/O interconnect is the glue that interfaces computer system components. I/O interconnects
are facilitated using High speed hardware interfaces and logical protocols. Based on the desired
communication distance, bandwidth, latency and reliability, interconnects are classified as used:
Backplanes, channels, Networks

Network interconnects are used where distance is very large where is more than 1 km, where
are interconnects of type channel are used where the distance is 10-100m, and the backplane
interconnect t are used very small distance. Backplane are those which use to connect the
backplane of CPU or micro process based computing system with the external device.

Whereas based on the bandwidth with network basically are developed where the bandwidth
are the rage of 10-100 MB/sec and the channel are used 40000 MB/sec and the backplanes
have the bandwidth 320-1000+ MB.

The latency of the backplane is basically lowest where are the channel it is medium and for
networks it is highest.

However the reliability of network is low and it is medium for the channels and it is very high for
the backplane. Backplane usually is the byte parity matter to achieve the reliability in the system
and it give us very high reliability

Interconnects are usually implements by using the bus system the bus is basically is shared
community links in the sub system, it is collection of number of conductors. Where busses can
be classified as the data bus the address bus and the control bus.

Question 2:
Suppose we have a processor with base CPI 1.0, assuming all reference hit in the primary
(level-1) cache and the clock rate 500 mhz. assume a main memory access time of 20 ns
.including all miss handling. Suppose the miss rate per instruction at the primary cache is 5%.
How much faster will the machine be if we add a second level cache that has a 20 ns access
time for either a hit or miss and is large enough to reduce the miss rate to main memory to 2 %.

2 CS704 Final Term 2015


Miss penalty main memory = 200 * 10-9 / (1 / (500 * 106))

= 100 Clock Cycles

CPI = Base CPI + Memory stalls per instruction

= 1.0 + (5/100) * 100

Miss penalty Level 2 cache = 20 * 10-9 / (1 / (500 * 106))

= 10 Clock Cycles

CPI with level 2 cache implemented = Base CPI + Level 1 memory stalls + Level 2 memory stalls
= 1 + (5 / 100) * 10 + (2 / 100) * 100
= 3.5

Comparison = 6 / 3.5 = 1.7

Question 3:
Let us assume a computer has a 64 bytes cache block. an L2 cache that takes 7 clock cycle to
get the critical 8 bytes, and then 1 clock cycle per 8 bytes +1 extra clock cycle to fetch the rest
of the clock without critical word first its 8 bytes clock for the first 8 bytes and the 1 clock per 8
bytes for the rest of the block.

Calculate the average penalty for critical word first assuming that there will be no other access
to the rest of the block. Compare time with or without critical words first.


1. With Critical word first:

Average miss penalty
= Miss Penalty of critical word + Miss penalty of the remaining words of the block
= 7 x 1 + (8-1) x 1 = 7+ 7 = 14 clock cycles

2. Without critical word first (it requires block load)

= [Miss Penalty of first word + miss penalty of the remaining words of the block]
+ clock cycles to issue the load
= 7 x 1 + (8-1) x 1 + 8/4 = 14 + 4= 18 clock cycles

2 issues/cycle so 4cycles for 8 issues

Solution # 2:
1. With Critical word first:
Average miss penalty
= Miss Penalty of critical word + Miss penalty of the remaining words of the block

3 CS704 Final Term 2015

= 7 x 1 + 1 x (8-1) + 1 x (8-1) = 7+ 7 +7 = 21 clock cycles

2. Without critical word first (it requires block load)
= [Miss Penalty of first word + miss penalty of the remaining words of the block]
+ clock cycles to issue the load
= [7 x 1 + 1 x (8-1) + 1 x (8-1)]+ 8/2 = 14 + 4= 18 clock cycles

Check this solution yourself (lecture 29)

Question 4:
The running program pattern is
0x0 0x8 0x10 0x18 0x20 0x28
a) If you directed mapped cache size 1KB and block size of 8 bytes (2 words)how many
b) With the same cache and block size what is miss rate of the directed mapped.
c) On which would decrease miss rate the most
i. Increasing the degree of associative by 2.
ii. Increasing the block size to 16 bytes.


Cache size = 1KB=1024 Bytes
Block size = 8 Bytes
No. of blocks = 1024/8 = 128
if we makes sets of 2 blocks then the number of sets = 128/2 = 64

When we access 0x0 it is miss
Block of 8 bytes (0-7) comes into cache
When we access 0x8 it is miss because till now it is not in cache
Block of 8 bytes (8-15) comes into cache
When we access 0x10(16 binary) it is miss because till now it is not in cache
Block of 8 bytes (16-23) comes into cache
When we access 0x18(24 binary) it is miss because till now it is not in cache
Block of 8 bytes (24-31) comes into cache
When we access 0x20(32 binary) it is miss because till now it is not in cache
Block of 8 bytes (32-39) comes into cache
When we access 0x28(40 binary) it is miss because till now it is not in cache
Block of 8 bytes (40-47) comes into cache
Number of access = 6
Number of misses = 6
Miss rate = 100 %
Increasing the block size to 16 bytes.

4 CS704 Final Term 2015

Check your own self

Question 5:

The virtual memory system you are designing uses a single-level page table built from
dedicated hardware (SRAM and associated logic). It supports 25-bit virtual addresses, 22-bit
physical addresses, and 216-byte (64 KB) pages. Each page table entry contains a physical
page number, a valid bit (V) and a dirty bit (D).

a) What is the total size of the page table, in bits?

b) The operating system team proposes reducing the page size from 64 to 16 KB, but the
hardware engineers on your team object on the grounds of added hardware cost.
Explain their objection.

c) The page table is to be integrated on the processor chip, along with the on-chip cache.
The on-chip cache deals only with physical (not virtual) addresses. Is it possible to
access the appropriate set of the on-chip cache concurrently with the page table access
for a given memory access? Explain briefly the relationship that is necessary for
concurrent access to the cache set and page table entry.

d) Is it possible to perform the tag comparison in the on-chip cache concurrently with the
page table access for a given memory access? Explain briefly.


a) Each entry in the page table has 2 status bits (V and D), and a physical page number
(22-16 = 6 bits). The page table has 225 16 = 29 entries. Thus, the total page table size is
29 8 bits = 4096 bits.

b) This would increase the virtual page number to 25 - 14 = 11 bits, and the physical page
number to 22 - 14 = 8 bits. This would increase the page table size to: 211 10 bits =
20480 bits. This increases the page table by 5 times, wasted valuable hardware to store
the extra page table bits.
c) Yes, this is possible. In order for concurrent access to take place, the number of set +
block offset + byte offset bits must be less than the page offset bits.

d) It is impossible to perform the tag comparison in the on-chip cache concurrently with the
page table access because the upper (most significant) bits of the physical address are
unknown until after the page table lookup (address translation) completes

Question 6:
What is Write Back strategy and Write Buffer Saturation?


Write back: The information is written only to the block in the cache. The modified cache block is
written to main memory only when it is replaced

5 CS704 Final Term 2015

Pros and Cons

No write to the lower level for repeated writes to cache
A dirty bit is commonly used to indicate the status as the cache block is modified (dirty)
or not modified (clean)
Reduce memory-bandwidth requirements, hence the reduces the memory power

Write Buffer Saturation:

In that case, it does NOT matter how big you make the write buffer, the write buffer will
still overflow because you are simply feeding things in it faster than you can empty it
There are two solutions to this problem:
The first solution is to get rid of this write buffer and replace this write through cache with
a write back cache

Question 7:
Let us consider a fully associative write-back cache with cache entries that start empty.
Consider the following sequence of five memory operations and find, which address is not in the
cache for no-write allocate.
Write Mem [100]
Write Mem [100]
Read Mem [200]
Write Mem [200]
Write Mem [100]

For no-write allocate, the address [100] is not in the cache (i.e., its tag is not in the cache
So the first two writes will result in MISSES
Address [200] is also not in the cache, the reed is also miss
The subsequent write [200] is a hit
The last write [100] is still a miss
The result is 4 MISSes and 1 HIT

Question 8:
Write down the I/O Performance Parameters.


Diversity: Which I/O device can connect to the CPU

Capacity: How many I/O devices can connect to the CPU

6 CS704 Final Term 2015

Latency: Overall response time to complete a task

Bandwidth: Number of task completed in specified time - throughput

The parameters diversity that refers to which I/O device and capacity means how many
I/O devices can connect to the CPU are the I/O performance measures having no
counterpart in CPU performance metrics.
In addition, the latency (response time) and bandwidth (throughput) also apply to the I/O
An I/O system is said to be in equilibrium state when the rate at which the I/O requests
from CPU arriving, at the input of I/O queue (buffer) equals the rate at which the
requests departs the queue after being fulfilled by the I/O device.

Question 9:
Consider a disk subsystem comprising the following component 15 Marks Lecture # 40
12 disks, each with MTTF = 1,000,000 Hrs
1SCSI controller with MTTF = 500,000 Hrs
1 SCSI cable with MTTF = 1,000,000 Hrs
1 power supply with MTTF = 200,000 Hrs
1 fan with MTTF = 200,000 Hrs
Find the System Failure Rate and System MTTF.


System Failure Rate = 12 (1/1,000,000) +1/500,000 + 1/1,000,000 + 1/200,000 +1/200,000

= 25 /1,000,000 Hrs

System MTTF = 1/Failure Rate = 1,000,000/25 = 40,000 Hrs = 4.56 years approximately.

Question 10:
Assume a computer has CPI=1.0 when all memory accesses are hit. The only data accesses
are load/store access and these are 50% of the total instructions. If the miss rate is 2% and
miss penalty is 25 clock cycles, how much faster the computer will be if all instructions are HIT.


CPUtime CPUClockCycles MemeoryStalls ClockCycle Time

( IC CPI MemoryStalls ) ClockCycle Time

When all instructions are hit

CPUtime _ Ideal ( IC CPI MemoryStalls ) ClockCycle Time

( IC 1.0 0) ClockCycle Time
IC ClockCycle Time

In reality:

7 CS704 Final Term 2015

MemoryStallCycles IC MissRate MissPenalt y
IC (1 0.5) 0.02 25 IC 0.75

CPUtime _ Cache ( IC CPI MemoryStalls ) ClockCycle Time

( IC 1.0 IC 0.75) ClockCycle Time
1.75 IC ClockCycle Time

Question 11:
Let us consider 32KB unified cache with misses per 1000 instruction equals 43.3 and
instruction/data split caches each of 16KB with instruction cache misses per 1000 as 3.82 and
data cache as 40.9.


Execution Time for all Hit = IC x 1.0 x cycle time

CPU Execution time with real cache = CPU Execution time + Memory Stall time

Memory Stall Cycles =

= IC x (Instruction access + data access) per instruction x miss rate x miss penalty
= IC (1+ 0.5) x 0.02 x 25
= IC x 0.75

CPU Execution time (with cache) =

= (IC x 1.0 + IC x 0.75) x clock time
= 1.75 x IC x Cycle time

Computer with no cache misses is 1.75 times faster

Question15: (Similar Question in Exam)

Statement: Let us consider 32KB unified cache with misses per 1000 instruction equals 43.3
and instruction/data split caches each of 16KB with instruction cache misses per 1000 as 3.82
and data cache as 40.9; Assume that
36% of the instructions are data transfer instructions;
74% of memory references are instruction references; and
hit takes 1 clock cycle where the miss penalty is 100 cycles and
a load or store takes one extra cycle on unified cache

Assuming write-through caches with write-buffer and ignore stalls due to write buffer
Find the average memory access time in each case
Note to solve this problem we first find the miss rate and then average memory access

8 CS704 Final Term 2015

1. Miss Rate = (Misses/1000) / (Accesses/ inst.)
Miss Rate 16KB Inst = (3.82/1000) /1.0 = 0.0038
Miss Rate 16KB data = (40.9/1000) /0.36 = 0.114
As about 74% of the memory access are instructions therefore overall miss rate
for split caches = (74% x 0.0038) + (26% x 0.114) = 0.0324
Miss Rate 32KB unified = (43.3/1000) /(1+0.36) = 0.0318
i.e., the unified cache has slightly lower miss rate

2. Average Memory Access Time =

%inst x (Hit time + Inst. Miss rate x miss penalty)
%data x (Hit time + data Miss rate x miss penalty)

Average Memory Access Time split

= 74% x (1 + 0.0038 x 100) + 26% x (1 + 0.114 x 100) = 4.24

Average Memory Access Time unified

= 74%x (1 + 0.0.0318 x 100) + 26% x (1+1+0.0318 x 100) = 4.44

i.e., the split caches have slightly better average access time and also avoids
Structural Hazards

Question 16:
Small writes in RAID3 & RAID 4/5

The parity calculation reads blocks D1, D2, and D3 before adding Block D0 to calculate
the new parity P
Note that here the new data D0 comes directly from CPU, so disk are not involved in
reading it
The small writes in case of RAID 4/5 are as shown here
Here, the old value of D0 is read (1: Read) and compared with new value D0 to see
Which bit will change

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Once it has been checked, then the old parity P is read and corresponding bits are
changed to form P
This is accomplished by the logical EX-ORs
In this example, the 3 disk reads (D1, D2, D3) and 2 disk writes (D0 and P) involving all
the disks, are replaces with the 2 disk reads (D0,P) and 2 disk writes (D0, P), each
involving just 2 disks
Hence we can say that one (1) Logical Write in RAID 4 and RAID 5 is equivalent to 2
Physical Reads and 2 Physical Writes

Question 17:
Define Reliability, availability and dependability .

The performance of storage I/Os is measured in terms of its reliability, availability and

Laprie defined dependability as the quality of delivered service such that reliance can
justifiably be placed on this service;
Where the service delivered by a system is its observed actual behavior and the system
failure occurs when actual behavior deviates from the specified behavior
Note that a user perceives a system alternating between two states of delivered service;
these states are:
Service Accomplishment service is delivered as specified and
Service Interruption delivered service is different from the specified service
Quantifying the transitions between service accomplishment and service interruption is
the measure of the dependability

10 CS704 Final Term 2015

The dependability is measured in terms of the measure of:

module reliability, which is the measure of the continuous service
and, module availability, which is the measure of the swinging between the
accomplishment and interruption states of delivered service

Measuring Reliability
Now before we discuss the reliable and dependable designs of the storage I/O let us
understand the terminologies used to measure reliability, availability and dependability
The reliability of a module is the measure of the time to failure from a reference initial
In other words we can say the Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) of a storage module, a
disk, is the measure of reliability; and
The reciprocal of the MTTF is the rate of failure; and
The service interruption is measured as the Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)
Now let us understand, with the help of an example, how can we use these
terminologies to measure the availability of a disk subsystem

The availability of a module is the measure of the service accomplishment with respect
to the swinging between the two states of accomplishment and interruption
The module availability, therefore can be quantified as the ratio of the MTTF and Mean
Time Between Failure MTBF (which is equal to the sum of MTTF and MTTR); i.e.,
Availability = MTTF / (MTTF +MTTR)
Question 18:
State transition diagram of directory based, and explain your diagram

State machine for CPU requests for each memory block
Invalid state if in memory

11 CS704 Final Term 2015

Here, the same states & structure is shown as the transition diagram for an individual
Two actions performed are:
1. update of directory state and
2. send messages to satisfy requests
The controller tracks all copies of memory block; and also indicates an action that updates the
sharing set, called Sharers, as well as sending a message

Question 19:
Define miss rate and explain how way prediction and pseudo associativity reduce the miss rate
and improve performance 10marks

Miss Rate: is the fraction of memory accesses that are not found in the level-k memory
or say the cache
Miss Rate = number of misses / total memory accesses
As, Hit rate is defined as the fraction of memory access that are found in the level-k
memory or say the cache, therefore Miss Rate = 1 Hit Rate

Reducing Misses via Pseudo-Associativity and Way Prediction

How to combine fast hit time of direct mapped cache and have the lower conflict misses
of 2-way set associative cache?

12 CS704 Final Term 2015

Divide cache
(if direct mapped): on a miss, check other half of cache to see if there, if so have a
pseudo hit (slow hit) otherwise go to the lower level of hierarchy the lower level of

Way prediction
(if set associative) by extra bits to predict which of the two ways to try on the next cache
access (predict the way to pre-set the mux)
If the way prediction is correct Hit time
If not Pseudo hit time and change the way predictor
Way prediction can also reduce power consumption

Drawback: CPU pipeline is hard if hit takes 1 or 2 cycles

Better for caches not tied directly to processor (L2)
Used in MIPS R1000 L2 cache, similar in UltraSPARC
The performance can degrade if many fast hit times become slow hit times
For each set, it is important to indicate which block is the fast hit and which is the slow

Wider Main Memory: Example

4 words (i.e. 32 byte) block
Time to send address = 4 clock cycles
Time to send the data word = 4 clock cycles
Access time per word = 56 clock cycles
Miss Penalty =
No. of words x [time to: send address + send data word + access word]
For 1 word organization
Miss Penalty = 4 x (4 +4+56) = 4 x (64)
= 256 Clock Cycles;

The memory bandwidth = bytes/clock cycle = 32/256 = 1/8 byte /cycle

For 4-word organization

Miss Penalty = 1 x (4 +4+56) = 64 Clock Cycles; and
Memory bandwidth = 32/64 = 1/2 bytes/cycle;

Question 21:

13 CS704 Final Term 2015

You are building a system around a processor with in-order execution that runs at 1.1GHz and
has a CPI of 0.7 excluding memory accesses. The only instructions that read or write data from
memory are loads (20% of all instructions) stores (5% of all instructions).

The memory system for this computer is composed of a split L1 cache that imposes no penalty
on hits. Both the I-cache and D-cache are direct mapped and hold 32KB each. The I-cache has
2% miss rate and 32-byte blocks, and the D-cache is write through with a 5% miss rate and 16-
byte blocks. There is a write buffer on the D-cache that eliminates stalls for 95% of all writes.

The 512KB write-back, unified L2 cache has 64-byte blocks and an access time of 15ns. It is
connected to the L1 cache by a 128-bit data bus that runs at 266 MHz and can transfer one
128-bit word per bus cycle. Of all memory references sent to the L2 cache in this system, 80%
are satisfied without going to main memory. Also 50% of all blocks replaced are dirty.

The 128-bit-wide main memory has an access latency of 60ns, after which any number of bus
words may be transferred at the rate of one per cycles on the 128-bit-wide 133 MHz main
memory bus. What is the overall CPI, including memory accesses?

You are considering replacing the 1.1GHz CPU with one that runs at 2.1GHz, but is otherwise
identical. How much faster does the system run with a faster processor? Assume the L1 cache
still has no hit penalty, and that the speed of the L2 cache, main memory, and buses remains
the same in absolute terms (e.g. the L2 cache still has a 15 ns access time and a 266MHz bus
connecting it to the CPU and L1 cache).

A useful tool for solving this type of problem is to extract all of the available information from the
problem description. It is possible that not all of the information will be necessary to solve the
but having it in summary form makes it easier to think about. Here is a summary:
CPU: 1.1 GHz (0.909ns equivalent), CPI of 0.7 (excludes memory accesses)
Instruction mix: 75% non-memory-access instructions, 20% loads, 5% stores
Caches: Split L1 with no hit penalty, (i.e., the access time is the time it takes to execute
load/store instruction
L1 I-cache: 2% miss rate, 32-byte blocks (requires 2 bus cycles to fill, miss penalty is
15ns +
2 cycles
L1 D-cache: 5% miss rate, write-through (no write-allocate), 95% of all writes do not stall
because of a write buffer, 16-byte blocks (requires 1 bus cycle to fill), miss penalty is
15ns + 1 cycle
L1/L2 bus: 128-bit, 266 MHz bus between the L1 and L2 caches
L2 (unified) cache, 512 KB, write-back (write-allocate), 80% hit rate, 50% of replaced
are dirty (must go to main memory), 64-byte blocks (requires 4 bus cycles to fill), miss
penalty is 60ns + 7.52ns = 67.52ns
Memory, 128 bits (16 bytes) wide, first access takes 60ns, subsequent accesses take 1
on 133 MHz, 128-bit bus

A. The average memory access time for instruction accesses:

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L1 (inst) miss time in L2: 15ns access time plus two L2 cycles (two = 32 bytes in inst.
line/16 bytes width of L2 bus) = 15 + 2 3.75 = 22.5ns. (3.75 is equivalent to one 266
MHz L2 cache cycle)
L2 miss time in memory: 60ns + plus four memory cycles (four = 64 bytes in L2 cache/16
bytes width of memory bus) = 60 + 4 7.5 = 90ns (7.5 is equivalent to one 133 MHz
memory bus
Avg. memory access time for inst
= avg. access time in L2 cache + avg. access time in memory + avg. access time for L2
= 0.02 22.5 + 0.02 (1 0.8) 90 + 0.02 (1 0.8) 0.5 90
= 0.99ns (1.09 CPU cycles)

B. The average memory access time for data reads: Similar to the above formula with
one difference: the data cache width is 16 bytes which takes one L2 bus cycles transfer
(versus two for the inst. cache), so
L1 (read) miss time in L2: 15 + 3.75 = 18.75ns
L2 miss time in memory: 90ns
Avg. memory access time for read
= 0.02 18.75 + 0.02 (1 0.8) 90 + 0.02 (1 0.8) 0.5 90
= 0.92ns (1.01 CPU cycles)

C. The average memory access time for data writes: Assume that writes misses are not
allocated in L1, hence all writes use the write buffer. Also assume the write buffer is as
wide as the L1 data cache.
L1 (write) time to L2: 15 + 3.75 = 18.75ns
L2 miss time in memory: 90ns
Avg. memory access time for data writes
= 0.05 18.75 + 0.05 (1 0.8) 90 + 0.05 (1 0.8) 0.5 90
= 2.29ns (2.52 CPU cycles)

D. What is the overall CPI, including memory accesses:

Components: base CPI, Inst fetch CPI, read CPI or write CPI, inst fetch time is added to
read or write time (for load/store instructions).
CPI = 0.7 + 1.09 + 0.2 1.01 + 0.05 2.52 = 2.19 CPI

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Question 22:
a) Explain the concept of cache and locality in memory hierarchy
b) How much fast is CPU if AVG CPI is 1.2 with instruction as hit ... as compared to one
having miss penalty of 30 cycles having 40% instructions load...

Concept of Caching
staging area or temporary-place to:
store frequently-used subset of the data or instructions from the relatively
cheaper, larger and slower memory; and
To avoid having to go to the main memory every time this information is needed

Caching and Memory Hierarchy

Memory devices of different type are used for each value k the device level
the faster, smaller device at level k, serves as a cache for the larger, slower device at
level k+1
The programs tend to access the data or instructions at level k more often than they
access the data at level k+1
Storage at level k+1 can be slower, but larger and cheaper per bit
A large pool of memory that costs as much as the cheap storage at the highest level
(near the bottom in hierarchy)
serves data or instructions at the rate of the fast storage at the lowest level (near the top
in hierarchy)

Principle of Locality
Programs access a relatively small portion of the address space at any instant of time
E.g.; we all have a lot of friends, but at any given time most of us can only keep in touch
with a small group of them
Spatial locality: Items with nearby addresses (i.e., nearby in space) be located at the
same level, as they tend to be referenced close together in time
Temporal locality: Recently referenced items (i.e., referenced close in time) be placed at
the same memory level, as they are likely to be referenced in the near future
Locality Example: Program
sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum + = a[i];
return sum;

Spatial Locality: All the array-elements a[i] or data, reference in succession at each loop
iteration, so all the array elements be located at the same level. All the instructions of the
loop are referenced repeatedly in sequence therefore be located at the same level
Temporal Locality: The data, sum is referred each iteration; i.e., recently referred data is
referred in each iteration. The Instructions of a loop, sum += a[i] Cycle through loop

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Question 23:
Find the local and global miss rates, the Average Memory Access Time and Average memory
stall cycles per instruction, given that for 1000 reference with 40 misses in L1 cache and 20 in
L2 Cache;

miss penalty for L2 cache-memory = 100 clock cycles
hit time for L2 cache is 10 clock cycle
Hit time for L1 cache is 1 Clock cycle
Memory Reference per instruction = 1.5

Miss rate for either local or global
L1 cache is same = 4% [(40/1000)x100]
Local Miss Rate for L2 = 50% [20/40]
Global Miss Rate for L2 cache = 2% [(20/1000)x100]
Average Memory Access time
= Hit Time L1 + Miss Rate L1 x Miss Penalty L1 ..(1)
where, Miss Penalty L1
= Hit Time L2+Miss Rate L2 x Miss Penalty L2 .. (2)
Substituting 2 in 1 we get,
Average Memory Access time
= Hit Time L1 + Miss Rate L1 x (Hit Time L2 + Miss Rate L2 x Miss Penalty L2)
=1 + 4% x (10 +50% x 100) = 3.4 cycles

Average Memory Stalls per instruction (i.e., miss penalty)

= Misses per instruction L1 x Hit Time L2
+ Misses per instruction L2 x Miss Penalty L2

For Memory references per instruction = 1.5

Misses per instruction for L1 = 40 x 1.5 = 60 per 1000 instructions
Misses per instruction for L2 = 20 x 1.5 = 30 per 1000 instructions

Average Memory Stalls per instruction

= (60/1000) x10 + 30/1000) x 100
= 0.6 +3.0 = 3.6 clock cycles
i.e., the average miss penalty using multi level caches reduces by a factor of 100/3.6 =
28 relative to the single level cache

Question 24:
here is a series of address of reference 2,3,11,16,21,13,64,48,19,11,3,22,4,27,11 assuming a
direct mapping cache with four word blocks and a total size of 16 words that is initially empty ,

18 CS704 Final Term 2015

label each reference in hit the list as a hit or miss and show the final contents of cache.


2miss, 3hit, 11miss, 16miss, 21miss, 13miss, 64miss, 48miss, 19miss, 11hit, 3
miss, 22hit, 4miss, 27miss, 6hit, 11miss

Question 25:
We wish to compare the performance of two different computers: M1 and M2. The following
measurements have been made on these computers:

a) Which computer is faster for each program, and how many times as fast is it?
b) Find the instruction execution rate (instructions per second) for each computer when
running program 1.
c) The clock rates for M1 and M2 are 3 GHz and 5 GHz respectively. Find the CPI for
program 1 on both machines.
d) Suppose that program 1 must be executed 1600 times each hour. Any remaining time
should use to run program 2. Which computer is faster for this workload?
Performance is measured here by the throughput of program 2.


a) For program 1, M2 is 2.0/1.5 = 1.33 times as fast as M1.

For program 2, M1 is 10.0/5.0 = 2 times as fast as M2.

b) For program 1:
Execution rate on M1 = 5 109 / 2.0 = 2.5 109 IPS (Instructions Per Second).
Execution rate on M2 = 6 109 / 1.5 = 4 109 IPS.

c) CPI = Execution time Clock rate / Instruction Count

For program 1:
CPI on M1 = 2.0 3 109 / (5 109) = 1.2 cycles per instruction
CPI on M2 = 1.5 5 109 / (6 109) = 1.25 cycles per instruction

19 CS704 Final Term 2015

d) Running program 1 1600 times each hour:

On M1, time required for program 1 = 1600 2.0 = 3200 seconds
On M2, time required for program 1 = 1600 1.5 = 2400 seconds

Time left to run program 2 each hour:

On M1, time left for program 2 = 3600 3200 = 400 seconds
On M2, time left for program 2 = 3600 2400 = 1200 seconds

In that time left, program 2 can run:

On M1, program 2 can run 400/5 = 80 times
On M2, program 2 can run 1200/10 = 120 times

Thus M2 performs better on this workload than M1.

Inverted memory... organization ???

Q#1: Define miss rate and explain how way prediction and pseudo associativity reduce the miss
rate and improve performance (10 marks)
Q2.How snooping protocol cache coherence different from directory based protocol? Draw write
invalidate technique for cache coherence. (10 marks)
Q3: What are the parameters of the reliability of I/O storage. (10 marks)
Q4: Draw transition diagram for individual cache block in directory based system explain state
transition? (15 marks)
Q5: here is a series of address of referance 2,3,11,16,21,13,64,48,19,11,3,22,4,27,11 assuming
a direct mapping cache with four workd clocks and a total size of 16 words that is inititally empty
, lable each reference in hit the list as a hit or miss and show the final contents of cache. (15

Q2. In multiprocessor programming what is coherence, if we have 3 processors , what are the
different strategies for write.
Q4: You have a computer system, processor 1.1 GHZ, L1 Cash Data and Instructions.
Instruction 64KB and data 16KB, 20% instruction are load/store.
20% instruction are mem access and 5% data referencreces.
64KB Unified L2 Cache.
5% instruction miss in L1, and 2% data miss.
80% of L2 cache are Hit, 50% are dirty replaced.
processor 1.1GHZ,

20 CS704 Final Term 2015

L1 to L2 bus 128bit at 266MHz, having 15ns acess.

L2 is 128bit buss , at 133MHz after 60% load.
a) what is the mem access time for data instructions?
b) what is mem access time for data read?
c) what is mem access time for data write?

Q5: Virtual Mem address, 25 bit, Physical address 22 bit, 2 power 16 (64kb) pages.
a) page table size in bits.
b) 64Kb to 16kb by OS , what are your suggestions.
c), ....


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