ACC 4203 Auditing (3 Credit Hours) : Section Instructor's Name Classroom, Time 1 Yoon Shik Han Yoon Shik Han
ACC 4203 Auditing (3 Credit Hours) : Section Instructor's Name Classroom, Time 1 Yoon Shik Han Yoon Shik Han
ACC 4203 Auditing (3 Credit Hours) : Section Instructor's Name Classroom, Time 1 Yoon Shik Han Yoon Shik Han
1. Sections Schedule
2. Instructor(s) Information:
3. Course Description:
This course is valuable to all students who wish to sit for the CPA or ACCA exam, since
completing this course is required for that exam. This course is of obvious benefit to students
wishing to become external auditors - it provides insight on professional standards, and the
application of those standards to the audits of clients financial statements. It is also beneficial
for students wishing to conduct internal or governmental audits because the judgment
processes involved in external auditing are similar in those professional contexts. Students
planning to become financial analysts, financial managers, or tax professionals will find this
course beneficial because understanding the role of external auditors in the financial reporting
process is a key to understanding how management compiles financial statements that
regulators and creditors will accept. Overall, this course yields knowledge about how external
audits provide the credibility necessary for financial statements to add value in the capital
You will be given an opportunity to gain an understanding of the theory and practice of
auditing and assurance services. Auditing includes the accumulation and evaluation of
evidence about a company's financial and non-financial information to make and report a
judgment about the relationship between the reported information and established criteria.
You will be given an opportunity to gain an understanding of the judgments commonly made
by auditors, including judgments about the evaluation of client-related risks, the
accumulation and evaluation of audit evidence, and the issuance of an appropriate report.
You should be able to perform a risk analysis of a company and identify the implications of
that risk analysis for the conduct of the audit.
Critical thinking is a rational response to questions that cannot be answered definitively and
for which all the relevant information may not be available. Critical thinking is an
investigation whose purpose is to (1) analyze a problem, (2) arrive at a conclusion that
integrates all available information, and (3) justify that conclusion convincingly to others.
You will be given an opportunity to develop critical thinking skills by completing case-
related research tasks, group learning and interaction tasks, and written and oral
communication tasks.
You must recognize that auditing is not like most of your previous courses where you could
reach a defined textbook answer. This course is aimed at developing and internalizing a
model for making audit judgments. Thus, you will need to apply the concepts by engaging in
critical thinking about the concepts. Memorizing concepts is not desirable in this course.
EXAMINATIONS: There will be a mid-term exams and a final exam. The mid-term exam
will be given during class, or in the evening, and the final exam will be given during finals
week according to the KIMEP schedule. The format of the exams will include multiple
choice questions and short answers. Make-up exams will only be given for cases of
documented emergencies or university-scheduled events.
To prepare for class professionally, you should read the chapter prior to class, complete
assigned problems, engage in class discussion, and actively participate in group activities.
1. Complete the Multiple Choice Questions for each assigned chapter. We will not
discuss these questions specifically in class. These questions are designed to assure
that you have a basic understanding of the concepts. I will take it as a given that
you have read and understood the answers to these questions following the
completion of each chapter.
3. The course will be taught primarily in a lecture and discussion mode. To get the
most out of the course, you must be prepared for discussion every day. You should
come to class with a list of questions on everything you do not understand, and you
should be prepared to discuss your opinions on professional issues. In other words,
you do not have to have a specific question in order to participate; I am very
interested in your opinions. You should not wait for me to call on you if you wish to
maximize your performance in this class.
4. The points for professional behavior and participation will be subjectively assigned
based on my observation throughout the semester. Students who attends class every
day, is prepared, volunteers answers, asks good questions, and discusses interesting
opinions will be given full participation points. Students coming to class late and
missing class without checking with me in advance or without a good excuse
will rarely get any points. Lack of meaningful participation and sporadic
attendance will result in 0 points.
5. I expect that all work will be the work of the individual or individuals that have
turned it in. No plagiarism. If you are found to have copied others work for the
first time, you will get zero point for the assignment and get F grade for the
course when you are caught second time. Let me make it clear that I have a
stronger personal conviction on the importance of professionalism than KIMEP
policy on academic dishonesty and have zero tolerance for ethical lapses either
in this course or in the program. I RESERVE A RIGHT TO GIVE YOU
6. Assessment Scheme:
A+ 90-100 C 63-66
A 85-89 C- 60-62
A- 80-84 D+ 57-59
B+ 77-79 D 53-56
B- 70-72 D- 50-52
C+ 67-69 F Below50
However, this is a simple guideline because final grading will be assigned on a relative
basis. In other words, you may get A+ if you are the highest score with only 80 or get
B even if you are 90 if one third of the class performs better than 90.
8. Required Materials
Rittenberg, L., K. Johnstone, and A. Gramling. Auditing 7th Edition (International edition),
Cengage Learning, 2010
Trussel, The lake Side Company- Case studies in Auditing. (11th ed.)
9. Course Schedule